old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski ny daily eagle - 092549.pdf · 2011. 2. 8. · signal...

BROOKLYN EAGLE, SUN., SEPT. 25, 1949 31 HOLLYWOOD .$ Jack Lait Jr. A Proud Job Makes Reminiscence, And Who Knows What It Accomplished? I saw a picture the other night and it reminded me of one of the unique" "movie" writing jobs I did during my career as a scenario scripter. It was unique In that it was the only one I ever wrote that never appeared on any screen and was never intended to. It came about during the late internatiqrial unpleasantness. Karly in 1943; I was one of a group of Hollywood screen writers > who signed on as civilians to write training films for the Army Signal Corps. After a brief orientation course at the old Para- mount Studio in Astoria, L. I., ^ ' 1 was packed off to Fort Ben- writhed under it, I watched the rang. Ga. —headquarters of the m en around me growing bored, Army's Infantry School and. I restless and inattentive. Here believe, the largest army post was a spectacle being put on in the nation—where I was {twice a week, at a cost of about promptly put to work writing!$35,000 a performance—and its instructive little shorts about] effectiveness was being com complicated military matters of [pletely loused up by a bum which T had "only the sketchiest-script, obviously written by knowledge. Much of the time (some- misguided officer who RADIO PROGRAMS miCA, 570. WNBC WOR. 710. WJZ. 7701 WNYC, 830, WCBS, 880 WAAT, 970. WINS. 1010 WMGMTi030. WHU, 1100. WNEW. 1130. WUB. 1190. WOV, 1280. WEVD. WBBR. 1330 WBNX, 1380 WNJR. 1430 WHOM. 1480 WQXR, 1560. WWRL. 1600 1 didn't half grasp the subject 1 was being so expert about; but l.y quoting the language of the manual and with the help of the technical officer assigned to me, 1 managed to be very authori- knew his stuff militarily and mistakenly fancied himself as pretty hot stuff literarily. • Afterwards, pack in the Visu- al Aids office, the colonel asked me what 1 thought of the show. OPENING AT THE RIVOLI— "Pinky," Darryl F. Zanuck's major production for 1949, opens this "Thursday with Jeanne Crain and Ethel Waters in leading rol£s. New Type Wig Bows in Rockettes' Act > come crioiig to a demonstration with me this afternoon." A "'demonstration" was the term used to denote a sham bat- tle—a field lesson simulating Bpme condition of actual War- fare, to demonstrate to the offi- cer candidates, as nearly as pos- sible, the problems they'd be up against when they encountered the real thing. naive and. 1 hope, helped save."The demonstration is wonder- ii lite or two. |fill," I told him, "but the script One day 1 was summoned to; sunks -" the office of the harassed little| - ~ lieutenant colonel who headed' IIe nodded. Then lookmg the Visual Aids Dept.-"Visualj^-ound turtively, as though he Aids" being the term, very m m. feared hidden microphones, he tarv, for training film. "Lai"t>*W$, "Look, Lait-I know he'said, "I'd like to have you ure / lown here , on Signal Corps business, and not sup-i posed to do any^special workj for the Infantry School—butdoj you think you could do any- thing with this script? 1 realize jit's almost hopeless—the thing is so. horribly bad I don't see hew it could possibly be sal- vaged—but if you would just make a try . . ." I took the heavy script back to my barracks that flight. The colonel was right—it was a tough job—but it was some- thing I was used to. It was cut- ting out a useless phrase here, substituting a slang expression for- a long-winded one there, translating s t u f f y military terms into plain English here, pointing up a gag- there-Bytlie" time I got/ through, there was hardly a paragraph that hadn't been thoroughly revamped. I carried my revised script into the colonel's office next morning. Without much hope, he picked it up and started to read it. First he looked pleased. Then he smiled. Then he took off his litle military cap and put his elbows on the desk and started to read, in earnest.-. Radio City Music Hall's Rock-j Actually, the Music Hall's etfes, all 36 of them, are red-1precision-perfect troupe boasts but four real redheads and 20 true blondes, with the rest heads now, turned titian tfirough a startlingly realistic new pure-silk transformation which, in.its first public stage appearand?, promises to revo- lutionize the toupee trade. That afternoon tlie colonel and I rode out to a remote^loca- t.on on the post in a jeep. Not until we arrived did 1, discover the demonstration was one s:7ttppily titled "The Battalion in Attack." I.had heard of the > Battalion in Attack. It was Fort Benning's big show, the most lavish and costly demon- stration in the repertoire. The one to which the visiting Big Brass were always taken to Khow them what 'was being done at Benning. Whereas most demonstrations involved the use of a few machine guns, <.i a couple of mortars, and may- be a dozen men, the B. in A. had ». everything — tanks, airplanes, heavy artillery, the works. ' We sat in a wooden stand on a hillside with the O. C.'s and the brass. A commentator, working from a script, ex- f plained the action over loud speakers, and other officers planted in the field with mikes, following the same script, barked orders and carried on t-otto voce conversations to lend realism to the scene. The demonstration itself was terrific. But the script was aw- ful. Its wordage was pompous f and stilted, its instructions were confusing, its few at- tempts at humor pathetic As.I TWO GREAT PICTURES "WELCOME ["IRELAND TO IRELAND" I TODAY" Both films shcun Aft. & Eve. SUN., SEPT. 25, at 3 & 8 P.M. Tickets 81.30, Children 64tc. Tax Incl. BROOKLYN ACADEMY "brownettes". and brunettes. But the Rockettes, dancing in Russell Markert's current re- vue, "Sparklettes," to the popu- lar song. "The Lady Has' Red Hair," borrowed locks to fit ithe music. The thirty-six coiffures are Ian identical glowing shade ofj red. The revolutionary silken' i I tresses were created by Ma- TODAY'S RADIO BEST BETS 12:30—People's Platform, "Who Should Pay for Pensions?" Henry Haz- llltt, Morris P. GHishien, WCBS. 1:55—Baseball, Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox, Mel Allen, Curt Gowtfy, WINS; 2:00, Dodgers vs. Phillies, Red Barber, Connie Des- mond, Ernie Harwell. WMGM; 2:25, Giants vs. Boston Braves, Russ Hodges, Al Heifer, WMCA. 4:00—United Nations Project—1949, "The Journey ofTrygve Jones," Eddie Albert, Documentary Drama, WNBC. 4:45—Professional Football, Giants vs. Pittsburgh Steelers, Marty Glicleman, Berf Lee, WMGM. 5:00—Radio City Playhouse, "Affliction." With Inge Adams and Alex- ander Scourby, WNBC; The Shadow, WOR. 5:30—Harvest of Stars, Rise Stevens, Guest (Premiere), WNBC. 6:00—Family Hour of Stars, "Seventh Heaven," Jane Powell, WCBS. 6:30—Hollywood Calling, Ray Milland, Diana Lynn, Guests, WNBC; "Our Miss Brooks," Eve Arden, WCBS. 7:00—Jack Benny Show; Edgar Bergen, Red Skelton, Amos 'n' Andy, Guests, WCBS; Adventures of the Falcon, Les Tremayne, WOR; Today's Baseball, Bert Lee, Marty Giickman, WMGM. 7;30—Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show, WNBC; Call the Police, "The Case of the Flight Into Death," WCBS. 8:00—Adventures of Sam Spade, Howard Duff, WNBC; Stop the Music, Bert Parks, M. C, WJZ; 'Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar," Charles Russell, WCBS. 8:30—Theater Guild on the Air, "The Gentle People," Dan Duryea, Sam Levene, Kenny Delmar, Joan Lorrlng, WNBC; Life With Luigi, J. Carrol Naish, WCBS. ' - 9:00—Meet Corliss Archer, Janet Waldo, WCBS; Sylvan Levin's Opera Concert. Frances Greer. Clifford Harvout, Guests, WOR. 9:30—Chance of a Lifetime, John Reed King, M. C, WJZ; American Album of Familiar Music, Donald Dame (Premiere), WNBC; Horace Heidt Show, WCBS. 10:00—Take It or Leave It. Eddie Cantor, M. C, WNBC; Damon Run- yan Theater, "Broadway Complex," WOR. 10:30—Kay Armen Show, Larry Douglas, Guest, WNBC. 8 A.M. TO 12 M. Lafayette Ave.—Ashland PI. Sun. Eve.. Nov. 13—"MA MtNULTY A. FAMILY" OF MUSIC!dame Ten ar, stylist, and are be- ST. ^oioojing introduced in the wig world on stage and off. |IIIIllllflIlIfIllIlIllIIIII1IHIlllllIIIIIIItllIlIfIII| OPENS WED. NITI thru Oct. 23 Nltely 8:30 MATS. WED. FRI. SAT. SUN. 20O COWBOYS &JMDtAAfS "Mr. Lait," he said finally-r- and 1 was pleasantly conscious of the honor implied in that "Mr."—"you have achieved the practically impossible, and your country's fighting, men shall be forever grateful to you. This shall henceforth be the script of the Battalion in Attack." I understand it was, too— and for all I know, it may still be to this day. Of course, it was only a cheap $35,000 production—peanuts, by Hollywood standards—but-for some funny reason I think it was the proudest job I ever did. f'.f.m.vnt Presents SING ANN CROSBY • BLYTH BARRY HUME FITZGERALD CRONYN LAST STAGE SHOW 10:30 P.M. LAST FEATURE 11:30 P.M. 'JTbpO'rte, Morning, 7P*&4MO(/Arr in Person CARMEN CAVAUARO" AND HIS ORCHESTRA . FejluiinR BOB LIDO 'GARY . "THE VANDERBILT MORTON BOYS Ittia AddtJ Allterhc'i THE DE MARCO SISTERS GENEAUTRY IN PERSON with CHAMPION BACK IN BROOKLYN ROLLER DERBY THURS., SEPT. 29, thru OCT. 17 1 WASHINGTON VS. BROOKLYN Beginning New 1949-50 Season| TICKET SALE NOW Price* $1.25. 2.50, .3.50, Ux incl. Phone JU. 6-4646 for R'etervViid'h* 14th REGIMENT ARMORY, 8th Avenue and 15th Street STAGE PLAYS M en.g*> F*grV*t N. 9 Vtt v ':3Q fo tfwkiM'rt*•AU-wrw'cootwo ivttt*/ HKDlS IjllHillhlll ij'j'welSSii'ii Optns Tuis.Ese! Mils.Wtd.Sit.MON. N<sPer(t.Siin.E>e.>2P(rft. MONDAY o —>f lt:N«.M. THIEVESm&HlGHWAY RICHARD CQNTE-VALENTIN A CORTESA LEE I. fcOBB ourtrro IY JULES DASSIN PROOUCCO V Sf\. . ROBERT 8ASSLERB [7»» OH "iM'SI. ED SUUIVM tnu»b»i Ml CM "TOW Of PIE TOWtT TY »EWE t«4 D»»y H»^' "HARYEST HOOK «AU" «RNRCM Its M> ICE-SHOW MARGO m jWav Prodi/cUonl PL us- ~rnc HAPPf Jot/XNSr-' TOWY MoUfve.-MlAIAM HOfWHSinTht HE1RCSS* I e*uo«r» SOi hd. MUtl tjj T1M1I [ US! (OHftfU STAKE AKO SCftCCN SHOW TONIGHT 10:1$ f. H. . UTrfEATOIC STARTS M:JS f. M. 1)11 IflCfll StBEOIS TOM 1 City RfvcU Hudson BAT RIDGE AND SUNSET PARK renter, «h Art. tnd 56th 8t. Behind the Elrht Ball; »ho Radio F.lectra, 75th St. and Thlra Ava. Dlrltlblei al»o Snbmarlne Slanlet. ith Ar.. and 75th St Serteant Tork; also Castle on the BEDFORD National /20 Wa(hlmt«n Ava. The Blr Steal; aUo Tarian'* Made Fountain Rotera. J33 RIIKI Art. PR. 4-J2M We Were Stranter*; al.^o Walkln* Hill* BENSONHURST Colony, l»th An.-tlth 8t BE. «-?«) The Raven; alio Murders In the Rue Morfut BORO PARR Normandr. «3rdSt. t K«» Utrnht Art. The Bl» Flthf, alao If I'm l.uckr BOROUGH HAU. AND DOWNTOWN DufJIeld, Ouffltla and Fulton Rtt. You're My Everything; also Sand Momart, Fiiltan St. and ftnkvlll PI. Sont «f Seheheraxade; alio Michigan St. Ceortrt rlayhonie. IM PlntaaaU »t.Honr« of the Brave; alto Hlfh Fury Terminal. Feurth Art. and Ottn « t White 8ava«*t alio Cobra Woman Tlvoll. Fulton St. and Sort Hall . . Moonrltet alio Mellflre BRIGHTON BEACH Oceana. Bfl|ht»» Bta«h Avt.-Htff Bt. You're My Kverythint; alto Sand BROWNSVILLE *TI6?aTi«oH."7f»T-Hn»TH»TrAV»r-- The M»»l< HAr** (RBUtaTSTj Am*l? BUSHWICK Empire, (tilth Art. t\ B'*ay. OL. 5-n4» Cover Girl; alto You Wer# Nerer Lovelier Kid (Frenth) Colonial, PULITZER PRIZE PLAY ACRITICS'AWARD ASTREETCARNAMEDDESIRE *^ ' bv TENNESSEE WILLIAMS Directed fcv EM A KAZAN *">> Uu HAGEN—Anthony QUINN Atr-Cond. BARBYMORE. W.47SI. Clr. C-OSOO Ev». (1.80 to 4.S0. M»t». W « d . i S » t . SI .20 to .1 60 Good Seats All Pcrfs. Now at Bix-Ofdcc "One of the most delightful plays of the season."— Atkinton.N- Y. Times RUTH HUSSEY in a New Comedy by FAY KASIN GOODBYE, MY FANCY V ^ with CONRAD NAOEL MARTIN BECK Th«i., 45 YV. of 8 Art. CI. 8-6363 Ev»».8:40. Mats. VVE0. t SAT.2:40. Air-Cond. "BEST ICE SHcJw I'VE EVER _ SEEN!" —Chapman, News 2 SHOWS TODAY-3:00 & 8:15 Sonja Henie & Arthur M. Wlrtx present HOWDY, MR. ICE OF 1950! $1, $1.50, $2, $2.40 T p :r SAT. EVES. #1 to K3 Plus Tax Evei. (Ex. Mon.I 8:40; Surnliy 8:15. Mill Ordtri "•it ••••>'. i. Sit. 2:40; Sunday at 3:00 CENTER Thd., Rotktftllcr Cmter. CO. 5-5474 AMERICAS ONLY ICE THEATRE 171 LAST 2 WEEKS! " EX HARRISON ,0YCE REDMAN T °„ f £ THOUSAND DAYS y MAX\VEI,t. ANDERSON SHU8ERT Th.VV.4tth St.Clr.6-5940. Air-Cond. Ev«l. $4.80to 1.20. Mlts. Thuri.oVSlt. $3.60 to 1.20 A NNE 3:00 R:'«l .20 $0.60 $4.20 $0.6 Tarkslde, 771 VOGUE You're My Ever>lhlnt: alto Sand Tht Great Gatsby; also Slightly French ,Llfi tod Ltrn tf Tthilktnky; alia S«riti tl a Ballerina. . You'ra My RTerylhlng; alto Sand Neptune's Daughter; also Wliard of Oi Cobra Woman; alto White Savage Mighty Joe Yonng; alto A Woman'i Secret P*i«*n; »1K> The Last Chanc« Broadvat and Chauoedy FMTBUSH Albemarle, »7J Flatbuik ArtoM . Astor, »27 Flttkuth Artnv* Granada, Church and Ntttrand Avtt, Kent, Centy Island Art. & Avtnv* rt Leader, Ctnty lllaad k HitVirk Avtt, Parkalde, 72* Flatkutk Art. . Canty hlind Art. aid Avtnm K. Nl. 4.JU4 raiMRJ »l>0 1 fl« EAST f 1.41 nt 5)1 Avmat D. Artnu* 0 •-< t, ii4 Bt . Mightr Jo* Yonngi alto A Woman's Secret Rflgbt, Uttea and CMirlk Artauea Were Slrantera; al»a Walking Hllli FLATLANDI Odentin. «»•««« ftd. A CJJlk *t Cobra Woman; alio Whit* Ravage Traymora, ArtatH N and t. 4«t») $ t White 8ava«-«t alto Cobra Woman OERRITTSKN BEACH Graham, Otertttaoa aad Walttty Art*, Saicoit; il>» Fantasia KINGS HIGHWAY Jewel. Klen Highway at 0»«n PacWty Black Narclami: alia Lady I.urk Triangle, Kl»»i Hiihway a, t. I2tk St You're My Everything; also Sand PARK RI-OPK Carlton. FUtbvth tad fttnath Artnutt,.. K»pt »f Sandi also Calamity Jane and Sam Bass New Venus, 1224 Present Aw. The Big Steal; alto Tartan'i Magic Fountain rim. FlitbiMh Art. tod Par* Plaet Amailng Mr. X; alio The Noose Hangi High SANDERS r;rr/«; a«s Rope of sand; ^ ?^B5fias AVK AVENtTF. P SECTION Arena* O, Aeiso* U tad E. Utk St Neatane't. Davghler; alia The Wliard. of Og RtDOKWOOD RMrewood, IS'I Hrrtlt Areaua Tha Great Gauky; alt* Slightly French Rivall, atyrttt »»d WlHaa Avt«»« Neos« Hang t Hlrhi ats» Amaiing Mr. X SHEKPRHtAn BAT ' S h e e » s h * a 4 , Sk»e»ih«*d »;d..Ve«rklM The Or-rat Oaiaky; ata* Slightly French SOUTH BROOKLYN *mn>r* OU>»S !*» » t aad $tk Art, Th* Great GaUhyt alt* Slightly Frtnek. > Al l.r T STKKAM. I. I. r>rlt-*-t»v BwarlH Highway. . . . Steas) Mr Lore; alto Tank a a MUllMt MNK AN»"1)AKCK "Poor Richards Corner" Famons (or It* Intj. mat« Cocktail Lotin*e *TVh*>r» rrlenig Meal" f»tnlng «'«« ana Cocktail te-anra K«« OlrM at N*»«. (Alr-C«ntHH«nt<l) IROOKLYM HEIGHTS Franklin Arms Hotel—66 Orange St. 2,SHOWS TODAY Sun. Thru $-4.20 *A.60 Sit. and $ Thuri. Ens. I " f Sun. Mats A MICHAEI, TODD PRODUCTION nnnnV PI APW In The Musical D U D D I LLAIMV (orneclv Smash ^S IE GIRLS GO BROADWAY Tnea.at538t.CI7-2*«7.NoMon Ern. Intl. Sun. J:50.Mat». Sit4:J0ASjn.it JOO l ALFRED PATRICIA DRAKE M0RIS0N J( ISS ME, KATE i Music A tyrics bv COLE PORTER I Book by SAM 4 BELLA SPEWACK CENTURY. 7th Ave. A 59th St. Mill Ord^ri No» . .lir-Conr/.'Eri. S:TO. $6. 4.80., MO Mall. Wed. A S i t 2:30: $3.60. 3. 2.40, 1.80, 1.20 "AN IDEAL Ar.Wr..-—Atkinson, Times HILARIOUS SMASH MUSICAL! LEND AN E A R Alr-Cohrf. BROAOHURST. W.44St.r.lr.«.66««" EvtS. a l H:IK. M»ts. Wt.n. A SAT. at 2:4o "A BIG. COLORFUL SHOW"—Mtcihouii, Sun MISS LIBERTY "* Lyrics * Music bv IRVING BERLIN Book by Dirccltd bv ROBERT E. SHERWOOD MOSS HART IMPERIAL Thettri. Weit 45th St. CO. 5-2412 'IWE^ RlGH-^-7—-^ytt>Tt.-r407««4n. WEO )I^AT/2-5g,-Alr-CtT.d 2 SHOWS TODAY 2;^ "A real birttlr. , /»HilirlO'i»."-C»ilf min.Mirrtf KEN MURRAY'S BLACKOUTS F.ves. Mon.-Frl. A Mats. Sat. A Sun.H.'jn to »3.fift. Sat. A Sun. Eves. St.20 to MM ZlEGILin. .Mth M.A rtth.\>e ( I S-StOO "tVillla'tt •"'I V«rv Funnv.'-C.hitmn. Mi»i HALF PRICE A K S ' S2.40 BORN YESTERDAY HI HENRY MIltERS Tkn. 4J St. E. it B'aay t n t . at «:40. »l.20-$2 40 M»n. taura. A Stt. it JJ44, ll.20-H.B0. BR. ».•»/» PULintft PRI7E A CRITICS' AWARD 1141 LEE J. COBB in DEATH OF A SALESMAN 4 »/«« riflv bi ARTHLR Mill VB/ A,e- \ reduction hi'F.HA K\7.\N \c '• J aith Arthor KENNEDY-Mildred DUNNOCK MOR08CO.W.456t. £v«» A-30 »»<• w ' ^ < ? "' ~~RALPH~BELLAMY •* DETECTIVE STORY hy SIDNEY KINC.S1.F.Y ^tr-Conrf. {WW ANNE BURR HUOSON.W.44SI. Evt.«:40. MaH.WeLASat. HENRY FONDA MISTER ROBERTS In Atr- Cond. by Thomas Heggen and Joshua Logan William HARRIGAN Murray HAMILTON ALVIN, W. 52 St. Erli. » 30. Mlts. We4. A Bit. MARY F/.IO . MARTIN P1NZA _ In The CnOct' Atcard Mut-.cnl Play SOUTH PACIFIC MAJESTIC. It St. IV. of Bway. AIR-COND. Ertt, « 75 Sharn. Mat». Wed. A Sit. 2:25 Sharg "INCOMPARABLY THE FINEST COMEDY OF THE 8EASON." — Afl-inion. Times MARTITA HUNT '" The MADWOMAN of Chaillot I0HN CARRA0INE—ESTELLE WINW000 ROYALt Thutre.W.ASSt. CI.»-57f0./tfr-Conrl Ertt. 14*0. 3 (-0. 300, 2.40. t.tO, 1.26. Mat! Wed. A Sit. $3.«0. J. 2.40, l.«0, I.J4. Tav Incl. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED S:00 WCBS—Newt, WNBC—Prayon: Ntwt at «, WJZ—Old-fashlomd Rtrlval Hour. WOR—"Bill Croihy Sinn." WMCA—Ntwt; "Musical Rt- tloetitni." WMGM —Dart Ron Onh. WNYC— GumdrtB Playhojsi. WINS-rHilpini Hand Army. 15 WINS—Billy Blbli. WNBC—Your Radio Ri- porter. WCBS—Fred Filhil at Con. >ole. WhTGM—Al Goodman Orch. S:30 WCBS —Thi Qardtn Gatt. WN8C—String Quarttt. WOR—Hers'l Hildy. WMCA—"MUlleland." WMGM—Blblt Hour. WINS—Niwt. 8:45 WCBS—Memo from Like Succin. . ._•'*' WOR—"Going Places." WINS—Froat Pagt Orama. t:J5 WNYC—Newa. 9:00 WCB8—World Ni»l. WNBC—Ntwi Roundu*. WOR—Nowi, Hinnessy. WJZ—Sjnday Men's Fajo. WMCA—Niwi; "Rhythm Miken." WMGM—Church ot Air. WNYC—Maiterwork Htur. WINS—The Chtun Ptoall. 9:15 WCBS—Organ Mulie. WNBC—Ti»« Ctmli Wiaklj Mm. WOR—"Lin t Niw Lift-"" WINS—Hirt't ta Vttirans. 9:30 WJZ—Volet r |f PrcTahiey.' WMCA—"Orer My Shiyilder" WMGM- Miming Sorenadi. WOR—Radlt chanL WINS—Gueit 8tar. 9:45 WCBS—Chariot Whuli. WNBC—D. A H. Miners. WINS—Gucit Housi. WMGM—Helling Ministry ot Chriktian Science 10:00 WCBS—Church if tht Air. WNBC—Highlights of Bible. WJZ—Meitagi oi ttraiL WOR—NIWI Gladitont, WMGM —Blblt Clati. WMCA—News; Top Tune Time. WINS— Niwt. 10:15 WOR—Git Mori Out if Lid. WINS—Irory Towir. . 10:30 WNBC—Chlldrtn'i Hour. WCBS—Church ot thi Air. WNYC—Opera Scenei. WJZ—Southtrntlres. WMGM —Bible Auditorium. WINS—Kay Lorraine Show. (1:45 WOR—Your Hymml. .-; WINS—Top Compo»er». 11:00 WCBS—Jackion. news. WJZ—Victor Lindlihr. WOR—NIWI. Gladitont. WMCA—Newi: Top Turn Time. WMGM— Chrlitlan Ritorca Church. WINS—Al Goodnan. 11 r05 WCBS—Tht Niwimakin. j II :I5 WOR—Dnrithy and nielc.i WJZ —Fine Arti Imrtit. WCBS—"World Attain Ri-, port." 11^9 WCBS—Cnolr «nd 0r«aa. WNBC—NIWI. MiCarthy. WINS—Recordi. WJZ—Hour ot Filth. WMGM—Calrary Biptlil Churth. WNYC—Youni Americas Artlitl. I 11:43 WNBC—8olltilr Ttma 11:55 WNYC—NIWI. 3:15 WJZ—Bitty Clark Singi. 3:it» WNBC—Qui* Kids . WJZ—Speaking ot Sings. WORr-Tom Mix Preview. 4 P.M. TO 7 P.M. WJZ—Thiughti la PusHe. WOR—Newt, Flanders. 11:25 WOR—Weather Reports. 11:30 WNBC—LeWlnter Oreh. WCBS—Towno Orch. WOR—Waner Orch. WJZ—Weather Alport. WINS—Chu.-ch tf. God la 4:00 WNBC—UN Project—1949 chrlit. WJZ—Voices That Llvi. !l 1:35'WJZ—Nelghbir Or. . WNYC—Chamber Muilc Time n:45 WCBS— Jeromi Orch. WOR—Housi at Myltery 111:55 WINS—NIWI. 4:30 WNBC—Voicii and Events.'2:00 WNBC— New.; Mr. Smith ShowT WCBS—NIWI; Black Orch. WOR—Barry Gray Show. WJZ—NIWI: Muite Shop. Cron' Operal WJZ—Milton Album. WMCA—Musical Scoreboard. WMGM—Suorti Eitra. WINS—Riy Blorh. WNYC—Sonata Flecltal. WCBS—Sunday at thi Chile. WMCA—Grandstand A Band- stand. WOR—"Martin Kant, Pri- vate Eye." 4:45 WMGM—Fottball. 4:55 WNYC— m w i . 5:00 WCBS— Muilc for You. WJZ—Family Clojeup. WINS—Andrt ILijtelamtr. WMCA—Newt: Grandstand A Bandstand. WOR—The Shadow. WNYC—Newt Recordings. WNBC—Ridio City Play- house. 5:30 WCBS—Symphonettt. WMCA—News. WNBC—Harvest «' Stiri. WINS—Morton Gould. WJZ—"Grettest Story Evef Told.""** WOR—Trui Detective Storlll. 5:45 WMCA—Call Cintlmntal. 5:55 WNYC—Newi. 6 * 0 WCBS— Family Hour tf Stan. WMCA—News; Sunday Salon. WINS—Xavier Cugat. WNBC--Catnolli Hour. WJZ—Drew Pearlon. WOR—Roy Rogeri Shew. WNYC—Folksong Festival. 6:15 WJZ—Gardiner. News. 6:30 WCBS—"Our Mist Brooks." WNBC— Hollywood Calling. WINS—World Front. WJZ—Bun Adlams Play room. WNYC—Song Classic!. WOR—Nick Cirtir. «:4S WNYC—Wiathtr RiaxL 8:50 WNYC—Ntwi. 6:55 WNYC—World NIWI. WMGM—Bea Kalmus Show. WINS—Music Orer Manhat. tan. 12:30 WNBC—Brandon Orch. WCBS—Welk Oreh. 12:45 WCBS— W«lk Occh. 12:55 WNBC—Ntwt, WJZ-Newi. Feature* On Other Stations W E V O - 11 :30 A M. — Freedom H o U I i . Presents Prldi and Prej- udice. "The Supreme Court and Free Speech." Morris .Sin, Or. Leon M. Birk- head '. . a. .00—Irish Hour. 9:00—"Errind ot Mercy," Red Cross Drama. 9:30—Cirloca Corner 10:00—Proudly Wi Hall, 12:00—Symphonic Hour. W N E W— 2:00—"Dlsi Jickey Jury." 7:45—"Powerhouse of . lh« Air," Jimmy PoWeri. 9:00—Music You Want. 12:00—Milkman's <iitlr:.\ W U X R - 6:05—String Quartet. 8:05—Symphony Hall. 10:30—Music Under the Start II :07—World ot Music. MONDAY A.M. TO 12 M. 7 P.M. TO 10 P.M. 12 M. TO 4 P.M. 12:00 WCBS— Invltittoa ta Learning. WNBC—Mr. Fisit. WJZ—Tht Fll/ijeritdt. WINS—8lnging Bittli Royal. WOR—The Show Shop. WMCA—Niwt; King ot Seng. WNYC—Mlddiy Symphony. 12:15 WNBC—Melody Paradi. 12:30 WCBS—Pupli'l Plitloria. WNBC—Hi Jinx. WJZ—Pltno Pltyhiui*. WOB—Niwt. ElUttL WMCA—Jem Cnwlord at Organ. WMGM—Glid Tldingi Tabernacle. 12:45 WOR—Bing Crosby Singi. ! i2:5J WNYC—Ntwt. 1:00 WNBC— "Hur Mi. My Chiefs." WOR—Sidniy Walton WCBS—News, Colllngsnod WNYC—Musii With Randolph. WJZ—"Foreign Reporter. WMCA—Newi; Lynn Mjrrty Show. WMGM-Fouc-8tar Rivet. 1:15 WJZ—Dick Chet'ei. WOR—Blng Crosby Smg». WCBS— Elmt Roper. 1:30 WNBC—Sirlngi Bnki Quit Kldi. WMCA—Songi by Cro«by A Sttffird. WOR—Mlehiil O'Oufly.' WMGM—Jan But Singi. WCBS-Treasury Bir.dttand. WJZ—Natltnsl Vespert. I :*S WMGM—Warm-up Timl. WNYC—Weither Report. 1-iO WNYC—l«'«l 4. Waeld Newi. 1:55 WINS—BisebilL 2.00 WCBS—The Choriliirt. WOR—Orewi Tiyix Concert., WMCA—Niwt; Grindstind A, Bindstsnd 1 Oarld' I 7:00 WCBS—Jack Benny Show. WJZ—Think Fait. WOR—Advintures of thi Falcon. WMCA —News: American Panorama. WMGM—Today'! Baseball. WNYC—Masttcwork Hour. WINS—Blbli Hour. .7:31 WCBS—Call the Police. '-.. WNBC—Harris-Faye. Show. . WJZ—Music hy Ralph Nor- man. WOR —"The Saint." WMCA—"WalU Timi." WMGM—Jarr at I's Best. WINS—Bellrrssi Churih. 7.45 WMCA—Rufus Smith Trio. 7:55 WOR—"Johnny Desmond." 8.00 WCBS—Yours Tryly, Johnny Dollar. WNBC— Adventures of Sam Spadt. WIZ—Stop tht Muite. WOR—A. L. Alexander"! Medlattin Board. WMGM—Calvary Baptist . Church. WMCA—Newt: Echoei of Big Time. 8:ffl WCBS— "Lift With Luigl" WNRC— Theater Guild on tht Air. WNYC—Keyboard Misters. WOR —News. Elliott. WINS—Lutfieran ceagui. ... WMCA—Avi Maria Hour. 8:45 WMGM —Ntwt, WOR —Robert S. Allm. 8:55 WNYC—Niwt, 9:00 WCBS—Mitt Corlln Archer. WJZ—Walter Winchell. WOR—Sylrin Lerln'i Open Concert. WNYC—If! Your Lift. WMCA—Ntwi; Rust Morgin Show. WMGM—Old-fishUmd Ri- 1 viral Hour. WINS—Qoiptl Tabernicli. 9:15 WJZ—Lnuilli Pirsont. WMCA Michael Young. 9:30 WCB8—Horl-.t Heidt Show WNBC—Amerlem Album, ot Familiar Music. WJZ—Chance of a Kfetlmi. WNYC—Chieigo Round Table WOR—Shillah Graham. WMCA-Or. Donald Gny Birnhouit. 9:45 WOR—Twin Vlewt ot N'«t 9:55 WNYC—News; Sign Otf 10 P.M. TO I A.M. 10:00 WCBS—Drisi Paradt. WNBC— Taki It ee t.ttri It WJZ—Jimmy Fidler. WMGM—Word ot Lift Hour. WOR—Dimon Runyan This, ter. WMCA—Niwi; Dinah . a hort WINS— Missigi te IsraeL 10:15 WINS—pratk and Erniet. WJZ—T?d Maloni. 10:30 WNBC—Kay Armm 8ho» WJZ—-Tforfff—HthmKirr.- — T0:JrW.NYC=rNrwi7— WCBS—Long Oreh. WMCA-Nett. WOR—"Heartbeat la tht; Ntws." WMGM—Sport! Final. 7:00 WCBS—Jack Sterling. WJZ—News, Girdlnir. WOR—NIWI Elliott. WNBC—Newi, Klttell. WMGM—Early In Morning. WMCA—Newi; "Great Day.' WNYC—Sunrlti Svmthtny. WINS—Newi. Goddard. 7:03 WNBC—Bob Smith Ihov. 7:10 WIZ—Weitner Report. 7:15 WOR—Mutllal Clock. WINS—Art Scanltn She*. WJZ—Klernan'i Korner. 7:25 WMGM—News. 7:30 WMGM —Early In Morning WMCA—News; Great ' Day. WNBC—NIWI, MiCirthy 7:45 WCBS—Early Morning News. WNBC—Bob Smith Show. WNYC—Wiather; Newt. WMCA—Unity Viewpoint. J 7:35 WNYC—World Niwt. . WJZ—NIWI. ' WMGM —Newi. 8:00 WCBS—NIWI Riundua, i . WNBC—Kittell. Newt WMGM—Tops In Popi. WIZ—Agronsky. niwi. WOR—Niwi, Reblnms. WMCA-Ntwi; "Aatlaije Record Shop" WNYC—Around Niw Ytfk. 8:05 WNBC—Bob taslth th** 8:13 WCB8—Phil C«»k Bh»». WJZ—Tht Fltigtrtldt, WOR—Dtrethy tdd Olilt, WINS—Newi. Goddard. 8:30 WCBS—Margirlt Arliis. WNBC—HI-Jinx. WMGM-Ncws; Dili Oillghti WINS—Morning Matlntl. 8:45 WNYC—City Food Guide. WMGM —Virai VarKtt.i 8:50 WNYC— Listen toNutrl. lion. 8:55 WNYC—Newt. WJZ—Gemt for Thought. WMGM—Witther Rtp„rt. 9.00 WCBS—Thil It Niw York WOR—NIWI, Henniisy. WNBC—Riberts, niwt. WMCA—Niws; Guy lira- bardo Orch. WIZ—Breakfast Ctua." WMGM—Carlta« Fredirlika, WNYC—attittrweek Hiur 9:15 WNBC—Norman Brtktn- shirt. WINS—Arl Scantan Show. WMCA—Mr. and Mrl. Muili. WOR—"Meet thi Mmjous." 9:30 WOR—"Thi MeCann'i at Homi." WINS—Thru Ctrntr Cluts. WMGM —Fun it Brnkfait 9:45 WCBS—Mlisui Goes A-Shoppln'. WNBC—Imldt tht Doctor'i Office. 10:00 WNBC—Wilcomt Trarilen WIZ—My Trui 8ttry. WOR—Gltdstont, newi. WINS—Charlit Starkt't Ma- ill Shoppt. WCBS—Thii li Blng Crosby. WMGM—Ted Huslng'i Bind- stand. WMCA-Nlwi: Mr. A Mrs. Muiie, 10:13 WCBS—Arthur Godfriy Time. WOR—Mirtht Ount. 10:30 WJZ—Bitty Cretker. WNYC—Vuiii From Lindm. WNBC— Marrltgt fte Twe, 10:45 WJZ—Resa Rle. WNBC—Thmki fee T|. morrew. WNYC-Kiys tt Wise Buy- ing. "A Smash Hit! " - ^ u ?:;, "Out Of TTm World!" •«'»$* mtr. "Aorllertry taffaseea anet hoseletl . . . I suggest son to."— Chapman, Neitt U ir \l/t"CT ''tVsson'a "trnsatlAn" lYIAr. WMI IN PHRSON at DIAMOND LIL r^ ** Afr-Corirf. PLYMOUTH, 4$ St. W. tf ft'teiy PROMPT ATTENTION TO MAIL OROEftS. r.t. }4.80, 3 "ft. 3, 2.48 A t 80. Miti. Wed. A Sat, t'.sri, %. 2 *o. 1 10 A 1.20, Tax lait. RAY B0LGER -., IN THt MUSICAL LAVOn MOT WHERE'S CHARLEY? bv 6C0RGC ABBOTT A FRANK LOOSER Afr-Corto*. »T. JAME8, W.44th W. LAe.4-4*84 Mort. thra Sat. F.vga. at 8:90: 11.80, t.40. 1.00, A . 8 0 , 4 ? 0 . 4 . 8 0 . ei.OO. M a t s . W e * . A flat. at 5:30: 8I.40, 1.80, «.4f>, S.'8.80. Tat Inrl. MAIL ORDF.RS PROMPTLY FnHCO Pleat* *n«l»H itimpid ielf-tddriii»d tnvileei WINS— tetdlirl ter Christ. WJZ-.This Week Areund t b i : „ . 4$ W J 2 _ 0 w t . Mt\tVy, WOR—Unsolved Mystims. WMGM —Funt Orth. WMCA-T Oerny Orch. II W WCB8— Brytn. newi. WNBC—Niws. Trent. WIZ—Ore-. Purten. WOR-NIWS, Eltiett. WMGM — N e v v e i ) Theater. WMCA-Ntwtj "Night Watfh " WINS—fltthn Oisael Tiber. ntt!a. Mutiunt Theater. Pi»-» World. WNYC—BrieVlyn Cenrert WNBC-N8C Unir WMGM—Bisrball 7 Jt WMCA—Batetratt 1W WCBS—Rynerpation C IZ—Mr Prntdint, OR —Ni*>. Htnneiiy. 2:4S WOR—Otvtd SntIL 8.-0* WCB8— Symphony Oreh. WOR—Treasury .Virlttiei. WNYC—Chorll Misterpleert WNBC— Orsitn tee Llitea. 11:10 WCBS—Collingwood, niwi in* 11:13 WCBS— U. H, In Aitlon. WJZ—Weed, News. WNBO-Utlty, t\ti> t 11:00 WNBC—Wt Lore A Learn. WJZ—"Mestera Rtmtneti. • WMCA-Niwi; Mr. A Mn. Mutll. WNYC—Mutli America L*vi» - WOR—Rtbinteh, niws. II :lS WNBC—Dr. Paul. WOR—"Ttlle-Teit." WNBC—J»ek Birth these, WJZ—Paik a Dale. WOR—Against '"-• Itteas. tl:4S WCBS—Rettmary. WNBC— Lera 1 ..-- WMCA-Ceill Briwa. 11:55 WNYC—Niwt. JrfM WCBh—Warria. aisrt. WNBC—McCarthy, ntwi. WJZ-Heuu Perly. WMGM—Combs, ntwt. WOR—Kttt Bmlth Sptike. WMCA-Nisri: Music Bin. WNYC—Midday Syaphtny. WINS— Niws. deddtrd AMATEUR TALENT WANTED SINOFRS—DANCERS—COMICS NOVELTY ACTS, SWEATER OlftlS, Etr FOB TALENT PR00RAM8 CASH PRIZES AWARDED SEK Bl'O—rVOVVAr TAt.ENT SCOLT 1A%8 B r o a d s r a y . N. V. C. Jtnltr ).'! CI. &-»>5"S> Intenlewt Mots, to Ffl., 4-8 P.M. I—. If Yon Are 28 or Over VUKth* CLUB 28 At tht Betrdwtlk A Oteaa PartttrtY, B'ltya Dine* Every FrU, Sal. It SSJB. Etts. Whert Hie* Peo#r* Oinri t» Csntervatlv* M»«n **d Mtk* Friaadt. 0»**>Ale Ter- rtct f*«lts| th* Of*«». N* U%«t. Fet* Cheekta*. 8MT"»rl»at«a Lift* t* Oieaa Parkway. T*l.t t t . J.4IM . Tiomkin Scores Dimitri Tiomkin has boon signed by Hafry M. l'opkin to write the MOIO and direct the music for "I'oad.on Arrival." iho I'", dmo nd O'iuicnl'aniol.t jhltton co-starring vehicle for United Artists release. RENT-SALE HOSPITAL BEDS -WHEELCHAIRS CANES • DIATHERMY •All itipplte't for th* Sick Room 632 Fulton St., Bat,* KJF ft-2740 lis*»» l»T»«»^e *>' '• *"• v *• TW TELEVISION WCBS-TV, Chonnel 2 WNBT, Chonntl 4 WABD, Channel 5 rVJZ-TV, Channel 7 VVPIX, Channel 11 WATV, Channel 13 10:15 a.JiL WNBT—Yesterday's NewsreeL 10:30 WNBT—Children's Hour, Ed Herlihy, M. C. 11:30 WNBT—The Magic Clown. 11:45 WNBT—Yesterday's News- reel. 1:30 p.m. WPIX—Music. 1:45 WCBS—Music, Program, Pre- view, Weather Report. WPIX—Polo Grounds Pre- view. 1:55 WJZ—Professional Football, Giants vs. Pittsburgh Steelers. 2:00 WCBS—Baseball, Dodger* vs. Phillies, Red Barber, Connie Desmond, Ernie Harwell. WPIX—Sport of Call, Guy LeBow. 2:15 WATV—Music and Preview ATUTOuncements. WPIX—Sports Album, BUI Slater. 2:20 WPIX—Baseball. Giants vs. Boston Braves, Russ Hodges, Al Heifer. 2:30 WATV—Feature Film. 3:40 WATV—Film Serial, "Mys- tery Mountain," Chapter 5 4:00 WATV—Western Feature Film. . 5:00 WATV—Junior Frolics. WJZ—Super Circus. WPIX—Mr. Magic. WNBT—Hopalong Cassidy Feature Film. WATV—Marie Moser Star- lets. WABD—Telenews Weekly. WCBS—Music, Program Pre- view, Weather Report.. 6:00 WATV—Feature Film. WJZ—Ireene Wicker. WCBS—The Chuck Wagon With Deputy Sheriff Texas Jeff Bryant. WPIX—Television Chapel Conducted by the Rev. Joseph Sheehan. WABD—Western Film, "Everyman's Law," With Johnny Mack Brown. 6:x30 WNBT—Say It With Acting. WPIX—News of the Hour. WJZ—Action Autographs, Ed Prentiss, M. C. 6:40• WABD—Film Serial. "Blake of Scotland Yard." . WPIX—Song. Parade. 6:45 WJZ—Sing-Copation. •7:00 WABD—Ted Mack and the Original Amateur Hour. WATV—Western Feature Film. WJZ—Stained Glas* Windows. WCBS—Film Featurette. WNBT—Salute to Crosley Stations. 7:15 WPIX—Telepix. 7:20 WPIX—Jimmy Powers. 7:30 WPIX—Feature Film, "The Last Mile," With Preston Foster and George E. Stine. WCBS—Mr. I. Magination. WNBT—Film. "Broadway Limited," With Walter O'Keefe. WJZ—Penthouse Players, "A Daring Fiction," With Fiorina Series, Patricia Dunlap and Others. WCBS—Ruthie on the Tele- ' phone. WCBS—Toast, of the Town, Ed J Sullivan, M. C ; Victor Borge, Billy. Vine, George Kirby, Guests. 15 ,30 40 45 WJZ—Think Fast, Dr. Mason Gross, M. C. WATV—Feature^ Film. WABD—Chicagoland Mystery Players, "Criss-Cross." 8:30 WNBT—Leave It to the Girls, Allen Preseott, Guest. WABD—Cinema Varieties. WJZ—The Little Review, Variety Show. 9:00 W T NBT—Playhouse. ' T h e Lonely," With William Prince and Kim Hunter. ~ WJZ—Library of Documen- tary Films. WABD—Cross Question. WCBS—Fred Waring Show. WPIX—Voice of the People, Lowell Limpus, Moderator, 9:30 WJZ—Music Room, Conrad Thibault, M. C. 10:00 WCBS—The Week in Review. WNBT—Garroway at Large. WJZ—Celebrity Time, Basil Rathbone, Vlcki Cum- mings. Guests. WPIX—"What's Your Prob- lem?" John J. Anthony. 10:35 WPIX—News of the Hour. MOVIE TIME TABLE a Male War Brltte," 10:35; "Tuscon," 13:20, BROOKLYN- ALBEE— "1 Was 1:30, 4:30, 7:35 3:25, 6:25, 9:25. FOX—"White Heal." 1:31. 4:37. 1:43, 10:M: "Kasan," 12:18, 3:31. 8:37, 9:«3. METROPOLITAN—"In the Good 0 1* Summertime," 1:82. 1:27, 7:22. 10:17; •Tost Office Investigator," 12:27, 3:22, 6:17, 9:12. PRAMOUNT—"The Crooked Way." 1:40. 4:49, 8:02. 11:15: "Siren of Atlantis," 12:25. 3:30, ti:t3, 9:5ti. STRAND—"The Big Cat." 1:12. 4:6.4, 7:19, 10:44) "Rrd Stallion In the R«ckles," 12, 3:12. f,:24, 9:19, MANHATTAN ASTOR—"Lost Boundaries" 12:18, 2:18. 4:18, 6:18. 8:18, 10:18. 12:18. OAPITOL— "That Midnight Kiss," 42, 2:43, 5:28, 8:13, 11:11; stage, 1:41, 4:26, 7:11, 10:01. CRITERION—"Sword In the Desert," 12, 1:60, 8:45, 5:40, 7:35, 9:25. 11:20. 1:15. GLOBE—"Once More, My Darling." 12, 1:50. 3:58. 5:57, 7:18. 9:39. 11:30. 1:23. MAYFAIR—"The Fighting Kentuckian." 12:32. 2:39, 4:10, 6:53,-9, 11:07, 1:14. MVSIC HALL—VUnder Capricorn," 12:57. 3:58, 6:57, 9:58) j>lage. 12, 2:54, 5:55, 9:05. PAUAMOl'NT—"Ton ()' The Morning." 12:17, 3:Ol. 5:51. X:41, -11:31; stage. 2:08, 4:55, 7:15. 10:32. RIVOLI—"Come to the Stable," 12 3:54, 5:53, 7:52, 9:51, 11:10. ROXY—"Thtbves' Hlghsvay." 12. 5:30. 8:25, 11:15) stage, 1:30, 7:20. 10:15. STRAND—"White Heat." 42, 2:44, 8:20, 11:08, 1:02; stage, 2:06. 7:42. 10:3,0. VICTORIA—"The Window." 12. 1:42, 1:57. 2:30, 4:15, 5:32, 4:54, 3:25. 5:08, 0:51, 8:31, 10:17. 11:42. 7:55 8:00 HARD OF HEARING? New Device ... Hides Deafness No Receiver Button Worn in the Ear! This new. amazing IN- , VISIMOLD Is barely no- i ticeable and conceals to 'the maximum. Combined with a Western Electric Hearing: Aid developed bjr Bell Tele- phone Laboratories, it gives re- newed hearing- rlarllr. All Western Electric Hearing Aids are war- ranted by the manufacturer. 1NVISIMOI.D is so inconspicuous thai even your friends won't notice that you are wearing a hearing aid. For further information, writ/ or phone for FREE booklet, or come in at our conveniently located of- fices and ask for "Modern Selence and Your Hearing" by Western Electric Co. EnnisHearinglnStitute I Nivlnl St., Brs-Vlyn, N. Y. UL. S 8410 3Z4 frint St., Ktnspititd, L. I. HC. 2-»U0 •••••••4|^4>*>4>«>4>4i>>4>4)>4j>4j>44>4)>4>4 * Television Service Tune up in time for the World Series Call ' Ganmar Electronics Co.| Day—ST. 8-4577 Night—SO. 8-2800 Prompt, Efficient, Courteous Service By Expert Technicians I 576 6th Ave., B'klyn (Off 16th St.) ••4j)4j>4j^4J>4iV<>>4>s>4>4lV4>4JV4>4>4 msmc* Fun for the i «te->.-«,«:v!-, 1 **• "*- i[.|' A ' Now—Every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. THE SAVINGS BANK Enjoy a bright half-hour of informal, informative enter- tainment with the brightest group of youngsters you've ever come across! Never a dull moment! ~——:—Presenfec/ by Your Savings Banlcs ofNewYoitSti?fe tuitu rtot»Ai. nre^sit iNiysiAHCt co^ronAtioi* DAN DURYEA SAM LEVENE KENNY DELMAR JOAN L0RRING Th« ruthlet* ro<k«t4»«r clwoyt got whol wonted. Would tha tim« ev«r come when he got whot he deserved? THEATRE GUILD IS AIR New time, new station WNBC-8:30.. TUNE IN WNBC 1:30 P.M. IVtRY SUNDAY jjj)»»t»ti««i»»*#4)»tt*«»«*»»*«««*in»/ | BROOKLYN EAGLE \ : ON j WNBC : Moke a note to tune : : in "Metropolitan News • Roundup"—every Mon- \ X day through Friday of—*-- : 12:05 P.M. V 660 on the diol : Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski NY Daily Eagle - 092549.pdf · 2011. 2. 8. · Signal Corps. After a brief orientation course at the old Para mount Studio in Astoria, L


HOLLYWOOD .$ Jack Lait Jr.

A Proud Job Makes Reminiscence,

And Who Knows What It Accomplished? I saw a picture the other night and it reminded me of

one of the unique" "movie" writing jobs I did during my career as a scenario scripter.

It was unique In that it was the only one I ever wrote that never appeared on any screen and was never intended to.

It came about during the late internatiqrial unpleasantness. Karly in 1943; I was one of a group of Hollywood screen writers

> who signed on as civilians to write training films for the Army Signal Corps. After a brief orientation course at the old Para­mount Studio in Astoria, L. I., ^ ' 1 was packed off to Fort Ben- writhed under it, I watched the rang. Ga. —headquarters of the men around me growing bored, Army's Infantry School and. I restless and inattentive. Here believe, the largest army post was a spectacle being put on in the nation—where I was {twice a week, at a cost of about promptly put to work writing!$35,000 a performance—and its instructive little shorts about] effectiveness was being com complicated military matters of [pletely loused up by a bum which T had "only the sketchiest-script, obviously written by knowledge. Much of the time (some- misguided officer who

RADIO PROGRAMS miCA, 570. WNBC 6« WOR. 710. WJZ. 7701 WNYC, 830, WCBS, 880 WAAT, 970. WINS. 1010

WMGMTi030. WHU, 1100. WNEW. 1130. WUB. 1190. WOV, 1280. WEVD. WBBR. 1330 WBNX, 1380 WNJR. 1430 WHOM. 1480 WQXR, 1560. WWRL. 1600

1 didn't half grasp the subject 1 was being so expert about; but l.y quoting the language of the manual and with the help of the technical officer assigned to me, 1 managed to be very authori-

knew his stuff militarily and mistakenly fancied himself as pretty hot stuff literarily. •

Afterwards, pack in the Visu­al Aids office, the colonel asked me what 1 thought of the show.

OPENING AT THE RIVOLI—"Pinky," Darryl F. Zanuck's major production for 1949, opens this "Thursday with Jeanne Crain and Ethel Waters in leading rol£s.

New Type Wig Bows in Rockettes' Act


come crioiig to a demonstration with me this afternoon."

A "'demonstration" was the term used to denote a sham bat­tle—a field lesson simulating Bpme condition of actual War­fare, to demonstrate to the offi­cer candidates, as nearly as pos­sible, the problems they'd be up against when they encountered the real thing.

naive and. 1 hope, helped save."The demonstration is wonder-ii lite or two. |fill," I told him, "but the script

One day 1 was summoned t o ; s u n k s - " the office of the harassed little| - ~

lieutenant colonel who headed' I I e nodded. Then lookmg the Visual Aids Dept.-"Visualj^-ound turtively, as though he Aids" being the term, very m m. feared hidden microphones, he tarv, for training film. "Lai"t>*W$, "Look, La i t - I know he'said, "I'd like to have you k ° u r e / l o w n h e r e , o n Signal

Corps business, and not sup-i posed to do any^special workj

• for the Infantry School—butdoj you think you could do any­thing with this script? 1 realize jit's almost hopeless—the thing is so. horribly bad I don't see hew it could possibly be sal­vaged—but if you would just make a try . . ."

I took the heavy script back to my barracks that flight. The colonel was right—it was a tough job—but it was some­thing I was used to. It was cut­ting out a useless phrase here, substituting a slang expression for- a long-winded one there, translating s t u f f y military terms into plain English here, pointing up a gag- there-Bytlie" time I got/ through, there was hardly a paragraph that hadn't been thoroughly revamped.

I carried my revised script into the colonel's office next morning. Without much hope, he picked it up and started to read it. First he looked pleased. Then he smiled. Then he took off his litle military cap and put his elbows on the desk and started to read, in earnest.-.

Radio City Music Hall's Rock-j Actually, the Music Hall's etfes, all 36 of them, are red-1precision-perfect troupe boasts

but four real redheads and 20 true blondes, with the rest

heads now, turned titian tfirough a startlingly realistic new pure-silk transformation which, in.its first public stage appearand?, promises to revo­lutionize the toupee trade.

That afternoon tlie colonel and I rode out to a remote^loca-t.on on the post in a jeep. Not until we arrived did 1, discover the demonstration was o n e s:7ttppily titled "The Battalion in Attack." I.had heard of the

> Battalion in Attack. It was Fort Benning's big show, the most lavish and costly demon­stration in the repertoire. The one to which the visiting Big Brass were always taken to Khow them what 'was being done at Benning. Whereas most demonstrations involved the use of a few machine guns, <.i a couple of mortars, and may­be a dozen men, the B. in A. had

». everything — tanks, airplanes, heavy artillery, the works. ' We sat in a wooden stand on a hillside with the O. C.'s and the brass. A commentator, working from a script, ex-

f plained the action over loud speakers, and other • officers planted in the field with mikes, following the s a m e script, barked orders and carried on t-otto voce conversations to lend realism to the scene.

The demonstration itself was terrific. But the script was aw­ful. Its wordage was pompous

f and stilted, its instructions were confusing, its few at­tempts at humor pathetic As.I



Both films shcun Aft. & Eve.

SUN., SEPT. 25, at 3 & 8 P.M. Ticket s 81.30, Children 64tc. Tax Incl.


"brownettes". and brunettes. But the Rockettes, dancing in Russell Markert's current re­vue, "Sparklettes," to the popu­lar song. "The Lady Has' Red Hair," borrowed locks to fit

ithe music. The thirty-six coiffures are

Ian identical glowing shade ofj red. The revolutionary silken' i

I tresses were created by Ma-

TODAY'S RADIO BEST BETS 12:30—People's Platform, "Who Should Pay for Pensions?" Henry Haz-

llltt, Morris P. GHishien, WCBS. 1:55—Baseball, Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox, Mel Allen, Curt Gowtfy,

WINS; 2:00, Dodgers vs. Phillies, Red Barber, Connie Des­mond, Ernie Harwell. WMGM; 2:25, Giants vs. Boston Braves, Russ Hodges, Al Heifer, WMCA.

4:00—United Nations Project—1949, "The Journey ofTrygve Jones," Eddie Albert, Documentary Drama, WNBC.

4:45—Professional Football, Giants vs. Pittsburgh Steelers, Marty Glicleman, Berf Lee, WMGM.

5:00—Radio City Playhouse, "Affliction." With Inge Adams and Alex­ander Scourby, WNBC; The Shadow, WOR.

5:30—Harvest of Stars, Rise Stevens, Guest (Premiere), WNBC. 6:00—Family Hour of Stars, "Seventh Heaven," Jane Powell, WCBS.

6:30—Hollywood Calling, Ray Milland, Diana Lynn, Guests, WNBC; "Our Miss Brooks," Eve Arden, WCBS.

7:00—Jack Benny Show; Edgar Bergen, Red Skelton, Amos 'n' Andy, Guests, WCBS; Adventures of the Falcon, Les Tremayne, WOR; Today's Baseball, Bert Lee, Marty Giickman, WMGM.

7;30—Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show, WNBC; Call the Police, "The Case of the Flight Into Death," WCBS.

8:00—Adventures of Sam Spade, Howard Duff, WNBC; Stop the Music, Bert Parks, M. C, WJZ; 'Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar," Charles Russell, WCBS.

8:30—Theater Guild on the Air, "The Gentle People," Dan Duryea, Sam Levene, Kenny Delmar, Joan Lorrlng, WNBC; Life With Luigi, J. Carrol Naish, WCBS. ' -

9:00—Meet Corliss Archer, Janet Waldo, WCBS; Sylvan Levin's Opera Concert. Frances Greer. Clifford Harvout, Guests, WOR.

9:30—Chance of a Lifetime, John Reed King, M. C, WJZ; American Album of Familiar Music, Donald Dame (Premiere), WNBC; Horace Heidt Show, WCBS.

10:00—Take It or Leave It. Eddie Cantor, M. C, WNBC; Damon Run-yan Theater, "Broadway Complex," WOR.

10:30—Kay Armen Show, Larry Douglas, Guest, WNBC. 8 A.M. TO 12 M.

Lafaye t t e Ave .—Ashland PI.

Sun. Eve.. Nov. 13—"MA MtNULTY A. FAMILY"

OF MUSIC!dame Ten ar, stylist, and are be-ST. ^oioojing introduced in the wig world

on stage and off.

| I I I I l l l l f l I l I f I l l I l I l l I I I I I 1 I H I l l l l l I I I I I I I t l l I l I f I I I |


thru Oct. 23 Nltely 8:30



"Mr. Lait," he said finally-r-and 1 was pleasantly conscious of the honor implied in that "Mr."—"you have achieved the practically impossible, and your country's fighting, men shall be forever grateful to you. This shall henceforth be the script of the Battalion in Attack."

I understand it was, too— and for all I know, it may still be to this day.

Of course, it was only a cheap $35,000 production—peanuts, by Hollywood standards—but-for some funny reason I think it was the proudest job I ever did.

f' .f .m.vnt Presents SING ANN





11:30 P.M.

'JTbpO'rte, Morning,




Ittia AddtJ Allterhc'i





1 WASHINGTON VS. BROOKLYN Beginning New 1949-50 Season|

TICKET SALE NOW Price* $1.25. 2.50, .3.50, Ux incl. Phone JU. 6-4646 for R'etervViid'h*

14th REGIMENT ARMORY, 8th Avenue and 15th Street


M en.g*> F*grV*t N . 9 V t t v


fo tfwkiM'rt*•AU-wrw'cootwo i v t t t * /

HKDlS I j l l H i l l h l l l ij'j'welSSii'ii Optns Tuis.Ese! Mils.Wtd.Sit.MON. N<sPer(t.Siin.E>e.>2P(rft. MONDAY

o —>f lt:N«.M.


o u r t r r o IY JULES DASSIN




MARGO m jWav Prodi/cUonl

PL us- ~rnc HAPPf Jot/XNSr-' TOWY MoUfve.-MlAIAM HOfWHSinTht HE1RCSS* I

e*uo«r» SOi hd. M U t l tjj T1M1I [


1)11 IflCfll StBEOIS TOM1

City RfvcU


BAT RIDGE AND S U N S E T PARK r e n t e r , « h Art. tnd 56th 8t. Behind the Elrht Bal l ; » h o Radio F.lectra, 75th St. and Thlra Ava. Dlr l t lb le i al»o Snbmarlne S l a n l e t . ith Ar.. and 75th S t S e r t e a n t Tork; also Castle on the

BEDFORD Nat ional /20 Wa(hlmt«n Ava. The Blr Steal ; aUo T a r i a n ' * M a d e Fountain Rotera . J33 R I I K I Art. PR. 4-J2M We Were S t r a n t e r * ; al.^o Walk ln* Hill*

BENSONHURST Colony, l»th An. - t l th 8 t BE. « -?« ) The R a v e n ; a l io Murders In the Rue Morfut

BORO PARR N o r m a n d r . «3rdSt. t K«» Utrnht Art. The Bl» F l t h f , alao If I'm l.uckr

BOROUGH H A U . AND DOWNTOWN DufJIeld, Ouffltla and Fulton Rtt. You're My Everyth ing; also Sand Momart , Fiiltan St. and ftnkvlll PI. S o n t «f Seheheraxade; a l i o Michigan St. Ceortrt r l a y h o n i e . IM PlntaaaU »t.Honr« of the Brave ; a l to Hl fh Fury Termina l . Feurth Art. and Ottn « t White 8ava«*t a l i o Cobra Woman Tlvol l . Fulton St. and Sort Hall . . Moonrltet a l i o Mellflre

BRIGHTON BEACH Oceana . Bfl|ht»» Bta«h Avt.-Htff Bt. You're My K v e r y t h i n t ; a l to Sand

BROWNSVILLE *TI6?aTi«oH."7f»T-Hn»TH»TrAV»r-- The M»»l< HAr** (RBUtaTSTj A m * l ?

BUSHWICK Empire , (tilth Art. t\ B'*ay. OL. 5-n4» Cover Girl; a l to You Wer# Nerer Lovelier


(Frenth )

Colonial ,



Direc ted fcv E M A KAZAN *">> Uu HAGEN—Anthony QUINN

Atr-Cond. B A R B Y M O R E . W.47SI. Clr. C-OSOO Ev». (1.80 to 4.S0. M»t». W«d. iS»t . SI .20 to .1 60

Good Seats All Pcrfs. Now at B i x - O f d c c

"One of the most de l ight fu l p lays of t h e s e a s o n . " — A t k i n t o n . N - Y. Times

RUTH HUSSEY in a New Comedy by FAY KASIN

G O O D B Y E , MY FANCY V ^ with CONRAD NAOEL MARTIN BECK Th«i., 45 YV. of 8 Art. CI. 8-6363 Ev»».8:40. Mats. VVE0. t SAT.2:40. Air-Cond.

"BEST ICE SHcJw I'VE E V E R _ S E E N ! " — C h a p m a n , News

2 SHOWS TODAY-3:00 & 8:15 Sonja Henie & Arthur M. Wlrtx present

HOWDY, MR. ICE OF 1950! $1, $1.50, $2, $2.40 T

p:r SAT. EVES. #1 to K3 Plus T a x

Evei. (Ex. Mon.I 8:40; Surnliy 8:15. Mill Ordtri "• i t ••••>'. i. Sit. 2:40; Sunday at 3:00

CENTER Thd., Rotktftllcr Cmter. CO. 5-5474 A M E R I C A S ONLY ICE THEATRE




y MAX\VEI,t. ANDERSON SHU8ERT Th.VV.4tth St.Clr.6-5940. Air-Cond. Ev«l. $4.80to 1.20. Mlts. Thuri.oVSlt. $3.60 to 1.20


3:00 R:'«l

.20 $0.60 $4.20 $0.6

Tarkslde, 771


You're My E v e r > l h l n t : a l to Sand

T h t Great Gatsby; also Sl ight ly French ,Llfi tod Ltrn tf Tthilktnky; alia S«r i t i t l a Ballerina. . You'ra My RTerylhlng; a l to Sand Neptune's D a u g h t e r ; also Wl iard of Oi Cobra W o m a n ; a l to W h i t e Savage Mighty Joe Yonng; al to A W o m a n ' i Secret

P*i«*n; »1K> The Last Chanc«

Broadvat and Chauoedy F M T B U S H

Albemarle , »7J Flatbuik ArtoM . Astor, »27 Flttkuth Artnv* G r a n a d a , Church and Ntttrand Avtt, Kent , Centy Island Art. & Avtnv* rt Leader, Ctnty lllaad k HitVirk Avtt, Parkalde, 72* Flatkutk Art. .

Canty hlind Art. aid Avtnm K. Nl. 4.JU4 r a i M R J » l > 0 1 fl«

EAST f 1.41 nt 5)1 A v m a t D. Artnu* 0 •-< t, ii4 Bt . Mightr Jo* Yonngi al to A Woman's Secret Rflgbt, Uttea and CMirlk Artauea W« Were S l r a n t e r a ; al»a Walking Hll l i

FLATLANDI Odent in . «»•««« ftd. A CJJ lk *t Cobra W o m a n ; a l io Whi t* Ravage Traymora, ArtatH N and t. 4«t») $ t Whi te 8ava«-«t a l to Cobra Woman

OERRITTSKN BEACH G r a h a m , Otertttaoa aad Walttty Art*, Saicoi t ; i l>» F a n t a s i a

K I N G S HIGHWAY Jewel . K l e n Highway at 0 » « n PacWty Black N a r c l a m i : a l ia Lady I.urk Triangle , Kl»»i Hiihway a, t . I2tk S t You're My Everyth ing; also Sand

PARK RI-OPK Carlton. FUtbvth tad fttnath Artnutt,. . K»pt »f Sandi also Ca lami ty Jane and Sam Bass New Venus , 1224 Present Aw. The Big Steal; a l to T a r t a n ' i Magic Founta in r i m . FlitbiMh Art. tod Par* Plaet A m a i l n g Mr. X; a l io The Noose H a n g i High

SANDERS r;rr/«; a « s Rope of sand; ^ ?^B5fiasAVK

AVENtTF. P SECTION Arena* O, Aeiso* U tad E. Utk S t Neatane ' t . D a v g h l e r ; a l ia The Wliard. of Og

RtDOKWOOD RMrewood, IS'I Hrrtlt Areaua Tha Great G a u k y ; a l t* S l ight ly French Rivall , atyrttt »»d WlHaa Avt«»« Neos« H a n g t H l r h i ats» A m a i i n g Mr. X

S H E K P R H t A n BAT ' S h e e » s h * a 4 , Sk»e»ih«*d »;d..Ve«rklM The Or-rat Oaiaky; ata* Sl ight ly French

SOUTH BROOKLYN * m n > r * OU>»S ! * » » t aad $tk Art, Th* Great G a U h y t a l t * Sl ightly Frtnek.

> Al l.r T STKKAM. I. I . r>rlt-*-t»v BwarlH Highway. . . . Steas) Mr Lore ; a l to Tank a a MUllMt


"Poor Richards Corner" F a m o n s ( o r It* I n t j .

mat« Cocktail Lotin*e *TVh*>r» r r l e n i g Meal"

f»tnlng « ' « « ana Cocktail te-anra K « « OlrM at N*»«. (Alr-C«ntHH«nt<l)

IROOKLYM HEIGHTS Franklin Arms Hotel—66 Orange St.

2,SHOWS TODAY Sun. Thru $-4.20 *A.60 Sit. and $

Thuri. Ens . I " f Sun. Mats A MICHAEI, T O D D PRODUCTION

n n n n V P I A P W In The Musical D U D D I L L A I M V (orneclv S m a s h

^ S IE G I R L S GO BROADWAY Tnea.at538t.CI7-2*«7.NoMon Ern. Intl. Sun. J:50.Mat». S i t 4 : J 0 A S j n . i t JOO l



i Music A tyrics bv COLE PORTER I Book by SAM 4 BELLA SPEWACK

CENTURY. 7th Ave. A 59th St. Mill Ord^ri No» . .lir-Conr/.'Eri. S:TO. $6. 4.80., MO

Mall. Wed. A S i t 2:30: $3.60. 3. 2.40, 1.80, 1.20


L E N D AN E A R Alr-Cohrf. BROAOHURST. W.44St.r.lr.«.66««" EvtS. a l H:IK. M»ts . Wt .n . A SAT. at 2:4o

"A BIG. COLORFUL SHOW"—Mtcihouii, Sun

M I S S L I B E R T Y " * Lyrics * Music bv IRVING BERLIN Book by Dirccltd bv ROBERT E. SHERWOOD MOSS HART IMPERIAL Thettri. Weit 45th St. CO. 5-2412

'IWE^ R l G H - ^ - 7 — - ^ y t t > T t . - r 4 0 7 « « 4 n . WEO )I^AT/2-5g,-Alr-CtT.d

2 S H O W S T O D A Y 2;^ "A real birttlr. , /»HilirlO'i»."-C»ilf min.Mirrtf

KEN MURRAY'S B L A C K O U T S F.ves. Mon.-Frl . A Mats . Sat. A S u n . H . ' j n to »3.fift. Sat . A Sun. Eves. S t . 2 0 to MM Z l E G I L i n . .Mth M.A rtth.\>e ( I S-StOO

"tVillla'tt •"'I V«rv Funnv. ' -C.h i tmn. Mi»i


HENRY M I l t E R S Tkn. 4J St. E. i t B'aay t n t . at «:40. »l.20-$2 40 M»n. taura. A Stt.

i t JJ44, ll.20-H.B0. BR. ».•»/»

P U L i n t f t PRI7E A CRITICS' AWARD 1141

LEE J. COBB in DEATH OF A SALESMAN 4 »/«« riflv bi ARTHLR M i l l V B / A,e- \

reduction h i ' F . H A K \ 7 . \ N \c '• J aith Arthor KENNEDY-Mildred DUNNOCK MOR08CO.W.456t. £v«» A-30 »»<• w ' ^ < ?"'



HUOSON.W.44SI. Evt.«:40. MaH.WeLASat.




by T h o m a s Heggen and Joshua Logan William H A R R I G A N Murray HAMILTON ALVIN, W. 52 St. Erli. » 30. Mlts. We4. A Bit.


MARTIN P1NZA _ In The CnOct' Atcard Mut-.cnl Play

S O U T H P A C I F I C MAJESTIC. I t St. IV. of B w a y . AIR-COND. Ertt, « 75 Sharn. Mat». Wed. A Sit. 2:25 Sharg


MARTITA HUNT '" The MADWOMAN of Chaillot I0HN CARRA0INE—ESTELLE WINW000 ROYALt Thutre.W.ASSt. CI.»-57f0./tfr-Conrl Ertt. 14*0. 3 (-0. 300, 2.40. t.tO, 1.26. Mat! Wed. A Sit. $3.«0. J. 2.40, l.«0, I.J4. Tav Incl.


S:00 WCBS—Newt, WNBC—Prayon: Ntwt at «, WJZ—Old-fashlomd Rtrlval

Hour. WOR—"Bill Croihy S i n n . "

WMCA—Ntwt; "Musical Rt-tloetitni."

WMGM —Dart Ron Onh. WNYC— GumdrtB Playhojsi. WINS-rHilpini Hand Army. 15 WINS—Billy Blbli. WNBC—Your Radio Ri-

porter. WCBS—Fred Filhil at Con.

>ole. WhTGM—Al Goodman Orch.

S:30 WCBS —Thi Qardtn Gatt. WN8C—String Quarttt. WOR—Hers'l Hildy. WMCA—"MUlleland." WMGM—Blblt Hour. WINS—Niwt.

8:45 WCBS—Memo from Like Succin. . ._•'*'

WOR—"Going Places." WINS—Froat Pagt Orama.

t:J5 WNYC—Newa. 9:00 WCB8—World Ni»l .

WNBC—Ntwi Roundu*. WOR—Nowi, Hinnessy. WJZ—Sjnday Men's Fajo. WMCA—Niwi; "Rhythm

Miken." WMGM—Church ot Air. WNYC—Maiterwork Htur. WINS—The Chtun Ptoall.

9:15 WCBS—Organ Mulie. WNBC—Ti»« Ctmli Wiaklj

Mm. WOR—"Lin t Niw Lift-"" WINS—Hirt't ta Vttirans.

9:30 WJZ—Voletr|f PrcTahiey.' WMCA—"Orer My Shiyilder" WMGM- Miming Sorenadi. WOR—Radlt chanL WINS—Gueit 8tar.

9:45 WCBS—Chariot Whuli. WNBC—D. A H. Miners. WINS—Gucit Housi. WMGM—Helling Ministry ot

Chriktian Science 10:00 WCBS—Church if tht Air.

WNBC—Highlights of Bible. WJZ—Meitagi oi ttraiL WOR—NIWI Gladitont, WMGM —Blblt Clati. WMCA—News; Top Tune

Time. WINS— Niwt.

10:15 WOR—Git Mori Out if Lid.

WINS—Irory Towir. . 10:30 WNBC—Chlldrtn'i Hour.

WCBS—Church ot thi Air. WNYC—Opera Scenei. WJZ—Southtrntlres. WMGM —Bible Auditorium. WINS—Kay Lorraine Show.

(1:45 WOR—Your Hymml. ..-; WINS—Top Compo»er». 11:00 WCBS—Jackion. news.

WJZ—Victor Lindlihr. WOR—NIWI. Gladitont. WMCA—Newi: Top Turn

Time. WMGM— Chrlitlan Ritorca

Church. WINS—Al Goodnan.

11 r05 WCBS—Tht Niwimakin. j II :I5 WOR—Dnrithy and nielc.i

WJZ —Fine Arti Imrtit . WCBS—"World Attain Ri- ,

port." 11^9 WCBS—Cnolr «nd 0r«aa.

WNBC—NIWI. MiCarthy. WINS—Recordi. WJZ—Hour ot Filth. WMGM—Calrary Biptlil

Churth. WNYC—Youni Americas

Artlitl. I 11:43 WNBC—8olltilr Ttma

11:55 WNYC—NIWI.

3:15 WJZ—Bitty Clark Singi. 3:it» WNBC—Qui* Kids .

WJZ—Speaking ot Sings. WORr-Tom Mix Preview.

4 P.M. TO 7 P.M.

WJZ—Thiughti la P u s H e . WOR—Newt, Flanders.

11:25 WOR—Weather Reports. 11:30 WNBC—LeWlnter Oreh.

WCBS—Towno Orch. WOR—Waner Orch. WJZ—Weather Alport. WINS—Chu.-ch tf. God la

4:00 WNBC—UN Project—1949 chrlit. WJZ—Voices That Llvi. !l 1:35'WJZ—Nelghbir Or.

. WNYC—Chamber Muilc Time n:45 WCBS— Jeromi Orch. WOR—Housi at Myltery 111:55 WINS—NIWI.

4:30 WNBC—Voicii and Events.'2:00 WNBC— New.; Mr. Smith ShowT

WCBS—NIWI; Black Orch. WOR—Barry Gray Show. WJZ—NIWI: Muite Shop.

Cron' Operal WJZ—Milton Album.

WMCA—Musical Scoreboard. WMGM—Suorti Eitra. WINS—Riy Blorh. WNYC—Sonata Flecltal. WCBS—Sunday at thi Chile. WMCA—Grandstand A Band­

stand. WOR—"Martin Kant, Pri­

vate Eye." 4:45 WMGM—Fottball. 4:55 WNYC— m w i . 5:00 WCBS— Muilc for You.

WJZ—Family Clojeup. WINS—Andrt ILijtelamtr. WMCA—Newt: Grandstand A

Bandstand. WOR—The Shadow. WNYC—Newt Recordings. WNBC—Ridio City Play­

house. 5:30 WCBS—Symphonettt.

WMCA—News. WNBC—Harvest «' Stiri. WINS—Morton Gould. WJZ—"Grettest Story Evef

Told.""** WOR—Trui Detective Storlll.

5:45 WMCA—Call Cintlmntal. 5:55 WNYC—Newi. 6 * 0 WCBS— Family Hour tf

Stan. WMCA—News; Sunday

Salon. WINS—Xavier Cugat. WNBC--Catnolli Hour. WJZ—Drew Pearlon. WOR—Roy Rogeri Shew. WNYC—Folksong Festival.

6:15 WJZ—Gardiner. News.

6:30 WCBS—"Our Mist Brooks."

WNBC— Hollywood Calling. WINS—World Front. WJZ—Bun Adlams Play

room. WNYC—Song Classic!. WOR—Nick Cirtir.

«:4S WNYC—Wiathtr RiaxL 8:50 WNYC—Ntwi. 6:55 WNYC—World NIWI.

WMGM—Bea Kalmus Show. WINS—Music Orer Manhat.


12:30 WNBC—Brandon Orch. WCBS—Welk Oreh.

12:45 WCBS— W«lk Occh. 12:55 WNBC—Ntwt,


Feature* On Other Stations

W E V O -11 :30 A M. — Freedom H o U I i

. Presents Prldi and Prej­udice. "The Supreme Court and Free Speech." Morris

. S i n , Or. Leon M. Birk-head ' . .

a. .00—Irish Hour. 9:00—"Errind ot Mercy,"

Red Cross Drama. 9:30—Cirloca Corner

10:00—Proudly Wi Hall, 12:00—Symphonic Hour.

W N E W— 2:00—"Dlsi Jickey Jury." 7:45—"Powerhouse of . lh«

Air," Jimmy PoWeri. 9:00—Music You Want.

12:00—Milkman's <iitlr:.\ W U X R -

6:05—String Quartet. 8:05—Symphony Hall.

10:30—Music Under the Start II :07—World ot Music.


7 P.M. TO 10 P.M.

12 M. TO 4 P.M.

12:00 WCBS— Invltittoa ta Learning.

WNBC—Mr. Fisit. WJZ—Tht Fll/ijeritdt. WINS—8lnging Bittli

Royal. WOR—The Show Shop. WMCA—Niwt; King ot Seng. WNYC—Mlddiy Symphony.

12:15 WNBC—Melody Paradi. 12:30 WCBS—Pupli'l Plitloria.

WNBC—Hi Jinx. WJZ—Pltno Pltyhiui*. WOB—Niwt. ElUttL WMCA—Jem Cnwlord at

Organ. WMGM—Glid Tldingi

Tabernacle. 12:45 WOR—Bing Crosby Singi.

! i2:5J WNYC—Ntwt. 1:00 WNBC— "Hur Mi. My

Chiefs." WOR—Sidniy Walton WCBS—News, Colllngsnod WNYC—Musii With

Randolph. WJZ—"Foreign Reporter. WMCA—Newi; Lynn Mjrrty

Show. WMGM-Fouc-8tar Rivet.

1:15 WJZ—Dick Chet'ei. WOR—Blng Crosby Smg». WCBS— Elmt Roper.

1:30 WNBC—Sirlngi B n k i Quit Kldi.

WMCA—Songi by Cro«by A Sttffird.

WOR—Mlehiil O'Oufly.' WMGM—Jan But Singi. WCBS-Treasury Bir.dttand. WJZ—Natltnsl Vespert.

I :*S WMGM—Warm-up Timl. WNYC—Weither Report.

1-iO WNYC—l«'«l 4. Waeld Newi.

1:55 WINS—BisebilL 2.00 WCBS—The Choriliirt.

WOR—Orewi Tiyix Concert., WMCA—Niwt; Grindstind A,


1 Oarld'


7:00 WCBS—Jack Benny Show. WJZ—Think Fait. WOR—Advintures of thi

Falcon. WMCA —News: American

Panorama. WMGM—Today'! Baseball. WNYC—Masttcwork Hour. WINS—Blbli Hour.

.7:31 WCBS—Call the Police. '-.. WNBC—Harris-Faye. Show.

. WJZ—Music hy Ralph Nor­man.

WOR —"The Saint." WMCA—"WalU Timi." WMGM—Jarr at I's Best. WINS—Bellrrssi Churih.

7.45 WMCA—Rufus Smith Trio.

7:55 WOR—"Johnny Desmond." 8.00 WCBS—Yours Tryly,

Johnny Dollar. WNBC— Adventures of Sam

Spadt. WIZ—Stop tht Muite. WOR—A. L. Alexander"!

Medlattin Board. WMGM—Calvary Baptist

. Church. WMCA—Newt: Echoei of Big

Time. 8:ffl WCBS— "Lift With Luigl"

WNRC— Theater Guild on tht Air.

WNYC—Keyboard Misters. WOR —News. Elliott. WINS—Lutfieran ceagui.

. . . WMCA—Avi Maria Hour. 8:45 WMGM —Ntwt,

WOR —Robert S. Allm. 8:55 WNYC—Niwt, 9:00 WCBS—Mitt Corlln

Archer. WJZ—Walter Winchell. WOR—Sylrin Lerln'i Open

Concert. WNYC—If! Your Lift. WMCA—Ntwi; Rust Morgin

Show. WMGM—Old-fishUmd Ri-

1 viral Hour. WINS—Qoiptl Tabernicli.

9:15 WJZ—Lnuilli Pirsont. WMCA — Michael Young.

9:30 WCB8—Horl-.t Heidt Show WNBC—Amerlem Album, ot

Familiar Music. WJZ—Chance of a Kfetlmi. WNYC—Chieigo Round Table WOR—Shillah Graham. WMCA-Or. Donald Gny

Birnhouit. 9:45 WOR—Twin Vlewt ot N'«t 9:55 WNYC—News; Sign Otf

10 P.M. TO I A.M.

10:00 WCBS—Drisi Paradt. WNBC— Taki It ee t.ttri It WJZ—Jimmy Fidler. WMGM—Word ot Lift Hour. WOR—Dimon Runyan This,

ter. WMCA—Niwi; Dinah .ahort WINS— Missigi te IsraeL

10:15 WINS—pratk and Erniet. WJZ—T?d Maloni.

10:30 WNBC—Kay Armm 8ho» WJZ—-Tforfff—HthmKirr.- — T0:JrW.NYC=rNrwi7— WCBS—Long Oreh. WMCA-Net t . WOR—"Heartbeat la tht;

Ntws." WMGM—Sport! Final.

7:00 WCBS—Jack Sterling. WJZ—News, Girdlnir. WOR—NIWI Elliott. WNBC—Newi, Klttell. WMGM—Early In Morning. WMCA—Newi; "Great Day.' WNYC—Sunrlti Svmthtny. WINS—Newi. Goddard.

7:03 WNBC—Bob Smith Ihov. 7:10 WIZ—Weitner Report. 7:15 WOR—Mutllal Clock.

WINS—Art Scanltn She*. WJZ—Klernan'i Korner.

7:25 WMGM—News. 7:30 WMGM —Early In Morning

WMCA—News; Great ' Day. WNBC—NIWI, MiCirthy

7:45 WCBS—Early Morning News.

WNBC—Bob Smith Show. WNYC—Wiather; Newt. WMCA—Unity Viewpoint.

J 7:35 WNYC—World Niwt. . WJZ—NIWI. ' WMGM —Newi.

8:00 WCBS—NIWI Riundua, i . WNBC—Kittell. Newt

WMGM—Tops In Popi. WIZ—Agronsky. niwi. WOR—Niwi, Reblnms. W M C A - N t w i ; "Aatlaije

Record Shop" WNYC—Around Niw Ytfk.

8:05 WNBC—Bob taslth t h * * 8:13 WCB8—Phil C«»k Bh»».

WJZ—Tht Fltigtrtldt, WOR—Dtrethy tdd Olilt, WINS—Newi. Goddard.

8:30 WCBS—Margirlt Arliis. WNBC—HI-Jinx. WMGM-Ncws; Dili Oillghti WINS—Morning Matlntl.

8:45 WNYC—City Food Guide. WMGM —Virai VarKtt.i

8:50 WNYC— Listen toNutr l . lion.

8:55 WNYC—Newt. WJZ—Gemt for Thought. WMGM—Witther Rtp„rt.

9.00 WCBS—Thil It Niw York WOR—NIWI, Henniisy. WNBC—Riberts, niwt. WMCA—Niws; Guy lira-

bardo Orch. WIZ—Breakfast Ctua." WMGM— Carlta« Fredirlika, WNYC—attittrweek Hiur

9:15 WNBC—Norman Brtktn-shirt.

WINS—Arl Scantan Show. WMCA—Mr. and Mrl. Muili. WOR—"Meet thi Mmjous."

9:30 WOR—"Thi MeCann'i at Homi."

WINS—Thru Ctrntr Cluts. WMGM —Fun it Brnkfai t

9:45 WCBS—Mlisui Goes A-Shoppln'.

WNBC—Imldt tht Doctor'i Office.

10:00 WNBC—Wilcomt Trarilen WIZ—My Trui 8ttry. WOR—Gltdstont, newi. WINS—Charlit Starkt't Ma-

il l Shoppt. WCBS—Thii li Blng Crosby. WMGM—Ted Huslng'i Bind-

stand. WMCA-Nlwi : Mr. A Mrs.

Muiie, 10:13 WCBS—Arthur Godfriy

Time. WOR—Mirtht Ount.

10:30 WJZ—Bitty Cretker. WNYC—Vuiii From Lindm. WNBC— Marrltgt fte Twe,

10:45 WJZ—Resa Rle. WNBC—Thmki fee T | .

morrew. WNYC-Kiys tt Wise Buy­


"A Smash Hit! " - ^ u ? : ; , "Out Of TTm World!"•«'»$*


"Aorllertry ta f faseea anet hoseletl . . . I suggest son t o . " — C h a p m a n , Neitt

U i r \ l / t " C T ' 'tVsson'a "trnsatlAn" lYIAr. W M I IN PHRSON at D I A M O N D L I L r^ ** Afr-Corirf. PLYMOUTH, 4$ St. W. tf ft'teiy PROMPT ATTENTION TO MAIL OROEftS. r.t . }4.80, 3 "ft. 3, 2.48 A t 80. Miti. Wed. A Sat, t'.sri, %. 2 *o. 1 10 A 1.20, Tax lait.


W H E R E ' S C H A R L E Y ? bv 6C0RGC ABBOTT A FRANK LOOSER Afr-Corto*. »T. JAME8, W.44th W. LAe.4-4*84 Mort. thra Sat . F.vga. at 8:90: 11 .80 , t . 40 . 1.00, A . 8 0 , 4 ? 0 . 4.80. ei.OO. M a t s . We* . A flat. at 5:30: 8 I .40 , 1.80, «.4f>, S.'8.80. T a t Inrl.

MAIL ORDF.RS PROMPTLY F n H C O Pleat* *n«l»H itimpid ielf-tddriii»d tnvileei

WINS— tetdlirl ter Christ. WJZ-.This Week Areund t b i : „ . 4 $ W J 2 _ 0 w „ t . Mt\tVy,

WOR—Unsolved Mystims. WMGM —Funt Orth. WMCA-T Oerny Orch.

II W WCB8— Brytn. newi. WNBC—Niws. Trent. WIZ—Ore-. Purten. W O R - N I W S , Eltiett. WMGM —Nevvei) Theater. WMCA-Ntwtj "Night

Watfh " WINS—fltthn Oisael Tiber.




P i » - »

World. WNYC—BrieVlyn

Cenrert W N B C - N 8 C Unir WMGM—Bisrball

7 Jt WMCA—Batetratt 1 W WCBS—Rynerpation

C IZ—Mr Prntdint, OR —Ni*>. Htnneiiy.

2:4S WOR—Otvtd SntIL 8.-0* WCB8— Symphony Oreh.

WOR—Treasury .Virlttiei. WNYC—Chorll Misterpleert

WNBC— Orsitn tee Llitea. 11:10 WCBS—Collingwood, niwi in* 11:13 WCBS— U. H, In Aitlon.

WJZ—Weed, News. WNBO-Utlty, t\ti>


11:00 WNBC—Wt Lore A Learn. WJZ—"Mestera Rtmtneti. • WMCA-Niwi ; Mr. A Mn.

Mutll. WNYC—Mutli America L*vi»

- WOR—Rtbinteh, niws. II :lS WNBC—Dr. Paul.

WOR—"Ttlle-Teit." WNBC—J»ek Birth these, WJZ—Paik a Dale. WOR—Against '"-• Itteas.

tl:4S WCBS—Rettmary. WNBC— Lera 1 . . - -WMCA-Ceil l Briwa.

11:55 WNYC—Niwt. • JrfM WCBh—Warria. aisrt.

WNBC—McCarthy, ntwi. W J Z - H e u u Perly. WMGM—Combs, ntwt. WOR—Kttt Bmlth Sptike. WMCA-Nisri : Music Bin. WNYC—Midday Syaphtny. WINS— Niws. deddtrd




1A%8 Broadsray. N. V. C. Jtnltr ) . ' ! CI. &-»>5"S>

I n t e n l e w t Mots, to Ffl . , 4-8 P.M.


If Yon Are 28 or Over VUKth*

CLUB 28 At tht Betrdwtlk A Oteaa PartttrtY, B'ltya D i n e * Every FrU, Sa l . It SSJB. Etts. Whert Hie* Peo#r* Oinri t» Csntervatlv* M»«n **d Mtk* Friaadt. 0»**>Ale Ter-rtct f*«lts| th* Of*«». N* U%«t. Fet* Cheekta*. 8MT"»rl»at«a Lift* t* Oieaa Parkway.

T*l.t t t . J.4IM .

Tiomkin Scores Dimitri Tiomkin has boon

signed by Hafry M. l'opkin to write the MOIO and direct the music for "I'oad.on Arrival." iho I'", d m o nd O'iuicnl'aniol.t jhltton co-starring vehicle for United Artists release.


632 Fulton St., Bat,* KJF ft-2740 l i s * » » l»T»«»^e *>' '• *"• v *• T W

TELEVISION WCBS-TV, Chonnel 2 WNBT, Chonntl 4 WABD, Channel 5 rVJZ-TV, Channel 7 VVPIX, Channel 11 WATV, Channel 13

10:15 a.JiL WNBT—Yesterday's NewsreeL

10:30 WNBT—Children's Hour, Ed Herlihy, M. C.

11:30 WNBT—The Magic Clown. 11:45 WNBT—Yesterday's News-

reel. 1:30 p.m. WPIX—Music. 1:45 WCBS—Music, Program, Pre ­

view, Weather Report. WPIX—Polo Grounds Pre­

view. 1:55 WJZ—Professional Football,

Giants vs. Pittsburgh Steelers.

2:00 WCBS—Baseball, Dodger* vs. Phillies, Red Barber, Connie Desmond, Ernie Harwell.

WPIX—Sport of Call, Guy LeBow.

2:15 WATV—Music and Preview ATUTOuncements.

WPIX—Sports Album, BUI Slater.

2:20 WPIX—Baseball. Giants vs. Boston Braves, Russ Hodges, Al Heifer.

2:30 WATV—Feature Film. 3:40 WATV—Film Serial, "Mys­

tery Mountain," Chapter 5 4:00 WATV—Western Feature

Film. . 5:00 WATV—Junior Frolics.

WJZ—Super Circus. WPIX—Mr. Magic. WNBT—Hopalong Cassidy

Feature Film. WATV—Marie Moser S ta r ­

lets. WABD—Telenews Weekly. WCBS—Music, Program Pre­

view, Weather Report.. 6:00 WATV—Feature Film.

WJZ—Ireene Wicker. WCBS—The Chuck Wagon

With Deputy Sheriff Texas Jeff Bryant.

WPIX—Television Chapel Conducted by the Rev. Joseph Sheehan.

WABD—Western Film, "Everyman's Law," With Johnny Mack Brown.

6:x30 WNBT—Say I t With Acting. WPIX—News of the Hour. WJZ—Action Autographs,

Ed Prentiss, M. C. 6:40• WABD—Film Serial. "Blake

of Scotland Yard." . WPIX—Song. Parade.

6:45 WJZ—Sing-Copation. •7:00 WABD—Ted Mack and the

Original Amateur Hour. WATV—Western Feature

Film. WJZ—Stained Glas*

Windows. WCBS—Film Featurette. WNBT—Salute to Crosley

Stations. 7:15 WPIX—Telepix. 7:20 WPIX—Jimmy Powers. 7:30 WPIX—Feature Film, "The

Last Mile," With Preston Foster and George E. Stine.

WCBS—Mr. I. Magination. WNBT—Film. "Broadway

Limited," With Walter • O'Keefe. WJZ—Penthouse Players, "A

Daring Fiction," With Fiorina Series, Patricia Dunlap and Others.

WCBS—Ruthie on the Tele-' phone.

WCBS—Toast, of the Town, EdJ Sullivan, M. C ; Victor Borge, Billy. Vine, George Kirby, Guests.

15 ,30

40 45

WJZ—Think Fast, Dr. Mason Gross, M. C.

WATV—Feature^ Film. WABD—Chicagoland Mystery

Players, "Criss-Cross." 8:30 WNBT—Leave It to the

Girls, Allen Preseott, Guest.

WABD—Cinema Varieties. WJZ—The Little Review,

Variety Show. 9:00 WTNBT—Playhouse. ' T h e

Lonely," With William Prince and Kim Hunter. ~

WJZ—Library of Documen­tary Films.

WABD—Cross Question. WCBS—Fred Waring Show. WPIX—Voice of the People,

Lowell Limpus, Moderator, 9:30 WJZ—Music Room, Conrad

Thibault, M. C. 10:00 WCBS—The Week in

Review. WNBT—Garroway a t Large. WJZ—Celebrity Time, Basil

Rathbone, Vlcki Cum-mings. Guests.

WPIX—"What's Your Prob­lem?" John J. Anthony.

10:35 WPIX—News of the Hour.

MOVIE TIME TABLE a Male War Brltte," 10:35; " T u s c o n , " 13:20,


1:30, 4:30, 7:35 3:25, 6:25, 9:25.

F O X — " W h i t e H e a l . " 1:31. 4:37. 1:43, 1 0 : M : " K a s a n , " 12:18, 3 :31 . 8:37, 9:«3 .

METROPOLITAN—"In the Good 0 1 * S u m m e r t i m e , " 1:82. 1:27, 7:22. 10:17; • T o s t Office Inves t iga tor ," 12:27, 3:22 , 6:17, 9:12.

P R A M O U N T — " T h e Crooked W a y . " 1:40. 4:49, 8:02. 11:15: "Siren of At lant i s ," 12:25 . 3:30, t i : t3 , 9:5ti.

S T R A N D — " T h e Big Cat ." 1:12. 4:6.4, 7:19, 10:44) "Rrd Stal l ion In the R«ck les ," 12, 3 :12 . f,:24, 9:19,

MANHATTAN ASTOR—"Los t B o u n d a r i e s " 12:18, 2:18 .

4:18, 6 :18 . 8 :18 , 10:18. 12:18. OAPITOL— "That Midnight K i s s , " 42,

2 :43 , 5:28, 8:13, 11:11; s tage , 1:41, 4:26, 7:11, 10:01.

C R I T E R I O N — " S w o r d In the Deser t ," 12, 1:60, 8:45, 5:40, 7:35, 9:25. 11:20. 1:15.

GLOBE—"Once More, My Dar l ing ." 12, 1:50. 3:58. 5:57, 7:18. 9:39. 11:30. 1:23.

M A Y F A I R — " T h e F ight ing K e n t u c k i a n . " 12:32. 2:39, 4:10 , 6 : 5 3 , - 9 , 11:07, 1:14.

MVSIC HALL—VUnder Capricorn ," 12:57. 3:58, 6:57, 9:58) j>lage. 12, 2:54, 5:55, 9:05.

PAUAMOl 'NT—"Ton () ' T h e Morn ing ." 12:17, 3:Ol. 5 :51 . X:41, -11:31; s tage .

2:08 , 4:55, 7:15. 10:32. RIVOLI—"Come to the Stab le ," 12

3:54, 5 :53 , 7:52, 9:51, 11:10. ROXY—"Thtbves ' Hlghsvay." 12.

5:30. 8:25, 11:15) s tage , 1:30, 7:20. 10:15.

S T R A N D — " W h i t e Heat ." 42 , 2:44, 8:20, 11:08, 1:02; s tage , 2:06. 7:42. 10:3,0.

V I C T O R I A — " T h e W i n d o w . " 12 . 1:42,


2:30, 4:15,

5:32, 4:54 ,

3:25. 5:08, 0:51, 8 :31 , 10:17. 11:42.



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Th« ruthlet* ro<k«t4»«r clwoyt got whol h« wonted. Would tha tim« ev«r come when he got whot he deserved?

THEATRE GUILD IS AIR New time, new station




j j j ) » » t » t i « « i » » * # 4 ) » t t * « » « * » » * « « « * i n » /

| BROOKLYN EAGLE \ : ON j W N B C : Moke a note to tune : : in "Metropolitan News • Roundup"—every Mon- \ X day through Friday of—*--: 12:05 P.M. V

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