officers chinese wife stopped on gang planks-...

THE WASHINGTON TDIES FRIDAY JUNE 10 1904 4 I Northwest Suburban Citi- zens Favor Change ASSOCIATION MEETING ACTS Addresses by Assistant Secretary Brig ham CwKMiMtaner Macfarland and Barry Bnlkley The Northwest Suburban As- pfciutica was addressed In its meeting night by District Commissioner Maifartaad aad Barry Bulkley secre- tary of the Business Mia Aneoclatfo- nrntii udlresses though brief were re- t ived with enthusiasm The text was tiii upbuilding of the Dbttrtct of Co- lumbia The principal question the memliors wee the changtnf of the zime of Tcnleytown Road to Wisconsin Avenue as suggested by Engineer Com listener Itlddle The association went record unanimoaly as In favor of Hit efforts will awn AVisconsin Avenue will be the future Iiimc of the thoroughfare The annual election of officers of the association resulted in the choice of C C Lancaster as president for the vorith o in time Jaine L Talt suul A K Shoemaker wene elected first j pil second vice president respectively WOULD ALTER TO WISCONSIN AVE CIlIuM 1 1t by 1 Hits liP uthe NAME dtsethVed change ¬ ¬ ¬ < < Simuel McC Hawken was chosen treas- urer and John W Chappel secretary Andrew Burja was elected serfneaatsA- irrns An address was then made by Gen J H Brigham Assistant Secretary of Aprrieilturc vho urged the clttaens to i all in thrir power to beautify the National fipital both In buildings and in srourvls- TroMcVrt C C Lancaster read Ms r r rt of the work by the Mssoclatlon during pmt twelve- months f took occasion to express Ms admiration of the good that baa been implistied by the citizens associa- tions of the District GIVE FAREWELL DINNER Speeches and Toasf at Banquet Board Close Course at College The closing event of coranufAcement- nreok at Georgetown Uiv aK4r held last night t Rauschers the class of 1904 gave Its farrwett banquet Guent included the Roy JeronVs- X auherty president of Georgetown Vniverstty the Rev Father Kankb pco- f or of the junior class Rev Father profiasor Of tw senior class the Rev Father Buety professor of physics the Rev Father Raley pre- fect of discipline the Hr Iftfther Jwlll professor in the post graduate school Senator Mallory and JtM0eeDie Cour C1J Each made a sborta dreas Tropriato toasts wre given Joseph Z Slillrr valodictorian acting as toast- master The toasts were a follows The Clans of 1 4 Mldhaei JfKeleher The Winning of the W tM Pre ci P Sulli- van More or LM Alfred L GrimA- Anple mmpltags Jtfhn W Fairfax The Ethical Value of a Retentive Mem- ory Cornelius A Murphy The Tu tor Don Carlos Outlook M Fy r WILLED HIS SAVINGS TO FORMER FIANCEE I l th GEORGETOWN GRADUATES oo was Conway Ap here tie 4 gut Francis ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SCRANTON Pa June l Fre lerick IT Clark who died and who was In cvirye f the wither station of this city Hd no living relatives H savings and his library and all other Jirntn x Y to whom engaged to be married The iirlc ment foil through because f lifrr nt reH rH Mi views of lrrwn Mr Clark Miss Brown Arrived and has made arranff- emnts for the funeral f- EAST INDIAN GIRLS SEEKING EDUCATION- SAN FRANCISCO Cal June J Two T ung women natives of India In F urrh of education In America arrived iir fnwn the Orient on Uke Hoer Opi- liey ethel and Norn Maya Des are daughters of a Mff caste East Indian who holds a CinmMk in the British army y are under the chaper nag ofthe Rev F 8 HatcK who is r n r I secretary of the Christian En HVOI Society In India The young vm inn ct to enter some Eastern eel lK rbey will go from bere to Boston left- s J IwrnJrlnn to Brown of Hn tit one tim t hI nd here th t H are anT The f rOfl t was Miss has the < > < BALTIMORE WOMAN BRIDE FLORENCE Italy June 10 Mixs- 2Targuerita Fitzgerald of Baltimore Is married to Agoxtino gcrgio ot Naplcx Miss Fitzgerald is th daughter of Mr M cM Baltimore family and conniptions went to reside In several rs ago and afterward went to Italy whore they now reside BUFFALO DEPARTMENT STORE BANKRUPTCY BITFlALO N Y June WA peti- tion In involuntary bankruptcy has been filed in United States district court against the Anderson Company which bas been conducting a large department rt ore LiabtUUes It is said are 9M04XM to VMVM capital 000- 0ARRESTEDiIH ATLANTIC CITY For th purpose of brtoi Johnson a negro back to Washington to stand trial on a charge of assault with a weapon Detective Lacy of Central omce went to Atlantic City today Captain Boardman chief of detectives received a dispatch from tbe bce of Atlantic last evening ttllins of arrest of Johnson ity f r Llio local authorities He ts J M lihb 1 Kzri jall anotl I th in east with a kniic i i iri ii ioiiut have been Ijtk K for him since AWITALIANS and who rmany the the fh t r frs Charles stock deadly l gad > ¬ > < Officers Chinese Wife Stopped on Gang PlankS- an Francisco Immigration Authorities De- tain Mrs Carrie Riggs for Three Hours Because She Had No Certificate ¬ SAX FRANCISCO Cal June 10 There ha been a great flutter at ofltce of the Commissioner of Immigra- tion caused by the fact that Mrs Carrie Rlggs wife of Lieutenant Rlggs of the United States Navy had been stopped- at gang plank of the steamship Cop tic and refused a landing on ground that she is a Chinese woman It is usual to stop Chinese women married to United States naval officers and the woman in the case beyond this one of the Afony girls the noted beauties of Honolulu So Immigration Commissioner Hart H North let the wo- man tend in a jiffy and there baa sort of subdued air of apology over the affair ever since Admirals Vife Mrs Rfggs to not the only one of the Afong girls who have married Into the nary an eldi siSter being the wife M Roar Admiral Whiting Mrs RJggs who Is twentytwo years old and has the traditional Afong beauty was on the steaiMbtp with a millionaire brother Tony C Afong fortyfive years old and also with a nephew Chun Wing Sen Along sixteen yemr old who is to en ter a college In this country The brother and nephew had sailed on the Siberia from Shanghai where the aged bead of the Afong house now the the net been- a Sister the was ¬ ¬ ¬ MILITARY AHACHE Baron Wrangel in Washington on a Visit Now Introduced rft State Department Recommended by his hem govern- ment as military attache forr the lega- tion of Sweden and Norway Baron H Wrangel major of the Swedish Coast Artillery is In Washington on a visit He was Introduced to State Department otiicials yesterday by M Grip the min- ister from Sweden and Norway Baron Wrangel is of distinguished lineage Some of Ms family are prom- inent in the Russian army sad others are serving with Germany In Sweden the Wrangels hold high positions Some years ago the Swedish legation here bad a military attache is now proposed to station one here perma nently CORNERSTONE LAYING AN AUSPICIOUS EVENT The laying of the cornerstone of the new National Homeopathic Hospital yesterday was an auspicious event The new hospital is located at Second arid N Streets northwest This will be the first of a group of buildings designed to be the leading institution of this school of medicine One hundred guests were seated on the platform constructed about the cornerstone Many more gathered In the adjacent streets Music was furnished W Haleys Orchestra The invocation was pronounced by the Rev Randolph- H McKlm and the certificate of Incor- poration was read and the history of the hospital reviewed by diaries Ly man The address of the occasion was made by H B F Macfarland president of the Board of District Commissioners after which the formal laying of tbe cornerstone was conducted by Dr Ralph Jenkins president of the board of trus- tees who read list of articles placed- in the metal box sealed the box a I de- posited it in stone The ceremonies with music HEREfRUM SWEOEN I i e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HYATTSV1LLE NOTES HTATTSVILLE Id June Two companies of the Maryland Agricultural College Cadets numbering 110 weeks encampment in th Fair grounds at St Louis arrived on the ZM train Baltimore and Ohio Railroad yesterday afternoon thoroughly tired out and saturated with The commencement exercises at the college will begin Sunday and end Wednesday evening Among the graduates are Harold W Burnslde and Edmund C Mayo of Hymtuvllle G L Wentworth of Washington and E W Stoll of Brookland A Midsummer Nights Dream wa played by th pupils of the Public School at the Lafayette That r yesterday afternoon and was a gratify- ing success in every particular Richard Howard Crandall of Chlllum this county and Miss Clementine Ma rte Xeltzey of Washington a o Walter S Dutton a merchant of were married at St Church Wednesday afternoon by tin pastor the Rev J P Tower r I ICter a enjoyment Hy- att vllle niece > lives and had stopped over at Hono- lulu where their sister Joined them and they completed the voyage on the Coptic When the three started down gang plank Dr J Bndlcott Gardner the Chinese interpreter and Inspector saw that they were Chinese notwith- standing their dress and the law under Dr Gardner is no respecter of persons He told the three to return to the cabin saloon and furnish statements Dr Gardner was suave but firm Had No Certificate Tony C Afong and Chun Sen Afong at once presented certificates showing that they were entitled to land in the United States and they were at once permitted to go ashore but Rigs did not have a certificate- Dr Gardner had no alternative except- to direct her to remain on the steam- ship until higher officials could be A telephone message was sent to Mr chief of the Chinese bureau Mr Meehan ordered Dr Gardner to take a statement from Mrs Itiggs and forward it to the bureau In the mean- time she was to be detained Tho statement was taken and forwarded to the bureau Then along came Immigra tion Commissioner North who soon Is- sued the necessary order permitting Mrs Riggs to land after she had been detained three hours the ring Mrs con- sulted M han ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FREIGHT FACILITIES of Trade Committees Have An MERCHANTS WANT MORE Board ¬ other Conference With Represen- tatives of Railroads An adjourned meeting of the Board of Trade committees on transportation and mercantile interests was held at the board rooms yesterday afternoon at which tbe Pennsylvania and Baltimore and Ohio Railroads were represented by their general freight agents The sub- ject under discussion was again the en- largement of freight facilities for Wash- ington A resolution was submitted that the Pennsylvania Railroad be requested to enlarge immediately Ita freight yards In Roaslyn it being contended that if all available space there were availed of there would be ample track facilities and business could be handled much more expeditiously The Baltimore and Ohio Company is to be asked that cars consigned Georgetown merchants or to those near K Street Georgetown be placed on the tracks of the Georgetown Blpvator and Railway y west Of Rock Oreek by them from Shepherds Landing SW Curriden chairman of the com mitt declared that Wafhingtoh merphants had great trouble to get their freight on time some days only oar arriving for one merchant and the next day there would be perhaps ten or twelve cars which the merchant then would have difficulty in unloading He also complained of the slew delivery of outgoing freight from Washington saying that goods shipped from Baltimore to Southern points were delivered more promptly than those sent from here The question of also arose the freight agents for the Pennsylvania explaining that the company had facili- ties for putting in forty cars daily at Rosalyn but merchants woukl unload rarely more than twelve of these a day The company he said did not care for demurrage and would much prefer If merchants were to take measures to un load their ears promptly He suggested that more private sidings be established All these matters will be laid before the higher officials of the railroad com- panies and another meeting will b e held- a week hence MOTHER OF LEWIS ETZELL TO FILE 20000 CLAIM- Mrs Mary Etzel of Denver mother of Lewis the war correspondent who killed by Chinese bokllera will file a claim for 20000 against the Chl iiese government Dispatcher from Den- ver announce that the claim i already- In the hands of attorneys and will be forwarded to the State Department The State Department has Instructed United States Consul GenerrI Miller at Nluehwanjc to arrange for the trans- portation of Ktzels body to this coun- try to Dar Dock barg- Ing on was E tel ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ALEXANDRIA COUNTY TEACHERS J E Supplee clerk of the board of school trustees of Alexandria county in authority for the statement that no teachers have been appointed In the Jefferson district The impression has abroad that several appointments nave been made but the clerk sys it will be time Iwfore tho teachers are an nounctd I I gone I names some for infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought has tlo signa- ture of Clms H Fletcher and has been tirade under his personal supervision for over 30 years Allow no one to deceive you in this Counterfeits Imitations rmd Justasgood are but Experiments and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment The Kind You Have Always Bought 9 Bears the Signature of m- In Use For Over 30 Years i I I THe crNT COM H T U STEET NEW OK CITY uV r AnI J AiillU I J N NSs barrio i ¬ > B 0 Cannot Prevent Maryland Extension RIGHT OF WAY OVER CANAL Court Allows Condemnation of Land for Tracks to Connect With Virginia Central BALTIMORE June 10 Tho Stato court of appeals has removed the last obstacle to the completion of Goulds Western Maryland Railroad by means of which connection will be tirade with the West Virginia Central and PiUs burg Railroad and the Wabash extend- ed to tidewater lit Baltimore The court sustained the right of the Western Maryland Company to con struct bridges and condemn rights of way across the property of the and Ohio Canal The suit of latter company to prevent the cross- ings was part of the general fight made by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company against the completion of the Cumberland extension The Western Marylands work has been the cause of numerous suits of which It has won nearly all TWELVE HUNDRED MILE HORSE RACE TO FAIR ALBNQUERQUE N M June 10 F H Leland a and William Closson a cowboy are organizing a 200mile relay race for cowboys open to riders in New Mexico and Arizona with the starting point at Albuquerque- and the finish at the gates of the Worlds Fair Grounds SL Louis The purse Is 1500 offered by New Mexico stockmen GOULD WINS OUT I IN RAILWAY FIGHT the calvarY 1 m Chesa- peake ¬ ¬ ¬ WILL TALK mm OF CAPITOL EXTENSION- Architects Will Meet the Joint Com- mission in Senator Wetmores Committee Room The joint commission of the Senate and House which has charge of the plane of the proposed extension of the east front of the Capitol will meet in Senator Wetmores committee room next Tuesday morning for the purpose- of considering the designs of the archi- tect with the view of making a recom- mendation to Congress Senator Wetmore has notified mem- bers of the commission that he will be here to meet them on that day The Senate members of the commission are Senators Wetmore Algor and Gorman the House members are Speaker Cannon and Representatives Hepburn and Rich- ardson of Tennessee Speaker Cannon was in his oflice at the Capitol for a short time yesterday afternoon attending to some corre- spondence and then went to the White House where he was the guest of the President at luncheon JOVES BOLT LEAVES Lightning Destroys Steeple But the Gold Top Shines Amid Flame and Smoke READING Pa June golden cross ten feet high seemingly suspend- ed in midair and surrounded by flares and smoke at an elevation of TOG feet was the impressive spectacle viewed by a crowd of 4000 persons who stood aghast in front of St Johns Lutheran Church this afternoon rho steeple was struck by lightning and was soon consumed by fire But the cross remained without Rpparen support although in fact it was held by a narrow Iron rod which had been run through the center of the steeple from the ground After ten minutes the rod melted anti the cross fell hard work UfO edifice was saved The damage amounts to J86W I CHURCH GROSS INTACT 10A B ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PASTOR HANDS OUT Put Elder Down Twice for Full Count HE LOOSENED FOUR TEETH i Row Occurred Right in Church on a Sunday Before the Con gregation PITTSBURG Pa June li The Rev Samuel P Montgomery one the best known United Presbyterian ministers In western Pennsylvania has been held under 300 MIl for court on a charge of assault and battery preferred by Elder Edward P Heath of his congregation- The churchgoing public of Allegheny county was astounded at the tale of a church list light which came out at the hearing before Justice Lewis In Jeffer son township Pastor and Elder Box In the Jefferson United Presbyterian Church at Gill Hall nine miles from Pittsburgh the Rev Mr Montgomery and EIder Heath fought right In front of the pulpit after church last Sunday morning The minister finally Knocked the elder stiff and cold under the pulpit Mrs Heath the aged mother of the elder was also knoeked down in the bat- tle Long Standing Trouble Ther had been trouble between the minister and elder for some time Heath is a theological student and had taken the minister to task for sell- ing mining bonds to members of his flock Elder Heath called the minister i liar within hearing of the congregation and the minister sailed in and after knocking the elder down twice and loos- ening four teeth finally put him out A KNOCKOUT BLOW Eid- er II a of ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FROM HOME Sont for the Cows He Was Lost Whole Town Searches for Him MIDDLBTOWK Coan June It The sixyearold son of Joseph SchrimpfC of Clinton was sent after the cow by his father Tuesday afternoon He did not return and his father called on neigh- bors to aid In the search Bearing lan- terns they scoured the woods all night The only clue they could lUid was that the boy was seen on the road to Kllling worth about dark Yesterday a party of 200 men and boys aided by a bloodhound searched all day The Morgan School was dis- missed and the older pupils assisted Church bells were rung to gather new recruits as the forest extends some fif- teen miles As the searchers were about to start- a telephone message was received that Blurvvorth Dickinson of a rural tree delivery carrier had found the little fellow near Ponsett ten miles from home Nothing could be learned from him as to where he hat been His clothing was dry showing that he had crawled in somewhere out of the cold rains He was ravenouslY hungry SLIGHT TO PRINCE LI Because of Rheumatism Secretary of Commission Could Not Kneel Obliged to Resign ST LOUIS June 10 The report that the resignation of Chang Yow Tong alumnus of Yale as secretary to the im- perial Chinese commission to the Worlds Fair had been due te his objection to bending his knee before Prince Pu Lun and other dignitaries Incompllamx with Chinese etiquette is denied by Mr Tong who said I have rheumatism The rheumatism affected me all winter I thought It woulu disappear with tile summer But the summer time came and the rheu- matism remained and even grew worse So I had to my post as secre tary which involved considerable of my knees and legsV LITTLE BOY WANOERED TEN MILLS j CHANG YOW TONG DENIES use w ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The Dependable Store Seventh and K Streets Regular 5 Value Regular 5 Value The maker took all his leftover pieces of summer materials and had them made up into these Valking Skirts which we got for very much less than regular They are made of strictly Allwool Canadian Homespun Crash seven gores each one kilted flaring out from the knee handsomely tailored throughout Each one of the seams is care fully bound inside and there is every evidence apparent at first sight of the thoroughness of tailoring put into every garment in the lotNo dip or sagging in the back thoroughly draped to swing evenly all around Colors t f light gray medium gray and champagne shade These regular fivedollar Walking Skirts tomorrow at 298 Qrold 1 AIl wool Walking Skirts 2 Q 8 t I k J ¬ = Oxfords fit at the heel and ankle like gloves g You can put them on when you buy them wear- s them all day with comfort And theyll keep their I shape even longer than you will care to wear them Youll never have that uncomfortable feeling which comes from an illfitting k Oxford Regal Oxfords are shaped on special Oxford lasts thats k why they cling jj snugly at the ankle never gape at the for the same reason never chafe nor pinch No slack leather no wrinkling no slipping up and down at the heel You can pay all sorts of prices for Oxford shoes cent you pay over 350 might be put to better use A trial will prove Send for Style BooKMail Ordors promptly filled There are other newest custom styles in Regal Ox fords 1003 Pa Ave t i l i jj f i r f f t t 7 J 1 Cf Regal and all fee t I 47 sidesand but honestlyevery it 3 g P 1 t z 5 REGAL wu VOT- S > ¬ = MOTHERS is the accepted standard of deliciousness and wholesomeness in bread Corbys Modern Bakery R B11LDIXQ gcing at fraction of value Uprights worth to ESFFERS 1324 1326 F St Fly and Mosquitoproof ScreensLo- ok to EM for Screens where get the bet for the least Window Screens gc Screen Doors 65c OHM ESPEY Hardware Ui 1 1Uu 1ouna Ave 0 c e o i BREAD t i t I f c I 0 r Save the Pianos I SALEPianos for and upward ere you S ooo S p s 0 3aXt tt 125 + > + r t i A GOOD T f- I Lawn i It I- f excuse for fI- T when we Lawn Mowers with reliable cutting t jot T t i 2505350 up f f f i I- t RUBBER nOSE 5G FooT f Better Qualt1ES at lOc and i- Iric foot Grass Hooks 25c and J6c f- BOWENS f 506 Ninth Stroet t I 1 I anci spd no ail of malaria 5Oa at all druggists t EII- ur empty do not OWS tie Seal Estate Dealer who Ud The Time Want Column Mower 25U- t No neglectIng sour yard sell biass- I arid 1c I HAR1YLAEJ- j p I Elixir Babek N- Is a grand tnie and apetier and a sure 1r form r nouae eO3rr- aK = FOR AMATEUR CARICATURISTS Who Can Draw the Fun niest Face in This Circle Use only Four Characters dash dot or circle 0 One or all three characters mixed may be used in a single face but not more than four characters altogether The Prizes For th Funniest Face 300- Forlhe Next Fannlas Face 5300 ForthaNext FunnlsslFaco 500 All You Wish Send la as many faces as you wish cut ourtbes- fliMuj containing your name and address anti forward fae to The This contest will close June A competent committee of artists will take the faces submitted and select the most comical and the prizes above enumerated will be duly awarded to the contestants who in the judgment of the committee are entitled to them Announcement of the will be made in Sunday Times 26 Address Drawings to Manager Comic Face Contest Times Office Washington D C CHANCE t I eo i i Addrese- e 0 eid S 1 reL- I r lS ofJune t C Name C fe = +

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Northwest Suburban Citi-

zens Favor Change


Addresses by Assistant Secretary Brigham CwKMiMtaner Macfarland

and Barry Bnlkley

The Northwest Suburban As-

pfciutica was addressed In its meetingnight by District Commissioner

Maifartaad aad Barry Bulkley secre-tary of the Business Mia Aneoclatfo-nrntii udlresses though brief were re-

t ived with enthusiasm The text wastiii upbuilding of the Dbttrtct of Co-

lumbiaThe principal question

the memliors wee the changtnf of thezime of Tcnleytown Road to WisconsinAvenue as suggested by Engineer Comlistener Itlddle The association went

record unanimoaly as In favor ofHit efforts will awnAVisconsin Avenue will be the futureIiimc of the thoroughfare

The annual election of officers of theassociation resulted in the choice ofC C Lancaster as president for the

vorith o in time Jaine L Taltsuul A K Shoemaker wene elected firstj pil second vice president respectively




1 1t




liP uthe









Simuel McC Hawken was chosen treas-urer and John W Chappel secretaryAndrew Burja was elected serfneaatsA-irrns

An address was then made by GenJ H Brigham Assistant Secretary ofAprrieilturc vho urged the clttaens toi all in thrir power to beautify theNational fipital both In buildings andin srourvls-

TroMcVrt C C Lancaster read Msr r rt of the work by theMssoclatlon during pmt twelve-months f took occasion to expressMs admiration of the good that baa been

implistied by the citizens associa-tions of the District


Speeches and Toasf at BanquetBoard Close Course at


The closing event of coranufAcement-nreok at Georgetown Uiv aK4rheld last night t Rauschers theclass of 1904 gave Its farrwett banquet

Guent included the Roy JeronVs-X auherty president of GeorgetownVniverstty the Rev Father Kankb pco-f or of the junior class RevFather profiasor Of tw seniorclass the Rev Father Buety professorof physics the Rev Father Raley pre-fect of discipline the Hr Iftfther Jwlllprofessor in the post graduate schoolSenator Mallory and JtM0eeDie CourC1J

Each made a sborta dreasTropriato toasts wre given Joseph ZSlillrr valodictorian acting as toast-master

The toasts were a follows TheClans of 1 4 Mldhaei JfKeleher TheWinning of the W tM Pre ci P Sulli-van More or LM Alfred L GrimA-

Anple mmpltags Jtfhn W FairfaxThe Ethical Value of a Retentive Mem-ory Cornelius A Murphy The Tutor Don Carlos Outlook



I lth














SCRANTON Pa June l Fre lerickIT Clark who died and who was Incvirye f the wither station of thiscity Hd no living relatives H

savings and his library and all otherJirntn x Y to whom

engaged to be marriedThe iirlc ment foil through becausef lifrr nt reH rH Mi views oflrrwn Mr Clark Miss Brown

Arrived and has made arranff-emnts for the funeral f-


SAN FRANCISCO Cal June J TwoT ung women natives of India InF urrh of education In America arrivediir fnwn the Orient on Uke Hoer Opi-

liey ethel andNorn Maya Des are daughters ofa Mff caste East Indian who holds aCinmMk in the British army

y are under the chapernag ofthe Rev F 8 HatcK who isr n r I secretary of the Christian EnHVOI Society In India The young vm

inn ct to enter some Eastern eellK rbey will go from bere to Boston


J IwrnJrlnn to Brown ofHntit one tim

t hInd

here th

t H areanT



rOfl twas



< >




FLORENCE Italy June 10 Mixs-2Targuerita Fitzgerald of Baltimore Ismarried to Agoxtino gcrgio ot Naplcx

Miss Fitzgerald is th daughter of MrM

cM Baltimore family and conniptionswent to reside In severalrs ago and afterward went to Italy

whore they now reside


BITFlALO N Y June WA peti-tion In involuntary bankruptcy has beenfiled in United States district courtagainst the Anderson Company whichbas been conducting a large departmentrt ore

LiabtUUes It is said are 9M04XM toVMVM capital 000-

0ARRESTEDiIH ATLANTIC CITYFor th purpose of brtoi

Johnson a negro back to Washingtonto stand trial on a charge of assaultwith a weapon Detective Lacyof Central omce went to AtlanticCity today Captain Boardman chief ofdetectives received a dispatch from tbebce of Atlantic last eveningttllins of arrest of Johnsonity f r Llio local authorities He ts J

M lihb 1 Kzri jallanotl I th in east with akniic i i iri ii ioiiut havebeen Ijtk K for him since



who rmany






frs Charles



l gad





Officers Chinese WifeStopped on Gang PlankS-

an Francisco Immigration Authorities De-

tain Mrs Carrie Riggs for Three HoursBecause She Had No Certificate



There ha been a great flutter atofltce of the Commissioner of Immigra-tion caused by the fact that Mrs CarrieRlggs wife of Lieutenant Rlggs of theUnited States Navy had been stopped-at gang plank of the steamship Coptic and refused a landing on groundthat she is a Chinese woman

It is usual to stop Chinese womenmarried to United States naval officersand the woman in the case beyondthis one of the Afony girls the notedbeauties of Honolulu So ImmigrationCommissioner Hart H North let the wo-

man tend in a jiffy and there baasort of subdued air of apology over

the affair ever sinceAdmirals Vife

Mrs Rfggs to not the only one of theAfong girls who have married Into thenary an eldi siSter being the wife MRoar Admiral Whiting Mrs RJggs whoIs twentytwo years old and has thetraditional Afong beauty was on thesteaiMbtp with a millionaire brotherTony C Afong fortyfive years old andalso with a nephew Chun Wing SenAlong sixteen yemr old who is to enter a college In this country

The brother and nephew had sailed onthe Siberia from Shanghai where theaged bead of the Afong house now












Baron Wrangel in Washington on aVisit Now Introduced rft State


Recommended by his hem govern-ment as military attache forr the lega-tion of Sweden and Norway Baron HWrangel major of the Swedish CoastArtillery is In Washington on a visitHe was Introduced to State Departmentotiicials yesterday by M Grip the min-ister from Sweden and Norway

Baron Wrangel is of distinguishedlineage Some of Ms family are prom-

inent in the Russian army sad othersare serving with Germany In Swedenthe Wrangels hold high positions

Some years ago the Swedish legationhere bad a military attache is nowproposed to station one here permanently



The laying of the cornerstone of thenew National Homeopathic Hospitalyesterday was an auspicious event Thenew hospital is located at Second aridN Streets northwest This will be thefirst of a group of buildings designedto be the leading institution of thisschool of medicine

One hundred guests were seated onthe platform constructed about thecornerstone Many more gathered In theadjacent streets Music was furnishedW Haleys Orchestra The invocationwas pronounced by the Rev Randolph-H McKlm and the certificate of Incor-poration was read and the history ofthe hospital reviewed by diaries Lyman

The address of the occasion was madeby H B F Macfarland president ofthe Board of District Commissionersafter which the formal laying of tbecornerstone was conducted by Dr RalphJenkins president of the board of trus-tees who read list of articles placed-in the metal box sealed the box a I de-posited it in stone The ceremonies

with music












HTATTSVILLE Id June Twocompanies of the Maryland AgriculturalCollege Cadets numbering 110

weeks encampment in th Fair groundsat St Louis arrived on the ZM trainBaltimore and Ohio Railroad yesterdayafternoon thoroughly tired out andsaturated with

The commencement exercises at thecollege will begin Sunday andend Wednesday evening Among thegraduates are Harold W Burnslde andEdmund C Mayo of Hymtuvllle G LWentworth of Washington and E WStoll of Brookland

A Midsummer Nights Dream waplayed by th pupils of thePublic School at the Lafayette That r

yesterday afternoon and was a gratify-ing success in every particular

Richard Howard Crandall of Chlllumthis county and Miss Clementine Marte Xeltzey of Washington a oWalter S Dutton a merchant of

were married at StChurch Wednesday afternoon by tinpastor the Rev J P Tower

r I

ICter a


Hy-att vllle



lives and had stopped over at Hono-lulu where their sister Joined themand they completed the voyage on theCoptic

When the three started downgang plank Dr J Bndlcott Gardnerthe Chinese interpreter and Inspectorsaw that they were Chinese notwith-standing their dress and the law underDr Gardner is no respecter of personsHe told the three to return to the cabinsaloon and furnish statements DrGardner was suave but firm

Had No CertificateTony C Afong and Chun Sen

Afong at once presented certificatesshowing that they were entitled to landin the United States and they wereat once permitted to go ashore but

Rigs did not have a certificate-Dr Gardner had no alternative except-to direct her to remain on the steam-ship until higher officials could be

A telephone message was sent to Mrchief of the Chinese bureau

Mr Meehan ordered Dr Gardner totake a statement from Mrs Itiggs andforward it to the bureau In the mean-time she was to be detained Thostatement was taken and forwarded tothe bureau Then along came Immigration Commissioner North who soon Is-

sued the necessary order permittingMrs Riggs to land after she had beendetained three hours





sultedM han







of Trade Committees Have An


Board ¬

other Conference With Represen-

tatives of Railroads

An adjourned meeting of the Board ofTrade committees on transportation andmercantile interests was held at theboard rooms yesterday afternoon atwhich tbe Pennsylvania and Baltimoreand Ohio Railroads were represented bytheir general freight agents The sub-ject under discussion was again the en-

largement of freight facilities for Wash-ington

A resolution was submitted that thePennsylvania Railroad be requested toenlarge immediately Ita freight yards InRoaslyn it being contended that if allavailable space there were availed ofthere would be ample track facilitiesand business could be handled muchmore expeditiously The Baltimore andOhio Company is to be asked that carsconsigned Georgetown merchants orto those near K Street Georgetown beplaced on the tracks of the Georgetown

Blpvator and Railwayy west Of Rock Oreek by

them from Shepherds LandingSW Curriden chairman of the com

mitt declared thatWafhingtoh merphants had greattrouble to get their freight on timesome days only oar arriving for onemerchant and the next day there wouldbe perhaps ten or twelve cars which themerchant then would have difficulty inunloading He also complained of theslew delivery of outgoing freight fromWashington saying that goods shippedfrom Baltimore to Southern points weredelivered more promptly than those sentfrom here

The question of also arosethe freight agents for the Pennsylvaniaexplaining that the company had facili-ties for putting in forty cars daily atRosalyn but merchants woukl unloadrarely more than twelve of these a dayThe company he said did not care fordemurrage and would much prefer Ifmerchants were to take measures to unload their ears promptly He suggestedthat more private sidings be established

All these matters will be laid beforethe higher officials of the railroad com-panies and another meeting will b e held-a week hence


Mrs Mary Etzel of Denver motherof Lewis the war correspondentwho killed by Chinese bokllera willfile a claim for 20000 against the Chliiese government Dispatcher from Den-ver announce that the claim i already-In the hands of attorneys and will beforwarded to the State Department

The State Department has InstructedUnited States Consul GenerrI Miller atNluehwanjc to arrange for the trans-portation of Ktzels body to this coun-try


Dar Dockbarg-



wasE tel













ALEXANDRIA COUNTY TEACHERSJ E Supplee clerk of the board of

school trustees of Alexandria county inauthority for the statement that noteachers have been appointed In theJefferson district

The impression has abroad thatseveral appointments nave been madebut the clerk sys it will be timeIwfore tho teachers are announctd




I namessome

for infants and ChildrenThe Kind You Have Always Bought has tlo signa-

ture of Clms H Fletcher and has been tirade under hispersonal supervision for over 30 years Allow no oneto deceive you in this Counterfeits Imitations rmd

Justasgood are but Experiments and endanger thehealth of Children Experience against Experiment

The Kind You Have Always Bought9 Bears the Signature of m-

In Use For Over 30 Years




uV r AnI J AiillU







B 0 Cannot PreventMaryland Extension


Court Allows Condemnation of Landfor Tracks to Connect With

Virginia Central

BALTIMORE June 10 Tho Statocourt of appeals has removed the lastobstacle to the completion of GouldsWestern Maryland Railroad by meansof which connection will be tirade withthe West Virginia Central and PiUsburg Railroad and the Wabash extend-ed to tidewater lit Baltimore

The court sustained the right of theWestern Maryland Company to construct bridges and condemn rights ofway across the property of the

and Ohio Canal The suit oflatter company to prevent the cross-ings was part of the general fight madeby the Baltimore and Ohio RailroadCompany against the completion of theCumberland extension

The Western Marylands work hasbeen the cause of numerous suits ofwhich It has won nearly all


ALBNQUERQUE N M June 10 FH Leland a and WilliamClosson a cowboy are organizing a200mile relay race for cowboys opento riders in New Mexico and Arizonawith the starting point at Albuquerque-and the finish at the gates of theWorlds Fair Grounds SL Louis

The purse Is 1500 offered by NewMexico stockmen




calvarY 1 m






Architects Will Meet the Joint Com-

mission in Senator WetmoresCommittee Room

The joint commission of the Senateand House which has charge of theplane of the proposed extension of theeast front of the Capitol will meet inSenator Wetmores committee roomnext Tuesday morning for the purpose-of considering the designs of the archi-tect with the view of making a recom-mendation to Congress

Senator Wetmore has notified mem-bers of the commission that he will behere to meet them on that day TheSenate members of the commission areSenators Wetmore Algor and Gorman

the House members are Speaker Cannonand Representatives Hepburn and Rich-ardson of Tennessee

Speaker Cannon was in his oflice atthe Capitol for a short time yesterdayafternoon attending to some corre-spondence and then went to the WhiteHouse where he was the guest of thePresident at luncheon


Lightning Destroys Steeple But theGold Top Shines Amid Flame

and Smoke

READING Pa June goldencross ten feet high seemingly suspend-ed in midair and surrounded by flaresand smoke at an elevation of TOG feetwas the impressive spectacle viewed bya crowd of 4000 persons who stoodaghast in front of St Johns LutheranChurch this afternoon

rho steeple was struck by lightningand was soon consumed by fire Butthe cross remained without Rpparensupport although in fact it was heldby a narrow Iron rod which had beenrun through the center of the steeplefrom the ground

After ten minutes the rod melted antithe cross fell

hard work UfO edifice was savedThe damage amounts to J86W












Put Elder Down Twice forFull Count


iRow Occurred Right in Church on a

Sunday Before the Con


PITTSBURG Pa June li The RevSamuel P Montgomery one the bestknown United Presbyterian ministers Inwestern Pennsylvania has been heldunder 300 MIl for court on a charge ofassault and battery preferred by ElderEdward P Heath of his congregation-

The churchgoing public of Alleghenycounty was astounded at the tale of achurch list light which came out at thehearing before Justice Lewis In Jefferson township

Pastor and Elder BoxIn the Jefferson United Presbyterian

Church at Gill Hall nine miles fromPittsburgh the Rev Mr Montgomeryand EIder Heath fought right In frontof the pulpit after church last Sundaymorning The minister finally Knockedthe elder stiff and cold under the pulpit

Mrs Heath the aged mother of theelder was also knoeked down in the bat-tle

Long Standing TroubleTher had been trouble between the

minister and elder for some timeHeath is a theological student and

had taken the minister to task for sell-ing mining bonds to members of hisflock

Elder Heath called the minister iliar within hearing of the congregationand the minister sailed in and afterknocking the elder down twice and loos-ening four teeth finally put him out














Sont for the Cows He Was LostWhole Town Searches for


MIDDLBTOWK Coan June It Thesixyearold son of Joseph SchrimpfC ofClinton was sent after the cow by hisfather Tuesday afternoon He did notreturn and his father called on neigh-bors to aid In the search Bearing lan-terns they scoured the woods all nightThe only clue they could lUid was thatthe boy was seen on the road to Klllingworth about dark

Yesterday a party of 200 men andboys aided by a bloodhound searchedall day The Morgan School was dis-missed and the older pupils assistedChurch bells were rung to gather newrecruits as the forest extends some fif-teen miles

As the searchers were about to start-a telephone message was received thatBlurvvorth Dickinson of arural tree delivery carrier had foundthe little fellow near Ponsett ten milesfrom home

Nothing could be learned from him asto where he hat been His clothing wasdry showing that he had crawled insomewhere out of the cold rains Hewas ravenouslY hungry

SLIGHT TO PRINCE LIBecause of Rheumatism Secretary of

Commission Could Not KneelObliged to Resign

ST LOUIS June 10 The report thatthe resignation of Chang Yow Tongalumnus of Yale as secretary to the im-perial Chinese commission to the WorldsFair had been due te his objection tobending his knee before Prince Pu Lunand other dignitaries Incompllamx withChinese etiquette is denied by MrTong who said

I have rheumatism The rheumatismaffected me all winter I thought Itwoulu disappear with tile summer Butthe summer time came and the rheu-matism remained and even grew worseSo I had to my post as secretary which involved considerableof my knees and legsV












The Dependable Store

Seventh and K Streets

Regular5 Value

Regular5 Value

The maker took all his leftover pieces of summer materialsand had them made up into these Valking Skirts which we gotfor very much less than regular

They are made of strictly Allwool Canadian HomespunCrash seven gores each one kilted flaring out from the kneehandsomely tailored throughout Each one of the seams is carefully bound inside and there is every evidence apparent at firstsight of the thoroughness of tailoring put into every garment inthe

lotNodip or sagging in the back thoroughly draped to swing

evenly all aroundColors t f light gray medium gray and champagne shadeThese regular fivedollar Walking Skirts tomorrow at 298

Qrold 1

AIl wool Walking Skirts

2 Q 8







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I Lawn i



f excuse for fI-

T when we LawnMowers with reliable cutting tjot T

ti 2505350 upf f

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t RUBBER nOSE 5G FooTf Better Qualt1ES at lOc and i-

Iric footGrass Hooks 25c and J6c f-

BOWENS f506 Ninth Stroet

t I 1

Ianci spd no ail of malaria5Oa at all druggists

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The Time Want Column

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No neglectIng souryard sell





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Is a grand tnie and apetier and a sure1r form

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Who Can Draw the Funniest Face in This Circle

Use only Four Charactersdash dot or circle 0

One or all three characters mixed may be used in a singleface but not more than four characters altogether

The PrizesFor th Funniest Face 300-

Forlhe Next Fannlas Face 5300ForthaNext FunnlsslFaco 500

All You WishSend la as many faces as

you wish cut ourtbes-fliMuj containing your nameand address anti forwardfae to The

This contest will close June A competent committee ofartists will take the faces submitted and select the most comicaland the prizes above enumerated will be duly awarded to thecontestants who in the judgment of the committee are entitled tothem Announcement of the will be made in SundayTimes 26

Address Drawings to

Manager Comic Face Contest Times Office

Washington D C



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