
ODOMETER Name : Airin Nuryanda R Class : 2 A NIM : 111611004

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Page 1: Odometer

ODOMETERName : Airin Nuryanda R

Class : 2 – A

NIM : 111611004

Page 2: Odometer
Page 3: Odometer

An odometer or odograph is an instrument that indicates distance traveled by a vehicle, such as a bicycle or automobile. The device may be electronic, mechanical, or a combination of the two. The word derives from the Greek words hodós ("path" or "gateway") and métron ("measure"). In countries where Imperial units or US customary units are used, it is sometimes called amileometer or milometer, or, colloquially, a tripometer.

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in another dictionary, the definition of odometer is :

1. a meter that shows mileage traversed (source: wordnet30)

2. An instrument attached to the wheel of a vehicle, to measure the distance traversed; also, a wheel used by surveyors, which registers the miles and rods traversed (source: webster1913)

3. An instrument attached to a vehicle, to measure the distance traversed; also, a wheel used by surveyors, which registers the miles and rods traversed

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1.1 Classical Era

1.2 Ancient China

1.3 Song Dynasty odometer

1.4 Subsequent Developments

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GPS used as odometer

Recently, exercise enthusiasts have observed that an advanced Global Positioning System receiver (GPSr) with an odometer mode serves as a very accurate pedometer for outdoor activities. While not truly counting steps (no pendulum is involved) an advanced GPS odometer can accurately reveal the distance traveled to within 1/100 of a mile (depending on the model, perhaps 1/1000 of a mile). 1/1000 of a mile is approximately the distance of a single pace or 2 steps (1.609 m). Precise metric odometers have a precision of 1/100 or 1/1000 km, 10 or 1 metre(s) respectively. A GPS with odometer mode is also an excellent and inexpensive means to verify proper operation of both the speedometer and odometer mounted in a vehicle.

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