october tidings

October 2010 St. John UCC Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God ST. JOHN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 1010 S P ARK B LVD ~ F REEPORT , IL www.stjohnuccfreeport.org The TIDINGS

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Church Newsletter


Page 1: October Tidings


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St. John UCC

Bringing the Healing Love of Christ

To Our Community for the Glory of God


1 0 1 0 S P AR K B L V D ~ F R E E P O R T , I L



Page 2: October Tidings






MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.

Church (815) 235-2824 E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: www.stjohnuccfreeport.org

Deadline for submitting articles in the TIDINGS Newsletter is

the 3rd Tuesday of the month.


Pastor Dutcher will be on vacation October 18th-31st.

Rev. Duane McDonough (815) 816-1942

and Rev. Carol Ahrens (815)616-8901

will be available for Pastoral services in his absence.


This is one of the most awkward and difficult articles I have ever felt moved to write, because it’s important that I share some very good news for church with you. Yet, it’s also important that I not dishonor others in doing so.

For some people, and in some churches, money and giving may be the cause of

more anxiety and motivation by guilt than any other subject. Many people would like to give more than they are able to give. Others feel their pastor and church leaders do not know or understand the financial pressures under which they live. Some people, like the widow whom Christ honored, give a very small amount, in terms of the actual dollars they give; but, those few dollars are a significant sacrifice of faith and commitment. Others give many dollars in comparison; but, because of their income and wealth, it is not as much of a sacrifice for them, if a sacrifice, at all.

So, how do you recognize and honor a significant gift, when the smaller gifts have not received the special attention of an article by the pastor? That is my quandary, my dilemma.

You and I have known people who have given their gifts with flair and a desire for pride, glory and increased power and influence. Others give their gifts quietly, without any desire for glory, pride, power or influence. The latter is a sign of being spiritually healthy, because one wants God to receive the glory, not oneself. So, what is the point of all of this?

Well, I was recently informed that we, St. John UCC, have been gifted by Joe and Helen Janshen with a sizeable financial gift. The actual dollar amount we will receive is yet to be determined, exactly. However, we know it will likely be between $450,000 – 650,000, with the interest to be used for ―religious programs‖ for the next 25 years. (We are yet to see the actual documents, but we are confident we will receive this gift when the legal process of distributing the estate is completed.)

Page 3: October Tidings






MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.

Church (815) 235-2824 E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: www.stjohnuccfreeport.org

Deadline for submitting articles in the TIDINGS Newsletter is

the 3rd Tuesday of the month.


Pastor Dutcher will be on vacation October 18th-31st.

Rev. Duane McDonough (815) 816-1942

and Rev. Carol Ahrens (815)616-8901

will be available for Pastoral services in his absence.


This is one of the most awkward and difficult articles I have ever felt moved to write, because it’s important that I share some very good news for church with you. Yet, it’s also important that I not dishonor others in doing so.

For some people, and in some churches, money and giving may be the cause of

more anxiety and motivation by guilt than any other subject. Many people would like to give more than they are able to give. Others feel their pastor and church leaders do not know or understand the financial pressures under which they live. Some people, like the widow whom Christ honored, give a very small amount, in terms of the actual dollars they give; but, those few dollars are a significant sacrifice of faith and commitment. Others give many dollars in comparison; but, because of their income and wealth, it is not as much of a sacrifice for them, if a sacrifice, at all.

So, how do you recognize and honor a significant gift, when the smaller gifts have not received the special attention of an article by the pastor? That is my quandary, my dilemma.

You and I have known people who have given their gifts with flair and a desire for pride, glory and increased power and influence. Others give their gifts quietly, without any desire for glory, pride, power or influence. The latter is a sign of being spiritually healthy, because one wants God to receive the glory, not oneself. So, what is the point of all of this?

Well, I was recently informed that we, St. John UCC, have been gifted by Joe and Helen Janshen with a sizeable financial gift. The actual dollar amount we will receive is yet to be determined, exactly. However, we know it will likely be between $450,000 – 650,000, with the interest to be used for ―religious programs‖ for the next 25 years. (We are yet to see the actual documents, but we are confident we will receive this gift when the legal process of distributing the estate is completed.)

Page 4: October Tidings


Each November, we, as a church, recognize and honor those who have died in the past year and the gifts we have received. We work hard to ensure that each gift is honored, equally. No gift, however large or small, is worthy of more or less thanks and praise to God than another. Some of Paul’s words, in his Second Letter to the Corinthians, are helpful here:

―You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which

will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows

with many thanksgivings to God. ... Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift.‖

Any gift, large or small, may be a gift of ―great generosity.‖ Every gift given moves us to give thanks, and even brings thanks to God from others who benefit from our ministries. We may not hear their thanks to God, but ministry done through the church regularly moves others to thank God.

The leadership of the Council and the Endowment Board will work to create an appropriate definition of ―religious programs‖ and guidelines for the expenditure of monies earned. They will take into consideration the need to use this gift to enhance and broaden the ministry and mission of this church, without hindering the continuing stewardship of our members and friends. The latter would harm the church rather than help it, which is not why the Janshens have gifted us. I will encourage the guidelines being be presented to the congregation for affirmation and approval before their implementation.

St. John UCC and its ministry to the people of St. John, our local community, and the children of God of our global community, was, obviously, very important to the Janshen’s. Their gift will strengthen, broaden and enhance our ministry in varied and significant ways.

Thanks be to God!




The Worship Ministry's initial effort to find a new choir director and part-time accompanist yielded no interest—at least from music personnel in our area school districts. Perhaps you know someone with the music experience needed for either of these positions. Or perhaps that person has friends or acquaintances that might be interested. The Worship Ministry decided that word-of-mouth inquiry and personal contacts might be more effective in finding musicians to fill these positions. If you find an interested person, please refer them to Pastor Donnley or a member of the Worship Ministry (see members listed in the church directory). Thank you.



Saturday, October 9, 2010, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

We are in relationship with others in our families, church, clubs, organizations,

workplaces and other settings. The focus of this event will be understanding emotional cut-off, or emotional separation, in relationships. What is it? What are its consequences? How do we see and change our part in it? How might we dwell more on God and less on people?

Bob Williamson, the presenter, is a member of the faculty of the Center for Family Consultation (CFC), a Chicago-area group who’s purpose is contributing to the learning, teaching, and research of the natural systems theory of the family. Bob was associate director of the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center (LMPC) from 1992 until 2007, and continues to serve LMPC. He is a graduate of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (M.Div., 1976).

Page 5: October Tidings


Each November, we, as a church, recognize and honor those who have died in the past year and the gifts we have received. We work hard to ensure that each gift is honored, equally. No gift, however large or small, is worthy of more or less thanks and praise to God than another. Some of Paul’s words, in his Second Letter to the Corinthians, are helpful here:

―You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which

will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows

with many thanksgivings to God. ... Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift.‖

Any gift, large or small, may be a gift of ―great generosity.‖ Every gift given moves us to give thanks, and even brings thanks to God from others who benefit from our ministries. We may not hear their thanks to God, but ministry done through the church regularly moves others to thank God.

The leadership of the Council and the Endowment Board will work to create an appropriate definition of ―religious programs‖ and guidelines for the expenditure of monies earned. They will take into consideration the need to use this gift to enhance and broaden the ministry and mission of this church, without hindering the continuing stewardship of our members and friends. The latter would harm the church rather than help it, which is not why the Janshens have gifted us. I will encourage the guidelines being be presented to the congregation for affirmation and approval before their implementation.

St. John UCC and its ministry to the people of St. John, our local community, and the children of God of our global community, was, obviously, very important to the Janshen’s. Their gift will strengthen, broaden and enhance our ministry in varied and significant ways.

Thanks be to God!




The Worship Ministry's initial effort to find a new choir director and part-time accompanist yielded no interest—at least from music personnel in our area school districts. Perhaps you know someone with the music experience needed for either of these positions. Or perhaps that person has friends or acquaintances that might be interested. The Worship Ministry decided that word-of-mouth inquiry and personal contacts might be more effective in finding musicians to fill these positions. If you find an interested person, please refer them to Pastor Donnley or a member of the Worship Ministry (see members listed in the church directory). Thank you.



Saturday, October 9, 2010, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

We are in relationship with others in our families, church, clubs, organizations,

workplaces and other settings. The focus of this event will be understanding emotional cut-off, or emotional separation, in relationships. What is it? What are its consequences? How do we see and change our part in it? How might we dwell more on God and less on people?

Bob Williamson, the presenter, is a member of the faculty of the Center for Family Consultation (CFC), a Chicago-area group who’s purpose is contributing to the learning, teaching, and research of the natural systems theory of the family. Bob was associate director of the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center (LMPC) from 1992 until 2007, and continues to serve LMPC. He is a graduate of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (M.Div., 1976).

Page 6: October Tidings


Kevin’s Korner…..

As usual the beginning of the school year is very busy. We have resumed our Sunday School Ministry as well as our Helix Ministry. As I write this I’ve been busy creating challenges for an overnight Lock-in for 18+ students. Our New Middle School Helix Program had a great start and many of the kids were excited to invite their friends to join in on

all the fun. This group meets on Thursdays from 3-5pm. Our Sr. High Helix Program will be meeting on the second and fourth Sunday of each month from 6-8pm. We haven’t met yet this year as I write this, but I’m looking forward to it. Many of our youth are now driving and working. I’m excited to hear how their summer went and how they are settling into the new school routine. In the back of my mind I’m already thinking about the Sr. High Lock-in in November. It will have a game show theme. That should be interesting. I’m also looking at a Halloween party at the end of October. I’ll be sending our more info about these events. Parents: please keep a look out for late breaking Helix News on, Facebook, In our Tidings, church website, through Snail mail and E-mail. You may also get a text from time to time too.

Christ First programming has also gone through another set of adjustments. We have combined our Monday night groups and have added a weekly Zumba class that is open to all. Anyone wanting to try Zumba is definitely encouraged to join us. This new class is from 6-7pm on Mondays. We have a nursery and a baby sitter provided for your little ones as well. No Excuses! Our Wednesday night Christ First group has welcomed 11 new members and I continue to prepare lessons and journals for all our participants on a weekly basis. It has been an honor and a blessing to be able to share what I have learned, and continue to learn, with our Christ First Members. Kirsten and I plan to keep our current Christ First Schedule through the end of the year. We have talked about adding a new group along with a three month St. John UCC ―Fitness‖ challenge. We are hoping to have that begin at a St. John spiritual health workshop that will introduce our community to St. John UCC as a place to get Healthy:

Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Mentally. Look for this Workshop sometime in early 2011.

What about Kevin? How’s he doing? What has he been up to? Well I’m great. I continue to struggle with balance and margin in my life, like most of you. For those in the ministry, church can be a vacuum on our time. We are at work everywhere we go. If I’m not in my office at home or at church I’m hunting for supplies out and about in Freeport, and the surrounding area. Last week I was getting lock-in supplies from Rockford. I was on a call with a parent a few days ago while in my car. So if you saw me sitting parked on the side of the road talking on my cellphone, yes that was me working. It is amazing how electronics allows us to communicate from anywhere. Sometimes I need to just step away from the computer and pray. I think that is why I enjoy running so much. I get to be in nature and I take the time to talk with God and thank Him for the many blessings in my life, no interruptions. Now I don’t consider my workouts ―work-outside‖ but you would be amazed how much extra work I get done as I run. I’m working on me, Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Mentally. My time alone with God is amazing and I miss it when the ministry vacuum is eating up all my time. As I take two hours to write this on my day off. Well, God and I are getting together today. Time to run.

Consumed by the call,

Kevin T. Eckert

Director of Children & Youth/Director of Technologies



There will be a Communion Server Training on October 10th after the worship service. This class is for

both those interested in serving communion for the first time and also those who have been serving as a refresher (also to help those who are first timers). If you are interested at all in serving communion please attend. Thank you ~Jeri and Ray Neiman.

Page 7: October Tidings


Kevin’s Korner…..

As usual the beginning of the school year is very busy. We have resumed our Sunday School Ministry as well as our Helix Ministry. As I write this I’ve been busy creating challenges for an overnight Lock-in for 18+ students. Our New Middle School Helix Program had a great start and many of the kids were excited to invite their friends to join in on

all the fun. This group meets on Thursdays from 3-5pm. Our Sr. High Helix Program will be meeting on the second and fourth Sunday of each month from 6-8pm. We haven’t met yet this year as I write this, but I’m looking forward to it. Many of our youth are now driving and working. I’m excited to hear how their summer went and how they are settling into the new school routine. In the back of my mind I’m already thinking about the Sr. High Lock-in in November. It will have a game show theme. That should be interesting. I’m also looking at a Halloween party at the end of October. I’ll be sending our more info about these events. Parents: please keep a look out for late breaking Helix News on, Facebook, In our Tidings, church website, through Snail mail and E-mail. You may also get a text from time to time too.

Christ First programming has also gone through another set of adjustments. We have combined our Monday night groups and have added a weekly Zumba class that is open to all. Anyone wanting to try Zumba is definitely encouraged to join us. This new class is from 6-7pm on Mondays. We have a nursery and a baby sitter provided for your little ones as well. No Excuses! Our Wednesday night Christ First group has welcomed 11 new members and I continue to prepare lessons and journals for all our participants on a weekly basis. It has been an honor and a blessing to be able to share what I have learned, and continue to learn, with our Christ First Members. Kirsten and I plan to keep our current Christ First Schedule through the end of the year. We have talked about adding a new group along with a three month St. John UCC ―Fitness‖ challenge. We are hoping to have that begin at a St. John spiritual health workshop that will introduce our community to St. John UCC as a place to get Healthy:

Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Mentally. Look for this Workshop sometime in early 2011.

What about Kevin? How’s he doing? What has he been up to? Well I’m great. I continue to struggle with balance and margin in my life, like most of you. For those in the ministry, church can be a vacuum on our time. We are at work everywhere we go. If I’m not in my office at home or at church I’m hunting for supplies out and about in Freeport, and the surrounding area. Last week I was getting lock-in supplies from Rockford. I was on a call with a parent a few days ago while in my car. So if you saw me sitting parked on the side of the road talking on my cellphone, yes that was me working. It is amazing how electronics allows us to communicate from anywhere. Sometimes I need to just step away from the computer and pray. I think that is why I enjoy running so much. I get to be in nature and I take the time to talk with God and thank Him for the many blessings in my life, no interruptions. Now I don’t consider my workouts ―work-outside‖ but you would be amazed how much extra work I get done as I run. I’m working on me, Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Mentally. My time alone with God is amazing and I miss it when the ministry vacuum is eating up all my time. As I take two hours to write this on my day off. Well, God and I are getting together today. Time to run.

Consumed by the call,

Kevin T. Eckert

Director of Children & Youth/Director of Technologies



There will be a Communion Server Training on October 10th after the worship service. This class is for

both those interested in serving communion for the first time and also those who have been serving as a refresher (also to help those who are first timers). If you are interested at all in serving communion please attend. Thank you ~Jeri and Ray Neiman.

Page 8: October Tidings



Proverbs 10:7 ―The memory of the righteous will be a blessing‖

We are all very much aware of the fact that we, at St. John, have attended many, many funerals and Memorial Services over the last few years.

I seem to write the same thing in the Sympathy Cards I send to the families. Mostly, I say something about the many memories they have to cherish. I truly believe this and I hang on to so many wonderful memories of those I have loved and lost through death.

Some say ―Is that all I have left, is memories?‖ My answer to that is always ―Oh, but be thankful you have so many wonderful memories that will soon bring a smile to your face.‖

When I think of my mom, I always remember how she loved God and always had positive things to say about people. When she made a good dish for dinner, she would smack her lips and wink at me. There were 10 of us, and she loved each and everyone of us - she was always so patient with us.

I had a very close relationship with my sister, Audrey. She passed away, way too young. We saw each other every week and talked on the phone almost daily. Bud and I would go for breakfast with Audrey and her husband at about 9:00 a.m. and maybe, just maybe we would get back home around 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon. So much to talk about and so many places to go when we were together.

My friend Rosie lost her battle with cancer in 2007. Rosie was a great friend who had a soft heart and kind words about everyone. She left behind her husband Ray and three grown children. Ray and I stay in touch - keeping up with what’s going on with our children and solving so many problems of the day.

Of course, I miss Bud. I miss his soft voice, his kind words and his tender heart. I’m not lonely, because I can always find things to keep me occupied - but I feel an emptiness without him. It will

take a long time for that hole in my heart to heal I’m so glad I have wonderful memories. I can’t imagine how people feel who didn’t have a close relationship with family and friends.

Good memories are a gift to sweeten our lives. Hang on to them!

Peace and Love,

Marilyn Ruthe, Coordinator of Laycare Ministry


Legacy of Love

As part of the congregation’s ministry to its members, St. John United Church of Christ Endowment, Inc. has planned a special program to share information with you which will be helpful in planning your estate for the benefit of yourself, your loved ones, and your church. We will feature a video presentation, ―Legacy of Love‖ with the opportunity for group discussion following.

Please mark your calendar to join us for the meeting on Sunday, November 7, 2010 in the sanctuary following the regular church service. We will start the program at approximately 10:30. The program is anticipated to be one hour long.

Endowment board members Leland Otte, Joanne Schwandt, Roger Swanlund, Fred Kundert, Lyle Krug, and Council President, Perry Cowan, will be available to answer your questions.

We look forward to your participation.

St. John United Church of Christ Endowment, Inc.

Page 9: October Tidings



Proverbs 10:7 ―The memory of the righteous will be a blessing‖

We are all very much aware of the fact that we, at St. John, have attended many, many funerals and Memorial Services over the last few years.

I seem to write the same thing in the Sympathy Cards I send to the families. Mostly, I say something about the many memories they have to cherish. I truly believe this and I hang on to so many wonderful memories of those I have loved and lost through death.

Some say ―Is that all I have left, is memories?‖ My answer to that is always ―Oh, but be thankful you have so many wonderful memories that will soon bring a smile to your face.‖

When I think of my mom, I always remember how she loved God and always had positive things to say about people. When she made a good dish for dinner, she would smack her lips and wink at me. There were 10 of us, and she loved each and everyone of us - she was always so patient with us.

I had a very close relationship with my sister, Audrey. She passed away, way too young. We saw each other every week and talked on the phone almost daily. Bud and I would go for breakfast with Audrey and her husband at about 9:00 a.m. and maybe, just maybe we would get back home around 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon. So much to talk about and so many places to go when we were together.

My friend Rosie lost her battle with cancer in 2007. Rosie was a great friend who had a soft heart and kind words about everyone. She left behind her husband Ray and three grown children. Ray and I stay in touch - keeping up with what’s going on with our children and solving so many problems of the day.

Of course, I miss Bud. I miss his soft voice, his kind words and his tender heart. I’m not lonely, because I can always find things to keep me occupied - but I feel an emptiness without him. It will

take a long time for that hole in my heart to heal I’m so glad I have wonderful memories. I can’t imagine how people feel who didn’t have a close relationship with family and friends.

Good memories are a gift to sweeten our lives. Hang on to them!

Peace and Love,

Marilyn Ruthe, Coordinator of Laycare Ministry


Legacy of Love

As part of the congregation’s ministry to its members, St. John United Church of Christ Endowment, Inc. has planned a special program to share information with you which will be helpful in planning your estate for the benefit of yourself, your loved ones, and your church. We will feature a video presentation, ―Legacy of Love‖ with the opportunity for group discussion following.

Please mark your calendar to join us for the meeting on Sunday, November 7, 2010 in the sanctuary following the regular church service. We will start the program at approximately 10:30. The program is anticipated to be one hour long.

Endowment board members Leland Otte, Joanne Schwandt, Roger Swanlund, Fred Kundert, Lyle Krug, and Council President, Perry Cowan, will be available to answer your questions.

We look forward to your participation.

St. John United Church of Christ Endowment, Inc.

Page 10: October Tidings



The vast majority of people like to excel at something. Most of us like to do what we do in a

manner that is truly first-class. Whether we are involved in one of the trades, or whether we are

working in a profession, we like to excel in what we do.

Similarly, in the Christian life, most of us like to demonstrate our love for the Lord in ways that will reflect properly on Him and that will bring honor to Him. As His servants, we take great care that our Christian service is of such quality that what we do for His sake is first-class. Thus, whether we sing a solo in a worship service at church, prepare a meal for someone who is a shut-in, or teach a Bible class, we strive to do what we do for God in the very best way possible.

The Apostle Paul indicates we are also to excel in the grace of giving. "Now as you excel in everything ‹ in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in utmost eagerness, and in our love for you ‹ so we want you to excel also in this generous undertaking" (2 Cor. 8:7). In other words, just as we might seek to excel in other ways which demonstrate our Christian faith in action, we are also to excel in the grace of giving.

In the context of the verse we just read, Paul commends the Macedonian Christians for giving as much as they were able and more. When we follow their example, we experience "grace giving" in action, not only giving as we are able, but also, giving beyond our ability. This is possible only as we demonstrate the fruit of the Christian life by the power of the Holy Spirit within us. As we step out by faith (which is one of the signs of a Spirit-controlled life), we are able to give in ways which might seem improbable or impossible at first. The Spirit of God thereby motivates us and compels us to excel in the grace of giving!

One anonymous writer penned these powerful words: "God has a storehouse of blessings. Prayer is the key to that storehouse. But faith both turns the key and unlocks the door."

Say, are you excelling in the grace of giving? If not, why not take God at His Word ‹ by faith ‹ and begin today?



We are in need of people to help set up and serve coffee hour on Sunday mornings. Our groups are dwindling and we can not fill all of our months. If you would be willing to chair a month or even a couple of weeks, please talk to Pam in the office. We will do the necessary training to help you. Also, we would like to remind you that when it is your turn to bring cookies you are also invited to stay and help serve and clean up.

Many hands make light work.

Would you be interested in bringing fruit instead of cookies when it is your turn? Let the office know, we are trying to bring in some healthy snacks also.


Join us in Fellowship Hall for a Halloween potluck at 12 noon. There will be Trunk or Treat in the parking lot for the children and games for all! Anyone who would like to wear a costume is encouraged to dress up. Adults and families are encouraged to decorate their car trunks for the occasion and hand out goodies as the children ―trunk or treat‖ through the parking lot.

We will start the afternoon with a potluck luncheon. Please bring 1 food dish if you are a single person and 2 food dishes if you are a family to share. Beverages and table service will be provided. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend.

Page 11: October Tidings



The vast majority of people like to excel at something. Most of us like to do what we do in a

manner that is truly first-class. Whether we are involved in one of the trades, or whether we are

working in a profession, we like to excel in what we do.

Similarly, in the Christian life, most of us like to demonstrate our love for the Lord in ways that will reflect properly on Him and that will bring honor to Him. As His servants, we take great care that our Christian service is of such quality that what we do for His sake is first-class. Thus, whether we sing a solo in a worship service at church, prepare a meal for someone who is a shut-in, or teach a Bible class, we strive to do what we do for God in the very best way possible.

The Apostle Paul indicates we are also to excel in the grace of giving. "Now as you excel in everything ‹ in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in utmost eagerness, and in our love for you ‹ so we want you to excel also in this generous undertaking" (2 Cor. 8:7). In other words, just as we might seek to excel in other ways which demonstrate our Christian faith in action, we are also to excel in the grace of giving.

In the context of the verse we just read, Paul commends the Macedonian Christians for giving as much as they were able and more. When we follow their example, we experience "grace giving" in action, not only giving as we are able, but also, giving beyond our ability. This is possible only as we demonstrate the fruit of the Christian life by the power of the Holy Spirit within us. As we step out by faith (which is one of the signs of a Spirit-controlled life), we are able to give in ways which might seem improbable or impossible at first. The Spirit of God thereby motivates us and compels us to excel in the grace of giving!

One anonymous writer penned these powerful words: "God has a storehouse of blessings. Prayer is the key to that storehouse. But faith both turns the key and unlocks the door."

Say, are you excelling in the grace of giving? If not, why not take God at His Word ‹ by faith ‹ and begin today?



We are in need of people to help set up and serve coffee hour on Sunday mornings. Our groups are dwindling and we can not fill all of our months. If you would be willing to chair a month or even a couple of weeks, please talk to Pam in the office. We will do the necessary training to help you. Also, we would like to remind you that when it is your turn to bring cookies you are also invited to stay and help serve and clean up.

Many hands make light work.

Would you be interested in bringing fruit instead of cookies when it is your turn? Let the office know, we are trying to bring in some healthy snacks also.


Join us in Fellowship Hall for a Halloween potluck at 12 noon. There will be Trunk or Treat in the parking lot for the children and games for all! Anyone who would like to wear a costume is encouraged to dress up. Adults and families are encouraged to decorate their car trunks for the occasion and hand out goodies as the children ―trunk or treat‖ through the parking lot.

We will start the afternoon with a potluck luncheon. Please bring 1 food dish if you are a single person and 2 food dishes if you are a family to share. Beverages and table service will be provided. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend.

Page 12: October Tidings



November 20th

9:00 a.m. - Noon

Mark your calendars and tell your friends! Our

annual cookie walk is just around the corner.

Come and enjoy the morning with us – come early! Calling all

cooks! Begin thinking about what you want to bake. Look up

your most delicious cookie recipes and decorate them with a

holiday flare, make a delightful snack mix or cook up the most

mouth watering candy you have ever tasted! The calling

committee will be sure you are contacted. Sign-up sheets will be

on the bulletin board, so be sure and watch for them – get your

name on the job you enjoy the most. Its lots of fun so don’t miss




Please bring your donations of can goods, cereal, pasta, food items as well as the much needed personal items to church each month. We will also be receiving monetary donations on October 3rd for the FACC emergency fund. $273was collected in September.


October 3rd, 2010

Registration at 1:30—“Step Off” at 2:00

There will be food and refreshments after.

If you would like to walk please see our recruiter, Sarah Knapp. If you would like to donate you can do so by sending it to the office or contacting one of our walkers. You can also donate online to our St. John team at www.churchworldservice.org and click on the Stephenson County (Freeport Area) link . We have a team set up for St. John UCC, Freeport.

Mental Illness Awareness Week

October 3-9, 2010 Changing Attitudes

Come and be part of the “Changing Lives National Day of Prayer”

for Mental Illness Recovery and


Tuesday Oct. 5, 1:00 pm

taking place at St. John UCC

The National Day of Prayer for Mental Illness Recovery and Understanding has been designated as the Tuesday of Mental Illness Awareness Week, which is the first full week in October. This year, the date is Oct. 5, 2010. Mental illness networks and faith leaders are urged to work together so that they may recognize and prepare for this day in a way that works best for each faith community. The prayers and actions of both faith communities and secular organizations (e.g. the National Alliance on Mental Illness, National Mental Health Association, Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation, Anxiety Disorders Association of America, etc.) are needed to restore mental wellness in America. By seeking God’s guidance we can recommit ourselves to replacing misinformation, blame, fear and prejudice with truth and love in order to offer hope to all who are touched by mental illness.

Painting With Nina

St. John has hosted this painting class several times and Nina Stachewicz would like to again extend the invitation to the St. John family to participate in the class.

Paint with Nina Workshops will be hosting Elizabeth Pruitt of an Oil Painting Workshop October 13th through October 16th 2010. Reserve your space early as seating is limited. Contact Nina at (815) 443-2530 or by email at [email protected]

Page 13: October Tidings



November 20th

9:00 a.m. - Noon

Mark your calendars and tell your friends! Our

annual cookie walk is just around the corner.

Come and enjoy the morning with us – come early! Calling all

cooks! Begin thinking about what you want to bake. Look up

your most delicious cookie recipes and decorate them with a

holiday flare, make a delightful snack mix or cook up the most

mouth watering candy you have ever tasted! The calling

committee will be sure you are contacted. Sign-up sheets will be

on the bulletin board, so be sure and watch for them – get your

name on the job you enjoy the most. Its lots of fun so don’t miss




Please bring your donations of can goods, cereal, pasta, food items as well as the much needed personal items to church each month. We will also be receiving monetary donations on October 3rd for the FACC emergency fund. $273was collected in September.


October 3rd, 2010

Registration at 1:30—“Step Off” at 2:00

There will be food and refreshments after.

If you would like to walk please see our recruiter, Sarah Knapp. If you would like to donate you can do so by sending it to the office or contacting one of our walkers. You can also donate online to our St. John team at www.churchworldservice.org and click on the Stephenson County (Freeport Area) link . We have a team set up for St. John UCC, Freeport.

Mental Illness Awareness Week

October 3-9, 2010 Changing Attitudes

Come and be part of the “Changing Lives National Day of Prayer”

for Mental Illness Recovery and


Tuesday Oct. 5, 1:00 pm

taking place at St. John UCC

The National Day of Prayer for Mental Illness Recovery and Understanding has been designated as the Tuesday of Mental Illness Awareness Week, which is the first full week in October. This year, the date is Oct. 5, 2010. Mental illness networks and faith leaders are urged to work together so that they may recognize and prepare for this day in a way that works best for each faith community. The prayers and actions of both faith communities and secular organizations (e.g. the National Alliance on Mental Illness, National Mental Health Association, Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation, Anxiety Disorders Association of America, etc.) are needed to restore mental wellness in America. By seeking God’s guidance we can recommit ourselves to replacing misinformation, blame, fear and prejudice with truth and love in order to offer hope to all who are touched by mental illness.

Painting With Nina

St. John has hosted this painting class several times and Nina Stachewicz would like to again extend the invitation to the St. John family to participate in the class.

Paint with Nina Workshops will be hosting Elizabeth Pruitt of an Oil Painting Workshop October 13th through October 16th 2010. Reserve your space early as seating is limited. Contact Nina at (815) 443-2530 or by email at [email protected]

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Comfort Shawl Ministry at United Presbyterian Church

New Quilted Shawl Ministry!

Our Shawl Ministry is expanding to include small quilts with our knitted and crocheted shawls. As we make these shawls and quilts, and give them to those in need of comfort and solace, we combine our love of needlework and our care for others.

Come join us!

All quilters are invited - brand-new or experienced quilters!

Beginners or anyone who'd like a refresher - here's your chance to learn to quilt. For those who have experience, but would like to see the quilt and learn more about the ministry, you are most welcome too.

Saturday, October 9

Day-long quilt lessons for anyone interested taught by Ann Tully Lower level Fellowship Room – United Presbyterian Church

Morning - learn cutting, pressing and sewing a perfect 1/4 inch seam.

Afternoon – learn assembly of a simple quilt block.

Saturday, October 30

Morning session to make quilts all experience levels can participate.

Sooooo sign up.... share the info with a friend.... or cheer us on.

It'll be a wonderful adventure. Please contact the United Pres. church office to register – (815)235-3159. We’ll be in touch to answer questions and give information on exact times, what to bring, etc.



We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library. We have started a new book, ―Grace in a Tree Stump‖ by J. Ellsworth Kalas, come and join us.


Card Club will play on the first Monday of the month at 1:00pm.


We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men &

women join in on the fun!


Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer work! September 30th we will assemble The Tidings.


Meeting September 20th in the Fellowship Hall at 7pm


We are hoping to get our Stitch, Sew & Quilt Group organized again! We welcome anyone interested in joining us on the second Friday of each month, starting October 8th at 1:30 in the Temple room at church.

Please bring any items you have completed or work in progress for our Show and Tell time and any ideas or suggestions for the group’s future format. We have missed out on many months but will try to get going again.

Contact Mavis Clark with questions 233-6283

Page 15: October Tidings


Comfort Shawl Ministry at United Presbyterian Church

New Quilted Shawl Ministry!

Our Shawl Ministry is expanding to include small quilts with our knitted and crocheted shawls. As we make these shawls and quilts, and give them to those in need of comfort and solace, we combine our love of needlework and our care for others.

Come join us!

All quilters are invited - brand-new or experienced quilters!

Beginners or anyone who'd like a refresher - here's your chance to learn to quilt. For those who have experience, but would like to see the quilt and learn more about the ministry, you are most welcome too.

Saturday, October 9

Day-long quilt lessons for anyone interested taught by Ann Tully Lower level Fellowship Room – United Presbyterian Church

Morning - learn cutting, pressing and sewing a perfect 1/4 inch seam.

Afternoon – learn assembly of a simple quilt block.

Saturday, October 30

Morning session to make quilts all experience levels can participate.

Sooooo sign up.... share the info with a friend.... or cheer us on.

It'll be a wonderful adventure. Please contact the United Pres. church office to register – (815)235-3159. We’ll be in touch to answer questions and give information on exact times, what to bring, etc.



We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library. We have started a new book, ―Grace in a Tree Stump‖ by J. Ellsworth Kalas, come and join us.


Card Club will play on the first Monday of the month at 1:00pm.


We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men &

women join in on the fun!


Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer work! September 30th we will assemble The Tidings.


Meeting September 20th in the Fellowship Hall at 7pm


We are hoping to get our Stitch, Sew & Quilt Group organized again! We welcome anyone interested in joining us on the second Friday of each month, starting October 8th at 1:30 in the Temple room at church.

Please bring any items you have completed or work in progress for our Show and Tell time and any ideas or suggestions for the group’s future format. We have missed out on many months but will try to get going again.

Contact Mavis Clark with questions 233-6283

Page 16: October Tidings




We’re having a great time! Come join us! We’re not ―holier than thou,‖ nor is all the talk just ―God-

talk.‖ It’s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation, laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual.

Our next gathering is Saturday, October 2nd at 8 a.m. in the Temple Sunday School room. We meet until about 9:30 a.m.

Come check us out!


October 9th at 7pm

Where: Keith and Cherryl Hinrichs are hosting a fall pumpkin carving extravaganza- in the pole barn (dress warmly if it is a cool evening, you will be outside)

What to bring: any specialized tools or equipment for pumpkin carving, lawn chairs and a snack to share.

Come and hang out on the farm and carve/paint/decorate a pumpkin. Enjoy the fellowship and come in costume if you dare. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend.


Coffee Hour is a time for fellowship. You may not get a reminder call when it’s your turn to bring a treat, but please, if your name is on the list for this month, bring in about 3 dozen cookies, bars, mini muffins or you can bring fruit to share. Everyone enjoys the treats and the social time together.

Page 17: October Tidings



10/03- Jean Wurtzel, Lynn & Deb Zimmerman, Carol Ahrens, James & Dorothy Albrecht, Dean & Irene Amendt, Mary Arnold, Terry & Deleana Atz, Wayne Bahn

10/10– Jim & Barb Barkau, Galen & Carole Bertram, Gina Bertram, Greg & Anita Bicksler, Claire Biesemeier, Joyce Bloyer, Larry & Marsha Boll

10/17– Helen Bose, Thompson Brandt, Dana Brill, Robert & Nichole Brinkmeier, Cassie Busker, Betty & Randal Carpenter, Ann Carroll,

10/24– William & Eleanor Chance, Mavis Clark, Don & Ronnie Clock, Bill and Lisa Condie, Phil and Barb Copus, Rosie Cosgrove, Perry & Martha Cowan

10/31– Jack & Marge Criddle, Clyde & Jeanne Cross, Dory DeFrane, Monty & Carolee Dietmeier, Todd & LaVonne Dietmeier, Cory & Annette Ditsworth, , Ray & Dorothy Ditsworth


11/07– Laurie & Rick Ditsworth, Jim & Gwen Drew, Shirley Durrestein, Donnley & Sandy Dutcher, Bruce & Denise Dykstra, Tim & Lisa Ebbers, Kevin & Kirsten Eckert, Mary & Arnold Eder, Michael & Holly Edler


Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church office or fill out a pew card.


October 3 – Royce & Janet Piefer

October 10 – Marilyn Rawleigh & Rosie Cosgrove

October 17- Lavonne Wagenknecht & Thelma Neberman

October 24 - Ray & Jeri Nieman

October 31- Tim & Lisa Ebbers

Page 18: October Tidings


WELCOMERS October 3 – Randall & Betty Carpenter October 10 – Monty & Carolee Dietmeier October 17 – Doris Roberts & Ruth Rockey October 24 – Jackie Stewart & Betty Mogle October 31 – Ben & Lucille Lee NURSERY October 3 – Bonnie & Russ Gennusa

October 10 – Dennis & Carla Meyer

October 17 – Anita & Rachel Bicksler October 24 – Tim & Angela Newkirk

October 31 - The Ebbers Family


10/03 Tim, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew

10/10 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus

10/17 Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Ray & Jeri Nieman, Joyce & Wes Robinson

10/24 Lee & Nancy Otte, Jeanne Koch, Jane Krug,

Mike Smith

10/31 Doris Last, Ben Lee, Sharon Simler, Diane Heilman


October 3 – Don Valkema 235-7395 October 10 – Jack Criddle 233-2304 October 17 – Mike Smith 297-9092 October 24 - Lucille Lee 232-5581 October 31 – Don Valkema 235-2304

If you are in need of a ride to church please contact the person designated for driving. If you are a regular pick up and not planning to ride, please call the driver to let them know!


9/05 - 150

9/12 - 185

9/19 - 131

9/26 - 165


PRAYER CHAIN: Joan Wooten, Jackie Watson Ritta Wittbecker, Betty Carpenter, Michelle and Tyler Hand

DEATHS: Our sympathy goes to all of the family and friends of Larry Kaiser who passed away on August 26th.

I would like to thank everyone for their cards, calls and visits during my stay in the hospital. I appreciated all remembrances. Thelma Neberman


Thanks for the cards, visits and phone calls I received during my recent bout with Pneumonia. St. John’s people are awesome. God Bless all of you! ~ Evelyn Dworak


Thank you for your generous gift received Jan—June of $400. to support Chicago, United, and Eden Seminaries. Your contribution will provide critical support for each seminary. Thank you for making theological education a vital ministry of your congregation. ~ Kiely Todd Roska Development Coordinator +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Church Family, Thank you! Thanks so much for the scholarship. It is greatly appreciated and very helpful when purchasing my textbooks for my classes this semester. Thanks again it has taken some of the expensive items off the list. ~ Love Always, Aly Copus +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Dear ST. JOHN, Thank you very much for granting me scholarship money. The money was used to pay for a few books for my classes. I miss being at church and I will be sure come back whenever I am home. Thank you again! Carly Tessmann

Page 19: October Tidings


WELCOMERS October 3 – Randall & Betty Carpenter October 10 – Monty & Carolee Dietmeier October 17 – Doris Roberts & Ruth Rockey October 24 – Jackie Stewart & Betty Mogle October 31 – Ben & Lucille Lee NURSERY October 3 – Bonnie & Russ Gennusa

October 10 – Dennis & Carla Meyer

October 17 – Anita & Rachel Bicksler October 24 – Tim & Angela Newkirk

October 31 - The Ebbers Family


10/03 Tim, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew

10/10 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus

10/17 Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Ray & Jeri Nieman, Joyce & Wes Robinson

10/24 Lee & Nancy Otte, Jeanne Koch, Jane Krug,

Mike Smith

10/31 Doris Last, Ben Lee, Sharon Simler, Diane Heilman


October 3 – Don Valkema 235-7395 October 10 – Jack Criddle 233-2304 October 17 – Mike Smith 297-9092 October 24 - Lucille Lee 232-5581 October 31 – Don Valkema 235-2304

If you are in need of a ride to church please contact the person designated for driving. If you are a regular pick up and not planning to ride, please call the driver to let them know!


9/05 - 150

9/12 - 185

9/19 - 131

9/26 - 165


PRAYER CHAIN: Joan Wooten, Jackie Watson Ritta Wittbecker, Betty Carpenter, Michelle and Tyler Hand

DEATHS: Our sympathy goes to all of the family and friends of Larry Kaiser who passed away on August 26th.

I would like to thank everyone for their cards, calls and visits during my stay in the hospital. I appreciated all remembrances. Thelma Neberman


Thanks for the cards, visits and phone calls I received during my recent bout with Pneumonia. St. John’s people are awesome. God Bless all of you! ~ Evelyn Dworak


Thank you for your generous gift received Jan—June of $400. to support Chicago, United, and Eden Seminaries. Your contribution will provide critical support for each seminary. Thank you for making theological education a vital ministry of your congregation. ~ Kiely Todd Roska Development Coordinator +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Church Family, Thank you! Thanks so much for the scholarship. It is greatly appreciated and very helpful when purchasing my textbooks for my classes this semester. Thanks again it has taken some of the expensive items off the list. ~ Love Always, Aly Copus +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Dear ST. JOHN, Thank you very much for granting me scholarship money. The money was used to pay for a few books for my classes. I miss being at church and I will be sure come back whenever I am home. Thank you again! Carly Tessmann

Page 20: October Tidings


Dear St. John Scholarship committee, I received my award money and I want to thank you all very much for selecting me as one of the winners. I put some of the money toward this semester’s books, which was very helpful, and will continue using it for next semester books and other school expenses. This year I am a Junior at Aurora University, and I am working toward getting my Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Ed. I love the environment of the small campus and classes, it makes the experience more personal. Thank you very much again for the money, it is very helpful and I appreciate the help in getting me one step closer to my goal of becoming a second grade teacher. ~ Thank you and God bless, Sarah Brill. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you to everyone who helped with Meals on Wheels. Jack Criddle, Jean Koch, Mary Arnold, Cindy Price, Edie Rosenstiel, Joyce Robinson, and Carol Smith. And a big thank you to Sherrill Spaide. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I can't begin to thank my St. John family enough for the prayers, cards, phone calls, love and support since Larry's passing. A special thank you to Pastor Donnelly for being with us at the hospital and for all the love and support that continues to come from him and my church family. I am so truly blessed to be a part of this family. Thank you to Pam Wessel and the church ladies for preparing and serving the wonderful luncheon after the funeral. You ladies are very special. God Bless you all.

Connie Kaiser

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I want to thank all my church friends for the many get well and Birthday cards I received. ~ Helen Bose

Page 21: October Tidings



September 13, 2010

Present: Carla Meyer, Jeannie Cross, Ben Lee, Ulan Price, John Hendren, Bill Condie, Lisa Ebbers, Daryl Tessmann, Perry Cowan, Bruce Dykstra, Patty Weik, and Pastor Donnley

Pastor Donnley opened the meeting with a prayer. The August Minutes were approved.

Treasurer's Report: The current treasurer's report was reviewed. Ben moved to approve the report as written. Ulan seconded. Motion carried. - Joe and Helen Janshen Estate: The Janshens have generously remembered St. John Church in their will. Pastor Donnley was notified they designated 1/3 of their estate to the church. They specified in their wishes that the principal be invested for 25 years with the annual interest being used for religious programs. Church Council and the Endowment Ministry will meet to determine guidelines for "religious programs" in honoring their

wishes. Council expressed their deep appreciation and gratitude for this very generous gift to the church. - Chapel Hill inquiry update, per Rev. Arn Schaper: Pastor Donnley talked to the local funeral directors and they are not interested in purchasing the cemetery plots. They suggested Rev. Schaper try advertising in the paper. Council determined it wasn't interested in purchasing the plots. - Property Management Request: Following recent inspection, Bruce informed council the vent over the stove in the kitchen is out-dated and we are not up to code. This is a big insurance risk, should anything happen. The cost is $1,800 to update the hood over the stove. Daryl moved to approve the work that needs to be done. Bill seconded. Motion carried. - Proposed 2011 Budget: Stewardship is proposing a "balanced"

PRESIDENT Perry Cowan V ICE PRESIDENT Daryl Tessmann SECRETARY Patty Weik TREASURER Ulan Price CHRISTI AN ED . Lisa Ebbers CHURCHGROW TH & MEMBERSHIP John Hendren FELLOW SHIP Carla Meyer M ISSIONS Bill Condie PROPERTY M AN AGEMENT Daryl Tessmann Bruce Dykstra STAFF REL ATIONS Jeanne Cross STEW ARDSHIP Ulan Price WORSHIP Patty Weik Mary Arnold

Page 22: October Tidings


budget for 2011, based on an estimate in the amount of giving. There was discussion about the possibility of hiring a part-time custodian for just a few hours per week. Pastor Donnley will be contacting Hughes Resources and gather more information to present to council at the October meeting. - Pastor Donnley received a call from someone wanting to use the church for a wedding with their own clergy. Council affirmed the church's policy stating our pastor needs to co-officiate the service. - "If The Church Were Christian" discussion of Chapter 4 Meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m. with the mizpah benediction.


Beginning Balance January 1, 2010 $28,364.92 09/01 General Fund Beginning Balance $31,298.62 09/07 GF Income $4,536.56 09/13 GF Income $6,475.92 09/20 GF Income $2,158.00 Less 09/24 GF Payroll & Compensation $10,494.82 09/24 GF Other Checks $7,152.51 09/24 GF Current Bills Outstanding $5,750.45 09/24 Ending Balance $21,071.32 _________________________________________________ Beginning Balance January 1, 2010 $29,559.65 09/01 Building Fund Beginning Balance $19,609.74 09/07 BD Income $284.00 09/13 BD Income $630.00 09/20 BD Income $380.00 Less 09/24 BD Checks $473.32 09/24 BD Current Bills Outstanding $0.00 09/24 Ending Balance $20,430.42 _________________________________________________

Page 23: October Tidings


October Scripture Readings

01 Habakkuk 1:1-17 17 Jeremiah 23:9-40

02 Habakkuk 2:1-20 18 Isaiah 28:1-29

03 Habakkuk 3:1-19 19 Isaiah 56:1-12

04 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 20 Isaiah 57:1-21

05 Psalm 7 21 Isaiah 58:1-14

06 Psalm 9 22 Isaiah 59:1-21

07 Psalm 85 23 Isaiah 61:1-11

08 Psalm 113 24 Isaiah 62:1-12

09 Amos 5:1-27 25 Micah 1:1-16

10 Zephaniah 3:1-20 26 Micah 2:1-13

11 Job 33:1-33 27 Micah 3:1-12

12 Job 34:1-37 28 Micah 4:1-13

13 Job 35:1-16 29 Micah 5:1-15

14 Job 36:1-33 30 Micah 6:1-16

15 Jeremiah 22:1-23 31 Micah 7:1-20

16 Jeremiah 22:24-23:8

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