ohhs social studies department course syllabus · ohhs social studies department course syllabus...

Current as of Nov 23, 2015 Page 1 of 13 OHHS Social Studies Department Course Syllabus Course Name: AP World History Course Code: SSO51A Course Description: AP World History class will follow the College Board’s suggested curriculum designed to parallel college-level World History courses. AP World History course will examine world history from 8000 BC to the present with the aim of helping my students develop a greater understanding of the evolution of global processes and contracts and how different human societies have interacted. This course will highlight the nature of changes in an international context and explore their causes and continuity. Texts/Sources The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, AP Edition, Bulliet et al, 2011, 5th Edition, Wadsworth. The World That Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy, 1400 to the Present , (1.5 - "Treating good news as no news" & 1.9 "How the other half traded") Pomeranz & Topek, 2nd edition (October 31, 2005) The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past, (VI, pages 66--68) John Lewis Gaddis, Oxford university Press, 2004 This Fleeting World: A short History of Humanity, (Pages 76-77 - "Global Upheavel") David Christian, Berkshire Publishing Group, 2007 Salt: A World History, (Chapter 21 - "Salt and the Great Soul") Mark Kulansky, Penguin Books, 2002 "Guns, Germs, and Steel" (Chapter 4 - "Farmer Power") Jared Diamond, Norton Publishing, 2005 used to examine findings/methods from anther discipline - biology. Primary Source Reader for World History, Volumes 1 & 2, Cynthia Kosso, Wadsworth Visual Sources in World History, Prentice Hall, 2011 Map Workbook for World History, Volumes 1 & 2, Elsa Nystrom, Wadsworth Student resources (primary, secondary, maps, charts, etc) for textbook available on the eBook. Course Requirements: Prepare to take the AP Exam. Attend class daily arriving on time. Read the textbook - I know this may sound like an obvious comment (not worthy of mention) but it is easy to fall behind and trying to get by in class without reading is a recipe for frustration. Taking notes while reading will help keep you brain focused. Take Notes - You should have a spiral notebook to keep your notes in. See my notes handout for the proper format. Notes are due as outlined on the pacing guide below (usually on Tuesdays). Study Groups - Study groups are a key ingredient to success in complex classes. The first step and perhaps the trickiest part is selecting a place to meet. You will need to find a place where you won't have a great deal of distractions. The library or a friend's house (one who has a parent that makes great snacks is a bonus and worthy of consideration) will usually fit the bill, whereas a local coffee shop may be bad (too many distractions). The next critical step is picking the group members. Find a group where the members of the group challenge one another and can stay focused on studying. Study groups should not be social groups. Having a good study guide is a great focus point to keep your group on track. Besides reviewing the weekly readings/assignments, use your small group to discuss the chapter activities/questions I post on my blog. Make-up work when absent. The schedule is listed below, so missed assignments will be your responsibility to determine and complete. Actively participate in class and complete all assignments thoroughly and promptly.

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OHHS Social Studies Department

Course Syllabus

Course Name: AP World History

Course Code: SSO51A

Course Description: AP World History class will follow the College Board’s suggested curriculum designed to

parallel college-level World History courses. AP World History course will examine world history from 8000 BC to

the present with the aim of helping my students develop a greater understanding of the evolution of global processes

and contracts and how different human societies have interacted. This course will highlight the nature of changes in

an international context and explore their causes and continuity.


The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, AP Edition, Bulliet et al, 2011, 5th Edition, Wadsworth.

The World That Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy, 1400 to the Present, (1.5 -

"Treating good news as no news" & 1.9 "How the other half traded") Pomeranz & Topek, 2nd edition

(October 31, 2005)

The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past, (VI, pages 66--68) John Lewis Gaddis, Oxford

university Press, 2004

This Fleeting World: A short History of Humanity, (Pages 76-77 - "Global Upheavel") David Christian,

Berkshire Publishing Group, 2007

Salt: A World History, (Chapter 21 - "Salt and the Great Soul") Mark Kulansky, Penguin Books, 2002

"Guns, Germs, and Steel" (Chapter 4 - "Farmer Power") Jared Diamond, Norton Publishing, 2005 used to

examine findings/methods from anther discipline - biology.

Primary Source Reader for World History, Volumes 1 & 2, Cynthia Kosso, Wadsworth

Visual Sources in World History, Prentice Hall, 2011

Map Workbook for World History, Volumes 1 & 2, Elsa Nystrom, Wadsworth

Student resources (primary, secondary, maps, charts, etc) for textbook available on the eBook.

Course Requirements:

Prepare to take the AP Exam.

Attend class daily arriving on time.

Read the textbook - I know this may sound like an obvious comment (not worthy of mention) but it is

easy to fall behind and trying to get by in class without reading is a recipe for frustration. Taking notes

while reading will help keep you brain focused.

Take Notes - You should have a spiral notebook to keep your notes in. See my notes handout for the

proper format. Notes are due as outlined on the pacing guide below (usually on Tuesdays).

Study Groups - Study groups are a key ingredient to success in complex classes. The first step and

perhaps the trickiest part is selecting a place to meet. You will need to find a place where you won't have a

great deal of distractions. The library or a friend's house (one who has a parent that makes great snacks is a

bonus and worthy of consideration) will usually fit the bill, whereas a local coffee shop may be bad (too

many distractions). The next critical step is picking the group members. Find a group where the members

of the group challenge one another and can stay focused on studying. Study groups should not be social

groups. Having a good study guide is a great focus point to keep your group on track. Besides reviewing

the weekly readings/assignments, use your small group to discuss the chapter activities/questions I post on

my blog.

Make-up work when absent. The schedule is listed below, so missed assignments will be your

responsibility to determine and complete.

Actively participate in class and complete all assignments thoroughly and promptly.

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GRADING SCALE: The course falls under the OHHS AP grading scale. Failure to maintain a C average

at the semester may lead to you being transferred out of the course and into the regular World History class.

If at any time you are having problems with the course please come in for help either before or after school

and at lunch or if you have a free period and schedule it with me before hand during my prep period.

100-90 A

89-85 A-

84-83 B+

82-77 B

76-75 B-

74-73 C+

73-67 C

66-65 C-

64-55 D

<54% F

Re-Do Policy – Assessments are eligible for redo up to 100%, except Final

o Students are eligible to redo assessments when key supporting assignments are complete. Key

assignments provide evidence that students are ready to show mastery of a standard

o Students are eligible to redo key assignments as long as they have excused absences.

o There are assignments that may not be redone because they do not bear enough weight or the

learning target for that assignment will be measured on another larger assignment.

o Because of the nature of the course, late work is due no later than the last school day of the week

in which it is due. Student work on major assessments (turned in) can be redone within two


Extra Help – tutoring is available and students are encouraged to take advantage of tutoring opportunities.

OHHS Plagiarism Policy – Any student, who knowingly turns in any work that has been done by

someone other than himself or herself, and fraudulently represents it as his/her own, shall be considered to

have cheated. Cheating also includes: aiding someone else in cheating, the use or preparation of written,

pictorial, or other materials not authorized by the instructor during a test or assignment, the use of testing

materials obtained previous to the test date, or plagiarism of any kind. Students found cheating will also be

subject to an office referral, which could result in a suspension. As an effort based school, students who

have plagiarized/cheated must still demonstrate their learning. Thus, students will be given the opportunity

to complete the work. This will fall under the “Late Work Policy” of the teacher where total possible points

may be reduced.

Chapter Test Correction Format: Students may fix chapter quizzes to retrieve 50% of the points missed.

In order to receive the points back you must complete the following steps and staple them to the back of the

chapter quiz they apply to. Failure to follow and perform each step will result in zero points being


1. Write the Question: Analyze the question and highlight three key words that the question is asking


2. Answers:

A) Describe the answer choices. What are they pertaining to?

B) Explain why you missed the question. What made you put the answer you chose?

C) What is the correct answer?

D) How do you know? Provide evidence (page number).

Major Assignments/Assessments:

Chapter reading quizzes: will be held weekly, are made up of multiple choice questions, and are timed

events. If you get 80% or better on the chapter reading quiz, I will give you 100% on the multiple choice

section of that chapter test.

Chapter tests will follow the completion of each chapter of the textbook and usually given on Fridays. As

the semester goes along, the size of Chapter tests will increase in depth and size. Chapter tests will be

consist of the following:

o Multiple choice questions. Expect 1 minute 15 seconds per question.

o Key term definitions.

o Short answer questions

o Interpretation - short excerpts from document to encourage document analysis using


o Essays - written arguments made up a thesis supported by relevant historical evidence. Essays

will come in the forms found on the AP Exam: DBQ (sources will be found in the test), continuity

& change over time, and comparative questions mirroring those you will see on the AP exam.

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o Test review - on the day prior to the test (typically Thursday), I will have the test available for

students to review after school. No recording devices (electronic, paper, pen, etc.) are allowed

during this time.

Illustrating World History - On Tuesdays after the reading quizzes students will break up into small

groups, and using the questions at the end of their chapter notes, they will decide which question best

illustrates the chapter. Groups will illustrate that question and present it to the class. Questions will fall

into one of the following categories:

o Big Picture – timeline of the most important events of those under study, accompanied by a

written explanation of their ultimate significance.

o Diffusion – the spread of natural elements, people, artifacts, ideas, or other cultural creations from

one civilization to others.

o Syncretism – mixing of two or more cultures resulting in something new

o Comparison – comparing two or more things.

o Common Phenomena – natural or historic events and developments that two or more societies


1st Semester Final Exam will mirror the AP World History exam and administered at the end of the 1st


2nd Semester Book Report. Following the AP exams, students will be expected to read and complete a

book report on one of the books found on those listed on the Book Report Handout. Books have to be at

least 400 pages long, or several books from the list can be combined to achieve the required 400 pages.

Grading Scale:

o Writing - 25%

o HW/Class Work - 20%

o Illustrating World History - 20%

o Tests/Quizzes - 15%

o Participation - 10%

o Final Exam - 10%

Content/Skills Taught: my course will develop four historical thinking skills:

1. Crafting historical arguments from historical evidence. Your familiarity with world history will allow

you to make historical arguments based upon evidence from diverse sources.

2. Chronological reasoning. Through various eras/regions in world history you will identify, analyze, and

evaluate the relationship between cause and effect. You will learn to categorize timeframes in history

based upon turning points, dates, or changes that taking place in regions.

3. Comparison and contextualization. You will describe, compare and contrast, and evaluate:

Multiple historical developments within a society in various chronological and geographical


One or more developments across or between different societies in various chronological and

geographical contexts.

4. Historical interpretation and synthesis. Using primary and secondary sources you will describe, analyze,

evaluate, and create diverse interpretations of the past using analysis of evidence, reasoning, contexts,

points of view, and frames of reference.

Key Concepts: The following 19 concepts will be intertwined with the AP Themes and used throughout the course

to achieve a depth of world history knowledge.

Period 1: Technological

and environmental

transformations, to 600 BCE

Chapters 1-3

Key Concept 1.1 Big geography and the peopling of the earth.

Key Concept 1.2 The Neolithic Revolution and early agricultural societies.

Key Concept 1.3 The development and interactions of early agricultural, pastoral

and urban societies.

Period 2: Organization and

reorganization of human

societies, 600 BCE to

600CE. Chapters 4-7

Key Concept 2.1 The development and codification of religious and cultural


Key Concept 2.2 The development of states and empires.

Key Concept 2.3 Emergence of transregional networks of communication and


Period 3: Regional and Key Concept 3.1. Expansion and Intensification of Communication and

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transregional interactions,

600 CE to 1450

Chapters 8-15

Exchange Networks.

Key Concept 3.2. Continuity and Innovation of State Forms and Their


Key Concept 3.3. Increased Economic Productive Capacity and Its


Period 4: Global

interactions, 1450 to 1750

Chapters 16-20

Key Concept 4.1. Globalizing Networks of Communication and Exchange.

Key Concept 4.2. New Forms of Social Organization and Modes of Production.

Key Concept 4.3. State Consolidation and Imperial Expansion.

Period 5: Industrialization

and global integration, 1750

to 1900.

Chapters 21-26

Key Concept 5.1. Industrialization and Global Capitalism.

Key Concept 5.2. Imperialism and Nation State Formation.

Key Concept 5.3. Nationalism, Revolution and Reform.

Key Concept 5.4. Global Migration.

Period 6: Accelerating

global change and

realignments, 1900 to the

present. Chapters 27-33

Key Concept 6.1. Science and the Environment.

Key Concept 6.2. Global Conflicts and Their Consequences.

Key Concept 6.3. New Conceptualizations of Global Economy, Society and


AP World History Themes: We will use the AP World History themes throughout the course to identify the broad

patterns and processes that explain change and continuity over time. Their titles have been manipulated to form the

acronym SPICE.

1. S - Social structures development and transformation: gender roles and relations, family and kinship,

racial and ethnic constructions, social and economic classes.

Example of an activity using this: Chapter 1 - Examine the changes in status and experience of women

as Mesopotamian society developed into a civilization.

2. P - Politics - State building, expansion, and conflict: political structures and forms of governance,

empires, nations and nationalism, revolts and revolutions, regional, transregional, global structures and


Example of an activity using this: Chapter 6 - Describe the rise and importance of the Mauryan


3. I - Interaction between humans and the environment: demography and disease, migration, patterns of

settlement, and technology.

Example of an activity using this: Chapter 10 - Examine how the following played a role under the Sui

and Tang: market roads, long-distant roads, the Grand Canal, caravan and sea routes.

4. C - Cultures development and interaction: religion, belief systems, philosophies, ideologies,

science/technology, arts and architecture.

Example of an activity using this: Chapter 15 - Examine the role that religion played in driving the

forces of exploration from Europe.

5. E - Economic systems - creation, expansion, and interaction of: agriculture and pastoral production,

trade and commerce, labor systems, industrialization, capitalism and socialism.

Example of an activity using this: Chapter 17 - Examine the major elements of the Columbian

Exchange and how it affected both Amerindians and Europeans.

Unit Name / Time Frame:

Chapter 1: From the Origins of Agriculture to the first River-Valley Civilizations


o The Epic of Gilgamesh (text)

o Hymn to the Nile (text)


o Using the "The Epic of Gilgamesh" - How does Enkidu propel Gilgamesh on a quest for immortality,

and is the quest successful?

o Examine the changes in status and experience of women as Mesopotamian society developed into a


o Analyze the pair of sources - Hammurabi's Code (text) & Hammurabi Stele (visual)

o Using "Guns, Germs, and Steel" (Chapter 4 - "Farmer Power") by biologist Jared Diamond, analyze

food production vs. population during the Agricultural Revolution.

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Chapter 2: New Civilizations in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, 2200-250 BCE


o The Book of Documents (text)

o Egyptian throne of Tutankhamen (visual)

o A scene from the Egyptian afterlife (visual)


o Compare and contrast the political and social structures of two early civilizations:


The Indus Valley


o DBQ 1: Evaluate how geography influenced the roles that religion and politics played in ancient

societies in Afro-Eurasia. What additional kind(s) of documents would help you analyze the complex

relationship between ancient humans and the environment? For this and subsequent DBQ's you will

need to develop written arguments that have a thesis supported by relevant historical evidence. Use

the "Document analysis using SOAPStone" handout on each of the documents to identify: speaker,

occasion, audience, purpose, subject, tone, point of view, and the applicable AP world history


Document 1 - Map: Early Civilizations, 3500-1500BCE

Document 2 - Source: Description of Babylonian New Year's festival, 3rd century BCE, but

representative of earlier Babylonian beliefs and practices.

Document 3 - Source: Hymn to Aten, the Egyptian sun-god

Document 4 - Map: Ancient Egypt, 2575-1070 BCE

Document 5 - Source: Mandate of Heaven, 6th century BCE

Chapter 3: The Mediterranean and Middle East, 2000-500 BCE


o Text - Moses descends Mt. Sinai with the 10 commandments

o Visual - Wall relief from the Palace of Sennacherib at Nineveh

o Visual - Tophet of Carthage


o Archaeology - Students will examine /discuss archeologist findings related to the Temple mound in

Jerusalem; in particular artifacts from the first and second temples.

o Compare and contrast Judaism, Polytheisms, Hinduism, Confucianism, and Daoism

Chapter 4: Greece and Iran, 1000-30 BCE


o Map - Persian Empire

o Map - Ancient Greece

o Text - The Trojan hero Hector prepares to meet his destiny

o Text - A Lyric Poem Laments an Absent Lover

o Text - Apologia

o Text - Aristotle on Politics

o Map - Hellenistic Civilization


o Change Over Time: Using chart 4.2, how did the role of the Greek city-states change over time?

Chapter 5: An Age of Empires: Rome & Han China, 753 BCE - 600 CE


o Text - Man of unlimited ambition: Julius Caesar

o Map - Han China

o Text - Lessons for women


o Compare and contrast the Classical civilizations of Greece & Rome in terms of the following


Political Developments

Social & gender structures

Art, science & technology

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o DBQ 2: Analyze the causes and effects of social inequality during the Classical Age (1000 BCE - 500

CE). How did one's status within society influence one's perspective of events in that society? What

kinds of additional document(s) would help analyze the effects of increased social complexity?

Document 1 - Visual: Wall relief from the Palace of Sennacherib at Nineveh

Document 2 - Text: Excerpts from the Book of Amos, 750 BCE

Document 3 - Text: Unnamed Babylonian document, 1000 BCE

Document 4 - Text: Inscription at Behistun, modern-day Iran, by Persian king Darius, 500 BCE

Document 5 - Visual: Vase painting depicting women at an Athenian fountain house, 520 BCE

Document 6 - Text: Greek historian Herodotus describing Persian king Xerxes (486-465 BCE)

ordering a bridge to be built to transport his troops over the Hellespont strait.

Chapter 6: India & SE Asia, 1500 BCE - 600 CE


o Map - Ancient India

o Text - Rig Veda

o Map - Southeast Asia


o Describe the rise and importance of the Mauryan Empire.

Chapter 7: Networks of Communication and Exchange. 300 BCE - 600 CE


o Asian trade and communication routes (map)

o Africa & trans-Saharan trade routes (map)


o The Silk Road brought transformations across Asia. Trace significant impacts in two of the following





o DBQ 3 : Analyze the relationship between technology and the development of large Eurasian empires

up to the year 600 CE

Document 1 - Map: Economic aspect of the Roman Empire.

Document 2 - Map: Han China, 206 BCE - 220 CE

Document 3 - Visual: Roman aqueduct near Tarragona constructed 98-116 CE

Document 4 - Map: Asia trade and communication routes

Document 5 - Text: Indian Ocean sailing itinerary of unknown Greco-Egyptian merchant, 1st

century CE

Document 6 - Text: Chinese traveler Xuanzang (600-664), description of Indians he encountered

while searching for Sanskrit scriptures to take back to China

Document 7 - Visual: Iranian musicians from the Silk Road

Chapter 8: The Rise of Islam, 600-1200


o Text - Constitution of Medina - Muslims and Jews at the dawn of Islam

o Map - Abbasid Caliphate


o Evaluate the political changes and continuities over time in the Middle East from 600 to 1200.

Chapter 9: Christian Societies Emerge in Europe, 600-1200


o Map - Spread of Christianity

o Map - Germanic kingdoms

o Map - 11th century Kievan Russia and the Byzantine empire

o Text - Annals


o Evaluate the impact of religion on the Europe from 600-1200.

Chapter 10: Inner and East Asia, 600-1200


o Map - Tang Empire

o Map - Liao & Song Empires

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o Map - Jin & Southern Song empires


o Sophomore English Textbook poetry: Song of P'eng-ya by TuFu (pgs 460-461): discuss how the

Tang Dynasty's dependence on local military commanders impacted Chinese society.

o Examine how the following played a role under the Sui and Tang:

Market roads

Long-distant roads

The Grand Canal

Caravan and sea routes.

o DBQ 4: Evaluate the degree that scientific discovery and technological invention developed in

Muslim, Christian, and Chinese societies during the post-Classical age (600-1450).

Document 1 - Text: Quran, Book 28, Number 3865, 650

Document 2 - Text: Autobiography of Avicenna (980-1037), Muslim scholar later known in

Europe as the "prince of physicians."

Document 3 - Visual: Vertical two-beam loom, 1100 CE

Document 4 - Visual: Spanish Muslim woven silk textile fragment, 12th century

Document 5 - Visual: Page from the book of Kells, 800 CE

Document 6 - Text: Roger bacon: despair over 13th-century learning, from Compendium Studii

Philosophiae, 1271

Document 7 - Visual: Su Song's astronomical clock, 1088-1092

Chapter 11: Peoples and Civilizations of the Americas, 600-1500


o Map - Maya Civilization

o Map - N. Am cultures

o Map - Andean Civilization


o Archaeology - Students will consider how archeological findings lead them to believe that climate

change may have played a part in the collapse of the Mayan civilization.

o Compare and contrast the political and social structures of two empires:



Tang China

Chapter 12: Mongol Eurasia and its Aftermath, 1200-1500


o Graph - Conversion to Islam

o Diagram - Rulers

o Map - Domains

o Map - Western Eurasia

o Map - Ming Empire


o Using "The World that Trade Created" ("1.5 - Treating Good News as No News"), analyze Marco

Polo's travels with respect to Euro-Asian Trade.

Chapter 13: Tropical Africa and Asia, 1200-1500


o Map - Africa & Indian Ocean

o Map - Africa

o Map - Trade/travel arteries


o Compare and contrast the social and economic characteristics of the Muslim caliphates and the

Mongols in the Middle East from 600 to 1450.

Chapter 14: The Latin West, 1200-1500


o Map - Black Death

o Text - Marco Polo - description of the world

o Map - Trade & manufacture

o Text - The Practice of Commerce

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o Text - Summa Theologica

o Map - 1453 Europe

o Text - Magna Carta


o Art History - Students will consider the methods art historians use to date and authenticate oil

paintings from the 15th century based upon the artists' usage of: linear perspective, medium, and style.

o DBQ 6: Evaluate the factors that influenced cultural and technological diffusion in Eurasia and Africa

up to the year 1500.

Document 1 - Map: Mongol domains in Eurasia in 1300

Document 2 - Visual: movable type: individual tiles - the ones shown are Korean - made printing

easier and cheaper and contributed to increased levels of literacy.

Document 3 - Visual: Confucian examination cells, Ming dynasty (1368-1644) but common in

China since the 12th century.

Document 4 - Map: Africa and Indian Ocean Basin, physical characteristics.

Document 5 - Text: Travels of Ibn Battuta in the Near East, Asia, and Africa, 1325-1354,

describing Battuta's visit in Mali during the reign of Mansa Suleiman in 1353.

Document 6 - Map: Black Death in 14th century Europe

Document 7 - Text: Official chronicles of the upper-Rhineland towns (modern day Switzerland)


Document 8 - Map: The growth of printing in Europe.

Chapter 15: The Maritime Revolution to 1550 (Oceania & Australia)


o Map - Indian/Pacific Oceans

o Map - Middle America

o Map - Euro Exploration

o Text - Agreement w/Columbus

o Text - Dominican voice in the wilderness


o Examine the role that religion played in driving the forces of exploration from Europe.

Chapter 16: Transformation in Europe, 1500-1750


o Graph - World Population 5000 - 1 BCE

o Graph - Population in China and Europe 1-1500 CE

o Text - Martin Luther Table talk

o Map - Religious Reformation

o Text - Letter to Duchess Christina

o Text - Treatise on Toleration

o Map - Charles V

o Map - 1740 Europe


o Evaluate the applicability of the term "reformation" as it applies to religion throughout Europe from


Chapter 17: The Diversity of American Colonial Societies, 1530-1770


o Text - Things in New Spain

o Map - 18th century Latin America

o Map - European claims


o Examine the major elements of the Columbian Exchange and how it affected both Amerindians and


Chapter 18: The Atlantic System and Africa, 1550-1800


o Chart - Transatlantic Slave Trade from Africa

o Text - Narrative by Olaudah Equiano

o Map - Atlantic economy

o Map - Atlantic slave trade

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o Text - Voyage to New Calabar

o Map - West Africa

o Table - Slave occupations on a Jamaican sugar plantation, 1788

o Table - Birth and death on a Jamaican sugar plantation, 1779-1785


o DBQ 5: Analyze the social and political changes and continuities over time in the Americas and

Africa from 1492-1750.

Document 1 - Map: The Americas and early European exploration

Document 2 - Text: Hernan Cortes, letter to King Charles V, 1521

Document 3 - Visual: Death from smallpox

Document 4 - Text: Letter from King Alfonso of Kongo to King Joao III of Portugal, 1526

Document 5 - Text: Antonio Vazquez de Espinosa, a Spanish priest, Compendium and Description

of the West Indies, 1625.

Document 6 - Map: Colonial Latin America in the 18th Century

Document 7 - Chart: Transatlantic slave trade from Africa, 1551-1850.

Document 8 - Text: Jorge Juan and Antonio de Ulloa, A Voyage to South America, 1735.

Chapter 19: SW Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1750


o Map - 16th/17th century Muslim empires

o Map - Euros Indian Ocean


o The period 1450-1750 witnessed important transformations in Africa. Trace significant changes and

continuities in two of the following areas:




o Using "The World that Trade Created" ("1.9 - How the Other Half traded"), examine the role of

women in Southeast Asia/Oceania when interfacing/inter-marrying with European traders in the

seventeenth and eighteenth century.

Chapter 20: Northern Eurasia 1500-1800


o Text - Some observations on Merchants

o Map - Qing Empire

o Text - Edict on trade with Great Britain

o Map - Climate & diversity in the Qing

o Map - Russian Expansion

o Text - Edict & decrees


o DBQ 7: Using the following documents, assess the validity of this statement: "The period from 1350 to

1750 was marked by increasing openness to foreign ideas, culture, and peoples."

Document 1 - Map: Ming Empire and Allies, 1368-15500 (including Zheng He voyages).

Document 2 - Text: Ebu's-Su'ud, Mufti of Istanbul, ruling Ottoman emperor Selim II's plan to

attack the Venetians in Crete, 1570.

Document 3 - Text: Ebu's-Su'ud, Mufti of Istanbul, ruling on war against the Shi'ite Muslim

Safavids of Iran, 1570

Document 4 - Text: Zhang Han (1511-1593), Ming scholar-bureaucrat who was raised in a textile

merchant family, 1590.

Document 5 - Text: Journal of Matteo Ricci, Jesuit priest, describing a Chinese court scene where

Jesuit Missionaries were accused of high treason against the Chinese throne, 1607.

Document 6 - Text: Tokugawa Iemitsu, Japanese Shogun who ruled from1623 to 1651, Closed

Country Edict, Japan, 1635.

Document 7 - Visual: Iranian water pipe

Document 8 - Text: Peter the Great, tsar of Russia (r. 1689-1725), Decree on the Invitation of

Foreigners, 1702.

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Document 9 - Text: Edict on trade with Great Britain, letter from Chinese emperor Qianlong (r.

1736-1796) to King George III of Britain, 1792. (but representative of Chinese thought throughout

the 18th century).

Chapter 21: Revolutionary Changes in the Atlantic World, 1750-1850


o Text - Declaration of Independence

o Map - American Revolution war

o Text - Declaration of the rights of man)

o Map - Napoleon's Europe

o Map - Haitian Revolution


o What was the relationship between the French Revolution and the Haitian revolution and the

revolution of 1848?

Chapter 22: The Early Industrial Revolution, 1760-1851


o Map - Industrial Revolution

o Text - Adam Smith & division of labor

o Map - Industrial Europe


o Analyze the main factors in changing European policies concerning their colonies in the 19th


Chapter 23: State Building and Economic Transformation in the Americas, 1800-1890


o Text - Jamaica Letter

o Map - Latin America

o Text - Afro-Brazilian experience

o Map - Canada dominion

o Map - US growth

o Map - US expansion


o What impacts of Spanish and Portuguese rule endured in Latin America in the post-colonial period?

Chapter 24: Land Empires in the Age of Imperialism, 1800-1870


o Map - Ottoman / Russian empires

o Text - Tanzimat Decree

o Map - Qing conflicts

o Text - Chinese response to Imperialism


o Political Science & the Economy - Students will explore how economists view the influence of

political relationships in dominating the flow of trade in the late 19th and early 20th century.

o Choose one of the following empires and chronicle how its relationship with western Europe

developed from 1750 to 1914:




Chapter 25: Africa, India, and the New British Empire, 1750-1870


o Map - 19th century Africa

o Map - 1805 India

o Text - Ceremonies of imperial dominance

o Map - European possessions in the Indian Ocean and South Pacific


o Describe the changes and continuities that took place between 1750 and 1850, using the Eastern part

of the empire as an example. Include Australia and New Zealand in your answer and explain why

those colonies were unusual in this period.

Chapter 26: The New Power Balance, 1850-1900


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o Text - Marx & Engel on global trade

o Text - Working men of all countries unite

o Map - Italy unification

o Map - Germany unification

o Map - Japan modernization

o Text - Letter to Mitsubishi

o Text - Extracts from Germany in the 19th century


o Using Chart 26.2 to help outline your thoughts, compare and contrast the Japanese and Chinese

responses to the challenge by Western powers.

o DBQ 8: How did the political and economic changes and continuities from 1750 to 1914 influence

the social order in Europe and the Americas? What additional kind(s) of document(s) would help

historians analyze the cause-effect relationship among these developments?

Document 1 - Graph: Transatlantic slave trade from Africa, 1551-1850

Document 2 - Text: Rousseu, The Social Contract, 1762

Document 3 - Text: US Constitution, Article 1, Section 2, 1787

Document 4 - Text: Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen, Olympe De

Gouges, 1791

Document 5 - Text: Simon Bolivar, leader of South American independence movement in the

1820s, The Jamaica Letter, 1815.

Document 6 - Visual: Paris apartment at night, 1845

Document 7 - Text: Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto, 1848

Document 8 - Visual: Former Brazilian slave returns home from military service, 1870

Document 9 - Visual: Arrest of a labor activists in Buenos Aires, 1895

Document 10 - Visual: Emmeline Pankhurst, British women's suffragist, being arrested, 1914.

Chapter 27: The New Imperialism, 1869-1914 (Africa, Asia & the Pacific, and Latin America)


o Text - Convention on free navigation of the Suez

o Map - Africa 1878-1914

o Text - Two Africans recall arrival of Europeans

o Map - Asia in 1914

o Map - Colonial possessions 1913


o How did imperialism differ in Africa, Asia, and Latin America? How did it change between 1870 and


o How did the New Imperialism affect SE Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Hawaii? What impact

did the Suez Canal have on imperialism in that region?

o DBQ 9: Analyze the factors that encouraged and/or limited the rule of large empires in Africa and

Eurasia from 1800 to 1914

Document 1 - Map: India, 1707-1805

Document 2 - Text: Lin Zexu, Chinese official in charge of stopping the opium trade in the city of

Guangzhou (Canton), Letter to Queen Victoria, 1839

Document 3 - Text: Imperial Rescript, 1856. Ottoman sultan Abdul Mejid (r. 1839-1861).

Document 4 - Visual: Opening of the Suez Canal, 1869

Document 5 - Text: Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Viceroy of India, Letter to Queen Victoria,


Document 6 - Text: Excerpt from a proclamation during the Boxer Rebellion, 1900.

Document 7 - Visual: South African diamond mine, early 20th century.

Document 8 - Map: Expansion and modernization of Japan, 1868-1918.

Chapter 28: The Crisis of the Imperial Order, 1900-1929


o Map - Europe in 1913

o Map - WWI in Europe

o Text - Letter from Turkey

o Text - Comments on the German delegation

o Text - Economists analyzes the treaty and finds it lacking

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o Map - Territorial changes

o Text - Two proclamations of the Boxer rebellion

o Text - Three peoples principals and the future of the Chinese people

o Text - Balfour declaration

o Text - Woodrow Wilson's 14 points

o Text - Memo of the general Syrian Congress

o Map - Middle East post WWI


o Using Chart 29.1 to help you brainstorm ideas: Compare and contrast dictatorial leadership structures

of the USSR, Germany, Italy, and/or Japan.

Chapter 29: The Collapse of the Old Order, 1929-1949


o Text - Women, family values, and the Russian revolution

o Map - China / Japan

o Map - WWII Europe & Africa

o Text - Decision to drop the bomb

o Text - Memoirs


o Sophomore English Textbook short story (nonfiction): Examine the consequence of world conflict

(WWII) on

Japanese Americans - "Farewell to Manzanar" by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houstin. (pgs 866-876)

Jews - "Night" by Elie Wiesel (pgs 854-859)

o Using "This Fleeting World: A Short History of Humanity" ("Global Upheaval"), analyze the

continuity and change in Europe between 1929 and 1949.

Chapter 30: Striving for Independence: India, Africa, and Latin America, 1900-1949


o Map - Partition of India

o Text - Indian National congress

o Map - Mexico revolution


o Using "Salt: A World History" (chapter 21) Analyze salt's uses and impact on the British-Indian


Chapter 31: The Cold War and Decolonization, 1945-1975


o Text - Comment on Algeria

o Text - Rivonia Trial speech to the court

o Map - Cold War confrontations

o Map - Decolonization

o Text - 100 items for destroying the old and establishing the new

o Text - Palestinian National Charter

o Map - Middle East


o Using "The Landscape of History: How historians Map the Past" (Chapter 4: the interdependency of

variables - VI), Analyze the factors that sustained the Cold War. Examine what changes might have

kept the USSR alive and extended the Cold War?

Chapter 32: The end of the Cold War and the Challenge of Economic Development and Immigration, 1975-



o Table - Population for world and major areas, 1750-2050

o Graph - Age structure comparison

o Table - World's largest cities

o Text - Islamic government

o Text - Last heir of Lenin explains his reform plans

o Map - End of the USSR

o Map - World Population growth

o Map - Fresh Water (map)

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o Using Chart 31.2 to help brainstorm ideas: Analyze how one of the following regions' importance to

the Cold War superpowers developed from 1945 to 1975:

Latin America

The Middle East

SE Asia

Sub-Sahara Africa.

Chapter 33: New Challenges in a New Millennium


o Map - Global wealth redistribution

o Map - Regional trade associations

o Text - Declaration of jihad against Americans occupying the land of two holy mosques

o Text - Clash of civilizations

o Text - Tehran declaration on dialogue among civilizations

o Text - Alliance of civilizations report of the high level group

o Map - World religions


o Use Chart 33.1 to help you brainstorm ideas: How has the world moved toward more global unity in

terms of Culture, technology and political rights?

o DBQ 10: Analyze the social, economic, and political challenges that women faced in the 20th century.

Document 1 - Text: Syrian Parliament debate about the relationship between gender and

citizenship, April 25th, 1920.

Document 2 - Text: Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, Speech to the national Socialist Women's Association,

Nuremburg, Germany, 1935.

Document 3 - Text: Education, Civilization, and "Foreignization" in Buganda (Uganda), by

Kabaka Daudi Chwa (1897-1939), 1935.

Document 4 - Text: Letter to Russian newspaper Izvestia regarding proposed law banning

abortion, 1936.

Document 5 - Text: "No more Miss America" ten-point manifesto by a radical New York women's


Document 6 - Text: Gladys Acosta, militant Peruvian feminist, 1994

Document 7 - Visual: Chinese family planning campaign, encouraging the public to limit families

to one child in the 1980's

Document 8 - Visual: Darfur refugees, 2004

Document 9 - Visual: Women political leaders

Pacing Guide The following will be your typical week which repeats itself for the most part:

Monday - Skills needed - based upon the work turned in last week or this week's assignments.

Tuesday- Reading Quiz (multiple choice) & illustrating your questions to the class. Notes due.

Wednesday - Document work

Thursday - Lecture - based upon last week's test and weak points observed.

Friday - Chapter Quiz & Note cards due.