of...a cab! pro-pec-t. that the lo.-a-l authorities in emeryville appear likely to refuse...

flii fartfif $ mmm . M Mrttr FSTUI,ISHFP .TT'LV 2 1 Soft CO'- - HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS. REMARKABLE VIEW OF THE GREATEST CELESTIAL VISITOR OF GENERATIONS ill THE OBJECTIONS TO THE BIC FICHT TRANSIT OF COIT Emeryville Probably Won't Allow It and the Plans Change. the World Over on the Scientists Lookout for Today's Event. TURN TO SAN FRANCISCO HINTS OF DANGER SOME a Cable Ellerman Gets professor But Citizens of the Wide-Ope- n Paris of America Also Protest. Giving Hour oi Transit. li'A X ( I S( i l. May Tt. is w to hold the .lohnsou-Jofl- - SAX pia uned ni's filit in ''ll-- v Some time earth is to r"'A-lev- 's eomvt. and laic t Jmofs nucleus or h" 1 ii s city, ow ing to the a : i: on I h w';i. pa- - I't A cab! pro-pec- t. that the lo.-a- l authorities in Emeryville appear likely to refuse per- mission to hold ;t there. The promoters think that Mayor McCarthy's adminis- tration will approve, having the con tost in San Francisco and aie planning -- - r K:ii-r- ear (;. twrn the "rrh and yesterday by I':- -r of the Mount rvatorr, who is 1'ro as i the Astronomical and Astr.q tiety of America, stated :h: serrations and calculation:. - ;.-,-:- u -J it final ob- - ho wed 1 'nut Official photograph of Haliey's comet, with tail, taken by Doctor Fath of the Carnegie Solar Observatory, on the summit of Mt. Wilson through the great sixty-inc- reflecting telescope, the largest in the world. The picture was taken on May S, wh.-- the comet was at its best, as seen from Cali- fornia, and is published through the courtesy of Dr. George E. Hale, director of the observatory. It is shown here at the same angle in which it .appeared in the eastern sky. ic middle Di its theeomet would bo at :l.,:ls this about halt' across tho sun at passage sfteraaon. As it will take kmir to cross the uu. this moans a; about a that the transit will beg: ,nirtor to five. The exac time ot tho HAWAII WITHIN POSSIBLE DANGER ZONE OF COMET MEETING OF SUPERVISORS THE BITULITKIC PftVEMEHT GOES If at cord i ngly. 1 here will, however, lie vigorous protests if such an arrange- ment is attempted, and there is no cer- tainty yet as to where the fight can bo pulled off. Though both the fighters are continu- ing to train and promoter Tex Kickard declares that he will eertalniy pull the fight off, it is beginning to appear like- ly that there will be trouble over get- ting a place. Kickard is insured against such contingencies us prevention of the light. Some of the leading ministers of San Francisco have' been pointing out that practically every State in the Union has passed laws prohibiting prize fights, and they denounced the authorities of Emeryville for bringing California into the limelight as the only State allow- ing such exhibitions. As a result of this agitation, it developed today that there was much opposition among the officials of Alameda county, in which Emeryville is, to allowing the fight. Kickard has appealed to the Mc- Carthy administration for a license to allow the white and negro champions to pummel one another in this city. McCarthy has declared for a "wide open" city, and has made San Fran- cisco more "wide open" than she ever was. It is stated, however, that if he Board Last Night Passed the Ordinance Vote Four to Three. Road Supervisor Wilson Gets a Roast Aylett Is Called an Insurgent. Its Nucleus Should Act as a Lens and Focus the Sun's Rays on the Earth. v earth entering the comet . s tai. can u..t be stated. All over the world scientists arc waiting to see what the day will rev- eal, tsome voices of alarm are heard, tut an overwhelming majority of the authorities express the opinion that die passage of the earth through the tail of the comet will not Lave any tfect at all, except upon scientific used for purposes of investi-pstn- . The present headquarters of lb Astronomical and Astrophysical y are in Madison, Wisconsin, to which place the scientists here and in Rotes of other places will send their reports. The result of Professor observations here will be known at once, while those of Prof- essors Lord and Coddington. at Hab- - After a great deal of opposition the ordinance giving the Pitulithic Pave- ment Company the contract for paving Fort street, was passed at the third reading at the supervisor's meeting last night. The opposition was all prepared and had all its arguments down so perfectly that thev .just rippled out, but they Emulation of congressional methods occupied a large portion of the super- visors' time at a regular meeting held last night. Aylett started the fuss, that being his specially recognized privilege, and Supervisor Logan at once placed him in the category of insur- gents. Aylett suffered this through his de- fense of one .John Wilson, long suffer- ing road supervisor of the Honolulu dis were of no avail. Aylett was the first to oppose it and complained because this was the fourth reading. He wanted attempts to bring upon San Francisco the notoriety of being the scene of this fight, there will 'be legal proceedings to prevent it. Hawaii is within the zone of danger which would lie swept by ft focal point from the head of the comet, should it act as a great lens focusing the rays of the sun and with devastating elYef. according to a contributor to ('nil'er's Weekly. Xew York. He miv: The gaseous head of the come':, any- where from twelve to twenty times the size of ; lie earth, acting as a great leti.-- , must bring to a local point somewhere in space the rays of sunlight which it conde rises. If this focal point should reach the earth's surface, it would sweep a path ef tierv destruction along the zone it raveled. Vet. as the comet and earth are moving in opposite directions and I to know how many times they wanted regions are those of Tndia. Siam, An-na- Luzon, and Hawaii. This does not mean that any of these places are to be destroyed by the flaming focal point of the comet. Far from it. The comet would have to be many times its pres- ent size, much nearer the earth, and of greater density, to be able to condense sunlight in the manner in which, bv using a lens of glass, the focalized rays of sunlight may be made to volatilize metals. Invisible Rays of Solar Force. From the rays of sunlight forming the tail of the comet there is no danger to the earth. The only effect of these, as light, will be to cause an extra bril- liant day or light night. Hut in tie; extra rays ,,f invisible solar force, transmitted to the earth by the comet, may be a cause tor earth tremors, storms, and other phenomena. The passage i.f every comet between the earth and sun is always accom (Continueo! on Page Five.) PROHIBITION FORCES LOSE DENVER FIGHT trict. John '. Lane latch- - commun- icated with the board regarding an ac- tion of Wilson's regarding the quarry on Alewa Heights to which the county must pass over Lane's land. The city and county had an arrangement with him by which they paid him a cart load of dirt for every day they used the road. The committee said: "We were very much surprised to find on investigating, that Mr. Wilson had leased the quarry aiol rock crusher PROHIBITION FOR iwa, unless very decisive, may not be fully detected or appreciated at first sight. The hour of transit is what Professor Ellerman and the other observers cam." here for, and it will afford them and Professor Donaghho of the College of Hawaii an opportunity inner had bef- ore in the history of astronomy. From Diamond Head, Professor F.ilennan will watch the transit, while Professors Lord and Coddington, who also repres- ent the Astronomical and Astrophysic- al Society, will make observations of spectroscopic nature. The great question which the scient- ists hope to solve is as to the composit- ion of the comet. It is a question whether the nucleus is of sufficient solidity to be visible as it crosses the M. "The only other transit of a eomet across the sun that has been obs- erved was that of the meat comet of WS2," said Professor Ellerman yesterd- ay. "That comet was so near the un, only about 3o0.!i0ii miles away. that I think its head was vaporized "d became too thin to absorb light. ' 'Haliey's comet is far enough from tne sun so that it will not be vaporized (Continued on Fage Two.) PF.XVFK, May . The "wets" carried Denver in the election held yes- terday. A very sjdrited campaign was carried on by both sides, liquor men securing the aid of outside leaders of national prominence. The count of the vote last night showed that the "drys" were beaten. The churcheg and other organizations joined forces in a strenu- ous effort to put Denver on the dry list. I to Hoogs & Belser for $7.-- " per day I without any authority from the roa.d When Senator Fairehild reported the (.((m,mittee 0r the board of suervisors. Island of Kauai unanimously opposed We do not ob ject to the said company the earth's speed is, rougtny, sixty-si- x thousand miles an hour, that of the comet. beinr aViout ninety thousand j rock crusher or T.rr.l.ii.it;.,.. in.i m.ite s.itished with or Parties using the iiiarrv, but permission should first been what it had in the way of liquor traffic legislation, he overlooked a great deal, according to other reports received from the Garden Island. The fact that the Kauai grand jury drew attention to the fact that all the cases it gran tod by the board as on this par- ticular instance. They arc using the rock for building the road on Alewa Heights for the Territory." Following this the committee, mean- ing Jim Quinn, hainhwl Wilson a roast panied by such disturbances. The list is too long to bo here cited, but any i, ne who cares may note the remarkable coincidences of 1 s 1 1 , 1SH. 1SS2. That little trouble was caused in IS!-"- by Haliey's comet is explained by its smaller size as compared with the comets of 1S11. IsH, lssi'. A French astronomer of nife. in March, announced that the great flooas (Continued on Page Two.) miles an hour, the time of parage of '.his focal point over the earth's sur- face could not be more than six hours nor cover more than ninety degrees ot longitude, or a distance of one quarter of the earth's circumference. Fortunately there are few centers of population in the zone traversed. Mex- ico City and Bombay, India, are almost in line but the only heavily inhabited BODY OF KING LIES IN STATE ft: had been called upon to investigate ha i for acting without authorization by the their relation to liquor and the use of board. It was 1o this roast that Aylett jt. ha been noted by Kauaians as well objected. He was finally pitied in the as others and there' are plenty of the "insurgent" category by Supervisor former to assist in bringing about a Logan, who, sitting nearest to him, suf- - fers the most. bttter state of affairs. POSITIONS OF THF. EARTH, THE SUN AND HALLEY'S COMET, CROSSING THE SUN TODAY First Stage of Edward's Funeral Is Completed Imposing Ceremonies. As. a matter of fact, the majority on Kauai for prohibition will be substan-Itia- l in any evtnt and will be large if I W. H. I? ice and Francis (Say announce (Juinn said he thought the report was very lenient and that Wilson ought to be struck by the comet or words to that effect. Then a motion came before the board to hand the report back to the committee. On this there were three tavor ot tne e dves in Ul'tUS ob'. to waiting Some are reportec two align themselves, to see how tie ave la ft uid three noes, Alna who came in asking for unanimous consent to (Continued on Page Five.) c.ork'iig '.ot ,,Hwr :ir :. i f.L.l V actr-'tl- for the jirohibition majority. A number of jirohibition clubs have been formed. In almost every one the oidcers are either county or t rntonal oihcials. The Lihue club litis A. Kauhi-kmi- , deputy assessor, for jiresi'.b'iu and .1. H. K. Kaiwi for secretary. The Ka-pa- a club is j. resided over by John M. LOXDOX, May 17. The remains of the late King Kdward were today con- veyed in solemn state through the streets of London from Buckingham Palate t ' Westminster Hall, where they now lie in state. '1 be original intention had been to ha' e ihe removal of the body from the throne room of littckinghaiil Palace to Westminster done privately, but this pla l was abandoned and the jirocession yesttulay was one of considerable cere- mony, the cortege being an imjiosing (Continued on Page Four.) MAKES HIS ESCAPE I !C- a- ;iliii:i. countv !, lk ot Knia:. wane John () The W. supervisor, - treasurer or tlie Kapaa club is erltT. The near a; ia cause. 1 quit secretary Meht v.la. i Wdb.im eputy Warn proar-- of hot weather e a number of vacancies a number of prisoners judge llanai in hi the nrison 1. Is lis her- n. ttf- - It y.- - ' - coMtTON junEiS joe ' zz Th s p Off-Comer- s oft'f-t- i N. movin6 away . ( S ' ' 6ejtv 7he FiifUs Oi-bt--f -- " FROM fAtlTtl t S " , s. WELL BELOvw AyC"r , tAQTft SvWPPT 6Y 6APTHS OSB-- Xfi'Z' . - Dive iEEN I N TM C ' vWMtTFtTH Univ AAftTH.ABOuT APRIL lT ,,,., fte CT LINE ON Nl-j-EAB-r- PtiL9 VV M A ' ' pyCO"fl' PASStNC TO WEST Of SOW . cofXv t?--- - on. rj n Comet ". iTt, and 3un d -- fX. r-- AMT' Q s. NOT sA0n to pi,ane of EASTHs.'ic X 5c a e. A o6BlTCuTBYtOMET3 0 MOOn O rn I tfed jue s. &p - - y j S . 1,1 1111 " o E uiOsi or jf-- ; j. . : "Xni -- - H EAQTm juLtl ;C t ' Zs(c ' - ... i j ' - kJ L-- r- - : XpftlMfrLiOM fu$ Swept JW - iof E A fcTH Jm I ST CET5 (raws - , :v ; . fy ni0 O0'sS ' X rl po-- T cf P'lne a t&,. cornet's O't is ccare. ; V tlS.tfEEO - cfT-''- ' EajTQo.ooo it5 feyrri To in am guards going on their vacations AMERICAN NAVY SECOND IN THE WORLD t nc pre-ii- b nt of the club i trict. with J. K. Lota, the j :ff. the secretary, f K'ev. J. K. Akma. p.o Waimea church, is t he pre-- 1 Wai nie.i club. with .1 . K uiers to join sotiors some-Chu- n Duck The latest among the jiris the summer colony of pr where up in the hiils is or of the den; ..f the K i f ii n iai . Soon, who escaped from the jirison gang at the Kaimtiki quarry yesterday af- ternoon. He was in for quite a respect- ! dejmtv assessor, the secret art , . term for stealing the jewelry of MANY LIVES LOST IN ARIZONA HOTEL FIRE M -- iioaidnewi. 'here is a somewhat scarcity of irds nl,i, one being on his vacation Hilly Woods being down at Koolau. Iding a chicken coo,. While ostensi-fo- the housing of fowls, this chick-Ifii- reailv a trai for Craeo but tii WASHINGTON. May is. According to the Year Book of the Navy, just is- sued, the United States now leads the world. Great Britain excepted, in the total displacement of completed war-shiji- The Year Book gives figures showing the United States easily the second naval power in tie' world. Much interest attaches to the figures showing the gains made by the Cnitel State.- - on ot Iter "a vv-h- a ! i n g nations. The figures a 'e quoted a- - bearing 011' -- one of the en. tenti,. ris of those who oppose the dt-e- (nought program of the, :idnitn:t ration. The great bat t leshi p Florida. largest of Amenctin dread tiou 'ht-- . not ' t g a completed vessel. PHOKXIX, Arizona, May Hotel Adams was destroyed night with fearful loss of gi;e-t- s are unaccounted for, is. The v tire last fe. Thirty an.l it is .ens he, in ith ng must be -- aid about it for fear ,1 that most of them i re if wani ng the negro. financial h fiat! 1:0- Tl,o i t'v bet wet-- ti sliows how the he;,d of Hat ley's comet t '"e l'uv,- a Viie earth to i.ass through fh t .oints !;! v from the sun. ciui SHOWER OF METEORS. TES MOIXF.S. Iowa, Mav 17. Dur- - il al arIT and. as tl plare of both orbits. The earth a rying - '7s of t l:e corner is com.t and the earth with the iniag'.m-r- dire, t ions, as shown bv the arrows, 'lie ,i . . . diff. i ; .. last nigat Here and cm-du- sun it is Sare mw':: !'! "ositf or,ly , lllV , thousands of ,t, a most brillian pie ot mote at REGULARS WIN. CLEVELAND, May is The primary bvtion returns indicate that a m.1-rit- y of the Pepublican regulars in fit v iO 1'l.e curve in ti,e tail i Hv looking toward the lat'on wh eh the largest world except of the cart h s at mo i lens the cotivex U - not included i" the Cln'ii declare Amero-- to have tonnage of warships in the t ha' of Croat Britain. hen iing the sun w shower, the j.henomenoi! be iated with the nearness of a eh r.f ITaMev 's comet to tin tie comet appears will be seen whv 1 Tpali,. "' " ear: u i a;e arth. 1, "Martin have n rctioitiinatc'i. ngrei 3 V

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Page 1: OF...A cab! pro-pec-t. that the lo.-a-l authorities in Emeryville appear likely to refuse per-mission to hold;t there. The promoters think that Mayor McCarthy's adminis- tration will

flii fartfif $mmm.

M MrttrFSTUI,ISHFP .TT'LV 2 1 Soft







Emeryville Probably Won't AllowIt and the Plans


the World Over on theScientists

Lookout for Today's



a CableEllerman Getsprofessor

But Citizens of the Wide-Ope- n

Paris of America Also

Protest.Giving Hour oi


li'A X ( I S( i l. May Tt. isw to hold the .lohnsou-Jofl- -

SAXpia uned

ni's filit in

''ll-- vSome time

earth is to r"'A-lev- 's

eomvt. and laic t

Jmofs nucleus or h"

1 ii s city, ow ing to thea : i: on I h

w';i. pa- - I't

A cab!

pro-pec- t. that the lo.-a- l authorities inEmeryville appear likely to refuse per-mission to hold ;t there. The promotersthink that Mayor McCarthy's adminis-tration will approve, having the contost in San Francisco and aie planning

-- - r K:ii-r-

ear (;.twrn the "rrh and

yesterday by I':- -r

of the Mount

rvatorr, who is 1'ro as i

the Astronomical and Astr.q

tiety of America, stated :h:

serrations and calculation:. -

;.-,-:- u -J

it final ob- -

ho wed 1 'nutOfficial photograph of Haliey's comet, with tail, taken by Doctor Fath of the Carnegie Solar Observatory, on the summit of Mt. Wilson through

the great sixty-inc- reflecting telescope, the largest in the world. The picture was taken on May S, wh.-- the comet was at its best, as seen from Cali-

fornia, and is published through the courtesy of Dr. George E. Hale, director of the observatory. It is shown here at the same angle in which it

.appeared in the eastern sky.

ic middle Di itstheeomet would bo at

:l.,:ls thisabout halt'

across tho sun atpassage

sfteraaon. As it will takekmir to cross the uu. this moans

a; about athat the transit will beg:

,nirtor to five. The exac time ot thoHAWAII WITHIN POSSIBLE






at cord i ngly. 1 here will, however, lievigorous protests if such an arrange-ment is attempted, and there is no cer-

tainty yet as to where the fight can bopulled off.

Though both the fighters are continu-ing to train and promoter Tex Kickarddeclares that he will eertalniy pull thefight off, it is beginning to appear like-ly that there will be trouble over get-ting a place. Kickard is insured againstsuch contingencies us prevention of thelight.

Some of the leading ministers of SanFrancisco have' been pointing out thatpractically every State in the Unionhas passed laws prohibiting prize fights,and they denounced the authorities ofEmeryville for bringing California intothe limelight as the only State allow-ing such exhibitions. As a result ofthis agitation, it developed today thatthere was much opposition among theofficials of Alameda county, in whichEmeryville is, to allowing the fight.

Kickard has appealed to the Mc-

Carthy administration for a license toallow the white and negro championsto pummel one another in this city.McCarthy has declared for a "wideopen" city, and has made San Fran-cisco more "wide open" than she everwas. It is stated, however, that if he

Board Last Night Passed theOrdinance Vote Four

to Three.

Road Supervisor Wilson Gets aRoast Aylett Is Called an


Its Nucleus Should Act as a Lens and

Focus the Sun's Rays on

the Earth.

vearth entering the comet

.s tai. can u..t

be stated.

All over the world scientists arc

waiting to see what the day will rev-

eal, tsome voices of alarm are heard,tut an overwhelming majority of theauthorities express the opinion thatdie passage of the earth through thetail of the comet will not Lave anytfect at all, except upon scientific

used for purposes of investi-pstn- .

The present headquarters oflb Astronomical and Astrophysical y

are in Madison, Wisconsin, towhich place the scientists here and inRotes of other places will send theirreports. The result of Professor

observations here will beknown at once, while those of Prof-essors Lord and Coddington. at Hab- -

After a great deal of opposition theordinance giving the Pitulithic Pave-ment Company the contract for pavingFort street, was passed at the thirdreading at the supervisor's meeting lastnight.

The opposition was all prepared andhad all its arguments down so perfectlythat thev .just rippled out, but they

Emulation of congressional methodsoccupied a large portion of the super-visors' time at a regular meeting heldlast night. Aylett started the fuss,that being his specially recognizedprivilege, and Supervisor Logan at onceplaced him in the category of insur-gents.

Aylett suffered this through his de-

fense of one .John Wilson, long suffer-ing road supervisor of the Honolulu diswere of no avail. Aylett was the first

to oppose it and complained becausethis was the fourth reading. He wanted

attempts to bring upon San Franciscothe notoriety of being the scene of thisfight, there will 'be legal proceedings toprevent it.

Hawaii is within the zone of dangerwhich would lie swept by ft focal pointfrom the head of the comet, should

it act as a great lens focusing the raysof the sun and with devastating elYef.according to a contributor to ('nil'er'sWeekly. Xew York. He miv:

The gaseous head of the come':, any-

where from twelve to twenty times thesize of ; lie earth, acting as a great leti.--,

must bring to a local point somewherein space the rays of sunlight which it

conde rises.If this focal point should reach the

earth's surface, it would sweep a pathef tierv destruction along the zone it

raveled. Vet. as the comet and earthare moving in opposite directions and

I to know how many times they wanted

regions are those of Tndia. Siam, An-na-

Luzon, and Hawaii. This does notmean that any of these places are tobe destroyed by the flaming focal pointof the comet. Far from it. The cometwould have to be many times its pres-ent size, much nearer the earth, and ofgreater density, to be able to condensesunlight in the manner in which, bvusing a lens of glass, the focalized raysof sunlight may be made to volatilizemetals.

Invisible Rays of Solar Force.From the rays of sunlight forming

the tail of the comet there is no dangerto the earth. The only effect of these,as light, will be to cause an extra bril-

liant day or light night. Hut in tie;extra rays ,,f invisible solar force,transmitted to the earth by the comet,may be a cause tor earth tremors,storms, and other phenomena.

The passage i.f every comet betweenthe earth and sun is always accom

(Continueo! on Page Five.)PROHIBITION FORCES


trict. John '. Lane latch- - commun-icated with the board regarding an ac-

tion of Wilson's regarding the quarryon Alewa Heights to which the countymust pass over Lane's land. The city andcounty had an arrangement with himby which they paid him a cart loadof dirt for every day they used theroad. The committee said:

"We were very much surprised tofind on investigating, that Mr. Wilsonhad leased the quarry aiol rock crusher


iwa, unless very decisive, may not befully detected or appreciated at firstsight.

The hour of transit is what ProfessorEllerman and the other observers cam."here for, and it will afford them andProfessor Donaghho of the College ofHawaii an opportunity inner had bef-

ore in the history of astronomy. FromDiamond Head, Professor F.ilennan willwatch the transit, while ProfessorsLord and Coddington, who also repres-ent the Astronomical and Astrophysic-al Society, will make observations of

spectroscopic nature.The great question which the scient-

ists hope to solve is as to the composit-ion of the comet. It is a questionwhether the nucleus is of sufficientsolidity to be visible as it crosses theM. "The only other transit of a

eomet across the sun that has been obs-

erved was that of the meat comet ofWS2," said Professor Ellerman yesterd-ay. "That comet was so near theun, only about 3o0.!i0ii miles away.

that I think its head was vaporized"d became too thin to absorb light.

' 'Haliey's comet is far enough fromtne sun so that it will not be vaporized

(Continued on Fage Two.)

PF.XVFK, May . The "wets"carried Denver in the election held yes-

terday. A very sjdrited campaign wascarried on by both sides, liquor mensecuring the aid of outside leaders ofnational prominence. The count of thevote last night showed that the "drys"were beaten. The churcheg and otherorganizations joined forces in a strenu-ous effort to put Denver on the drylist.

I to Hoogs & Belser for $7.-- " per dayI without any authority from the roa.d

When Senator Fairehild reported the (.((m,mittee 0r the board of suervisors.Island of Kauai unanimously opposed We do not ob ject to the said company

the earth's speed is, rougtny, sixty-si- x

thousand miles an hour, that of thecomet. beinr aViout ninety thousand j

rock crusher orT.rr.l.ii.it;.,.. in.i m.ite s.itished with or Parties using theiiiarrv, but permission should first been

what it had in the way of liquor trafficlegislation, he overlooked a great deal,according to other reports receivedfrom the Garden Island. The fact thatthe Kauai grand jury drew attention

to the fact that all the cases it

gran tod by the board as on this par-ticular instance. They arc using therock for building the road on AlewaHeights for the Territory."

Following this the committee, mean-ing Jim Quinn, hainhwl Wilson a roast

panied by such disturbances. The listis too long to bo here cited, but anyi, ne who cares may note the remarkablecoincidences of 1 s 1 1 , 1SH. 1SS2. Thatlittle trouble was caused in IS!-"- byHaliey's comet is explained by itssmaller size as compared with thecomets of 1S11. IsH, lssi'.

A French astronomer of nife. inMarch, announced that the great flooas

(Continued on Page Two.)

miles an hour, the time of parage of'.his focal point over the earth's sur-

face could not be more than six hoursnor cover more than ninety degrees otlongitude, or a distance of one quarterof the earth's circumference.

Fortunately there are few centers ofpopulation in the zone traversed. Mex-

ico City and Bombay, India, are almostin line but the only heavily inhabited


LIES IN STATEft:had been called upon to investigate ha i for acting without authorization by the

their relation to liquor and the use of board. It was 1o this roast that Aylettjt. ha been noted by Kauaians as well objected. He was finally pitied in theas others and there' are plenty of the "insurgent" category by Supervisorformer to assist in bringing about a Logan, who, sitting nearest to him, suf- -

fers the most.bttter state of affairs.POSITIONS OF THF. EARTH, THE SUN AND


Is Completed ImposingCeremonies.

As. a matter of fact, the majority onKauai for prohibition will be substan-Itia- l

in any evtnt and will be large ifI W. H. I? ice and Francis (Say announce

(Juinn said he thought the report wasvery lenient and that Wilson ought tobe struck by the comet or words to thateffect. Then a motion came before theboard to hand the report back to thecommittee. On this there were threetavor ot tne edves inUl'tUS

ob'. to waitingSome are reportectwo align themselves,to see how tie ave

la ftuid three noes, Alna who came inasking for unanimous consent to(Continued on Page Five.)

c.ork'iig'.ot ,,Hwr :ir :. i f.L.l V actr-'tl-

for the jirohibition majority.A number of jirohibition clubs have

been formed. In almost every one theoidcers are either county or t rntonaloihcials. The Lihue club litis A. Kauhi-kmi- ,

deputy assessor, for jiresi'.b'iu and.1. H. K. Kaiwi for secretary. The Ka-pa- a

club is j. resided over by John M.

LOXDOX, May 17. The remains of

the late King Kdward were today con-

veyed in solemn state through thestreets of London from BuckinghamPalate t ' Westminster Hall, where theynow lie in state.

'1 be original intention had been toha' e ihe removal of the body from thethrone room of littckinghaiil Palace toWestminster done privately, but thispla l was abandoned and the jirocessionyesttulay was one of considerable cere-mony, the cortege being an imjiosing

(Continued on Page Four.)

MAKES HIS ESCAPEI!C- a- ;iliii:i. countv !, lk ot Knia:. waneJohn () The

W.supervisor, - treasureror tlie Kapaa club is

erltT.The near a;

ia cause. 1 quit

secretaryMeht v.la. i


proar-- of hot weathere a number of vacanciesa number of prisoners

judge llanaiin hi the nrison

1. Islis


n. ttf- - It y.- - ' -

coMtTON junEiS joe ' zz Th s p Off-Comer- s oft'f-t-iN. movin6 away . ( S ' ' 6ejtv 7he FiifUs Oi-bt--f-- "FROM fAtlTtl t S "


s. WELL BELOvw AyC"r ,tAQTft SvWPPT 6Y 6APTHS OSB-- Xfi'Z' . -Dive iEEN I N TM C '

vWMtTFtTH Univ AAftTH.ABOuT APRIL lT ,,,.,fte CT LINE ON Nl-j-EAB-r- PtiL9VV M A ' ' pyCO"fl' PASStNC TO WEST Of SOW .

cofXv t?--- - on. rj n Comet". iTt, and 3un d-- fX. r-- AMT' Q s. NOT sA0n to

pi,ane of EASTHs.'ic X 5c a e.A o6BlTCuTBYtOMET3 0 MOOn O rn I tfed

jue s. &p - - y j S . 1,1 1111 "

o E uiOsi orjf--

; j. . : "Xni --- HEAQTm juLtl ;C t

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fu$ Swept JW - iof E A fcTH Jm I

ST CET5 (raws - , :v ; . fyni0 O0'sS ' X rl po-- T cf P'lne at&,.

cornet's O't is ccare. ; V

tlS.tfEEO - cfT-''- 'EajTQo.ooo it5 feyrri To

inam guards going on their vacations AMERICAN NAVY


t nc pre-ii- b nt of the clubi trict. with J. K. Lota, thej :ff. the secretary,f K'ev. J. K. Akma. p.oWaimea church, is t he pre-- 1

Wai nie.i club. with .1 . K

uiers to joinsotiors some-Chu- n


The latest among the jiristhe summer colony of prwhere up in the hiils is

or of theden; ..f the

K i f ii n iai . Soon, who escaped from the jirison gangat the Kaimtiki quarry yesterday af-

ternoon. He was in for quite a respect-! dejmtv assessor, the secret art ,


term for stealing the jewelry ofMANY LIVES LOST INARIZONA HOTEL FIRE

M -- iioaidnewi.'here is a somewhat scarcity ofirds nl,i, one being on his vacation

Hilly Woods being down at Koolau.Iding a chicken coo,. While ostensi-fo-

the housing of fowls, this chick-Ifii-

reailv a trai for Craeo but


WASHINGTON. May is. Accordingto the Year Book of the Navy, just is-

sued, the United States now leads theworld. Great Britain excepted, in thetotal displacement of completed war-shiji-

The Year Book gives figuresshowing the United States easily thesecond naval power in tie' world.

Much interest attaches to the figuresshowing the gains made by the CnitelState.-- on ot Iter "a vv-h- a ! i n g nations.The figures a 'e quoted a- - bearing 011'

-- one of the en. tenti,. ris of those whooppose the dt-e- (nought program of the,:idnitn:t ration. The great bat t leshi p

Florida. largest of Amenctin dreadtiou 'ht-- . not ' t g a completed vessel.

PHOKXIX, Arizona, May

Hotel Adams was destroyednight with fearful loss ofgi;e-t- s are unaccounted for,

is. Thev tire lastfe. Thirtyan.l it is

.ens he, in ith ng must be -- aid about it for fear,1 that most of themi re if wani ng the negro.financial hfiat! 1:0-

Tl,o i t'v bet wet-- tisliows how the he;,d of Hat ley's comet t'"e l'uv,-a Viie earth to i.ass through fht .oints !;! v from the sun. ciui


il alarIT and. as tlplare of both orbits. The eartha rying - '7s of t l:e corner iscom.t and the earth with the iniag'.m-r-

dire, t ions, as shown bv the arrows, 'lie,i . . . diff.i ; ..

last nigat



sunit is

Sare mw':: !'! "ositfor,ly , lllV ,

thousands of ,t,a most brillian

pie otmoteat


bvtion returns indicate that a m.1-rit- y

of the Pepublican regulars in

fit v iO1'l.e curve in ti,e tail i

Hv looking toward thelat'on wh eh

the largestworld except

of the cart h s at mo ilensthe cotivexU

- not included i" the Cln'iideclare Amero-- to havetonnage of warships in thet ha' of Croat Britain.

heniing the sun wshower, the j.henomenoi! be

iated with the nearness ofa eh r.f ITaMev 's comet to tin

tie comet appearswill be seen whv 1Tpali,. "' " ear: u i a;earth.1,"Martin have n rctioitiinatc'i.ngrei

3 V

Page 2: OF...A cab! pro-pec-t. that the lo.-a-l authorities in Emeryville appear likely to refuse per-mission to hold;t there. The promoters think that Mayor McCarthy's adminis- tration will






lies J a lace onigh House atalcut fur the

u1. The marked!!!. liiV Hist one TAIL LIKE COMETiTRAKSIT OF COMETn the conduct of then n n s s i ft r v-- - lack of "disi.iav s

i 5SS5 was diking. A single,icl by , . e ereign ami l

t i) roval equerries was i

nil i . .1 ame.s I alaee.mi! i : a v escort a ml t lie

It Is Not So Big, HoweverMons. Flammarion Refers

to Aurora Borealis.

w v i vr .invou M a:, i

PFOPI F III a which the monarch( ir.ii-- i f 1 lie Oarter. 1 n

Mayor ami the eity .l

tin' 1MU.--1

the ceremonv. While Insllaliey 's eoiiet, which has been flaunt

I t.V I otfather aT lie youngtemj ..i ai y

.signing ti,i-- proclamationi'rince of V. ales stood on ascaffolding the wall ing its tail actross the sky these earlv

ounii House ami eageriv

(Continued from Face One.)by the sun's heat, and there is a chancethat various parts of the nucleus arehuge enough to cast shadows on thesun s disk. The transit will take aboutan hour, and the comet will be in thecenter of the sun at IS minutes pastrive this afternoon, according to a cable1 just received from Doctor Hall, whichis the result of the last observationsand calculations, probably at Harvardobservatory.

"The exact time of the earth's be-

nt g within the tail can not be statedwith certainty, as it is impossible tosav whether the tail is curved or not.If 'the tail is a straight line, of course,the earth will enter it some time be-

fore the comet's nucleus begins tocross the sun, as seen from here, thetail being much wider than the nucleus,ami the earth will naturally be in the

ucii of the proceedings asii i view.

jn .tlaniio!the s

can. intol .v.i.g tt

foi ma i i io.

First Official Statement of

New King Makes Good

Impression.the late Lour at which thewere completed by tile

Hid the imoossibilit v ofM'i v roil ncil

mornings, has been gettingg all thepress notices. But it is not so much.So far as tails go it has nothing on thisearth of our because we have a tailof our own. Duly, as the AstronomerFlammarion points out, we are moremodest about our panache. This iswhat Mons. Flammarion writes for the.New York Herald:

Although the "martyrology of thecomet'" has been now increased bysome ignorant victims, faithful to theancient superstitious and thinking, as

" the proclamation to theis in time to permitill il'H. I I smi-

th eGRIEF OF QUEEN MOTHER; ceremonies.is i t a an ms procla i in i n

George s ascen-purMtivaut- s

wasproclamation of Kinsion by heralds ami

King's Oath May Be Changedto Avoid Offense to Roman

Catholic Subjects.

r M Faslon follows f.

1 tetson (ft)FA i

UU Styles Vj1

Tkc premier Lead wear for rcni of all ages is tlie Stetson Hat

postponed until .Monday.Queen Mother to the People.

LDMioN, May in. While the rulersand representatives of foreign nationsare assembling here for the obsequiesof King Kdward, the various necessaryformalities incident to the sad eent,are being gradually completed.

The widowed Cueen has sent a touch-ing personal message to the nation.

tail for some time after the transit oftin- - nucleus is over. The time of earth'sentering the tail may be any time be-

tween tonight, Tuesday, and Thursdaymorning.

'1 doubt whether there will be anyvisible effect of earth's passing throughthe comet's tail. On a clear dark nightit would probablv cause some illumina

in the time of the illustrious surgeonAmbroite Pare, that

Oncques au ciel cotnete on n 'a pu voirQue queique mal ne nous face

it is evident that superstitions are giv-ing way more and more to a curiosityto know the real phvsieal nature of

T;M0, May 7. "The Kin- - isdead. 1. 'ii.: live the Kin;..'' The transi-tion from Kdward VII. to (.Jeorge V. asKing of Croat llritain and Ireland andKmperor of India is now complete.King George V. was formally proclaim-ed as r to the throne at fouro'clock this afternoon. The ceremony

these flaming stars with magnificenthairy appendages and that these re-- j

searches are constantly interesting thej civilized world more and more. Ifcomets have, in the eyes of humanity,conquered their real place in the popula- -

tion of the heavens, they neverthelessj remain, from several points of view,

written in unassuming style and recall-ing similar intimate messages lueenVictoria was in the habit of address-ing to her people.

King George has addressed messagesto the navy and army, expressing histhanks for their loyalty and devotionand his solicitude for the efficiency ofboth services.

tion.Professors Lord and C'oddi ngton' are

at ilaltiwa. where they will use thespectrograph, hoping to get some photo-graphs which will indicate the composi-tion of the comet. The cable receivedby Professor Ellerman was transmittedto them yesterday.

The question of what comets arecomposed of has been long a .subject of

"We have the Stetson. Soft anj Derby Hat ii e.U the latet rtylo.

! surrounded by a certain mystery whichthe moreover, only succeeds in adding someA message also has gone from

King to the Indian princes and people' ot the charm of the unknown to theinterest they excite.

Nature of Comets.And, first, what is a comet! This

We have



MATSfun lamental question is at present the

expressive or his gratitude lor tneirsympathy.

Message of Queen Mother.Queen Alexandra's message to the

nation follows:"From the depth of my poor broken

heart 1 wish to express to the wholenation and our kind people we love so

speculation ami controversy amongastioiionu rs. The opportunity of today-i- s

the best that has ever occurred forsettling it. A writer in 'oilier 's says:

A year ago I made the announce-ment that comets' "tails" were sun-light, focused and transmitted throughspace by the heads of cornets actinga- -, huge, spherical lenses. In othervoids, the "tail" of a comet is prac

object ot so many controversies that itis worth the trouble of discussing.Several theories have been put forth,and it seems to me interesting to simi- -

well riytouching

ilteptelt tiiaiiKs lor all tneir j niarize tnem ror our readers, beginningsvmpathvVin my overwhelm- - with that which V. II. Pickering recent- -

of superior felt, well fashioned and well

made, and a very swell hat fornig sorrow ami unspeakable anguisn."Not alone have I lost everything in

j Iv developed apropos of llalley's comet,j According to this astronomer the

comet s head consists of a swarm ofmeteors, the size of which varies froma fine impalpable dust to enormousblocks weighing several hundred kilo-- jgrammes floating in a gaseous atmos S3.50

him. my beloved husbaml, but the na- - jj

lion, too, has suffered an irreparableloss when their best friend, father andsovereign thus suddenly was calledt.wav. Mav God give us all His divinehelp to bear tins heaviest of crosseswinch he has seen tit to lav

"upon us. j

'His will be done.'

was impressive, occurring m the throneroom of St. James Palace, in the pres-

ence of the privy council under thepresidency of the Karl of Crewe.

The mourning features were for thetime being set aside and King Georgeappeared in the uniform of an admiral,while the distinguished gathering ofprivy councilors ami officers of thecourt were in levee dress and wore theregalia anil decorations of their highorders.

The proclamation of kingship was a

.sonorous document conferring upon thenew sovereign all the attributes of aruler which his father had possessed.The response of King George was mark-ed by deep emotion as he solemnly af-

firmed his purpose to fulfill to the bestof his ability the great trust reposedin him.

Pledge of the New King.

The first official utterance of the newKing was marked by feeling eloquenceand made a deep impression.

"My lords and gentlemen,'' said theKing, "my heart is too full for mi1

to address you in more than a few-words- .

It is my sorrowful duty to an-

nounce to you the death of my dearlybeloved father, t he King. In this irrep-arable loss; which has so suddenly fall-

en on me and the whole empire I amcomforted by the feeling that I havethe sympathy of my future subjects,

tically the same as the beam of asearchlight. This has since been provenby observation at many observatories.

When llalley's comet passes betweenthe earth and sun on May IS-gi- theearth will merely be bathed in an extraflood of light. If the passage occursiie the day ami the sky be clear, weshall have a hot, brilliant day. Ifat night, it will be bright, as if themoon, at that time just past first quar-ter, were at its fullest and brightestand shining on freshly fallen snow.

We are not afraid of brilliant moon-light. The moon is only 24d,00d milesaway, while Hal'.y's comet at its near-est will be sixty times as far fromthe earth. There is this difference, I Icon

"(iive to me a thought in your pray-ers which will comfort and sustain mein all that 1 have to go through. Letme take this opportunity of expressingmy heartfelt thanks for ail the touch-ing letters and tokens of sympathy I

have received from all classes, high andlow, ri eh and poor. which.are so numer-ous that I fear it would be impossiblefor me to ever thank evervbodv individ-ually.

"1 confide my dear son into yourcare, who, I know, will follow in hi-

dear father's footsteps, begging vou to

phere.As long as the comet wanders in the

depths of space, very far from theradiant focus, it remains invisible, likea simple gathering of dark bodies, butwhen it penetrates into the zone of thesun's action it 'begins to be metamor-phosed.

The Ions.The sun radiates energy under mul-

tiple funis light, heat and electricity.It projects all around to enormous dis-stanc-

those nothings, so important inmodern theories, which we call "ions,"and which in the form of cathodic raysare precipitated with the dizzy speed ofmore than loO.bOi) kilometres. a secondtoward the islands and islets whichcompose the solar archipelago; that isto say, toward the planets and theirsatellites and toward the comets.

When these radiations strike a comet

Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts.

show him the same loyalty and devotion you showed his dear father. I

though. The moon's light is reflectedsunlight, the comet's light is condensedand transmitted sunlight. The earthwill be out of focus of this light thistime. It would take a comet over amillion miles in diameter, passing be-

tween the earth and sun much nearerthan any comet ever has, to affectthe earth by focused light.

This can be understood by puttingsome burnable object in sunlight andplacing a magnifying glass between itand the sun. If the sunlight is notfocused on the object the glass merelylights it up. The chance of any cometpassing the earth so its rays will befocused ou the earth is about one ina billion. Therefore we need not wor-ry. Venus will practically anticipateour experience by eighteen days, so wewill have ample time to quiet ourfears before the comet reaches us.

know both my dear son and daughter-in-la-

will do their utmost to merit andkeep it."

King George to the Navy. j they provoke in the midst of the very

For Sale






rarefied gases m its head continuouselectric discharges. It is through thisphenomenon that the cometary atmos-phere and the meteors that it envelopsbecome luminous. Pesides, these cor-puscles attach themselves to the gase-ous molecules of the nucleus, electrifythem negatively and repel them in adirection opposite to the sun. which isalso negatively electrified. These vaporsare thus repelled to a greater or lessdistance from the head and form amore or less extended tail.

The Cometary Appendix.To sun up, it may be said that, ac-

cording to this theory, the tail of acomet is nothing else than a gaseouscurrent, driven from the head by the

Puunui AvenueNear Wyllie

Lots Nos. 4, 5, and 6, Block 4.

Owner will consider any rea-

sonable offer.


some more of that choice POT-XU- I


IIUERY and buy now while the

prices are right. WE HATE

several building sites that mil

interest anyone looking for 1

good location. FOB PBICES

and particulars, see

$ $

Ore of the first messages issued g

George, who has long been knownas the "sailor prince." was addressedto the navy, in it the King said: "Itis my earnest wish on succeeding to thethrone to make known to the navy howdeeply grateful 1 am for its faithfuland distinguished services, rendered tothe late King, my beloved father, whoever shiTfred th'e greatest solicitude forits welfare and efficiency.

" Ivlucated and trained in that profession which I love s,, dearly, retire-ment from active duty has in no sensediminished my fooling of affection fmit. For thirty-thre- e years I have ha I

the honor of serving in the navy, and.nuch intimate participation in its lifeand work enables me to know howthoioughly 1 can depend upon thatspirit of loyalty and zealous devotionto duty, of which the glorious historyof our navy is the outcome. That youwill ever continue to he, as in the past,the foremost defender of your cou-ntry's honor, I know full well, and yourfortunes will always be followed by mewith deep feelings of pride, affectionand interest. GKORGK V."'

To Amend King's Oath.

Real Estate Departmentrepellent force emanating trmn the sun,each 'particle of which carries with iti charge of negative electricity. Acertain quantity of impalpable dustprobablv 'accompanies the vaporoustrail, but this meteoric dust scatters




Go,, Ltd.

who will mourn with me for their be-

loved sovereign, whose own happinesswas found in sharing and promotingtheirs. I have loss not only a father'slove, but the affectionate and intimaterelations of a dear friend and adviser.

"No less confident am I in the uni-

versal ami loving sympathy which isassured to my dearest mother in heroverwhelming grief, standing here lit-

tle more than nine years ago, our be-loved King declared that so lung asThere was breath in his body he wouldwork for the good and amelioration ofhis subject". I am sure that the opinionof the whole nation will be that thisdeclaration has been fully carried out.

"To endeavor to follow in his foot-steps, and at the same time to upholdthe constitutional government of theserealms, will be the earnest object ofmy life. I am deeply sensible of thevery heavy responsibilities which havefallen upon me. I know that 1 canrely upon the parliament and the peo-ple of these islands anil my dominionsbeyond the seas for their help in thedischarge of these arduous duties andtheir prayers that God will grant mestrength and guidance. 1 am encour-aged by the knowledge that 1 have inmy dear wife one who will lie a con-stant helpmate in every endeavor formi r people 's good. ' '

The oath was administered to theKing by the Lord Cham-el- l r. Fol-

lowing' a custom, the members of thecabinet who were present tenderedthir formal resignation to the new-rule-

who at once returned the reig-t.ation- s

unacted upon. Thereupon, themembers of the cabinet ami the privycouncilors kissed the King's hand, ac-

cording to the traditional customs, tosignify allegiance to the new ruler.

King George drove in simple fashionback to Marlborough House, withoutthe military escort and pomp which liascharacterized roval function. of lateyears.

The meeting of the priv council

land does not extend to the extremitv


Much has been written about theevil effects of comets on the earth.Much of it is " entoosalusm. ' ' Thepresence of au abnormal body, movingat high speed through the solar systern, is bound to result in some slightdisturbance, but the earth successfullyresists each second of its existencegreater strains than any comet couldpossibly cause. 'The earth is protect-'- !

by a wonderfully resilient and elasticatmosphere weighing l!0,(J00,0lH,oi)0.iliiilof tons. This titanic shock-absorbe- r

has withstood the centrifugal pressureof the solid earth for untold ages, andthe centrifugal pressure of the earthcan only be expressed in myriad mul-

tiples of millions. The passage of thecomet will cause local disturbances.Put there is a vast difference betweenau eruption like Krakatoa, in a cometyear, or an earthquake like those ofSan Francisco or Messina and a uni-versal deluge of water or fire or ex-

tinction by cyanogen gas. There hasbeen, and will be, unseasonable weather,auroral displays, magnetic disturbances,and other phenomena, but these arenot to be feared as involving destruc-tion of the human race or its planet.

There is grave doubt in the mindsof some astronomers that this comet isall of llalley's comet. The comet ofMay. Hni'.i, pursued the same path andpassed very close to the earth. Hal-ley'-

comet may have divided, as didP.itda 's. Fven so, it was large, orcompact, enough to throw a shaft ofsunlight or "tail" two million mileslong on April 1,, the day before if

passed peri helion.

923 Fort Street.John L. Redmond. leader of tin risli

Pari ia men ta rv pPremier Asquith.favorable expros:the question wa-

it v the huke of

irty, has written toreminding him of theions, when recentlyraised in Parliament

Xorlolk, the foremostHONOLULU HORSE-COLLA- R

FACTORYKngland in abolishing



AT !'


Gatholi,from t!

i n


of the caudal appendage. After thatwhich precedes one may ask why theearth does not itself have a tail, likethe comet, for it is also enveloped in agaseous atmosphere, and must be atarget for the invisible projectiles ofthe sun, for the electrons, the ions, thecathodic rays.

The Aurora Borealis.Jlr. Pickering replies that our planet

in this respect has no need of envyingthe comet. If is in fact provided witha tail, but its panache is more modestand not permanent. In fact, he adds.he great polar auroras, which dart

their lunrnous and colored arches abovethe Arctic and Anarctic region-- , aiflwhose waves sometimes reach siin (,rl.fmn kilometres in height and evenmor- -, are nothing else, relativelv to theearth, than a sort of tail analogous tothat with which the comets are adorned.This terrestrial fail is s)iort. because themass of our globe being considerable,graitation surpasses ami dom inn te t he

must " "aration the nioiiarca new parliament.

--I 1 he only IIANDmake be fort tabjuring the chi



23 Hotel Streete won isst otVens

Rediuonve to al! ft

ancient words,Rome. ' ' The-dares- ,

are moolics.

The cabinetduce a bill a

of the King w

MADE Collarssold in Honoluluare made at ourfactory.

Plantation worksolicited. Writeus for prices.

210 Vineyard,Cor. of Emma.

lecid-- d toto, lay ,

mend ; ngherein h


.la rathis d

Wing Tai & Co.

Contractors and Builders

Furniture. Wall PW. I&att ra n- - intuit:u a io

a n



-n ofhe m;

in'It',w !



1216 Nuu&nuii- - at i,

r oth I repulsive force. Attraction retains ti eT Ki til aiilii-Po-



at mo-pio- o e and hinders it from forminga gigantic ta of a fantastic aspect.

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ly on the size and density of the abnor-mal body. The comparison is crude,since it refers onlv to motion, and it is" fact that comets have'io effect ,,n the motion of the earth ,.nits axis or oi bit.

Ordinarily, the e:uth receives onlv aninfinitesimal amount of the energv radi- -

Igenious Hypothesis. I YOUAnit a' ri is proportionate to the ('ontinued from Page Nine.)

ill V

e 1, I'r tou lineKir diameter

it forcee. that -

Can not afford to let yonr I

go to ruin by letting inIn' jenoed men handle it. t

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.P.ad;- -

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a w J. A, R. Vieira&CO'i

J 113 Hotel St. Phone 511Jea i t '

abI'xtia solar energv :n

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iloru rti a'l- -of u is cheap

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''lit cause 1' want a position or a ciei,Vdcolumn is the place

Page 3: OF...A cab! pro-pec-t. that the lo.-a-l authorities in Emeryville appear likely to refuse per-mission to hold;t there. The promoters think that Mayor McCarthy's adminis- tration will





As You Like It.i The members of the Oahu Dramaticclub show a good ".leal of confidence inthemselves to essay that grand creation

j of Shakespeare's. "As you like it."

,: Ti..,V,. . ' H

It is one of the Jew plays by the im-

mortal bard that may !e presented asan outdoor attraction and it is to behoped those who are to take part in theproduction on the campus at Punahouwill be ali their friends expect.

The company has been unceasing inits efforts to commit, the lines and to


tain Low, was keeping up her stroke.;i ci i vi; ii Hiehnrds who defeated The

j t :t i i! did a little practise on theGETTING READY FOR THE

GREAT PACIFIC YACHT RACEthe author's idea of eachcourts to maintain his form for the part i absor


I i LT I "!1 j


beaut it:;! t

are n!orefew veur- -

ffhicu. a

een only in the

ri.-b- '

We have many m--

Tiew and they will ..

prove avelati..,. t;,

Ue t!,enl- - evi'n if

intend to buy.

he is to take in tne chamnament.

lonship tour-- individual character in the play. Anathere are many. No better stage set- -

ting than the campus at the collegeEntry Book for Men's Singles

Closes With Nineteen Namesfor First Series. t

..i. unt.'do tiot H


ARRANGES SCHEDULErisland championship tennisThe mt

; ourna me;o'clock, th

ain Wilder Has Picked His Crew, Good andTrue The Entries That Have Been

Made So Far.

t eg:;is at naif-pas- t fourfternoon ,,n the lleretania

could be imagined and it remains forthe young folks who are to present theplay to follow the advice which Shake-speare gave the p layers in Hamlet. Thecostumes and accessories for the pro-

duction at Punahou are perfect and theseating arrangements for the audienceassure satisfaction. There will be pro-vision made for autoists who wish toview the play from their machines.There will be no curtain and the per-

formance will begin at eight o'clock onthe night of May 21. Tickets for a

l I Cooke, ill177 S. King St. II

ourtssi ngles


with three matches in the men'sto be played between F. K.

and H. S. lira v, K. A. 'ooke andK. B. Booth

The Oahu Junior Baseball Leaguewill begin its schedule of games nextSunday morning, the opening game be-

ing between the Mu Hock Athletic Cluband Asahis. The schedule of games forthe season was arranged at a meetingof the league last night and it was de-

cided to invite Mayor Fern to pitchthe first ball, .1. K. Not ley, t

of the league, to receive it, andMr. Woodward of the Arctic SodaWorks to bat it into the field.

Mr. oodward lias offered a hand-some trophv to the team that makes

and T. Irwin and Atlu rtonrvbo.fv with even the sl'urlitesf th.won last race; the Winsome, acompleted for the race whichyawl justof spotting bl 1 will kindiy

th'ir pockets before sroini' to-- tsr nrnn All f TI I l.ii'ijii' will le sailed bv Frank llav her owtier:reserved seat, are for sale at wall,Nichols Co., Ltd.. King street, and byall students of the college.

Richards.The entry book for the mens' singles,

uh.ch is the first series of the tourna-ment, closed last night with nineteennames on the list of prospective cham-pions. The book was taken over to the

1 ! iiisiness This morning, and if it don'tthe Hawaii and another new fifty-foo- t

yawl being completed in San Franciscofor Francis 1?. Smith, who is in chargeof the new drvdoek here.

sound i.ke silver and l'oM. see thti itnun n All the boats except the Hawaii an. I I'.eretania '.ourts aiiout nair past five tne nest hatting average tor tne series


The Park Theater.

llerr Walters made a decided hit atthe Park last night repeating the suc-

cess he achieved on his first appearanceMonday night. His whistling is truly-wonderf-

He produces birdlike noteswith wonderful fidelity and his singingvoice is above the average of the artistsappearing in the motion picture houses.He has several parodies which win lib-

eral applause. The selection of scenesfor the picture machine is highly satis-factory, several of the views havingcome out from the Chicago factory.

The Bonine.

o'clock and Ii. B. Booth ami C. G. and all the teams of the leaguetook charge of the drawings to pressed their appreciation of Mr. Wood-matc- h

the entries for the games. Each ward's interest in tlnn last night. Enplayer a.; numbered and the members Sue Fung has been chosen as umpirewere marked on slips of paper which ami an ollicial scorer will lie selectedwere deposited in a hat and drawn. As before the opening game. No admis-tk-

numbers were called the names op- - sion fee will be charged at the games,posite each were paired off consecutive- - Following is the schedule for the sca-ly. Then the six players were selected son:according to the rules and those who First Series,were left under the head of lives were: rMv i Hock C vs Asa hi C


Manufacturers9 Shoe Co.


docs, for there is. going to be a genera!touch made, to make up the deficit iathe fund for the transpacific yachtrace, which will start from San lVl- -

for Honolulu on the seventh of July,and (diaries Wilder, who is going t

ail the Hawaii, Las it by wireless in-

tuition that he is going to win.A citizen's committee has been or-

ganized, the city districted and the s

ic i t in if will be done in such a systematicway that no one can escape, and it is

that all will come through with ashare, so that they can feel that they didit when the race is won. It is well re-

membered that the yacht Hawaii camein behind in the tace from I he Coast be-

fore, but it should not be lorgotte--that the boat was then new and iilffand no one was familiar with her. forshe was just oil' the ways. About threeweeks ago the Hawaii went out in the

Gwendolyn 11. are from the South CoastYacht Club. The Gwendolyn is a Seat-tle boat.

The Hawaii will not be able to getaway from here until the last of thismonth, but she will make the trip upunder favorable conditions in fifteen toeighteen days, which will get her therein plenty of time for the race. Hercrew has been nearly all selected. Wil-

der said yesterday, and they are allexperienced yachtsmen and most ofthem tire well acquainted with the Ha-

waii Those who have been chosen are:Tom King, Lewis King. W, H. Stroud.

Charley Lewis, liobert Hendry and Har-ry Hock. There will be two or threeothers but Mr. Wilder said that lie hadnot quite decided on them yet.

The committee which will go afterthe subscriptions beginning today ismade up of:

Harold Dillingham. Col. J. W. .Tone?.George Smithies. H. D. Bowen. V. 11.Hoogs, Charles Crane. John Marcallino,F. K. Hendrv. S. M. Yetlesen. J. L.

Palama Jr. vs. C. A. C Jr.Mav 29 Mu Hock A. C. vs. Palama Jr.

Asahi A. C vs. C. A. C. Jr.June 5 Asahi A. C. vs. Palama Jr.

11. 15. (iilfard and C. II. Olson, John!Waterhouse and A. L. Castle. J. W. W. j

Hreivster and Noel Deerr. P. K. P.art-let- t

and C. G. P.ockus, W. O. Single-hurs- t

and II. S. Clark, A. M. Xovveil j

and V, . V. Low and W. A. Wall. Therewill be eight matches played tomorrow .

aftirnoon, four on the Htretania Courts1and four on the Pacific Courts. I


The Best Beer-I-S AT


Mu Hock A. C. vs. C. A. C. Jr.June 12 Palama Jr. vs. C. A. C. Jr.

Mu Hock A. C. vs. Asahi A. C.Juiw 1! Asahi A. C. vs. C. A. C. Jr.

W. U. Low. W. A. Wall and P..P.ooth constitute the committee

Mu Hock A. 0. vs. Palama Jr.15- June 2ii Mu Hock A. C. vs. C. A. 0. Jr.in Asahi A. C. vs. Palama Jr.

Julv 3 Mu Hock A. C. vs. Asahi A. C.

The attractions at The Bonine for thebalance of the week include the HowardSisters, one of whom ha a voice withthe depth of a thousand fathoms. Thegirls are good at team work and arefair dancers. They pleased the audi-ence last niglit and were obliged torespond to the liberal applause. Thefeature of the bill is the flute solo byF. M. Kahea, a young Hawaiian whoplays' the instrument in a manner thatbrings from it beautiful music. Theorchestra of two pieces producing musicenough for a brass band keeps the audi-

ence in a good humor between the pic-

tures and vaudeville stunts.

Fitzpatrick Brothers


charge at the P.eretania 'ourts and Ii.A. Cooke, F. E. Steere and W. II. Dab-- :

bitt in charge at the Pacific 1 'ourts. All'

the matches will be the best three outof five. !

Julv 10- -Palama Jr. vs. C. A. C JrMu llock A. C. vs. Palama Jr.Asahi A. C. vs. C. A. C. Jr.Asahi A. C. vs. Palama Jr.Mu Hock A. C. vs. C. A. C. Jr.

right away I McLean. H. Walker. E. R. Stackable.Irw-- cup race and ranlulv 17- -from the other boats, but could n tTort and Hotel

Fort below KingB.diert Scott, Frank H. Armstrong. Wil-liam McTnernv, Samuel Walker, CharlesT .Wilder. F.' R. Steere. Fred Macfar-lane- .

.T. R. Gait, James F. Morgan andF. Tennev Feck.


This i the week to try

Pan Ka Hana

The next series after the men's sin-gles are completed will be the men'sdoubles, then the ladies' singles, ladies'doubles and finally the mixed doubles.

The entry book for each series ofgames will not close until each preced-ing match is ended, so that entries willbe received for all the events exceptthe men's singles, until these are allplayed off the entries for the men'sdoubles will close while entries willcntinue to be received for the ladies'doubles, singles and mixed.


The Haleiwa Golf Cub will hold ahandicap stroke competition next Sun-

day, the drawing taking place at the

counted as in the race because herdimensions exceeded the limit. harlb

il.ler is one of the most expert yachts-men about here and lie has thoroughlyacquainted imseif with the Hawaii'speculiarities, if she has any. In the

last race which was sailed in ll'os. Cap-

tain Harris, now a mate on the Niih;i.an interisland boat, saib-- the Hawaii.That race was won by the GwendolynSecond, the time being fourteen days,four hours, seven minutes and nine and' hree-quartet- s sieonds. allowing for her


Alexander Young Building.It deans the floors and clothes. Haleiwa Hotel at two-thirt- o'clock onthat day.

j The Haleiwa club is in flourishingcondition, and its tournaments are wellTungsten Lamps

Your Light Bills.WE 'HAVE 'EM.

UNION ELECTRIC CO.Rretania, near Fort. Telephone 315,

Select LumberDirect Importation

Lowest PricesCITY MILL CO., LTD.


landi'-a- of seventeen hours, thirty.

lliero were a great many tennis court attended. Since the club laid water-notable- s

on hand during the drawings pipe to each putting green, it has madeyesterday afternoon. including cup a great improvement to the scores, aswinners, champions and the putting is much more accurate.Mrs. Coulter, who was defeated in the The next competition will be a four-semifina-

for the Wall cup by Cap-- J some.minutes tin. I httv-si- seconds, or thirty

OAKLAND. May 3. The death ofTommy McCarthy as a result of hisfight with Owen Moran at San Fran-cisco has had the effect of arousingthe fight oj'j'onents of this city, in con-

sequence of which a mass meeting ofthe citizens of Oakland will be calledthis week for the purpose of. voicingpublic protest against the proposed.1 ell'ries-.- l oh n son championship contest.

Opposition General.The churches of the east bay

cities have pledged their support to thestand taken by the Church federationto have the fight called off. and the(iooil (iovernment leagues of the com-

munity are taking up the matter onthe ground that the holding of such acontest would give Oakland and theSt:it" fit large an unsavory reputation.

Hi i

MANILA IIATS.Large assortmentdouble weave,dies' and men's.Hawaii and South

Seas Curio Oo.,

Young Fddg.,(Next Cable Office.)


i it

l H

i! t

1i 1n'ji 5

4 ,


v 8



b mm ODD

minutes per foot overall. The Lurlinewas the first yacht to cross the finishline in that race but the handicap rele-

gated her to second place. T. W. Hob-rol- l

writes from San Francisco that theLurline may enter the coming race ifhe can arrange to leave his businesslong enough to take the trip.

The South Coast Yacht. Club at SanPedro is planning an elaborate enter-tainment for the local yachtsmen whenthev arrive there next month prepara-tory for the race and when the yachtsreach Honolulu at the finish of the runit will be necessary to treat the crewsof the other boats kindly. This willrequire some expenditure and the pro-visioning of the Hawaii for the run upto the, Coast and back, together withother incidentals, will all come to ap-

proximately the local club calcu-lates. It was said yesterday that rais-

ing some of this amount by popularsubscription would broaden the interestin the event.

There are to be two regular cuptrophies for the first and second placesand Frank Hay of the South CoastYacht Club is going to put up a sepa-

rate cup for the yacht making the bestactual time. The boats which havealready entered for the race are theSweetheart, a new yawl built for thisevent : the Siwash, which will be sailedbv Commodore Smith of the SouthCoast club; the Gwendolyn 11.. which

White Frost

RefrigeratorsA Complete Assortment Now on


Coyne Furniture Co., Ltd.Alex Young BuiMing.

The charter convention lat night de-

nounced the fight.Law Obsolete.

District Attorney Donahue has in-

formed the public that the law cover-ing pi-i;- fights will be enforced, al-

though it is yet a question whether theproposed contest would properly comeUnder the term "prize fighting."' Thelaw as originally framed dealt withbare knuckle contests, and since thittime boxing matches with gloves havebeen held at will without molestation.

Donahue asserts that if the law isapplicable in the present case, he willsee that it is strictly enforced, but thatnew legislation would probably benecessary to put an end to contests ofthe Jeffries-Johnso- type.

San Diego Protests.SAN Dl KUO. May 3. Discussion of

the recent death of Tommy McCarthyas a result of his fight with Owen Mo-

ran at San Francisco resulted late yes-

terday afternoon in the sending of atelegram by the ministerial associa-tion of this city to Covernor (iillettprotesting against the holding of theJeffries-Johnso- fight at F.mervvil'eJulv 4.

99THE RUSSIANSMay refuse to work, but

PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER'er refuses to perform its mission.

cleanses the scalp of all impuritiespromotes a healthy growth of Lair.

Sold bv All Drue-gists- .


A large new lot of early clothes

just arrived this week; they are

all new shades and new styles.

The most popular model is called


and is one of the younger gen-

eration of clothes which is simply

irresistable. Everything about


of such a decisive nature. Andthe price is only $20.00with our guarantee.

mulition or .1 t., whi. Ii doctorsTiti in it.11 tme. nut wnicri lew tn uicm rciny

! 1'. :s ni;lvw.-.lkncs- i hrcaic-.luw-

j. it n-- th.- - vitil tor. th.it snst.on the ys-- t.

m. N tn.it t r .it tu. iv ! its ause . tor thev.tr .!:-.- '. r Mil sv 'ts r.ipt. .ins .ire muc h thesane-- : ttu- irwre t.r. .iicn.T.t h.mt: ssn.-s-s-

n .; ; o :r.i n r w. .it.ri.ss ii.' r.'S "tl ol- ,hi i A.nt ot for ail or'i.rt.irv

At: - ' N'.ov. h.t .item' :s . -

. i: t,tit? - :r -T. .is s iv ;,., tT0


Regal ShoesARE BEST


miss kellyManicure

Hairdressing. Shampooing.

rii .1 In'hr , anl osm f-c- the dav tlii

MT :T5Im.iv Lm?

In the first game of the I nf erscholas-ti-

second team league played at M:i-kik- i

Park yesterday afternoon the St.

Louis boys beat the High team11 to s. X Highs did not score unt'lthe fifth inning. In the fifth and sixthloth teams made runs and tlu-- the

1 ighs shut out tile Kaint for the rest ofthe game, but the Saints had too much.. t' a lead to overcome.

o. 200 Boston Building.


iViftAPiON No. 3t... !!! k o :t.lt toll . S" Sur. IV

. , .t . n n a Urn f ith thi; printed'i .,, . ,.niannia it. will the shattered


.i . i ten. imparted in pi.u ut whitt r. , u ern .ait. " iisc.l tip." and,, i r wind. ml medicament t purely

.4 Tin... i;. s. s ,t r.r abh' to the t.lstes:;1-.- I .. .ii c.ir - tit i: t'.ens ar.ii mud; tii ms, int V X . .n.l :t !t ttn uit in imagine a . ase if

, ... s ,.r .1 m 'rm nt. wh..se mam t. at.iros areti..is t ,l,.,i, tv. th.it ui i net be and

f ivie t."! hx t1' s never-fai.- ; re '.;

.., . ,. . whu h is tlest-nc- to east inton- - that hid pre. it l..r th-.-


BEAT GRAMMAR GAMESul rid numerous. .is..f human j:lmTi:.

is sold bvh,THERAPiON

FOR ALL PURPOSES.rican-Hawaii-

Paper andSupply Co., Ltd.

Th Star Dyeing and Cleaning Shop221 Bww"i Street, near AUke.

Telephone 182.


t. i it; ci ; .tit t.'u" r rn fin i t; .viti

ur h.iscrs shouM r that l)w wrd29.i l r appears or; Mr;: iT.ivnT.--,.-

St. i

The St. Louis basetia'tl team beat thet'enfra! Grammar School nine by a

-- core of ! to 7 yesterday after! n aAala Park and the K.i:u!anithe Normal Training School : 3 atthe Hoys' Field.

hv CI Tl I 'T ot I M.IV-t- v 11-t

Cruum .siuiirrs. and without wUi. h ' is a frx'ty.

Therapion may now be had in tasteleg form.

that ei:Secretary P.a linger ay


W. c. PEACOCK & CO., LTD.Agents MONT ROUGE WINES, the wines of connoisseurs

We deliver to all parts of the city twice daily.

and o hers of his d- - part meat who testi-fied ag-i':n-- t him wi'.! s".ti suffer by a

general sua ke-- '! i ng.

A Washington dispatch of May 11

savs; "Total assessment n ac-si- n' ot

corpoi at ion tax to date "r J 7": andcollections

Motor boats carri. d the news ..f KingFdwatd's death till throojii the Per-n.ud-

Islands, when it was !,. ved bys! earner.

-- pnone 4 Telephone 4FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY


Page 4: OF...A cab! pro-pec-t. that the lo.-a-l authorities in Emeryville appear likely to refuse per-mission to hold;t there. The promoters think that Mayor McCarthy's adminis- tration will



PROHIBITION A BOOST.: ........r.lnv'i Advertiser wasTHE MUCH TROUBLEcoi rt M'ondentA whose eommunumtiou m """"J - "

argued that inhibition would be "the biggest stroke possi- -

Pacific Commercial AdvertiserA MORNING PAPER.

stating a number of things thatole toward kuocl ng the city of Honolulu,KAN HQFOR HON



Support of McCandless May Cost


SeedsMAY 18

the Lone Home Ruler His

House Seat.SUGAR -- 9ti Degree Test Centrifugals, 4.24. Per Toil, S84.80.

88 Analysis Beets, 14s. lOd. Per Toil, $103.27.

CONSTITUENTS ARE HUHU.00.titt-c- cttpv.ati TUav 17. Last 24 Hours' Rainfall,U. S.

would happen under prohibition to knock.The first knock would be, in his opinion, the fact that the soldiers and

-- ailois would not he able to drink while here. This fact would cause them

that sailors go where the shipso avoid Honolulu. Our correspondent forgets

go and the ships go where they are ordered. If there were prohibition here,

..very line of legitimate trade would benefit and more ships than ever before

would call.He says that Hawaii's leisure class would not be allowed to drink. Un-

fortunately, forbid them doing so. Thethe Territory can not pass a law tofact that such a law can not be passed is one of the great sophistries being

used against prohibition among the Hawaiian.. The antis, evidently, are against

the law because it does and because it doesn't."The honest laborer will be forced to do without his well-earne- d refresh-

ment," writes Booster. Yes, and the honest workingman 's honest wife will not

be forced to forego a decent, comfortable living and a home with a sober man.

The honest workingman 's little children will not have to go without the things

that any honest, sober father will get them."Hundreds will be thrown out of work; hundreds whose living is nt

on the liquor traffic." No man's living is "dependent" on theliquor traffic. There are many depending on it for an "easy living," butwithout the trallie to prevent progress, there will be livings enough for all

and deaths for fewer.

Temperature, Max. 78; Min. 70. Weather, frtsh trades.

Notley Confirms Report That He j



The es for Hawaii that exist in the development of the banana Is Urged to Run for theSenatorship.This iiihv aceouni lor uic aiaiiiv mac x

lr:,.lp :ii,!':.r to be little unuerstooof a great fruit importing firm are

shown at tilt news that repr.-sentat-

iditious and looking over the held with a view ol exten.unghere studviutr Advocacy of Link McCandless for

in bananas to Hawaii. It is to the banana trade that --Newi. St.- - .,,..1 iftheir operations the delegateship may cost Cannon lsaii

the soutn, owes mucu ui i i'iuju.;, "Orlonns. th greatest port inKaniho his political life, acording to

of shipment and transshipment canua entry port can prosper from it, a port

letters received from Kohala tins vce.


HollisterDrug Co.

"Traitor" is the somewhat signifilo equally well..New- - Orleans is on

"There will be falling off in charity contributions in all lines." There

will. There will be much less need for charity, too. There will also be lessof the greatest banana receiving ports in the world.cant word applied to Kaniho s latest

were unloaded from titty ships a montli.vf.-i- twelve million bunches need for hospitals, asylums, prisons, free dispensaries, police court officials and

to Los"

x .1U th West Indies were sent all over the Union.the others whose business it is to look after the human dregs

a S:,n Francisco. Seattle, Tacoma and Portland, among other cit.esProhibition will boost in every direction.

News from Harbin is to the effect that Russian law or any other law doesnot hold. This is fortunate for Atkinson. Otherwise he would be up againstthe latest emigration rulings of the Russian minister of commerce. That official

has just elaborated rulings whereby emigrants to countries outside Europe

political action by his constituency, torKohala is the originalHorn.' Rule community and Link Mc- -

'andless ' democracy sitteth hard upon

their nseienee. Kohala will stayHome Rule, but Kaniho-i- s likely to be

read out ot the party. This extremelydefinite opinion reached Honolulu in

personal letters between the Kohala

powers behind the throne and politicianswho naunt the capital

Kaniho 's "defense" of his actions

in his first speech of the campaign has

cooked his goose to a more delicatebrown evidently. In the first place the

can oniv leave Kussian ports on Kussian steamers. me sieamsmp compaun--:

are prohibited from taking passengers whose expenses are paid wholly or in

part by any foreign government or foreign colonization society which is notegally authorized in Russia. All emigration agents must be Russian subjects.

The most severe penalties, including long terms of imprisonment, are enactedfor the spreading of false reports concerning the advantages of emigration

The district that could be made the selling ground for Hawaiian bananas is

preempted by the fruit of Spanish-America- n and British growers, carried across

the continent by rail.This trade condition could not exist if Hawaiian growers and., possible

growers of bananas would combine to contest the field with the South Amer-

ican and Caribbean banana planters. Cooperation in shipping selling and

handling the fruit could produce in the banana business of Hawaii the same

relative success that has followed the system used in the handling of the pine-

apple pack and, in its larger way. the marketing of Hawaiian sugar. The

hit or miss method in vogue has proved itself a failure, as it was bound to do.

At the present time there are two fruit concerns with their eyes on Hawaii.

If either one could be shown that there are growers here ready to cooperate

trade arrangements could undoubtedly be made.theon a business basis, properWhat is true of the banana trade with the mainland is also true of the

fresh vegetable and produce trade between the islands. If the growers could

cooperate, the buyers for island products are already in this city, ready to do

business. Much of the trade now going to Sau Francisco could be given to

Hawaii and Maui if the Honolulu buyers had a reasonable assurance of

regularity in shipment and a standard in packing. The suggestions'inade along

this line'bv Doctor Wilcox, based on a study and investigation into conditions,

furnish plenty of room for thought. Some day the plan of cooperation between

producers, as" he outlines it, will be adopted and the the trade that belongs

to Hawaii will be kept at home.

from Russia.

prohibition question was nc-- supposed

If the Cannonball of Kohala can onlv be left behind when the Novemberelections come, the prohibition agitation will not have been in vain.

to be touched upon. People who were

depending a great deal on the impres-

sion that Kaniho 's speech would makein order to get the "impetus of theearly bird" in the coming campaignwere disappointed in this part of hisaddress, for it seems that prohibitionwas by an unwritten understanding,





There are but few

articles in jewelry a

man cares to wesr,

but what he, Joes

wear he wants of tkbest. Massive d-

esigns generally ap.

peal to a man, aai

PENITENTIARY EXAMPLE NEEDED. Manager Wanted to Have Girlsfor Seat Finders, but Union

Couldn't See It.

Ballinger has withdrawn Newtil land.

A daughter of Abdul Hamid will wedDrunk with the speed mania, if with nothing else, another chauffeur has

killed his man in the streets of Honolulu, running him down in broad daylighta Servian prince.

Roller skating rinks have been builton a wide road, with no possible excuse to even mitigate the action that robbed

a wife of her husband, seven children of their father, a family of its bread-

winner and the community of an honest, hardworking citizen.on British warships.

In Sing Sing is a former chauffeur, working out a live-year- sentence for

a homicide no worse than that committed by whoever was driving the machine

that killed J. M. Barboza on Monday.

relegated to a closed bicker.However, Kohala, which has sent

Kaniho "up" for every session of theterritorial legislature, is not botheringabout Kaniho 's ideas on prohibition,but is shocked over his desecration ofHome Rule altars by a renunciation ofCharles Notley.

Kohala Hawaiians own their ownland (and lease it to Japanese), owntheir canoes by which and almost inwhich they live and believe in HomeRule earnestly and devoutly. That Ka-

niho should applaud the Democraticcontestant for congressional honors isconsidered a real sorrow in Kohala.

However, as a wily politician Kanihoseems to have left a loophole throughwhich he can crawl. It is well-know- n

Mil admitted bv his opponents that h?is one of the last of the' "old" styleand that there is not another Hawaiianwho can talk in the native tongue as hecan.

Saturday's speech at Aala Park, was,of course, in the parables for which theold Hawaiian language is wonderfullysuited, and Kaniho 's parables on thisoccasion hinted at a weakness in hisnew faith no entirely evident on theface of it. Among other things he isalleged to have said was that if Mc

strength is always&aThe Advertiser will welcome the day when one of Honolulu's speed maniacs

begins to serve a penitentiary term for the criminal carelessness they display,important feature;for the utter disregard they show for the lives and the safety of others, for

the manner in which they appear to take for granted that their chauffeur'slicense entitles them to kill with impunity.

When Knighthood was in Flower backof the drop curtain of the operahouse on

Monday evening at fifteen minutespast seven o'clock, manhood was on

fire in front of the same drop curtain.When half-pas- t seven arrived, the or-

chestra players, who are still at theoperahouse, crawled out from under thestage and began to tune up. There wasno one in the house except the ushers,surrounded by Billy Adams, when theorchestra tore off the first bars of theMerry Widow. At eight o'clock, whenthe musicians had gone a long ways to-

wards earning their nightly stipends,there was still nothing doing in theaudience line, and k began to look toth ise surveying through the peephole inthe rag as if the flowers of knighthoodwere in for a wilting from frost.

California cherries command bigprices in the East.

An American chemist has found away to manufacture sapphires.

Advices from Alaska say that gold isplentiful and food supply snort.

Two thousand tons of California hayhave been sent to the Philippines.

The inland mission of Yueug Chow,China, has been destroyed by natives.

Louis .lames, the actor, left a for-tune to his wife, in excess of $20,000.

The detention and charitable institu-tions of California have 1 1 ,425 inmates.

Ballinger, on the stand, admitted thathe violated the ruling of the land office.

Modern homes for bachelor girls havebeen provided in the suburbs of Lon-

don.Serious opposition is expected on the

Automobile drivers MUST be made to realize that the machines they

drive are capable of dealing death and MUST be driven carefully. Apparentlyonly the sight of one or more of them on the street in stripes will drive this

Our goods are selected todurability and warning .quli .

ties, as well as appearance.

. . i.

We want you to

see our fine Urge

stock of jewelry for

lesson home, and the sooner that day comes, the sooner will the right ot thegeneral public to walk the public streets in safety be assured..

It mav be that this is not the ease where the penitentiary example will

begin. We do not know what will be done with the three now held for flie

men. In this line we i

death of Monday. Against the individuals in this case, The Advertiser holds

and expresses no animus. Against the class of reckless, utterly selfish andcriminally careless people they represent, however, we feel that the blood of

a man, the cries of a, widow and the possible destitution of seven orphans callMeanwhile Adams and the ushers Candless did not win in front, he would

in back. This loses in translation themeaning that the Hawaiians saw in the

floor of the house to the Postal Bank (

original. Those who were careful to. know we can please

the most exacting.for vengeance.

note Kaniho "s speech now come forth!..fxMORE ABOUT PATTERSON.

The antiprohibitionists appear to have lost interest in their friend Governor

Patterson of Tennessee, but the following from The Nation may still affordthem pleasure. Concerning that great apostle of the right to drink, the right it

were parleying and at last the truthcame out. There was a strike on. Theboys in tuxedos who show you so po-litel-


into someone else's seat hadwalked out and to make matters worse,the labor situation had become com-

plicated with the question of the suffragettes. Word had passed aroundthat Adams intended to put girls inthe aisles and Adams had admitted it.All the manhood, individual and col-

lective, of seven ushers bristled t thtidea of being supplanted by girls atfour bits a night, when they were draw-ing down envelopes with big silver dol-

lars in them, one a day.That was the reason why the big

doors of the operahouse stayed shut inthe faces of hundreds, and that was the

Bill.The Panama Canal Commission has

launched a barge of reen forced- - con-

crete.King Edward had a large income but

was seldom out of debt and often bor-

rowed.Bridesmaids are being dropped at

Loudon weddings and a best girl sub-

stituted.The National Cigar Leaf Association

opposes the free entry of Philippinetobacco.

Millions of insurance, held by allsorts of: people, will be held on theKing's life.

A naval expansion program will betaken up at the next meeting of the

to steal and the right to kill, whom the antioigan quoted and defended, as

with assurances that he intimated noverv strong desire to see McCandlesswin but rather kept his hands clean ofthe delegateship without advocatingKuhio, McCandless or Notley. Maybethis assurance is only to make Kanihocome out and sign his political checkfor McCandless to further sever himfrom the affections of Kohala. How-ever, Kohala seems to be dissatisfiedalready, which will probably cause Ka-niho to make a quick return to fighthis own battles.

Charles Notley left for Hawaii on



per order, The Nation says: "

The Tennessee press has not grown quite reconciled as yet to agovernor with a soft spot in his heart for assassins. The questionhas been kept alive by a formal statement issued by three judgesof the supreme court of the state, constituting a majority of thattribunal, in which they accuse Governor Patterson of resorting tointimidation in order to force a favorable decision in the Coopercase. With a governor who holds a club for recalcitrant judges in

one hand and a fountain pen eager to sign pardons in the other,the fine free spirits that chafe under the law of Tennessee mustbe in great good humor. Nine hundred and fifty-si- pardons in

three years and two months is a record to be proud of. Of the95G happy partakers of executive clemency, 152 were guilty ofmurder, 124 of larceny, 175 of carrying concealed weapons, and 10?, .

of violating the liquor laws good-nature- amusements all, thatmake for the peace and well-bein- of a community. No wondercommon report speaks of a book agent who entered the governor'soffice and said, "Pardon me, I ," and the governor, reach-

ing for a blank, said: "Certainly, what was it you did?"

the Mauna Kea yesterday. Before leav-ing he gave an interview confirmingthe report published in The Advertiseryesterday, to the effect that he was be-

ing urged to get out of the delegateshipfight and run for the senate. He deniedthat it was Home Rulers who were urg-ing this, and said it was Democrats.However, the best known man who isurging is Representative Kaniho, theonly Home Ruler to be elected to thelast legislature.

reason why many theater-goer- s perchedon the Capitol fence to listen to thefirst few tunes of the orchestra.

It was reported last night that theushers, in tuxedos, hold their jobs stilland th pay continues to be one dollarper. The only condition on which theushers' union will stand for girls willbe for Adams to double his force andalternate.

notice.A service will be held at 8t

drew's Cathedral at 11 a. m. oa I

ilav, the 20th instant, in memory

his late Majesty, King Kwd.v";With the exception of certain W

served for officials and othel?thedral will be open to alL Tto I-

ntending who have not received ato ent "invitations are requested

cathedral bv the sideKALPH G. E. TORSTEB..

H.R M, Con11

British Consulate, .

Honolulu, May 14, 1910-- .



.Japanese Diet.Piospects are improving for the as-

sent of congress to the San Franciscofair proposition.

The new method of disposing of Rus-

sian lands is buildiug a community ofger uine farmers.

Mayor (biynor of New York closedKlaw and Krlanger's theater because, ofan- indecent play.

San Diego will hold a fair of her ownbut will not interfere with the iixuosi-fio- n

at San Francisco.The Supreme Council of the Catholic

Knights of America are in session atNashville, Tennessee.

Bryan has stirred up a political stormin Nebraska by advocating a meeting ofthe State legislature to adopt the in-itiative and referendum.

The Bering patrol may be increasedto prevent the Japanese from huut:-j-

seals with motor boats.

3$4May 14, iv

TTfPresident Hadley of Yale De-

livers the JubileeAddress.

Citizens will be asked today to contribute toward the fund to start theyacht Hawaii to the starting point for the third transpacific race, enable herto 11 v her island flag proudly while in Coast waters and bowl home in hereffort to lift the cup for Honolulu. It is going to take twenty-fiv- hundreddollars to do the thing in shape and Mr. Macfarlane and his helpers shouldbe able to report that much subscribed before the comet hides the sun. Inaddition to the fact that the encouragement of yachting is the encouragementof the cleanest sport that exists, the encouragement to the Hawaii and hercrew in this particular occasion is good business from the promotion standpoint.Everybody dig!

A special praver tor was


aid ofttoStanford Press:-T- he

negie foundation for the Jviee

of science to retiring college pjft0" 8'".is ot to be withdrawn

,,ofors becauseI1!:u1,ll by the Rationbe,,, maintained at this inst.ratj .

.,,;t(l t)f the article app

Chronicle rf,h, San Francisco

that Wdav. April 17, stating

I'ritJ- o- of thefounoWfound '

hadrecent western lour

rnAer.tr of California uAJ

(Continued from Tage One.)military spectacle, twelve thousandtroops lining the streets through whichthe procession passed.

The members of the house of com-mons assembled in the morning and re-

paired in a body to Westminster Hallto receive the body. After the oak ncasket had been placed in position onthe catafalque covered with the samepurple pall that enshrouded the co'lir.of Cm-e- Victoria, the line around thebier was formed, the first to pass beingthe assembled members of mvaitv. intheir offeial regalia. These were

by the peers of the kingdom andmembeis of the eominons. liuef ser-vices were held.

The body will lie in state for threedays, after which the casket will

to Westminster Abbiv, tor thereading there of the first part of theburial service. The service will be coti-

May 17 PresidentArthur T. Hadley. of Yale, this morn-ing delivered the Golden Jubilee ad-

dress of the University of California,in the celebration of the fiftieth anni-versary of the beginnings of the uni-versity. Th" address was delivered inthe Creek theater on the universitygrounds. The celt-bra- t ion, which wasarranged by a committee of ;i hundred

authorized bv the Bishop of CaliforniaKing 's diafter th

h'ob. r! 1 lit-- ' ii , who knew Kim; Edwa- - a gon:a!fellow, well met.

ward,bur n

says hot a haifunny that the same people who a little while ago were stating'Hi

f ;

m tified 1 a unmi. Pegan on Mav I.: and will closoia VeII ad

a n

q.tquors were better than pure liquors and that wine wa goodnow paying three newspapers to say that it would be better to

Oueen Ab xanannual allowanetthe title Of the

ra. who willot' vj

(lieell Mother.omorrow. It has been marked bv manv

addressc. dramatic production's andthe

Isn '

thnt re-

fer babiregulateCloo. thday pooshould 1:

' i r trade and make the sale ot phoney liquor illegil than toaltogether? What a difference a few weeks makes. One

peoeii elaborate cia-- s reun.ons and dinners.( ha nip ( la rk made a k i ml ' v

on Speaker Cannon ' 7Ph : V ndatioa. Ao-r-wh a in the next, the lieense commis'-ione- igin are gnolelay and The College of California, from whichtalesman.! the university grew, was founded in- Vi. and the present site of ;he Perkc- -

the h'Ui-- e cheered the agi......... d at Wind sor ( ';i:e ( f them.



Li ver proposed to withdraw ,0,.,,.,;.! which is one or

a m pus was then,iving founder is Dr.ey. who attended the ju!

TheSa imp'ileo.


BALLINGER HEARING j vit should r:iin; waited seven

, fetorsimet to

is at t ernoon , wn h

odd veat- - for thme.,!-- - of:,d that the d!spatc r

w ', i ... ;mr.lete. sfice


,May 1 7. Secretary

f State Knox will use his best r

to brirg about harmony bo-

be too bad ifilalei'.va b.'ivir.

Think of bavinible to push thler under ord'n

Wouldn't itat Kaimuki andeclipse f he su r, .'

and then not bebehind a chantc

c.'i). e all the wav from Ohio thit 17. Assistanttook the stand i

WASHINGTON, MayAttornev General Lawltv

KEPT THE PEACEILIA SCO. May 17.- - The mi' if

o ee sompfe ra h o: i -- ee!

a r v

away. Sitting in anreiimsfances is bad one gat ion of afl'a its ;

iry areorder

, ,,..;. jont PritchcttWas to lotermine

ofthe sj;te

i- -ere --ortbyv.mver.it.'

the quarreling nations of Pe.rut IVl

a !:'a charge ami are ma i in a nr ini the inveslepa i tnient r.r ua

todayof thetestify

filteen hnudr tas srateia) rig toreg In


d.-.- t;of the interior tothe letter Stenog- -

Lawler wrote. Heeneern ing

before received aia. auu " itjo"ye- - of the Atlas Portiai' pony's plant.When on the stump 1: -- r lection, risrsr.ir.j a- -- 'he TJcj.uV.li ca tid ol a: raplp-- Kerl v savs in- - t oi.-- iva- ii r--

LAME SHOULDER.shoulder is almost invariablyfor sheriff, John Wise wept with great sobs at the idea that Le had ever been .1 any-fo-

themade denial of having consulone in preparing memoranda

Lamecaused bv;.nd yield.THIRTY KILLED.py ten,n antiinissionary. Now. having put his sntum-nt- into print, his

will be useless.rheumatism of the muse!, ,

qmcklv to the free appiica- -


'-- i fr,-,- the list- -

:rtt'tUseron of ,


.tiori ,,f I 'haaibi rhilnIT. Thirt Pa:n Halm. Tho. Mavaii l scoreiT,a e k

ni iri'd, mar;have been ni rnen t is not

President 's consideration.When rim-ho- t and Garfield

referred to a being behind therafters of Kerb.-- . " the spehissed.


tall hev

t whom w-.- aie. bv anwore,

"cor- - j

tat ors I

,.- - liAWtecuial. tv, it in r.oinly prom jit and ef-wa-

disagreeable toall dealers. Pennon,

nts for Hawaii.

losioii which occurred today in thWhen you think about it, why should Link McCandless say where he cn

on the prohibition question so long as he can hit'.. Kaniho to tflk for liimf 110. ; that heKecori..'.adtdphia

For sale byi & Co.. asr'eifb tiiiplate works.if ,h .rr.

Page 5: OF...A cab! pro-pec-t. that the lo.-a-l authorities in Emeryville appear likely to refuse per-mission to hold;t there. The promoters think that Mayor McCarthy's adminis- tration will






By MercHants' Exchange,JWISEII P 1SU

How to MeetThe MigherCost ofLiving?

Residents of Waiohinu ThoughtIt Better to Postpone

Kamaoa Sale.

Tuesday. Mav 17.s Harbor Sailed, May 16, sehr.

lor Honolulu.Francisco Arrive! Ma17, S.

ii Your Rentby letting it purchase you a home. Thefirst step is owning a lot. The placeto own a lot is

Holt neS,--' li

S. M issofi n 1 rum Sal inn (cin- -

--- . . .. j17, S. S. M;l- -syiuey Arrived May

rama flom Honolulu.Vek earU yesterday :

Franco ami .pnrte..Mr the

the afternoon

ttheral paenger i

f':t.fharles Thorn was L:

r': mer e i' t

ii illi the.

MARINE TIDINGS.By Kahuku Wireless. CoDDcb H-O-

qOOPP" ,....; V.ikoiiatna sJ M2.v lifter

not t' in,'MIS. Irill. oo....,;i al at San r ran

J. K. AltiOi. .

ered .shore. This land is selling at from four tocharge of the tean.er

. L,, hcea ineight cents er square foot, and there

The residents of Waiohinu wereunanimous in their desire that, t tie gov-

ernment lots of Waiohiuu and Kamaoashould not be sold until after congressshall have adopted the proposed amend-

ments to the Organic Act. accordingto the statement made yesteiday morning by Laud Counu issi.jner MarstoiiCampbell.

Mr. Campbell, who went, to naiohiioito sell the lots ,,r not to soil them, accordin-j- ; as the residents of the districtnrglit decree, says that a public meet-ing was held and that at that meetinghe took a vole, eailino- the roil of ailwho were present, and that without ex-

ception they voted in favor oi postpon-ing the sale of ail but the taro lots.These latter were disposed of.

As has been before stated in The A 1

V(i!iser, tile proposed amendments tothe Organic Act will enable the land

;fpst oil ttiO i .inaui.inmui.

'C?on" can. list citvare all modern atimprovementscharge of thrt"


, r u Unnt. the hand. Terms are easv.formerof thei At1 ' , ... ;t in charge

7 Ir- - Howard Thomsonlip at San Francisco to give

time to his practise asnore.now the Asia's

K Onerhausis13

Van He is the son of Eear-Ad- -TRENT TRUST CO., Ltd.

M. X. S. S. IIII.OMAX. AT SKA.M;av 17. 1()1."( in it's fnnu Umioiula

.M. X. s. s. U'KI.IXK. AT Si; A, May17. i:il."i miles from Honolulu.


The new Matson line-- steamer Wil-lielinin- a

had a sociable time during hervuyaire down from San Francisco whichended yesterday moininj. She exehans-e- d

.noetiiii.'s with the steamers Asia,Mong.dia. Tenyo Maru and Ilyades, andkejit in wireless comiiiunicatii.in withthe mainland and Hawaii throughoutthe passage. She made the trip in fivedays and fourteen hours and was favor-ed with delightful weather all the way.

The Wilhelmina brought sixty-nin- e

rir?t and seven secona-elas- s passengers3M4 tons of freight, 2U0 tons oT

which comes to Honolulu and the re

in coruaian'iOsterbau',.i...j tiavv varJ.

"flitan fifty" cabj Commissioner to turn oer to those vim-- !

dents who have lived on the land forin passeng' i s jot,,! onlv one leftLas""",

to,? on theci,. lm three thousand

lht aboard, mostly cotton,.( 01 l'1'" 11 Th.. stia is DOC DOC DOC DOCthe

---i rfiS.'.wirel" outfit of

....tt varietv operated bv D

OAsia landed two

3?W sacks of mail,

local Notice to Mariners.

Mands-Mol- okai. Souther- - MifiuutTsimmain. ier is destined for Kahulni. She

ten years the land they now occupy.But if the lots had been disposed of atthe. time set for the sale, it would havebeen necessary to put the lots upsale to the highest, bidder and the n

llawaiians might have been crowd-ed out by others with longer purses.

In the disposal of the taro lot-- , thosewho had been cultivating them got firstchoice until every one of the nativeshad got one acre of taro land.

Mr. Campbell states that at Hilo headvertised for bids for the laying ofsidewalks along .various streets and infront of .the government buildings. Healso took action in the matter of sur- -

eys for homesteads and cleared upvarious other land and, road matters.

The .volcano mail. Mr. Campbellstates, is very flue. He drove his auto-mobile to within 2000 feet of the crater.

Kautiakakai Harbor.-Mido- han-Oii2'h? two t.rivate automobiles and

buov, nereroiore it"" fifty-si- bags of mail.it'- investigation was foundupon Shipping Notes.Itnnt, of its correct position o Gar rvicO

The Mexican will leave Seattle onthe twenty sixth for Honolulu to loadsugar for Saiina Cruz.

j The American-Hawaiia- n steamer Ari-- 1

zoiian sai'e-- from Hilo last night forKahului to complete her cargo forSaiina Cruz.

The American-Hawaiia- n steamer Col-- j

vimbian. sailing from the Hawaiian Is-- ;

lands on April MO, arrived at SaiinaCruz Mondav.

SBuiys. etc., l'2tli Sub- -

?23ofPtbeJLishthoiise Board.HOUSTON,

U.S.N, Assistant to thejtjettor, 12th L. H. District.

Many to Go on Sierra

Oceanic steamer Sierra will leave

J mornins for San Francisco


Around thePolice Station

UOf.i . fill carso and a gooa list oi I he American-Hawaiia- senm-- ir- -

The Kaimuki District is making such rapid progress with the development and improve-

ment going on in the NEW OCEAN VIEW Tract that the Honolulu Rapid Transit & LandCo. are compelled to install a ten-minu- te service, which goes into effect immediately afterthe necessary switches now under construction, are completed. This service indicates that theNEW OCEAN VIEW Tract, with its high elevation, delightful climate, and beautifulscenery will become the best residential district of Greater Honolulu. It also indicates thatthe Honolulu Rapid Transit & Land Co. are making preparations to eventually extend theirline according to their charter, and we suggest that you buy now while you have an oppor-

tunity to secure a beautiful home-sit- e at reasonable prices and terms.

"''from the"Oeeanic dock at the foot from 'uget Sound ports, she will loadJrt street at ten o'clock. sugar lure for Saiina Cruz.

The schooner S. T. Alexander willLOCAL OFFICE OF THE UNITED probably l e chartered by the Pahoa

BUREAU. i ,:ll li, ii. !STATES WEATHEREoMlula, Tuesday, May 17, 1910.

Activity among Honolulu's gamblingfraternity is increasing and Chief ofDetectives McDuffie has started a deanup among the lesser stars of the dicebox who have been lying low forseveral moons. A large bunch was an-

nexed yesterday, and while they were

ooMini on navvait, iu mti ouia lies in

i Kedondo. She brought ties to Htlofrom Cray 's Harbor,

i The British, freighter Henley, with ashipment of nearly five thoi'sand tons

I of Australian coal, is reiwirted to have


from Newcastle, N. S. W.. onIS sailed charced with "31... 7 which means, inX i i : l . . . . . .: u i . : : .. n .1 '.!.- -2. iasi rii'iiiv, wiiu ut'suuaiii.i'i in iiuuu THE1 il pouce parlance, m. a j;i""""S)

they were really apprehended for al-

leged sneak thievery.N'umerons comtdaints have come in

j lulu.j The British steamer Roebank sailedyesterday morning for Ocean Island fororders, she took a jack donkey for

j the Eev. Mr. Delaport at Nauru." Thel Rosebunk will proceed from Ocean Is-- t

land Stettin.


4 7S New Ocean View TractAN IDEAL PLACE TO LIVE








9 VO

from the Punchbowl district concern-ing the gang and after several at-

tempts to get convicting evidence Mc-

Duffie hauled the bunch up anyway.They all consistently refused to confessto the thievery they were charged with.Finally three of them admitted thatthev had been gambling last Sunday.

.00 SB The American hark Annie Johnsonsailed yesterday morning for San Fran-cis-c- o

with a full shipment of sugar and

m 30.m.; s te

m'tiffja m

in u; 78 6'

UOS 11; T9 7i

acr 'c t bo to


j ( i

i ini a"

s It ' ,'' t ":: Hi




V t.

f :

t i

ars H ;


4 1 '





' i i: r a ii-i

f !

i. ::.'if













Electric Lights

Koko Head Bieeze

Arttsian Water High Elevation

Delightful Climate Paved StreetsT

several passengers. The Annie John-son arrived here the first part of April.Ihiring her stay at the port consider-able repair work and repainting hasbeen done.

The Inter-Islan- steamer Twalani, investerdav from Honuapo, brought 4"i!'0









w .ojT9 i ea 74

m m 7g to 7

The confession not only implicatedthe six that were there at the time butseven more who were arrested later onwarrants. '

The arrested boys are William Evans,Sam Kikaha, Jim Kahale, 17. Martin,P. Mitchell. J. Andra.de, John Rod-rigiie-

M. Costa. J. Perry. A. Carraio.prp. Vasconcellos, A. Hendricksen, and


.14; 6S 2 4. J

WM. B. STOCKMAN,Sectio Director.

Sufficient Rainfall Excellent Soil Level Property

Cool and Healthful Good Location Pure Atmosphere

Take the Waialae car, and upon your arrival at Kaimuki call at our branch office in charge of Dr.

Hutchinson, who will be pleased to show you the property and supply you with maps, literature and all

the information you may require. Our fixed prices are $500 for corner lots and $400 for inside lots, size

75 ft x 150 ft. or 11,250 sq. ft. each. Our term3 are $50 cash down and $10 per month on each lot. Call up

Telephone 659 and make an appointment with one of our representatives.

lags of sugar, 2") head ot cuttle troniKawaihae and '20 head of hogs fromtite latter fort. She 'reported thatoito bags of sugar were left in thewarehouse at Honuapo. Fine weatherprevailed throughout the passage.

. -- -








13 T3 15 l a; X

2a . s - b

i S3!

J. Castro.Costly Comet.

A gentleman of Japanese persuasionby the name of Omoto was so struckbv the grandeur of Halley's comet yes-

terday morning that it cost him tendollars or so. He was one of three whowere arrested by Detectives Kellett amiOlesou several days ago at South andKing streets for playing seven-eleve- n

and was to have appeared in court yes-

terday morning. When his case wascalled he failed to put in an appearanceand his bail was, declared forfeited.Later he walked hi after a bench war-

rant had been issued for him and ex

p.m. or

4 ; i a.iu. n.ux. p.ni1.1 U 4-

-1 5.15 8.58 5.20 8 ZiSets.

1.11W M

'.KUJl'l.lli.M J.47

U .... .. 1 IKS' U on

(Continued from I'age One.

him to vote on the thing, and was withdifficulty pacified.

McClellan was next on the floor andLad a mass of reports and documentsbeating on street paving in a dozenrepresentative cities in the CnitedStates and Canada. He attempted toprove bv his arguments that it wouldl,e eheaoer for the citv to build its own

0.17 8.41

5.37 5.20 6 33 1.47

8.T.0 5.20 8 34 2 23

7 .42 5 . 1S 34, 2 54!

8.37 5.19 8 35, S.27

9 23 5.19 6.85 3 5-


Kaimuki Land Co., Ltd.ol. O.&S 7.04

V' 'i 1.32 7.8C plained his tardiness by saying that he.j

had stayed up late to interview the jjL' m 1 8 2.07! 4.59 107 5 13 6.3rt 4 30 Vocomet ami Had overslept. now -fa ni'iii'whichat 6:03 v. m. plant. He pointed out the eitit

tides at KaV.nln? 01 tr;,' his explanation was not consideredthe refunding of the money. IPs j

occur Branch OfficeWaialae & Koko Head Avs.

ever,wortl Phone 659u

oMain Office

King and Fort Streets0ne hour earlier than at Hono- -

sftilly but bv far theot his iiltis-tra-l ions

let their paving out

did this succegreater portionfeired to cities

thisset forothers, wa- -case, with themurium.

Russians Balk. 0on bids.It must have taken we

Tesearch t.i got. together'ks of traine

the compel T te

ii'M Btan(1ard time is 10 hoursKes 8er than Greenwich time,

that of the meridian of 157 de- -

CiM"68, Tbe time whistleafi 1:6 P- - m-- , which ia the same

DODOCtill pef-v- a

ie '.ere r DOCpi iv a

as the DOCia ii

;i n DOCQ(...JOCs! s infrom


,n street oavni'' wuna. : i v lut aecieilium

stakiiims-- t

giy read by. McClellanhave been devoted to the sinToume wu a0ur9 0 minutes, SuD

popping u

i far idiiito theirplaints ofthe police

till'l hesubject

to have

tlolingsurt'OH nu ire fjr iocal time for the v who was, the sa

on tie Vesterday aor known -- omeboPiepared ;t.


a' claimant of the towels and linen inhis possession.

linger.- - Santiago and Son" I'vungs, will spend the next i'ev monthsof their earthly existence on the reeffor hire, iir in the second derive ol

I two.t.V 'oni were

JOIEOSOIBQICAL EECOED.in defense of t he men -- ore

the city had no money, anii,.i no'bodv tried, t" refute

K'ussian represeiitiothers wandered inand made graecfuiexpressive but wli

n nsThatnt wl

Vainsayinga rgam

; hmiseltthe l'ieistures w

!i failed...lice otli

SriT7 tDna-- y Mornin? theU. S. Weather Bureau.

t. rninnies.in tuemade no ib--but whichii -

tthe intellecti, . ; liev were lot n cou h i

nurrinu- Santiago gotio n i iiiii ji

vest r- ia v1 !,? erpl ! l iuni iloll. "XIt plead i:


(Continued from Page One.)be- excused from otin- -. That lost themot ion.

Then the roil was called on a motion

w a siii- - t;

lie ai-- ecnreii and tt :a s a

of tinb feu


-- IXnan t"Idfollows:sib!, md tie Korean thirty,

rt i n was arrested yesterdayas soon as i a -

was not right ro burden the city withthe additional expense. Logan defend-ed the agreement and Aylett. gave somestatistics on the matter, which show-ed the home to be a necessity and fherate far cheaper than the (Xpense ofthe. citv building its own hospital wouldcome to. The report was pi.ssed.

The Russians.The same committee reported on its

interview with Covernor .accord-ing to the board's instructions regard-ing the city's share in the quarantiningof the Russians at Twilei. The 'overnoris reported to have admitted that allquarantining came under the dut'es ofthe board of health but as the Rus-sians were lawfully in the Tertitoi v. thecity should take care of the garbage.

tiark M

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' I j THERM.






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. ;., -- ch'.s boaidin" lions. . Hetwo charges against hit:;, one be-- :

ss.iu! : a ml ha ' t . ry an! t he ot tier

i. Ti:e tit'st was md prossed and. ..m-- !iim only for Ins:i,; pin;.('!.s tie--

esente,he w:r (U-i-

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i used. Logan g ' the th.or again andI rendered a long verdict on the merits

of the c'isc. quoting from the Congres-- t

so,,,al Keeord. The!! he called AylettIan "insurgent." who was very much

pleased, not knowing what it meant,The r,.,.(,rt was finally passed by four

t" 'hiee and Wilson gets another brick,j Maternity Home.

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:itv1039 BK Near Ho'el 8t-e- t'

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Page 6: OF...A cab! pro-pec-t. that the lo.-a-l authorities in Emeryville appear likely to refuse per-mission to hold;t there. The promoters think that Mayor McCarthy's adminis- tration will






I. o. o. r.Mcata Tr Srit afld third Friday of the

OBtk. at 1 :i0 v. m., in Odd Fellow' HtMFart 8trMt. Viaitin- - arothera cordiany im

riti uvai L. PETEIE, C. P.Tj. L. LA PIE ERE. Scriba.

XCBX.U02 IiODQE NO. 1. X. O. O. T.Kwti erey Tuesday evening, t 7:10, in

Odd Fellow.' Hall, Fort Street. ViaitingaaUan cordially invited to attend.

J. S. SHARP, N. G.Tj. L. LA PIERRE. Sec'y.

Twenty-On- e Chinese CoalpassersAttack Officers on Steamer


United States Commissioner JuddPuts a Stop to Vicious

Practise.Fire Murine,


hinee who took part inT we nt

LIKE IT"Presented By The

Dramatic Club of Oahu College

Out of DoorsOn the Oahu College Campus,

Saturday Evening, May 21


Tickets for sale by all Punahou

students and at Wall, Nichols Co., Kingstreet.

Reserved Seats - - 75cPerfect seating; arrangement; also

eight fine auto stations from which

the whole performance may be seen.

Professional bondsmen no longer i

KAftMOVY LODGE NO S, I. O. O. F.Meets every Honda? evening, at 7 :30, in

Odd Tallows' Hall, Fort Street. Visitingarets era eardiallv invited to attend.

HUGH E. McCOY, N. G.K. B. HENDRY, 8c'y.


No. 857 Kaahumanu St.

One of the nicest residences intown, on Lunalilo street neartown, good view, large groundswell' improved, modern improve-

ments, servants' quarters andstables. Easy terms, price $4500.

Ral Estatl


--wvmrnjj -- v

MOmO IE1EEAH LODGE NO. I.l. o. o. r.

Meet every second and fourth Thursday,at 7 :S0 b. aa.. Odd Fellows' Hall. VisitingReekaha t cordially invited to attend.



have any standing before United StatesCommissioner Albeit Judd and here-

after any prisoner who car. secure bo adfor his release onlv bv paving someman with money or pvopertv to st-n-

fur bis appearance when he is wantedwill have to remain in jail.

Yesterday afternoon at the hearingof Phoney Davis, when United StatesDis-tric- t Attorney Breckons insistedthat Davis' bail be placed at 1000. At-

torney Straus objected, claiming thatthe amount was entirely too large.

"If, ': said the commissioner. "1 re-

duce the bond to foOO, can your clientsecure it.'''

a mutinous uprising yesterday morningon board the British tramp collier

Strathgyle. were arrested late in taeafternoon by United Spates Marshal

Hendry, under warrants issued by Dis-

trict AUorney Breckons, and ttuy wlibe tried in the federal court, for fsatilt on tiie h'gh seas. Though ihe

trouble occurred while the vessel lay

at the wharf here, under the rulings .n

the Wynne murder case, the offense is

held to have been legally on the high

seas, which makes the charge much

more serious than if the cases were

tried in the local police court.The Chinese were a troublesome lot

during the voyage here from Newcastle,ac. oid'mg to eilicers on board. TrouUlo

bioke out yesterday when the watch

Royal Insurance fBeautiful costumes and scenery. land. Vl vl

London Aamn... n


Meet ssvsry trst and third Thursday, at7:10 p. at., in Odd Fellows' Hall. VisitingKakakaks are cordially invited to attend.



A two-bedroo- m house, Al con-

dition, on Matlock avenue. Thisis cheap at $3000.

commercial Unof London.

beottish UnionCo., of EduiJWOCBAKIO LODGE NO. 371, F. ft A. M. "Mr Davis." replied Straus, "is a Caledonian W,man of some means, of some consider- -

ible means, I might say. And there are A two-bedroo- m house on Kinaustreet. This is a nice home, price

Meeta on the last Monday of eachmonth, at Masonic Temple, at 7:30 p.in. Visiting brethren are cordially in-vited to attend.

J. A. PALMER, W. M.W. H. GOETZ, Secy.

a number or men in this town wli i tora consideration will sijrn their names to - i i dvman at i lie loot or me gangwav reiuseo

Hie $2750.to allow a Chinese to go on board.i bond."That is about where the ax descendT.HAWT CHAP TITS NO. 8, O. E. S.

-- "P"IWLUI. I"O. t

ed, "for some time," said the com-

missioner, "1 have frowned on profes-sional bondsmen, and where 1 have

We will offer for a short time Capital (Paid up)...1


Meeta every third Monday of earnmouth, at 7:80 p. m., in the MasonicTemple. Visiting; sisters and brothersaxe cordially invited to attend.




Song and Dance Artists. a nice house with ser- - eserve Fund

HEADOPTICBYososiThe bank buy.

lection bills of exehaJT&o

vants' quarters, laundry and gar-

age, in a good location, for $3000.Can arrange terms.

twenty-on- e coalpassers on board seizedvarious weapons and one of them madefor the watchman with a meatclea ver.The second otlicer was struck over thehead wirh an iron bar. Revolvers point-ed at the rioters did not stay their ad-

vance, but when shots were fired in theair they retreated.

Captain Baker and several policemenarrived in response to a telephone tothe police station, and the twenty-on- e

Chinese wore al! locked up. They madeno showing of resistance to the police,but were marched to the station guard-ed bv mounted officers.

A question was raised as to whatcharge should be placed against theprisoners and they were booked for in

and Letters of Cra;t .

UI ALOHA CHAPTER NO. 3, O. E. 8.A Meets at the Masonic Temple every

second Saturday of each month, atLf 7:80 p. m. Visiting sisters and

r are cordially invited to attend.- CORA A. BLAISDELL, W. M.MARGARET HOWARD, Secy.


Flute Soloist."I mm I

general banking bashua,, IThe Bank receives Loci iwj

known that a man was being paid forgoing on a bond, have refused to ac-

cept it.""Affer the present session of con-

gress," interrupted Breckons, "it willbe against the federal law for any map.to go on a bond for money. A law tothat effect will be enacted."

"We are dealing with the present,"retorted Straus.

"Well, that is my policy, anyway."said Commissioner Judd. "I will notaccept any bond where have reasonto believe that the bondsmen is being

ana Head Office Deposits f tTlriods. f

For cash only: A three-bedroo- m

house, servants' quarters andstables, building and grounds ingood condition. Punahou district,price $3500.

Local Deposits $25 mone year at rate of i rvTrHead Office Deposit,X 2

OAETJ LODGE NO. 1, K. of F.Mesta every trst and third Friday at 7:80

o'clock, Pythian Hall, corner Beretania andFori streets. Visiting krothers cordially in-vite to attend.

WM. JONES, C. C.O. HEINE, K. of R. & S.


Hawaiian Step Dancer. warns for one-hal- f year. andrun Vvesvigation until Breckons decided thatit was a federal case. per annum. " H

Particulars to be obtaij4eation. "If

10, 15 and 25 Cents. Jas. W. Pratt Honolulu Office-Be- thel uJ J


Meeta every second and fourth Saturdayevening at 7:0 o'clock, in Pythian Hall,corner Beretania and Fort streets. Visitingbrother cordially invited to attend.


house, parlor, settingroom, diningroom, bathroom, etc.,in Punahou district, full particu-lars at our office.

paid. Furthermore. J will require allbondsnni to swear to an affidavit tothe effect that they are not being paid,ami if 1 find that any man has swornfalsely, it will be a matter for the dis-

trict attorney to deal with."It is a well-know- fact that there

are a number of men of some means,principally Chinese, who make a busi-ness of furnishing bond for prisoners.But this doesn't go any longer in thefederal court, no matter what attitudethe territorial authorities in thematter.



HflillAN DlillOpera hoim LOANS NE GIATEDMeets every second and fourth Tuee-da-

of each month, at 7:30 p. m., inBan Antonio Hall, Vineyard street.Visiting brothers cordially invited toHead.


A good investment in Manoavalley, two houses, in good con-

dition, one is new. Lot 100x150,good mountain and marine view.

Limited. l '


OAMCBi OIECLH NO. 240. C. O. F. P. O. Box No. 268. 'Cable:


125 Merchant St.







k-i- o






o a









TONIGHT" When Knighthood Was In


One house rents for $35, the newone should rent for $30, price$5750, can arrange mortgage for



Meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p. m., itSan Antonio Hall, Vineyard street.Visiting companions are cordially in-vited to attend.



tn any quantity, if delivered til$3000.

JAS. F. MORGAN.OOUXT LUNALTLO NO. 8600, A. O. F.The Most Beautiful Romantic Drama Meats every nrst and third Wedneaundersigned in good audita

RENEAR COMPANY. LTD.day evenings of each month, at 7:30p. m., in Pythian Hall, corner Fort. 4 LJ . , X': . : . . Queen Street, near Siclinkajc ciauia buvvlb. visuing Drumera cordially invr ed.

Phoney Davis Probably First De-

fendant Under New Act ofCongress.


Ever Produced.

Our production of this play actas a monument to our success in Hono-lulu for all time.

Curtain, 8:15 sharp. Carriages calledat 10:45 p. m.

NEXT PLAY Shakespeare's Bright,Merry Comedy, "THE TAMING OFTHE SHREW."


At our salesroom 12o Merchant street,


Heavy Kim Library Table,Koa Parlor Table. Koa Chairs,Koa Rockers, Koa un Case,Large Koa Donkcase, Etc.

HONOLULU AEUE 140. F. O. E.Meets on second and

fourth Wednesday even-ing! of each month, at

Wall, Nichols Company, Ltd.


"SUPPING AND 00100901

MEBCBANTfl.7!BO n'olnfh- in Pwthi.n

Hall, corner Beretania and Fort stieets.

The first prosecution in Hawaii underthe new White Slave Act passed by

congress only a few weeks ago is liableto be that of l'honev Davis, who is now

under arrest oil a charge of having im

viaiiug a,agies are invited to attend.W. R. RILEY, W. P.W. C. McCOY, Secy.




I 4



proper lelatioiis with the h'us an "irHONOLULU HARBOR NO. 64, A. A. of M. INSURANCE A0EHT1

To Republic Building, King Street,where vou can find the latest" in STA-TIONERY, BOOKS, OFFICE FURNI-TURE and SUPPLIES.

Ring up Telephone 261.


at. at e.Meets on the tret Snndav


evening ef each month, at 7JJpck. at Odd Fellows'

Hall. All sojourning breth-ren are cordially invited toattend.w'm"t YoTNGPreiident'FRANK C. POOR, Sec v.

New Englaad Mutual Lift Imm

It Company of Bocton.

Aetna Fire Insurance ConpttT.

National Fire Xnsoranc Onm.Citizens' Insurance Compuy (Estfal

Alexandra Kudinova.Davis was given a hearing yesterday

afternoon before United States Com-

missioner Judd and was held to thegrand jurv his bail being fixed at$ mi). As a matter of fact, it is wellunderstood that Phoney has alreadybeen indicted by the grand jury. andthe indictment will probably be returned about next Friday, when the grandjury is expected to report.

Though the charge under which Davishad his hearing yesterday concerns onlyhis personal relations the Russiangirl, it is understood that the muchgraver charge will be placed againsthim of harboring the oirl for immoralpurposes, in other words, of being en-

gaged in the vicious White Slave trallic.The penalty for the latter offense is ashigh as ten years in the penitentiary.


Fire Insurance Company).

London Assurance CorponaA

AT AUCTIONAt our salesroom 1 2o Merchant street,

FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1910.AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.

Chetfoniers, ()ak Med. Spring, Maf-- t

resses,I'utfet, (iiirney Refrigerator,Mission Round Tables,Mission Mining 'hairs,

.National Automatic Sewing Machine,Uxtensioii Mining Table, Meat Safe,1'arlor Table, Washstand, Crockery,Verandah Chairs, Verandah Rockers,Large Jewel Stove, Cas Stoves.Spring Cot, Nails, Jnduriue Water


THEODORE ROOSEVELTCAMP NO. 1. 8. W. V.Meets every Second and Fourth

Saturday of each month inWaverley Hall, corner Bethel andHotel street, at 7:80 p. m.

By order of the Camp Com-as an der.

J. K. BROWN.Adjutant.

"The Best Built Car in America."




C. BREWER & COMPACT, itROSE & ROSERoyal Hawaii Duo



Admission 15c-10c--

Sugar Factors and ConudsiaHAWAIIAN TRIBE NO. 1, I. O. E. M. cluuits.c. K. CHOW & COMPANY,

King and River Streets.

Meets every Brst and thirdThursday of each month, in K.of P. Hall, comer Fort andBeretania streets. Visitingbrothers cordially invited toattend.

E. V. TODD. C. of B.P. HIGGINS, Sachem.



V.'.PMaiilmt III KtWJAS. W. PRATT,



Cor. Nuuanu and Pauahi Sts.





1246 Fort St., just above Orpheum GEO. R. CARTER.


will meet In their hall.King street, near Fort, everyFriday evening. Visitingbrothers are cordially in-tf-


E. K.GEO. T. KLUEGEL, Sec v.




'so Mavis is at last face to face witu a

crisis in his career.I Attorney Straus was present at thehearing to defend Mavis, and his lineof iiiestioning made it appear that hewas trying to convince the cotnniis-- .

sinner that Alexandra Kudinova. theonlv witness against his client at theheaiiiiLl. hid been promised immunitybv I'.reckoiis if she would t est ify aga u- -t

Mavis. Si raus, however, made nothingout of th s line, the irl steadfa-tl- y

denying that any promises had beenmade to her by t lie United States Mis

trict. Attorney. The g'rl was heiel!'arrested some time ago, lou wa- - re-

leased without trial.Alexandra freely admitted liia! she

h:nl Jied illega'ly with Mavis at his."rooming hiui-c.- " and this evidence

was enough for t lie commissioner, who


(n the jremises, mauka Ewa cornerof Hotel and Alakea streets.

SATURDAY, May 21, 1910At P2 o'clock noon.

The large brick building known asthe IIONOLCLU LIBRARY ANDi;f.aii.; room.

Terms: ('ash U. S. Gold Coin.


C edians


Chas. Brewcr4Cas

NEW YORK liRubber Goods


579 Market Street,San Francisco, Ca)., U.S.A.

HONOLULU SCOTTISH THISTLE CLUB.kfets on 8nd and 4th Fridays in the month

at 8 o'clock, in Booms 11 and 12, AlexanderYenng Building

JAS. H. FIDDES, Chief;JAS. C. McGILL, Secy.


N OOUHCTL, NO. 66S, T. M. I.,mMta mm m d mnit fourth Wednesdav at hound the prisoner over. Straus pro THE EAGLE

CLEANING. DYEING ando'clock p. m. in St. Loai College tested against the fixing of bail Plying between New TOT

Tt,a Rorlr NllUanU WlU

York for this port sbest WAlumni Hall (Dreier Hall), Union etreet.ViiitiBf membera ire always welcome.

F. D. CREEDON, President.H. P. O' SULLIVAN. Secretary.

Freight taken at lowert,nt.

SliHtil, contend ng t hilt e 11 s."ioil wouldbe too much, but the commissioner

the advice "f Ml'. MiecUoiis.. ,



Brewer & Co.. 27 '"y W

JAS. W. PRATT.Auctioneer.

At Public AuctionOn the Premises, Queen Street, at 12

o'clock noon,SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1910

We will sell, under order of the super-intendent of public works of the Ter-ritory of Hawaii, the BRICK BUILD-ING known as

The Brewer BlockTerras Cash, U. S. gold coin.For particulars and conditions re

time of removal, etc., apply to

or ineo. u. uanrTHERE IS ONLY ONE

Peerless Preserving Paint lulu.

THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY.Honolulu Branch, No. 1162, Miller

street, ground floor. Kilohana ArtLeague building. First Tuesday ofevery month, at 7:45 p. m. PublicMeeting. Visitors welcome. OtherTuesdays at 7:30 p. m., Lodge Meetingfor Members. JAS. J. YOUNG,





Admission 5c, 10c, 15c

Kl. InsuranceFireOffice Fort St. opp. W. G. Irwin & Co

TEL. 281. .p. G. Box 767

A i! ilbisi r.-- i ed led n ;v

was o i n bv I '1 ot es,t iie M..IHI' W i Is, n Solathe McK'nib'y High S,hTh' professor is a veryand full of his sU!,jec,. ;,

leadvHid hisa s v (



General Agentt for SWJ

w a s j e e i i n I crest uQUINN, RIES & QUINN


Proprietors.Round the Island Trips.

Telephone Order toPhone 6.

Alias Afsurance urtMJAS. W. PRATT,AUCTIONEER. i rovince iw-- e-

st i net e. I ! v no measi- - i beestng t e.i t in e of the Ice;series of phot, iy;i-p- is t heen !' on, the ibera!irv w U

-- v K.le: man U.t -' a idm o n d ' a d . Since t h t

gall to show a

rrot'ess,,r I ;; . i : : ; t ii h.i- - I,,

jiicf a s. ;l nd he has :, , rvTio-- i of tnem.




Felt and Straw HatsPanamas






RINKOpen Every Afternoon and Evening

Grand Prize Masquerade

Thursday Evening, May 19




Cottage, new, Kaimuki 3--

Cottage, Spenc-e- r St gf,Large cottage and grounds, Kewa'le





Jas. W, Bergstrom & Bro.

Masonic Building, Alakea Street.

11. Hi,isol

nomaII a N,

'Die former wi f'e of ( )

of San Francisco took j

Votk hotel and will die


u ; v f'

Page 7: OF...A cab! pro-pec-t. that the lo.-a-l authorities in Emeryville appear likely to refuse per-mission to hold;t there. The promoters think that Mayor McCarthy's adminis- tration will

Li I'


! i



i Going or ComingHotel inApartment

Honolulu Simple Home Treatment RevolutionizesMethod of Treating Deafness.



Emery Musical Comedy CompanyHas a Number of Well Known

People and Big Chorus.


lie DONNA Full Description Sent Free.

AvenueBerw""- - New Suit1262-

A marvellous discovery has just beengiven to the world which adds onemore victory to the many triumphs ofscience over disease.

The Deaf can hear! ! !

No longer need deaf people go aboutwearing the strained, pathetic expres-sion caused by their affliction, a posi-tive burden to themselves and thosearound them. No longer ,lte,l tliev


The band will play at the departureot Cramer Srra this Wednesdavmorning.

Curt Lanaiiio No. 63U(. A. O. F.,will meet in Fythiau hall, at h'aH'-pas-


seven this evening.V . .1. 1 "..! h. is stumping Maui aud

Moh.kai against prohibition. He an-nounces that l.e will run for the senate,whether his party nominates him orHot.

There w..l be a special meeting ofOceanic Lodge No. 371. F. & A. M., atthe Masonic Temple this evening athail-pas- t seven o'clock for work iiT thetir- -t degree.

.1. L. Cockburn of the hank ofIb-ho- j, oc Co. l,.ft in the Mauna Keayesterday for Hilt., where he will es-tablish the branch bank that will hoi.pened the first of Julv.

Die Veit im I'.ild. published inhas in its issue of April 2'--i a

iiduetmn of a photograph of theCermau dear in the Honolulu floralparade ,.f February L'2 last.



j McCarthy, Propriety'

Telephone 1480

The personnel of the musical comedycompany which doe I'oheu will bringto Honolulu the latter part of nextmonth is one that will set a new stand-ard for musical plays n the Islands.

The company is headed by F.dwiu T.Kim ry. a comedian who has for thepast s.x years been a great favorite in

San Francisco idaving comedv load- - at

incar the expense or sutler the pain 1--- to w

Our Specialtiesthe Ah-a.a- r theater w

compar.y for live searyear at the head of h

eoniodv c m pa ffv in oneSan Franci-c- o theaters.

h the I!ela-e- o

and the pastown mu-ic- al

of toe smallerFor four veal -

ot dangerous surgical operations, use-less methods, or cumbersome apparatus.

Old prejudices ami time worn falla-cies have been entirely swept away.This wonderful discovery enables thepatients to cure themselves speedilyami surely in their own homes, with-out a visit to the doctor or even theaid el' an appliance.

The current number of the "Ktolo-Gazette- "

contains a full t U'-- c : i

tiou of this new method of treatment.A copy of this issUe will be sent freeof ali charge to every reader who issiitVeiiiig from Loss of Hearing or EarTrouble in anv form.

.. raOlCB Scotch Whiskey.Bourbon.

u. u. .Mi iu'v, is i ;.;ii ') onprior to coming to the Coast Mr. K r v

7LtS Absolutely Pure

ClothesOR AX



Hart Schaffner& Marx

If you desire to be well dressed

and to look as well as the next

fellow get inside of one of these


was with Mr. Frohtnan 's companies.The cither comedian of the companyLYE

is fvun i

closed a e

man. who has oniv latelyton a- - co media n at the Newdrome and who is c oi-.- dJSSbkS n)

Whiskey.EOUEEON Write today ta postcard will do) and

secure a free copy before the editionhip!Yorkered is exhausted, addressing The AuralEYE WHISKY.0HS FBENCH i'i

ecoiol to none :ts a I uumaker.loads will be placed by Carletoila tenor singer of tine physique

Remoilies to.. Dept ;!2!, Craven House.Kiugsway. London. England. N'06

I 'hawho lias beenand handsome ai'iiearauc

the W ilhelmina from San Franci-:- o toHilo. where he will do the prelimmarywork in opening the First Trust Com-pany of llilo. of which Zeuo K. Myrsis tretsurer and manager.

Kalph i. Vardley. who was formorlvThe Advertiser artist but who litis forseveral year- - been on the mainland,is the drawer of the cover design forLeslieS Weekly of May 2. The draw-ing is a striking picture of a westerncow giil.

The second quarterly meefing of theHawaiian Chemists' Association will beheld at the College of Hawaii on Bere-Tair.- a

avenue on Saturday-- , evening ateight o'clock. Professor F. T.. Dilling-ham will read a paper on "The Fixa-tion of Atmospheric Nitrogen."

Service, as well as prayer for others,will be discussed iu the midweek meet


:tlii -- -t


it ad 960-9J- 0 Maunakea.s,.n t n 755.

- ; ijz.!30: , g;CoDYrirbt Hart Scbaocr St Mars

SILVA'S TOGGERY, LTD.ing at Central Union Church parishMANGO Elks' Building King Streei

Phone 651FORKS

By St. Andrew's Guild, May 27th,from S to 11 o'clock in the grounds ofthe Princess Kawananakoa and Mrs. E.D. Tenney.

The American Colonies,British Isles,

Germany,Hawaii and the Orient,

Spain, Russia, Mexico and France,Presented in characteristic costumes,dances and amusements. Refreshmentsin all booths at small prices.

GOOD MUSIC.Admission at the gate Adult9, 50c;

children, 25c.


for the past three years with Kolb andDill playing the lead in Lonesome Townfor two sea-o- ns and a season of stockwith them at the Prince-- s Theater inSan Francisco, in such plays as Play-ing the Ponies." "The Merry Widow"and 'The Devil." " Weiner and Schnit-ze- l

" and "The Politicians."Two other exmembers of the Kolb

and Dill forces are numbered amongthe Kmery Musical Comedy company.Miss Ora Harris, who graduated fromdramatic work in the Alcazar stocR tomusical comedy with Kolb and Dill onaccount of her wonderful aptitude fordancing 'anil a sweet singing voice, andMiss Francis I'aon. a little comedienneof the Toby Claude size, who hasenough real humor concealed in her lit-

tle self for a woman several times hersize and is one of the swiftest littledancers in her line of work.

The prima donna roles in the produc-tions will be entrusted to Miss HelenBvron, a statuesque beauty, whosta'lents are such that she was the starof the Sergeant Kitty Company all lastseason.

Ti e other members of the eompanyare Harry Stuart, baritone, late of theHenrv Savage forces; Louise Mink.

dienne of the King Dodo company;Maud Rockwell, who is known as theCalifornia- Nightingale, and two sisterteams, the Sisters Carbon and the Sher-

lock Sisters. The former are Europeandancers and vveie the feature of theChocolate Soldier Company, and thelatter are billed as whiilwrol dancer-- .

Mr. Cohen has also engaged a chorusof twelve show girls and is going o

bring his own musical director and awar Indie misties. The company isrehearsing in San Francisco and is

scheduled to arrie here in time to openon Mondav the twenty-sevent- of June.

fit. our just patented, specially

tie eating of Mangoes be-m- n

i pleasure rather than a task.

Si steel prongs in silver-plat- e finish

n made that the Mango is ever

eJu ibsoiaie control no slipping

gi-a- nd can be offered to your

bsjt with impunity.


house tins evening. Hie Bible versechosen is: "Moreover as for me, farbe it from me that I should sin againstJehovah in ceasing to pray for you."

A special meeting of the stockhold-ers of Kahuku plantation for the pur-pose of increasing the capitalizationfrom .s.j'Hi.i.wo to .000.000 will beheld at two o'clock this afternoon. Theincrease is to be made by divertingsurplus and issuing new stock in lieuthereof.

Adolph Schnack returned on the Wil-helmin- a

for vacation. He has 'been at-

tending the University of California,taking a course in agricultural chemis-try and electrical engineering. It isprobable that when he returns to themainland he will go Kast to completehis course.

Henry M. Hepburn, lieutenant ,inthe United states revenue cutter ser-vice, who married Miss Madge

daughter of .1. A. McCa ut-iles, in New York, April is. is tosucceed A. Hartley as manager of theHawaiian Electric company. Gartley

cotclh LastA roval shoe for royal fellows. Made in Tan and Black

leather with low broad heels. Oxfords and Bals.t


King St., Honolulu

Workers in WaterColors

'Will find all they need at ourstore. We have the famous



In books of fifteen colors 7oc.

The ONLY water-color- s on FILMLEAFLETS. The ONLY water-color- s

that are SELF-BLENDIN-

We also have water-color- s insets.

(having ed to enter the service of


K t.i

t5 it

l" '



! r.



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C. Hrewt-- --v. Co.Invitations to the wedding of Thomas

'C. Kidgeway, formerly of Hilo and(race, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EdwinS. Rowley. ,.f Los Angeles, have beenreceived here. The ceremony will takeplace in the Immanuel PresbyfarianChurch. Los Angeles on June and areception will be held at the Ebell Clubimmediately after the ceremony.

- Governor Frear yesterday recoised a

letter from John Quinbv Wood, whowas reported by cable to have died inNew York on May 1. The letter wasdated in Venice, April '2. and toldof Wood, as American consul, enter-taining Colonel Roosevelt. The deathof the sculptor. J. ,). A. Ward, took


TIE STOCK EXCHANGE Iclnerny Shoe StoreFort Street, just above King.


Photo Supply Co.,

Ltd.Fort below Hotel.

table linenYOUR its lustre;

know why?Is it not because youbve allowed your laund-ress to 'wash it withordinary laundry soaps,which, being over-stron-


in alkali, "cut" the fabricand make linen look like ,


Use Ivory Soap andyour linen troubles willcease.

No "free" alkali in it; normg matter; nothing but

rap. soap that is 99V60 percent nnro

place in New ork on .May 1, ami inview of the letter received by Governor r rear, it is tnougnr itKeiy matthe names were i.iiifusod" and thatWood is still living.

What will surely-- prove a very inter- -

EMBROIDERY SALEGreat reduction in all lines. Call and

you will be convinced.

B LO M ' SFort St. Opposite Catholic Church

estmg and instructive lecture is to oeiven bv Rev. John W. Wadman in the

Methodist Church on Thursday evening. An Electricbeginning at half-pas- seven. Mr. Wad- -

Stock exchange interest yesterdaycentered largely in the price of Hilorailway stock, in which there was muchactivity during the previous two weeks,and which had been changed in statushv an increase of a million dollarsworth of stock. A sale of five shareswas made at 14. and 13. 7o bid and 14asked, constitutes the day's record. Itis a very firm showing.

Ten thousand dollars worth of Hono-ka- a

bonds were reported sold at lo:!.2o,the same price as the last previous sale,and fifteen shares of the stock wentalso at the figure of the last previoussale 2o. Slight sales, at ruling prices,wore made of Hawaiian Commercial andSugar Company, Hawaiian Sugar Com-

pany and others.The sales of the day were as. follows:Hilo !,'v. Co. ", Or 14.H mokaa 10, o, lo r 20.Waialua lo lo".II. R. T. L. i o.. lo. p. r. 2".

Bonds.sPmhh) Honokaa lis (n

:vory Soap BREAD Irono Per Cent. Pure

man resided in Nippon upwards of fif-

teen year and is well informed on"things Japanese," and his lecture willcontain many persona! glimpses and ex-

periences. The stereopticon views willbe ail new and novel, illustrative of thecustoms and habits of the people !ntheir own country. The lecture is freeand the public is cordially invited.

H ALLEY'S COMET. --c -.. .

Is much more than a splen-

did laundry utensil, it is aconvenient iron for pressingand special ironing in vari-

ous parts of the house.It will soon pay for itself

out.-id-e of the laundry.

"V. Sr'.V !


Ail varieties of Fresn Bread andPlain Crackers manufactureddaily at our Bakery, 1134 Nuu-an- u

street.Patrons and interested parties

are cordially invited to call andwitness the process of manufac-ture from the opening of thesacks of flour to the packing of

the manufactured product in

cases tins and cartons.

Distance from EarthMiles.


h Bises


., Set

--13: i.-- U:05

" :


i. M. C. A. BUILDING PLANS.There will be a ,.f the build-

ing c.mmitte.. at t'ne V. M. . A. thisafternoon at four o'ehn-- to decide onthe final plans for the new bnihbng.

i. l; pe, the a re i' eel . wl.. Woll: io competition, will ! p!.-s-ii- at ; U --

meeting. Mr. Ripley arrived s -t.-i

day morning ;; W -- a an--

-- pei.t t of the dav o, confer e

w ieiiernl Secret :irv I 'att! r and.r Hand ivgai-.pn- i'i-'- ''i

The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd...40,600,000 Love's Bakery

1134 Nuuanu Street.




An of patterns. 1 incheswide. ( pei yard, reduced to 40c a

"a yard.

GERMAN TORCHON LACE! o :t ,t..-b- .- wide, -- l.oo a doZ'Mi


V. MC TV- .nt ;.J,II!onJ and s. An After-tlie-Theal- er Tid Hit at



MRS. NAKALEKA DEAD.WA I LI" KC. Maai. Mv 1 . Ti;e Wife

. f Hon. .foe! N t.f dl" io art ta.lare at Waiah.a,

M -,. la-- t Monday. lie. reinaie- -

kgiam'and wifer a yards, reduced to 60c a dozen yards." uuc 1

the United sU'

Haiawa. iv! thetake., i.a. k

VELOUR FLANNELSi':-e-r- ta--:t:-

s and nice quality.i:, ,,,.- - v! id- -. -- oe a yar-!- reduced to

12- - c a yard..'nee. Pes . .1. Kaa'oaahi

la-- - -- ad r.'es !oh a--

l '.: ' e - no-1- r to;'o j a, 1; g

.fev'SO, Wiil f;li

W-.- ,, vnforn-.- rr-- . .:l.j- -



A Saving Account is the founda-

tion for your business structure.

Each dollar added is a brick in

its erection. Start building atonee by opening a Saving Ac-

count today. Interest paid at

! pnr cent per nnuin.

Alexander Young Cafe

will not impair digestion in.r pr.i-n- i'

u- niolnmar e--. 'Flic- attrntimi

t" !"'! prepatati' m in tin- - place

- a L;;iaraitt-t- aig'titn-- t e il dfect-- .

! : -- Xa kai.l a wi- - a Waal la, Hale:wa.rl. where lor rehciw- - an- -- 'a:i:j.The Ind.caCo!!- - are that chamr

I i",.i,tii.-ivi- ' w ' i;.t la ; a uy ae'on


Whir.-- , with r d, hi-- ." and green do's.;) wide, a vard, reduced

to 6 yards for SI. 00.


"c per yard, SI. 10 for piece of gr yards.


'he of "a, i'ilee lW- tonceitA a la


eJnTbe 8 Pi.j banl c

Hrj, j..B at sven-tLirt-a- -

Kogram will he as f.'.t

x?sr M

- :i

i I a ,s a w h

p. :.i .; .; de-igi- .- i n i stiff


e m'lf.-- t.p a- . : he- - ' tio. billA letrer p-,-- Mc-t-

Deh-i- -o ICaii'o.LONDON

of Eol"etnia

- . r'

:;: ri-. ii. td.ie. fawn amioiler w

;", Y; e .es'igns. 30c per yad.i

Y:- -i ART DRAPERY.rg- r '

wide i'i white wit':. Mv-- 1:-. fa v. nr.d green. jdnk and

dae-h- s ,,f 'i,. ,,!, uasfers artisiiealU- - coh.red. The snbje.-f- s aoexhibit.-- l iu tiie galleries ,.f Pi.do,.. ;,; and Vor-aiih--

, from ti.." -r3.Ti.

Bank of Hawaii, LtdC;ip:t.ii and Surplus Sl.''i.'0.fit'!.iIe"Trnaker-- ''slV '.

Frances Morrison Manager, Arts and Crafts Shop

,it-;-- !1. L .! :a

he .s . o

r 'I..- IV-el- '

w :. . V. iy ,tUi..: me. 2."c per yara.

SACHS DRY GOODS CO.Cor. F'Tt nnd Deretania sts.

Oj'p. I'i re Station.

ana Hon--

ie Star'i. I

Page 8: OF...A cab! pro-pec-t. that the lo.-a-l authorities in Emeryville appear likely to refuse per-mission to hold;t there. The promoters think that Mayor McCarthy's adminis- tration will




Direct Service to San Francisco.S. S. "S1EKPA" sailing from Honolulu May lth, June Sth, June

29th. and everv twentv-on- dtivs there after.$65 first-clas- s single to San Fran eisco; round trip, $110. Direct service

from an Francisco to Tahiti eotuieet ing with U. S. S. Co service to New-Zealan-

C. BEEWEE & CO., LTD., General Agents.

1BBOKEB55itWaterhouse Trust

Stock Brokers921 FORT STREET.

HONOLULU ST0UK EXCHANGEll..i,.,:i;l.:. Tn.-d- av. M.iv 17. l.-- l

St0Cks" AND



3 j I'apf.aS. ParSAME O ST (.K. Paid l'p Vai Bid ifk

rom vancouvm.M ANT'KA MAY 25



Manoa Valley 3 bedrooms $40.00

uemDer Hnolulu StockfO FIJI AMD AUITXALIA.



THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD., General Agents.M

IP. O. Box 538 .








Mercantile.C. Brewer AC o ...12,200,000 11.30 .

Bwa j 5,0GO,00 2'Haw. Agticultural ....j 1.200or. i.e. ...Haw Com A Sugar C 2.S12." 2HawtiugarCo i.Oou.OOG 2 .

Honomu 7VUW0 1" 14Uonokaa ' 2,000.000 j lHaiku l.VW.'.OO 1

Hutcbinson ;Sng fla:I'O 2,5iX"i.0X 2R -

Krthuiu 5'W,tK.K 2,E'kaba Sagar :o 8 ;,tX 100Koioa 5'Vu)t 10

McBryie ouu n Lt.i.. J.SdO.OdO iUahi S.igar Co.. S.ik.i.X. 2. 3

Oncmea l.li'Hi.OO' 2 ?'

' i on vat i. .,, "-- uomoIV.

l- -

tx)'"te and

Matlock Avenue 2 "

Matlock Avenue 3 "

Alexander Street 5 "

Lunalilo Street 3 "

Nuuanu Street 7 "

FurnishedManoa Valley 3 "

Young Street 2

i'l- - ated in theOil. VI It i n o ? Dt ttiit.:

fKOM NEW YORK TO HONOLULU, via Tehuantepec, every sixth day.Freight received at all times at the company's Wharf, Forty-firs- t street, SouthBrooklyn.


S. S. MISSOUKIAN, to sail June 7

For further information apply toH. HACKEE LD & CO., LTD., Agents, Honolulu.

C. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent.

alongs de of th. r !5id$50.00

$30.00uo.ui struts, fi

r supply from M

u.v-v'l-- ThesePACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO., AND T0Y0 KISEN KAISHA. For SalennimprowJ proprcty in Man-a- . Kaimnl it buildinr, ' tImprool and

J- - H. SCHXACK,SteTO of the above eompaniea will all at Honolulu and leava thii porta r ahont tb dates mentioned below:

137 Merchaj)1

li n -- e and lot in

Palolo and inside districts.WANTED To buy a nial

borhood.j'oou nei:FOS SAX FXANCISCO.











Direct service between San Francisco and Honolulu.

From San Francisco: For San Francisco:

Member HoroluhStockli,

Represented on the Boari

by Joseph Andrade.

OIm sugar Co Ltd' S.iw.ifv 2,. : V,Ciowalu IM.1.O1X l it j

i'aaana.u Sug Han Co n.CMUK Jk ...Paelfic 7V .iM' ... I

faia Ij. ... ... I

IVK?ekeo ;t0.(KH l.r j

Honi-o-r 2.7S0 0i I t .. :

Wamiua Ami Co 4.5un 0OC l.n H4WaiiukuWaimanalo. 2''i '. I .. . : (

WaimeH snt.-r-t' V ill .... 12r.iKi( l.r i

M Ncf: L.lS'E,)! !.

Inter-W- l i? s Co 2.CVUX t, ... 15Haw KU ctri 'm ... .j ,001 1

11 RTA ,.ot'H.. .... .in- -... - ,r hi:. ....H KV4L Co Com ,i..MutUHl Tel 'o U! 1 12(vahiku RutibarCo ... ft .' l vNahiku Rubber Co.. .. At V" ....O R A 1. Co .. . 4.-- r . a 1 : Ui'i 14 r.

H)io K K. O . f'f t !(

Hilo K R Co., Com ... l.r. HHonolulu Brewing A

Malting Co lid.... i. 2. 14 ;.-

Ha w Hiueciinie fi.... 5..;,..,.... 2 2.'-- ; '.Till: (link Ruii

Ci'. t'; 1 ii.) 14!.. 4 -

'I'hii;. nu (J'.ok K;ill 2I .. : A, tin j e 1M rt7.-.-- ! -- s

Hhw Ter 4pc pireClaims 315, ,0; . ... 7

14 aw Tit 4 p KefiusM'.nK P 5 ik 10

h.h.v Ter ; v 1.00 .xr ukllawTer p l.W.Oii II'Haw ji e 1.044, 'vi- ... ! T)l'n! H.'i-- t su'ir ;jf l,e- -

( (i i) i c Iilhli.akua if.teh :iu

nj.pvi- lltctl ) H s ...I 2'" .C" .... '

I . m'. a nn u rrigat lollI '(, rt- - 7 p i' luii'l

HiiyrniiMii Irrigation fir,j.0(Vi u!l y Mi ... 12

11 xv mo ,v Sugar5 p 1.240.COC 'i--


Hilo f: R rt isstlt. t

us t. 1 l.tno.ooo .. . :o;Hilo K li Co i;ei ,v j

Kxni i'dr fij ... 810.000 ;9(I'lIlokrtH slly I'n I) jn V .OCC' 3Hull i 1'A L Co 6 pi- - 47.000:Kauai Ri.C'I's :,.ihi ..K"hoia biteh Co Ssio.iii,, .... .... 101

.... 2.00O,0u0- i ...Mutual '!i-- l 20SiH-r- i 102ORAL CO 5 P c 2.000.U0O' ... . 102H 104;OaliuS;iKHf i;o!ip c 0, COO- .'

i sugar I'm p e 20,0ii0. ... y4 V.

Fai-ifi- Susar .MillCo He 500 Mtt j

Pioneer Mill tort p c 1.250,000 .. . .; j ....Waialua Ag Co 5 p C 1,.'7,00C 10; (

June 8 - WilhelniinaLnrline

LmI'me M;iv 25Juno LI THE PACIFIC !

for Honolulu direct June 4th. w WILL NOT SELUiCommercial Advertiser iS. S. Hvadec of this line sails from S cnttl(OLD STORAGE CARGO.


Trent Trust Co., Ltd.BOUGHT AND SOLD


For further particulars apply to

Eotered at the Postoffice at Honolulu,T. II., as second-claj'- s matter. j


AdTertising Bates on Application. !

Why?CASTLE & COOKE, LTD., Agents, Honolulu.We are selling total tddetitu,HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD.

Von Holt Block, No. 65 South King StCRUSHED ROCK AND ROCK SAND.ao ice.

The Waterhouse Ci:. S. CRANE : : : : : Manager

Hustace-Pec- k Company, Ltd.CS QUEEN STREET. PHONE 25.

W email our own rock as deliver to ail parts of the city. EstiAgents National Cash Beg fc

mates given on all kinda of road work and grading. Beaaonabla prices. M. W. HOCE k CO,



Have you a pad of

WIRELESSblanks on your desk? You will

need them in your business. The

instant communication will save

many a dollar. On Sunday morn-

ings the office is open from eight

until ten:.

1139 Fort Street."23.125 on $100 paid. T54 per eeut.paid. JRedeemable at 103 at maturity.if Paid up. Ii270 slarea treaa. tc-e-DRAYS Get our figures for hnnling freight.

Also for steam rolling :inl plowing.i Coroner's Jury Commences ItsInquiries About Accident of

Last Monday.Classified AdvertisemertWant Ads., two lines, one time,10i

Tlin aiitmo

paraand i




f.'Ii 4


.2 :

J 4






Office, Queen St., next to Inter-Islan- d Co.'s Office. Phone 281.Albert F. Afong



Member Honolulu Stock and BondEsxhaage.


MWXER8 of horses on any oiiIslands wishing to sell horses stiifor polo to members of the

Polo Club, will please notify It

In ;'. three hours' last niuht-- tho jury inwstifrntinj; the death of

M. 1 !a rliozii sncrccilcl in xaiiiiuii)M- lntthree witnesses liefore adjourning uii'til

tonight. Mini the jury will probably leiimler the necessity of . I i i : ir severalinure sessions.

I'rieiiils of iMwai'l ''luney, the manwin) was lirivinjr the autu tl;at killedHarlioa, realize that puMii- upinion has

!. Baldwin at Honolulu, (fihandy, manageable horses kwt14 and 15 bauds are desired, fo.

trattle horses preferred. SfAUTOS $3.00 Per Hour FOR RENT.

Classified AdvertisementsWant Ads., two lines, one time, 10 cents.

For Calling and Shopping. Hack Calls at Hack Rates.

C. tl. Behn - Phone 5 ROOM AND BOARD.

I'MiLY fufuisheil lauyi rooms inprivate family, ami eomfortable.Also single t.o..ul eot.tai.'. Five inin-ut.e- s

v n i k from renter of eity. A.l-ilres- s

JI. I"., Advertiser yilii-e- . smiii

THE HAU TREE on the beidtWaikiki first-elas- s apartmeits Ki

WANTED. board. 1 i Kaha road, end of uers road.

betMi roused by this Iasr outrage tosneh an extent that it is lia.ble to 00hard with him and have taken v thefiolit hard from the very start, tryingto kill all eharoes in the euroner's.jury.

W. ''. b'awlins is ae'intr as attorney

KNPEh'T repair work. E. J.J ierg.T Eiee-tri- U'tirks. I'lio-Hvi- 43 t.

334TWO furnished rooms and board

( I't'L'A I.', Iloted street opj-osite-. l"ni-evsit-

Club. l by Dr. U'Iay,as 'dliee and resilience. .'. Unite. ('Kai--i hit ma nu street. MWii)

eouple or gentlemen; aU

ienees; Makikpi district. P. 0. E:

MILRS!PASSEHGE GENTLEMEN to take rooms andhome ei't king at thirtv dollars permonth. Lauhala, 7o2. Kiuau St,, nearAlupai. S001

fur the man and represents nun at I THE NEW ERA HOTEL, No. I4tthe inipiest, takni.o- a large part in t lie j Font St., furnished room by the day.proi-.- He i (he attorney whoj week or month. Tropieally situated,got .1. '

C luney otV some time ngu Terms reasonable. Inquire on thCOTTAGE AND BOARD

FURNISHED niosquito-proo-f cottar

ifter the latter Had smasiio" 111:0 m- - premises. .MRS. HENRY SMITH. of two rooms, with bathrooa c

taehed. suitable for twoorfecarriage f the .lajatiese consul on Ka- -

lakaua avenue. That t'lui.ey is tthe j sons, in private family, wita mKoOM by the night at the PopularApply 1366 King street, waiKibrother of the man now being held lor House. 1249 Fort. 8645

coiiijdb-it- v in the of P. a rbu.a. j .Tltv witn."sses last night were COTTAGES, with board. Mrs. J. Caa

liuctor --Mai-kall, .loiin Ti.-- and .lon.au 2005 Kalia road, Waikiki. JAPANESE EMPLOYWEMT


Sierra and KoreaWe give our personal attention to all Baggage Orders.

City Transfer Co.

FIREWOOD by Salvation Army Home..Manoa Valley. Tel 13(52. So'til

GENTLEMEN to look at newly fur-nished rooms, P259 Fort !?t." ThVilla; el'oapest, cleanest ani best Ln

eitv. Owner on premises. Tel. 1305..80S9

RKPINEl) middle ;iged woman wishes-I'ositio-

as companion ur house-keeper; best of references. Mrs-- . K.M. A ivertiser orliee. (iii."

HOl'SE, eonijdi-fel- i'urn.ithed: Herettiuia, near Makiki. Inonire Uli JAPANESE coois, wa!tn,

ete, 1128 Union St. nonmlleit'tania Ave. .Sbbo

t timmins'. ioetor .iai-Ka-

merely r.i the eonditions of the s

body.'John P'ti-- was an eyewitn.ss t.o the

neeidont from beginning to iid an-- 1 he

told a straightforward story. 'I'lte autohad i i down King street at a highrate of speed, strin k the man who wasr.ii..r t.li street. and lias- - ,, on

MEN'S CLOTHINGspot: furnishedhouse; shoi t term rental; address MEN'S CLOTHING on credit;

JAS. II. LOVE. wpif Suit dven at ont'," Advertiser oti oC)ll'OC.h. Rnildiaf. "

imiUUlDi; KjU; javuCLEAN ashed r gs. WiLB pay oasb.. i: aPHONE 152 t.intv"v:.r.l or so before it eatne t o j PI !MS I K lmngal aw oeeupied by F.

a stoo.'

His testimouv was extremely jT- - I 'illinyl Mill, College Hilis, for rent

d imao'.rr' tw t'limev.'

it was wr.,i.g!y fr :'. or 4 month Apjiy on prem- -sehool itovs and eirls to earn a little LOST.money. 13ring to the office of the j FIX " ELOPE addressed D. k 78CC3si:f'ed av that the atrl had

. i . ... i .... .i tMU'RAE COMPANY iiawauan ijazctte (Jo., bo South KindStreet. 8612to o,, 1,,V t lt 111" V. Illll.-- SIO ll- -l .HOI ,,. fiiiujiuiiij; i" s- a

Siemsen; payment stopped; 1.SKKEEPI Nil rooms at Waikiki.BREAKS A LOCAL RECORD h'mself tiM.U the' body to the hospital, j

pply P'L'it K a lakaua Ave. S59 this ortiee.a- -- .loiia.ilThe nest witnessSports PROFESSIONALCABj The Mi-lia- eumpaiiy havi put f

i m : 1 v vi i v i xeelient i l;is i'or ti

AUTOS FOR SALE.INK new IHI11 seven se.iter Packard,

one eioht sealer Math-fon- . Pemon-straif.tn- s

at l.leasantot ll itel. m'i'i

t'lPsl'., 3"7- i'Viit St.; seven 700ms;foil a itivnth, watiir . Ajplvlueeti I Corel. 8656

ummins, who was a pass.-tte- in theear at. t iii tinot ( the

He savi tha those in th. ear sawi- .0 when theV Will' ''"0 a I'd -atioi!S of the opera house but none

of theui have eipiaieil the pn n net ion of



open, for beginners, those

advanced. For particnlaojLvi:, Zir:Jz offices for rent.the road, finally in tin- - a v 't LF,XANDEE TOUNG BUlLUlNG



!KKS and rhiekeivt tit HtwaiitstiEx ;m..J IJiiit'i streets.Pi 1" lie bit. 'iij

the several tunes he mi. ta.11. , Honolulu's oslv e tre-iro- of

t...1 iiiui-el- f and showed evb-rn- MTJSIC.tmiii iTtn; rer.t ineirAaes eietrie iiffht.SV7tFY F. HOBW

When K niu'lit iioo.l Was in "Tiie thearer has be-- arkei! at everypel foriii.'i an ; t t 11 o was 1,0 exr 'j tioi! to the rule-- It was Mr M,-i;a-

intention to iau th:- - piav up to an. I

i 11 it 'rhursiiay evenii.i;-- but theietiiiind tor seats h.is i ,11 o oroat t 'ia '.

he has a e ! 1 to break all n;ii"s of

having been schooled. II is ret 'tnuiiy j

was .Unlading to the rhaorVe.r as riiidi,as h.'f-.- been that of the .ith. r ate ,j

The skate polo ya.me wliieii was

for tonielit at the rink has been

railed olT. The Marines and the Prill

teams expected to meet but n

movement to oro-- i n i'e a skate football

roiiservatcnura m..- --,

a no (Technique'dlOICP lo-. of fuehias and other

pnit-- . Af.piy S !! Voung street.,Mle;7

hot and cold water, and janitor aer-vice- .

Apply the von Haaam-Youn- g

Co., Ltd.

"THE STANGENWALD" Only irproof office building in eity.

ig and Voice KI0.T.-V-Z

seemi-i- l to make a had nn res-em

the .fury. tania St., eor. of LfioA unit bvi-iii-v trends ot rue :ie-.- -i S6... .t skate i.olo easit-.- i aisori.ing an: .,11il.o-i- th -- la;heatri.-a- l liistorv in Honolulu and run I '' '""H "'

h.or in', rest inst HOW.'

BOUND voTutnes Planters' Monthly,complete in its details of the sugarindustry wherever cap.e is grown.Hawaiian Gazerte Co., Ltd. is"61

Tlie league 'was pva et i rally formed: this play for the full w.ek. This will j

-t the lir-- t raine of foot be the firM time that anv l.iav has i ftervatorium and Bo?ai a.rnnig a wa n uu .a 1: tousi v , tn trmi.f the jury.

luev will have to l,e ind.l nuti ' Mucic, England),be a. novo It v at-- , ever run a wick mi this eitv and Mr After . ot- -.ti uds a re ! a it.; ", . , . . ' r n rball on rollers w

i rarti.-- at ' r'n 1. . . - . ,. e ..' , TI ! , .0 . . . ,1 . . t . Jx' ' ' ' " '': or release ,,, lo.Vi Emma !?

!' and the u - I l O;, .lili. .O O e O , .

!.'d. :j! be doeuied to

expiration ,.f .,.1( ; inuu f. rata t on from t lie

Who-t- t s,,.l n,o-"e-e )s.

es wis!, t t a he t io. .e dire.-tor- . lav ,:,.

s" ib'idim d or t'a l,dn I'-'ti Itia ti as ; vli' !li'!i,h:i I ., - he ,. 011

of one and vos-il- v two a week I i.e pioiu.'-t.- i t t.ntt perl ur-ita-

The teams in the league aye tho 'Tne Lion and the Mon-o- -' wl!I'ort .,:ifter. l'u-- f l,':;-r- . Pelt De p.,stpoi,e,l for a wee';, b r M M,-j- ;

DIAMONDS and jewelry bought, aobland exchanged. J. Carlo, Port iSt

A rba nks f orse K h.-p- . e.:is engine,in j.erfei-- t condition, with gas fixtores complete. Mh-i- he-- seen in thepressroom of Tin- - Hawutian G:7etf"

o.. Ltd.. o." s. K'in st.

'r in ss teaaust - .!'tl

s a ml 'Jesses, M.I


$1,000,000 INCREASE;I

I ti aci-0- da m-- v it !l the p h, - of ' h '

d.lei-to- .. it a .!'( I t i.e 'e. "g j

of tae -- t ol-- h'ddel - 'lie .iw. I'l !

Su-ja- I'ottijiany ,a :'- ;. ' .



- AuSrTTJJO' y

Gr.hf.rn. 310 Stangenw p


the patron, w a . si a' v.it- -or the of fl,K pi-n- J,.,r I,,--

i ,iira;n prisint j) ii,i',,i,. t,,.'10 n ; - e mi at.--

Wio'-t- Kli-- Vh Va in Plower"is truly a -- rr:i! bn- i!el Mo p.

on t i a ; t V'.rri tttg at 'he ;,a a d -

..t ';'.. d I,' eo.e...,.,.. ;, ,.,,.,.

if th!t W

ot 011,1 :

if sfo.-i- ;

-- I i

d le-,t-'-

elI bv

HITCHCOCK'S "Hawaii and Its VolCannes," the most complete publica-tion in existence bearing on the geological form.ttion rvf the Territory tt

it relates to volcanoes. Handsomelyillustrated. ifL'.nn at Hawaiian GazetteCo., Ltd., h2 King street 8361

di-- tl

lli'll .ei e f a j ' e si oe (x e a e ee e et a a! from two d-- e, , . t ..!

j am. The new ;:. v h !,, - .l.1: .1 nlv I. aader th.- t dl.-- nj .

'. la ' a -- e o t' a ti u ' a o '

a! -- o.-- of t he e.of.a '. bv t

Il.lt Hi

he lti. ,'tW PK I, E. CASE, officeIv be oil La 10lain


Fallowing are the s, ores lp1ade

tenlav by the National and A titer

league baseball team:National.

Pittsburg P'o- -l "i ; a

0. Ml otherest poll- I.


Boston . Detroit 4; Phila ielphi Washinir-o- 1. ' elan

New ork a, St. Louis 7 (eb-ve-

ninsisi)- -

tora m ee u w - aa fe .

.. ;a- h i( a

- hall, unless ot ',. ;s. i ' e '

meet ;n 4 t iia ii;i--ii- t ,e-- ana-, i.e offered to 'he ."-.hie


A POXY OPT! MPS press, bed ZW2inches. litis made money for thr-ow ners and will do so for the b'tverIt is in guoil condition, is in operation everv day and tnav be seen inthe pres room of the HawatiarGazette Co.. Ltd.. f. South King St.



Heniv S:.-i:- haI Iv ' . W. II. M- -!

ended t:,U I..r 'he ,,in-

-- old he-- Th .Oe,.mv. Mr. Afoeo

to the ' ..a..'Mr. Mel uem v

AND O- T- -rn


bark-- r ...- for t

Saeh otVe'- dlll'l-- pee;fy no the tiaai-e- '

vha-- earil s'oeR.ddeiIt! ' I! ' tin' t tli W h i

BOITND volumes Agriculturist and P'orester; invaluable to persons intereted in diversified industries anywhrHawaiian Gazette Co. te3l

TTJMINO 00 a "met,t'.tptain Wilier of the Amcrant. Allen, exp.n-t- s 1,1 bi tea.

a his w ei k.

The Ti.om.,-0-

ivate ttilH ''i t

Page 9: OF...A cab! pro-pec-t. that the lo.-a-l authorities in Emeryville appear likely to refuse per-mission to hold;t there. The promoters think that Mayor McCarthy's adminis- tration will


l 1


PAGES 9 TO 12.

PAGES 9 TO 12.



(tary authorities tal.e some action ont i r own initiative, President Mott-Smit- h

will endeavor to compel thornMILITARY POST

IS UNDER FIREi" 'i.. s0. If everything else fails, anappeal be ma.lt to the w:ir depart- -

merit. P.ut it i ni r. re probable thati when Ma j..r Win-lo- w thrrturblv under- -

ands the feeling of his civilian neigh-

bors, he will do avvav with the nuisanceResidents of Waikiki Complain ofUnsanitary Conditions at


VIOTT-SMIT- H MAY PROTESTI'AK'lS, April In. Andre Latuibe, a

young Parisian, who thought he hadsolved the problem of liing at other

We Want Youto come and examinethe latest models in

regal Shoesbecause vve want to make

Board of Health Authorities SayThey Are Barred From the


people's expense, was arrested todaylor a most ingenious fraud.

His method was to go to a fashion-able restaurant and dine well. Whenh. got to the cheese stage he producedfrom his pocket a little tin box fullyou a regular customer.

and we know this is jlmU

the surest wa ofSI


I know where there is more wisdom than is found in Napoleons, Voltaire, or all the ministers, present and IJ to come in public opinion. Talleyrand J1 Motor Cars of prominent makes registered in New York during the calendar years 107 1908 1909. V

1907 1908 1909 f1 Ul I I I I I I I I J PACKARD f

)1100 p Z j

1 1000 J

of spiders. To execute a couple ofspiders on the plate from which he was

; eating his cheese was the work of aninstant. Then he called the waiter andprotested loudly against the filthiness

They are the

tmartest ready-to-we- ar

shoedesigned this IK

of supplying food with spiders in it.On the arrival of the mauager he pro-

tested still more loudly and the ruseinvariably ended by the distractedmanager hushing the thing up by in-

viting the outraged customer to takea glass of old brandv and tendering

leasonand Regal

quarter- - V7




I -- 3

sizes give profuse apologies. Of course, thewaiter was instructed to present nobill.


you an




King and Bethel Streets.

Hut Laturbe, in choosing a restaurantwhere he had not been before, hap-pened to pick out one that employeda waiter who had seen his trick atanother establishment. This man quiet-ly sent for the police, and when La-

turbe had been arrested and wassearched the box of spiders was foundin his pocket.


Fine Wines and LiquorsL0YEJOY & CO.

902 Nuuanu Street.Telephone 308.




Martin CruncJt jt

a Merchant St. Tel. 788


Paul de Longpre Turned Down aFlattering Invitation to

Come Here.



Peerless '



Eenault (including Taxicaba)

1The presence of Taul de Longpre in

Honolulu at this time is as sincere a

compliment to Hawaii as a man couldpay, because to come here he was ob-

liged to refuse an invitation sent himby the committee in charge of thegreat Pose Festival of Portland, whowished him to be one of the threeguests of honor during the festivalweek in that city. The other two espe




Stevena-D-urye- a




cially invited to Portland are JamesWilson, secretary of agriculture in

The board of health has been appeal-

ed to by a number of the residents ofWaikiki to take steps to correct theunsanitary conditions which are said toexist at Fort De Pussy and which, itis claimed, constitute a serious menaceto the health, not only of the soldier,but more particularly of the civilianresidents; of the district.

Unfortunately, there is a clash be-

tween the territorial health authoritiesand the military officers. The officerscontend that the Territory has no juris-diction over any of the federal militaryor naval reservations and that sanita-tion on the reservations is a mattersolely for the consideration of tho mili-

tary authorities. This point is not con-

ceded, however, by the territorial au-

thorities. President Mott Smith of theboard of health stated emphatically re-

cently that the board has jurisdictionin all health matters within the con-

fines of the county, whether on or off

the federal reservations. Superintend-ent Marston Campbell stated yesterdaythat he inclined to the same view ofthe matter.

The complaints that have come fromWaikiki are of a serious nature and areto the effect that not only the comfortam! convenience but also the health ofthe entire district is menaced by therefusal of the Fort De Russy people totake proper sanitary measures for thedisposition of sewage.

The territorial regulations requirethe residents of Waikiki, since there isno sewer system in that district, to in-

stall cesspools, and this regulation isstrictly enforced,' even the owners ofmeanest cottages and hovels being forc-

ed to obey the law.But the military authorities of Fort

Ruger refuse to ay any attention tothis regulation, fnstead of digginjcesspools, the sold Mrs dump their refuseinto the sea and uifcpeakaible filth is tobe seen at all times floating up anddown the beach. Two latrines havebeen constructed on concrete piers outover the water. As there is a currentconstantly setting along the shore, thecondition of the beach for hundreds ofyards beyond the camp may be imagin-

ed. A walk along the beach revealsdisgusting conditions.

The inspectors of the board of healthstate that they have been refused ad-

mission to the military reservation andare absolutely unable to do anythingto abate the nuisance. Sanitary Of-

ficer Charlock of the board of healthconfirms this statement, saying tlfat hismen are not allowed to interfere with

salutary or insanitary matters on themilitary reservation. One of the in-

spectors states that" when he asked thesentry at the fort line to let him see

the officer of the day. the sentry re-

fused in a very insolent manner.Major Wiiislow, who is in command

of Fort D- Kussy. denies flatly that the

board of health inspectors are not al-

lowed to enter the reservation, but say

that to get onto the reservation .theyinu-- t first get a pass from him. He

stated Monday afternoon that there is

it present no prospeet f any change

being made as regards til"of sewage, bar on. he says, when it

i definitely known 'how many artillery-men are to be stationed on this island

and how many of them are to be located

at De K'.issv, and after congress shall

have appropi ate 1 sufficient money, it is

planned to put in a pumping plant to

the -- ewage out beyond the reef.Major Wmslow states that there :

., telling at present how long it willJ,., before anvthing of this kn i is done,

:.:!I in the meantime the beach at Wai-kik- ;

being strewn with tilth and thewaters po. luted. l:rt unately the CUr- -


President Taft's cabinet, and Luther

200Eenault Lozier




From Monday to Saturday, May16th to 21st, we offer you:

Talisman Tomatoes, 3 tin3..25cVan Camp's Pork and Beans, 3tins 25cLX.L. Jams, 3 tins 50cParadise Sodas $1.00Carnation Wheat Flake 30cOiirardelli's Ground Chocolate..


Compare these prices with whatJ live been paying elsewhere.Wttca for next week's ad.




Burbank, the wizard.M. de Longpre, however, having only

a limit'd time to spend in vacationthis summer, could not see that Port-

land offered the attractions for lrm inan artistic, a climatic or a pleasure-seekin- g

way that Honolulu did. evenwhen he could be a guest of honor witha secretary of the United States andthe horticultural wizard. Consequentlyhe is now at the Seaside, with his wifeand youngest daughter, taking his dailysea bath and reveling in the delights ofhaving time to spare at Waikiki.

The celebrated artist is looking ex-

tremely well, although he states thathe has hail plenty of hard work to pullhim down since he was last in Hono-lulu. He is enjoying himself thor-oughly

"I am having such a good time thatI am already planning how f can gethere for a longer vacation next sum-mer, ' ' he savs.

1907 1908 1909

The Packard Motor Car Co.



King St., nr. Maunakea.HKme 291. Daily Deliveries.


S.I) .1)1T will sell at






Kaimuki Property at

--"TOlantSt. PVmno rl I




Green or Roasted




til! IFEEt


LIHUE KAUAIiMay 21st, 1910, at I P. M.

20 Driving Horses, ready forvork.

7 Saddle Horses,

40 Unbroken Colts, all under

JADE JEWELRYWe, Chaste, Elegant

80 wow-J- Waunjikea and Smith

Spatial SaleXICA



1263 Miller Street. Phone 557.

ive years of age, and well bredfc mePA2ISIAS ART CO. reTi; as a thing sets iu toward the j lnj eaSy to handle; 10 of these

irirb-.- instead of out toward the hotels, j Sire(j b' Boswell, Tr.narrisor. J,.ug.and the waters of the bathing places

Meals . . . 16 Merchant Street.

Tl.e -- lean er W. ;. Hal! leaves Hono-iti-

r. p. May It'th. and KinaiifrMii Kauai' May 2Ut. Don't

li',i this griind chaiice 'o buy horses.Terms of Sale

WM. HENRY RICE.Aucii-.ne- r.

!!:,-M:!V l'. 17. 1

k l. per ySr1


PALM CAFE, Hotel and Union Streets.s,, opp. Bethcl

are comparatively I ttie contaminate 1.

Kur cm Ltioi.s Ewa of the f Tt are par-

ticularly bad and the resilenti are pro-t- .

st'ng vigorously.At Fer: l.'nger. Sohofiell Barracks

and other military p.sts there are in-

cinerating plants where the sewage :

consumed. It has been suggested thatthe installation of such a plant at I r:

De Pu-s- y would not only abate the pre-f.- .

...j;.,,, t,,t would bo weitb whileif in time at t o i!eif, even

pumping plant is histaliol.It is ; rotable that, unless t ae a: i;- -



MASSEURSRheumatism,Bruises,and otherAilmentsQuicklyRelieved.Telephone 637.




U., iS--TlTimi-

Page 10: OF...A cab! pro-pec-t. that the lo.-a-l authorities in Emeryville appear likely to refuse per-mission to hold;t there. The promoters think that Mayor McCarthy's adminis- tration will


rr-- r r nr ir-rr-- r rr nr Tr ir ir r 4rnrw eir r r r t r r rr rr qAHU RAILWAY TIME TABLE

1i, outwara.

s f For Waianae, Waiaiua, Kahuku am.py r Wav Stations 9:15 a. m., 3:20 p. mJ For Pearl City, Ewa Mil and Wa,

Stations 17:30 a. in., "S 15 a. m.... . ,m ... ... u.qn a ni.. 2:15 r. m.. 3:20 D. m E. 0. HALL & SON, Ltd9:30 t. in.. 111:15 p. m.

,nn-- r or unimi III II 17- .- !'. Laiiifr. M is .M . Keo.l, .Mrs. n. i.i.'.ivivu, .aih. cki., ar. lion. i.lr Wahiawa no. Leilehua -- W:ZV a5:15 p. m., t9:30 p. m., tll:15 p. m

inwara.Arrive Honolulu from Kanuku, Wai

,ua and Waianae 8:36 a. m., 'Slif Thii m tb

: anil s

s Tlin a I

BTIIOi mpe

raraitn.i i

p. in

w I). I'aMwin, Miss HnMwiu. j trom ;uay o.i JA.MKS II. HUL'CK. Am. scbr., fromBooked to Depart.

ARRIVED. . . , S. F. fi.r S.Hin.l, Dee. 16.1Vr rr:l l;-- an ran-jJEA-

BAPTIST. Fr. bk. from Leith1ueslay, May 1. ,. Mr. Mrs.sn,, .lav Is. an-- l Henry for TTon Feb 10M X. P. P. Willie in in a, Johnson, .Master Atoiitf. liobeit Catton,

', v M Fs ,; v) m S(.hr s

Sun Frnm-is.-o- , a. m Mr. S. E. lhilstead, Mrs. A. 11 Lack- -

r(,, .;', May 11.' " ' 'p S S. Asm, Gaukrocer, from Mrs. A.M ,all(1( Air. ami Phelps, U)nN KNA Am; from lion. for

San rr:..,.-o- . a. . Dioou. Mi- -. A. --X. Locke, . Al ,.(r(v.,kwateri April -- 8.DEPARTED. Spoyer, K. A. UuuKOr, A. H. teott and j KAIULA.M, Am. bk., Colly, ar. 8 F

wife. Mrs. F. A. Poller, C. W . Pendle- - fr i 1t

Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill am Our Special Salewas a grand success. Sonic of the items have been sed outbut we have replaced them with other bargains

M tv-- a. lor iiuu v ton, wile and cii.ld, Mrs. J . li. .Meyei KIYO MARU, Jap. S. S., from Honfor So. Am. ports, March 30.1J t Miss '.. K. Hart, Mrs. K. H. Larle,

M.ss 1. Karie. Mr. and Mrs. A. ,M.r. !. for Hawaii. .":1U p. m.

Pearl City 1 7:45 a. m., 8:36 a. m.11:02 a. m., 1:40 p. m., 4:26 p. m.,

-- 5:31 p- - m-- , 7:30 p. m.Arrive Honolulu from Wahiawa an J

Leilehua 9:15 a. m., tl:40 p m., 5:31p. m., 10:10 p. m.

The Haleiwa Limited, a two-!.on- r

train (only first-clas- s tickets honored),leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:36a. m ; returning, arrives in Honoluluit 10:10 p. m. The Limited stops only

it Pearl City and Waianae outward,tnd Waianae, Waipahu and Tearl Cityinward.

Dailv. tFxcept Sunday. JSundav OnlyO. P DENISON, F. C. SMITH,

Superintendent. G. P, A.

Japanned .


ENAMELED DISH PANSSize, always sold at "60c,


Kii.au. for Kauai, ."r.lo p. m. Brov n. Mr. and Mis. V. De Brette--;k dia'a. for M d.ikai. i:'2" p. ni. vlllo Mjss Bunker, Mrs. W. T. Mon-- s

i. for Yokohama. 5 p. m. sarrat, Mr. and Mrs. I!. Shaw, MissKe Au Hon. for Kauai, "

. in. a. Dunne., Mrs. C. G. HKsen and child.X inn, for island ports. 0:3' ,. aIi,i IS. . B. A uerliaeli, Mr. and

t ?ood and strong special bargain for (30cfor Ocean 12IV: U

p. 'V


xnis sale

1 Oc eachan Fran- -B i' nnv .Toiiiison. for


Mrs. L. Tenney Peek, Miss Earle, I an-n-

lonoan. Airs .1. K. Catton, Mr.and Airs. T. K. Woodbridge, K. 1

Oakes and wife, F. Uner, Air. Star-ret- t.

.1. W. BourJette, Air. and Airs.K. Alaedoiiald, F. Halstead, J. L. Coke,Capt. Campbell. U. fe. M. C; Al. To-kied-

F. V. Everton, AI. G. John-ston. Henry Mead, F. S. Scudder, Airs.

V. II. Jiimoud and son, Airs. Murphy,K. W. T. Purvis and son, Airs. Purvisand child, D. W. Shanks, wife anddaughter, E. W. Campbell. Air. andAirs. G. Harris. Air. and Airs. E. H.

ciseo, a. m.


Sir. W. G. Hall, from Kauai porta,a. m.

SAIL TODAY.O. . S. Sierra, Iloudlette, for San

Fran. is. o. Pi a. m.AI. X. s. S. Xev.-id.n- n for Kahului,

Ivai'i: ii.ili and Port Alien, p. tit.

TIN DISH PANSSize, Half Pi ice for this


1 5c each1 BURNER BLUE

FLAME OIL STOVEwith asbestos ring, always sold at


easily put up


SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYSLeave Kahana for funaruu,

JIauula, Laie, Kahuku andWay Stations at 12:00 M.

Arrive Knhuku at 1:00. P.MBryan, J. J. Yawitz. A. AI. Howe, AV.DTXF. FRIDAY.K. Seott, Air. and Airs. II. Kellner, V.

Sir. Manna Loa, from Kona and Kau , i rnL-

KOREA. Am. S. S., from Yokohama forHon.. Alay 12.

KONA, Am. schr., ar. Port Townsendfrom lElo, Jan. 8.

LADY ELIZABETH, Nor. bk., fromBremerhaven for Hon., March (5.

L'AVEXIR. P'fdg. sp., from Xewcastlefor Hon.. April 13.

LAXSJXG. A in. S. S., from Hon. tPort Harford, Alay 15.

LA II A IX A, Am. bktn., from Newcastlefor Hon., April 5.

LFREIXE. Am. S. S., from Hon. forS. I, Alav lii.

M. TEENER, schr., from Kahului forS. F.. Mav 11.

MA1TAI, Br. S. S., from Hon. for Sydnev, April 2.

AI AKKRA, P.r. S. S.. ar. Victoria fromHon.. Mav 3.

MAKAWELI, Am. bk. Neilsen, ar. Mukilteo from Kahului, Feb. 11.

MA RAMA, Br. S. S., from Hon. forSvdney. April 30.

MAXCHFEIA, Am. S. S., ar. Yoko-hama from Hon.. Mav 12.

AIAXSHIT Af ARE, Jap. S. S., Nishi,from Hon. for Japan ports. May 3.

AIEXICAX. Am. S. S., ar. S. F. fromSalina Cruz, Alav 1 1 .

MOAXA, Br. S. S.f ar. Svdney fromHon., Feb. 20.

AIOXGOEIA. Am. S. S., ar. S. F. fromll.n. Alav 14.

MISSOURIAN. Am. S. S., ar. SalinaCruz from Hilo, Mav 2.

AIAKY E. FOSTER," Am. schr., ar.Grav's Harbor from Hon., April 25.

MARION CHILCOTT, Am. sp., fromGaviota for Hon., Alay 14.

AIITRIEL, Am. schr.. from Honoipu forS. F.. April 26.

NEVA DAN, Am. S. S., ar. Hon. from

HV iuie tlii'l n.ij Aiv..-v- ,

Miss Tliatcher, Air. and Airs. Lude- -rxirts, a. m.

Royal Steel Enameled

NO. 5 CUSPIDORSn,e Factory has discontinued mating this number. Retail Price, 50c

each, Half Price,

DUE SATURDAY.P. M. S. S. Korea from Yokohama


mayer, Mrs. W. C. Bailey, Dr. L. Alun-dor- i.

Aliss E. J. Davidson, Miss E. AI.

Davidson, Air. and Airs. P. S. Denison.Per M. N. S. S. Wilhelmina. for San

Returning:Leave Kahuku for Laie, Hau- -

ula, Punaluu, Kahana andWay Stations at 1:45 P.M.

Arrire Kahana at 2:45 P.MSATURDAY, 8UNDAY


Arrive Kahuku at 11:58 A.M. '

Leave Kahana for Punaluu,Hannla, Laie, Kahuku andWay Stations at 11:00 A.M. i

1:30 P.M. j

Port. eachHi!r. San Gabriel for Kahului and Francisco, Alay . Mr. and Airs. L. L.

iJreenwell, Airs. E. AI. Sty ne, Airs. C.S. S. Korea for San Francisco, p. Dicker, Airs. Sweenev, O. II. Swee- -

ney, Mr. and Airs. AI. S. Sissel, AlissP. M.

Weaver. Airs. T. Keves. F. S. Scudder,! f H in.l P I.'oriiifiii Mrs. Mc- -


$5.50, to .close

$3.50 eachWhite English Semi-Porcelai- n



worth $2.00 a dozen, sale price

$1.35 dozMENDETS

mends all leaks instantly in cook-

ing utensils, etc.


2 for 5c

Royal Steel Enameled

DEEP LADLESilways sold at 25c each, legs than

Half Price,

1 Oc each

2:15 P.M.Leave KahuKU for Laie, Hau-ula- ,

Punaluu, Kahana andWay Stations at 12:35 P.M.

3:00 P.M.Connections are made at Kahuku

with the O. R. & L. Co.'s 9:15 a. m.

train from Honolulu, and the 2:20 p.m. train, which arrives in the city at5:30 p. m.


Superintendent G. P. & F. A

(Army and avj.) Keajrue. Sam AKKea-u- e, E. D. Cran- -

San Gaonel, Port, cr., S. F., May 10.1 WatsoIK .Mr. a,i M. V. K.

Kukui, C. S. L. 11. T., Aliddleton. ()!.tlu Ht,iiry Meai, L R ; r:iIir. L. AI.

;Alerchaut Vessels.) Gray, Charlotte 1'. Dode, Airs. V. C.

Flaurence Ward. Am. schr., Piltz, Mid- - Jones, Airs. II. Keener. Airs. L. K.wa Isle, Alav 8. Simpson, Mr- -. M. E. Bosher, Airs. D.

Jane E. Stanford, Am. bktn., Peter- - Scudder, Miss AI. Home. Air. and Mrs.son, C.rav's Harbor, Alay 5. F. F. Dillingham, Mrs. S. Codling, Airs.

Xeva'laii, Am. s.s., San Francisco, Alay AI. Mitchell, K. J. Swan.ey. Capt. V.

15 Avenlaai. li. Home, A. K. Cameron, W.Strntrurvle Dr. s.s.. Xewcas'le. Mav 13. S. Witt", James MH 'ltd Ian. Aliss E. AI.

Blue and White Enameled

FUNNELSUsual Price, 50c; Half price,"

S. C. Allen. Am. schr.. Ft. Bragg, April Christman, Airs. John K. Gandall. Airs.W. L. Whitnev. Airs. E. W. Sutton, Aliss.

J. E. Raymond, Mrs. C. T. Wilder. AlissEmma C. Wagner. Airs. C. W. Beebe, A Rare OpportunityTRANSPORT SERVICE.

Pix, ar. Seatile from Hon., May 14.

Logan, ar. S. F. from Hon., May 11.Thomas, ar. S. F. from Hon., Alarch 16.

Aliss Mav E. Ee Tolar, 11. H. Aluiler,

S. V., Alav 15.NII(ETA MARU, Jap. S. S., from Hon.

for Takow (Formosa), April 15.XIX FA, I tab sp., from Hon. for Port-laud- .

Alav 14. 'XIPPOX MARU, Jap. S. S., ar. Yoko-

hama from Hon.. April 23.NUUANU, Am. bk., Joselyn, from

Kaanapali for N. Y., Feb. 4.OLYMPIC, Am. bk., ar. S. F. from

Kaanapali, April 7.o. AE KELLOGG, Am. schr., ar. Gray's

Harbor from Hilo, Alav 12.PLEIADES, Am. S. S.. ar. S. F. from

Hilo. April 21.EENEE RICKMERS, Ger. sp., from

I Miss M. A. Aluiler, Aliss I. K'cid. Airs.BrinckerhotV, sir James Alills, Airs. F.

I G. Hisscn, T. E. Bibbins, Airs. Bibbins,


lii 'HI

i i


4i i



Household DepartmentSecond Floor

to BUY A LARGE TRACT OF LANDoff LUSO STREET, above Mormonchurch,, containing .30,000 SQUAREFEET, for residence. Nice Manienielawn; some fruit trees. On car line.In walking distance to Postoffice.

PRICE $2000.


Waity Building. 74 S. King Street.

Geith tor Hon., Jan. 23.R. P. EITHET, Am. bk., Drew, ar. S. F.

from Hilo, Alav 13.ROBERT LEWER'S, Am. schr.. ar. Port

Gamble from Hon., April 15.ROKEBY, Am. S. S., from Norfolk for

Hon., Alarch 7. (Passed CoronelApril 22.)

ROSECRANS. Am. S. S., ar. Gaviotafrom Kaanapali. April 18.

ROSEBANK, Br. S. S., from Hon. forOcean Island, Alav 17.

RYGJA, Xor. S. S.', ar. Portland from

Sheridan, from Hon. for .Manila. Alay14.

Sherman, from Alanila for Hon., Mayl.j.

THE MAILS.AI ai Is are du" from the following

points as follows:San Francisco Per Hilonian, Alay 22.Yokohama Per Korea, May 21.Vancouver Per Alakura, Alay 27.

Australia Per Manuka, Alay 23.

Mails will depart for the followingpoints as follows:San Francisco Per Sierra, today.Yokohama Per Mongolia, Alay 30.Australia Per Alakura, Alay 27.Vancouver Per Manuka, May 25.


Per AI. X. S. S. Wilhelmina, from SanFrancisco. Alav 17. For Honolulu: J.K. Douglas, A. G. Schnack, Airs. 1). F.AlcCov and child, W. T. Garden, J. J.Garden, H. IE Williams, Aliss F. assi-dv- .

Air. and Airs. X. G. Tyler and twochildren. Mr. and Airs. C."w. Godfrey,Airs. G. II. Robertson, Miss Lillian Rob-

erts, ,n. Miss Grace Robertson, AlissSvlol Robertson, W. C. Eyon and son.Airs. A. .1. Lvuii, Miss Dora Walters,

Airs. P. E. Home. Mr. and Airs. H, T.(lakes. Dr. and Airs. W. P. Austin. C.G. P.ockus. Gen. J. AlcClellan. Airs.

Misses McClellan (2), LouksAngus, Airs. Shipman.

MOV1MEMTB Cr SHIPPINGA.M. BAXTER. Am. schr., from Wil- -

lapa Harbor for Alahukona, Alay 13.ADMIRAE. Am. schr., from Kahului for

Port Townsend. Alay 11.A EASE AX, Am. S. S., from Port AUn

for Salina ruz, Alay 11.A ED EX BESSE, Am. bk., from San

l'eilro for Hon., April 30.ALERT, Am. echr., from Hon. for

Sound, Alay 5.AEICE COOKE, Am. schr., Penhallow,

from Hon. for Sound, Alay 7.AEBFRT. Am. bk., ar. Port' Townsend

from Kailua, Alay 12.ALOHA, Am. schr., ar. Redondo from

Hon., April 29.AMARANTH, Am. bkt., from Hon. for

Grays Harbor, May 5.ARIZoXAN. Am. S.'s., ar. H.lo from

Hon.. Mav 13.AR AGO, Am. bkt., ar. Gray 'g Harbor

from S. F., April 14.ARIEE, Am schr., ar. Tort Townsend

Hon., April 1.SAN GABRIEL, Tort, cr., ar. Hon.

from S. F., Alav 10.SANTA MARIA," Am. S. S., ar. Port

San Luis from Kahului, Alay 15.SANTA MARIA. Am. S. S.. ar. S. F.

from San Luis, Alav Hi.

S. C. ALLEN, Am. schr., ar. Hon. fromFort Bragg, April 29.

SEQUOIA. 'Am. schr., from Eureka forHilo, Alav 10.

SEL.1A, Nor. S. S., ar. Portland fromHon.. April 15.



Mr and Mrs T. '. Blackwell, Lester trom Cearl liarDor, April Jo.

Petrie Mrs. R. S. Bosworth, Mrs. II. li. j As A, Am. S. S.. from Hon. for Yoko- -

Hick, Eeslie Hicks, Aliss H. Berlin,! liama. Alay 17.

Geo C K'o and two children. Miss A. ASTRAL. Am. sp., Dunham, from Wil- -

rninsrton for S. F., March 24. TYPEWRITING PAPEHS. (i. WILDER, Am. bkt., from S. F.

for Alahukona. Mav 4.S. T. ALEXANDER. Am. schr., ar. Hilo

from Eureka, April 30.SIERRA. Am. S. S ar. Hon. from S.

V., Alav 13.

Armoiir, Aliss Alary Enyon, W. P. Cath-cart- ,

Leo Fer.lerber, E. Bosworth. .Mrs.

A. F. Knud-e- u, Miss O. A. Arnold. C.B. K'inlev, .Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Paul and

ATLAS. Am. sp., ar. X. Y. from Manila,Alarch fi

AX X IE )H XSOX. Am. bk., from Hon.for S. F., Alay 17.child. ?Ess Tlielma P.. Hail. V. Calbi-- ' SIBERIA. Am. S. S., ar. Yokohama

THE BEST IN THE WORLDwav. Miss Carrie Jacobs Bond. Air.

and .Mrs. H. P.. Mariner. Mrs. c. s. Mc-

Dowell and child. Mi-- s Ellis. Aliss G.

AXDREW WELC H, Am. bk.. Kelly,from Hon. for S. F., April 27.

BOREALIS. Am. schr., ar. Kahuluifrom Gravs ILirbor. Alav 14.St.. I. man J A. McCandless. Aliss E

K'ichardson. Miss A. Wiili.uuson. Dr. j CAMAXO, Am. schr., Jameson, from

'from Hon.. April 2s.STIMSON, Am. schr., ar. Port Town

send from Hon., April 5.ST. KATHERTNE, Am bk., ar. S. F.

from Hilo, Feb. 24.STRATHG YYEE. Br. S. s., ar. Hon.

from Newcastle, Alav 13.TAAION MARU, No. 6. from Hon. for

Aloji, April 2.

Superior Erasingand Mrs. A. E. llackett, Mis A. steph- - 1 ort Im.liow lor Hon., April ZZ

ens, R. R. McEldowney, J. Horner, Mrs.and Miss Walker, AlVs. M. C. Smith,Air. Stout, Air. .and Air- -. Covle, Air. andAirs. s. D. Prather, Air. and .Mrs. Rich-

ards.Per P. AI. S. S. Asia, from San Fran-ci-c-

Mav 17. For Honolulu: W. J.Conrov. For Yokohama: G. II. Alien,E. Beer, R. S. Curtice. Alfred li. Cook,Mrs. C J. Farroii, II. c. Hii'giiis, C.

Uuequaled for StrengthDurability and Pliability

Made of White Rag Only by the Mittineague Paper Co.

CARRIER DOVE, Am. schr., ar. GravsHarbor from S. F., Feb. 7.

CH1XA, Am. S S., ar. Yokohama fromHon., Mav 7.

CHIYO M A RE, Jap. S. S., from Hon.f..r Yokoha:na. Alay In.

COEEAIBIAX. Am. S. S., Mr. S.alina( m from II ilo. M.iv 1 1.

COROXADO, Am. bktn., ar. S. F. fromHon.. April 27.

DAXMARK. Dan. bk., from Leith forHon.. Alarch 21.

DAUNTLESS, Am. schr., Jonsien,ar. Port Townend from Hon., Jan. 9.

PI'X'STA NT, Br. S. S., from Xewseastiefor Hon.. Alav L

TAURUS, Am. schr., from Port Allenfor Sound, April 28.

TENYO MAIM", Jap. S. S.. from Hon.tor S. V.. Alav 14.

TORSDAL. Xor. S. S., from Norfolk forHon.. April 13.

TYMERIC, p.,-- . S. S., from Hon. forNewcastle, Mav 0.

VANCOUVER. S. S., from Norfolk forHon.. Alarch 9.

VIRGINIAN. Am. S. S., from Seattle

X. dlo-inier- O. Spiter,M;it iimura.For KI.eshe Swett. 'arlti.n Well

W. S. Atkiiis.m. Mis. A. P.iMings, A. T.C..ope'. C. G.itneman. II. 1'. Palmer. ForShanghai : C. AI . P.ishop, J. A. P.ritow.I !' i.,..ivn M w II I' T.irn.T :Hid

- '. t- - t - icnAn 4 .... v - tt

!,- - r Turner Mi-- s 11. O. l- - - .m'. ;iai. m:ui., i. umj s n- -ill:

Tar:,. r r 11 ,. ri ,, ,r- Mr- - .1 Tj ' "r tmm nor... April o.

,;., rha.ul.er-- . Dear Kin! EDWARD SEWALL. Am. up., Quick,

tor Hon., Mav 12.WAI. OESEN, Am. schr., ar. Grays

Harbor from Hon., Alarch 22.WILHELMINA. Am. S. s., ar. Hon.

from San Francisco, Alav 17.W. F. BABCOCK. Am. sp.. 'Harris, from

Hon. for Cape Town. March 21.WAI. P. FRY E, Am. sp.. from Kahuhfi

for Delaware Breakwater, April 23.

I.'. G. !,;::-- . H. Y. II,;!. !I.g Yick, ,r-- . H:l" fr:,;;1 Apr.I !P.:;'k'l .


f.it M ;ss - A 1,1 i i i'.. .'u nr. itm". Mealh". i s- M:iV

H :li!':i!li:'.'. K.


l.V F.RSK 1 X E At. PHELPS. Am. sp., fromM

II. ,.';i,.r,, Mr! Hon. for X. Y., Feb. 12.it W-il- . i EVA. Am. schr., ar. S. F. from Maha

. M -- s !'. M.'h. M:- -. A. sr.d ..;' it.'. J.

' M vs.

Depart el.I.

W. H. AIARSTON. Am. schr.. from Ilii..f..r S. !. Aprl 2s.

WM. T. LEW'S. s,, . frOT1 forll. n.. Arrd 21.



Sold by the Single Box or in Quantites.

l;or:a. .i:m.EXPAXSH i. Am. schr., Ja.-o-l sen. from

I'. B-.- .gg f II ,i. . April 3--

FA EES op . LYDE. Am. s.. from S.F. f r H-- n.. Mav

E!.C!;i:N i: WAK'D. Am. In-.- ;t.if.; M:Kv v -- :,.. M s.

VO"HNG SUKY, Am. b'K., Wi'.b tt,f:-- ":

p.-r- AIXti f-- ! 'i ':. w:-- . re P.reak- -

.n. r, Aprs!


Pure Hawaiian GreamM -- -M -- .

Scrupulous cieardineKi, plentyGEl''XS!!ir.E. . S. s.. fr

our cream satisfactorllv. OurV. A- -

Hi v..

i If"-;- ,

N. .v

Apr:' 1


' YV V." A '


fuston;TS if, as some1o!;,m-,- .


VES injurioua.'all up




- M. I.. !

- I.--

V,M -

Mv-- . K

A. V


Mr. !'''. I.. :


C. II. HKUWX, r.H ait'k a :i wi;.i Sr't.

'I:gVet I'ricp Paid for 0), Hras, ScrapIron and all Metals.

Pealor in hari i Machirrv.Ttl. 642. P. O. Box 547.


j I k m ;K.Ki..ui

Page 11: OF...A cab! pro-pec-t. that the lo.-a-l authorities in Emeryville appear likely to refuse per-mission to hold;t there. The promoters think that Mayor McCarthy's adminis- tration will


Alio..- - lot of i i s little nuitmir heaps ofiu-- r beinir hurled to eternity in the j

of an eye, uiake bold to be- -

your indul-en- ce for a few lines.!

Letters FromThe PeoplenictersSpec

The Prest-o-Lit-eWind ScreensLamps Tires Automobile Owners

We have the largest stock of automobile accessories in

the city- - There is nothing about a machine we cannot supply.Ring up 50

... j.....,,).- - more ,i,;ii! a lines onthe aforesaid prohibition question. Is

a question? Can there be any ques-i"ii- .

in the firt i'ia.-e- , where the ritriitstl;'' people are concerned? "hy

t be made a question whetheror not a law is to be passed to pro-hibit the sale or use of intoxicatingd.piors in this Territory of Hawaii?A- - for myself. ,:ly say that I learn-ed first what the taste of drink wasaway back in the prohibition State ofMaine, A. D. Issii. t wa !l;(ri)i veryn i'd cider, and relished it extremely,not only I was not allowed

dunk, beinir too younoy but becauseKnew it was aiinsf the law ti have

hit'i liquor in one's possesion in thatb ar old State. Hence t lie eh,ry oftnst.n. and hence the excitement and


much will the .viTt-i-"f Honolulu t;i:nt'!y mi!. nut t. ti :tr:t ' si.i'c.Iiiijr, a;;f"Hio!,il,.s the t r.."-- t ? .' th,trrets i.eioLir t0 t he j.r. .;,!,-- , or nr.

t'aey simply raee-i-- ; r- -- I r the !'e'.

who, by "honk or bv erook.''I nil the ilrivia and t.'fnn n,,.,-- i n

iMU ,.f t he.--.' nio'leri!. .i- o

tar.' y.'ster.lay a!- '- rn .. u .loan M.-i-

a vvortiiv I 'or u

"t o n. i k i ua- - ; r v k:U- i

h- :'' aiih.aioi.i'.. ;;. f ,:f ;. K a

!lieha!li.-h- in Kai hi. ran !,..t;t e ilia: . wa- - a .; n j

iK'i. i'or ,.:, Mr. Karl., ...a La.

:ir. t a '.or of ' !,. an.us ..f !,,

Kaini-kano-k- , hav kir. a

!.iai lor your-- , living n.-a- lti:' ln;j tiiiio, a n.l kifw irm n ! anii!.lu-tr:..i:- -, l..iu--t inan.t'.iiinj; early ;,ul !a!o thar his iaaklyt witc aii' I -- .'erai i.i'U' au'.i


Our -h ; :n ciK'irce i oxncrt- -

Judd Buildinc

' ha! m of it all. Had theie been saloons.' op,-;- pbires in Maine where j

mi Jit ha vc purcha-e- d liquor, or haduuor purchased foi' :1e. would never

ha e t bought of la kino ;l drink u ut ii i

hud j.r,u older; but it was theof beino; able, throno!, t he

liclp of friends, who, by the way, at-

tended the same Sunday school classdid. to take a drink in defiance of

Wholesale CandiesF. E. DAVIS, Merchant and Nuuanu Sts.


A Boon to the Man with Tender Feet.


Was Tried in New York by a Honolulu Gentleman and Foundto be Excellent. NEW HATS, Coast Styles

have -- la! rtjMMt imr sa-- i ona n.a.haw tct h. tr.i th,. .lota - of tin' avi- -

dent, further than th j'tiLK-iie- -l inTin' A.ivrTti-e- r of this m..rnui. but it- likely tin- - poor man ha.i just c.ene

upi.ti the sttoor woaty from a lom;lay's toil, wh.-- he was andhurled int.) eternity by the irnifa-tl- v

driven a ut .nu.ibi le.1 dan 't know that Kali hi fare- - worse

than some other sections (1f the eitv,but it is eertainly a favorite sectiont'or spei'dinr, and many accidents havehappened there in the past few months.Not so many weeks :t;o another manwas killed by ail automobile two orthree blocks from where Barlioza methis death vesterdav. Manv accidents


K. UYEDA, Nuuanu St.

the law of the State. Relatives ofmine in that same prohibition StateUsed to allow me to accompany themto the railway depot on wintry nights,.Minified in the furs of the old sleigh,and always noticed that there wasa box of booze taken from the baoyo;ii;e car and placed beneath the robesin the sleieh. (bice, when 1 was

with the irrip. in the sameState of .Maine, there were friendshandy with the liquor, which wasagainst the law, to pull me throuoh.

So much for your prohibition Stateof Maine.

I have never been in Kansas, whichis also prohibition, but I have 'ac-quaintances who have been. One friendof mine lias been drunk only once inliis life, and he is fifty years of nov,ami he jrot drunk in Kansas, a pro-hibition State. He attended a meet- -

Benson, Smith 8c Co., Ltd.HOTEL AND FORT STREETS. PHONE 297.

are hushed up and never cjet into thenewspapers. I barely escaped an acci-

dent myself at the I'.eckley switchreceutly; as 1 alighted from a street


One Cent Percar, with other pas-en- er ;1U automobile dashed by. quite cloe to thtcar; 1 had to jump Lack :yain-- r thecar or take the consequences of darin"to be upon the street! Keekle,- - auto-mobJ-

i ri i ii lT is. -- o common in .se-ction of the city Kaliiii that in v wife

Square Foot i


Edelweiss Imported CheeseRoquefort Double Creme Brie

Limburger Camenbert NeufchattelBicrkase



ino; of a city council in that State and.though he was not looking for thebooze, if was made to appear thatlie could not well refuse, since it wasnun i nst the law. and. if he did notdrink, the others might think he wasyoine; to 'ive the snap away. So hedrank to show his good faith. Andthe only time he ever got drunk in Idslite was in a prohibition State.

So many people are having some-thing to say about prohibition, proand con. though if seems mostly tobe con, that 1 have taken this libertv.rndoiibtedly. if you print it, if must

Iand I have frequently waited our childreil not to 'enttire upon the streetexcept in case of nece-i;- y. and then tokeep a sharp look uit for automobiles,

j We pay our share of taxes, and try toobey the laws in all particulars, andyet we must venture upon the public

J. M. LEVY & CO., LTD.

be read, for everybody seems to readThe Advertiser. I'm not a prohibitionist, as you may have guessed, still I

Or a trifle over for home sites of more thanone arce each, adjoining the celebrated Pu-ke- ie

Homesteads in PAL0L0 VALLEY, tenminutes' walk from the car line.

These lots are adjoining the beautifultomes of Owen Williams, William A. Rideout,Charles J. Schoening, Edward F. Patten, andothers.

The rear of these lots extends to the hillslopes, from which grand views are to be had.Correct soil for all kinds of fruit.

Let me show you this property.$500 per acre and up.Map in my window.









streets at peril of the mighty moderndiioeniauTs whose drivers often h'i'iiito think they, and they only, own them.

Some time a'o. with hundreds of oth-ers 1 siined a petition praying thehonorable board of supervisors to in-

clude Kahili in the speed limits. I

have no knowledge that any action wasever taken in the matter; perhaps theharve-- t of death has u,,t been i'reateiioncjh

Automobile, are quite as mtmh a

menace to life and property as railroadtrams perhaps more, because thevmay ,, hither or you at the driver's or

Our Machine Shop is the best equipped shop in town. OurGear Expert can not be beaten. Here are some of our special-ities:

Spur gear Repairing of gaso- -

Our three Experts gP,ral ar in6j marine and bUon gasoline engines Tear tioDacannot be excelled . wrm and S

Worm; also motorcycles a epe- -

Crankshaft. cialty.

Special attention paid to Island orders.




the machine's sweet will, and are note.m fined to a fixed track. Then why

j not require the driver, to show a reaj knowledge of maclunerv andChas. S. Desky !


believe in being temperate and 1 havesort of a notion ihat most men tire'decent in Honolulu and that if thereis anybody fool to drink him-self to death, lie has no right to blarnfit on the fact that somebody sold himthe booze.1 If a man isn't man enoughto know when he has had enough,why, what's flie use 0f his continuingin existence? The sooner the cometgets him, the better.



The beautiful souvenir of the recentFloral Parade, the official publicationof the Hawaii Promotion Committee, isto be had at the office of the Hawai-ian Gazette Company, ti.j south Kingstreet. This is a handsome souvenirof one of the gala events of tue yearin Honolulu, and it conveys a clearidea of the manner of celebratingWashington's birthday in Hawaii. Thebook is sold for twenty-fiv- cents. Bymail, to any part of the world fortwenty-eigh- t cents. They are enclosedin envelopes readv for mailing.

";' for tiie rihr, of others beforerantincj them as elm u fl'eur-W- e

miLrht j.ut up with the dust andst.nk of raiddiy-mo- iu automobiles ifwe were assured a riirlit reasonable to

' the i'Ublic streets j safety.I.KVIih'in'T 11, M ;s. K.


lespondenee j,l the ;, ,.i,l.e ,.,-i,,- v.i PARASOLS

tola " t .' on prohibition.I'osibiiily of the World



HORJOxg AT T E.N Tit )X OF THE ITBL10 HA 11 L Y" IN TiTIiin "r 'i:ivs at,.l ,. ill a ik uponMay "

'i:ir tiHaleivva Meals 'r IVf i he

V.f;t Hal '

1 rim a v.e had it- i eg: :!:;!'i :: i with M he- ''i the Orient,

t he ((:! ri r .

it was .la; ag iaYEGUSAffi?AAT ALT. TIM aaar

-- ame :;

a.';d :i u h itSPECIAL RATES FOR TEACHERS !!:summer.

M Nuuanu Street above Ho.el.CASES OF








JftPANESE BAZAARPort St. below Convent

IVJetropolitan Market.TM

SHARP, The PalntcrElite Building W. p. tieifbron, Prop,

Signs or all kindsScenic Work, Decorating,

Craining. Paper Hanging, Etc. Telephone 45horte 397



Page 12: OF...A cab! pro-pec-t. that the lo.-a-l authorities in Emeryville appear likely to refuse per-mission to hold;t there. The promoters think that Mayor McCarthy's adminis- tration will



street witli bitulithic pavement with-out tir- -; a.h erti-in- g f,,r i j J

The ca-- e of James J.. , ;t. ordered,lw cau-- o why he ., ,u),l t be '

ptiuMii-- for contempt ot cc:n for re- -

tiiSIIig to Ji!lcr the ('!: t..Us 'f t lie-- :'! jury, will cme ,,.tl,re .) uI;e

NOTICE OF SALE OF AGRICULTUEAL LOTS ATIS SEALED TENDERS. TERRITORY OF IL4WAII.KEEPS I FENCEHOSTETTEfTS mug lor argument. SFALKt) T KN I '" US will be receivedv the Superintendent of 1'ublie WorksUh.CI .llist ire- Ha !iweii i.as a 01 111 May 1110

STOMACHBITTERS j at the en:iT..


.1 ,ltge I oopel to artjuvenile court during tabsence of Judge9

ji.-ig- ul T!ieconTemplat'--ey from the

hv her at- -

- of the Revised Laws of r?And the Gate Is of Such a Nar-

rowness That Only the ThinCan Enter.

1 en itory.Anita Bae Feng Young,

toruey, Leon Straus, La- - t

divorce from Cong Voun

At 10 o'clock a. m. of Tue-da- y,

County of Kauai, Territory of llawaiof 1'urt 4, Land Act IV.'-- j (Section --

following described lots, viz:Note

A Agricultural Lauds.C Gulch Lands.D li DitchCr Grazing Lands.5 Swamp Lands.

d suit loralleging:

until 12 m. of Friday, May l'7, 1!R. forr.oou i of i! inch galvanized waterpipe, delivered f. o. b. Honolulu. Bid-

ders to state time of delivery.The Supei intendent of Public. Works

reserves the right to reject any or allbids.

MAPSTi X CAMPI5ELL,Superintendent of Public Works.

Honolulu. May Hi. 191(. S005


failure to provide.Kim Iwamoto lias been granted a;

divorce from Bangero Iwamoto on the'1 V U A. ' 4 '1 11 ' ' j ' j ' O ( ,


United State- - District Attorney1: !. U maintaining a fence!

This, however, is not as had as itlooks though tin- j'enee itself looks hadenough, being an ancient bookcase fill-

ed with legal tomes of various vin-

tages. It is not a place where stolengoods may be disposed of.

It has been suggc-te-d that the fence





The ad join ned annual meeting of theshareholders of the Hilo Sugar Com-

pany will be held at the ottice of itsagents, i '. Brewer Co., Lid., in Ho-

nolulu, on Friday, May 2, 1!'10. at'2:'.i o'clock p. m.

K1CHAKI) 1VF.RS.,sC0i Secretarv. Hilo Sugar 'o.

The first aid to a weak stom-

ach, sluggish liver or constipatedbowels should be the Bitters, be-

cause it has proven its right tobe called "the best." It is forIndigestion, Costiveness and Ma-

larial Disorders. Try it.






Filtered uf I.'ecord May 17, 1910.

Wong S:u Ilee to Thing Young.... USI'iHp Manuel and wf to J K Kuj.au D

was erected to shut out the UnitedStates marshal, and certainly it ef-- I

1'ecttially accomplishes that end, forjthe aperture between the end of the

bookcase and the wall is only aboutj eighteen inches wide, and the marshalI is considerably wider than that. And

Win 1.) Alexander to Frar.ci Ber- -

ry KelTerritory of Hawaii to F I) Baldwin LMartha N Si.eiicer to Franc;.-- M MEETING NOTICE.

SpencerI'aiii i Kahalia and wf to Samuel

M Spencer

as the bookcase fence is about teniect high, the marshal can hardly climbover it and still maintain his well- - 1




Benson. Smith & Co., Ltd.

Hollister Drag Co., Ltd.Chambers Drag Co., Ltd.

Hilo Drug Co.,

and at all Wholesale Liquor Dealers.

S X Castle F.stan", Ltd to Catherine1) Lillie I SKI

known dignity.Hut Hreckons denies that his inten-

tion in having the bookcase moved II Kaui (k) to Kanaimi Noda (w). l


out so as to lorni a barrier was to Koolau Agrctl Co. Ltd, to Mr. Ka-nam-

Noda 1)eep the marshal out, and as proof

Special Meeting of StockholdersKahuku Plantation Company.

Notice is hereby given that a specialmeeting of the stoc-kholder-s of KahukuPlantation Company will be held onWednesday, the ISth day of May, 1910,at 2 o'clock p. m. at the office of thecompany, Stangenwald building, Hono-lulu, for the purpose of considering anincrease in the capital stock of saidKahuku Plantation Company.

Bv order of the vice-presiden- t.

E. E. PAXTON,Secretary Kahuku Plantation Co.

Honolulu, May 6, 1910. 3S3

Kauhaekti vw) to Yung Wai




































Lot A. C. I.i. R. 0.No. (Acres) (Acres) (Acres) (Acres)41 24.942 22.043 21.544 22.745 20.140 19.747 20.24S 21.053 20.054 22.855 20.3 ig.O

50 21.0 c.757 1.0 6.463 34.5 1.0CO 1S.567 21.303 20.369 22.070 17.2 0.9 5.071 19.7 1.072 21.0 0.973 21.4 0.374 21.575 25.7

77 20.4 32.97S 21.0 14.579 1S.0 0.3 23.150 22.0 0.451 39.552 19.553 11.4 23.854 24.3 0.7 25.S

S3 19.35 0.2 12.15SO 19.1 O.S 19.6

G74.7 77.15 C.5 1S5.93

of the truth of his contention, hepoints to the fact that the marshalcan get in through another door ifoccasion requires.

F (i Noyes to Marie 1 Da Cambra- -

Kob.rts KelTrent Trn-- t '. Ltd. to T Kaj ta . . KelT Iva jita to Hachira Kishi ' M



f HOTELSTEWART 'lhe real reason for the putting rip

of the bars is said to be to keep orian1.5

2.4ental loafers who smoke bad cigarsfrom cluttering up the anteroom with 1SI

their undesirable presence while they 321are waiting lor Jtreekons or the grand STOCKHOLDERS MEETING.jury to investigate them.



Alexander & Baldwin, Limited.

Notice is hereby given that a specialmeeting of the stockholders of Alexan-der & Baldwin, Limited, will be heldat the office of the company, Stangen-wal- d

building, Honolulu, on Wednes

SAN FRANCISCOGeary Street, a bo Ye Union Squaie

Just opposite Hotel St. Francis

European Plan $1.50 a day upAmerican Plan$3.00 a day up

Steel and brick structure, furnish-ings cost $200,000. High class hotelat moderate rates. Center of theatreand retail district. On car lines trans-ferring allover city. Omnibus meetsall trains and steamers. Send forbooklet with map of San Francisco.Hotel Stewart now recognized asHa waiianlslandheadquarers. Cableaddress, Trawets." ABC Code.



Recorded May ti. lit 0.

Henry Waterhouse Trnt Co, Ltd, toSara W Clark, Rid; Lot 4, Bin , Col-

lege Hills Tract, Honolulu, Oahu; .7lLB 34. p BM I. Dated April Ls, V.H0.

Hattie H Kawaauhau and hsb to Ed-

ward J Hardee, L; sunt) q ft land andbldg, Kapalama. Honolulu, Ca!:.i;yrs Jul $10(1. B Sth 44ti. DatedMay '), 1'Jlo.

; Bosse by atty to J M Dowsett, AM; Mtg Charles W I'.ooth and wf onpor Kul .s.")."!H, Ap K 1' 1!m;."), Ap 7,I'art 1 and S4d sij ft land, bhlgs, rents,etc, Kaalawai, etc, Honolulu, Oahu;foin'it. V, 334. p 101. Dated Mav :.19KJ.

C W Booth and wf to Mav H Dow-ling- ,

D: 2,4."j.--,

ft of Kul oL'4, Kaiu-lan- i

Drive. Honolulu, Oahu; $5d0. B?,Z:, 123. Date, May (i. 1 !M o.

Wall Yuen Co, Co V D; merchanttailors and dealers in general noBe,

day the 25th day of May, 1910, at 2


uso'clock p. m., for the purpose of considering an increase of the capita), stock of

Chinese Merchant Is Charged said corporation.By order of the first vice-presiden- t.With Buying Property-Stole- n

From U. S.

13.40 ! 957.70

E. E. PAXTON,Secretarv Alexander & Baldwin, LtdHonolulu, T. II., May 13, 1910.


NOTICE OFCarl On Tai is again on trial be

fore a federal jury on a charge ofThese lots will be sold under the ten rear Special Homestead ApMaat

No person will be permitted to purchase more than one lot; nor will ifperson be accepted as a purchaser who is not over eighteen years of gt;iwho is not a citizen of the L'nited States unless he shall have declared b

buying property which he knew wasstolen from the United States. The Maunakea St, Honolulu, Oahu; Capital

j. Dated Marchcharge is similar to that upon which iMiMH). BDHn.

Apartments, Cuisine and ServiceHighest Standard

PLEASANTON HOTELWilder Ave and Punahou

intention to become such as provided by law.For full particulars, conditions of sale, plan of lots, etc., apply to U

Commissioner, Honolulu, or Miss Bernice Hundley, Asst. Sub-Age- ftl kiDistrict, Kapaa, Kauai.

Western i Hawn Invstmt Co, Ltd, toO W Booth, Far Kel; 22.4") srj ft ofKul o'Jt, Ktiiulani Drive, Honolulu, Oa-

hu; L B 334, p inf. Dated Mav (!,


C Winam. Tr, to I'ule I.iibi, 1); Los3 and 4, Blk 415, cor Winam Ave andRoad C, Honolulu, Oahu; HM). B 33.",

On the same date and place will also be sold lots Nos. 58 and 60,

prising an area of 7.8 acres, at an upset price of $200.00, with the reterra

he was unsuccessfully tried recently,and if this fails, there are still otherindictments to be brought against him.

It is alleged that On Tai has beenmaking a business of buying govern-ment clothing from the soldiers. Thisis a penal offense under the laws ofthe United States, and as it is a cus-tom which is entirely too prevalentin various parts of the country wheresoldiers are quartered, the military au-

thorities and the government lawyersare making a vigorous attempt to dis-courage it.

The undersigned. K. Matsumoto, re-

siding at Moiliili, City and County ofHonolulu, Territory of Hawaii, G. M.Yaniada. residing at Liliha Street, Ho-

nolulu aforesaid, and S. Yokomizo, re-

siding at School Street, Honolulu afore-said, have this day entered into co-

partnership for the purpose of carryingon the business of ballasting, draying.building, and the buying, selling andotherwise dealing iu building materials.and merchandise of all kinds necessaryor proper for the said business.

The firm name of said copartnershipis "HAWAIIAN BALLASTING COM-PANY."

The place of business of said copart-nership is in Honolulu aforesaid, theprincipal office being situate on the cor-ner of Beretania Street and MatsumotoLane, Honolulu aforesaid.

that within three years, there shall be erected thereon a cotton-gi- a or pinw

cannery or both. Failure to do so within the time specified will wbjeeti

purchaser to a forfeiture of all rights therein and to all moneys paid.

Payments: 25 down, balance in three years from date of parchase, t

6rc interest. The Territory of Hawaii will 6ell to either or both faetorie b


1634 Nuuanu Ave., near School St.Large and airy furnished rooms and

cottages, with board. $2.00 a day;rpeeial rates by the month.

Perf eet Work



Beretania. opp. Richards St.

Phone 1491

manufacturing purposes, water at the rate of $3.00 per million gallom


Commissioner of Public Lu&

Daed at Honolulu, April 26. 1910. ?

SO 19 April 23, May 4, 11, 18, 25, 28ofDated. Honolulu, this 0th day




COURT NOTES.The case of K. .1. Lord versus the

City and County of Honolulu was ar-

gued before the supreme court yester-day, ('. L. ('lemons appearing for Lordand Fred Milverton for the city andcounty. The case comes before thesupreme court on Lord's appeal fromthe order of the circuit judge dismiss-ing his writ of injunction to restrainthe municipality from paving Fort



At 12 o 'clock noon. Tuesday, May 31, 1910, at the front door to theftpi'4

Honolulu, there will be offered for sale at public auction under provision! &

Part V, Laud Act 1SL,3, Sections 27S-2S- inclusive, Eevised Laws of Hi5.

l'2o. Dated Nov It. 107.Bishop i Co to I' Winam, Tr. I'a-- r

Rel; Lots 3 and 4. Blk 4H. cor WinamAve and Koud C. Honolulu. Oahu; .h!0.B 33"i, j 12(1. Dated Nov x, 107.

Tong Yick Wai Co to Wing Wo TaiCo, M; real, personal anil mixed prop-ertv- ,

Koolaujioko. Oahu; $."ioo. B 334.p Joti. Dated Oct 1 i, lOds.

Yee Yap and wf to Mutl Bl.lg & LoanSocv of Haw. Ltd, M; por Kul 37. Lot1, Kul tt24o. Ap 1 and Cr il. bldg-- .rents, etc, Maunakea St and etc, Hono-

lulu. Oahu; $."dn(i. B 331. p loo. DatedMay C, 1010.

City Mill Co. Ltd. to hun Wai Fat.Rel; int in leasehold, bldgs, etc, corMaunaki-- and Pauahi St- -. Honolulu.Oahu; . loo. B 334, p lit. DatedApril 20, 1010.

C Ah Nee to City Mill Co. Ltd. C M :

leasehold, bldgs, etc. Manana. Fwa, Oa-

hu; $".. 14. B 334. p 11.".. Dated April27, 1010.

Oahu Invstmt '. Ltd. to Lewer A;

,'ooke. Ltd. M; 20r. si) ft of Ap 0. Kul1 121-- . Knkui St, Honolulu. Oahu; .3ooo.B 331. p 117. Dared May I. HMO.

,1 D Spreckels Bros by Atty to Cha-- A

Brown. D; int. in land Front St. Hilo.Hawaii: etc. B 33.".. p 122. DatedApril . 1010.

Hoiioam Sugar Co to Kaui Moi, Kel;1 3 int in Cr part 2. Houonin. SHilo. Hawaii; S2"ii. B 331. p o2. Daled Mav 0. l!Ho.

Kaui Moi and h-- b K s to BouoinuSugar Co. M; ;nt .n (o 0l;. part 2.Hon.. ma. S Hib.. Hawaii; .."ih, B 334.

. 1 !. Dated : r 3o. I:M". .

a general lease of the following described lands:The land of Kapaa, District of Kawaihau, Island and County of Ksnii, tfc

CANDYA few of our Specialties:

Chocolate Creams, ail flavorsChocolate Dipped Angel FoodChewing ChocolatesChocolate ChipsGenuine Marshmallows,Hiekory BaraPeean Bars

Box Goods of all kinds and at all prices

Pawaa Junction StoreKing, cor .Alexander St.

bounded as follows:On the mauka or westerly side bv the lower Kapahi Reservoir and 1

Bo Leong Sha Benevolent Society.At the annual meeting of Bo Long

Sha Benevolent Society held on the24th day of April. 10O, the followingofficers were elected to serve for theensuing vear:YF LFONC WO PresidentWOM; TONG YAC Vice PresidentLAI" LIN SecretaryLAC PAN LCM Chinese SecretaryLAM Hop TreasurerFONC MOX C 11 K F. uditor

LAC LIN,Secretary Bo Leong Sha Benevolent

Societv. Si.iiO

makai or easterly sides of the Kapaa Homestead Lots; on the north by

Kapaa Kiver; on the makai or easterly side bv the makai or easterly bou7

of the- - Kai.aa cane lands- - nti.l on ttit soufti hv T.sind Patent Grant Nk

containing, besides waste land, about 1590 acres of land heretofore cultivstal

in cane, with the right to water therefor at the rate of 6,000,000 gaDoai d5

from the waters reserved for the lands of Kapaa in the water heeme

A FOOLISH OLD IDEA.It was once thought that a

medicine was all the rtiore bene-ficial for having a nasty taste and.smell. AVe now know hat suchan idea is perfect nonsense.There is no moiv reason whyibedicine should offend the sen-- ,ser than why food should do so.Therefore, one of t lit "Treat

victories of the pa.few Years is what we m.iv ca'lthe tt'di'ir) t inn of cod liviTo'l.Everybody knows what, a i'etaste and nnell this dni ha- -,

in its natural state. No w.m. !.

most people declare t !: would

Oahu Ice & Electric Co.ELECTION OF OFFICERS.

mentioned.Upset rental, $7,000.00 per annum; payable semi-annuall- in advisee-Ter-

of lease, 15 years from January 2nd, 1911.

ICE delivered at any part of thrity. Island orders promptly filled

Telephone 528, P. O. Box 600. Office,

Kewalo.n l w t ' Da i K , . D ;a :i a", n i;1.u iter troni iii-ea- sera . :ier laud. Aik W 11:1V,.,

'.,!., I ( ),

Wo On Fui Kon Association.At lhe annual meeting of the Wo On

Fui Kon held on April 20. 1010.the following officers were elected to-- ere for the en-ui- vear:CHINC MOW HIP . ." PresidentTANC SAC LUNG Yice PresidentW. TIN VAN Fnglish SecretaryLCM 11. CUFF Chinese SecretaryYON'G KWoNG TAT TreasurerBUM KIT i'IIKW uditorTAM WO si N G Bookkeener

W. TIN VAX,Fugii-- h Secretary, Wo On Fui Kon


B i:take plain end liver oil. and ;

t niiil.-ioit-s are as bad, no mat'Scandinavia Beltinglav ; I:Ka

" 'what niav be rod to the ci i; p

At the same time and place there will be offered for sale a 8racraVL

of all those portions of Anahola and Kamalomalo, District of Hawaiian, Is

and County of Kauai. Territory 0f Hawaii, which are situated below or

of the surveyed forest line running across said lands, and above or jnaiU

line running Ion feet di-ta- nt and mauka from and parallel to high

mark, with the exception of the Anahola flat and certain other e"'?

and reservations. Also, a right-of-wa- for railroad across the Ana o

the locations thereof to be subieet to the approval of the Lessor.

Term of lease, 15 years from January 2nd, 1911.

Upset rental. $2,7."(i.(to per annum; payable semi-annuall- y in mPesorvations regarding bind required for settlement, reclamation

lie purposes, together with i ights-of-wa- to and from said lands, w

bodied in each of the above leases. e

NOTE: Ceneral and water license of Anahola and

trarv. Now it is hm- - of nata.K:i:lioi.


U aiaiua. MoDated Max 10'laws that a liii lie W : e 1 i . .HONOLULU IRON WORKS Co.,

iC'i-t- s tin 1t. a tlAGENTS.


iii..hud.' W.eaha. M

12- -. ih-.-.- i .i.dy :

Kah: Mo,V,D: 3 int in KuM..h.k.-,i- -- !. .

Ian T2, !0'".i.

., I;

O (I.

and al-'- o stekens t 'ie s t on;:. eii , u

havo no jTi-o- etTect. as a ise'l-ri:- ;

beeau-- e tie- - sv.-l'n- i '.

out to be delivered fri.ra i'. hiV AM POLE'S I R E P A R AT I ( N


135 Merchant Street.Wfaehinery Repaired.

MOUNTAIN KING MINING ANDMILLING CO. will be combined and soil as one.

d Ttiirttti!0 i!'--:i-- IS Wf.r.sSEEING HER HOME.!Uaa ?b I we .0:1 ve I m- - a i.ie 1

At 1 10 same time and t.'ir-- tlu.r.i will 1 offered for sale atp""--- nd

utilize the surplusthe oil, without the oth-- r. lb-ga- - I think M --

a license to take, draw off, conduct awav.tive inoii.-ri- r. nic.lv is ! Idand and Connty o -iT11

lb the Ahupuan of Kapaa. Di-'r- ic of Kawa-h-

B'aak is

to think

r a w-it-


j Applications are now being receivedI at the office (.f the undersigned. 70 Mer-- j

chant strc t, for subscriptions to theproposed $1 oii,(i(i0.!'io increase of thecapital stock of this company. Andlocal stockholders are hereby notified

' that subscriptions will not be receivedj after June 1.


o a - tnr the to-w-Territory of Hawaii suhiw t - mm',.i r..,.n it ion

loiiey at; I c tita;:ive prop, rt hs of 01 waint if cii!';: pi;

i. .d Liver ;!, extracted bv

.erv rtide..I'ott What

ha: ? 1 , ver tie.uglIbgan- met iu--

k's a ! ni'ioon.!;- ii'U S: e

o.e t t theiurbl-ng- and tlia't:t rv to go a n v i' i t U- -.

and leased lands of Kapaa. and containing certain other conditions.

Upset rental. 2." " ; per nn-iur- payable annually in advance.

Term of liens,.. ver.rs from 1 ii.ua; v 2nd. 1911.

Ship nd General BlaekemithinsrGASOLINE ENGINES.


And Hair Covered Turban Frames for

the new styles in hairdressing at

EHLERS,..- - -


Brown 8c LyonNew Books by Every Mail.

Popular Fiction Travels Scientific

Young Building.

us from fresh cod livers, cn;:i-bine- d

with i'he Compound S rr.pof 11 vpopho-!.l;- ii es and the Kv-trae- t;

ofM:dt and Wild Ch-rr- v.

' w a r

Unit, 1'At the same ime

a licen-- p to take, dr'ejuae tl

off. andI ;?ric

tue ',:CIie the waters upon

,t Knwaihnn, Tnd and Con?- it d- -e

v crea:;it . h

ON THE TRAIL.if, (.i, -.

Special Agt. Mt. K. M. & M Co.8654

NOTICE.No ;. i h. reby given that I have

appointed M r. '. 1'. 1 ar.kea niv attor-- .

ev it-- fa-- t. an ! that I w.l! not be re--;- ..

.!'.:! f..r ar.y ol tigation contractedi' .r by otto rs in my name without Mr.

's written order.LI LI 10 KA LA XI.

n;i'.,- - ii... r,y;n;, Mav llth. loinS6.t2"

..rr.-i- t 01 wi .

1 conv.i:.-,v- certain other conditio! ga. ,.n r:io

, i

v o a --


. ! :. .

aavs"- 1-

nnnually in

Anahola and Knmalon.alo.Territory of Hawaii. s,-t-


and manufactnrir.g j

Upset rental.Term of license. 1" v.NOT K: Oeii.-ra- .

will be combined n?,d ?- - 1

For Tvtnps and fi;l!i vnticr.e. of lenco mm


Stock Remediesrs fr

- r.-- 1

:;.'. 1. pure

c. ' ' - !.o,:,or v .e'. i



v Cn.-l- 1911- -

and K,T-,- e of Anahola


Office corner Hotel and Union.

P n Box 620. Phone life. This Paper i kept on file atTIES DAEZE AD at the Capitol P.;iij,:rManage:H. M. AYEES

u-- c w ; ' n, I an-;e to n,v j'

i V to iisv-- t. ; -

ci fia.-- .


Main St.. T.os Angeles, and 12 GearrSt.. San Frar.cico. where contracts foT

' sdvert sirg can be made for it.

rt..- - T

Led2f?. 191


WORLD'S NEWS DAILY it Patfd a nor.d::l-;- . Arr;s .n t. 11. 1. 23, 23