october / rtc newsletter

Clark High School K E Y C L U B October 2012, Volume 2 I Issue 4 R T C 2 0 1 2 R T C 2 0 1 2 Superheroes of Service Superheroes of Service

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Clark Key Club's September / October / RTC Newsletter!


Page 1: October / RTC Newsletter

Clark High School

K E Y C L U B October 2012, Volume 2 I Issue 4

R T C 2 0 1 2R T C 2 0 1 2 Superheroes of ServiceSuperheroes of Service

Page 2: October / RTC Newsletter

What’s Inside?

Bulletin Editor’s


School Clean-up

and First Meeting

Region Training


Region Training


New Officers!

Kickball for


Region Training


August and Sep-

tember Members

of the Month

School Clean-up

and First Meeting

Kickball for


Region Training


Looking Forward!

Page 3: October / RTC Newsletter

President Ryan Lim

[email protected]

Vice President Deric Pang

[email protected]

Secretary Natalie Zhang

[email protected]

Treasurer Anna Zhang

[email protected]

Historian Niki Wu

[email protected]

Bulletin Editor Megan


[email protected]


Michael Kwok

[email protected]








Hey Key Clubbers! I can’t BEElieve it’s

only been a month and a half since

the school year started. Seeing all

your BEEautiful faces again has been

a pleasure. Through our first few

events, I’ve been able to meet a lot

of our new freshmen, and I must say

that I am BEEyond impressed. Your

enthusiasm and will to serve the club

are definitely inspirational. With a club as large as ours, it’s not

always easy to recognize your good deeds, but the Brownie

Points should help out with that. I hope you all have enjoyed

our fun events with service mixed in. Speaking of fun events,

RTC!!! You guys KILLED it. All the compliments I got about you

guys made me one happy president. Though RTC is over, we

still have a lot planned to keep you guys active in Key Club!

Keep attending meetings to stay updated with everything. ^^

— Ryan Lim

President’s Message

Page 4: October / RTC Newsletter

The website is also up and running at


Bulletin Editor’s


Hey key clubbers! How have you all been? It’s a new

school year, and I hope you’ve been having fun with us!

I’ve been crazy busy so far with everything I’ve been do-

ing (calculus is definitely a challenge), but I’ve never

been more proud to be a Clark Charger or more excited

for the future. I want to personally thank all of you all for

the countless hours you’ve put in to helping the officers

with our RTC preps, and thanks to you we’ve been able to come up

with some amazing stuff. This year, we’ve also been implementing

committees (shout out to VP Deric Pang!), and as the officer in

charge of the art committee, thank you all for showing such enthusi-

asm and helping me with the shirt design templates and RTC signs.

One of our biggest events, RTC, is finally over, and we definitely

made it memorable. All the spirit gear, cheers we practiced, and se-

riously respectable kindness to the other clubs in the Key Club family

has made me so happy to call myself a part of the Clark Key Club

board. It was a great way to start the year, and I’m looking forward

to the rest with all of you!

- Megan Solomon


Page 5: October / RTC Newsletter


Freshman Rep

Aaron Quiamzon

Sophomore Rep

Ellis Johnson

Junior Rep

Rachel Santos

Senior Reps

Lisa Chong


Kevin Ross


Page 6: October / RTC Newsletter


Bottle caps, cigarette butts, plastic

red film. These were a few things I found

littered around. Today, we were clean-

ing up the outside of the school where

many students commute, hang out and

litter. We can’t rely on a single janitor

cleaning the boundaries of the school;

one man can't clean the school on their

own. Instead, today we had the will of

many generous and hard working teens

who were willing to get their hands dirty.

On September 1, 2012, many students,

all part of Clark High School's Key Club,

banded together to help properly dis-

pose of the litter strewn around the

school. Everyone split into teams and

were given surgical gloves and trash

bags. We were then instructed to

scout out the entire exterior of the

school and throw away any piece of

trash we cauld find. The team that col-

lected the most trash also won a prize.

And while we were wondering what

said prize was, we were in for more sur-

prises as we were cleaning up, in all the

different things we found. In the end,

the winning team was announced. They

were able to fill up not one, but TWO

bags of trash. Their prize was ice cream,

but the important thing was that we all,

more or less, made the outside of the

school cleaner. Before going home, we

said goodbye with a cheer. I wonder

how long the school will stay clean.

Pete Hernandez, Freshman




Page 7: October / RTC Newsletter

Louie Gonzales, Junior The first Key Club meeting

was nothing less than extraordi-

nary. Yes there were a few hic-

cups, but nonetheless it was still

the old Key Club we all know

and love. The first meeting of the

year was jam-packed with new

faces and old faces, all with the

same goal: to have fun while

serving their community. Proba-

bly the best part to all the first

meetings of Key Club is when we

cheered and you could just look

around to see the new Key Club-

bers’ faces of shock because

most of them are weirded out by

a large group of people spinning

and grunting for they’ve never

seen it before. As a junior this

year, I’m excited for our all-junior

board and the fun events that

they have in store for all of us. By

the end of the year, I hope that

we all get to know each other

and at the same time help to im-

prove our community with our

friends while having fun.


Today's Key Club School

Cleanup at Clark High School

was very different from the oth-

er times I went to the School

Cleanup. The event only lasted

for an hour which I thought was

really short! However, I saw

many new faces at the clean-

up! The first thing we did was to

cheer. We had a competition

between the girls and guys to

see who got more spirit and

the girls lost. ): It's not our fault

our voices are high pitch. ha-


Then, everyone was to

split off into little groups. My

group was Lisa, Simon, and

Winnie. Let me tell you, if you

want to experience anything

extreme, go with Lisa! She ac-

tually climbed the fence to the

basketball court. Reluctantly,

Winnie and I followed. Winnie

had sandals on so she didn't

really want to climb the fence.

Well, let's say I did not quite

land on my feet. At least, the

school is now cleaner than it

was before! We filled up one

whole trash bag! Apparently

there was a competition to see

who would pick up the most

trash! The winner actually

picked up two trash bag full of

trash, but their group had nine

people. I thought it was unfair,

but at least we had fun picking

up trash today :D I can't wait

until RTC when we cheer even


Florence Kong, Junior


Page 8: October / RTC Newsletter




Kickball for Cancer was one of

the best moments of my week. It

cheered me up to be surrounded

by my fellow key clubbers and to

cheer, and watch/play some good

ole fashioned kickball. Being on the

Yellow Isopods reminded me of

good times last year and we made

it to the finals! After such an

“intense” game between us and

the blue team, we just called it a

tie. Both teams played really well. I

was lucky enough to be nominated

as an MVP, and I gained a total of

100 Brownie Points. Kickball has to

be one of my favorite events! It’s re-

ally fun to have some competition

among key clubbers. Also, it was

just great to get around, show

good sportsmanship (I did at least,

hopefully the rest of my team did

too), and meet new people.

Kevin Tungcab, Junior


Page 9: October / RTC Newsletter


There are some children out

there that are less fortunate than we

are. Some children may get into acci-

dents. Others may come down with

some crazy disease that we can not

even imagine feeling. And sadly

enough, sometimes, hospitals aren’t

equipped to suit those children’s

needs. And with us going through a

replay of the Great Depression, who’s

there to fund the hospitals? There are

three aspects in life that many should

value; faith, hope, and charity. And if

faith and hope are already taken

care of, what’s left? Charity. And how

are we going to get charity? We de-

cided to take care of that in a sport

that has been long forgotten since el-

ementary school: Kickball.

Our event was dubbed, “Kickball

for Cancer.” Basically, all of the funds

that have been collected are going

to the Pediatric Trauma Centers in the

state. This will help pay for the medi-

cal equipment, medicines, and sup-

plies that hospitals otherwise can’t af-

ford. Judging from the amount of Key

Club members that showed up, I’d

say that we raised a lot of money

and at the same time, we enjoyed


We were split into four teams:

Blue, Purple, Yellow, and Red. The

Blue team challenged the Purple

team while the Yellow team chal-

lenged the Red. After those two du-

els, the winners were the Blue team

and the Yellow team. Then, the losers

of those matches, Purple and Red,

challenged each other for third

place. The red team won. Then the

Blue team and the Yellow team chal-

lenged each other. The outcome was

unexpected; it was a constant tie. So

both the Blue team and the Yellow

team received the same number of

points at the end.

In the end, our goal was accom-

plished for trying to raise money. Both

the Blue team and the Yellow team

won, followed by the Red team, and

the Purple team. In any case, I am

proud of everyone. We gave a few

hours of





to help

out a



Pete Hernandez, Freshman


Page 10: October / RTC Newsletter

Region Training

What can I say? RTC 2012 was just simply AMAZING. To the informative

workshops, learning divisional cheers, and of course, the spirit rally, each and

every moment was memorable. It gave new incoming key clubbers some insight

as to what key club is all about. Extending everyone's knowledge about what

key club is as a school club and even more was fabulous. After attending DCON

2012 and seeing the newly active Lt. Gov, Alyssa Yocom, in action was also a

great moment of my RTC experience. I think we can all agree that our spirits

were sky high and everyone cheered their hearts out at the spirit rally, which truly

showed! I think every club deserves a spirit stick for that. All in all, I am glad to say

I attended RTC 2012 and it was truly great learning more about service projects/

working on actual projects, meeting new people, and showing our spirit together

as a big family.

RTC is always the most anticipated event of the year for Clark Key Club

and this year’s conference didn't disappoint. The spirit gear was amazing and

Clark had some great cheers! You could really tell that the officers and the

members that went to the preps worked hard on everything that they made. I

especially loved the capes! This year’s workshops were even more amazing

than last year’s, I learned so much about everything, ranging from the different

Kiwanis groups to our other big events, like DCON and ICON. I love our key club

so much, and everyone was really on their best behavior, with such great im-

provements from last year. I can’t wait until next year!

Amber Yun, Sophomore

Shailey Patel, Junior


Page 11: October / RTC Newsletter

raining Conference

“RTC was really fun and I’m sad I wasn’t a part of Key Club earlier on

in high school.” — Nick Ziter, Senior


Victoria Gordon, Junior

This year was my first RTC, and my first year in Key Club! When a few of my

friends on the board persuaded me to attend this event, I didn’t at all expect all

of the amazing things I experienced! I was able to learn so much through the

workshops we all attended, and everyone else seemed to be interested in the

information too. The service projects were fun, and while I don't usually make

blankets, making them today was so fun! Especially with the knowledge that I

was helping my community. When the spirit rally came around, and we were

wearing our amazing spirit gear and cheering for our school, it would be hard

not to be inspired! Every cheer we did reminded me that choosing to go to Clark

and join this club was the right choice. I really feel like I’m part of a giant family!

Even though Clark didn’t win, it would be hard to imagine any future RTC’s being

better than this one!

Page 12: October / RTC Newsletter

Region Training

What can I say? RTC 2012 was just simp-

ly AMAZING. To the informative work-

shops, learning divisional cheers, and of

course, the spirit rally, each and every

moment was all the most, memorable.

It gave new incoming key clubbers an

insight on what key club is all about. Ex-

tending everyone's knowledge about

what key club is as a school club and

even more was fabulous. After attend-

ing DCON 2012 and seeing the newly

active Lt. Gov, Alyssa Yocom in action

was also a great moment of my RTC ex-

perience. I think we can all agree that

our spirit's were sky high and everyone

cheered their hearts out at the spirit ral-

ly, and it truly showed! I think every club

deserves a spirit stick for that. All in all, I

am glad to say I attended RTC 2012

and it was truly great learning more

about service projects/working on ac-

tual projects, meeting new people, and

showing our spirit together as a big fam-


— Amber Yun, Sophomore

I am sure that everyone who is in Key Club knows its purpose; to give back to the community.

But there are many questions to be answered. For example: Where did Key Club Start? What extent

does Key Club Go? What else is there for us to see? Most of the questions you may have about

Key Club have been answered in one gigantic event. A networking event known to everyone at

RTC, or Regional Training Conference.

RTC was held at Cimarron Memorial High School in Las Vegas, Nevada. In this event, Key

Clubs from across the valley came together to see what Key Club is all about. I have seen schools

ranging from our own Clark High School to career and technical activities, and even some schools

in Henderson. We were all dressed in our spirit gear representing our school -For Clark High School, it

is a Batman T-Shirt with the letters “CHS” as well as a cape and a shield- as well as many other crazy

fashions others decide to wear. After getting our ID Cards, tickets, and group ribbons, we entered

the door into the gym. The head officers and Sergeants At Arms introduced themselves to us. In

that time frame, we had to prove our own spirit. How do we prove our spirit besides outfits? Cheers

of course! Each school had their own set of cheers to display as well as the universal cheer for eve-

ryone. Let me say right now that I swear, it was a massive earthquake on the bleachers. Afterwards,

we split up into the groups mention earlier. I happened to be in the group that had lunch first.

After eating, I noticed that there were three service projects we can do while we wait for the

other groups to finish their seminars. The three choices were making peanut butter and jelly sand-

wiches for the homeless, making blankets for unfortunate children, and making greeting cards for

soldiers. I decided to make sandwiches for one half and make blankets for the other half. As I was

working, other schools provoked each other into cheer duels as a warm-up for a cheering event

that will happen at a later time. And to be honest, it seems like the other schools were just as serious

about winning the cheer fest as we are. After lunch, we were called into the gym for the presenta-

tions about Key Club.

The presentations were split into three categories: History, Laws, and Future Events. During the

presentation, we learned many facts about Key Club that I, myself, did not now. I had no idea that

Key Club dated back to 1925. I also did not know that Key Club was restricted to young, talented

men at first. Today, both men and women can join. There are even divisions that extend to middle,

and even elementary schools! Key Club is not even restricted to the US: Canada, Spain, Italy, Thai-

Pete Hernandez, Freshman


Page 13: October / RTC Newsletter

raining Conference

I am sure that everyone who is in Key Club knows its purpose; to give back to the community.

But there are many questions to be answered. For example: Where did Key Club Start? What extent

as well as many other crazy

ryone. Let me say right now that I swear, it was a massive earthquake on the bleachers. Afterwards,

that will happen at a later time. And to be honest, it seems like the other schools were just as serious

land, The Philippines, South Korea, New Zealand, Colombia, and many more countries have this.

Upon doing more research, I found many more facts that would be interesting for readers to know.

For example: Did you know that Bill Clinton (Former President of the United States), Tom Cruise

(Actor), Brad Pitt (Actor), Elvis Presley (King of Rock and Roll), and Howard Stern (America’s Got Tal-

ent Judge) all have participated in Key Club? And in the crowds of Key Club International, I see

leaders, supporters, and other hard working people. Maybe someone in the crowd might write the

next bestselling novel. Or maybe one of us might find a cure for a disease that will otherwise make

humans extinct. And I won’t be surprised if any President of the United States in the future was a

Key Clubber. Who knows? In any case, I see bright futures in all of us.

What else distinguishes Key Club from any other service club? As said earlier, Spirit. For the

weeks before, we have been training to become the best club at cheering out of the rest. The

schools were divided into their corresponding regions: South, North, and West. The main goal was

to out-cheer the other schools in their area. After Selecting the winners from each area, the winners

will compete against each other to see who gets the regional award. Our group, Clark High

School, was REALLY CLOSE to beating NWCTA (Northwest Career and Technical Academy), but

NWCTA beat us for the west area. In the regional finals, the schools that competed were NWCTA

for the West, Liberty High School for the North, and Rancho for the South (I do not know if this is cor-

rect, correct me if I’m wrong). In the end, Liberty High School took it. Liberty High School, NWCTA, I

salute to all of you. As for the other schools, I salute to the rest of you too. And for my own school,

Clark High School, I am proud of all of you.

So what do we do once we are done with the seminar, service, and cheering? It is time to

party! After being served an Italian Banquet, Courtesy of Romano’s Macaroni Grill, we danced all

the night. Some of us hung out, some schools still even challenged each other to spirit duels.

There you have it, folks! It does not matter whether we won the cheer fest, or lost the cheer

fest. What is important is that we are united. We are a network of teens that are keys to the future

(Hence the name, Key Club). Since 1925, we have been helping out our community and building

the future for others. This is who we are. And we will never change.


Page 14: October / RTC Newsletter


AugustAugustAugustAugust — Andrew Aquino When Clark Key Club's board members wanted to make a fun introductory

video for the first meeting, Andrew showed no hesitation in helping out. Due to

Sergeant-at-arms Michael Kwok's absence, Andrew made and sported a mask

of Michael's face, in turn making all the filming go smoothly. Even after the film-

ing was done, he opted to edit the cuts of video into something coherent.

Without his continued support, our first meeting would have been missing some

of that flair. In addition to this, he was one of only two members (aside from

officers) that performed at the Playing Music for Senior Citizens event. Thanks,


SeptemberSeptemberSeptemberSeptember — Rachel Santos

Over the past month, Rachel Santos has demonstrated admirable enthusiasm for our

club. Having our weekly meetings in the lunchroom has been difficult, but Rachel

lessens the load by helping the officers lay out chairs and wears her club shirt to

show us support. Apart from small gestures like this, she recently helped the officers

create RTC spirit gear and drove to buy supplies without hesitation. She is also run-

ning for a junior class representative position, and the spirit she has for Key Club is not

only apparent, but contagious. Thanks, Rachel, and congratulations!

Although this nomination was made before elections, Rachel is now not only a

member of the month, but the Junior Representative!

Each member of the month gets their own personalized

pin! We’re always on the lookout for new M.o.Ms, thank

you guys for being such great members!


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November 2012

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