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CONTRIBUTING WRITERSSusanStewart,NatashaDalton,HilaryGrant,SandyBaer,JosephCarotenuti,Dr.JulianCrocker,SarahHedger,FrankRowan,MaggieCox,DeborahCash,GordonFuglie,JanMarx,DanandLeeAnnaO’Daniel,ShelleyMatson,JulianVarela,HeatherHellman,DanielCorpuz,JanetJeffrey,andPhyllisBenson

Mailsubscriptionsareavailableat$20peryear.Backissuesare$2each.InquiresconcerningadvertisingorotherinformationmadebywritingtoSteveOwens,JOURNAL PLUS MAGAZINE,654OsosStreet,SanLuisObispo,CA93401.Youcancallusat546-0609,ourfaxlineis546-8827,[email protected]

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24 PULSE–Stimulate Your Metabolism




34 TRAUMACENTER–Opportunity in SLO


37 OURSCHOOLS Dr. Julian Crocker

38 HISTORY:The County Library




47 ALMANACThe Month of October


48 PALMSTREET–SLO Councilwoman-Marx



Page 5: October 2009 Journal Plus


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Page 6: October 2009 Journal Plus

Enjoy the magazine,

Steve Owens

This month we have three stories that focus on our local health issues. We start out with part two of our series on Alzheimer’s

Disease. We feature a family’s journey through the disease’s several phases. Our second health story is on our local hospitals becoming Trauma Centers. We detail what this could mean to you. Finally, there is an upcoming “hands on” health sympo-sium sponsored by Cal Poly that offers something for everyone. You can read all about it inside.

Our cover story honors Al and Patty Moriarty for their latest donation supporting Cal Poly. The Moriarty’s donated $625,000 toward the new scoreboard at Mustang Stadium. This is just one of many donations that the Moriarty’s have given to the University over the years.

Congregation Beth David has a new Rabbi and is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Hilary Grant profiles the new Rabbi and takes us through the Temple’s history. You’ll enjoy the photos of the past.

We have five people profiles this month including four that give back to this community. The fifth profile is about our community giving back to the people.

Plenty of good reading again this month.


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ElEvEn middlE-agE womEn, all with different athletic capabilities, were scattered along the trail leading up the Islay Morro. Some were running up, a few jog

walking, others just walking and thinking, “What the heck am I doing here?” They were training with Team V Formation for a 200-mile relay run to raise funds for other women who had overcome a life-threatening illness. Two participants were breast cancer survivors, another had a chronic health issue, and some were there for fun, others to get in shape. The common thread for all is Coach Samantha Pruitt and her support of a community of women endeavoring to live their best lives. “Wooooowhooooo!” Samantha’s battle cry could be heard up and down the trail as she encouraged the women, laughing all the while.

Samantha Pruitt is an independent, energetic, courageous redhead and one of the kindest, most caring persons you could ever meet. She is positive, always positive. You see, she decided to live her own best life after cancer took her mother and best friend within months of each other and Celiac’s disease came close to debilitating her life. Sam, as she is affectionately known to her friends and clients, has made health her priority and her job. She is a Certified Personal Fitness Coach who works with, primarily, women over 40 years old looking for a body or lifestyle change or rebuilding from a health is-sue. To look at her, you’d think Sam had always been this feisty, fit gal, but not so. It has been a long, often painful, road to the woman you see today.

“My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was ten,” says Sam. “I watched her battle the disease for more than 20 years. It took its toll on my whole family. I learned to become very indepen-dent at an early age because my parents were always under stress battling the disease.”

By age 16, Sam was on her own. Her mother worked for IBM and was transferred to Colorado, but Sam didn’t move with the family. She stayed in California to live with a family friend, finish high school and work part time. After graduating from high school, Sam started having digestive problems. She was never very healthy or active and rather chubby. She did play some sports, but more for the social aspect. Although the stomach problems persisted, Sam learned to live with them and never went to a doctor.

Sam went to Santa Barbara City College, got married, had a son, quit school to pay rent, and was a divorced, single mother by the time she was 26 years old. She had a career in the floral industry and thrived as a sales and marketing manager. But, the constant traveling, stress, hours and poor self-care were breaking her physically. The digestive problems were daily and getting worse. Her metabolism was slow, and she kept gaining weight.

Sam married again, meeting her husband, Dave, at a trade show. She moved to San Diego with her son for a fresh start. She worked as a manger in her husband’s company, but her physical problems were

getting worse. Her weight ballooned to 185 lbs. on a 5’ 4” frame and she could barely get through the day. Some days she could not get out of bed. Depression was a constant companion. Adrenal exhaustion, anemia and toxins were slowly poisoning her.

By 2002, Sam had a health crisis. She knew she had to do something drastic, or she was going to die. With her family’s support, she cut her work hours in half and went back to school, studying holistic health. Remembering her mother had used alternative health practices during her cancer bouts, Sam experimented with Chinese medicine, exercise, body work and nutrition and soon improved. Her “Aha” moment came when she realized that personalized balance of nutri-tion, stress management and exercise could rebuild and maintain her health and body. During this healing journey, Sam and her family decided to close down their stressful business and move to Arroyo Grande. Inspired by her own ongoing experience back to health and finally losing weight, she decided to change careers.

In the next couple of years, Sam became a Certified Personal Trainer. In 2004, she decided to do the SLO Triathlon. Sam borrowed a bike, taught herself to swim and challenged a client to join her. Sam had only been running for about a year, and her client adamantly pro-fessed that she was not and did not want to be a runner.


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“That first triathlon was such a circus,” laughs Sam. “We had no idea what we were getting into that day. But, I must tell you, that client is now a 50-year-old top competi-tive Triathlete!”

The triathlon training inspired Sam to in-corporate “team training” into her work year round. In 2005, she established Team V For-mation to continue building a community of women, training and racing together for a variety of events, supporting and socializing and discussing life issues in a positive envi-ronment. The V Formation name came after Sam saw a flock of birds flying harmoniously in a V shape together. She learned that birds fly that way for better communication and to make their long journey more efficient. With Team V Formation, Sam sees a “Pay It For-ward” concept working with the team train-ings where women encourage each other no matter their physical ability.

Kallena Henwood was recovering from breast and ovarian cancer when she met Sam. After many surgeries, she told Sam she was ready to take charge of her life.

“Sam started me on a recovery program of weight training and walking twice a week,” says Henwood. “I was slow and always the last one in our group to finish, but Saman-tha always encouraged me by telling me it didn’t matter how fast I was or how long it took me to finish. The important thing was that I show up and do what I can. She has been such an inspiration to me along the way. I can’t thank her enough for every-thing she has done to help me reach my goal for the quality of life I now have.”

In the fall of 2007, Sam was getting sick again. She worked with a registered dieti-cian and, through research; they discovered Sam had all the symptoms of Celiac’s disease, an auto-immune disorder caused by intolerance for gluten in foods. The body identifies gluten as a foreign invader then destroys the small intestine so foods are not digested or absorbed for energy use. The body then builds up toxins and slowly poisons itself. Many extensive blood tests finally confirmed their suspicions. Sam had to radically change her diet to heal her internal systems after such long-term dam-age and to avoid further deterioration and risk cancer.

“When your health is in crisis, it forces you to really take an inventory of your life: who you spend time with, what you do for life’s work and your contribution to the world around you,” says Sam. “Now I don’t take my health for granted. I feel liberated. I have no limitations to what I may do in my life, and I want to empower other women to feel the same. A disease can not define you and nothing should stop you from discovering what physical activities feel good to you.”

Sam just finished an IronWoman Triath-lon (70.3 miles) on her 40th birthday and plans to complete a 50K Ultra Trail Run this winter.

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Both Ralph waldo EmERson and stEvEn tylER once said, “Life’s about the journey, not the destination.” In the spectrum of sports maxims, this line may seem like

a hindrance to the win-at-all-costs attitude bred in championship squads by their coaches.

But the 2009 San Luis Obispo Tigers varsity football team— similar in speed and unity to the coach-swapped 2001 Tigers C.I.F. Cham-pionship squad — are ensured of just that with passionate first-year head coach David Kelley at the helm.

The 37-year-old Kelley was chosen to take the reins of a squad that finished 4-6 in ‘08 this past January by veteran SLO football coach-turned-athletic director, Vic Ecklund.

From the outset the young coach’s enthusiasm and readiness was ap-parent to all.

“At the beginning (of the season) I got real excited,” said a smiling coach Kelley. “Football has been a passion of mine for over 20 years; now it’s time to step up the ladder a bit.”

The decision to make him coach was made even before the ‘08 season had ended, but the announcement was halted to avoid discontinuity and confusion, according to a January article in The Tribune.

A quick scan of Kelley’s resume listed the three previous years (‘06-’08) as Tigers’ defensive coordinator where he earned respect and praise from players and coaches alike, displaying a certain “grace under pressure” in the midst of a losing season.

Prior to that, Kelley was no stranger to winning.

As an assistant coach for Dos Palos High School from ‘97-’03, the young apprentice received valuable on-the-job training from legend-ary coach Mike Sparks, who’s led his teams to 17 league titles and a three-year unbeaten streak (‘97-’99), while utilizing the mantra “100%. Don’t except less!”

Further back Kelley proved a competent and tough-minded offensive lineman for the Merced Junior College Blue Devils during the 1990-1991 season.

And though his playing career ended after a knee injury at Merced J.C., Kelley’s experiences playing in the trenches transition seam-lessly to the practice field where his teachings are precise and notice-ably battle-tested.

As Ecklund once again pondered his successor — as in 2001 when Winninghoff took over the sidelines — he must have singled out the man whose strengths were very similar to his own.

“Yeah, I can say Coach Ecklund and I are on the same page,” Kelley said. “We bring the same diligence and work ethic to our teams, and there’s that same passion we both have in caring for these kids.”

For Kelley this passion manifests itself in individual and team dedica-tion and hard, hard work.

“We always maintain team unity in building that competitive fire,” Kelley boasted. “I mean we really go at it.”

Enduring 6:30 a.m. workouts through the spring of ’09, and tapping into a higher level of core training — a workout focusing on the muscles of the mid-to-lower torso that Kelley originally utilized as the SLO High wrestling coach — two-thirds of the varsity football squad fully committed to the rigors of the eight-month program.

“The guys really put the work in and continued to get bigger and faster throughout the summer,” Kelley said proudly.

And what is the exact payout from all the intense training?

“Going through this together, I believe they are more willing to sacrifice for each other on the field,” Kelley said. “Also, we were in a power scheme, but this team has got speed, so we have a motto on ‘D’ ‘Swarm to win!’”

The swarming defense, deftly displayed at times by the NFL’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers, means that 11 Tigers’ defenders must galvanize their mind-set on defense, pursuing that football like crazed bees in attack mode.

This type of hyper-synergy, as well as the formula for winning, “Re-quires a total ‘buy-in’ from every member of the team,” said Kelley. “It means total dedication and sacrifice for the team’s sake.”

So, who does coach Kelley see spearheading the defensive unit this year and who’s ‘bought-in?’

“Well, we have five returning starters on defense,” Kelley counted. “Dylan Candaele, our all-league returner definitely understands the meaning of ‘ buy-in.’ Guys like Jimmy Summer, Josh James, Alex Frost, they’ve ‘bought-in’ and they are gonna show the other guys what it takes.”

Kelley will remain the defensive coordinator for the Tigers in 2009.


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dAvid kelleyBy Daniel Corpuz

For the new coach and his team, it’s all about the journey.

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On offense, Kelley stated that the “Quarterback spot is still up-for grabs, but it’s being battled out between David Murrilo, Dylan (Can-daele) and junior Anthony Maez.

Candaele, an all-PAC 7 selection at defensive back hasn’t thrown a snap, but is a natural leader on the field, while Murrilo went a mere 1-for-2 last year, picking up only 12 yards.

Clearly, for Kelley, the best field captain will emerge as the snap count and the Tigers’ season progresses.

Another weapon in the team’s arsenal is speed-aholic running back Nick Nunno, whose 5-foot-8 inch 160 pound frame is justified by exceptional explosiveness to the tune of 502 yards on just 77 carries in 2008.

Overall, Kelley’s squad is potent enough to do some serious damage in the PAC 7 and beyond.

“The biggest challenge is the time this job requires,” Kelley said. “My wife has sacrificed so much, and has just been awesome.”

Knowing the great toll football takes on his family and on the young men he leads, keeps the rookie skipper grounded and grateful.

Digging a little deeper, Kelley reveals the gridiron to be just another av-enue in which the true and immeasurable work of a coach is achieved.

“When members of this team look back 20 years down the road, I hope they and their families see that we were always trying, above all, to build men,” Kelley said.

So with a maturing team in Kelley’s hands comes the oft-clichéd question: How do you think your team will do this year?

Kelley paused in thought as if to remind himself of the total ‘buy-in’ he too had pledged, then calmly and patiently responded, “This group of 41 young men, if they can allow total sacrifice and total buy-in everyday, (they) will be a very, very special group this year.”

For the new coach and his team, it’s all about the journey.

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Page 12: October 2009 Journal Plus

“Being Mindful…At the heart of all Buddhist practice is the cultivation of

‘mindfulness’ – the direction of one’s full attention to a single object or activity…” ---David Ross, 2006

Mark Bloodgood is one of the most mindful people I have had the privilege of knowing, professionally and personally, for nearly 20 years. Whether in his current position as President/C.E.O. of The Ardara Group, Ltd., a provider of care facilities for Alzheimer’s and dementia sufferers in secure residential homes throughout the community or as C.F.O. and eventually C.E.O. of Engineering Development Associates, Inc. (EDA), Mark’s trademark is his attentiveness and heedful attitude to his colleagues, staff and clients.

As Gary Janka, or Koan as he’s known as a priest and the longest continuous member of the Zen Center of Los Angeles (since 1973), says, “It’s just Mark’s nature to be mindful.” Mark began his pursuit of Zen Buddhism stud-ies at the Zen Center of Los Angeles in 1999.

“Among others, my take on Zen Buddhism is less a religion than a practice,” Mark shares.

The book Siddhartha written by Hermann Hesse, first published in 1922 in his na-tive German, was published in the United States in 1951 and became influential in the 1960s. “It was the book that led me down the Buddhist path,” Mark tells me. The word Siddhartha is made up of two words in the Sanskrit language, siddha (achieved) + artha (meaning or wealth). The two words together mean “he who has found meaning (of existence)” or “he who has attained his goals.” “That’s when my interest in Buddhism and existentialism was peaked,” Mark says.

“I was a closet, intellectual Buddhist for two decades,” Mark declares.

“Eventually, I was spending two to three weekends a month at the Zen Center, but my responsibilities at The Ardara Group have caused me to pull back some. My Bud-dhist name, Shogen, translates into “illumi-nation or light,” (SHO –‘illuminate’/’shine’ and GEN represents ‘source’ or ‘origin,’” Mark elaborates.”

Befitting for a man whose innate intuition enlightens him to mindfully attend to tasks at hand. “My goal is to become ordained as a Zen priest. In the meantime, I have chosen to live my life as a simple monk and see the Alzheimer/dementia business as my socially engaged Buddhist outreach minis-try,” Mark shares.

Yvonne Williamson, assistant administra-tor at the Vista View home in Paso Robles, concurs. “It is just in Mark’s nature to be the best at whatever he does. He is the most kind and generous gentleman, and always good-natured. He bends over backwards for his employees, residents and families.”

Mark and his wife Karla Dare as well as close friends Richard and Jan Carsel, are busi-ness partners in The Ardara Group, which has four residential, neighborhood homes

– Vista Del Sol in Creston, Vista View in Paso Robles as well as the Villa and the Palm Street House in San Luis Obispo.

“After leaving EDA in 2004,” Mark says, “I wanted to see what was really going on in Al-zheimer’s and dementia care and opted to do a week-long training with the new staff hired to operate Vista View. I admit, during the first few days, I was rather depressed with it all. I had never been exposed to elder abuse issues or caring for those suffering from dementia. I come from a five-generational family and my paternal great-grandmother lived to be 102, so I was accustomed to the elderly but not this particular population.”

“It was an awakening,” Mark shares. “I gained a tremendous amount of respect for what our caregivers do day in and day out. I gained even more respect and admiration for those family members who try to do care giving at home!”

“We all agreed at the onset that our mission is to provide the very best possible care, which means keeping the facilities small enough to maintain a homelike environment. One sentiment sums it up: “When you can no longer stay in your home, come to our home,” Mark says.

Rich Carsel relates, “I first met Mark in 1979 when he was controller for Kaney Foods, Inc. My friendship with him blossomed when I joined the SLO Noontime Kiwanis Club in 1985. Mark was the Club president in 1988, and I was the President-elect, so we attended an International Kiwanis Convention in Seattle that year. We discovered that we very much enjoyed each other’s company and that our core values were essentially the same, and we became very close friends,” Carsel continues.


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The Ardara Group provides secure living facilities, overseen by California’s Department of Social Services, as compared to skilled nursing facilities that are regulated by the State’s Department of Health Services. “Much of my law practice is centered around estate planning, and I know from observation and experience that there is a critical shortage of secured perimeters in SLO County where patients can receive first-class care,” Carsel says.

“In 2002, we were fortunate to spend time in Ardara, a very small and beautiful town in Northwest Ireland (County Donegal), which means

‘earth hills’ in Gaelic. We chose the name ‘Ardara’ because for us, it always means ‘happiness,’” Carsel says. Mark adds, “We needed some Irish luck for our business!”

Mark attended California State Northridge from 1967 - 1969, study-ing liberal studies and accounting, before transferring to SLO Cali-fornia State Polytechnic School from 1969 - 1973 to major in animal husbandry. He returned to Cal State Northridge from 1973 - 1975. Subsequently, he attended the University of La Verne (Vandenberg, CA) from 1990 - 1992 to pursue his accounting education.

Even though reared as an Episcopalian and an aspiring Episcopalian priest, during his high school and college years, Mark worked sum-mers as a ranch hand and foreman at Camp Max Strauss, a Jewish Big Brothers/Big Sisters summer refuge for emotionally handicapped pre-teen boys from Watts and other Los Angeles inner city neighbor-hoods, located on a 100-acre ranch in the Verdugo Mountains, a small mountain range located just south of the western San Gabriel Mountains in Los Angeles County.

“We had a stable of horses, dairy, goats, pigs – the whole barnyard. It was a tremendous experience working in that environment with these inner-city kids. It was an impressionable time of my life,” Mark shares. “It was the impetus that peaked my interest in pursuing ani-mal husbandry at Cal Poly.”

Mark has not only been an active member of the SLO Noontime Kiwanis Club, he is a past president of the YMCA, past chair of the SESLOC Federal Credit Union Supervisory Committee as well as being affiliated with the Central Coast Controller’s Group Institute of Management Accountants, the Financial Managers Group, the Cen-tral Coast Controller’s Group and the SLO Ministerial Association.

Mark has two daughters from a previous marriage. Allison, 32, is married and works for Dell Computers in Austin, TX and Kendra, 29, a full-time mom who lives with her three daughters and husband in Rosedale, CA.

When he isn’t consumed with his commitment to the Ardara Group, Zen Buddhism, and yoga, he is an avid reader of classic fiction, poetry, and books to support his vegan practice.

“I also enjoy hanging out with Karla in her garden with a Manhattan, an occasional cigar and our dog Deucey. We love to travel, and I enjoy hiking, back packing, going to movies, Japanese calligraphy and my newest pursuit, pottery making.”

“Mark is always busy, in addition to his customary C.E.O. duties, he is physically present at all four residences on a regular basis, giving tours to families, conducting extensive in-service staff training, and discuss-ing pending issues with each residences’ administrator,” Carsel says.

“This may sound corny,” Mark tells me, “but this work is in my heart and soul, every fiber of my being.” Carsel says, “Mark exemplifies the teachings of the prophet Micah; he always strives to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with his master.”

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Karla and Mark Mark in pottery class

“It is just in Mark’s nature to be the best at whatever he does. He is the most kind and generous gentleman, and always good-natured. He bends over backwards for his employees, residents and families.”

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“We simply need that wild country available to us, even if we never do more than drive to its edge and look in. For it can be a means of reassuring ourselves of our sanity as creatures, a part of the geog-raphy of hope.” ---Wallace Stegner

Jack Varian, a rancher and a SLO County native, who just turned 74, comes from an interesting family. In the 1930s Jack’s father, Sigurd Varian – an early day pioneer aviator – and Sigurd’s brother Russell, made history by inventing Klystron, the first prototype of radar.

Since Klystron – for the first time in history – allowed some lead-time on the battlefield, the Varian brothers were approached by the British Air-Force who wanted to use the new instrument; and that’s why in 1940 Jack’s family moved from San Luis Obispo to Rhode Island.

When the war ended, Sigurd and Russell started their own company making safety Klystron cages, and asked then 13-year-old Jack to work for them. “I worked for a couple of weeks putting these cages together – box after box, one looking exactly like another – and quit,” Jack remembers.

But during the war he did discover a job that he liked – growing Vic-tory Gardens. So, when a friend going on vacation to his grandpa’s ranch in Kansas City, Missouri invited Jack to come along, Jack jumped at the offer.

He “went to Kansas City, worked on the ranch, and really enjoyed it.” The following year, another friend invited Jack to his family ranch in Palo Alto, and for the next nine years Jack ended up going there every

summer. “Then I went to Cal Poly, met my wife there, we got married and in 1958 moved to Bee Rock – the place between San Antonio and Nacimiento lakes,” Jack says.

Those were pretty tough years. Jack and Zee were go-getters, but their property wasn’t exactly the rancher’s dream. “We bought what we could afford!” Jack chuckles. “Were we starving to death? Not literally. But we could see the writing on the wall.” By the time a friend told them that the locals called Bee Rock “The Pinch Gut Canyon,” they were ready to move. That’s how in 1961 they found themselves in Parkfield.

There wasn’t even a house on the ranch when Varians bought it. “We had to build it,” Jack remembers. “How do you do these things?” you ask, “Well, you start. You go out, put one foot in front of another, and solve problems as they confront you.”

“We had lots of difficulties over the years,” Jack admits. “You cannot do a very good job, if you don’t have difficulties. If you live a life that’s not difficult, then I don’t think – as the Army would say – ‘you’re all you could be.’ I read this article just the other day, and it summarized what I think, too,” Jack continues. “The guy was going out to look at the ranch, and he said to his grandson, ‘Let’s go out and make some mistakes today.’ You cannot avoid mistakes. And when you realize that you made a mistake, don’t be disappointed in yourself. Just say: ‘Whoa, I won’t do that again!’”

“You don’t want to be like that guy who stumbles on the manhole cover on the street and falls; then gets up and says: ‘I am not walking on that street anymore!’ But then – he does, and falls down again. Some people keep falling into the same manholes all of their lives, instead of taking a different route.”

Not the Varians. Their V-6 is one of the ranches on the Central Coast that has been put into a conservation easement through the Ranch Trust, and Jack is pleased with the change.

Conservation easement implies some restrictions, but Jack doesn’t mind. “I cannot have motorcycle races on my ranch; I don’t want



Jack and Zera Varian on their V-6 Ranch

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The Varian Family at Jack & Zee’s Anniversary Party

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to have motorcycle races on my ranch!” he says. “I cannot grow grapes. I threw that one in myself! I don’t think any more grapes are good for the environment.”

For the Ranch Trust, it’s a constant battle over value versus esthetics. The intent of the conservation easement is to preserve the land for posterity, but “you run out of money

before they run out of land, so you have to choose carefully.” Take, for example, the Hearst Castle Ranch that was put into Trust at a cost of $65 million, where, according to Jack, “it was money well spent.”

To the ranchers who want to see their land preserved, conservation easement seems to be the perfect solution, and Jack’s example confirms it.

“I hope that my grandchildren will continue with a sustainable business based on natural foods and tourism,” he says. “The beauty that we have here will always be the cornerstone of our operations. Our job is to slow down the water and to enhance this beauty.”

“Slowing down the water” is the major prin-ciple of Jack’s ranching philosophy. “Take the water that falls on the ranch,” he explains. “If

my efforts speed that water up as compared to the speed that Mother Nature intended – then I’m doing it wrong; if water runs through the ranch at Mother Nature’s speed – then the whole is predicated on that speed: the grass, the erosion, infiltration of the water to the root. Everything that Mother Nature does is predicated on slowing down the water. The most minuscule leaf of grass that lies on the pathway of the water is slow-ing it down. An inch of water that runs off, that’s a bad inch.”

“Conservation easement worked well for us,” Jack says. “I even got away with my debt.” And without the debt, Jack’s kids and grand-kids have a good shot at being successful at ranching. They will continue to feed the na-tion, and to preserve one of the most pristine pieces of land for all to enjoy.


Jack Varian

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an EnumERation study EaRliER this yEaR counted 4,055 homeless persons in San Luis Obispo County, including 988 children. That tally decreased by

two adults and two children on May 1st with the assistance of Fast Forward >> HOME, a new multi-faceted program designed to help eligible homeless households into housing more quickly.

Ian Bonham, his partner Jenna Collver and her two young sons are home. After eighteen months of homelessness, they have moved into a 2-bedroom apartment in a quiet complex in South County. They are the “first family” of Fast Forward >> HOME, an innovative new program spearheaded by Friends of Prado Day Center.

“We are so grateful for this program,” Ian said. “Without it,” he con-tinued, “I’m sure we’d still be homeless.” Jenna added, “Fast Forward >> HOME was the perfect helping hand at the perfect time.”

This household is all smiles now, but they’ve been through a lot in the past year and a half.

Jenna was raised in Los Osos. Ian has lived in San Luis Obispo County almost six years and works as a HVAC installer. Third-grader Paris and second-grader Chase like math, science, football, and base-ball. But despite having modest, but steady monthly incomes, Ian and Jenna didn’t have a safety net when an unexpected surgery, major repair bills to their only vehicle, and other circumstances dealt big blows to the household finances. They couldn’t continue paying rent. “So, we put our things in a store-it facility and the four of us camped out in the living room of friends at first,” Jenna explained. “Every night we set up cots; every morning we folded up the beds.” They worked on paying off debt and trying to save for a security deposit for an apartment, but it was slow going.

Then they learned about Fast Forward >> HOME from Aaron Lewis, their case manager with Community Action Partnership (formerly EOC) Homeless Services.

As Dee Torres, CAP’s Director of Homeless Services, explained, “When our clients are trying to achieve self-sufficiency, one of the biggest challenges is putting together the large amount of funds needed for security deposit, utility hookup fees, and first month’s rent. This is a basically a matching fund program that helps them reach that goal and move into housing faster, but with added features to help insure a successful future.”

“It’s really a tremendous collaboration of helping hands that makes the program work,” she continued. “These great partners include case managers from CAP and Community Health Centers, Coast National Bank, Friends of Prado Day Center, the Housing Authority of the City of San Luis Obispo, Maxine Lewis Memorial Shelter, People’s Self-Help Housing, Prado Day Center, the San Luis Obispo Association of Realtors, the San Luis Obispo County Community Foundation, the San Luis Obispo County Housing Trust Fund, and the San Luis Obispo County Planning Department.”

Once accepted into the program, Jenna and Ian worked with Aaron to budget how much would be needed for all move-in costs


iAn bonhAM, jennA collver And two sonsBy Susan Stewart


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and to determine what they could afford for monthly rent once in housing and on their own.

Jenna and Ian made regular deposits to a special account that was set up. The couple also attended financial management classes and did volunteer work at Prado Day Center. Aaron met with them frequently and guided their progress each step of the way.

When their friends moved this spring, the family rented a tiny mo-tel room within driving distance of the boys’ elementary school. “It wasn’t a great environment, but we made it,” Ian said, “and we kept on saving.”

“Sitting in a crummy motel room, you can feel like a failure as a par-ent,” Jenna said, “but Aaron was so encouraging and helpful, even when I felt overwhelmed. He really went above and beyond.”

When the couple reached half of the move-in cost goal, their savings were matched with grant funds from the Ron and Helen Dunin Op-portunity Fund held at the Community Foundation and the search began for an affordable rental. Jenna recalls, “I cried when the land-lord called and said our application had been accepted.”

Unpacking in their new home was like breaking the lock on treasure chests. So many belongings had been in storage a long time. Paris and Chase have rediscovered toys and games; their clothes are now folded inside donated chests rather than stuffed in a duffle bag. In the master bedroom, Ian’s Bible lies open on his nightstand. In one corner, Jenna has fashioned a desk where she can do household paperwork. Dishes and silverware have been put away in the compact kitchen. Isis, the family cat, stretches on the living room sofa and then resumes his nap.

Pointing to the kitchen table, Jenna said, “Paris will turn nine very soon. This year, he’ll blow out the candles on his cake right here…. in his own home.” Now that’s cause for celebration.

Now entering its second decade of service to this community, The SLOCCF is a public trust established to assist donors in building an enduring source of charitable funds to meet the changing needs and interests of the community. For more information about the Fast Forward >>HOME program, the Ron and Helen Dunin Opportunity Fund, or the Community Foundation, call 805-543-2323.


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al moRiaRty, a gRaduatE in physical education from Cal Poly in 1957, gave back to his Alma Mater

in a big way recently. Al and his wife, Patty, donated a naming gift of $625,000 for the new scoreboard project. The massive new scoreboard offers the fans instant replays. The overall cost is approximately $1 million, with the balance coming from four other permanent sponsor panels.

Moriarty hails from Long Island, where he grew up the oldest of four children to Albert Sr. and Mae Moriarty. He attended Oceans-ide High School where he played football, basketball and baseball. His senior year he was awarded the Ernie Vanderweghe trophy as Oceanside’s outstanding basketball player for 1951. After Oceanside High School, with the intent of attending Notre Dame, Moriarty attended Mercersburg Academy, a preparatory school in Pennsylvania in 1952 and 1953. In the interim, the coaching staff at Notre Dame changed and after an offer of a football scholarship at Cal Poly, he ac-cepted and headed west. “I had never heard of San Luis Obispo, but I fell in love with it,” Moriarty says. He also played basketball his freshman year, but with his jobs, classes, football and a family, he had no time for other sports.

Moriarty played varsity football for four years, from 1953-56. In his first year he played end and tackle on an undefeated Mus-tangs team. Moriarty went on to become the first president of the Mustang Athletic Fund and still is a vocal and active member.

Moriarty began his successful career selling insurance and financial planning, in 1954, while still a student. “I met a very distin-guished gentleman, Bill Ulrich, and got his

pitch,” Moriarty says. “I was working three jobs, but after my first year of training I had built my college-based clientele, so I quit them to sell insurance. I got along well with people. They trusted me. You always want to build a good reputation, and you do that with trust,” Moriarty continues. An adage he follows to this day. After graduation, instead of pursuing a coaching career, he stayed in San Luis Obispo and continued his insur-ance business, catering to Cal Poly seniors as well as athletes, coaches and others affiliated with Cal Poly and education. Moriarty never lost touch with his Cal Poly colleagues and contacts. In fact, he signed their first insur-ance plans for John Madden, Bobby Beathard and Ozzie Smith, among many other ath-letes, coaches, administrators and faculty.

In 1992, Moriarty became involved with the west side innovation of Mustang Stadium, spearheading the construction of the VIP boxes, among other initiatives. He had an architect create a model of a proposed upgrade, and as he says, “A picture is worth a thousand words. I did it because enthusiasm is contagious. It rubs off on people. Even though the plans were just a mockup, it spurred interest and commitment. I give all of the credit to Warren Baker, President of Cal Poly, for spurring it on to its completion.”

Moriarty settled in South County to be closer to the ocean with his wife, Patty, of 32 years. Moriarty continues to be involved in Cal Poly’s success. Patty comes from a football family as well. She is the niece of Pittsburgh Steelers Art Rooney. Al’s favorite quote from Art was “Don’t mistake kindness for weakness,” and I try to live by that. This latest act of kindness will be enjoyed by thousands of fans for many years to come.

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Al played football for Cal Poly in 1950s

Al and Patty Moriarty

Patty was a Drum Majorette for Cal Poly (an all male school then) in 1950s. The old scoreboard is in the background.

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thE two pREvious aRticlEs focused on the basics of fat and carbohydrates. The third macronu-

trient required for the body is protein.

Next to water, protein makes up the greatest portion of our body weight. Protein is found throughout the entire body – in skin, hair, bone, muscle, and virtually every other body part or tissue. As a major structural and functional component of all cells, protein is the most important building material for muscle tissue, antibodies (part of the im-mune system), enzymes, and hormones.

Amino acids are the basic building blocks of protein, which provide the starting mate-rial for all proteins. There are estimated to be around 20 amino acids. The body can manufacture non-essential amino acids while essential amino acids need to be sup-plied in the diet.

Complete proteins, also referred to as high quality proteins, provide ample amounts of all nine essential amino acids and are absorbed by the body more efficiently. Complete proteins come mainly from animal based foods (meat, poultry, fish, milk, eggs, cheese), soybeans, and quinoa (a grain).

With animal-based proteins it is important to pay attention to accompanying nutrients. For example, a 6-ounce porterhouse steak has 38 grams of complete protein, but also delivers 44 grams of fat and 16 grams of saturated fat (close to the recommended amount for an entire day). In contrast, a 6-ounce piece of salmon gives you 34 grams of protein, 18 grams of fat, and only 4 grams of saturated fat.

Incomplete proteins, also referred to as low-quality proteins, are found mainly in

plant-based foods, such as beans, rice, grains (other than quinoa), nuts, seeds, legumes (other than soy), and some vegetables. Incomplete proteins are either low in es-sential amino acids or lacking in one or more essential amino acids. These plant-based pro-teins can be combined to make a complete protein. For example, combining rice and beans, chickpeas and rice, or peanut butter with whole grain toast.




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With fall fast upon us and winter nipping at its heels, families should make sure their homes are ready for the changing weather conditions ahead. A house needs to be well maintained both inside and out to

withstand the elements.

“When the kids head back to school and the nights start to get cooler, it’s time to get the house, lawn and garden in top shape before the wetter, colder season. I’ve seen how a little elbow grease pays off after the thaw,” says home and garden expert, Susie Coelho, host of HGTV’s makeover show “Outer Spaces.” “After all, who wants to spend the first glorious days of next spring cleaning up winter damage?”

Coelho says homeowners should address garden and home maintenance now to avoid a year’s worth of work next spring. She recommends start-ing with these quick and easy tasks:

• To save on electric bills, check all external doors and windows to make sure they close tightly and are in good shape. If needed, re-caulk around windows and doors, install weather-stripping and replace thresholds if doors aren’t snug. Doing so can save on energy costs and prevent costly repairs that can result from moisture and wind damage.

• As it gets cooler, plan to enjoy the view of the outdoors from the inside, but first make sure the windows are in the right condition to bring in the beauty. Although it can be a pain, cleaning windows from the outside is critical, as grime, bugs and allergens can build up during the summer months. Tackle the chore quickly and easily with an inexpensive solution that gets a streak-free shine in half the time, such as the Windex Outdoor All-in-One Glass Cleaning Tool (www.windexoutdoor.com).

Quick Fall Touch-Ups For Your Home and GardenBy Statepoint Media


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• After your fall harvest, put the garden to bed! Pruning, weeding and fertilizing are important in order to get the lawn and garden ready for next spring and summer. Reseed and fix the lawn’s bare spots. Remove plants and flowers that are not doing well. Weed flower beds to keep weeds from reappearing next spring, and prune trees back so the elements don’t cause damage to your house or property during the colder months.

• Touch up exterior paint. Start by using a wire brush to remove flaking paint from the home’s trim, railings and deck surfaces. Prime bare wood before applying new paint, and sand and prime your paint before touch-ups if you have oil-based trims, as oil based paints and stains are no longer available in most states. If possible, bring an actual chip from the wall or trim into a paint company and ask them to match the color. Many home improvement stores and fine paint stores have a machine that will read the paint chip and match it to 99 percent.

A little effort will help homeowners save time and money on more sig-nificant future maintenance and repairs. Preparing your home now will leave more time later for all the backyard fun and seasonal entertain-ing that’s on the horizon.

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octoBER is a gREat month. I will be honest that I am biased because my birthday is in Octo-

ber, and regardless of how I feel about my age (potentially) increasing every year, October has a special feeling about it. I think most attribute that special feeling simply as the comfort in the changing of seasons from Summer to Fall. Most of us on the Central Coast welcome the crisp feeling the air becomes during this month. Aside from the nip the air starts to carry, the leaves and foliage change color re-flecting the change in weather. The grow-ing season shortens as well, bringing a new variety of fruits and vegetables to the markets. From collards to persimmons to pomegranates to apples, our local farm-ers continue to serve up a gamut of op-tions for us to choose from. Where we are exceptionally lucky is that on the Central Coast we have specific micro climates that offer a variety of types of a certain fruit. One great example is See Canyon and all the apples that come out of that one area alone. October is also a fun month for a lot of people because with the beginning of Fall and the school season in full swing, it brings Halloween and all the fun treats that come with it.

The recipe for this month is close to my heart. I have accepted there is no way I can get through October without recog-nizing and paying homage to a great apple recipe. This apple recipe in particular is one of my favorites because it is packed not only with apple deliciousness, but whole food nourishment as well. Shocking to some that a “cookie” can be nourishing; however this one manages to score a 10 across the board with the high nutrition content to its amazing apple-“ness.” The cookies play a great roll and will add goodness to anyone’s schedule, from an afternoon snack for kids to a potential

breakfast-to-go item (with a good cappuc-cino)! I originally named these cookies “Crazy Good Apple Oat Cookies,” but they could also be called “Double Apple Oat Cookies” as they have two forms of apples in them, giving them a wonderful balance in Fall apple f lavor. These cookies are also wheat-free, which is beginning to find its way into more consumers’ vocabulary. The cookies are technically not gluten-free because they have oats in them. While oats themselves don’t have gluten in them, they are often processed alongside wheat (or in the same facility) and can potentially pick up gluten (on the surface) which the most concerned Celiac consumer must avoid. For the rest of us, the absence of wheat f lour in these cookies allows them to digest better than traditional cookies, and you will notice they won’t sit like a rock in your stomach (even after enjoying a couple). The apples, oats, walnuts, and raisins in the cookies offer whole food nourishment good for anytime during the day. Enjoy! And pull out those jackets and go apple tasting!

By Sarah Hedger

WHEAT-FREE DOUBLE APPLE OAT COOKIES (AkA crAzy good Apple oAt cookies)

For the cookies: Cream together in large bowl: 1 cup unsalted butter (softened via sitting out for a couple hours or 10 seconds in microwave) 1 cup brown sugar Add: 2 farm fresh eggs, preferably room temperature ½ cup apple butter (may substitute good apple sauce, but apple butter is preferred) 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 T. molasses Add: 2 ½ cups oats (pureed in a food processor or blender until flour-like consistency) 2 cups rice flour (brown or white), spelt or oat flour could be substituted 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp cinnamon ½ tsp ground cloves ¼ tsp fresh ground nutmeg (buy whole nutmeg and grate it fresh)! 1 tsp salt Mix thoroughly. Add: 1-2 cups of oats 1 cup of organic (fresh) walnuts 1 large or 2 small organic apples, grated 1 cup of organic raisins (optional)

Mix thoroughly. Lightly spray or butter cookie sheets. Drop cookies onto cookie sheets approximately 2 inches apart. Cook in preheated 375 degree oven for 10-15 minutes. Makes 3 dozen large cookies or 5 dozen small cookies.

Each small cookie contains: 100 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of (good) fat, 1 gram of protein, and 2 grams of fiber


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At the MArket

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anyonE dEsigning a kitchEn for resale in today’s market is certainly up for a challenge. One

has to not overspend, since home prices have pretty much hit rock bottom. By the same token, there are a lot of homes for sale right now, and if any one of them outshines the next, bidding wars ensue.

A smart shopper knows that a kitchen remodel can be very expensive, so if your house has an up-to-date sparkly clean, “let’s get cookin” kitchen, it is sure to light a fire under that shopper’s pocketbook. In contrast, if the house you are trying to sell has a dingy stove with burner grates that are missing pieces, a chipped sink, vinyl f loor peeling at the seams, white tile with wide brown grout, cabinets with worn off varnish and sagging doors, and the ever-present f luorescent light box in the center

of the ceiling, chances are that smart shop-per will keep on looking…

OK, so what sells? Certainly an open plan with an eating bar, so the cook can communi-cate with the rest of the world. Stainless steel appliances are almost a must – in today’s market, the brand is not really that important, and you can buy a whole set up (refrigerator, stove and dishwasher) that looks pretty darn nice for $3000 – and you might even get it for no payments or interest for 6 to 12 months to boot. Granite counter tops are always impressive. There are lots of colors that don’t break the bank. Be sure to investigate the new Corian colors that look like stone, currently at promotional pricing. A new tile floor can usually be installed over the vinyl (The vinyl becomes a moisture barrier.).

If the cabinets are really shabby, that can really be a turn off. Consider a reasonably

priced stock or semi-stock cabinet line. And for an additional $500, you can really im-press people with the new soft close drawers. A few glass doors are always nice, and for the real estate walk-through you can really doll it up with some colorful dishes and glasses. Add some recessed can lights, take the plas-tic panels out of that light box, finish off the drywall inside, add some crown molding and voila – you’ve raised the ceiling.

“Staging” is really important. Go down to Ross and buy some colorful accessories to brighten things up. If you can make the potential buyer imagine themselves having a good time in your house, you’re home free!

Don and Lee Anna O’Daniel have owned and operated San Luis Kitchen Company for the last 25 years. Both are architecture graduates from Cal Poly.

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designing A kitchen For “resAle”By Don & Lee Anna O’Daniel


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if you’vE EvER tRiEd to losE weight over the years, you may have wondered if your metabolism was

working for you or against you. Many clients I’ve worked with over the years have placed blame on their weight-loss progress on their seemingly snail-like metabolisms. So here are a few questions. Is my metabo-lism slow? Is there any way to rev up my metabolic engine? The following informa-tion will help you understand how you can expend extra calories and improve your health at the same time.

whAt is MetAbolic rAte? Metabolic rate is the energy expenditure re-quired to sustain metabolism. Metabolism refers to your body’s entire energy needs such as digestion, breathing, organ function,

walking, exercise etc. Remember the old steam-engines that used a wood or coal burning furnace to move the train? Well, your body is the train and your metabolism is the furnace. The faster the train moves, the more fuel we need to put in the fire.

physicAl Activity One of the easiest ways to stimulate your metabolism is to move. I know, it sounds overly simplistic but when you think about it, we just don’t move as much as we used to. Many of us sit in front of a computer for hours on end (I’m sitting in front of one right now.) with little if any activ-ity throughout the work day. Books and movies are found online or automatically beamed to our electronic devices, removing the need to actually walk to the book or

video store. Most foods can be purchased pre-chopped, pre-cooked or pre-heated, removing the need to chop or prepare foods. Groceries can be delivered to our homes now, and every household task can be out-sourced leaving plenty more time to sit in front of the computer. I would argue that it is possible to never move at all (well, except for bathroom breaks).

If you think your metabolism is a bit slug-gish, I suggest starting to move a little more and over time you’ll start to see a boost in your body’s engine. Take advantage of op-portunities to be active throughout the day. You will use more calories taking the stairs than you will riding the elevator. Walk your errands when possible. Play with your kids. Walk your dog or try walking your cat.

exercise The most significant effect on metabolic rate is achieved with exercise. During mod-erate or vigorous exercise, you can elevate your metabolic rate by a factor of 10 or more, expending hundreds of extra calories. The more vigorously you exercise, the more calories you use per minute. If you don’t like high-intensity exercise, exercise longer or more often.

If you like high-intensity exercise and are in pretty good shape, try interval training, which allows you to exercise at very high intensities for short periods of time. If you are new to exercise, start slowly and build gradually before attempting interval train-ing, e.g., speed walk before you run.

Regular resistance training can also help. It has many beneficial effects, such as strengthening muscles, joints and bones. It can also increase muscle mass. More muscle mass means you expend a few more calories per hour, even when resting. And you also expend more calories during your strength training workouts. And let’s not forget that.

sleeping hAbits The research is out and those who sleep soundly for 7-8 hours are much more likely


how to stiMulAte your MetAbolisMBy Julian J. Varela

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to be lean, fit and live a healthier life. One study found that shorter sleep duration is associated with higher levels of a hormone (ghre-lin) that makes you feel hungry, and is associated with a greater incidence of obesity. So if your boss is angry with you for coming into work late, tell him or her that your health depends on it. Three cheers for sleep!

diet Eat small, regular meals. Eating small meals and healthy snacks in-between seem to result in a slightly higher metabolism than eating in an irregular fashion. Eating in this way also discourages hunger, so you are less likely to feel deprived and overindulge. If you are changing your eating habits to eat more frequently, be sure you are not adding calories. Take the same number (or slightly reduced number if trying to lose weight) of calories and spread them out through the day.

Avoid restrictive dieting. Limiting calorie intake too severely can depress resting metabolic rate, a reaction known as the “starva-tion response.” Your body goes into energy conservation mode to cope with a food shortage. While you must decrease your food intake to lose weight, experts usually recommend decreasing your intake by only about 250 calories per day in conjunction with regular exercise.

horMones If you’ve tried all of the above and are still struggling, it may be time for a blood panel. Certain glands such as the thyroid play a signifi-cant role in metabolism, and if not producing enough hormones, can suppress metabolism. Many of my clients regularly monitor their hormone levels to make sure their levels stay within normal ranges (estrogen, testosterone, complete thyroid panel).

The underlying theme of this article is first things first. Start with increasing daily activity, begin and/or increase the intensity of your workouts, sleep and eat regularly. Finally, make sure you stay on top of your blood panels. The last suggestion is this: find a coach or a trainer who understands the key points we’ve discussed and can work with you on a monthly basis. Not only will he or she help you identify gaps in your program, but they can also provide you with the peace of mind that you’re on the right track.

Julian J. Varela holds a Master’s degree in Exercise Science and Health Promotion and is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Spe-cialist. Julian co-owns Equilibrium Fitness and Equilibrium Fitness for Women. Julian can be contacted at [email protected]

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it’s pRoBaBly not nEws to anyonE that Halloween is on October 31. But did you know that a real treat, the community day for HANDs on Health, also falls on

that day? On October 30 – 31, 2009, Cal Poly will host its First Annual HANDs on Health collaborative event. Members from the entire community are invited to join together for health and nutritional festivities in an interactive, entertaining atmosphere. It’s guaranteed learn-by-doing fun, and it’s free!

stride into A heAlthy Future The mission of STRIDE, a newly formed research center within Cal Poly’s Kinesiology Department, is to cultivate healthy habits for healthy futures. That’s why STRIDE has teamed up with medical and educational partners to offer this amazing event to our whole community. As San Luis Sports Therapy President Jim Glinn puts it, “STRIDE has done a great job collaborating with non-profit and for-profit organizations in the community to create a health event unparalleled in California.” There truly is something for everyone.

For MedicAl proFessionAls—FridAy, october 30 Friday’s events will showcase national and local research that expands the understanding of human health for an audience of educators, medical professionals, students and scientists. Come hear about implementing innovative and effective education, prevention and treatment programs in the realm of health, fitness and nutrition. Learn about creative culinary endeavors and inven-tions. Dialogue and idea-exchange around these topics may gener-ate exciting possibilities for our community’s future. Leave the office for the day. Stay current and contribute to your community at the same time.

For individuAl, FAMily And coMMunity heAlth— sAturdAy, october 31 The potpourri of events on Saturday includes cooking demonstra-tions and tastings, national speakers, free dental and health screen-ings*, exercise and educational exhibits, games, music, a costume dance and more! You can even bring your questions and hear from the experts during the “Talk with the Doc” program.

If fun events aren’t enough to persuade you to attend, then con-sider this: The health risks to both adults and children for being overweight or obese are alarming. Being unfit increases the risk for heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, hypertension, stroke, and a host of other problems. In fact, researchers have found that being overweight or obese can cause as many serious

diseases and illnesses as smoking. While not all of us struggle with this issue, most of us have a few loved ones who do—which is a good reason for you and your family to come learn about healthy living strategies that Saturday.

cAlling All businesses A healthier community means healthier employees and, ultimately, lower health care costs for businesses. Lend a hand to your com-munity by donating time, money or in-kind support for this event. In-kind support is needed in areas ranging from providing health screening materials to t-shirt donations and raffle items. As a sup-porter, your organization’s name will be featured in the HANDs on Health website, the event program, and social networking event pages. Encourage your employees to volunteer or participate as well. For more information, contact Stephanie Teaford, STRIDE Com-munity Liaison, at 805.756.0673 or [email protected].

sAve the dAte(s) Visit the HANDs on Health website at www.cope.calpoly.edu/hands/index.html. Pick your favorite events and arrange things so that you can attend. Carve your pumpkins a day early, plan around your kids’ soccer games, or designate an alternative day for over-time or sleeping in. Make it happen!

There are also a few events leading up to HANDs on Health (during the week of October 26) that you won’t want to miss:


OCTOBER 30 – OCTOBER 31, 2009



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• Chef ’s Touch is a restaurant week during which Central Coast restaurants and chefs can share a delicious and satisfying menu that’s been created with healthy, unique and fresh ingredients. Participating restaurants and chefs will offer these menus at a fixed price for the entire week and will allow you to experience a meal (or many) featuring locally-sourced items. See the website for a list of participating restaurants.

• Film for Thought, Hopedance Films and New Frontiers bring you a free film week

featuring thought-provoking, awareness-building films about food. Schedules avail-able at www.hopedance.org.

dive in And get your hAnds on heAlth!

* Adults will have an opportunity to get their cholesterol, blood pressure and BMI measured and be screened for risk factors, while resources last. Children can have their blood pressure, height and weight measured.


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“It was devastating,” said Mel, a fit and friendly man with earnest eyes and an easy smile. “It was all so new to us. We didn’t know what it meant, really.”

Soon to celebrate their 50th wedding an-niversary, the Schwimmers met as children, when Mel was 10 and his future bride was just 4 years old. Mel was friends with Barbara’s older brother, and thus a frequent visitor in her home.

They grew up together in Los Angeles and were married in 1960. Mel was in the printing industry and eventually started his own busi-ness. Barbara worked as an office manager in the LA public school system, and was a dedi-cated volunteer for several nonprofits. Against all the odds (Barbara was told that she’d never have children.), the couple had two beautiful daughters, Dena and then Lori, almost right away. When the children were grown and well on their way in their own lives, Mel and Barbara moved to Cambria. For seven years, they owned and operated J. Patrick’s, an eight-room B&B where they shared the duties equally – cooking, hosting, and accounting.

“We had a ball,” said Barbara. “And we made such great friends – friends we still have to this day.”

Barbara first noticed that “things were go-ing haywire” about a year before she went for testing. “There were things I just didn’t understand anymore, and I had a hard time

remembering things.” But the symptoms frightened her, so she covered them up, a skill she admits she got really good at.

Sara Bartlett, Area Director of the California Central Coast Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, said that waiting too long can have tragic consequences; that early detection is key and may lead to more successful outcomes.

Barbara was lucky. She was tested early, and once they absorbed the news, the Schwim-mers wasted no time. They consulted the specialists and learned all they could about Alzheimer’s disease. They made changes in their lifestyle, and Barbara began taking the recommended medications. They joined their local Alzheimer’s Association and at-tended two support groups – one for Barbara where she joined others who had similar early stage symptoms, and one for Mel where he met other caregivers. Mel even became an Association board member. Most of all, though, they both became strong, active advocates in the fight for needed funding, public awareness, and the elimination of misinformation and harmful stigma sur-rounding Alzheimer’s disease.

“As hard as this is,” said Barbara, referring to the very public way in which their story is being told, “we both feel it’s important. For our kids, and for all those who are hiding, ashamed or embarrassed. People don’t under-stand it, so they’re afraid.”

The use of carefully administered medications has helped to slow the progression of Barbara’s disease. She is currently still in Early Stage, where she has very good days, and some that are more challenging. On the day we talked in their beautiful hillside home, Barbara showed no outward sign that she has any impairment at all, though she discussed freely what it’s like for her to notice the symptoms of her disease.

“It’s interesting listening to you discuss this,” she said, looking slender and elegant in a gray pantsuit that matched her silver hair. “It’s all just words to me, and it doesn’t much matter what you call it. I know what’s hap-pening to me. I know what’s going on.”

What Barbara has is a progressive disease where brain cells are being destroyed and not replaced. Contrary to common beliefs, Alzheimer’s is not an old person’s disease, nor is it part of the normal aging process. There are three general stages: Early, Middle and Late with varying opinions about dura-tion and many cases of overlapping symp-toms. For an easy-to-use listing of stages and their symptoms, visit www.centralcoastalz.org and click on the What Now Book in the left-hand column.

Medications such as Aricept™, Exelon®, Raza-dyne®, and Namenda® can slow the progres-sion of the disease and can reduce memory loss, confusion, declining problem-solving or judgment skills, and language deficits. But they are not a cure and not everyone re-


out oF the shAdows And into the light...ONECOUPLE’SJOURNEYWITHALZHEIMER’SDISEASEBy Susan Stewart

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Mel and Barbara Schwimmer at home

thEy REad thE fiRst diagnosis in an ElEvatoR. whEn shE could no longer hide the symptoms, Barbara Schwimmer agreed to be tested so that she and her husband Mel could get to the bottom of the puzzling memory lapses

that seemed to come out of nowhere. Following an MRI and a series of interviews with specialists at UCLA, they were on their way up to yet another appointment, this time with a neurologist. “Early Onset Dementia” said the report. That diagnosis was later changed to “Mild Cognitive Impairment” and then eventually to “Early Stage Alzheimer’s disease.” That was three years ago, when Barbara was just 67 years old.

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sponds positively to them. Diet, exercise, and certain changes in lifestyle can also slow the progression and reduce the symptoms.

Passionate about art, Barbara showed me the pieces that comprise the collection hanging tastefully throughout the house. She recalled without effort the unique stories behind each acquisition. A delicious aroma hung in the air, evidence of the cookies she’d just baked. Tig-ger the dog and Mooch the cat ambled lazily about, and Barbara told me how they came to be such beloved members of the house-hold. On the dining room table, posters and pamphlets announcing the upcoming World Alzheimer’s Day were the only indications that someone here has Alzheimer’s disease.

Yesterday was not such a good day, Mel admitted. “It’s hard seeing someone you love not doing well,” he said, his eyes filling. “To see her suffer from the frustration and not be able to do anything about it. And to face the probability that she will one day go some-where without me.”

That’s when the important work of support groups becomes critical.

“They just can’t be stressed enough,” said Mel. “I learned so much about what to ex-pect, what not to expect, and how to cope.”

For Barbara, it’s been enormously helpful to stay active, so the Schwimmers entertain often, visit friends, and make plans.

“The old adage that says ‘use it or lose it’ is especially meaningful here,” said Bartlett. “We encourage people to stay socially active, try new things, take classes, and make plans.”

Mel could not agree more. “If you can’t make plans, you might as well give up altogether,” he said forcefully. “We’re going on with our lives.”

Eventually, the Schwimmers will move back to L.A. where their closest friends and two daughters live. Today, however, there is work to do. Mel and Barbara will spend part of their morning distributing posters and pam-phlets and spreading the word about World Alzheimer’s Day and the upcoming Memory Walk on October 10th in San Luis Obispo.

“There is a desperate need for contributions,” said Mel. “Because for all the other diseases out there like cancer and leukemia, diabetes and heart disease, money means research, and research means success stories. But there are no success stories with Alzheimer’s.”

Yet. This month, Barbara begins her partici-pation in an 18-month study that holds out

great hope for the many who have Alzheim-er’s, and for the many more who will get it if a cure is not found. She will be part of a double blind study to test the efficacy of a new drug. Recently bought by the pharmaceutical heavy-weight, Johnson & Johnson, the drug is a re-formulated infusion that some believe will be the breakthrough we’ve all been waiting for.

Six months ago, Barbara discovered she could no longer read a book because she can’t remember what she read on the previous page. It was a huge loss and still brings tears to her eyes. Still, she savors the good things that remain in such abundance. “You’ve got to keep running,” she said. “Get very involved, and don’t ever give up.”

Three years ago, Mel and Barbara Schwimmer attended their first Memory Walk. There, they met many of the dedicated people who are the driving force for the Alzheimer’s Association

and who make sure its message of need and hope is heard. Today, they are both a vital part of that movement, giving of their time, their energy, and themselves. Their courageous example brings Alzheimer’s disease out of the shadows where fear and shame and misinfor-mation hold sway and into the light, where hope and truth and life can flourish.

the 2009 MeMory wAlk Where: Laguna Lake Park, San Luis Obispo, CA

When: Saturday, October 10th, 2009 10 a.m. -2 p.m.

Contact: Call 805-547-3830 Ext. 202 or log on to www.centralcoastalz.org

When you register for the Alzheimer’s As-sociation Memory Walk®, you’re joining a na-tionwide community of thousands of people who are standing up and participating in the fight against this devastating disease. Your journey to end Alzheimer’s starts here.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation and thanks

to all of my family, my dear friends, our very dedicated

co-workers along with our Board of Directors at Founders

Community Bank, our customers, my fellow Rotarians @

Rotary Club of San Luis Obispo de Tolsa and many other

non-profits, for the outpouring of concern, support and get

well wishes that were so much appreciated by Vicki and I.

I also must thank the incredible nurses and staff in the

Cardiac Care Unit, the medical teams in the Cath Lab,

Operating Room and the ICU, all located within the French

Hospital & Medical Center, and a special “Thank You” to

Michael Famularo M.D. from Coastal Cardiology and to the

very skilled surgeons, Luke Faber, Jim Skow and Stephen

Freyaldenhoven from Central Coast Cardiothoracic. All of

these professionals played a major role in my successful

by-pass procedure and in

my ongoing recovery.

Again, my sincere thanks to

all of you for your prayers,

concerns and support.

Reese T. Davies

Special Thank You

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“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” --- Gail Sheedy

Successful people and prosperous organiza-tions are more alike than might meet the eye: both must be open to new opportunities, ready to take risks, and perhaps most es-sential, know that change and growth can be a good thing.

It’s a template that has worked well for Con-gregation Beth David.

The first nationally chartered Jewish organi-zation in SLO County and the sole Reform Judaism congregation in the area, Beth David (also known as CBD) has proven its longevity – the group celebrates its 50th birthday next month. There’s a firm footing in the future, too: a new rabbi has recently joined the 400-member fold.

Add a green and eco-friendly house of wor-ship on Los Osos Valley Road (indeed, the first synagogue in the world to be LEED certified under the respected United States

Green Building Council), and it’s clear that Beth David is recognizing both its rich past and reach-for-the-stars future.

“I’ve really enjoyed being a part of Beth David, watching it grow and evolve,” says Mike Blum, a congregation member for almost two decades, past president and the temple’s unofficial historian.

“We view ourselves as a family of families,” adds Blum. “We really are a place that seeks to provide the kind of environ-ment where a wide range of Jews will feel welcome, comfortable and active in their practice of Judaism.”

A history – noveMber 23, 1959 Officially, that’s the date Congregation Beth David was founded. But its origins, says Blum, date back more than a century ago.

It was the 1850s and the Goldtree family flourished on the Central Coast – manufac-turing bottles, helping to bring the railroad to the area, expanding downtown SLO, and building what is now the Garden Street Inn.



congregAtion beth dAvidBy Hilary Grant

The new, green, eco friendly Congregation Beth David Building

Rabbi Norman Mendel at the building groundbreaking ceremony

People of all ages celebrated in the groundbreaking ceremony

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In North County, Lazare Godchaux shared the land grant called El Paseo de Robles. Daniel Wolf brought acclaimed stage stars Lillian Russell and Sarah Bernhardt to his Pavilion Theatre.

Fast forward to three decades later, and Jeanette Sinsheimer was list-ed as one founder of a Jewish Sabbath school. As many as 30 children attended weekly classes at Odd Fellows Hall, and even staged a Purim opera, honoring the springtime festival that celebrates the ancient deliverance of Persian Jews. An 1891 newspaper account listed 20 Jewish families in the area, and reported that more than 100 persons attended High Holiday services at the Masonic Hall.

The early part of the last century saw Jewish influence and popula-tion dwindle until a young, second migration arrived – thousands of

Jewish servicemen trained for World War II at Camp Cooke, Camp San Luis Obispo and Camp Roberts.

Post-war, attention went toward organizing a network of Jewish people and groups from Paso Robles to Santa Maria. Names from this time include former mayors Louis Sinsheimer (SLO) and Barney Schwartz (Paso Robles).

During the Eisenhower presidency, small services took place at mem-bers’ homes. After the temple’s official charter was granted in 1960, Beth David changed once more – now becoming eligible for visiting rabbinic services. CBD made good use of that resource, as well as student rabbis, and services were now twice every month. Venues included banks, churches and other locations that rented large rooms.

Beth David Temple, circa 1962 Cantorial soloist, Ricki Weintraub, with Rabbi Norman Mendel

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In September of 1962, Beth David finally dedicated its own building.

Located in a quiet neighborhood off Laurel Lane in SLO (it was also, back then, nearly out of town), the house-like temple was the first Jewish religious structure in the County. It was completed six months after the first Torah (a sacred parchment scroll containing parts of the Old Testament and the Talmud, a

collection of Jewish law and tradition) arrived, and featured a small library, rabbi’s office and kitchen. The sanctuary seated 180 persons.

Soon, there wasn’t enough space.

A new and permanent home was needed and to that end, an intensive search began in the mid-1980s. More than 25 years later, the perfect spot was finally found. The new structure would rise on a 92-acre parcel of land (of which 62 acres are reserved for wetlands and permanent open space) on Los Osos Valley Road just east of Foothill Blvd.

Groundbreaking was in 2005, and the first Sabbath worship service there took place the end of the following year.

This CBD home, says Mike Blum, puts the Hebrew phrase Tikkun Olam – “repairing the world”– into action.

Powered by solar energy, the facility boasts 194 windows, 10 skylights, 21 solar light tubes, eight interior windows and 20 door transom windows, all of which bring natural daylight to all areas. Extra-thick concrete floors and straw-bale walls both store heat from the sun, and cool the building during the summer.

There’s more: four olive trees mark a group-ing of native plants which require minimal water. A landscaped berm serves as a protective shield from wind, traffic noise and glaring lights, and the entry plaza is crowned with a trellis representing the traditional priestly benediction.

Practicing community outreach – another tenet to Judaism – is a crucial part of Beth David.

Accordingly, members provide dinners to the Maxine Lewis Memorial Shelter six times per year, and monthly breakfasts at the Prado Day Center. Many congregants also spend Christmas Day giving warm clothing,

sleeping bags and personal hygiene items to the homeless. And one month every sum-mer, Beth David invites those on the streets to spend nights in the sanctuary.

Additional programs call on members to knit sweaters and baby hats for the County’s poor. CBD also assists with transportation and meals for Get on the Bus, a nationwide event that allows inner city children to spend time with their incarcerated fathers on Father’s Day. Internationally, members contribute money to refugees in Chad, and for Jewish soldiers serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and other overseas missions, CBD sends dollars for solo Passover Seder kits.

This sort of helping hand philosophy is a primary reason that Rabbi Scott Corngold was attracted to, and then came to be, part of Congregation Beth David.

A new rAbbi “CBD’s social consciousness was a big appeal to me, as well as the size of the congregation,” says Corngold, a California native who ar-rived at Beth David this past July, and is the group’s seventh rabbi.

“Our new building signifies a coming of age,” he adds. “Now we need to continue to grow while maintaining a family atmosphere, where we all know each other, and not become insti-tutionalized or made into a corporation.”

Born and raised in the San Fernando Valley, Corngold never thought of becoming a spiritual leader during those years.

The Goldtree family of SLO

Torah School Purim Party

Rabbi Scott Corngold

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Although he received some religious education at the Stephen S. Wise Temple, a Los Angeles Reform congregation, Corngold says that his family (dad Jerry, now a retired businessman; mom Carol, a certi-fied public accountant, and brother Eric, currently working for New York State as a deputy attorney general) was “not hugely involved in synagogue life.”

Indeed, Corngold remembers that “Our next door neighbor was a film studio executive, and another neighbor was, and is, a prominent rabbi. I gravitated much more to the studio man! And, it was that connection which got me a summer job at Universal Studios as a tour guide during my college years.”

Receiving a full prep-school scholarship to, and graduating from, Fountain Valley School in Colorado Springs, Corngold went on to Williams College in Massachusetts – “the classic New England liberal arts school, including brick ivy-covered buildings.” There, he gradu-ated Phi Beta Kappa magna cum laude.

Post-graduation, Corngold had a decade-long career as a writer and editor for Triclinica Communications, a New York-based medical publishing company. He also kept busy as a freelancer, including contributing to a Civil War encyclopedia, travel guides and even co-authoring a book on colorectal cancer.

Shortly after turning 30 years old, Corngold made a life-altering decision.

“I was at a point where I was either going to settle where I was, or take this time as the best chance to do something else,” he says.

“I could see that I was gradually becoming more interested in Jewish learning, spiritual growth and volunteering in the Jewish community.” Concurrently, Corngold says he was “spending a lot of time thinking about, and observing the work of rabbis and other Jewish profession-als. That started to tell me something.

“An epiphany moment was when I noticed that my cubicle at work was filled with Judaica literature.”

Embarking on a five-year program to become a rabbi, Corngold stud-ied at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Jeru-salem, then Los Angeles, and finally New York City. During this time, he also worked “with congregations somewhat far flung, without the means of a full-time rabbi.” Locations here included Butte, Montana; Yakima, Washington; and Fairbanks, Alaska.

Ordained in 1999, Corngold spent the next five years as a rabbi at Temple Emanu-El in Manhattan. From 2004 to this year, he served as the head rabbi at Long Island’s Temple Shaaray Tefila.

“One of my happiest surprises about living here is that there’s so much to do on the Central Coast,” says Corngold. “With two-and-a-half decades of living in New York City, I thought I’d be hard to please, activity-wise, but this area is really a delight.

“And of course, there’s the beach, the beach, the beach. In Long Island, the beach is really only three months a year.”

As Beth David’s new rabbi and SLO County resident, Corngold says he hopes to become “a praying, learning and volunteering part of this community. I want to discover our challenges and shared vision… and find creative, innovative ways to make our hopes for the exciting and growing future come true.”

Everyone is invited to Congregation Beth David’s combination Jubilee Year Party and Hanukah Festival, taking place Sunday, December 13. For more information about the event and CBD, visit cbdslo.org, or call (805) 544-0760.

Liz Hiatt-SalasOwner

[email protected]

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“Our new building signifies a coming of age,” he adds. “Now we need to continue to grow while maintaining a family atmosphere, where we all know each other, and not become institutionalized or made into a corporation.”

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a hEad-on caR collision, a skatEBoaRd crash, a waterskiing accident and a fall from a ladder all have something in common: each can produce injuries

referred to as “trauma.” There may be broken bones, brain injury, internal bleeding and damaged organs. SLO County residents can rest easier knowing that between our four local hospitals, emergency care is available nearby and around the clock. Arroyo Grande Community Hospital, French Hospital Medical Center, Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center and Twin Cities Community Hospital provide excellent healthcare for local residents, and if the proposed “Trauma System” is established, it will get even better.

A trauma system is a formal plan designed to meet the healthcare needs of accident victims. The plan is developed in concert with local emergency physicians, pre-hospital emergency personnel, fire departments, law enforcement and others who help when personal or large scale disaster strikes.

San Luis Obispo County is the only county in California that remains without a designated trauma system, creating a gap in the state trauma system. The SLO County Emergency Medical Services Association (EMSA) is working hard to close that gap by developing a trauma system for our county. The plan that has been developed over the last 18 months will soon be forwarded to the SLO County Board of Supervisors for review, approval and adoption.

The purpose of a trauma system is to increase survival rates and improve patient outcomes by transporting patients to the most ap-propriate facility in the shortest amount of time. Not all hospitals offer the same specialties. If a patient has, for example, suffered a serious head injury, medical experts say it is in the patient’s best

trAuMA systeM needed For slo county

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interest to be transported immediately to a hospital that can treat the patient’s injuries by providing emergency neurosurgery. A trauma system will define protocols for handling different kinds of trauma and avoiding treatment delays by transporting patients to the most appropriate facility. A consultant hired by the County to provide an objective assessment of trauma in San Luis Obispo concluded that there are currently delays in treatment from 2 to 19 hours for patients who need to go directly to a trauma center. Fortunately, the number of critically injured patients in our county is small, but for those patients, time means everything.

At the heart of effective trauma systems is a designated trauma center. The publicly available report supporting the creation of a trauma sys-tem in SLO County went on to recommend that the county consider a system that includes one Level II trauma center. A Level II trauma center has neurosurgical capability and requires a number of physi-cians to be on its Emergency Department On-Call Panel, including general surgery and orthopedics, among many others.

Why can’t there be several trauma centers in a community? Trauma research indicates that patient outcomes are improved

when a greater number of seriously injured patients are taken to one facility. Due to the cost of supporting trauma services which includes maintenance of a comprehensive list of on call physicians, properly trained staff, equipment, community education, and injury prevention activities it is unrealistic for numerous hospitals to offer trauma services. The best means of ensuring that county residents have the highest level of trauma care available is by the creation of a single Level II Trauma Center.

The EMSA Board has received a report from its subcommittee on Trauma and is expected to take action soon. The Trauma System plan will proceed to the SLO County Board of Supervisors for review, community input and decision this fall, before going to the State for final approval. Residents who are interested in voicing their sup-port for the plan’s approval should contact their county supervisor. Addresses are available through the county Web site, http://www.slocounty.ca.gov/bos/BOSContactUs.htm

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The best means of ensuring that county residents have the highest level of trauma care available is by the creation of a single Level II Trauma Center.

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The heyday of plein air painting in the state was from the 1890s, diminishing in the 1930s as most younger artists sought new subjects, styles and directions. But the ap-proach never completely died out, and roared back into life around the 1980s when the original “California Impressionists” were re-discovered, inspiring a new generation of artists to continue the legacy and engage the art public who loved an evocative landscape.

George Gibson (1904 – 2001) was a Scottish émigré whose day job was painting scenic backdrops for the Los Angeles movie stu-dios. On the weekends, he was a landscape artist. After his retirement, he settled on the Central Coast in Los Osos, produc-ing watercolors in the “California Scene” genre, a more casual and down-to-earth method than the earlier impressionists. A prolific and well-traveled artist, he became acquainted with Elizabeth (Libby) Tolley, a young local painter seeking direction. Gib-son’s mentoring of Tolley was productive. She not only found and mastered her tech-nique, she also was able to convey that most ineffable of artistic goals: bringing a sense of place to life on canvas. This is distinct from illustrating or representing a subject, showing the viewer merely what a rock or tree looks like. As her artistic representa-tive, Laylon, the director of Cambria’s Vault Gallery (recently expanded and re-modeled), put it: “Libby’s landscapes capture the his-toric California plein air tradition and renew it with her vision and conviction.”

Tolley also preaches what she practices. In 2007 she published Oil Painter’s Solution Book Landscapes: Over 100 Answers to

Your Oil Painting Questions, an easy-to-use, no-nonsense, spiral-bound text designed to make straight the way for stu-dents of landscape painting. As one aspiring painter remarked to me, “Libby’s Solution Book helped me do oil paintings rather than oil spills.” According to Laylon the book enjoys huge word-of-mouth endorse-ments, and with 20,000 sold (phenomenal for a how-to art book) is in its second print-ing. Both Tolley and Laylon are planning an exhibition of new work at the Vault Gallery in the next year.

I first met Libby Tolley in 2008 when she and I sat on a committee to select the artists who would participate in the annual Plein Air Festival, hosted by the San Luis Obispo Art Center. Early Fall is the time for this signature event, and its 2009 presentation (September 27 to Oc-tober 4) will feature fifty artists who will fan out through the county to paint the varied landscapes so beloved of locals and tourists. Please know that the fine works painted on site during the week will be for sale, and part of the proceeds will benefit the educational and exhibition programs of the Art Center. For art patrons it is a great opportunity to acquire work (most are very reasonably priced) for one’s home or office that has a distinct Central Coast f lavor. Indeed, my wife and I acquired a beautiful “portrait” of a massive ancient Eucalyptus tree growing on the coast near Montaña de Oro State Park. (Tolley heart-ily endorsed our acquisition.) We found the perfect place to hang it just off our kitchen where it radiates its magic for all to see. I’m sure you’ll find the right paint-

ing for your situation, too. Come join us at the 2009 Plein Air Festival!

For further information on the 2009 Plein Art Festival, see www.sloartcenter.org, or visit the Art Center, 1010 Broad Street, San Luis Obispo, (805) 543-8562. To learn more about Los Osos artist Libby Tolley, go to www.libbytolley.com, and visit the Vault Gallery, 2289 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428, (805) 927-0300, www.vaultgallery.com.

O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 JournalPLUS



plein-Air pAinting countryBy Gordon Fuglie, SLO Art Center, Curator of Exhibitions and Collections

Libby Tolley’s “Dawn over Morro Bay”

At least 150 new paintings created will line the walls of the Art Center and can be purchased

Pamela Panattoni has been selected for all eight festivals

aRtists coming to paint thE vaRiEd and dRamatic vistas of thE Golden State were nearly simultaneous with California’s entry into the union. Throughout the 19th century, large canvases of sublime views of mountains, lakes

and seas were the mainstay of ambitious painters who limned the lands of the Pacific Coast for Eastern art patrons and audiences. California, little populated and wide open, became the last new Eden for the aspirations of those seeking new beginnings, including artists who were drawn to the favorable climate, natural beauty and that special atmospheric light. Of all the artistic schools of the past 150 years, plein air painting (painting in the open air) perhaps has best and most consistently conveyed an aesthetic sense of California.

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onE of thE REalitiEs that ouR schools may face this year is the potential outbreak of the H1N1 Flu virus on a large scale. The seasonal flu is always a concern

as a cause for students missing school. However, there is increased at-tention this year given the declaration of a “pandemic,” or worldwide spread, for the H1N1 (Swine) strain of the flu virus. Last spring, one of our local schools, the Grizzly Youth Academy Charter School, received national attention for some cases of the H1N1 virus. Fortunately, all of the cases last spring were mild and all students recovered.

This is the time of the year, before the flu season starts, that schools are planning and taking actions to prevent or minimize the potential spread of the virus in the coming cooler months. Schools are a prime focus for prevention since children often do not have built up im-munity and children are in close proximity to each other in schools. In addition to our schools taking actions, parents also can take mea-sures to prevent the spread of the flu.

The flu virus can be easily spread from person to person, primarily through sneezing and coughing. The first action that schools are tak-ing is to educate both students and staff members about how the virus is spread and to encourage them to cover their mouths and noses with a tissue when sneezing or coughing. If there is no tissue available, then students are taught how to sneeze “into their elbow.” Another preven-tive measure for schools is to insure that soap and hot water are avail-able for hand washing and to educate students on the importance of good hand hygiene. Many schools also have hand sanitizers available for students and staff. Another preventive measure that schools can take is to practice regular cleaning of surfaces that have frequent hand contact like desks, keyboards and door handles.

One of the most important actions for schools to take to prevent the spread of the flu virus is quickly to isolate students or staff who may start to show flu-like symptoms at school and to send them home as

soon as possible. The advice from public health officials for students who are sent home is to stay home for at least 24 hours after the fever breaks without the aid of drugs. Schools will also have protective masks available for school staff, such as school secretaries or nurses, who work with sick students in school.

Generally, public heath officials advise that if 10% or more of a school population or staff show flu symptoms (fever, coughing and aching muscles), then schools need to consider additional actions. Some of these additional actions include extending the time that sick students and staff should stay home for up to 7 days. Schools could also start screening students and staff for fever and other flu symp-toms at school and then isolating suspected cases until they can go home. Schools can also try to increase the space between students in classrooms to prevent the spread of the virus, but this will be dif-ficult given the many interactions that students have with each other during a school day and the group nature of most school activities.

As a last resort to address widespread incidence of flu, students could be dismissed from school. This dismissal could be of selected groups of students, or entire schools. Obviously, any school dismissal will be done in close coordination with our county public health department. The dismissal of students from school has serious impacts on families and the community. Parents will need to arrange for childcare or plan to stay home from work. Our goal is to keep schools open and functioning normally for students during the flu season.

Parents can take three actions to help prevent a serious outbreak of the flu. First, teach children to wash their hands often using soap and water and set an example themselves. Second, teach children to cover their coughs and sneezes and again be the example. Third, keep children at home if they are sick. Remember the rule is to stay home at least 24 hours after there is no longer a fever without using fever reducing medications.

our schools: SCHOOLPLANNINGFORFLUSEASONBy Dr. Julian Crocker, County Superintendent of Schools


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Page 38: October 2009 Journal Plus

thE familiaR appEals to us: an old tREE, thE shape of our hills, the sound of waves, even buildings…reaffirm we are home. Certainly, a library seems as much

of the civic landscape as any building. Within its walls are books, tapes, magazines and newspapers, but also the fondest of memories. As with a playground, childhood memories remain of times of wonder, joy and delight. Yet, while libraries are in grave danger of disappearing, the earliest county collections had surprisingly similar challenges…not of surviving, but of starting.

Here’s the story.

San Luis Obispo was (and is) both a literate community and county. At statehood, there were no schools but home schools. As with familial skills and trades, literacy was passed from generation to generation. Any early call for a library resembled that of a club where like-minded and educated men and women (meeting separately of course) might exchange impres-sions of current events, publications or classics. Calling for a “library” for books was primarily a place to house reference materials – often too expensive, unwieldy or simply unused to demand a private home.

The first legislation for a State Library (1850) was neither for enjoy-ment nor the public. The capitol collection was for governmental use only…and rarely at that. The State Librarian was a political appoint-

ment requiring the recipient of political munificence to be neither literate nor knowledgeable as to libraries.

As legislation evolved granting local authorities the ability to create and sustain libraries, the initial resource was private as no public funds were to be expended for libraries or books…except for schools. It took 25 years from the first local subscription-based library (1894) to a county tax supported system.

While the cities of San Luis Obispo and Paso Robles were proud of their community libraries, the county had none except – for a fee – non-students could use the few resources at any of the dozens of schools having a collection. Furthermore, neither city would allow non-residents free access to municipal collections.

Finally, after consistent pressure most often from women’s groups, on March 1, 1915, the Board of Supervisors agreed to have a county sys-


the county librAryBy Joseph A. Carotenuti

O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 JournalPLUS


The first home of the County LibraryPhoto Courtesy of the SLO County Historical Society

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tem…only after assurances of sufficient funds. This took four years. In the summer of 1919, Miss Margaret Dold was hired as the County Librarian (and virtually sole employee) for the system officially inaugurated on July 1. Shortly before the new hire, the Board of Supervi-sors received another presentation by a State library representative. She informed them of funds given to county schools. School library funds were available to a county system. It was a warmly accepted notion as there were dozens of schools – mostly rural in the county of fewer than 20,000 residents.

It was a splendid boon for schools as the Tribune was sure to emphasize as now buying books for multiple schools was more efficient than each school trying to do the same. Addition-ally, books, globes, maps, pictures and music records could be rotated to different sites.

Dold was not inexperienced as she began her 18-month tenure as the first of eight county librarians. By coincidence, the current Librar-ian, Brian Reynolds, and Dold came from Siskiyou County. By the fall of 1919, Dold reported five community libraries: Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Halcyon, La Panza, and Templeton. Additionally, nine were established in schools from Oceano to Simmler. A com-munity library was simply a place – any place – willing to house the collection. A favorite spot was a cabinet in the post office, which often was in someone’s home…possibly with

the grocery store! There was no home delivery of mail and so residents could pick up the mail and find a book. Convenience – then and now – was a major secret for success. Mail eventu-ally was brought to houses but books remained behind. Reports were required and so Miss Dold provided required information including which sites enjoyed a “reading room” meaning there was space to sit near the books.

It rapidly became an enormous enterprise. First located in the Women’s Club, within a year, Dold reported nine community and 32 school branches and a collection of over 10,000 books operating on a budget of $11,900. Nor was she afraid to travel throughout the sparsely populated region. In 1920, she and/or her one other assistant made 14 visits to branches and received 27 by custodians. Custodians were those in charge of the “branches.”

Undoubtedly aware of the earliest days of book delivery, most travel was on roads. Many early library promoters delivered books to assure remote camps had reading material. If there was no rail or road to a location, then a mule was the best answer. The county system still maintains a brisk business of book delivery and exchange…but minivans have replaced mules.

The schedule must have been exhaustive. At the end of 1920, Dold asked for a leave of absence and never returned. Her successor Florence

“Flo” Gantz was even more active, and during her seven-year tenure, the county system virtu-ally had a presence everywhere. By 1925, nine-teen libraries were established in communities and eighty in schools. A budget of slightly over $15,000 supported a central staff of five with 17 in rural locations and claimed an inventory of over 42,000 items. The library has never exceeded this number of stations in the county.

O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 JournalPLUS


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Page 40: October 2009 Journal Plus

whEn an individual chooses to come into the hospice program

and receive end-of-life care, a team of professionals and volunteers provide the hands-on care. In past Journal Plus articles, readers have learned about the responsibilities of the Hospice Partners’ (HPCC) Interdisciplinary Team…those who provide the “hands-on care” to patients and caregivers. What most people don’t think about is the other part of the team that works behind the scenes. In fact, our support team members also play important roles in hospice care for clients. This month I want to introduce you to the jobs these wonderfully proficient folks do to keep our operation humming.

• The HPCC Receptionist provides the first impression of the agency. She is responsible for triaging incoming telephone calls from hospice patients and their families, general inquiries from the public, and calls from physicians, referral sources and hospice staff. Sensitivity and a calm demeanor are important traits for this position, especially when handling calls from family members of patients who are experiencing a crisis.

• An Office Operations Manager oversees all non-clinical staff, en-suring that voluminous federal and state regulations from confidenti-ality to personnel policies to medical records and billing procedures are precisely followed.

• Before an individual is accepted as a hospice patient, an evaluation takes place by the Intake Department to determine if the patient meets the necessary medical criteria. The Intake Clerk schedules informational meetings, evaluation visits and admission visits for our program. She assists the Intake Nurses by gathering medical records from referral sources, securing payor information and verifying in-surance benefits, assuring for a smooth transition into hospice care.

• Two and a half Clinical Supervisors manage the day-to-day clinical work for patient care, and HPCC cares for over 200 patients a month. The number of calls they answer each day ranges from 150 to 300 and issues include symptom management, doctors’ orders, scheduling questions, and caregiving problems. The Assistant to the Clinical

Supervisors assists them with patient visit schedules and handles most incoming telephone calls to the supervisors’ office.

• Every weekday morning, except Mondays, the Interdisciplinary team (IDT) meets to review, discuss and revise the plans of care for hospice patients. The IDT Support Clerk is responsible for compiling the latest information from each clinical professional for every patient who will be discussed at the IDT meeting. She attends all IDT meetings to make sure that all notes are signed and the meeting runs smoothly. After team, she checks all the IDT notes for changes, makes copies and prepares them for mailing to the patient’s physician.

• Hospice must provide our clients with any medical equipment (DME) needed for safety and comfort (beds, special mattresses, wheel chairs, etc.). The Medical Equipment Clerk works with the IDT and equipment suppliers to secure the appropriate DME. In addition, she coordinates the deliveries, repairs and pick ups which entails middleman work with suppliers and patients/families.

• Records are an important part of a patient’s medical history, and they must be maintained and retained for a minimum of 10 years. Our agency employs two Medical Records Clerks who make sure the patient’s chart is kept up to date, secure and easily retrievable. They are responsible for sorting and filing all paperwork that goes into the patient’s chart. And even though HPCC has transitioned to a predomi-nantly electronic medical record system, paper forms and data still ex-ist and must be processed each and every day according to regulation.

• After a patient dies, the Bereavement Department offers counseling and support to family members. HPCC offers expanded bereavement services as part of our Center for Grief, Education and Healing. Our Bereavement Clerk is responsible for answering the telephone at the Center, preparing follow-up client mailings, maintaining bereave-ment files, and assisting the four grief and bereavement counselors with scheduling counseling visits and IDT preparation.

• Computers are essential to Hospice Partners. Two years ago we began transitioning to an electronic medical record system using

O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 JournalPLUS



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Page 41: October 2009 Journal Plus

O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 JournalPLUS

notebook computers instead of hand written notes to document pa-tient care. We have a Lead IT Support person who is responsible for keeping the computers (both field and in-office) working properly and trouble-shoots problems staff encounter. He also trains and updates staff on the use of the computers and software.

* Hospice Partners is a sizeable organization with significant admin-istrative requirements. Our Administrative Assistant is respon-sible for secretarial type work – letters, accounting, and office supply order placement. This position assists any department with their administrative needs.

* The Human Resources/Payroll Representative is responsible for vari-ous aspects of personnel management including job postings, coordinat-ing new hire orientation to our company, benefits enrollment, disability and medical leave requests and safety as it relates to Worker’s Compensa-tion reporting. Additionally she is responsible for all aspects of processing our bi-monthly payroll, and maintenance of personnel and health records.

* Hospice Partners has grown significantly over the last eleven years and now has two branch offices, one in Paso Robles and one in Santa Maria. Branch Office Coordinators in each office ensures they operate smoothly.

Behind the scenes work is usually easier said than done, and often overlooked as important. Hospice Partners knows how fortunate we are to have such a skilled and dedicated staff, both in the field and behind the scenes. We thank them all.

This monthly Hospice Corner is sponsored by Hospice Partners of the Central Coast. Janet Jeffery, RN, MS is the Administrator at Hospice Partners. For more information, call (805) 782-8608.




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this month’s hERo is a wwii vet, Bill Pope. Bill lives in Paso Robles, next door to my Viet Nam

Veteran friend, Bill Mansfield.

Pope flew P-38s and P-51 Mustangs. He enlisted in the US Army in 1940. After his training, Bill was attached to the Army Air Corps as a gunner and sent to Hawaii. For a while he lived the pre-war idyllic army life in Hawaii. He was stationed at Hickam Field and was there on that fateful “Day of Infamy” December 7, 1941. Under enemy fire, they got some American planes of the 4th Squadron off the ground and shot down seven Japanese planes. However, most of the American planes were destroyed on the ground before they could take off.

After Pearl Harbor he returned to the main-land and was accepted for pilot training. He qualified as a Fighter Pilot and flew P-38s and P-47s. Bill said the P-38 was a very cold air-plane to fly because the heaters could not keep up with the wind blowing in the cockpit. It also could not fly at 20,000 feet where the German fighters flew. He later flew the P-51 and said it was a warm airplane and had no trouble at 20,000 feet. The plane held 480 gallons of fuel, including the wing tanks, and burned a gallon a minute. Its flying range was eight hours, making it a good choice for escorting the B-17 and B-24 American night bombing runs.

Bill was shipped to England on the Queen Mary in 1944 and assigned to the 55th Fighter group. This was the same group as our own local, Elwyn Righetti, who unfortunately did not come home. As a Lt. Colonel, Bill had his own command within the Group. He flew 78 missions from April 1944 to November 1944, including five days in the D-Day invasion of Europe. He engaged in dive bombing and strafing runs in support of the troops on the ground. Forty five of his missions were in support of B-17 and B-24 bombers in night raids on Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, and other German and European cities.

He flew thirteen strafing runs and destroyed numerous enemy planes and structures with bullets and bombs. Several Air Corps vets have said strafing runs were made two to four abreast at 450 MPH at the lowest level possible. You wouldn’t do a second run at the same loca-tion because anti-aircraft guns could have you targeted and shoot you down. However, one day in a frenzy, he made a second and even a third run, and as he made his approach he flew very low between two airplane hangers where the Germans couldn’t shoot him because they would destroy their own hangers.

When the war ended, Bill continued his career in the Air Force for 26 years. After the war he flew P-80 jets in 1947, and later F-86s, F-100s and finally the F-105 in which he once blasted at 1400 MPH.

He was honorably discharged in 1966 and after trying numerous other livelihoods came to Paso Robles in 1979 and managed the Paso Robles Inn until 1990. He then re-retired to enjoy the Paso Robles ambience. Bill is another of the 16-million Americans who sacrificed their youth in WWII to save our world and then came home to build the affluency we have enjoyed for almost 70 years. Thank you Bill Pope!

Although it’s not veteran related, I invite you to join in a worthy cause sponsored by the Central Coast Women’s League. Their annual Bingo party will be held at the SLO Elks Lodge, 222 Elks Lane, on October 3rd. Proceeds are for The Breast Cancer Fund and the Tri Counties Cancer Detection Partner-ship for early cancer detection. Doors open at 12:30 with Bingo to start at 1:00 p.m. Admis-sion is $25. Refreshments, silent auctions, and a raffle are part of the day. You may also make additional donations which are tax deductible. For advance tickets call Marily at 543-8763.

Hopefully before my October 10th deadline I will hear from some of you about your local Veterans Day celebrations. Los Osos Cemetery will be having their usual remem-brance, and Post 66 of the legion will put out 800 plus flags on veterans graves.

Let me know what you are doing in your locale. Contact me at 543-1973, or [email protected]. See you all right here again in November.


vets voiceBy Frank Rowan

Bill Pope in his P-51 in 1944 and below is Bill today

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Downtown The Magazine of Downtown San Luis Obispo October 2009


I n s i d e :W h a t ’ s U pN e w B u s i n e s s N e w s

Page 44: October 2009 Journal Plus

Walk the walk…Downtown’s plan to be more pedestrian friendly and attract

visitors who’ll spend time (and money) as spelled out in its strategic planning document updated in 2007 is moving forward with a recent City Council vote giving a green light to widen the sidewalk in front of the Wineman mixed use project along Higuera between Chorro Street and Charles Shoes. While visionaries are gratified, not all Downtown business owners are as happy—but we think they will be, sooner rather than later, once the project revitalizes a key intersection of Downtown that has remained dull, nondescript and non inviting for a couple of decades now.

This wasn’t an easy ‘yes.’ The bulb out of the sidewalk to accommodate outdoor café dining will result in

the loss of five parking spaces—a fact that key long timers called the City and the Downtown Association on saying that the public perception of parking difficulties will be exacerbated by this removal. On the one hand, the argument is legitimate and valid. On the other hand, considerations must be made for the greater good and ensured vitality of a commercial district that can’t afford to make any mistakes.

And so it was with the Wineman project when on the one hand, a few Downtown business

owners protested the idea due to parking loss, but on the other hand, lots of check marks landed in the plus column: outdoor café dining, pedestrian access, improved amenities like street lights, Mission Style sidewalks, electrical access for Thursday Night Promotions booths, tree improvements: none of which were required but are being provided voluntarily by the developer. Lost parking had a hard time stacking up against the benefits

the project will surely bring. And, as it has done since its inception, Downtown continues to morph into its future state—one that will serve its members well and be a source of pride—and income—for our community. (Keep an eye on the project for a fall opening of Muzio’s Market and Chipotle Mexican Grill in the space followed by residential occupancy above and a wine bar in the apartments’ lobby area.)

Speaking of pride, the Downtown Association is thrilled to announce the selection of City

manager Ken Hampian, as this year’s Holiday Parade Marshal. Hampian this summer announced his upcoming retirement slated for the end of the year

On the Cover: Taste of San Luis revelers disco the night away in Mission Plaza, 9-9-09. A fun night was had by all! Photo by Deborah Cash

W h a t ’ s U p A r o u n d D o w n t o w n ?

Deborah Cash, CMSM, Executive Director

For more information please call (805) 541-0286 www.DowntownSLO.comal-

Farmers’ Market Hallowe’en Festivities

October 29, 2009

San Luis Obispo Downtown Association’s

Downtown Trick-or-Treating

Howl’O’Ween HooplaHalloween Costume ContestYogurt Creations presents...

Show off your most creative costume and competefor some wickedly cool prizes. Categories are 0-2,3-4, 5-8, 9-12 and Pairs. Sign-ups begin at 5pm on Chorro Street. Contest runs from 6:15pm-8pm.

City of SLO presents...

Exciting Howl’O’Ween themed games and activities provided by

SLO Parks & Rec Dept. on Garden Street from 6pm-8pm

Put on your favorite costume and come Downtown for safe and fun trick-or-treating through local participating businesses. Pick up your bags and maps on the corner of Chorro and Higuera from 5pm-8pm. Candy is limited, so please come early.

First Bank of San Luis Obispo presents...

San Luis ObispoDowntownAssociation

Page 45: October 2009 Journal Plus

and the Promotions Committee felt it was fitting that the honor should go to someone who’s championed Downtown causes for nearly two decades. Hampian was especially instrumental in the transition of the Downtown Association from a ‘quasi’ City agency to an independent not for profit in 2008 while still remaining committed to providing a high level of service to Downtown’s public areas. Hampian and wife Suzi will head up the annual parade on Friday, December 4; this year’s theme: Cheers Around Downtown.

Talk the talk…while we’re at it, we want to (re) announce the Veterans’ Celebration we’re planning

at Farmers Market on November 12. We’re still looking for a few good people who want to (a) volunteer (b) have a military-related display or activity or (c) just come on down. We think that the community will enjoy the exhibits and program we’ve planned so far, and we’re proud to acknowledge the thousands in our community who’ve served their country—and us—with honor and selflessness. We’d like to thank in advance the committee members who’ve spent hours so far organizing the event: Bud Dressler (US Marines), Robert Bettencourt (US Army National Guard), Angelo Procopio (US Marines, American Legion), Chris Hunter (US Army, American Legion), Rob Bryn (Central Coast Council Board Chair Navy League

of US) along with Bob Schinkel, (US Army Reserves) TNP (Thursday Night Promotions) Committee Chair and (former) military brats Diana Cotta (Navy) and Deborah Cash (Air Force). Local hotels are offering discounted stays for event attendees. We’ll be handing out free flags to the public and there will be plenty to see and do. So we’re telling everyone we know to tell everyone they know to plan on attending this special edition of the market next month…around Downtown.

Call Diana Cotta at 541-0286 for more information on the Veterans’ Celebration.

Squawk the squawk? Our mailbox contained a letter recently from a former resident who came

to visit and wrote she didn’t like that the Thursday market has changed from how it was years ago. Yes, the event has grown and little resembles the days of volleyball on the streets and a few booths in between the barbecues. But, based on the feedback we get from visitors the world over and how many communities have copied our event (Chico, Hanford, Morgan Hill, Davis, North Park…) while we regret that anyone’s unhappy, overall we think our “world famous” farmers’ market is about as good as it gets!

W h a t ’ s U p A r o u n d D o w n t o w n ?


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Page 46: October 2009 Journal Plus

N e w B u s i n e s s N e w sFoundation for San Luis Obispo County Public Libraries Robert E Alberti, Board of Directors President 805-546-1392 www.SloLibraryFoundation.org

Formed in 1998, the Foundation for San Luis Obispo County Public Libraries is a non-profit public benefit corporation dedicated to conducting fundraising, advocacy and program activities to support and strengthen public libraries throughout the county. The Foundation is run by a board of directors representing a variety of careers and interests; all share a common goal of preserving and enhancing public libraries countywide.

Fundraising and advocacy are the two main roles of the Foundation. Monies raised go towards much needed programs as well as library improvements such as the offering of Wi-Fi connections. The Foundation strongly advocates public libraries as they provide important job-hunting resources, guidance in using researching tools and materials and entertainment resources.

Among the numerous programs and activities offered at the public libraries, the Children’s Summer Reading Program is one of the most attended. This program includes meetings, readings, story time and discussions for children lead by volunteers. The Foundation is also the sponsor of a very popular annual event, the Central Coast Book and Author Festival. This event provides publishers the opportunity to display their books and provides visitors the opportunity to meet famous authors and illustrators, and

attend readings and workshops. This year, book lovers by the thousands will converge upon San Luis Obispo’s beautiful Mission Plaza for the Central Coast Book & Author Festival on Saturday, October 4th, 2009 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. “After taking a year off, the Book and Author Festival is back in a big way,” said Festival Chairperson, Maryellen Simkins.

“From the library to Mission Plaza and the Historical Museum, we’ll be celebrating reading, libraries and the people who create books for readers of all ages.” Headlining at this year’s festival is popular comic

book hero, Spider-Man, who will be presenting an action-packed multi-media show aimed at motivating children and teens to read. Spider-Man will be appearing in two performances at 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. in the Community Room at the San Luis Obispo Library. After each performance, he will be heading to Mission Plaza for giveaways, photo opportunities, and autographs. The performances are free, but tickets are required due to limited seating. Over 60 exhibitors are expected to be at this year’s festival, including authors, publishers and library and writers’ organizations.

Anyone wishing to learn more about the Foundation or the upcoming Fair (including ticket info) can visit their website.

By Erica Wood

Creeky Tiki, Terraza Grill and Mission Pizza Brett Butterfield (pictured) & Jay Walsh, co-owners 778 Higuera Street 805-544-2200Comfortable outdoor seating, live music, good food and good times are on tap at Creeky Tiki, Terraza Grill and Mission Pizza, located in the Network where it meets the creek in Downtown SLO. Owners Brett Butterfield and Jay Walsh transformed the space formerly occupied by Cisco’s and Flame Bay into a fun and family-friendly place to eat, visit with friends, hang out and enjoy the view of Mission Plaza and Downtown’s natural beauty.

Creeky Tiki is a south sea islands-like bar offering entertainment and drink specials throughout the week; paired with two restaurants, Terraza Grill and Mission Pizza inside the Network, the combination of food, drinks and entertainment keeps the area hopping.

“The surrounding area coupled with the great options for food and

outside entertainment makes Creeky Tiki unique from other restaurants and bars,” Butterfield said.

Terraza Grill is a Mexican-style restaurant that offers customers the option of creating burritos, bowls, tacos or salads with an endless combination of toppings and extras. Mission Pizza features specialty pizzas and sandwiches.

“Our goal is to provide healthy and affordable food for families,” Butterfield said, “We want to appeal to everyone in the area by offering the whole package: great

food, location, drinks and entertainment.”

Open daily at 11 AM, closing hours vary.

By Freya Wilkerson

Sally Davis – Massage Therapist Bliss Body Spa 970 Chorro Street 805-787-0970 www.BlissBodySpa.com Hours of operation: Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.Exhausted from the hustle and bustle of everyday life? In dire need of pampering and relaxation? Then new business owner Sally Davis has just what you need at Bliss Body Spa in Downtown San Luis Obispo. Located at 970 Chorro St. across from Mission Plaza, Bliss Body Spa is nestled between Adobe Realty and a residential building.

Davis is the newest member at Bliss Body Spa. Born in San Luis Obispo and raised in Cambria, Davis joined Bliss in March and has been practicing massage therapy since 2002. En route to Bliss, Davis has offered her services in numerous locations including, Cambria, San Simeon and Yosemite.

Despite working in such beautiful settings around California, Davis

said that San Luis Obispo is different from everywhere else she has worked.

“I love being in the heart of downtown. I love the youth and creativity that San Luis has to offer,” she said.

She continued by saying, “People need to take notice of the connection between body, mind

and spirit. They need to take time to relax.”

Davis offers numerous services including a chocolate body scrub in the fall and winter, as well as hot stone and seashell therapy year-round.

To make an appointment call 805-787-0970 or visit www.BlissBodySpa.com

By Reyes Miranda and Sarah Fruit

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dEaR fRiEnds and nEighBoRs, The “big news” of September 2, 2009 accord-ing to the local newspaper was that the San Luis Obispo City Council approved a Target Store on the “Madonna Gap” property on LOVR. The Prefumo Creek Commons ap-plicant abided by the General Plan, stuck to the city development guidelines, followed the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), dedicated nearly 14 acres of land to the city for agriculture, and the project passed 5-0 with little public controversy over open space.

But the really “big news” for many city resi-dents was that the city is actually implement-ing the policy which the landowners agreed to in 1994 in order to mitigate loss of prime agricultural land. As stated in the Land Use Element (section 8.8), the “approximately 180-acre area of prime farm land bounded by Madonna Road, Highway 101, Central Coast Plaza, and Prefumo Creek is in three owner-ships. The City intends to preserve at least one-half of this signature working agricultural landscape at the southern gateway to San Luis Obispo as it existed in 1994.” Now that two out of these three landowners have dedicated the promised amount of land to open space, all we need to complete the 90 acre vision is half of the remaining property, when the other half eventually develops and annexes into the city.

Of course, owning about 26 acres of prime agricultural land and the prospect of own-ing a total of 90 acres some day, raises the issue: what are the best uses of that land for the community? Non-profit organic farm? Community garden and/or orchard? Teach-ing and research area? Source of food for the food banks? Demonstration urban farm? Collaborative project with Cal Poly? Or?

To answer these and more questions, the City Council has set an Important Objective of the 2009-11 Financial Plan to “develop a master plan for City-owned agricultural land at Calle Joaquin.” Council approved the process for developing that master plan, noting the im-portance of building consensus to maximize the community benefit of this unique oppor-tunity. As proposed by city staff, the Master Plan will: 1. Identify key stakeholders and participants who are willing to implement the plan; 2. Research and outline possible uses in the area; 3. Identify how the Prefumo Creek riparian corridor can be expanded and enhanced; 4. Identify where the extension of a bicycle/pedestrian trail between Calle Joaquin and Madonna Road should be located and the timing of its construction; 5. Identify how portions of the non-City owned properties might be utilized for agricultural purposes; 6. Make cost estimates for various activities and possible funding sources.

Council has decided to make the process as collaborative and participatory as possible, since there is so much community interest.

Staff will begin by facilitating several public meetings to take input. Notification and outreach of these meetings will be provided to previously identified representative groups, any individuals who have requested notice, and via the usual public meeting noticing processes. To provide even greater public par-ticipation, this project will utilize the City’s website as its main communication tool and repository of information. An email “opt in” will be provided so that the City can develop a list of interested parties. The draft Master Plan will first go to the Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission in fall of 2010 and then to the City Council.

It is important to note that the Master Plan for the Calle Joaquin area will be based on the existing City General Plan, will propose no changes, and will not consider any future development on the Dalidio Ranch. Over the years there have been differing public opinions as to the use and development of that land. The Master Plan presumes that a portion of the Dalidio Ranch will one day be designated for agricultural purposes and under the City’s control (either by fee or easement), as indicated in the City’s General Plan. The Master Plan will not affect the property rights of landowners.

I am excited that the community vision of 1994 is finally being implemented according to the General Plan. Many residents have worked hard over the years to make this plan a reality. I hope we take a collective moment to feel good about the fact that preservation of this fertile land is actually taking place. Hey, we are not just talking about preser-vation, we are DOING it. Please plan to participate. Just email [email protected] if you would like to be put on the email list.

Looking forward to working with the com-munity on the Master Plan. — Jan

P.S. In case you are wondering why Council did not require housing on the Target site, it is because the Airport Land Use Commis-sion does not allow it in this location. How-ever, we did require the developer to allocate $1 million for affordable housing. We also directed staff in the next few months to look at the possibility of rezoning nearby land from commercial to residential.

pAlM street perspectiveTARGETSTOREANDTHECITY’SMASTERPLANBy SLO City Councilwoman Jan Marx

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Page 49: October 2009 Journal Plus

my dad was a twEnty year old young man when he left college to be part of a US

Army infantry division that fought its way through Belgium, Holland, France and Germany during World War II.

It was the dead of a very bitterly cold winter. Dad carried a backpack loaded with 75 pounds of munitions over a heavy woolen coat, and as he traipsed across a rickety bridge, the rotten wood gave way. He plunged into an icy river. He remembers struggling to get the pack off his back as the weight of it and the coat held him underwater. And he vividly recalls thinking he was about to die.

He didn’t die. He doesn’t know who, but one of his company members managed to reach down and pull him out of the black, frigid water.

And on another day, in another horrific episode, his company was under enemy attack in an open field. One of dad’s comrades was hit and too badly wounded to crawl to safety. My dad left his own foxhole, pulled his buddy to safety and was later awarded the Silver Star for battlefield bravery.

My dad is 86 years old and for many years didn’t talk of the War or his experiences. Something changed about 25 years ago. He started shar-ing details about his life as a soldier. He reengaged with his infantry division members who were still alive and who held an annual reunion. And he invited my siblings and me to join him at their annual meetings.

These reunions are powerful events. The depth of friendship and concern for each other in relationships that reach back 64 years ago is amazing to witness. The 104th Infantry Division “Timberwolves” reunion was just held in Portland, and 18 members of my family at-tended to honor my father and his buddies who were just kids when they fought for our freedom all those years ago.

The group has shrunk in size as age and illness has claimed many members. The soldiers who do attend are showing their age—in walk-ers, wheelchairs and with canes. Each year the group remembers the people they’ve lost, both during the war, and in the years since. Every year adult children who never knew their killed-in-action dads attend the reunion to get a feel for who their fathers were. The granddaughter of the division’s beloved General, Terry Allen, attends. Former POW’s who walk with crooked legs due to conditions they survived are there. Children, grandchildren, great grandchildren all come. And when the Timberwolves stand and salute during the Pledge of Allegiance, and when they proudly wear their company insignia and unfold old maps and share photos, the reality of it all is palpable.

I had to write about these amazing guys and so many men and women just like them. Because of their extraordinary sacrifices and unwavering cour-age, I have the extraordinary privilege of doing things as simple as owning a business. Living in a wonderful community. Living without fear.

We have a long way to go to right our economic course and dig out from many problems, but being part of something like a Timberwolf

reunion invigorates me to push ahead, to appreciate what we have, to stop our fighting and disagreement and thank these guys by living lives of productivity and unselfishness. One by one, they changed the world. And so can we.

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eye on business WORLDWARIIREUNIONCARRIESPOWERFULMESSAGEBy Maggie Cox, Barnett Cox & Associate

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MEDICAL BUILDING TO OPEN EARLY NExT YEAR Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center hosted a “topping off” cer-emony last month as the final steel beam was put into place on its new Medical Office Building. Prior to being put into place, the beam was autographed by County Supervisor Jim Patterson and other local politicians, hospital administration and the work crew. The “topping off” ceremony is a long held tradition when erecting a steel structure. The new Medical Office Building, when completed, will be 3 stories tall and have 45,000 square feet of medical office space. Its final cost

is expected to be about $12 million. The building has room for about 20 physi-cian practices. It will be completed by the end of the year with occupancy expected in early 2010. Local labor is being utilized and will provide ap-proximately 70 jobs through the comple-tion of the project.

SLO COUNTY ANNUAL CREEK CLEANUP DAY Join family, friends and neighbors on Saturday, October 3rd, from 9 a.m. until noon, and make a difference in your community cleaning local creeks! Trash finds its way into our local waterways and collects, causing trickling effects. Clean creeks and clean water are required to protect public health, to grow food and fiber, to provide habitat for fish and wildlife, to provide opportunities for public recreation, and to promote sustainable economic development. Volunteers meet at check-in stations located in Arroyo Grande, Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo, Atascadero, Templeton and Paso Robles. Bags and gloves are provided. Many locations also offer prizes and snacks. Volun-teers are encouraged to wear long sleeves, sturdy foot protection and sunscreen and to dress for a variety of weather conditions. Visit www.CreekDay.org to find the site in your community.

2009 OPEN STUDIOS TOUR Three weekends in October. Over 220 artists on display in studios, galleries and exhibition spaces. Purchase a catalog that serves as a ticket to all three weekends of the tour. For more information go to artsobispo.org or call 544-9251.


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Page 51: October 2009 Journal Plus


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1ST ANNUAL RAILROAD FESTIVAL The First Annual Central Coast Railroad Festival is set for October 8-12th, with a variety of events and activities which will take place at various venues and railroad locations throughout San Luis Obispo

and northern Santa Barbara Counties. The Central Coast Railroad Festival will be a family friendly event designed to please both the casual train buff and the avid rail fan. Attendees will be able to celebrate rail’s history and future while participating in all types of modeling, various train rides, exhibits, ceremonies, dedica-

tions, historical presentations and special programs. Numerous rail organizations, historical societies, libraries and tourist attractions will be involved with the events. Amtrak rides along the beautiful Central Coast beaches and through the spacious hillsides will also be available. The festival events will all happen within the backdrop of the Central Coast’s wonderland of rolling hills, wineries, beaches, missions and castles! Complete information and a schedule of events for the Central Coast Railroad Festival can be found at www.ccrrf.

O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 JournalPLUS

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Page 52: October 2009 Journal Plus

“JAZZ AT THE MONDAY CLUB” CONCERT An afternoon of fun music, delicious treats, and great raffle/auction items will take place on October 11th from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Mon-day Club at 1815 Monterey St, SLO. The benefit concert for the SLO High School Band will feature performances by San Luis Obispo High Alumni, featuring jazz vibraphonist Darrell Voss, Trumpeter Robert Alberts and the award winning San Luis Obispo High School Jazz Band. Enjoy local wine and great auction and raffle items, like jewelry from Kevin Main and getaway packages to Hearst Castle and Mon-terey Bay. All of the money raised through this event will help fund the SLO High School Band program. Tickets are $20 at the door or from any band member. For more information call Ed Harris at 550-5387.

11TH ANNUAL MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY IN SLO COUNTY On Saturday, October 24, individuals and groups in SLO County are invited to come together in the spirit of community and volunteerism to lend a hand to local nonprofit agencies, as a part of the 11th Annual Make a Difference Day. Participants can choose from approximately 50 projects around the county, ranging from special events, environmen-tal clean ups, to helping seniors or children. Check-in is at 9:00 a.m. in Chumash Auditorium at Cal Poly, and service projects last from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; most are located within San Luis Obispo city. Participants are provided with a complimentary continental breakfast and lunch; parking is free in the Grand Avenue parking structure. Last year over 25 Make a Difference Day projects were scheduled with over 300 community members and college students from all over the county participated in the event. Individual volunteers will be able to sign up in advance by visiting www.volunteerslo.org or the morning of the event at Chumash Auditorium. Groups or employees from local businesses that would like to volunteer together may sign up by calling Heather Demosthenes at (805) 756-5883. For more information about Make a Difference Day, contact Charlene Rosales at (805) 541-1234.


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Page 53: October 2009 Journal Plus

THE BULLETIN BOARD 5352 THE BULLETIN BOARDROTARY DE TOLOSA AWARDS $18,000 IN GRANTS Twelve local nonprofit organizations are the recipients of almost $18,000 in grants from the Rotary Club of San Luis Obispo de Tolosa. Through grants, Rotary de Tolosa supports projects and services that target the greater SLO areas’ youth. The funds were raised at Rotary de Tolosa’s Fourth Annual Festival Internazionale, held last March. Rotary de Tolosa disbursed just under $13,000 of the proceeds to their four nonprofit partners for the event: 211 SLO Hotline; LifeWater International; the SLO Children’s Museum; and the YMCA. Another $5,000 was distributed through Rotary de Tolosa’s Charitable Giv-ing Committee to: Big Brothers & Big Sisters of SLO County, CASA of SLO County, Children’s Health Initiative, Community Counseling Center, Get On The Bus, Girl Scouts of CA Central Coast, SLO Arts Center and Youth Outreach of the PAC. For more information, please log onto www.rotarydetolosa.org, or to www.rotary.org.

28TH MORRO BAY HARBOR FESTIVAL The 28th Annual Morro Bay Harbor Festival will be held on October 3rd and 4th, in Morro Bay, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For a schedule of events go to www.mbhf.com or call 772-1155.

FREE SENIOR HEALTH SCREENING Free Senior Health Screening for seniors (50+) is available throughout San Luis Obispo County. Free services include: screening for high blood pressure, weight and pulse. Finger prick screening tests for: high cholesterol, anemia and diabetes. Take-home screening test kits for colo-rectal cancer available for $5. Nutritional counseling and referrals as needed. Please call 788-0827 for dates, times and locations.

K9’S FOR FELINES...WALK AROUND THE LAKE The North County Humane Society invites you and your dogs to par-ticipate in a Canines for Felines Walk around the Atascadero Lake on Saturday, October 3, from 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Walk participants are to meet at the Atascadero Lake Park Band Stand, and all pets must be on a leash. Registration fee is $30, which includes a participant t-shirt and a dog bandana. To register, or for more information, call NCHS at 466-5403 or visit the web site at www.slonchs.org.

NON-PROFIT COLLABORATION FORUM Registration has begun for the non-profit Collaboration Forum held on Friday, October 23rd, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Adult School in SLO. The forum educates and promotes networking between non-profit organizations to improve their operations. For more information visit the website at www.collaborationslo.org.

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nAtionAl newspAper week is in October. Newspapers in this country have a 300-year history. Our history buff reports the first American newspaper was published in 1690.

slogAn: Become an Editor. Enjoy a Rewording Career.

october 4 is Ten-Four Day, radio lingo for message received. Our patrolman says the radio codes are making a comeback with kids who text, parents who twitter and road cops who ticket the e-drivers.

coluMbus dAy marks the landing of Genoese explorer Christopher Columbus in the Americas.

october is cookie Month and Apple Month. Our barber offers apple cider and chocolate chip cookies. While customers snack, his ears rest from sports and politics bickering.

cAr cAre Month is here. The local tow truck sign reads Clunkerville Welcome Wagon.

this is nAtionAl dentAl hygiene Month. The 2009 theme is “A Healthy Smile Lasts a Lifetime.”

our druggist says dental mascots last a lifetime, too. Customers chat about his Bucky Beaver sign though Ipana has been off the shelf for years.

Flu shots started early. Our nurse cut down the complaints with a simple sign, “Swine shot, Whine not.”

Flu 1918: Movie theaters closed due to the influenza epidemic. This year the French greeting kiss takes a swine flu break. Officials say germs spread cheek-to-cheek.

october is Adopt A shelter dog Month Choose a good autumn dog. Go with a lap-warmer or a foot-snuggler for cold nights.

oktoberFest means fun, music and food. And don’t forget the beer.

our trAvel Agent says at Oktoberfest over 6 million liters of beer will be sold. Visitors pay about $12 for each liquid gold liter.

october 1989: The Loma Prieta earthquake struck the Bay area. The quake killed over 60 people, injured nearly 3,800 and left more than 12,000 homeless.

october 24 is Make a Difference Day. During last year’s event about 500 people in the San Luis Obispo area helped neighbors with tasks from repairs to painting.

MusiciAn seth pArker said, “You may not have saved a lot of money in your life, but if you have saved a lot of heartaches for other folks, you are a pretty rich man.”

october 1929: Will Rogers’ first sound film, titled They Had to See Paris, opened. At the age of 50, he became a top box-office star.

rogers sAid, “The time to save is now. When a dog gets a bone, he doesn’t go out and make a down payment on a bigger bone. He buries the one he’s got.”

october is bAttery check Month. Test the smoke alarms and flashlights. Our recliner expert checks the TV remote batteries.

According to the California Native Bat Conservancy, 24 species of bats live in California. Bat fans meet around Halloween each year. Their T-shirts declare they have Batitude.

rescued bAts stay at places like Bat World Sanctuary. Bat residents include Cleobatra, an Egyptian fruit bat, and Rocky Batboa, a bat with jaw injuries.

hAlloween is October 31. Grocers lock up eggs and drug stores hide toilet paper on Spook Night.

october offers day warmth and night chill for memories of summer and portend of winter. Enjoy the tricks and treats of the season.

october AlMAnAcBy Phyllis Benson

“Bittersweet October. The mellow, messy, leaf-kicking, perfect pause between the opposing miseries of summer and winter.” ---Carol Bishop Hipps


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Page 55: October 2009 Journal Plus

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Page 56: October 2009 Journal Plus

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