old age home-site

8/19/2019 Old Age Home-site http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/old-age-home-site 1/7 Old Age Home, Khulna Why is an Old Age Home needed in Khulna? Bangladesh has a long tradition of looking after the elderly by offspring or family. But rapid socio- economic transformations, changing social values have broken down the traditional extended family system. Many elderly people now stay in old age homes, mainly based in Dhaka, run by non-government organizations or as a charity. But there are no such institutions in hulna. Target Group: !eople who lives in these old homes are from better off families, "#$ male and %&$ female. '($ of men and &'$ of women were retired mid and high level officials. )easons for coming to elderly home were problems with kin *'&$+ or with children *$+, children living in abroad *%$+, no one to take care of them at home *'#$+, burden on the family *"$+, properties occupied by others *#$+. hildren or relatives visit them *(#$+. Objectives: - /o provide mutual and co-housing model - /o create old homes in lifetime neighborhoods0 sustainable places with easy access to shops and parks. -In suburban locations, housing for elderly will be built in their lifetime neighborhoods, by invigorating failing shopping centers/ other function (such as industry/ colonies etc) -1utdated and underutilized existing building in central locations will be turned into spacious housing for elderly

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Old Age Home, Khulna

Why is an Old Age Home needed in Khulna?

Bangladesh has a long tradition of looking after the elderly by offspring or family. But rapid socio-

economic transformations, changing social values have broken down the traditional extended family

system. Many elderly people now stay in old age homes, mainly based in Dhaka, run by non-government

organizations or as a charity. But there are no such institutions in hulna.

Target Group:

!eople who lives in these old homes are from better off families, "#$ male and %&$ female. '($ of men

and &'$ of women were retired mid and high level officials. )easons for coming to elderly home were

problems with kin *'&$+ or with children *$+, children living in abroad *%$+, no one to take care of them

at home *'#$+, burden on the family *"$+, properties occupied by others *#$+. hildren or relatives

visit them *(#$+.


- /o provide mutual and co-housing model

- /o create old homes in lifetime neighborhoods0 sustainable places with easy access to shops and parks.

-In suburban locations, housing for elderly will be built in their lifetime

neighborhoods, by invigorating failing shopping centers/ other function (such as

industry/ colonies etc)

-1utdated and underutilized existing building in central locations will be turned into spacious housing for


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 The site is situated at Khalishpur in Khulna city. It refers to the area which is about

si !ilometers away from "#$ and beside the #I$" road. The area is located in the

south-east part of the Khulna city. This area was established in %&'s and located in

ward no %% of Khulna city corporation. isting facilities around the study site In the

radius of '-* meter a big ba+ar named "hitraly #a+ar, four schools on which

three of them named as eoples primary school, ower house primary school,

"rescent primary school on the north and latinum primary school on the east andon the southern part oabati a+i soriotulla rimary school is found. Two (0) #us

stand and one (%) baby tai stand is also found here. #eside the ancient mill

colonies, a planned residential area is developed there.

1ost of the people in this area wor! at di2erent industrial sector. Industry was the

!ey employment sector in this area, but in recent years industrial sector faces

various challenges due to improper management. Thats why many industries are

closed here. eoples of this area search other option for their employment.

#angladesh government ta!es some initiatives to revitali+e of this sector. 3 proper

revitali+ation program can change the economy of the whole country signi4cantly.

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5ig6 eighboring 3rea

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building and ten semi pucca building There are two mos7ues, two eidgah and a

madrasah. 8ne playground is situated in mid position of the site. This site is totally

residential area and has ten grocery shops. There is a club where they organi+e

small program.

$isual %denti&#ation:

5igure6 icture ta!en from above (9oogle earth)

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5igure6 #uildings in dilapidated condition

5igure6 3bandoned #uildings

5igure6 Illegal slums and narrow corridors