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1 Offering authentic training for adults and children in traditional Okinawa Kenpo Karate & Kobudo 110 Bratton Drive - Unit 101 Garner, NC 27529 Phone: 919-628-0630 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

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Offering authentic training for adults and

children in traditional

Okinawa Kenpo

Karate & Kobudo

110 Bratton Drive - Unit 101

Garner, NC 27529

Phone: 919-628-0630

E-mail: [email protected]


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Our goal at Vic Coffin Karate of Garner is to provide quality instruc-

tion in Okinawa Kenpo Karate and Kobudo. Students learn discipline

through authentic, traditional training that gives them valuable

awareness and preparation in the art of self-defense.

We have a unique approach to teaching karate and fitness.

We encourage all students to be the absolute best they can be

through consistent effort and training. The result of training under

these principles goes far beyond kicking and punching.

The karate curriculum at Vic Coffin Karate of Garner:

Body Conditioning - calisthenics including resistance training,

cardio training, and stretching that is directly related to karate

by reinforcing appropriate strength in correct body positioning

Fundamentals - stances, blocks, kicks, hand techniques

Kata - a system of individual training exercises

Tuite - self-defense techniques

Kata Study - examines the relationship of kata to tuite

Kumite Techniques - multiple step choreographed fighting drills

that teach positioning and technique

Kumite - organized, closely supervised fighting sessions where

all participants are padded

Kobudo - weapons training using traditional Okinawan weap-

ons, such as bo, sai, and tunfa

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The effectiveness of martial arts intervention on scholastic

performance is well documented and supported by academic re-

search from all over the country. The Provincial Center of Excel-

lence for Child and Youth Mental Health provides proof of the value

of martial arts instruction in their 2006 grant report, “Mindfulness

Based Martial Arts Program for Students with Learning Disabilities.”

The report states that after the twelve week program, parents re-

ported a significant decrease in their children’s cognitive difficulties,

thought problems, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Likewise, the chil-

dren themselves reported a significant increase in effectiveness and

positive self-esteem. A plethora of similar research clearly demon-

strates the utility of an integrated martial arts curriculum in terms

of increasing student achievement, overall functionality, and gen-

eral well-being.

Vic Coffin Karate of Garner is designed to use the mental

aspects of the martial arts, such as self-discipline, focus, deferred

gratification, and perseverance, to push students toward academic,

physical, and social excellence.

It is our belief that karate touches all aspects of a practition-

er’s life. To learn karate is to learn to practice continual improve-

ment in every facet of life.

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We strive to maintain a family atmosphere at Vic Coffin Karate of

Garner. That foundation begins with our staff, who have main-

tained close relationships since high school, and extends to include

our own students, as well as the good friends and training partners

we have at our parent dojo in Greensboro, North Carolina.

A magna cum laude graduate of North Carolina

State University and sixth degree black belt under

Hanshi Vic Coffin, Renshi Brown has trained in kara-

te since 1993 and served as head instructor at kara-

te schools at NC State University and Raleigh Parks

and Recreation. He has had success winning several

state and national competitions for his proficiency

in kata and weapons, and is an active competitor in

both local and regional triathlons. Renshi Brown

also enjoys cycling and participates in numerous

yearly cycling events as part of his karate training.

Renshi JP Brown

A magna cum laude graduate of East Carolina Uni-

versity and certified North Carolina educator with

over nine years of educational experience, Sensei

Burke is a second degree black belt under Hanshi

Vic Coffin. Sensei Burke is the lead instructor in the

after-school and summer programs at Vic Coffin

Karate of Garner and assists Renshi Brown with

karate classes. Sensei Burke also regularly partici-

pates in annual triathlons and cycling events.

Sensei Amy Burke

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Sensei Patrick Burke

Sensei Burke is a graduate of East Carolina Univer-

sity. Sensei Burke assists with karate classes and is

a second degree black belt under Hanshi Vic Coffin.

Mrs. Jessica Brown

Mrs. Brown is a graduate of Peace College. She is

currently a green belt under Renshi Brown. Mrs.

Brown is the office manager for the dojo.

Ms. Jessica Vockroth

Ms. Vockroth is a graduate of Guilford College and

assists with the children’s programs. She is cur-

rently a brown belt under Hanshi Vic Coffin.

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Hanshi Vic Coffin

Hanshi Vic Coffin is a former United States Marine Corps Sergeant

and a combat veteran of the Vietnam War. He began practicing Oki-

nawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo directly under Grandmaster Seikichi

Odo while he was in the Marine Corps and has continued to train in

the discipline since that time. Hanshi Coffin began teaching karate

in 1971 and has over 30 years experience as an instructor of karate

and kobudo. He has been a successful competitor on the karate cir-

cuit for many years, winning numerous regional, national and inter-

national titles for his expertise in kata, kobudo, and kumite. Hanshi

Coffin’s outstanding knowledge of Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo

and his profound commitment to his students make him an excep-

tional instructor.

We are honored to be his students.

Please visit to learn more about

Hanshi Coffin and his school, Kesshin Kan.

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Dojo Policies

Practicing Karate

Instructors’ permission is required before engaging in any type of training.

The use of karate is restricted. Students are expected to prac-tice/perform karate only in the following circumstances:

In the dojo during class or promotions

At demonstrations or tournaments with an instructor pre-sent

At home with a parent’s permission

EXCEPTION: It is understood that if a student is in danger the situation may warrant the prudent use of karate in self-defense.

Manner and Conduct

Be respectful of instructors and fellow students at all times.

Black belt instructors are formally addressed as “Sensei.”

Be courteous and helpful to other members of the dojo.

Bow on and off the training floor.

Ask permission before using and touching any equipment or weapons.

Return all equipment to its proper location after use.

Keep the dojo clean and care for the equipment.

Always use your manners.

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Dojo Rules No shoes are allowed on the matted training floor.

All students are required to wear a clean uniform to class.

Students are required to wear a shirt under their gis.

Students with shoulder length hair or longer are required to

wear their hair pulled back.

Students should not wear jewelry or watches during class.

All students should keep fingernails and toenails clean and trimmed.

Chewing gum is prohibited in the dojo.

Students are not allowed to lean on the walls or equipment.

Kumite Rules The following safety equipment is required when participating

in kumite: gloves, foot pads, headgear and mouth guard. Fe-male students are asked to wear chest protection.

Only light contact is permitted.

Students may NOT strike to the following areas when partici-pating in kumite: head, spine, groin, and knee.

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As students train and attend class, they learn the skills re-quired for the next level or rank. We expect all students to do their best during class, but we do not expect them to be perfect. Sensei recognizes students who give their best and work hard. Each indi-vidual is rated on his or her own merit. Hard work and consistency are the keys to earning rank.

Students are also expected to attend class on a regular ba-sis. Attendance is taken at every class, and students are expected to attend at least 70% of the classes offered. Students are graded on their ability, attendance, behavior, attitude and grades (for school-age students only).

Before promotions, all school-age students will be given forms to be filled out by their parents/guardians and teachers. Stu-dents who do not return those forms will not be promoted. Stu-dents are required (with parental consent) to bring progress reports and report cards to class. Parents are encouraged to inform a mem-ber of our staff if students are not behaving at home or school. It is our belief that karate does not end when you leave the dojo; stu-dents should incorporate what they learn in class into every part of their lives.

Approximately every 6-8 weeks, a promotion ceremony will be held at the dojo. Students are being tested during every class they attend. If a student trains hard and learns the required kata, kobudo, and techniques, they will be permitted to move to the next rank. Students who do not take their training seriously or who only work during the classes leading up to promotion may not be invited to attend promotions. Sensei will be happy to privately address the concerns of students who are not invited to attend promotions. Sensei may promote students during unscheduled promotions, if the student is performing exceptionally well.

All promotions are entirely at Sensei’s discretion.

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The promotions ceremony is a celebration of the students’ hard work and accomplishments. Students are likely to be asked to perform the kata and/or other techniques they have learned. Sensei will not ask students to perform something they are not re-quired to know. Promotions are intended to give students the op-portunity to shine and demonstrate what they have learned. Stu-dents will be notified in writing if they will be advancing to a higher rank prior to each promotion.

Very often students are nervous on the day of promotions and may make mistakes. Please be patient with yourself and oth-ers. Remember - no one is perfect. Testing for rank is not required during promotions; student who are invited to attend promotions have already demonstrated the skills needed for their next rank.

The day of promotions, students should arrive 30 minutes early to help prepare the dojo. This includes cleaning the dojo, warming up, and setting up any equipment or seating needed. New obis, stripes, and certificates will be given out during the promo-tions ceremony. It is traditional for students to bring a thank you gift for Sensei to promotions. Students do not need to purchase a gift. However, it is customary for students to formally thank Sensei in some tangible way for their rank and training. After promotions, students should stay and help clean the dojo as a sign of respect.

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Rank Order Beginner Ranks White Belt

White belt with one stripe Orange Belt

Orange belt with one stripe Yellow Belt

Yellow belt with one stripe Blue Belt

Blue belt with one stripe

Intermediate Ranks Purple Belt

Purple belt with one stripe Green Belt

Green belt with one stripe Green belt with two stripes

Pre-Black Belt Ranks Brown Belt

Brown belt with one stripe Brown belt with two stripes Brown belt with three stripes

Additional stripes may be added for students who need additional time in rank due to age, abilities, attendance, or other criteria as Sensei deems necessary.

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Black Belt

Students eligible for black belt will be promoted by Sensei JP and Sensei Coffin. Students will be promoted to probationary black belt for not less than one year before they will earn the full rank of black belt. The rank of black belt requires an understanding of ka-rate and the ability to perform consistently. Student promoted to black belt are expected to take on the responsibility associated with the rank of black belt. There is a fee for promotion to black belt ranks, and students will be informed what the fee is and when it is due prior to their black belt promotions.

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Beginner Ranks

General Requirements Awareness of Dojo Policies Good standing with the dojo Class attendance (70%+) Consistent effort during class Positive attitude and self-discipline Positive behavior All ranks are awarded at Sensei’s discretion.

White Belt Join Vic Coffin Karate of Garner!

White Belt (with one stripe) Kesshin Kata

lower, middle, upper block; punch

Orange Belt Kesshin Kata

lower, middle, upper block; punch lower, middle, upper block, front kick; punch

Naihanchi Shodan

Orange Belt (with one stripe) Kesshin Kata

lower, middle, upper block; punch lower, middle, upper block, front kick; punch

Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan (with leader)

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Yellow Belt Kesshin Kata

lower, middle, upper block; punch lower, middle, upper block, front kick; punch

Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan

Kesshin Kata (tunfa) - (with leader) Kesshin Kata (bo) - (with leader) Yellow Belt (with one stripe) Kesshin Kata

lower, middle, upper block; punch lower, middle, upper block, front kick; punch

Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan Wansu (with leader)

Kesshin Kata (tunfa) Kesshin Kata (bo)

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Intermediate Ranks General Requirements Awareness and familiarity of Dojo Policies Good standing with the dojo Class attendance (70%+) Consistent effort during class Positive attitude and self-discipline Positive behavior Effectiveness in helping with beginning ranks Community Service All ranks are awarded at Sensei’s discretion. Blue Belt Kesshin Kata

lower, middle, upper block; punch lower, middle, upper block, front kick; punch

Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan Wansu

Kesshin Kata (tunfa) Kesshin Kata (bo) Matayoshi No Tunfa Ichi (with leader)

Blue Belt (with one stripe) Kesshin Kata

lower, middle, upper block; punch lower, middle, upper block, front kick; punch

Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan Wansu Anaku (with leader) Kesshin Kata (tunfa) Kesshin Kata (bo) Matayoshi No Tunfa Ichi

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Purple Belt Kesshin Kata

lower, middle, upper block; punch lower, middle, upper block, front kick; punch

Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan Wansu Anaku Kesshin Kata (tunfa) Kesshin Kata (bo) Matayoshi No Tunfa Ichi Shihonuke (Bo 1) (with leader)

Purple Belt (with one stripe) Kesshin Kata

lower, middle, upper block; punch lower, middle, upper block, front kick; punch

Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan Wansu Anaku Kesshin Kata (tunfa) Kesshin Kata (bo) Matayoshi No Tunfa Ichi Shihonuke (Bo 1)

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Green Belt Kesshin Kata (all variations) Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan Wansu Anaku Pinan Shodan (with leader) Kesshin Kata (tunfa) Kesshin Kata (bo) Matayoshi No Tunfa Ichi Shihonuke (Bo 1)

Green Belt (with one stripe)

Kesshin Kata (all variations) Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan Wansu Anaku Pinan Shodan Naihanchi Sandan (with leader) Kesshin Kata (tunfa) Kesshin Kata (bo) Matayoshi No Tunfa Ichi Shihonuke (Bo 1)

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Green Belt (with two stripes) Kesshin Kata (all variations) Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan Wansu Anaku Pinan Shodan Naihanchi Sandan Kesshin Kata (tunfa) Kesshin Kata (bo) Matayoshi No Tunfa Ichi Shihonuke (Bo 1) Kesshin Kata (sai) (with leader) Choun No Kun (Bo 2) (with leader)

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Pre-Black Belt Ranks General Requirements Thorough knowledge of Dojo Policies Good standing with the dojo Class attendance (70%+) Consistent and exemplary effort during class Positive attitude and self-discipline Positive behavior Effectiveness and experience in helping with beginning and in-

termediate ranks Community Service All ranks are awarded at Sensei’s discretion.

Brown Belt Kesshin Kata (all variations) Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan Wansu Anaku Naihanchi Sandan Pinan Shodan Seisan (with leader) Kesshin Kata (tunfa) Kesshin Kata (bo) Matayoshi No Tunfa Ichi Shihonuke (Bo 1) Kesshin Kata (sai) Choun No Kun (Bo 2) Choto Kyan No Sai (Sai 2) (with leader)

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Brown Belt (with one stripe) Kesshin Kata (all variations) Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan Wansu Anaku Naihanchi Sandan Seisan Pinan Shodan Pinan Nidan (with leader) Kesshin Kata (tunfa) Kesshin Kata (bo) Matayoshi No Tunfa Inchi Shihonuke (Bo 1) Kesshin Kata (sai) Choun No Kun (Bo 2) Choto Kyan No Sai (Sai 2)

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Brown Belt (with two stripes) Kesshin Kata (all variations) Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan Wansu Anaku Naihanchi Sandan Seisan Pinan Shodan Pinan Nidan Pinan Sandan (with leader) Pinan Yondan (with leader) Pinan Godan (with leader) Kesshin Kata (tunfa) Kesshin Kata (bo) Matayoshi No Tunfa Ichi Shihonuke (Bo 1) Kesshin Kata (sai) Choun No Kun (Bo 2) Choto Kyan No Sai (Sai 2)

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Brown Belt (with three stripes) Kesshin Kata (all variations) Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan Wansu Anaku Naihanchi Sandan Seisan Pinan Shodan Pinan Nidan Pinan Sandan Pinan Yondan Pinan Godan Kesshin Kata (tunfa) Kesshin Kata (bo) Matayoshi No Tunfa Ichi Shihonuke (Bo 1) Kesshin Kata (sai) Choun No Kun (Bo 2) Choto Kyan No Sai (Sai 2)

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Open Hand Kata Naihanchi Shodan Naihanchi Nidan Naihanchi Sandan Wansu Seisan Anaku Pinan Shodan Pinan Nidan Pinan Sandan Pinan Yondan Pinan Godan Gojushiho Ichi Gojushiho Ni Passai Niseishi Kusanku Chinto Sanchin

Kobudo Bo Shihonuke (Bo 1) Choun No Kun (Bo 2) Sueyoshi No Kun Ichi (Bo 3) Tsuken Akacho Nunte (Bo 4) Sueyoshi No Kun Ni (Bo 5) Tsuken Akacho Eaku Bo (Bo 6) Shima Igiri Bo Ichi (Bo 7) Shima Igiri Bo Ni (Bo 8) Sakugawa No Kun Ichi (Bo 9) Sakugawa No Kun Ni (Bo 10) Tokumine No Kun Ichi (Bo 11) Tokumine No Kun Ni (Bo 12) Ko Bo (Bo 13) Tunfa Matayoshi No Tunfa Ichi Matayoshi No Tunfa Ni Sai Nakamura No Sai Choto Kyan No Sai Matayoshi No Sai Odo No Sai Kama Matyoshi No Kama Ichi Maytoshi No Kama Ni Nunchaku Matayoshi No Nunchaku

Kata List

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Dojo Kun (Training Code)

Seek Perfection of Character

Hitotsu! Jinkaku kansei ni tsutomuru koto.

(to strive for the perfection of character)

Be Faithful

Hitotsu! Makato no michi o mamoru koto.

(to protect/defend the paths of truth)

Endeavor to Excel

Hitotsu! Doryoku no seishin o yashinau koto.

(to foster the spirit of effort)

Respect Others

Hitotsu! Reigi o omonsuru koto.

(to honor the principles of courtesy)