國立政治大學傳播學院交換學生入學申請 … · web...

國國國國國國國國國國國國國國國國國國國國國 Application Form for Exchange Students to College of Communication, National Chengchi University 中中中中 Name in Chinese Insert Photo 中中中中 中中中中 Name in English 中中 Gender □中 Male Female 中中 Date of Birth 中中 Nationality 中中中中 Home University 中中中/中中 Home College/Department/P rogram 中中中中中中中 Date of Admission 中中中中中 Which Grade (Year) 中中中中 Address 中中 Zip Code 中中中中 Telephone No. 中中 Home中中 Mobile Phone中中中中 E-mail Address 中中中中 Period of Exchange 中中中中 Department or Program to apply (Please Check) 中中中中中中中中中 For Graduate students to check□中中中中中 Ph.D. Program of Communication □中中中中中中中中 Master’s Program of Communication □中中中中中中中中中中 Master’s Program in Digital Content & Technologies □中中中中中中中中中中 International Master’s Program in International Communication Studies 中中中中中中中中 For Undergraduate students to check□中 中 Undergraduate Program of Communication 中中 Only for Sophomore□中中中 Dept. of Journalism Only For Junior and Senior□中中中 Dept. of Advertising Only For Junior and Senior□中中中 Dept. of Radio and Television Only For Junior and Senior□中中中中中中中中 College of Communication Undergraduate Degree Program Only For Junior and Senior中中 () 中中中中中中中中中中中中 1 中中 中中中 中 一, 2中 中 ,。Please fill in your preference 1

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Page 1: 國立政治大學傳播學院交換學生入學申請 … · Web view國立政治大學傳播學院院級交換學生入學申請表 Application Form for Exchange Students to College

國立政治大學傳播學院院級交換學生入學申請表Application Form for Exchange Students to College of Communication, National Chengchi University

中文姓名 Name in Chinese

Insert Photo

貼入照片英文姓名 Name in English

性別 Gender □男 Male □女 Female

生日 Date of Birth

國籍 Nationality

原屬學校 Home University

原學院/系所 Home


原屬學校入學日Date of Admission

原就讀年級 Which

Grade (Year)

通訊地址 Address 郵編 Zip Code

聯絡電話 Telephone No. 家裡 Home:手機 Mobile Phone:

電子信箱 E-mail Address

交換時間 Period of Exchange

交換志願Department or Program to

apply (Please Check)

碩博士班學生請勾選 For Graduate students to check:□傳播博士班 Ph.D. Program of Communication

□傳播碩士學位學程 Master’s Program of Communication

□數位內容碩士學位學程 Master’s Program in Digital Content & Technologies

□國際傳播碩士學位學程 International Master’s Program in International

Communication Studies

學士班學生請勾選 For Undergraduate students to check:□大一大二不分系 Undergraduate Program of Communication(限二年級勾選 Only

for Sophomore)□新聞系 Dept. of Journalism(限三年級以上勾選 Only For Junior and Senior) □廣告系 Dept. of Advertising(限三年級以上勾選 Only For Junior and Senior)□廣電系 Dept. of Radio and Television(限三年級以上勾選 Only For Junior and

Senior)□傳播學士學位學程 College of Communication Undergraduate Degree Program(限三年級以上勾選 Only For Junior and Senior)

住宿申請(必填)Dormitory Application

(required field)

請在以下方框填入住宿選擇,「1」為第一優先,「2」為第二優先,以此類推。Please fill in your preference of housing type, “1” means first priority and “2”

means the second, etc.

□國際宿舍雙人套房International House (Double suite, approximately NT$58,500 per semester)


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International House (Single suite , approximately NT$38,250 per semester)

□校內宿舍,每房 1 至 4 人。On-campus Dormitory (There will be 1 to 4 roommates in one room)

如果你不申請學校的宿舍,請在以下方框打勾。If you don’t wish to apply for on-

campus housing, please check the following box.

□ 我不申請宿舍,將自行安排住宿。I don’t need on-campus housing; I will arrange

my housing for myself.

註:交換生提出宿舍申請不保證有床位,各類宿舍需經抽籤分配。Exchange student is not guaranteed to have a space in the dormitory and need to go

through the lottery process.

校內宿舍房型及費用請參考以下網址:Type of Room and Fees of On-campus Dormitory:


國際宿舍房型及費用請參考以下網址:International House’s information:


交換費用來源 Major

Financial Resources during

Exchange Period

□個人儲蓄 Personal Savings  □獎(助)學金 Scholarship

□父母供給 Parental Support  □其他 Other________

中國語文程度請勾選:Please check your Chinese proficiency level:聽 Listening □ 優 Excellent □ 佳 Good □ 尚可 Average □ 差 Poor □ 不會 None

說 Speaking □ 優 Excellent □ 佳 Good □ 尚可 Average □ 差 Poor □ 不會 None

讀 Reading □ 優 Excellent □ 佳 Good □ 尚可 Average □ 差 Poor □ 不會 None

寫 Writing □ 優 Excellent □ 佳 Good □ 尚可 Average □ 差 Poor □ 不會 None

◎ 是否參加過中文語文能力測驗?何種測驗?分數?Have you ever taken any test of Chinese language? □ Yes □ None What kind of test? Score?

Please note that we do not provide any English-taught courses for undergraduates in our college.

請學院協助彙整以下資料後,於 104/4/1前 e-mail至 [email protected]

Please submit the following documents to the following address: [email protected] by April 1, 2015. (one pdf

file for each student)

(1)申請表電子檔 Application form

(2)一封推薦函掃描檔 One letter of recommendation

(3)護照掃描檔 Photocopy of identification page of national Passport

(4)在學成績單掃描檔 Home university Official transcripts in Chinese or in English (Please also attach the grading/credit

system explanation)

(5)學習計劃電子檔 Study plan written in Chinese or English

(6) 2 吋彩色照片 jpg或 jpeg 檔 Electronic picture file of passport-sized photo (*This is for producing student ID card, so please do not send a picture of daily lives. The file format should be jpg or jpeg, and the file size should not exceed 2MB. The background of this picture should be white, and any hats or dark-colored glasses are not allowed.)


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Some information about our campus are as follows:

College of Communication’s website: http://comm.nccu.edu.tw/

The course information: http://wa.nccu.edu.tw/QryTor/default.aspx

List of English-taught courses on our campus: http://moltke.cc.nccu.edu.tw/qrycourse/qryEngSub.jsp

The housing information: http://osa.nccu.edu.tw/en/modules/tinyd2/


The application fee and regular tuition fee of the host college are waived for a visiting student during his/her exchange

period. All other costs (for example, meals, lodging, travel, required medical insurance, books, personal spending,

incidental university fees, and, if any, language course tuition) will be the responsibility of the exchange student.

Chinese Language Center Programs ( This language course tuition will be the responsibility of the exchange student)

1. For exchange students

2. Programs:

*Regular Program: 3 terms at most per year (Fall, Winter, Spring)

*Part-time Program: 2 terms at most per year (Fall, Spring)

3. CLC Scholarship: To acknowledge students with positive learning attitude and excellent performance, CLC gives out

scholarship to qualified students each term. Candidates must have studied at least one term at the CLC, NCCU before

applying for the scholarship.

*Application Qualification:Applicant must be a student who has been enrolled at the CLC for at least one term with class time of 15 hours per


Applicant shall not receive any scholarship from any of the governmental organizations or universities in Taiwan.

Applicant must achieve 80 or above on his/her former term score.

Applicant shall not miss more than 12 hours of class in total in the former term.

4. For more information, please visit http://mandarin.nccu.edu.tw/english/index.php


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We need you to provide the following documents if your nationality is People’s Republic of China.

若您的國籍為中國,本院將為您代辦入台證,入台後再向您收取台幣 600 元證照費,您需另行提供以下文件。(1)在學證明掃描檔(2)身分證掃描檔(3)2 吋彩色照片 jpg或 jpeg 檔(4)入台證申請書 word 檔(如附件)


檔案 規格1.彩色證件照 1. 應為最近一年內拍攝之 2 吋彩色照片。

2. 照片尺寸直 4.5 公分、橫 3.5 公分(寬度需介於 430-500像素之間;高度需介於570-660像素之間)。

3. 解析度限 150-300dpi,格式為 jpg或 jpeg。4. 背景需為白色。5. 以頭部及肩膀頂端近拍,使頭部高佔據整張照片高度約為三分之二(頭頂至下顎之長度應在 3.2-3.6 公分之間)。

6. 需脫帽,五官面貌清晰,不得配戴深色鏡片眼鏡。7. 不得使用生活照或合成相片。

2.身份證掃描檔 1. 彩色,原尺寸正、反面。2. 檔案大小需在 512kb 內。3. 檔案格式為 jpg或 jpeg。4. 內容須端正,不歪斜,檢視瀏覽畫面清楚不模糊。


1. 內容需註明就學學校-學院-系所、就讀學位、入學年月,需蓋公章。2. 彩色、A4尺寸掃描。3. 檔案大小需在 512kb 內。4. 檔案格式為 jpg或 jpeg。5. 內容須端正,不歪斜,檢視瀏覽畫面清楚不模糊。


1. 彩色,原尺寸。2. 檔案大小需在 512kb 內。3. 檔案格式為 jpg或 jpeg。4. 內容須端正,不歪斜,檢視瀏覽畫面清楚不模糊。
