oecd/nea/wpec subgroup 38...this system (referred to as endf/b) grew out of end-f/a and was...

BNL-112394-2016-IR Detailed requirements for a next generation nuclear data structure David Brown OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38 July 05, 2016 National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National Laboratory P.O. Box 5000 Upton, NY 11973-5000 www.nndc.bnl.gov U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics Notice: This manuscript has been authored by employees of Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No.DE-SC0012704 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The publisher by accepting the manuscript for publication acknowledges that the United States Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes.

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Page 1: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


Detailed requirements for a next generation nuclear data structure

David Brown


July 05, 2016

National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National Laboratory

P.O. Box 5000 Upton, NY 11973-5000


U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics

Notice: This manuscript has been authored by employees of Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No.DE-SC0012704 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The publisher by accepting the manuscript for publication acknowledges that the United States Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes.

Page 2: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or any third party’s use or the results of such use of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof or its contractors or subcontractors. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.

Page 3: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,

Detailed requirements for a next generation nuclear data structure

OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38∗

(Dated: June 28, 2016)

This document attempts to compile the requirements for the top-levels of a hierarchicalarrangement of nuclear data such as found in the ENDF format. This set of requirementswill be used to guide the development of a new data structure to replace the legacy ENDFformat.


I. Introduction 3A. Use cases 4B. How to use these requirements 5C. Organization of this document 6D. Connection to ENDF-6 data types 6

II. General Features 8A. Design philosophy 8B. Complications 9

1. Is it a material property or a reaction property? 92. Different optimal representation in different

physical regions 103. Ensuring consistency 104. Elemental targets 115. Legacy data 11

C. Top of the hierarchy 11D. Particle and/or material properties database 12E. Documentation 16F. Representations 20G. What data are derived from what other data? 21H. Prototyping functions 22I. Required low-level containers 25

1. General data/functional containers 262. Text 273. Hyperlinks 27

III. Evaluations 29A. <evaluation> elements 29B. “Meta” evaluations 32C. Reactions and reaction lists 34

1. <reactions> and <summedReactions> 352. <productionReactions> lists 383. <reaction> elements 384. Reaction designation 39

D. Cross sections 401. Integrated cross sections: σ(E) 402. Differential cross sections: dσ(E)/dΩ and

d2σ(E)/dΩdE′ 41E. Products and product lists 41

1. Product list elements 412. <product> elements 42

F. Distribution and distribution lists 441. <distributions> and <distribution> elements 442. Multiplicities 45

G. Resonances 451. Designating channels 492. Resolved resonances 513. Unresolved resonances 524. Correcting reconstructed cross sections and

distributions 535. Expected resonance processing workflow 54

∗ Edited by D.A. Brown ([email protected])

6. How to use the RRR elements in specialcircumstances 55

IV. Covariance Data 56A. Covariance definitions 56B. Covariance between different variables 59C. Covariance of continuous functions 59D. Covariance of multi-dimensional functions 59E. Covariance and correlation matrices 60F. Weighted sums of covariance 61G. The “Sandwich Formula” 63H. Monte Carlo sampling 64I. Examples of covariance data usage in this hierarchy 64

V. Special Cases 67A. Atomic scattering 67

1. Incoherent photon scattering 682. Coherent photon scattering 68

B. Charged particle elastic scattering 691. Legendre series expansion approach: 692. “Fake cross section” approach 70

C. Fission reactions 71D. Fission product yields 73

1. Introduction 732. Existing ENDF format 743. Detailed FPY requirements 744. Discussion of possible implementations 75

E. Spallation reactions 77F. Radiative capture 78G. Thermal scattering law 78

1. Introduction 782. Theoretical background 793. Gaussian approximation of the self part of the

scattering kernel 814. Coherent elastic scattering 815. Incoherent elastic scattering 826. Incoherent inelastic scattering in the short collision

time approximation 837. Discussion of TSL covariance 83

VI. Derived Data For Applications 85A. General transport data 85

1. Product average kinetic energy and forwardmomentum 85

2. µlab(E) 853. CDF’s from PDF’s 854. Probability tables in the URR 86

B. Grouped transport data 861. Inverse speed 872. Multiplicity 873. Q-value 874. Projectile kinetic energy and momentum 875. Bondarenko factors 87

C. Production data 88D. Radiation heating and damage 89

Acknowledgments 90

Page 4: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


A. Graphical Notation 90

B. Definitions of integrated and differential cross sections 91

C. Terminology 92

D. Contributors 103

References 105

List of Requirements 107

Page 5: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,



It was realized as far back as the Manhattan projectthat collections of nuclear cross-section data were needed.These collections evolved into the “Barn Book” (Hughes,1955) first sponsored by the United States Atomic EnergyCommission. By 1963, there were many nuclear data li-braries such as the United Kingdom Nuclear Data Library(UKNDL) (Parker, 1963) from Ken Parker at the AtomicWeapons Research Establishment, Atomic Energy Au-thority in Aldermaston, UK; the fast reactor data libraryfrom Joe Schmidt at the Institute for Neutron Physicsand Reactor Technology, Nuclear Research Center, Karl-sruhe, Germany; the NDA library from Herb Goldsteinat Nuclear Development Associates, in New York; andthe Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (ENDL) from BobHowerton at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Liv-ermore, California. Each laboratory developed its ownstorage and retrieval schemes for its data and in manycases libraries were hard-wired into simulation codes. Asa result, reactor designers and other data users could notuse new cross-section data, even though in some casesthe data were available for five or more years (Goldstein,1968). Furthermore, dissimilarities in the internal for-mats of each lab kept data users from reconciling differ-ences in calculated values for the same reactor configura-tions.

There was a need for a common mechanism for inter-comparison between these systems. Following a discus-sion between Henry Honeck (Brookhaven National Lab-oratory), Al Henry (Westinghouse) and George Joanou(General Atomics) at the Colony Restaurant in Wash-ington, D.C, the Reactor Mathematics and Computa-tion (RMC) Division of the American Nuclear Society(ANS) was requested to sponsor two meetings to discussa plan to develop this mechanism. Honeck, the chair-man of the Division’s sub-committee on Evaluated Nu-clear Data Files, held these meetings. This effort cul-minated in a meeting of 18 representatives from 15 USlaboratories in New York City on July 19, 1963 to reviewcross section libraries and discuss means for exchangingthese libraries. A sub-committee was appointed to meetin Hanford on September 18-20, 1963 to examine libraryformats in more detail. The conclusions of these meetingswere:

• There was a need for a standard format for evalu-ated nuclear data.

• The format should be as flexible as possible so thatexisting libraries could be translated into the stan-dard format and so that the format can be extendedto meet future needs.

• This standard format would be the link between adata library and the processing codes.

• It was also suggested that a center be created and

tasked with the development and maintenance ofthe new format called the Evaluated Nuclear DataFile (ENDF). This center would also collect anddistribute data.

A preliminary version of the ENDF format was sent forreview and comment. At the final meeting at Brookhavenon May 4-5, 1964, the 22 attendees discussed changes toENDF and settled on a final version. The description ofthe system (referred to as ENDF/A 1) was documented inthe report BNL-8381 (Honeck, 1965). The initial END-F/A library contained an updated version of the UKNDLlibrary and evaluated data from a number of different lab-oratories. As ENDF/A did not contain full evaluations,there was also a need for evaluated nuclear data to beused for reactor design calculations. The description ofthis system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was flexi-ble, allowing data centers to produce and accept data ina variety of representations, the format of ENDF/B hadto be simple and mathematically rigorous to facilitate thedevelopment of the supporting infrastructures includingdata processing, integration and plotting.

Nearly 50 years later, the ENDF format is the “com-mon language” of all major nuclear data projects includ-ing CENDL (CENDL, 2009), ENDF (Chadwick, 2011),JEFF (JEFF, 2014), JENDL (Shibata, 2011), and RUS-FOND (RUSFOND, 2010). The fundamental need fordata has not changed in this time, but the computationaltools we have available are much more advanced and ourphysics understanding has advanced as well. The kinds ofdata we need to store have also grown markedly. Recog-nizing the utility of the Working Party on Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC) framework (WPEC, 2012), a WPECSubGroup (WPEC Subgroup 38, 2012) was formed tocoordinate the modernization of the ENDF format inNovember 2012. Recognizing that processing codes suchas NJOY (MacFarlane, 2012), AMPX (Dunn, 2002) andPREPRO (Cullen, 2015) are tied to the legacy ENDF for-mat, this project must including modernizing the supportinfrastructure. The product of this first WPEC-SG38meeting were

• The general vision and goals in (WPEC Subgroup38, 2013a);

• The work plan (WPEC Subgroup 38, 2013b).

In the work plan, the following seven tasks were orga-nized:

1 ENDF/A referred to both a format and to a library stored inthat format.

Page 6: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


Requirement 1: WPEC Subgroup 38 tasks

1.1 Low level data containers1.2 Top level reaction hierarchy1.3 Particle property hierarchy1.4 Visualization, manipulation and processing

tools1.5 API1.6 Testing and quality assurance1.7 Governance

Furthermore, the vision and goals document (WPECSubgroup 38, 2013a) lays out the over-arching require-ments for the new nuclear data structure:

Requirement 2: Main

2.1 The hierarchy should reflect our understand-ing of nuclear reactions and decays, clearly anduniquely specifying all such data.

2.2 It should support storing multiple representa-tions of these quantities simultaneously, for ex-ample evaluated and derived data.

2.3 It should support both inclusive and exclusivereaction data, that is discrete reaction chan-nels as well as sums over multiple channels.

2.4 It should use general-purpose data contain-ers suitable for reuse across several applicationspaces.

2.5 It should eliminate redundancy where possi-ble.

2.6 As a corollary to requirements 2.1 and 2.2,multiple representations of the same datashould be stored as closely together in the hi-erarchy as feasible.

This document fleshes out the requirements for a hier-archical arrangement of nuclear data discussed in (WPECSubgroup 38, 2013a) and addresses WPEC Subgroup 38Tasks 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. This set of detailed requirementswill be used to guide the development of the specificationsfor a new structure to replace the legacy ENDF format.These detailed requirements do not define the format usedto store the data. Instead, the structure can be stored inany nested hierarchical meta-language, ensuring that fu-ture users and developers of nuclear data will be able tostore data in whatever medium is available in the future.

In this document, we will commonly refer to the Gen-eralized Nuclear Data (GND) format and the Fudge codesystem, two projects initiated at LLNL (Mattoon, 2012;Pruet, 2006). GND is a hierarchical nuclear data formatthat is a prototype for the system WPEC-SG38 is creat-ing. Fudge is the first code framework that can interpretand manipulate GND formatted data. Neither the GNDexamples nor the names or arrangements of data in thefigures of this document are “set in stone”; all are ex-

pected to evolve in the process of developing the newdata structure and infrastructure.

The authors of this document have discussed the re-quirements broadly with members of the nuclear datacommunity and attempted to capture the ideas and needsfrom a wide range of applications and perspectives. Witha high degree of confidence we can say we did not captureall of them. One can surely find one more case of “whatabout ...”. However, we believe this document reflects acomprehensive view of our communities’ “best practices”and provides the map to an ENDF modernization.

A. Use cases

A nuclear reaction data library evaluation describes anincident particle (called a projectile) impinging on tar-get. The target may be a single atom or atomic nucleus,or a collection of atoms with which the projectile reacts.The projectile may be the traditional n, p, d, t, 3He, α,γ, or e− or any other single (composite) particle (e.g.,12C, muon or pion). The ultimate goal for a new struc-ture is to support storing self-consistent, complete eval-uations along with their derived data. The derived datainclude things like deterministic transfer matrices and av-erage outgoing product energy along with the parameters(e.g., group boundaries and fluxes) used in their deriva-tion. Storing derived data in a standardized structurefacilitates inter-laboratory comparison of processed data(i.e., derived data used by transport codes). Additionally,the data structure must support uncertainties, generallygiven as covariance tables, on all these quantities.

The data to be stored are typically a balance betweenwhat an evaluator can provide and what a particular ap-plication needs. Therefore, it is useful to look at the mostcommon use cases:

• Particle Transport: For transport, cross sec-tions for all reactions that are energetically possibleover a given range of projectile energy E must bestored, along with a list of outgoing reaction prod-ucts with the products’ multiplicities and probabil-ities for outgoing energies and angles. Data maybe parametric (for example, Watt spectra for stor-ing energy distributions or resonance parametersfor storing both cross sections and distributions), orthey may be given in tabular form. Some of thesedata are temperature-dependent and the temper-ature must be denoted. Also, the rapidly fluctu-ating cross section in the unresolved resonance re-gion can often be better described as a probabilitydistribution of cross sections. The new data struc-ture therefore needs to support storing cross sec-tion probability tables or equivalently multi-bandparameters. Additionally, different solution meth-ods (deterministic or Monte Carlo transport) havedifferent derived data requirements:

Page 7: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


– Deterministic transport: In addition tocross sections, deterministic transport codesrequire transfer matrices (which store thedouble-differential cross section for each reac-tion product as a Legendre expansion whereeach term is averaged over incident and outgo-ing energy ranges), as well as energy and mo-mentum deposition cross sections. Althoughthese quantities are derived from the cross sec-tion, multiplicity and distribution data, thetransfer matrices in particular are computa-tionally intensive to calculate, so the newstructure needs to be capable of storing themfor re-use and exchange.

– Monte Carlo transport: The new datastructure may need to support storing othercumulative distribution functions (CDFs) forsampling outgoing particles.

• Transmutation/Isotope Burn-Up: For isotopicproduction and depletion, cross sections and op-tionally outgoing particle spectra for chosen reac-tions that are energetically possible over a givenrange of projectile energy E are needed. Fissionproduct yields are definitely part of these neededdata. In addition, the decay half-lives and productbranching ratios must be known for all nuclei to en-able the time dependent calculation of the isotopeinventory.

• Astrophysical network calculation: In an as-trophysical network, one needs isotopic accretionand depletion cross sections. These data may beaveraged over Maxwellian neutron spectra to sim-ulate the neutron flux in an astrophysical environ-ment. Astrophysical networks also involve reactionswith charged particle projectiles – not just neutrons– and may required detailed knowledge of charged-particle interactions in plasmas.

• Web Retrieval: For archival, there are no com-pleteness requirement as the data will not be used inapplications. The data will most likely only be visu-alized. That said, visualization requires a pointwiserepresentation for many data types.

• Uncertainty Quantification (UQ): UQ appli-cations encompass all of the above use cases. Thedefining difference is the need to also specify un-certainties/covariance on aspects of data. One canthen either generate statistical realizations of thesedata (if one is adopting a Monte Carlo approach toUQ) or one can use the “Sandwich Formula” (if oneis using a deterministic approach).

For all use cases, data will need to be documented.Therefore we will need facilities for documenting data

clearly, concisely and as machine and human readable aspossible. In addition, version information for the datastructure, data format, the documentation, the evalua-tion itself, the codes used in evaluation, etc. all need tobe stored.

B. How to use these requirements

This document is a list of the requirements for the newdata structure. It is not the specifications of the format.At times the details of the requirements may constrainthe actual specifications so much that the requirementsmay seem to be specifications. Other times the require-ments will be broad and may be left to interpretation ormay have several possible implementations.

In this document, requirements are called out anduniquely numbered so that they can be clearly referencedin later work. A requirements list is formatted as follows:

Requirement 3: An example

3.1 Don’t be evil3.2 Respect the user3.3 Let the evaluators express themselves clearly

In the process of developing these requirements, wehave had discussions2 among ourselves and with othermembers of the nuclear science community. We have cap-tured many of these discussions in this text so that futureusers of the data and data structures can understand ourreasoning. Much of this discussion has been already inte-grated into the requirements. However, there were otherquestions that required further discussion and these areformatted as follows:

Discussion point:Users did not get this point.

Resolution:We added an example to clarify it.

Also, during the effort to create this and its companiondocuments, it became clear to us (the authors and othercontributors) that we often do not agree on the mean-ing of a concept. Given that the ENDF format manual(Trkov, 2009) is several hundred pages long and encapsu-lates decades of accumulated knowledge, it is no surprisethat we are all not intimately familiar with all of its in-tricacies. Therefore, we provide a glossary in appendixC.

2 And they were sometimes contentious

Page 8: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


We also tend to use XML in examples and to denoteelements in the hierarchy. This is only a matter of con-venience as the data should be serializable in any nestedhierarchical meta-language (e.g., HDF5, ROOT, JSON,Python classes). We denote major nodes/elements inthe XML element-like notation (e.g., <element>) andattributes of these nodes/elements without the brackets(e.g., attribute).

Many of the data structures and data hierarchies de-scribed in this work are illustrated in Crow’s Foot nota-tion for Entity Relationships (Barker, 1990). AppendixA summarizes our usage of this notation.

Finally, we note that as we list and discuss require-ments, we encounter suggestions for test cases for eitherdata or supporting codes. This are marked up as follows:

SUGGESTED TEST: This is an example test.

C. Organization of this document

This document is divided into six main sections. This,the first, section (§I) is merely an introduction. The sec-ond section (§II) lays out the design philosophy of thenew nuclear data structure and outlines general require-ments as well as the most commonly used elements ofthe data structure. The third section (§III) delves intothe main hierarchy of the data structure, namely thosethings needed to describe particle transport and reactiondata. The fourth section (§IV) details covariance data.The fifth section (§V) deals with many special cases foundin ENDF formatted libraries. These special cases fit inthe hierarchy detailed in §III, but may have additionalphysics motivated elements. The last section (§VI) pro-vides a partial listing of requirements for derived dataneeded for applications.

The ENDF Format manual defined several low leveldata structures (e.g. TAB1, TAB2, LIST, etc.). Thisdocument lists some of the requirements for the struc-tures in §II.I. A more complete listing is available in Ref.(WPEC Subgroup 38, 2015b). We note that there is somedifference between the element names used in this docu-ment and those in Ref. (WPEC Subgroup 38, 2015b). Wehope that the naming in this document is clear enoughso that the reader can determine the mapping of namesin the two documents.

Many of the subjects dealt with in this text have nodirect analog in the legacy ENDF format. In particular,

• The ability to denote that data are derived fromother data – This is a key part of the new datastructure, responding to requirement 2.2. This fea-ture is discussed in §II.G.

• Default evaluation and derived representations –This feature was added to streamline the appear-ance of data files by allowing the evaluator/devel-oper to state default parameters, e.g., group struc-

tures. This is detailed in §II.F.

• Derived data – Each institution performs post-processing of evaluated data differently. By storingthese derived data in the nuclear data structure,we enable institutions to share results using a com-mon language. These derived data structures arediscussed in §VI.

• Hyperlinks – This is a ubiquitous feature of the newdata structure and is detailed in §II.I.3.

• “Meta” evaluations – We often find the need to con-nect evaluations from different physical regions to-gether or to assemble new reusable materials in in-put decks for application codes. The data structurethat enables this is described in §III.B.

• Prototyping new formats/features – We foresee thepossible need to try out new interpolation schemesor functional forms in various data. The structuredescribed in §II.H enables this.

D. Connection to ENDF-6 data types

Those familiar with the legacy ENDF-6 format will finda lot of commonality with data in this new data structure.Here we list the Files (denoted by MF) in the ENDF-6 manual (Trkov, 2009) and explain where one can findthe corresponding requirements in this document. In thissection we use E to denote a projectile’s energy, µ =cos(θ) and E′ to denote a product’s outgoing angle andenergy, respectively, and P to denote a probability.

MF=1: General information

MT=451: Descriptive data – Unlike the legacyENDF format, documentation is allowed atnearly all levels in the new data structure. See§II.E for a discussion of the <documentation>


MT=452,455,456: Number of neutrons per fis-sion – These are product data of a fission reac-tion. §V.C discusses fission reactions, §III.E.1discusses product elements and §III.F.2 dis-cusses particle multiplicities.

MT=458: Energy release due to fission – Thisis product data of a fission reaction. §V.Cdiscusses fission reactions, §III.E.1 discussesproduct elements.

MT=460: Delayed photon data – This is productdata of a fission reaction. §V.C discusses fis-sion reactions, §III.E.1 discusses product ele-ments.

MF=2: Resonance parameters – See §III.G for the dis-cussion of the <resonances> element.

Page 9: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


MF=3: Reaction cross sections

• Neutral particle scattering – All cross sectiondata structures are described in §III.D.

• Background cross sections in the resonance re-gion – All are stored with the resonances them-selves as described in §III.G.

• Charged particle scattering – These cross sec-tions are treated in the same manner as neu-tral particle scattering for the most part. Onlythe elastic <reaction> is tricky because ofthe divergences in the differential cross section.This special case is explained in §V.B.

MF=4: Angular distributions – These are product dataof a reaction. The enclosing elements are describedin §III.F.1.

MF=5: Energy distributions – These are product dataof a reaction. The enclosing elements are describedin §III.F.1.

MF=6: Product energy-angle distributions – These areproduct data of a reaction. The enclosing elementsare described in §III.F.1.

MF=7: Thermal neutron scattering law data – This datadescribes scattering off of macroscopic materials byvery low energy neutrons. This data has manyunique requirements that are covered in §V.G.

MF=8: Decay and fission product yields

• Decay data – These are particle properties,see §II.D and reference (WPEC Subgroup 38,2015a).

• Fission product yields – Although this is prod-uct data of the fission reaction, it has uniqueand detailed requirements covered in §V.D.

MF=9: Multiplicities of radionuclide products – This isproduct data of a reaction. §III.E.1 discusses prod-uct elements and §III.F.2 discusses particle multi-plicities.

MF=10: Production cross sections for radionuclides –Production cross sections are described in §VI.C.

MF=12: Photon production yield data – This is prod-uct data of a reaction and §III.F.2 discusses parti-cle multiplicities. However, the branching fractionsfrom discrete level de-excitation are particle proper-ties and covered in §II.D and in (WPEC Subgroup38, 2015a).

MF=13: Photon production cross sections – Productioncross sections are a form of derived data and aredescribed in §VI.C.

MF=14: Photon angular distributions – This is prod-uct data of a reaction. The enclosing elements aredescribed in §III.F.1.

MF=15: Continuous photon energy spectra – This isproduct data of a reaction. The enclosing elementsare described in §III.F.1.

MF=26: Secondary distributions for photo- and electro-atomic data – This is product data of a reaction.The enclosing elements are described in §III.F.1.In §V.A, we list additional issues encountered whilestoring atomic reaction data.

MF=27: Atomic form factors of scattering functions –Atomic data requirements are discussed in §V.A.Scattering functions and form factors modify crosssections for photon scattering and the cross sectionelements are described in §III.D.

MF=28: Atomic relaxation data – These are particleproperties, so see §II.D and reference (WPEC Sub-group 38, 2015a).

MF=30: Covariances of model parameters – See §IV fora description of the unified covariance structure,in particular the discussion of the “Sandwich For-mula” in §IV.G.

MF=31: Covariances of fission ν – See §IV for a de-scription of the unified covariance structure.

MF=32: Covariances of resonance parameters – See §IVfor a description of the unified covariance structure,in particular the discussion of the “Sandwich For-mula” in §IV.G.

MF=33: Covariances of neutron cross sections – See§IV for a description of the unified covariance struc-ture.

MF=34: Covariances for angular distributions – See §IVfor a description of the unified covariance structure.

MF=35: Covariances for energy distributions – See §IVfor a description of the unified covariance structure.

MF=40: Covariances for radionuclide production – See§IV for a description of the unified covariance struc-ture.

Page 10: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,



In the sections to follow, we describe the philosophy be-hind the data structure we are developing and some of thecomplications of this endeavor. We then layout the topnodes of the hierarchical structures and describe severalrepeated patterns in the proposed data hierarchy. Theserepeated patterns or motifs include documentation ele-ments (see subsection II.E), lists of reaction products andthe sub-elements of a <product> specification (see sub-sections III.E.1, III.E.1, III.F.1, III.F.2) and more com-plicated constructs detailing what data are derived fromwhat other data (see subsection II.G). We note two otherreoccurring “patterns”: covariance data (described in sec-tion IV) and Fission Product Yields (FPY). FPY dataexists for both induced reactions (for example, the Neu-tron Fission Product Yield sub-library in ENDF/B-VII)and as decay products from spontaneous fission (in boththe ENDF/B-VII Decay and Spontaneous Fission Prod-uct Yield libraries). FPY data structure requirementsare detailed in section V.D. We comment that the motifsdescribed here are also needed for the particle propertiesdata.

A. Design philosophy

The requirements listed in Requirements 2 give theoverarching goals that we believe a new data structureshould achieve. These goals represent the most broadlyheld beliefs that guide all subsequent requirements. Someof these goals may seem contradictory. For example, al-lowing multiple representations while at the same timeeliminating redundancy appear to be conflicting goals.However, derived data are not redundant: they reflectthe choices of the processor and needs of particular ap-plications (e.g., group boundaries and fluxes) in additionto the original evaluated data.

It is up to each evaluated data project to determinespecific requirements, such as the completeness, of thedata to be stored in a particular library. Similarly, it is upto the data processor to decide how to process the data,but the resulting processed data need to be stored in acommon structure to facilitate exchange and comparison.Crafting a structure that is capable of balancing all of thegoals in Requirements 2 is the task at hand.

As implied in the first requirement for the new datastructure, data shall be stored in a hierarchy. The designchoices made in the development of the original ENDFformat enabled the community to shoe horn data ontopunch cards at the expense of obfuscating even the sim-plest things such as determining when one floating pointnumber ends and another begins or dropping the dataunits. The inability to read a data file without a deepunderstanding of the ENDF format leads to issues withquality assurance. Nevertheless, there is a common sense

arrangement of data that reflects both our understand-ing of particle transport and reaction physics. Capturingand encoding that arrangement within the formal struc-ture will vastly improve the usability of the data for thosewith little knowledge of our data structures. This is anobvious benefit to the community at large, enabling morepeople to work more effectively and with greater assur-ance that they are correctly using the correct and bestdata for their applications.

Hierarchical storage defines itself by means of nodesexisting as parents, siblings and children spanning logi-cal levels. We require a means of identifying these nodesand do so by providing them names. These names are, tosome degree, arbitrary and thus likely to be contentious.Care should be taken to ensure that names align them-selves with generally accepted definitions. At the higherlevels, these names should convey the physical essence ofthe data, for example crossSection. Additional quali-fiers and context can help (e.g. a <distribution> withina <product> is clearly a particular product’s distribu-tion). At the lower levels, they should convey the type ofdata being stored, for example points defining a piecewisecontinuous curve or vectors defining bands in a sparse ar-ray.

There are two significant questions regarding the nam-ing of nodes: the choice of language and the characterset used to encode them. These are pragmatic choices.The character sets available across storage systems varygreatly. Choosing a restricted set will enable a broaderadoption of this structure into working implementations.As many of these storage systems allow only ASCII char-acters, or only a limited set thereof, the allowed languageand character set need to be clearly defined.

The data structure must store data and informationqualifying the data. The qualifying information are typ-ically known as meta-data. There are values that areclearly data; for example cross sections, resonance pa-rameters or emission distributions. There are also valuesthat are clearly meta-data; for example the number ofpoint-wise energy/cross section pairs, the units for valuesor the frame of reference for a particle emission. Hierar-chical storage systems typically allow attribute names/-values to be associated with a node. In general, the datastructure should store meta-data as attributes to nodesand data within the node itself.

At the bottom of such structure are the actual data.These are general numeric—real, integer, complex—values with documentation, annotation or meta-data pro-vided as text. At some point these values must be laidout sequentially in a storage system; that is, they mustbe written into a file for archival storage or exchange. Atthis lowest level, it is vital that the beginnings and ends ofeach component of the data be clearly delineated and thatthe necessary mathematical transformations and inherentphysical meaning of the data be defined by the structurecontaining these data. Anyone who has ever struggled to

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determine where the data they need are stored inside alarge data file will understand just how important thisrequirement is.

Requirements related to the hierarchical structure are:

Requirement 4: Hierarchical structures

4.1 Data shall be stored in a hierarchical structure4.2 At least one implementation of the data struc-

ture shall be made using text, not binary, stor-age

4.3 Node names should be used to convey meaning4.3.1 High-level nodes should convey physical

meaning4.3.2 Low-level nodes should convey mathe-

matical or functional meaning4.3.3 Node names shall use a restricted char-

acter set to work across varying storagesystems

4.4 Attributes should be used to store meta-data4.4.1 Attribute names shall use the same re-

stricted character set as node names

B. Complications

As we develop requirements for a new nuclear data hi-erarchy, we naturally encounter thorny issues that mustbe dealt with before specifications can be written.

Differences in opinions and advancement in under-standing can lead to a desire to restructure existing datalayout. As we consider solutions to these issues, we muststrike a balance between keeping the legacy solution –that is, the ENDF-102 (Trkov, 2009) with which the nu-clear data community is already familiar – and the desireto reach for new solutions. We also comment that we willneed to strike a balance in how deeply to nest the hier-archy since some storage schemes perform better with aflatter hierarchy (e.g., HDF5) even though a deep hierar-chy may make sense for organizing the data more clearly.

1. Is it a material property or a reaction property?

Some kinds of data can be viewed as reaction-independent properties of a particle (e.g., projectile,product, target material). A case in point is the gammabranchings from an excited nuclear state of a nucleus. Anexcited nucleus decays via a gamma cascade through thelower levels of the nucleus in accordance with the tabu-lated gamma branchings, independent of whether it wasformed in a neutron induced reaction or fission or anyother process that leads to the same compound system.

Given this, we view all “particle/material properties”as data that are independent of the excitation mechanism.

This includes (but is not limited to):

• For atomic nuclei:

– target mass

– number of neutrons, protons (and maybe evenhyperons!)

– nuclear level schemes (energies, spins, parities,...) below the neutron separation energy3

– level lifetimes, level widths

– gamma and decay branching ratios from parti-cles emitted during the de-excitation of excitedstates of a nuclear level

– emission spectra from these nuclear decays

• For elements:

– Z

– Chemical symbol and name

• For atoms/ions:

– mass

– atomic shell properties (binding energies,spins, parities, ...)

– X-ray decay and branching ratios from excitedstates

– level lifetimes and widths

– emission e− spectra from the internal conver-sion of gamma rays emitted from nuclei

– charge state

• For composite materials (as encountered in thermalneutron scattering):

– target density (at Standard Temperature andPressure)

– target stoichiometry

These lists may be amended as needed in the discussionbelow and a deeper discussion of them will be presentedin the requirements for the material properties database.Indeed, it was recognized at the December 2013 WPECmeeting that, in order to ensure consistency of masses,Q values, levels and gammas within an evaluation, anexternal database is needed to perform this role library-wide. This database addresses main Requirement 1.3 andis covered in section II.D.

A separate particle properties database also providesa mechanism to store the ENDF/B-VII.0 and ENDF/B-VII.1 Decay and Atomic Relaxation sub-libraries (Chad-wick, 2006, 2011).

3 The ENSDF project (ENSDF, 2015) has begun storing informa-tion for unbound resonances above the neutron separation energyand these too may someday be included in our particle propertydescriptions.

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2. Different optimal representation in different physical regions

There are different optimal representations of data indifferent physical regions. For example, at low energies(i.e., in the resolved resonance region), neutron scatteringis best described with an R matrix approach, whereas athigher energies where resonances overlap enough to al-low Hauser-Feshbach treatment, scattering is better de-scribed via tabulated data as shown in Figure 1. Thisimplies, for example, that

• Different physical regions may require us to changeour concept of what a target is (e.g., fast neutronssee a single nucleus while thermal neutrons may(in)coherently scatter off many atoms in a material)

• Different macroscopic environments require us tochange our description of microscopic data (e.g.,Doppler broadening due to temperature effects)

• Different incident energies affect what particles areproduced (e.g., pre-equilibrium, multifragmenta-tion, particle production, spallation)

This fact was already recognized in the design of thelegacy ENDF format and is a reality we too must confront(Trkov, 2009). Hence, we not only must consider differentoptimal representations (e.g., resonance parameters) indifferent physical regions, but we also must consider

• Different alternate representations (e.g., resonanceparameters versus reconstructed pointwise crosssections)

• The matching (and potentially overlap) betweenrepresentations

• A mechanism to “glue” them together, especiallyin cases where the concept of a target or reactionchanges dramatically (e.g., thermal neutron scat-tering on molecules transitioning to high energyneutron resolving the nuclei in the atoms of themolecule)

3. Ensuring consistency

As we design the data structure and supporting infras-tructure, it is important to maintain internal consistencyof the data. Within an evaluation, we must ensure at thevery least consistency between:

• Cross section sum rules

– Summing to the total cross section

– All (n, n′) cross sections sum to total inelastic(ditto for other similar reaction types); similarto MT=3

• The sum of the prompt nubar and all delayednubars must equal the total nubar in a fission reac-tion

• Masses, Q values, thresholds, upper energy boundson secondary distributions

• Normalization conditions (on probability distribu-tions, multiplicity tables, etc.)

• Energy and momentum balance

• Energy ranges of tables within a reaction and be-tween different physical regimes

• Gamma branchings (that is, an excited state shouldhave all allowed gamma-decay paths open indepen-dently of how it was produced, and their probabil-ities should sum to 1.0)

• Resolved and unresolved resonance regions and thefast energy region

• Original and processed data

Between evaluations, we must also ensure consistency be-tween

• Fission product yields and decay data linkage

• Fast reaction region and the particle production re-gion if they are stored in separate evaluations as isthe case in for example JENDL and the JENDL-HEhigh energy library.

• Masses and other material properties

• Covariances and mean values between data com-mon to both the Neutron Standards (Carlson,2009).

Some of these can be handled with a simple hyperlink.Others may require capability within external process-ing/manipulation infrastructure. In the following discus-sions, we will point to features of the hierarchy that en-able maintaining consistency.

Material properties are a special case where inconsis-tencies may need to be tolerated. In particular, whendealing with legacy ENDF evaluations, there is no guar-antee that the same masses or level schemes are used con-sistently throughout an evaluation. As such, we may needto override any external material properties databasewith local versions within an evaluation.

Discussion point:There is another consistency problem hinted atabove: many measurements and evaluations are cor-related with the Neutron Cross Section Standards(Carlson, 2009) or other common reaction monitors.Measurements of cross section ratios to a reactionmonitor are the most common form of correlation.

Page 13: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


RRR URR (smooth) fast(smooth) thermal

FIG. 1 Cartoon of energy regions in a neutron induced reaction. The high energy region labeled “(smooth) fast” is usuallyhandled in a very different way than the low energy regions where the R matrix approach applies.

In all rigor, one would want a way to update all eval-uated files when a standard is updated.

4. Elemental targets

The Neutron Cross Section Standards (Carlson, 2009)and the ENDF/B-VII.1 Data Library (Chadwick, 2011)both contain “natural carbon” (i.e., natC) as a target.Older libraries have many more natural targets. A natu-ral target is complicated because it represents a weightedaverage of several isotopes. Questions include:

• How do we know the outgoing isotopics since wecannot deconvolve a reaction’s cross section into itsisotopic components?

• How can we properly do the kinematics of a collisionif the target mass is not well specified?

• What do we use to simulate systems with enrichedsamples if all we have are elemental data?

Although we cannot remove elemental evaluations fromlegacy data libraries, we can create a system that dep-recates them in future libraries and we can provide ameans for constructing elemental targets from individ-ual isotopic files. This scheme would obviously need aprovision for containing all information extracted fromthe accurate measurements on natural targets. Such asystem is detailed in §III.B.

5. Legacy data

More than six decades of work have gone into the cre-ation of the nuclear data libraries and formats. Manyvery old data files are still in production and are neededfor specific applications. These data must be supporteduntil such time as they can also be updated.

The following requirements reflect the need to supportlegacy data:

Requirement 5: Legacy data

5.1 Grandfather in all valid ENDF data in cur-rently supported ENDF-102 Version 6 for-mats.

5.2 Correct, wherever possible, ENDF format mis-takes and inconsistencies.

5.3 Have a process for deprecating data or formatsthat must be supported but that we intend tophase out at some later date.

C. Top of the hierarchy

In the XML format, only one top level node is allowedper file. As we intend to be able to serialize the newdata structure into XML, it makes sense to adhere to thisrestriction. Currently only six kinds of top level nodesare needed for ENDF style reaction data, but more couldbe added to support publication-centric arrangements ofdata such as found in the EXFOR (EXFOR, 2015) or

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ENSDF (ENSDF, 2015) data libraries. These six toplevel nodes are:

<library/>: A container type that collects all of theparts that define a nuclear data library such as theJEFF neutron sub-library (JEFF, 2014). This con-tainer is discussed below.

<covariances/>: A container type that holds a collec-tion of covariance data. This element can be used asa top node when one stores cross material covari-ance data that is associated with more than oneevaluation. See §IV for more detail. In GND-1.7,this element is called a <covarianceSuite>.

<particles/>: A container type that holds a collectionof particles and their properties (see §II.D). Thiselement can be used as a top node when distributinga particle database not already associated with anevaluation or a library.

<evaluations/>: A container type that holds a collec-tion of <evaluation>s or <metaEvaluation>s. Itcan be used as a top node when distributing listsof <evaluation>s or <metaEvaluation>s and it isdetailed below.

<evaluation/>: This is the collection of data con-taining everything needed for particle trans-port and is analogous to an ENDF-6 Material.It is described in §III.A. In GND-1.7, this isreferred to as an <evaluationSuite>.

<metaEvaluation/>: This is a special containerthat allows the user to connect other evalu-ations together in much the same was as canbe done with NJOY’s xsdir file (MacFarlane,2012). See §III.B for details.

We note that top level nodes are distinguished from lowerlevel elements not just because they can be the root nodeof a document but also because they also contain defaultinformation meant to apply to all nodes within them. Wewill later term this default information “representations”.

There are many cases where one simply wants to collecttogether evaluations and the like:

1. When defining a (sub)library

2. To provide an index of a set of files including asso-ciated particle definitions and covariance data

3. To collect web retrievals under one element

4. To produce a valid XML file containing more thanone evaluation (the equivalent of an ENDF TAPE).

5. To modify a previously-defined ¡library¿, e.g. by re-placing one or more evaluations with new test ver-sions

To enable the first two of these uses, we must providethe top-most level element <library/>. This allows alibrary project such as JENDL (Shibata, 2011) to grouptogether everything needed to define an evaluated datalibrary. This element is illustrated in Fig. 2. Within alibrary, there exists a list of evaluations contained in the<evaluations/> element. By separating out this list, wecan meet needs #3-4. This element is illustrated in Fig.3. The requirements for <library> and <evaluations>

are listed below.The requirements for a <library> element are:

Requirement 6: <library>

6.1 Metadata including a name/title and date ofassembly

6.2 An optional <documentation>6.3 A list of evaluations, supporting hyperlinks to

data files6.4 An optional link to another <library>. If this

link appears, all <evaluation> elements notdefined in the current <library> are inheritedfrom the linked library

6.5 A list of covariances, supporting hyperlinks todata files

6.6 An optional particle database or link to adatabase.

6.7 An optional set of default representations

The requirements for an <evaluations> element are:

Requirement 7: <evaluations>

7.1 Metadata including a name/title and date ofassembly

7.2 An optional <documentation>7.3 A list of evaluations or links to evaluations

(meta or otherwise)7.4 An optional set of default representations

Discussion point:It is possible to combine the concepts of a <library>

and <evaluations/>. We felt that separating theconcepts treats lists of evaluations, covariances andparticles with some degree of parity.

D. Particle and/or material properties database

Task 1.3 of WPEC Subgroup 38 (SG38) is to definea database hierarchy for handling particle informationneeded for nuclear reaction evaluations and transport

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FIG. 2 A <library/> groups together all of the parts needed to define a nuclear data (sub) library. This includes evaluations,covariances and/or particle properties. This may also include default representation definitions if needed for a particular dataprojects.

FIG. 3 An <evaluations/> element is a listing of evaluations or meta evaluations and any default representation informationcommon to all of the evaluations.

codes. The hierarchy must be general enough to describerelevant particles, including mass, charge, spin and par-ity, half-life, decay properties, and so on. In a way, thehierarchy encapsulates the needs of the ENDF decay andatomic relaxation sub-libraries as well as the RIPL massand level tables. Particle databases built with this hier-archy are meant to serve as central locations for particleinformation that can be linked to from codes and otherdatabases. It is hoped that the final product is generalenough for use in other projects besides SG38.

While this is called a “particle database”, the defini-tion of particle (as described in Section 2) is very broadand could include materials in the thermal scattering lawsub-library as well as atoms and ions. What we refer toas a “particle” includes the projectile and product(s) aswell as what the ENDF-6 format refers to as a material orMAT. The database is meant to be general enough to in-clude not only fundamental particles like quarks and lep-

tons, but also composite particles like mesons, baryons,atoms, nuclei and even excited states. Under this defi-nition the list of possible particles becomes quite large.To help organize them the database will need a way ofgrouping similar particles together into “families” withsimilar attributes.

One important function of the particle database will beto provide an easy way for codes and external databasesto look up any particle stored inside. In order to makethis access as simple as possible, the database will includea unique name (or “id”) for every particle that it stores.Users can then access a specific particle either by provid-ing a full path to it or simply by using its id. Suggestionsfrom experience with GND:

Aliases: A limited number/scope of aliases for com-monly used particles, such as “e−” for electron or“a” for alpha or “n” for neutron. Also to associatea nuclear level of an isotope with an isomer.

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Compounds: c String Describing Material can beused to specify say H in ZrH or the phase of thematerial. Useful for Thermal Scattering Law data.

Elements: Sym0 (e.g., Fe0 or C0), useful for atomic data

Isotopes: SymA where “A” is the isotope’s nucleon num-ber (e.g., Fe56)

Nuclear levels: SymA eN (e.g., V51 e1 for the first ex-cited state of 51V or SymA c for continuum).

Excitations of an atom: Sym0 eN (e.g., V0 e1 for thefirst electronic excited state of natV or Sym0 c forcontinuum).

SUGGESTED TEST: Test that all particle ids areunique since they are keys and we must avoid key col-lisions.

The following terms will be used in the following re-quirements:

• matter: Any small, localized object such as anatom, isotope or elementary particle. Every “mat-ter” instance in the particle database is assigned aunique id.

• Particle: A small, localized object that can be at-tributed properties such as mass, charge, spin, par-ity, half-life and decay properties. This definitionis deliberately broad to include nuclei and excitednuclear states as well as fundamental particles likethe electron and photon.

• Particle Family: A set of particles that canbe classified together (examples include leptons,baryons, isotopes and excited nuclear levels). Par-ticle families may add additional properties thatmust be defined for all their particles (i.e. leptonnumber for all leptons, and level energy for all ex-cited nuclear levels).

• Particle Group: A particle group is a set contain-ing related particles so that they all appear togetherwithin a particle database hierarchy. This is usefulwhen a set of particles have properties in common:the common properties are defined in the particlegroup, and inherited by all particles in that group.The excited levels of an isotope are an example:they share properties like the proton count Z andthe mass number A.

• id: A string used to identify and refer to a particle.Each particle in the database must have a uniqueid.

• pid: String used to refer to a particle by id.For example, an alias for the first metastablestate in Am242 would have id=Am242 m1 andpid=Am242 e2.

• qualifier: Extra key that may be appended to apid to give additional information about a specificinstance of that particle.

The following list of requirements is a summary of thelarger discussion of requirements and specifications in the“Requirements and specifications for a particle database”document (WPEC Subgroup 38, 2015a). The key words“shall” and “should” will be used to differentiate betweenrequirements and recommendations:

Requirement 8: Particles

8.1 Each “particle” and “particleGroup” in thedatabase shall have a unique id used to iden-tify and refer to it. Only these objects shallhave ids (for example, no id is given to a massor spin).

8.2 A naming convention for ids shall be defined.Creating and adhering to a naming conventionmakes comparing and merging different parti-cle databases simpler. If a user wishes to referto a particle by a name that is not consistentwith the naming scheme, they can still do soby defining an “alias” for that particle (see re-quirement 8.10).

8.3 Every particle shall contain at least the follow-ing properties: mass, charge, spin, parity andhalf-life. However, some of these propertiesmay be inherited from higher in the hierarchyrather than being listed explicitly (see require-ment 8.5).

8.4 The database shall support storing uncertain-ties with each particle property. Multipletypes of uncertainty should be supported, in-cluding central values with uncertainty (forexample, mass = 54.938 ± 0.729 amu), up-per/lower uncertainty intervals (e.g., mass =0.03 eV/c2 - 0.02 + 0.06), and lists of multi-ple possible assignments (e.g., spin = 3/2, 5/2or 7/2). If multiple assignments are listed,the database shall assign one as the ‘recom-mended’ value.

8.5 The database shall use nesting and inheri-tance where possible to reduce redundancy bygrouping similar particles together. For exam-ple, the database should support grouping iso-topes with the same atomic number togetherinside an element, such that all isotopes in-herit the same atomic number Z from the ele-ment. It should also support grouping excitednuclear states of the same isotope together,such that the mass of each excited state canbe computed from the ground-state mass andexcitation energy.

8.6 The database shall support defining “families”

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to classify similar particles. Each particle fam-ily may have additional required data elements(beyond the list in requirement 8.3). For ex-ample, a “nuclearLevel” family should be de-fined, where each nuclear level requires a levelenergy and level index in addition to charge,spin, parity, etc.

8.7 The database shall support storing decayproperties for unstable particles. Decays areorganized into decay channels, which consistof a probability and a list of products. Eachproduct may also have an associated uncer-tainty. For example, if an excited nuclear levelcan γ-decay to two different levels, the de-cay can be stored either as two different de-cay channels that each contain a probabilityand one gamma product, or as a single decaychannel with two gamma products and theirprobabilities.

8.8 The database shall support storing documen-tation sections at multiple levels, down to thelevel of an individual particle property likemass or spin.

8.9 The database shall support a bibliography sec-tion. Each item in the bibliography shall in-clude a unique citation label that can be usedto refer to it from any documentation section.

8.10 The database shall support a mechanism fordefining aliases for particles. For example, theid Am242 m1 could be an alias for Am242 e2.Alias definitions shall be permitted at variousplaces within the particle database.

8.11 When linking to a particle database, usercodes shall be permitted to add extra infor-mation about a particle by using “qualifier”keys. For example, a qualifier key may be de-fined to describe the electron configuration ofan atom following a photo-atomic reaction.

Discussion point:Should the database support flags like “firm”, “ten-tative”, etc. to indicate confidence in an assignment?Those could be stored in documentation sections,but if user codes need to know which assignmentsare tentative they shouldn’t need to parse documen-tation to find out.

Discussion point:Regarding requirement number 8.7: There are sev-eral ways of handling decay radiation, so this re-quirement needs a bit more discussion.

Discussion point:In GND, both reaction data and decay data aresorted into channels, where every channel has a dif-ferent list of outgoing products. If that example isfollowed in the particle database, then decays to dif-ferent excited states in the daughter nucleus wouldeach have their own decay channel. Decay spectraare then reconstructed by looking up each daughterproduct, checking their decay properties, and sum-ming over all products. For example, a nuclear ex-cited state that can decay via two different gammaswould be stored as:

<nuclearLevel id="C12_e8" index="8">



<decay mode="gamma" probability="0.87">

<product pid="gamma"/>

<product pid="C12_e0"/></decay>

<decay mode="gamma" probability="0.13">

<product pid="gamma"/>

<product pid="C12_e1"/></decay>


The second decay mode leaves C12 in an excitedstate. Decay properties of that state (C12 e1) can befound by looking it up in the database. That parti-cle would contain information about another gammadecay that leads to the ground state and emits a4.4389 MeV gamma. Gamma energies do not needto be explicitly stored, since they can be calculatedfrom the initial and final level energies. This organi-zation is useful for presenting detailed decay spectrathat may proceed through multiple paths. It is lessuseful when the details are uncertain, such as whena decay passes through unknown short-lived inter-mediate states on its way to a longer-lived product.

Other databases follow a different organization.For example, the ENDF decay sub-library starts bylisting the possible decay modes (as in “β+”, “elec-tron capture”, etc.), and then lists the decay radia-tion (including both discrete and continuous spec-tra) emitted via all decay modes, potentially in-cluding radiation emitted not by the parent but bya short-lived intermediate state. In this case, theC12 e8 decay scheme would become:

<nuclearLevel id="C12_e8" levelIndex="8">



<decay mode="gamma" probability="1">

<product pid="gamma" probability="0.87">

<energy value="12.71" unit="MeV"/>


<product pid="gamma" probability="0.13">

Page 18: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


<energy value="8.271" unit="MeV"/>


<product pid="gamma" probability="0.13">

<energy value="4.4389" unit="MeV"/>


<product pid="C12_e0" probability="1.0"/>


This is a suitable way of storing experimental de-cay spectra, since experiments are actually measur-ing the transitions rather than the particles thatemitted those transitions. It is also useful whensearching through measured decay radiation to findwhat parent likely emitted the radiation. On theother hand, it obscures the fact that the 8.271 MeVand 4.4389 MeV gammas occur in coincidence. Thisstyle also leads to possible redundancy and discrep-ancies if more than one parent particle can decaythrough the same intermediate states, since the samegamma products may also be emitted as part of thedecay cascade from a higher level.

Discussion point:There are some special cases that also need to beconsidered. For example, how should correlated de-cays be handled? Example: angular correlations be-tween Ni60 gammas following Co60 β-decay. Theseangular correlations show up because the two M2gamma transitions happen back-to-back, meaningthat the second decay is not truly independent ofthe first. Is it sufficient to store the fact that eachtransition is M2, and require user codes to calculatethe angular correlations if needed? Or, do we needsome explicit markup indicating that these decaysare correlated?

Discussion point:Another question: current decay databases use theinternal conversion coefficient (ICC) when a de-cay can proceed either through gamma emission orthrough internal conversion. Should we continueto support that convention (grouping all “electro-magnetic” decays together and then using a coeffi-cient to denote relative weights), or should we breakthem out into separate decay channels?

Another potentially useful convention is to storebranching ratios instead of probabilities: each decaymode has a branching ratio BR = (probability of thisdecay) / (probability of most likely decay). Shouldwe continue to support that convention, or alwaysjust store the decay probabilities?

Discussion point:Should the requirements include a way to describehow “complete” a level scheme is (i.e., how manylevels starting from the ground state have firm spin/-parity and energy assignments)? Also, should therebe a way of specifying rotational bands for excitednuclear levels?

Discussion point:At present there are no plans to include the Monte-Carlo Particle Identifiers (PID) from the ParticleData Group (Olive, 2014). That said, the PID’sare easy to add to the particle specifications. Fur-thermore, the Particle Data Group are aware of theproject to modernize the ENDF format and they areinterested in its results.

E. Documentation

The documentation for an evaluation or part of an eval-uation is in a way the most essential piece of information.From it, we must be able to determine who performedthe evaluation and how they did it. This is essential bothfor attributing credit (and blame ;)) and for debuggingproblems in an evaluation. This also aids in addressingrequirement 1.6. Figure 4 illustrates the required con-tents of a documentation markup. We now discuss theelements of this markup before listing the requirementsfor a <documentation> element.

Each part of an evaluated data file may be evalu-ated separately, creating a “frankenevaluation” made upof stitched together evaluation parts. Therefore, wemust allow <documentation> elements at many differ-ent levels in our data hierarchy. Furthermore, as this<documentation> element details a subset of informationin an evaluation, the <documentation> element shouldcontain both version tracking information for that subsetas well as an unique identifier to reference the subset ofinformation. The unique identifier should be a valid Dig-ital Object Identifier (DOI). A DOI is a character stringthat uniquely identifies a piece of information and is as-sociated with the URL where the information may befound. We must have a place for a DOI in the hierarchybecause recent initiatives from both the United Statesand the European Union have imposed an additional le-gal requirement on scientific data:

• European Union now issues Digital Object Identi-fiers (DOI) on documents produced with EU fund-ing.

• In the United States, U.S. DOE Scientific and Tech-nical Information Program (STIP), a collabora-tion working to increase the availability and trans-

Page 19: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 4 Basic structure of a <documentation> element.

parency of the results of DOE-funded research anddevelopment, is working to make US generated dataavailable through Office of Science and Technologi-cal Information (OSTI) (OSTI, 2015) through Dat-aCite.org (DataCite, 2015). As part of this effort,the National Nuclear Data Center is authorized toassign DOIs to new datasets.

Since each node in the tree representing the data hierar-chy can have its own URL, each <documentation> ele-ment should be allowed to have its own Digital ObjectIdentifier (DOI).

We illustrate how DOIs can be used to reference inde-pendent parts of an evaluation in Figure 5. In this figure,each box represents one discrete part of a schematic eval-uation. The coloration of the boxes is meant to representthe independent contribution from different publications,all “green” data come from the document with DOI #0,

all “cyan” data come from the document with DOI #2,etc.

Moving down from the top element in figure 4, we notethe <metadata> element. This element is currently un-defined but can be adapted for individual data projectsneeds. For example, if an evaluation is meant to be in-dexed in the Nuclear Science References (NSR) database(Pritychenko, 2011), NSR keywords can be placed here.Alternatively, keywords for web searching may be placedhere.

The elements <title>, <abstract>, and<listOfAuthors> are clear. The <versions> and<copyright> elements are other data project specificmarkups. The <versions> element allows a data projectto store its own version information in whatever formthe data project requires. The <copyright> elementallows the data project to store the copyright notices for

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FIG. 5 Cartoon illustrating the construction and documenta-tion of a “frankenevaluation”, namely an evaluation stitchedtogether with parts from other evaluations. Each colored noderepresents an independent contribution of the full evaluationand all contributions are assembled together to form the com-plete evaluation. At the uppermost node of each set of colorednodes, the evaluator should have a <documentation> elementand corresponding DOI.

certain parts of their evaluation.

Discussion point:It was suggested that a “model only” evaluation beflagged with some form of metadata. However, theform of such a flag is not agreed upon.

It is desirable to have enough detail in the docu-mentation to reconstruct the evaluated data and covari-ances exactly as the evaluator has produced it (completewith renormalizations of fitted data, etc.). Thereforewe require markups for <writeup>, <listOfInputs> and<listOfEXFORSets>. The writeup itself is given in the<writeup> element and should be essentially free text(supporting internal formatting such as HTML or La-TeX). The <listOfInputs> element allows the evaluatorto store say their TALYS or EMPIRE input decks withinthe evaluation. The <listOfEXFORSets is, as the nameimplies, the list of EXFOR datasets used in the evalua-tion. The IAEA’s EXFOR web application allows bothon-the-fly data renormalization (example in Figure 6) andcovariance generation (example in Figure 7). Therefore,

both require locations in the hierarchy.Finally, both <EXFORSet>s and the writeup bibliogra-

phy (in the <bibliography> element) require a markupfor bibliographic references. The easiest solution here isto adopt an accepted format such as BibTeXML.

Discussion point:How should a bibliographic entry bestored?

Resolution:In principal it should be shared with EXFOR.BibTeXML (Gundersen, 2015) was suggested asa viable choice.

The requirements for documentation make use of the<text> low level structure discussed below in Require-ments 15 and the <link> structure discussed in Require-ments 16.

Requirement 9: Documentation

9.1 The data structure shall have metadata ele-ment.

9.2 The data structure shall have a markup for theDOI (likely including a link attribute)

9.3 The data structure shall have title element (us-ing a <text> element)

9.4 Have data structure for the evaluation date(authors generate this), this is a legacy ENDFrequirement.

9.5 The data structure shall have a markup forthe library acceptance date (library maintain-ers generate this), this is a legacy ENDF re-quirement.

9.6 The data structure shall have an abstract ele-ment (optional, using a <text> element)

9.7 The data structure shall have a markup forauthors (names, affiliation, email, etc.). Thecorresponding author must be denoted.

9.8 The data structure shall have a markup forstoring the input decks from codes used by theevaluators to prepare the evaluation (for ex-ample <listOfInputs> and <inputDeck> ele-ments)

9.9 The <inputDeck> element should allow freetext and therefore must be escaped.

9.10 The data structure shall have a markup for theevaluation version

9.11 The data structure shall have a copyright ele-ment (for optional copyright notices).

9.12 The data structure shall have a markup for ref-erencing the EXFOR datasets used in the eval-uation. This markup should include a link tothe original data and details of any data rescal-

Page 21: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


30581004 x4u:20090506 #1980 Zupranska

#Reaction: 25-MN-55(N,A)23-V-52,,SIG

#Monitor: 26-FE-56(N,P)25-MN-56,,SIG

#m0: 20377002,H.LISKIEN+,J,JNE/AB,19,73,196502 £ fe56np;#old monit-ref

m0: exfor$20377002_fe56np; #old monitor(energy) in EXFOR

m1: recom$fe56np; #new monitor(energy)

dy=dy/y; #to rel. uncertainties----

y=y/m0*m1; #renormalized CS

dy=(dy**2-dm0**2+dm1**2)**0.5;#replace monitor uncertainties

dy=dy*y; #to abs. uncertainties

FIG. 6 (Upper panel) Sample rescaling of the 55Mn(n, α) from Viktor Zerkin’s EXFOR-Web (EXFOR, 2015) on the IAEAnuclear data services website (IAEA, 2015). (Lower panel) Script used to perform the rescaling of the 55Mn(n, α).

ing or evaluator generated covariances. Thesecan be done using V. Zerkin’s EXFORWebtools (EXFOR, 2015). Examples are shownin Figs. 7–6.

9.13 The data structure shall have an element tostore the writeup itself (using a <text> ele-ment)

9.14 The data structure shall have markup for thebibliography.

Discussion point:Several users have suggested adding a “key datatable” for validation purposes in the introduc-tion. For incident neutrons, this table could in-

clude Maxwellian averaged cross sections at roomtemperature, resonance integrals, the cross sectionsevaluated at 14 MeV and Westcott factors. Forcharged particle reactions, such a table would in-clude Maxwellian averaged cross sections at astro-physically interesting temperatures. It is unclearwhat such a table might contain for other ENDFsublibraries (e.g. thermal neutron scattering). Sucha table should use a special markup so that the datain the table can be aggregated and used in globallibrary validation.

Page 22: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<CovRecipe DatasetID="E1922008"

Created="2014-05-14 06:57:54"


<Subent id="E1922008" x4upd="20060411" />

<Reacode code="78-PT-0(P,X)79-AU-196,,SIG" />

<defineErr name="Statistical" type="C5" cmd="Setup" src="Total" koeff="0.5" ></defineErr>

<defineErr name="myErr-1" type="myErr" cmd="Setup" src="Systematic" koeff="0.5" ></defineErr>

<defineErr name="myErr-2" type="myErr" cmd="Setup" src="Systematic" koeff="0.5" ></defineErr>

<setCompressFactor Factor="2" lx0="58" lx1="29" />

<addCovarFraction errName="Statistical" errType="C5" corrType="SERC" fracType="Uncorrelated" >


<addCovarFraction errName="myErr-1" errType="myErr" corrType="LERC" fracType="Fully-correlated" >


<addCovarFraction errName="myErr-2" errType="myErr" corrType="MERC" fracType="MERC-correlated"

MercType="Lin" MercInterval="0.5" MercEnMin="8e6" MercEnMax="6.94e7" EnUnits="eV" >


<myStamp>EXFOR-Web-Covariance-Recipe, V.Zerkin, IAEA-NDS, 2012-03-19.</myStamp>


FIG. 7 Sample covariance generation script from Viktor Zerkin’s EXFOR-Web (EXFOR, 2015) on the IAEA nuclear dataservices website (IAEA, 2015).

F. Representations

An evaluation may contain one or more variations ofprocessed or derived data in addition to the original eval-uated data. Most data in an evaluation are processedwith a common set of inputs. Instead of listing each in-put set for each processed data, it is less redundant andmore efficient to specify the input set in one location,herein called a representation, and use a unique name toreference that representation where it is used. For evalu-ated or processed data, the representation includes, butis not limited to, target temperature, group structure (inenergy and angle) and particle flux weights. Each rep-resentation should be uniquely named so that it can bereferenced in the lower level data structures.

In GND version 1.7, the element <styles> is used tostore the representation data. Figure 8 is a sample listingof the <styles> element from GND version 1.7.

The items to denote in a <representations> elementare at minimum:

Requirement 10: <representations>

10.1 Shall provide a key to refer to a representationor group of representations.

10.2 Shall provide a mechanism for denoting on aper–transportable particle basis, energy groupstructures.

10.3 Shall provide a mechanism for denoting ona per–transportable particle basis, angulargroup structures.

10.4 Shall provide a location for storing theDoppler-broadened target temperature

10.5 Shall provide a mechanism for uniquely nam-


<evaluated name="eval" temperature="300 K"/>

<linearized name="lin1" temperature="300 K"/>

<linearized name="lin2" temperature="100 meV/k"/>

<linearized name="lin3" temperature="10 eV/k"/>

<multiGroup name="gLLNL1" temperature="300 K">

<flux ... > ... </flux> <!-- flux id 12 -->

<groupBoundaries pid="n" ... >



<groupBoundaries pid="H1" ... >



<multiGroup name="gLLNL2" temperature="300 K">

<flux ... > ... </flux> <!-- flux id 43 -->

<groupBoundaries pid="n" ... >



<groupBoundaries pid="H1" ... >



FIG. 8 Sample listing of the <styles> element from GNDversion 1.7

ing and referring to representation informa-tion.

10.6 Shall provide a mechanism for storing fluxesfor flux weighting of projectiles.

10.7 Should provide a way to name a representationor group of representations.

10.8 Should provide a cut-off time to separateprompt and delayed particle emission and tospecify the upper time limit of consideration.This is useful for describing decay data, fission

Page 23: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


product yields and delayed neutron emissionafter fission.

10.9 Should provide a scheme to store the code in-puts for the processing code used to generatedata in a given representation.

Other data may be added as the needs arise.

Discussion point:As <representations> may be provided for an en-tire library or on a per-evaluation basis, we mustestablish precedence rules.

Discussion point:This scheme replaces to some degree the need to pro-vide a list of links for every derived data item. Nowonly a representation key needs to be provided in apiece of derived data.

G. What data are derived from what other data?

As a corollary to main Requirement 2.2, we require amechanism to specify what data are “original” and whatare derived. To accommodate this, we must allow thestoring of the original and derived data, sometimes atthe same level in the hierarchy. Derived data must pointback to the original data with some key or a link. Wenote that while some data are derived from only one otherelement, some data are derived from several disparatepieces of information within an evaluation.

There are many cases where a capability to link originaland derived data would be useful. Here are a few thatcome to mind at the time of this writing:

• Doppler broadened data at a temperature T > 0Kshould link to the 0K data.

• Grouped and pointwise data

• Angular distributions converted between pointwiseangular tables and Legendre moments

• Any (and all) parameterized data converted topointwise

• Average energy deposited, average forward momen-tum deposited and KERMA factors are all derivedusing product distribution data and energy balanceof all the particles emitted in a reaction

• Changes in interpolation schemes (e.g., log-log tolin-lin)

• Resonance data converted to pointwise

• Resonances with smooth backgrounds (this is al-lowed in ENDF, and we argue below that it shouldbe deprecated in the new hierarchy).

• Cross section (and other data) may have uncer-tainty data and should be associated with any cor-relation matrices. Grouped or other representationsof the data need to point back to both the uncer-tainty data and the mean value data.

• Monte Carlo realizations of a data set should pointto the mean value and the associated covariance

Fig. 9 illustrates one scheme that achieves this for amid-level container. The top level of the mid-level con-tainer may contain within it several representations of theunderlying data. In this cartoon, the different represen-tations are stored in a <listOfDataRepresentations>

element. The mid-level container must then have a linkto the actual dataset in <listOfDataRepresentations>

that stores the original or “official” data. This simpli-fies navigation since we do not have to query each datato determine which version are the original data. Eachcontained dataset has a flag to denote whether the set is“official” or not and all derived data contain a link to thedata from which it was derived from. In this example,set #2 is derived from set #1 (it might be from a groupcollapse for example) and set #1 is derived from set #0,the original set (set #1 may be the grouped version ofset #0). We comment that default representations canbe stored in the upper level <representations> element.

This concept was pioneered in GND. In GND, the dif-ferent versions of the same data are each encapsulatedwithin a <form> element. The form element either is thedata container itself or the lowest level of the top-levelhierarchy before encountering the actual containers hold-ing the data. GND links derived data to the originaldata by indicating how data are derived in the <styles>

section.Figure 10 shows another example of how original and

derived data can be handled. In this figure, we showthe original cross section given as the mean values of thecross section and a covariance matrix. From that, onecan derive a second representation of a cross section withuncertainties as well as a correlation matrix.

We now summarize the general requirements for a mid-level container that supports linking between original andderived data:

Requirement 11: Linking between original andderived data

11.1 A data containing element shall have a<listOfDataRepresentations> that containthe different version of the data. Depend-ing on how this is finally implemented, thismay be the top-level element itself (like

Page 24: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 9 Sketch of a generic mid-level container. Note the use of links to represent what data were derived from what otherdata and to denote which data sets were the original. This motif is used repeatedly throughout the hierarchy. Note that theoriginalData and <derivedFrom> are redundant in this example; we really only need a <derivedFrom> element to denote whatis derived and what is original.

<crossSection>) or a list container within thetop-level element.

11.2 A data containing element shall have one spe-cific implementation of an element with low-level data plus additional attributes.

11.3 Derived data shall have a mechanism to denotewhat pieces of information were used to createthe data in question. This may be accom-plished with a <listOfDerivedFromLinks>

with one or more <derivedFrom> links tothe original data or similar scheme. Alter-natively, this might be accomplished in the<representations> section and inherited byall data using each <representation>.

11.4 Derived data should be placed as close to theoriginal data as possible.

Discussion point:There are times when data which are tradition-ally viewed as “derived” data actually are evalu-ated and placed in a file. This is sometimes thecase with radiation damage data (PKA, DPA orKERMA) or with beta-delayed data after fission.These data must be flagged as the “evaluated” ver-sion of the data even though it might live in a con-tainer that might suggest otherwise such as a possi-ble <derivedReactions> upper level element.

H. Prototyping functions

We foresee the possible need to try out new interpola-tion schemes or functional forms in various data. In thedevelopment of the legacy ENDF format, new functionalforms and formats are proposed at the annual CSEWGmeeting and the ENDF formats committee approves/re-

Page 25: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 10 An illustration of uncertainty in a data set, but derived from original data and a covariance. The coupling betweenreaction data and the corresponding covariance is handled through use of hyperlinks.

jects them. However, in this approach, there is littleguidance other than the ENDF format proposal docu-ments that tell one how to implement a specific new ca-pability. Here we propose a light weight scheme to doc-ument new functional forms and interpolation schemesin pre-production evaluations. This set of instructionscan guide the developer of a processing code how to im-

plement a new functional form and provide the requisitedocumentation. In Fig. 11, we outline the concept of a<functionDef>. We note that in an evaluation whichuses an <functionDef> may have data that uses thescheme described by the <functionDef>, therefore thatdata should link to the <functionDef> in some fashion.Also, the list of all defined <functionDef> should be an

Page 26: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 11 The <functionDef> Outline of the functionDef scheme for prototyping new functional forms and interpolation schemes.

optional list of elements dangling off an <evaluation> orequivalent document root node.

Requirement 12: <functionDef>

12.1 A top level node such as an <evaluation>

element that optionally contains a<listOfFunctionDefs> containing theactual <functionDef>’s.

12.2 The <functionDef> must have attributes orsub-elements that define the name, the au-thor(s) and version of the definition.

12.3 There are three components that are crucialfor implementing a <functionDef>:

12.3.1 Detailed documentation in a required<documentation> element.

12.3.2 The definition of the <functionDef> ina <definition> element. This includes

lists of expected inputs (including name,unit and range) and outputs (again in-cluding name, unit and range), samplecode showing how the new feature is im-plemented, sample data generated in thenew scheme and suggested text for thesuccessor to the ENDF format manual.

12.3.3 Unit tests so that the implementation<functionDef> can be tested against theauthors’ expected results. The unit tests,in <unitTest> elements, contain the in-puts, expected outputs and any docu-mentation/comment describing each test.

Discussion point:The <applicationData> area of the hierarchy (see

Page 27: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


requirement 18.18) may also be used by individ-ual institutions to prototype new data and formats.However, <applicationData> has no “rules” re-garding its use so it may be less useful for sharingnew data types/formats.

I. Required low-level containers

In a hierarchical structure, nodes most often containanother collection of nodes. However, at some point onereaches the bottom. In the case of a structure used tostore scientific data, the lowest-level containers must storenumeric data. This includes, but is not limited to, inte-ger, fractional, real, and complex values that describe, forexample, interaction probabilities, angular states, decayconstants, barrier penetrabilities, etc. or mathematicalfunctions in a tabulated form.

Consideration must be given to the issue of reading andwriting data to memory. The ENDF format is a marvelof efficiency considering the 80 character line length in-herited from its punch card origins. Each line knows itsexact place in a file, its material, data type and reac-tion and stores up to six associated values. However, tomaximize the significant figures available for its elevencharacter numeric values, ENDF allows one to drop the“e” from an exponential leaving, for example, “1.2345+7”in place of “1.2345e+07”. Given the strong Fortran rootsof our community and Fortran’s understanding and ac-ceptance of this format, it provides the broadest com-promise. However, it comes at the expense that today’smodern languages – C, C++, Perl, Python, etc. – mustparse these values ad-hoc at considerable expense in ex-tra read times. Any modern data structure must storenumeric values only in the widest adopted standards.

In practice all data – scalar, vector or multi-dimensional – can be serialized and stored in a contiguousblock of memory, that is a vector of numbers. In binaryform, these data tend to be the same in use, for exampleactive RAM, or archived, for example on disk. An enor-mous time saving is available for such data if their move-ment is done by large block reads and writes that foregothe need of conversions. Even in textual form, transfor-mation to and from text of a sequence of numbers maybe done much faster when it does not contain extraneoustext. As the bulk of the data we intend to store is nu-meric, providing a “lowest-level” container that is strictlya vector of numbers can provide enormous time savings.

Unfortunately, nodes tend to be expensive to createin practice. This has implications for scalar data.While a low-level vector array container provides clarityand space savings for sets of numbers, it may not benecessary for a scalar quantity. In fact, there are timeswhen it can be a significant waste of space. Considertwo XML examples of storing the mass of a nuclei:

“<mass array="true" size="1" id="U235"> 235.043

</mass>” versus “<mass id="U235" value="235.043"

/>”. The first example adds a minimum of 20 extra bytesfor each scalar quantity and actually obscures the valuewith unnecessary attributes. For other storage formats,for example HDF5, this can be even worse. However,there is a clear need to recognize data, as opposed tometa-data, that are stored as an attribute. This arguesfor a clear universal attribute name to indicate the scalardata value.

Given this, we can write some general requirements forlow-level containers. The requirements below are a sum-mary of the larger discussion of requirements and spec-ifications in the “General–Purpose Data Containers forScience and Engineering” document (WPEC Subgroup38, 2015b).

Requirement 13: General low-level

13.1 General-purpose data types shall be definedthat are compatible with commonly used com-puter languages as well as their common usageand libraries.

13.2 Containers should make efficient use of com-puter resources. This is a compromise be-tween:

13.2.1 efficient use of memory - volatile (e.g.,RAM) and non-volatile storage (e.g., diskdrive).

13.2.2 ease of conversion to other forms.13.2.3 time to convert to other forms.

13.3 The structures should reduce redundancy.13.4 Data containers should be designed to be

consistent with object-oriented programming.This includes the nesting of data containerswhen it make sense instead of defining a newsub-container.

13.5 Data should be stored in the smallest possiblecontainer, but no smaller

13.5.1 Singular scalar values may be stored asattributes where space savings is signifi-cant

13.5.2 Scalar values stored as attributes shallshare a universal attribute name

13.6 Nodes storing only numeric data shall beclearly marked for ease of parsing

13.7 Numeric data shall not be stored in text fieldswhose primary purpose is documentation andshall use only generally accepted forms. Stor-ing data in fields whose primary role is storingnon-numeric data should be avoided as muchas possible.

13.8 The specification for a data container shallstate whether that container is extensible. Ifthe container is extensible, the specification

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shall define the process for extending the con-tainer.

13.9 A mechanism for storing units and labels fordata should be specified for each containertype.

Discussion point:Should scalar values stored as attributes use a com-mon naming convention? In other words, should werequire the temperature always to have the attributename temperature?

Resolution:There is no general rule and we must (re)visitthis issue on a case by case basis.

1. General data/functional containers

At its simplest level, all numeric data can be brokeninto arrays of numbers and meta data describing themathematical interpretation of the data. These shouldbe grouped together into some kind of general data con-tainer. These general data containers serve the purposeof defining the mathematical and functional forms thatare themselves basic components of higher level physicaldata storage containers. This addresses requirement 2.4.

Although the notation here is slightly different thatthat in the specifications document for general-purposedata containers (WPEC Subgroup 38, 2015b), we hopethe naming is clear enough for the reader to understandthe mapping of elements between the two documents.

Requirement 14: List of general purpose ele-ments

14.1 Floats (float), integers (int) and strings(string)

14.2 List or vector (<list>), must specify type ofobject in the list

14.3 Array (<array>), must specify dimensions.May be banded, symmetric, etc.

14.4 Table (<table>), like a 2-dimensional array,except it may contain non-numeric data andpermits columns to have labels, units anddata-type information

14.5 Orthogonal function expansion, Legendrepolynomials and spherical harmonics being themost obvious

14.6 One-dimensional interpolation tables(<interp1d>): interpolation table forunivariate data (i.e., x vs. f(x))

14.7 Two-dimensional interpolation tables

(<interp2d>): interpolation table for bi-variate data (i.e., (x, y) vs. f(x, y))

14.8 Three-dimensional interpolation tables(<interp3d>): interpolation table for trivari-ate data (i.e., (x, y, z) vs. f(x, y, z))

14.9 Axis elements (<axis>) to specify units, la-bels, etc.

14.9.1 Specify names of x, y, z, ... axes14.9.2 Specify units for all axis elements

14.10 Grid elements (<grid>) to perform the samerole as an <axis>, but including bin bound-aries. This is for use in specifying groupboundaries in derived data or in covariancedata.

14.11 Interpolation details14.11.1 Specify interpolation scheme(s) or group

boundaries14.11.2 If interpolation refers to a probability

density function (PDF), we also mustspecify whether is Normal or Log-Normal(Zerovnik, 2013). This avoids the re-quirement of adding additional contextto denote normalization constraints andhelps avoid a source of error.

14.12 Free text (<text>) (more on this in subsectionII.I.2)

14.13 Hyperlinks (link attributes) (more on this insubsection II.I.3)

Discussion point:Do we need to support complex numbers as well?It might help in the resolved resonances and withatomic reactions. It would also likely complicatespecifying and using covariances on complex valueddata.

Resolution:Yes, some variants of resonance formats (bothprocessed and evaluated) require complex num-bers. However, these variants are very un-common and we do not anticipate defining re-quirements for them at this time. Neverthe-less, support for complex numbers should beconsidered. To support complex numbers in aplatform-independent way, the best option maybe to store two vectors representing the real andimaginary parts of each complex number.

Discussion point:It has been suggested by several members of the nu-clear data community to include uncertainty directlyinto elements such as the <interp1d> table. This

Page 29: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


would make plotting the uncertainty simpler at theexpense of introducing an additional data synchro-nization problem between the mean values and thecovariance data.

Resolution:This idea is adopted since it moves the data andits uncertainty/covariance together. If the co-variance or correlation accompanying the uncer-tainty is not stored with the uncertainty data, alink to the covariance or correlation is needed.See subsection II.G.

2. Text

There is a common need for unstructured and par-tially structured text in evaluation and other documen-tation. There may be other, less obvious areas. In thedocumentation, one must store author names and affil-iations and do so in non-Latin alphabets. We requirefull UTF8 support (unicode) so at the very least authornames can be written in their own language. This alsoenables each data project to write their own documenta-tion in their own native language. Since encoding needsto be stated separately from the text itself, a <text> el-ement must never be stored in an XML attribute field.Finally, we note that since text may be formatted, theinternal <text> format must be denoted. Given that thereference format for which we are detailing requirementsin will be a subset of the XML markup, we strongly rec-ommend against allowing raw XML for data formattingso as to avoid parsing problems.

Requirement 15: Text elements

15.1 Specify text formatting (HTML, Markdown,etc.). This formatting should not be XML ifit can be avoided.

15.2 Allow UTF8 encoding

3. Hyperlinks

Links (links are attributes in XML) are an importantpart of the new data structure and allow the evaluator torefer to other elements within the file or even to elementsin external files or databases. Examples of data whichuse links include:

• Distributions for one reaction product may betreated as the recoil from another product, requir-ing a link to the other product.

• Production cross sections may be listed as anenergy-dependent multiple of another cross section,

requiring a link to the other cross section.

• Covariances are occasionally stored in a separate filefrom the quantities they correlate. Links are nec-essary to associate the covariance with the correctdata.

Because the data are stored hierarchically, the pathwithin a document can be followed straightforwardly. Itis useful to think of these paths as similar to paths ina Unix filesystem, but with the top level of a documentreferred to with a URL.

Requirement 16: Hyperlinks

16.1 The paths may be absolute so that they canrefer to external documents or relative so thatthey can make in-document referrals.

16.2 The URLs of the schema (in the case of anXML version of the data structure) may notbe accessible by some computers “behind thefence” so these URLs may be viewed as “place-holders” that can be overridden in specific ap-plications.

16.3 Links must also provide a mechanism to ad-dress specific datum within a lowest level con-tainer for cases where the lowest level con-tainer itself is structured (for example, ele-ments in a matrix or array).

We note that standard xPath syntax does not allowaddressing within low-level XML containers (that is, con-tainers containing no other XML markup). Therefore,addressing elements in e.g. a low-level array will requireadditional XML syntax. Such a capability will prove use-ful when say varying a cross section at a specific energy.In this case one needs to address a specific point in alow-level container (or range of points) but have no xLinksyntax to connect to those points.

One can easily imagine that one is using a nuclear datalibrary on a computer not directly connected to the in-ternet so external links may not be available. In thatcase, it would be up to the user of the data to remapthe URLs to the actual location of the data files on theirown computer system. Anything we can do in our APIspecifications to simplify this task would be appreciatedby the user.

Requirement 17: Placeholder hyperlinks

17.1 There should be support for place-holdernames in URLs. For example, <myElement

href="$(NUCLEAR DATA PATH)/fluxes"/>

where the NUCLEAR DATA PATH is definedby a particular institution.

SUGGESTED TEST: Check for valid links for allxpaths and hrefs.

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The extensive use of hyperlinks in this format will leadto at least one new potential source of error: recursivehyperlinks. One can imagine an evaluator saving spaceby using hyperlinks in lieu of multiple copies of a distri-bution. But what if the evaluator makes the mistake ofnever specifying the “main” distribution and only linksthe distributions back on each other so no distribution isactually ever given?

SUGGESTED TEST: Check for recursive links

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The top level of data files in all major libraries is the“evaluation”, consisting of one target material and oneprojectile and all the data that goes with the reactionsbetween this pair. This arrangement is familiar to thenuclear data community and should be embraced goingforward. That said, we recognize that the name “eval-uation” implies that we are only interested in evaluateddata, which is far from the truth.

Because of the different kinds of evaluations, what hap-pens below the uppermost node in the hierarchy can dif-fer from sub-library to sub-library. There are four mainclasses of reaction sub-library that concern us:

• Thermal scattering law data: neutrons reactingwith such low energy that the de Broglie wavelengthof the neutron is too large for the neutron to resolveindividual nuclei (in principle other particles suchas γ’s could do this too)

• Atomic scattering data: electron and photon in-teractions with atoms

• Nuclear reaction data: any projectile impingingwith enough energy to interact with an atomic nu-cleus. This collection of data can include resonancedata which is arguably different enough from fastreaction data to merit its own discussion.

• Fission product yield data: tabulations of fis-sion product yields both directly following a fissionevent (and prompt neutron and gamma emission)and after beta decaying. These data are arguablyreaction data, but their use in radiochemistry, heat-ing and depletion calculations make them impor-tant enough to consider separately.

An ENDF-like decay sub-library is discussed in the con-text of a material properties database.

For the purpose of discussion, we name the top-level element of an “evaluation” <evaluation> (see§III.A). In GND, the equivalent concept is called a<reactionSuite>. The <evaluation> element is ex-pected to be the root XML node of a file. Similarly,when connecting several evaluations together to cre-ate an “effective” evaluation, we name the new “effec-tive” evaluation a <metaEvaluation> (see §III.B). Fi-nally, as mentioned earlier in this document, lists of<evaluation>s and <metaEvaluation>s are collected ina <evaluations> element.

A. <evaluation> elements

In all cases, the data can be arranged using a consis-tent set of rules. Because of the different optimal rep-resentations in the fast and resonance regions, we mustdistinguish between evaluated data

• broken out by reaction and tabulated one at a time(using the <reactions> element) or

• tabulated in a parameterized form such as in theresonances region (using the <resonances> ele-ment).

We also need spots for covariance data that is not asso-ciated with particular reactions (e.g., cross–reaction co-variances). Furthermore, we must provide markup thatsupports transport and other applications through de-rived transport data markups and a <representations>

markup for things like default group structures. We men-tion the list of function definitions that are detailed insection II.H as the <functionDef> markup would onlyrarely be used and used only in “unofficial” evaluations.Finally, at the top level we store a local particle prop-erties database in the <particles>. This is meant tooverride default values given in some external referencedatabase. This top level arrangement is shown in Figure12.

We comment that an <evaluation> element must con-tain temperature and activationFlag attributes. Forneutrons, Doppler broadening is important to determineeffective reaction rates and to get self-shielding correc-tions. For astrophysical applications, the temperature ofthe plasma is needed to handle charge screening prop-erly. For activation data, we require an activationFlag

attribute to signal whether the data in this evaluationis meant for activation or for particle transport. Thetwo applications have very different completeness require-ments that, in the XML variation of a data structure, canbe enforced by checking against an XSD file.

Requirement 18: <evaluation>

18.1 Require one projectile (e.g., “n”)18.2 Require one target material (e.g., “Fe56”)18.3 Require the versions of the data structure and

data format18.4 Require the library designator (i.e., a name

string that says “ENDF/B” and a versionstring that says “VI.1”)

18.5 Optionally a file-wide specification of theLorentz frame of the incident energy of theprojectile

18.6 Optionally support other metadata the librarymaintainer needs for proper data manage-ment.

18.7 Require a temperature attribute.18.8 Require ELow and EHigh attributes to specify

the energy range of validity of this evaluation.18.9 Require an activationFlag attribute to sig-

nal whether the data in this evaluation ismeant for activation or for particle transport.

18.10 Require a file-wide <documentation>

Page 32: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 12 Top level arrangement of an <evaluation> element. Only the documentation element is required in an <evaluation>,but <reactions>, <summedReactions>, <resonances>, and <covariances> are expected in nearly all (neutron induced) reactionevaluations. The <representations>, <particles> and <functionDefs> elements are used primarily to override or (re)definedefault behaviors. Finally, the <applicationData> element is nearly exclusively for processed data.

18.11 Optionally a material database to override de-faults with values local to the evaluation (the<particles> element is summarized in §II.Dand described in reference (WPEC Subgroup38, 2015a))

18.12 A place for evaluation–wide defaultrepresentation information (see the<representations> element descriptionII.F)

18.13 Optionally a place for covariance data (see the<covariances> section for more detail IV)

18.14 Optionally a <reactions> element (more on<reactions> in the subsection III.C)

18.15 Optionally a <resonances> element (more on<resonances> in the subsection III.G)

18.16 Optionally a <productionReactions> ele-ment (see subsections VI and III.E.1)

18.17 Optionally a <summedReactions> element (seeIII.C.1)

18.18 Optionally a <applicationData> element tostore application specific data for each insti-tute.

Discussion point:As the resonances and the fast regions are two dis-tinct physical representations of data in two differ-ent energy regions, it might make sense to requirethat they NOT be together in the same evaluationand that users use the <metaEvaluation> markupto combine them. This simplifies bookkeeping andensures that users understand that they are differentthings that they must combine themselves. How-ever, this is a change from the ENDF mindset andwould complicate translation of the outgoing particle

Page 33: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


distributions in the resonance region. Many ENDFforms don’t support the calculation of outgoing an-gular distributions from the resonance parameters soevaluators must provide these tables.

Resolution:This idea is too much of a change from theENDF arrangement and will likely lead to con-fusion.

Discussion point:Within an evaluation in a particular sub-library, onemust ask whether to arrange the data per-energy orper-reaction. For data to be per-energy or energy-major, we mean that all data (reactions, cross sec-tions, distributions, etc.) for one incident energy arecollected together in one parent element. For datato be per-reaction or reaction-major, we mean thatall data (cross sections, distributions as a functionof incident energy) for one reaction are collected to-gether in one parent element. A per-energy arrange-ment is particularly convenient for Hauser-Feshbach(and other) modeling codes because one normallycomputes one energy at a time and loops over in-cident energies to assemble the full evaluation. Anenergy-major arrangement has certain benefits anddrawbacks:

• Energy-major benefits

– Natural output of a reaction model suchas EMPIRE or TALYS

– Energy-major is natural for sampling inMonte Carlo transport: in a collision in aMonte Carlo calculation, one samples be-tween the reaction cross sections for dif-ferent channels at a fixed incident energy

– One can see at a glance what channels areopen and compete with one another

• Energy-major drawbacks

– Very difficult to plot say a cross sectionas a function of incident energy

– Can be difficult to compare to experimen-tal data taken at different energies

– Although most Monte Carlo transportcodes sample on a per-energy basis, thecodes are all written assuming a reaction-major arrangement of data and thereforewould require major refactoring to reapthe benefits of an energy-major arrange-ment. Besides, if an incident energy falls

between two tabulated energies, all sam-pled quantities must be interpolated.

– It is difficult to diagnose unphysical dis-continuities as a function of incident en-ergy

– Even a single resonance in a resonanceregions span many energies so an energy-major arrangement seriously complicatesresonance reconstruction

– It is hard for deterministic codes to use

– Not familiar to users as legacy ENDFdata are stored with the reaction-majorarrangement

Resolution:The arrangement of data must reflect the users’needs first, not the evaluators. Therefore, weargue that the benefits of an energy-major ar-rangement do not outweigh the drawbacks andso we recommend maintaining the ENDF-stylereaction-major arrangement. However, denot-ing the energy range of validity of an evalua-tion coupled with the <metaEvaluation> con-cept would allow an evaluator to achieve theeffect of an energy-major arrangement by hav-ing only one incident energy in an evaluation.It was suggested that someone develop a tool tocombine these one-energy sized evaluations intoa complete reaction-major evaluation. This toolwould then be reusable for data generated usingany Hauser-Feshbach code.

Discussion point:Do we need an index or directory outlining theevaluation such as what Red Cullen produces withDICTIN (part of PREPRO)?

Resolution:No, the hierarchical arrangement of data shouldmake this unnecessary

Discussion point:It was suggested that we allow <particles>s atother levels in the hierarchy to, say, allow per-reaction mass of target specifications. This wouldmake it easier to re-use legacy evaluations that per-form well in applications but yet use older values offundamental data.

Page 34: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


B. “Meta” evaluations

There is a relatively common need to “glue” togetherevaluations to make new “effective” or “meta” evalua-tions. This is often used to connect evaluations from dif-ferent physical regions or to assemble new reusable ma-terials in input deck specifications. For example:

• In LANL’s MCNP code system, the xsdir file al-lows one to connect the thermal neutron scatteringdata with the neutron nuclear reaction data andeven various high energy models such as CEM. See,for example, Figures 14 and 13 .

• The LLNL transport codes AMTRAN and Mercuryboth allow one to define target macros to describethe material in a zone.

• ORNL’s SCALE package contains a pre-built ma-terial composition database.

• At the Canadian Nuclear Laboratory, there is an-other, similar, facility to connect thermal neutronscattering data at different temperatures and evendifferent phases of the target material.

Figure 13 illustrates the need for assembling a “complete”light water evaluation from other evaluations. Figure 14illustrates the need for assembling an evaluation for pro-jectiles spanning a variety of energy ranges.

There are other uses for being able to connect evalua-tions together:

• Defining elemental evaluations

• Grouping data on same target, but heated to dif-ferent temperatures

• Defining generic fission fragments through aweighted average of fission fragment evaluations

• Putting together the parts of a TSL evaluation atfixed temperature, but including all the scatterers.

• Defining common material definitions. This helpsanswer the question “Which concrete?”

Ideally, these could be shared but rarely are because ofthe wildly different formats used by various projects. Theneed for “gluing” together evaluations is so common thatwe should seriously consider supporting it.

The idea of a <metaEvaluation> is straightforward.One uses a set of <grid>-like elements to define the gridin some parameter space one wishes to populate withevaluations. The <grid>-like element’s could be temper-ature, incident energy, pressure, etc. The <grid>-like ele-ment defines the boundaries in the parameter space. The<grid>-like elements also define the interpolation schemeto be used in that parameter’s direction, but in practice

the interpolation information will probably be ignored be-cause each project defines their own rules for stepping upin temperature, etc. Figures 17 and 15 provide examplesof <metaEvaluation>’s for water and natural oxygen.

Requirements for a <metaEvaluation> are:

Requirement 19: <metaEvaluation>

19.1 An projectile attribute to define what pro-jectile this <metaEvaluation> is only valid for(say TSL+fast gluing only for neutrons).

19.2 <axis> elements to define the grid in whichthe evaluations will be inserted

19.3 <referredEvaluation> which links to an<evaluation> or another <metaEvaluation>.This allows one to reuse definitions (so thenatural hydrogen <metaEvaluation> canbe used in the assembly if many dif-ferent TSL+fast <metaEvaluation>s).<referredEvaluation> has the followingadditional attributes:

19.3.1 stoichiometricFraction tag lets onespecify chemical or isotopic make-up ifmultiple <referredEvaluation>s are al-lowed

19.3.2 stoichiometricFraction better add upto 1!

19.3.3 axisCoords to specify where in the gridan evaluation sits.

19.4 Outside of parameter ranges in grid-like ele-ments, the <metaEvaluation> does not exist

19.5 <metaEvaluation> only valid for listed pro-jectile

19.6 Need tests to make sure every region in <axes>

covered by a <referredEvaluation>.

Discussion point:Is it possible to use say atomic weights instead ofstoichiometricFraction to specify fractional com-position of a material? This would simplify use inseveral transport code input decks.

Resolution:Yes but at the cost of creating an unnecessarycoupling between a <metaEvaluation> and thematerial database or there will be mistakes. Ad-ditionally, testing that the sum of fractionalcompositions sum to the correct value will bedifficult.

Discussion point:Is there a need for a separate <metaEvaluation>

Page 35: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


Dissociated H & O

Water vapor

Liquid water

Water ice

(use TSL)

(use TSL)

(use TSL)

2 x elemental H

1 x elemental O

1H (99.985%) 2H (0.005%)

18O (0.2%)17O (0.038%)

16O (99.762%)

T (°




E (eV)10-5 5

FIG. 13 A cartoon of a <metaEvaluation> that glues together thermal neutron scattering with the higher energy nuclearreaction data. Note that nesting <metaEvaluation>s can make the implementation of this quite simple.


[5], simulations of neutrons colliding with hydrogen can use the ACE "lwtr.10t" data from 1E-5 to 4 eV, the ACE "1001.70c" data from 4 eV to 150 MeV, the CEM event generator from 150 to 800 MeV, and the FLUKA event generator at energies above 800 MeV. A structure that groups data by energy range could help clarify how the data will be used. An example of this type of organization is seen in figure 2.

Figure 2 shows another possible hierarchy for organizing nuclear data. Here the data are grouped first by energy range and then by reaction channel, etc. This structure might better reflect how the data are used by simulation codes, where different models are used in different incident energy regimes.

Organizing the hierarchy to reflect nuclear reaction physics should help improve data quality and consistency. For example, when the elastic cross section and angular data are separated in ENDF-6 format into MF3 and MF4, it is easy to update the cross section (MF3) and forget to simultaneously update the angular data (MF4) to be consistent. This may lead to problems, as recent studies have shown the importance of emission distributions, particularly for elastic and inelastic reactions.

Organizing the hierarchy also offers the opportunity to store and use data at a level best suited to a given application. For example, models of the Prompt Fission Neutron Spectrum often can provide estimates of nubar, and both should be collocated in the same fission reaction hierarchy.

FIG. 14 Another cartoon of a <metaEvaluation> demonstrat-ing its use to glue together different models from different en-ergy regions. In this example, the event generators CEM andFLUKA are used at the highest energies.

concept to handle arbitrary projectiles so we needn’tmaintain several different (but nearly identical) ele-ment specifications?

Resolution:Maybe allowing any or * as a projectile wouldserve this purpose. Alternatively, we couldmake the projectile attribute optional and ifit is not present than the <metaEvaluation>

is valid for all projectiles. Either way thelinks to the actual evaluation become mean-ingless. This requires some thought. Per-haps the resolution is to pre-make the elemen-tal <metaEvaluation>s for the standard targetswith fake URLs. Then users can swap-n-replacethem with the correct URLs for their own needs.However, if one of the <grid>-like elements cov-ered incident energy, there is a question of howto handle Q values and different channels open-ing up.

Discussion point:We should consider specifying the interpola-tion scheme in each of the variables of the<metaEvaluation>’s <axes>.

Discussion point:It was felt at the WPEC SG38 meeting in May 2014that implementing <metaEvalaution>s amounts to“scope creep”, meaning that this capability was notincluded in the original requirements. That said, itwas generally agreed that this was a useful idea fordata sharing.

Page 36: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 15 The <metaTarget> element.

<library name="exampleLibrary">



<metaEvaluation name="water" projectile="n">...</metaEvaluation>

<metaEvaluation name="Onat" projectile="n">...</metaEvaluation>

<metaEvaluation name="Hnat" projectile="n">...</metaEvaluation>


<evaluationLink name="HinH20" projectile="n">...</evaluationLink>

<evaluationLink name="OinH2O" projectile="n">...</evaluationLink>

<evaluationLink name="H1" projectile="n">...</evaluationLink>

<evaluationLink name="H2" projectile="n">...</evaluationLink>

<evaluationLink name="H3" projectile="n">...</evaluationLink>

<evaluationLink name="O16" projectile="n">...</evaluationLink>

<evaluationLink name="O17" projectile="n">...</evaluationLink>

<evaluationLink name="O18" projectile="n">...</evaluationLink>






FIG. 16 An example <library>. Here, the <evaluationLink>s connect to evaluations given in their own files.

Resolution:The implementation of <metaEvaluation>

specifications should be deferred until the maininfrastructure is “in place” and we can devotetime to creating the specifications and creat-ing translators back and forth between LANL’sxsdir format and other related formats at otherdata centers.

C. Reactions and reaction lists

Below the <evaluation> element, most of the data arestored in the <reactions> and <resonances> branches.The <reactions> element is one of three lists of reactionswe will need. These lists all have a common structure,pictured in Figure 19. Each of the lists of reactions hasa different use:

<reactions>: The list of reactions needed for most ap-plications, especially particle transport.

<summedReactions>: The list of reactions whose crosssection is a sum of the cross sections in the main

Page 37: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


<metaEvaluation name="water" projectile="n">



<grid index="0" label="temperature" unit="K" style="boundaries">

<values length="4">0.0 273.16 373.16 1e9</values></grid>

<grid index="1" label="energy_in" unit="eV" style="boundaries">

<values length="3">1e-5 5</values></grid>



<referredEvaluation index="0" name="water ice" gridCoords="0,0" stoichiometricFraction="1.0">

<link xlink:href="../../../metaEvaluation[@name=’HinIce’]"/></referredEvaluation>

<referredEvaluation index="1" name="liquid water" gridCoords="1,0" stoichiometricFraction="1.0">

<link xlink:href="../../../metaEvaluation[@name=’HinH2O’]"/></referredEvaluation>

<referredEvaluation index="2" name="water vapor" gridCoords="2,0" stoichiometricFraction="1.0">

<link xlink:href="../../../metaEvaluation[@name=’WaterFreeGas’]"/></referredEvaluation>


FIG. 17 A contrived sample <metaEvaluation> specification, in this case for water. This files requires another<metaEvaluation> to specify the composition of dissociated water into the elements hydrogen and oxygen for the’WaterFreeGas’ <referredEvaluation>. This then require other <metaEvaluation>s to specify the isotopic composition ofnaturally occurring hydrogen and oxygen. In both liquid water and ice, hydrogen is the dominant scatterer. As this exam-ple has two <grid>s (temperature and incident energy), each <referredEvaluation> requires two indices in their gridCoords


<metaTarget name="Onat" projectile="n">



<grid index="1" label="energy_in" unit="eV" style="boundaries">

<values length="3">1e-5 1e9</values></grid>



<referredTarget index="0" name="O16" gridCoords="0" stoichiometricFraction="0.99757">

<link xlink:href="../../../evaluation[@name=’O16’]"/></referredTarget>

<referredTarget index="1" name="O17" gridCoords="0" stoichiometricFraction="0.00038">

<link xlink:href="../../../evaluation[@name=’O17’]"/></referredTarget>

<referredTarget index="2" name="O18" gridCoords="0" stoichiometricFraction="0.00205">

<link xlink:href="../../../evaluation[@name=’O18’]"/></referredTarget>


FIG. 18 A contrived sample <metaEvaluation> specification of natural oxygen. In this case, there is only one parameter in the<axes> so the gridCoords attribute only has one index. As there is only one energy group, all <referredTarget>s have thesame gridCoords.

<reactions> branch.

<productionReactions>: The list of reactions com-prised entirely of production data (especially pro-duction cross sections).

1. <reactions> and <summedReactions>

Here we describe the two main kinds of re-actions: exclusive (<reaction>) and inclusive(<summedReactions>). To understand the arrange-ment of data here and in the <reaction> and<summedReactions> elements, it is useful to have amental model for particle transport.

For a neutral particle (such as a neutron or a gamma)with energy E traversing a material, the particle’s mean

free path (λmfp) is defined as

λmfp =1∑

x nxσx,tot(E), (1)

where the sum goes over each component x of the mate-rial, and σx,tot and nx are the total cross section and num-ber density respectively of component x. The mean freepath determines the transit distance and time between“hard” nuclear collisions. The total cross section for eachcomponent should be tabulated in a <summedReactions>

element.For charged particles, the total cross section does not

exist because of the Coulomb singularity in, for exam-ple, the elastic scattering reaction. Coulomb scatteringis a “soft collision” in that the Coulomb force always actsto gently nudge the projectile at all distances. To im-plement Coulomb scattering in practice one divides up

Page 38: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 19 A possible arrangement of inclusive and exclusive reactions in the <reactions> element. Note that there are threeoptions for the double differential cross section data: a) store d2σ(E)/dE′dΩ; b) store dσ(E)/dΩ if the outgoing energy is fixedby kinematics; or c) store both σ(E) and P (E′, µ|E) separately. In some cases the total cross section σ(E) is not defined andone must use one of the other options.

scattering events by angle relative to the center-of-massmomentum of the target and projectile. At small angles,one uses condensed history treatments (Seco, 2013). Atlarge angles, one uses the large-angle Coulomb scatter-

ing plus “nuclear plus interference” approximation whichtreats the reaction as a “hard” inelastic collision. Thismixture of treatments means the data cannot be heated.

For a “hard” collision, we can proceed as follows:

Page 39: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


• Determine which material was hit by assigningprobabilities proportional to σx(E)

• For the material, decide what reaction occurred byassigning probabilities proportional to the ratio ofeach partial cross section to the total cross sectionfor that material

• Once the reaction is decided, determine what par-ticles will be emitted

• Loop over emitted particles

– If the multiplicity is not constant, sample thenumber of emitted particles using the energy-dependent multiplicity which may be given asa distribution (e.g., P (ν)).

– Depending on the kinematics (two-body or un-correlated), sample the emitted particle’s en-ergy and/or angle

– If particle or reaction product decays, followthe decays ...

• Where possible, use energy/momentum conserva-tion to determine the recoil energy and momentum

So, it is clear we have a need for inclusive cross sec-tions (especially the total cross section) and exclusive re-action data. The exclusive reaction data should go inthe <reaction> elements in a <reactions> list. The re-quirements for a <reactions> list element are simple:

Requirement 20: All reaction lists, especially<reactions>

20.1 An optional <documentation> (not shown)20.2 A list of <reaction>s with actual reaction

data inside20.3 Optionally, one or more

<unassociatedProduct> elements storingmultiplicities and distributions for products(usually gammas) that are observed but thatthe evaluator is unable to associate with aparticular <reaction>.

Inclusive, or summed reactions, are slightly more com-plex and their requirements are:

Requirement 21: <summedReactions>

21.1 <reaction>s shall have common sense reac-tion designators (e.g., “total” or “absorption”)

21.2 A (likely derived) cross section which includeslist of links to the reactions whose cross sectionis meant to match the cross section tabulatedhere.

21.3 An optional <documentation> (not shown)21.4 Optionally <reactionProducts> list with

<product>s to store yields.21.5 An optional (and deprecated)

<orphanedProducts> branch. This al-lows for the storing of older evaluations. Inmany old ENDF evaluations, gammas werenot associated directly with their sourcereaction, but were lumped in MT=3 orMT=4. This destroys energy balance andshould be deprecated. This branch providesa spot for these unassociated gammas andother particles.

Discussion point:As an alternative to Req. 21.5, fake reactionscould be added containing the orphaned productsand symlinks could connect the <reaction> in the<summedReactions> to the <reaction> in the main<reactions> branch, allowing for a separation oftransportable reactions from the sum rules.

In practice there are several inclusive reactions that weencounter in ENDF data:

1. Total cross section (a requirement for neutrons), al-lows evaluated version with covariance and the to-tal may not exactly equal the sum of partial crosssections

2. ENDF sum rules (e.g., MT103 vs. MT600 –MT649)

3. Lumped cross sections for lumped covariances(should be deprecated!)

The total cross section is especially interesting. The to-tal cross section is simple to measure and evaluators canboth fit the data and model it with optical model cal-culations with high fidelity. The evaluation of the totalcross section is usually quite solid with high quality co-variances. However, there is no guarantee that if onesums up the partial cross sections of an evaluation thatone will retrieve the total cross section. Therefore, whilemost evaluations will provide a total cross section (andplace it in the <summedReactions> branch), a processingcode will discard the evaluated total cross section and re-compute the total from the sum of partials in order toensure unitarity.

GND also encodes inclusive reactions in a <sums> ele-ment. This element includes a cross section (and this maybe connected to covariance data). Additionally, there isa list of links to the reactions which are meant to besummed together to match the cross section data in theelement. This element is used to implement all of theENDF sum rules in Section of the ENDF formatmanual (Trkov, 2009).

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Discussion point:The total cross section is often known to a higherprecision experimentally than the sum of the crosssections that compose the total cross section. Inthis case, it should be acceptable to store the totalcross section in a <summedReaction> element butdenoted as an evaluated value. The other cross sec-tions linked and listed as parts of the total can besummed and validated against the tabulated totalcross section.

Resolution:Agreed. This is implemented in GND-1.7.

SUGGESTED TEST: As <summedReaction>s havelists of links to the reactions they are derived from, weshould check that the links are valid and, for example,<crossSection>s sum as promised.

Discussion point:Should we also include weights in the list of links?This would add flexibility, but it is not clear howthey would get used outside the case of lumped co-variances. Incidentally, lumped covariances shouldbe deprecated as they are not very useful.

Discussion point:ENDF’s 6 time-group beta delayed fission datashould be stored in one or more “fission”<reaction>s. The ENDF time-groups are in princi-pal derived from fission product yields and radioac-tive decay data. However, the time grouped data areoften wrong for various reasons and useful 6 time-group data are actually fits to macroscopic spectra.While it might be tempting to link time-group datato fission product yield and decay data, it wouldmake more sense to allow the time-group data to bedenoted as the evaluated data.

2. <productionReactions> lists

As mentioned above, we also consider one other typeof reaction list. Production reactions are common in de-rived, application-driven, data libraries and are used tostore:

1. Gas production cross sections

2. Damage cross sections

3. Activation cross sections

4. Particle and isotope yields

A mis-filed production cross section is very dangerous.In the simplest case, a production cross section is a prod-uct of a particle’s multiplicity and the cross section forthat particle’s production. For an (n,2n) reaction, thismeans a potential factor of two error. For gamma pro-duction, this could mean a factor of 100. Because theunits on a production cross section and a regular crosssection are the same, there may be no way to tell if anevauator mis-filed a production cross section as a nor-mal cross section or vice-versa, leading to crazy energybalance bugs. However, this is avoidable if users storeproduction data in a separate element with distinct nam-ing. Therefore, we provide the <productionReactions>

element to collect all of the production data together ina derived data file.

Discussion point:All evaluated reactions are lumped together in<reactions> and <summedReactions> elements.Should we also group ‘production’ reactions (i.e., thesum of all reactions that produce product ‘x’)? Acti-vation libraries could make heavy use of productioncross sections.

Resolution:The activationFlag should be used to de-note an evaluation comprised of activationdata. The production cross sections them-selves are derived from cross sections inthe <reactions> branch and stored in the<productionReactions> branch. See sectionVI for more detail.

3. <reaction> elements

With a reaction major arrangement, there is one com-mon motif in the three different sub-libraries describedin Section III, which for a lack of a better name, we callthe <reaction> element. This element denotes one reac-tion that can be sampled in a Monte Carlo code. In it,we specify reaction <crossSection>s and the outgoingparticle distributions for all emitted particles.

We comment that data computed from reconstructedresonances are placed in the appropriate sub-elements ofa <reaction>. This reconstructed data would of coursehave hyperlinks connecting the derived data back to thedata in the <resonances> branch.

Requirement 22: <reaction>

22.1 An optional <documentation>22.2 The reaction data itself using at least one of

these schemes:22.2.1 Option #1, breaking out cross sections

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and outgoing distributions22.2.1.1 A <crossSection> A <reactionProducts> element list-ing the reaction <product>s. Fromthe list of products it should be pos-sible to reconstruct the reaction des-ignator unless the reaction is denotedby some kind of alias.

22.2.2 Option #2, parameterized dif-ferential cross section: a<dcrossSection dOmega> element(useful for two body reactions andCoulomb scattering)

22.2.3 Option #3, parameterized dou-ble differential cross section: a<dcrossSection dOmega dE> element(useful for N-body reactions and thermalscattering law data)

22.3 The ENDF MT if appropriate (deprecated)

Discussion point:How does one implement breakup and/or multi-step reactions? The proper use of ENDF’s LR flagscheme is complex. It is used for light elementbreakup, (n,gf) reactions and reactions which leadto unstable residuals (e.g., isomers) but whose half-lives are large enough that the residuals must beaccounted.

Resolution:This is handled by the <decayProducts> ele-ment in section III.E.1

Discussion point:We can optionally store the Q value and thresholdenergies, but these are derivable if one knows theidentity of the initial and final state particles. Re-quiring that they be given in a channel potentiallyintroduces an internal consistency error if the val-ues are not kept in sync with any external materialproperty database.

Resolution:Putting in the Q values in the <reaction> isuseful, but we should not take the values seri-ously. Legacy ENDF evaluations specify the Qvalues for each reaction and these values maybe chosen by the evaluator to get the correctthreshold behavior of a reaction even if the Qvalue does not match that derivable from theincoming and outgoing particle masses. Fur-thermore, often the masses in ENDF are notstored with enough precision to obtain an ac-curate Q-value. So, if one intends to trans-late a file back into ENDF, one should specifythe Q-value. The solution is possibly to derivethe Q-value from masses by default and sup-port legacy evaluations by including a depre-cated option to specify the Q-value.

Discussion point:Reconstructed cross sections and angular distribu-tions could go here too

Resolution:Agreed. This also provides a location in the hi-erarchy for other derived data used in processeddata files.

4. Reaction designation

Common sense requires that we have a unique methodfor identifying a reaction that is preferably human read-able and easily parsed by machine. Examples from GND(Mattoon, 2012) are shown in Table I.

We note that GND’s scheme is more general thanENDF’s MT designator and this scheme does not mud-dle MF and MT (as happens in the fission reactions inENDF). In GND’s scheme, the reaction designator is al-ways unique and derivable from the reaction products(and their decay products if this is a breakup reaction).However, the user does have the ability to define theirown reactions and add qualifiers to existing ones.

Discussion point:The reaction designators in GND are little more thana “hash” in that they are unique computer generatedshorthand based on the contents of a <reaction>’s<reactionProducts> list. Fudge does not use them,relying instead on a separate unique id attribute.That said, they are very useful for navigation of afile by humans.

Page 42: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,



GND reaction label MT

n + Pu239 → n + Pu239 2

n + Pu239 → n + Pu239 [compound elastic]

n + Pu239 → n[multiplicity:‘2’] + Pu238 16

n + Pu239 → n[multiplicity:‘3’] + Pu237 e1

n + Pu239 → n + Pu239 e1 51

n + Pu239 m1 → n + Pu239 c 91

n + Pu239 → Pu240 + gamma 102

n + Pu239 → Pu240 e1 + gamma

C12 + Pu239 → C12 e2 + Pu239 e1

n + Be7 → (Be8 → He4[multiplicity:‘2’])

TABLE I Example of reaction labels in GND. ENDF MTnumbers are listed when possible. Some GND reactions haveno MT equivalent. From Ref. (Mattoon, 2012)

Whatever scheme we use, users should immediately beable to tell what the target, project, and all reaction prod-ucts are. We should also be able to define aliases forcommonly understood names like “fission” and “spalla-tion”. Additionally, we should be able to describe somereactions with an additional qualifier which could allowus to, for example, break “elastic” scattering into “com-pound elastic” and “shape elastic”. This would allowus to better represent the reaction distributions sinceneutrons from “compound elastic” reactions are typicallyisotropic in the residual nucleus rest frame while “shapeelastic” neutrons are typically forward–peaked.

In whatever scheme is finally agreed on for the reactiondesignators it should follow these recommendations:

Requirement 23: Reaction designation

23.1 Should be shared/agreed upon with EXFOR23.2 Should not be limited to simple targets (we

need to denote thermal neutron scatteringdata)

23.3 Support aliases for things like “elastic”,“total fission”, “capture” and“spallation”.

23.4 Support need to distinguish input vs. outputchannels

23.5 Allow uncorrelated particle emission23.6 Support processes with non-constant multi-

plicities23.7 Support sequential processes (esp. 2-body)23.8 Support qualifiers such as

“compound elastic” and “shape elastic”which allow evaluators to split up reactionswith common final products but differentreaction mechanisms and/or kinematics.

SUGGESTED TEST: Test that all reaction designa-tors are unique since they are keys and we must avoid

key collisions.

D. Cross sections

1. Integrated cross sections: σ(E)

A <crossSection> element is needed to store ENDF’sMF=3 or 23 data. It would be used for both atomicscattering and nuclear reaction data.

Requirement 24: <crossSection>

24.1 A <crossSection> element is either:24.1.1 At least one version of the data contain-

ing an <interp1d> element with a de-pendent variable (the cross section it-self) given in units of area and inde-pendent variable (projectile’s incident en-ergy) in units of energy. The first energypoint could lie at the (real or effective)threshold or at the lowest energy sup-ported by the encapsulating evaluation.A <crossSection> is assumed to be zerooutside of the specified energy region

24.1.2 a link to the resonance region that onemust reconstruct in order to retrieve thecross section data tables

24.2 These are mid-level container elements (see re-quirements 11).

24.3 A <crossSection> element may have<documentation>.

24.4 An optional unresolved resonance cross sectionprobability table (see section VI)

Discussion point:Why not leave the cross section “undefined” out-side of the specified range? Then one can leave itup to the user/code to decide what the cross sec-tion should be (zero or non-zero constant value orwhatever).

Resolution:By not defining it in the specifications, we al-low for possibly different behaviors in differentuser codes. Specifying the behavior outside thedefined range ensures consistency between usercode implementations.

Discussion point:It was suggested to give cross sections as ratios, forexample ratios to total? This was seen as a way toeliminate sum rule failings.

Page 43: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


Resolution:However, this would intentionally introducesynchronization troubles and require rewritinga lot of code to take advantage of. In addition,we have substituted one sum rule (summing toa cross section) with another (summing to 1),so we really haven’t gained anything.

2. Differential cross sections: dσ(E)/dΩ and d2σ(E)/dΩdE′

There are many cases where it is more convenient towrite two-body scattering data as dσ(E)/dΩ rather thanas a separate cross section σ(E) and angular distributionP (µ|E) where dσ(E)/dΩ = σ(E)P (µ|E). Cases include:

• Thermal Scattering Law (TSL) elastic data, seeSection V.G

• Charged particle scattering data, see Section V.B

• Photo-atomic data described with the Klein-Nishina (KN) formula, see Section V.A.1

Indeed, in the case of charged particle scattering data,the singularities in the Rutherford cross section preventus from integrating to find the total cross section σ(E).Therefore, we must provide a facility for flagging a reac-tion as a special parameterized two-body reaction and afacility for storing dσ(E)/dΩ.

Requirement 25: <dcrossSection dOmega>

25.1 The actual implementation (which depends onthe nature of the described data).

25.2 An optional <documentation>25.3 A flag to denote whether to use relativistic or

non-relativistic kinematics when handling thischannel

25.4 These are mid-level container elements (see re-quirements 11).

In the case of Thermal Scattering Law (TSL) inelasticdata (see Section V.G), it is more convenient to write two-body scattering data as d2σ(E)/dΩdE′ rather than as aseparate cross section σ(E) and energy-angle distributionP (E′, µ|E) where d2σ(E)/dΩdE′ = σ(E)P (E′, µ|E).Therefore, we must provide a facility for flagging a re-action as a special parameterized two-body reaction anda facility for storing d2σ(E)/dΩdE′.

Requirement 26: <dcrossSection dOmega dE>

26.1 The actual implementation (which depends onthe nature of the described data).

26.2 An optional <documentation>

26.3 A flag to denote whether to use relativistic ornon-relativistic kinematics when handling thischannel

26.4 These are mid-level container elements (see re-quirements 11).

E. Products and product lists

1. Product list elements

Both particle decays and induced reactions produce re-action products. In addition, in legacy ENDF there isthe possibility of “orphaned products”, that is, productsthat are not correctly associated with their parent reac-tion. This is uncommonly seen in ENDF MT’s 3 and 4outgoing photon data. Therefore we will need an elementthat encapsulates lists of reaction products. To supportENDF, we will require three different kinds of productlists:

• A <reactionProducts> element to list the reac-tion <product>s of an induced reaction. In GND-1.7, a <reactionProducts> element is referred toas <outputChannel>.

• A <decayProducts> element to list the daughterparticles into which a parent <product> decays.This is for use in particle properties databases, butuses the same arrangement of data as other productlist elements.

• An <orphanedProducts> element to list<products> that are not associated with anyreaction, as is found in older evaluations (especiallyfor gamma products).

Although each of these product lists share nearly thesame structure, we assume that it is easier to work withunique names as it helps to denote the context in whichthey are used. Whether they have separate names orthe same name is up to the authors of the specificationdocument. Each list of reaction products has additionalindividual requirements that we list here. Their use ineither the context of induced reactions or the decay ofparticles are discussed later in this document.

In Fig. 20 we show the common structure of all of theselists. From the list of products it should be possible toreconstruct the reaction designator in the <reaction>

element (see section III.C.3).

Requirement 27: <reactionProducts>

27.1 List of <product> elements27.2 The kinematicType (e.g., two-body, uncorre-

lated). Elastic reactions and all resonance re-actions using the R matrix formalism are two-

Page 44: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 20 Common arrangement of a product list ele-ment such as <reactionProducts>, <decayProducts> or<orphanedProducts>.

body reactions. GND refers to these by thename <genre>. Table II lists allowed kine-matic types.

27.3 A flag to denote whether to use relativistic ornon-relativistic kinematics when handling thischannel

27.4 Optionally the Q value of the reactionfor backwards compatibility with the legacyENDF format

Requirement 28: <orphanedProducts>

28.1 List of <product> elements28.2 The kinematicType (most likely uncorre-

lated). Table II lists allowed kinematic types.28.3 A flag to denote whether to use relativistic or

non-relativistic kinematics when handling thischannel

28.4 Optionally the Q value of the reactionfor backwards compatibility with the legacyENDF format

Requirement 29: <decayProducts>

29.1 Intended mainly for use in particle propertydatabases

29.2 List of links to decay products or the decay<product>s themselves

29.3 The kinematicType. Table II lists allowedkinematic types.

29.4 Q, For new evaluations, this is optional butshould sync with material properties. Forlegacy evaluations it must be retained.

29.5 lifetime, a material property but it may beuseful to repeat it here, so it is optional

TABLE II Kinematic types for an attributefor <reactionProducts>, <decayProducts> and<orphanedProducts> elements.

kinematicType Description

two-body only two products are emitted perstep in a reaction, the products arecorrelated, and only the center-of-mass angular distribution is neededin order to calculate the double-differential distribution

uncorrelated the products are treated as beinguncorrelated from each other, and acomplete double-differential distri-bution is required for each product

correlated proposed

fission proposed

Discussion point:At some point we may have to develop a treatmentfor correlated particle emission. At the very least,there could be a new <correlatedProducts> listwhich denotes what particles are correlated and per-haps giving conditional probability tables for (E′, µ)of each emitted particle or perhaps a list of pre-generated correlated events. Another option is toprovide the inputs for an external event generator.

2. <product> elements

In the legacy ENDF format, outgoing product dataare stored in a variety of ways, potentially leading toconfusion for the user:

1. Outgoing neutron energy distributions are storedin an MF=5 file and angular distributions in anMF=4 file, assuming the neutron energy and an-gular distributions are uncorrelated. Alternatively,both may be stored in an MF=6 file. Correlateddouble differential neutron data can only be storedin an MF=6 file. Neutron multiplicities from fissionare stored in MF=1, MT=452, 456, and 455 files.

2. Outgoing charged particle data are stored exclu-sively in MF=6 files.

3. Outgoing gamma data can be stored in MF=6 filesor in a combination of MF=12 (for multiplicitiesand discrete level energies), MF=13 (productioncross sections), MF=14 (angular distributions) and

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FIG. 21 Overview of a <product> element.

MF=15 (energy distributions). Additionally, de-layed gamma data from fission are stored in MF=1,MT=460.

4. Additionally, the energy released from fission isstored in MF=1, MT=458 and is not associatedwith the produced particle.

We would like to simplify and unify these options into asimple product (and daughter) elements.

Each induced reaction or spontaneous decay yieldsproducts that are grouped in one of the list elements de-fined in the previous section. The product element mustsupport storing (at least) a multiplicity and outgoing dis-tributions.

The <product> structure is illustrated in Figure 21.We note that, in this figure, the <product> element hasboth documentation as well as all of the derived andevaluated distributions and multiplicities correspondingto the reaction or decay product.

Often these products further react either becausethey are an intermediate state (as in a breakup re-action), or metastable or unstable (as in decay data).To enable this, we allow the <product> element tohave both <reactionProducts> and <decayProducts>

within. This enables multistep, breakup or decay reac-tions in an (hopefully) obvious way. Strictly speaking, ifone has an external (or even internal to the evaluation)particle properties database, the <decayProducts> ele-ment could be placed with the particle properties ratherthan in a <reaction> element.

Each <product> should have:

Requirement 30: <product>

30.1 The particle’s identity. For a transportableparticle this refers directly to the particle. Fora particle (nucleus or atom) with excitationlevels, this refers to both the particle and theexcitation level.

30.2 The multiplicity30.3 An optional ENDF conversion flag (depre-

cated) to tell the user whether the originalENDF product data was in MF=6 or a com-bination of MF=4,5 or MF=12,13,14,15 datato aid in reverse translation.

30.4 All specified outgoing particle distributions forthat particle. These are mid-level containerelements, see requirements 11. This can in-clude things not pictured in figure 21 such asthe mean energy and forward momentum ofthe particle to enable heating calculations, ora transfer matrix for group-wise deterministiccalculations

30.5 If the product can subsequently decay, then a<decayProducts> element should be allowed.

30.6 If the product is an intermediate state ina breakup or multi-step reaction, then a<reactionProducts> element is allowed.

Discussion point:The nesting of product lists inside a <product> listleads to schema recursion. This is allowed in XML

Page 46: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


and other hierarchical formats, but may lead to com-plicated schema coding and should be avoided if pos-sible.

Resolution:Noted. One solution is to provide multipleproduct list element tags with names that de-pend on the nesting depth.

F. Distribution and distribution lists

1. <distributions> and <distribution> elements

The <distributions> element contains all of theoutgoing probability tables associated with a reactionproduct. Each probability table is contained inside a<distribution> element corresponding to some varia-tion of P (µ,E′|E) that can be used for a transport ap-plication. More than one distribution may be stored in-side the <distributions> (i.e., both original and deriveddistributions may be stored as separate <distribution>

elements).Several different types of distribution data are possible.

These include angular distributions P (µ|E), used for two-body reactions where knowledge of the outgoing angle ofone product is sufficient to reconstruct all reaction kine-matics for both products4, and double-differential dis-tributions P (µ,E′|E), used to give the full probabilitydensity for products coming from more complex reac-tions. Many evaluations use a special case of P (µ,E′|E)by making the simplifying assumption that the outgoingµ and E′ distributions are <uncorrelated> and can bestored separately as P (µ|E) · P (E′|E) (e.g., MF 4 andMF 5 in ENDF-6 rather than in MF 6).

In GND the <distributions> element contains oneor more forms of the distribution, each of which storesone representation of the distribution. For example, for atwo-body reaction an evaluator can use a Legendre form(i.e., representation) for the angular data for one of theproducts. In addition, a processing code can generate apointwise representation of the Legendre data and thiscan also be stored in the <distributions> element ina pointwise form. All distribution forms except for the<uncorrelated> form contain one dataset (i.e., low levelfunctional container). The <uncorrelated> componentcontains two datasets: one for the angular data and onefor the energy data.

The organization used in GND has some advantages:it starts by storing the type of distribution (at the com-

4 For a two-body reaction, the double differential distribution isrelated to the angular probability distribution by P (µ,E′|E) =δ(E′ − E′(E, µ))P (µ|E).

ponent level) and then the details of how that distribu-tion is being stored (at the form level). However, thistwo-level organization has drawn some criticism, partlydue to confusion over the special treatment requiredfor <uncorrelated> distribution components, and alsopartly due to its limited capability for handling differ-ent forms of distribution in different energy regions (likeENDF, GND permits mixing Legendre distributions atlow incident energy with pointwise angular distributionsat higher incident energy, but other combinations are notsupported).

Unfortunately, in the opinion of the GND authors thereis no way to avoid treating <uncorrelated> as a specialcase since it must contain both P (µ|E) and P (E′|E);neither by itself is sufficient to describe the distribution.

Discussion point:Some other possible data hierarchies should be con-sidered, however. For example, instead of nest-ing forms inside of component elements, both thetype and the form of distributions could be givenas metadata, as in <distribution type="angular"

form="pointwise">. Also, a general-purpose<piecewise> distribution form could be defined,containing two or more distribution <region> ele-ments each of which applies over a specified range ofincident (and / or outgoing) energies.

Requirement 31: <distributions>

31.1 List of <distribution>s or links to them31.2 All of the energy, angle and energy-angle PDFs

used in the ENDF-6 format in Chapters 4, 5,6, 12, 13 and 14 of (Trkov, 2009) and in theENDL format (Howerton, 1983) shall be sup-ported.

31.3 These are mid-level container elements (see re-quirements 11).

Discussion point:It was requested that we allow a <distribution>

to link to another <distribution>. This constructwould be helpful in storing processed data at vari-ous temperatures for Monte Carlo transport whereone only heats the cross sections. One could thengenerate the heated cross sections and store thecross sections in evaluations at different tempera-tures and connect them with the metaEvaluation

markup. To reduce the massive redundancy in theoutgoing distributions (they never get heated), allthe distributions in the heated evaluations couldthen link back to the zero temperature file’s distri-butions. In fact, it may be more economical to have

Page 47: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 22 Overview of a <multplicity> element.

the entire <reactionProducts> element link to an-other.

Resolution:This discussion needs to be revisited and up-dated: the <representations> section nowsupports storing multiple temperatures insidea single <evaluation>. A representation doesnot need to overwrite all types of data: in thisexample, a heated representation of data couldoverwrite a reaction cross section but not thecorresponding distributions.

2. Multiplicities

A <multiplicity> element would be used by atomicscattering and nuclear reaction data. It is analogous toENDF’s MF=12 (for gammas) or MF=1, MT’s 452, 455or 456 (fission ν’s), but simplifies and unifies the structureby defining one common scheme for multiplicity specifi-cation.

Requirement 32: <multiplicity>

32.1 A non-constant <multiplicity> element con-sists of at least one representation contain-ing an <interp1d> with a dependent variable(the multiplicity itself) given in units of num-ber of emitted particles and an independentvariable (projectile’s incident energy) in unitsof energy. The first energy point could be(real or effective) threshold or the lowest en-ergy supported by the encapsulating evalua-tion. The <multiplicity> is assumed to bezero outside of the specified energy region. Ifthe <multiplicity> is variable and given asa non-integer (as is common for fission ν), it isup to the code using the data to interpret the

data correctly32.2 Shall support P (ν|E) for fission neutrons.32.3 These are mid-level container elements (see re-

quirements 11).

Discussion point:Early versions of GND allowed storing constant mul-tiplicities as attributes rather than a elements. Forconsistency, should we require that all multiplicitiesbe given in their own <multiplicity> element in-side a <product> element and eliminate the idea ofstoring constant multiplicities as an attribute? Thiswould make for simpler coding of an API and clearerdata files at a small cost of verbosity.


Discussion point:Should we allow multiple names for the same ele-ment? Physically, <promptNubar> is just the aver-age multiplicity for the prompt neutron product, soit could be stored just like any other product multi-plicity. However, <promptNubar> is easier to searchfor...

Resolution:No, it leads to a more complex data structure.

Discussion point:(Actually a continuation of the previous discussionpoint): in GND/XML, converting from metadatato a unique element only takes up a little morespace. However, when translating to HDF5 each ele-ment is converted into a unique ‘group’ which takesup a minimum of about 1.3 kB, so the differencebetween metadata and element can become signifi-cant.

Resolution:This is a serious issue with one particular poten-tial implementation (HDF5). Therefore it willbe up to the developers of the API for the datato deal effectively with this issue.

G. Resonances

The resonance region is a surprisingly complicated partof any evaluation. A resonance is a sharp feature in

Page 48: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


I Oa

Wednesday, August 14, 13

FIG. 23 A cartoon representation of R matrix theory. Wefirst divide the universe into inside a box and out. Inside thebox is the reaction zone, that we have little chance of modelingcorrectly without a lot of work. Outside the box we write allincoming and outgoing relative two-body scattering states ina basis of analytic wave functions, usually taken to be freeones. We then match wave functions on the box boundary.

a cross section caused by a target capturing a projec-tile and forming a compound nucleus with a specific JΠ

and energy. The compound nucleus later decays by par-ticle emission. For charged particle incident reactions,there are typically very few resonances in the observedcross sections because the resonances are suppressed byCoulomb effects. On the other hand, in a neutron inducedreaction there can be thousands of observed resonances.

To understand the hierarchy of resonance data, it ishelpful to understand a little about R matrix theory. Init, the universe is divided into the inside and outside of aspherical box. Inside the box is the reaction zone, whereall the interesting nuclear (or other) reaction businessoccurs (see Figure 23). We have little chance of mod-eling what goes on in the box correctly without a lot ofwork. Outside the box we write all incoming and outgo-ing relative two-body scattering states in a basis of ana-lytic wave functions, usually taken to be free ones. Wethen match wave functions on the box boundary. Thismatching is done in a clever way involving Bloch surfaceoperators on the box boundary and from this we arriveat a Green’s function of the projected Bloch-Schrodingerequation, also known as the R matrix. The elements ofthe R matrix are:

Rcc′ =∑λ


Eλ − E, (2)

The factor γλc’s are the reduced widths for channel c, Eλbecomes the resonance energy (it is a pole in the Laurentseries expansion of the Green’s function) and λ is theresonance (pole) index. The channel index c contains allthe quantum numbers needed to describe the two-particlestate and all of those quantum numbers are described in

the <channel> and <spinGroup> element markups be-low. The channel index may refer to an incoming or anoutgoing channel.

With the R matrix, it is possible to compute exactlythe channel-channel scattering matrix Ucc′ :

Ucc′ =e−i(ϕc+ϕc′ )√Pc√Pc′

× [1−R(L−B)]−1[1−R(L∗ −B)]cc′(3)

where L is the matrix of the logarithmic derivatives of anoutgoing channel function with diagonal elements

Lc ≡ acO′c(ac)


[rc∂ lnOc∂rc


. (4)

We write

Lc = Sc + iPc. (5)

The penetration factor is Pc = <Lc and the shift factoris Sc = =Lc. Both take their names from their functionin the simple complex square well scattering model. ϕcis the phase factor

ϕc ≡ argOc(ac) = arctan=Oc(ac)<Oc(ac)


The constant Bc is the so-called “boundary parameter”which must be specified to correctly compute the scatter-ing matrix, but is not always clearly given. We note thatthe non-trivial nature of even the hard-sphere penetra-bility, shift and phase give rise to the potential scatteringbehavior of the cross sections even when there are no res-onances.

With the scattering matrix, one can compute all chan-nel cross sections, the total cross section, and all angulardistributions. The angle integrated cross section can bewritten as sum over all entrance channels c = αJ`s andexit channels c′ = α′J ′`′s′ that lead from partition αto α′:

σcc′ = πλ2cgc|δcc′ − Ucc′ |2 (7)

The total cross section for channel c is

σc ≡∑c′

σcc′ = 2πλ2c(1−<Ucc) (8)

The factor of gc is the probability of getting the correctJ from the spins of the collision partners (according toFrohner) and is gc = (2J + 1)/((2i+ 1)(2I + 1)).

The Blatt-Biedenharn equation (Blatt, 1958) is usedto construct the dσc/dΩ for two body channels in thecenter-of-momentum. In the ENDF formatted libraries,the Blatt-Biedenharn equation is usually used for elasticchannels. Although dσc/dΩ can be written as a Lorenzcovariant quantity, we will write the outgoing dependenceon angle in their pair center of mass frame and the inci-dent energy in the laboratory frame.

Page 49: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


For non-identical particles with arbitrary spin, we have




k2(2i+ 1)(2I + 1)



BL(αs, α′s′;E)PL(µ) (9)


BL(αs, α′s′;E) =(−)s−s








× (δαα′δ`1`′1δss′ − UJ1α`1s,α′`′1s

′(E))∗(δαα′δ`2`′2δss′ − UJ2α`2s,α′`′2s

′(E)) (10)













× δss1δs′s′1δJ1J′1δss2δs′s′2δJ2J′

2(δc1c′1 − Uc1c′1(E))∗(δc2c′2 − Uc2c′2(E)) (11)


Z(`1J1`2J2, sL) =√

(2`1 + 1)(2`2 + 1)(2J1 + 1)(2J2 + 1)(`1`200, L0)W (`1J1`2J2, sL) (12)

and W (`1J1`2J2, sL) is a Racah coefficient.

We use the notation∑c = α`sJ =



∑J . The

ENDF manual uses the notation∑c =


∑s, so it

needs an extra sum over J1 and J2 (Trkov, 2009). Wenote that for charged particle incident reactions theseequations are modified in a well known manner describedin (Thompson, 2009).

This is detailed in several places including (Blatt, 1958;Descouvemont, 2010; Froehner, 2000; Lane, 1958). Giventhe mathematical completeness of the theory, it is no sur-prise that we mostly just view the R matrix parametersas simple fit parameters and then essentially get all ofthis for free.

In ENDF and in our proposed data structure, the pa-rameters defining resonances are stored, rather than thereconstructed cross sections. This is done partly for amore compact presentation of the data and partly for amore exact representation of the data. In this section, wedescribe resonance data as in ENDF’s MF=2, MT=151.Our proposed hierarchy is given in Figure 24. These datadescribe resonances that are observable in neutron crosssections for E = 0 eV→ 100’s keV (or higher for chargedparticles). In ENDF, these data are only used for neu-trons, but should be legal for charged particle reactionsand even photonuclear data.

Finally, we comment that the R matrix approach worksfor any two-body reaction, relativistic or not, as long asthe incoming and outgoing relative states can be clearlydefined. In the nuclear data community we often forgetthis fact. As a result, the ENDF format never reallyhad the ability to represent charged particle data in anR matrix inspired form, reducing the quality and scopeof data available to several communities who need it:

• Inertial Confinement Fusion community needs all

sorts of charged particle incident data

• Astrophysical community needs the (p, γ) reactionamong many others

• Ion beam analysis needs charged particle incidentdata

• For Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence, need to sup-port (γ, γ′) data

• FRIB Support: all of the FRIB experiments willbe with beams of rare isotopes. Since a target ofneutrons cannot be made, nearly all of the beam-target experiments will be charged-particle reac-tions, probably on hydrogen, deuterium and heliumtargets. There have been some advances in the ap-plication of R-matrix methods to these reactions.

Discussion point:By allowing the possibility of creating an evaluationin which one specifies the URR without an RRR,we allow the possibility of an evaluation in whichwe do not know any resonances, but only the aver-age parameters (perhaps via systematics). This wasattempted in the original ENDF 240Am evaluationwhich has since been superseded.

Discussion point:The careful reader might notice that the Adler-Adlerresolved resonance format is not mentioned any-where else in this document. This format was depre-cated before the release of ENDF/B-VII.0 and is not

Page 50: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 24 Our proposed resonance data hierarchy. Note the separate background correction possibilities in the RRR and URRregions.

used in any modern data libraries. If data originallyin the representation are needed in the future, onewill need to covert the Adler-Adler resonances intoa supported format.

Requirement 33: <resonances> element

Page 51: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


33.1 Optional documentation33.2 A list of the channels referred to in this eval-

uation. Traditional ENDF SLBW, MLBWand Reich-Moore formats support only cap-ture, elastic, fission, total and a catch-all com-petitive channel. The R matrix formalism cansupport any two-body final state.

33.3 Optionally one or more resolved resonance re-gion (RRR), although multiple RRR is depre-cated

33.4 Optionally an unresolved resonance region(URR)

33.5 Upper and lower energy limits delineating therange of applicability of the resonance region.

1. Designating channels

As discussed above, a channel is the partition (thetarget and projectile) and the set of quantum numbersneeded to completely designate the incoming state. Ourscheme is shown in figure 25. Therefore, at the very leasta <channel> element must contain the quantum numbersof the state and the target and projectile. Because we an-ticipate reconstructing the resonances back into pointwisecross sections for plotting among other things, we shouldalso connect to the <reaction> element (or a least itsdesignator). For backwards compatibility with ENDF,we also need the MT and Q value.

Now, because resonances are a specific quantum statein a compound nucleus, not all channels can couple toa particular state. Therefore it makes sense to group to-gether channels with similar quantum numbers into “spingroups” as in ENDF. These leads to denser tables of res-onances and so more efficient storage. As in ENDF, werecommend adding a <spinGroup> markup containing all<channel>s with a common J and Π.

Requirement 34: <spinGroup>

34.1 The data structure shall have a spot for the Jand Π quantum numbers

34.2 The data structure shall have a list of<channel>s

34.3 A flag to denote that a spin group is for po-tential scattering only.

34.4 For non-potential scattering spin groups, elim-inated gamma channels with non-zero reso-nance widths are needed to ensure that theR-matrix does not have poles on the real axis.

Both the RRR and the URR should share the samemaster channel list. This aids in reconstruction since thenumber and kind of channels do not change with energyunless a threshold opens up. Also, to aid in reconstruc-

tion and complete specification of the “box” that definesthe R-matrix, we must specify the boundary parameterBc and the box radius ac. We comment that in someolder evaluations, the scattering length ac is energy de-pendent and this is used as another mechanism to adjustthe potential scattering contribution to the resonances.

Conventional R-matrix approaches for neutron chan-nels assume that the outgoing waves are free waves hit-ting a hard-sphere. Newer approaches to the R matrix usealternative outgoing waves, for example Gurbich’s (Gur-bich, 2014)) uses optical model distorted waves. In addi-tion, some channels (outgoing gamma and fission in par-ticular) may use phenomenological shifts, penetrabilitiesand phases. Therefore we should allow the evaluator tooverride the phase, shift and penetrability factors.

Requirement 35: <channel>

35.1 The reaction designator; for resonances, thisalso specifies the “partition” (see Lane andThomas (Lane, 1958)) III.C.4. It is expectedthat this designator maps correctly onto onein the <reactions> list, otherwise there maybe problems when reconstructing resonances.The reaction designator can also specify theexcited state of the residual nucleus or theother ejected particle.

35.2 The identities of the two particles in this chan-nel. This can be done here or with an associ-ated <particlePair> markup such as done inENDF.

35.3 The ENDF MT, if applicable (deprecated)35.4 All <channel>’s must have a link to a

<reaction> in the outer <evaluation>’s<reactions> tree so that it is explicit wherethe data for this channel will be placed af-ter the resonances are reconstructed. This<reaction> could be some sort of emptyplaceholder.

35.5 All quantum numbers needed to uniquelyspecify the reaction, this is needed for reso-nances as well. In particular, the spin s ofthe channel, the orbital angular momentum l,the total angular momentum J and any otherquantum numbers. This eliminates a degen-eracy implicit in the ENDF format and helpswith the quality assurance of the data.

35.6 A flag to denote that a channel is “eliminated”and one should use the Reich-Moore approx-imation when dealing with resonances in thischannel. This is very nearly the default for theradiative capture channels.

35.7 A flag to denote that a channel is a fissionchannel. This is not a two-body reaction, butcan be treated as one for computing cross sec-

Page 52: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 25 Our proposed <channel> element. The two par-ticles listed here could optionally be stored in a separate<particlePair> markup, provided that the particle pair iscorrectly associated with the channel.

tions.35.8 A flag to denote that a channel is an “effective”

one, such as an ENDF “competitive channel”.This channel steals strength from the otherchannels, but should not be used for comput-ing anything.

35.9 List the spin s for each resonance (resolves an

ENDF ambiguity).35.10 Optional boundary parameter Bc which, when

specified, overrides the defaults in the ENDF-6format

35.11 Sign of reduced width35.12 Optionally the Q value of the reaction as it

can help the evaluator. As this can be derivedfrom the reaction products, it is strictly notneeded as it is redundant.

35.13 To override the defaults, optionally specify35.13.1 Phase ϕc(E)35.13.2 Shift Sc(E)35.13.3 Penetrability Pc(E)35.13.4 Hard-sphere (channel) radius ac (with

potential dependence on energy). Likelyneed to be able to break it into multipleregions so that, for example, the RRRcan have a constant one while the URRcan have an energy dependent one. InENDF, this is the “true radius”.

35.13.5 The “effective radius”, used in legacyevaluations for calculation of the phase.

SUGGESTED TEST: Check that spin groups andchannels are consistent between the RRR, URR andchannel specifications.

Discussion point:We will need tests to ensure consistency between the<channel>s, the <reaction>s in the <reactions>

and between the <channel>s and the <RRR> and<URR> columns.

Discussion point:Is our approach enough to handle (∗, γf) and/or fis-sion reactions through class II states?

Discussion point:Would user-definable (possibly fake) quantum num-bers be useful? We would then need to de-fine whether to combine using angular momentumadding rules (for Blatt-Biedenharn) or incoherently.For deformed nuclei, the K quantum number mayrequire this feature.

Discussion point:The channel wish list is very big. That said,a <channel> has all of the attributes of the<reaction> element. Does it make sense to com-pletely separate the <channel> concept of the<reaction> element?

Page 53: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


Resolution:No, our <reaction> concept is very broad com-pared to the specific nature of the <channel>

concept. Nevertheless, some codes that usethese data may find it useful to design a par-ent class from which the channel and reactionclasses might inherit.

Discussion point:For charged particle channels, it is important tospecify the correct mass and ionization state of thetarget atom so that electron screening and target re-coil can be properly accounted for. How do we han-dle targets in a plasma environment?

Resolution:Modeling targets in a plasma environment de-pends on additional parameters (density, tem-perature, etc.) beyond the scope of a nucleardatabase. This database may be able to pro-vide mass and ionization state, but additionaltreatment must be left up to the end user.

2. Resolved resonances

The ENDF format supports several different approxi-mations to the collision matrix from R matrix theory inEq. (3). In addition, we should support the addition ap-proximations discussed by Frohner (Froehner, 2000) andin CALENDF (Ribon, 1986):

1. Pure potential scattering with either hard sphere ortabulated energy and/or `-dependent scattering ra-dius. Allows cross section and angular distributioncalculation.

2. Single Level Breit Wigner (SLBW) approximationwith one resonance. Allows cross section and angu-lar distribution calculation. Only fission, capture,and elastic resonances are stored.

3. ENDF style SLBW. Allows only cross section calcu-lation. Only fission, capture, and elastic resonancesare stored. (deprecated)

4. Multi Level Breit Wigner (MLBW). Allows crosssection and angular distribution calculation. CAL-ENDF refers to this approximation as the Multi-Niveau Breit-Wigner (MNBW) format (Ribon,1986). Only fission, capture, and elastic resonancesare stored.

5. ENDF style MLBW. Allows cross section and an-gular distribution calculation for elastic reactions.

Other channels are calculated using ENDF styleSLBW cross sections. Only fission, capture, andelastic resonances are stored.

6. Reich-Moore. Allows cross section and angular dis-tribution calculation. Gamma channels are elim-inated and only fission, capture, and elastic reso-nances are stored.

7. ENDF style Reich-Moore. Allows cross section andangular distribution calculation for non-captureand fission channels. Capture and fission channelresonances may be used for cross section calcula-tions only.

8. Full R matrix. Allows cross section and angulardistribution calculation for all channels.

These approximations all require resonance energies Eλand resonance widths Γλc = 2Pcγ


Discussion point:Support storing resonance parameters from Brunetransform, as described in reference (Brune, 2002)?

Requirement 36:Resolved resonance region(RRR)

36.1 The actual <table> of resonance parameters,organized by <spinGroup>. The simplest ar-rangement is in columns; We may need to alsotabulate the link of the <table> column tothe <channel> element.

36.2 The table may contain the uncertainties on theparameters as separate columns. If one param-eter’s uncertainty is given in the table then allshould be in the table.

36.3 LMax (an NLS-like thing) to specify the max-imum ` value to sum to so as to get the po-tential scattering correct

36.4 Upper and lower energy limits delineating therange of applicability of the resolved resonanceregion.

36.5 A flag to denote the approximation used inthe interpretation of the resonance parame-ters. In ENDF’s LRF=7 format, this is analo-gous to the KLRF flag. Supported approxima-tions should include SLBW, both ENDF andCALENDF style MLBW, ENDF and Frohnerstyle Reich-Moore, and full R-matrix.

36.6 All background R matrix options (denoted byKBK in the ENDF format).

Page 54: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


Discussion point:In the ENDF LRF=7 format, one is to list each spingroup that an evaluator uses in their evaluation. Theproblem with this approach is that it is difficult toassess whether the potential scattering contributionto an individual cross section has converged. It isentirely possible for an evaluator to fit a cross sec-tion with an unconverged set of spin groups. Werean evaluator to do this, the resonance parameters inthe fit would essentially be tuned to reproduce boththe resonant behavior and the potential scatteringbehavior of a cross section. The resulting parame-ters would then be unusable for the calculation ofoutgoing angular distributions.

Discussion point:Although the Adler-Adler approximation is not cur-rently used in major data libraries and its use in theENDF format is deprecated, the approximation of-fers some practical advantages for efficient Dopplerbroadening. Similarly, the multipole expansion ofresonances could offer similar gains. If the use of ei-ther increases, we will revisit the inclusion of featuresthat support these.

Discussion point:There are two complementary approaches toexpressing the R-matrix: Kapur-Peiers and/orWigner-Eisenbud. Both approaches use differentboundary parameters Bc. They are mathematicallyequivalent, but the RRR approximations in ENDFall use Wigner-Eisenbud formulation. Should wesupport Kapur-Peiers as well?

Resolution:No, because in Kapur-Peiers, one sets theboundary constant Bc = Lc. This leads to acomplex pole Eλ, forcing us to mix data types(complex vs. float) in the <table> element inthe <RRR> element. Other than this and chargedparticle scattering, there is no reason to includea complex data type.

Discussion point:Frohner (Froehner, 2000) suggests storing width am-plitudes γλc instead of widths. This avoids sign con-fusions, they are not energy dependent and they donot vanish at threshold.

Resolution:To do so would require us to denote the pene-trabilities for all channels. For neutron, gammaand charged particle channels, the penetrabil-ities are known. For fission and competitivechannels, the notion of a penetrability is non-sense. One could tabulate effective penetrabili-ties in the <channel> such that Γλc comes outright.

Discussion point:The Brune transform (Brune, 2002) can be used asan alternate formulation of the R-matrix. The equa-tions are somewhat different than those presentedhere or in the ENDF manual, but functionally theyare equivalent and they remove the need to specifythe boundary constant Bc.

3. Unresolved resonances

Above the RRR, we know that there are still distinctresonances, but they are too close together to be experi-mentally resolved. In this Unresolved Resonance Region(URR) we only know statistical properties of the reso-nances. Therefore, what is stored is not the resonanceparameters, but ensemble averages of them. In the ENDFformat (Trkov, 2009), the resonances are assumed to bein the SLBW approximation before averaging leading tothe particular parametric form of the cross sections in theENDF manual. However, CALENDF and other codescan use other parameterizations. Therefore a flag denot-ing the approximation of the R-matrix to use should begiven.

Even though all we know are parameter averages in theURR, there is enough information to not only computethe average cross sections, but also the cross section prob-ability distributions P (σx|E) for all x ∈ [γ, el, tot, f, ...].Both the PURR module in NJOY (MacFarlane, 2012)and the PURM module in AMPX (Dunn, 2002) can com-pute these cross section probability distributions whichwe term PURR tables. Upon reconstruction, the PDFfor the PURR tables should get placed in the appropri-ate <reaction> as derived data.

Requirement 37:Unresolved resonance region(URR)

37.1 Upper and lower energy limits delineating therange of applicability of the unresolved reso-nance region.

37.2 Need number of degrees of freedom associatedwith each channel in the channel listing

Page 55: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


37.3 Need a <table> of URR parameters, orga-nized by <spinGroup>. This table must in-clude columns for incident energy, mean levelspacing, average widths for all channels.

37.4 ENDF assumes SLBW, allowing the construc-tion of average cross section and PURR tables.This is a somewhat arbitrary restriction thatis removed in CALENDF (Ribon, 1986). ThisURR data structure should allow all approxi-mations that are supported for the RRR.

37.5 An <axis> and interpolation details to de-termine how to interpolate in incident energyamong the average parameters.

37.6 All background R matrix options (denoted byKBK in the ENDF format).

Discussion point:As one goes up in energy, one starts missing reso-nances little by little until one gives up and declaresthe URR region. The transition from fully knowingthe RRR to fully NOT knowing the RRR (hence theURR), is not as abrupt as we would like. Shouldwe add a table of estimated number of missing reso-nances as a function of energy and channel?

Discussion point:Can we store Hauser-Feshbach transmission coeffi-cients Tc’s as the widths (if we additionally store thepenetrabilities, shifts and phases)? If so, then wecould use the Feshbach-Kerman-Koonin approachin-line for pre-equilibrium particle emission. Thismight be an interesting option in the overlappingresonance and fast regions.

4. Correcting reconstructed cross sections and distributions

Inevitably, either because of deficiencies in the approx-imation used, because of resonances missed in the evalua-tion process, or simply because of the tails of distant res-onances, we must take action to correct the reconstructedcross section and angular distributions.

It is possible to make some corrections directly to theR-matrix. The easiest approach is just to add fake res-onances to the resonance region just outside the energyrange of the RRR. The tails of the fake resonances serveto correct the shape of the R-matrix inside the energyrange of the RRR. This trick is commonly used to recre-ate the 1/v-like behavior of the neutron capture cross sec-tion below thermal energies. Alternatively, one can add abackground R matrix to mimic the effects of distant res-onances (replacing Rcc′ → Rcc′ +Rbackc δcc′). One can do

this with a complex-valued energy dependent function forRbackc (E) or with parameterizations provided by Frohner(Froehner, 2000) or given in the SAMMY manual (Lar-son, 2006).

Requirement 38: Background R matrix

38.1 The <backgroundRMatrix> element shall havean option flag to denote the backgroundR-matrix correction scheme, equivalent toENDF’s KBK flag.

38.2 For KBK=0, only need dummy resonances so noother information needed

38.3 For KBK=1, the <backgroundRMatrix> con-tains a set of complex-valued <interp2d> ta-ble for Rbackc (E), one for each channel

38.4 For KBK=2, the <backgroundRMatrix> con-tains a set of eight parameters for eachchannel. These parameters are needed forSAMMY’s logarithmic parameterization (see(Larson, 2006; Trkov, 2009)).

38.5 For KBK=3, the <backgroundRMatrix> con-tains a set of four parameters for each channel.These parameters are needed for Frohner’s pa-rameterization (see (Froehner, 2000; Trkov,2009)).

Discussion point:Should we flag fake resonances beyond what is doneto correct the R-matrix? Namely, should there beadditional flags for resolved resonances in the RRRthat appear as real resonances.

Many of the resonance approximations have severeshortcomings, in either the shape of the reconstructedcross sections or in the fact that outgoing angular distri-butions of emitted particles are untrustworthy or nonex-istent. Indeed, one can never reconstruct the angulardistributions of any emitted particles from fission reso-nances. Therefore, we need multiple schemes to amendor fix the reconstructed data tables from the RRR andURR. In figure 26 we provide an overview of more elab-orate ways to fix reconstructed data.

In figure 26 we show a <backgroundReaction> el-ement that contains all the things needed to fix thereaction linked to in the linkToReaction attribute.Additionally, the addOrReplaceFlag instructs the per-son processing the resonance data whether to add thecross section within <backgroundReaction> to the reso-nances or to replace the resonances entirely (this is use-ful for some older data). To accommodate for miss-ing or mishandled outgoing particle data, we also adda <reactionProducts> element. Since several of theENDF resolved resonance approximations DO NOT sup-port angular distributions, the ENDF format provides a

Page 56: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 26 Overview of elements to repair or amend cross sectionand other reaction data.

mechanism to store the “background” angular distribu-tions separately. These “background” angular distribu-tions naturally go in the <reactionProducts> elementof the <backgroundReaction> element. Upon the recon-struction of the resonance region into pointwise data, thereconstructed data should point back to both the reso-nance data and these background data.

Requirement 39: The <backgroundReaction>


39.1 Background cross-sections should not be givenfor (n,tot) and should be associated with theactual reaction to which the background cross-section is added. Otherwise we are addinga potential source for inconsistencies (back-ground partial cross-sections not summing tothe background total cross-section) or doublecounting.

39.2 The background cross sections must be as-sociated with the resonance region for whichthey are the background. The obvious placeis in the <crossSection> element of the<backgroundCrossSection> element.

39.3 The <backgroundReaction> shall have a flagto denote whether the cross section datawithin the element is meant to be added tothe reconstructed resonances or replace them.

39.4 The <backgroundReaction> shall have a linkto the reaction that these data will go to uponreconstruction.

39.5 The <backgroundReaction> shall have an op-tional <reactionProduct> element to store allof the outgoing particle data not reconstructedfrom the resonances associated with this reac-tion in the resonance energy range.

The background cross sections and related data shouldbe kept with the RR, not the high energy file. The asso-

ciation between them is then explicit, eliminating a po-tential source of error. However, this is a different ar-rangement than in legacy ENDF where background crosssections are kept with the fast region cross section.

SUGGESTED TEST: Check for consistent energyranges between RRR, URR and background reactiondata

5. Expected resonance processing workflow

Given the changes to the organization of resonance andother nuclear data in the new structure, it is not unrea-sonable to ask what is the new resonance reconstructionworkflow, where does reconstructed data go in the hi-erarchy once the data is reconstructed and how are thebackground data to be used?

To reconstruct the resolved resonance region, first re-construct the cross sections from resolved resonance pa-rameters, including the background R-matrix corrections,if given. Then for each reaction, add in the backgroundcross sections for each reaction reconstructed. If it ispossible to reconstruct angular distribution for this re-action (usually this is for neutron scattering only) andthe distribution is not otherwise given, then reconstructit, including background R-matrix corrections. Other-wise, take outgoing energy-angle data from appropriatereaction <product> or assume the angular distributionis isotropic so the full energy-angle distribution followstwo-body kinematics.

Reconstructing the unresolved resonance region issomewhat different. If only the average cross sectionsare requested, reconstruct the average cross section fromunresolved resonance parameters. If unresolved prob-ability tables for cross section are requested, computethem using a processing code such as NJOY or CAL-ENDF. For each reaction, add in background cross sec-tion for each (average) cross section reconstructed andadd in the angle-energy distributions from appropriatereaction <product>. If the angle-energy distributions arenot given, assume the angular distribution is isotropicand assume the energy dependence follows from two-bodykinematics.

The reconstructed resolved and unresolved resonanceregions are adjacent in incident energy and the unre-solved region abuts the fast region. So, connect all thecross sections and distributions together for each reac-tion that was reconstructed. The reconstructed data gointo the <reaction> element denoted in the <channel>

element. The cross sections should be added as a newrepresentation in the <crossSection> with appropriatelinks to denote what they are derived from. Distributionsshould be added as new representation to the appropri-ate <product> with appropriate links to denote whatthey are derived from. Unresolved probability tables,if computed, should be added to the <crossSection>s

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as new derived data elements within each reconstructed<reaction>.

6. How to use the RRR elements in special circumstances

For resonance regions consisting solely of potentialscattering, no special markup is needed. One simply mustreconstruct the cross section using Eqs. (3-8) (or Eqs. (9-12) for angular distributions) and setting the R-matrixto zero. The outgoing wavefunction carries the poten-tial scattering information. If one assumes hard-sphere,the scheme traditionally used in the ENDF format, theoutgoing wavefunctions are given in the ENDF manualwith the corresponding shifts, penetrabilities and phases.If one intends to use their own outgoing wavefunctions,the shift, penetrabilities and phases may be overridden inthe <channel> element. Note, one must make sure to setthe number of included channels (basically Lmax above orENDF’s NLS) to get the cross sections correct.

For evaluations that only give a scattering radius, thereis no special markup. This is just the simplest form ofpotential scattering.

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Users of nuclear data need covariance data to quan-tify uncertainty on the metrics of importance in theirspecific application. These metrics (such as keff in a crit-icality calculation) may have a deep dependence on theunderlying nuclear data. Users mainly use deterministicgroup-wise methods (using the “Sandwich formula” be-low) or Monte Carlo techniques. Additionally, users needto visualize both the mean values and the uncertainty/-covariance on their data. We must do what we can tosimplify all modes of covariance use.

The legacy ENDF format stores nuclear data covari-ance with a very complex set of schemes: the ENDF man-ual (Trkov, 2009) takes over 80 pages to describe sevendistinct types of data. Arguably, there should be one“simple” data structure, after all a covariance matrix is,at its heart, just a matrix.

That said, we must deal with covariances not justwithin an observable, but across observables and eval-uations. These covariances can also be quite large, farexceeding the size of the evaluations to which they re-fer. Therefore we must allow the storing of covariancedata in several places, either with a particular data set(for covariance within a dataset), within an evaluation(for cross-reaction or cross observable covariance), or inan external file (for cross material or cross library covari-ance). In Fig. 27 we illustrate these points.

In the center of Fig. 27, we have one large covariancematrix composed of several blocks, each consisting of ei-ther a self- or cross- covariance for a schematic evaluation.Along the diagonal in orange are the self-covariances. Aself-covariance is the covariance matrix for data with it-self. These are stored in their corresponding data ele-ment, in this case a <reaction>’s <crossSection>. Thecross-covariances between the different data set elementsare shown in yellow. These connect to two different setsand so are not stored with the cross section data. Rather,they are stored in their own data tree in a <covariances>

container. These blocks are not covariances in and ofthemselves. The blocks in white are a reflection of theyellow ones since the full covariance matrix is symmetric.

Requirement 40: Where to put covariancedata

40.1 Self–covariance data should be stored in the<listOfDataRepresentions> of a data ele-ment

40.2 Cross–covariance data shall be stored ina <covariances> container, either withinan evaluation or in an external file with<covariances> as the root node.

40.3 <covariances> containers shall:40.3.1 have a spot for optional documentation40.3.2 allow one or more covariances

It is not unusual for an evaluator to produce an evalu-ation with correlated data: for example, the ratio of thecapture cross section to the fission cross section was fitduring the evaluation process. The fission and capturecross sections have a cross–reaction covariance in addi-tion to their individual self–covariances. To ensure thatthis connection is noticed in practice, we require that alldata correlated through cross–covariances be linked asillustrated in Fig. 28.

Requirement 41: Cross–covariance linkage

41.1 Cross–covariance data shall have links to theelement of the data correlated.

41.2 The correlated data element will have linksback to the cross–covariance data.

Discussion point:In the future the number of cross-observable covari-ances may increase making the number of cross-covariance links grow to unmanageable size. We mayneed to revisit these requirements at some point.

Discussion point:Should we enable storing confidence interval infor-mation? Confidence intervals can be computed forany PDF and therefore are more general than a co-variance matrix.

Resolution:Agreed. However the specific implementation isa low level data container issue.

Discussion point:We should consider approaches for storing “uncer-tainty” data on variables that can take only discretevalues, e.g. JΠ. The most obvious approach is toassign probabilities on each allowed value. The ap-proach could be expanded to define discrete condi-tional probabilities on a series of correlated values.

A. Covariance definitions

Before proceeding to state the requirements, it is use-ful to review the properties of covariances and relatedobjects.

When we measure a quantity xi, we assume that wedo not actually get the “true” value given by Nature,but rather one sample from a probability density func-tion (PDF). We note that the vector of observables

Page 59: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 27 Relationship of self-covariance and cross-reaction covariances, illustrating where they are to be stored in data files. Thecentral covariance matrix is divided up into rectangular blocks, corresponding to different observables. The self–covariances arestored with the data elements in the tree on the left and the cross–covariance parts are stored in a separate list on the right.

~x = (x0, x1, ...) do not need to be limited to a singleobservable within a reaction or even within an evalua-tion. Depending on the nature of the observable(s), thePDF might be Normal or Log-Normal (Zerovnik, 2013)or something else. For our purposes, we will assume thatthe PDF is either Normal or Log-Normal since the Cen-tral Limit Theorem guarantees that in the limit of largenumbers of samples the peak of any PDF can be wellapproximated by a Normal distribution. We also includeLog-Normal as an option since it forces values of an ob-servable to be positive definite but otherwise behaves likea Normal distribution (Zerovnik, 2013).

For a quantity xi, its PDF has an expectation value of〈xi〉 =

∫dxiPDF(xi)xi and this would be stored in the

ENDF file. The uncertainty on xi is ∆xi. We define:

• covariance:

covxij = (∆2x)ij


∫dxidxjPDF(xi, xj)(xi − 〈xi〉)(xj − 〈xj〉)

= 〈xixj〉 − 〈xi〉 〈xj〉(13)

• relative covariance:

rcovxij = covxij/ 〈xi〉 〈xj〉 (14)

• uncertainty:

uncxi =√

covxii = ∆xi (15)

• relative uncertainty:

runcxi = ∆xi/ 〈xi〉 (16)

• correlation:

corrxij = covxij/uncxiuncxj

= covxij/∆xi∆xj

= rcovxij/runcxiruncxj


Here, the covariance is a real, symmetric, positive definiteN × N matrix. A covariance may be sparse or dense oreven (band) diagonal.

Discussion point:We comment that the covariance, uncertainty andcorrelations are all defined in a way independent ofthe underlying PDF. In ENDF, only Normal (Gaus-sian) PDFs are used. It is not unreasonable to sup-port Log-Normal distributions as well. Going be-yond these two common PDFs is certainly some-thing to consider, but at this point are probably notneeded. That said, we should consider exploring thesupport for confidence regions.

In the ENDF format, covariances and relative covari-ances are used exclusively in its covariance formats inMF=31–40. Unfortunately, most users want either only

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FIG. 28 Coupling between reaction data and the corresponding covariance. This figure is a continuation of the example in Fig.27, highlighting the links between a data element and the cross-covariances associated with it.

FIG. 29 The <covariances> element.

the (relative) uncertainty or the (relative) uncertaintyand the correlation. Because of requirements 2.2 and 2.6,we really should attempt to accommodate both optionswithin the same evaluation.

Returning to our example in Fig. 27, the self–

covariances on the left side could be expressed severalways. They clearly could be expressed as either covari-ances or relative covariances. They could also be ex-pressed as a combination of (relative) uncertainty andcorrelation matrices. In principal, both options must be

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allowed. This is illustrated in section II.G in Fig. 10.In Figure 10, the original data are “data version 0”

and consist of an energy–cross section interpolation table.The main container, containing “data version 0” linksto “covariance 0,0” where the covariances for these dataare stored. From the data and the covariance, we cancompute the uncertainty on the cross section data andgenerate a “data version 1” which now has an additionaluncertainty column. “Data version 1” links back to “dataversion 0” and “covariance 0,0”.

B. Covariance between different variables

There are many cases where an evaluator might wantto store covariances on fitted parameters for a fitted func-tion. Obvious examples include prompt neutron fissionspectra given as e.g. a Watt spectrum or resolved reso-nance parameters. The covariance of this data may easilybe stored in a matrix, provided we define the rule for map-ping parameters to row/column in the covariance matrix.The <grid> element provides this mapping.

Requirement 42: <grid> elements

42.1 Shall have an attribute denoting the numberof elements

42.2 For discrete variables, shall denote the packingorder

C. Covariance of continuous functions

The covariance data we wish to store are sometimesdiscrete parameters. However, more often they are con-tinuous functions of a variable such as incident neutronenergy. To encode the covariance of a continuous functioninto a matrix, we must discretize. In the ENDF format,this is usually done by grouping in all the independentvariables.

For example in ENDF, a cross section σ(E)’s covari-ance is given group wise as ∆2σij . The group boundariescan be thought of as forming a basis function expansionwhere the basis functions are window functions:

Bi(E) =

0 E < Ei1/(Ei+1 − Ei) Ei ≤ E ≤ Ei+1

0 E > Ei+1


Thus, the basis function encodes the interpolation rule (inthis case group-wise). To write the continuous covarianceon the cross section ∆2σ(E1, E2), we write

∆2σ(E1, E2) =∑ij

Bi(E1)∆2σijBj(E2) (19)

In ENDF, one other discretization method is used – theLegendre function expansion of angular distributions. In

principal, many other discretization schemes are possible(various orthogonal function expansions, different orderinterpolation schemes, etc.)

To encode the discretization of a continuous functionand to define the packing of covariance data as a functionof independent variable, we require an element similar tothe <axis> element discussed in section II.I. This con-tainer can also encode the packing rule for a list of dis-crete variables, such as resonance parameters. In keepingwith the latest version of GND (Mattoon, 2012), we callthis container a <grid> element:

Requirement 43: <grid> elements for contin-uous functions

43.1 For grouped independent variables, shall con-tain the bin boundaries

43.2 For other discretization schemes, shall denotethe packing order of for example coefficients inan orthogonal function expansion

D. Covariance of multi-dimensional functions

In the previous section, we described how to discretizethe covariance for a function of one independent variable.How might we handle a function with more than one in-dependent variable? The easiest solution is to discretizein each independent variable separately. Each indepen-dent variable then has an associated <grid> element. Weneed only define the order we loop over elements in theindividual grids to pack the covariance matrix.

We illustrate this with the case of the covariance on thePrompt Fission Neutron Spectrum (PFNS). The PFNS isa PDF P (E′|E) with a covariance ∆2σ(E′1, E1, E

′2, E2).

Let us discretize this:

∆2σ(E′1, E1, E′2, E2) (20)



If we decide to say loop over i first then over j, we can ef-fectively pack the i, j dependence into rows in the covari-ance matrix. Similarly, we can pack the `,m dependenceinto columns.

So, we simply need a general rule for looping over theelements in a list of <grid>s. Here we state the simplestrule we can conceive. For a list:






Do the following:

• loop though highest index grid bins first (<gridN>)

• then the second last

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• ...

• finally the first (<grid0>)

The pseudocode to read this appears as follows:

for i0 in grid0:

for i1 in grid1:

for i2 in grid2:


for iN in gridN:

do something

Requirement 44: Multidimensional <grid>


44.1 Shall have one <grid> per independent vari-able

44.2 Define a looping prescription

SUGGESTED TEST: Test that the number of rows/-columns is the product of the dimensionality of the<grid> elements making up the rows/columns

E. Covariance and correlation matrices

We are now in a position where we can define the struc-tures that can be used to store self- and cross- covarianceinformation. Both self- and cross- covariance informa-tion can be stored in <covariance> elements, either asabsolute or relative covariances. The self-covariance canbe converted into an uncertainty vector and a correlationmatrix and the result will not introduce more couplingsto other data. While a self-covariance is a full-fledgedcovariance in its own right, a cross-covariance is only apart of a larger covariance.

To store just the covariances, we define a<covariance> element whose structure is shown inFigure 30, panel (a). In this element, we note thepresence of <row> and <column> elements. Theseelements connect the covariance to the underlying databeing described and contain required <grid> elementsdescribed in the previous two sections. Because self–covariance data connects only one data set to itself, ithas the same row <grid>s and column. On the otherhand, cross–covariance data must have different rowsand columns that depend on the data getting correlated.The requirements of a covariance are:

Requirement 45: <covariance> and<correlation>

45.1 The data structure shall have a spot for op-tional documentation

45.2 The data structure shall have a <row> elementwhich includes a link to the original underly-ing data. The row must also be associated

with the <grid> element to denote the data-to-cell in the matrix mapping. This associ-ation could be achieved with a link in the<grid> or by putting the <grid> within the<row> element.

45.3 For on-diagonal blocks of covariance, the<column> is equal to the <row>. For off-diagonal blocks, the <column> must also bespecified in the same format as the <row> ele-ment.

45.4 The data structure shall have a <matrixData>

element containing the matrix.45.5 The element shall have a flag denoting whether

the PDF for the data is Gaussian or Log-Normal

45.6 The element shall have a flag to denotewhether the item described by the covarianceis normalized or not.

45.7 A <covariance> element shall have a flag todenote whether it is a relative covariance.

Similarly, when one chooses to adopt the uncertaintyand correlation matrix option, the requirements for a<correlation> are identical to that of a <covariance>.We give them separate tags to avoid confusion. We com-ment that there is no good reason why the uncertaintyand correlation need to have <grid>s and <axis> ele-ments that line up bin-by-bin. All that matters is thatthe domains of the independent variables are the same.

SUGGESTED TEST: Since covariances link to dataand data links to covariance, we will need to check thehyperlinks for consistency.

In contrast to the arrangement given above in Fig. 30,GND 1.7 places the <grid> elements in what we wouldcall the <matrixData> element. The GND 1.7 arrange-ment of elements is shown in Fig. 31. In GND 1.7, the<section> element corresponds to our <covariance> el-ement and the covarianceMatrix element correspondsto our <matrixData> element. The benefit of the GNDarrangement is that both the <gridded2d and <grid>

elements are standard reusable low level data containers.Within the covariance element is the matrix data itself

and the matrix data element is shown in Figure 32. Itsrequirements are

Requirement 46: <matrixData>

46.1 Flag to denote whether this covariance is ab-solute or relative

46.2 Flag to denote that a covariance matrix rep-resents a quantity that has a fixed normaliza-tion (e.g., a probability distribution such asP (µ,E) that must integrate to 1.0).

46.3 The data as a <matrix> or a<matrixSandwich> (see below)

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FIG. 30 An option for the <covariance> and <correlation> elements. As they share identical components, but have verydifferent meanings, the element name must most likely be used to distinguish them.

F. Weighted sums of covariance

There are many times where a covariance can be writ-ten as the sum of two or more other covariances. Themost common case in ENDF happens when the evalua-tor writes the covariance for the (n,tot) cross section asthe sum of the (n,el) and (n,non-el) cross section covari-ances:

∆2σtot = ∆2σel + ∆2σnon-el (21)

since σtot = σel + σnon-el. In this case, the covariance forany one of the covariances can be written as a weightedsum of the others.

More generally, if a set of cross sections can be writtenas

σ =∑i

wiσi (22)

then we may write

covjk =∑i

w2i covijk (23)

These cases are easily addressed by adding a<weightedSumOfCovariances> element, shown in Fig.33. This element takes advantage of the fact that thesum of two covariance matrices is still a covariance ma-trix. A <weightedSumOfCovariances> element shouldbe usable anywhere where a <covariance> element canbe placed. Incidentally, the ENDF format also allows forthis construction. The requirements for this element are

Requirement 47: <weightedSumOfCovariances>

47.1 Numerical weights (in ENDF, these are justfloats of a component

47.2 Either the components as <covariance>s orlinks to <covariance>s

By allowing us to sum up covariance data in this man-ner, we open ourselves up to new classes of data bugs.Therefore we suggest a few tests of these data:

SUGGESTED TEST: Testing for dead links is espe-cially important here as one must always traverse all linksin order to reconstruct a covariance.

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FIG. 31 The <section> element from GND 1.7 is analogous to our <covariance> element, but the grid element is containedin the low level <gridded2d/axes> element.

FIG. 32 Arrangement of parts of a <matrixData> element.The matrix may be stored either in low-level <matrix> con-tainer or as a “matrix sandwich” (see Eq. (25) below).

SUGGESTED TEST: All linked covariance datamust be convertible to a <covariance> element so thatthey can be added.

FIG. 33 The <weightedSumOfCovariances> element.

SUGGESTED TEST: A check for recursive linkingleading to infinite loops and undefined covariance.

SUGGESTED TEST: All linked or explicitly statedcovariances have identical limits on their <row> and<column> <grid> elements.

Discussion point:

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Are we adding the potential for link bookkeeping er-rors by allowing the <weightedSumOfCovariances>

construction for cross correlations? We have to re-quire link matching between all parts of covariance.

G. The “Sandwich Formula”

Often times we have a parameter fi that we want thecovariance on, but it depends on something else, say ~x,and it would be much more efficient to store the covari-ance on ~x directly. A case in point is the RRR param-eters. The reconstructed cross section from tens of res-onance parameters may have thousands of energy pointsto achieve a reasonable accuracy.

For function ~f(~x), the sensij == ∂fi(〈~x〉)/∂xj and iscalled the sensitivity matrix. Assuming that

fi(~x) ≈ fi(〈~x〉) +∑j


(xj − 〈xj〉) (24)

is a good approximation to the variation of ~f(~x) around〈~x〉, we can evaluate the covariance of f using the “sand-wich formula” as

covfij =∑i′j′

sensii′covxi′j′sensj′j (25)

The “sandwich formula” can be reframed in terms of therelative covariance

rcovfij =∑i′j′

rsensii′rcovxi′j′rsensj′j (26)


rsensij = xj∂fi(〈~x〉)∂xj



The “Sandwich Formula” provides the scheme for deter-ministic uncertainty propagation.

Discussion point:In many cases, the sensitivity of model parameterscan be precomputed. In this case, we may not needto store the sensitivity matrix itself. Should we allowthis? It makes for smaller files, but shifts the bur-den of computing the sensitivities to the processingcodes.

Resolution:Yes, this is already the case for RRR parame-ters.

As an aside, the covariance admits an eigendecompo-sition into N eigenvalues λi with eigenvectors ~vi. The

covariance can be diagonalized in the eigenbasis as

covxij =∑k

(~vk)iλk(~vk)j (28)

This is the “Sandwich Formula” again, where the eigen-values play the role of the sandwiched covariance matrixand the eigenvectors play the role of the sensitivity ma-trix. Often times the effective rank of a matrix Neff ismuch smaller than the actual rank N because many ofthe eigenvalues are sufficiently close to zero that they maybe neglected. The process of taking the main eigenval-ues is called principal component analysis (PCA). Thusthe “sandwich formula” storage scheme can be used toefficiently pack covariance matrices even in the absenceof underlying parameter dependencies by using PCA. wewill flesh this idea out further in the example below insection IV.I.

To support the “Sandwich Formula”, we must de-fine the structure of a <matrixSandwich> and a<sensitivity>:

Requirement 48: <matrixSandwich>

48.1 The underlying parameter <covariance>48.2 A <sensitivity> for the rows of the covari-

ance48.3 If the block of the matrix is off-diagonal, a

<sensitivity> for the column as well.

Requirement 49: <sensitivity>

49.1 Optionally a <documentation> element49.2 The <matrixData> for the sensitivity matrix49.3 A <column> with a link pointing to the

<column> element’s <axis> of the underlyingparameter covariance matrix. This also de-fines the packing of the sensitivity matrix sincewe want them to match up for the matrix mul-tiplication.

49.4 A <row> that mimics the row one would getif we were storing the full covariance on thederived data. Therefore we need an <axis>

element to determine the packing of the sensi-tivity matrix and a (possibly fake) link to thederived data.

49.5 An option for precomputed sensitivity matri-ces in the resolved resonance region (to storethe MT32 covariances in ENDF).

Discussion point:It was requested by a member of the nuclear datacommunity determine if it is possible to “break thecovariance matrix out into sources”, namely fromdifferent experiments or normalization. It is possi-

Page 66: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 34 The <sensitivityMatrix> element which connects the small matrix inside a “matrix sandwich” to the externalcovariance matrix in Eq. (25).

ble to do this (see for example Refs. (Brown, 2015)or (Neudecker, 2012) or many others). However, thisamounts to storing all the data used in the evalua-tion process within the evaluation itself. Much of theunderlying data covariance can be generated withthe information in the main documentation block ofan evaluation and the mean values should be con-tained in EXFOR. In the future we will have to ex-plore what value is added by including this informa-tion with the covariance data in the evaluation.

H. Monte Carlo sampling

How can one use a covariance to generate realizationsfor a Monte Carlo approach to uncertainty quantifica-tion? Suppose we have some ~x with a Normal PDF P (~x)specified by the mean 〈~x〉 and covariance covxij . To findthe expectation value of a function f(x), we do

〈f〉 =

∫d~xP (~x)f(~x) ≈ 1



f(~xR)P (~xR) (29)

Here the sum is over realizations of ~x drawn from thePDF. To generate the realizations R, we use principalcomponent analysis (PCA) again:

~xR = 〈~x〉+∑i

ξiR~vi√λi (30)

Where ξiR is drawn from a (log) normal distribution andλi and ~vi are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the ab-solute covariance C. Another option is to do the principalcomponent analysis on the relative covariance Crel, andconstruct realizations as

~xR = 〈~x〉 ∗∑i

ξiR~vi√λi (31)

Discussion point:Should we support ensembles of evaluations orevaluation parts (like TMC or list-mode out-put)? Would need index of realizations maybe.Could this be handled using the metaEvaluation


Resolution:One would need reasonable number of samplesNsamp for each of the Ndim directions. Thismeans that one needs (Nsamp)Ndim samples toeffectively sample all of ~x’s PDF to reliablypropagate uncertainty. Saving these samples isthen not really an effective savings of space.

I. Examples of covariance data usage in this hierarchy

In order to illustrate some of the concepts we havedeveloped to describe our implementation of covariancedata, we turn to three examples.

In our first example, we demonstrate the storing ofPrompt Fission Neutron Spectrum (PFNS) covariance.The situation is shown in figure 35. In this figure, thePFNS itself is stored in the fission <reaction> under theneutron reaction product. The PFNS has as a subelementthe covariance data accompanying it. The <covariance>itself is a self–covariance, is relative, and each row / col-umn of the matrix sums to 0 (due to the normalizationcondition on the spectrum). The element has documen-tation and <matrixData>. Since the covariance is on aPFNS, and the PFNS is a function of both the incom-ing and outgoing neutron energy, there are two <grid>

elements associated with the <row> element.In our second example, we show how to use the sensi-

tivity matrix approach and the eigen-decomposition of acovariance to compress the covariance matrix. This is il-lustrated in figure 36. In this figure, we focus on a genericself-covariance covxij . The <documentation> and <row>

Page 67: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 35 A sample usage of covariance data demonstrating the layout of Prompt Fission Neutron Spectrum covariance.

data (including a <grid> specification and link to theoriginal data) are shown on the left side of the figure.We focus on the covariance itself in a <matrixData> con-tainer. We diagonalize our generic self–covariance usingequation (28), producing a list of eigenvalues λk andassociated eigenvectors ~v. As we observed in the dis-cussion around equation (28), equation (28) is alreadyin the form of the “Sandwich formula”. The sensitivitymatrix is just the matrix of eigenvectors, sensik = (~vk)iand the inner covariance is the matrix of eigenvaluescovkk′ = δkk′λk. The matrix of eigenvalues goes in theinner <covariance> element in figure 36. The <row>

(and <grid>) of the <covariance> is especially simplesince the inner matrix is just a matrix of eigenvalues.The sensitivity matrix (the matrix of eigenvectors) goesin the <sensitivityMatrix> element and links to the

inner and outer <rows>. We comment that the ENDFformat also allows this approach to storing a matrix, us-ing the MF=30 as described in subsection 30.3.3. To ourknowledge, no one has used the MF=30 format in a pro-duction environment.

In our final example, we show how we re-implementthe ENDF format’s MF=32 parameterized resonance co-variance data. This is illustrated in figure 37. In thisexample, we will use the <sensitivityMatrix> schemeagain, but this time it will be a little simpler since thesensitivity matrix is known analytically and is given inthe SAMMY manual (Larson, 2006). In figure 37, weagain start from the upper left side with the outermost<covariance> element. In this case, the covariance ma-trix we refer to is the full covariance of all of the re-constructed pointwise cross sections. Because of that,

Page 68: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


FIG. 36 Illustrating the use of the <sensitivityMatrix> approach to compress a covariance matrix using the principal com-ponents of the covariance determined from an eigenvalue decomposition.

FIG. 37 Illustrating the storage of resonance covariance data. This is our approach to the ENDF format’s MF=32.

the <row> element of the outer <covariance> points toseveral cross section data sets and has two <grid> ele-ments, one for the incident energy grid and another toallow looping over the reactions themselves. Inside the<matrixData> and <matrixSandwich>, we again find the<sensitivityMatrix> and the innermost <covariance>containing the matrix of resonance parameter covariance.

The <row> element in the innermost <covariance> ele-ment describes how resonance parameters are packed intothe <covariance> element.

Page 69: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,



The ENDF/B-VII.0 and ENDF/B-VII.1 libraries(Chadwick, 2006, 2011) contains 14 separate sub-librariescovering a variety of reaction data types. All of thesemust be covered by the data structure whose require-ments we are drafting. Several of the sub-libraries havespecial requirements that require further discussion:

• Atomic data (§V.A)

• Charged particle reactions (§V.B)

• Fission reactions (§V.C)

• Fission product yields (§V.D)

• Radiative capture (§V.F)

• Spallation (§V.E)

• Thermal scattering law data (§V.G)

A. Atomic scattering

The atomic scattering and relaxation sub-libraries inENDF store data for electron and photon collisions withatoms as well as the atomic de-excitation data. Althoughthe ENDF format is not meant to be a comprehensiveresource for atomic reaction data, it has found a niche forstoring data needed for electron and photon transport inotherwise neutron (or other nuclear) dominated transportapplications.

More information on atomic data can be foundon the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Cen-ter (VAMDC) at http://portal.vamdc.org/. TheVAMDC is a consortium of atomic and moleculardata centers covering a variety of data types includ-ing experimental, evaluated, bibliographic, structureand reaction data. The entire code system is de-tailed in http://www.vamdc.org/standards. TheVAMDC data are stored in the VAMDC-XSAMSformat (an XML format). The format is describedat http://www.vamdc.org/documents/standards/

dataModel/vamdcxsams/index.html. There is also awiki describing the entire system (web infrastructure aswell as format) at http://voparis-twiki.obspm.fr/

twiki/bin/view/VAMDC/PortalHelp.Atomic scattering data in ENDF includes only elec-

tromagnetic (electrons and gammas) projectiles interact-ing with the electronic orbitals of an atom. These dataare very similar to nuclear reaction data, but simplerin some ways and more complex in others. The ENDFatomic scattering data are given in reactions specifiedby MT=500-599 in the formats specified by MF=23, 26,27, 28. In the ENDF/B-VII.1 library (Chadwick, 2011),atomic data are collected in three sub-libraries:

• atomic relax relaxation (NSUB=6): Details thede-excitation of excited atoms or ions following anexcitation or ionization event. The excitation pro-cess either excites an electron to a higher shell orknocks it out completely, resulting in a vacancy.This library tabulates the cascade of events that canoccur as the atom or ion relaxes to its ground state.These data are handled by the particle propertiesdatabase(s) discussed in section II.D and detailedin Ref. (WPEC Subgroup 38, 2015a).

• electro-atomic scattering (NSUB=113) Pro-vides cross section and particle productiondata for electrons scattering off neutral atoms.Reactions tabulated include elastic scattering,bremsstrahlung and inelastic scattering resulting ineither atomic excitation or ionization. We commentthat electrons, being charged particles, do not havea total cross section nor an integrated elastic crosssection. As they have no “hard” or nuclear elasticinteractions, their elastic scattering cross section isanalytic and given by the Mott cross section.

• photo-atomic scattering (NSUB=3) Providescross section and particle production data for pho-tons scattering off neutral atoms. Reactions includeelastic scattering and inelastic scattering resultingin either atomic excitation or ionization.

Because the recoil of the target atom is small (and itwould be difficult to compute the response of the electroncloud and nucleus in any event), it is neglected. There-fore, the data are considered to be given always in thelab frame and all scatterings transfer zero energy to theresidual atom.

These data are given in a standard <reaction>

element with the following additional requirements:

Requirement 50: Atomic reaction data

50.1 A standard <reaction> element whose outgo-ing particles are photons, electrons and/or aresidual atom

50.2 A particle property database for atomic andionic de-excitation (i.e., decay) data (WPECSubgroup 38, 2015a)

50.3 Outgoing photons may optionally useform factors for coherent and incoher-ent photon scattering (see MF=27) in a<dCrossSection dOmega> element. This isdetailed below.

50.4 Usual outgoing distributions, with50.4.1 Electron and gamma multiplicity (yields)50.4.2 Outgoing electrons or photons may use

form equivalent to LAW=1 (continuum,used for bremsstrahlung and ionization)

Page 70: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


(same as MF=6, LAW=1), or50.4.3 Outgoing electrons or photons may use

form equivalent to LAW=2 (two-bodyelastic) (same as MF=6, LAW=2), or

50.4.4 Outgoing electrons or photons may useform equivalent to LAW=8 (energytransfer for excitation, used for excita-tion and bremsstrahlung), described inMF=26; if so use <interp1d> to tabulatethe energy transfer ET (E) for LAW=8

50.4.5 The residual atom product element witha location for the fluorescence yield. Thisis typically a float with units eV/pho-toionization

50.5 For bremstrahlung, only the outgoing electronand its dE/dx need to be given. The outgo-ing photon spectrum and angular distribution(relative to the incident electron) can be com-puted.

50.6 An optional documentation element50.7 Any links to covariance (if applicable)

The ENDF system for neutron and photon productiondata allows two alternatives for storing angular distri-bution data. One is by probability per unit cos(θ) vs.cos(θ), and the other is by Legendre coefficients. Neitherof these is a “natural” method for photons. The natu-ral method would be atomic form factors or incoherentscattering functions. These are discussed briefly below.

1. Incoherent photon scattering

The cross section for incoherent scattering is given by:


dµdE′= S(q, Z)

d2σKN (E)

dµdE′, (32)


d2σKN/dµdE′: the Klein-Nishina cross section (Klein,

1929) which can be written in closed form.

S(q, Z): the incoherent scattering function. At high mo-mentum transfer (q), S approaches Z. In the otherlimit, S(0, Z) = 0.

q: the momentum of the recoil electron (ENDF specifiesthis in A−1).

q = α

[1 +




− 2µ





α: E′γ/m0c2,

E′γ: the scattered photon energy,

µ: cos(θ).

The angular distribution can then easily be calculated.Values of S(q, Z) are tabulated as a function of q. Theuser presumably will have subroutines available for cal-culating q for energies and angles of interest and for cal-culating Klein-Nishina cross sections. The user will thengenerate the cross sections for the appropriate cases bycalculating q’s, looking up the appropriate values of S,and substituting them in the above formula.

2. Coherent photon scattering

The coherent scattering cross section is given by:


dµdE′= πr2


(1 + µ2

)× (34)

[F (q, Z) + F ′(E)]2

+ F ′′(E)2,


q: α [2(1− µ)]1/2

, the recoil momentum of the atom

(ENDF specifies this in A−1


r0: e2/m0c

2, the classical radius of the electron.

F ′(E): the real part of the anomalous scattering factor.

F ′′(E): the imaginary part of the anomalous scatteringfactor.

The quantity F (q, Z) is a form factor, which can beeasily tabulated. At high momentum transfer (q), F ap-proaches zero. In the other limit F (0, Z) tends to Z. Theanomalous scattering factors are assumed to be isotropic.In addition, they smoothly approach zero at 1.0 MeV andcan be assumed to be zero at higher energies.

An alternative way of presenting the photon scatteringdata would be to tabulate incoherent scattering functionsand form factors. Users could then provide processingcodes to generate the cross sections from this information.The calculation is quite straightforward and allows theuser to generate all this scattering data from a relativelysmall table of numbers. The incoherent and coherentscattering data should always be presented as scatteringfunctions and form factors, respectively, whether or notdata are included.

Requirement 51: Photo-atomic data

51.1 An <interp1d> element for the incoherentscattering function S(q, Z).

51.2 An <interp1d> element for the coherent scat-tering function F (q, Z).

51.3 A pair of <interp1d> elements for the realand imaginary parts, F ′(E) and F ′′(E), of theanomalous form factor.

Page 71: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


Discussion point:

An <interp1d> element supporting complexnumbers could simplify these data.

B. Charged particle elastic scattering

As we outlined in subsection III.C, charged particles donot have a finite total cross section or angle integratedelastic cross section. Quantum mechanically, chargedparticle elastic scattering is a sum of Coulomb and nu-clear amplitudes:

A = ACoul +Anucl (35)

The Coulomb piece is analytic and well known. The nu-clear piece must be evaluated. The cross section for elas-tic scattering is of course the square of the amplitude sothe differential cross section has three terms:






The last two terms in Eq. (36) are traditionally lumpedtogether in a “nuclear+interference” term. Note, thisscheme is used for elastic scattering of electrons in theelectro-atomic sub-library in ENDF, but with no nuclearamplitude.

Here the Coulomb cross section is different for distinguishable (Cd) versus identical (Ci) particles:




k2(1− µ)2(37)




k2(1− µ2)

[1 + µ2

1− µ2+


2s+ 1cos

(η ln

1 + µ

1− µ


Here s is the spin of the identical particles.Whether the target and the projectile are identical or not, the Coulomb term is very singular:


dµ∝ η2

k2(1− µ)2(39)

Therefore, the elastic cross section diverges at small incident E and small angles (µ→ 1). One might think that, sincethis is analytic, we don’t have to store it and there is no problem. The problem is that since the Coulomb amplitudecarries the square-root of these divergencies, the interference term σint in the total elastic differential cross section alsocarries divergencies.

The ENDF format provides two solutions:

1. Use a Legendre series expansion of the “nuclear+interference” term or

2. use a “fake cross section” representation of the “nuclear+interference” term.

1. Legendre series expansion approach:

The Legendre series expansion can be found by writing the net elastic scattering cross section for distinguishableparticles as:



dµ− 2η

1− µRe


(iη ln

1− µ2

) NL∑l=0

2l + 1




2l + 1

2bl(E)Pl(µ) (40)

Page 72: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


and the cross section for identical particles as:




− 2η

1− µ2Re


[(1 + µ) exp

(iη ln 1−µ


)+(−1)l(1− µ) exp

(iη ln 1+µ


) ] 2l + 1




4l + 1

2bl(E)P2l(µ) (41)

where the al are complex coefficients for expanding the trace of the nuclear scattering amplitude matrix and the blare real coefficients for expanding the nuclear scattering cross section. Both al and bl should be related, but ENDFlets them be independently chosen.

It is also possible to suppress the divergence in the in-terference term with an alternative definition of the Leg-endre moments. Writing


dµ= (1− µ)


dµ− dσcd(E)




dµ= (1− µ2)


dµ− dσci(E)


Then σR can be given as a Legendre polynomial expan-sion in the forms:




2l + 1

2cld(E)Pl(µ) (44)





4l + 1

2cli(E)P2l(µ) (45)

Because the interference term oscillates as µ goes to 1, thelimit of the Legendre representation of the residual crosssection at small angles may not be well defined wherethe nuclear term is no longer negligible. However, if thecoefficients are chosen properly, the effect of this regionwill be small because the Coulomb term is large.

2. “Fake cross section” approach

The “fake cross section” representation workaroundhas two steps:

• Start the “nuclear+interference” data tables atsome finite incident energy where nuclear effects be-come noticeable. This eliminates the incident en-ergy divergence in the tabulated data.

• Cut-off the “nuclear+interference” term at smallangles. At small angles, Coulomb scattering dom-inates and must be handled in particle transport

separately with techniques such as condensed his-tory. ENDF data uses 10 as a cut-off (if remem-bered correctly, can’t be found in documentation sofar).

This process defines the “nuclear + interference” crosssection and angular distribution in the CM system as:



dµ− dσCoul(E)


σn+i(E) =



dµdµ (47)


Pn+i(µ|E) =


σn+i(E)µmin ≤ µ ≤ µmax

0 otherwise,


Discussion point:ENDF puts this data in MF=3 and MF=6, LAW=5.This leads to confusion since what is in MF=3 is nota partial cross section, but rather a kludge to getaround the divergence. Indeed, the presence of thesedata in ENDF tempts one to try to heat it much likeone does for neutron incident data.

Resolution:We recommend putting these data in aspecial charged-particle elastic scattering<dcrossSection dOmega>.

Discussion point:When reconstructing the charged particle elasticscattering angular distributions given using the re-solved resonance formats, the reconstructed data

Page 73: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


naturally uses one of the formats mentioned here.

Requirement 52:Charged-particle elasticscattering

52.1 A <dcrossSection dOmega> for charged-particle elastic scattering data

52.2 An element for “nuclear+interference” data,containing

52.2.1 Either Legendre moments for a`(E) andb`(E) as complex and real values respec-tively;

52.2.2 or complex Legendre moments for c`(E);52.2.3 or a combination of fake cross section and

fake angular distribution.52.3 A location to denote the cut-off angle (since it

may not be ENDF’s default 10)

Discussion point:The approaches described in this section can alsobe applied to charged particle inelastic scattering orcharged particle transfer reactions.

C. Fission reactions

For application purposes, fission is regular reaction.Physically, fission is a continuum of reactions all lumpedtogether for practicality. Thus, while it fits neatly in ourtop level hierarchy, at the lowest levels, there are manydata types we would like to include that differ markedlyfrom those in other reactions. That said, fission can betreated straightforwardly as a regular <reaction>. Inthis section we will elaborate on how to do this and re-iterate requirements that must be met to support fissiondata.

Discussion point:The top level fission reaction should just be called“fission,” the name should not be overly compli-cated.

Discussion point:One problem with this recommendation: wemay want to break fission up into multiple re-actions, for example by how many prompt neu-trons are released. If we require the reactionto always be named “fission”, we can’t assignunique names to each of these reactions.

At the top level, the fission cross section includes notonly total fission but multi-chance fission when zero or

more neutrons are emitted prior to fission, based on therelative branchings for neutron emission and fission. Thisprocess is distinct from pre-equilibrium neutron emission.While the total fission cross section includes up to fourth-chance fission, no further information is available regard-ing reaction products from the different chances in exist-ing ENDF evaluations. In the future, we foresee havingproduct distributions associated with each fission chance.

Therefore, the most reasonable thing to do would beto have one <crossSection> element for each fissionchance, each named in such a way as to make clearthat they are parts of the total fission cross section (e.g.,‘first chance’). The various chances are required tosum to the total fission cross section.

The reaction products from fission can be separatedby timing into prompt, those emitted immediately afterscission while the hot, excited fragments are cooling byneutron and gamma emission, and delayed, those thatare emitted after processes occurring on a slower timescale such as beta decay. The prompt products includeonly neutrons, gammas and fission products. (The fissionproduct yields (FPYs) are discussed in the following sec-tion.) The delayed products include not only neutronsand gamma but also electrons and neutrinos arising fromthe subsequent decays of the initial fission products fol-lowing prompt emission. The delayed neutrons are fur-ther separated into time groups according to ranges ofdecay half-lives.

Discussion point:On the subject of delayed neutrons, most time de-pendent group data for important (and measurable)fissionable nuclides are derived from (or adjusted to)agree with measurements (Keepin, 1957) with sum-mation calculations being used “straight” only wheresuch data does not exists. They can not be cal-culated directly from fission yields unless the FPYand decay becomes much improved than is currentlyavailable.

Currently ENDF includes an energy-dependent aver-age energy release for fission which includes energy de-position from all the prompt and delayed emission prod-ucts. The fission products are represented by post promptneutron emission fission fragment kinetic energies. Thecomponents of the generalized energy dependent Q val-ues include prompt neutrons and gammas as well as de-layed neutrons, gammas, electrons and neutrinos. Theseare currently stored in a single ENDF file and, in GND,the coefficients describing the energy dependence aretabulated according to, for example, promptNeutrons,delayedGammas in the reactionProducts element. Itmay be advantageous to replicate the prompt neutron,prompt gamma, and delayed neutron contributions to theenergy release within each of the product elements aslong as the values match those at the top level. Indeed,

Page 74: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


the energy release here should be equal to the constantpseudo-Q value for fission (MT=18 in ENDF).

Discussion point:In ENDF, we noted that all n-th chance cross sec-tions all had the same Q value as the total fissionQ value. If this value isn’t used it should be depre-cated.

Discussion point:In ENDF-6, the Q value is constant while the en-ergy release is now energy dependent (MT=458 inENDF). The constant Q-value should be deprecated,as mentioned above.

Both prompt and delayed neutrons are included un-der the neutron product element. Current informationin ENDF includes the average neutron multiplicity ν forprompt and delayed emission, the prompt fission neu-tron spectrum (PFNS), and the delayed neutron spec-trum (DFNS). The delayed component includes DFNSvalues for different incident neutron energies separatedaccording to time constant. Only prompt gamma emis-sion is included under the gamma product element. Usu-ally only prompt gamma energy deposition is included.However, there is room for the gamma multiplicity andenergy spectra that could be made more use of.

The PFNS is unit normalized so that multiplying thePFNS at one energy by the ν for the same energy givesthe correct energy distribution. The average PFNS is typ-ically generated by the Madland-Nix Los Alamos modeland then stored in tabular form. These prompt neu-tron data should be augmented by the neutron multi-plicity distribution, P (ν|E). Recent model calculationshave shown that the shape of the PFNS depends on neu-tron multiplicity. For some applications, P (E′|E, ν) dis-tributions may be useful but sampling from such distri-butions in lieu of an inline model of complete prompt fis-sion events would be superior if possible at a later time.Meanwhile, the combination of P (ν|E) with the PFNS ata given E should be sufficient for most applications, par-ticularly those involving large systems and average quan-tities.

Covariances on the PFNS are currently allowed inENDF. These are relevant between incident energies, out-going energies, and between incident and outgoing ener-gies.

Discussion point:Right now spontaneous fission is stored under ra-dioactive decay. What about making a spontaneousfission reaction? Yes, I know a lot of things are dif-ferent – no energy dependence etc. but it is a closecousin to neutron-induced fission, especially with re-

spect to fission product yields and if they’re mov-ing over under a reaction called fission, why notthis also? In addition, the fission reaction structureshould be applicable to any other projectile inducingfission, including photofission.

Resolution:Spontaneous fission is a decay mode of manyactinides and is covered by the particle prop-erties database discussed in section II.D anddetailed in Ref. (WPEC Subgroup 38,2015a). Spontaneous fission data would go ina <decayProducts> element.

Requirement 53: Fission

53.1 Allow total fission cross section to be bro-ken out by chance in the crossSection

element with “1st chance fission”,“2nd chance fission”, etc. elements.Ensure sum rules are obeyed so that the totalfission cross section is retained.

53.2 Allow fission product data tobe given for “total fission”and “1st chance fission”,“2nd chance fission”, etc. to link tothe products in “total fission”

53.3 Allow Fission Product Yield data (see nextsection for a discussion)

53.4 Allow spontaneous fission data in the particleproperties database

53.5 Allow breaking fission energy release into mul-tiple components inside the reaction <Q>.

53.6 Allow for emission of fission fragments (prod-ucts), neutrons and gammas in separateproduct elements. Electrons and neutrinoscould be allowed for if users specify need butso far the tabulated deposition in the fissionenergy release should suffice.

53.7 Allow energy-dependent prompt, delayed andtotal ν in the <multiplicity> element. En-sure sum rules obeyed for each energy.

53.8 Allow P (ν|E) for prompt neutrons.53.9 Allow PFNS using tables, Madland-Nix model

or other other outgoing energy distributionform supported by ENDF

53.10 Break out delayed neutrons by time group,and indicate the delayed time constant foreach group. The number of time groups shouldnot be limited to 6. Each group defines its ownν, outgoing energy spectrum and time con-stant.

53.11 Allow all emitted neutrons and gammas to

Page 75: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


have incident-energy dependent multiplicitiesand energy-angle spectra.

53.12 Allow for energy-energy covariances in PFNS.There should be the possibility for incident en-ergy, E − E; outgoing energy, E′ − E′; andincident-outgoing energy, E−E′, covariances.

53.13 In addition to neutron- and γ-induced fission,also allow for fission induced by other lightprojectiles.

Discussion point:Should we allow P (E′|E, ν) data for prompt neu-trons? If we really want to do this, then we shouldonly do 1 or 2 multiplicities near the average (ata given energy) since otherwise it becomes too un-wieldy to try and generate decent spectra for outly-ing values of ν.

Discussion point:On the subject of the 6 delayed time groups data,should we even attempt to connect the delayed datato the particle properties data and the Fission Prod-uct Yields? The 6 time groups are really effec-tive time groups. The real process involves hun-dreds of individual beta decays, at least one foreach independent fission product. These are av-eraged over in some fashion to product the timegroups.

Resolution:The decay data and fission product yield cou-pling is not in good enough shape to do muchbetter than is currently done in ENDF.

D. Fission product yields

In the 2012 Working Party on Evaluation Cooperation(WPEC) meeting, two new subgroups were created: SG-37 to investigate Fission Product Yields (FPYs) and SG-38 to define a possible replacement for the ENDF-6 nu-clear data format. In the May 2013 SG-37 meeting, manynew theoretical and experimental results were presentedand new evaluations and evaluation techniques were pre-sented. The new evaluations provide extensive covariancedata which cannot be accommodated in the ENDF-6 for-mat. However, users require these covariance data forperforming uncertainty quantification in many applica-tions. The concurrent development of the GND formatallows us to address many shortcomings of the ENDF-6format and define a new data structure that can meet

future needs of members of the SG-37 group. In this sec-tion, we summarize the results of the SG-37 and SG-38discussions.

1. Introduction

The independent fission product yields (IFPY) are theyields of nuclear fragments following fission and promptneutron and gamma emission. The cumulative fissionproduct yields (CFPY) are the fragment yields after thefragments undergo further beta and other decays. Cumu-lative yields at two different times t1 and t2 are connectedthrough a matrix:

CFPYi(E, t1) =∑ij

Qij(t1, t2) CFPYj(E, t2) (49)

The independent yield is then

IFPYi(E) = CFPYi(E, t = 0) (50)

The Q matrix connects the independent yields with thecumulative yields at a finite time:

CFPYi(E, t) =∑ij

Qij(t, 0) IFPYj(E) (51)

This implies that, in practice, only IFPY or CFPY alongwith the Q-matrix may be needed. There are likely sit-uations where both are needed, especially when fittingmultiple kinds of experimental data. It is typically easierto measure the CFPY while applications typically preferIFPY.

The Q-matrix is a sparse matrix derivable from knowl-edge of the fission fragment decays. There are severalcodes that can compute the Q-matrix from an ENDF-formatted decay sub-library. Although the Q-matrix is aderived quantity, it is derived from data potentially notassociated with the FPYs tabulated (e.g., JEFF yieldscould in principal use ENDF/B decay data) so shouldbe associated with the IFPY and CFPY. Also, implicitin the FPY in JEFF and ENDF/B libraries is the time-integration that sets the maximum decay time of parentnuclei of interest to the evaluator or application.

For general isotopic inventory calculations (withoutuncertainties) independent fission product yields are re-quired. In ENDF/B-VIII.1, these are stored as groupedspectra “thermal”, “fast” and “14 MeV i.e. DT” (Chad-wick, 2011). In other cases, the cumulative fission prod-uct yields can be used to truncate decay chains to reducethe number of nuclides included in cutdown calculations.

Fission product yields are currently stored in their ownsub-library in the major evaluated data libraries (e.g.,ENDF/B-VII.1), but conceptually they really belong inthe description of emitted particles from the fission reac-tion.

Page 76: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


The uncertainties on the yields can be used to givea first order estimate of uncertainty on fission productinventories. However, to get a reasonable estimate of un-certainty on calculated inventories of fission products, thecovariance terms for the combination of independent yieldare required. How these quantities are going to be definedand used is something that SG-37 is still discussing. Thatsaid, it appears that we will need to store the sparse ma-trix of correlated independent yields (up to about 2000 by2000, of which probably less that 10% will be non-zero).

In the process of evaluating yields, one may derive co-variance data relating the yield of an isotope/isomer asa function of incident energy and covariance data relat-ing yields from different isotopes/isomers. In addition,as the Q-matrix is derived from decay data which alsohave uncertainties on branching ratios, the Q-matrix mayalso have covariance data. The branching ratios enterinto the Q-matrix linearly so the covariance calculationis straightforward. The uncertainties on half-lives is typ-ically not so important except in the few cases of a longlived product whose half-life exceeds the integration timeused to compute the Q-matrix. In this case, uncertaintypropagation is very non-trivial since the half-life depen-dence is strongly nonlinear.

In future, models will be used to produce energy depen-dent yields like those prototyped in UKFY4 and GEFY.Thus energy related covariance terms may be required,perhaps combined in some way with the independentyield nuclide covariance terms. However, this will notbe something evaluations will include for at least severalyears but it that needs noting in the format specification.

2. Existing ENDF format

The ENDF-6 format make provisions for storing theIFPY in MT=454 and CFPY in MT=459. Both FPY’suse the same ENDF-6 format, namely tables of (I, YI,dYI), with I denoting the isotope/isomer in question, YIthe corresponding yield and dYI the uncertainty on theyield. The yields are given for several incident energiesE.

The ENDF-6 incident energy interpolation rule is spec-ified but poorly enforced. For neutron induced fissionyields, three energies are typically given which correspondto mean energies for “thermal”, “fission spectrum”, and“14 MeV” neutrons. In practice, the yields change slowlywith incident energy so this has proven to be a problemonly in a few applications.

Deuteron, alpha, photonuclear and other particle in-duced yields in addition to the traditional neutron andspontaneous yields were reported. The ENDF format hasprovisions for all of these.

The ENDF format does not provide a way to storefission yield covariances nor does it provide a way to storethe Q-matrix.

3. Detailed FPY requirements

During the WPEC/SG-37 meeting, D. Brown pre-sented some ideas on possible data structures and begana dialog with members of WPEC/SG-37. As a result ofsubsequent conversations, D. Brown developed a list ofrequirements for a new FPY data structure.

Requirement 54:Fission Product Yields(FPYs)

54.1 Clear rules for interpolation rather than afew vaguely defined groups (e.g., “thermal”,“fission spectrum”, “14 MeV”). Do not im-plicitly include spectrum averages in val-ues.

Discussion point:

ENDF’s energies really are group averages.Should the fact that they are group averagesbe advertised? Should we also put in the groupflux somehow?

54.2 Clearly defined range of validity of evalua-tion that can be matched to other reactiondata. This may be nothing else than the<evaluation>-wide Elow and Ehigh.

54.3 Clear location in the GND reaction hierarchy54.4 Any incident particle (or none)54.5 Per isotope/isomer yield (Yi(E)), identical

data structure for IFPY and CFPY54.6 Per isotope/isomer yield uncertainty (dYi(E)),

identical data structure for IFPY and CFPY54.7 Facility to store per isotope/isomer covariance

on yield (∆2Yi(E,E′)), identical data struc-

ture for IFPY and CFPY.54.8 Facility to store cross-isotope/isomer covari-

ance (∆2Yii′(Ei, Ei′ ;Ei′ , Ei′′)), identical datastructure for IFPY and CFPY. Only IFPY’smay be correlated with IFPY’s and CFPY’swith CFPY’s, the Q-matrix couples the IFPYand CFPY.

54.9 Facility to optionally store the Q-matrix whichconnects the IFPY and CFPY. The Q-matrixhas the following requirements:

54.9.1 The upper cut-off integration time(tStop) used in the generation of the Q-matrix must be stored.

54.9.2 The lower cut-off integration time(tStart) by default should be 0 s, butthere should be an option to denote it aswell.

54.9.3 tStart and tStop could be associatedwith a representation

54.9.4 The Q-matrix may be derived from IFPY

Page 77: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


and a given CPFY or it may be derivedfrom decay data. A mechanism for de-noting either possibility shoudl be given.

54.10 Facility to denote which (if any) of IFPY,CFPY and or Q-matrix is a derived quan-tity. One simple solution would be toassociate them with the appropriate ’eval’representation.

4. Discussion of possible implementations

Figure 38 shows an example of where fission prod-uct yields could fit in the GND-1.7 reaction hierarchy.As fission products describe the emitted particles of afission event, it is logical to place them in the fission<reaction>s <outgoingChannel> of the corresponding<reactionSuite>. The collection of all fission productyield data is assembled in a <fissionProducts> section.The FPY section’s style attributes specifies which of theIFPY and CFPY is the original source distribution. Asspontaneous fission is a decay mode, <fissionProducts>sections can also appear in a particle properties databaseas spontaneous fission decay products.

Within the <fissionProducts> section, we imag-ine an <independentYields> section for IFPY, a<cumulativeYields> section for CFPY and possiblya <yieldsConversionMatrix> section to store the Q-matrix. We expect the markup for IFPY and CFPY beidentical, as in the ENDF-6 format. Figures 39 and 40show two different possible arrangements for data in theIFPY and CFPY sections.

Figure 39 shows one option. Here the yield tables usea modified version of the GND <XYs1d> markup (GND’s<XYs1d> markup is equivalent to the <interp1d> markupused elsewhere in this document). The <XYs1d> markupis attractive for several reasons:

• The interpolation rule specification is well devel-oped.

• Fudge, the main tool for manipulating GND data,has strong data structures for storing X-Y data,including linearization, plotting, etc.

• All data for one nuclide are collected together in asimple, readable way.

• By using standard data structures for each yield, wecan also use standard covariance data structures foryield uncertainty/covariance data

The GND’s <XYs1d> markup is a general markup usedfor data consisting of X-Y pairs. In our case, we wouldlike to add dY’s as well. The current <XYs1d> markupalso allows for only one <data> tag whereas we imagineone per nuclide.

Figure 40 show another option for storing FPY. Hereall data are stored in the GND <table> markup. Thismarkup is quite general and compact. It can accommo-date any number of isotopes simply by adding anothercolumn (or pair of columns if dY is included). We wouldneed to add a provision for specifying an interpolationrule in energy as this is not already provided by the cur-rent <table> markup. With this, we would need to addquite a bit of coding to Fudge in order to generate plotsand manipulate the yield data.

Discussion point:On this option, we have to keep in mind that, ingeneral, there are files with about 1000 FPY data forabout 3 incident (neutron) energies. I would preferoption of Fig. 39. To imagine thousands of elementsin a horizontal array as described in the option ofFig. 40 is a little bit impractical.

Resolution:A 1000 x 3 table may be silly and unworkable.However that arrangement is the most ENDF-like, so we put it in as an option.

Discussion point:About the data structure for FPY covariance data,it was thought that ENDF compact format devel-oped and used to store large covariance matriceswould be suitable for this problem. However, thereis no such option proposed in this requirements doc-ument.

Resolution:In GND and the new data structure there isagreement that there will only be one covari-ance matrix data structure and it will be clearerthan what is in ENDF. For each dataset thathas covariance data, there will be a link (witha URL) to its own covariance and any (andall) cross covariances with other datasets. It ishoped that this arrangement can be made prac-tical for FPY’s so we don’t have 1000 mini-FPYtables, each with 1000 URL’s pointing to 1000mini-covariance matrices.

The Q-matrix should be stored in its own section, herecalled <yieldsConversionMatrix>. GND already pro-vides a <matrix> markup and it is natural to store theQ-matrix itself here. However we need to know how eachrow/column maps to a yield table. To solve this, in thisexample we provide the URL to the data for each row/-column in the IFPY and CFPY tables. It is unclear atthis time if this is the optimal way of referencing column

Page 78: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


<reactionSuite projectile="n" target="U235" version="GND 1.7"

xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" projectileFrame="lab">





<resonances reconstructCrossSection="true">...</resonances>


<reaction label="0" outputChannel="n + U235" date="2020-15- " ENDF_MT="2">...</reaction>

<reaction label="1" outputChannel="total fission" date="2020-15- " ENDF_MT="18">


<outputChannel genre="NBody">



<product name="n" label="n" emissionMode="prompt">...</product>


<yields style="eval">



<yields style="recon">





FIG. 38 A sample GND <reactionSuite> demonstrating where the fission product yields could reside within a fission<reaction> section in the current GND format.

<independentYields style="eval">


<axis index="1" label="energy_in"


<axis index="0" label="yield" unit=""/>


<yield particleID="Nd146_e0">

<XYs1d interpolation="flat">

<doubles>1e-05 3.45996e-13 0.0253

3.45996e-13 ... </doubles>



<!-- another 779 yield elements,

all with same axes -->



FIG. 39 One option for storing FPY. In this variant, the yieldsfrom each isotope are given their own <XYs1d> section, butwith common <axes> In this option, the yields for each fis-sion product are given on their own grid and, owing to there-use of the <XYs1d> container, whatever software is writtento say plot <XYs1d> automatically can plot the FPY for eachproduct. Also, as each product has its own <XYs1d>, the gridfor one product can be refined without disrupting the otherproducts. This arrangement also allows storing uncertainty orfull covariance data directly with the yields. Cross yield co-variances can be stored with the formats mentioned in sectionIV, in an external file.

and row elements and it depends on the way FPY’s arestored in their corresponding data sections. This is illus-trated in FIg. 41. In this figure, the <grid> elements


<table rows="5" columns="1561">


<column index="0" name="energy" units="eV"/>

<column index="1" name="Nd146_e0_yield"/>

<column index="2" name="Nd146_e0_dYield"/>




<!--energy | Nd146_e0_yield | Nd146_e0_dYield |...-->

1e-05 3.45996e-13 2.21437e-13 ...

0.0253 3.45996e-13 2.21437e-13 ...

500000.0 3.45996e-13 2.21437e-13 ...

500000.0 4.01972e-13 2.57262e-13 ...

2000000.0 4.01972e-13 2.57262e-13 ...

2000000.0 5.452814e-09 3.489803e-09 ...

14000000.0 5.452814e-09 3.489803e-09 ...

20000000.0 5.452814e-09 3.489803e-09 ...



FIG. 40 An ENDF-like option for storing FPY. In this vari-ant, all yields from all isotope are collected together in a<table> section. This is more compact than the other variantand has the same arrangement of information as the sourceENDF file. It has the unfortunate feature that the interpo-lation in incident energy is lost. Also, it is not obvious howmany nuclei are stored as one must parse the column names todetermine that every other column is an uncertainty. Also, itis not immediately obvious how to retrofit correlation data tocapture the correlations between the production of the differ-ent fragments. Finally, if one knows the yield of one producton a finer grid than the others (say because it is in the FPYpeak), then it is not clear how to fit it in this grand table.

Page 79: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


denote the linkage to the appropriate yield table to thecorrect column/row in the covariance matrix.

Discussion point:Q-matrix can be computed from the decay library.Is Q-matrix something we want to store? It canbe a very stringent requirement but if we computedCFPY using the Q-matrices computed from the de-cay data of the same library, we could store onlyIFPY data (and related uncertainties and correla-tions). In this sense CFPY can be considered as asort of “reconstructed” FPY data as well as crosssections in the resolved resonance region are re-constructed from the resonance parameters. Ob-viously, this procedure would rely on a completeand consistent decay library and related uncertain-ties.

Resolution:We want to allow storing Q-matrix as an option,not a requirement. Similarly, we were not re-quiring the evaluator to provide both the CFPYand the IFPY. However, we did want the evalu-ator to have the option to store either the CFPYor the IFPY and then the Q-matrix. Then theuser can reconstruct what they need for theirapplication. In the event that the evaluatorhas some fancy pants Bayesian scheme ;) thatrequires a simultaneous fit of some IFPY andsome other CFPY, then that evaluator wouldhave to store everything for the sake of internalconsistency.

Discussion point:It would be very useful to integrate a Q-matrix cal-culator into one or more processing/testing codes sothat the IFPY and CFPY and the decay data canbe brought in accord with one another.

E. Spallation reactions

Spallation reactions are reactions in which the targetnucleus is struck with such force that a large number ofparticles are produced. For nucleon induced reactions,this typically occurs at energies E > 100 MeV but nearlyany hadronic or leptonic projectile or gammas can causesuch reactions. Spallation reactions are the main mech-anism for neutron production in accelerator driven sys-tems.

Spallation data often goes by many different names in-cluding “particle production” and “fragmentation”. Themain difference between “particle production” through

many independent channels and “particle production”from spallation is the kinematically induced correlationsbetween products of the reaction in the case of a spal-lation reaction. These correlations are quite interestingfrom a basic physics stand point. The incident particledeposits large amounts of energy and forward momen-tum into the target nucleus as the projectile stops in (orat higher energies, punches through) the target nucleus.As the energy and momentum is distributed into the tar-get, collective motion from rescattering of the nucleons inthe target build up until a plume of nucleons erupts fromthe target. Such reactions can provide valuable informa-tion about the nuclear equation of state and in-mediumnucleon-nucleon interactions.

That said, applications involving spallation nuclear re-actions do not require detailed event-by-event informa-tion. Rather, they require only the produced particlemultiplicities and the energy-angle correlated outgoingprobabilities. In ENDF, these data are typically storedas MT=5 reaction data in the MF=6 file.

By their nature, spallation reactions are inclusive.However, they cannot be broken easily into parts norstored in the <summedReactions> portion of the hier-archy. There is no need for such a complicated mecha-nism for storing spallation data. We can proceed as inlegacy ENDF and simply declare the spallation data tohave their own <reaction>. The total of all the crosssections of all processes comprising the spallation reac-tion are placed in the <crossSection> element and eachtabulated particle is given its own <product> elementwith variable multiplicities the full energy-angle PDFs.As the hierarchy can already accommodate these data,additional requirements are minimal:

Requirement 55: Spallation

55.1 Should allow a reaction annotation or alias.For example, “spallation”.

Discussion point:Is it enough to correlate all products un-der <spallation> or should we do somethingelse?

Resolution:For now, the event-by-event collective motioninduced in the emitted particles via the collisionkinematics is not considered in ENDF. Thesecorrelations might be important in future ap-plications.

Page 80: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


<yieldsConversionMatrix tStart="0 s" tStop="100 yr">



<grid index="2" label="row_yields" unit="" style="parameters">

<parameter xlink:href="../../../../independentYields/yield[@particleID=’Nd146_e0’]"/>

<!-- another 779 links to other yields in the independentYields -->



<grid index="1" label="column_yields" unit="" style="parameters">

<parameter xlink:href="../../../../cumulativeYields/yield[@particleID=’Nd146_e0’]"/>

<!-- another 779 links to other yields in the cumulativeYields -->



<axis index="0" label="Q_matrix" unit=""/></axes>

<array shape="780,780" symmetry="lower">

<values length="303810">...</values></array></gridded2d>


FIG. 41 An option for storing the Q-matrix. The matrix itself is stored in a <array> section which could be sparse or dense.The identities of the rows and columns are denoted in the <grid> elements with links to the appropriate yield table. The timecut off used to generate the yield conversion matrix from decay data could optionally given as an attribute in the top element.

F. Radiative capture

Here we detail needs for radiative capture data, includ-ing (n, γ), (p, γ), or any other reaction in which the onlyreaction product is a residual nucleus and emitted gam-mas. These reactions may be treated using R-matrix the-ory and the data stored in resonance data structures orthey may be treated using other reaction models storedpointwise. If radiative capture is treated with the R-matrix formalism, often one works in the Reich-Mooreapproximation, but one could treat with full R-matrixusing data structure consistent with requirements in thisdocument.

Radiative capture data can be handled just like anyother reaction that produces gammas, with one excep-tion: primary gammas. Direct capture at low energiescan result in the emission of a primary gamma. As theprojectile’s energy E increases, the energies of the pri-mary gammas increase as well, in accordance with theequation:

E′γ =mtarg

mproj +mtargE + E′γ0 (52)

where mtarg and mproj are respectively the masses of thetarget and projectile, and E′γ0 is the energy of the gammafor a projectile with zero energy. As the neutron moves upin incident energy, the primary gamma’s energy appearsto move with it.

In ENDF, primary gammas are a mess, with two sepa-rate implementations (MF=12 and MF=6). Both ENDFapproaches are kludges The primary gammas and accom-panying cascade gammas are unique to an isotope and area potential tool for isotope identification through activeinterrogation.

Requirement 56: Primary gammas

56.1 There shall be a special markup to denote thata gamma is a primary gamma.

G. Thermal scattering law

1. Introduction

In the 2015 Working Party on Evaluation Coopera-tion (WPEC) meeting, Subgroup 42 “Thermal Scatter-ing Kernel S(α,β): Measurement, Evaluation and Ap-plication” was formed. At the kick-off meeting for thisSubgroup, several issues arose:

• The need for directional information from thermalneutron scattering events for moderator design innew spallation neutron sources;

• New approaches to the evaluation of thermal neu-tron scattering data;

• New approaches to uncertainty propagation forthermal neutron scattering data; and

• New experimental activities seeking to measurethermal neutron scattering cross sections on tech-nologically important materials.

All of these require improvements to the legacy ENDFformat. Fortunately, several members of Subgroup 38were present at this meeting and were able to recruit sev-eral of the Subgroup 42 participants to help draft therequirements for thermal scattering data in the new nu-clear data structure.

Page 81: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


Thermal neutron scattering law (TSL) data apply tothe situation where the de Broglie wavelength of an in-cident neutron is on the order of interatomic distancesand the neutron’s energy is on the order of the excita-tion (vibration, rotation, etc.) energy of the medium inwhich it interacts. The structure and dynamics of thescattering medium determine the peculiarities of neutronscattering at low incident neutron energies (E < 1 − 10eV). Thermal neutron scattering is typically formulatedusing the theory of Van Hove (VanHove, 1954) which wedetail here following the treatments in Refs. (Hehr, 2010)and (Cacuci, 2010).

TSL data are given in sub-library 12 (NSUB = 12)in the ENDF6 format (using MF=7, MT=2 and MF=7,MT=4 data structures). This sub-library provides di-mensionless scattering kernels on a grid of dimensionlessmomentum and energy transfer to describe thermal neu-tron scattering. The sub-library is organized by a nu-clide (scatterer) in a given material. For example, in theENDF/BV-II.1 TSL sub-library, we have data for Be inberyllium oxide, O in beryllium oxide, C in Graphite,etc. In some cases, only the most important scattererin a material has the evaluation. For example, we haveHinH2O, or hydrogen in light water, but there is no eval-uation for OinH2O, implying that usage of the free gasmodel for thermal neutron scattering by oxygen in lightwater is an acceptable approximation. Some evaluationshave the data at one temperature: for example, data forthermal neutron scattering by H in liquid parahydrogen(H2 with both atomic spins aligned so I = 0) are given atT = 20.0K only. However, many evaluations are givenfor a number of temperatures T . For example, S(α, β;T )data for UinUO2 (U in uranium dioxide) are given at eightdifferent temperatures.

Discussion point:The materials in the current ENDF libraries couldbe organized using the <metaEvaluation> markupin section III.B.

When using, for example, ENDF/B-VII.1 TSL data, itis expected that nuclear data processing codes can readS(α, β, T ) data and generate differential cross sections,d2σ(E, T )/dE′dΩ, as well as the integral data (such as,integral cross sections σ(E, T ), average scattering cosineµ(E, T ), average E′, etc.) in proper physical units (barnper eV per sr, barn, eV, etc.) for incident neutron en-ergies E and neutron scattering with the energy E′ andscattering cosine µ.

Discussion point:It was felt at the May 2014 Paris meeting, thatwe should consider focusing on storing only legacyENDF data and possibly the phonon spectrum ρ(ω)and defer all subsequent discussions until the forma-

tion of a special WPEC subgroup that can specifi-cally deal with TSL issues. In May 2015, SubGroup42 “Thermal Scattering Kernel S(α, β): Measure-ment, Evaluation and Application” was formed.

2. Theoretical background

Working in the first Born approximation and applyinga Fermi (nuclear) pseudo potential, the double differentialthermal neutron scattering cross section off one class ofN scatterers j with scattering lengths bj is





bjbj′×∫ ∞−∞


~Rj′ (0)e−i~κ·~Rj(t)


This expression includes both elastic and inelastic scat-tering. Here ~Rj(t) is the position Heisenberg operatorof the jth scatterer at time t, and k, and k′ are the in-cident and outgoing neutron wave numbers. The mo-mentum and energy transferred between the scatteringneutron and the collections of scatterers are ~κ = ~k − ~k′

and ω = E′−E. The implicit dependence on the materialtemperature is suppressed.

In the limit of a large number of scatterers we maymake the replacement bjbj′ → 〈bjbj′〉 and further, as-suming no correlation between the scattering lengths ofdifferent nuclei,

〈bjbj′〉 = 〈bj〉 〈bj′〉 = 〈b〉2 if j′ 6= j

〈bjbj〉 =⟨b2⟩

for j = j′(54)

Using this, we define the coherent scattering cross sectionas σcoh = 4π 〈b〉2 and the incoherent as σinc = 4π(


〈b〉2). Now, define an intermediate function

I(~κ, t) =1




~Rj′ (0)e−i~κ·~Rj(t)


The intermediate function can be computed from con-densed matter theory assuming that the dynamics (de-scribed in terms of vibrational eigenmodes or phonon-type spectra) and structure (e.g., a certain order or cor-relations in the positions of scatterers in space) of themedium of interest are well understood.

In terms of the intermediate function, the scatteringkernel is

S(~κ, ω) =1


∫ ∞−∞

dte−iωtI(~κ, t) (56)

Both S(~κ, ω) and I(~κ, t) may include all j, j′ in the sum inEq. (53) or they may be broken out into j = j′ (self) and

Page 82: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


j 6= j′ (distinct) contributions. This is useful because theincoherent cross section only contains the self-correlationbetween an atom at time t = 0. We have



k[σcohS(~κ, ω) + σincSs(~κ, ω)] (57)


S(~κ, ω) = Ss(~κ, ω) + Sd(~κ, ω) (58)

Discussion point:Reaction annotations could be used to split the scat-tering kernel into “self” and “distinct” parts. Thisis useful for a model-based evaluation where bothcomponents can be computed separately.

In practice, one assumes that we may average over ori-entation of the scatterers such that we can replace thedirectional dependence of ~κ with a directionless κ depen-dence. Also, one uses the scattering kernel rewritten interms of the dimensionless variables α and β so

S(α, β) =kBT

~S(κ, ω) (59)

where α = (E′ + E − 2mn

√EE′)/AkBT and β = (E′ −

E)/kBT .

Discussion point:Whether we use α and β or κ and ω, we have re-duced the parametric dependence of the scatteringkernel to three. These are κ, ω and an implicit ma-terial temperature dependence. This makes stor-ing the scattering kernel directly in ENDF feasi-ble.

Resolution:We should stick to storing the kernel in termsof α and β for backwards compatibility

Discussion point:New experiments from NCSU/RPI/ORNL collabo-ration will directly measure the d2σ(E, T )/dE′dΩ.This is equivalent to measuring the full scatteringkernel. Storing the covariance on the full scatter-ing kernel may be unfeasible. Storing the covarianceon data using the approximations and distinctionsbelow may be feasible.

Discussion point:ENDF thermal scattering data can have a large dy-namic range. To accommodate this, ENDF manualrecommends the following:

For down-scattering events with large en-ergy losses and for low temperatures, βcan be large and negative. The main con-tribution to the cross section comes fromthe region near α + β = 0. Computerprecision can become a real problem inthese cases. As an example, for wa-ter at room temperature, calculations us-ing equation (7.6) for incident neutronsat 4 eV require working with productslike e80 × 10−34. For liquid hydrogenat 20 Kelvin and for 1 eV transfers, theproducts can be e300 × 10−130. Thesevery large and small numbers are diffi-cult to handle on most computers, es-pecially 32-bit machines. The LLN flagis provided for such cases: the evalua-tor simply stores ln(S) instead of S andchanges the interpolation scheme accord-ingly (that is, the normal log-log lawchanges to log-lin). Values of S = 0.0 likethose found in the existing ENDF/B-IIIthermal files really stand for some verysmall number less than 10−32 and shouldbe changed to some large negative value,such as -999.

The fact that we are not limited by ENDF’s precisionmeans that we should avoid this problem.

The TSL data can be simplified further by taking ad-vantage of the elastic limit (ω → 0) or by making severalapproximations including

• The incoherent approximation, where the “dis-tinct” part of the scattering law is neglected (i.e.,setting Sd = 0 above).

• The Gaussian approximation, where the “self” partof the intermediate scattering function may be writ-ten in terms of the material’s phonon frequencyρ(ω).

• The short collision time approximation

Requirement 57: Thermal scattering kernel

57.1 Allow TSL data to be broken out into separatereactions as specified by the evaluator. Eachreaction is treated independently for the pur-poses of neutron transport.

57.2 Denote the energy range for which these dataare used. The Emax = 5 eV limit in ENDF isconvention and has no general physical justifi-cation.

57.3 Allow reactions to be annotated bycombinations of self, distinct,

Page 83: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


coherent, incoherent, tsl elastic andtsl inelastic labels. Because of this flexi-bility, care will need to be taken by evaluatorsto ensure that double counting does not occur.

57.4 All reaction data contained in<dcrossSection dOmega dE> or<dcrossSection dOmega> elements, de-pending on the evaluators needs.

57.5 Provide a mechanism by which multiple scat-terers within one material may be associated(or better yet, collected) in one file. Thisway the connection between say BeinBeO andOinBeO is made explicit.

57.6 If the reaction data are be broken out by scat-terer (e.g., HinH2O), the stoichiometric frac-tion of each class of scatterer must be given.

57.7 The scattering kernel S(α, β, T ) can be givenas an interpolation table or using one of theapproximations or distinctions given below insubsections V.G.4-V.G.6

57.8 Coherent or incoherent cross sections are asso-ciated with their respective scattering kernels.

Discussion point:Annotations might also be used to denote“tsl elastic” and “tsl inelastic” data as TSLdata does not have the same two-body kinematics ofhigher energy data. When ω → 0, E = E′ in the labframe and the center of mass frame is meaningless.

3. Gaussian approximation of the self part of the scatteringkernel

By making the so-called Gaussian approximation to theintermediate scattering function (Hehr, 2010; VanHove,1954) the self part of the scattering kernel can be writtenin terms of the material phonon spectrum ρ(ω):

Ss(α, β) =1

∫ ∞−∞

dt eiβte−γ(t) (60)


γ(t) = α

∫ ∞−∞

dωρ(ω)(1− e−iωt

) e−ω/2

2ω sinh(ω/2)


This Fourier transform is coded in R.E. MacFarlane’sLEAPR module of NJOY (MacFarlane, 2012) and canbe used to generate the inelastic scattering kernel.

We note that if the full scattering kernel is well approx-imated by only the self term and in this Gaussian approx-imation, the entire scattering kernel can be specified with

the phonon spectrum. This spectrum may have a discreteportion and/or a continuous portion. Nevertheless, thisoffers us a compact way to encapsulate the scattering ker-nel and it provides us with a two-dimensional object thatwe can specify covariance on.

Requirement 58: Gaussian self-part scatteringkernel

58.1 An encapsulating element that specifies thatthese data is the self part of the scattering ker-nel only.

58.2 The phonon spectrum ρ(ω) as a discreteand/or continuous distribution.

58.3 Optionally, a link to the covariance on thephonon spectrum.

Following (Cacuci, 2010), we can expand the time-dependent part of the scattering kernel to arrive at thephonon expansion:

e−γ(t) = −αλs∞∑n=0



[∫ ∞−∞



where Ps(ω) = ρ(ω)/ [2ω sinh (ω/2kBT )] and the Debye-Waller coefficient is

λs =

∫ ∞−∞

dωPs(ω)e−ω/2 (63)

The nth term in this expansion is identified with the num-ber of phonons involved in the collision (Cacuci, 2010).This expansion allows us to arrive at two approximationsgiven in the ENDF format manual that must be grand-fathered into the new data structure: elastic coherent,elastic incoherent and the short collision time approx-imations. In the case of the elastic (in)coherent data,we set E = E′ which then forces β → 0 and simplifiesthe phonon expansion to the first term, the zero phononlimit. Alternatively, in the limit of large n, we arriveat the short collision time approximation (called this be-cause the large number of collisions implies a short timefor each individual collision).

4. Coherent elastic scattering

For crystals (polycrystalline materials), the informa-tion about the crystal structure is expressed in termsof the so-called Bragg edges (a discrete set of energiesEj ∼ 1 meV - 1 eV) and a set of crystallographic struc-ture factors sj associated with Ej and a neutron scattererin a crystal unit cell. In addition, one has to estimate thetemperature dependent Debye-Waller coefficient W ′ (inthe units of eV−1). Then it is possible to generate the

Page 84: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,






10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101


ss S


n [

b ]

Energy [ eV ]

inelastic scatt. contribution

C-nat, scatt. ENDF/B-VII.0, free gas model (299.15 K)C-nat in Graphite, therm. scatt. ENDF/B-VII.0, (299.15 K)

FIG. 42 Elastic scattering cross-sections of carbon at roomtemperature (free gas model) vs. thermal scattering cross-sections of carbon in graphite at room temperature.

data structure that can be used to generate the contribu-tion of coherent elastic neutron scattering into the ther-mal neutron scattering kernel, scattering cross sections,etc., for a given scatterer in the polycrystal.

Figure 42 compares the different elastic scattering pre-scriptions for two different forms of carbon. Here one canclearly see the Bragg edges in the elastic cross section.

In the early 1990’s, parameterized coherent and inco-herent elastic scattering were added to ENDF format.Neutrons can only elastically scatter coherently off of reg-ular substances such as crystals. The differential crosssection for such scattering can be written (Trkov, 2009)


dE′ dΩ(E, T ) =




si(T ) δ(µ−µi) δ(E−E′)



µi = 1− 2EiE


The quantity actually given in the file is si(T ) = S(Ei, T )which the ENDF manual states is conveniently repre-sented as a stairstep function with breaks at the Braggedges Ei using histogram interpolation. Here, we muststore the structure factor si(T ) = S(Ei, T ) tables inENDF’s MF=7 (note these factors are given as a his-togram in ENDF, hence the notation above).

Alternatively, this cross section can be written (Cacuci,2010):


dE′ dΩ(E, T ) =



fie−4WEiδ(µ−µi) δ(E−E′)


The fi are material dependent and related to the crystal-lographic structure factors.

Requirement 59: Coherent Elastic Scattering

59.1 An elastic channel reaction designator thatincludes the annotations tsl elastic andcoherent.

59.2 <dcrossSection dOmega> element containingthis data.

59.3 An list of <interp2d> elements contain-ing the structure factor S(E, T ) in the<distribution> element. The ENDF man-ual requires the interpolation in E to be ahistogram and it is unclear whether there isa need to relax this requirement. The Braggedges are the histogram boundaries. With thisrequirement, S(E, T ) = S(Ei, T ) ≡ si(T )/E

59.4 Alternatively, specify the Bragg edges Ei andfactors fi in a <table> element. Must providethe coherent cross section σcoh and the Debye-Waller integral W as well.

59.5 Optional link to <covariance> data on thespecified parameters.

59.6 These data must be given in the lab frameas the center of mass frame is meaningless forTSL data.

5. Incoherent elastic scattering

For partially ordered systems, incoherent elastic scat-tering is described by


dE′ dΩ(E, T ) =


e−2EW ′(T )(1−µ) δ(E−E′) (67)


σb is the characteristic bound cross section (barns),

W ′ is the DebyeWaller integral divided by the atomicmass (ENDF data are given in eV−1),

and all the other symbols have their previous meanings.The integrated cross section is easily obtained:

σ(E) =σb2

(1− e−4EW ′

2EW ′


Note that the limit of σ for small E is σb.

Requirement 60:Incoherent Elastic Scatter-ing

60.1 An elastic channel reaction designator thatincludes the annotations tsl elastic andincoherent.

60.2 <dcrossSection dOmega> element containingthese data.

60.3 An <interp1d> element collecting W ′ the De-byeWaller integral divided by the atomic mass

Page 85: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


as a function of temperature.60.4 The bound cross section σb, with units.60.5 Optional link to <covariance> data on W ′.60.6 Optional link to <covariance> data of σb.

This is a 1× 1 matrix, but could be correlatedwith W ′’s covariance.

60.7 These data must be given in the lab frameas the center of mass frame is meaningless forTSL data.

6. Incoherent inelastic scattering in the short collision timeapproximation

In the short collision time limit, we have (Trkov, 2009)

S(α, β) =exp

[− (α−|β|)2T

4αTeff(T ) −|β|2


4παTeff(T )T


Requirement 61:Short Collision Time Ap-proximation

61.1 Something to denote that the short collisiontime approximation is used.

61.2 The effective temperature Teff(T )

Discussion point:Should the Short Collision Time approximation bedeprecated as a format? It is not used in currentlibraries and the approximation is only used duringprocessing in certain cases.

7. Discussion of TSL covariance

There are two general applications possible for thermalscattering covariance data. The first is for use in nuclearsystem simulation codes to assess uncertainties in calcu-lated system response parameters as a function of sup-plied nuclear data uncertainties. The second is to allowstatistical comparison of different thermal scattering law(TSL) and cross section evaluations and measurements.

For uncertainty quantification in nuclear systems, thereare not yet any simulation codes capable of utilizing dif-ferential or double-differential covariances. Any simula-tion code incorporating inelastic thermal scattering datawill either utilize the S(α, β) TSL directly or have its ownthermal library format with integral cross section andscattered angle/energy information. For the latter case,which is more common, the library is typically producedby some method of numerical integration over S(α, β). Inthis case, regardless of how this S(α, β) was generated,

the user may propagate a supplied covariance matrix forthe S(α, β) data to determine covariances for any set ofdifferential and integral cross section data, for any libraryformat, for any energy/angle grid structure, and withoutthe need for evaluator-supplied sensitivity matrices. Theuser may also determine the resolution of differential andintegral covariance data required and define group crosssections for this covariance data based on their applica-tion needs. This is all a strong argument for developinga format to provide covariances on S(α, β) directly.

For interlibrary or evaluation to experiment compar-isons, we want the covariance format to be compatiblewith both experimental and theoretical thermal scatter-ing data. For the latter, we want to include evaluationsin the incoherent approximation based on an excitationmode energy spectrum (since this applies to all currentlypublished TSL evaluations) as well as evaluations gen-erated with modern methods using molecular dynamics,the time-dependent pair correlation function G(r, t), orotherwise explicitly accounting for coherent interferenceeffects in inelastic scattering. A format providing covari-ances on S(α, β) directly would satisfy all of this. As withuncertainty quantification, this common format would al-low the propagation of the S(α, β) covariance matrix togenerate covariances for any set of differential and inte-gral cross sections, regardless of how the S(α, β) data wasgenerated.

The dimensionality of the S(α, β) TSL is a prob-lem. Strictly speaking, the TSL is a function of alpha,beta, sigma, and T. We can probably safely assume thatthe uncertainty in the nuclear scattering cross section(sigma) is small compared to uncertainties in S(α, β).We can certainly assume this for nuclear mass uncer-tainties. There are no uncertainties in T if we assumethe TSL to be defined for exact T. However, if we in-clude T as a dimensional parameter of the TSL covari-ance matrix, the matrix is tabulated as a function of sixdimensions (α, α′, β, β′, T, T ′). Even with only 10 ele-ments per dimension, this results in a covariance matrixwith 106 entries. An important question here is, “Howimportant is cross-temperature covariance data?” Foruncertainty quantification, the answer may be model de-pendent. For the model comparison, it is probably notimportant. There is also the question of cross-nuclide co-variances, (e.g., covariances between the TSLs for Zr inZrHx and H in ZrHx). We already ignore many cross-library covariances for high-energy reactions and mate-rials out of practicality. Although it may be clear whatkind of data we would like to have, if we are to have anyusable thermal scattering covariance data at all, issues ofpractical application must be considered.

In terms of the α and β dimensions, covariances couldbe tabulated over coarse α and β grids without affectingthe resolution of the S(α, β) data itself. S(α, β) data hasa very large dynamic range that can span many orders ofmagnitude. Physically, very-low magnitude S(α, β) is as-

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sociated with very-low probability scattering events. Al-though tabulating these quantities may be important foraccurate convergence of integral cross sections and cap-turing low-probability angle/energy changes, uncertain-ties in integral cross sections will be very insensitive touncertainties in very-low magnitude S(α, β). Moreover,for α and β blocks over which the variation in S(α, β) issmall, retaining a fine covariance structure may be un-necessary. In summary, the α and β resolution of S(α, β)covariance data required to generate integral uncertain-ties of sufficient fidelity is likely much less than the α andβ resolution of S(α, β) required to generate differentialand integral cross sections of sufficient fidelity.

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One of the goals for the new structure is to be able tostore processed or derived data for specific applications(see requirement 2.2). Here we attempt to list some ofthe more important cases and their requirements, but werealize that our list is far from complete.

Processed data are a representation of the data in aform required by transport (or other application) codes.This kind of data is often needed for inter comparisonbetween labs. However, each institution generally pro-cesses evaluated data into a form mainly acceptable byapplications managed by that institution, and these formsdepend on each institution’s unique needs.

The elements and requirements we describe below arelocated in a few distinct places in the data hierarchy:

<reaction>: To store evaluated and any pro-cessed/derived data specific to a reaction

<productionReactions>: To store production datasuch as production cross sections and yields.

<applicationData>: To store other derived data nottied to a specific <reaction> but needed for trans-port, such as total transfer matrices. This section isnot to be confused with <representations> con-tents which define things like group structures andfluxes needed in the generation of processed data.

We comment that there are cases even in ENDF wherethere is incomplete information known (e.g., for fission wemay only know the total emitted energy for some of theminor actinides) so these “derived” or “processed” datamay be all we know. Therefore, in any given data set,the <representation> determines what is original andwhat isn’t.

A. General transport data

1. Product average kinetic energy and forward momentum

A product’s average kinetic energy E′(E) is defined as

E′(E) =

∫ ∞0

dE′∫ 1


dµ E′ P (µ,E′|E) (70)

It is convenient to store this quantity in a linear tabulatedform as it is used to check energy balance.

A product’s average forward momentum p′f(E) is de-fined as

p′f(E) =

∫ ∞0

dE′∫ 1


dµ µp′(E′)P (µ,E′|E) (71)

where p′(E′) is the magnitude of the product’s momen-tum as a function of its kinetic energy E′ and the µ factor

in the equation yields the projection of the product’s mo-mentum along the direction of the projectile. It is alsoconvenient to store this quantity in a linear tabulatedform.

Requirement 62: Average kinetic energy andforward momentum

62.1 Shall store the projectile’s averaged kinetic en-ergy and momentum within the appropriate<reaction>

62.2 Shall store the products’ averaged projectilekinetic energy and momentum within the ap-propriate <reaction>’s <product> element

62.3 The averaged projectile kinetic energy andmomentum shall be stored as <interp1d> ta-bles

2. µlab(E)

In ENDF, the average forward scattering angle inthe lab frame of a reaction product, µlab(E) =∫dµlabµlabP (µlab|E) is given in the MT=251 file. Al-

though one might view µlab(E) as a derived quantity,it can be measured experimentally and so may have co-variance data associated with it. We note that the datatypically given in evaluated files are in the center of massframe, so care must be taken when performing the framechange.

Requirement 63: Mubar

63.1 Shall store the projectile’s averaged for-ward scattering angle within the appropriate<reaction>

63.2 Shall store the products’ averaged for-ward scattering angle within the appropriate<reaction>’s <product> element

63.3 The averaged forward scattering angle shall bestored as <interp1d> tables

3. CDF’s from PDF’s

Given a probability density function PDF(E), one candefine the cumulative distribution functions (CDF) as

CDF(E) =

∫ E

−∞dE′PDF(E′) (72)

Monte Carlo codes use these cumulative distributionfunctions (CDF)’s to convert uniformly sampled randomnumbers, x, on the interval x ∈ [0, 1] to samples consis-tent with the underlying PDF through

E = CDF−1(x) (73)

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For Monte Carlo transport, it is convenient to pre-compute the cumulative distribution functions (CDF) foreach PDF. However, this is a fast calculation and pre-calculation is not essential, but may be advantageous.Therefore, we require a markup for CDF’s as derived datato be located in the same enclosing element as its PDF.

Requirement 64: CDFs

64.1 A markup for CDF’s as derived data, locatedin the same enclosing element as its PDF.

4. Probability tables in the URR

The unresolved resonance region parameters representthe average behaviors of resonances that cannot be re-solved experimentally. Using techniques such as imple-mented in the PURR module of NJOY (MacFarlane,2012) or the PURM module of AMPX (Dunn, 2002), onecan convert these average parameters into the probabilityfor a particular reaction cross section σx as a function ofincident energy, P (σ|E).

Requirement 65: URR probability tables

65.1 The URR probability tables shall be stored inthe appropriate <reaction>

65.2 The URR probability tables shall be stored as<interp2d> objects

Discussion point:The GRUCON code (GRUCON, 2014) can computethe conditional probabilities P (σi|σj , E), properlyaccounting for the correlations in the probabilities ofall the reaction cross sections. If we are to supportthese, they naturally would go in the evaluation-wide<applicationData>.

B. Grouped transport data

The largest use of data in ENDF format is modelingparticle transport (usually neutrons, but users are some-time interested in transporting charged particles includ-ing electrons). To model the transport of particles such asneutrons one uses codes that solve the Boltzmann trans-port equation. The Boltzmann equation can be solved avariety of ways including with Monte-Carlo techniques,by discretizing it and solving the resulting matrix equa-tion (also known as deterministic transport) or rarely byusing the method of characteristics.

In a simplified 1-dimensional form with one targetspecies and only elastic scattering, the Boltzmann equa-tion is





∂x+ ρ σ(E) f(E)


∫dE′ ρ σ(E′) P (E′ → E) f(E′) (74)

where E is the kinetic energy of the projectile, f(E) =f(x,E, t) is the flux of the particle being transported(i.e., the projectile), ρ is the target density, σ(E) is thecross section between the projectile and the target andP (E′ → E) is the probability density function (PDF) forscattering from energy E′ to E. In this simplified form,the angular dependence is ignored.

For both Monte Carlo and deterministic data, it is con-venient to convert cross section resonance data to a lineartabulated form and pre-heat the tabulated cross sectionsto pre-defined temperatures as these are computationallyintensive calculations.

For deterministic transport the energy variable E mustbe judiciously discretized by flux-weight averaging ele-ments of the Boltzmann equation over energy bins (alsocalled groups). For example, the cross section becomesfor group i (Ei < E < Ei+1),

σ(E)⇒ σi =

∫ Ei+1

EidE σ(E)Φ(E)∫ Ei+1

EidE Φ(E)


and the σ(E′) P (E′ → E) factor in the right-hand-sideof Eq. 74 becomes,

σ(E) P (E′ → E)⇒ TMio =∫ E′o+1


dE′∫ Ei+1

EidE σ(E′)P (E′ → E) Φ(E′)∫ E′o+1


dE′ Φ(E′)


where TMio (called the transfer matrix) expresses thefact that a projectile in energy group o produces outgoingparticles into energy group i. Equation 76 is a simplifiedversion; a more accurate TMio includes Legendre expan-sion, a multiplicity for the number of outgoing particlesM(E′) and a conservation factor W (E′). The conserva-tion factor is either 1 or E′, depending on whether thenumber or average energy of the outgoing particles is tobe conserved for each group.

Ideally, the flux Φ(E) that we weight with should bethe same flux that results from solving the transportequation, f(E). Clearly this presents a “chicken and egg”problem since we can’t weight with a flux we haven’tyet computed. Therefore, in practice various techniqueshave been developed to make judicious choices for theweighting fluxes. Bondarenko (see VI.B.5) and multi-band treatments are some of the more popular choices inthe application community.

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The more accurate representation of the transfer matrix is,

TMio,l =

∫ 1


∫ E′o+1


dE′∫ Ei+1

EidE M(E′)W (E′)σ(E′)P (E′ → E,µ) Φ(E′)∫ E′



dE′ Φ(E′)(77)

The grouped deterministic transport representation ofEq. 74 with Legendre notation (although still simplified)is,





+ ρ σi fi,l = ρ∑o

TMio,l fo (78)

In addition to σi and TMio,l, it is convenient to groupother quantities; namely, product multiplicity, energy de-pendent Q data (i.e., Q(E)), projectile kinetic energy andmomentum, product average kinetic energy and forwardmomentum, and inverse speed (i.e., 1/vi). It is also con-venient to have several of the quantities in linear tabu-lated form; namely, projectile momentum, and productkinetic energy and forward momentum.

All of these quantities can be classified by their dimen-sion and location with the structure as,

Requirement 66: Grouped transport data

66.1 With the exception of TMio,l, all groupedquantities can be stored as a list (i.e., an arrayof dimension 1) while TMio,l requires an arrayof dimension 3.

66.2 The following describes where each elementshall be stored.

66.2.1 The inverse speed shall be stored withinthe <evaluation> element.

66.2.2 The cross section, energy dependent Qdata, and projectile kinetic energy andmomentum shall be stored within the ap-propriate <reaction> element.

66.2.3 The transfer matrix, multiplicity, andproduct average kinetic energy, forwardmomentum and average forward scatter-ing angle shall be stored within the ap-propriate <product> element.

66.3 The group structure and flux weights arestored in the <representations> elements forthe evaluation

66.4 Grouped data must clearly state the fluxweighting and group structure used to derivethe data as well as the original data that wasgrouped.

In addition, both the number and energy conservingTMio,l, should be stored as separate elements (withunique names), as both may be needed.

In the following sections, the cross section weightedaverage 〈A〉i of a quantity A(E) is defined as,

〈A〉i =

∫ Ei+1

EidE A(E)σ(E) Φ(E)∫ Eo+1

EodE Φ(E)


Note, we may want to define it as

〈A〉i =

∫ Ei+1

EidE A(E)σ(E) Φ(E)∫ Eo+1

EodE σ(E) Φ(E)



∫ Ei+1

EidE A(E)σ(E) Φ(E)


1. Inverse speed

The cross section weighted average inverse speed is de-fined as 〈1/v〉i where v(E) is the projectile’s velocity asa function of its energy.

2. Multiplicity

The cross section weighted average multiplicity is de-fined as 〈m〉i where m(E) is the product’s multiplicity asa function of its energy.

3. Q-value

The cross section weighted average Q-value is definedas 〈Q〉i where Q is a reaction’s Q-value as a function ofits energy.

4. Projectile kinetic energy and momentum

The cross section weighted average projectile kineticenergy is defined as 〈E〉i.

The projectile’s momentum as a function of its kineticenergy E is written as p(E) and it is convenient to storeit in a linear tabulated form. The cross section weightedaverage momentum is defined as 〈p〉i.

5. Bondarenko factors

The Bondarenko method represents self-shielded crosssections in terms of temperature and a background cross

Page 90: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


section parameter σ0 which indicates the degree of self-shielding:

σjx,i(E, T, σ0) =

∫ Ei+1

EidE σjx(E, T )Φ(E, T, σ0)∫ Ei+1

EidE Φ(E, T, σ0)


where σjx,i(E, T, σ0) is the self-shielded cross section ingroup i with boundaries [Ei, Ei+1] for reaction x and nu-clide j at background cross section σ0 and temperature T .The flux Φ(E, T, σ0) determines the type of Bondarenkofactors that are generated. In the simplest case of a nar-row resonance approach the flux is defined as:

Φ(E, T, σ0) =Φref (E)

σjx(E, T ) + σ0


In other cases a more problem-dependent flux might beused to generate Bondarenko cross section data for theintermediate resonance approach. The Bondarenko dataare usually stored as factors:

f jx,i(E, T, σ0) =σjx,i(E, T, σ0)

σjx(E, T )(84)

To use the Bondarenko data to obtain shielded crosssections for transport calculations, the value of σ0 is com-puted for the system of interest, and the correspondingfactor f jx,i(E, T, σ0) is interpolated from tabulated valueson the library. The shielded cross section is obtained bymultiplying the shielding factor by the reference (i.e., in-finite diluted) cross section. The salient feature of theBondarenko method is that the flux weighting spectrumis parameterized by a function that depends only on thebackground cross section and temperature, which allows(82) to be pre-calculated for a specified set of backgroundcross sections and temperatures that span the range ofself-shielding conditions.

Bondarenko factors may also be given for the withingroup scattering, which is a measure of elastic scatter-ing staying in the group. The within group scattering isdefined as

σjremoval(E, T, σ0) =


Φ(E, T, σ0)

∫ Ei+1


dEσjelastic(E, T )Φ(E, T, σ0)∫ E


dE′P (E → E′, l = 0) (85)

where the definitions are as given in (82). Outside thethermal range, elastic scattering does not scatter to exitenergies larger than the incident energy; therefore, the in-ner integral can be extended to the upper energy bound.This makes the removal cross section in the infinite di-luted limit the same as the diagonal elements of the scat-tering transfer matrix for the elastic cross section at Leg-endre order zero.

Requirement 67: Bondarenko factors

67.1 The Bondarenko factors fx,i(E, T, σ0) shall bestored in the reaction x’s <reaction>, nearthe cross section they are derived from. Thismay actually be part of a <crossSection> el-ement.

67.2 The Bondarenko factors are <interp3d> ta-bles, given as a function of E, T and σ0. TheE dependence is grouped.

C. Production data

Production cross sections are used to store the totalprobability for producing a radioactive daughter, irre-spective of what reaction or reactions were involved increating that daughter. They are often used for mod-eling the activation of a material following irradiation.In ENDF they are also often used when a reaction canproduce an isomer, to give the portion of the total crosssection going to that isomer.

The production cross section σp for a specific productis a derived quantity that can be computed by:

σp =∑r

σr ·Mr

where for each reaction r, σr is the cross section and Mr

is the multiplicity of product ‘p’.Production cross sections are redundant and may be

deprecated eventually, but they should continue to besupported for backwards-compatibility. The current solu-tion (in GND) is to store production cross sections insidea ‘production reaction’ element. This is a special type ofreaction that only contains a cross section and a singleoutgoing particle (the product).

Gas production is one specific form of production datathat is used to understand the total amount of hydrogenand helium produced. The hydrogen gas production crosssection is a sum of the proton, deuteron and triton pro-duction cross sections. The helium gas production crosssection is a sum of the 3He and α-particle productioncross sections. The total gas production cross section is asum of the hydrogen and helium gas production cross sec-tions. In ENDF, gas production cross sections are givenin MT’s 203-207.

Requirement 68: Production data

68.1 Production (whether plain production or gasproduction) cross sections must be clearlymarked so as not to cause confusion with reg-ular cross sections

68.2 Production cross sections are stored in the ap-propriate <reaction>, along side the regular,

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non-production, cross section data68.3 Production cross sections clearly denote what

data they are derived from

D. Radiation heating and damage

Radiation damage is obviously important in many nu-clear applications. As an energetic particle transits amaterial, it ionizes atoms and molecules and dislocatesatoms, heating the material. The modeling of the inter-actions is a complicated interplay of nuclear, atomic andmaterials physics. The two most commonly used metricsfor characterizing material damage and heating are DPAand KERMA respectively.

Displacements per Atom (DPA) is a phenomenologicalmeasure of radiation damage:

DPA = 0.8Eavail/(2Ed) (86)

where Eavail is the total energy available in a reaction andEd is an element dependent parameter, usually equal to25 eV, but can range as high as 90 eV.

KERMA is an acronym that means “Kinetic EnergyReleased in MAterials” and is defined as the sum of theinitial kinetic energies of all the charged particles liber-ated by uncharged ionizing radiation (i.e., indirectly ion-izing radiation such as photons and neutrons) in a sampleof matter, weighted by the cross section of the reactionsinvolved. For material i and reaction j, it can be com-puted by subtracting off the total energy released intooutgoing neutrons and gammas and weighting by the ap-propriate reaction cross section:

kij(E) =(E +Qij − Eijn − Eijγ

)σij(E) (87)

In the ENDF-6 format, KERMA can be stored in MT301-450. The HEATR module of NJOY (MacFarlane,2012) is responsible for calculating KERMA values.

Requirement 69: DPA and KERMA

69.1 KERMA shall be stored in the appropriate re-action <product>

69.2 DPA shall be stored in the appropriate<reaction>

69.3 Both KERMA and DPA will clearly denotewhat data they are derived from

69.4 Both KERMA and DPA will allow for storinguncertainty/covariance data

Radiation damage is also an under-developed part ofthe ENDF format. While radiation damage data needsto be archived, how it will fit within the hierarchy is asubject of future investigation. The reason is that tra-ditional measures of damage such as displacements per

atom (DPA) are crude and new approaches are beingdeveloped that better incorporate the materials proper-ties. These approaches are being examined as part ofa recently formed IAEA Coordinated Research Project(Stoller, 2012). In the future, we expect to need to draftrequirements and specifications at the very least for dam-age cross section as well as other parameters such as the“athermal recombination-corrected DPA”.

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We wish to acknowledge valuable review and feedbackfrom all the contributors. For a full list, see appendix D.The work was performed by staff from several laborato-ries. The US DOE Office of Nuclear Physics sponsoredwork under Contracts DE-AC02-06CH11357 (ArgonneNational Laboratory), DE-AC02-05CB11231 (LawrenceBerkeley National Laboratory), DE-AC02-98CH10886with Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC (BrookhavenNational Laboratory), and DE-AC05-76OR00022 withUNIRIB (Oak Ridge National Laboratory). Other workwas performed under the auspices of the National NuclearSecurity Administration of the U.S. Department of En-ergy at Los Alamos National Laboratory under ContractNo. DE-AC52-06NA25396 and at Lawrence LivermoreNational Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344. The project was partly funded through theNuclear Data Program Initiative of the American Recov-ery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

Appendix A: Graphical Notation

In order to illustrate points and various proposed lay-outs of the top level hierarchy, we used diagrams writ-ten in the Crow’s Foot notation for Entity Relationships(Barker, 1990) as implemented in the yEd code (yEd,2015). The Crow’s Foot notation is one type of diagramused to show entity relationships in the Unified Model-ing Language (UML) (UML.org, 2015). The two tablesdetail the connections between elements (Table III) andthe elements themselves (Table IV).

Symbol Meaning


Exactly one

Zero or one

One or more

Zero or more

TABLE III Connections denoting the number of child ele-ments that are contained within a parent element within theCrow’s Foot notation.

Symbol Meaning

Root nodeelement

High levelelement

Mid levelelement

Low levelelement

Link to anelement

Root nodeelement with


Element withattributes



TABLE IV Crow’s Foot notation elements. Any of these maybe a parent element or contained within another element.

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Name Definition

E Kinetic energy of the projectile.

σ(E) Cross section as a function of E.

E′ Kinetic energy of an outgoing particle.

θ Angular direction of outgoing particle relative to projectile’s direction (i.e., v′ · v = cos(θ)).

µ = cos(θ) Cosine of θ.

f(µ) Angular function for an outgoing particle. May not be normalized.

f(E′) Energy function for an outgoing particle. May not be normalized.

f(E′|E,µ) Energy function for an outgoing particle for a given E and µ. Function may not be normalized.

f(µ|E,E′) Angular function for an outgoing particle for a given E and E′. Function may not be normalized.

P (µ|E) Angular probability density function for an outgoing particle for a given E. Integration over µ is 1.

P (E′|E) Energy probability density function for an outgoing particle for a given E. Integration over E′ is 1.

P (µ,E′|E) Angular-energy probability density function for an outgoing particle for a given E. The data for a givenE are ordered by µ and each µ has a function f(E′|E,µ). Examples of this type of data in the ENDF-6format include MF=6, LAW=1 and LANG=1,11-15. Integration over µ and E′ yields 1.

P (E′, µ|E) Energy-angular probability density function for an outgoing particle for a given E. The data for a given Eare ordered by E′ and each E′ has a function f(µ|E,E′). An example of this type of data in the ENDF-6format is MF=6, LAW=7. This represents the same function as P (µ,E′|E) but indicates that the dataare stored in a different order. Integration over µ and E′ yields 1.


dΩDifferential cross section.


dΩdE′Double differential cross section.

TABLE V List of variables used throughout this document and their definition.

Appendix B: Definitions of integrated and differential cross sections

Table V lists some of the definitions of integrated and differential cross sections used in this document. Furtherterms are defined in the following appendix. The integrated and differential cross sections are related through:


dΩdE′=σ(E)P (µ,E′|E)

2π=σ(E)P (E′, µ|E)



dΩ=σ(E)P (µ|E)


For two-body reactions, the double differential cross section in the center-of-mass can be written as


dΩdE′=σ(E)P (µ,E′|E)

2π=σ(E)P (µ|E) δ(E′ − E′(E,µ))


where E′(E,µ) can be calculated from kinematics and δ is the Dirac delta function. Hence, for two-body reactionsonly the angular probability density function in the center-of-mass is needed.

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Appendix C: Terminology

A: The total number of protons and neutrons in a givennucleus. It is also known as the nucleon or massnumber.

abundance: For isotopes that occur naturally, the abun-dance values are proportional to the probability offinding these isotopes and normalized so that thesum of the abundances for all the isotopes of a givenchemical element is equal to 100 (Holden, 2004).

α decay: The emission of a 4He nucleus (α particle).

α particle: A 4He nucleus, that is, a nucleus made up of2 neutrons and 2 protons.

AMPX: AMPX (Dunn, 2002) is a modular system ofcomputer programs developed at ORNL with pri-mary emphasis on processing neutron and photonevaluations to produce cross-section libraries for nu-clear systems analysis.

application programming interface (API): The setof routines, protocols, and tools for building soft-ware applications. The API specifies how softwarecomponents should interact.

atom: An atom is the smallest unit of matter that definesthe chemical elements. Every solid, liquid, gas, andplasma is made up of neutral or ionized atoms.

atomic mass unit (amu): The atomic mass unit(amu) is defined so that 1 amu is equal to the massof a 12C atom divided by 12.

attribute, XML: Attributes are additional descriptivetext added to XML elements, or to provide addi-tional information about an element.

Auger electrons: Electrons that are produced when avacancy in an orbit A is filled by an electron fromthe orbit B and an electron from an orbit C isejected. These electrons are labeled by the threeorbits that are involved in the production. For in-stance, AugerKL2L3 means that the original va-cancy was in the K orbit, which was filled by anelectron in the L2 orbit and the ejected electroncame from the L3 orbit. Coster-Kronig transitionsare a special type of Auger electrons where the lasttwo orbit are part of the same shell.

Following nuclear decay, vacancies in the electronorbits are produced, which are filled by the emissionof X-rays and electrons. Often, instead of listingthe energy and intensity for each Auger electron,average intensities and sum intensities are given.For instance, the intensity of the Auger K electronsis the sum of the intensities for all the KBC Augerelectrons.

β− decay: The transformation of one neutron inside anucleus into a proton plus an electron and an an-tineutrino: n→ p+ e− + νe

β+ decay: The transformation of one proton inside a nu-cleus into a neutron plus a positron and a neutrino:p→ n+ e+ + νe

β–delayed particle emission: The emission of a nu-cleon, nucleons or a nucleus following β-decay. Forproton rich nuclei, the emission of a proton follow-ing β+ decay and electron capture has been ob-served. For neutron rich nuclei, the release of oneor two neutrons following β− decay is possible. Theemission of α particles has been observed for somenuclei in all types of β decay. Also, for a few nu-clei, fission can take place following β+ decay andelectron capture.

branching ratio: The probability of a certain event oc-curring when multiple events are possible.

bremsstrahlung: Literally “braking radiation”. Theprocess of electromagnetic radiation when acharged particle is accelerated or decelerated.

BROND: The Russian Evaluated Neutron Data Librarydeveloped at Center Jadernykh Dannykh (CJD) inObninsk, Kaluga Region, Russia. Further informa-tion available at http://www.ippe.obninsk.ru/


CALENDF: The CALENDF Nuclear Data ProcessingSystem is used to convert the evaluation definingthe cross-section in ENDF format (i.e., the point-wise cross-sections and/or the resonance parame-ters, both resolved and unresolved) into forms use-ful for applications. Those forms used to describeneutron cross-section fluctuations correspond to“cross-section probability tables”, based on Gaussquadratures and effective cross-sections. CAL-ENDF also provides capabilities for group collaps-ing, for merging of several nuclei and for tempera-ture interpolation; these calculations are based ondata probability table description. CALENDF isdeveloped by the Commissariat a l’Energie Atom-ique, Centre de Saclay.

CENDL: Chinese Evaluated Data Library is an eval-uated nuclear reaction data library developed atthe Chinese Nuclear Data Center (CNDC), Beijing,China in support of Chinese nuclear applications.

channel: is context sensitive concept. In resonance re-gion (and anywhere else where we are using the R-matrix formalism), a channel has a specific meaning

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as all the quantum numbers needed to uniquely de-note a quantum state. For a two-body reaction,that usually means c = α, s, `, J. For N-bodyreactions, we use the channel more loosely since inthis cases many processes can lead to the same reac-tion products. For this reason, we will try to avoidusing the term “channel” when discussing N-bodyreactions

cluster decay: The emission of a nucleus heavier thanan α particle, for instance 14C. Branching ratiosfor this decay tend to be very small, due to thelarge Coulomb barrier encountered by the clusterand its very small pre-formation factor, that is, theprobability of finding the cluster formed inside thenucleus.

CoH: A modern object oriented nuclear reaction codedeveloped by T. Kawano. In includes both a cou-pled channel solver as well as a models for com-pound nuclear and pre-equilibrium physics.

coherence, quantum mechanical: Two quantum me-chanical wave functions are coherent if they have aconstant phase difference and the same frequency(and therefore energy).

Compton scattering: Compton scattering is the in-elastic scattering of a photon by a quasi-freecharged particle, usually an electron. It resultsin a decrease in energy (increase in wavelength) ofthe photon (which may be an X-ray or gamma rayphoton), called the Compton effect. In the ENDFformat, is is termed incoherent elastic photoatomicscattering and the data stored is an incoherent scat-tering function which modifies Klein-Nishina for-mula.

conversion electrons (CE): An electron released fromthe atomic shell by transferring the energy of agamma quantum emitted from the same nucleus tothis electron. The kinetic energy of the conversionelectron is equal to the energy of the gamma quan-tum reduced by the binding energy of the electron.

correlation matrix: A matrix that describes the corre-lations between parameters in a covariance matrix.The correlation matrix is defined in section IV.A,equation (17).

Coster-Kronig transition: The Coster-Kronig transi-tion is a special case of the Auger process in whichthe vacancy is filled by an electron from a highersubshell of the same shell. If, in addition, the elec-tron emitted (the “Auger electron”) also belongs tothe same shell, one calls this a super Coster-Kronigtransition.

Coulomb scattering: See Rutherford scattering.

covariance matrix: A covariance matrix (also knownas dispersion matrix or variance-covariance matrix)is a matrix whose element in the i, j position isthe covariance between the ith and jth elements ofa random vector (that is, of a vector of randomvariables).

covariance matrix, relative: The covariance matrix,scaled by the original data. See equation (14) for aprecise definition.

cross section: If a beam of particles (or photons) entersa thin layer of material (thickness dx), then the par-ticle number N will be reduced by dN = −µNdx,where µ is the attenuation coefficient. To describethe attenuation coefficient in a way independent ofthe material density, one introduces the cross sec-tion σ = µ/n, where n is the numerical density(number of atoms per volume) of the material. σhas the dimension of an area; it expresses the like-lihood of interaction between particles. σ dependson the incident energy of the particles in the beamand the energy dependence is denoted σ(E).

cross section, capture: The capture cross section isthe reaction cross section for the process in which aprojectile is captured by a target and one or morephotons is emitted.

cross section, differential: The cross section for eject-ing a reaction product with energy E′ into a direc-tion Ω = (θ, ϕ) is dσ(E)/dE′dΩ.

cross section, elastic: Scattering cross section wherethe nucleus is unchanged in either isotopic com-position or internal energy after interacting witha neutron.

cross section, fission: Cross section for the processwhere a neutron is captured and the nucleus fis-sions.

cross section, gas production: The sum of the pro-duction cross sections for all reactions which pro-duce any isotope of hydrogen and helium nuclei.

cross section, inelastic: Scattering cross section wherethe nucleus is left in an excited state.

cross section, infinite dilute: The resonance integral(see Equation C15) where the scalar flux, φ(E) isassumed to be 1/E.

cross section, flux weighted: The (integral) cross sec-tion convoluted with a (flux) weighting functionφ(E):

σ =

∫dE φ(E)σ(E). (C1)

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cross section, integral: See “cross section, inte-grated.”

cross section, integrated: The differential cross sec-tion integrated over outgoing energy E′ and solidangle Ω:

σ(E) =



dE′dΩ. (C2)

The integrated cross section is not defined for re-actions with incident charged particles. The inte-grated cross section is often just called the “crosssection”.

cross section, macroscopic: The product of the atomdensity and the cross section.

cross section, Maxwellian averaged: A Maxwellianaveraged cross section is a flux weighted cross sec-tion where the flux is a Maxwellian distribution:

MACS(kT ) =2√π


(kT )2

∫ ∞0



where a = mtarg/(mproj +mtarg)

cross section, non-elastic: The total cross section mi-nus the elastic cross section.

cross section, production: Given a set of cross sec-tions that produce a given particle a ∈γ, n, p, d, t, ..., σi,a, the production cross sectionis the multiplicity weighted sum of cross sections:

σXa(E) =∑i

Mi,a(E)σi,a(E) (C4)

cross section, sum rule: Any addition rule that re-lates different cross sections for the same target–projectile system.

cross section, total: The sum of all reaction cross sec-tions and the elastic cross section.

Crow’s Foot Notation: A notation used in Entity-Relationship modeling. Crow’s foot diagrams rep-resent entities as boxes, and relationships as linesbetween the boxes. Different shapes at the ends ofthese lines represent the cardinality of the relation-ship.

cumulative distribution function (CDF): In proba-bility theory and statistics, the cumulative distribu-tion function (CDF), or just distribution function,describes the probability that a real-valued randomvariable x with a given probability distribution willbe found to have a value less than or equal to x.In the case of a continuous distribution, it gives thearea under the probability density function fromminus infinity to x.

delayed fission gamma spectrum (DFGS): The en-ergy spectrum of emitted gammas from the beta(and other) decays of the prompt fission fragments.

delayed fission neutron spectrum (DFNS): Theenergy spectrum of emitted neutrons from the beta(and other) decays of the prompt fission fragments.

Delbruck scattering : Delbruck scattering is the co-herent elastic scattering of photons in the Coulombfield of heavy nuclei.

deuterium: A neutral atom with 1 electron and adeuteron as a nucleus. An isotope of the hydrogenatom.

deuteron: A 2H nucleus, that is, a nucleus made up of1 neutron and 1 proton. Not to be confused withdeuterium.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): A digital objectidentifier (DOI) is a character string (a “digitalidentifier”) used to uniquely identify an object suchas an electronic document. Metadata about the ob-ject is stored in association with the DOI name andthis metadata may include a location, such as aURL, where the object can be found. The DOI fora document remains fixed over the lifetime of thedocument, whereas its location and other metadatamay change. Referring to an online document by itsDOI provides more stable linking than simply refer-ring to it by its URL, because if its URL changes,the publisher need only update the metadata forthe DOI to link to the new URL.

displacements per atom (DPA): Displacements perAtom (DPA) is a phenomenological measure of ra-diation damage. DPA = 0.8Eavail/(2Ed) whereEavail is the total energy available in a reactionand Ed is an element dependent parameter, usu-ally equal to 25 eV, but can range as high as 90eV.

distribution, angular: Probability density functionthat gives the probability of a particle scatteringin direction µ = cos(θ) as a function of incidentenergy E,P (µ|E)

distribution, energy: Probability density functionthat gives the probability of a particle scatteringwith an outgoing energy E′ as a function ofincident energy E,P (E′|E)

distribution, energy-angle distributions:Probability density function that gives theprobability of a particle scattering in directionµ = cos(θ) with an outgoing energy E′ as afunction of incident energy E, P (E′, µ|E)

Page 97: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


dose: The product of a radiation energy times the prob-ability per disintegration, the resulting unit isMeV×Bq-s.

double β decay: The simultaneous transformation oftwo neutrons inside a nucleus into two protons,or alternatively, the simultaneous transformation oftwo protons into two neutrons.

EADL: Evaluated Atomic Data Library, a library de-veloped at LLNL to store atomic relaxation data.Atomic relaxation data describes the emission ofelectrons and photons as an atom relaxes back toneutrality following an ionization event. EADL isstored in the ENDL format and the contents ofEADL have been translated into the ENDF formatand are equivalent to the ENDF atomic relaxationsub-library.

EAF: The European Activation File (EAF) is the col-lection of nuclear data that is required to carry outinventory calculations of materials that have beenactivated following exposure to neutrons or chargedparticles.

EDA: R-matrix fitting code developed at LANL for fit-ting reactions on light nuclei.

EEDL: Evaluated Electron Data Library, a library thatdescribes the interaction of electrons with matter.EEDL is stored in the ENDL format and the con-tents of EEDL have been translated into the ENDFformat and are equivalent to the ENDF electronsub-library.

EFF: The European Fusion File (EFF) Project is a col-laborative project with work funded by the Euro-pean Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA). Theemphasis is on the pooling of resources and removalof duplication of effort, leading to the efficient de-velopment of two types of nuclear data libraries foruse in fusion power plant design and operation stud-ies. The two branches consist of, on the one hand,a transport file for modeling and design capabilitiesand, secondly, an activation file for the calculationand simulation of dose rates and energy release dur-ing operation of a future power plant.

elastic scattering: A scattering event in which the scat-tering particle is re-emitted with an outgoing en-ergy such that the scattering particle’s incident andoutgoing energies are equal in the system center ofmass frame.

elastic scattering, compound: Elastic scattering inwhich the scattering particle is absorbed into thetarget nucleus, forming a compound nucleus whichlater decays, (re)emitting the scattering particle.Compound elastic scattering angular distributions

are typically nearly isotropic in the rest frame ofthe colliding system.

elastic scattering, shape: Elastic scattering in whichthe scattering particle scatters off the target nucleuswithout being absorbed. Shape elastic scatteringangular distributions are typically anisotropic inthe rest frame of the colliding system.

elastic scattering, TSL: Elastic scattering in which alow energy/thermal neutron scatters either coher-ently or incoherently off many nuclei in a material.

electron: A negatively charged fundamental particle(lepton). It has a mass of 0.5109989(4) MeV, acharge of −1.60217646(6) × 10−19 Coulombs andJΠ = 1/2+. Electrons bind to atomic nuclei, occu-pying specific atomic levels.

electron capture (EC): The process where one of theprotons inside a nucleus following the interactionwith one of the orbiting electrons transforms into aneutron plus a neutrino: p+ e− → n+ νe

element, chemical: Materials with identical chemicalproperties. There is a one-to-one correspondencebetween the element name and the number of pro-tons. For instance, all carbon atoms have 6 protonsin their nuclei.

element, XML: Everything from (including) the ele-ment’s start tag to (including) the element’s endtag. An element can contain other elements, text,attributes, or a mix of these.

EMPIRE: Modular system of nuclear reaction codes foradvanced modeling of nuclear reactions using vari-ous theoretical models. It consists of a number ofFORTRAN codes, input parameter libraries, andexperimental data library (EXFOR/CSISRS) - op-erated through the Graphic User Interface (GUI).Nuclear data evaluation is facilitated by the ENDF-6 formatting, file verification and graphical com-parison with experimental data. It is available athttp://www.nndc.bnl.gov/empire/.

ENDF/A: Formerly the development library of theENDF project. Historically partial and in develop-ment evaluations were maintained in the ENDF/Alibrary.

ENDF/B: The main release library of the ENDFproject. The ENDF/B library is a productof the Cross Section Evaluation Working Group(CSEWG), a long standing collaboration of insti-tutions within and without the United States.

ENDF format: A nuclear data format used by manynuclear data projects including the namesake li-brary, the ENDF/B library. The ENDF format is

Page 98: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,


maintained by the Cross Section Evaluation Work-ing Group (CSEWG).

ENDL: LLNL’s Evaluated Nuclear Data Library, anevaluated nuclear reaction data library comparablein scope with the ENDF library. ENDL is used tosupport transport calculations at LLNL.

ENDL format: The format of data in ENDL. It is muchsimpler than the ENDF file, but is much less ex-pressive than the ENDF format as all data must bestored as a multi-dimensional linear interpolationtable.

end point energy: The maximum kinetic energy thatan electron in β− decay or a positron in β+ decaycan have, obtained when the kinetic energy of theneutrino/anti-neutrino is equal to zero.

energy group: A range between two energy points overwhich the transport equation is integrated.

energy loss: See stopping power.

entity–relationship model: An entity–relationshipmodel (ER model) is a data model for describingthe data or information aspects of a businessdomain or its process requirements, in an ab-stract way that lends itself to ultimately beingimplemented in a database such as a relationaldatabase.

ENSDF: The Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File.ENSDF contains evaluated nuclear structure anddecay data in a standard format. For each nuclide,all known experimental data used to deduce nuclearstructure information are included. Each type ofexperiment is presented as a separate dataset. Inaddition, there is a dataset of “adopted” level andgamma-ray transition properties, which representthe evaluator’s determination of the best values forthese properties, based on all available experimen-tal data.

ENSDF format: The format used to store the ENSDFdatabase.

EPDL: Evaluated Photon Data Library, a library devel-oped at LLNL to store photo-atomic data. EPDLis stored in the ENDL format and the contents ofEPDL have been translated into the ENDF formatand are equivalent to the ENDF photo-atomic sub-library.

equiprobable bins: Discretized bins spaced such thateach bin has the same probability.

Ericson fluctuations: Ericson fluctuations are the sta-tistical fluctuations observed in cross sections in theoverlapping resonance region (ORR).

evaluate: The process of digesting experimental data,combining it with the predictions of nuclear modelcalculations and attempting to extract the truevalue of a cross section is referred to as an eval-uation.

evaluation: One projectile and one target material andall the data needed to describe the interactions be-tween the two over some incident energy range. Theprojectile is usually assumed to impinge upon a sta-tionary target and is usually assumed to be lessmassive than the target material. However, thedata structure must be flexible enough to store datain “inverse kinematics” where the lighter particle isat rest relative to the heavier one or in the centerof mass frame. The data structure must also beflexible enough that the target material is actuallya nontrivial collection of nuclei such as in thermalneutron scattering.

evaluator: One who evaluates.

EXDL: The Evaluated Excitation Data Library, a li-brary that describes the excitation of atoms dueto photon interaction. ENDF does not yet have aformat to support this data.

eXtensible Markup Language (XML): A markuplanguage that defines a set of rules for encodingdocuments in a format which is both human-readable and machine-readable.

flux weighting: The convolution of a quantity, such ascross section σ(E), with a (flux) weighting functionφ(E):

σ =

∫dEφ(E)σ(E). (C5)

fission: Nuclear fission is either a nuclear reaction or aradioactive decay process in which the nucleus ofan atom splits into smaller parts (lighter nuclei).The fission process often produces free neutrons andphotons (in the form of gamma rays), and releasesa very large amount of energy even by the energeticstandards of radioactive decay.

fission, spontaneous: A radioactive decay processwhich results in fission.

fission product yield (FPY): The yield of a particu-lar isotope some time after a fission event. As thereare two fission fragments following every (binary)fission event, the yield sums to two.

fission product yield, cumulative (CFPY): Theyield of isotopes after the fission fragments haveundergone all (beta) decays and are now stable.

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fission product yield, independent (IFPY): Theyield of a particular fission fragment immediatelyafter a fission event. As there are two fissionfragments following every (binary) fission event,the yield sums to two.

Fudge: An open source processing and data modificationcode developed at LLNL. Fudge is the first process-ing code capable of manipulating data in both theENDF and GND format. Fudge originally stood for“For Updating Data and Generating Evaluations”.

gamma ray: The term “gamma rays” is used here forelectromagnetic waves (photons) that have a nu-clear origin, that is, photons are emitted followingthe rearrangement of the protons and neutrons ina nucleus. In contrast, the term “X rays” is usedfor photons emitted following the rearrangement ofthe electrons orbiting an atomic nucleus. Gammarays are one type of radiation.

gamma ray emission: Atomic nuclei are quantum sys-tem with a discrete set of energies. Gamma rayemission can take place when a nucleus rearrangesits protons and neutrons into a lower energy state.

GNASH: GNASH is a comprehensive nuclear reactionmodeling code developed at LANL, comparable toEMPIRE in scope and functionality.

GND: Generalized Nuclear Data format. The name forthe hierarchical arrangement of nuclear data devel-oped at LLNL. It was originally developed in XML,but can be serialized into any hierarchical low leveldata format such as HDF5. GND is a prototypeof the data structure being developed by WPECSubGroup 38.

group: See “energy group”.

half-life (T1/2): The length of time for a given radioac-tive species to reduce its activity in half. The num-ber of decays as a function of time is given as:

N(T ) = N0 exp(− ln(2)× (T − T0)/T1/2


T1/2 is related to the life-time τ by:

T1/2 = ln(2)× τ (C7)

and to the width Γ by

T1/2 = ln(2)× (h/2π)/Γ (C8)

where h is Planck’s constant. Please note that whenthe half-life of a given nuclear level is smaller than10−15 seconds, it is customary to list the width (Γ)of the level instead.

HDF5: Hierarchical Data Format, version 5 (HDF5) is adata model, library, and file format for storing andmanaging data. It supports an unlimited variety ofdatatypes, and is designed for flexible and efficientI/O and for high volume and complex data.

hindrance factor (HF): The ratio between the alphadecay partial experimental half-life and a calculatedhalf-life.

incoherence, quantum mechanical: Two quantummechanical wave functions are incoherent if theyeither do not have a constant phase differenceor the same frequency (and therefore energy).Quantum mechanical wavefunctions (or parts ofthe same wavefunction) are said to be incoherent iftheir phases are not equal.

intensity, radiation: Radiation intensities indicate theprobability of observing the corresponding radia-tions. Two different conventions are used:

• For decay radiation, intensities are listed per100 decays of the parent nucleus. For instance,in the decay of 232Th, the alpha particle with4012 keV is listed as having an intensity of78.2%, which means that this alpha particlewill be emitted 78.2 times for every 100 decaysof 232Th.

• For the gamma rays, intensities correspond togamma branching ratios for each level, assign-ing 100 to the strongest gamma ray.

IBANDL: The Ion Beam Analysis Nuclear Data Li-brary developed and formerly maintained by A.Gurbich under the IAEA auspices. It containsavailable experimental nuclear cross-sections rel-evant to Ion Beam Analysis and is available athttps://www-nds.iaea.org/exfor/ibandl.htm.

inelastic scattering: A scattering event in which thescattering particle is reemitted with an outgoing en-ergy different from the scattering particle’s incidentenergies in the system center of mass frame. Usu-ally the scattering particle’s energy is lost in thetransition, but if the target is already in an excitedstate it is possible for the scattering particle to gainenergy from the de-exciting target nucleus. This isoccasionally referred to as “super–elastic scatter-ing.”

inelastic TSL scattering: Inelastic scattering in whicha low energy/thermal neutron scatters either coher-ently or incoherently off many nuclei in a material.

internal conversion: A process where the transitionfrom one nuclear level to another level in the samenucleus is carried out by transferring the excess en-ergy to an orbiting electron. The alternate process

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is gamma emission. The electrons are ejected fromthe atom with an energy equal to the transitionenergy minus the electron binding energy. Theseelectrons are called conversion electrons and are la-beled by the orbit the electron had occupied. Forinstance, CE-L means conversion electron from theL shell.

internal conversion coefficient (ICC): The ratio ofthe number of internal conversion decays to thenumber of gamma decays is the internal conversioncoefficient, denoted α. The ICC can be decomposedinto the ICC for individual transitions (electric vs.magnetic and by multipolarity). The probability ofinternal conversion PIC is related to the probabilityof gamma emission Pγ by PIC = αPγ .

inverse kinematics: A two-body collision in the labframe in which the projectile is the more massive ofthe two bodies and the target is the less massive ofthe two bodies.

isobar: A number of nuclei with the same number ofprotons plus neutrons are called isobars, such as144Sm, 144Nd and 144Gd.

isomer: A nuclear isomer is a metastable excited stateof an atomic nucleus.

isomeric Transition (IT): The process where a long-lived excited nuclear level decays by gamma emis-sion or internal conversion.

isotone: A number of nuclei with the same number ofneutrons are called isotones, such as 144Sm, 142Ndand 146Gd.

isotope: A number of nuclei with the same number ofprotons are called isotopes, such as 144Sm, 142Smand 146Sm.

JEF: Joint Evaluated File, predecessor of the JEFFproject.

JEFF: The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion File(JEFF) project is a collaboration between NEAData Bank member countries. The JEFF librarycombines the efforts of the JEFF and EFF/EAFWorking Groups to produce a common sets of eval-uated nuclear data, mainly for fission and fusion ap-plications. Available at https://www.oecd-nea.


JENDL: The Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library,developed by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency(JAEA) to support nuclear application develop-ment in Japan. Available at http://wwwndc.jaea.go.jp/jendl/j40/j40.html.

JΠ: The angular momentum (J) and parity (Π) associ-ated with a nuclear level or a particle. For instance,the ground states of nuclei with even number of pro-tons and neutrons have JΠ = 0+. The intrinsic JΠ

of the proton is equal to 1/2+.

KERMA: An acronym that means “Kinetic Energy Re-leased in MAterials” and is defined as the sum ofthe initial kinetic energies of all the charged parti-cles liberated by uncharged ionizing radiation (i.e.,indirectly ionizing radiation such as photons andneutrons) in a sample of matter, weighted by thecross section of the reactions involved. For materiali and reaction j, it can be computed by subtractingoff the total energy released into outgoing neutronsand gammas and weighting by the appropriate re-action cross section:

kij(E) =(E +Qij − Eijn − Eijγ

)σij(E) (C9)

Klein-Nishina formula: The Klein–Nishina formulagives the differential cross section of photons scat-tered from a single free electron in lowest order ofquantum electrodynamics. At low frequencies (e.g.,visible light) this is referred to as Thomson scatter-ing; at higher frequencies (e.g., x-rays and gamma-rays) this is referred to as Compton scattering.

large angle Coulomb scattering (LACS): Chargedparticle scattering at large angles (typically & 10)described purely with Coulomb scattering. At lowangles or at low energies, charge particle scatteringmust be treated with an alternate approach.

lethargy: Neutron lethargy, or logarithmic energy decre-ment, u, is a dimensionless logarithm of the ratioof the energy of source neutrons to the energy ofneutrons after a collision:

u = ln(Eo/E), or, u2 − u1 = ln(E1/E2). (C10)

Also, the feeling one has after working on a require-ments document for far too long.

level: A quantum mechanical system or particle that isbound can only take on certain discrete values ofenergy.

logft: For each decay branch in β decay, the decay prob-ability, T1/2 and energy released can be combinedin a single quantity known as logft, which is definedas:

logft = log(f(Z,E0)T1/2) (C11)

where E0 is the end-point energy for the transitionand f(Z,E0) is the Fermi integral. Logft valuesincrease with increasing T1/2, decay probability andE0 values. There is a correlation between the typeof transition and its logft value.

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MAT: The designator used in the ENDF format to dis-tinguish materials.

material: In nuclear data, a material generalizes theconcept of a target and may include a single nucleusor nucleon or a macroscopic collection of nuclei thata projectile scatters off of.

mass: Mass is a property of a material which determinesresistance to being accelerated by a force and thestrength of its mutual gravitational attraction withother bodies.

mass, nuclear: The mass of a nucleus with Z protonand N neutrons in a neutral-atom state is:

Mass(Z,N) =

Z ∗Mass(hydrogen atom)

+N ∗Mass(free neutron)−BE(Z,N)


where BE(Z,N) is the Binding Energy, that is, theenergy needed to dissociate the nucleus into freenucleons. Note in this product, masses are given inenergy units.

mass excess (∆): The mass excess ∆(Z,N) is definedas:

∆(Z,N) = (Mass(Z,N)(amu)−A)× amu (C13)

where Mass(Z,N) (amu) is mass in atomic massunits and amu = Mass(6, 6)/12.

MF: In the ENDF format, the MF designator denotesthe observable of interest. For example, MF=3 de-notes cross section data.

Mott scattering: The modification of Rutherford scat-tering of an electron and a nucleus to include theeffects of nuclear recoil and the nuclear magneticmoment.

MT: In the ENDF format, the MT designator denotesthe reaction of interest. For example, MT=18 de-notes fission.

multi-band treatment: An alternative scheme to im-prove group averaged data by dividing up the crosssection within a group into bands. These bandsare equivalent to cross section probability tables, ifthe cross section probabilities are given as a his-togram. Typically the band are chosen to preservethe average cross section, the totally shielded, fluxweighted cross section and the totally shielded cur-rent weighted cross section.

multifragmentation: Nuclear (multi-)fragmentation,defined as the nuclear decay mechanism in whichat least three intermediate mass fragments (Z ≥ 3)are produced, is the disassembly phenomenonspecific to hot nuclear matter produced in nuclearcollisions at beam energies of 20-100 MeV/nucleon.

multiplicity: The average number of particles emittedfrom a reaction per unit incident energy. For an(n, 2n), the multiplicity of neutrons is 2 for all en-ergies, but the photon multiplicity is variable anddepends on the nuclear structure of the residual nu-cleus.

multipolarity: A measure of the angular momentumcarried away by a photon during an electromag-netic transition or decay. An ` = 1 transition is adipole transition, ` = 2 transition is a quadrupoletransition, etc.

NJOY: LANL’s nuclear data processing code, see http://t2.lanl.gov/nis/codes/NJOY12/.

nubar, ν: The average number of neutrons emitted dur-ing a fission reaction.

nubar, delayed, νd: The average number of neutronsemitted from the (usually beta) decay of the fis-sion fragments. In the ENDF format, the delayednubar is broken out into six time groups.

nubar, prompt, νp: The average number of neutronsemitted immediately after fission, due either toemission before or during the fission event or evap-orated from the fission products immediately afterfission.

nucleus: The very dense region consisting of protons andneutrons at the center of an atom.

pair production: Pair production is the creation of anelementary particle and its antiparticle, for examplean electron and its antiparticle, the positron.

particle: A particle is any small, localized object thatcan be attributed properties such as mass, charge,spin, parity, and halflife. This definition is deliber-ately broad to include fundamental particles suchas electrons or photons, composite particles such asatomic nuclei or atoms, and also excited states ofcomposite particles. We recognize that this defi-nition may be surprising to nuclear physicists whotend to think of nuclei as a separate family fromfundamental particles.

photoexcitation: Photoexcitation is the physical pro-cess in which an electron in an atom or molecule ispromoted to an excited state from the interactionof a photon.

photoionization: Photoionization is the physical pro-cess in which an ion is formed from the interactionof a photon with an atom or molecule.

pointwise: A function represented by an interpolationtable (usually with lin-lin interpolation) is a point-wise function.

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primary knock-on atom (PKA): For high values ofthe energy transferred, the target atom is called theprimary knocked-on atom (PKA). The PKA inter-acts with the other atoms along its track. For eachinteraction, it transfers energy on the secondarytarget. Each subsequent target will similarly inter-act with other atoms and a cascade of interactionsoccurs. The result is a large number of atoms dis-placed (up to a few hundreds), in a “displacementcascade.”

principal component analysis (PCA): A statisticalprocedure that uses an orthogonal transformationto convert a set of observations of possibly corre-lated variables into a set of values of linearly uncor-related variables called principal components. For amultivariate Gaussian probability distribution, theorthogonal transform is constructed from the ma-trix of eigenvectors of the covariance matrix andthe eigenvalues of the covariance matrix are the un-correlated variables known as the principal compo-nents.

probability density function (PDF): In probabilitytheory, a probability density function (PDF), ordensity of a continuous random variable, is a func-tion that describes the relative likelihood for thisrandom variable to take on a given value.

probability density function, Gaussian: The Gaus-sian PDF is given by:

f(x, µ, σ) =1



(− (x− µ)2



The parameter µ in this definition is the mean orexpectation of the distribution (and also its medianand mode). The parameter σ is its standard devia-tion; its variance is therefore σ2. A random variablewith a Gaussian distribution is said to be normallydistributed and is called a normal deviate.

probability density function, log-normal: A log-normal (or lognormal) distribution is a continuousprobability distribution of a random variable whoselogarithm is normally distributed. Thus, if therandom variable x is log-normally distributed, theny = ln(x) has a normal distribution. Likewise, if yhas a normal distribution, then x = exp(y) has alog-normal distribution. A random variable whichis log-normally distributed takes only positive realvalues.

probability density function, normal: See probabil-ity density function, Gaussian.

projectile: In a two-body collision in the laboratoryframe, the projectile is the body in motion. Theprojectile is typically the less massive of the twocolliding particles.

prompt fission gamma spectrum (PFGS): Thespectrum of gammas emitted during and immedi-ately after a fission event, but before the fissionfragments undergo weak decays.

prompt fission neutron spectrum (PFNS): Thespectrum of neutrons emitted during and imme-diately after a fission event, but before the fissionfragments undergo weak decays.

PURM: The module in the Oak Ridge National Labora-tory processing code AMPX (Dunn, 2002) respon-sible for producing cross section probability tablesin the URR.

PURR: The module in the Los Alamos National Lab-oratory processing code NJOY (MacFarlane, 2012)responsible for producing cross section probabilitytables in the URR.

Q matrix: The matrix that connects the CumulativeFission Yields with the Independent Fission Yields.

quantum number: Quantum numbers describe valuesof conserved quantities in the dynamics of a quan-tum system. Typical quantum numbers encoun-tered in nuclear physics are spin, parity, orbital andtotal angular momenta, mass, charge and isospin.

Q value: The Q value for a reaction is the amount ofenergy released by that reaction.

Raleigh scattering: Rayleigh scattering named afterthe British physicist Lord Rayleigh, is the (domi-nantly) elastic scattering of light or other electro-magnetic radiation by particles much smaller thanthe wavelength of the radiation. When the scatter-ing is coherent one uses Thompson scattering for-mula modified by (anomalous) form factors

reaction: A nuclear reaction is a process in which two (ormore) nuclei or nuclear particles collide, producinga different set of products than the initial particles.From this perspective, elastic scattering is not a“reaction” while inelastic scattering is a “reaction”as the energy of the inelastically scattered particlehas changed.

reaction, exclusive: A reaction with well definednon-gamma reaction product multiplicities (e.g.,(n,2n)). Inelastic reactions to discrete states areconsidered exclusive since the residual nucleus is leftin a well defined state before it gamma cascades.

reaction, inclusive: A reaction that is a sum of exclu-sive reactions (e.g., total or fission). Inelastic fromthe continuum is not considered here since the resid-ual is still well defined but total inelastic is inclusivesince it is a sum of inelastic continuum and discretereactions.

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reaction, photonuclear: A nuclear reaction inducedby a high energy photon (typically with incidentenergy & 1 MeV)

Reference Input Parameter Library (RIPL): Acommon library of input parameters for use in nu-clear reaction modeling codes. Much of the data inRIPL is derived from other sources (e.g., ENSDF)or from systematics. More information is availableat https://www-nds.iaea.org/RIPL-3/.

resonance: In the context of nuclear data, a resonance isa compound state formed when a nucleus absorbs aprojectile. The compound state is unstable againstparticle emission and so is characterized by emissionwidths.

resonance integral: The total effective absorption rateper atom is defined as the integral over the energyrange of a resonance (∆Eres):

I =


σa(E)φ(E)dE (C15)

resonance region (RR): The region in a cross sectionwhere resonances are observed is called the reso-nance region (RR).

resonance region, resolved (RRR): The resolvedresonance region is the portion of the resonance re-gion where the resonance widths are small enoughand the resonances are spaced far enough apartin energy that they can be individually resolvedexperimentally.

resonance region, overlapping (ORR): The over-lapping resonance region is the portion of theresonance region at the highest energies wherethe resonance widths are larger or comparableto the inter-resonance spacing. Thus, the crosssections exhibit large interference effects andsizable fluctuations. This fluctuations are knownas Ericson fluctuations.

resonance region, unresolved (URR): In the unre-solved resonance region, the resonances of a crosssection are so close together that, although theyare not overlapping, they cannot be experimentallyresolved.

R-matrix: A tool in computational quantum mechanicsfor studying two-body scattering. R-matrix theorybegins by placing a reaction zone inside a spher-ical box. Outside the box, asymptotic (and thuscalculable) wave functions are used to describe thepair of scattering particles. Using the continuity offlux on the boundary, an R-matrix can be definedwhich can be used to parameterize things such asthe scattering cross section. The R-matrix method

was originally formulated for studying resonancesin nuclear scattering by Wigner and Eisenbud.

Rutherford scattering: The scattering of two chargedparticles purely by the static electric force. TheRutherford cross section is calculable either quan-tum mechanically and classically.

Sαβ: Sαβ is the scattering kernel of the double differentialelastic scattering cross section for thermal neutronsin the Thermal Scattering Law formalism.

SAMMY: A resonance fitting code based on R-matrixtheory developed by ORNL. It is capable of fittingresonances on nearly all nuclei and is capable ofsimultaneously fitting hundreds if not thousands ofresonances simultaneously.

self-shielding: Self-shielding occurs when the neutronflux in one part of a material is shielded from an-other part of the same material.

shell: A nuclear or atomic shell is a state or a collectionof states with the same well defined quantum num-bers. Electronic shells are usually denoted with theX-ray notation (e.g., K, L, M, N, ...) while nuclearshells are denoted using a different notation (e.g.,s, p, d, f, ...).

shell model: The nuclear shell model is a model of theatomic nucleus which uses the Pauli exclusion prin-ciple to describe the structure of the nucleus interms of energy levels.

spallation: The process in which a nucleus emits a largenumber of nucleons as a result of being hit bya high-energy particle, thus greatly reducing itsatomic weight.

spin group: The name of the group of resonances withthe same total spin and parity. Organizing reso-nances by spin groups results in much smaller ta-bles of resonance parameters as the needless storingof zero widths is avoided.

stopping power: The retarding force acting on chargedparticles due to interaction with matter, resultingin loss of particle energy. The stopping power of thematerial is numerically equal to the loss of energyE per unit path length, x: S(E) = −dE/dx

subshell: Each shell in a shell model is composed of oneor more subshells, which are themselves composedof atomic or nuclear orbitals.

TALYS: TALYS is a nuclear reaction modeling code de-veloped as a collaboration between NRG, Pettenand CEA. TALYS is comparable in scope and func-tionality to EMPIRE.

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target: In a two-body collision in the laboratory frame,the target is the body at rest. The target is typi-cally the more massive of the two colliding particles.

TENDL: TALYS Evaluated Nuclear Data Library isan evaluated nuclear data library generated usingthe TALYS reaction code. TENDL is available athttp://www.talys.eu/tendl-2012/.

thermal scattering law (TSL): Thermal scatteringlaw data describe the situation in which the deBroglie wavelength of an incident neutron is solarge that the neutron wave function cannot resolveindividual nuclei, but rather sees the macroscopicmaterial.

Thompson scattering: Thomson scattering is the elas-tic scattering of electromagnetic radiation by a freecharged particle, as described by classical electro-magnetism. It is just the low-energy limit of Comp-ton scattering.

time group: Following fission, many possible pairs offission products are created each with their own dis-tinct beta decay pathways and halflives. As thereare many potential decay pathways and halflives,the ENDF-6 format allows the evaluator to lumppathways with similar halflives together into a max-imum of 6 time-groups. A delayed fission neutronspectra can be generated for each time group.

transfer matrix: The transfer matrix is a matrix thatarises during the discretization of the Boltzmanntransport equation. See subsection VI for a precisedefinition.

UKNDL: United Kingdom Nuclear Data Library, thenuclear data library and format developed by UK’sAtomic Weapons Establishment. UKNDL formatwas the prototype of both the ENDF and ENDLformats.

Unified Modeling Language (UML): The UnifiedModeling Language is a general-purpose modelinglanguage in the field of software engineering, whichis designed to provide a standard way to visualizethe design of a system.

Universal Resource Locator (URL): A URL is onetype of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); thegeneric term for all types of names and addressesthat refer to objects on the World Wide Web. Theterm “Web address” is a synonym for a URL thatuses the HTTP / HTTPS protocol.

uncertainty: The uncertainty is the square root of ex-pected deviation of a measurement from the ex-pected mean.

vacancy, shell: A (sub)shell vacancy occurs when a par-ticle is knocked out of a nuclear or atomic shell,leaving a “hole” or unoccupied state in the shell.

Westcott factor: The ratio of the room temperature(T = 293K) Maxwellian averaged cross sectionwith the cross section evaluated at E = 0.0253 eV.If a cross section varies like 1/v, then this ratio willbe one.

Working Party on Evaluation Cooperation (WPEC):A framework provided by the Nuclear EnergyAgency so that other institutions can co-operateand conduct multi-year projects which promotethe exchange of information on nuclear data evalu-ations, measurements, nuclear model calculations,validation, and related topics.

xlink: XML Linking Language, or XLink, is an XMLmarkup language and W3C specification that pro-vides methods for creating internal and exter-nal links within XML documents, and associatingmetadata with those links.

xpath: XPath, the XML Path Language, is a query lan-guage for selecting nodes from an XML document.In addition, XPath may be used to compute values(e.g., strings, numbers, or Boolean values) from thecontent of an XML document.

xsd: XSD (XML Schema Definition), a recommendationof the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), spec-ifies how to formally describe the elements in anExtensible Markup Language (XML) document. Itcan be used by programmers to verify each piece ofitem content in a document.

xsdir: The xsdir file, serves as a table of contents for thetransport code MCNP with information on whereand how the data are stored for each target materialcan be found.

xsl: Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) is used to re-fer to a family of languages used to transform andrender XML documents.

ZA: A common nucleus designator usually computed asZA = Z × 1000 +A.

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Appendix D: Contributors

Here we attempt to list everyone who contributed to this document and the general Subgroup 38 discussions. Weapologize if we have omitted anyone. Below we list everyone in English alphabetical order by family name. Eachcontributors affiliation is given in the form “institute, country”. Where an institute has multiple locations, the formof the affiliation is “institute, city, country”.

Contributor Affiliation

Pascal Archier CEA, Cadarache, DEN/DER/SPRC, France

Bret Beck† Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA

David Brown†‡ Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Oscar Cabellos Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, France

Roberto Capote Noy International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria

Chiba Go Hokkaido University, Japan

Cho Young-Sik Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute, S. Korea

Jeremy Lloyd Conlin† Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Mark Cornock Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston, UK

Mireille Coste-Delclaux CEA, Saclay, DEN/DM2S/SERMA, France

D.E. (Red) Cullen Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA (retired)

Michael Dunn Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Emmeric Dupont NEA and CEA, Saclay, DSM/IRFU/SPhN, France

Ulrich Fischer Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Robin Forrest International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria

Fukahori Tokio Japanese Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Japan

Ge Zhigang Chinese Nuclear Data Center, Beijing, China

Wim Haeck Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, France

Ayman Hawari North Carolina State University, USA

Michal Herman Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Jesse Holmes† Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, USA

Ishikawa Makoto Japanese Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Japan

Iwamoto Osamu Japanese Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Japan

Robert Jacqmin CEA, Cadarache, DEN/DER/SPRC, France

Timothy Johnson Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Cedric Jouanne CEA, Saclay, DEN/DM2S/SERMA, France

A.C. (Skip) Kahler Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Kim Do Heon Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute, S. Korea

Ivo Kodeli Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Arjan Koning† International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria

Konno Chikara Japanese Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Japan

Kugo Teruhiko Japanese Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Japan

Luiz Leal Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Morgan Lee Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, UK

Cecil Lubitz Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, USA (retired)

Fausto Malvagi CEA, Saclay, DEN/DM2S/SERMA, France

Caleb Mattoon† Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA

* WPEC Subgroup 38 Co-ordinator† Requirements document author‡ Requirements document editor NEA contact

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Contributor Affiliation

Dennis McNabb*† Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA

Robert Mills† National Nuclear Laboratory, UK

Nishihara Kenji Japanese Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Japan

Gilles Noguere CEA, Cadarache, DEN/DER/SPRC, France

Marco Pigni Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Yannick Peneliau CEA, Cadarache, DEN/DER/SPRC, France

Paul Romano Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, USA

Danila Roubtsov† CNL, Chalk River Laboratories, Canada

Cyrille de Saint-Jean CEA, Cadarache, DEN/DER/SPRC, France

Sato Tatsuhiko Japanese Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Japan

Anthony Scopatz University of Chicago, USA

Valentin Sinitsa Kurchatov Institute, Russia

Alejandro Sonzogni Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Nicolas Soppera Nuclear Energy Agency, OECD, Paris, France

Jean-Christophe Sublet Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, UK

Suyama Kenya Japanese Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Japan

Patrick Talou† Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Jean-Christophe Trama CEA, Saclay, DEN/DM2S/SERMA, France

Andrej Trkov International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria

Romona Vogt† Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and University of California Davis, USA

Dorothea Wiarda Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Morgan C. White† Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Yokoyama Kenji Japanese Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Japan

Viktor Zerkin† International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria* WPEC Subgroup 38 Co-ordinator† Requirements document author‡ Requirements document editor NEA contact

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Page 109: OECD/NEA/WPEC SubGroup 38...this system (referred to as ENDF/B) grew out of END-F/A and was documented in the report BNL-50066 (Ho-neck, 1966). Whereas the format of ENDF/A was exi-ble,

List of Requirements

0. WPEC Subgroup 38 tasks, 31. Main, 42. An example, 53. Hierarchical structures, 94. Legacy data, 115. <library>, 126. <evaluations>, 127. Particles, 148. Documentation, 189. <representations>, 2010. Linking between original and derived data, 2111. <functionDef>, 2412. General low-level, 2513. List of general purpose elements, 2614. Text elements, 2715. Hyperlinks, 2716. Placeholder hyperlinks, 2717. <evaluation>, 2918. <metaEvaluation>, 3219. All reaction lists, especially <reactions>, 3720. <summedReactions>, 3721. <reaction>, 3822. Reaction designation, 4023. <crossSection>, 4024. <dcrossSection dOmega>, 4125. <dcrossSection dOmega dE>, 4126. <reactionProducts>, 4127. <orphanedProducts>, 4228. <decayProducts>, 4229. <product>, 4330. <distributions>, 4431. <multiplicity>, 4532. <resonances> element, 4833. <spinGroup>, 4934. <channel>, 4935. Resolved resonance region (RRR), 5136. Unresolved resonance region (URR), 5237. Background R matrix, 5338. The <backgroundReaction> element, 5439. Where to put covariance data, 5640. Cross–covariance linkage, 5641. <grid> elements, 5942. <grid> elements for continuous functions, 5943. Multidimensional <grid> use, 6044. <covariance> and <correlation>, 6045. <matrixData>, 6046. <weightedSumOfCovariances>, 6147. <matrixSandwich>, 6348. <sensitivity>, 6349. Atomic reaction data, 6750. Photo-atomic data, 6851. Charged-particle elastic scattering, 7152. Fission, 7253. Fission Product Yields (FPYs), 74

54. Spallation, 7755. Primary gammas, 7856. Thermal scattering kernel, 8057. Gaussian self-part scattering kernel, 8158. Coherent Elastic Scattering, 8259. Incoherent Elastic Scattering, 8260. Short Collision Time Approximation, 8361. Average kinetic energy and forward momentum, 8562. Mubar, 8563. CDFs, 8664. URR probability tables, 8665. Grouped transport data, 8766. Bondarenko factors, 8867. Production data, 8868. DPA and KERMA, 89