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  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt










  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Government of IndiaMinistry of Petroleum & Natural Gas


    The Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas has been publishing its annual bulletin

    “Indian Petroleum & Natural Gas Statistics ” since 1967 containing comprehensive

    information on the Oil & Gas Sector. The bulletin provides information in terms of both

    calendar year and financial year, to address the demands of the diverse users. It also

    includes a brief write-up on production performance of Petroleum & Natural Gas Sector

    during 2011-12. The bulletin denotes the sustained efforts of the Economic Division of the


    2. We welcome suggestions to improve the bulletin.

    (G.C.Chaturvedi)Secretary to the Government of India

    Shastri BhawanNew Delhi-110001January, 2013

  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Government of IndiaMinistry of Petroleum & Natural Gas

    Economic Division


    The Economic Division of the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas has

    conscientiously endeavoured to bring out its annual bulletin “ Indian Petroleum & Natural

    Gas Statistics ” from 1967. This has been made possible with inputs furnished by various

    Ministries and Departments of the Government of India, concerned oil companies as well as

    Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell (PPAC).

    2. We express our deep sense of gratitude to all the data providers to the Ministry and

    record our appreciation for the efforts put in by the officials of the Economic Division viz.,

    Shri Sukhvir Singh, Director, Shri Kumar Singh Soni, Assistant Director, Shri S.S Chahal,

    Senior Investigator, Shri Shyam Lal, Jr. Investigator and Shri Ashutosh Sharma, Consultant.

    3. Suggestions for improvement would be appreciated.

    (Dr. Archana S Mathur)Economic Adviser

    Paryavaran BhawanNew Delhi-110003January, 2013

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    S.No Subject Page No.

    I. General

    I.1 Scope & Coverage of Data Published 1

    I.2 Performance of Petroleum & Natural Gas Sector-Some Key Macro-Economic Trends. 2-8

    I.3 Indian Economy-Selected Indicators 9

    I.4 Trends in Indian Petroleum Industry at a Glance(Financial Years) 10

    1.5 International Petroleum Statistics 2004 to 2011 11

    I.6 (a) Petroleum Energy in India: 2004-2011(Calendar Years) 12(b) Petroleum Energy in India: 2004-05 to 2011-12 (Financial Years) 13

    II Exploration-Crude Oil & Natural Gas


    II.1 Area-wise deployment of deep drilling rigs , wells & metreage drilled by ONGC & OIL . 17II.2 Exploratory and development drilling by ONGC & OIL . 18II.3 Status of Wells as on 1 st April of each year 19II.4 State-wise Geological Surveys achievements upto 31.3.2012 20II.5 State-wise achievements of geophysical field parties in India since inception upto1-4-2012 21II.6 Basin-wise/State-wise achievements of drilling since inception upto 1-4-2011 22II.7 State-wise/Basin-wise oil and gas fields in India as on 1.4.2012 23

    Crude Oil

    II.8 Reserves of Crude Oil in India 24II.9 Company-wise production of crude oil in India (Calendar & Financial Years) 25II.10 State-wise production of crude oil in India (Calendar & Financial Years) 26

    Natural Gas

    II.11 Reserves of natural gas in India 27II.12 State-wise gross production of natural gas in India (Calendar & Financial Years) 28II.13 State-wise gross and net production of natural gas in India. 29-30II.14 State-wise utilisation of natural gas in India (Financial Years) 31II.15 Industry- wise offtakec of Natural Gas in India 31

    III. Refining, Transportation & Marketing


    III.1 Petroleum refining capacity in India 35III.2 Refinery crude throughput and production of petroleum products (Calendar & Financial Years) 36III.3 Refinery-wise crude Throughput and production of petroleum products during 2004-05 to 2011-12 37III.4 (a) Production of Petroleum Products/Pattern of Production: 2004 to 2011 38

    (b) Production of Petroleum Products/Pattern of Production:2004-05 to 2011-12 39

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    S.No Subject Page No.Transportation

    III.5 Crude oil, natural gas and product pipelines in India 40III.6 Tonnage of Indian tankers fleet – 2004 to 2012 41III.7 Indian Tonnage as on 31.3.2012 42-43III.8 Share of traffic of petroleum products in the total traffic handled at major ports 44-46III.9 Movement of POL traffic on Railways since 2004-05 To 2011-12 47III.10 Rail freight rates in respect of petroleum products 47

    Marketing Network

    III.11 Total Retail outlets in India 48III.12 State-wise number of retail outlets, LDO/SKO dealers and LPG distributors as on 1.4.2012 49III.13 State-wise and company-wise retail outlets as on 1.4.2012 50III.14 State-wise and company-wise LPG domestic consumers as on 1.4.2012 51III.15 CNG activities in India as on 01.04.2012 52III.16 Introduction to Green Fuels in India 53

    IV. Prices

    IV.1 Wholesale price indices of selected petroleum products 57IV.2 Month & Year-wise average of International Crude Oil prices(Indian Basket) 58IV.3 (a) Weighted average of crude oil prices 59

    (b) Consumer and producer prices of natural gas 60IV.4 Subsidies provided under Budget of Government of India 61IV.5 Subsidies provided by the Government of India & Oil companies on PDS SKO & Domestic LPG 62IV.6 Price build-up of selected petroleum-products in major cities as on 01.04.2012 63-65IV.7 Trends in retail selling prices of selected petroleum products in metropolitan towns in India 66IV.8 Rates of dealer's commission for MS, HSDO and LPG in India 66

    V. Consumption

    V.1 (a) Product-wise consumption of petroleum products during 2004-2011 69(b) Product-wise consumption of petroleum products during 2004-05 to 2011-12 70(c) Product-wise consumption of petroleum products by Public and Private Sector 71

    V.2 Sector-wise consumption (end use) of selected petroleum products 72-76V.3 Consumption of petroleum products and market share of oil companies in India 77V.4 Deliveries made to international/coastal bunkers during 2004-05 to 2011-12 77V.5 State-wise consumption of major petroleum products during 2011-12 78-79V.6 State-wise per capita sales of petroleum products and per capita Sales of selected petroleum products 80

    VI Trade

    VI.1 Import/Export of crude oil and petroleum products from 2004-2011 83VI.2 Import/Export of crude oil and petroleum products from 2004-05 to 2011-12 84VI.3 India's Pol. Imports as proportion to overall Exports from the Country: 2004-05 to 2011-12 85VI.4 Import/Export of crude oil and petroleum products (product-wise) from 2006 to 2011 86VI.5 Import/Export of crude oil and petroleum products (product-wise) from 2006-07 to 2011-12 87VI.6 Trends in India's overall trade balance and trade balance with OPEC countries 88VI.7 Annual Growth of Foreign Direct Investment Equity Inflows 89

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    S.No Subject Page No.XI.5 World consumption of natural gas 2004-2011 136-137XI.6 Productivity of producing wells in OPEC Member countries during 2011 138XI.7 World oil refining capacity 139XI.8 World refinery crude throughput 2004-2011 140XI.9 Country-wise world oil consumption 2004-2011 141-142XI.10 Product-wise regional consumption of main petroleum products during 2004-2011 143-144XI.11 World oil production, consumption and relative deficit/surplus in each country/region. 145XI.12 World crude oil & petroleum products imports and exports during 2011 146XI.13 Exports of crude oil & refined petroleum products from OPEC 147XI.14 World imports of natural gas by country-2004-2011 148-149XI.15 World imports of refined products by country-2004-2011 150XI.16 World crude oil exports by country-2004-2011 151XI.17 World exports of refined products by country-2004-2011 152XI.18 International petroleum Crude price index during 2004-2011 153XI.19 Spot prices of key OPEC crude since 2004. 154XI.20 Crude oil spot prices in US$ per barrel 155XI.21 Petroleum products spot prices in US$ per barrel 155XI.22 Natural gas prices for Industry and Household use 156XI.23 Crude oil import costs in US$ per barrel 157XI.24 Spot prices of key OPEC crude oils 158XI.25 Spot prices of major petroleum products in key trading centres of the world 159XI.26 World survey of selected petroleum products prices in 2011 160XI.27 Airfield prices of Jet A-1 fuel at major international airports as on 1 st April of each year 161XI.28 Tanker fleet development in OPEC members 2005-2011 162XI.29 Inter-area total oil movements- 2004-2011 163XI.30 World primary energy consumption by fuel-2011 164-165XI.31 Per capita primary energy consumption during 2011 - Some international comparisons 166-167XI.32 Per capita consumption of main petroleum products-Some international comparisons – 2011 168XI.33 Trends in world primary energy consumption-2004-2011. 168XI.34 Primary energy consumption in selected countries of the world-2004-2011 169-170XI.35 Economic indicators of OPEC nations during 2011 171

    Appendix 175-188

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  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt




    1. Scope: The “Indian Petroleum & Natural Gas Statistics” presents comprehensive statistics on variousaspects of Indian Petroleum & Natural Gas Industries. The data on international developments in respectof the important segment of Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries have also been presented in thepublication.

    2. Coverage: The Statistics presented in the current publication cover the exploration, production, refining,marketing activities etc. of Oil sector.

    3. Source: The primary statistics in respect of petroleum and natural gas industries included in thepublication are based on various returns, submitted by the oil public sector undertakings (PSUs), jointventure companies and private companies under the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas.The sources of all the secondary data, including international statistics, incorporated in the publication,have been indicated at the bottom of relevant tables.

    4. Limitations: The data in respect of sales/consumption of petroleum products reflect despatches of variouspetroleum products from the sales depots of different oil companies to the bulk consumers/retail outlets.The state-wise sales/consumption of such products show despatches to direct consumers / retail outlets

    meant for consumption / sales in a particular state.

    5. Reference Period: All the key statistics for the domestic petroleum and natural gas industries have beenpresented on calendar (January-December) as well as on financial year (April-March) basis.

    6. Natural Gas: The gross production of natural gas reflects gross withdrawals of natural gas from reservoir.On the other hand, the net production of natural gas show gross withdrawal of natural gas from reservoirsless gas used for reinjection into reservoirs for pressuring gas which is flared and / or vented.The utilisation data for natural gas includes gas marketed, gas used for LPG extraction and gas consumedfor field operations by the companies engaged in hydrocarbons exploration / production activities.

    7. Petroleum Exports: The refined petroleum products supplied by the Indian Oil Corporation to Nepal havealso been included under Indian exports from 1983-84.

    8. Petroleum Imports: The crude oil and product import figures given in the publication includes crude oil / petroleum products imported by the oil PSUs, private and parallel marketers on behalf of Nepal forprocessing of crude oil in Indian refineries and arranging supplies of desired products to Nepal. Petroleumproducts actually brought into the country from processing of Indian and international crudes at foreignrefineries for Indian oil companies, have also been included under the product import figures.

    9. Value of Import/Export: The value data in respect of exports of petroleum included in the publicationshow F.O.B. value of exports whereas similar value figures for imports reflect C.I.F. value of imports.

    10. Revision / updating: Necessary revision / updating in the past data have been made in the light of latestavailable figures.

    11. Abbreviations: Details of abbreviations used have been provided in Appendix.

    12. Conversion factor: The conversion factors generally used in the oil sector are also given in the appendix.

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    I.2 Performance of Petroleum & Natural Gas Sector –Some Key Macro-Economic Trends


    The Indian economy is at a critical stage of development where energy requirement is increasing

    at a phenomenal pace. Even though, large part of the developed world is struggling to recover from the

    recession, the relatively faster emerging countries like, China and India are attempting to meet the requisite

    demand for Hydrocarbons and other alternative energy resources. Given the limited domestic availability of

    oil and gas, the country is compelled to import over 75% of its domestic requirement and subject itself to

    the vagaries of a volatile international price scenario.

    In order to meet burgeoning demand for petroleum products in the country, the Ministry of

    Petroleum & Natural Gas has taken several measures to enhance exploration and exploitation of

    petroleum resources including natural gas and Coal Bed Methane (CBM), apart from improved distribution,

    marketing and pricing of petroleum products.During the financial year 2011-12, crude oil production was about 38.09 million metric tonne

    (MMT), with share of national oil companies at 72.4%. The projected crude oil production in 2012-13 is

    about 41.12 MMT which is about 8% higher than the previous year crude oil production. The increase in

    crude oil production is mainly due to higher crude oil production from Barmer Fields, Rajasthan.

    The average natural gas production in the year 2011-12 was about 130 million metric standard

    cubic metre per day (MMSCMD) which was about 9% lower than the previous year mainly due to lower

    production from KG D6 deepwater block. The projected natural gas production in 2012-13 is about 118.3

    MMSCMD, which is about 9% lower than the previous year.

    The present Indian refinery capacity as on 01.08.2012 is 215.08 MMT which is expected to reach

    to 218.40 MMT by the end of 2012-13. Refinery production (crude throughput) during 2011-12 is 211.42

    MMT (including crude throughput by RIL SEZ Refinery).

    2. Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production:

    The trend in production of crude oil and natural gas during the period 2004-05 to 2011-12 is in

    Table-1 and Graph-1. The crude oil production has remained in the range 33 to 38 MMT during this period

    with year to year variations. During the year 2011-12, production for crude oil is 38.09MMT, which is about

    1.08% higher than the actual crude oil production of 37.684 MMT during 2010-11. Natural gas production

    during 2011-12 was 47.559 BCM against production of 52.219 BCM during 2010-11 which is lower by

    8.92% due to lower production from KG D-6 basin.

    There were also various reasons like environmental and law and order issue in Assam, power

    disturbances in Gujarat, delay in production from well in Andhra Pradesh, and less inputs in a number of

    development/side track wells in Mumbai & some constraints were overcome and higher production is

    expected during the coming years.

    The Government of India launched the ninth bid round of New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP-

    IX) and fourth round of Coal Bed Methane Policy (CBM-IV) during Oct., 2010 to enhance the Country’s

    energy security. In addition, in order to supplement domestic reserves the oil and gas PSUs have acquiredassets abroad, the production of oil and natural gas of ONGC-VIDESH Ltd during 2011-12 was 8.75 MMT

    of oil and equivalent gas (MMTOE) from its assets abroad.

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    Table-1: Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production

    Year Crude Oil Production(MMT)

    % Growth Natural Gas Production(BCM)

    % Growth

    2004-05 33.981 1.82 31.763 -0.622005-06 32.190 -5.27 32.202 1.38

    2006-07 33.988 5.59 31.747 -1.412007-08 34.118 0.38 32.417 2.112008-09 33.508 -1.79 32.845 1.32

    2009-10 33.690 0.54 47.496 44.61

    2010-11 37.684 11.86 52.219 9.94

    2011-12* 38.090 1.08 47.559 -8.92*Provisional

    Graph-1: Percentage Growth in Crude Oil & Natural Gas Production

    3. Refining Capacity & Production:

    In order to facilitate oil and gas security, there has been considerable increase in refining capacity

    over the years as may be seen in Table-2. There was an increase in domestic refining capacity by over

    2.2% to reach 187.386 Metric Million Tonne Per Annum (MMTPA) in 2011-12 as compared to 183.386

    MMTPA in 2010-11.Refinery capacity is expected to reach 218.37 MMTPA by March, 2013

    The Refinery production (crude throughput) achievement was 211.424 MMT during 2011-12 which

    is 2.63 % higher than that produced during 2010-11 (206.03 MMT) as depicted in Table-2 .

    Table-2: Refining Capacity & ProductionYear Refining Capacity @

    (MMTPA)% Growth Refinery Production

    (Crude Throughput) (MMTA)%

    Growth 2004-05 127.368 8.89 127.416 4.582005-06 127.368 0.00 130.109 2.112006-07 132.468 4.00 146.551 12.642007-08 148.968 12.46 156.103 6.52

    2008-09 148.968 0.00 160.772 2.99

    2009-10 177.968 19.47 192.768 19.902010-11 183.386 3.04 206.003 6.872011-12* 187.386 2.81 211.424 2.63*Provisional @= As on 1 st April of the year.




    0.38 -1.790.54


















    2 0 0 4

    - 0 5

    2 0 0 5

    - 0 6

    2 0 0 6

    - 0 7

    2 0 0 7

    - 0 8

    2 0 0 8

    - 0 9

    2 0 0 9

    - 1 0

    2 0 1 0

    - 1 1

    2 0 1 1

    - 1 2 *

    % G

    r o w t h

    Years% growth of Crude Oil Production % Growth of Natural Gas Production

  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt



    4. Production and Consumption of Petroleum Products:

    There was an increase by 3.37% in production of total petroleum products, including fractioners,

    during 2011-12 compared to the year 2010-11. The indigenous consumption of petroleum products

    increased by 4.93% during 2011-12 at 147.995 MMT compared to the previous year (2010-11) at 141.04

    MMT. Year-wise production and consumption of petroleum products during 2004-05 to 2011-12 aredepicted in Table-3 and Graph-2 below. It is evident from Table-3 that production and consumption (both)

    of petroleum products have a marked upward trend since 2004-05.

    Table-3: Production and Consumption (indigenous sales) of Petroleum Products

    Year Production of % Growth Consumption of % GrowthPetro-Products ̂

    (MMT)Petro-Products ** (MMT)

    2004-05 120.819 4.35 111.633 3.602005-06 121.935 0.92 113.214 1.42

    2006-07 137.353 12.64 120.748 6.65

    2007-08 146.990 7.02 128.948 6.79

    2008-09 152.678 3.87 133.599 3.61

    2009-10 182.011 19.21 137.808 3.15

    2010-11 192.433 5.73 141.040 2.35

    2011-12* 198.920 3.37 147.995 4.93*Provisional

    Notes : ^ = Includes LPG production from Natural Gas.** = Excludes refinery fuels and includes imports also .

    Graph-2: Percentage Growth in Production & Consumption of Petroleum Products









    6.65 6.79

    3.61 3.15 2.35








    2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12*

    % G

    r o w t h


    Growth in Production of Petroleum Products Growth of Consumtion of Petroleum Products

  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt



    5. Imports and prices of Crude Oil:

    Imports of Crude Oil during 2011-12, in terms of quantity was 171.729 MMT valued at Rs.6,72,220

    crore, this marked an increase by 4.97% in quantity terms w.r.t. 163.595 MMT during the year 2010-11, but

    increased by 47.65% (w.r.t.Rs.4,55,276crore) in value terms over the year of 2010-11. In terms of US$, the

    extent of increase in value of Crude imports was 33.58%. During the year 2004-05 the imports of crude oil

    was 95.861MMT that increased to 171.729 MMT in 2011-12 i.e. an increase of 79.14% as compared to

    imports during 2004-05.

    The average price of International crude oil (Indian Basket) has increased from US$39.21/bbl. in

    2004-05 to US$ 111.89/bbl. in 2011-12 i.e. an increase of about 185.36%. The trend in growth of crude oil

    imports and crude oil International (Indian Basket) prices are depicted in Table-4 and Graph-3:

    Table-4: Imports of Crude Oil and average Crude Oil Prices

    Year Imports of Crude Oil(MMT) % Growth Average Crude oil Prices(US$/bbl.) % Growth

    2004-05 95.861 06.00 39.21 40.142005-06 99.409 03.70 55.72 42.112006-07 111.502 12.16 62.46 12.102007-08 121.672 09.12 79.25 26.882008-09 132.775 09.13 83.57 05.452009-10 159.259 19.95 69.76 -16.532010-11 163.595 2.72 85.09 21.982011-12* 171.729 4.97 111.89 31.50


    Graph-3: Percentage Growth in Imports of Crude Oil &average International Crude Oil Prices







    40.14 42.11















    2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12*

    % G

    r o

    w t h


    % Growth in Imports of Crude Oil Growth in Crude oil Prices ( Indian Basket)

  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt



    6. Imports & Exports of Petroleum Products:

    It may be seen that despite considerable variations in International prices of crude oil, imports of

    crude oil have followed a steady growth primarily to meet domestic demand of a burgeoning economy,

    apart from re-exports of petroleum products. With substantial increase in refining capacity in India, as seen

    earlier, exports of petroleum products have picked up since 2004-05.Exports of petroleum products during 2011-12, in terms of quantity was 60.837 MMT valued at

    Rs.2,84,644 crore, which marked an increase of 2.98 % in quantity (w.r.t. 59.077 MMT during the year

    2010-11), but increased by 44.59% (w.r.t.Rs1,96,861crore) in value terms in Indian rupees over the year of

    2010-11. In terms of US$, the extent of increase of exports in value was 36.87%. The exports of petroleum

    products were 18.211 MMT in 2004-05, which steeply increased by 234.07% upto 2011-12. Imports of

    petroleum products are relatively limited and have declined due to available domestic refining capacity

    (Table-5 & Graph-4 ).

    Table-5: Imports & Exports of Petroleum Products


    Graph-4: Percentage Growth in Imports & Exports of Petroleum Products



























    % G

    r o w t h


    % growth in Imports of Petroleum Products % Growth in Export of Petroleum Products

    Year Imports of PetroleumProducts (MMT)

    % Growth Exports of PetroleumProducts (MMT)

    % Growth

    2004-05 08.828 10.34 18.211 24.562005-06 13.441 52.24 23.460 28.832006-07 17.660 31.40 33.624 43.322007-08 22.119 25.25 40.779 21.282008-09 18.524 -16.25 38.944 -4.502009-10 14.665 -20.83 51.023 31.02

    2010-11 16.815 14.66 59.077 15.792011-12* 14.997 -10.81 60.837 02.98

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    7. Petroleum Subsidy on SKO (PDS) and LPG (Domestic):

    The total subsidy during 2011-12 provided by Government of India & Oil companies on SKO andLPG were Rs.28,215& Rs.32,134 crore respectively and these marked an increase by 35.32% & 38.21%over the year 2010-11compared to Rs.20,415& Rs.23,746 crore respectively. The total budget subsidy onSKO (PDS) & LPG (Domestic) increased by 36.66% over the year 2010-11. The trends in growth of

    subsidies of both SKO & LPG are depicted in Table-6 and Graph-5 .

    Table-6: Subsidies on SKO (PDS) & LPG (Domestic)(Rs. Crore)

    Years Subsidy on SKO(PDS) %Growth

    Subsidy on LPG(Domestic) %GrowthFiscal Oil

    CompaniesTotal Fiscal Oil


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 92004-05 1147 9480 10627 65.84 1783 8362 10145 10.782005-06 1057 14384 15441 45.30 1605 10246 11851 16.82

    2006-07 970 17883 18853 22.10 1554 10701 12255 3.412007-08 978 19102 20080 6.51 1663 15523 17186 40.242008-09 974 28225 29199 45.41 1714 17600 19314 12.382009-10 956 17364 18320 -37.26 1814 14257 16071 -16.792010-11 931 19485 20415 11.44 1974 21772 23746 47.76

    2011-12* 863 27352 28215 35.32 2137 29997 32134 38.21*Provisional

    Graph-5: Percentage growth in Subsidy on SKO (PDS) and LPG (Domestic)

    8. Growth of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows

    To attract foreign investment under P&NG sector various policy initiatives have been taken during

    the XIth Five Year Plan. The present Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy as brought out by DIPP on

    31.03.2011, for petroleum & natural gas sector, allows 100% automatic route for exploration activities of oil

    and natural gas fields, infrastructure related to marketing of petroleum products and natural gas, marketingof natural gas and petroleum products, petroleum product pipelines, natural gas/pipelines, LNG
























    2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12* %

    G r o w t h


    % Growth in Subsidy on SKO (PDS) % Growth in Subsidy on LPG (Domestic)

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    Regassification infrastructure, market study and formulation and Petroleum refining in the private sector,

    subject to the existing sectoral policy and regulatory framework in the oil marketing sector.

    Year-wise FDI inflows under Petroleum & Gas sector is given in Table-7. It may be observed that

    FDI in petroleum and natural gas has varied considerably over the years that could at least partly due to the

    bulkiness of investment in the sector. The highest FDI was received in 2011-12 when it reached Rs. 9955crore contributing almost 6% of total FDI in the economy.

    Table: 7 Foreign Direct Investment Inflows

    Years Foreign Direct Investment Annual Growth (%)

    All Sector P&NG Sector All Sector P&NG SectorMillion Million Million Million

    Rs. US$ Rs. US$ Rs. US$ Rs. US$1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    2004-05 146530 3219 5182 1132005-06 245840 5540 636 14 67.77 72.10 -87.73 -87.61

    2006-07 563900 12492 4010 89 129.38 125.49 530.50 535.71

    2007-08 986420 24575 57290 1427 74.93 96.73 1328.68 1503.37

    2008-09 1428290 31396 19310 412 44.80 27.76 -66.29 -71.13

    2009-10 1231200 25834 13280 266 -13.80 -17.72 -31.23 -35.44

    2010-11 973200 21383 25430 556 -20.96 -17.23 91.49 109.02

    2011-12* 1651460 35121 99550 2030 69.69 64.25 291.47 265.11*Provisional

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    Indicator Unit/base 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12*1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    1. Geographical Area M.Sq.Km. 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.292. Population Million 1089 1106 1122 1138 1154 1170 1186 12023. Gross Domestic Product

    at factor cost :(i) At current prices Rs. '000 Crore 2971.5 3390.5 3953.3 4582.1 5303.6 6091.5 7157.4 8232.7^

    (ii) At constant prices " 2971.5 3253.1 3564.4 3896.6 4158.7 4507.6 4886.0 5202.5^4. Net National Product

    at factor cost :(i) At current prices Rs. '000 Crore 2629.2 3000.7 3501.3 4076.9 4705.4 5395.7 6325.0 7284.5^(ii) At constant prices " 2629.2 2877.3 3149.2 3451.8 3664.4 3959.7 4268.7 4549.7^

    5. Per Capita NetNational Product :(i) At current prices Rupees 24143 27131 31206 35825 40775 46117 53331 60603(ii) At constant prices " 24143 26015 28067 30332 31754 33843 35993 37851

    6. Foreign Exchange Reserves :(i) Gold Rs.Crore 19686 25674 29573 40124 48793 81188 102572 138300(ii) SDR Rs.Crore 20 12 8 74 6 22596 20401 22900

    (iii) Foreign currency Assets Rs.Crore 293121 647327 836597 1196023 1230066 1149650 1224883 1330500Foreign Exchange Rate Rs./US$ 44.93 44.27 45.28 40.26 45.99 47.42 45.58 47.92

    7. Foreign Trade :(i) Import Rs.Crore 501065 660409 840506 1012312 1374436 1363704 1683467 2342217(ii) Export Rs.Crore 375340 456418 571779 655864 840755 845534 1142922 1454066(iii) Balance of Trade Rs.Crore -125725 -203991 -268727 -356448 -533681 -518202 -540818 -626533

    8. Index of Production :(i) Agricultural 1993-94=100 130.90 146.80 167.80 207.10 194.10 191.40 215.30 NA(ii) Industrial 2004-05=100 211.10 108.60 122.60 141.70 145.20 152.90 165.50 170.20

    9. Wholesale Price Index : 2004-05=100 187.30 104.50 111.40 116.60 125.00 130.80 143.30 156.1310. Consumer Price Index:

    (i) Industrial Workers 2001=100 520 542 125 133 145 163 180 195(ii) Agricultural Labourers 1986-87=100 340 353 380 409 450 513 564 611(iii) Urban non-manual workers 1984-85=100 436 456 486 515 561 634 694 NA

    11 Energy Generation (Gross) :Coal Mn.Tonne 382.61 407.04 430.83 457.08 492.76 532.06 525.72 532.80Lignite " 30.34 30.06 31.29 33.98 32.42 34.07 23.14 24.59Natural Gas Bn.Cub.Mtr. 31.76 32.20 31.75 32.42 32.85 47.50 52.22 47.56Crude Oil Mn.Tonne 33.98 32.19 33.99 34.12 33.51 33.69 37.68 38.09

    Petroleum Products " 118.58 119.75 135.26 144.93 150.50 179.77 190.32 196.7112. Electricity Generated (Gross)

    (i) UtilitiesHydel B.KWH 84.6 101.5 113.5 120.4 110.1 104.1 114.4 130.5Thermal " 492.8 505 538.4 585.3 616.1 677.1 664.8 708.8Nuclear " 17 17.3 18.8 16.9 14.9 18.6 26.3 32.3Total " 594.4 623.8 670.7 722.6 741.1 799.8 805.5 871.6

    (ii) Non-utilities " 71.4 73.6 81.8 90.5 99.7 106.1 120.9 128.2Grand Total " 665.8 697.4 752.5 813.1 840.8 905.9 926.4 999.8

    13. POL Traffic by Rail MMT NA 33.5 35.2 35.9 35.1 38.9 39.3 41.1^ Revised Estimate* : Provisional.

    N.A.: Not AvailableSource : Economic Survey, RBI, Ministry of Statistics/Industry/Finance.

    1.3 Indian Economy -Selected Indicators


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Item Unit 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12*1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    1. Reserves !(Balance Recoverable)(i) Crude Oil Mn.Tonne 739 756 725 770 773 775 757 760(ii) Natural Gas Bn.Cub.Mtr. 923 1075 1055 1090 1115 1149 1278 1330

    2. Consumption(i) Crude Oil Mn.Tonne 127.42 130.11 146.55 156.10 160.77 192.77 206.00 211.42

    (in terms of refinerycrude throughput)

    (ii) Petroleum Products " 111.63 113.21 120.75 128.95 133.60 137.81 141.04 148.00(excl. RBF)

    3. Production :(i) Crude Oil " 33.98 32.19 33.99 34.12 33.51 33.69 37.68 38.09

    (ii) Petroleum Products " 118.58 119.75 135.26 144.93 150.52 179.77 190.32 196.71(iii) LPG from natural gas " 2.24 2.19 2.09 2.06 2.16 2.24 2.17 2.21

    4. Imports & Exports(i) Gross Imports :

    (a) Qty : Crude Oil Mn.Tonne 95.86 99.41 111.50 121.67 132.78 159.26 163.59 172.11LNG ' 5.06 6.81 8.32 8.06 8.83 8.95 9.70

    Petroleum Products " 8.83 13.44 17.66 22.46 18.52 14.66 17.34 14.92Total (a) " 104.69 117.91 135.97 152.45 159.36 182.75 189.88 196.74

    (b) Value:Crude Oil Rs.Billion 1170.30 1717.02 2190.29 2726.99 3481.49 3753.78 4559.09 6690.68LNG ' 33.66 56.50 71.97 95.48 102.97 127.19 203.73

    Petroleum Products " 148.87 279.72 411.60 610.00 608.46 337.54 558.12 482.88Total (b) " 1319.17 2030.40 2658.39 3408.96 4185.43 4194.29 5244.40 7377.29

    (ii) Exports :(a) Qty :

    Petroleum Products Mn.Tonne 18.21 23.46 33.62 40.78 38.90 50.97 59.13 60.52(b) Value:

    Petroleum Products Rs.Billion 299.28 499.74 810.94 1107.89 1220.66 1440.37 1961.12 2664.86(iii) Net Imports :

    (a) Qty : Crude Oil Mn.Tonne 95.86 99.41 111.50 121.67 132.78 159.26 163.59 172.11Petroleum Products " -9.38 -10.02 -15.96 -18.32 -20.38 -36.31 -41.80 -45.60

    Total (a) " 86.48 94.45 102.35 111.67 120.46 131.77 130.75 136.22(b) Value:Crude Oil Rs.Billion 1170.03 1717.02 2190.29 2726.99 3481.49 3753.78 4559.09 6690.68

    Petroleum Products " -150.41 -220.02 -399.34 -497.90 -612.20 -1102.83 -1403.00 -2181.98Total (b) " 1019.62 1497.00 1790.95 2229.09 2869.29 2650.95 3156.09 4508.70

    (iv) Unit Value of Crudeoil imports(gross) Rs./MT 12205.61 17272.28 19643.50 22412.63 26220.98 23570.28 27868.29 38873.54

    5. India's Total Imports Rs.Billion 5010.65 6604.09 8405.06 10123.12 13744.36 13637.04 16834.67 23422.176. India's Total Exports Rs.Billion 3753.40 4564.18 5717.79 6558.64 8407.55 8455.34 11429.20 14540.667. Petroleum Imports as % % 26.33 30.74 31.63 33.67 30.45 30.76 31.15 31.50

    of India's total Imports8. Petroleum Exports as % % 7.97 10.95 14.18 16.89 14.52 17.04 17.16 18.33

    of India's total Exports9. Contribution of Oil Sector

    to Centre/State Resources

    (i) Royalty from crude oil Rs.Billion 42.71 50.67 58.57 65.44 71.55 61.55 91.21 158.33(ii) Royalty from gas " 8.29 8.64 10.75 14.84 16.24 18.00 25.27 32.82(iii)Oil Development Cess " 55.37 51.96 71.77 71.56 68.87 70.96 83.14 81.19(iv) Excise & Custom duties^ " 563.95 631.43 718.93 783.77 705.57 717.67 1028.29 952.29(v) Sales Tax " 390.00 459.34 530.86 598.90 629.62 639.49 807.09 1003.75(vi) Dividend " 95.45 100.57 121.49 99.74 98.60 138.11 133.29 130.42

    10. Natural Gas :(i) Gross Production Bn.Cub.Mtr. 31.76 32.20 31.75 32.42 32.85 47.496 52.22 47.56(ii) Utilisation " 30.775 31.325 30.791 31.479 31.746 46.521 51.248 46.482

    Notes: *: Provisional ! : As on 1st April of i nitial year. ^ i ncludes cess on crude oil N.A.: Not Avail abl e.Source: Public Sector Undertakings / DGCI&S, Kolkata / Ministry of Finance/Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell.

    I.4 Trends in Indian Petroleum Industry at a Glance


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Item Unit 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011*1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    1. World Reserves :Oil & Gas at year end

    (i) Crude Oil Mn. Tonne 163.6 165.0 164.5 168.6 170.8 181.7 221.3 234.3of which OPEC " 123.2 123.5 123.6 127.6 129.8 145.3 159.2 168.4

    (ii)Natural Gas Tr.Cu.ft. 6348 6361 6405 6263 6534 6621 6925.2 7360.9

    of which OPEC " 3127 3118 2961 3259 3295 3335 3312.5 3333.3

    2. World Prodn. of Oil & Gas(i) Crude Oil TMT 3879.3 3916.4 3929.2 3928.8 3965.0 3869.3 3945.4 3995.6

    of which OPEC " 1621.4 1679.8 1689.3 1679.4 1736.6 1613.6 1645.9 1695.9(ii)Natural Gas Net (Marketted) Bn.Cu.Mtr. 2688.5 2770.4 2869.4 2939.3 3047.2 2955.9 3178.2 3276.2

    of which OPEC " 460 501 522.2 546.7 572.3 580.7 578.9 617.6

    3. World Oil Refinery(i) Refinery capacity Mn. Tonne/ 4232 4270.4 4367.4 4424.7 4466.2 4547.3 4580.8 4650.2

    at year end Year(ii)Crude throughput Mn. Tonne 3636 3671.4 3724.7 3766 3748 3655.4 3759 3778.2

    4. World Oil Consumption (i) World Total Mn. Tonne 3856.6 3901.7 3944.2 4005 3987.3 3908.9 4031.9 4059.1(ii)Main consuming areas " 1993.8 2002.2 2023.4 2029.8 1196.8 2160.2 2234.2 2036.8(iii)Consumption in main

    areas as % of world % 51.7 51.3 51.3 50.7 50.1 55.3 55.4 50.2

    5. World Imports/Exports(i) Crude Oil Mn.Tonne 1855 1885 1933 1984 1970 1892.5 1875.8 1894.7(ii) Pol. Products " 526 576 658 717 728 714 757.7 790.7Total " 2381 2461 2591 2701 2698 2606.5 2633.5 2685.4

    6. Export of Crude Oil/Pol. from OPEC

    (i) Crude Oil Mn. Tonne 1075 1161 1173 1197 1190 1102 1139 1126.0(ii)Pol. Products " 211 224 229 220 220 205 182 204.0Total " 1286 1385 1402 1417 1410 1307 1321 1330.0

    7. World Primary EnergyConsumption

    (i) Oil Mn. TonneOil 3814 3861 3911 3939 3960 3908.9 4031.9 4059.1

    (ii) Natural Gas " 2435 2512 2558 2652 2717 2661.4 2843.1 2905.6(iii)Coal " 2806 2904 3039.1 3184 3286 3305.6 3532 3724.3(iv) Hydro-Electric " 643 658.5 684.3 696 731 736.3 778.9 791.5(v) Nuclear Energy " 625 626.8 634.9 622 620 614.0 626.3 599.3(v) Renewable Energy 165.5 194.8Total " 10323 10562.3 10827.3 11094.2 11315.2 11226.2 11977.7 12274.6

    Note: ! : Includes USA, Germany, France, Italy, U.K., Japan, China, Russia, India and South Korea.

    Source : (i) BP Statistical Review of W orld Energy , June-2011 (ii) OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin.

    Table-1.5 International Petroleum Statistics

    Note: 2011* World Crude Oil includes crude oil, shale oil , oil sands and CGLs (the liquid content of natural gas where this is recovered separately).Excludes liquide fuels from other sources such as biomass and coal derivatives.


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Products 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Kerosene 9.85 9.74 9.83 10.96 9.58 9.44 9.20 8.41

    ATF 1.99 3.26 3.97 4.28 4.78 4.59 4.95 5.45HSD 35.22 40.36 41.20 44.60 51.83 57.08 60.14 62.10LDO 1.71 1.11 0.77 0.70 0.66 0.52 0.52 0.54Fuel Oils 11.80 13.27 11.14 10.07 12.50 10.94 14.70 13.22Others* 27.01 25.79 28.02 30.74 32.68 34.72 37.66 41.66Total 87.58 93.52 94.92 101.36 112.03 117.30 127.16 131.37

    Kerosene 19.70 19.48 19.66 21.92 19.16 18.88 18.40 16.82ATF 3.98 6.52 7.94 8.56 9.56 9.18 9.90 10.90HSD 70.44 80.72 82.40 89.20 103.66 114.16 120.28 124.20LDO 3.42 2.22 1.54 1.40 1.32 1.04 1.04 1.08Fuel Oils 23.60 26.54 22.28 20.14 25.00 21.88 29.40 26.44

    Others* 54.02 51.58 56.04 61.48 65.36 69.44 75.32 83.32Total 175.16 187.06 189.86 202.70 224.06 234.58 254.34 262.76

    Kerosene 78.80 77.92 78.64 87.68 76.64 75.52 73.60 67.28ATF 14.93 24.45 29.78 32.10 35.85 34.43 37.13 40.88HSD 316.98 363.24 370.80 401.40 466.47 513.72 541.26 558.90LDO 15.39 9.99 6.93 6.30 5.94 4.68 4.68 4.86Fuel Oils 23.60 26.54 22.28 20.14 25.00 21.88 29.40 26.44Others* 99.15 100.22 105.98 116.81 126.37 126.37 126.37 126.37Total 548.85 602.36 614.41 664.43 736.27 776.60 812.44 824.73

    Kerosene 9.30 9.47 9.41 9.37 9.31 9.35 9.00 8.43ATF 2.72 3.13 3.83 4.40 4.49 4.59 4.82 5.32HSD 38.31 36.47 39.41 44.11 50.80 53.59 57.61 63.06LDO 1.13 0.89 0.74 0.67 0.61 0.53 0.44 0.44Fuel Oils 12.16 12.51 11.49 11.59 11.18 10.90 9.81 0.49Others* 26.88 27.17 29.34 32.93 34.71 38.04 42.96 45.03Total 90.50 89.63 94.23 103.08 111.11 117.00 124.64 122.78

    Kerosene 18.60 18.94 18.83 18.74 18.62 18.70 18.00 16.87ATF 5.44 6.25 7.66 8.80 8.98 9.18 9.64 10.65

    HSD 76.62 72.93 78.82 88.22 101.60 107.17 115.22 126.12LDO 2.26 1.78 1.48 1.34 1.22 1.06 0.88 0.88Fuel Oils 24.32 25.02 22.98 23.19 22.36 21.81 19.62 0.98Others* 53.76 54.34 58.69 65.86 69.43 76.08 85.92 90.06Total 181.00 179.27 188.46 206.15 222.21 233.99 249.27 245.57

    Kerosene 74.40 75.78 75.31 74.96 74.48 74.80 72.00 67.47ATF 20.40 23.45 28.73 33.00 33.68 34.43 36.16 39.93HSD 344.79 328.20 354.69 396.99 457.20 482.27 518.47 567.56LDO 10.17 8.01 6.68 6.03 5.49 4.75 3.95 3.98Fuel Oils 24.32 25.02 22.98 23.19 22.36 21.81 19.62 0.98Others* 97.48 99.83 105.96 117.31 128.94 128.94 128.94 128.94

    Total 571.56 560.28 594.34 651.48 722.15 746.99 779.14 808.86(P)=Provisional@ : Based on conversion factors adopted by FPC, 1974(#) : Includes Petroleum Products used for power generation.


    *: Excludes Naphtha, Lube, Bitumen,Petroleum Coke, Paraffin Wax & Other Petroleum Product instead LPG, Gasolines,Refinery Gasand Refinery Fuel.

    In Original Units (Million Tonnes)

    In Million Tonnes of Coal Equivalent Unit @

    In Million Tonnes of Coal Replacement Unit @

    In Original Units (Million Tonnes)

    I.6(a) Petroleum Energy in India(Calender Years)


    In Million Tonnes of Coal Equivalent Unit @

    In Million Tonnes of Coal Replacement Unit @


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Products 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-121 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Kerosene 9.50 9.84 9.76 10.15 9.57 9.48 9.05 8.01

    ATF 2.78 3.42 4.16 4.62 4.37 4.71 5.09 5.50HSD 39.75 39.84 43.06 46.99 50.99 57.36 59.78 62.46LDO 1.55 0.92 0.80 0.67 0.61 0.43 0.49 0.50Fuel Oils 13.76 13.29 14.92 9.16 13.20 14.09 14.71 12.69Others* 27.10 26.03 28.75 19.73 32.15 38.41 42.02 40.69Total 94.44 93.34 101.45 91.32 110.89 124.48 131.15 129.84

    Kerosene 19.00 19.68 19.52 20.30 19.14 18.96 18.10 16.02ATF 5.56 6.84 8.32 9.24 8.74 9.42 10.18 11.00HSD 79.50 79.68 86.12 93.98 101.98 114.72 119.56 124.92LDO 3.10 1.84 1.60 1.34 1.22 0.86 0.98 1.00Fuel Oils 27.52 26.58 29.84 18.32 26.40 28.18 29.42 25.38

    Others* 54.20 52.06 57.50 39.46 64.30 76.82 84.04 81.38Total 188.88 186.68 202.90 182.64 221.78 248.96 262.28 259.70

    Kerosene 76.00 78.72 78.08 81.20 76.56 75.84 72.40 64.08ATF 20.85 25.65 31.20 34.65 32.78 35.33 38.18 41.25HSD 357.75 358.56 387.54 422.91 458.91 516.24 538.02 562.14LDO 13.95 8.28 7.20 6.03 5.49 3.87 4.41 4.50Fuel Oils 27.52 26.58 29.84 18.32 26.40 28.18 29.42 25.38Others* 100.47 99.99 108.89 119.21 124.74 124.74 124.74 124.74Total 596.54 597.78 642.75 682.32 724.88 784.20 807.17 822.09

    Kerosene 9.40 9.54 9.51 9.37 9.30 9.30 8.93 8.23ATF 2.81 3.30 3.98 4.54 4.42 4.63 5.08 5.54HSD 39.65 40.19 42.90 47.67 51.71 56.32 60.07 64.74LDO 1.48 0.88 0.72 0.67 0.55 0.46 0.46 0.42Fuel Oils 13.54 12.83 12.62 12.72 12.59 11.59 10.79 9.23Others* 27.40 28.06 31.05 34.25 35.51 37.56 44.40 45.77Total 94.28 94.80 100.78 109.22 114.08 119.86 129.72 133.93

    Kerosene 18.80 19.08 19.01 18.74 18.60 18.60 17.86 16.46ATF 5.62 6.59 7.97 9.08 8.84 9.26 10.16 11.07

    HSD 79.30 80.38 85.79 95.34 103.42 112.64 120.14 129.48LDO 2.96 1.77 1.44 1.34 1.10 0.92 0.91 0.83Fuel Oils 27.08 25.66 25.24 25.44 25.18 23.18 21.58 18.46Others* 54.80 56.13 62.11 68.50 71.03 75.12 88.79 91.54Total 188.56 189.60 201.55 218.44 228.17 239.72 259.44 267.85

    Kerosene 75.20 76.32 76.04 74.96 74.40 74.40 71.42 65.83ATF 21.08 24.71 29.87 34.05 33.15 34.73 38.09 41.52HSD 356.85 361.71 386.06 429.03 465.39 506.88 540.64 582.68LDO 13.32 7.95 6.48 6.03 4.95 4.14 4.10 3.74Fuel Oils 27.08 25.66 25.24 25.44 25.18 23.18 21.58 18.46Others* 99.45 104.05 113.18 125.32 132.95 132.95 132.95 132.95

    Total 592.97 600.40 636.87 694.83 736.02 776.27 808.77 845.18Note :@ : Based on conversion factors adopted by FPC, 1974(#) : Includes Petroleum Products used for power generation.

    In Million Tonnes of Coal Replacement Unit @

    *: Excludes Naphtha, Lube, Bitumen,Petroleum Coke, Paraffin Wax & Other Petroleum Product instead LPG, Gasolines,Refinery Gasand Refinery Fuel.


    I.6(b) Petroleum Energy in India(Financial Years)

    In Original Units (Million Tonnes)

    In Million Tonnes of Coal Equivalent Unit @

    In Million Tonnes of Coal Replacement Unit @


    In Original Units (Million Tonnes)

    In Million Tonnes of Coal Equivalent Unit @


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Exploration-Crude Oil &Natural Gas

  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Rigs Wells Metreage Rigs Wells Metreage Rigs Wells Metreage(Nos.) (Nos.) ('000') (Nos.) (Nos.) ('000') (Nos.) (Nos.) ('000')

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    2004-05 72 295 641 29 69 223 101 364 8642005-06 70 196 433 28 74 242 98 270 6752006-07 70 199 426 25 66 201 95 265 6272007-08 71 234 476 25 88 258 96 322 7342008-09 76 243 522 36 81 252 112 324 7742009-10 85 294 626 35 82 251 120 376 8772010-11 88 308 659 36 73 225 124 381 8842011-12* 84 338 690 31 77 244 115 415 934

    2004-05 13 45 154 - - - 13 45 1542005-06 14 31 125 - - - 14 31 125

    2006-07 13 32 115 - - - 13 32 1152007-08 13 37 138 - - - 13 37 1382008-09 16 57 114 - - - 16 57 1142009-10 17 53 142 - - - 17 53 1422010-11 19 42 117 - - - 19 42 1172011-12* 16 47 128 16 47 128

    2004-05 9 56 102 9 38 97 18 94 1992005-06 9 71 147 9 46 162 18 117 3092006-07 11 54 101 11 64 213 22 118 3142007-08 4 67 148 11 71 220 15 138 3682008-09 4 92 183 3 32 97 7 124 280

    2009-10 15 122 216 7 36 116 22 158 3322010-11 15 158 264 7 34 88 22 192 3522011-12* 19 115 201 7 36 90 26 151 291

    2004-05 94 396 897 38 107 320 132 503 12172005-06 93 298 705 37 120 404 130 418 11092006-07 94 285 642 36 130 414 130 415 10562007-08 88 338 762 36 159 478 124 497 12402008-09 96 392 819 39 113 349 135 505 11682009-10 117 469 984 42 118 367 159 587 13512010-11 122 508 1040 43 107 313 165 615 13532011-12* 119 500 1019 38 113 334 157 613 1353

    II.1 Area-wise Development of Deep Drilling Rigs, Wells & Metreage Drilled

    YearOnshore Offshore Total

    *: Provisional.Source: Oil & Natural Gas Corpn. Ltd. , Oil India Ltd & DGH

    (A) Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.

    (B) Oil India Limited

    (C )Private/JVs

    Total (A+B+C)


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Wells Metreage Wells Metreage Wells Metreage(Nos.) ('000') (Nos.) ('000') (Nos.) ('000')

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    2004-05 115 279 205 438 320 717

    2005-06 141 366 157 340 298 706

    2006-07 110 259 175 384 285 643

    2007-08 133 339 205 423 338 762

    2008-09 164 407 228 412 392 819

    2009-10 161 399 307 585 468 984

    2010-11 136 368 369 678 505 1046

    2011-12* 198 467 409 740 607 1207

    2004-05 50 153 57 167 107 3202005-06 57 196 63 209 120 4052006-07 61 195 69 219 130 4142007-08 61 185 98 293 159 4782008-09 46 127 67 222 113 3492009-10 58 202 60 164 118 3662010-11 65 213 42 100 107 3132011-12* 87 295 62 129 149 424

    2004-05 165 432 262 605 427 10372005-06 198 562 220 549 418 11112006-07 171 454 244 603 415 10572007-08 194 524 303 716 497 12402008-09 210 534 295 634 505 11682009-10 219 601 367 749 586 13502010-11 201 581 411 778 612 13592011-12* 285 762 471 869 756 1631Note :*: Provisional

    Source: Oil & Natural Gas Corpn. Ltd. , Oil India Ltd. and DGH


    II.2 Exploratory & Development Drilling by Oil Companies

    YearExploratory Development

    (A) Onshore

    (B) Offshore

    Total (A+B)


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    (Numbers)Company / Oil Gas Dry Under Injecter Others Total

    Year # Test1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    2004 485 118 417 52 102 934 21082005 476 125 418 57 103 960 21392006 476 125 417 55 103 959 21352007 468 129 428 57 104 976 21622008 428 114 428 41 100 1089 22002009 438 103 432 65 102 1094 22342010 459 90 434 78 106 1097 22642011 469 102 440 76 105 1110 23022012* 526 131 493 108 128 1181 2567

    2004 4620 620 2514 115 885 741 94952005 4769 649 2571 133 899 744 97652006 4918 678 2628 151 913 747 100352007 5055 711 2680 161 936 757 103002008 5244 746 2720 185 962 765 106222009 5425 778 2781 203 976 783 109462010 5652 811 2858 203 1008 791 113232011 5877 852 2919 230 1022 804 117042012* 6122 906 2985 242 1041 823 12119

    2012* 26 18 37 6 2 62 151

    2004 5105 718 2931 167 932 1675 116032005 5245 774 2989 190 1002 1704 119042006 5394 803 3045 206 1016 1706 121702007 5523 840 3108 218 1040 1733 124622008 5672 860 3148 226 1062 1854 128222009 5863 881 3213 268 1078 1877 131802010 6111 901 3292 281 1114 1888 135872011 6346 954 3359 306 1127 1914 140062012* 6674 1055 3515 356 1171 2066 14837

    Source: Oil & Natural Gas Corpn. Ltd. ,Oil India Ltd.and DGH

    II.3 Status of Wells

    (A) Oil India Ltd.

    (B) Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.

    (C ) Private/JVs

    Total (A+B+C)

    Note : *: Provisional. #: As on 1st April of each Year


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    (Sq. Km.)


    By ONGC By OIL Total1 2 3 4

    Andhra Pradesh 53427 141 53568

    A.N. Islands 6860 14043 20903

    Arunachal Pradesh 3692 - 3692

    Assam 48073 33725 81798

    Bihar (incl. Jharkhand) 4035 - 4035

    Gujarat (Gulf Of Cambay) 60625 8767 69392

    Himachal Pradesh 9948 - 9948Jammu & Kashmir 22970 - 22970

    Kerala-Karnataka (incl. Goa) 4000 - 4000

    Madhya Pradesh 39221 - 39221

    Chhattisgarh 5920 - 5920

    Manipur 2781 - 2781

    Meghalaya 1911 - 1911

    Mizoram 6194 1298 7492

    Nagaland 6971 - 6971

    Orissa – 4278 4278

    Rajasthan 46501 15458 61959

    Sikkim 720 - 720

    Tamil Nadu (Incl. Pondicherry) 20003 - 20003

    Tripura 21263 - 21263

    Uttar Pradesh (incl. Uttarakhand) 29797 6223 36020

    West Bengal 8808 - 8808

    Maharrashtra – -

    Eastern offshore – -

    Western offshore – -

    Total 403720 83933 487653

    Source: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited and Oil india Limited.

    II. 4 State-wise Geological Surveys Achievements upto 31.3.2012

    Geological Surveys


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Area/ State

    2D (LKM) 3D (SKM) 3D (SKM) 2D (LKM) 3D (SKM)LKM GLKM

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    (A) OnshoreAndhra Pradesh 39232 6912 – – 214 2457 1379A.N. Islands – – – – – – – Arunachal Pradesh – – – – – 258 27Assam 30835 4249 – 26895 7944 2211 1982Bihar 8490 947 – – – 2906 964Chhattisgarh 202 – – – – – – Gujarat 106096 10465 – – – 5900 7061Himachal Pradesh 4250 – – – – 595 – Haryana 1038 – – – – – –

    Jammu & Kashmir 2563 – – – – – – Madhya Pradesh 10150 – – – – 2339 304Maharrashtra – – – – – 476 – Manipur – – – – – 58 – Meghalaya 205 – – – – 0 – Mizoram 209 – – 1341 – 2211 – Nagaland 602 – – – – – – Orissa 313 – – 4278 – 464 – Punjab 4078 – – Rajasthan 23186 1387 – 12973 2485 18613 12452Tamil Nadu 42533 8733 – – – 622 3030Tripura 6253 940 – – – 559 50

    Uttar Pradesh 29102 211 – 6223 – 2304 210Uttaranchal 1522 – – – – – – West Bengal 33579 3619 – – – 5531 3255Total(A) 344438 37462 – 51710 10644 47504 30714

    (B) OffshoreAndaman – – 13842 – 201 32177 7885Saurashtra – – 8767 – 332 – – Eastern offshore 252475 93562 – – – 233052 148052Western offshore 476965 91249 – – – 93787 61515Total(B) 729440 184811 22609 – 533 359016 217452Total 1073877 222273 22609 – 11177 406520 248166

    'LK: Line Kilometre. SKM: Square Kilometre. GLK: Ground Line Kilometre.

    II. 5 State-wise Achievements of Geophysical Field Parties in India since Inception upto 01.04.2012

    Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. Oil India Ltd. Private/JVs


    Note- Geophysical fields of Pvt./JV"s in State Bihar includes Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh is included in Uttarakhand


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Basin State / Region Wells MetreageNumbers ('000')

    2 3 4

    (A) OnshoreCambay Gujarat 6580 11383Rajasthan Rajasthan 166 320

    Total WRBC 6746 11703 Nagaland 36 127

    Upper Assam Assam 2809 9669Meghalaya 3 6Orissa 5 11

    Fold Belt Mizoram under ERBC 4 14Total ERBC 2857 9826

    Assam-Arakan Tripura 164 467

    Foot hills & West Bengal 33 133Ganga Valley Bihar 6 30Total CRBC 203 631

    Himalayan Foot-hills, Himachal Pradesh 14 57Ganga Valley & Punjab 4 16Vindhyan/Gondwana Uttar Pradesh 10 33

    Madhya Pradesh 9 34Jammu & Kashmir 4 12Total NRBC 40 147

    Krishna-Godavari Andhra Pradesh 553 1629Cauvery Tamil Nadu 614 1565

    Total SRBC 1163 3182 Arunachal Pradesh# 61 149

    Total(A) 9740 20939

    (B) OffshoreEast Coast(SW+DW) East Coast including KG, Cauvery 2435 5889West Coast(SW+DW) West Coast including drilling in 300 1001

    Orissa, Andaman & Saurashtra 17 66Others 26 82

    Total (B) 2735 6890 12441 27763

    Source: Oil & Natural Gas Corpn. Ltd., Oil India Ltd. and Directorate General of Hydrocarbons.

    Total (A+B)

    II.6 Basin-wise / State-wise Achievements of Drilling since Inception upto 01.04.2012



  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt



    Oil Gas Oil and Gas TotalFields Fields Fields Fields

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    A. Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. 31 138 203 372

    a) Onshore

    Gujarat Cambay 5 8 74 87

    Assam Upper Assam 4 1 30 35

    A&AA 0 5 2 7

    Rajasthan Jodhpur 0 7 0 7

    Andhra Pradesh K.G. Basin 2 40 12 54

    Tamil Nadu Cauvery 8 10 11 29

    Tripura A&AA 0 11 0 11

    Nagaland A&AA 2 0 1 3

    Mizoram 0 0 1 1

    Madhya Pradesh Vindhyan Basin 0 0 1 1

    b) Offshore

    East Coast Cauvery Offshore 0 0 0 0

    KG Offshore(Shallow) 1 8 7 16

    KG Offshore(Deep) 2 13 2 17

    Mahanadi 0 5 0 5

    Andaman 0 0 1 1

    West Coast Cambay 0 1 2 3

    Mumbai Offshore 6 25 58 89

    Kutch 1 4 1 6

    B. Oil India Ltd. 1 3 15 19Assam Upper Assam 0 0 14 14

    Arunachal Pradesh Upper Assam 0 0 1 1

    Rajasthan Jaisalmer 0 3 0 3

    Bikaner Nagaur 1 0 0 1

    C. Private/JVCs 33 17 6 56

    a) Onshore

    Gujarat Cambay 25 3 0 28

    Arunachal Pradesh Kharsang 1 0 0 1

    Assam Amguri 0 1 0 1

    Madhya Pradesh* Sohagpur West 0 1 0 1

    Sohagpur East 0 1 0 1

    Jharkhand* Jharia 0 1 0 1

    Bokaro 0 1 0 1

    Rajasthan Rajsthan 5 2 0 7

    West Bengal* Ranigunj (East) 0 1 0 1

    Ranigunj (West) 0 1 0 1

    b) Offshore

    East Coast Cauvery 1 1 0 2

    KG Basin 1 2 1 4

    West Coast Mumbai 0 2 2 4

    Cambay 0 0 3 3

    Grand Total 65 158 224 447

    Notes : A&AA : Assam & Assam Arakan. * CBM FieldsSource: ONGC, OIL and DGH .

    II.7 State-wise/ Basin -wise Oil Fields in IndiaAs on 01.04.2012

    Company / State Basin


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Year Gujarat Assam($) Andhra Tamil Western(#) Eastern(&) GrandPradesh Nadu Offshore Offshore Total

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    2004 174.83 170.22 4.28 8.01 321.20 60.54 739.08

    2005 191.98 171.59 4.71 8.18 366.51 43.07 786.04

    2006 204.42 170.59 4.52 7.98 336.44 32.11 756.06

    2007 131.62 133.76 4.40 8.09 420.65 26.86 725.38

    2008 135.37 173.12 4.37 7.98 424.62 24.66 770.12

    2009 134.97 173.74 4.21 7.92 429.96 22.50 773.29

    2010 136.67 174.36 3.94 7.84 425.33 26.52 774.66

    2011 137.43 176.49 5.22 8.48 403.60 26.18 757.40

    2012 135.72 178.71 5.59 8.86 406.59 24.12 759.59Note:

    @ : Proved and indicated Balance Recoverable Reserves as on 1st April.$: Includes Tripura,Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh reserves of crude oil.#: Includes Bombay High offshore, Rajasthan and JVC.&.: Includes JVC/Pvt. Parties.Source: Oil & Natural Gas Corporation/Oil India Limited and Directorate General of Hydrocarbons.

    II.8 Reserves of Crude Oil in India@(Million Tonnes)





    770.12 773.29 774.66




    2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    Q u a n t i t y

    ( M i l l i o n

    T o n n e s



    Reserves of Crude oil in India

  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Year GrandOIL JVC ONGC Total ONGC JVC Total Total

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    2004 3144 74 8326 11544 18267 4271 22538 340822005 3280 90 8100 11470 16652 4336 20988 324582006 3123 151 8135 11409 17553 4680 22233 336422007 3028 185 7929 11142 18117 4812 22929 340712008 3450 224 7745 11419 18040 4522 22562 339812009 3525 508 7442 11475 17226 4528 21753 332282010 3538 4151 7431 15120 17195 4371 21566 366852011* 3825 6523 7476 17824 16473 3943 20416 38240

    2004-05 3196 74 8321 11591 18164 4226 22390 339812005-06 3234 101 8095 11430 16309 4451 20760 321902006-07 3107 161 8058 11326 17993 4669 22662 339882007-08 3100 192 7921 11213 18020 4885 22905 341182008-09 3468 243 7565 11276 17801 4431 22232 335082009-10 3572 734 7515 11821 17340 4529 21869 336902010-11 3582 5400 7447 16429 16973 4282 21255 376842011-12* 3847 6794 7386 18027 16330 3733 20063 38090*ProvisionalSource: Public Sector Undertakings/Joint Venture Companies

    II. 9 Company-wise Production of Crude Oil in India

    A.Calender Years

    B.Financial Years

    On Shore('000 Tonnes)

    Off Shore



















    Q u a n

    t i t y

    ( ' 0 0 0 T o n n e s



    Production -Calender year wise

    3 2 032


















    Q u a n

    t i t y ( ' 0 0 0 T o n n e s



    Production -Financial year wise


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Year Arunachal T. Nadu/ Assam Gujarat Total T. Nadu/ BPradesh Andhra /Rajasthan Andhra

    Pradesh Pradesh1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    2004 82 617 4679 6166 11544 4271

    2005 97 609 4565 6199 11470 4336

    2006 110 606 4413 6280 11409 4680 2007 105 582 4287 6168 11142 4812

    2008 96 568 4686 6069 11419 4522 2009 127 546 4697 6105 11475 4528

    2010 122 525 4661 9812 15120 4371

    2011* 117 558 5004 12144 17824 3943

    2004-05 83 617 4701 6189 11590 4226 2005-06 103 601 4475 6251 11430 4451

    2006-07 108 605 4400 6213 11326 4669 2007-08 102 577 4357 6177 11213 4885 2008-09 102 554 4674 5946 11276 4431

    2009-10 131 543 4740 6407 11821 4529

    2010-11 116 538 4721 11054 16429 4282

    2011-12* 118 552 5025 12332 18027 3733 *Provisional


    II.10 State-wise Production of Crude Oil in India

    A. Calender Years

    B. Financial Years


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Year Gujarat Assam(1) Andhra Tamil Western(2) Eastern(3) Grand

    Pradesh Nadu Offshore Offshore Total

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    2004 95.87 172.95 41.75 28.00 394.13 190.10 922.80

    2005 93.11 174.94 42.28 29.57 374.69 386.40 1100.992006 84.96 174.68 41.46 28.78 344.44 400.83 1075.152007 76.72 119.74 40.92 28.72 369.36 419.12 1054.58

    2008 73.75 112.34 40.33 27.77 392.95 442.83 1089.972009 77.22 131.45 39.55 26.95 414.65 425.44 1115.27

    2010 76.57 129.20 41.24 34.27 446.85 420.44 1148.57

    2011 78.96 175.07 40.58 36.88 504.19 442.38 1278.06

    2012 78.19 178.14 42.30 39.30 516.03 476.30 1330.26Note:

    @ : Proved and indicated Balance Recoverable Reserves as on 1st April.1: Includes Nagaland, Tripura and Arunachal Pradesh reserves of natural gas.2. Includes Bombay High offshore, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh & Jharkhand(Coal Bed Methane).3. Includes West Bengal (CBM).

    II.11 Reserves of Natural Gas in India@

    (Billion Cubic Metres)

    Source: Oil & Natural Gas Corpn. Ltd., Oil India Ltd. and Directorate General of Hydrocarbons.



















    2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    Q u a n t i t y

    ( B i l l i o n C u

    b i c M e t r e s



    Reserves of Natural Gas in India


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    YearAssam Gujarat West Rajas- Tamil Andhra Tripura Arunachal Total Eastern

    Bengal than Nadu Pradesh Pradesh Offsho(CBM) $

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    2004 2231 3521 0 191 661 1747 493 40 8884 2005 2392 3802 0 239 841 1679 502 44 9499 2006 2483 3547 0 244 1091 1560 500 41 9466 2007 2581 2968 9 253 1165 1548 530 31 9085 2008 2616 2679 13 227 1236 1555 556 29 8911 2009 2653 2500 36 230 1203 1488 553 36 8699 12010 2657 2293 37 380 1115 1409 596 46 8533 22011* 2865 2155 75 567 1247 1344 637 41 8930

    2004-05 2248 3711 0 213 678 1707 496 40 9093 2005-06 2408 3831 0 242 906 1663 480 48 9578 2006-07 2526 3294 0 242 1130 1525 520 35 9272 2007-08 2598 2931 15 255 1169 1567 534 30 9099 2008-09 2573 2605 20 216 1242 1524 553 30 8763 2009-10 2703 2444 38 239 1178 1479 564 40 8685 12010-11 2680 2262 41 432 1119 1384 610 44 8574 22011-12* 2905 2173 84 590 1285 1364 644 40 9084 1*:Provisional

    $: Including Madhya Pradesh & Jharkhand.


    II.12 State-wise Gross Production of Natural Gas in India

    Calender Years

    Financial Years

    Source: Oil & Natural Gas Corpn. Ltd., Oil India Ltd. and Directorate General of Hydrocarbons.


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt



    ProductionSales Flaring Net availability#

    1 2 3 4 5


    2004-05 3711 3071 48 36632005-06 3831 3056 21 38102006-07 3294 2713 17 32772007-08 2931 2352 18 29132008-09 2605 1984 32 25732009-10 2444 1792 38 24062010-11 2262 1604 33 22292011-12* 2173 1498 69 2104Rajasthan2004-05 213 208 2 2112005-06 242 238 0 2422006-07 242 237 1 2412007-08 255 248 3 2522008-09 216 210 2 2142009-10 239 213 18 2212010-11 432 186 49 3842011-12* 590 297 33 557Assam / Arunachal Pradesh2004-05 2288 1521 229 20592005-06 2455 1714 205 22502006-07 2561 1808 232 23292007-08 2628 1875 214 24142008-09 2603 1860 194 24092009-10 2743 1963 210 25332010-11 2724 1657 205 2519

    2011-12* 2944 2144 194 2750Tripura2004-05 496 496 0 4962005-06 480 479 0 4802006-07 520 519 0 5202007-08 534 533 0 5342008-09 553 552 0 5532009-10 564 561 0 5642010-11 610 608 0 6102011-12* 644 642 0 644Tamil Nadu2004-05 678 627 49 629

    2005-06 906 866 39 8672006-07 1130 1111 17 11132007-08 1169 1151 17 11522008-09 1242 1230 10 12322009-10 1178 1161 15 11632010-11 1119 1104 13 11062011-12* 1285 1275 8 1277



    II.13 State-wise Gross and Net Production of Natural Gas in India


    (Million cubic metres)

  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt



    ProductionSales Flaring Net availability#

    1 2 3 4 5

    II.13 State-wise Gross and Net Production of Natural Gas in India

    (Million cubic metres)

    Andhra Pradesh2004-05 1707 1686 10 16972005-06 1663 1646 8 16552006-07 1525 1507 9 15162007-08 1567 1548 10 15572008-09 1524 1508 7 15172009-10 1479 1468 1 14782010-11 1384 1372 2 13832011-12* 1364 1343 2 1362West Bengal (CBM) $2007-08 15 0 14 12008-09 20 2 17 32009-10 38 6 30 8

    2010-11 41 31 5 362011-12* 84 63 11 73

    2004-05 9093 7609 338 87552005-06 9578 7999 273 93052006-07 9272 7895 276 89962007-08 9099 7707 276 88232008-09 8763 7345 262 85012009-10 8685 7164 311 83742010-11 8574 6562 308 82662011-12* 9084 7261 319 8765

    2004-05 22670 18896 650 220202005-06 22624 18859 604 220202006-07 22475 18521 680 217952007-08 23318 19267 662 226562008-09 24082 19721 837 232452009-10 38811 33710 664 381472010-11 43645 39155 663 429822011-12* 38475 33899 758 37716

    2004-05 31763 26505 988 307752005-06 32202 26858 877 313252006-07 31747 26416 956 307912007-08 32417 26974 938 31479

    2008-09 32845 27066 1099 317462009-10 47496 40874 975 465212010-11 52219 45717 970 512482011-12* 47559 41160 1077 46482*: Provisional.

    Source: Oil & Natural Gas Corpn. Ltd., Oil India Ltd. and Directorate General of Hydrocarbons.#: Includes internal consumption



    Grand Total

    Total Onshore

    $: Including Madhya Pradesh & Jharkhand.

  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    State / Area 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12*

    OnshoreGujarat/Rajasthan 3873 4052 3518 3165 2787 2628 2612 2661

    Assam / Arunachal Pradesh 2059 2251 2329 2414 2409 2533 2519 2750Tripura / West Bengal(CBM) 497 480 520 535 556 572 646 717Andhra Pradesh 1697 1655 1516 1557 1517 1478 1383 1362Tamil Nadu 629 867 1113 1152 1232 1163 1106 1277Total Onshore 8755 9305 8996 8823 8501 8374 8266 8765

    OffshoreMumbai High 16769 16351 16011 15879 16023 16887 17035 16873JVC 5251 5669 5784 6777 7222 21261 25947 20844Total Offshore 22020 22020 21795 22656 23245 38147 42982 37717

    Grand Total 30775 31325 30791 31479 31746 46521 51248 46482*: Provisional.

    (Million Cubic Metres)

    Industry 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12*

    Energy Purposes

    Power Generation 12099 11878 11963 12037 12603 21365 27415 20333Industrial Fuel 3569 3780 3205 3323 5912 2322 2317 1618Tea Plantation 142 151 170 160 154 167 193 175Domestic Fuel 343 75 443 38 102 246 29 2845Captive Use / LPG Shrinkage 4944 5048 5034 1804 1885 5433 4543 784Others 231 1120 40 1324 1535 1838 1222 934Total 21328 22052 20855 18686 22191 31371 35719 26689

    Non-Energy PurposesFertilisers 8173 7762 8497 9823 9082 13168 13429 11330Petro-Chemicals 1236 1175 1377 1432 1105 1264 1183 1299Others 38 36 639 638 611 703 1098 6587Total 9447 8973 10513 11893 10798 15135 15710 19216

    Grand Total 30775 31025 31368 30579 32989 46506 51429 45905

    *: Provisional.

    II.15 Industry-wise Offtakes of Natural Gas in India

    Note: Figures for Utilisation of Natural Gas and Offtakes of Natural Gas may not tally due to Flaring of Natutral Gas.

    (Million Cubic Metres)

    II.14 State-wise Utilisation of Natural Gas in India


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt





  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Year of Installed CapacityCommissioning as on 1.4.2012

    1 2 3

    120.07I. IOCL Refineries 54.20

    IOC, Digboi 1901 0.65IOC, Guwahati 1962 1.00IOC, Barauni 1964 6.00IOC, Koyali 1965 13.70IOC, Haldia 1974 7.50IOC, Mathura 1982 8.00IOC, Panipat 1998 15.00IOC, Bongaigaon 1979 2.35

    II. BPCL Refineries 21.50BPCL, Mumbai 1955 12.00BPCL, Kochi 1966 9.50

    III. HPCL Refineries 14.80HPCL, Mumbai 1954 6.50HPCL, Visakh 1957 8.30

    IV. CPCL Refineries 11.50CPCL, Manali 1969 10.50CPCL, Nagapattinam 1993 1.00

    V. NRL, Numaligarh 1999 3.00VI. ONGC, Tatipaka 2002 0.07VII. MRPL, Mangalore 1996 15.00

    (b) Private Refineries 78.00I. RPL Refineries 60.00

    RIL, Jamnagar 1999 33.00RIL(SEZ), Jamnagar 2008 27.00

    I. Essar Oil Ltd., Vadinar 2006 18.0015.00I. BPCL, BORL-Bina^ 2011 6.00II. HPCL,Bathinda* 2012 9.00

    Total (a+b+c) 213.07

    III.1 Petroleum Refining Capacity in India


    *: HPCL & Mittal Energy Investments Pvt. Ltd., a Joint Venture, Bathinda commissioned on April,2012.

    ^: BPCL & Oman Oil Company, a Joint Venture,Bina Commissioned on May,2011

    ( c) Joint Ventures


    (a) Public Sector Refineries










    Percentage share of refineries in India's Total Refining Capacity


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    (000 Tonnes)

    Public Private Total Public Private Total

    Sector/JVC Sector Sector/JVC Sector1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    2004 93619 34136 127755 87008 31835 118843

    2005 94489 33061 127550 87551 29694 117245

    2006 105690 36727 142417 97477 34172 131649

    2007 112179 42516 154695 103701 39699 143400

    2008 112120 48327 160447 103748 46501 150249

    2009 112365 78218 190583 104026 75343 179369

    2010 112829 90125 202954 103981 84080 188060

    2011* 121041 90877 211917 112472 84365 196837

    2004-05 93107 34309 127416 86674 31905 118579

    2005-06 96946 33163 130109 89793 29957 119750

    2006-07 108173 38378 146551 99714 35546 135260

    2007-08 112541 43562 156103 104008 40922 144930

    2008-09 112222 48550 160772 103933 46583 150516

    2009-10 112116 80652 192768 103641 76127 179768

    2010-11 115311 90692 206003 106428 83888 190316

    2011-12* 120909 90515 211424 112327 84381 196707

    Note : Crude throughput and Petroleum production by Ril SEZ refinery includes during 2009-10 to 2011-12 which includes other Inputs



    III.2 Refinery Crude Throughput and Production of Petroleum Products

    Crude Throughput Production of Petroleum Products

    (Calendar Years)

    (Financial Years)







    2 0 0 4

    - 0 5

    2 0 0 5

    - 0 6

    2 0 0 6

    - 0 7

    2 0 0 7

    - 0 8

    2 0 0 8

    - 0 9

    2 0 0 9

    - 1 0

    2 0 1 0

    - 1 1

    2 0 1 1

    - 1 2 *

    ( ' 0 0 0

    ' T o n n e s



    Contribution of Public & Private Sector inCrudeThroughput (Financial Years)

    Private Sector








    2 0 0 4

    - 0 5

    2 0 0 5

    - 0 6

    2 0 0 6

    - 0 7

    2 0 0 7

    - 0 8

    2 0 0 8

    - 0 9

    2 0 0 9

    - 1 0

    2 0 1 0

    - 1 1

    2 0 1 1

    - 1 2 *

    ( ' 0 0 0

    ' T o n n e s



    Contribution of Public & Private Sector inPetroleum Products (Financial Years)

    Private Sector



  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12* 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 200

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    IOC, Digbol 651 615 586 564 623 600 651 622 636 605 567

    IOC, Guwahati 1002 864 839 920 1076 1078 1118 1058 868 750 726

    IOC, Barauni 5082 5553 5469 5634 5940 6184 6207 5730 4562 5016 4931

    IOC, Koyali 11698 11543 12953 13714 13852 13206 13561 14253 11041 10839 12142

    IOC, Haldia 5418 5502 5836 5715 6042 5686 6878 8072 4964 4988 5282

    IOC, Mathura 6387 7938 8883 8033 8601 8107 8880 8202 6145 7463 8425

    IOC, Panipat 6390 6507 9435 12821 13070 13615 13660 15496 5826 5780 8016

    IOC,Bongaigaon, Assam 2311 2356 2067 2020 2163 2220 2008 2188 2171 2246 1932

    BPCL, Mumbai 9138 10298 12030 12746 12262 12516 13020 13355 8598 9627 11234

    BPCL(KRL), Kochi 7924 6939 7742 8134 7739 7875 8699 9472 7387 6456 7237

    HPCL, Mumbai 6118 6249 7419 7409 6652 6965 6638 7520 5725 5817 6981

    HPCL, Vishakhapatnam 8121 7980 9377 9409 9155 8796 8200 8682 7636 7515 8782

    CPCL(MRL), Manali 8181 9680 9784 9802 9718 9580 10104 9953 7397 8742 8841

    CPCL(MRL), Narimanam 742 682 618 464 418 517 703 611 733 671 609

    NRL, Numaligarh 2042 2133 2504 2568 2251 2619 2252 2825 1834 1918 2227

    MRPL, Mangalore 11809 12014 12536 12525 12577 12498 12662 12798 11059 11268 11689

    ONGC, Tatipaka 93 93 94 63 84 55 69 69 92 92 93

    RPL, Jamnagar 34309 33163 36616 36931 35636 34415 34517 35423 31905 29957 34174 3

    RPL,SEZ - - - - - 32735 41302 41449 - - -

    EOL, Vadinar - - 1763 6631 12913 13502 14873 13643 - - 1372

    Total 127416 130109 146551 156103 160772 192768 206003 211424 118579 119750 135260 14


    III.3 Refinery-wise Crude Thoughput and Production of Petroleum Products


    Note : RIL Refineries Crude throughput and Petroleum production includes during 2009-10 to 2011-12 which includes other Inputs

    Crude Throughput ProdRefinery

  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    PRODUCTS2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011* 2010 2011

    2009 20101 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    (a) From Crude Oil

    1. Light Distillates 32790 31569 37443 39658 40599 50003 55463 56999 10.9 2.8LPG 5585 5298 6355 6578 7072 8189 7460 7484 -8.9 0.3Motor Spirit 11062 10392 12137 13634 16002 21718 25881 26711 19.2 3.2Naphtha 13592 14316 16568 16714 15063 16992 17711 17215 4.2 -2.8SBPS / Hexane 98 90 82 72 73 67 76 75 13.7 -1.3Others 2551 1563 2383 2732 2462 3037 4335 5514 42.7 27.2

    2. Middle Distillates 63169 62899 69317 75901 79795 94917 97198 104661 2.4 7.7Kerosene 9854 8849 8721 8022 7902 8554 7927 7546 -7.3 -4.8ATF 4890 5866 7305 9104 8440 9160 9195 10576 0.4 15.0HSD 46244 46455 51908 57311 62293 72972 76709 81772 5.1 6.6LDO 1621 1110 767 704 659 521 528 537 1.3 1.6Others 560 619 616 760 501 3710 2839 4230 -23.5 49.0

    3. Heavy Ends 22884 22777 24889 27841 29855 34449 35399 35177 2.8 -0.6Furnace Oil 10297 10241 11951 12519 14428 15350 18294 18128 19.2 -0.9LSHS/HHS/RFO 4245 4123 3365 3244 3090 2681 1872 1744 -30.2 -6.9Total Fuel Oils 14542 14364 15316 15763 17518 18031 20167 19872 11.8 -1.5Lube Oils 663 638 811 865 908 911 859 1016 -5.7 18.3Bitumen 3404 3449 3783 4358 4577 4938 4510 4629 -8.7 2.6Petroleum Coke 3130 3117 3590 4092 4252 4043 2657 4107 -34.3 54.5Paraffin Wax 64 65 60 63 70 63 63 50 0.4 -21.5Other Waxes 4 6 3 4 2 4 4 7 5.0 55.2Total Waxes 68 71 63 67 72 67 67 56 0.6 -16.7Others 1077 1138 1326 2696 2528 6459 7139 5498 10.5 -23.0

    4. Total Production 118843 117245 131649 143400 150249 179369 188060 196837 4.8 4.7

    5. Crude Throughput 127755 127550 142417 154695 160447 190583 202954 211917 6.5 4.4

    (b) From Natural Gas

    LPG 2256 2150 2134 2066 2154 2206 2189 2208 -0.8 0.9

    Note : Include production of RIL SEZ in the year 2009-2011 which includes other Inputs.

    PRODUCTS 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011*

    Light Distillates 25.7 24.8 26.3 25.6 25.3 26.2 27.3 26.9Middle Distillates 49.4 49.3 48.7 49.1 49.7 49.8 47.9 49.4Total Fuel Oils 11.4 11.3 10.8 10.2 10.9 9.5 9.9 9.4Lubes 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.5Bitumen 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.6 2.2 2.2Others 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.4 4.3 5.5 4.9 4.6Total Production 93.0 91.9 92.4 92.7 93.6 94.1 92.7 92.9RBF & Losses / inventorie 7.0 8.1 7.6 7.3 6.4 5.9 7.3 7.1Crude Throughput 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0*: Provisional.

    % Variation

    III.4(a) Production of Petroleum ProductsCalender Years

    Production('000' Tonne)

    Pattern of Production (Percentage)


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    ('000' Tonne)

    2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12* 2010-11 2011-122009-10 2010-11

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    (a) From Crude Oil

    1. Light Distillates 32865 32427 38104 40111 40222 51197 55197 58004 7.8 5.1

    LPG 5570 5525 6315 6732 6996 8091 7541 7335 -6.8 -2.7

    Motor Spirit 11057 10502 12539 14167 16020 22537 26138 26890 16.0 2.9Naphtha 14100 14509 16660 16440 14826 17105 17535 17176 2.5 -2.0

    SBPS / Hexane 81 98 79 82 81 67 78 80 16.6 2.8

    Others 2138 1891 2590 2772 2380 3397 3905 6523 15.0 67.0

    2. Middle Distillates 62509 64432 71225 76649 80309 93790 99771 103493 6.4 3.7

    Kerosene 9298 9078 8491 7794 8223 8545 7702 7475 -9.9 -2.9ATF 5201 6196 7805 9107 8071 9296 9570 10057 2.9 5.1HSD 45903 47572 53465 58361 62889 73281 78040 81901 6.5 4.9LDO 1546 923 803 671 606 472 590 502 25.0 -14.9Others 561 663 661 716 520 2195 3870 3558 76.3 -8.0

    3. Heavy Ends 23205 22891 25931 28170 29985 34782 35296 35210 1.5 -0.2Furnace Oil 10560 10320 12325 12638 14749 15828 18659 17755 17.9 -4.8LSHS/HHS/RFO 4410 3985 3372 3166 2935 2518 1860 1701 -26.1 -8.6Total Fuel Oils 14970 14305 15697 15804 17684 18346 20519 19456 11.8 -5.2Lube Oils 646 677 825 881 874 950 884 994 -7.0 12.5Bitumen 3349 3576 3891 4507 4713 4889 4478 4610 -8.4 2.9Petroleum Coke 3162 3182 3779 4129 4241 3709 2711 4480 -26.9 65.2

    Paraffin Wax 64 63 63 64 69 64 61 81 -4.5 33.2Other Waxes 4 3 5 7 5 3 6 7 100.6 14.0Total Waxes 68 66 68 71 74 67 67 88 0.3 31.5Others 1010 1085 1671 2778 2399 6753 6637 5582 -1.7 -15.9

    4. Total Production 118579 119750 135260 144930 150516 179768 190265 196707 5.8 3.45. Crude Throughput 127416 130109 146551 156103 160772 192768 206003 211424 6.9 2.6

    LPG 2240 2185 2093 2060 2162 2243 2168 2213 -3.4 2.1Note : Include production of RIL SEZ in the year 2009-10 ,2010-11 & 2011-12 which includes other Inputs.

    *: Provisional.

    PRODUCTS 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12*

    Light Distillates 25.8 24.9 26.0 25.7 25.0 26.6 26.8 27.4Middle Distillates 49.1 49.5 48.6 49.1 50.0 48.7 48.4 49.0Total Fuel Oils 11.7 11.0 10.7 10.1 11.0 9.5 10.0 9.2Lubes 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5Bitumen 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.9 2.9 2.5 2.2 2.2Others 3.3 3.3 3.8 4.5 4.2 5.5 4.6 4.8Total Production 93.1 92.0 92.3 92.8 93.6 93.3 92.4 93.0RBF & Losses / inventorie 6.9 8.0 7.7 7.2 6.4 6.7 7.6 7.0Crude Throughput 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0*: Provisional.

    % Variation

    III. 4 (b) Production of Petroleum Products

    (b) From Natural Gas


    Pattern of Production (Percentage)



  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    Type of pipeline / Owner

    2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012*

    Crude Pipelines (Onshore)ONGC 432 432 432 432 432 435 435 643 643OIL 1193 1193 1193 1193 1193 1193 1193 1193 1193

    IOC 2810 2810 2810 3984 3984 4332 4332 4332 4342BORL (JV with BPCL) ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 937HPCL 11 11 11 11 11 11 19 19 19HMEL ( JV with HPCL) ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 1014Pvt. / JVC^ 17 19 19 21 47 47 662 662 662Subtotal 4463 4464 4465 5641 5667 6019 6641 6849 8810

    Crude Pipelines (Offshore)ONGC 284 284 488 488 488 488 488 488 488IOC 14 14 14 14 34 34 34 34 34Pvt. / JVC^ 179 179 179 200 200 200 205 205 205Subtotal 477 477 681 702 722 722 727 727 727Total Crude Oil Pipelines 4940 4941 5145 6342 6389 6740 7368 7576 9537

    Gas Pipelines (Onshore)IOC ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 132 132GAIL 5172 5471 5599 6197 7001 7190 7803 8197 9453Petronet India Limited 753 753 753 655 655 655 655 655 655EOL ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 15 15RIL ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 1375 1375 1375 1375Pvt. / JVC^ 30 35 35 35 41 41 729 729 775Subtotal 5955 6259 6387 6887 7697 9261 10562 11103 12405

    Gas Pipelines (Offshore)ONGC 759 759 963 963 963 963 963 963 963

    Pvt. / JVC^ 123 123 132 137 259 411 504 504 504Subtotal 882 882 1095 1100 1222 1374 1467 1467 1467Total Gas Pipelines 6837 7141 7483 7987 8919 10635 12029 12570 13872

    Product Pipelines (Onshore)IOC 4762 4917 6138 5286 5286 5963 6175 6401 6401BPCL 610 610 610 1389 1389 1389 1389 1389 1648HPCL 732 732 732 2130 2130 2130 2134 2134 2134OIL ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ ₋ 654 654 654 654GAIL 1495 1927 1927 1927 1927 1964 1978 1978 2038Total Product Pipeline 7599 8186 9407 10732 10732 12100 12330 12556 12875

    Grand Total 19376 20268 22035 25062 26040 29475 31727 32702 36284*Provisional


    4.: RIL's Gas Pipeline ( Onshore) compises 1375 kms Trunkline + approx. 105 kms spurline.

    5. : Vadinar-Kandla pipeline operation was suspended w.e.f. 04.05.2006.

    ^Reported by DGH

    III.5 Crude Oil, Natural Gas and Product Pipelines in India

    3.: OIL has commssioned a 660 kms trunk pipeline of capacity 2.68 MMTPA from Numaligarh to Silliguri. However, OIL is operating the same at 1.72MMTPA throughput at present. OIL's Crude oil pipline(onshore) comprises 1192.90 kms Trunk Pipeline + Approx 212.00 kms Loop Line in assam & 13.20kms Branch Line upto NRL Refinery.

    1.: ONGC has total length of the trunk pipeline is 2094 KMs . The balance of 27038 Kms pipeline length are feeder lines that connect well heads toprocessing facilities ( Internal Pipelines)

    2.: BPCL has total length of the trunk pipeline is 2585 KMs . The balance of 344 Kms pipeline length are feeder lines that connect well heads to processingfacilities ( Internal Pipelines)

    Length (in Kms.) as on 1st April


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    1. Product Carriers

    No. of tankers 12 11 9 10 12 14 13 13 14

    DWT ('000' tonnes) 61.0 54.9 40.5 42.6 44.7 66.70 43.2 43.2 43.22. Crude Oil Carriers

    No. of tankers 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    DWT ('000' tonnes) 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2 82.2

    3. Offshore Supply Vessels

    No. of tankers 76 80 83 89 96 100 110 110 115

    DWT ('000' tonnes) 99.1 99.7 100.2 105.8 118.4 122.6 132.5 133.9 133.9

    4. Specialised vessels for offshore

    No. of tankers 32 32 35 35 36 36 38 38 38

    DWT ('000' tonnes) 54.1 54.1 47.4 47.4 47.4 49.3 50.5 50.5 50.5

    Total (1+2+3+4)

    No. of tankers 122 125 129 136 146 152 163 163 169

    DWT ('000' tonnes) 296.4 290.9 270.3 278.0 292.7 320.8 308.4 309.8 309.8

    5. Ore Oil Bulk Carriers

    No. of tankers 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    DWT ('000' tonnes) 169.3 169.3 169.3 169.3 169.3 169.3 169.3 169.3 169.3

    6. Crude Oil Carriers

    No. of tankers 46 49 47 54 53 54 60 72 71

    DWT ('000' tonnes) 4744.4 5735.4 5379.9 5730.9 5273.8 5264.1 5687.5 6665.2 6506.07. Product Carriers

    No. of tankers 45 47 52 47 48 50 57 55 55

    DWT ('000' tonnes) 1998.0 2471.9 2985.5 2684.8 2940.3 3302.9 3586.9 3474.1 3405.1

    8. LPG Carriers

    No. of tankers 8 11 14 15 16 14 9 8 9

    DWT ('000' tonnes) 183.2 250.7 341.9 385.5 442.3 395.8 276.9 240.8 240.8

    Total Overseas (5+6+7+8)

    No. of tankers 101 109 115 118 119 120 128 137 137

    DWT ('000' tonnes) 7094.9 8627.3 8876.6 8970.5 8825.7 9132.1 9720.6 10549.4 10321.1

    Total Oil Tankers (A+B)No. of tankers 223 234 244 254 265 272 291 300 306

    DWT ('000' tonnes) 7391.3 8918.2 9146.9 9248.5 9118.4 9452.9 10029.0 10859.2 10630.9

    Source: Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai.

    A. Coastal Trade (Oil Tankers)

    B. Overseas Trade (Oil Tankers)

    DWT: Dead Weight Tonnage.

    III.6 Tonnage of Indian Tankers Fleet


  • 8/15/2019 OIL & Gas Govt


    (Tonnes)Sl.No. Owner of the ship Gross Dead

    Registered WeightTonnage Tonnage

    1 Associated Maritime Pvt. Ltd. 1090 20522 Atlantic Shipping Pvt. Ltd. 2814 36173 Blue Ocean Sea Transport Ltd. 965 1546

    4 Castle Ships Pvt. Ltd. 1332 21275 Coast Line Services (India) (P) Ltd. 493 8726 Jaisu Shipping (P) Ltd. 1873 28087 K.Raghu Pathi Rao(Raghu) 65 08 M.Gangadhar Rao 36 09 Pratibha Shipping Co. Ltd. 30565 28610

    10 Shree Krishna Quarry Pvt. Ltd. 708 011 Vamsee Shipping Carrier Pvt. Ltd. 496 117912 Viking Lighterage & Cargo Handlers P. Ltd. 306 415

    Total 40743 43226

    1 The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd. 50080 82246Total 50080 82246

    1 Admn. of UT of Lakshadweep 738 9602 Albatross Shipping Agencies 273 2143 Amity Shipping Entp. Pvt. Ltd. 824 11004 ARC Marine Pvt. Ltd. 1591 19215 Atlas Offshore Services Pvt. Ltd. 297 10186 Chandra Ship Management Pvt. Ltd. 285 07 Coastal Marine Const. & Engg. Ltd. 810 12048 Damodar Marine Services Pvt. Ltd. 487 7379 Dolphin Offshore Shipping Ltd. 363 272

    10 Dunnimaa Engineers &