oklahoma secretary of state - home · 2018. 6. 14. · created date: 6/2/2016 3:58:18 pm


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Page 1: Oklahoma Secretary of State - Home · 2018. 6. 14. · Created Date: 6/2/2016 3:58:18 PM
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Page 17: Oklahoma Secretary of State - Home · 2018. 6. 14. · Created Date: 6/2/2016 3:58:18 PM
Page 18: Oklahoma Secretary of State - Home · 2018. 6. 14. · Created Date: 6/2/2016 3:58:18 PM

OrprcE or@A't"t'onNtrv GENenal

FILEDJUL 0 7 2016



luly 7,2016

Senator Brian BingmanPresident Pro TemporeOklahoma Senate

2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room422Oklahoma City, Oklah oma 7 3 I 0 5 -4897

Chris Benge, Secretary of State

Office of the Secretary of State2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room l0lOklahoma City, Oklahoma 73 105-4897

Senator Stephanie Bice2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 531

Oklahoma City, Oklah oma 7 3 I 05 -4897

Senator Clark Jolley2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 537Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 7 3 105 -4897

Representative Glen Mulready2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 200Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 7 3105 -4897

Re: Final Ballot Title for State Question No. 792,Legislative Referendum No. 370

Dear Sirs:

On June 6,2016, we notified you that the Proposed Ballot Title for the above-referencedState Question did not comply with the requirements of 34 O.S.2015, $ 9(C), and on June 16,2016, we prepared a preliminary ballot title in accordance with that Section. We have nowprepared the following Final Ballot Title also in accordance with Section 9(C). The Final BallotTitle reads as follows:

JUL 0 7 ?016

313 N.E. 2lsr-s'rnr:cr' . o<r.asona Crrv, oK 73to5 . (4o5) 52r-3921 . Fex: (405) :zriQff[.AH


Df! recycled paper


Page 19: Oklahoma Secretary of State - Home · 2018. 6. 14. · Created Date: 6/2/2016 3:58:18 PM

FrNlL Ba,llor Tru,B roR SrarB QucsuoN No.792

This measure repeals Article 28 of the Oklahoma Constitution and restructures the laws

goveming alcoholic beverages through a new Article 28A and other laws the Legislature willcreate if the measure passes.

The new Article 28A provides that with exceptions, a person or company can have an ownership

interest in only one area of the alcoholic beverage business-manufacturing, wholesaling, or

retailing. Some restrictions apply to the sales of manufacturers, brewers, winemakers, and

wholesalers. Subject to limitations, the Legislature may authorize direct shipments to consumers

of wine.

Retail locations like grocery stores may sell wine and beer. Liquor stores may sell products other

than alcoholic beverages in limited amounts.

The Legislature must create licenses for retail locations, liquor stores, and places serving

alcoholic beverages and may create other licenses. Certain licensees must meet residency

requirements. Felons cannot be licensees.

The Legislature must designate days and hours when alcoholic beverages may be sold and may

impose taxes on sales. Municipalities may levy an occupation tax. If authorized, a state lodge

may sell individual alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption but no other state

involvement in the alcoholic beverage business is allowed.

With one exception, the measure will take effect October 1,2018.




A "YES" vote is a vote in favor of this measure. A "NO" vote is a vote against this measure.

E. Scott PruittAttorney General



Respectfully submitted,



Page 20: Oklahoma Secretary of State - Home · 2018. 6. 14. · Created Date: 6/2/2016 3:58:18 PM

Chris BengeSecretary of State

andNative American Affairs

Mary FallinGovernor

Oru-anoMA Sncnrranv op Srern

July 7,2016

The Honorable Paul ZiiaxSecretary, State Election BoardState Capitol, Room 8-6Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105

Re: State Question T9Z,Legislative Referendum 370 (SJR 68)Subject: Alcoholic beverages

Dear Secretary Ziiax:

In accordance with the provisions of 34 O.S. $ 9(C)(2), I herewith transmit State Question 792,Legislative Referendum 370 and attest that the enclosed copy of Senate Joint Resolution 68 is atrue and accurate copy of the measure on record with this office. Also enclosed is the FinalBallot Title as prepared by the Attorney General.

If our office may be of any further assistance, please do let us know.


e4Chris BengeSecretary of State andNative American Affairs

State Questio n 7 9 2, Le gislative Referendum 3 70 ( S JR6 8 )Attorney General's Final Ballot Title - SQ792

JUi_ 0 7 ?fi16



23oo N. LrNcorN Br-vo., Surrn 1o1 . OKLAHoMA Crrv, OK 73ro5-+8gZ . Qoil S2t-9912. Fax (+os) S2t-gT7L


Page 21: Oklahoma Secretary of State - Home · 2018. 6. 14. · Created Date: 6/2/2016 3:58:18 PM

Chris BengeSecretary of State

andNative American Affairs

July 7,2016

Mary FallinGovernor

Oxu,'rroMA Sncnnrenv or Srann

Copy of Senate Joint Resolution 68 - State Question 792Copy of Transmittal Letter to Secretary of the State Election Board - SQ792Copy of Attorney General's Final Ballot Title - SQ792

m',Y,TTXrUThe Honorable Mary FallinGovernor, State of OklahomaState Capitol, Room 212Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105


Re: State Question T92,Legislative Referendum 370 (SJR 68)Subject: Alcoholic beverages

Dear Governor Fallin:

Pursuant to 34 O.S. $ 9(CX2), the Secretary of State has transmitted to the Secretary of the StateElection Board an attested copy of the above referenced measure and a copy of the AttorneyGeneral's Final Ballot Title. Please find enclosed a true and accurate copy of SJR 68, as

recorded in this office, a copy of the transmittal letter addressed to the Secretary of the StateElection Board, and a file stamped copy of the Attorney General's Final Ballot Title.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.


e4Chris BengeSecretary ofState andNative American Affairs


23oo N. LrNcow Brvo., Surrr ro1 . OKI-AHoMA Crrv, OK 73ro5-C8SZ . Goil S2t-ggtz. Fax (4oS) S2L-BZZL

Page 22: Oklahoma Secretary of State - Home · 2018. 6. 14. · Created Date: 6/2/2016 3:58:18 PM
Page 23: Oklahoma Secretary of State - Home · 2018. 6. 14. · Created Date: 6/2/2016 3:58:18 PM
Page 24: Oklahoma Secretary of State - Home · 2018. 6. 14. · Created Date: 6/2/2016 3:58:18 PM
Page 25: Oklahoma Secretary of State - Home · 2018. 6. 14. · Created Date: 6/2/2016 3:58:18 PM
Page 26: Oklahoma Secretary of State - Home · 2018. 6. 14. · Created Date: 6/2/2016 3:58:18 PM