office feng shui guidelines


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Office Feng Shui


Office Feng Shui Guidelines

Office Feng Shui GuidelinesOffice feng shui is an important consideration assuming you create and operate your income streams from your workplace.

Asian businessmen have been successfully utilizing workplace feng shui for centuries and in recent years their counterparts around the world have taken up the practice with enthusiasm.

This topic is divided into business office guidelines and home office guidelines because you'll generally have more control over a home office than you will at work.

Additional considerations apply to owning your own company if you are in the position of choosing the location of your business premises.

The first step in understanding the principles of office feng shui is to become familiar with the bagua (or pakua, as it is sometimes spelled in books on the subject).The BaguaThe feng shui bagua is an octagonal grid divided into nine sections.

For the sake of convenience, it is often represented in the shape of a rectangle, which is what we are using on this page.

If you imagine cutting each corner off the rectangle, you will see the underlying octagonal shape.

Each section of the bagua relates to a key aspect of life, as seen on the diagram below:

The nine sections are defined as follows:1. The Blessings (wealth) area relates to your financial situation.

2. The Illuminations (fame) area relates to your reputation and position in the world.

3. The Relationships area relates to your personal and business relationships.

4. The Elders area relates to your mentors and older family members.

5. The Unity area is the center of the room and is generally kept free of encumbrances.

6. The Creativity area relates to your sources of inspiration.

7. The Contemplation area relates to relaxation and meditation.

8. The Journey area relates to your destiny or path through life.

9. The Friends area relates to both mentors and your contribution to others.

When the bagua pattern is placed over the floor plan of a building, it pinpoints the specific areas that influence these nine key aspects. You can then place symbolic items in the relevant locations to enhance those areas of your life.

There are two schools of thought with regard to the placement of the bagua:1. One school asserts that since the bagua is based on the Chinese compass, in which the top section faces due south, the bagua should be oriented with the southern (fame) aspect aligned against the south wall of the building.

South Wall2. The second approach aligns the lower aspect of the bagua with the wall containing the front door. This can result in a placement in exact opposition to the first system.

Front DoorWe favor the second approach with one modification: we create an additional fame area against the south wall and an additional wealth area beside it.

Office Feng Shui In Your Own CompanyThe exterior aspects of any building where your business is located are as important as the internal office feng shui.1. When first setting up your business premises, choose an office or work space in a prosperous neighborhood.

2. Make sure the entrance to your building or premises looks inviting rather than nondescript. You may need to make some simple cosmetic changes to achieve this effect.

3. Avoid renting premises at the end of a T intersection. If you do, research the feng shui cures that counteract the resulting negative energy flow.

4. The best site for a building is on a corner, with the entrance on a diagonal to the corner itself.

5. Use the feng shui bagua to organize the interior layout of the premises. Then use the guidelines in the next section for each individual room as well.

Office Feng Shui In A Workplace Office

Whether you are an employee or a business owner with his or her own office, your first step is to stand at the doorway of your office or work space and map out the areas according to the bagua.

Your main focus will be your wealth and fame areas, although you should also pay attention to the other six areas and decorate them accordingly.

Here are some tips to keep the energy flowing in your office:1. According to office feng shui guidelines, your desk should be placed at a diagonal to the doorway or directly facing it, rather than with your back to it.

2. If there's more than one desk, place two on a diagonal facing towards the door and any others on a diagonal facing into the center of the room. They should not be placed in rows in a traditional classroom layout or back to back.

3. If the doorways of offices that face each other across a hallway are not exactly aligned, place a mirror on the front of each door.

4. If you face a partial wall or partition when entering an office, place a mirror on the partition.

5. Soften jutting walls with plants.

6. Break up dull walls with mirrors or paintings.

The feng shui elements that are easiest to blend into an office decor are pictures and photographs. Look for pictures that represent the various aspects and dispay them in the appropriate areas. Very obvious feng shui symbols might invite unwelcome questions from visitors or co-workers.

Office Feng Shui In A Home Office

Use office feng shui if you're working from home to maintain a professional approach to your business.1. Use a separate entrance to your office if at all possible.

2. Otherwise, choose a room near the front or back door of the house or apartment.

3. Separate your office from living areas to keep your business and personal lives separate.

4. If your office space is part of another room, divide it from the rest of the room with a screen or large plants.

5. Take a short walk before entering your office to work each day and another one at the end of your working day. This separates the business and personal aspects of your life.

6. Place your desk on the corner diagonally opposite to the doorway.

7. Don't place your desk under a window, but let the light reflect on it from the side. Some people prefer to have their desks facing east.

8. Leave space between your furniture (bookshelves etc.) and the walls. Feng shui experts suggest leaving a 7-9 inch gap.

9. An important aspect of office feng shui is to keep your work space tidy to allow a free flow of energy throughout the room.

10. Differentiate between clutter and storage. Stored items don't have to be catalogued and labeled but they should be stacked neatly in a cupboard or in binders so as not to impede energy flow.

Your Wealth Area In Office Feng ShuiUsing the first bagua placement system, stand in the doorway to your office and locate your wealth area in the upper left hand corner of the room.

Here are some traditional feng shui aids you can use to enhance your wealth area:1. Place a picture of a lake, waterfall or any other water scene on one of the walls in your wealth corner. Water represents energy flow.

2. Use an aquarium or small fountain if you prefer.

3. Place a green, smooth-leafed plant (e.g., a jade plant) on a shelf in this corner. You can substitute an artificial plant if you tend to neglect live ones. The allusion to growing wealth is obvious.

4. Place other symbols of wealth in the corner. They can include:

red eggs symbolizing wealth creation

a red envelope containing several coins

a crystal on a red ribbon near the window

three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon

a pearl or anything spherical (to curb unbridled ambition)

a wheel or bell representing power

a symbol or picture of red fish symbolizing wealth

a lotus flower symbolizing great achievements from humble beginnings

In addition, you can place a decorative jar of water near the entrance to your office.

5. Make sure all items in your feng shui wealth areas pertain to wealth. In term of office feng shui, they might include a bookshelf with all your business or wealth creation books, your business computer, your diplomas and business awards.

6. Add any inspirational pictures, quotes, affirmations, etc. to your area, in other words, anything that moves you to take action.

7. Use the bagua to determine the wealth area of your desk, your bookshelves and so on. Then place additional symbols there as well.

8. If fame is a component of your drive to success, you can add some additional items to the fame area of your office:

any item that's red (representing fire)

any item made of wood

a conch shell representing a prosperous voyage

a wheel or bell representing power

a phoenix, rooster or peacock symbolizing good fortune

If you want to incorporate the second system of bagua placement, you can add some fame symbols to your south wall and place a plant and a photograph of water to the second wealth area located in the left hand corner of the south wall.

Office Feng Shui Benefits

Regardless of whether you see feng shui as a valid way of influencing events or as another form of superstition, there are a number of benefits in experimenting with both office feng shui and feng shui in general: Feng shui makes you more conscious of how your environment influences your state of mind. An uncluttered work space with sufficient room to move will help you think more clearly and productively.

Utilizing the office feng shui guidelines will help you stay organized. Any form of simplification will also reduce stress.

Office feng shui helps you focus on the task at hand. If you remove all uncompleted projects and potential future ones to a separate storage area (where you won't see them from your work space), you'll eliminate a key source of distraction.

When you've finished decorating your work space, take a walk through it and note your first impressions:

Is it uncluttered?

Does it suggest flow? Are your tools placed logically and within easy reach?

Is it aesthetically pleasing? Do you enjoy being in this space?

Does it suggest focus? Power? Efficiency?

Is it inspiring? Motivating?

Beyond Office Feng ShuiObviously there is far more to feng shui than this basic introduction.

For an in-depth look at the subject, there are many good books available in bookstores or your local library: Accountant Suzan Hilton takes her readers on a magical journey through the psychology of feng shui in her excellent book, The Feng Shui of Abundance.

William Spear's book, Feng Shui Made Easy is another well-written book that offers a comprehensive guide to the subject.

For a more traditional Chinese approach, any book by Lillian Too will teach you how to apply the principles of feng shui in your daily life.

Your Next Step:You can achieve all this for your business with feng shui.

Ancient laws for living today

Feng shui is the art of analysing and influencing the interaction between people, buildings and the environment, in order to enhance quality of life. It has been practised for at least 3,000 years. It works on the principle that, when the 'chi', the life energy force, is flowing appropriately around your health, wealth and happiness can be significantly improved. The art lies in influencing this energy to maximise the good fortune it gives.

The words feng shui (pronounced 'foong shway') mean 'wind and water', the two most powerful forces of nature. By harmonising your surroundings in this way, you flow with the tide; not against it. The benefits can be considerable. For many clients, balancing their work environment to support them, rather than obstruct, results in very positive changes. Opportunities for good fortune are then more likely to open up, leading to improvements with every aspect of your business.

How feng shui works for business

Creating an environment for a health business involves considering and giving advice on the:

Eradicating the negative

A feng shui consultation is partly aimed at detecting and removing the effects of geopathic stress on the business. This is caused by some kind of disruption to, or distortion of, the earth's natural energy field, causing harmful radiation to emanate from the earth's surface. Scientific research* has shown that if geopathic stress is not removed, it can cause chronic fatigue, lack of concentration, lethargy, headaches, and other symptoms which are synonymous with 'sick office syndrome'. If it is present it can affect staff morale and productivity, and may have more serious, long-term implications.

*This was led by Dr Otto Bergsmann of the University of Vienna, 1990

A favoured solution

Feng shui is part of everyday life for millions of people throughout the world. Many of the country's top companies use it, such as: Virgin, HSBC, Orange, British Airways, BUPA and Marks & Spencer. They believe it has brought business success, or helped to create a sense of balance and order.**

**Feng Shui for Modern Living magazine

The path to harmony

All you have to do is complete a simple tick-box questionnaire, which will establish your priorities, and include scale plans of your workplace. It is important to ensure that the 'relative' proportions of the rooms are correct. The more accurate the plan, the more effective will be the result. If you find it difficult to acquire plans for the premises, the local fire officer will have copies. This is needed ten days before the consultation.

I will clarify your priorities at the start of the visit, then quickly tour the site to note specific activities in each area. After that, I usually work on my own; both inside and outside. When I have finished, we can discuss my main recommendations for improvement. I will then send you a comprehensive, written report.

It is always best to carry out the recommended changes a few at a time. By introducing them slowly, you can wait and see the effects of each. If you don't follow the advice, you can't expect the benefits. Do not expect instant miracles; time has a part to play.

In complete confidence

Discretion is assured as your consultation with TLC can be totally confidential. If you prefer, however, it can be

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