oklahoma city bombing pdf

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  • 8/2/2019 Oklahoma City Bombing PDF


    Oklahoma City Bombing

    By; Cole Norman

  • 8/2/2019 Oklahoma City Bombing PDF


    What was the Oklahoma CityBombing?

    It was April, 19, 1995. It wasjust another regular day forworkers headed to the Alfred

    P. Murrrah Federal Building inOklahoma City, Oklahoma.But for Timothy JamesMcVeigh it was going to be

    the day he killed 168 peopleand injured over 800.

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    Timothy James McVeighs

    childhood Timothy James McVeigh was born

    on April 23, 1968. He was whatmost would call a normal persongrowing up, until his parents split in1978. After that he turned into aloner and stayed with his father.

    Timothys dad was an auto workerand was not home very often. AsTimothy grew older he tried to fit inat different levels, such as playingsports, being part of clubs atschool, and he was even namedthe most promising computerprogrammer at his high school.After high school,McVeighattempted to attend a communitycollege in upstate New York. Hewould not make it long before hefound out that he did not fit in well

    with the college crowd.

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    Timothy McVeighs young adult life

    and military career

    After his failed college attempt, he decidedto try and fit in with the military. He hadknown about people who had verysuccessful careers in the military so he gavethe Army a go. McVeigh was a great soldierand even got a bronze star for his acts ofbravery during the First Gulf War(1990).McVeigh got into the military lifestyle, hewas really into guns and the structure of themilitary world. After the First Gulf WarMcVeigh then went to Desert Storm.

    When McVeigh went to Desert Storm iswhen he started to dislike the military and

    government. He was shooting people andseeing all the killing of human beings. Hetried out for the special forces and he almostmade it, but he was not in the shape neededfor the special assignment.

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    Where McVeigh lived and histravels

    When McVeigh left the military with an honorabledischarge, he started to travel. His travels lasted only afew months before the Waco Siege occurred. The WacoSiege was a disagreement between the BranchDavidians and the ATF, when the ATF attempted toserve a search warrant and the Branch Davidians fired atthe Federal Agents. The Branch Davidians are a groupof people in a cult, and live by their own rules.

    McVeigh went down to Waco to help support the BranchDavidians by selling bumper stickers. McVeigh andNichols had met while serving their time in the Army atbasic training. Once the Federal Government attackedthe Branch Davidians. These travels would take him to40 different states, including Michigan, to visit his friend(who would later help him with the planning of the bomb)Terry Nichols. He called Decker, Michigan his mailingaddress (this was the home of Terry Nichols). He calledit home because he spent most of his time there as well

    he trusted Nichols.

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    McVeigh was getting angry

    Over time McVeigh keptgetting angrier about whatthe government was doingto the American people(such as attempting to take

    away their guns andfreedoms). As well he foundout about how they whereattacking innocent peopleand innocent buildings andcalling it collateral damage.McVeigh decided to startplanning a form of action totry and get back at theFederal Government.

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    Where did it take place?

    The Oklahoma Citybombing occurred inOklahoma City,Oklahoma.

    The bombingoccurred in the 200block of N.W. 5thstreet, at the buildingknown as the Alfred

    P. Murrah FederalBuilding.

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    Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building

    This building was a Federalbuilding that had Army, andNavy recruiters, also ithoused a branch of theSocial SecurityAdministration, The UnitedStates of America SecretService, The DrugEnforcement Agency, and abranch of the ATF (Alcohol,Tobacco, Firearms). Therewas even a day care on thesecond floor.

    The Alfred P. Murrah buildinghoused approximately 550employees.

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    The bombing

    On the morning of April 19,1995 workers and the generalpublic alike where going intothe Alfred P. Murrah FederalBuilding in Oklahoma City,Oklahoma. When at 9:02A.M. a bomb explodedoutside. The bomb destroyedthe building and killed 168people, 20 of whom wherechildren. This bomb was nota foreign attack, but rather adisturbed U.S. citizen whowas an ex Army soldier. The

    bomb was not just made upand done in a day, it took 2years of careful planning.

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    The planning of the Oklahoma CityBombing

    Timothy McVeigh was the mastermind behindthe bombing, but he was not alone in thishorrible attack inside the United States. Heworked with two other individuals, one of themwas Michael Fortier of Arizona, and TerryNichols of Michigan.

    Timothy and Terry where the most involved withthe bombing, they worked side by side toprepare the bomb, Terry even helped stealsome of the equipment used in the bombing.

    Timothy was the one who delivered the bomb todowntown Oklahoma City. He as well was theone who came up with the idea.

    Michael Fortier got 10 years in prison becauseof his role in the bombing. He helped with thetransportation of stolen goods as well asmonitoring the Alfred P. Murrah Building in

    Oklahoma City before the bombing. The reasonhe got into trouble was mainly because he failedto report what was going to happen to anyauthorities.

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    Right after the bombing withTimothy McVeigh

    McVeigh was traveling north in his 1977mercury when the unthinkable happened.He got pulled over 90 miles north ofOklahoma City, in a small town by the nameof Perry, Oklahoma.

    He was pulled over because of a missinglicense plate. Just a few moments later hewould be arrested for having a gun on hisperson.

    When the officer pulled Tim over he found a

    gun and was placed under arrest and takento the Perry Jail.

    Once there he was awaiting court while backin Oklahoma City the FBI where trying to finda bomber.

    Timothy was in court when the FBI phonedtheir main officer in Virginia and asked ifTimothy McVeigh had turned up anywhere inthe country.

    Then a miracle happened for the FBI,

    McVeigh was already in jail in a small townjust north of Oklahoma City. The FBI (just days after the bombing) rushed

    to Perry after finding out he was in courtabout to be released on bail.

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    What happened in Perry?

    FBI and news casters where pouring into the smalltown of Perry. FBI soon went to the Perry courthouse jail, and asked to speak with TimothyMcVeigh.

    Once McVeigh had been taken out of the court room(to be released on bail) they took him to a smallcubical and the FBI started to question him.

    It was right after they questioned McVeigh that theFBI started to realize something, Oklahomans andeven people around the country where mad. Theyrealized that someone crazy enough may try to killMcVeigh by gun and hit an FBI agent instead.

    Once the FBI had questioned McVeigh, he wentback to a cell, telling another inmate about how hecould not have been the person to commit the

    bombing, that the person had minor flaws that hedid not have. While in his cell the FBI thought of away to transport him back to Oklahoma City safelythe only way that came up was to transport him bythe sheriffs van to a helipad and then fly him toOklahoma City.

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    The nations response to the attack

    As soon as people found out wherethe bomber was, the immediatelystarted to surround the Perry courthouse. The crowd would yell stufflike Baby killer and other things totry and bring guilt to the eyes of the

    bomber. No matter what anyone said to him

    he kept a straight face and did notshow any emotion at all.

    The nation was quiet and simplywatched as McVeigh was lead out of

    the Perry jail and led to a helicopterto be transported to Oklahoma City.

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    Who where the victims?

    The victims weremostly all what thegovernment callinnocent citizens.

    The victims rangedanywhere from daycare age children, allthe way to SecretService agents.

    148 adults died while20 children wherelost in the blast.

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    The aftermath of the bombing (andyears later)

    After the OklahomaCity Bombing, theU.S. Government

    decided to put upbarricades aroundall of their buildings

    simply becausethey do not want arepeat of history.

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    Who was the mastermind behindthe blast?

    The person who had plotted and committedthe crime was a man by the name ofTimothy James McVeigh.

    The second most involved person was aman by the name of Terry Nichols. His rolein the bombing was helping McVeigh plan itout, and steal a few key ingredients for thebomb. He was at home when the blast wentoff and turned him self in immediately whenhe found out he was needed for questioning.He currently is serving his life sentence inColorado.

    The third person involved with the bombingwas Michael Fortier. Fortiers was involvedwith the bombing by helping Nichols andMcVeigh move stolen guns and survey thebuilding prior to the bombing. He served 10years out of his 12 year sentence and wasreleased on good behavior. He is nowreleased from prison and living in thewitness protection program.