officers cons rtium · 2018-08-09 · net promoter score 60% 65% 73% 72% eval question 4 table...

A C O M M I T M E N T T O L E A R N I N G S I N C E 1 9 3 8 TRAINING CONS OFFICERS RTIUM IN THIS ISSUE T R A I N I N G O F F I C E R S C O N S O R T I U M M O N T H L Y N E W S P A G E 1 MONTHLY NEWS • April 2018 Are you a Ten? Habits that Make Top Performers 3X More Valuable What does it means to be a ten—to be rated as a top performer by your boss. We predicted top performers would be rated as more valuable than average performers, and wanted to measure how much more valuable. We discovered top performers aren’t just a lile bit more valuable. Managers say tens are three mes more valuable than an average employee. But here is the finding that surprised us. We asked about stress, and learned: 83 percent of their leaders said tens’ work habits reduce their stress. How is this possible? We assessed producvity pracces’ impacts on performance and stress. We wondered whether quality of work and quality of life are friends or enemies? Results: Parcipants with high producvity scores had performance levels 68 percent higher and yet half the stress of parcipants with low scores. Below are five producvity pracces of top performing employees— pracces you can implement today: 1. Collect everything that owns your aenon. Capture all commitments, tasks, ideas, and projects rather than keeping them in your head. Use just a few “capture tools” such as lists, apps, email, etc. 2. Decide what your stuff means to you. Clarify if the items you’ve captured have an acon or not. If they do, be very clear about what the VERY next acon is and who should take it. 3. Use the two-minute rule. If an acon can be completed in two minutes or less, do it immediately. Don’t defer. The me you’ll waste leng these simple acons occupy your aenon and to-do list is not worth it. 4. Do more of the right things by reflecng in the right moments. Rather than diving into your messy inbox first thing, take two minutes to review your calendar and your acon lists. This reflecon ensures you make the best decisions about how to use your me. 5. Review weekly. Keep a sacred, non-negoable meeng with yourself every week to re-sync, get current, and align projects with your higher-level priories. Join us to learn more; click here to register. TUESDAY • APRIL 10, 2018 • 12 - 1PM • WEBINAR POWER OF THE NUMBERS PAGE 3 ANNUAL INSTITUTE AND OTHER NEWS PAGEs 4-5 SPOTLIGHT PAGE 2

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A C O M M I T M E N T T O L E A R N I N G S I N C E 1 9 3 8




T R A I N I N G O F F I C E R S C O N S O R T I U M • M O N T H L Y N E W S • P A G E 1

MONTHLY NEWS • April 2018

Are you a Ten? Habits that Make Top Performers 3X More Valuable

What does it means to be a ten—to be rated as a top performer by your boss. We predicted top performers would be rated as more valuable than average performers, and wanted to measure how much more valuable. We discovered top performers aren’t just a little bit more valuable. Managers say tens are three times more valuable than an average employee.

But here is the finding that surprised us. We asked about stress, and learned: 83 percent of their leaders said tens’ work habits reduce their stress.How is this possible? We assessed productivity practices’ impacts on performance and stress. We wondered whether quality of work and quality of life are friends or enemies? Results: Participants with high productivity scores had performance levels 68 percent higher and yet half the stress of participants with low scores.

Below are five productivity practices of top performing employees—practices you can implement today:

1. Collect everything that owns your attention. Capture all commitments, tasks, ideas, and projects rather than keeping them in your head. Use just a few “capture tools” such as lists, apps, email, etc.2. Decide what your stuff means to you. Clarify if the items you’ve captured have an action or not. If they do, be very clear about what the VERY next action is and who should take it.3. Use the two-minute rule. If an action can be completed in two minutes or less, do it immediately. Don’t defer. The time you’ll waste letting these simple actions occupy your attention and to-do list is not worth it.4. Do more of the right things by reflecting in the right moments. Rather than diving into your messy inbox first thing, take two minutes to review your calendar and your action lists. This reflection ensures you make the best decisions about how to use your time.5. Review weekly. Keep a sacred, non-negotiable meeting with yourself every week to re-sync, get current, and align projects with your higher-level priorities. Join us to learn more; click here to register.

TUESDAY • APRIL 10, 2018 • 12 - 1PM • WEBINAR




PAGEs 4-5



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TOC Spotlight: Aline Assad, USDAPrepared by Mike Powell, Recruitment, Marketing,

and Retention Vice-ChairThis month’s TOC spotlight is Aline Assad, a Training Specialist for Agricultural Marketing Services (AMS) at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). In this position she coordinates individual and departmental training, manages the agency’s learning management system, works with agency leaders to identify training needs, and collaborates with internal training officers to ensure USDA maintains a robust training program for staff based locally in Washington, DC and in field offices across the United States. Aline has enjoyed her connection with TOC tremendously and shared the following details about her experience as a registrant:

How long have you been a TOC registrant? “This is my second year as a registrant. Previously, I was only able to attend monthly sessions sporadically. However, in my current position with AMS I am finally able to attend the monthly program sessions and the annual institute consistently.”

What is your most memorable TOC experience? “Easily, it was my first experience at the Annual Institute! I remember meeting Dianne Sutton who was very nice and helpful, taking me around to meet new people. I later learned there are a lot of friendly people like Dianne who are willing to help “First Timers” get settled at the Institute. The Institute offers many opportunities for you to get to know people and develop meaningful, productive relationships. I am able to interact with new people in a more structured environment at the breakout sessions during the day, and also have fun with them while participating in exciting special events hosted during the evening. Last year, I was very excited to present a breakout session on my agency’s web-based training program. I received really positive feedback which helped give my presentation skills confidence a BOOST.”

What are some of your personal interests? “My family and I moved to Maryland from Haiti when I was 10 years old so I’ve always enjoyed traveling and learning about diverse people, places and cultures. I’m also, a mother of two boys – Jaden, 8 and Gavin, 6 – so when I’m not participating in activities with them, I serve as a mentor and tutor for young ladies. I’m an avid fitness enthusiast. I enjoy Zumba and hope to one day lead the TOC registrants in a Zumba workout at the Institute.”

What is your advice to new registrants? “Find a buddy! Pair up with a person who has been around TOC for a while so they can help you learn how to maximize your experience. If you can’t find a buddy then COME FIND ME!”

Power of the NumbersSee Details on Page 3

Tuesday April 24 at the Annual Institute!

Do you like to sing, dance, read poetry, act, or just like to show your smile?!? We need you! Volunteers are needed to perform at the TOC Night at the Apollo. No prior experience necessary. We will provide the music for the songbirds and dancers; bring your own props for other performances. Prizes will be awarded. See you at the Apollo – TOC style! For additional information, or to sign up, contact [email protected].

Annual Institute Special Event TOC Night at the Apollo

This year we’re going to keep this article simple. We’ll quickly report the monthly program evaluation scorecard and display a few charts here and there, and pretty much let the data speak for themselves, focusing on the Power of the Numbers.

TOC 2017-2018 Monthly Program Scorecard (average YTD)

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Power of the Numbers Compiled by Eugene de Ribeaux, PTG International


Each month, we set aside a part of our Newsletter to share some feedback and thoughts of our regis-trants. We believe this gives registrants and potential registrants an idea as to who TOC is and what we do for the training community. Registrant quotes for this training year are taken from the survey taken at the 2016-2017 Annual Institute held in April 2017. “The keynote speakers were the most impactful during the conference. The different break-out sessions allowed an intimate environment to share techniques and ideas with my peers.” (Dr. Annette Taylor, HHS-Admin Children & Families)

Annual InstituteSee Details on Page 4

Scorecard Item2016-2017 2017 -

2018 Mar-18 2017- 2018Source

Actual/Baseline Goal Actual YTD AverageMonthly Attendance (MA) 66 68 82 71 Registration desk

Monthly Estimated Application Factor 84% 87% 73% 88% Eval Question 3

Monthly Engagement Factor 87% 90% 83% 89% Eval Question 2

Monthly Presentation Relevance Factor

83% 88% 73% 83% Eval Question 1

Net Promoter Score 60% 65% 73% 72% Eval Question 4

Table Scoring: Green: Actual is >= Goal – 5; Yellow: Actual is Goal – 15 to Goal – 5; Red: Actual is < Goal – 15

The 2018 Training Officers Annual Institute is fast approaching! Click here to register: All attendees must register for the Institute; you are not automatically registered by TOC. If you are sending someone in your place that individual must register. Being a leader in today’s federal workforce is a multi-level talent. Whether you are a team lead or a team of one, leadership impacts all of us. The 2018 TOC Annual Institute is putting leadership—from start to finish—in the forefront.

Leading with Vision will kick off our Institute by sharing an engaging blueprint for engaging today’s workforce. Join CEO and author Bonnie Hagemann for an insightful discussion around visionary leadership, and learn how to develop a clear, compelling vision that will help your organization hire and retain top talent, be more competitive, and thrive in uncertain times.

What do Leadership and Fruit Salad have in common? Using knowledge in building team diversity and cooperation. Paul McMurray will share insights about creating a great fruit salad--or team--by highlighting the unique traits and knowing how to blend them effectively. We might even have a real fruit salad!

We’ll complete the leadership cycle with Mentoring for Agency Success by Adelle Dantzler. In this session, you will learn how to create specific goals for an agency’s mentoring program, how to obtain the support from your agency’s senior leadership, and how to structure a mentoring program with valuable resources and various types of mentoring your agency needs based on the goals.

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2018 TOC Annual Institute April 22-25, Virginia Beach, VA

The Exhibit and Technology showcase application is still open! We are looking for exhibitors excited to share and engage the TOC community during the Annual Institute. Each 10x10 ft booth includes a 6 ft draped table, sign showing company name, and 2 chairs.

More information, including the booth floor plans and the exhibitor form, is available on the TOC website. Click here to read more. Contact the Exhibit Hall Committee Chair with questions after you have reviewed the information.

The Exhibit Hall is filling up fast! Reserve your booth today!

Other NewsSee Details on Page 5

Call for Exhibitors Call for Sponsors We are looking for companies to assist with spon-sorship for some of our special events during the upcoming institute. Several different levels of spon-sorship are available! We are looking for:

Platinum LevelGold LevelSilver Level

Bronze LevelSpecial Event Sponsorship

Click here to read more and complete the sponsor-ship form. You will be conctacted for payment after your submission is received. Contact the AI Chair for more information.

Adelle DantzlerPaul McMurrayBonnie Hagemann

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2018 Award Nominations

Executive Board InformationSee Details on Page 6

Each year the Training Officers Consortium recognizes individuals making significant contributions to the Federal training community.

Nominations for the 2018 TOC Distinguished Service Awards are being accepted until April 29, 2018.

The Distinguished Service Awards are open to Federal agencies and nominated projects that have been completed within 18 months prior to the nomination deadline and have not been previously recognized by TOC. Awards will be presented in the following categories:

1. Leadership Development2. Innovation3. Training Design & Development4. Career Development5. Learning Measurement & Analytics 6. Learning Technologies 7. Spencer Logan Award (Outstanding Leadership Throughout Career to HR and TOC Communities)

Visit for more information or to submit a nomination.

Lunch and Learn Pilot ProgramApril 18, 11:30am

You haven’t missed out! The Lunch and Learn was rescheduled due to inclement weather.

The Lunch and Learn will feature two Federal Executive Institute (FEI) attendees who will discuss their FEI experience and how participation in the program strengthened their Executive Core Qualifications. A question & answer session will follow with great networking opportunities! Attendees are invited to bring their own lunch, as no lunch is provided. Interested registrants must email Helen Castle at [email protected] to register. Space is limited to the first 50 people.

Location: The Corporation for National and Community Service, 250 E Street, SW, Washington DC 20525

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Chair Rhonda Carter

[email protected]

Secretary Ellen M. Roderick

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (retired)

[email protected]

TreasurerStephanie Campbell

Department of the [email protected]

AdministratorKaren Hoffman

Federal Trade [email protected]

Logistics ChairAl Tyree

Graduate School [email protected]

Professional Development Program ChairTrina Petty

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation [email protected]

Newsletter Editor & Assistant SecretarySteve Dobberowsky

[email protected]

Site Selection Co-ChairClaire Gudewich

US Citizenship and Immigration [email protected]

Recruitment, Marketing and Retention Co Vice-Chair and Assistant Newsletter Editor

Laniera Jones Bureau of Economic [email protected]

Recruitment, Marketing and Retention ChairMeg Bowman

Office of Personnel Management [email protected]

Assistant Treasurer and Site Selection Co-ChairBob Stacy

Department of Defense (retired)[email protected]

Awards and Scholarships Co-Chair and HistorianDianne Floyd SuttonSutton [email protected]

Chief Technologist Chris King

CRK Learning [email protected]

Recruitment, Marketing and RetentionCo Vice-ChairMike Powell

Powell Consulting [email protected]

Awards and Scholarships Co-ChairShanda Adams

Office of the Comptroller of the [email protected]

2018 Institute ChairLin Burton

Federal Prison [email protected]

2018 Institute Vice-ChairDebra Burton Brown

[email protected]

May 8, 2018 (The April session has been cancelled.)

PLACE: Fort Myer Officers Club, 214 Jackson Avenue, Fort Myer, VA 22211

TIME: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Please be seated promptly at 11:45 a.m.

COST: $40 or 2017-2018 Professional Development Program registration.

RESERVE: If you have not registered for 2017-2018, call the TOC InformationLine 202-973-8683, or the TOC FAX Line 202-331-0111 to reserve a place for this month’s program.

ACCESS: There are two large lots designated for Officers Club Events. There is no Metro access. Gate is approximately 15-20 minute walk to Club. Please complete the New Visitor AIE Pass Application to expedite entry. Read here for more information on access controls.

TRAINING OFFICERS CONSORTIUM2025 M Street, NW • Suite 800 • Washington, D.C. 20036

TOC Information Line: 202-973-8683TOC FAX Line: 202-331-0111

E-Mail: [email protected]

Visit our website:

*New Location*