oleosin partioning technology

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2. WHAT is MOLECULAR FARMING ? WHAT ARE SEEDS ? OIL BODIES AND OLEOSINS STRUCTURE OF OLEOSIN N AND C TERMINAL MIDDLE PART CORE EXTRACTION OF OLESINS APPLICATIONS OF OLEOSINS REFERENCES 3. Use of genetically engineered crops to produce compounds with therapeutic value. Use of plants as a host for production of valuable proteins like hirudin. 1st Plant derived pharmaceutical protein was human serum albumin, initially produces tobacco and potato in 1990. 4. Seed is small embryonic plant enclosed in a covering called the seed coat with some stored food. Seed is made up of 3 partsa) embryo b) seed coat c) supply of nutrients Functions1) embryo nourishment 2) seed dispersal 3) seed dormancy 5. Repository of neutral lipid stored in seeds are called oil bodies or oleosomes. Oleosomes are surrounded by half unit membrane of phospholipids which are embedded in protein called oleosins. Oleosins are present at high density on 6. Fig. Oil bodies in seed. 7. It is divided into 3 partsa) N and C terminal b) Middle part c) Core (TG) Ex. Arabidopsis contain 40% of protein in its total weight. Brassica contain 8- 20% of protein in its total weight. 8. a) N and C terminal N-terminal portion can be short or long (e.g., 668 residues in Arabidopsis) and hydrophilic or amphipathic. Oil Bodies may act during germination as a receptor for the binding of lipase for TAG degradation. A site for ubiquitination for oleosin. 9. Fig. A model of the synthesis and degradation of an oil body in embryo during seed maturation. 10. b) Middle partThe central portion is a long uninterrupted hydrophobic.The strands may fold and curl. Although the hairpin arms are depicted to be antiparallel -strands.Forming proline knot in their structure. 11. Fig. Oleosin on the surface of an oil body 12. c) Core (Triglycerides) Oil bodies, including their constituent TAGs, PLs and oleosins, are synthesized on ER. TAGs synthesized in the ER are sequestered in the hydrophobic region of the PL bilayer. Hydrophobic shape that is inserted inside the triacylglyceride (TAG), while the hydrophilic parts are left outside oil bodies. 13. Extraction of oleosins can be done in two ways1)One Phase Extraction System - Here purification is not required and simply dry milling is done 2)Two Phase Extraction System - Separation and purification of a protein is based on oil body partioning. 14. Seed CleanerExtruder Oil Setting Oil Storage Solvent Removal 15. Germ sepration Protein product Liquid sepration Product obtained.Fig. Extraction of Purified Protein product 16. 1.) Using of oleosins for the production of anticoagulant hirudin. - Arabidopsis oleosin coding sequence fused with blood anticoagulant hirudin to make Translational Fusions- It can be made in variety of microorganisms. 17. 2.) Oil body fusion for the production of immobilized enzymes. - Using beta gluronidase half life of enzymes about 4 weeks increases. - They have same kinetic property. 18. Maurice M. Moloney . Oleosin Partitioning Technology for Production of Recombinant Proteins in Oil Seeds. Handbook of Industrial Cell Culture 2003, pp 279-295. Dr. Maurice M. Moloney . Plant Molecular Farming: Using Oleosin Partitioning Technology in Oilseeds. Plants as Factories for Protein Production.2002, pp 55-75.Methods for the production of insulin in plants. (http://www.freepatentsonline.com/7547821.html ).Oleosin Partitioning Technology. (http://books.google.co.in/books?id=VIhIxxDA5a8C&pg=PA55&lpg=PA55&dq=oleosin+partitioning+technology&source=bl&ots=j9JCUjyoge&sig=sBx-cMYoxCKoGfy7 KbvyKrfv0g&hl=en&sa=X&ei=MTzFUsWoCoPBrAfFoIFo&ved=0CC8Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=oleosin%20partitioning%20technology&f=false ).Oleosin. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleosin ).