office of the division commander co~nanding - thru 05-31 hq 25th div-other... · office...

SUBJECT TO HEADQUARTERS 25TH INFANTRY DIVISION Office of the Division Commander 2 April 1942. Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor Battalions. General, Hawaiian Department. 1. Request that the following men assigned to the 298th Infantry be detailed to labor companies. After each nane is a brief summary of the reasons vkich make the retention of these r11en in combat 1mi ts undesirable. c_ o H - { Kokuben, To shio - Co. 11 D 11 Education pred01ninantly Sevt:ral menber s of irnediate f I'lily now in Japan. J.•.ember of an unknown Japsnose soc:.cty. If b. Kobayashi, Jutsuo- Co. " ..... ". rote letter December 1940 to girl saying he did not like Army, but "sees all, knows o.ll''· 0 ff I c. Fukuda, Toshio - Co. "D". c f5 ea B School in Japan from 7 ynars old to 15 years old. Father and sj ster live in Japan. He ported as more 1 oya.l to Ja.._,an than to United Sto te s. d. Ishii, F. Y.- Co. 11 LI 11 Volunteered for service a year prior to date due for draft. Prefers to speak Japanese, prefers Japanese radio pro rams. Before war, reported as thinking Japanese S')ldier superior to American. e. Ynnane, ·rajime - Co. "E". Picked up with 300 rounds cal .30 emmunition end short- wave radio in car after blackout. .as with a ci vilia.n friend, Konno, whose father is a detainee. £ - 1 -

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Page 1: Office of the Division Commander Co~nanding - thru 05-31 Hq 25th Div-other... · Office of the Division Commander 2 April 1942. Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor




Office of the Division Commander

2 April 1942.

Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor Battalions.

Co~nanding General, Hawaiian Department.

1. Request that the following men assigned to the 298th Infantry be detailed to labor companies. After each nane is a brief summary of the reasons vkich make the retention of these r11en in combat 1mi ts undesirable.

c_ o H - { ~. Kokuben, To shio - Co. 11D11•

Education pred01ninantly Sevt:ral menber s of irnediate f I'lily now in Japan. J.•.ember of an unknown Japsnose soc:.cty.

If b. Kobayashi, Jutsuo- Co. " ..... ".

rote letter December 1940 to girl saying he did not like Army, but "sees all, knows o.ll''·

0 ff I c. Fukuda, Toshio - Co. "D".

c f5

ea B

School in Japan from 7 ynars old to 15 years old. Father and sj ster live in Japan. He ported as more 1 oya.l to Ja.._,an than to United Sto te s.

d. Ishii, F. Y.- Co. 11LI 11 •

Volunteered for service a year prior to date due for draft.

Prefers to speak Japanese, prefers Japanese radio pro rams. Before war, reported as thinking Japanese S')ldier superior

to American.

e. Ynnane, ·rajime - Co. "E".

Picked up with 300 rounds cal .30 emmunition end short­wave radio in car after blackout. .as with a ci vilia.n friend, Konno, whose father is a detainee.


- 1 -

Page 2: Office of the Division Commander Co~nanding - thru 05-31 Hq 25th Div-other... · Office of the Division Commander 2 April 1942. Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor



ll f . Km:1atsu , Ka.tsuto- Co . "B 11 •

Letter professins friendship for a white detainee and di scoura.g;er11ent with war , etc .

_g_ . Yoshioka , Ralph H.- Co . "G" .


Goda ,

.ife is detainee and :s Jregnant. las 9een married only six nonths . This is too severe a test of' loyalty .

iroshi - Co . "D".

Son of ex-consular agent on Hawaii . 3ot!1 _·arents A'1.d other mer:- ber s of family now living in

Japan. Lived in J afJe.n fron 3 ears old to 17 years old . Probable loyalty to Japan .

D / ~. Tatei shi , Tetsuo - Co . "G".

· o D

Doth parents Japanese born . Good listener, keen observer. Four years ,Japanese high school . Lenber of Y .1 • 8 .A. f\ispara.ginr; remarks rfl. Anerican An~y to _ iyamoto (1941),

who is now a. detainee . Father listed by Aiea r1a.nte.tion as active member of

Japanese group ~verslve movies .

1: Iyamatsu, Thomas T. - Co . "E" .

Condoned Japanese attack on Pearl ~arbor . Secretary :rull for war , not Jopaneso . Says Japan will free Iawaii, Rllow it to be a re~ublic •

.. ould fire on own troops if ca1Jtured . Two men in Conpany told F.B. I . ~gent the safest thing to

do with Iyrunatsu in case of attack would be to shoot him .

2 . P.lthoueh in some cases the suspicion is slight and has not yet been borne out. by further devclop!'lents, it is felt thet no exceptions should be .


For the Division Conmander;

- 2 -

~~~ TFOS . B • BU GES ,

Colonel , General Staff Chief of Staff .



Authority NNQ '('(SD .) 7

Yellow Red Magenta White

Page 3: Office of the Division Commander Co~nanding - thru 05-31 Hq 25th Div-other... · Office of the Division Commander 2 April 1942. Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor


~or- ID .l'TIAL

r y Con+~ct Office Honolulu, .'. II. 7 A ril 1942

Reference: Letter fror Col. ''"'ll.os. 1J. lrgess, C' ic£' of c taff, 25t' nfantry Division, , c'boficld Berrac cs, T. f • , de +.ed 2 _,...,rj.l 1942.

l. Follo ing is a rnsu:; e of additional infer. a tion in tl: e files of this office on subjects lirted ir 1 tter of reference:

)< .!!• ,0 1 ,"' ·, Toshio - Co. 11 111 • GI-Rl, H, -1- 51~ '"'r~ries recor'r'lenda-l:.ion that s 1bje0t not be lRced in e.ny pos:i.tion of trust or in any other position ··here !1e right have access to · "'"ters of a confidential n' ·t,re. It is fm~ther roco ,ended t.haJ· he not 1-Je · , "ceC: in an~r labor '::O any having o.ccess to doc' s, r:Lers, or l·avine nnyt''~irr>; to do r·' i,}l convoys •

.Q. ,,c .':"ASli, Jutsuo- Co."::::". !o c.ddi·~··o ~1 infor·ation.

X c. FU<TTDA, Tosloio - 'Jo. "D". CI-Rl, FA -1-::' 37m, ca ries t,he reco··" endat .. i.on tat subject "'e l·ept under C(' tt·l,, Ad sur;rni~J.ance.

It is fnrtber reco mended tr,at he not be laced in any 1 ~ 1 1or co· vny r vir.g access to docks, piers, or ravine <>.nyt.'bir ,, to do •ith convoys.

?\ g. ISHII, Tf. Y. - Co. "n" . CI-'11, I:AW-1-1.38m carries the reco:" endati on trat subject 'e kept mder f" 'rvei lAnce for any traces of ac+.ive dislc:ralty, trat e 1'e left ~n r·s resent >osition, '-lut not given any nN'ition of tr st · 'ile in t ·e lin::_ ted States ~.r·: , o ing to his Jaranese c ltvre and. , ac ro·111d.

1E, Ho.,ii e - Co. 11 ..C:11 • No addi tion&l inforr "tion.

f. KC T ,U, ~~t::. to - Co. 11 B11 • :o adC:.itionaJ infor !ltion.

£!:.. YCC 10KA, :::talrl Y. -So. "G". "~o addi.tional iru:orro.t'o:r,

\ £.. Gf1DA, Yiroshi - vO. ") 11 • CI-Rl H -r-l-0 4., carries tre reco -endo.tion thr:t su''ject not he nlaced on d·1 '·,~ iP ~ kej.' porition. :t

is f··rtbor reco,..~ended .).. ·at h~ net re 'r\ln.ced in a 1a or co nan•r h"vin access to docks, '?iors, or rving nn:rtr.;_- · to do qi cl, no.,.,vcys •

.--<1:. TAT ,ISF I, r:'letsuo - Co. 11G11 • CI-!ll, T -1-/,.22:"' '"'a"ries tr.e A ent 1 s con ent to the effect t: at S' bject co··lcl be class.:.fied as '?otentially dang ' s in vie..,. of l :.s a d ru.ent '~'> un·t S'Ji-Gchbo..,rd operEJtor,- ··ell ·ves li.r access to 'lit:;.ry :nfo:;.~ation, and also in v.;.e 1 of t' e . ossibi H ty t ·at he ight ~ read di.scont nt ~on· th nt1!'1ero·1s so] c' iers of Ja'1anese m traction · i-~. -:.n ' ::.s o r. un · t. It is reco ended •· at s ·bjec~· )0 re 'OVed fron 11 vit"l nosi-!:;ions ··' tch

Nlld ('l'ive ir: accesf to aclv~:mce tac ,i8a:. troo ove ents. It i_s fnr-tl er reconr ended t' at he not be nlacod in an;r 1 br'r carr any J aving ar:ces::· to doc (S, niers, etc.

- 1 -C 0 I; ;' I D E 1; 'i I . L

Stack Row Shelf Box-ftofder

Page 4: Office of the Division Commander Co~nanding - thru 05-31 Hq 25th Div-other... · Office of the Division Commander 2 April 1942. Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor


>j. IYA: r\TSU, T'o""a.s T. - Co . "E11• CI- Rl, BA - l - 4J;-6m (not

corpleted) It is reco mended 0 at s~b; ct not e J~ced in any labor cor any 1'1 ving access to doc' s , rie s, or 1a.ving anyi:.hin;-to do 1itv convoys .


- ?. -

RG Stack Row Shelf Box-f:ofder

Yellow Red White


' -.,. (',_~. ' . ~~ ..

Page 5: Office of the Division Commander Co~nanding - thru 05-31 Hq 25th Div-other... · Office of the Division Commander 2 April 1942. Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor


AG '2t7 • 1st Wrapper Ind.

HEADQUARTERS HAWAIIAN DEPARn(ENT, Fort Shafter, T.H. 9 April 1942 Tor Commanding Officer, Schofield Barracks, T.H., Commanding Officer

47th Engineers and Commanding Officer 34th Engineers, Schofield Barracks, T.H., IN TURN.

1. To note and return.


2. Orders will issue from this Headquarters attaching the enlisted men named to companies of the Provisional Battalion.

By command of Lieutenant General EMllONS:

~~~~ Z Incls ~iHmHB'f 1-Ltr 25 Inf Div 2 Apr 42 Z:...Memo Army Can tact 0 7 Apr 42.

K .. E B , Lt. Col. • • • D •

As s istant Adjutant Gener 1.:

220.9 (4-9-42) 2nd \!rapper Ind. /ehc

HQ. SClh..FIELD B Ui.ACKS, T. H., April 13, 1942. To: Commanding Officer, 47th Engineers and Commanding Officer, 34th Engineers. IN TURN

To note and return.

By order of Colonel ANDERSON:

2 Incls: n/c


Yellow Red

dlf~ . H. BUSH, Lieut, Infantry,

Assistant Adjutant.

Magenta White

Page 6: Office of the Division Commander Co~nanding - thru 05-31 Hq 25th Div-other... · Office of the Division Commander 2 April 1942. Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor


AG 220 . 9 Jrd .. rapper Ind .

illAD ..,U' TERS 47lli E!1GlllEERS, APO ~~ 9.J7, 14 April 1942. 1~ : Commanding Officer, 34th Engineers.

1. 'oted .

2-Incls : n/c


For the Comrr.anding Officer:

4th Wrapper Ind.

~/~ T OL ~ L. FO . .APJ), Captain, 47th Engineers ,

Adjutant .

ImADQ,U.ARTERS 34TH ENGTI~ERS, Schofield Barracks, T . H., April 14, 1942 -TO : COJ:t"'l.anding Officer, Schofield Barracks, T. H.


2 Incls n/c.

220 24

For the Regimental Commander:

OLDS, i.o.,A.u.s. 4th Engrs.,


5th Wrapper Ind.

HQ. SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, T.H., ,April 15, 1942.- To; Com~~~ding General, Hawaiian Department, Fort Shafter, T.H.

2 Inc~.


For the Conmanding Officer:



~~ieut., Infantry, Assistant Adjutant .


Yellow Red Magenta White

Page 7: Office of the Division Commander Co~nanding - thru 05-31 Hq 25th Div-other... · Office of the Division Commander 2 April 1942. Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor



The Inter-Staff Routing Slip is for use of the Department Staff, including the Dist. Engr., CG 24th D, CG 25th D, and the ATS. It will be used solely for Departmental Staff intercommunication.

This slip and accompanying papers, when transferred from one Staff Office to another, will be forwarded to the interested Staff section direct, with the exception that matters concerning personnel will be routed through the Adjutant General unless a policy has been established. The Staff section originating a routing slip will fill in the subject and at the end of the I st Indorsement list accompanying papers. Notation of enclosures added subse­quently will be made by the responsible office at the end of its indorsement. Indorsements hereon will be numbered in sequence and initialed by the officer in charge or an officer authorized to sign for him.

No. of Ind. From and TO


sueJECT· I /I r'a5th InfDi v, 2 Aflr /,2 "Transfer of Suspected · to Ta or Battalions ."

~11i. ~ts }j ~-T~~---1------1-------------------------------------------------------------- ---~--------' t , "I

~ . ,.,

• • ;r

I+ pr 42

2 G-- ?--

~fr7 .

Jrd Ind Contact Office




:1eceived in trinlica e , o e cory ~"'etalned


1. ~ ttacl,ed hereto for .Y.Q1l.r infor.ation is e. roSlJn:! of infor 'ltion on file in this office on individuals ~entioned

_in besic co1--:,...1mi r.a+.i on .

2 encls: L/H 1 25th Inf .



t)SE BOTI-J IDES No •......... { ...••....•••

Stack Row Shelf Box-Fofder DECLASSIFIED ~~~~~~~-----~-----~--~A~~~~O j~D~1

Yellow Red Magenta White

. .

·" '. .. . ' • ~>. • • • ~ :~

Page 8: Office of the Division Commander Co~nanding - thru 05-31 Hq 25th Div-other... · Office of the Division Commander 2 April 1942. Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor



The Inter-Staff Routing Slip is for use of the Department Staff, including the Dist. Engr., CG 24th D, CG 25th D, and the ATS. It will be used solely for Departmental Staff intercommunication.

This slip and accompanying papers, when transferred from one Staff Office to another, will be forwarded o the interested Staff section direct, with the exception that matters concerning personnel will be routed through

the Adjutant General unless a policy has been established. The Staff section originating a routing slip will fill in the subject and at the end of the 1st Indorsement list accompanying papers. Notation of enclosures added subse­quently will be made by the responsible office at the end of its indorsement. Indorsements hereon will be numbered in sequence and initialed by the officer in charge or an officer authorized to sign for him.

No. of Ind. From and

Date TO SUBJECT: L/Hq 25th IndrDi v , 2 .npr 42 "Trs.nsfec of susyected

soldiers to labor b;;,.ttalions ." I~ ~J-6th Ind




8 April


1-------- I --------------------------~-----------------------------

1, For necessary action in confo~ity with 5th , 6th ~d 7th R/a Inds.

2 TnoJ s - n/c ;


USE BOTH SIDES No •........


COL 'i S 0. ss .r~ a ("


s Yellow Red Magenta

. '

. ' . . ~ ~ ,. <II!' "' . "

Page 9: Office of the Division Commander Co~nanding - thru 05-31 Hq 25th Div-other... · Office of the Division Commander 2 April 1942. Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor





Office of the Division Commander

23 !.:arcn 1 942.

Disposition of Soldiers of Japanese ~xtraction in Hilitary Service.

':'he Co.r.rrr.anding General, Hawaiian Department.

1. T~e 238th InfP~try includes soldiers of Japanese extraction total­ing approximately seventy percent of its personnel. ••o one can s -t;ate vii th positive assurance that these men •rill be fully loyal to the United States in actual combat with an enemy of their own race, possibly including their own Klnsmen. The Regimental Conmander believes that the bulk of the ce men will be loyal to the United States. However, it nust be recognized that the majority of these men were drafted int:) the military service prior to our entry into the v1ar with Japan, and since then they have had no opportunity to state con­scientious objection to service against Japan.

2. If the bulk of p~rsons of Ja?anese extraction in the 298th Infa.ntr should prove to be disloyal to the United States, we will have a potential force in our midst conpletely arned and equipped for organized resistance, and already, occupying an extensive portion of the Island vmich includes two impor~ant air bases and a third in the process of construction.

3 . Since the orge.nization of the regiment, its soldierly spirit, training progress, and efficiency hnve been outstanding. It has met in a nost satisfactory manner every demend upon it, and the attitude of its members durin' the attack on DecE:f!:ber 7th and in subsequent alerts hB s been all thet could be asked. However, now th et we are in a state of '"'ar wi t.h Japan, and Japanese successes nay have some influence on the attitude of individuals, no unnecessary risk of a "change of heart" in men of Japanese extraction should be accepted.

4. In "liew of tiH foregoing it is recol11I!lended thAt:



- '

·. ' . ~' ~

~ · .. ...,_ . . . ~ ~ . _;

a. T at one Infantry war strength ltecim.ent be obtained from the mainlsnd for station in the Kaneohe Bay Sector.

That upon arrival of this ReGiment the 298th Inf~~tr~ be trans­ferred to t e mainland or to sone locality vlhere its chances of coming in close conbat v..-ith the Japanese are negligible.

c. That irrn.ediAtel~'• all persons of Japanese extraction on the

,--~ -~ 1'"1·


Gre,n Yellow Red Magenta White

Page 10: Office of the Division Commander Co~nanding - thru 05-31 Hq 25th Div-other... · Office of the Division Commander 2 April 1942. Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor

rolls of the 298th Infantry be civen an opportunity to state definitely ~mether or not they have any objections to oppos­ing their own race , the Japanese, in combat . Those whose replies are in the affirmative should be transferred to a lAbor organization or other noncombatRnt unit .

This latter proposal is considered to be a minimum precaution . frecedent exists therefor .

- 2 -

~TA.X IELL 1-·URPAY, ~ajor General , U. S.A.




·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A~~~ ~Q~~D~1

s Yeflow Red Magenta White


. ~ \. .. ! ;·;, • ~ '~ _~;

Page 11: Office of the Division Commander Co~nanding - thru 05-31 Hq 25th Div-other... · Office of the Division Commander 2 April 1942. Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor



The Inter-Staff Routing Slip is for use of the Department Staff, including the Dist. Engr., CG 24th D, CG 25th D, and the ATS. It will be used solely for Departmental Staff intercommunication.

This slip and accompanying papers, when transferred from one Staff Office to another, will be forwarded to the interested Staff section direct, with the exception that matters concerning personnel will be routed through the Adjutant General unless a policy has been established. The Staff section originating a routing slip will fill in the subject and at the end of the 1st Indorsement list accompanying papers. Notation of enclosures added subse­quently will be made by the responsible office at the end of its indorsement. Indorsements hereon will be numbered in sequence and initialed by the officer in charge or an officer authorized to sign for him.

No. of Ind. From and

Date TO SUBJECT: .JiSJ.-OSi tion or Soldiers of ·,Jaranese .~xtraction in

ue,.vice .


Jrd Ind G- 2 RE

29 Mar 42


DC/0S Not ed . . G.

1 i ncl - n/c .

Ill D/c


Stack Row


... 6:1 ~. (OVER)


I No •......................•.

Shelf Box~~ofder DECLASSIFIED

~ Authority NND '/'f?D -) 1

s Yellow Red Magenta

Page 12: Office of the Division Commander Co~nanding - thru 05-31 Hq 25th Div-other... · Office of the Division Commander 2 April 1942. Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor


Transfer of Ten to Provisional Battalion •

....................... .Ind. Continued

tq .. ro I~


(,I, /& ~ ~--~~--~~u~' ~~~,

bc/s o A C. I---L~~--__:__~~-----t::~~~~~




.. . Farm H.D. NO' 109 (BeYlsed) 31g~ Honblulu 2-18-42 50M. [j]J

RG Stack Row Shelf Box-~ofder DECLASSIFIED

Authority NNO '/'fSD )7

Page 13: Office of the Division Commander Co~nanding - thru 05-31 Hq 25th Div-other... · Office of the Division Commander 2 April 1942. Transfer of Suspected Soldiers to Labor



The Inter-Staff Routing Slip is for use of the Department Staff, including the Dist. Engr., CG 24th D, CG 25th D, and the A TS. It will be used solely for Departmental Staff intercommunication.

This slip and accompanying papers, when transferred from one Staff Office to another, will be forwarded to the interested Staff section direct, with the exception that matters concerning personnel will be routed throuKh the Adjutant General unless a policy has been established. The Staff section originating a routing slip will fill in the subject and at the end of the 1st Indorsement list accompanying papers. Notation of enclosures added subse­quently will be made by the responsible office at the end of its indorsement. Indorsements hereon will be num ered in sequence and initialed by the officer in charge or an officer authorized to sign for him. )

No. of Ind. Front and TO


I Sec of' th


31 May 42

G-3 ~-I

!Jim 4th I t'JStJ

G-2RE G-1

1 June 42 ~


sueJscT: Transfer of' Ten (10) Japanese f'r Labor Battalion to Prlvisional/ b Battalion. i

Some time ago, ten men of' Japanese ancestry were transferred from the 298th Infantry to the labor battalion, because there was same doubt of their loyalty.

G-3 recommends that these men be transferred from the labor battalion to the Provisional Battalion now being formed from the 298th Infantry • and that they be sent to the mainland ~ along with the others. ~Y~~

1--------~--------------------------------------------------------l Necessary data is being compiled by the G-3 section so that their names m~ be included in the special order to be issued tomorrow. if' you approve.

Act ion in accordance vlith 2nd Ind. has been take •


