oet listening addition material

4:z 4 0ccupatronal E n glish Te st Additional Practice Materials R@dFg&Listening sliraheforap.t.is of;

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Post on 26-Mar-2015




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0ccupat rona lE n glish Te st

Addit ional Practice MaterialsR@dFg&Listening

s l i rahefora p. t . is o f ;

Page 2: OET listening addition material


Ma*e iol6 abdlt h6 @djialto undsd.€ h€dngs gitr b€te.

Gi€smudr nrdnElion 4 y&6.

]]16ftr qredro s doretor)dr.

I tu3m for ansdfle si hcnli,ltu€m lor anqdde al tr6p ial

' @iknt trht/z qf,dail

Pah$ib d6oi:,lion or ondrron {nctud ns rdhd e rEd

6) Rslal€d pbi@6 otblfls at efiecE upo pqrien

) G4mrr'.db.r h srory {nc[d ns m<icario)


q t r


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a) Fmrycnmlems

b) cffi aborrt drenr p.ob m






Page 4: OET listening addition material



Whar is rhe basic a n of l[e lnog€]ine d scus$d by rhe sp@k6f

,rLenr,h ,'nE .liz.t\

s€€€ ways a@ ds, bed n which osl@pdosis ariels the bon6.

a) srlial a€ M or lho wars rcrt o^dd?

I / r r \ o q o . p o o 6 o F F d ' m e d b r ' M r s d . r r ' q r Gcmmon y ait*led by osre@oc s?

Brely.l rar b6 d d sl ict on d€ dre sp.aka make behts osts'

lise,s oi qatr en on{ ad m 6 ?:

fte spsker Mt ons lwo Irp€s ol bo@3l Now d@s he d6srre ach?


Page 5: OET listening addition material



O rMral inlmal on s si6 abod llre peiod oi secst lN ol btr6 domity

{O r 4Et t4o pnyshardieqd in !v'l@ de @6ed by iE iulu6

C. Trd6rls ore'q coerodtr rlre irec}!eo bde6os mBdi

gdarmof boms',€ioh

Sm r ms ana €0 bolh s6 F6c1'e lh'eCro d ii daEs of b.ilE

: '


Page 6: OET listening addition material

Ire sp€l€r disus6 srmproms or 6l6oporcs sa) !!yb Gi&porcsjs €.ely d4nos€d beh.e hactuG dua

wilholt ploper msdk anedim. ohal daiqeB mav sufiers oio€tmpo,@s lae in me bng€r l€m?

@a md p$tho cg car p@b ms

llie spoaks dlflsB lhe de\dopmsl of o6tspo6 s n ffi

whar rwo rffs a€ mtoed tu€ lor llre hld d6!€lopMt d

lslmp.rc$ ii M ahaii ltrlm-d-

rn8 spsker ta ks about h P racluE.w,lEt statisl cai evldsce do6 h€ g @ lo slppod lrb c ans abon ie

sioGns oJ hip factu@?

lse only nramali!^ I s bv rli6 sp@ker aboul as& l4lore in lhe de€ cFddl

/orosrspqo$ n mswd rc iriis src'ion./

a) Hd d6 @b sa afl6r lho cnm6 of dolerosng osteopoG s?







Page 7: OET listening addition material



c.mp 6b $ s lab 6 ro sl otrer isk racrors fo. .srspfts s and rhe

mpoda@ofe!um nmFa <ng bone

n 6de€s wrh L\he bliidinll p6.6

C.ne ne is rsted 6 anonrer posib e mk lacrd\l 'tEl.p{fi.Hmdfrelonsaem

16 rhar an b6 kka agaimr

al r^mal sp{iic rffmdal ms a

d on l4ia9e6 and posGMpausa

b) \ 4El inrmar oi d6 rie hope s


Page 8: OET listening addition material



c) wEI bds or.b|y c€kim lnta*e'*v'

A.@id nO io trE spsl€ri wlry @ @ry m rduclanl lo ()lJlrsft

d.lN d!dr6 6 a $uE ol € c!h?

h nEsFed€rboFinion, sl b ire bd My tdffi lo dnir** tlr6

Page 9: OET listening addition material


Noter tbiaiions ii \@bu ay aid qrammar ae aceplab e podedlhemmhg sthe se as the ds@ qi6 bdon

A sb$ "r rnd.ar6 alsiiat !e aNv.rnsns ?mia urne ar rrme" OF nmibn u,ne wlh sricks..

EE k€ls1. .) ndcateoprona detarses "(Ediistsassrdzo!€6-nens "!:trass rs 20 ya6" is emugh

Parl A 1-Consultation with llrrs Anderson

Parientb doscdption or condirior 0nctodinq ae*nent so rad

1 nnn lu ant dn oftfe ttre pohts tsted bebw. she was kn€€ting ddrntrapp€ndd !tr6 str6 kie I dqm

i he w an! No at he pa.Ls rskn bekvr


. $d s lsrron y after a€iden0

.) Relat€d pEvious probt.ns and.ff€crs upon p.tient1 tutu rq aa tda of tte eight paifrs tistert bdaw1 natk td a rtu{ Ne at the eght pdhx tisled betawt ha*trarj 4 dne at the aghr pdn1s nsbd betaw. koubre wih kn€ ior a &\r !€6 a.cdmrrspraiis/ Gtst drscomfod lsomr m6) €us6 os or srep. n*r eked berodmbins iko ths betqe

r lme n ret w€trrer&€ns in shms/arlded by {ealhd

'bvsledkne|av}€saso. tusl€d ankJe 2 re6 aoo

Page 10: OET listening addition material


1wl*fo|anyr'@.fllEtreelnlsl.|edbfud1 nar( t6 the brd painl kted betaw

bl GereEl dsdiel historv 0noluding m€dication,l

1na*td Y N nt the Pah,s kted trtaq

1 na+ tat a tunhs are at he pdds ElEd M

1 n@r tu a tu'he' @e ot the paints t$tdl @w! ftendn (m pdmsl

r tab ers 1lollr \1]4r lar€n for . 3 ,,rs. b odd pres$re mm loredtue I conlrcled llrv odl d€lotr sropp€d smdkrnq ls72

FamilY cidm*.@s1na .lar a.! ane.i the p.nE ]ls€n bew

1 natk ts a tu1hd @ at the pdn6 tsted ba\t||

1 natu t6 a l\nf@ aae af th,4 pan's tten tu

. l€s nd (dauqhtertl rdn v/re ari€lrd @r ad daqJhis

. rras strGonlminds € yo ) sdnds eldry oay

. hGband d e! 1 0 vs6 agorhusband dien or came(Er oI

r m|k tcr a.y ol re 3 porls r€ied b@1mn'fu4\olhjai|i€3p.h6,5|ebebwr can'l dile/Bttled in norri 'qr r t pick up s€ndsm fim $iovcnl ktk ater $anosd

t hat* 16 ary tuo at he PahE liEn M||1 naktatatulh{ 6e dh,FPanE E@ tutu' res a bir mely smerLm

. aci € in churc|lPaF orqar/nd ed

Page 11: OET listening addition material


l , ' '



1r@*ttt / tne.'ttg rtuhb l*tul b4v

. poBdbt m 6'fage d€.n4€

. dodr\ qpldn Ddn h lMin!

1 nwktw a1y 4 6 tt8 w @'xg tsd beut. 614!darhomlor@lpbordalEblavwisr&!gr$*

I dnch6 {Enlrdm h FoFq @)t m+ldlidd a$intanrddy dn4s (ffiv dav _ 6i l@st 1

. dtld<dEpY to ststShs 14 m6d6

. no spantist hBqdd n€€ded @

. ir lo.hno ,qm, sd e€ialsl FldEr

1 nskfq $yhvo olt@ 6lbtu EsteltulY1 nE*16 aftftw @.ttt66 cthts tst8lt E4*,' srd letlq lo Lc€i deJf

! orgMbo ph,!b aprt 3r tE prd/dld*€idk,r_up prwo

Page 12: OET listening addition material


Part B 1 - Talk on Osteoporosis

1 na^ tu a-t t!r. ot lE tatbwag I pafus:r rhey oF st€iglrl/dens ry/ca& m)

bl 2 sDups of p.opre mGt dmmonty an€ded by GreopoEstslMrxlhe|.kwl.grlopdds'.ohdp€opkr'posl.40/p!6150

dbrrhctjd betw*n odeo-.rrhr is and ct€opordeis1 nwl< t6 tE tubwi11 tuo paints:r nvoB lb@kdorf n) io itrcad age lr€a,k dNn. 'n!o €s rbe bons osiiis therslHgrh

irrorurjon abour sufiem or s€ne.ri"* o"t.o.uir,,,r"

. rh€y @ un k€ry to d@ oo ostop.r6 s

descndon or rhe rt! tpss of bon61 mtu rot att 1\rn ci,tte tak||na dea p.ints:

' lrabslr r b.nersponleynrnet@mb- ike

rnromdjon .bout rmins and rar€ or sEai*t t6ss ol bon€

1 nae tu he tdtaM1 t0. paints.

rwo physi€r oh.ns€s in womd1na*ldlhe|)langfuapain|s:i heiqhr rosv€n o mmp,str

Page 13: OET listening addition material


ouidon | - rh. throy.r. #60B1 tu\< bt 4h @necI bw h dE taLh:


! BoB m h-d6€ up / grwrE

' P@kboB |6/6tBrStl E!{h€d

. btr6 rosr al aborl 1c6 pd yq

Fi&ru6 ii'€6hold h &ngsd bdng

co$d &rd.f bme srugn

4 rryhyber.qe@t aEty.tlsno€.d b.roE fr.rruE

1 @1<[email protected]:t dlopot{ic bcF d6rr huwk m @ ertsSmpioc

b) lonsLn(t 'r!d orcr.oeoGrt

tne*hr ai/tMo ha ttktuitg frtj pt*jb:r.fuftdJ iach6. dJsbrv. bsofmbfiy

!o.ad.nd p6ycholo9lo.t p.lhttu1 @r tot ut \@ at tE htordlgftle pdd:' lGorhdelstmc

. r€arofkoling 0F h@

Page 14: OET listening addition material


4 so €asons ror lhe rabr

h) whd srarisrioatevidenc. does

1 natu w tu' 4 ai the 5 pants bdaw

. f, ln 12 monrhs loi na.lure)r ap06x s09i of p3l enrs .an r rla k afte ads

sabod sk ta.roE in rhe developmsi

a) how does one,s sx atr crthe

. '6nEn 4lifios n&e k4.- ran men [o dae op o p]

b) risr orher dsk rado6 and rhe rcasons tor Gteopord:s

one narkroia fl0 or ra ioirouig: lorii

Page 15: OET listening addition material


c) Urhal3lodflc Gcomm€ndatans aE rode ab.d coMmhq

1 natk tt ethq at tE 2 p.i15 b€ttu:

wh.t sp€cilic Econn€ndatom .E made ab.d suibble

I mark rbr ary hD oirre s p.irb be{rw:

. apprpriare ro agdr li6 de

! eimmins noi $ smd4bulr beller han none

wh.t inromrron do6 he hop€ Es

what re*rs or carciun inrak. .re Eohmended for

whrt p6br€m d@s the spekd id.nny wnh Honmendinsdany prcducts ro women as a soure ot €lciun?

h th6 sp€rksrb ophron, wh.t as rhe besr way tor wotun lominimi* rhe €neds ol osreporcsis?

. hmone reria.emenl lhoapytHFT