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October 2020

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On September 30th, we joined Canadian’s across our Country in wearing our Orange Shirts

to honour and remember those who have been impacted by the Residential School System…

...for those who survived and for those who did not!

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A new year of J.a.M is underway!

The J.a.M Boxes are packed and delivered for this

interactive, engaging and awesome learning experience!

Thank you to our J.a.M Kids, our Parents and our Leaders

for making every Sunday so much fun!


The group photo was taken to show

that our J.a.M Kids support Orange Shirt Day.

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God Created…

Celebrating the Season of Creation

with an Outdoor Prayer Walk around our church building.

This self-guided journey included a reflective activity at each of six Prayer Stations.

These wonderful messages were left in chalk, offering words of Praise and Thanksgiving.

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Praying as a Congregation

Between Oct.18 and Nov. 22, 2020 we are being invited into a “season of prayer” as a congregation. The purpose is to listen for how God is leading us as a congregation in this time. We are excited about this and hope you are too! Each of us will be setting time aside each day to pray on our own, to spend time with God. We are also being invited to participate in a small group (5 people who will meet online or by phone). We will pray together and discuss questions from a weekly guide provided by Dr. Pries of Credence and Co. and her colleague, Cayla Charles. If you are unable to participate in a small group, we invite you to participate on your own, praying with and considering the same questions.

This is an amazing opportunity for spiritual formation, reorientation and deepening our relationships with God and one another.


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Congratulations to Susan and Ted, who were married on September 19, 2020

Bob and Maureen Dingman have been happily wed for 54 years! Congratulations!

Happy 50th Anniversary to Tena and Jack Darroch!

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More Celebrations

Congratulations to Jake and Michelle Robinson on their 16th Anniversary!

Analicia and Peter Coulson celebrated their 6th Wedding Anniversary on September 20th

Ed and Lori Rosdobutko are thrilled to announce that their granddaughter Holly has arrived safely.

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Even More Celebrations

Wishing Jordan Shaw a very Happy 28th Birthday!

On October 1st Becky celebrated her 1st Anniversary as our awesome Office Administrator!

The Bonikowsky Family have recently welcomed Coco to their family!

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Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

As we prepare to return to the church building, the Wellness Committee would like to assure you that the AED in the Narthex has been tested and is in good working condition. Although anyone can use the AED when required, (it will talk you through the process), Westminster maintains a list of trained individuals called the “Targeted Site Emergency Responders”. We have in the past, covered the cost of training for these people, but since the training never expires, it has been decided that we will not be offering a refresher course at this time. However, everyone is encouraged to review on Youtube the AED demonstration of the Lifepak plus CPR as this is similar to Westminster’s model.


Or you can view any of the other numerous demonstrations and training videos that are available. If you are a trained First Aider with CPR / AED and would like to be included on our list of Responders, please notify either Crystal Smith or the Office Administrator. Hopefully, we will never need to use this device, but we will be ready should an emergency happen.

First Aid Kits

Westminster has two First Aid kits. One is in the kitchen in an orange tool box, marked Burn Kit and the other is in the Office on the counter near the photocopier. These kits have plenty of supplies and have been topped up with small latex-free antibacterial bandages, which seems to be what is used the most. You will also find Incident Report forms which should be completed for larger injuries that require more than a bandaid.

At my most recent First Aid / CPR training with St. Johns Ambulance, we were told that if you need to do CPR and are not comfortable giving life saving breaths, doing the compressions without the breathing can still be very helpful. So please don’t avoid assisting anyone in need. There is always something you can do. Remember to call 911 as soon as possible so that professionals will arrive quickly to take control. If anyone is in distress, err on the side of caution and call for help.

Submitted by Crystal Smith Wellness Committee Member ===================================================================================================

Wanted: Child’s Snowsuit

Our youngest newcomer, Tameem, will be 1 year old in November. He will be walking by then and will need a snowsuit

for his first “active” winter in Canada.

If you have a snowsuit, size 12-18 months, in good repair, it would be very much appreciated.

Please contact the church office and Becky will forward your message to a member of the committee to arrange pickup.

Thank You!

Bridge to a New Home

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Our Prayer Team is here for you!

Just as you would place your prayers of

concern and gratitude in the Prayer Basket

during Sunday morning worship, you are

invited to put your prayers into our

Electronic Prayer Basket and our

Prayer Team and Ministry Team

will gladly add you to our

Prayer List.

Please email or call Cathy Shaw with any

Prayer Requests you might have:

[email protected] or


May you feel God’s love

and know God’s grace

as you experience the beauty

of God’s world each day.

God is less concerned about our

Perfection and more concerned about our


Dieter F. Uchtdorf

The Bible Study “We Make the Road by Walking” by Brian McLaren will be

happening on Wednesdays at 10:00am via Zoom and continuing through the

year with Rev. Michelle. If you are interested, please contact Rev. Michelle at

[email protected].

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Food Bank News

Like the cornucopia filled to the brim with gifts of the harvest --

the Food Bank at Westminster United Church has been filling

bags, wagons and strollers with much-needed food and

essentials for those in our community. A heartfelt thank-you

to all who have so generously supported our Food Bank

throughout the pandemic.

With Thanksgiving approaching, we ask that you drop off

your donations at the Church, Wednesday or Sunday

mornings starting September 21, 2020. Just wear your

mask and place your bags directly in the bin in the Narthex

so we can continue to care for everyone and keep you safe.

Items needed are: tea, coffee, whitener, sugar, juice, peanut butter, jam, soup, crackers,

pasta, pasta sauce, rice, Kraft dinner, canned vegetables, beans and canned pasta (alphaghetti)

cereal, instant oatmeal, cookies, tuna, salmon, corned beef, canned fruit and pudding cups,

granola bars, toilet paper, kleenex and paper towels, bread (white and/or brown), shampoo,

soap and toothpaste.

"…in our worldwide task of caring for the hungry and despairing, in the harvests we are sharing,

God's will is done." Fred Pratt Green 1970

Your Outreach Committee


A note from the Climate Disruption Mitigation Committee

On a clear day ...

As of our last Annual Congregational Meeting, Westminster United Church has a Climate

Disruption Mitigation Policy. This policy provides direction for all decisions taken throughout

the WUC organization.

As we keep aware of the big picture of the big problem, we also need to be aware of the smaller,

more personal areas where changes in behaviour by many individuals add up to a big difference

for the state of our planet.

In practical terms, two of the main areas of concentration need to be transportation and energy

use, which are obviously interdependent! So, consider when you are going on a shopping trip

(rarely these days!), plan to make a number of stops in one trip rather than taking multiple trips.

The use of a programmable thermostat can also be impactful because if you change your

settings up or down a few degrees, you reduce your energy use. The point is that by practising

conservation by small changes in routine behaviours, we will make a difference.

So imagine...on a clear day in twenty years’ time...your children and/or grandchildren regarding

their future with hope, optimism and excitement!

Cheers, Bill Shepherd, CDMC

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Thank you to everyone who supported the Westminster Golf Tournament at Lyndebrook Golf Club.

It was a wonderful day and a huge success. Many thanks to Margaret Suepaul and the

Stewardship/Finance team for organizing this event, to the volunteers who dedicated their time

and to the awesome golfers that came out to play.

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In honour of Amy Ponech’s love of Westminster and her involvement and Founding of the Stroke Recovery Group, her family have donated her wheelchair to the church, in order to assist others. In a time of dedication, Amy’s daughter, Ginny Lynn and son-in-law, Bruce, placed a plaque on the wheelchair in memory of a woman who meant so much to so many.


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Property Committee

Buds & Shrubs Update:

Over the last several weeks, the Buds and Shrubs team has been digging, clearing, shopping, planting and watering, all with the aim to beautify the Westminster grounds. This is a continuation of the work that was started last Fall on the north garden.

So what happened? The church property was originally planted about 20 years ago. Trees and shrubs grow and mature and some just get out of control and should be replaced. Replacing/refreshing - that’s the plan that Ron Kurtz and his team are working on.

(L-R: Ava, King, Ron, Emmanuel, missing: Wilfred and Sasha) The church property has been divided into eight sections and a planting scheme has been developed for each. The priority has been to improve the south-side garden on Rossland Rd., the two gardens under the sanctuary windows and the Narthex windows.

In the south garden, Ron has planted four flowering weigela, relocated three spirea and a euonymus fire bush.

The garden under the stained glass windows has been a real challenge. It is south facing and gets very hot and dry in the summer. Ava has taken on this challenge with the help of the group and feels that we should try some dryland plants such as semi-tall grasses and low growing shrubs with perennial and self-seeding annuals. Yucca sprouts have been replanted in the centre of the garden.

Bruce has used his talents to plant the east garden (under the clear sanctuary windows) with groupings of peonies and hydrangea, moved from the north and south gardens. In the Spring, 5 emerald cedars will be added to lend some height between the windows and ever-green to the church.

Continued on the Next Page

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Property Committee

Buds & Shrubs Update (Continued)

King is working on enhancing the butterfly garden with additional shrubs, some tick and milkweed, and expanding the sedum (stonecrop) plantings.

The yews, evergreens, on the south side are somewhat over powering the garden so some consideration is being given to removing these next year and replanting with a smaller evergreen such as the emerald cedar. This will maintain some ever-green around the church but will not overpower the butterfly shrubs.

In this parking lot garden, thistles took over so the lilies have been removed and Ava and Emmanuel have planted a variety of low-growing flowering perennials such as spirea, potentilla and euonymus fire bushes. Next spring, the group will tackle the main garden between the south and north entrance doors. Here, the yews present the same issue as in the butterfly garden. If the yews are removed, can the ever-green effect be maintained with smaller plants in behind the trees? Also on the list is the area below the choir room windows and the church’s west wall. You are invited to stop by the church and see the new plantings which have been labelled or follow the prayer path and imagine these spaces in bloom next Spring. Perhaps you will receive some inspiration for your own garden.

We welcome your comments/observations on the work that is being done and we invite you to direct your thoughts to Ron Kurtz ([email protected]) or Bob Neil ([email protected]). If you would like to support this initiative financially, earmark your contribution for Buds & Shrubs. The amount will be included in your annual tax receipt. Respectfully submitted: Ron Kurtz & Bob Neil

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Oshawa-Whitby area Available Resources for Homeless and Disadvantaged during COVID-19 Pandemic

Although there are certainly other outreach programs in our area, here are some key outlets to keep in mind during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Westminster’s Food Bank: This important outreach program operates out of our church building. Check the weekly WUC bulletins for the latest news on what items are particularly needed and the drop-off schedule. On average, 8-12 recipients (representing families or individuals) visit every Tuesday morning, where food items and grocery cards (for perishable items) await them.

Other church-based food banks in the Whitby area include: - All Saints Anglican Church - Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

Durham Outlook for the Needy - Saint Vincent Pallotti's Kitchen: http://whitby.durham.cioc.ca/record/OSH1277?Number=0 Many from our Westminster community have regularly participated as monthly volunteers at St. Vincent’s Kitchen (operated by Durham Outlook). For the last 7 months and continuing, this program is on hold. Starting recently, SVK is operating a limited Sunday pick-up of sandwiches and drinks – served outside the facility entrance. Their Food Distribution and Store programs have continued during COVID, but not the Monday-Friday daily Kitchen hot meal service. You can also follow SVK-related news via their website or Facebook page, including the latest on their new building initiative. https://durhamoutlook.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/durham.outlook

Back Door Mission for the Relief of Poverty: http://whitby.durham.cioc.ca/record/OSH0571 Website: https://www.backdoormission.ca/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Back-Door-Mission-for-the-Relief-of-Poverty-472421379612490/

Oshawa coming together to help the homeless (featuring Back Door Mission --- and mention of Gate 3:16) https://oshawaexpress.ca/oshawa-coming-together-to-help-homeless/

The Back Door Mission now open 7 days a week and continues to offer meals, washrooms, clothing and food pantry items. Recognizing that COVID-19 posed unique and urgent challenges for people in need of help, the Back Door Mission with the support of Simcoe Street United Church expanded its available spaces to be used as a collaborative and centralized service operating as Project Mission United.

Mission United, a collaboration with CMHA Durham Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic, Durham Mental Health Services, Region of Durham Health Department, Housing Services Division and Social Services Department (PCOP and Ontario Works), Lakeridge Health, AIDS Committee of Durham Region, Carea Community Health Centre, John Howard Society, CDN Protection, and a growing list of community partners provide the following services from Monday-Friday, 10:00am – 3:00pm:

Multi-service navigation and assistance Medical clinic (Doctor and Nurse Practitioner) Crisis and mental health supports Rest centre Harm reduction and supplies Withdrawal management Financial assistance (until 2:00pm)

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Paul Kneebone Member of WUC Outreach Committee

Available Resources (Continued):

Gate 3:16 Outreach Centre: http://whitby.durham.cioc.ca/record/OSH0918?Number=1 Website: http://gate316.org/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thegate316 Description and Services: http://www.informdurham.com/record/OSH0918

This program provides breakfast and lunch, laundry services, counselling, medical and dental, foot care, office support, showers, computers, devotions and worship services.

Oshawa’s Gate 3:16 celebrates 30 years of serving the city's homeless while looking for a new home (August 17, 2020): https://www.durhamregion.com/community-story/10135744-oshawa-s-gate-3-16-celebrates-30-years-of-serving-city-s-homeless-while-looking-for-a-new-home/

The Refuge Youth Outreach Centre: http://whitby.durham.cioc.ca/record/OSH0276?Number=1 Website: https://refugeoutreach.com/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/refugeoutreach

Since 1999, The Refuge has been working with youth who are homeless, hurting and hungry. More than just a place to find breakfast, lunch, showers, laundry facilities, access to clothing and personal hygiene products, as well as housing help, The Refuge is a place where youth can find community, safety, belonging and a renewed hope for their future. Their services are for Youth aged 16-26.

LIFE Community Project: https://life-community-project.mailchimpsites.com/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LIFECommunityProject

For five years, volunteers for Life Rally Oshawa have been a fixture in Oshawa’s Memorial Park on Sundays, handing out meals and hugs. In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, they have ramped up to serving the community seven days a week, with the hugs being put on hold. Currently, volunteers are handing out a sandwich, banana, a snack and a bottle of water daily from 1:00pm – 3:00pm.

Life Rally has been trying to bridge some of the gaps that have formed, as community organizations make changes due to COVID-19. These changes and gaps include the closure of St. Vincent’s Kitchen.

For a full list of organizations that are offering food, shelter and drop-in services during the COVID-19 pandemic,

visit www.gapcommittee.ca

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Our Youth Group is Amazing!

We meet on Zoom every

Thursday at 7:00pm.

If you're in Grade 6, 7 or 8, come check us out!

Just contact Cathy Shaw to get started...

([email protected] or 905-723-6442)


We are in great need of volunteers to staff our Tech Booth on Sunday mornings and to assist with the Live Streaming of our Worship Service.

You do not need experience, as training is available for both of these positions.

This is also a wonderful opportunity for family and/or friends to work together. So think of others (spouse, partner, teen children, siblings, friends) you might like to team up with for this very important Ministry. Signing up on your own will also be greatly appreciated

The more people that we have on this roster, the better, so please give this your prayerful consideration and then contact Heather by email for more information at: [email protected]


Have you noticed the celebration pages in recent issues of The Westminster World?

We have recognized our graduates, wedding anniversaries and birthdays.

Do you have a new puppy?

Do you have a new grandchild? Have you mastered a new recipe?

If you would like your Westminster family to know about an event in your family,

let us know so we can all share in the joy.

Send the information (and a photo?) to [email protected]

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Monday Mayhem Trivia!

Join your Westminster Community

for a great game of Random Trivia (20 Questions)

on the LAST MONDAY of each month!

Look for the Zoom Links in the Friday Email Blasts

and mark the following dates on your calendar…

Monday, October 26 and Monday, November 30

Congratulations to our September Winners…

The Bonikowsky Family



Life in the COVID-19 Pandemic

When the way is blocked, new paths are forged.

Throughout the isolation caused by the pandemic, we have developed new ways to be a

community of faith: on-line worship services, Zoom fellowship time on Sunday afternoon, Zoom

Council and Committee meetings to continue the work of the Church, Heather’s singalongs,

bi-weekly (now monthly) Trivia Nights, Zoom J.a.M. every Sunday morning, Zoom Youth Group

every Thursday evening …

At our September Council meeting, Paul P., our Chair, asked us each to ponder what positive

impact COVID-19 has had on our lives. And so we went around the Zoom ‘room’, describing

some of our new routines:

*long-postponed tasks and projects have been tackled

*new skills have been acquired – baking, cooking

*closer ties with friends and relatives have been established

*new hobbies have been explored – gardening, raising chickens

*and one nature-phobe has been sitting outside to have safe visits with friends.

Like Abraham and Sarah, we are navigating our way in new territory, unsure of where we are

headed and with no real frame of reference. What we must remember is God’s promise to us:

“I will not abandon you; all my promises are true. You are gifted, called and chosen; you are


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You’re invited…

...to join us for Worship online or in-person

Registration Information can be found on our

Website (www.westminster-uc.ca)

or by phoning the Church Office (905-723-6442).

Watch for Email Updates

Blessings as we continue to worship together!