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  • 7/29/2019 Ol Bc Profile Doc


    Oak Lake Berean Church PROFILE Page 1

    Praying, Fellowshipping, Bible Study, Corporate worship, witnessing to the lost, helping the needy these

    are all things that churches should be doing.but WHY do we do what we do?

    We see the mission statement as a declaration of our core purpose. Mission defines your purposethe

    purpose for which you were founded and why you exist.

    We believe this statement serves as a guide for day-to-day operations and as the foundation for future

    decision-making. This statement dictates the ministry's direction, formulates the ministry's function;

    Focuses the ministry's future; provides a guideline for decision making; inspires ministry unity; shapes the

    strategy; enhances ministry effectiveness; facilitates evaluation.

    A vision statement is a declaration of where we are headed as we seek to fulfill our mission.

    We want our vision to coincide with Jesus command. Any vision that does not conform to His vision for

    the church is inadequate.

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    Oak Lake Berean Church PROFILE Page 2


    Oak Lake Berean Church is part of a Christ-centered, grace-oriented fellowship of churches committed to the

    following doctrines:

    1. BIBLEWe believe the Bible, consisting of both the Old and New Testament Scriptures in their entirety, is the only

    divinely inspired, inerrant, objectively true, and authoritative written Word of God, and the only infallible rule of

    faith and practice. The divine inspiration of Scripture extends to each word of the original manuscripts but not

    to the various copies or translations of Scripture. The Bible should be interpreted literally, grammatically,

    contextually, and historically. Gen. 1-3; Deut. 29:29; John 10:35; 2 Tim. 3:15-17; 2 Pet. 1:21; 1 Cor. 2:13.

    2. GODWe believe in only one God, the Creator, who is infinite, personal, eternally existing in three persons, and who is

    revealed to us in Scripture as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Gen. 1:1; Deut. 6:4; Isa. 43:10; 44:6; 45:22; Matt.

    28:19; John 4:24; 5:26; Col. 1:16-19; 1 Cor. 8:4.


    We believe that Jesus Christ is God the son who has neither beginning nor ending. He was conceived in the flesh

    by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and is fully God and fully man. Jesus died for our sins, was buried

    and arose bodily on the third day. He ascended into heaven and is now seated at the right hand of God the

    Father as our only mediator, high priest, and advocate. Matt. 1:23-25; John 1:1; 14:3; Acts 4:12; 1 Cor. 15:3, 4,

    20; Phil. 2:5-11; 1 Tim. 2:5-6; Heb. 4:14-16; 1 Pet. 2:22.


    We believe the Holy Spirit is God, the third person of the Trinity. He is a person, not a force. The Holy Spirits

    ministries include convicting all people of sin; calling, regenerating, indwelling and baptizing believers into the

    Body of Christ; setting them apart to a holy life; and teaching, keeping and empowering them day by day. The

    Holy Spirit distributes spiritual gifts to each believer according to His will. God in His sovereignty still works in

    miraculous ways. However, we understand that sign gifts have served their purpose and should not be

    expected in the church today. John 3:5-8; Acts 1:8; 5:3-4; 16:7-14; 1 Cor. 2:9-12; 3:16; 12:3-13, 28-31; 13:8-11;

    Gal. 5:16-25; Eph. 1:13-14; 5:18; Heb. 2:3-4.

    5. HUMAN RACEWe believe that both man and woman were created in the image of God to enjoy a personal relationship with

    Him. As a result of deliberate disobedience, they fell from their sinless state and they and all their descendants

    became sinners. Consequently, they cannot save themselves and apart from the grace of God in Jesus Christ;

    they are condemned to a place of eternal torment. Gen. 1:26-27; 2:7; Matt. 5:20-48; John 3:16-18, 36; Rom. 2:6-

    16; 5:12-21; 6:23; 2 Thess. 1:6-9; Rev. 20:13-15.

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    We believe we are saved solely by the grace of God through faith in Christ alone. This salvation was purchased

    by the substitutionary death and shed blood of Jesus Christ for the sins of every person, and is offered to

    everyone as a free gift. The person who has trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ, as Savior is eternally secure, and

    can enjoy the assurance of salvation. We believe that at death believers enter eternal glory and that

    unbelievers enter eternal torment. Acts 16:31; 20:20-21; Rom. 3:28; 10:9; 1 Cor. 15:3-4; John 1:12; 3:16; 10:28;

    Eph. 2:8-9; Phil. 1:6.


    We believe that every believer has been sanctified, set apart with a perfect standing before God. As believersyield themselves to the Holy Spirit, they will experience spiritual growth in holiness, but they will not experience

    perfection in conduct. Future rewards are determined by a believers obedience to the Lord. Heb. 10:10; Phil.

    3:12; Rom. 6:13-19; 1 Cor. 3:8.

    8. CHURCH

    We believe that Christ is the Head of the Church, which is His body. All who have trusted in Him as Savior are

    members of this Body. Christians should commit themselves to worship, instruction, fellowship, stewardship,

    and service in a local church. The church is responsible to represent Jesus Christ in the world through godly

    living and evangelism. All believers are commanded to participate in two church ordinances, believers' baptism

    by immersion, and the Lord's Supper. Matt. 26:26-29; 28:18-20; Acts 2:42; 1 Cor. 12:13; Eph. 1:22, 23; 2:19-22;

    3:6-10; 4:11-13; 5:23-27; 1 Thess. 2:14; Heb. 10:25; 1 Pet. 2:9-10; 1 John 4:17.

    9. SATANWe believe that Satan was created an angelic being. He became the author of sin, our adversary, and accuser,

    and the great deceiver of the nations. He will finally be overcome by the Lord Jesus Christ and suffer eternal

    punishment in the lake of fire. Gen. 3:1; Job 1:6-12; Matt. 4:3-11; John 8:44; 2 Cor. 4:4; 1 John 3:8; 5:19; Rev.

    12:9- 10; 20:10.


    We believe, on a day known only by God the Father, Jesus will rapture His church to deliver it from the

    judgments that God will pour upon the earth. After this terrible period, the Lord Jesus Christ will return in glory

    to establish His Millennial Kingdom on the earth. This will be followed by the final judgment of the wicked in the

    lake of fire and eternal bliss for God's children in a new heaven and a new earth. John 14:3; Acts 1:7, 11; Rom.

    8:1; 1 Cor. 15:20, 23; 2 Cor. 5:10; Phil. 1:23; 1 Thess. 4:16-17; Rev. 11:15; 19:11-21:5.

    The problem most churches face is not that they dont anything;

    they do plenty.

    The problem is that they often dont do the right things. What ARE

    the right things?

    We believe that proper church health is possible only when we

    conform to Gods idea of what the Church IS and what the Church


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    Oak Lake Berean Church PROFILE Page 4

    What the Church IS

    What the Church is TO DO

    One Purpose: Glorify God !

    The great purpose of the church is to be to the praise of Gods glory and grace (Eph. 1:6, 12).

    What does it mean for us to glorify God? We cannot add to His glory, for He is already perfectly

    and infinitely glorious. Rather, for us to glorify God means for us to ascribe to Him the worthiness

    due His name. When we give God glory we essentially are saying: He gets the credit. He is the

    only One worthy to receive credit. Everything we do, we do it so He gets the glory.

    How does the Church Glorify God ?

    God has established certain objectives in order for the church to bring glory to Him.

    The Church glorifies God by intensely pursuing His objectives for the church.

    But we must know what they are and be committed to carrying them out.

    So, what are they? God calls the church to Exalt Him, Edify the Body, and Evangelize the lost. To

    fulfill these God-given objectives, the church must follow the mandate of our Lord.

    There is ONE MANDATE: Make disciples !

    All other commands (go, teach, win the lost, baptize, feed the hungry, etc.) are subordinate to

    Jesus main command: Make Disciples ! What kind? His command is expanded in 2 Tim. 2:2,and Eph. 4:11-16.

    Discipleship is the process in which a believer in Christ is becoming more like Christ increasing in

    the knowledge of Christ and able to minister to others who will be able to do the same thing. The

    process of discipleship involves a relationship where a spiritually minded person uses the Word

    of God to teach reprove, correct and train a learner in Christ in order that he/she becomes

    increasingly more like Christ.

    Our churchs Mission and Vision Statements are stated to reflect the 3-fold purpose of the

    Church, and the mandate of our Lord.

    (How do we intend to carry out our mission?)

    Rather than creating a to do list of programs or activities based on popular opinion, we must clearly

    understand what Exaltation, Edification, and Evangelism is! (Appendices I, II, III). Based the Biblical

    principles outlined in these documents, we have stated our objectives and goals from which we desire all

    programs to flow.

    While there is no technical definition in the scriptures,

    we can come to somewhat of a definition based on

    the Biblical word, and the Biblical pictures.

    (See Appendix I, pg. 1, 2 for detailed statement)

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    Oak Lake Berean Church PROFILE Page 5

    Strategic planning involves defining a mission, establishing goals and objectives in support of that mission,

    and developing strategies to attain established goals and objectives.

    We believe that setting our hearts and minds on God is the beginning of the strategic planning process.Without question, it is God's plan we want, not our own. Proverbs 19:21 says, "Many are the plans in a

    man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."

    Yet God obviously expects us to plan. He makes it clear that we are not to trust our own plans and

    strategies and ignore the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is only after we seek the heart of God and His

    direction that we can establish plans that are pleasing to Him and plans that will succeed. But, we can

    only understand His heart as we determine to follow the principles in His Word related to His design for

    the Church.

    One of the questions many churches wrestle with is, Should a church try to plan future direction? James

    4:14 says, Yet you do not know what your l ife will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears fora little while and then vanishes away. So why plan? The next verse goes on to say, Instead, you ought to

    say, If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that. The real issue is not whether we should plan; it

    is whether we will put Gods will first in our planning, always deferring to His wisdom and sovereignty.

    We want Gods will above everything else. Were not just asking Him to bless whatever plan we devise

    we want His wisdom. We want to move by His direction and in His timing. A good planning process keeps

    us humble and constantly returns us to God for His perspective. While planning, we continually ask, Lord,

    what is your direction in this area?

    Strategic planning involves the following:

    Step 1: Our Purpose: Why do we exist?

    Step 2: Mission: Where our ministry going. (To exalt Godedify the body evangelize the lost)

    Step 3: Values: Our core values that drive our ministrywhy do we do what we do? What is important to us?

    Step 4: Vision: Our ministrys future direction. (To make disciplemakers .)

    Step 5: Strategy: How we will fulfill our mission and vision

    a. Where we are: Ministry Evaluation and Diagnosis

    b. Where we want to go: Objectives based on Biblical Principles and Core values

    c. How we want to get there: Goals and Implementation

    Step 6: Our One Year Goals What now?

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    We believe that how we accomplish our purpose is as important as the purpose itself. So, we focus on these core values as

    essential to ministry. Core values are standards that greatly influence our attitude and character. They are deeply etched into

    our lives. But these core values must be based on Biblical principles, Gods design for a healthy church. At Oak Lake Berean

    Church we aspire by Gods grace to accomplish His mission for us, driven by certain treasured values:

    The glory of God

    Whatever we do and why we do what we do has to do with Gods glory. Its not about us its about bringing great

    glory to Him who is worthy of our praise and service.

    Clear vision

    More than anything else, we want to do what God want us to do. Our agenda and decisions are shaped by seeking

    and discovering Gods will collectively, not by convenience, tradition, or personal preference.


    We value the importance of humble, dependence upon God expressed through prayer. Apart from the power of Jesus

    Christ working in and through us we can accomplish nothing of lasting spiritual value that magnifies Gods glorious

    grace (John 15:5).

    Centrality of the Word of God

    We value the truth of God revealed through His written Word. Therefore we will carefully study, boldly proclaim and

    patiently teach whatever Gods Word says. God has sovereignly ordained the preaching of His inspired word in the

    power of the Holy Spirit as a primary means of grace whereby His church may grow and flourish toward spiritualmaturity. Therefore we will give ourselves humbly to the hearing of the exposition of the whole counsel of God. The

    goal of such preaching is to communicate the clear meaning of texts, their harmony with the rest of Scripture, and

    their relevant application to every facet of our lives. (II Tim. 3:16-4:4).

    God-centered, Celebrative and Relevant Worship

    We value God-centered worship, and will joyfully celebrate who God is and what He does through vibrant worship.

    We value a worship style that is biblically-based, sensitive to the body, relevant to the people we want to reach and

    done to the best of the participants ability. Consequently we strive to exalt Jesus Christ corporately in ways which

    engage both the heart and the mind spirit and truth (John 4:24).

    Reaching Spiritually Lost people

    In the context of pursuing God, our comfort shall be surrendered to the urgent task of seeking the lost and inviting

    them to accept salvation in Jesus Christ. We will consider each aspect of our individual and corporate church life with

    the unbeliever in mind, and seek to maintain a global vision, reaching the lost both near and in other cultures.

    Empowering people as ministers

    Every believer is spiritually gifted by Gods Spirit. This means we will recognize gift-based ministry and leadership

    styles that facilitate, mentor and equip rather than dictate. Therefore we will purposefully equip all the saints to

    exercise their spiritual gift(s) (Ephesians 4:11-16).


    We value servant-minded shepherding among the people. For Gods people to thrive, He has prescribed the

    shepherding ministry of a plurality of elders, accountable to Christ the Chief Shepherd, who exercise authority for the

    building up of His church. We desire to faithfully pray for, train up, and set apart godly men whose maturity, example,

    gifts, and calling mark them as Gods appointed servants for the care of His precious sheep. (I Peter 5:1-4; II

    Corinthians 10:8)

    Multiplication-designed discipleship of the believerGod intends for believers to undergo a life-long process of transformation which aims for being conformed to the

    image of Jesus Christ. Part of that process involves investing our lives spiritually in others that they in turn might do

    the same and so on and so on. Therefore we will intentionally develop means and methods whereby all who profess

    to follow the Lord can progress from spiritual birth to spiritual maturity that reproduces itself in future generations of

    believers (Romans 8:29; II Timothy 2:2).

    Grace-oriented community throughout the fellowship

    Love for one another characterized by biblical peacemaking and merciful burden-bearing uniquely designates a people

    as devoted followers of Jesus Christ and keeps them connected to one another for vital ministry.

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    Oak Lake Berean Church PROFILE Page 7

    In order to live out these core values, we have stated our objectives and goals,

    based on Biblical principles outlined in Appendices I, II, and III.

    Objectives are Broad statement of intent (what we want to accomplish) based on Biblical principles of Exaltation, Edification, andEvangelism. Goals are narrow statements of intent to carry out Objectives (specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and

    time-specific). (Note: the goals listed below do NOT have dates at this point)

    Biblical Principles Objectives Goals

    Biblical Basis for objectives and


    Broad statement of intent(what we want to accomplish)

    A Narrow statement of intent to

    carry out Objectives

    Worship is both quiet stillness before

    God as well as joyful celebration

    focused on the character and works

    of God.(spirit and truth -John 4:24)

    To facilitate God-centered vibrant worship,

    joyfully celebrating and magnifying His character

    and works in ways which engage both the heart

    and the mind.

    #1 Conduct a monthly worshipplanning team meeting at the church at

    which time the work is reviewed, ideas

    and observations are shared and

    accountability is strengthened,


    The redemption story is linked to

    proper worship, and

    only believers can truly worship.

    To observe the Lords Supper as a public act of

    worship, designed to promote soul-searching,

    evaluation, and reflection on the Savior and what

    He means to our life.

    #2 Worship Planning Team Work inconjunction with the Pastor and church

    leaders in planning communion by

    evaluating on a monthly basis,

    beginning _______

    True worship must be linked to the

    exposition of Biblical truth.(spirit and

    truth -John 4:24)

    To carefully study, boldly proclaim and patiently

    teach whatever Gods Word says, humbly commit

    to the hearing of the exposition of the whole

    counsel of God, applying biblical truth to our


    #3 Worship Planning team assist inplanning congregational worship

    services in consultation with pastor and

    leaders through monthly discussion

    and evaluation beginning ______

    Although unbelievers cannot trulyworship, they can watch believers

    worship. (1 Cor. 14:25).

    To strive to be guest-friendly and culturallyrelevant in consideration of those who are not

    yet believers in Christ.

    #4To explain to non-believers themessage of salvation through

    testimonies, the spoken Word

    Corporate worship must be orderly

    1 Cor. 14:26, 33

    To be Christ-honoring in excellence in all we do,

    and done to the best of the participants ability.#5 Worship planning team work inconjunction with the leaders to oversee

    musical selections, instrumentalists,

    sound system, powerpoint, usher

    assistance, greeters, offering, and all

    areas related to the corporate worship


    Singing is to be from the heart,

    directed upward to GodEph. 5

    To carefully select songs that accurately reflect

    and draw from the Word of God.

    See # 1 above

    1 Cor. 16:1-4- Giving is an act of

    worship. (2 Cor. 8:5)Give must be to the Lord through the

    local churchNOT to the church for

    the Lord.)

    To teach and practice the giving of our financial

    resources is an act of worship.

    See # 1

    Apart from the power of Jesus Christ

    working in and through us we can

    accomplish nothing of lasting

    spiritual value that magnifies Gods

    glorious grace (John 15:5).

    To saturate every dimension of our ministry

    with prayer, petition, supplication, and

    intercession, along with thanksgiving.

    Conduct a quarterly day of prayer


    Conduct a monthly prayer night____

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    Oak Lake Berean Church PROFILE Page 8

    Biblical Principles Objectives Goals

    Biblical Basis for objectives and goals Broad statement of intent

    (what we want to accomplish)

    A Narrow statement of intent to carry

    out Objectives

    While evangelism focuses primarily

    on reaching/winning,---edification

    focuses on building up believers to

    Christ-like maturity (Eph. 4:11-16).

    To assimilate new believers into the life of the

    local church, by helping them develop

    meaningful relationships, experience Christ-like

    growth, and become involved in ministry.

    # 1Develop a follow-up plan for

    connecting with Sunday attenders

    #2Conduct a small group study on

    disciplemaking (NavPress)

    The early church regularly gathered

    for corporate worship and

    edification, not evangelism.

    To gather regularly primarily for worship and

    edification#3Establish a corporate worship

    planning team to meet monthly to

    plan both worship and corporate


    The Word of God must be faithfully

    taught: inductively, exegetically, and

    expositionally.(Ezra 6:14; Neh. 8:8; 2

    Tim. 4:1-3) (Ezra 7:10; Acts 20:20;

    Col. 1:28).

    To carefully study, boldly proclaim and patiently

    teach whatever Gods Word says, humbly commit

    to the hearing of the exposition of the whole

    counsel of God, applying biblical truth to our


    #4Establish a 6 yr. plan to study

    the entire Bible as a church

    #5Continue mens and womens

    bible study

    #6Develop ministry to married

    couples and familiesAll believers are ministers

    (Eph. 4:11-17)

    All believers are gifted

    (1 Cor. 12)

    Every believer a disciplemaker

    (2 Tim2:2)

    To provide discipleship experiences for believers

    to exercise their spiritual gift(s)

    To encourage believers to one-on-one


    # 7Develop a job description for

    areas of leadership

    #8Begin one on one discipleship

    by leaders modeling the process

    Biblical Leadership: some leaders

    OVERSEE local church ministry (1

    Thess. 5:12- ;1 Tim. 5:17, 1 Tim.

    3;Titus. 1:9)

    To pray for, train, and set apart godly men

    whose maturity, example, gifts, and calling mark

    them as strong, biblically qualified servant-


    #9Develop a plan to move fromcurrent leadership structure to

    Elder oversight (see Leadership


    Believers must be challenged to

    encourage one another in the

    practical areas of the Christian life.

    (Heb. 10:24-25;

    Rom. 15:1-3; 16:2; Titus 2:14; 3:1, 8,


    To provide opportunities for believers to share

    with, and meet the needs of the ministry of the

    church and others through words, deeds, and

    gifts of love

    #10 Plan opportunities for

    interaction in small groups that

    offer accountability and mutualcare

    #11 Plan a monthly meal following

    morning service

    #12Develop a plan tocommunicate pressing needs

    among people in the body, and

    ways of caring for one another

    Giving (Acts 2:42; 1 Cor. 16:1-2; 2

    Cor. 8-9; Gal. 6:7; 1 John 3:16-17).

    To practice the principles of grace giving, eternal

    priorities, and sacrificially meeting the needs of

    the ministry.

    #13 Teach believers biblical

    principles of stewardship

    #14 Communicate financial needs

    in a positive manner

    Church discipline is vital for thepurity, power, progress of the

    church.(Matt. 18:15-20; Gal. 6:1-4).

    Follow Biblical principles of discipline andrestoration for those in the body who are walking

    contrary to..

    #15 Develop a biblically basedprocess for restorative discipline

    (see bylaws)

    Confession (1 Cor. 11:28)

    Adoration (Eph. 3:20).

    Intercession and Petition

    (Eph. 6:18-ff).

    To practice and encourage effectual prayer for

    others, for oneself and family, for the nation and

    its leaders, and for the ministry.

    #16See goal on Evangelism forprayer

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    Oak Lake Berean Church PROFILE Page 9

    Biblical Principles Objectives Goals

    Biblical Basis for objectives and


    Broad statement of intent(what we want to accomplish)

    A Narrow statement of intent to

    carry out Objectives

    Our Lords command is to make

    disciples, not win converts.

    But, before people can be disciples,they must become one.

    Develop within the body of Christ awareness

    and heart for reaching/winning people to


    Focus on conversion growth, which is growth by

    gaining new believers rather than people who

    simply come from another church.

    Immediately and consistently nurture those who

    accept Christ.

    #1 Develop a list of non-Christians topray for (individually, corporately)

    #2 Ask individual church members to

    share testimonies of their experiencesof sharing the gospel

    #3 Encourage building relationshipswith non-believers

    #4 Conduct a meeting with Sonlifeleaders to develop clear goals for

    Youth ministry

    #5 Provide small group study materials

    for mentoring for new believers like

    Navigators Real Life Discipleship

    Training Manual

    The early church evangelized

    corporately and individually

    (Rom. 10:17; Lk. 10:2)

    Plan corporate evangelistic events/ activities

    designed primarily to present the gospel to

    unsaved people.

    Train believers how to personally lead people

    to Christ (both formal and informal training)

    #6 Conduct an evangelistic event every


    #7 Conduct a You Can Tell It!

    Evangelism seminar

    Series By Evantell

    Christians are called to live the Word

    before unbelievers. (Titus 3:1, 8, 14;

    Matt. 22:39; Luke 10:33; John 4:4f;

    Gal. 6:10 )

    Create frequent opportunities for people to

    invite their unbelieving friends to events that

    provide a natural link in the process of



    Encourage and teach believers to build bridges

    and develop relationships with the lost.

    #8 Plan an event once a quarter

    specifically to just build relationships

    with non-believers

    World Evangelization is Christs


    Maintain a healthy balance of supporting local,

    national, and global evangelismthrough giving,prayer, and participation.

    #9 Develop a missions prayer and infosheet insert for bulletin

    #10 Include a missions moment

    once a month on Sunday morning to

    focus on one of the missions

    organizations and missionaries we


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    Oak Lake Berean Church PROFILE Page 10

    Oak Lake Berean Church is affiliated with the Berean Fellowship of Churches. The Fellowship is committed

    to a vision of Planting Churches, Making Disciples, and Reaching the World. (Link to Berean Fellowship

    of Churches here:http://www.bfcnetwork.org/home

    Brief History of the Berean Fellowship of Churches

    On Sunday, August 21, 1932, thirteen people gathered in a North Platte, Nebraska, home. They came

    not to start a movement that would have a worldwide impact but to pray together and hear teaching

    from the Bible. God caused the group to grow as many people in the community placed their faith in

    Jesus Christ.

    Initially known as the Church of the Open Bible, in 1935 the fledgling congregation found a more

    fitting name as The Berean Fundamental Church. Though the word fundamental has since lost

    favor in our culture, to those founding families it had a wonderfully simple depth of meaning: their

    church was based on the fundamentals of the Christian faith.

    The name comes from the Bible. In the Acts of the Apostles is the historical account of a group of

    people from the ancient Roman city of Berea. According to the Bible, these (Bereans) were more

    noble-minded than those of Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining

    the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so (Acts 17:11).

    From this simple beginning God sparked a movement that, within a few years, would grow from town

    to town across Nebraska and into surrounding states. Today, the Berean Fellowship comprises 60

    churches in 8 states across the Midwest, Northern California and Southern Oregon, as well as Canada.

    The Berean Fellowship was built upon a solid biblical foundation and has always placed special

    emphasis on the authority of Scripture, the supremacy of Jesus Christ, and the importance of

    advancing the gospel through personal relationships, church planting, and world missions.

    Berean churches are organized in Districts. Berean pastors meet regularly as districts for fellowship,

    encouragement, and prayer.

    History of Oak Lake Berean Church

    The Oak Lake Berean Church was begun 25 years ago by a Berean Fellowship pastor, Eugene Enns.

    Gifted in evangelism, he and his wife Marsha were used of the Lord to plant and establish the church.

    The church grew in number, and several ministries were begun that have impacted the lives of many in

    this area. Sonlife Youth Camp and Kids Club ministry.In August of 1999 Eugene Enns left the church to become the director of Grace Mission.

    A man who was saved under Pastor Eugenes ministry grew and became one of the church board

    members. Eventually he was appointed as pastor, and served until 2010.

    Religious background of church members: Baptist, Mennonite, Christian and Missionary Alliance,

    Catholic, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, United, non-churched. We are not a blend of all these, but are the

    types of religious backgrounds from which our members have come.

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    Oak Lake Berean Church PROFILE Page 11

    Occupational composition of church members: agricultural, trucking, healthcare, university, construction,

    excavation, retired, sales and services.


    Eugene and Marsha Enns 1986-1999

    Bryce Buckley 1999-2010

    Interim: Gordon Simms Aug. 2011 to Jan. 2013

    Ages and Gender: Sunday morning attendance is a mix of all ages (except teens)

    Finances: No debt with reserve building fund


    Sanctuary seats 80

    Media: Excellent sound system and video projection

    Lobby, Fellowship Hall, kitchen,educational room, office, nursery

    Summer Bible Camp Facilities 16 Passenger Van, 66 Passenger bus

    Building is a remodeled service station, with several additional facility updates since 1991.

    Primary Ministries:

    Sunday Worship: 11:00 AM

    Kids club- Monday afternoons (school year)-avg. 10 children currently

    SonlifeYouth (teen)on Friday nights 10-20 teens

    Mens and Womens bible study (8-10 men) 5- 10 women

    Summer Youth Bible Camp is an important ministry involving many teens and workers who also

    come from Berean churches in the States.

    Prayer night once a month

    Leaders meet every Sunday (and as necessary) for study, discussion, planning, and prayer.

    Format of Morning Worship

    People come and fellowship from 10-11 AM

    Service from 11 AM- 12:45 PM and fellowship till around till 1:00- 1:30 PM

    Includes time for welcoming visitors

    Music is country, contemporary worship, and a blend of hymns and praise songs.

    Observance of the Lords supper generally on first Sunday of every month

    Prayer and sharing time Potluck once a month

    MISSIONS support

    Grace Mission, New Tribes Mission, AIM, Gospel for Asia, Regina Rescue Mission, Radio Bible Class

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    Church crisis and renewal

    Over the past 10 years the church became ingrown. Seeds of discord grew over philosophy of ministry. Three

    years ago it reached crisis stage. The pastor and several families withdrew from the church. Though they do not

    want to be considered a home church, the pastor meets on Sundays in his home with a few families. Following the

    split, the Berean leadership sought to bring resolution to the conflict by meeting with the dissenting pastor and

    families. Attempts have been made to reconcile by the church leadership and the Berean District leadership with

    the dissenting people, but both former pastor and several people have refused. Oak Lake Berean is currently

    considered on mission status and thus under the leadership of the Berean Fellowship of Churches. The official

    church board was dissolved and the Berean District leadership functions as the Official Board. A group of 4 men in

    the church function as a temporary leadership team until an official board is established.

    In the year following the split, the church continued to meet, with assistance from Berean leadership. Pulpit

    ministry was primarily biblical teaching through DVD sermons from the Lincoln Berean Church.

    Transitional Process

    In August of 2011, the church called Gordon Simms, an interim pastor who is a member ofInterim Pastor

    Ministries. He has led the church through a transitional time of healing, evaluation, refocusing, and planning for

    future ministry. (See Appendix IV, Transitional Tasks)

    The SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) is a tool to help match internal organizational strengths with

    external opportunities to meet the needs of your constituents and community best. Think of the SWOT as a filtering tool to

    assess your current strategic position. A good understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, your opportunities, and the

    external threats is essential to the assessment.

    A committed core of growing biblically qualified leaders

    Current leaders want to grow and follow Biblical principles Good givers

    Missions support

    Camp Ministry

    A welcoming and accepting atmosphere

    Commitment to reaching youth, children through teens

    A growing positive reputation in the community

    A positive transitional time, setting the foundation for a healthy growing church

    Foundation set for effective growth

    Desire to be involved in mens and womens Bible study

    involvement of people

    small core of leaders overworked

    informality vs. formality (structured vs. non-structured) tends toward informal and non-structured


    The limited number of people

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    OAK LAKE, Manitoba, Canada

    Oak Lake, Manitoba is a town in the south-western region of Manitoba, Canada with a population of 360 people. It

    is located 52 km (32 mi) west of Brandon along the Trans-Canada Highway. The town is located within the northern

    part of the Rural Municipality of Sifton, while the lake after which it was named is just west of the town.During the late 19th century, the area around Oak Lake was a popular stopping point for fur traders and settlers

    due to the large number of big oak trees (revered for their strength) located around the lake that could be used to

    repair their wagons.


    Oak Lake's population is mostly white, with few visible minorities other than a small aboriginal population. The

    nearby Sioux Valley Dakota Nation and Canupawakpa Dakota Nation are homes to a large community of First

    Nations people.


    The economy of the Oak Lake area is dominated by farming, although nearby Virden has a booming oil economy.The municipality and town share an office and employ a handful of people to manage the running of public

    services. Other employers include the town's gas station, Valleyview CO-OP grocery store, Hutton Excavation,

    Family Dining restaurant, Lewis Cattle Oilers Ltd., Kreutzer Garage, and several personal businesses. Other locations

    for shopping are Virden, 15 minutes away, Brandon, 30 minutes away, and Winnipeg and Minot, ND each 2 hours


    Aside from agriculture, another significant economic resource in Oak Lake is tourism and recreation. The lake itself,

    located approximately 15km (10 Miles) from town. Fisherman, water skiers, boaters will find a great place to enjoy

    their hobbies and interests. In the Early 1800's several trading posts were located in this area. A favorite stopping

    place for the freight carts and the settlers was the trading post on the shore of Oak Lake, where Oak Trees were

    readily available for repairs to the wagons.

    Whereas the doctrinal statement focuses on what we believe, our philosophy of ministry focuses on how

    we approach ministry.

    (Weve outlined our perspectives on What the Church is and is to do, in Appendices I, II, III )

    How does a church structure for effective ministry ?....

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    Since Oak Lake is currently considered a Mission Church, thepreliminary official board (POB)of a mission church

    will consist of at least three individuals from the membership of the District Council of the Berean Fundamental

    Church Council in which it is associated. The POB will provide spiritual leadership and conduct the business affairs

    of the church. All other organizations and committees of the church are accountable to this board.A committee consisting of the pastor as chairman and at least two male church members will conduct all routine

    business of the local church and be accountable to the preliminary official board.

    Three Pastors from the 3 Rivers district are currently in place as the POB. This does not mean they micro-

    manage things. They simply need to be notified of business related issues so they can render the needed decisions.

    The Oak Lake Official board is not yet established. The new Pastor and will be part of organizing the local board.

    (See Appendix V: Bylaws)


    The local church body is composed of one body with many members all of whom are in vital relationship

    with Jesus Christ, but the body also has "joints of supply," units of control, and unity, i.e., church leaders (Eph.

    4:16). This together suggests body participation under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ with leadership

    direction, submission and an authority in a two-directional manner.

    First, the local government is invested in the body of believers who compose the local body under the

    headship of Jesus Christ according to the Word of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 18:20; Eph. 1:22-

    23; 4:16; 5:21; Col. 1:18; 2:19).

    Second, executive authority or leadership, however, is invested by the congregation, as authorized by

    Scripture, in a Board of Elders who lead the church and to whom the congregation is to submit under the headship

    of Christ. These men have the authority and responsibility to delegate to individuals, committees or other boards

    (as a Board of Deacons) authority and responsibility to carry out the business or ministry of the church in spiritual

    and physical (material) matters (Acts 20:28; 15:6; Eph. 4:11-12; Phil. 1:1; 1 Thess. 5:12-13; Heb. 13:7, 17).In using its delegated authority, and in making its decisions, the Board of Elders must seek to be guided by

    the Scripture, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and by input from the congregation (Acts 20:32; 6:2-5a; 11:22; 15:22;

    2 Cor. 8:19).

    Principles of Organization1

    1. Organize to Apply New Testament Principles and to Accomplish New Testament Purposes: Organization

    must never become an end in itself. We must seek to develop structures for the church which will help us

    accomplish New Testament purposes and objectives. When an organizational form ceases or fails to do

    that, it needs to be abandoned.

    2. Organize to Meet Needs According to Biblical Standards: We must never organize to organize. The New

    Testament church organized only when a need arose and only as long as the need existed.

    3. Keep Organization Simple: This follows the former. Organization must be functional to accomplish biblical

    purposes, goals, etc., and to meet needs. A good test: is the structure serving the goals or has it become an

    end in itself? Is it serving or is it being served?

    4. Keep Organization Flexible: Biblical leaders were never locked into organizational structures.

    1Gene Getz, Sharpening the Focus of the Church, Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1974, p. 155f.

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    I. Pastor Position defined:

    The primary role of the Pastor of Oak Lake Berean Church shall be to provide, in partnership with the elders of

    the Church, pastoral leadership, in order to equip the saints through loving, caring nurture and discipleship,

    seeking to bring each believer to maturity in Christ.

    2. Requirements:

    A. Doctrinal Stability

    B. Godly personal character (as specified in 1, 2 Timothy and Titus)

    C. Pastors beliefs are consistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Church

    D. Willing to affirm Berean Church Covenant

    E. Philosophy of Ministry compatible with the Churchs Mission, vision, objectives and goals

    3. Focus of ministry:

    Pastoral leadership to help the church implement the Objectives and Goals of their strategic plan

    A. Give pastoral leadership to the church

    B. Provide training and guidance to the church leadership

    C. Provide general encouragement based on clear biblical teaching

    D. Work with the leaders and body to help deal with matters that affect future health and progress

    E. Foster healthy interpersonal communication, and help oversee efficient management of the churchs


    F. Facilitate spiritual and numerical growth by encouraging Gods people to love and serve God to His glory

    Many churches bring on a pastor to develop a vision (his vision) for the church. While we are open to our new

    pastors gifts and vision and input, we are not seeking a pastor who will develop his vision for our church. Ourchurch has a clear mission and vision, and we desire a pastor who will come and lead us in carrying these out.

    We are seeking a pastor who will lead us as a team player in carrying out our mission and vision, and


    4. The job description is based on the following principles:

    Our church recognizes that though every member is a minister, God has given to the church those who are

    gifted to serve as pastor/teachers whose role is to equip believers for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-

    16). It is thus clear that church leaders are equippers whose agenda (priorities, allotment of time, and

    duties) are to be ordered by the Word of God, not by the agenda of people following their cultural

    expectations set by the traditions of men. We recognize the importance for the pastor to train the body ofsaints in the basics of the Word and delegate various aspects of ministry to other members of the body

    according to their gifts and the Lords leading in each believers life.

    The Pastor along with the church leadership team is responsible for the direction, thrust, and ministry of the

    total church, including its priorities and spiritual vitality. As a leadership team, they should develop policy and

    direction of ministry that is owned by the body of believers. From a biblical standpoint, teamworkmeans

    sharing in the biblical responsibilities based on biblical goals, values, priorities, giftedness, training, and Gods

    leading. The pastor, as leader among leaders, should build spiritual maturity in the leadership. We intend our

    pastor to work through others by delegating both responsibility and authority to serve.

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    5. Responsibilities

    A. Teaching/Preaching Ministry

    The Sr. Pastor at Oak Lake Berean Church is the primary Bible teacher. The Pastor will also be responsible

    to work together with the leaders in giving direction to the Churchs other teaching ministries, and give

    focus to the teaching efforts. In summary, the pastor shall be responsible to lead by teaching, clarifying,

    training, educating, and protecting the fellowship in matters of Biblical teaching and interpretation.

    B. The Churchs Meetings

    The Pastor shall be responsible for the general oversight and leadership of the worship services, and otherspecial services and events. At his discretion, he may appoint others to oversee any area of Church services.

    He shall give direction and guidance to those who may help him in this responsibility. He will foster a

    plurality of leadership mentality, and encourage every believer to use their God-given gifts for the profit of

    the whole body.

    C. Shepherding

    The Pastor shall be involved in the shepherding of the Church. His duties shall include the caring for, and

    shepherding of, its members. This is not necessarily limited to a visitation ministry, neither does it exclude

    it. This is primarily the spiritual care, and spiritual nurturing, that the members of the body need to grow in

    their walk with God. Any counseling ministry shall not be to the detriment of the primary responsibility of

    the preaching and teaching ministry of the Word. The Pastor must affirm the importance of shepherding

    nurture and care spiritually, emotionally, and physically of the members of the assembly and shall helpshoulder that responsibility, and train others to do so.

    D. Ministry Leadership and Oversight

    The Pastor, as a leader among leaders, shall contribute to carrying out the Churchs Mission and Vision.

    In partnership with the leaders the pastor shall look to God for the particulars of how to implement the

    direction and goals of the Church.

    E. Public Relations

    As the Pastoral position is generally considered to be in the forefront and is the most recognizable of all

    personnel positions at the Church, he shall be the one who normally interacts with the community at large,

    i.e. the official church spokesman.

    F. Additional Responsibilities

    Shall be determined by the leaders in conjunction with the Pastor.

    6. Accountability

    The pastor will minister in cooperation with the Church board (elders), and they will be mutually

    accountable to one another.

    7. Termination (see bylaws)

    8. Pastors Covenant

    As a pastor of a Berean Fundamental Church, I will strive to exercise the duties of my office in such a way as to have a

    clear conscience before God and man. Being in a position of spiritual leadership, I will prayerfully seek to maintain the

    qualifications as given in I Timothy 3. I will strive to lead the flock of God in a balanced ministry of shepherding, teaching

    and evangelizing. I will maintain a wholesome relationship with the Berean Fellowship of Churches and keep the local

    church informed of its activities. Furthermore, I will seek above all things to promote the unity of the Spirit, being ready

    always for suggestions when given for the glory of God and the furtherance of His work. I will seek to be sensitive to Gods

    leading to know when my present ministry is completed and will graciously resign. If at any time I am unwilling to submit

    to the authority of the official board or the Berean Fundamental Church Constitution, I want the official board to call it to

    my attention. If I fail to be reconciled, I will resign immediately, and will quickly and quietly leave the field, causing no

    trouble which would damage the church.