october 1988

-- I- -L ll,-- {-t{Er II DF REPOR Box 22113 ,OFTEN Iil ERROR - NEVER IN DOABT, cA 94122 r, L98 Happy Ha oween UIGXTI.iARE ON PL,AI{ET EARTH: GORE, SPLATTER At{D TBE NEII NEGL,IGENCE Proponents of anti-seguelization legislation (see ish 32i rrThe Seguel Rights Amendment: Can We Legislate Against Rambo VIrr?) argue that the cyclical reappearance of indestructible horror villains such as Freddy (ttNightmare on EIm Streettt) Kreuger and Michael (rrHalloweenrr), Myers has created a mood of psychic hopelessness among younger generations. fn addition, these lnli-seriat lobbyists maintain that by escalating the celluloid vivisection of body parts via limb-splitting, organ-oozing cinerna exercises, audiences are beconing hardened to deteriorating physical deformities. The result is that we have created an audience of filmgoers who accept as inevitable the continuing debilitation of the human race. This wretched situation is the result of several related trends. First, insurance cartels have long sought a means by which to influence juror pools and thus place a ceiling on product liability. Increasingly higher insurance settlements in product negligence cases result from the quantun gross-out factor attributed to the appearance of the victims. The handiwork of Jason, Nor-n Bates, Mikey Myers and Fab Five Freddy deadens new jurors to Continued on Page 3 FF,OMth6 Editor Though some observers considered it rrcoincidentalrr that the Tyson-Givens marriage break-up coincided with the unveiling of Steve Jobsr NeXT computer, the A&R Report warned back in March, L988 of the Silicon VaIIey - World Heavyweight connection (see ish 18, 'fTyson v. ll Dysan: The Double Density Battle for Programmed Hard Disk noxingf'). According to industry rumors, the Perot-Jobs coalition was furious with Tysonrs failure to support erasable optical disk drives. Givenrs mother, Ruth Roper (reportedly paid through a secret IBM account) was enlisted to drive a wedge in the couplets relationship. More next ish. WRING OUT TIIE OIrD, RING fN TEE NEn - A&R exit polls demonstrated that readers are confused and upset by our feature, Itl{ew t fmprovedrr. Although we continue to believe that: (1) God and the consurner are rronerr; and (2) eminent consumer products are a manifestation of Godrs greatness, w€ have withheld publication of future editions pending an editorial board inguiry into the Church/Press inplications. In place of this disputatious feature, we are resuming two previous columns, rrConsumer Astrologyit a guide to the consumer qualities of various Sun signs, and rr[batrs frong Witb Me?tr, a rrfeel-goodrr personal advice column about feeling good. We hope you like 'em, but if you donrt, check your warranty. --- fcl 19gg- A&R

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The New Negligence, 10 Scariest Things in SF, Consumer Astrology


Page 1: October 1988

--I -

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{-t{ErI I


REPORTBox 22113 ,OFTEN Iil ERROR - NEVER IN DOABT, c A 9 4 1 2 2

r , L 9 8 Happy Ha oween


Proponents of anti-seguelization legislat ion (see ish 32i rrThe Seguel RightsAmendment: Can We Legislate Against Rambo VIrr?) argue that the cyclicalreappearance of indestructible horror villains such as Freddy (ttNightmare onEIm Streettt) Kreuger and Michael (rrHalloweenrr), Myers has created a mood ofpsychic hopelessness among younger generations. fn addit ion, theselnl i-seriat lobbyists maintain that by escalating the celluloid vivisectionof body parts via l imb-spli t t ing, organ-oozing cinerna exercises, audiencesare beconing hardened to deteriorating physical deformities. The result isthat we have created an audience of filmgoers who accept as inevitable thecontinuing debil i tat ion of the human race.This wretched situation is the result of several related trends. First,insurance cartels have long sought a means by which to influence juror poolsand thus place a cei l ing on product l iabi l i ty. Increasingly higherinsurance settlements in product negligence cases result from the quantungross-out factor attributed to the appearance of the victims. The handiworkof Jason, Nor-n Bates, Mikey Myers and Fab Five Freddy deadens new jurors to

Continued on Page 3

FF,OM th6 EditorThough some observers considered itrrcoincidentalrr that the Tyson-Givens marriagebreak-up coincided with the unveiling of SteveJobsr NeXT computer, the A&R Report warned backin March, L988 of the Sil icon VaIIey - WorldHeavyweight connection (see ish 18, ' fTyson v. l lDysan: The Double Density Batt le for Programmed Hard Disk noxingf').According to industry rumors, the Perot-Jobs coalition was furious withTysonrs fai lure to support erasable optical disk drives. Givenrs mother,Ruth Roper (reportedly paid through a secret IBM account) was enlisted todrive a wedge in the couplets relationship. More next ish.WRING OUT TIIE OIrD, RING fN TEE NEn - A&R exit polls demonstrated thatreaders are confused and upset by our feature, Itl{ew t fmprovedrr. Althoughwe continue to believe that: (1) God and the consurner are rronerr; and (2)eminent consumer products are a manifestation of Godrs greatness, w€ havewithheld publication of future edit ions pending an editorial board inguiryinto the Church/Press inpl ications. In place of this disputatious feature,we are resuming two previous columns, rrConsumer Astrologyit a guide to theconsumer quali t ies of various Sun signs, and rr[batrs frong Witb Me?tr, arrfeel-goodrr personal advice column about feel ing good. We hope you l ike'em, but i f you donrt, check your warranty. ---

fcl 19gg- A&R

Page 2: October 1988

ffffi;tffilj$' near\ blinde/ry r\ccrefi f l



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Page 3: October 1988

rrNightmarerr (Continued from Page L)

degenerative condit ions, thereby reducing potential jury verdicts.Second, international bio-tech mega-gloms (aided by pro-I i fe lobbies), whowant to advance reproductive technology and gene splicing, secretlysubsid ize the pro l i ferat ion and ser ia l izat ion of f i l rns such as t r I t rs A l ivet tI-f I I . By suspending our reali ty in the cinema, w€ suspend our horror ofrrmistakesi in the reproductive cycle. Pro-l i fe forces propagandize that'ral l l i fe is preciousrr, thereby giving credence to the underlying assumptionthat even the genetic fetal monsters of rrThe Broodrr deserve a chance tosurvive!Third, the growing potential for new diseases, viruses and cancers, combinedwith aging baby boomers desire to expand the boundaries of surgical,cosmetic and chemical age-reversal rnechanisms, raises research risks throughradical, and highly profi table, experimentation. The zombie-destructionprophecies of fihns such as the rrThe Niqht of the l,iving Deadrr trilogy servels a metaphoric Aameplan for the extermination of the aging and iI1 in the2l-st Century.Insurance mega-cartels powered by r ight wing dollars are in need of a meanstorrexcuser t the fu ture l iab i l i ty o f tox ic , nuc lear and medica l d isasters.In order to enjoy our rrfreedorn to consufi€tt, we must learn to accept themutated results of Three-Mile Island, Love Canal, Bhopal and Chernobyl. Thecontinued serial ization of gore/splatter f i lns and the unending resurrectionand unstoppable destruction of horror f i l rn anti-heroes has pounded home ametaphoric message for rrnew generationsrr - We have created the inevitabledegeneration of the human race and there is no way to stop it . Want to geta good look at the future - then shake rrhandsrr with Freddy!

y.rhat ?,tf"i,ffi1 €tdni+ohl -nd) +

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Page 4: October 1988

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Page 5: October 1988

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Page 6: October 1988


coN MER frSTrorrgcv

jlJ.t-t;, i r


Oetober 23- Novenber 22

ADVfCE - As the moon shifts into its third guarter,your revolving credit accounts will feel the lunarpuII. Remember, Scorpio, just because youtre a sunsign doesnrt mean you can play with f ire. Keep agrip on al l purchases, but specif ical ly automotiveand off ice supply i tems. The end of the month wil lbe a good t ine to buy small kitchen appliances,part icularly four-sl ice toasters, citrus juicersand mini-vacs.

cIFTg FOR A SCORPIO - When your Scorpiatic fr iendrsbirthday rol ls around, donrt waste your t ime withflattering presents. Blunt, obsessive Scorpio hasa rule rrYou canrt deposit compliments in the bankrr.So give the gift that keeps on giving - cold hardc a s h - $ 5 t s , $ t o r s o r $ 2 o t s . I f y o u m u s t b u y agift , then remember Scorpiors exotic but practicaltendencies - e.g. the Chinon 3-D SLR carnera (anddonft forget some free f i lm-developing), DlesaBoogie power tubes, or the Plasma Art ttEye of theStormrr (recently reduced to $SS1.

FAI,IOUS SCORPfO CONSUITERS - The Scorpio consumer isstubborn, obsessive and overbearing - pablo rrDonrtCalI Me An Assholetr Picasso, Marie tr let Them EatCroissantstr Antoinette, and Johnny itBippy/BurbankrlCarson.


Page 7: October 1988

? a"iarne

rrHe Has a Sick Feel incrr l

Dear A&R:

I have a s ick fee l ing in mystomach al l day. At night, Ican bare ly s Ieep. I f I wakeup, I s tay up for hours. Ican ' t t o le ra te any th ing . Isee those s igns tha t say r ILove" w i th the hea r t and Ifee l nervous. Any noise int h e n e i g h b o r h o o d m a k e s m ea n g r y . S o m e t i m e s I t h i n kt h a t n y e a r s a r e h e a r i n ge v e r y t h i n g l o u d e r . W h a t r sw r o n g w i t h m e ? N a p p y a n dUnhappy in Buffalo.

Dear Nappy : The re ' s no th ingwrong wi th you. Everyth ingis get t ing louder . Those r r ILove r r s igns a re nausea t ing .P e o p I e a r e p r o b a b l yconspir ing against you. Theyde l i be ra te l y t ake advan tageo f a l l o f y o u r w e a k n e s s e s .Our adv i ce rnake l o t s o fnoise yoursel f . Conspi ratorsw i l l t h i n k y o u a r e o n e o fthem.

rghe Eats A Lotr t

Dear A&R:

I e a t a I o t . I e s p e c i a l l yI ike to eat food that has ap e r s o n ' s n a m e . F o r e x a m p l e ,f o r b r e a k f a s t I l i k e A u n tJ e m i m a P a n c a k e s a n d J i m m yD e a n s a u s a g e . S o m e t i m e s I

try to match names like to haveM r s . P a u I f i s h s t i c k s w i t h[Paul ] Newman,s sauce on i t . orB e n & J e r r y I c e C r e a m a f t e rU n c l e B e n ' s R i c e . f r m g e t t i n gvery fat. Whatts wrong with me?Getting Fatter in Cali fornia

Dear GF : The re ,s no th ing wrongwith you. Eventually your bodym a y b e i n s e r i o u s p h y s i c a ldanger but as long as you fee lgood , go fo r i t !

rrHe Hates Artr l

Dear A&R:

I can ' t r e la te to a r t . I hea rmus ic bu t I j us t w i sh someonewould turn i t o f f . I s tare atpa in t i ngs and f ' d j us t as soonl o o k a t t h e w a I l . I s t h e r e abook that can help? Whatrs wrongw i t h m e ? G o i n g C r a z y i nMinnesota.

Dear GC: Therets noth ing vr rongw i t h y o u . A l o t o f f a m o u speople hated art and music. Gowith your feel ings.


I f y o u f e e I t i k e s o r n e t h i n g , sw r o n g w i t h y o u , s e n d u s y o u rle t ters and we' I l keep them ins t r i c t e s t c o n f i d e n c e ( u n l e s sthey're so pathetic that we haveto show them to a few f r iendsfor some laughs) . Mai l to A&R,P . O . B o x 2 2 1 - L 3 , S u n s e t , S . F . C A9 4 1 - 2 2

Page 8: October 1988




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