oireachtas digest on europe...2020/05/25  · regarding the labour market, vocational training and...

Oireachtas Digest on Europe 25 May to 31 May | Ref: 20-20 1 Spotlight The coming week is a Committees Week in the European Parliament with an extraordinary plenary on Wednesday when Ursula von der Leyen will present the Commission’s revised Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and Recovery Plan proposals. On Friday there is the online-edition of Parliaments’ European Youth Event (EYE); the youth event that should have gathered more than 10.000 young people in Strasbourg this week and goes into its final week with a series of interactive sessions to engage young people with EU policy-makers. President Sassoli will take part in the closing session on Friday. During the week past, the Commission launched its strategies on Biodiversity and Farm to Fork; it also communicated its European Semester Spring Package. On Future EU - UK relations the UK Government made public the various draft legal texts it sent to the EU Commission; there was also an open exchange of letters between the UK and EU Chief Negotiators with each side setting out its views on the cause of difficulties in the negotiations. In addition to President von der Leyen’s presentation, on Wednesday next, to the EP, the Commission will also communicate its adaptation of the Commission Work Programme 2020. At Council meetings last week, Ministers were mainly focused on the pandemic issues; anti money laundering and terrorist financing, and the European Semester were discussed by Economic and Finance Ministers. The coming week begins with a European Economic Area Council (EEA), Informal Teleconference, at which there will be an exchange of views on the EU-UK negotiations with Michel Barnier, Head of the Task Force for Relations with the UK. European Parliament Plenary and Committee – Coming Week Highlights How the European Parliament is working during the Pandemic: General: In an effort to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Parliament is reducing the need for physical meetings on its premises, without compromising its role of democratic scrutiny nor its ability to approve the necessary legislative measures to combat the virus and support the public, consumers, businesses and emergency services. The required social distancing is respected on EP premises at all times. Any parliamentary activities, such as committee and plenary meetings, which are still taking place are web- streamed and can be followed without requiring physical presence on EP premises. MEPs, Commissioners and Council representatives are able to participate remotely. The wearing of facemasks on the parliament’s premises becomes compulsory for all from Wednesday 13 May. Plenary: Due to the force majeure circumstances, on an exceptional basis, plenaries are held in Brussels and are unlikely to return to the normal seat in Strasbourg until after the summer recess. Parliament has put in place a procedure for MEPs to vote remotely by email and used for the first time on 26 March when MEPs voted almost unanimously to adopted three urgent proposals to help people and businesses tackle the crisis. The voting system is valid until 31 July unless extended by a decision of the Parliament’s Bureau. Committees: Work in committees has also adapted, using Teleconferences MEPs have been discussing urgent topics with commissioners and national authorities. Interpretation and voting at committee meetings is maintained under the current remote meeting system. Political Groups and Governing Bodies. These are also working and communicating remotely through teleconferencing. New Calendar: A new meeting calendar was issued on 2 April with expanded time for Committee meetings

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Page 1: Oireachtas Digest on Europe...2020/05/25  · regarding the labour market, vocational training and skills intelligence in the context of the COVID-19 crisis - Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner

Oireachtas Digest on Europe 25 May to 31 May | Ref: 20-20


Spotlight The coming week is a Committees Week in the European Parliament with an extraordinary plenary on Wednesday when Ursula von der Leyen will present the Commission’s revised Multiannual Financial

Framework (MFF) and Recovery Plan proposals. On Friday there is the online-edition of Parliaments’ European Youth Event (EYE); the youth event that should have gathered more than 10.000 young people in Strasbourg this week and goes into its final week with a series of interactive sessions to engage young people with EU policy-makers. President Sassoli will take part in the closing session on Friday.

During the week past, the Commission launched its strategies on Biodiversity and Farm to Fork; it also communicated its European Semester Spring Package. On Future EU - UK relations the UK Government made public the various draft legal texts it sent to the EU Commission; there was also an open exchange of letters

between the UK and EU Chief Negotiators with each side setting out its views on the cause of difficulties in the negotiations.

In addition to President von der Leyen’s presentation, on Wednesday next, to the EP, the Commission will also communicate its adaptation of the Commission Work Programme 2020.

At Council meetings last week, Ministers were mainly focused on the pandemic issues; anti money laundering and terrorist financing, and the European Semester were discussed by Economic and Finance Ministers. The coming week begins with a European Economic Area Council (EEA), Informal Teleconference, at which there

will be an exchange of views on the EU-UK negotiations with Michel Barnier, Head of the Task Force for Relations with the UK.

European Parliament

Plenary and Committee – Coming Week Highlights

How the European Parliament is working during the Pandemic:

General: In an effort to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Parliament is reducing the need for physical meetings on its premises, without compromising its role of democratic scrutiny nor its ability to approve the necessary legislative measures to combat the virus and support the public, consumers, businesses and emergency services. The required social distancing is respected on EP premises at all times. Any parliamentary activities, such as committee and plenary meetings, which are still taking place are web-

streamed and can be followed without requiring physical presence on EP premises. MEPs, Commissioners

and Council representatives are able to participate remotely. The wearing of facemasks on the parliament’s premises becomes compulsory for all from Wednesday 13 May.

Plenary: Due to the force majeure circumstances, on an exceptional basis, plenaries are held in Brussels and are unlikely to return to the normal seat in Strasbourg until after the summer recess. Parliament has put in place a procedure for MEPs to vote remotely by email and used for the first time on 26 March when

MEPs voted almost unanimously to adopted three urgent proposals to help people and businesses tackle the crisis. The voting system is valid until 31 July unless extended by a decision of the Parliament’s Bureau.

Committees: Work in committees has also adapted, using Teleconferences MEPs have been discussing urgent topics with commissioners and national authorities. Interpretation and voting at committee meetings is maintained under the current remote meeting system.

Political Groups and Governing Bodies. These are also working and communicating remotely through teleconferencing.

New Calendar: A new meeting calendar was issued on 2 April with expanded time for Committee


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European Parliament

Plenary and Committee – Coming Week Highlights


27 May New long-term EU budget. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will present the Commission’s revised Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and Recovery Plan proposals and debate with Members in an extraordinary plenary session 13:30 to 15:00h.

29 May European Youth Event (EYE).

The online-edition of Parliaments’ youth event, that should have gathered more than 10.000 young people in Strasbourg this week, goes into its final week with a series of interactive sessions to engage young people with EU policy-makers. President Sassoli will take part in the closing session on Friday.


25 May Fisheries PECH


- The sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement and its Implementing Protocol (2020-2026) between the European Union and the Republic of Seychelles

25 May Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs LIBE

Exchange of views

- COVID-19: Toolkit for Member States - Respecting democracy, rule of law and human rights in the framework of the COVID-19 sanitary crisis, Council of Europe


- Community statistics on migration and international protection


- Draft interim report on whether there is a clear risk of a serious breach of the rule of law by Poland. They will also assess the situation of the judiciary in the country with the President of the European Association of Judges, José Igreja Matos, and Joanna Hetnarowicz-Sikora, Member of the National Board of Polish judges

association IUSTITIA.

- Digital Services Act and fundamental rights issues posed

EU Fact Sheets: Freedom, security and justice

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European Parliament

Plenary and Committee – Coming Week Highlights

25 May Legal Affairs JURI

Structured dialogue

- Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market

- Věra Jourová, Vice-President for Values and Transparency

- Maroš Šefčovič, European Commission Vice-President for Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight

25 May Women’s Rights and Gender Equality FEMM

Exchange of views

- The gender perspective in the Covid-19 crisis and post-crisis period

- The EU Strategy for Gender Equality

- Helena Dalli, Commissioner for Equality

25 May Economic and Monetary Affairs ECON

Exchange of views with Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age, on the economic impact and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic f

25 May Foreign Affairs - International Trade AFET-INTA

Consideration on the- recommendations on the negotiations for a new partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

26 May Security and Defence SEDE (AFET)

Exchange of views

- Josep Borrell Fontelles, Vice-President of the European Commission/ High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

26 May Agriculture AGRI

Vote on the EU’s role in protecting and restoring the world’s forests.

Reporting back from negotiations: Transitional provisions for the support by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) in the year 2021

26 May Constitutional Affairs AFCO

Exchange of views: on the Conference on the Future of Europe and the role of the European Parliament

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European Parliament

Plenary and Committee – Coming Week Highlights

26 May

Employment and Social Affairs EMPL

Vote: - Establishment of the Reform Support Programme

Structured Dialogue - Helena Dalli, Commissioner for Equality

Exchange of views:

- Jürgen Siebel (Executive Director of Cedefop), Presentation of the Centre's activities regarding the labour market, vocational training and skills intelligence in the context of the COVID-19 crisis

- Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, updates of the European

Commission work programme and the MFF proposal as well as the social dimension of the recovery plan

- The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on workers’ mobility, particularly for contract workers and cross-border workers with Josip Aladrović, Croatian Minister of Labour and Pension System, Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, and Jordi Curell Gotor Interim Executive Director of the European Labour Authority

27 May Budgets BUDG

Vote on - Guidelines for 2021 EU budget / - EU solidarity package for Portugal, Spain, Italy, Austria

27 May

Employment and Social Affairs, Economy and Monetary Affairs Environment, EMPL-ECON

Economic Dialogue: Country-specific recommendations of the 2020 European Semester with:

-Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President for An Economy that Works for People,

-Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy and

-Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights

28 May Culture and Education CULT


- European Institute of Innovation and Technology

- Strategic Innovation Agenda of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) 2021-2027: Boosting the Innovation Talent and Capacity of Europe

28 May Development DEVE

Exchange of views

- The COVID-19 outbreak in developing countries: a WHO perspective on the challenges and its impact on the international humanitarian and development response, with Michael Ryan, Executive Director, World Health Organization's Health Emergencies Programme

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European Parliament

Plenary and Committee – Coming Week Highlights

28 May Human Rights DROI

Exchange of views

- Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court

28 May Economy and Monetary Affairs Environment, Public Health and Food Safety ECON-ENVI


- Establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment

28 May Environment, Public Health and Food Safety ENVI

Consideration: Establishing the framework for achieving climate neutrality and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 (European Climate Law);- Shortage of medicines - how to address an emerging problem.

Vote: - Objection pursuant to Rule 112(2), (3) and (4)(c): Renewing the approval of

the active substance pyriproxyfen l concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market (D066474)

Exchange of views - Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety - Presentation of the Farm to Fork Strategy and of the Health Programme

28 May International Trade INTA


- Implementation of the common commercial policy – annual report 2018

- Commission Report on the application of the "grandfathering" regulation for bilateral investment agreements between Member States and third countries

- Exercise of the Union's rights for the application and enforcement of international trade rules

Exchange of views: - Phil Hogan, Commissioner for Trade, on EU response to the

impact of COVID-19 on trade

28 May Industry Trade and Energy ITRE

Agenda pending

28 May Transport and Tourism TRAN

Exchange of views

- Package on tourism and transport in 2020 and beyond

Link to all committee meetings here

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European Commission

Coming Week Highlights

25 to 31 May Weekly Calendar Here

27 May College Meeting Adaptation of the Commission Work Programme 2020

27 May President Ursula von der Leyen addresses the Plenary of the European Parliament . the revised Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and recovery plan proposals

European Council – Council of the European Union

Coming Meetings

25 May Members of the European Economic Area Council (EEA), Informal

Teleconference. Chaired by Gordan Grlić-Radman, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia. The EEA EFTA side will be led by Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway, who will be accompanied by Katrin Eggenberger, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Liechtenstein, and Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland.


Overall functioning of the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA Agreement) and the effect of COVID-19 on the internal market.

An orientation debate on the European Green Deal, with the participation of Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission.

Informal exchange of views on the EU-UK negotiations with Michel Barnier, Head of the Task Force for Relations with the UK.

Ministers will also discuss the external dimension of the COVID-19 crisis.

Council are expected to adopt a joint statement addressing the following areas:

response to the Covid-19 pandemic

cooperation in the EEA

political dialogue

the withdrawal of the UK from the EU and the EEA Agreement

development of the internal market

incorporation of EEA-relevant EU acts

the European Green Deal

EU programmes

EEA and Norway Financial Mechanisms

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European Council – Council of the European Union

Coming Meetings

26 May European Affairs Ministers, Teleconference,


Progress achieved in connection with the coordination of de-escalation measures in the context of the COVID-19 crisis.

Exchange of views on a comprehensive economic and social recovery of the EU, including an adjusted long-term EU budget and the accompanying

recovery instrument.

European Commission will inform ministers about the preparation of the annual report on the rule of law in the EU.

29 May Foreign affairs ministers, Teleconference



29 May Ministers of Research, Teleconference



29 May Ministers Responsible for Space, Teleconference



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Croatian Presidency of the EU Council

1st Semester 1 January - 30 June

Date Meeting EP Committee

Cancelled until further notice

6th Meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol pursuant to Article 88 TFEU and the Europol Regulation (EU) 2016/794


Cancelled until further notice

Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting:

Driving the food and farming transition - What type of CAP to overcome future challenges


28 April

Cancelled until further notice

Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting:

The working Methods of Council


6 May EU-Western Balkans Zagreb Summit -- Teleconference

17-19 May


EU Speakers’ Conference

24-26 May

Cancelled until further notice

Croatian Presidency Meeting LXIII COSAC Plenary Meeting


23 June

Cancelled until further notice

Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting:

Current EU Foreign and Security Challenges (TBC title)


Cancelled until

further notice

Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting:

Financing for Development


Cancelled until further notice

Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting:

Driving Asylum and Migration


Cancelled until further notice

Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting:

The European Child Guarantee


22 June


Inter-parliamentary Committee Meeting:

Good Practices for “better law making” from a digital aspect


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Highlights of Week 18 May to 24 May

European Parliament Plenary and Committee

Highlights Week: 18 May to 24 May

COVID-19: MEPs urge quick action to prevent “huge recession”

In an EP webinar for journalists on Tuesday, on the EU long-term budget and Europe’s economic recovery plan, MEPs from the BUDG Committee welcomed the recent French-German proposal for a €500 billion

recovery fund and reiterated Parliament's position on the recovery plan as adopted in the recent plenary session.

Link to statement here

European Parliament supports local authorities fighting the effects of the


The European Parliament has offered its support to local authorities in addressing the socio economic

consequences of the crisis in its three main places of work. As result, different agreements with local authorities are in place to address specific requests and needs due to the current circumstances.

Link to EP Statement here


Highlights Week: 18 May to 24 May

Future EU UK Relations

The UK Government has made public the various draft legal texts it sent to the EU Commission, link to texts

is here

During the week there was an exchange of letters between the Chief negotiators; links to the letters are here Letter from David Frost, Letter from Michel Barnier

The next round of talks commences on 1 June.

Biodiversity and Farm to Form Strategies

The European Commission adopted a comprehensive new Biodiversity Strategy which it says is to bring nature back into our lives and a Farm to Fork Strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system.

The two strategies are mutually reinforcing, bringing together nature, farmers, business and consumers for jointly working towards a competitively sustainable future.

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In line with the European Green Deal, they propose ambitious EU actions and commitments to halt biodiversity loss in Europe and worldwide and transform our food systems into global standards for competitive sustainability, the protection of human and planetary health, as well as the livelihoods of all actors in the food

value chain. The COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated how vulnerable the increasing biodiversity loss makes us and how crucial a well-functioning food system is for our society. The two strategies put the citizen at the centre, by committing to increase the protection of land and sea, restoring degraded ecosystems and establishing the EU as a leader on the international stage both on the protection of biodiversity.

Link to Commission communication here

Link Questions and Answers: EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 here

European Semester Spring Package2020

On Wednesday, the Commission published the 2020 European Semester Package and Country-specific recommendations.

Link to the Commissions communication and further background information here

Link to the Country Specific Recommendations here

European Semester the Spring Package Explained here

Commission Response to Franco German Initiative

President von der Leyen welcomed the constructive proposal made by France and Germany. In a statement

she said “It acknowledges the scope and the size of the economic challenge that Europe faces, and rightly puts the emphasis on the need to work on a solution with the European budget at its core. This goes in the

direction of the proposal the Commission is working on which will also take into account the views of all Member States and the European Parliament” She also emphasised the importance and connectivity of the three pillars which the Commissions recovery plan is based on which are:

o flexible State Aid framework and the triggering of the escape clause of the Stability and Growth Pact, as well as the support provided by the ECB and the EIB;

o the €540 billion of loans in various forms that form the heart of the Eurogroup's response, including the Commission's SURE Programme

o the Multiannual Financial Framework topped up by the Recovery Instrument, that the Commission will adopt next week.

Link to President’s statement here

Link to French German Initiative for European Recovery here

State Aid

The Commission continued to approve applications for State Aid Funding, in the context of the Corona Virus pandemic, under the Temporary Framework adopted by the Commission on 19 March 2020, and amended on 3 April and 8 May 2020. Schemes approved during the past week were:

o Italy 21 May A €9 billion “umbrella” scheme to support companies affected by the coronavirus outbreak. Under the scheme, the Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces, other territorial bodies as well as Chambers of commerce, will be able to provide support to companies of all sizes, including

self-employed, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large companies.

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European Council and Council of European Union

Highlights Week: 18 May to 24 May

Education Ministers, Teleconference 18 May

Ministers held an exchange of views on the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on education and training

across the EU, in particular in the context of the gradual lifting of containment measures.

The discussion was structured around questions related to the reopening of education and training

institutions, with a particular focus on organisational and safety aspects, as well as on the state of play regarding school leaving examinations and admissions to higher education. In addition, ministers reflected on how member states’ cooperation can facilitate the continuation of cross-border learning mobility.

In their exchange, ministers shared information on different national approaches in relation to:

stages and timing of reopening education and training institutions

hygienic, sanitary and organisational measures

organization of final examinations and admissions to higher education

conditions for resuming studies from the next academic year

learning mobility across the EU

The discussion was also an opportunity to contribute to the work on the draft Council conclusions on countering the COVID-19 crisis on education and training.

The Croatian presidency informed member states on the state of play regarding the adoption of the draft Council conclusions on European teachers and trainers for the future.

Link to Croatian Presidency summary of the meeting here

Economics and Finance Ministers, Teleconference 19 May

Economic response to COVID-19 Pandemic Ministers discussed progress achieved on the EU's response measures taken to tackle the COVID-19 crisis. Ministers welcomed the adoption, by written procedure, of the regulation for temporary support to mitigate unemployment risks in an emergency (SURE). SURE can provide up to €100 billion of loans under favourable terms to member states to help finance national short-time work schemes and similar measures, including for self-employed persons, as

well as support some health-related measures, in particular at the work place in response to the crisis.

Ministers also took stock of ongoing discussions to operationalise the safety net for businesses via the European Investment Bank's pan-European guarantee fund. The Presidency called for the finalisation of the instrument as soon as possible.

The Commission and the European Central Bank presented their assessment of the economic and financial situation.

Anti-money laundering and terrorist financing Ministers discussed how to further improve the existing AML framework, in particular:

how to best achieve a harmonised set of rules and which areas and sectors would merit being covered by a regulation;

how to make better use of data, data analysis and data sharing;

the possibility of setting up a new dedicated EU authority for AML and its possible competences;

the revised methodology proposed by the Commission for the identification of high-risk third countries.

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European Semester 2020

Ministers welcomed the adoption of Council conclusions on the European Semester 2020 country reports and the implementation of the 2019 country-specific recommendations.

These conclusions are part of the annual process of assessing macroeconomic imbalances procedures. However, this year, they reflect the exceptional situation linked to the severe deterioration of the economic situation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The conclusions focus on structural challenges and vulnerabilities that remain relevant in today's changing and uncertain economic environment, and which could prove relevant for a recovery strategy.

Economic dialogue with Western Balkans and Turkey

In the margins of the video conference of economic and finance ministers, the EU, the Western Balkans and Turkey held their annual economic policy dialogue. This year's discussion focused on the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the region. Participants adopted a joint statement at the end of the video conference.

Culture Ministers Teleconference 19 May

Ministers held an exchange of views about the impact of COVID-19 on the cultural and creative sectors. The discussion took place in the context of the gradual lifting of restrictions and the lessons learnt since the start of the pandemic. The discussion also focused on possibilities for resuming cultural programmes and activities without putting in jeopardy the health of artists and the audience.

The exchange of views was structured around the following questions:

Having implemented the initial measures to halt the decline of the cultural and creative sectors, which steps

will the Member States undertake in the upcoming period, especially considering the anticipated gradual lifting of restrictions?

What are the main lessons learnt from the COVID-19 crisis as far as the cultural and creative sectors are concerned?

Ministers agreed that it was necessary to apply maximum flexibility in the implementation of the Creative Europe programme and its financing post-2020. In particular, they highlighted the need to ensure a level-playing field. Ministers suggested to include measures to support the cultural and creative sectors in the EU

recovery initiatives. They also exchanged views on how various EU programmes could be used to support both sectors. The importance of digitalisation and development of online platforms was also highlighted. Ministers stressed the crucial role of media and reliable information and the need to ensure support for the audiovisual sector.

The Croatian presidency thanked member states for their contribution to finalising the Council conclusions on risk management in cultural heritage, Council conclusions on media literacy in an ever-changing world

and Council conclusions amending the Work Plan for Culture (2019-2022). These conclusions will be

adopted through a written procedure.

Link to Croatian Presidency summary of the meeting here

Ministers of Youth, Teleconference 19 May

Ministers held an exchange of views about the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on young people and youth organisations.The exchange of views was structured around the following questions:

How has COVID-19 affected young people's access to services (including health and counselling), digital tools, youth participation and employment opportunities?

What measures can be taken at national and EU level to support the youth sector in areas affected by COVID-19 pandemic?

Ministers identified several actions to help young people in dealing with the consequences of the pandemic, in particular:

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allowing more flexibility in the implementation of the Erasmus+ and European solidarity corps programmes

including youth-related policies and measures in EU recovery initiatives

providing assistance to more vulnerable groups, such as young people from disadvantaged backgrounds or those living in remote and rural areas

ensuring possibilities for activities during the summer break, such as participation in summer camps

The Croatian presidency thanked member states for their contribution to finalising the Council conclusions

on raising opportunities for young people in rural and remote areas. These conclusions will be adopted through a written procedure.

Link to Croatian Presidency summary of the meeting here

Ministers of Tourism Teleconference 20 May

Ministers exchanged views on how best to take forward the implementation of the guidelines and recommendations presented by the Commission on 13 May with a view to helping member states coordinate the gradual lifting of travel restrictions and allow tourism businesses to reopen while respecting the necessary health precautions.The exchange of views was structured around the following two questions :

What is your assessment of the measures taken at EU level and what further measures should be taken in

order to ensure adequate financial and other forms of support for the tourism sector?

What would be the best way forward to ensure efficient and timely coordination in the implementation of the guidelines and measures from the tourism and transport package?

Ministers broadly welcomed the Commission guidelines as a necessary first step for the recovery of the tourism sector.They also expressed strong support for a number of principles that should govern such recovery, such as :

close coordination at EU level,

gradual, step-by-step approach,

decisions based on sound epidemiological data,


Considering that clear communication and full transparency are the necessary conditions for restoring trust in travel and tourism, ministers encouraged the Commission to carry out its plans to create an interactive website, which will make available to the public real-time information on the conditions and measures in

place in each member state concerning tourists.

Several member states were of the view that the tourism sector needs a swift and targeted financial support at EU level to address the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, including adequate financial support from the upcoming EU recovery plan, to be presented by the Commission on 27 May 2020.

Finally, as regards passengers whose flights were cancelled due to the pandemic, a number of ministers called upon the Commission to provide member states with additional flexibility in order to address liquidity problems of airline companies.

Sources: EU Parliament, Commission, and Council websites