Özyeğin university brochure

O z U your Istanbul story starts here Özyeğin University 20 10 20 11

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Özyeğin University Brochure 2010 - 2011 http://studentinturkey.com/university/191_ozyegin-universitesi


  • 1. OzU2010 2011zyein University your Istanbul story starts here

2. 23ZYEN UNIVERSITY* The Bosphorus Bridge, also called the First Bosphorus Bridge is one of thetwo bridges in Istanbul, Turkey, spanning the Bosphorus Strait and thusconnecting Europe and Asia. The bridge is located between Ortaky (on theEuropean side) and Beylerbeyi (on the Asian side). The Bosphorus Bridgehad the 4th longest suspension bridge span in the world when it wascompleted in 1973, and the longest outside the United States.We emphasize Entrepreneurship and Innovation, At present, it is the worlds 16th longest suspension bridge span. and then ask you to help lead the way.We integrate ourselves with the Industry, and then allow you to reap the benefits.We create a Global, Multi-Cultural Environment, and then call on you to make it richer.We take Cutting-Edge Research and Academics as our calling card, and then invite you to take part.We pioneer a Different Take on Education, our own style, and then dare you to keep up.This is Istanbul. This is zyein University. Are you ready?Grab a pen. Read on. Your Istanbul story starts here. 3. 45UNIVERSITY BACKGROUNDzyein University (OzU) welcomed its first students in September 2008 at itsIstanbul Altunizade city campus and will grow into a large campus universitymissionzyein University will serve society as an innovative, creative, and entrepreneurial educationwithin the next few years. zyein University is a non-profit, state-recognizedcenter that is integrated with life.institution supported by the Hsn M. zyein Foundation.Our graduates will become the most sought-after individuals in society as life-long learners havingLaunched in 1990, the Hsn M. zyein Foundation aims to support the vision, ethical values, individual responsibility and principles, and result-oriented and theoreticalcontinual development of Turkeys education system. In addition to providingknowledge as well as practical experience and well-developed skills.scholarships to academically successful students studying in Turkey and abroad, The university will produce creative, original, useful and applicable knowledge which is not onlythe Foundation has built primary schools, high schools, and dormitories for girls valid in the context of Turkey but also on a regional and global scale and will be active during theimplementation process of the knowledge produced.attending secondary school in impoverished regions of the country, while alsoundertaking various projects in the areas of healthcare and culture.As social development will be the main objective of the university, it will stimulate its students,professors, researchers, graduates and the institutions with which it cooperates to take actionzyein University is the Foundations largest educational undertaking. to serve the needs of society.visionMESSAGE FROM THE FOUNDERzyein University,visionThe distinguishing feature of zyein University is a flexible education system that is continuouslywill become a national and regional center of attraction for students, professors and researchersrenewed according to actual needs, with which students decide on their future professions and having innovative vision and creativity, thanks to a stimulating environment which encouragesestablish close relationships with their future fields during their education.excellence;In this flexible structure, the basic objective is to enable you to think differently and more freely and will implement systems and processes that will bring new perspectives to all our approaches andactivities, that will create new values and that will continuously feed the imagination and the abilityto help you to become curious, inquisitive and creative. Our greatest dream is to see your signaturesto discover, make syntheses, build relationships, invent and adapt, all of which are required to the signatures of wise young people, endowed with universal values, having the capacity to conducthave a successful future in a complex and continuously changing world.research, fully knowledgeable in their fields, knowing more than one foreign language and sensitiveto the problems of our country and the world written under influential and successful projects. aims to become an exemplary and leading university not only in Turkey, but across the region thatis recognized for its innovative education and creative research activities.We founded this university with the major aim of training you for four years so that you will be sought-after business people, researchers, educators and entrepreneurs, not only in Turkey but all aroundthe world.Hsn zyeinChairman of the Board of Trustees 4. 6 7MESSAGE FROM THE RECTOR* Hagia Sophia Holy Wisdom; is a former Orthodox patriarchal basilica, latercademicsa mosque, now a museum in Istanbul, Turkey. From the date of its dedicationin 360 until 1453, it served as the cathedral of Constantinople except between1204 and 1261, when it was the cathedral of the Latin Empire. The buildingwas used as a mosque from May 29, 1453 until 1934, when it was secularized;it was opened as a museum on February 1, 1935.zyein University has been established withthe objective of serving society as aninnovative, creative and entrepreneurialeducation center, which is integrated withmodern life. We aspire to educate the mostsought-after graduates who will providesubstantial added value to their employersstarting with their first day at work.We invite you to become a part of thisinnovative structure which aims to integrateour educational activities with business life and to progress together towards our objectiveof perfection with our strong academic staff.Prof. Erhan ErkutRector ACADEMIC PROGRAMSBachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics EngineeringBachelor of Science in Industrial EngineeringBachelor of Science in Hotel ManagementBachelor of Arts in Business AdministrationMaster of Business Administration (MBA) 5. 8 9STUDENT STORY FETH SERCAN AYDIN // Freshman Business StudentI never expected that the word entrepreneurship would become such a big part of my life until I came ISTANBULto zyein University. In fact, I dont even remember using the word entrepreneurship until OzU. Today, Houses almost 1/5th of allI get to introduce myself as a young entrepreneur leading the way at an established businesses in Turkey and provides more than 1/4th ofentrepreneurial university. the total national employment My name is Fethi Sercan Aydn, and this is my story.At the founding of this university, certain areas were left open, unfinished for students todiscover. One of these open areas was university logo merchandise. Influenced by the numerousthink about these gapsseminars on entrepreneurship at the university, I started toin the market and this idea of t-shirts and sweatshirts came to my mind. So, I talkedwith various departments at the university, asking for guidance on how to proceed. I was told IEntrepreneurshipcould go ahead as long as I met certain requirements, one of which was to present a detailedbusiness plan.Thus began my quest to bring this nascent idea into reality. It was 10 months of research, learningand future planning aided by business plan examples on the internet and our UniversitysEntrepreneurship Center. After 10 months, with all the information in hand, I stood before the universitys top management and presented my business plan and source of financing. It was accepted. Started a Center forImmediately, I set out to bring some OzU t-shirts to the university. Entrepreneurship It was then that I realized the work had just begun. Whatshould the quality be? What was the production process?in its firstOffers How should I distribute and sell the products? Thereacademic year Introduction toZYEN were always more questions than answers, and theEntrepreneurship as a requiredUNIVERSITY weariness set in, but I kept at it. The first OzU t-shirts went on sale during Globalcourse for all 1stEntrepreneurship Week and I had the opportunity to year Business andpresent my t-shirts to the guest speakers giving seminars Engineering students at the university. Selling t-shirts to and getting feedback Has the highestfrom successful entrepreneurs such as Hsn zyein number ofand Ali Sabanc showed me how I had made a giant leapgranted patents for the future of this university. per Engineering Additionally, next to entrepreneurship, one of the key values of faculty member this university is social responsibility. Likewise, I committed to donate the profits from those OzUof any university t-shirts to the Urfa Library Project started as part of the 2nd year Social Responsibility Course. in TurkeyIn the future, I aspire to have a store on our campus selling universityIs the exclusive Turkish partner Sponsors the Do You Havelogo merchandise. My goal is to have zyeinUniversityfor Goldman Sachs Foundationsan Idea? Competition to10,000 Women Initiative to encourage the developmentstudents wear and display products of their university educate 10,000 womenof young entrepreneurs that they can be proud of while making a significant contributionentrepreneurs worldwideto the universitys scholarship fund.and InnovationI didnt come to this university with the intent to start a business. Inspired by the universitysvision, I saw a gap and went out to fill it.For that, I guess Im an entrepreneur. 6. 10 11 STUDENT STORY BURA UUR YILDIRIM // Sophomore Business StudentI put zyein University at the top of my preference list primarily becauseof its vision toward integration with business life and becomingan entrepreneurial university. Last year I became the first studentto step out and help realize a part of that vision. ISTANBUL My name is Bura Uur Yldrm and this is my story.Contains Turkeys only securities market(Istanbul Stock Exchange), and is home Considered the industrial and economic center of Turkey withI was just a freshman, in the first year of the business program, but I already knew I wanted to do an internship that summer.to headquarters of local and international 21.2% of the countrys GNP, which puts it larger than the I approached my professors, and they, along with the Sectoral Solutions Office, the Entrepreneurship Center and the Energy, Environment,financial institutions economies of Ukraine, Hungary and the Slovak Republic and Economy Center, guided me in exploring and evaluating different options. At the time, I was particularly interested in two sectors: Maritime Logistics and Renewable Energies. To make a more informed decision, I hoped to meet with professionals from these two fields. The university put me in touch with their network and I got to sit down with over 20 managers from 10 different companies. I was inspiredDuring the course of these meetings, At Hexagon, I was assigned to the renewable energies projectby the bright future of Renewabledepartment. After signing a confidentiality agreement, I started my first day by attending a high-level administrative meeting. Hexagon Energies and at the possibility of was about to sign a valuable contract with a major international working in such an up-and-comingcompany, and I had a part in preparing the material to be used infield. I had met with a company called Hexagon the proposal presentation as well as following up with certain issueswhich was involved with six different areas of renewable afterwards. The feeling of being treated as a normal full-timeenergies and the General Director, Murat Ouz Arcan, working side-by-side employee, sometimes evenwas very approachable and open throughout ourwith the others until the early morning,ZYENAs a 3rd Generation University, meeting, so I decided to pursue an internship withthem. Because of the Do You Have an Idea exceeded all my expectations of an internship.UNIVERSITY collaborates with industry, private Competition, a close relationship had been established research and development (R&D),between Hexagon and our university, which enabled me financiers, professionals, serviceto spend 2 V months working with them over the summer. providers and other universitiesWide network of via the OzU know-how hub asbusiness practitioners a 3rd Generation Universityand executives who In a short period of time, while serving as an asset tofacilitate guest lectures,seminars, site visits, Hexagon, I was able to further develop certain skills andand other events learn a lot about the renewable energies sector.Sectoral Solutions component in both Mandatory 8-week internships And it didnt stop there. My relationship with Hexagonthe Business and Engineering curricula in Turkey or abroad across allcontinues today. In fact, next week I have yet anotherto familiarize students with emergingundergraduate programsget-together with the General Director.areas and allow for sector specialization* Attending OzU is not just about the classes you take or the bookswith the Industry you study; its about the overall experience - the seminars, the business competitions, the interactions with your professors and outside contacts, and of course the challenging classes. The question is whether you are ready to * Sectoral Solutions is a required survey of 7 key up-and-coming industry sectors together with guest speakers followed by specialized elective courses in each sector step out and take advantage of it 7. 12 13 STUDENT STORYNADEZDA GAVRILOVA // English Preparatory Student, Business Faculty Im not anyone special. I grew up in a typical Russian middle-class family, attended a normal public school, and was neverISTANBUL Boasts an archeological history of 300,000 years and an urban identity dating back 5000 yearsparticularly talented at Named the 2010 European Capital of Cultureanything of note.International Hosts 1/3 of all international students in Turkey Yet these days, I do feel special; in fact, I feel like one of the luckiest girls in the world. My name is NadezdaOutlook Gavrilova, and this is my story. I am originally from Sakhalin Island, located in the far east ofFor example, a few weeks ago, the word of the day in class was Russia. My father is a pipe welder at a large company; my motherlanguage. The teacher put some information on the board withZYEN UNIVERSITY is a teacher at the local elementary school. As part of the Russian PowerPoint. Then we sat in a circle and played a silent game called education system, I took English lessons throughout my life,body language. At the end of the lesson, we each wrote a paragraph including at the university level where I spent 3 years studyingabout the topic. These various methods help us to learn andProvides all degree Has internationalization finance. Now, studying here at OzU, I realize Ive really not learned remember the lessons step-by-step. programs in Englishtargets of:English well at all. In addition to the lessons, our teachers are always 15% full-timeAt OzU, I am currently studying in the English preparatory school.available to answer questions and help us in areas we areinternational students One of the biggest differences I see in the education here versus struggling with. We are advised to go to tutorials once a week toDesigned its 25% internationalRussia is the emphasis on practice. English lessons meet with our teachers; I go practically every day. The teacherseducational programsfacultyin Russia focus on grammar and memorization; no practice, noknow my weak points and give me specific exercises to work onto adhere to the 35% studentspeaking, just writing. You can imagine the dark classrooms, rows them. They really know how to teach, putting themselves in ourBologna process and mobility ratio of wooden desks, and sound of pencils scratching on paper. In place and connecting with us in a friendly, close manner. the development ofthe classroom at OzU, however, every day we are provided with I still remember my English teachers in Russia who, the momentthe EHEA multiple ways to interact with the language using visual, auditory, they stepped in the classroom, gave the impression that they and oral communication. In fact, we spend about 70% of the time couldnt wait to leave; I remember the shrieking bells to indicate in class talking, and just 30% of the time writing. It is a full the end of class like we were still in elementary school; I rememberAwarded the Erasmus Extended University Charterexposure to the language in a way Ivethe constant repetition that was never effective. Then I look aroundin 2009, its first academic year never experienced before. my classroom here at OzU, my teachers, my classmates, and I know Im lucky to be here improving my English day-by-day. For that I call myself special. 8. 14 15STUDENT STORYMERT MERCANKAYA // Freshman EEE Student Are freshmen students even supposed to participate in high-level academic research, not to mentionISTANBUL Home to almost a quarter of all Turkish universities in topics such as nanotechnology and nanomechanics? I never thought so, but here I am, a 1st year Attracts an intellectually-curious audience to its wide Electrical & Electronics Engineering student at zyein University (OzU), working as a research assistant diversity of fairs, seminars, conferences, and forums for Dr. Erdal Bulan, Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering. My name is Mert Mercankaya, and this is my story.It started with an innocuous email, sent out to all students about 2 months afterthe start of the academic year at OzU. A professor was looking for researchassistants in the field of nanotechnology. I always had a strong interest in theadvance of new technologies and nanotechnology was quite intriguing. In fact,Cutting-Edgewhen I graduate, my ambition is to start my own firm, involvedin Research & Development of cutting-edgetechnology. I thought this was a unique opportunity get my feet wet, soI applied.Three of us were chosen, and we were informed this was not a short-term projectbut a commitment that could stretch for the duration of our time at OzU. Dr. ResearchBulan is currently involved in developing displacement sensors capable ofmeasuring distances of 100 nanometers (1 nanometer is one billionth of a meter).With funding from the European Commissions Marie Curie InternationalReintegration Grant, Dr. Bulan started the Nanoscale Mechanical SystemsResearch Laboratory, NASREL, at OzU, where he will focus on Silicon Photonics,Optical Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS), and Solid Free-FormProgrammable Surfaces.Our first task as research assistants was gaining an appreciation for the academicfield of nanotechnology, optics, and nano-scale photonics through a literatureZYEN UNIVERSITYreview. Under the thorough, patient guidance of Dr. Bulan, we have beenreading and studying journal articles on topics such as: Programmable SolidSurfaces and Silicon Nanowire Waveguide Devices, after whichPlaces among one of the top Turkish Established research centerswe are required to report back to the group in a weekly meeting with a 10-15universities in terms of research in the following areas:minute presentation of our findings. Through this process we are learningoutput per faculty member Center for Computational Finance Center for Energy, Environment and Economythe fundamentals as well as the how-to ofAll faculty members with PhDs from Center for Entrepreneurship academic research.and/or experience inThe next step involves device simulation, which will be the computer-basedNorth America and Europetheoretical stage, followed by the design, manufacturing and testing of thesesensors, most of which will be done at the Middle East Technical UniversityAppointed Turkeys(METU) in Ankara. The plan is for us, as research assistants, to spend our summerfirst Vice-Rector for at METU to gain an understanding of the manufacturing and testing processesand learn how to use and manipulate these minuscule devices.Research andTechnology Some days I find myself in these meetings discussing the type of cutting-edge research and technology I only dreamed of as a child, and it blows me away. Here I am, taking part in this process, and Im just a freshman. That is what an OzU education is all about hands-on,participatory, interactive and all I did was respond to an email.and Academics 9. 16 17STUDENT STORYGKE GKBALKAN // Freshman Business StudentI am part of the first class, oneof the initial students to enroll atOzU, and, having been given thetitle of junior partner, I feltentrusted with the task of makingthis institution intoa real university.ISTANBUL Is fueled by a young, dynamic population where 61% of the people are under the age of 35 (2007 statistics)My name is Gke Gkbalkan, Has had an established tradition of higher education since the 15th centuryand this is my story.a different takeon EducationOn the first day, during the student orientation, Prof. Erhan Erkut, Overall, I really enjoyed the experience. I felt that I was doing something good, where even I, an 18-year-old ZYEN UNIVERSITY our rector, told us we were not just students but junior partnersat OzU, that we would be intimately involved in the developmentstudent, could help others in need. As weand growth of the university. It was a title we did notsaid farewell that last day, seeing the tears in the students eyes,Supports a faculty- Brings an active learning take lightly.I knew it was worth every ounce of energy, every night of fatigue,to-student ratio of 1:10and problem solvingevery part of who I am.approach to education At the start, we set out as junior partners to form the foundationof student life: student clubs and the student union. We currently During the summer, we also had a series of Open House DaysPuts forth anhave 12 student clubs, and my favorites include the theatre club,for prospective students, and I was part of a group of 20 volunteerseducational philosophyIncorporates a flexiblethe social responsibility club and the dance club. All three clubs serving as attendants. I spent three weeks chatting with students,highlighted bycurricula integrated withare very active, constantly planning events and programs despite answering questions about OzUs academic quality and university interaction andbusiness life our small size.life. This is my university, and I get to tell itsaccessibilityOne of my favorite activities last year was the Summer Workshop, story.a project done in coordination with the social responsibility club.At the end, we went out for dinner with Prof. Erkut and Prof. RehaThe aim was to provide disadvantaged high school students with Civanlar, the Dean of Engineering, along the Bosphorus. It wasa taste of university life and inspire them toward a universityan evening of appetizers, fish, and plenty of laughs a night toeducation. During the 10-day program we did everything fromremember. When I tell my friends at other universities about thistaking photos to giving training sessions to even washing theevening, they say theyve never even seen their rector once.dishes. Guest speakers came in to give mini-talks and even ourfounder, Hsn zyein, stopped by for a day.This is what it means to attend OzU; this is what it means to be a junior partner.Are you ready to take on the title? 10. 18 19ZYEN UNIVERSITY Programs Offered at OzU FACULTY OF ENGINEERINGBachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics EngineeringThe Electrical Engineering (EE) undergraduate program seeks to educate and graduate students who will beamong the most sought after electrical engineers in the global marketplace, the most wanted graduate students,or thriving entrepreneurs. Basic coursework includes electrical circuits, signals, systems, digital design,electromagnetics, electronics and signal processing followed by electives ranging from microprocessors, computerand communications networks to digital and wireless communications.Bachelor of Science in Industrial EngineeringThe undergraduate Industrial Engineering (IE) program covers basic mathematics, physics, computer programming,probability, statistics, and advanced courses in deterministic and stochastic operational research techniques,simulation, quality control techniques as well as finance, supply chain, decision support systems and serviceproduction. FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCESBachelor of Arts in Business AdministrationThe main objective of the undergraduate Business Administration program is to provide students with amanagement vision focused on todays and tomorrows business world and to educate senior executive candidateswho are able to assume leading roles in the business world as well as entrepreneurs who would be the drivingforce of the economy. SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCESBachelor of Science in Hotel ManagementThe Hotel Management Program in the School of Applied Sciences aims to educate future hospitality leaders,possessing entrepreneurial, innovative, problem-solving characteristics, enhanced with practical skills and know-how, leading to the creation of added-value upon successful completion of the academic degree in a well-designed career path. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSMaster of Business AdministrationThe OzU Graduate School of Business aspires to be the best business school in Turkey and the region throughits outstanding international faculty and students, diverse graduate programs, dual degree and exchangeprograms with other leading business schools worldwide, and close working relationships with global businessenterprises.The OZ-MBA program is designed to educate and train the influencial leaders of tomorrow to meet thechallenges of a rapidly changing, technologically-driven, interconnected world. 11. 20 21STUDENT STORYFARUK DEMRCOLU // Freshman Business StudentSELI When I was admitted to zyein University I kept asking myself, How am I going to learn English in just one year? I had never studied English in high school, yet here I was, standing on theSCHOOL OFfront steps of an English-medium university, wondering how I was going to learn enough EnglishENGLISH to do my academic studies in the language. My name is Faruk Demirciolu, and this is my story.LANGUAGE My university life started as an elementary-level English student on a hot September day with a simple question,INSTRUCTIONWhat is your name? My name is Faruk, I replied. And then from that day onward, I felt as if I had been transported into an English- speaking country to learn this impossibleThe School of English Language Instruction (SELI) at OzU is responsible for ensuring language.that students develop the skills necessary for study in an English-medium university.We quickly progressed from What is your name? intoWhile a large part of SELI is naturally concerned with developing students language more complicated nuances of the language. I rememberskills, the preparatory school also help students improve their cognitive (e.g. critical speaking with one of my American teachers about the recent US elections, or getting my English teacher Amythinking) academic study skills. to read my Turkish coffee grounds, or just sitting around for hours chatting with my other American teachers. There were all these great opportunities to practice my English, and I didnt miss out on one of them. Thus, in one year including the summer, I moved from the elementary level all the way into the freshman year in the business faculty. But it was on the first day of my freshman year that I realized my English journey was only just beginning. My first semester started with 6-7 different professors and just as many classes to get As in. It was still hard to believe that, outside of Turkish, all my classes were really going to be in English! It was only in seeing and hearing it with my own eyes and ears that I began to believe that those promises made during the Open House days and written in the promotional material were true. I was listening to lectures in economics, history and business all in English; I was doing my homework in English. Some of my friends would say, Dont worry, the professors will get bored and switch to Turkish after a few weeks. It still hasnt happened yet, not that I would want it any other way.Each day, I consider myself lucky for being able to get such agreat English education. In fact, Im sure that when we leaveOzU we will all be successful graduates capable ofusing English effectively in all aspects of our lives.This was the OzU promise, and here I am living it out. 12. YOUR STORYStart writing your Istanbul Story with us... * The Rumelian Castle is a fortress on a hill at the European side of the Bosphorus. It was built by the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II between 1451 and 1452, before he conquered Constantinople. * The Basilica Cistern, is the largest of several hundred ancient cisterns that lie beneath the city of Istanbul (formerly Constantinople), Turkey. The cistern, located 500feet (150m) west of the Hagia Sophia on the historical peninsula of Sarayburnu, was built in the 6th century during the reign of Byzantine Emperor Justinian I. 13. BusinessPROGRAMSUndergraduate / MBAIstanbu 14. 2 3DEANS MESSAGE BUSINESS PROGRAMS Bachelor of Arts in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONbusiness Our Business Schools mission is to educate leaders who will make a difference in the world Whether you plan to be a senior manager setting a new course for one of todays top companies, or an by imparting the set of skills and capabilities entrepreneur leading the way in creating one of tomorrows top companies, an undergraduate degree required for success in for-profit enterprises, in Business Administration at zyein University (OzU) international and global firms, entrepreneurial will provide you with the training and the vision to be start-ups, non-profit and social organizations, successful in the business arena. and government agencies via its broad and In general, a B.A. in Business Administration allows diverse spectrum of integrative and focused students to appreciate the bigger picture of the business course offerings and experiential learning. world and the economy while equipping them with the tools to affect change in a specific branch (i.e. marketing or finance). Consider business as a career that draws Prof. Celal Aksu from multiple disciplines economics, law, psychology, Dean sociology, mathematics, statistics, etc. and enables Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences graduates to step into a wide variety of sectors. As part of the degree program, students choose areas of specialization (business major) and industry sectors (sectoral solutions) to find what fits their interests and skills the best.ACADEMIC PROGRAM TRACKS Intellectual foundation through courses in mathematics, FINANCEYEAR 1 history, economics and social sciences MARKETING Exposure to the different functional areas, businessOPERATIONSYEAR 2 specializations and industry sectorsMANAGEMENT Summer internship SECTORAL SOLUTIONS Advanced business courses; wide variety of electivesStudents deepen their knowledge of work life throughYEAR 3 including sectoral specialization "Sectoral Solutions" courses enriched with expert guest lecturers from the business world, visits to firms and factories as well as case studies. Seven sectors have been givenYEAR 4 Advanced business courses; major elective courses special importance: Financial Services The wealth of elective courses (40% of the program, 20 courses in total) allows Information Communication Technologies every student to choose their own path. Students can take non-business courses Social Services from other faculties through free electives and have the option to double-major Healthcare across the two academic disciplines. Retailing Tourism and Real Estate Production Emerging Sectors 15. 45 STUDENT STORY YUSUF KARACA // Sophomore Business StudentI had a bright idea,Ive always dreamed of starting my own business, and earning my own money. But,despite all my great ideas, I had never been able to bring them to reality. That is until Itook BUS 102, Introduction to Entrepreneurship, at zyein University. There I realizedcoming up with a good idea is just step 1; the key is making that idea actionable, and now I haveand then preparing a business plan that shows how it will be done. I had a bright idea,and now I have a business plan (and the financing!) to make it happen.My name is Yusuf Karaca, and this is my story.Before I took BUS 102, I had a simple but interesting idea. For I found my bright idea, but obviously the bigger problem was a businessyears in Turkey, simit (a savory roll covered with sesame seeds)finding the financing. While taking BUS 102, I understand thatvendors would sell white cheese alongside the simits on their I wouldnt get anywhere without a 20-carts. However, I would ask myself, where are the olives? 30 page professional business plan.Where are those small black fruits, present on every TurkishThus, in the class, for two months, I worked with my groupbreakfast table, one of the most famous products of our country?members to devise a solid business plan. Taking advantage ofConsumption of simits and olives truly belong together; the issue the universitys electronic databases, we researched andwas how to bring them together to be sold on that simit cart. evaluated all the topics including a financial analysis, marketSo, I conceived of a simple but elegant package containing sixshare, production stages, and profit margins. The more we At the end of the course, taking thisof the best quality olives you can find. Attached on the sidewould be a toothpick. And I thought of offering different varietiesdelved into the topic, the more this potential market shone forth.No longer was our goal limited to simit sellers; there were also business plan, I pitched the idea to with pits and without; different sauces like an herbal blend andsimit cafes, hotels, dormitories, and bus and airline companies.Basically, anywhere that served breakfast. My eyes were growinghot and spicy; we could even have green vs. black olives. a potential investor, and he said yes! bright.At the end of the course, taking this business plan, I pitched theYUSUF KARACAidea to a potential investor, and he said yes! Thus, along withtwo partners, I gave myself over to this business we calledSophomore Business StudentZeytane. It was actually happening!Everything is ready now the production area, the machines, the olives, the packages, theadvertising. Theres a few more signatures, a few more documents to procure, and then itwill all get going. My bright idea is becoming a reality, and I owea big part of that to the support I received from OzU. This university didnt make my dreams come true; they just enabled me, and encouraged me to make my dreams come true myself. I had a brightidea, and now I have a business to make it happen. 16. 6 7CURRICULUM1YEAR TERM 1 ECTSTERM 2ECTS History of Ideas / Civilizations I6 History of Ideas / Civilizations II 6 Microeconomics6 Macroeconomics6 Calculus for Business I 6 Calculus for Business II6 Introduction to Business I (Decision Making)4 Introduction to Business II (Entrepreneurship)4 English I (Sustainability)4 English II (Business Ethics)4 Turkish Language and Literature I 4 Turkish Language and Literature II42 3030 Marketing 6 Operations6 Financial Accounting6 Finance 6 Probability for Business6 Statistics for Business 6 Introduction to Social Sciences 6 Organizations 6 Introduction to Sectors I 2 Introduction to Sectors II2 Principles of Atatrk and the History of4 Principles of Atatrk and the History of4 the Turkish Revolution Ithe Turkish Revolution IIELECTIVES3 3030 Management FinanceMGMT 211 > Management Science IE 362 > Risk Management Managerial Accounting 6 International Business6MGMT 303 > Business Law FIN 401 > Financial IntermediationMGMT 304 > Production and Service ManagementFIN 402 > Financial Modeling Elective (Non-faculty)6 Elective (Non-faculty)6MGMT 403 > EU and Turkey: Trade and PoliticsFIN 403 > Financial Statement Analysis Elective (Faculty)Elective (Faculty) MGMT 404 > Change ManagementFIN 404 > Financial Regulations 6 6MGMT 405 > Entrepreneurial Management FIN 405 > Real Estate Finance Elective (Free) 6 Elective (Free) 6MGMT 406 > Human Resources Management FIN 407 > Money and BankingMGMT 407 > Managerial Economics FIN 409 > Capital Markets and Institutions Elective (Sectoral Solutions) 6 Elective (Sectoral Solutions) 6MGMT 408 > SMEs and Cross-Border Ventures FIN 410 > International Finance4 3030 MGMT 409 > Motivation and LeadershipFIN 411 > Investment AnalysisMGMT 410 > Auditing Technology & Innovation Management6 Strategy6MGMT 411 > Management Information Systems OperationsIE 325> Simulation Modeling and AnalysisIE 382> Decision Analysis Elective (Free) 6 Elective (Free) 6IE 341> Estimation Methods MarketingMKTG 401 > Services Marketing Area Elective (Major) 6 Area Elective (Major) 6MKTG 402 > Marketing Research IE 352> Supply Chain ManagementMKTG 403 > Marketing Strategy IE 441> Quality Management Area Elective (Major) 6 Area Elective (Major) 6MKTG 404 > Marketing Management IE 372> Production Planning and Scheduling Elective (Sectoral Solutions) 6 Elective (Sectoral Solutions) 6MKTG 405 > Retail ManagementOPER 402 > Service Operations ManagementMKTG 406 > Advertising Management OPER 404 > Operations Strategy 3030 MKTG 407 > Consumer BehaviorOPER 409 > Revenue ManagementMKTG 408 > International Marketing 17. 89FACULTY STORY STEVEN SEGGIE // Assistant Professor, Faculty of BusinessWould you rather be lied to or simply not told the whole truth?I decided to pursue a career in academia because I was attracted to Now, I still love the lifestyle, but being on the other side of the fence,Now, from a business perspective, which brand of deception is worse for the company? the lifestyle. While doing my MBA at Sabanc University, I sat down withI also love the opportunity to deal with real- a professor and asked him what his job entailed. He told me about the world problems in the industry. Theres still so muchThis is just one of my research areas, examining the business-to-business relationshipsresearch, the teaching, as well as the service component. The job that is undiscovered, so many issues that firms struggle through via trial-in the supply chain and the effects of opportunism and deception.description appealed to me there was no boss, no one telling youand-error, and we get to approach these issues from an academic what to do; you had the freedom to research any subject you found perspective. One of those issues Ive been studying is opportunism.My name is Steven Seggie, an Assistant Professor of Marketing in zyein Universitysinteresting; moreover, you got to meet with interesting people and travel to interesting places. So I applied to one PhD program, Michigan State, The market is an ugly place. Companies lie and cheat, break contracts,Business Faculty, and this is my story.and engage in what we call bad behavior. Suppliers may send products and, in 2007, received a PhD in Marketing with a minor in International Business. late, or substitute an order with lower-quality merchandise, or cut corners on the production. How do companies deal with suppliers who are engaging in these practices? There are basically two types of ex post opportunism: active (direct lying, i.e. yes, we sent the products) or passive (not telling the whole truth, i.e. Ill have to get back to you on that). We discovered that the passive form of opportunism was more harmful to the company in the long-run Notentrepreneur but become than the active form. When suppliers lie directly, there is a visceralevery student will reaction to the lie and the managers cut them off immediately. Meanwhile,an with the passive deception, managers are more likely to give second or third chances, blaming it on misunderstanding or circumstances. Its anthe curriculum emotional response. Ive also studied how the prevalence of opportunism spans across cultural and national boundaries. As firms move into different institutionalis designed environments they engage in different cultures, different legal arenas, etc. In some countries this type of behavior is more acceptable, or vice versa. We discovered that most multinationals tended to regress toward the mean in these situations i.e. if the culture was more opportunistic,to awaken that the firm would become more opportunistic in that environment. Being at OzU, with mutual importance given to research and teaching, has allowed me to express myself fully as an academic. This is truly a place of academic learning andentrepreneurialopen debate. Students and faculty alike are encouraged to voice their opinions and their criticisms, and they are taken into consideration to build a better institution. I believe this is derived from the concept ofspirit... junior partners (the title given to our students by the rector) and the strong focus on entrepreneurship. From the onset, the university has emphasized getting students involved in entrepreneurship. Not every student will become an entrepreneur but the curriculum is designed to awaken that entrepreneurial spirit, and, for those that are excited by the prospects, provide guidance as well as legal and financial support to get those nascent ideas off the ground. Supported by arguably the best or second best business faculty in the country, that is what sets OzU apart from other business programs in the region.Some of the journals in which Assistant Prof. Steven Seggies scholarly work appears include theJournal of Marketing, the Journal of Product and Innovation Management, and the InternationalOh, and dont worry, Im not lying to you.Marketing Review.He has been awarded the Article of the Year Award from the International Marketing Review (2009),Stanley C. Hollander Teaching Excellence Award, Michigan State University (2006), and AMA ShethDoctoral Consortium Fellow, University of Maryland (2006).STEVEN SEGGIE // Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business 18. 10 11ZYEN UNIVERSITY BUSINESS PROGRAMS Master in BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA)zyein University Graduate School of Business(OzU GSB) aspires to be the best business schoolin Turkey and the region through its outstandinginternational faculty and students, diversegraduate programs, dual degree and exchangeprograms with other leading business schoolsworldwide, and close working relationships withglobal business enterprises.Global Perspective:Case studies of global companies and internationalexperience of world-class faculty, guest speakers,and classmates with diverse backgroundsInternational Engagement:Faculty with PhDs from top-tier research universitiesengaging in a spectrum of research, teaching,and consulting activities worldwide; internationalinternships and exchange programs with leadinggraduate business schoolsInnovation and Entrepreneurship:School-wide entrepreneurial climate towards abetter understanding of the development,governance, profitability, and sustainability of newbusinesses; support from the Center forEntrepreneurship (CfE), which unites experiencedentrepreneurs and students to discuss businessideasLeadership and Interpersonal Skills:ACADEMIC PROGRAMIntegrated courses that emphasize effectiveteamwork, oral and written communication,21 MONTHDaytime MBA for full-time studentsleadership skills, and ethics; leadership speakerseries that brings corporate executives and students28 MONTHEvening MBA for working professionals together to exchange experiences and perspectives The curriculum of both programs comprises of 13 required core coursesCORPORATE PARTNERSHIPS: to provide a strong analytical foundation and 21 electives to allow participantsPriceWaterhouseCoopers: developing the to construct a program tailored to their individual goals and interests. Bothemployability competencies of our graduates programs entail a Capstone Project to apply many of the concepts and skills gained in the program. Various tracks (concentrations) are offered to FranklinCovey: providing training to increase the allow participants to prepare for specific careers or industries.leadership and strategy execution skills of our graduates 19. 12 13STUDENT STORY OLENA SVATKO // 1st year MBA Student I believe that at some point in everyones life, we all realize wework experience and books need a change. Thats where I was last spring. I wanted to be free,to take a giant step out into this big, grand world of ours. I neededwere just not enough andexplorea change, so now, well, Im here. There are still mornings I wake up,I set out totake a look around and wonder what Im doing, but I wouldnt trade this experience for anything.My name is Olena Svatko, and this is my story.My educational background is in philology - my parents wanted their youngest daughter topursue a more feminine education. This was not by accident; my father is a musician whothe possibilitycultivated a love for music and arts in his children. After graduating, I started working as aconsultant for a commercial real estate company. It was there, when I first opened the CertifiedCommercial Investment Member course book and tried to make sense of net values, yieldsand percentages, that I felt a draw into the practical side of business. However, at somepoint, workexperience and books were just not enough andof an MBA.I set out to explore the possibility of an MBA.09, I visited the educational fair in Kiev in search of study abroad opportunities. I stoppedby zyein Universitys booth and discovered the type of change I sought. So I took a risk,sent in my application, and leapt out into this brand new world.up and breathe in the new air. I make my way to the university, my second home, flowing into its multidimensional world:the tea lady surprising me with a cup of aromatic Turkish coffee, the sleepy students sitting in the cafeteria chatting with one another, my friendsin the International Office where I work part-time. I feel happy.OLENA SVATKOThen in the evening it starts, time for another MBA class. I step into our auditorium with a terrific view of the Istanbul skyline and congregate1st year MBA Studentwith my classmates. Kemal always comes up to me and makes me laugh so hard my face hurts. Then Prof. Jacques Couvas arrives and wediscuss the video from the last lecture with a presentation of the Power of Persuasion by world famous psychologist Dr. Robert Cialdini. The major educational difference I see at this university is that thereis no cutting corners. You must be involved in the studies of each lesson; you must be proactive,take initiative and be responsible. You must live out what you learn as taught in the Effective Individuals coursewithin the leadership program by FranklinCovey.Overall, I believe an Oz-MBA is an outstanding experience. It gives you a sense of the real business world,challenges the way you look at business problems, equips you to analyze business cases on a multi-dimensionalIt is a perfect mixture of experiencelevel and encourages you to devise fresh business ideas.and backgrounds in my classmates and OzU professors, and I feel lucky tobe here working together, learning together with them.I wanted a change,but Ive truly gottenso much more. 20. 14 15 MBA CURRICULUMModule 1Introduction to Management MBA ELECTIVESManagerial StatisticsEthicsGeneral Management Communications > Cost Accounting > InvestmentsManaging & LeadingMacroeconomics forModule 2 Financial Accounting ElectiveOrganizations the Global Economy > Cost Management Systems > International Financial ManagementYEAR 1Operations Managerial Data, Models and > Strategic Cost & Performance Management > OptionsModule 3Marketing Management ManagementAccounting & ControlDecisions > Financial Reporting and Analysis> Real Estate Finance & InvestmentModule 4 Corporate Finance Elective ElectiveElective > Business Valuation> Corporate Governance > Financial Statement Analysis> Industry & Competitive AnalysisMini-ModuleElective > Mergers & Acquisitions> Managing RiskSummer 1Mini-Module> Technology Entrepreneurship > Information Technology for Managers 2 Elective > Product Innovation> E-CommerceModule 5 StrategyElective ElectiveElective > Information Technologies for> Family Firms Manufacturing Strategies > Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture CapitalModule 6 ElectiveElective ElectiveElective > Strategic Brand Management > Manufacturing Planning & ControlYEAR 2 > Market Research > Operations StrategyModule 7 ElectiveElective ElectiveElective > Strategic Human Resource Management > Quality Management > Applied Corporate FinanceModule 8 ElectiveElective ElectiveElective > Project Management > Corporate Restructurings > Growth through Globalization > Supply Chain Design and Management > Introduction to European Union > Influencing Consumer Behavior Organizations and Law > Retailing Strategy> Corporate Social Responsibility as a Competitive Strategy > Power and Politics > Corporate Governance in the U.S., > Marketing European Union, and Turkey > Advertising Planning > Strategic Management for > E-Strategy for MarketingNon-Governmental Organizations > Services Marketing> Consulting Skills and Frameworks > B-B Marketing > Public Affairs Strategy: Lobbying and > Pricing Advocacy in Dealing with National and Transnational Agencies > Bank Management 21. 16 17FACULTY STORY MELTEM DENZEL // Professor, Joint Appointment in the Faculties of Businessand EngineeringSome of the journals in which Prof. Meltem Denizels scholarlywork appears include: Operations Research, Production Why on earth would someone want to study operations management? and Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics,Thats a good question. For me, I simply love the math. I love digging my hands into a real-world situation and then building a mathematical European Journal of Operational Research. representation of it. It is grasping the complex decision problems that occur in these environments then trying to illustrate those real-world relationships using the language of mathematics. But operations management is not about math, it is mostly about using scarce She has been awarded the Fulbright Senior Researchresources in a sustainable way which is deeply critical in our times.Scholarship (Aug. 07 Jan. 08), and the 2008 My name is Meltem Denizel, a Professor of Operations Management at zyein University, and this is my story. Wickham Skinner Best Unpublished Paper AwardFirst Prize, Multi-Period Remanufacturing The term operations or operations management is recent. When I gotSince I began more than 25 years ago, this field known as productionPlanning with Uncertain Quality of Inputs into the field, it was called production, and the word had a lure. I valued has expanded to include operational decisions within the service industry,(with M. Ferguson and G. Souza). production and I still do, producing knowledge, art, goods, services allusing the same theoretical models to improve service sector-related sounded very exciting to me. It goes back to my Literature professordecision making. To avoid confusion with manufacturing, the name was in high school who took an interest in several of us seniors as we were changed to operations. making choices that would shape the rest of our lives. I respected his Operations Management includes two main elements: the product (what views but, much to his chagrin, I chose Industrial Engineering instead are you going to produce?) and the process (how are you going to of Literature. Why? Because, I liked the idea of produce it?). The goal is to make those processes work better using engineering things, but not buildings, or less time, less resources, and less stress on the employees. Now recently, machines, or electronic devices. I thought I coulda new field of research in Operations has opened up, Product Recovery, engineer industries which are production systems. adding one more question: how are you going to reclaim When I told this to my professor he seemed so disappointed and said the waste once the useful life of a product What, on earth, are you going to do in factories? Then, I told him that is finished? I would become an academic to please him, and it really happened. In the past, Operations Management would extend to the point where I studied Industrial Engineering at Middle East Technical Universitythe product is handed over to the customer. Perhaps there would be (METU), liked the environment it offered so much I decided to continuesome concern with after-sales service, but that was it. Now, with and pursue my graduate studies there. After my MSc, I accepted an increased emphasis on the environment and environmental impact of offer from the University of Florida (UF) to complete my PhD in Decisionour products, governments and producers alike have started to consider & Information Science, I taught in METU and in Italy before I held athe entire life-cycle of a product. position back at UF. Then, I was contacted by the founding dean of the business school of, at the time, the newly-established Sabanc University, to help direct the MBA and Executive Education programs.work better Specifically, my research has focused on Product Recovery in reference to electronics. Consider a computer, which has a life span of 2-3 years. Then they are thrown away. Now they are piling up in landfills, piles and piles The goal is to make of out-dated electronics, taking up space and polluting the environment. There has to be a better way. those processes So we are trying to find the best, most efficient way to close the loop on electronics manufacturing in a way that will make sense for all the stakeholders producers, consumers, governments and the environment. In addition to research, Im teaching Data, Decisions and Models for the zyein MBA Program. Next year, Ill also be teaching Operationsusing less time, less resources, Management and Supply Chain Management at the MBA level. One of the things I really enjoy about teaching MBAs is that you learn a lot from them. They bring their experiences from work, their problems and their solutions, into the classroom, and we get to apply these high- and less stress on the employees. level theories to precise situations. This is what we mean by producing creative, original, useful and applicable knowledge, students and professors together, in the Oz-MBA.MELTEM DENZEL // Professor,Joint Appointment in the Faculties ofSo why study operations management? Ill go ahead and let you answer that. Business and Engineering 22. 18 19BUSINESS FACULTY LISTING Name Rank Ph.D. FromYear Area Erhan ErkutProfessorUniversity of Florida 1986 Operations Celal Aksu ProfessorSyracuse University 1987 Accounting Meltem Denizel ProfessorUniversity of Florida 1993 Operations Esra GentrkProfessorUniversity of Minnesota 1990 Marketing Volkan Muslu Visiting Prof. MIT Sloan 2005 Accounting Koen Pauwels Assoc. Prof. University of California, Los Angeles 2001 Marketing Elif AkalAssoc. Prof. Purdue University 2001 Operations Mnir Tolga Akura Assoc. Prof. Carnegie Mellon University2000 Marketing Steven Head Seggie Assist. Prof.Michigan State University 2007 Marketing Tuba ayrlAssist. Prof.City University of New York 2004 Operations Emrah enerAssist. Prof.Imperial College London 2006 Finance Zeynep Akehirli Assist. Prof.University of California, Los Angeles 2003 Management Mustafa alayan Assist. Prof.City University of New York 2000 Finance Kemal Saatiolu Assist. Prof.University of Texas at Austin 2002 Finance Erik den Hartigh Assist. Prof.Erasmus University2005 Management Kutsal Doan Assist. Prof.University of Florida 2002 Inform. Systems Pelin Atahan Assist. Prof.University of Texas at Dallas 2009 MIS rem DemirkanAssist. Prof.University of Texas at Dallas 2007 Management Melda rmeci Matolu Assist. Prof.Georgia Institute of Technology 2006 Operations Volkan Kayaetin Assist. Prof.University of Alberta 2009 Finance Ali Beba Clinical Prof. Tulsa University1976 Entrepreneurship Selcen Ayka Post. Doc. Istanbul Technical University 2007 Marketing Ahmet Murat FiPost. Doc. Sabanc University2009 Entrepreneurship Karanfil SoyhunInstructor University of Rochester 1999 Philosophy Emre DeliveliInstructor Harvard University2005 Economics Anjariitta RantanenInstructor Columbia University LLMBusiness Law Jason LauInstructor Bilkent UniversityMBAFinance Jacques Couvas Instructor University of Leicester LLMManagement Marco ProtanoInstructor University of Virginia, Darden School MBAMarketing Aylin zkaya Instructor Boazii University BA, CA Accounting Sina Erdal Instructor Boston Collegeabd* Finance Suresh GunaratnamInstructor Yeditepe University abd* Leadership Ulvi SamiInstructor Imperial CollegeMBAManagement*all but dissertation 23. Undergraduate EngineeringPROGRAMSIstanbu 24. 2 3 DEANS MESSAGE UNDERGRADUATE ENGINEERINGengineeringIn countries where there is a strong original technology heritage, the biggest driver forBachelor of Science inELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICSENGINEERING high-tech growth is technology start-ups. Generally speaking, these start-ups are founded by young, energetic, top-notch graduates of the best engineering schools. They are able to transform technological The mission of the Electrical Engineering (EE) development into products and companiesundergraduate program at zyein University (OzU) that benefit themselves and their country, and is to educate and graduate students who will be they create exciting, new jobs for engineers.among the most sought after electrical engineers inthe global marketplace, the most wanted graduate We prepare our graduates to be amongst students, or thriving entrepreneurs. the forerunners of such engineers.Undergraduate EE students build a strong foundationProf. Reha Civanlar in basic sciences and computing along with a broadDeanknowledge of EE. They have the choice to specializeFaculty of Engineeringin a selected area or cover a larger selection oftopics extending to interdisciplinary fields. They alsogain practical experience through laboratory work,summer internships, and senior design projects.Acquiring excellent communication skills and a keenunderstanding of business are also integral parts ofour EE program. ACADEMIC PROGRAMTRACKSNecessary foundations in mathematics, physics, and computing;SIGNAL PROCESSING YEAR 1 business awareness through entrepreneurship courses;introduction to EECOMMUNICATIONMathematical skills and foundations of EE; basics of electricalNETWORKING YEAR 2 circuits, signals, systems, digital design, electromagnetics,and related lab work; introduction to industry sectors INTEGRATED SYSTEMSOzU EE facultys research strengths include:Summer Internshiptelecommunications and networking; speech, image andElective courses ranging from microprocessors, computer and video applications, especially media processing and delivery; YEAR 3 communications networks to digital and wireless communications; computing technologies, digital design, microprocessors,compulsory courses on electronics and signal processing robotics and AI; and electronicsSummer InternshipAdvanced EE electives; a two- semester design course to YEAR 4 conceive and develop an engineering project which maylead to forming a high-tech start-up company 25. 45STUDENT STORY CEM ARSLAN // Freshman EE StudentWork Hard, That is precisely how I would sum up my first semester as a freshman student inzyein Universitys Electrical and Electronics Engineering bachelors degree program.What sets us apart is two-fold: Our rigorous academic program as well as the laughsMy name is Cem Arslan, and this is my story. Play Hard...In the first semester in the engineering faculty, we are just a small class, andits like we are taking private lessons. The current small size of our universityand the small number of students may seem like a disadvantage from theoutside, but as you get inside our world, you realize that it is not so at all.Consider this: one day at OzU, you can share a breakfast of American jellybeans with a professor who has just returned from a trip to the US. In anotherclass, you can witness a foreign professor belt out a cry of BooooZaaaa toillustrate an example of breakeven points for a boza (a fermented millet drink)seller. Or, in the late hours, you can run across a professor in the corridor whopoints to the bathroom door and says, Friends, please be quiet! We will beand make sure to have plenty of laughsdoing some research here, thus followed by an eruption of laughter.I had always imagined professors to be these aloof, wizened old men you could never approach. At OzU,as youre doing both.all my preconceptions are being changed, my expectations being challenged.Every university claims to have an open door policy but OzU is a place where you can I had always imagined literally go up to the 3rd floor, the floor where all the faculty and even the rector resides,professors to be theseanytime and get answers to your questions or just sit and chat. Its only my first semester,aloof, wizened old menbut Ive already seen what a big impact those chats are having on my life.you could never approach.Step into one professors office and start speaking in Stanford University jargon; step intoAt OzU all myanother professors office and flow with Georgia Tech lingo.preconceptions are being This is the academic strength of the faculty; this is the diversity that you get to live andchanged...learn in every single day.So is this university all about fun and laughs? Of course not!The level of academic quality is never in question.CEM ARSLAN // Freshman EE Student Basically, this is a place where you will work harder than youve everworked before, but I guarantee youll enjoy every minute of it.Dont miss out! 26. 6 7CURRICULUM1YEAR TERM 1 ECTSTERM 2ECTS Computer Programming6 Engineering Computation 6 Physics I 6 Physics II6 Calculus for Engineering I6 Calculus for Engineering II 6 Introduction to Business I (Decision Making)4 Introduction to Business II (Entrepreneurship)4 English I (Sustainability)4 English II (Ethics) 4 Turkish Language and Literature I 4 Turkish Language and Literature II42 3030 Linear Algebra5 Differential Equations5 Probabilistic Systems Analysis5 Object Oriented Programming 5 Digital Systems 6 Circuit Analysis6 Signals and Systems 6 Electromagnetics6 Economics for Engineering 6 Applied Statistics6 Introduction to Sectors I 2 Introduction to Sectors II23 3030 Electronic Circuits and Devices 6 Digital Signal Processing 6 Technical Presentation2 Technical Writing 2 Introduction to Social Science6 Elective (Sectoral Solutions or Certificate)4 ELECTIVES Elective (Engineering)6 Elective (Engineering)6 EE 321 > Microprocessors EE 461 > Computer Architectures Elective (Engineering)6 Elective (Engineering)6 EE 341 > Principles of Communication Systems EE 462 > VLSI Design Summer Training I 4 Elective (Social Sciences)6 EE 362 > Digital Electronics EE 463 > Semi-Conductor Devices4 3030EE 421 > Digital Image ProcessingEE 465 > MEMS EE 422 > Digital Video ProcessingEE 481 > Microwaves EE Design I 6 EE Design II6 EE 423 > Computer Graphics EE 482 > Microwave Engineering Principles of Atatrk and the History of4 Principles of Atatrk and the History of4 the Turkish Revolution I4 the Turkish Revolution II 4 EE 424 > Digital Speech Processing EE 483 > Antennas Elective (Non-Engineering)6 Elective (Non-Engineering)6 EE 443 > Digital Communication EE 484 > Optical Fiber Communication Elective (Engineering)6 Elective (Engineering)6 EE 444 > Wireless CommunicationEE 491 > Linear Control Systems Elective (Engineering)6 Elective (Sectoral Solutions or Certificate)6 EE 446 > Data CommunicationEE 492 > Non-Linear Control Summer Training II2 Summer Training III 2 EE 447 > Computer Networks EE 494 > Linear Systems 3030EE 448 > Sensor Networks 27. 89FACULTY STORY AL ZER ERCAN // Assistant Professor, Faculty of EngineeringWelcome to the world ofThe field of augmented reality is just one of the research areas that OzU Electrical Engineering Assistantaugmented Professor Ali zer Ercan is working on currently together with another OzU EE Professor Tanju Erdem. Unlike virtual reality, augmented reality seeks to interactively blend the actual world (your house) with a virtual world (the dinosaur). Dr. Erdem and Dr. Ercan are developing head-tracking algorithms for these applications using cameras and other sensors. This is the type of research being conducted at OzU EE, and this is Dr. Ercans story: Starting in middle school I was always drawn to science, then more With the recent growth in wireless communications technology, efficient specifically to physics during high school. There was something about use of resources such as energy and bandwidth (the range of frequencies circuits, electromagnetics, and other electrical stuff that gave me a rush, that one is allowed to send out radio waves) has become essential. so electrical engineering seemed a good match for my interests. However, different interfering technologies cannot collaborate actively for this purpose today; at best, they employ algorithms to reactively co- At first I was primarily interested in the hardware side of EE with one of my first projects being the design of a high-speed digital camera system. we are trying to bridge exist with each other. Thus, However, after a few years at Stanford University, I got involved with athese technologies, provide some means of project in the field of camera networks, which combined bits of the collaboration and information sharing imaging world with networking.between them, so that they can collectively come up with more efficient solutions for their communication parameters. This project is Camera networks have lots of applications in the world of security, still in its early stages, and Ill be working extensively with Berkeley on surveillance, health monitoring (i.e. such as those in intensive care), traffic it while here at OzU. or even wildlife monitoring. I took a strong interest in the field of object tracking with cameras as well as the dynamic selection of cameraOverall, I consider it a great opportunity to be working here at OzU. subsets, i.e. turning cameras on and off dynamically for when they areWith top quality people in place across all academic and administrative needed in order to conserve battery power. This helped move me from positions, as well as an inspiring vision of becoming an innovation a more hardware focus in EE to a more theoretical approach; in fact,university, this is an institution that is going places. At the faculty level, this eventually became the topic for my PhD.I see excellent researchers coming from top After graduating from Stanford, I went to work for the Berkeley Wirelessuniversities, all of them experts in their fields, Research Center at the University of California at Berkeley, where I gotwith whom I can collaborate. In terms of involved in the Connectivity Brokerage project. In this project, we set education, the EE program at OzU is very good, starting out to design software architectures to allow different heterogeneous with top professors to a solid curriculum and program wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, etc. to structure that will truly make our graduates on par with collaborate.graduates from top universities and top programs in the US. In fact, I really believe that in a few years time OzU will be a world-recognized university both fromreality. a research as well as an education standpoint.You are standing inside your house.Assistant Prof. Ali zer Ercans scholarly work has appeared in the conference proceedings of DySPAN (IEEE International Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Symposium), IPSN (ACM/IEEE InternationalYou look around; everything appears normal. Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks) and DCOSS (IEEE International ConferenceThen you are handed a piece of headgear, on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems).VR Rider-esque. You put it on, expecting to He has been recently awarded an FP7 Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant for his researchenter into an alternate reality, but all you see project titled Connectivity Brokerage for Collaborative Optimization Heterogeneous Wireless Networks.is your house again; everything appears normal.You give the headgear a slight slap on the side,wondering if perhaps you forgot to hit the onbutton. Then, suddenly a dinosaur comescrashing through your front window. AL ZER ERCAN // Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering 28. 10 11UNDERGRADUATE ENGINEERINGBachelor of Science inINDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING The undergraduate Industrial Engineering (IE) program covers basic mathematics, physics, computer programming, probability, statistics, and advanced courses in deterministic and stochastic operational research techniques, simulation, quality control techniques as well as finance, supply chain, decision support systems and service production processes. ACADEMIC PROGRAM TRACKSNecessary foundations in mathematics, physics, and computing;FINANCE YEAR 1 business awareness through entrepreneurship courses;introduction to IE DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMSMathematical skills and foundations of IE; basics of engineeringTRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICSeconomy, manufacturing and service operations management, YEAR 2 probability theory, statistics, and operations research;MANUFACTURING & SERVICEintroduction to industry sectorsOPERATIONS MANAGEMENTSummer Internship Optimization serves as the technical backbone of all four specialization tracks: it is one of the OzU IE facultys strongestElective courses to acquire in-depth information YEAR 3 on a variety of specialization tracks areas of expertise, with worldwide recognition in areas such as logistics, game theory, airline operations, and global (nonlinear) optimization.Summer InternshipAdvanced IE electives; a two-semester design course YEAR 4 applying principles and knowledge acquired through thecurriculum to analyze and solve an actual industrial problem 29. 12 13STUDENT STORY SUAY KANKO // Freshman IE Studentopen-door policy Im first; ok, one of the first. Im in the first class of the Industrial Engineering undergraduate programat OzU, part of a small group that placed out of the English Preparatory Program to start in the faculty,which shows just how tough the English standards are. Its not easy being the first, carrying the responsibility, paving a new road, but I couldnt have imagined a better environment in which to take on that challenge. My name is Suay Kanko, and this is my story.In the first year, all the engineering students, from both Electrical & Electronics Engineering as well asIndustrial Engineering, share the same core classes physics, calculus, computer science, etc. Additionally,we take a few classes together with the Business students, including Introduction to Business. I know thatthe opportunity to gain a cross-disciplinary foundation will serveus well in our future careers.The classes are all interesting and fun, and we enjoy a close, casual relationship with our professors. Thisparticular moment from our physics class comes to mind. Normally, cell phones should be turned off, butforgetfulness can often be a source of spontaneous comedy. That day, a friends cell phone rang, saying,Excuse me boss, you have a text message. Our professor, Gray Erkol, turned to look back at us, asingle-eyebrow raised in suspicion, scanning the probable suspects; then in slow-motion his head swiveledback to face the board. We sat frozen to our chairs in fear, wondering how he would respond to thisforbidden intrusion. Finally, unable to contain it any longer, our professor burst out laughing. Laughing! Atthat moment, the entire class erupted in laughter as well.Then there is our beloved Computer Science Professor Ismail Ar, who brought back all the way fromAmerica candy that he called the food of the future. We all sat around in the middle of class, gobblingthese bits of color and sugar and wildly different tastes (a.k.a. jelly beans) and remarking about what adelicious place the future must be.the defining characteristic of OzU is the accessibility of the faculty,I feel this open-door policy. We all have those moments when you say, If only there was someone here to help, someone I can ask this question to It is those moments that our professors are alwaysready to step in, with our Rector, Professor Dr. Erhan Erkut, as the leading example. Just last week, afew of us sat down with the Rector at lunch in the cafeteria and had an informal chat about the campus.The Rector sat down with us, ate with us, listened to our concerns, and offered feedback. At how Then there is our beloved Computer Science Professor Ismailmany universities can you do that? Ar, who brought back all the way from America candy thathe called the food of the future. We all sat around in the middle of class, gobbling theseYes, the work at OzU can be overwhelming at times; the series of exams seems to never end; there alwaysbits of color and sugar and wildly differentseems to be more to read, more to learn, more to study. But, if I really ask myself, I know I made the righttastes (a.k.a. jelly beans) and remarking about choice. I chose OzU because of its high quality of education; the funaspects are all a bonus.what a delicious placethe future must be.Plus, I get to be first.SUAY KANKOFreshman IE Student 30. 14 15CURRICULUM1YEAR TERM 1 ECTSTERM 2ECTS ELECTIVES Computer Programming6 Computational Methods for IE6 IE 341 > Estimation Methods IE 363 > Quantitative Finance I Physics I 6 Physics II6 IE 342 > Mathematical Programming IE 364 > Quantitative Finance II Calculus for Engineering I6 Calculus for Engineering II 6 IE 351 > Design & Operation ofIE 371 > Lean Service & Introduction to Business I (Decision Making)4 Introduction to Business II (Entrepreneurship)4Transportation Networks Manufacturing Systems English I (Sustainability)4 English II (Ethics) 4 IE 352 > Supply Chain ManagementIE 372 > Production Planning & Scheduling Turkish Language and Literature I 4 Turkish Language and Literature II4 IE 353 > Supply Chain ModelsIE 373 > Service Systems Management IE 354 > Advanced Inventory ModelsIE 381 > Data Mining2 3030 IE 355 > Logistics Management IE 382 > Decision Analysis Linear Algebra5 Manufacturing & Service Operations Mgmt 6 IE 361 > Optimization Models in Finance IE 383 > Decision Support Systems Probabilistic Systems Analysis5 Operations Research I 6 IE 362 > Risk ManagementIE 384 > Information Systems Engineering Economics and Cost Analysis 6 Elective (Engineering)6 Summer Training I 2 Elective (Free) 6 Applied Statistics6 Economics for Engineering 6 Introduction to Sectors II2 Introduction to Sectors I 2 Technical Writing 23 3030 Operations Research II6 Simulation Modelling and Analysis 6 Elective (Engineering)6 Introduction to Social Sciences 6 Elective (Engineering)4 Elective (Engineering)6 Elective (Social Sciences)6 Elective (Engineering)6 Elective (Sectoral Solutions or Certificate)6 Summer Training II2 Elective (non-Engineering)64 3030 IE Design I 6 IE Design II6 Principles of Atatrk and the History of4 Principles of Atatrk and the History of4 the Turkish Revolution I4 the Turkish Revolution II 4 Technical Presentation2 Elective (Engineering)6 Project Management6 Elective (Engineering)6 Elective (Engineering)6 Elective (Sectoral Solutions or Certificate)6 Elective (Engineering)6 Summer Training III 2 3030 31. 16 17FACULTY STORYELF AKALI // Visiting Associate Professor, Joint Appointment in the Faculties of Business and EngineeringI love teaching at a university which fostersI wish I could say, I was a child prodigy who was drawn to math and science, or I always knew that I wanted to bean engineer. Rather, starting from the age of 4, I simply loved playing the piano. I was even urged to attend the Statecreative teaching methods,Conservatory to study piano.encouragingHowever, in the summer of 1983, while running around in open fields and swimming in the Marmara Sea, I learned thatthe Conservatorys entrance exam would be given in Ankara during the middle of the summer. The sounds of waveslapping on the shore, birds flapping in the morning air, and the breeze rushing through the grass called to me more thanany white or black keys, so I refused to go. That one, spur-of-the-moment decision on a hot summer day changed mylife forever.students toMy name is Dr. Elif Akal, and this is my story. My father and brother are power systems electrical engineers. I wanted the recycling of end-of-life vehicles and the remanufacturing of durable to be one of the boys, so I pursued a B.Sc. degree in IE from Middle automotive parts. Thus, I got funding from GM R&D, supplemented bythink, East Technical University (METU) in 1994. One thing led to the next, and a Research Initiation Grant from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. I received an M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering (1996), then a Ph.D. inI am an engineer by training and an engineer at heart. However, working Industrial Engineering from Purdue University (2001). My dissertation to work hard, and to create topic was the planning and control of manufacturing operations in theat GM,I realized that managers make thebusiness decisions that influence the a value for themselves and society. semiconductor industry.environment, not the engineers. Moreover, in order Graduating from Purdue, I took an Assistant Professor position in theto help companies reduce their environmental footprint, I had to seduce Industrial & Systems Engineering Department at the University of Florida.them with the financial benefits associated with environmental initiatives. As much as I enjoyed the academic environment (Go Gators!), I beganHence, I wanted to participate in the education to question the utility of my research, my contribution to society. All my work was designed to increase corporate profits by increasing efficiency.of future managers and instill in them I wanted something more relevant, However, awareness for the environment. Along these lines,I joined OzU in September 2009 with a joint appointment in the Faculty something with a broader impact on society.of Business and the Faculty of Engineering. I remembered that little girl skipping along the shores of the Marmara. What could I do for her? At OzU, Ive been involved in designing the IE curriculum, an innovativeone with courses that focus on up-and-coming industry sectors. In 2002, while listening to a senior researcher from General Motors (GM)IE students are thus empowered to take control of their education by R&D during a workshop, I wondered what they, as GM, did in terms ofmaking choices in industry sector and/or area specialization while being environmental initiatives. I spent a month at GM Tech Center in Warren,instilled with an awareness of ethics, sustainability and entrepreneurship. Michigan, and identified two important areas of research that pertain toThis semester, I also had the privilege of teaching Managerial Statistics in the MBA program and Probability for BusinessI love teaching at a university which fosters creativefor the undergraduates.teaching methods, encouraging students to think, to work hard, and tocreate a value for themselves and society. On top of all this, I am involved in a researchSome of the journals in which Associate Prof. Elif Akals scholarly project investigating operational strategies to ensure the economic and environmental efficiency of recyclingwork appears include: Journal of Operations Management, operations for end-of-life products.Production & Operations Management, and Naval ResearchLogistics. She has been awarded the Society of ManufacturingI wasnt a math prodigy; I was just a little girl who loved to play the piano. So, to all those other little girls out there whoEngineers Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award. are running in the fields and swimming in the sea, I dedicate my work to you. May you continue to enjoy the sounds ofthe waves, the birds, and the grass as I once did. ELF AKALI Visiting Associate Professor, Joint Appointment in the Faculties of Business and Engineering 32. 18 19ENGINEERING FACULTY LISTINGNameRankPh.D. FromYear FieldReha Civanlar Professor North Carolina State University 1984 Electrical and Computer EngineeringMeltem DenizelProfessor University of Florida 1993 Decision and Information SciencesErhan Erkut Professor University of Florida 1986 Industrial EngineeringPnar MengProfessor Purdue University 1985 Mechanical EngineeringTanju Erdem Professor University of Rochester 1990 Electrical Engineeringirin Tekinay Professor George Mason University 1994 Electrical and Computer EngineeringMohamed Haouari Adjunct Professor Ecole Centrale de Paris 1991 Industrial EngineeringJanos PinterAssoc. Prof.Lomonosov University1982 Stochastic OptimizationOuz SunayAssoc. Prof.Queens University1996 Electrical and Computer EngineeringMurat Uysal Assoc. Prof.Texas A&M University2001 Electrical EngineeringElif Akal Visiting Assoc. Prof. Purdue University 2001 Industrial EngineeringRahmi Hezar Assist. Prof. Georgia Institute of Technology 2000 Electrical and Electronic EngineeringGl Bahar Assist. Prof. University of Florida 2002 Materials Science andBam DoanEngineeringIsmail ArAssist. Prof. University of California2004 Computer Scienceat Santa CruzCenk DemiroluAssist. Prof. Georgia Institute of Technology 2005 Electrical and Electronic EngineeringGray Erkol Assist. Prof. Groningen University2006 PhysicsGne Erdoan Assist. Prof. Bilkent University2006 Industrial EngineeringAli zer ErcanAssist. Prof. Stanford University 2007 Electrical EngineeringOkan rsan zener Assist. Prof. Georgia Institute of Technology 2008 Industrial and Systems EngineeringErdal BulanAssist. Prof. Tohoku University 2008 NanomechanicsT. Bar AktemurAssist. Prof. University of Illinois - UC 2009 Computer Science 33. HotelUndergraduateManagementPROGRAMIstanbu 34. 2 3DIRECTORS MESSAGEBachelor of Science inOzU is the pinnacle of my career in tourism that Iembarked upon as a high school student. I may be moreknowledgeable and experienced now, but Ive neverHOTEL MANAGEMENTlost that gung-ho, entrepreneurial spirit of my earlyyears. In fact, my entrepreneurial spirit has only beenstrengthened together with OzUs overall mission.Along with my colleagues, I am working towardsestablishing the first truly international hotelmanagement program in Turkey with a diversity ofinternational students and faculty members. Prior tothe launch of the academic program, I initiated acooperation agreement with Swisstel Hotels & ResortsWorldwide. Furthermore, I headed the process thatformed the programs Advisory Board, which providesThe undergraduate Hotel Management programvaluable assistance in strategic decision-making andaims to educate future hospitality leaders to fill theguidance.gaps in this exciting, developing marketplace.So are you ready to make the leap? Consider upgrading We have formed a multimedia-based educationyourself to a 5-star career via the OzU Hotel program that includes case studies, professionalManagement Program. hospitality software, laboratory studies to developpractical skills, interactive simulation programs, M. Teoman Alemdarprojects, internships, electives and second foreign Director School of Applied Sciences languages such as Russian, Chinese, German or Hotel Management Program Spanish.Hands-On Training and Experience TRACKSWhile studying, students also enjoy the benefit of working on sample hotelGOLF MANAGEMENTrooms and professionally designed front desk and reservation areas, servingMARINA & YACHT OPERATIONSat the practice restaurant and preparing food items in kitchens on thepremises while developing environmentally sensitive and socially conscious IN-FLIGHT FOOD MANAGEMENTvalues.SPA & WELLNESS OPERATIONSUnique Protocol with Swisstel Hotels & Resorts Ltd.As the first and only one in the world, a protocol signed between zyeinUniversity (OzU) and Swisstel Hotels & Resorts Ltd., established a uniquecollaboration which enables OzU Hotel Management students to completetheir internships at Swisstel hotels around the world and grants them jobinterviews upon graduation with Swisstel hotels. 35. 45HOTEL MANAGEMENTADVISORY BOARD CURRICULUM 1Name Company / Association / Affiliation YEAR TERM 1 ECTS TERM 2 ECTSM. Teoman AlemdarDirector, School of Applied Sciences / Hotel Management Program, zyein UniversityIntroduction to Computers 5 Principles of Accounting5Hlya Aslanta Former President of SKAL International Worldwide Applied Economics 6 Sociology 6Robert Bosselman, Ph.D.Chair of Apparel, Educational Studies and Hospitality Management, Iowa State UniversityTourism Industry6 Food and Beverage Management6Nazire Dedeman aatay High Advisory Council President, Dedeman Holding Second Foreign Language I 5 Second Foreign Language II5M. Talha ama Former President of TRSAB & Owner of VisiturEnglish I (Sustainability)4 English II (Business Ethics)4Naci Gedik COO, Polat Tourism & Hotel ManagementTurkish Language and Literature I 4 Turkish Language and Literature II4 2Korel Gymen, Ph.D.Former Undersecretary of Ministry of Tourism of Turkey, Faculty Member,3030 FS&PS, Sabanc UniversityMehmet GrsIstanbul Food and Beverage Groups Owner Human Resources Management5 International and Comparative Labor 5Mohamed Hammam VP of Middle East / Africa, Gate Gourmet, Managing Director of Gate Gourmet / USA TurkeyRooms Division Management 5 Hotel Marketing 5Hotel Management5Tavit KletavitoluFormer President of TYD, Founder & President of Atlas Development Corp.Computer Applications in Hotels 5Food Production and Purchasing5R. Osman Serim Food & Beverage Consultant, Co-Founder of Mutfak Dostlar DerneiNutrition, Hygiene and Safety 5Principles of Atatrk and the History of4Principles of Atatrk and the History of4 the Turkish Revolution IIGerhard StrugerGeneral Manager, Swisstel The Bosphorus Istanbul,the Turkish Revolution ISummer Internship I 2 Regional VP Turkey & Eastern Europe Swisstel Hotels & ResortsSecond Foreign Language III 5 Second Foreign Language IV5Oktay Varler, Ph.D. Coordinator, Investments & Business, Mart Hotels & Marinas, Former President of TYD 32931Music 6 History of Art6Hotel Managerial Accounting Quantitative Decision Techniques66Sustainable Development for Hotels6Restaurant Management and Cost Analysis 6Catering and MICE 6Culinary World6Summer Internship II2Elective (Hotel & Tourism Management) 5 Elective (Hotel & Tourism Management) 5 42931 ELECTIVES HMAN 301 > Health Issues in HotelsHMAN 401 > Total Quality Management in Hotel IndustryFinance 6 Leadership in the Hotel Industry6 HMAN 302 > Behavior and Etiquette inHMAN 402 > Tourism EconomicsHospitality Industry HMAN 403 > Restaurant FeasibilityLegal Aspects of Lodging Operations 6Applied Management in Hotels6 HMAN 303 > History of Beverage CultureHMAN 404 > Ethics in Hospitality IndustryService Process Design for Hotels 6 HMAN 304 > Entertainment in Resorts / Holiday Villages Senior Project6 HMAN 405 > Architectural Trends in Hotel IndustryHospitality Seminars4 HMAN 305 > Wine and Tasting HMAN 406 > EU and Turkish TourismElective (Hotel & Tourism Management) 5 HMAN 306 > Club Management Elective (Hotel & Tourism Management) 5 HMAN 407 > Hotel Feasibility HMAN 307 > Planning and Operation of Golf Courses HMAN 408 > Case Studies in Tourism IndustryElective (Hotel & Tourism Management) 5 Elective (Hotel & Tourism Management) 5 HMAN 308 > Ecotourism HMAN 409 > Comparative Research in Tourism and HMAN 309 > Strategic Marketing in Hotel Industry Hotel Management3228 HMAN 310 > Hospitality and Nursing Home ManagementHMAN 410 > Debates on Tourism and Hotel Industries 36. 67 FACULTY STORY M. TEOMAN ALEMDAR // Director, School of Applied Sciences and Hotel Management Program So are you ready to make the leap?It all started with introducing French tourists to Turkeys famous sites like Topkap Palace, Cappadocia, Consider upgrading yourself toa 5-star careerEphesus, etc. As a student of the French high school, Lyce de Galatasaray, I worked as an amateurtourist guide in order to travel, practice my French, learn more about French culture, and earn somepocket money in the summertime. That was it. And thats how my career in tourism began.My name is M. Teoman Alemdar, the Director of the School of Applied Sciences and the HotelManagement program at OzU, and this is my story: via the OzU Hotel Management Program. After graduating from Galatasaray, I enrolled in the Prehistory and Eventually, I decided to pursue a more professional, systematic educationArchaeology program at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Istanbul in the field of hotel management. In 1988, I earned a Bachelor of ScienceUniversity, thinking to broaden my knowledge of history and culture for degree in Hospitality Management at Florida International University (FIU).these guided tours. However, I soon began to consider the flagship ofI endeavored toThroughout my studies at FIU in the USA,the tourism sector, the hotel business. In 1976, I started working as a integrate the theoretical knowledge withPBX Night Shift Operator at the Maka Hotel in Istanbul. Later, I transferredhands-on practice by working at various hotels in Florida,to Hotel Etap Pullman, one of the three international hotels in Istanbulincluding the Sheraton Marina Hotel, Don Cesar Beach Resort, Holidayat the time, as a night auditor.Inn Ft. Lauderdale and Sheraton Brickell Point.I spent four years at the Hotel Etap, and although I was just a nightAfter FIU, I returned to