october, 2018 bethany lutheran churchbethany evangelical lutheran church 2515 madison ave. rev. paul...

Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church 2515 Madison Ave. Burlington, Iowa Phone: (319) 752-3621 www.bethanyburlington.org Pastor’s Cell: (360) 623-2184 Bethany Lutheran Church Mission Statement Reaching out in Worship, Fellowship, Learning, and Love - We Are God’s People. Our Staff Rev. Paul Hermansen, Pastor Cory Byrne, Choir Director/Organist Amanda Stevenson-Cosgrove, Dir. of Youth & Family Sue Hermansen, Admin. Asst. Michelle Huppenbauer, Financial Sec’y Mike & Tammy Morris, Custodians Volume 58 Issue 10 October, 2018 OCTOBER - THE CHURCH MONTH Ever since I became involved in the church over 45 years ago I have al- ways considered October to be the #1 month of the year for church. In October church programs are up and running. Sunday school and confirmation are well under way; WELCA will have their bazaar on the 12th and 13th; we will restart our Bible and Brew at Uncle Ronnie’s on Tuesday, October 2; the choir will be practicing to sing on Reformation Sunday; the council will begin looking at plans for 2019; and we will have a multi-Lutheran church Fallfest at Faith Lutheran on October 7. Besides these, the Lions Club I belong to will have their annual Okto- berfest on October 6 and I will also be officiating a member wedding on the same day. As I said, October is the big month of the year for church activity. As things become quite busy I need the Holy Spirit to continually remind me to keep Jesus in the center of everything. I have heard it said that people today are busier than ever. I truly believe that the things we are busy with are important and meaningful. At the same time I never want to become so busy that I do not make time for God. Near the end of September I participated in a conference sponsored by our Synod. The theme of the event was innovation. Part of me said I had too much to do to go. But I went anyway. I am glad I did. We learned about the world of today’s young people. While it is important for the church to continue to do what it does well, the church also needs to be innovative. Whether we like it or not, rapid change is the new normal. Being innovative means trying new things. One new thing that most churches have done is have a screen in their altar area where various things can be shown. The elderly like screens because the service and the words of hymns are displayed to see much easier than in hymnals and bulletins. In many places in the Bible God says, “Behold, I make all things new.” Being innovative takes considerable effort. It was innovative for God to come into our world as His Son. But, for God, it was worth it. What are your innovations for Bethany? Will you join me in follow- ing God’s lead to keep Bethany alive and vital?

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Page 1: October, 2018 Bethany Lutheran ChurchBethany Evangelical Lutheran Church 2515 Madison Ave. Rev. Paul Hermansen, Pastor Burlington, Iowa Phone: (319) 752-3621 Pastor’s Cell: (360)

Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church 2515 Madison Ave.

Burlington, Iowa

Phone: (319) 752-3621


Pastor’s Cell: (360) 623-2184

Bethany Lutheran Church Mission Statement

Reaching out in Worship, Fellowship, Learning, and Love - We Are God’s People.

Our Staff

Rev. Paul Hermansen, Pastor Cory Byrne, Choir Director/Organist

Amanda Stevenson-Cosgrove, Dir. of Youth & Family

Sue Hermansen, Admin. Asst. Michelle Huppenbauer, Financial Sec’y

Mike & Tammy Morris, Custodians

Volume 58 Issue 10 October, 2018


Ever since I became involved in the church over 45 years ago I have al-

ways considered October to be the #1 month of the year for church. In October

church programs are up and running. Sunday school and confirmation are well

under way; WELCA will have their bazaar on the 12th and 13th; we will restart

our Bible and Brew at Uncle Ronnie’s on Tuesday, October 2; the choir will be

practicing to sing on Reformation Sunday; the council will begin looking at plans

for 2019; and we will have a multi-Lutheran church Fallfest at Faith Lutheran on

October 7. Besides these, the Lions Club I belong to will have their annual Okto-

berfest on October 6 and I will also be officiating a member wedding on the

same day. As I said, October is the big month of the year for church activity. As

things become quite busy I need the Holy Spirit to continually remind me to

keep Jesus in the center of everything.

I have heard it said that people today are busier than ever. I truly believe

that the things we are busy with are important and meaningful. At the same

time I never want to become so busy that I do not make time for God. Near the

end of September I participated in a conference sponsored by our Synod. The

theme of the event was innovation. Part of me said I had too much to do to go.

But I went anyway. I am glad I did. We learned about the world of today’s

young people. While it is important for the church to continue to do what it

does well, the church also needs to be innovative. Whether we like it or not,

rapid change is the new normal. Being innovative means trying new things. One

new thing that most churches have done is have a screen in their altar area

where various things can be shown. The elderly like screens because the service

and the words of hymns are displayed to see much easier

than in hymnals and bulletins. In many places in the Bible

God says, “Behold, I make all things new.” Being innovative

takes considerable effort. It was innovative for God to come

into our world as His Son. But, for God, it was worth it. What

are your innovations for Bethany? Will you join me in follow-

ing God’s lead to keep Bethany alive and vital?

Page 2: October, 2018 Bethany Lutheran ChurchBethany Evangelical Lutheran Church 2515 Madison Ave. Rev. Paul Hermansen, Pastor Burlington, Iowa Phone: (319) 752-3621 Pastor’s Cell: (360)


MINISTRY Please help remember Bethany’s mem-

bers who are in nursing homes or home-

bound by sending them a card. A birth-

day or a “thinking of you” card is a spe-

cial way of showing God’s love. During

the summer months, take a minute to

send a card with a short note - these

folks would love to hear from you.

Names and addresses are available on

the table in the fellowship hall. Please

remember to mark the spreadsheet if

you send a card.


We are in need of the following supplies for the kitchen:

Paper towels


Cascade dishwasher soap

Dish washing soap

Coffee creamers,

flavored and plain

Over the last two years

Thrivent has awarded

Bethany $500.00 to buy

candy for our multi-

church Trunk & Treat.

I just learned that we

will receive another

$250.00 for this year’s Trunk & Treat. I will

share more info as this event begins to take



Please note that the October Saturday night

worship service will be held on October 20.

This change is because Pastor and Sue will be

gone on the 27th. Thank you for your flexibil-


OCTOBER ACTIVITIES The Retired Nurses will be meeting on Friday, October 5, at 9:00 a.m., in the fellowship hall.

. Boy Scout Troop #25 has their regular weekly

meetings on Tuesdays.


A volunteer is needed to be the

usher captain for the month of De-

cember. If you would be inter-

ested in filling this position, please

contact Dan or Julie Wischmeier.


As I mentioned earlier October is

an active month at Bethany. Neverthe-

less, it is my hope to continue to have

our Exodus study as often as possible. I

am scheduling October 14 and 21 to

study Exodus chapter 33 and beyond.

These are exciting moments in the life of

God’s people.

A recent activity that was well re-

ceived was our Bible and Brew fellowship.

On Tuesday, October 2, at 6:00 p.m., we

will have a gathering at Uncle Ronnie’s.

We will resume our study on Acts 12. I

have at least one meeting a month on

Tuesday nights so we will explore how

often to meeting. Hope you can join us.


Throughout my ministry I have been

included in volunteer rotations to do

services in assisted care facilities. My

turn in Burlington comes up in October

and November at Kleins.

Page 3: October, 2018 Bethany Lutheran ChurchBethany Evangelical Lutheran Church 2515 Madison Ave. Rev. Paul Hermansen, Pastor Burlington, Iowa Phone: (319) 752-3621 Pastor’s Cell: (360)



BAZAAR Friday, October 12

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Saturday, October 13

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.






Santa’s Shop





Aunt Annie’s



Page 4: October, 2018 Bethany Lutheran ChurchBethany Evangelical Lutheran Church 2515 Madison Ave. Rev. Paul Hermansen, Pastor Burlington, Iowa Phone: (319) 752-3621 Pastor’s Cell: (360)

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church

and gave himself up for her,….”

Ephesians 5:25


One of my “best Bethany” days happened on September 23. On that date we had a baptism and reception to follow. There was also an organ concert and the start of our Synod Fall Theological Conference. In addition to these, Bethany had a visitor come to worship with us. He was a person who I had invited to Bethany. Has that happened to you, having a person you invited visit Bethany? If it has, you probably would agree how good it felt. In His teaching the disciples Jesus continually told His followers what they were here for. We are here to bring people to God. The church exists for many things. We exist to teach about and worship God. We ex-ist to make a difference in the world. We exist to promote a Godly influence on people’s lives. We exist to be a place where people can go when needing comfort, support, and friendship. And, yes, the church exists to fulfill our primary purpose of bringing people to God. Today, inviting people to Bethany may not be something we strive to do. Why? Be-cause we may not always receive a positive response to our invitations. A month ago I was given ten tickets to sell for our Lions’ Oktoberfest on October 6. I have yet to sell even one. In life we want to be successful. Being unsuccessful in our endeavors can be discouraging. However, God has never required us to be successful when it comes to inviting people to Bethany. All God asks of us is to be faithful. In a similar way I like what the Apostle Paul says about a husband’s purpose for his wife. A husband’s purpose is not to pursue his own happiness but to love his wife as Christ loved the church. Christ loves us soooo much that He gave up His life for us. One of the ways we love God is to invite people to God. That makes sense, doesn’t it? I hope that person who came to Bethany one Sun-day will come many more times. I hope others we invite will also join us. Why not make inviting someone to Bethany a goal for yourself over the next 12 months. Invite at least one person to Bethany. Pray for them. Then let God go to work on your outreach and see the results. In Christ, Pastor Paul

Page 5: October, 2018 Bethany Lutheran ChurchBethany Evangelical Lutheran Church 2515 Madison Ave. Rev. Paul Hermansen, Pastor Burlington, Iowa Phone: (319) 752-3621 Pastor’s Cell: (360)

1 - Joseph Gerdes

2 - Sidney Boyer; Kimberly Engle

7 - Shelley Wallace

8 - Teresa Morehead

9 - Annette Miller

11 - Sharyn Miller

12 - Joshua Bloomer; Ellen Shep-


14 - Todd Chelf; Beverly Sher-


15 - Jeffrey Woodside

17 - Jamie Adam

18 - Marlys McClurg

19 - Patricia Humiston

21 - Eleanore Benninghoven

22 - Kelli Reichelt

24 - Robert Sogard

26 - Evynne Bonar; Gerald


27 - Rosemary Foster

29 - Patrick Reichelt

30 - Shannon Oetken



Head Ushers: Dan & Julie Wischmeier

October Team Captain: Jackie



7 - Chelf Family 14 - Bob Sogard; Bill Mundt;

Amy Unglaub; Rachel Lin-deen

21 - Scott & Jan Creighton; Steve & Sue Rogers 28 - Tim Ruberg; Ron Kast-

ner; Sue Swanson; Jackie Chubb

Communion Assistants 7 - Todd Chelf; Steve & Sue

Rogers 14 - Amy Unglaub; Teresa

Morehead; Julie Chubb 21 - Sue Hermansen; Dan Harken; Mike Hopp

28 - Mike Morris; Jeff & Kim Engle

Fellowship 7 -

14 - 21 -

28 -

Missionary Support 7 - 14 -

21 - 28 -

Acolytes 7 - Sam Morehead 14 - Tyler Burch

21 - Benjamin Chelf; David King 28 - Mason Fritz

Lector 7 - Pam Taylor 14 - Todd Chelf

21 - Kim Engle 28 - Carlene Woodside

Greeters 7 - Susanne Adam

14 - Dan & Julie Wisch-meier

21 - Scott & Jan Creighton 28 - Mark & Bonnie Rosenberg

Flowers 7 - 14 - Lynda Johnson 21 - Vanette Wooldridge;

Marlys McClurg 28 -

Altar Guild Sharon Martindale; Pat &

Kelli Reichelt; Pam Taylor; Julie Wischmeier

October 2018 Lay Leaders

Page 6: October, 2018 Bethany Lutheran ChurchBethany Evangelical Lutheran Church 2515 Madison Ave. Rev. Paul Hermansen, Pastor Burlington, Iowa Phone: (319) 752-3621 Pastor’s Cell: (360)



Faith Lutheran Church

Bring a potluck dish to share

Hot dogs and beverages provided

Bring a lawn chair

There will be games, a craft, bon-

fire, S’MORES, campfire songs and a

photo booth



We are always looking for volunteers when

it comes to youth! It can be as small as

providing snacks for children’s sermons,

Sunday school or confirmation (our kids love

food!), to being a mentor, teaching Sunday

school, hosting a youth supper, co-directing

the Christmas program (I haven’t asked

Todd Chelf, but I think this one is locked

down!), or filling in as a leader for confir-

mation. There are many ways to show your

support for the future of our church. In-

terested? Contact Amanda or Pr. Paul to-



If your student is unable to fulfill his/her

duties, please find a replacement for that


October 7 - Sam Morehead

October 14 - Tyler Burch

October 21 - Benjamin Chelf & David King

October 28 - Mason Fritz

Page 7: October, 2018 Bethany Lutheran ChurchBethany Evangelical Lutheran Church 2515 Madison Ave. Rev. Paul Hermansen, Pastor Burlington, Iowa Phone: (319) 752-3621 Pastor’s Cell: (360)

The meetings for October that have been scheduled as of the publishing of this newsletter are listed below. Watch the bulletins for any date and time changes or additional meetings scheduled. WELCA TBA Social Ministry Committee TBA Men’s Breakfast Saturday, October 20, 8:00 a.m. Executive Committee Tuesday, October 16, 6:30 p.m. Church Council Sunday, October 21, 10:15 a.m. Property Committee Monday, October 8, 6:30 p.m. Worship & Music Committee TBA



September 2 71 September 9 100 September 16 97 September 22 13 September 23 90


September 2 $ 2,084.00 September 9 2,711.80 September 16 3,242.01 September 23 3,188.50 Total $11,226.31

PLEASE NOTE The deadline to submit information for the monthly Chimes is the 25th of the month.

You’re welcome to email your submissions, leave a note on the desk in the office, or call

the church office.

ALSO! Because of Federal Privacy laws, if you or a

member of your family are hospitalized and

would like the Pastor to visit, you must con-

tact the church and let us know.

If you change your mailing

address, please let the office know ASAP.

For every returned piece of mail returned

for an incorrect address, we are charged

75 cents.

Thank you for your generosity and

faithful trust in God to provide

your needs! God believes in you

and has a great future planned for