offered. u n c leje 1. south rampart street, the place...

Your $ or Money Will Go Twice As Far Here I am offering holiday buyers my big stock of fine Diamonds, Diamond Jewelry and Watches at the lowest prices in the South Saving of 50 Per Cent over the prices charged at any jewelry store. Each article sold under an absolute guar. S aving: o L. P e--en . . , antee. My business reputation of 25 years under the same roof will justify every claim make. Note the following extraordinary values: GENT'S WATCHES-1\\althams. Elgins a;nd all standard high- Special feature-ladices' )iamnlld E'arrings: ablsolutely guar- pllendid line , Ldi I i:amn,I, \tfr I>:,: [lkl,, ... grade mo ements in .uarantled 2x--year gold-tilled cases; just anteed; worth double the price, from ..... $5.00 up to $1.250.00 ,f th.e very latest crcatio-. Ir,, n $20.00 to U0 one-thir of their original cost look them over and e con- i dreds of SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RINGS, suitable for Hundred pairs F E I)i ns ap incl $7.50 and $10.00 ,ath men and ladies: all gems mrust be seen to be appreciated. priae f r a reet. I $1.50 to 1, LADIES'Ranging in prices frm $5.00 up to $1,100.00 aSuggesgti\e Cihristmas lirs'sCmnt , 15. up $,00 :, and cluster anD other hi,,Th ES-r m -tr l .oht \8. L- I.argest assortment of LADIES SOLID GOLD LAVAL- hide.ign-. Irum $2.00 to $5Q.g ther hi-grade mv,\ements. Original cst -5 .... 8.up LIERES-Set with diamnds; classiest selection ever seen. Ihusanis of Solid il St, -st i hm RAILROAD MEN, ATTENTION!-\\altham. Elgin. lIall's Ranging in prices from $2.50 to $400.00 men. Jut one-half of their rl value ws - .I rlington specials and other high-grade makes. 1( and 2t jew- Classiest display of SOLID GOLD BRACELETS--Set with ranging from $1.50 to " " ""cls. in -o-year goll-filled cases; guaranteed, one-third of their diamonds: very latest designs; at prices ranging 2;o Ladi'" and hildren . Sli,! ,1 "'• ! ore t est original value ..... ...... $15.00 from $10.00 to $250.00 values ever offered. 1\ pices ranging rt } T T 'housands of Solid ,Gol, I.ockets, set with diamonds: CAMEO RINGS AND BROOCHES-.-rtistic designs. ,) .ad;cs' iracelet \\tche. \\alth.: I Movem "-i .r,,m $5.00to $100.00 Irom $2.50 to $15.00 frm $5.00 to -in ... 1. U N C LEJE 68 South Rampart Street, i THE PLACE WITH A REPUTATION OF 25 YEARS I1" IODE Near Common Street, Only One Slhort Block from Caal Street SQUARE DEALIN6 | ,- ,. or p , McDONOGH ,CHO()l NO. 4 ROLL OF HONOR. 8 A: Scholarship and Deportment -- Julian Hogan. Benjamin North. Henry Gerrets, Charles Burgis. Geo. Munstermann. Dewey Vigano and Wm. Sutherland. 8 B-Hart Schwarzenbach and Louis Laufer. 7 A--Gaines Gilder. Albert Sen- ner. Geo. Rau, Francis Sadler. De- portment: Vincent Reany, Camille Pitre. 7 B--Scholarship and Deportment -Sidney Dupuls. C Reany Angelo and Edgley Schroth. 6 A-Milton Acker, George Ad- ams, Osmond Angelo, Joseph Poise, Evans Mahoney and John Kramme. 6 B-Louis Cronan, Clyde Glilder. Horace Harris, Albert Monroe, Wm. Peeler, Wallace Marcour, Bertrand Peck and Jas. Trauth. Scholarship: Clarence Arnold. Andre Couget, Ray Cayard, Wm. Carroll, Royce Flem- ing. Edward Gerrets, Jos. Matranga, Emile Mothe. Alfred Peterson, Del- mar Pitre, Oswald Smith and Irwin Treadaway. 4 A--Scholarship and Deportment -Peter Anderson, Millard Schind- ler, Clemens Meunch, Floyd Hoff- stetter, Ulger Gaudin, James Cous- ins, Julius Gilliach, Jos. Calabrise, Fred John and Alvin Covell. De- portment: Albert Peeler, Milton Henry, and Geeo. Shorey. Spelling: Jas. Cousins, Harold Stenger. Alvin Covell, Wm Parker, Albert Peeler, Julius Oillisch and Wi. Weilbacher. Attendance: Robert fralbot, Adian Barer, Roy Tagert. Everett Sutton, Floyd Umbach and Fred Langford. 4 B--- holarship and Deportment -Walter Bond, Louis Broussard, Jas. Carter, Stello Cronan, Wm. Ger- rets, Byron Gooner, Alvin LeBlanc, Isadore Davis, Henry Fournier, Nor- man Nelson, Andrew McQuilling, Malcolm Schwarsenbach, Jos. Buss- uln, and Stanford Wilmore. 3 A-Hymel Amuedo, Chas. Ger- rets and Ethelbert Lagarde. Schol- arship: Elmo Voegtlln and Wm. Ent- wistle. Deportment: John Hann. 3 B-Scholarship and Deportment -Victor Cieutat, Jas. L Higgins, Gordon Wayne and Wilson Barrett. Scholarship: Louis Nedreautille, Frederick Kraemer, Ed Harper and Jacob Hlison. Deportment: Mar- Joral McNeely, Russell Hogan and Nathan Forrest. 2 A-Seholarship and Deportment -Elmer Davidson, Armand Delcva- sal, Ernest Andry, Jas. Fabares, Os- born Hunter, Andrew Kessler, Ar- mold Lachman, Marcel Roth, Jos. Wilmore, Louis Hubener. Scholar- ship: Bernard Covell. Deportment: Thos. Henricks, Fred Laughlin. 2 B-Scholarship and Deportment -Shelby Covell, Marcel Roth, Lyle Albrecht, Thos. Duffy, Jerome Mine, Melvin Perron, Wm. Short. A Present With a Future "Hartwell's"-the very name conveys a message of distinctive merit! N'Orleans has never before been invited to view an exhibit of equal rarity. Here, and there, and everywhere in this Shop of rare things you can solve the Gift Problem with JUST THE THING everyone wants and only waits and hopes someone will send. Withal, Hartwell's is not an expensive shop. Our prices are very much less than similar articles bring in the art-rooms of Fifth Avenue. But no matter what price you care to pay, there's some- thing unusual at THAT figure here. Because we deal in one-of-a-kind gifts, your earli- est selection is earnestly requested. HARTWELL'S House of Gifts 213 Baronne Street 1 A-Scholarship and Deportment -- Morris Bodonger. Vincent Trauth. Arthur Meunch. Levi Norwood. Ches- ter Wooton. Russell Gilder. J. G Walker. Scholarship: Lyman An- gello. Alvin Reed. Patsy Kileen. Em- mett Wattigny. Frazier Koeppell. Deportment: Witiert Bairnsfather. Richard Parker. 1 B-Scholarship and Deport- ment: Harold O'Bnan. Preston Del- casal, Chas. Fink. Harold Gondroel- ler. Bennie Weiner. Wm. Thibo- deaux, Alfred Decker. Ben Ericksen. Geo. Leber. Borden Stalcup, John Tagert. Lester Smith and John Whe- lan. Scholarship: Karl Brodtman, Wilbur Vinson, Louis Murphy. De- portment: Arnold Breath. Peter Pro- venzano, Clinton Whiuaen, John Car- ruba, Jas. Henricks. Frederick Galt, Ferdie Bodenger and Bertwell An- dry. MeDON(KiH NO. 5 SCHOOL Names of pupils who have had per- f4ct papers in spelling, (idbation, during week ending Dec. 8: 5th Grade A-Walter Scott, Ed- mond Allingham, Alvin Gauthreaux. Josephine Trapani. 5th Grade B-Paul Ortalano, Mark Hynes. Edward Matchett, Louis Fernandez, Peter Tripolinl, Josephine Robertsa, Bessie Troaclair, Isabel Gayaut. Isaphene Clasen, Ju- liette Barroul. Elvira Burmaster, Sadie Bryers, Katie Essinger, Louise Lingoni,. Frances La Bella, Stella Hughes. 4th Grade A-Karl Saleeby. An- toinette Figarola, Stanley Baker, Earl Campbell, Robert Danenhauer, Sylvia McQuiston, Jenora Albert, Ha- zel Saleeby, Leona Diket. Ida Bur- master, Violet Lingoni. Irma Braai, Mildred Allingham. 4th Grade B-Irma Arsaga, Dora Street, Lillian Polasky, Ura Babin. Margaret Hughes, Lillian North, Jo- sie Cattalanatto. Leotha Gauthreaux, William Gahn, Eldon Le Jeune. John Ortalano. Joseph Entwistle, Curtis Blakeman. Joseph Pelleterre. Third A-Anna Perez, Mae Bol- nar, Augulta Wolverton, Deionese Vitter. Rose Orlando. Annette John- son, May Prados. Lucille Daigle, Isa- bel King. Josephine Calderone, Al- bert Drane, Salvador Schelleci Ar- chie Caflero, Fred Burmaster. Third Grade B-Sandine Calder- one, Marguerite Abbot, May Cottom. Ethel Posey, Marguerite Diket, Thel- ma Schaefer, Laura Vedros. Flor- ence Boudreaux, Camille Cottom, Esther Barlotta, Pauline Matulich, Marie Louise Leddy. Hamilton Au- bert, Gussie Wolverton, Charles Houston, Fred Jeanfreau, Joseph La Bella. Dolores Diket, Orelia Jorden, Henry Holt, Louis Nicklaus. Harold C lapper, Nick Corona, Louis Beth- lancourt, Jack Gallo. AMENDMENT TO CHARTER 41' MOiRt E R4)TARY STI'M' ( UTTER Cut.1PANY, INC. I'n.tid State•. of America. State of Louisi- ra. l'ar•sh .- f Orlean. (City .f New Or- lean. lie it known, that ,on t!ih:s seventh day ,i the month of l)ecem.'er in the Sear of our Lord one thiousand nine hundred and six- teen and of the independence of the IUnited States of Amerlca, the one hundred and forty-tirst. Iefore me. Henry P'. D)art, Jr.. a notary public, duly cnnmmiss:nined and qual- Iihed. in and for this city and the parish of (rleans, therein residing, and in the presence of the witnes•es herein after named and un- dersigtned: Personally came and appeared: 1. P. Sefton Schneidau, 2. Wesley C. Law- rence. Jr.. hbth of age and residents of the city of New I)rleans, here appearing in their capacit) as president and secretary, respect- ively, of the Moore Rotary Stump ('utter C(ompany, Inc.. a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Louisiana and domi- ciled in the city of New Orleans. Who de- clared, that as will appear by the certificate hereto annexed, a meeting of the stockhold- ers of the Moore Rotary Stump Cutter Co., Inc.. was held at the office of the corpora- tion. No. 213 lHennen Ruilding. on Saturday. November 4, 1916, at the hour of 2:30 o'clock p. m. That there were present and repre- sented six hundred and three (603) shares of the capital stock of said corporation out of seven hundred thirty-five (735) shares issued and outstanding. That said meeting was called for the purpose of considering certain proposed amendments to the char- ter of said corporation, which amendments were in due course adopted by the said nmteting. That at said meeting the appear- Make This Store Your Christmas Shopping Headquarters Attractive Jewelry Novelties for Gift-Giving Good--But Inexpensive Dainty Articles of Personal Adornment or for the Dresser, in all the Newest Styles and } Finishes. Admirable Souvenirs sure to please "Her" or "Him". The prices will please you. Diamond Lavallires, various Men's Sterling Silver Monoram Tapestry Writine Sets, in blue Sterling Silver Mauiicre dainty designs, solid gold 15- Belt Buckles, made to order, vari- or rose, consisting of pad, ink- Sets, 3 pieces, new hammered inch" chain, satin 350 ous combinations in Old English, stand, letter holder and 350 effect with shield, box .. ..... . Japan, Mission pin tray............... in holly box ........ Solid Gold Lavalilrim, assert" or 2.5 00 Ravia., Cady Boxes, .Seln Siv Ma... St patterns, 15-inch gura Script ..... 50 to 5.00 in 1, 2 and 3-lb. 8 pieces, all handsomely st out chin; boxed Sterling Silver Cigarette Cases, sizes, in a holiday 3 Solid Gold Lavailieree, cameo hand-engraved, engine-turned or from ....... 50C to 5 box ................ 50 pendants, 15-inch gold . Aribbon. Doylek Boxes, one of the newest Sterling Saver Manicure Sets, chain, oxed ....... . I effect ................. .*. novelties, in blue or rose, gold- 11 pieces of wanted Solid Gold Jewelry, signet cuff Men's Strling Silver Belt braid trimmed, articles, all boxed....... .4' buttons, baby lockets and chains Buck, plain, engraved O sortcd 25 1.00 Sterling Silver Toilet Sets, each bar pins, brooches, tie clips, laval- or in-tned. ... ..... to " set with every desired article, pnC~dl bli ofan .... 1.0r o -- , IC* * - ,7 a . ke xed .5.10.50 . .25.00 pins, hat pins, etcarf Stelin Silver Cuff Buttens, Ratina Cretonne Cabinets, l a to pinres, cf pins, stcarf . vious nust dsigns, a ize, several dainty shapes, coy- boxed..l" to 25e00 Solid Gold Circle PiNs, the pin each pair boxed. ........ 50c ered with light-colored, pretty Sterling Silver Toilet and Maul- tht is so popular, 50 Sterlv siler lT Clips rea tt ern .98c cure Sets, several designs to select 2 on a card for........... number of differenc f " ' m ro m, . . 2 5 00 50 00 number of different 25' . . .. o r om, 25.00 . 50.00 Solid Gold Hat Pias, veral de- designs ................ Novti manicure sets, work boxed to signs to select rom; s boxes, vases, cut glass, combs, Derby Silver Toilet Sets, comb, Sin a box, for.......... 50c Strli Silver Dorne Boxe brushes, pencil sets, ash trays, brush and mirror, in neat box, as- Solid Gold Eameled iHat P hand-engraved, with powder jars, hair receivers, jewel sorted assorted colors, exceed- finger chain...... cases and many other 5d00 .... ,-, 50 c s-•, . o1. y ther .. 98. designs ............... 5.00 ingly pretty ............. c Sterling Silver Hat Pi, 2 on a useful gift articl ....... 98c Silver Set onisting of card, evera neat patterns 6])J Facy Boes jewel ees pew- toilet j ir end hair stno Solid Gold Lavallieree, set with to select rom, for....... dr jars, hair rece cases, pow toilet jar and hair gen e diamonds, 1-inch der jars, har receivers, glove r. 3 . chain, handsomely boxed..5.00 Sterling Silver Thimbles, pretty boxes, in French gray, ormulo or rei opatterns, a size to fit s Derby Silver Toilet and Maai- Solid Gold Pis, diamond every finger. .......... 2 5e . plated ................ ere Sets, every desirable piece in set, dozens of different the assortment, 1900 patter ons, boxedi.....trl .5.00 S- Pec, pencil, Desk Clocks, brone, ormlo, l boxed........... 98 .s.d Ge v o s t pocket knives, manicure pieces, mahogany and French gray, a Sold Geld nivl ree l stee 2 key rings, pencil splendid and appropriate gift e Manicure Sets, blad vr .. 2 5 s ets et', etc.....'.......... 50C fior .n2. .p.0 pt all the wanted articles, several pproprite ........... terling Silvr Dm Be men ...... 98 i dGolrd BeuBlt large size, hand-engravd, B/x Sme n Ss with 4 or 6 boxed ... ... Biiv 2i0et 0 Buckls, sv ".border, ade with in•r ring . in 400 .00 •~ . to order aved .. .. 700 Sterl Silver , b or nikel.... to make a useful as well as an orns- nrvd .............. mental 150 t 300 pieces, and dozens and dosens of Bras Smoking Seots, with attach- pre .nt 3.00 Solid Gld ,,,mgram lt them; prie s 50.00 mnt for newspaper, vry 4e 00 Prs .n Buckles, monogram and any range rom. e new and pretty ......... I I ly Toilet Sts comb, style made to 1 e order ......... 00 w... e v ety Cut Glacse-As with diamonds, a se ................... 50 SGold Caf .............. of handsome gift pieces, all with cut glase-it must be cut by Soid Gsmald Cdiam f ond tt, et bought before the great advanee experts and it must be free of Parisan Ivory Toilet and Masi- with all dimnd, 8 . O in ; 35.00 flaws. That is the kind ours are. ra Sets 11 pieces, nicely 7 exceedingly pretty gift. f.. rom.... o A ge assortment of every use boxed ............. Iet50 G FI lTledb Ree Cair, 15 T Wu e, rs' Brs 1847, ful, wanted and ornamental ar- Parisian Ivry Pieces, pow- inches log, a splendid article and American Siver Co., the two tie. in this der jars, hair receivers, trays, ...... 25c brands, t Ia te*d. poplar 1.00 50.00 cologne bottles, combs, brushes, clS 2 aGeld-led Pocket Kfll g wanooed to cushions, manicure S c Geld- lIned Wald I mar G trend tel Mena'see S1ts, 00ar0 pieces, frames, etc. Cpopu for eachn pblad ................ in, tie clip and cuff but- Parisian Ivory Novelties, Gold-er, each* sizeLs for tons, boxed, all for....... QJC jewel cases, brushes, pin trays, pegyin le5 women, misses or baM Gold Tp Bar Pins, new pat. large trays, powder jars, hair designs 25 plain or engraved........ 50 terns and doens of them to receivers, combs, cologne bot- C_,.. Tie .. Cl 2asps , a Enamel Watch B , adjust- rom.25 and mes, variety of designs, plain ble s movement, re, green German Silver igarette and Bracelet Watches, 7-jewel Pearld fancy .............. blue or turquoise, ..... Match Case, thin model, fancy de- movement, detachable bracelet, Peasrl Ba c size s neat velvet o.... n satin-lined white or gold 698 a very pretty present and one that GeM-Filled Watch Bracelet, 7 box . . . any woman would jewels, guaranteed 20 years, en- S Gold Ba tt oval or Gold Top Cuff Links, English appreCame..............eees graved edge, .- square, several nest or Roman finish, some set5 Swith justa .. .and dainty att .. .... 2.48 with chip diamonds..... 50c dainty rolled plate mountings, Enameled Watches, several col- neatty and ............ 5oC or, good swiss 8 er r were aplo.:nted a commiiittee for the pur- I•-" o•it caur.:ng to he embodied in due for vnal anr1d legal Shape the amnendments to the clha::ser f Ri:tary Stump Cutt:er, Inc.. adlp•ted at such meeting. And the 'a!d ap earers further declared thaiit hyv s rt;rre of the auth,.rity in them ve-Itd hy, .id - '.ckholdrrs at "aid meeting held Satui-das.. N\.verrnher 4, 1916. and for and in behalf if Said corloration. and in ,,nier to ca:: V -at the of said mneet- ing and to give the alterations, changes and ;inLendint11se adopted at said meeting full legal f rce and effect, they do now declare,. pil:<h and give lnotice to the world that Article IV of the charter of M-wrre Rotary Stump (urtter Company, Inc., executed be- fire Willilam J. Formento. notary public, on the 1th da.y of August. 1914. was amended, and the same is hereby amended and re- :eacted so a, to read as follows. to-wit: "Article IV.-The capital stock of this corporation is hereby thxed at seventy-tive thousand ($75.00000) dollars, divided into or repre-ented by ifteen hundred (150l)) shares of the par value of fifty ($50.00) dollars each. "The whole if said stock, or any part thererof, may be issued for cash. or may be paid for in installments of such amounts and at such terms as the board of directors may determine, and said stock may also be is- sued in payment and settlement of the pur- chase price of patents or patent rights here. inhefore described, or that may hereafter ihe acquired by the corporation such stock may alco lie issued In payment, settlement and adjustment of the fees. costs, charges, ex- penses and commissions incurred for ser- vices rendered in the formation and organi- zation of this corporation. "The board of directors is especially au- thorized to cause said stock to be issued on payment therefor in any of the methods herrnChef re set out, :i in C~s jn•ndKntt seets t.•r and proper. "The hilers of all the preferred stock .. asuel having as.ented thereto, the prefe red to,,k creaed by Art:cle IV. a- o,-girnally drais i s, hereby annulled and recalled, and the -s.ue f .t cLk aibrogated, and all the prov:solns in the ch'arter ci.ncer nlng sald toick are hrelby annlulled. reca;led and fhe C .CIpital st ok .ituth rized by this amen-c•nieC: hall have and exercise all the right, and Ilowers conferred upon the conm- i c capCtal stick aulthorrzed by Article IV as originally drawn." Said alpearer, further declare, publish and give ntlce to the world that Article V cf the cha-ter of the company, as executed before WHilliam J. Formento. notary public, onC the 18t:h day ,f August, 1914. was amend- ed and the same is hereby amended and re-enacted ,i as tCo read as follows, to-wit: "Arttcle V\'.--All the powers of this corpo- ration shall be vested in a beard of direc- tirs of not less than nine stockholders, which tlnumbier may be increased to not more than fifteen, by the board of directors, whenever, in the opinion of a majority of the board, such increase will lie to the best interests of the corporation, and the board of directors shall have the right to elect as directors a sufficient number of stockholders having the qualifications for directors to complete the board whenever same shall have been increased as herein authorized, said direc- tors to serve until the annual meeting next thereafter to be held or until their succes- sors are elected. All vacaicies in the board . f directors from any cause shall be filled by the remaining directors at any regular meet- ing, or at a special meeting of the directors held for that purpose. Four members of the board shall constitte a quorum for the trans- action of all business. Each director at the t::e ,: his election shall own at least one ful 1pailI inpfledged share of stock. ""I h directir., hall he elected annually. ,n the third Tuesday of August of each year .t a mte:ing of stockholders called for that Ipure .,-c atcr in lice given as required by ;.u. At the first meeting of the board of direc. ,r, after the annual election they shall cc. t fr, m the!r number a president, a vice- Ire-:lent, a secretary and a treasurer, and the '-.,rd shall have the power, in their di,- cretl:.i t.1 unite two or more offices, and the s.iI:e t,, c infer on one person. "All elect-,ns shall he held by ballot. and .t maiority of the votes cast shall elect. Each share of stock shall lie entitled to one v,,te to ,ie cast by the holder thereof an person or by proxy or by letter the signa- ture t, which is duly ackuonwledged as re- quired by law, and said stock may be voted cunmulatively. "A failure to elect directors on the date speciiled for the annual meeting shall not d:Esolve the corporation, hut the directors then in office shall remain in office until their suclcessors are elected. "The board of directors shall have the right from time to time to appoint such offi- cers., clerks, agents or other employees or coiminittees as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the business and purposes of the corporation, and shall have the right to appoint an executive committee composed of three ntmemlers and to delegate to said committee all the powers and authority pos- sessed by the board, under such rules and regulations as the board may fix. All such appointees shall hold during the pleasure of the board. "The board of directors may make and establish, as well as alter and amend, all by-laws. rules and regulations necessary and proper for the support. management and con- duct of the business and affllairs of the cor- , 'p a ;.' " `. ,.rJ ! I s h a ll l s h e l po\-- t, .... Y.fv exeCC~lt ,hoCkholders p h,,::1. .. :Ons, . .• all, n .n l ri- , : lt c m e-f .... •.t',.r, I d'"! States ernre- !,'!things reamjlt a r .ndi'" " ,uct and .f the h.----. the corpoatioo.,a olat•.1' f t, C corporatis•- riwed , , i p ei i r rights flor L.o -: t•, Ir "I'. S. rendered, " Appw rer" utdrth er declare that a-- hereby auth ,- ze and reqmuire chniige- anid .rnerlments to he I*j p,,rated Into notarial shape sad. h corded and puiblihed accordin tM the end that the -amne may be _ binding on all persons whomlea , Thus done and passed at my ese e O)rleans. on the day. month and•- - first wr:tten, in the presence of quillan and Leo L. Dubonlr U ml nesses, who have here•ltn to a names, together with the said a•nga me, notary. ()riginal signed: P. Sefton L. Lawrence. Sec. Treas. Edward Leo L. l)uhourl. HENRY P. lDART, JR., 3 7 I, the undersigned recorder for the parish of Orleans, do tha t the above and foregoiug a - ment of the incorporation of th tary Stump Cutter Compan, , 1 day duly recorded in my o lc. i h folio --. New Orleans, La.., Dct. . M1 A true copy. (Signed) Henry P. Dart, Jr., NItry 1 dec 14 21 28 jan 4 11 a1

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Post on 08-Aug-2018




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Your $ or Money Will Go Twice As Far HereI am offering holiday buyers my big stock of fine Diamonds, Diamond Jewelry and Watches at the lowest prices in the SouthSaving of 50 Per Cent over the prices charged at any jewelry store. Each article sold under an absolute guar.

S aving: o L. P e--en .. , antee. My business reputation of 25 years under the same roof will justify every claimmake. Note the following extraordinary values:

GENT'S WATCHES-1\\althams. Elgins a;nd all standard high- Special feature-ladices' )iamnlld E'arrings: ablsolutely guar- pllendid line , Ldi I i:amn,I, \tfr I>:,: [lkl,, ...grade mo ements in .uarantled 2x--year gold-tilled cases; just anteed; worth double the price, from ..... $5.00 up to $1.250.00 ,f th.e very latest crcatio-. Ir,, n $20.00 to U0one-thir of their original cost look them over and e con- i dreds of SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RINGS, suitable for Hundred pairs F E I)i ns apincl $7.50 and $10.00 ,ath men and ladies: all gems mrust be seen to be appreciated. priae f r a reet. I $1.50 to 1,

LADIES'Ranging in prices frm $5.00 up to $1,100.00 aSuggesgti\e Cihristmas lirs'sCmnt , 15. up $,00 :, and clusteranD other hi,,Th ES-r m -tr l .oht \8. L- I.argest assortment of LADIES SOLID GOLD LAVAL- hide.ign-. Irum $2.00 to $5Q.g

ther hi-grade mv,\ements. Original cst -5 .... 8.up LIERES-Set with diamnds; classiest selection ever seen. Ihusanis of Solid il St, -st i hmRAILROAD MEN, ATTENTION!-\\altham. Elgin. lIall's Ranging in prices from $2.50 to $400.00 men. Jut one-half of their rl value ws -

.I rlington specials and other high-grade makes. 1( and 2t jew- Classiest display of SOLID GOLD BRACELETS--Set with ranging from $1.50 to" " ""cls. in -o-year goll-filled cases; guaranteed, one-third of their diamonds: very latest designs; at prices ranging 2;o Ladi'" and hildren .Sli,! ,1 "'• ! ore t est

original value ..... ...... $15.00 from $10.00 to $250.00 values ever offered. 1\ pices ranging rt }T T 'housands of Solid ,Gol, I.ockets, set with diamonds: CAMEO RINGS AND BROOCHES-.-rtistic designs. ,) .ad;cs' iracelet \\tche. \\alth.: I Movem

"-i .r,,m $5.00to $100.00 Irom $2.50 to $15.00 frm $5.00 to -in... 1. U N C LEJE 68 South Rampart Street, i THE PLACE WITH A REPUTATION OF 25 YEARS I1" IODE

Near Common Street, Only One Slhort Block from Caal Street SQUARE DEALIN6 | ,- ,. or p ,



8 A: Scholarship and Deportment-- Julian Hogan. Benjamin North.Henry Gerrets, Charles Burgis. Geo.Munstermann. Dewey Vigano andWm. Sutherland.

8 B-Hart Schwarzenbach andLouis Laufer.

7 A--Gaines Gilder. Albert Sen-ner. Geo. Rau, Francis Sadler. De-portment: Vincent Reany, CamillePitre.

7 B--Scholarship and Deportment-Sidney Dupuls. C Reany Angeloand Edgley Schroth.

6 A-Milton Acker, George Ad-ams, Osmond Angelo, Joseph Poise,Evans Mahoney and John Kramme.

6 B-Louis Cronan, Clyde Glilder.Horace Harris, Albert Monroe, Wm.Peeler, Wallace Marcour, BertrandPeck and Jas. Trauth. Scholarship:Clarence Arnold. Andre Couget, RayCayard, Wm. Carroll, Royce Flem-ing. Edward Gerrets, Jos. Matranga,Emile Mothe. Alfred Peterson, Del-mar Pitre, Oswald Smith and IrwinTreadaway.

4 A--Scholarship and Deportment-Peter Anderson, Millard Schind-ler, Clemens Meunch, Floyd Hoff-stetter, Ulger Gaudin, James Cous-ins, Julius Gilliach, Jos. Calabrise,Fred John and Alvin Covell. De-portment: Albert Peeler, MiltonHenry, and Geeo. Shorey. Spelling:Jas. Cousins, Harold Stenger. AlvinCovell, Wm Parker, Albert Peeler,Julius Oillisch and Wi. Weilbacher.Attendance: Robert fralbot, AdianBarer, Roy Tagert. Everett Sutton,Floyd Umbach and Fred Langford.

4 B--- holarship and Deportment-Walter Bond, Louis Broussard,Jas. Carter, Stello Cronan, Wm. Ger-rets, Byron Gooner, Alvin LeBlanc,Isadore Davis, Henry Fournier, Nor-man Nelson, Andrew McQuilling,Malcolm Schwarsenbach, Jos. Buss-uln, and Stanford Wilmore.

3 A-Hymel Amuedo, Chas. Ger-rets and Ethelbert Lagarde. Schol-arship: Elmo Voegtlln and Wm. Ent-wistle. Deportment: John Hann.

3 B-Scholarship and Deportment-Victor Cieutat, Jas. L Higgins,Gordon Wayne and Wilson Barrett.Scholarship: Louis Nedreautille,Frederick Kraemer, Ed Harper andJacob Hlison. Deportment: Mar-Joral McNeely, Russell Hogan andNathan Forrest.

2 A-Seholarship and Deportment-Elmer Davidson, Armand Delcva-sal, Ernest Andry, Jas. Fabares, Os-born Hunter, Andrew Kessler, Ar-mold Lachman, Marcel Roth, Jos.Wilmore, Louis Hubener. Scholar-ship: Bernard Covell. Deportment:Thos. Henricks, Fred Laughlin.

2 B-Scholarship and Deportment-Shelby Covell, Marcel Roth, LyleAlbrecht, Thos. Duffy, Jerome Mine,Melvin Perron, Wm. Short.

A PresentWith a Future

"Hartwell's"-the very name conveys a message ofdistinctive merit! N'Orleans has never beforebeen invited to view an exhibit of equal rarity.

Here, and there, and everywhere in this Shop ofrare things you can solve the Gift Problem with

JUST THE THING everyone wants and onlywaits and hopes someone will send.

Withal, Hartwell's is not an expensive shop. Ourprices are very much less than similar articlesbring in the art-rooms of Fifth Avenue. But nomatter what price you care to pay, there's some-thing unusual at THAT figure here.

Because we deal in one-of-a-kind gifts, your earli-est selection is earnestly requested.

HARTWELL'SHouse of Gifts

213 Baronne Street

1 A-Scholarship and Deportment-- Morris Bodonger. Vincent Trauth.Arthur Meunch. Levi Norwood. Ches-ter Wooton. Russell Gilder. J. GWalker. Scholarship: Lyman An-gello. Alvin Reed. Patsy Kileen. Em-mett Wattigny. Frazier Koeppell.Deportment: Witiert Bairnsfather.Richard Parker.

1 B-Scholarship and Deport-ment: Harold O'Bnan. Preston Del-casal, Chas. Fink. Harold Gondroel-ler. Bennie Weiner. Wm. Thibo-deaux, Alfred Decker. Ben Ericksen.Geo. Leber. Borden Stalcup, JohnTagert. Lester Smith and John Whe-lan. Scholarship: Karl Brodtman,Wilbur Vinson, Louis Murphy. De-portment: Arnold Breath. Peter Pro-venzano, Clinton Whiuaen, John Car-ruba, Jas. Henricks. Frederick Galt,Ferdie Bodenger and Bertwell An-dry.


Names of pupils who have had per-f4ct papers in spelling, (idbation,during week ending Dec. 8:

5th Grade A-Walter Scott, Ed-mond Allingham, Alvin Gauthreaux.Josephine Trapani.

5th Grade B-Paul Ortalano,Mark Hynes. Edward Matchett,Louis Fernandez, Peter Tripolinl,Josephine Robertsa, Bessie Troaclair,Isabel Gayaut. Isaphene Clasen, Ju-liette Barroul. Elvira Burmaster,Sadie Bryers, Katie Essinger, LouiseLingoni,. Frances La Bella, StellaHughes.

4th Grade A-Karl Saleeby. An-toinette Figarola, Stanley Baker,Earl Campbell, Robert Danenhauer,Sylvia McQuiston, Jenora Albert, Ha-zel Saleeby, Leona Diket. Ida Bur-master, Violet Lingoni. Irma Braai,Mildred Allingham.

4th Grade B-Irma Arsaga, DoraStreet, Lillian Polasky, Ura Babin.Margaret Hughes, Lillian North, Jo-sie Cattalanatto. Leotha Gauthreaux,William Gahn, Eldon Le Jeune. JohnOrtalano. Joseph Entwistle, CurtisBlakeman. Joseph Pelleterre.

Third A-Anna Perez, Mae Bol-nar, Augulta Wolverton, DeioneseVitter. Rose Orlando. Annette John-son, May Prados. Lucille Daigle, Isa-bel King. Josephine Calderone, Al-bert Drane, Salvador Schelleci Ar-chie Caflero, Fred Burmaster.

Third Grade B-Sandine Calder-one, Marguerite Abbot, May Cottom.Ethel Posey, Marguerite Diket, Thel-ma Schaefer, Laura Vedros. Flor-ence Boudreaux, Camille Cottom,Esther Barlotta, Pauline Matulich,Marie Louise Leddy. Hamilton Au-bert, Gussie Wolverton, CharlesHouston, Fred Jeanfreau, Joseph LaBella. Dolores Diket, Orelia Jorden,Henry Holt, Louis Nicklaus. HaroldC lapper, Nick Corona, Louis Beth-lancourt, Jack Gallo.



I'n.tid State•. of America. State of Louisi-ra. l'ar•sh .- f Orlean. (City .f New Or-


lie it known, that ,on t!ih:s seventh day ,ithe month of l)ecem.'er in the Sear of ourLord one thiousand nine hundred and six-teen and of the independence of the IUnitedStates of Amerlca, the one hundred andforty-tirst. Iefore me. Henry P'. D)art, Jr..a notary public, duly cnnmmiss:nined and qual-Iihed. in and for this city and the parish of(rleans, therein residing, and in the presenceof the witnes•es herein after named and un-dersigtned: Personally came and appeared:1. P. Sefton Schneidau, 2. Wesley C. Law-rence. Jr.. hbth of age and residents of thecity of New I)rleans, here appearing in theircapacit) as president and secretary, respect-ively, of the Moore Rotary Stump ('utterC(ompany, Inc.. a corporation organized underthe laws of the State of Louisiana and domi-ciled in the city of New Orleans. Who de-clared, that as will appear by the certificatehereto annexed, a meeting of the stockhold-ers of the Moore Rotary Stump Cutter Co.,Inc.. was held at the office of the corpora-tion. No. 213 lHennen Ruilding. on Saturday.November 4, 1916, at the hour of 2:30 o'clockp. m. That there were present and repre-sented six hundred and three (603) sharesof the capital stock of said corporation outof seven hundred thirty-five (735) sharesissued and outstanding. That said meetingwas called for the purpose of consideringcertain proposed amendments to the char-ter of said corporation, which amendmentswere in due course adopted by the saidnmteting. That at said meeting the appear-

Make This Store Your Christmas Shopping Headquarters

Attractive Jewelry Novelties for Gift-GivingGood--But Inexpensive

Dainty Articles of Personal Adornment or for the Dresser, in all the Newest Styles and }Finishes. Admirable Souvenirs sure to please "Her" or "Him". The prices will please you.Diamond Lavallires, various Men's Sterling Silver Monoram Tapestry Writine Sets, in blue Sterling Silver Mauiicredainty designs, solid gold 15- Belt Buckles, made to order, vari- or rose, consisting of pad, ink- Sets, 3 pieces, new hammeredinch" chain, satin 350 ous combinations in Old English, stand, letter holder and 350 effect with shield,box . . ..... . Japan, Mission pin tray............... in holly box ........Solid Gold Lavalilrim, assert" or 2.5 00 Ravia., Cady Boxes, .Seln Siv Ma... Stpatterns, 15-inch gura Script ..... 50 to 5.00 in 1, 2 and 3-lb. 8 pieces, all handsomely st out

chin; boxed Sterling Silver Cigarette Cases, sizes, in a holiday 3Solid Gold Lavailieree, cameo hand-engraved, engine-turned or from ....... 50C to 5 box ................ 50pendants, 15-inch gold . Aribbon. Doylek Boxes, one of the newest Sterling Saver Manicure Sets,chain, oxed ....... . I effect ................. .*. novelties, in blue or rose, gold- 11 pieces of wantedSolid Gold Jewelry, signet cuff Men's Strling Silver Belt braid trimmed, articles, all boxed....... .4'buttons, baby lockets and chains Buck, plain, engraved O sortcd 25 1.00 Sterling Silver Toilet Sets, eachbar pins, brooches, tie clips, laval- or in-tned. ... ..... to " set with every desired article,pnC~dl bli ofan .... 1.0r o -- , IC* * - ,7 a . ke xed .5.10.50 ..25.00pins, hat pins, etcarf Stelin Silver Cuff Buttens, Ratina Cretonne Cabinets, l a topinres, cf pins, stcarf . vious nust dsigns, a ize, several dainty shapes, coy- boxed..l" to 25e00Solid Gold Circle PiNs, the pin each pair boxed. ........ 50c ered with light-colored, pretty Sterling Silver Toilet and Maul-tht is so popular, 50 Sterlv siler lT Clips rea tt ern .98c cure Sets, several designs to select2 on a card for........... number of differenc f" ' m r o m , . . 25 00 50 00number of different 25' . . .. o r om, 25.00 . 50.00Solid Gold Hat Pias, veral de- designs ................ Novti manicure sets, work boxed tosigns to select rom; s boxes, vases, cut glass, combs, Derby Silver Toilet Sets, comb,Sin a box, for.......... 50c Strli Silver Dorne Boxe brushes, pencil sets, ash trays, brush and mirror, in neat box, as-Solid Gold Eameled iHat P hand-engraved, with powder jars, hair receivers, jewel sortedassorted colors, exceed- finger chain...... cases and many other 5d00.... ,-, 50 c s-•, . o1. y ther .. 98. designs ............... 5.00ingly pretty ............. c Sterling Silver Hat Pi, 2 on a useful gift articl ....... 98c Silver Set onisting ofcard, evera neat patterns 6])J Facy Boes jewel ees pew- toilet j ir end hair stnoSolid Gold Lavallieree, set with to select rom, for....... dr jars, hair rece cases, pow toilet jar and hair

gen e diamonds, 1-inch der jars, har receivers, glove r. 3 .chain, handsomely boxed..5.00 Sterling Silver Thimbles, pretty boxes, in French gray, ormulo or rei

opatterns, a size to fit s Derby Silver Toilet and Maai-Solid Gold Pis, diamond every finger. .......... 2 5e . plated ................ ere Sets, every desirable piece inset, dozens of different the assortment, 1900patter ons, boxedi.....trl .5.00 S- Pec, pencil, Desk Clocks, brone, ormlo, l boxed........... 98

.s.d Ge v o s t pocket knives, manicure pieces, mahogany and French gray, aSold Geld nivl ree l stee 2 key rings, pencil splendid and appropriate gift e Manicure Sets,blad vr .. 2 5 s ets et', etc.....'.......... 50C fior .n2. .p.0 pt all the wanted articles, severalpproprite ........... terling Silvr Dm Be men ...... 98 idGolrd BeuBlt large size, hand-engravd, B/x Sme n Ss with 4 or 6 boxed ... ... Biiv 2i0et 0Buckls, sv ".border, ade with in•r ring . in 400 .00 •~ .

to order aved .. .. 700 Sterl Silver , b or nikel.... to make a useful as well as an orns-nrvd .............. mental 150 t 300pieces, and dozens and dosens of Bras Smoking Seots, with attach- pre .nt 3.00Solid Gld ,,,mgram lt them; prie s 50.00 mnt for newspaper, vry 4e 00 Prs .nBuckles, monogram and any range rom. e new and pretty ......... I I ly Toilet Sts comb,style made to 1 eorder ......... 00 w... e v ety Cut Glacse-As with diamonds, a se ................... 50SGold Caf .............. of handsome gift pieces, all with cut glase-it must be cut bySoid Gsmald Cdiam f ond tt, et bought before the great advanee experts and it must be free of Parisan Ivory Toilet and Masi-with all dimnd, 8 . O in ; 35.00 flaws. That is the kind ours are. ra Sets 11 pieces, nicely 7exceedingly pretty gift. f.. rom.... o A ge assortment of every use boxed ............. Iet50

G FI lTledb Ree Cair, 15 T Wu e, rs' Brs 1847, ful, wanted and ornamental ar- Parisian Ivry Pieces, pow-inches log, a splendid article and American Siver Co., the two tie. in this der jars, hair receivers, trays,...... 25c brands, t • Ia te*d. poplar 1.00 50.00 cologne bottles, combs, brushes,clS 2 aGeld-led Pocket Kfll g wanooed to cushions, manicure S cGeld- lIned Wald I mar G trend tel Mena'see S1ts, 00ar0 pieces, frames, etc.

Cpopu for • • eachn pblad ................ in, tie clip and cuff but- Parisian Ivory Novelties,Gold-er, each* sizeLs for tons, boxed, all for....... QJC jewel cases, brushes, pin trays,pegyin le5 women, misses or baM Gold Tp Bar Pins, new pat. large trays, powder jars, hair

designs 25 plain or engraved........ 50 terns and doens of them to receivers, combs, cologne bot-C_,.. Tie ..Cl 2asps , a Enamel Watch B , adjust- rom.25 and mes,variety of designs, plain ble s movement, re, green German Silver igarette and Bracelet Watches, 7-jewelPearld fancy .............. blue or turquoise, ..... Match Case, thin model, fancy de- movement, detachable bracelet,Peasrl Ba c size s neat velvet o.... n satin-lined white or gold 698

a very pretty present and one that GeM-Filled Watch Bracelet, 7 box . . .any woman would jewels, guaranteed 20 years, en- S Gold Ba tt oval or Gold Top Cuff Links, EnglishappreCame..............eees graved edge, .- square, several nest or Roman finish, some set5Swith justa .. .and dainty att .. .... 2.48 with chip diamonds..... 50cdainty rolled plate mountings, Enameled Watches, several col-neatty and ............ 5oC or, good swiss 8

er r were aplo.:nted a commiiittee for the pur-I•-" o•it caur.:ng to he embodied in due forvnal anr1d legal Shape the amnendments to theclha::ser f Ri:tary Stump Cutt:er, Inc..adlp•ted at such meeting.

And the 'a!d ap earers further declaredthaiit hyv s rt;rre of the auth,.rity in themve-Itd hy, .id -'.ckholdrrs at "aid meetingheld Satui-das.. N\.verrnher 4, 1916. and forand in behalf if Said corloration. and in,,nier to ca:: V -at the of said mneet-ing and to give the alterations, changes and;inLendint11se adopted at said meeting fulllegal f rce and effect, they do now declare,.pil:<h and give lnotice to the world thatArticle IV of the charter of M-wrre RotaryStump (urtter Company, Inc., executed be-fire Willilam J. Formento. notary public, onthe 1th da.y of August. 1914. was amended,and the same is hereby amended and re-:eacted so a, to read as follows. to-wit:"Article IV.-The capital stock of this

corporation is hereby thxed at seventy-tivethousand ($75.00000) dollars, divided into orrepre-ented by ifteen hundred (150l)) sharesof the par value of fifty ($50.00) dollarseach.

"The whole if said stock, or any partthererof, may be issued for cash. or may bepaid for in installments of such amounts andat such terms as the board of directors maydetermine, and said stock may also be is-sued in payment and settlement of the pur-chase price of patents or patent rights here.inhefore described, or that may hereafter iheacquired by the corporation such stock mayalco lie issued In payment, settlement andadjustment of the fees. costs, charges, ex-penses and commissions incurred for ser-vices rendered in the formation and organi-zation of this corporation.

"The board of directors is especially au-thorized to cause said stock to be issued onpayment therefor in any of the methods

herrnChef re set out, :i in C~s jn•ndKntt seetst.•r and proper.

"The hilers of all the preferred stock.. asuel having as.ented thereto, the prefe redto,,k creaed by Art:cle IV. a- o,-girnally

drais i s, hereby annulled and recalled, andthe -s.ue f .t cLk aibrogated, and allthe prov:solns in the ch'arter ci.ncer nlngsald toick are hrelby annlulled. reca;led and

fhe C .CIpital st ok .ituth rized by thisamen-c•nieC: hall have and exercise all theright, and Ilowers conferred upon the conm-i c capCtal stick aulthorrzed by Article IVas originally drawn."

Said alpearer, further declare, publishand give ntlce to the world that Article Vcf the cha-ter of the company, as executedbefore WHilliam J. Formento. notary public,onC the 18t:h day ,f August, 1914. was amend-ed and the same is hereby amended andre-enacted ,i as tCo read as follows, to-wit:

"Arttcle V\'.--All the powers of this corpo-ration shall be vested in a beard of direc-tirs of not less than nine stockholders, whichtlnumbier may be increased to not more thanfifteen, by the board of directors, whenever,in the opinion of a majority of the board,such increase will lie to the best interestsof the corporation, and the board of directorsshall have the right to elect as directorsa sufficient number of stockholders havingthe qualifications for directors to completethe board whenever same shall have beenincreased as herein authorized, said direc-tors to serve until the annual meeting nextthereafter to be held or until their succes-sors are elected. All vacaicies in the board. f directors from any cause shall be filled bythe remaining directors at any regular meet-ing, or at a special meeting of the directorsheld for that purpose. Four members of theboard shall constitte a quorum for the trans-action of all business. Each director at the

t::e ,: his election shall own at least oneful 1pailI inpfledged share of stock.

""I h directir., hall he elected annually.,n the third Tuesday of August of each year.t a mte:ing of stockholders called for thatIpure .,-c atcr in lice given as required by;.u. At the first meeting of the board ofdirec. ,r, after the annual election they shallcc. t fr, m the!r number a president, a vice-Ire-:lent, a secretary and a treasurer, andthe '-.,rd shall have the power, in their di,-cretl:.i t.1 unite two or more offices, and thes.iI:e t,, c infer on one person.

"All elect-,ns shall he held by ballot.and .t maiority of the votes cast shall elect.Each share of stock shall lie entitled to onev,,te to ,ie cast by the holder thereof anperson or by proxy or by letter the signa-ture t, which is duly ackuonwledged as re-quired by law, and said stock may be votedcunmulatively.

"A failure to elect directors on the datespeciiled for the annual meeting shall notd:Esolve the corporation, hut the directorsthen in office shall remain in office until theirsuclcessors are elected.

"The board of directors shall have theright from time to time to appoint such offi-cers., clerks, agents or other employees orcoiminittees as may be necessary for theproper conduct of the business and purposesof the corporation, and shall have the rightto appoint an executive committee composedof three ntmemlers and to delegate to saidcommittee all the powers and authority pos-sessed by the board, under such rules andregulations as the board may fix. All suchappointees shall hold during the pleasureof the board.

"The board of directors may make andestablish, as well as alter and amend, allby-laws. rules and regulations necessary andproper for the support. management and con-duct of the business and affllairs of the cor-

, 'p a ;.' " `. ,.rJ ! I s h a ll l s h e lpo\-- t, .... Y.fv exeCC~lt

,hoCkholders ph,,::1. .. :Ons, . .• all,n .n l ri- , : lt c m e-f.... •.t',.r, I d'"! States

ernre- !,'!things reamjlt ar .ndi'" " ,uct and

.f the h.----. the corpoatioo.,a

olat•.1' f t, C corporatis•-

riwed , , i p ei i r rightsflor L.o -: t•, Ir "I'. S. rendered, "

Appw rer" utdrth er declare that a--hereby auth ,- ze and reqmuirechniige- anid .rnerlments to he I*jp,,rated Into notarial shape sad. hcorded and puiblihed accordin tMthe end that the -amne may be • _binding on all persons whomlea ,Thus done and passed at my ese eO)rleans. on the day. month and•- -first wr:tten, in the presence ofquillan and Leo L. Dubonlr U mlnesses, who have here•ltn to anames, together with the said a•ngame, notary.

()riginal signed: P. SeftonL. Lawrence. Sec. Treas. EdwardLeo L. l)uhourl.

HENRY P. lDART, JR., 3 7I, the undersigned recorder

for the parish of Orleans, dotha

t the above and foregoiug a -

ment of the incorporation of thtary Stump Cutter Compan, , 1day duly recorded in my o lc. i hfolio --.

New Orleans, La.., Dct. . M1A true copy.

(Signed) Henry P. Dart, Jr., NItry 1dec 14 21 28 jan 4 11 a1