ogc technical committee huntsville, 2006-03-08 galeon – nerc/cclrc experience andrew woolf...

OGC Technical Committee Huntsville, 2006-03-08 GALEON – NERC/CCLRC experience Andrew Woolf ([email protected] ) e-Science Centre, CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Lab Acknowledgments: Dominic Lowe (British Atmospheric Data Centre) Jon Blower (NERC Environmental Systems Science Centre) Nathan Bindoff, Glenn Hyland, Jason Roberts, Ian Cummings (Tasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing) NERC DataGrid team

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Page 1: OGC Technical Committee Huntsville, 2006-03-08 GALEON – NERC/CCLRC experience Andrew Woolf (A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk)A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk e-Science Centre, CCLRC Rutherford

OGC Technical Committee

Huntsville, 2006-03-08

GALEON – NERC/CCLRC experience

Andrew Woolf ([email protected])e-Science Centre, CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Lab

Acknowledgments:Dominic Lowe (British Atmospheric Data Centre)

Jon Blower (NERC Environmental Systems Science Centre)Nathan Bindoff, Glenn Hyland, Jason Roberts, Ian Cummings

(Tasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing)NERC DataGrid team

Page 2: OGC Technical Committee Huntsville, 2006-03-08 GALEON – NERC/CCLRC experience Andrew Woolf (A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk)A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk e-Science Centre, CCLRC Rutherford

OGC Technical Committee

Huntsville, 2006-03-08


1. Consider CSML ‘Grid’ for irregular grid domains

<Grid srsName="urn:EPSG:geographicCRS:4979" srsDimension="3" dimension="2"> <gml:limits> <gml:GridEnvelope> <gml:low>0 7</gml:low> <gml:high>0 13</gml:high> </gml:GridEnvelope> </gml:limits> <gml:axisName>gridI</gml:axisName> <gml:axisName>gridJ</gml:axisName> <ordinate> <gridAxesSpanned>gridI gridJ</gridAxesSpanned> <sequenceRule order="+y+x">Linear</sequenceRule> <definesAxis xlink:href="#Lon"/> <axisValues> 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.50 1.45 1.35 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.18 1.27 1.36 1.46 1.48 1.57 1.65 1.71 1.62 1.58 1.50 1.48 1.40 ... </axisValues> </ordinate> ...</Grid>

Page 3: OGC Technical Committee Huntsville, 2006-03-08 GALEON – NERC/CCLRC experience Andrew Woolf (A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk)A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk e-Science Centre, CCLRC Rutherford

OGC Technical Committee

Huntsville, 2006-03-08


2. Support New Work Item Proposal for ISO 19111 (Spatial referencing by coordinates - extension for parametric values), OGC 06-013

(some informative examples motivated by CF conventions)

Scope: “To define an extension of ISO 19111:2005 covering coordinate referencing systems where the coordinates are physical or material properties measured by parameters, such as pressure, rather than linear distance measurements. It defines a conceptual schema for the description of spatio-parametric coordinate reference systems. These parametric spatial reference systems will be modelled so that they may be associated with an ISO 19111 [horizontal] spatial coordinate reference system to form a compound spatio-parametric coordinate reference system.”

Page 4: OGC Technical Committee Huntsville, 2006-03-08 GALEON – NERC/CCLRC experience Andrew Woolf (A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk)A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk e-Science Centre, CCLRC Rutherford

OGC Technical Committee

Huntsville, 2006-03-08


3. Rationalise binary encoding in GML (for coverage range and domain)

<gml:RectifiedGridCoverage gml:id="netcdf_ID0"> <gml:RectifiedGridDomain xlink:href="http://myserver/myfile.nc#temperature" xlink:role="http://netcdf/GMLOps/Grid/spatialDomain"/> <gml:rangeSet> <gml:File> <gml:rangeParameters> <gml:Quantity uom="degC"/> <fileReference>http://myserver/myfile.nc#temperature </fileReference> <fileStructure>Record Interleaved</fileStructure> <mimeType>application/x-netcdf</mimeType> </gml:rangeParameters> </gml:File> </gml:rangeSet></gml:RectifiedGridCoverage>

Page 5: OGC Technical Committee Huntsville, 2006-03-08 GALEON – NERC/CCLRC experience Andrew Woolf (A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk)A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk e-Science Centre, CCLRC Rutherford

OGC Technical Committee

Huntsville, 2006-03-08


4. Add “CF-netCDF” to allowed formats• HDF netCDF• HDF-EOS CF-netCDF

5. BBOX clarification w.r.t. CRS• e.g. EPSG:4979 (lat, lon, height)

• BBOX=lat1,lon1,height1,lat2,lon2,height2, not• BBOX=minx,miny,maxx,maxy,minz,maxz

Page 6: OGC Technical Committee Huntsville, 2006-03-08 GALEON – NERC/CCLRC experience Andrew Woolf (A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk)A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk e-Science Centre, CCLRC Rutherford

OGC Technical Committee

Huntsville, 2006-03-08


6. Harmonise WMS, WCS: BBOX and ELEVATION

• WCS 1.0.0:BBOX=minx,miny,maxx,maxy,minz,maxz

• WMS 1.3.0:BBOX=minx,miny,maxx,maxy&ELEVATION=minz/maxz/resz

Page 7: OGC Technical Committee Huntsville, 2006-03-08 GALEON – NERC/CCLRC experience Andrew Woolf (A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk)A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk e-Science Centre, CCLRC Rutherford

OGC Technical Committee

Huntsville, 2006-03-08

Recommendations7. Eliminate mandatory WIDTH (RESX), HEIGHT (RESY),

DEPTH (RESZ)• to enable arbitrary slicing through four dimensions• e.g., Hovmüller (timeseries) of winds from 110-190E

BBOX=110,-45,190,-45,1000,1000&TIME=2004-08-01/2004-08-31 HEIGHT (RESY) and DEPTH (RESZ) irrelevant

Page 8: OGC Technical Committee Huntsville, 2006-03-08 GALEON – NERC/CCLRC experience Andrew Woolf (A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk)A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk e-Science Centre, CCLRC Rutherford

OGC Technical Committee

Huntsville, 2006-03-08

Recommendations8. Clarify interpolation vs subsampling

• netCDF API:nc_get_vars_*(ncid,varid,start,count,stride,buf)

• OPeNDAP:http://opendapserver/dataset?var[start:stride:stop]

• WCS should support subsampling– behaviour of INTERPOLATION?

9. Conventions for exposing netCDF attributes in WCS metadata, e.g.:

• netCDF variable name WCS ‘CoverageOffering/name’ • CF ‘long_name’ WCS ‘CoverageOffering/label’• CF ‘standard_name’ WCS


Page 9: OGC Technical Committee Huntsville, 2006-03-08 GALEON – NERC/CCLRC experience Andrew Woolf (A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk)A.Woolf@rl.ac.uk e-Science Centre, CCLRC Rutherford

OGC Technical Committee

Huntsville, 2006-03-08


10.Clarify roles of ‘temporalDomain’ and ‘spatialDomain/EnvelopeWithTimePeriod’

• unclear whether ‘temporalDomain’ mandatory for time-dependant data

Experimental WCS (and full report) at: http://glue.badc.rl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/TPAC/WCS