office of sustainability final presentation

Office of Sustainabil ity iReduce Campaign

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Page 1: Office of Sustainability Final Presentation

Office of Sustainability

iReduce Campaign

Page 2: Office of Sustainability Final Presentation

Opportunity Statement The Office of Sustainability is working

towards making Virginia Commonwealth University carbon-neutral by 2050. Virginia Commonwealth University’s Office of Sustainability, needs students to contribute by cutting the amount of electrical use within the University.

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Goal “To motivate Virginia Commonwealth University

students to reduce the University’s carbon footprint by reducing electricity usage, helping VCU achieve American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment.”

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Key Publics Students living

on-campus Their individual

behaviors have a greater direct consumption effect on campus as a whole

Students living off-campus Their individual

behaviors aren’t a direct effect but it will help them in their personal lives.

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SWOT Analysis Strengths

Good for the environment Feel good People becoming more and

more open to the “green” idea

Web & campus presence Dashboard on website Successful events/programs Trying to engage students

and faculty

Weaknesses Anonymous with efforts Lack of focus on energy Association with ZipCars Getting interest/participation Accuracy of student feedback Understanding of message is

not in sync with how its projected

Lack of promotion on student/faculty maintenance solutions

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SWOT AnalysisOpportunities

Become carbon-neutral by 2050

Save VCU money on electricity

Encourage other universities to work towards going green also

Energy saving behaviors can become a natural part of students' daily lives

Friends & family can learn from students participating in energy conservation

Threats Recession Expensive process with

intangible return Lack of student interest Price of eco-friendly


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Objective Increase the percentage of students who:

Turn off unused lights on campus by 20% Unplug personal electronics by 10% Choose energy efficient lighting by 15%

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Strategies and Tactics

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Social Media Outlets

Graphical Representation

Tactical Literature

Provide students with information through:

Strategy 1:

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Social Media Outlets

Facebook and Tumblr Amazing execution by the Office of


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Social Media Outlets


Tweet: Facts about saving

energy Tips on how to save

money and energy Photographs Upcoming events Contests News

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Social Media Outlets

TweetsKeeping items plugged in doesn’t seem so bad, but you’re actually wasting electricity, money, and hurting the environment. Please unplug!

Happy Earth Day! Happy Earth Day to the best planet in the world! Thanks for being our home!

Microwaves use less energy than stovetop cooking. VCU students, keep doing your part by microwaving those taquitos! #vcugoesgreen

Why is saving electricity important to you? Best tweets/pictures win a prize! #vcugoesgreen

How do you save electricity? Best tweets/pictures win a prize!

Did you know that most electricity comes from energy produced by fossil fuels such

A plastic bag that is not biodegradable can take up to 400 years to be broken down.

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Background Graphic

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Freshman Orientation

Tactical Literature

Informative literature for incoming students • Where to buy energy efficient products• How to conserve in residence halls• Energy efficient initiatives are already in place

on campus

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Light Switch Decals

Graphical Representation

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Glow in the dark paint

Graphical Representation

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Special Messaging

Graphical Representation

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Stall Seat Journal

Tactical Literature

February• Dorm

Competition Awareness

• Submit by January 1, 2013

April• How to keep

electricity down during the summer

• Submit by March 1, 2013

September• Freshmen:

where to get energy efficient products

• Submit by August 1, 2013

November• Energy saving

tips for students• Submit by

October 1, 2013

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Sustainability Table

“Lights Out” Events

conseRVAtion cup

Participation and Awareness Events

Strategy 2:

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Sustainability Table


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“Lights Out” Events

Promote awareness with events


Are You Afraid of the Dark?

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conseRVAtion cup

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BudgetSocial Media $0Freshman Orientation $0Light Decals $300 est.Glow in the Dark paint (1 gal.) $150Stall Seat Journal $0Special Messaging $0Lights Out Event

Siegel Center $0Are You Afraid of the Dark? $50 est.

Sustainability TableStickers/decals $520Light bulbs $309Printing $110Belkin Conserve Socket $35

conseRVAtion cup t-shirts $630

Total: $2,069 est.

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2013 Energy Reduction Survey

Participation from students, will help in measuring energy reduction behaviors as apart of VCU’s Climate Commitment to neutralized greenhouse gases on campus

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Comments | Questions

It was a pleasure to have worked with the Office of Sustainability