oil for food in africa

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  • 8/12/2019 Oil for Food in Africa


    OIL FOR FOOD & EDUCATIONAfrica Centre for Energy Policy

    Benjamin Boakye

  • 8/12/2019 Oil for Food in Africa


    Ghanas oil Background

    Ghana Discovered oil in 2007

    Several other discoveries

    Since then

    Commercial production

    Started in late 2010And Ghana joined the club

    Of oil producers

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    Oil money and National Economies

    Many oil producingcountries mismanageoil revenues -Oil curse

    Dutch Disease infestmany other

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    Ghanas Strategy Against oilCurse & Dutch Disease The Petroleum Revenue Management


    Local content Regulation

    E&P Bill

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    Oil Revenues Already Flowing

    petroleum revenues of about US$1.5billion.

    This comprises US$444 million in 2011,

    US$541 million in 2012 and

    about US$575 million by August 2013

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    PRMA 815

    Ministerial Discretion to prioritize

    Four Sector of the Economy

    Based on Medium term framework

    Aligned with National developmentplan

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    Area of spending oil revenue1. Agriculture and industry;

    2. physical infrastructure and service delivery in education;

    science and technology;3. potable water delivery and sanitation;

    4. infrastructure development in telecommunication, road, railand port;

    5. physical infrastructure and service delivery in health;

    6. housing delivery;

    7. environmental protection, sustainable utilisation andprotection of natural resources;

    8. rural development;

    9. developing alternative energy sources;10. the strengthening of institutions of government concerned

    with governance and the maintenance of law and order;

    11. public safety and security; and

    12. Provision of social welfare and the protection of the

    physically handicapped and disadvantaged citizens.

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    Socioeconomic Indicators ofGhana

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    Prioritization for 2011-2013

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  • 8/12/2019 Oil for Food in Africa


    Deficiency of the Agricprioritisation Whilst these projects promote small

    holder farming particularly fertilizersubsidy and agricultural

    mechanization, it fails to address Technology for smallholder farmers,

    improved seedling,

    extension service, access to credit and

    market access, among others.

  • 8/12/2019 Oil for Food in Africa


    Examples of Oil for Agric

    Malaysia Oil- Oil palm and forestry

    Chile Copper- agriculturalcommodities

    Indonesia, oil- Green revolution. Agricresearch and new commodities

  • 8/12/2019 Oil for Food in Africa


    Returns on Agric-Researched

    One marginal Cedi on Agric returnsGH16.8.

    This is against a marginal cedi

    invested in feeder roads with returnsof GH8.8,

    and that of health sector investment

    with returns of GH1.3 Ghana Long-Term Funding for Agricultural Growth,

    Poverty Reduction, and Food Security- CAADP Brochure 4

  • 8/12/2019 Oil for Food in Africa


    Basic Education

    Education in Ghana remains an important priority andhas attracted significant attention from past andcurrent governments

    coverage expanded to about 84 percent of

    the relevant age population in primary, basic services extended to 11 years,

    expansion of access at secondary and

    tertiary levels, and growth of public expenditures both in scale

    and in the share of Governmentexpenditures.

  • 8/12/2019 Oil for Food in Africa


    Basic Education Challenges

    Socioeconomic disparities in accessand quality;

    Significant and stubborn regional

    differences; Poor quality of learning;

    Inefficient use of resources; and,

    Insufficient measures to ensure thatschools and administrators areaccountable for delivering theeducation services in line withex ectations.

    Ch ll ti

  • 8/12/2019 Oil for Food in Africa


    Challenges continue While access rates between rural and

    urban areas are already large, the gap in

    learning outcomes appears even larger. 6thgraders low NEA English scores (38 or

    below) went to school within districts of the

    Northern region, while the highestconcentration of students with high scores(44 or above) attended schools in thedistricts of Greater Accra

    High performing schools had over 90percent trained teachers -- 36.4 percent

    more trained teachers than low performingschools

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    Challenges Continue

    Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) at theprimary level which has remainedunchanged during the past decade,

    Between 2001/02 and 2008/09 thenumber of primary teachers grew from80,552 to 114,421

    However, the portion of primaryteachers who were untrained grewfrom 35.1 percent to 52 percent

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    Technical Education

    Enrollment in public TVET institutes hasbeen declining over the last few years

    In the NVTI total enrollment 2005-2007 fell

    by just less than 10% from 7,297 to 6,710 This is very worrying as it has implications

    for building the required technicalmanpower necessary to support economic

    growth. The gender gap is much bigger at the

    countrys Technical and VocationalEducation and Training (TVET) institutions.

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    Women in Vocation

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  • 8/12/2019 Oil for Food in Africa










    Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11

    Public Spending on Education (%GDP)

    Ghana SSAfrica LMIncome

  • 8/12/2019 Oil for Food in Africa


    Examples of Oil for Education

    Brazil also developed a National Education Planwith a focus on improvements in quality and access(educational infrastructure).

    Brazil recently passed a new law which allocates 70% of

    royalties to finance education Botswana has consistently spent over 5% of its

    GNP on education since the mid-1970s, reaching8.2% in 2010

    Today, it is one of the richest countries inSub-Saharan Africa

    achieved universal primary education

    its secondary gross enrolment ratiostands at 82%, double the average for the

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    This proposal follows criticalanalysis of the situation prevailing

    in Ghanas small holder agricultural

    development and the challenges ofthe education sector particularly

    basic and technical education.

    Based on the above analysis, werecommend that Government

    should prioritise agricultural

    modernization as one of the four

    riorit areas for ABFA for the

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    We also recommend that as a resultof the challenges facing the

    education sector particularly at the

    basic and technical levels,Government should consider

    technical education as one of the

    four priority areas for the spendingof the Annual Budget Funding

    Amount (ABFA).

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