ode to a beaver volume 1

1 HSMSE Key Club In the Spirit of Service April 2012 Issue #1 Ode to a Beaver Sara Louie-President Julie Zhou– Vice President Ilan Mandel– Secretary Jessica Chang– Treasurer Stanley Muñoz– Bulletin Editor Jeff Lee– Webmaster

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HSMSE Key Club's April Newsletter!


Page 1: Ode to a Beaver Volume 1


HSMSE Key Club

In the Spirit of Service

April 2012 Issue #1

Ode to a

Beaver Sara Louie-President

Julie Zhou– Vice President

Ilan Mandel– Secretary

Jessica Chang– Treasurer

Stanley Muñoz– Bulletin Editor

Jeff Lee– Webmaster

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⇒ Congratulations to

our new 2012-2013

Executive Board!

⇒ Congratulations to

TWO members in the

District Board!

⇒ Our Epic Book Drive

has already filled two

boxes! The drive fin-

ishes May 18th, so

make sure to donate!

Links Our Site: http://hsmse-


Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/


Table of Contents





Cover Page

Letter from the Editor

Executive Board 2012-2013

Letter from the President

6 New District Board Members

8 Leadership Training Conference

10 April Events

16 Epic Book Drive/Bookmarks!

17 Upcoming Events!!

18 Key Clubbers of the Month

19 Advisor and District News

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Key Club

Letter from the Editor

Hey everyone! My name is Stanley Muñoz and I’m so excited

to be your new Bulletin Editor! This is going to be my second year

in Key Club and my first time being on the executive board, so

we’ve got a whole new year ahead of us! With the start of the new

service year comes the induction of a new board who must run our

Key Cub. The transition is initially tough, but with time the new

board adjusts and prepares for the upcoming service year!

In our first month of the 2012-2013 service year our Key Club

has already made amazing progress! Most

notably, having two of our members join

the District Board! It’s great to see that

our own club can represent at the district

level. But to conclude, the future is look-

ing bright for us. Make sure to send in

your articles as project leader and any

pictures taken at events!

Yours in the spirit of service,

Stanley Muñoz

[email protected]

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Sara Louie


Julie Zhou

Vice President

Ilan Mandel


Jessica Chang


Stanley Muñoz

Bulletin Editor Jeff Lee


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Key Club

Letter from the President

Hey HSMSE Key Club! How do you feel?

I hope you guys are excited for the new service year! I know I am. I love the begin-

ning of service years because they are always filled with a ton of fun events and service pro-

jects! This year we’re going to have many more events and projects – and a variety at that!

Expect many more in-meeting projects, fundraisers, club events, and opportunities. I

hope you’re all excited to get involved!

This year we are lucky to have a strong Executive Board with two members directly

in the District Board. That means, we’re connected straight to the top and will always be

notified right away about new events and news! I hope you all get to know Tina Lee, Exec-

utive Assistant, and Barry Lee, District Webmaster, better this year. Hopefully I will get to

know you all better as well!

Key Club has made such a huge impact in my life and

truly means a lot to me. I’ve met some of the greatest

friends and experienced the most life changing things

thanks to Key Club. As your new president, I promise that

I will work to make this HSMSE Key Club’s best year yet!

So Key Clubbers, I have only two things to ask of you: stay

active and have fun!

Always yours in service,

Sara Louie

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Hello HSMSE's Key Club! This is your IP President and K-Family Relations Repre-

sentative speaking, and as you all may know, District Governor Daniel Ivan Lin appointed

me as this year's Executive Assistant along with Emily Gicewicz. I am so excited to be rep-

resenting our club as well as our division on a district level, and I am even more ecstatic to

start working with the rest of the district board in the 2012-2013 service year!

It is certainly an honor to be appointed this position because I never saw myself

reaching such an important position in my life. Climbing up the leadership ladder has re-

ally taught me numerous things including how to communicate and interact with others,

set a good example, and ultimately be a great leader. I was also appointed as Conference

Chair along with our very own District Webmaster, Barry

Lee, so look out for another amazing Leadership Training

Conference created by yours truly!

Can't wait to work with all of you in the efforts of cre-

ating yet another amazing Key Club service year!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact

me at [email protected].

Yours in the spirit of service,

Tina Lee

New York District Executive Assistant 2012-2013

New York District Key Club | Key Club International

708.469.9346 | [email protected]

Congratulations to our new…

District Executive Assistant!!!

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Key Club

Dear HSMSE Key Club,

How are YOU feeling? As you already know, I have been appointed by Gover-

nor Daniel Ivan Lin and approved by the District Board as District Webmaster earli-

er this weekend. When I received the phone call of congratulations, it was unreal. I

was not very confident about my application nor interview, yet I did a great job. It is

truly an honor to be working with the most dedicated Key Clubbers in the district.

Everyone is motivated, spirited, and ready to work! Even though Tina and I are go-

ing to be working on the District level, we will still always be around. We currently

serve as committee chairs for the Leadership Training Conference 2013! And I hope

to see you all there!

Also, because you do not hold a position as a

board member, it does not mean you cannot make a

change. Take initiative and do whatever you can to get

your voice across!

Yours in the spirit of service,

Barry Lee

New York District Webmaster 2012-2013

New York District Key Club | Key Club International

646.593.4666 | [email protected]

District Webmaster!!!

Camera Shy

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64th Annual




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Key Club

Hey Key Clubbers!

With the end of the Leadership Training Conference, we greet the beginning of a new

service year! This year, Key Club’s 64th Annual New York District Leadership Training Con-

ference, also known as L.T.C., was held in a Holiday Inn at Albany. In this conference, key

clubbers from all over New York are given the opportunity to meet each other and become

friends through icebreakers and dances. There are also fun workshops that we attend to help

us improve our leadership skills. It was also entertaining to see people dress up to match the

theme of superheroes. The Leadership Training Conference is great every year, and I encour-

age all of you to go next year!

The new service year always coincides with the spring time. As the weather becomes

warmer, there are more service opportunities that are calling for us. We can join other key

clubs as they work on awesome projects. As your newly elected Vice President, I am super ex-

cited to make this service year the best one ever! I hope that you will all come to our events to

support many great charities and causes. Come join the fun, and bring your friends!

-Julie Zhou

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Meals on Heels! April 14, 2012

Another great service day with

meals on heals. We worked at the

church helping prepare food for the

elderly in different ways. Once all

the parts of the menu are prepared,

we package the meals and deliver

them to the elderly.

It is fun to work and converse

with them as it seems like these peo-

ple never have an interesting story

that they don’t want to share. Also

what I like about this event is that

every time I deliver to the elderly,

it’s nice to see the smile they have to

greet us and how grateful they are.

-Jason Baddoo

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Key Club

Earth Day April 21, 2012

Earth Day was held at Grand

Central Station in celebration of the

ground we walk on! Various booths

were set up to educate and entertain

the public with eco-friendly activities.

It was fun to be outside helping and

at the same time learning how to help

the earth.

The best part was the

people we met who all

shared a common interest

in volunteering, not just for

hours but for the good of

the community.

-Boris Granda

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Vision Walk

April 21, 2012

When the 1.8 mile walk started eve-

ryone left the Band Shell and that

left HSMSE Key Club and Bronx

Science Key Club. We had a lot of

fun! It was amazing that we were all

here and ready to support such an

important cause that many aren’t

really aware of.

-Anik Golder

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Key Club

Starbucks NYC Community Day of Service April 28, 2012

"Working with the City Parks Foun-

dation, Stuyvesant Square Park has

been identified as a park where Star-

bucks partners and customers volun-

teering together have the potential to

make the greatest impact by painting

playground equipment, benches and

fences, weeding, spreading wood

chips, planting flowers, trees and

shrubs, cleaning benches, etc."

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Walk MS April 29, 2012

Walk MS is sponsored by the MS society which fights to find a cure

for Multiple Sclerosis. At the event there were plenty of things to do. Vol-

unteers helped with check in stations as well as assisting EMT with their is-

sues. As the six and three mile walks ended, volunteers manned food distri-

bution as well as the information desk. The event was a generally positive

experience and staff members graciously thanked us for our hard work.

-Andy Diaz

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Key Club

March of Dimes

At first there wasn't much to

do but after a few minutes boxes

needed to be unpacked! We un-

packed baby bottles from boxes

which we later recycled. After that

our work was generally done! All we

had left to do was wait and cheer

on the walkers. What truly made

this event special was that because it

was so large, our key club wasn’t the

only club volunteering! As we en-

countered many different Key

Clubbers I realized how important

this walk was. In volunteering we

were helping the larger goal of the

event, preventing premature birth’s

and supporting the families of those

who do have a premature baby.

-Anik Golder

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In-Meeting Bookmark Project!

How can you finish a

good book if you don’t have a

bookmark to keep your place!

In light of the Epic Book

Drive we started in our school,

our club decided to have an in-

meeting project where we

made bookmarks to donate

along with our books.

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Key Club

Upcoming May Events

May 13, 2012 All members, friends, and fami-

ly are welcome to enjoy the festivities!

May 17, 2012 All members are invited to

come to the May divisional with all

the Key Clubs in our division!

May 20, 2012 Come volunteer for one of the

biggest events of the year! We will be

at a checkpoint! If you did not sign

up by the March deadline, you can

still walk with some of our members!

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Key Clubbers of the Month! Every month, a member who has shown a great amount of commit-

ment and achievement in our club is named key clubber of the month and

awarded a Crumbs cupcake for their duties! For the month of April, I am

happy to announce that our key clubbers of the month are…...

Boris Granda and Jason Baddoo!

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Key Club

Advisor and Committee

Andy Diaz



Tina Lee

Kiwanis Family


Janet Nelson

Kiwanis Family


Melissa Rapp


District News I'd like to share with you some information that was decided on at the 1st official

district board meeting. This year's Governor's Project, Keys to Accessibility, will have a set

goal of 5,000 service hours. For District Charities, the goal has been set to 60,000 service

hours. In terms of the fundraising goal, the amount has been set to $200,000. The official

2012-2013 District Charities include the following: Kamp Kiwanis, Pediatric Lyme Disease

Foundation, Kiwanis Pediatric Center, Local Causes, GOAL, Doctors without Borders,

Front Row, Alzheimer's Association, and St. Jude's Hospital.

-Tina Lee



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