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  • 7/24/2019 Of Mimicry and Man1


    Of Mimicry and Man: theOf Mimicry and Man: the

    Ambivalence of ColonialAmbivalence of Colonial

    DiscourseDiscourseFrancesca FerranteFrancesca Ferrante

    Literatura Anglesa i ImperiLiteratura Anglesa i Imperi


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    Homi BhabaHomi Bhaba(1949(1949

    Indian theorist of PostcolonialismIndian theorist of Postcolonialism

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    !habha"s bio#ra$hy!habha"s bio#ra$hy

    %e &as born in 1949 in a 'arsi family in Mumbay%e &as born in 1949 in a 'arsi family in Mumbay(ndia)(ndia)

    *he 'arsis+ a minority &ith a &orld&ide $o$ulation*he 'arsis+ a minority &ith a &orld&ide $o$ulationof a$$ro,imately 1-.+...+ are /oroastrians &hoof a$$ro,imately 1-.+...+ are /oroastrians &homi#rated from 'ersia to ndia in the ei#hth centurymi#rated from 'ersia to ndia in the ei#hth centuryto avoid $ersecution)to avoid $ersecution)

    A $rinci$al characteristic of 'arsi identity is itsA $rinci$al characteristic of 'arsi identity is itscultural0lin#uistic hybridity+ &hich accom$anies ancultural0lin#uistic hybridity+ &hich accom$anies aneconomic mobility and international e,$erience)economic mobility and international e,$erience)

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    !habha"s o&n educational bac#round demonstrates this!habha"s o&n educational bac#round demonstrates thismobility: he first studied at the 2niversity of !ombay+mobility: he first studied at the 2niversity of !ombay+

    before movin# to the 2niversity of O,ford)before movin# to the 2niversity of O,ford)

    %is teachin# career has continued this mobility+ tain# in%is teachin# career has continued this mobility+ tain# inthe 2niversity of 3usse, in the 2+ before crossin# thethe 2niversity of 3usse, in the 2+ before crossin# theAtlantic to Chica#o and then %arvard)Atlantic to Chica#o and then %arvard)

    %e is no& Anne 5) 6othenber# 'rofessor of 7n#lish and%e is no& Anne 5) 6othenber# 'rofessor of 7n#lish andAmerican 8iterature at %arvard 2niversity)American 8iterature at %arvard 2niversity)

    %omi ) !habha is best no&n for his central%omi ) !habha is best no&n for his central

    contribution to the develo$ment of $ostcolonial theorycontribution to the develo$ment of $ostcolonial theory

    The Literary EncyclopediaThe Literary Encyclopedia

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    hat is Postcolonialism!hat is Postcolonialism!

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    A reaction to ColonialismA reaction to Colonialism

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    Postcolonialism is the social" political" economical and culturalPostcolonialism is the social" political" economical and culturalpractises #hich arise in response and resitance to $olonialism%practises #hich arise in response and resitance to $olonialism%&L'e(&L'e(

    It can be seen as a deconstruction of the binar' oppositionIt can be seen as a deconstruction of the binar' oppositioncreated b' $olonialism to subordinate the coloni)ed ascreated b' $olonialism to subordinate the coloni)ed asunci*ili)ed" bad and decandent%unci*ili)ed" bad and decandent%

    ++Postcolonial, rather than indicating onl' a specific andPostcolonial, rather than indicating onl' a specific andmateriall' historical e*ent" seems to describe the second halfmateriall' historical e*ent" seems to describe the second halfof the t#entieth-centur' in general as a period in the aftermathof the t#entieth-centur' in general as a period in the aftermathof the he'da' of colonialism%of the he'da' of colonialism%

    *en more genericall'" the term ,postcolonial, is used to*en more genericall'" the term ,postcolonial, is used tosignif' a position against Imperialism and urocentrismsignif' a position against Imperialism and urocentrism%%

    .ain issues/ identit'" gender" race" racism and ethnicit'.ain issues/ identit'" gender" race" racism and ethnicit'

  • 7/24/2019 Of Mimicry and Man1


    'ost colonial studies'ost colonial studies

    Main theoristsMain theorists

    d#ard aidd#ard aid


    3rientalism &1945(3rientalism &1945(

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    'ost colonial studies'ost colonial studies

    Main theoristsMain theorists



    pi*a7pi*a7 &198(&198(

    The Post-ColonialThe Post-Colonial


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    *he location of cultures (1994*he location of cultures (1994

    his boo7 assembles se*eral of Homi Bhabha:s most significant essa's%his boo7 assembles se*eral of Homi Bhabha:s most significant essa's%

    Bhabha is perhaps most #ell-7no#n for his theor' of cultural h'bridit'"Bhabha is perhaps most #ell-7no#n for his theor' of cultural h'bridit'"#hich he de*elops in ,igns a7en For onders, and se*eral other essa's#hich he de*elops in ,igns a7en For onders, and se*eral other essa's

    included in this collectionincluded in this collection

    Bhabha argues that h'bridit' results from *arious forms of coloni)ation"Bhabha argues that h'bridit' results from *arious forms of coloni)ation"#hich lead to cultural collisions and interchanges% In the attempt to assert#hich lead to cultural collisions and interchanges% In the attempt to assertcolonial po#er in order to create anglici)ed sub;ects" ,

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    *he location of cultures (1994*he location of cultures (1994

    ;) ) ) the colonial $resence;) ) ) the colonial $resence is al#a's ambi*alent" splitis al#a's ambi*alent" splitbet#een its presence asbet#een its presence as ori#inal and authoritativeori#inal and authoritativeand itsand itsarticulation asarticulation as re$etition and differencere$etition and difference, &104(%, &104(%

    ,,%ybridity%ybridityis a problematic of colonial representation andis a problematic of colonial representation andindi*iduation that re*erses the effects of the colonialistindi*iduation that re*erses the effects of the colonialistdisa*o#al" so thatdisa*o#al" so that other : 6outled#e+ 1994)

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    Of Mimicry and ManOf Mimicry and Man(19?4(19?4

    +$olonial mimicr' is the desire for a reformed" recogni)able+$olonial mimicr' is the desire for a reformed" recogni)able

    3ther" as a sub;ect of a difference that is almost the same" but not3ther" as a sub;ect of a difference that is almost the same" but not

    ?uite%@?uite%@Bhabha" 3f mimicr' and .anBhabha" 3f mimicr' and .an

    B' adopting the language and forms of the empire" the colonisedB' adopting the language and forms of the empire" the colonised

    sub;ects can reflect bac7 to the colonisers a distorted image ofsub;ects can reflect bac7 to the colonisers a distorted image of

    their #orld #hich is unsettling to their authorit'% It is not ;usttheir #orld #hich is unsettling to their authorit'% It is not ;ust

    about cop'ing or imitation" but about displacement reflectingabout cop'ing or imitation" but about displacement reflectingbac7 an image that is subtl' but distincti*el' different%bac7 an image that is subtl' but distincti*el' different%

    'ostcolonial 3cience 5iction+ Dr Michelle 6eid (O,ford 2niversity 8ibrary 3ervices

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    ++he mimic man isthe effect of a fla#ed colonial mimesis" inhe mimic man isthe effect of a fla#ed colonial mimesis" in#hich to be Anglici)ed is#hich to be Anglici)ed is emphaticallyemphaticallynot to be nglish, &54(not to be nglish, &54(

    In his article ,3f .imicr' and .an, &1958(" Homi BhabhaIn his article ,3f .imicr' and .an, &1958(" Homi Bhabhadiscusses ho#" as part of the so calleddiscusses ho#" as part of the so called ,ci*ilising mission," the,ci*ilising mission," thecolonial authorities #anted their colonised sub;ects to imitatecolonial authorities #anted their colonised sub;ects to imitatethe manners" language" and societ' of the imperial centre%the manners" language" and societ' of the imperial centre%Ho#e*er" the' #ished this imitation onl' to be partial" so theirHo#e*er" the' #ished this imitation onl' to be partial" so their

    colonised sub;ects remained separate and still re?uiring Britishcolonised sub;ects remained separate and still re?uiring Britishrule%rule%

    Postcolonial cience Fiction" Cr .ichelle Deid &3Eford ni*ersit' Librar' er*ices(

  • 7/24/2019 Of Mimicry and Man1


    3n the one hand" Bhabha sees the coloni)er as a sna7e in the3n the one hand" Bhabha sees the coloni)er as a sna7e in the

    grass #ho" spea7s in ,a tongue that isgrass #ho" spea7s in ,a tongue that is for7edfor7ed", and produces a", and produces amimetic representation that ,%%% emerges as one of the mostmimetic representation that ,%%% emerges as one of the most elusi*e and effecti*e strategies of colonial po#er andelusi*e and effecti*e strategies of colonial po#er and

    7no#ledge , &Bhabha 5(%7no#ledge , &Bhabha 5(%

    Bhabha recogni)es then that colonial po#er carefull'Bhabha recogni)es then that colonial po#er carefull'

    establishes highl'-sophisticated strategies of control andestablishes highl'-sophisticated strategies of control and


    Mimicry+ Ambivalence and %ybridityMimicry+ Ambivalence and %ybridity

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    3n the other hand" Bhabha immediatel' di*erts his3n the other hand" Bhabha immediatel' di*erts his

    pertinent anal'sis b' shifting the superlati*e certaint'pertinent anal'sis b' shifting the superlati*e certaint'of the coloni)er and the strategic effecti*eness of hisof the coloni)er and the strategic effecti*eness of his

    political intentions into an alarming uncertaint'%political intentions into an alarming uncertaint'%

    B' producing a partial *ision of the coloni)er:sB' producing a partial *ision of the coloni)er:s

    presence &55(" de-stabili)e the colonial sub;ecti*it'"presence &55(" de-stabili)e the colonial sub;ecti*it'"unsettle its authoritati*e centralit'" and corrupt itsunsettle its authoritati*e centralit'" and corrupt its

    discursi*e purit'% Actuall'" he adds" mimicr'discursi*e purit'% Actuall'" he adds" mimicr' repeatsrepeats

    rather thanrather than re-presentsre-presents%%%%&author:s emphases (" and in%%%%&author:s emphases (" and in

    that *er' act of repetition" originalit' is lost" andthat *er' act of repetition" originalit' is lost" andcentralit' de-centred%centralit' de-centred%Mimicry+ Ambivalence and %ybridityMimicry+ Ambivalence and %ybridity

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    hat is left" according to Bhabha" is the trace" the impure" thehat is left" according to Bhabha" is the trace" the impure" the

    artificial" the second-hand% Bhabha anal'ses the slippages inartificial" the second-hand% Bhabha anal'ses the slippages in

    colonial political discourse" and re*eals that the ;anus-facedcolonial political discourse" and re*eals that the ;anus-faced

    attitudes to#ards the coloni)ed lead to the production of aattitudes to#ards the coloni)ed lead to the production of a

    mimicr' that presents itself more in the form of a ,menace ,mimicr' that presents itself more in the form of a ,menace ,

    than ,resemblance, more in the form of a rupture thanthan ,resemblance, more in the form of a rupture than


    Mimicry+ Ambivalence and %ybridityMimicry+ Ambivalence and %ybridity

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    .imicr' is at once resemblance and menace%.imicr' is at once resemblance and menace%

    he menace of mimicr' is its double *ision #hich inhe menace of mimicr' is its double *ision #hich in

    disclosing the ambi*alence of colonial discourse also disruptsdisclosing the ambi*alence of colonial discourse also disrupts

    its authorit'% And it is a double *ision that is a result of #hatits authorit'% And it is a double *ision that is a result of #hat

    I:*e described as the partial representationGrecognition of theI:*e described as the partial representationGrecognition of the

    colonial ob;ect%colonial ob;ect%Bhabha, Of mimicry and ManBhabha, Of mimicry and Man

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    he effect of mimicr' is camouflage%%%% It is nothe effect of mimicr' is camouflage%%%% It is not

    a ?uestion of harmoni)ing #ith thea ?uestion of harmoni)ing #ith thebac7ground" but against a mottled bac7ground"bac7ground" but against a mottled bac7ground"

    of becoming mottled - eEactl' li7e theof becoming mottled - eEactl' li7e the

    techni?ue of camouflage practised in humantechni?ue of camouflage practised in human


    ac?ues Lacan" ,he line and light:"ac?ues Lacan" ,he line and light:" Of the GazeOf the Gaze%%

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    Lacan reminds us" mimicr' is li7e camouflage" not aLacan reminds us" mimicr' is li7e camouflage" not aharmoni)ation of repression of difference" but a form ofharmoni)ation of repression of difference" but a form of

    resemblance" that differs from or defends presence b'resemblance" that differs from or defends presence b'

    displa'ing it in part" meton'micall'%displa'ing it in part" meton'micall'%

    Bhabha, Of mimicry and ManBhabha, Of mimicry and Man

    If #e consider mimicr' not onl' as a 7ind of colonialIf #e consider mimicr' not onl' as a 7ind of colonial

    sub;ugation but also as a response of the coloni)ed" shall #esub;ugation but also as a response of the coloni)ed" shall #e

    connet mimicr' toconnet mimicr' todrag!drag! At #hat point do #e cross the line from mimicr' to moc7er'!At #hat point do #e cross the line from mimicr' to moc7er'!

    Blog the obcureBlog the obcure


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    .imicr'" as the meton'm' of presence is" indeed".imicr'" as the meton'm' of presence is" indeed"

    such an erratic" eccentric strateg' of authorit' insuch an erratic" eccentric strateg' of authorit' incolonial discourse%colonial discourse%

    Bhabha, Of mimicry and ManBhabha, Of mimicry and Man

    e can see that mimicr' is the eccentric strateg' ofe can see that mimicr' is the eccentric strateg' of

    colonial authorit' but" the effect of mimicr' is acolonial authorit' but" the effect of mimicr' is a

    repetition that threats and de-constructs the coloni)errepetition that threats and de-constructs the coloni)er

    authorship% Is mimicr' as a strateg' of colonialauthorship% Is mimicr' as a strateg' of colonialcontrol or the acti*it' of the coloni)ed!control or the acti*it' of the coloni)ed!Blog the obcureBlog the obcure

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    Co 'ou thin7 the concept of mimicr' can beCo 'ou thin7 the concept of mimicr' can be

    related to Heart of Car7ness! h'!related to Heart of Car7ness! h'!

    Co 'ou thin7 the ambi*alence bet#een beingCo 'ou thin7 the ambi*alence bet#een being

    Anglici)ed and being nglish is e*ident inAnglici)ed and being nglish is e*ident in

    passa!e to "ndiapassa!e to "ndia!!

  • 7/24/2019 Of Mimicry and Man1



    he Location of $ulturehe Location of $ulture% J/ Doutledge" 1998% J/ Doutledge" 1998ebograph'ebograph'

    he Literar' nc'clopediahe Literar' nc'clopedia


    .imicr'" Ambi*alence and H'bridit'

    .imicr'" Ambi*alence and H'bridit'


    Philosophy and LiteraturePhilosophy and Literature19%1 &199( 19>-19419%1 &199( 19>-194



    he 3bscurehe 3bscure




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