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Page 1: OCTET ENHANCEMENT IK HADRONIC INTERACTIONS BY CHOI …inspirehep.net/record/1325513/files/UBC_1968_A1 C42.pdf · octet enhancement ik hadronic interactions by choi-lai chan b.sc,




B . S c , U n i v e r s i t y o f Hong Kong, 1964-







We a c c e p t t h i s t h e s i s a s c o n f o r m i n g t o the r e q u i r e d s t a n d a r d


J U L Y , 1968

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In p r e s e n t i n g t h i s t h e s i s i n p a r t i a l f u l f i l m e n t o f the r e q u i r e m e n t s

f o r an advanced degree a t the U n i v e r s i t y o f B r i t i s h Columbia, I agree

t h a t t h e L i b r a r y s h a l l make i t f r e e l y a v a i l a b l e f o r r e f e r e n c e and

Study. I f u r t h e r agree t h a t p e r m i s s i o n f o r e x t e n s i v e c o p y i n g o f t h i s

t h e s i s f o r s c h o l a r l y purposes may be g r a n t e d by the Head o f my

Department or by fills r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s . I t i s u n d e r s t o o d t h a t c o p y i n g

or p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h i s t h e s i s f o r f i n a n c i a l g a i n s h a l l not be a l l o w e d

w i t h o u t my w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n .

Department o f

The U n i v e r s i t y o f B r i t i s h Columbia Vancouver 8, Canada

Date 5"^ Aft-. iWS

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In t h i s thesis, a detailed study i s made of the

phenomenon of Octet Enhancement i n hadronic i n t e r a c t i o n s .

A f t e r a survey of the experimental consequences of Octet

Enhancement i s made i n Chapter II, a review and discussion

of the various theories of Octet Enhancement i s given i n

Chapter I I I . In Chapter IV, a general group t h e o r e c t i c a l

discussion, based on an extension of Glashow's Method (S.

L. Glashovr, 1963)» of spontaneous symmetry breaking i s pre­

sented. A general theorem i n connection with spontaneous

symmetry breaking i s stated and proved. The theorem lends

I t s e l f to a number of i n t e r e s t i n g a p p l i c a t i o n s . Among these

i s a demonstration that i f a unitary t r i p l e t exists i n nat­

ure which i s n o n - t r i v i a l l y coupled to the res t of the had-

rons, then Octet Enhancement follows without recourse to

any d e t a i l e d dynamical assumption. In p a r t i c u l a r , the t r i ­

p l e t need not be quarks i n the sense of fundamental b u i l d ­

ing blocks of a l l matter. I t i s al s o demonstrated group

t h e o r e t i c a l l y that mixing can i n p r i n c i p l e occur as a

p a r t i c u l a r form of spontaneous symmetry breaking, i n exact­

l y the same way that a spontaneous mass s p l i t t i n g can occur.

Assuming Octet Dominance i n the symmetry breaking of a de­

generate nonet of vector mesons, i t follows quite generally

that the formulae (i) )n£ & m$ = 2^* and ( i i ) + 3

( C(nZ0 -f su?Q rnjl,)-4-mj!» = Q must hold. Here again, no

- i i -

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- i i i -

dynamical d e t a i l i s required. In Chapter V, a bootstrap

model consisting of an octet of vector mesons i s construct­

ed with which i t i s demonstrated step by step how Octet

Enhancement follows from the i n t r i c a t e working of two dyna­

mical p r i n c i p l e s — (a) the bootstrap hypothesis and (b)

that the mesons p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n the bootstrap must be

phy s i c a l p a r t i c l e s and not ghost states. In Chapter VI,

the model i s extended to study <fi-cv mixing. A phenomenon

which can be interpreted as a "sponteneous" mixing i s

found to i n f a c t occur. Furthermore, formulae (i) and ( i i )

al s o emerge from t h i s model. The only extra assumption be­

sides (a) and (b) that we have to make here i s the mere

"existence" of a unitary s i n g l e t vector meson whose "bare"

mass (the ma.ss of the p a r t i c l e before i t i s embroiled i n the

bootstrap) i s equal to average mass of the octet.

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Abstract . . . . i i

Table of Contents . . . i v

Acknowledgement v i

Chapter I -- Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter II — Experimental Consequences of Octet Enhancement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1. What i s Octet Enhancement? . . . . 9

2. Octet Enhancement i n Electromagnetic Interactions 13

3* Data from Nuclear Physics 20

Chapter III — Various Theories of Octet Enhancement 25

1. The Quark Model . . . . . . . . . . 25

2. The Mixing Model . . . . . . . . . 2?

3. The Tadpole Model . . . . . . . . . 33

k. The Bootstrap Model 37

Chapter IV — Group Theoretical Treatment of Spontan­eous Symmetry Breaking ' k6

1. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking . . . 4 6

2. Group Theoretical Treatment of Spon­taneous Symmetry Breaking i n an S.U (3) Symmetric Bootstrap Contain­ing Eight Baryons 4 8

3. Generalized Group Theoretical Treat­ment of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking 50

4 . Applications of the General Results 62

Chapter V Octet Enhancement i n a Bootstrap Model 85

1. The Bootstrap Hypothesis 8 5

2. Basic Assumptions i n S-Matrix Theory 90

i v

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- V -

3. Octet Enhancement i n a Bootstrap

Model of Vector Mesons 105

4. Miscellaneous Remarks . . . . . . 115

Chapter VI — 4-co Mixing i n a Bootstrap Model of

Vector Mesons 124

1. Introduction 124

2. The Vector Nonet Model 125 Appendix 1 — Crossing Matrices 1 39 Appendix 2 — Comments on the V a l i d i t y of the Para­

metrized One Pole Approximation . . . 143

Bibliography . • 148

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I am deeply g r a t e f u l to Prof. M. McMillan f o r

suggesting the t r u l y rewarding research topic i n thi s thesis

and f o r h i s invaluable advice and encouragement.

I would l i k e to take t h i s opportunity to express

my sincerest gratitude to Prof. W. Opechowski f o r his kind­

ness and help during my graduate years i n U.B.C.

I am al s o g r a t e f u l to Prof. E. Vogt f o r a conversa­

t i o n i n connection with the charge dependence of nuclear

forces and to Prof. S. Coleman f o r several conversations

held a t Erice i n connection with the present status of the

theories of Octet Enhancement.

As regards f i n a n c i a l support, I am gr a t e f u l to the

National Research Council of Canada f o r a Studentship.

- v i -

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At the present time, whatever l i t t l e that one under­

stands about Hadronic Physics comes from the ex p l o i t a t i o n of

two mathematical techniques, one an a l y t i c and the other


The use of the algebraic techniques started from

the discovery of Isospin i n nuclear physics (W. Heisenberg,

1 9 3 2 ; B. Cassen and E. U. Condon, 1 9 3 6 ; E. P. Wigner, 1937)

which was l a t e r extended to F i e l d Theory (N. Kemmer, 1 9 3 8 ) .

So f a r as electromagnetic and weak interactions can be neg­

lected, i t was found that the strong i n t e r a c t i o n i s invariant

under a group SU ( 2 ) , which leads to the conservation of

is o s p i n . Later, the discovery of strange p a r t i c l e s ( G . D.

Rochester and C. C. Butler, 1947) l e d subsequently to the

discovery of another good quantum number i n strong i n t e r ­

actions, strangeness (M. Gell-Mann, 1 9 5 3 . 1 9 5 6 ; T. Nakano

and K. Nishijima, 1 9 5 3 ; K. Nishijima, 1 9 5 5 ) . the conserva­

t i o n of which depends on the Invariance under a c e r t a i n gauge

transformation. In the l a t e r half of the f i f t i e s , many

v a l i a n t e f f o r t s were made to uncover an underlying inexact

symmetry group that would contain the above two groups as

subgroups (M. Gell-Mann, 1 9 5 7 ; J . Schwinger, 1 9 5 7 )• The


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f i n a l answer came i n 1961 i n the form of the "Eight-fold Way"

or octet v e r s i o n of SU(3) symmetry (M. Gell-Mann, 1 9 6 l ;

Ne'eman, 1 9 6 l ; M . Gell-Mann and Y . Ne'eman, 1 9 6 4 ) . Later came

the discovery of higher symmetry groups such as SU(6) (see F.J.

Dyson, 1966 f o r reference) and the use of the current algebras

(see S. L. Adler and R. Dashen, 1968 f o r reference). We are

not going to dwell on the l a s t two developments.

The a n a l y t i c technique i s usually used i n the form

of d i s p e r s i o n r e l a t i o n s f o r S-matrix elements and these, when

combined with unitary (conservation of probability) and cross­

ing symmetry (concept of an a n t i - p a r t i c l e ) provide a most con­

venient framework f o r some of the r e l a t i v e l y f r u i t f u l ideas

ofhydronic dynamics, among these the bootstrap hypothesis, (see

Chapter v)• There i s no reason why the bootstrap hypothesis

cannot be b u i l t on a framework of Lagrangian F i e l d Theory;

that i s , provided a reasonably usable such theory e x i s t s . In

the S-matrlx Theory, where the a n a l y t i c approach i s f u l l y im­

plemented, most of the divergence d i f f i c u l t i e s i n a Lagrangian

f i e l d theory can be circumvented. Hence, i t i s owing to such

theories that p h y s i c i s t s were able to reap most of the q u a l i ­

t a t i v e or semi-quantitative r e s u l t s i n hadronic physics.

Some of the recent works i n p a r t i c l e physics are

connected with the der i v a t i o n of algebraic symmetries using

the a n a l y t i c technique (E. Abers, F. Zachariasen and C.

Zernach, 1 9 6 3 ; R. H. Capps, 1 9 6 3 a ; Hong-Mo Chan, P. C.

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D e C e l l e s and J . E . P a t o n , 1 9 6 3 , 196k; A . W. M a r t i n a n d K . C . W a l i ,

1963» 196^°, R. B l a n k e n b e c l e r , D . D . Coon a n d S . M. Boy, 1 9 6 7 ) .

The a c h i e v e m e n t s , t h o u g h a s y e t modest , a r e e n c o u r a g i n g .

I t i s a l m o s t a n i n e v i t a b l e f a c t a b o u t s y m m e t r i e s

t h a t t h e y a r e made t o be b r o k e n . I t has b e e n c l e a r f r o m t h e

b e g i n n i n g , i n t h e c a s e o f SU(3) f o r example, t h a t t h e symmetry

b r e a k i n g e f f e c t s a r e g e n e r a l l y l a r g e a n d must be i n c l u d e d i n

o r d e r t o a c h i e v e a c o r r e c t d e s c r i p t i o n o f any b u t t h e c r u d e s t

f e a t u r e s o f t h e h a d r o n s p e c t r u m . T h u s , s u c h a symmetry w o u l d

have b e e n a l m o s t c o m p l e t e l y u s e l e s s i f i t i s b r o k e n i n a h a p ­

h a z a r d f a s h i o n . F o r t u n a t e l y , i t i s a l w a y s b r o k e n i n a

r e m a r k a b l y e l e g a n t way. As a m a t t e r o f f a c t , t h e "medium

s t r o n g " a n d t h e e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c v i o l a t i o n s o f SU (3) a p p e a r t o

f o l l o w a c h a r a c t e r i s t i c p a t t e r n , i n t h a t the v i o l a t i o n s w h i c h

t r a n s f o r m l i k e components o f a n o c t e t ( " O c t e t Enchancement")

seem t o p r e d o m i n a t e i n n a t u r e ( S . Coleman and S . L . Glashow,

1 9 6 ^ ) . * We c a n see t h i s more e x p l i c i t l y i n a s p e c i f i c example;

by l o o k i n g a t t h e mass s p l i t t i n g m a t r i x ( S . L . Glashow, 1963)

o f a h a d r o n m u l t i p l e t . I t t u r n s out t h a t t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l -

v a l u e s o f t h e masses a r e a l w a y s w e l l f i t t e d i f we assume t h a t

t h i s mass s p l i t t i n g m a t r i x t r a n s f o r m s l i k e t h e e i g h t h component

o f a n o c t e t , w h i c h i n f a c t l e a d s t o t h e G e l l - M a n n Okubo

F o r m u l a (M. G e l l - K a n n , 1 9 6 1 ; S . Okubo, 1 9 6 2 ) . T h i s f a c t c a n

* A r e v i e w o f t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l e v i d e n c e from O c t e t Enhancement w i l l be g i v e n i n C h a p t e r I I o f t h i s t h e s i s .

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be summarized phenomenologically by w r i t i n g down an e f f e c t i v e

Hamiltonian that contains a mass term transforming l i k e the

eighth component of an octet ( J . J . DeSwart, 1963). There i s

no a p r l o i i r e a s o n f o r t h i s to be true. If we believe i n a

dynamical basis f o r the mass spectrum, i t evidently comes from

the strong i n t e r a c t i o n s . I f we believe i n a Lagrangian f i e l d

theory, we could, f o r example, follow Sakural ( J . J . Sakural,

I960. ; S. L. Glashow and H. Gell-Mann, 196l) by saying that

there i s a fundamental coupling between the hadronlc currents

and the vector mesons. One could then b u i l d i n a symmetry

breaking by assuming, f o r example, a coupling between the hyper-

charge current and the unitary s i n g l e t vector meson, or a

coupling between the baryon current and the T=0, Y=0 octet

vector meson, e i t h e r of which gives r i s e to a fundamental

SU(3) v i o l a t i n g i n t e r a c t i o n that transforms l i k e the T=0, Y=0

(eighth) component of an octet. However, one sees immediately

that t h i s i s hardly an answer to the question at hand, even

when one concedes to the ad hoc nature of the assumption. This

i s because the contribution to mass w i l l necessarily be of

second order i n such Interactions, and because of the Clebsch-

Gordan (C-G) decomposition ( J . J . DeSwart, 1963) of the d i r e c t

product of tvro octets as shovm i n (2 . 9 ) • There must be con­

t r i b u t i o n s to mass s p l i t t i n g s that transform l i k e c e r t a i n

components of the 2 7 - p l e t . Such contributions are almost

t o t a l l y absent experimentally. Another current approach to

strong i n t e r a c t i o n dynamics i s to assume that the fundamental

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equations are SU(3) invariant and that the v i o l a t i o n s to SU(3)

set i n as a p a r t i c u l a r but stable sol u t i o n to those equations

(M. Baker and S. L. Glashow, 1 9 6 2 ; M. Suzuki, 1964-a, 1964-b;

fi. E. Cutkosky and P. Tarjanne, 1 9 6 3 ; D. Y. Wong, 1 9 6 5 ; R.

Dashen and S. Frautschi, 1 9 6 5 a ) * Here, the question why

"spontaneous" symmetry breaking should emerge In the octet

pattern again presents I t s e l f . Fortunately, as we s h a l l see

i n l a t e r chapters, the condition f o r Octet Enhancement i n

symmetry breakings that are spontaneous or i n those that are

induced by a fundamental symmetry breaking i n t e r a c t i o n , Is

almost I d e n t i c a l to each other. I t w i l l a l s o be cl e a r that

the same mechanisms that account f o r octet enhancement i n med­

ium strong v i o l a t i o n s would a l s o account f o r octet enhancement

i n electromagnetic e f f e c t s . Hence, i n our studies of Octet

Enhancement, we s h a l l always confine ourselves to spontaneous

symmetry breaking In the strong i n t e r a c t i o n s ; and we believe

that t h i s i s done without loss of generality.

Before plunging i n t o dynamical d e t a i l s , we have, i n

Chapter IV, c a r r i e d out a group t h e o r e t i c a l analysis of spon­

taneous symmetry breaking i n an extension of Glashow's work

(S. L. Glashow, 1 9 6 3 ). We do t h i s i n order to f i n d out, as

comprehensively as possible, how much can be said about

spontaneous symmetry breaking that i s Independent of s p e c i f i c

models and dynamical d e t a i l s . A f t e r s t a t i n g and proving a

general theorem i n connection with spontaneous symmetry

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b r e a k i n g , s e v e r a l i n t e r e s t i n g r e s u l t s emerge a s a p p l i c a t i o n s

o f t h e t h e o r e m . Among t h e s e a r e :

(a) A s t u d y o f t h e ways i n w h i c h SU(3) symmetry c a n be s p o n ­

t a n e o u s l y b r o k e n i n a b o o t s t r a p i n v o l v i n g t h e b a r y o n

o c t e t a l o n e . (A r e - d e r i v a t i o n o f G l a s h o w ' s r e s u l t ) .

(b) I n b o o t s t r a p s i n v o l v i n g more t h a n one m u l t i p l e t , a s t u d y

I s made o f t h e r e l a t i o n s between the p a t t e r n s o f symmetry

b r e a k i n g i n t h e v a r i o u s m u l t i p l e t s .

(c) I t i s f o u n d t h a t i f a h a d r o n i c t r i p l e t e x i s t s i n n a t u r e

w h i c h i s n o n - t r i v i a l l y c o u p l e d t o t h e r e s t o f t h e h a d r o n s ,

t h e n o c t e t enhancement i m m e d i a t e l y f o l l o w s i n d e p e n d e n t l y

o f any d y n a m i c a l d e t a i l . I n p a r t i c u l a r , t h i s t r i p l e t

n e e d n o t be q u a r k s i n t h e sense o f f u n d a m e n t a l b u i l d i n g

b l o c k s o f a l l m a t t e r .

(d) I n m o d e l s c o n t a i n i n g t h e v e c t o r n o n e t , i t i s f o u n d g r o u p -

t h e o r e t i c a l l y t h a t <j) - CO m i x i n g (M. G e l l - M a n n , 1962b;

S . L . Glashow, 1962; J . J . S a k u r a i , 1962) c a n o c c u r a s a

form o f s p o n t a n e o u s symmetry b r e a k i n g . Making t h e s o l e

a s s u m p t i o n t h a t t h e n o n e t " m a s s - s p l i t t i n g m a t r i x " t r a n s ­

forms a s a n a r b i t r a r y l i n e a r c o m b i n a t i o n o f o c t e t

components ( t h a t a r e a l l o w e d by c o n s e r v a t i o n o f i s o s p i n

a n d h y p e r c h a r g e ) . The v e r y a c c u r a t e mass f o r m u l a

i s e s t a b l i s h e d w i t h o u t r e c o u r s e t o any d y n a m i c a l d e t a i l .

A f u r t h e r r e l a t i o n i s f o u n d r e l a t i n g the masses o f the

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n o n e t w i t h t h e m i x i n g a n g l e , w h i c h i s ,

'4w£*-3(covze n<? + Ac*zd wZ>)~r»f = o ( 1 . 2 )

I n p a r t i c u l a r , i f we p u t fry ~ tYi& , we g e t Cta 7B ~ % i n

agreement w i t h r e s u l t s g i v e n by q u a r k models ( s e e , e . g . ;

F. G u r s e y , T . D . Lee a n d M. Na.uenberg, 1 9 6 4 ; G . z w e i g ,

1 9 6 5 ) .

(e) I t i s a l s o shown e x p l i c i t l y how mass s p l i t t i n g s i n t h e

o c t e t p a t t e r n a n d (J) - CO m i x i n g t e n d t o enhance e a c h

o t h e r . T h u s , we would r a t h e r f a v o u r t h e i d e a t h a t t h e r e

i s a " b o o t s t r a p p i n g " o f t h e s e e f f e c t s , t h a n t h e a s s e r t i o n

t h a t one i s t h e cause o f t h e o t h e r a s i n S a k u r a l ' s (j) - CO

m i x i n g model ( J . J . S a k u r a l , 1 9 6 2 , 1 9 6 3 ) .

T h e r e e x i s t now a t l e a s t f o u r d i s t i n c t d y n a m i c a l

t h e o r i e s o f O c t e t Enhancement, w h i c h we a r e g o i n g t o r e v i e w I n

C h a p t e r I I I . Among t h e s e , t h e f i r s t t h r e e — t h e q u a r k m o d e l s ,

t h e $ - OJ m i x i n g model a n d t h e T a d p o l e Model ( S . Coleman and

S . L . Glashow, 1 9 6 4 ) — have b u i l t i n O c t e t Enhancement a t t h e

v e r y o u t s e t . The l a s t m o d e l , the B=A b o o t s t r a p model (R.

Dashen a n d S . F r a u t s c h i , 1 9 6 5 & ) » w h i c h employed t h e a n a l y t i c

t e c h n i q u e t o s t u d y a g r o x i p - t h e o r e t i c a l p r o b l e m , v i z ; t h e way

i n w h i c h a symmetry b r e a k s down, i s t h e o n l y model t h a t s u c c e e d ­

ed i n g i v i n g O c t e t Enhancement a d y n a m i c a l e x p l a n a t i o n . S i n c e

a l l t h e dynamics have b e e n fed: i n a t t h e v e r y o u t s e t , i t i s

d i f f i c u l t i n t h i s model t o g a i n much i n s i g h t I n t o t h e mechan-

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isms that bring about Octet Enhancement. In Chapter V, we

s h a l l construct another bootstrap model which, though admit­

tedly l e s s r e a l i s t i c when compared with the B-A model,

enables us to see step by step how Octet Enhancement follows

from the i n t r i c a t e working of two simple dynamical require­

ments, which are (a) the bootstrap condition and (b) that the

p a r t i c l e s involved i n the bootstrap must be physical p a r t i c l e s

and not ghost st a t e s . In Chapter VI, the model i s extended

to study a phenomenon which can be interpreted as "spontaneous"

0-U) mixing. This, probably, i s the f i r s t model In which

0 - Oi mixing comes out as a dynamical consequence. In addi­

t i o n , we again obtained the mass rel a t i o n s (1.1) and (1.2).

Note that i n t h i s dynamical c a l c u l a t i o n , i t i s not necessary

to make assumptions about the octet transformation property

of the symmetry breaking as we have done i n the group theore­

t i c a l treatment. This, Octet Enhancement, comes out now as

a dynamical consequence of the c a l c u l a t i o n .

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1. What Is Octet Enhancement?

The remarkable success of SU(3) symmetry, apart from

c l a s s i f i c a t i o n of elementary p a r t i c l e s and resonances into

multiplets, l i e s i n the p a r t i c u l a r l y elegant way In which i t

Is broken. One of the f i r s t successes of the "Eight-fold Way"

i s the so-called Gell-Mann Okubo Formula (GMO Formula) which

was f i r s t derived by Gell-Mann (M. Gell-Mann, 1961) f o r a

unitary octet and subsequently generalized by Okubo (S. Okubo,

1962) to any unitary m u l t i p l e t . I t i s well-known that the

r e l a t i o n s

2W(N)+2rr>(B) = 3tn(A) + rn(z) (2.1)

4 rr>(kf = J w ^ y V ^ r V O 2 (2.2)

m ( Y * ) - t » ( N $ ) = n(s£)-*(Y,*)=»'(n')-»>(Sj£) (2.3)

which follow from the more general formula

{ 1+ *Y+b[l(M~JrY2]} (2.10

where m denotes masses, 1 hypercharge and I t o t a l isospin, are

s a t i s f i e d to a very remarkable degree of accuracy. As a matter

of f a c t , the existence and the mass of the XT was predicted


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( M . Gell-Mann, 1962a) before i t was discovered (Barnes et. a l ,

1964) and i s often c i t e d as the major success of the unitary

symmetry scheme.

I t i s important to r e c a l l , however, that the formulae

( 2 . l ) - ( 2 . 4 ) , the GMO Formulae, are not consequences of SU(3)

symmetry. F u l l unitary symmetry i n f a c t requires members of

the same multipl e t to have the same mass. The GMO Formula a r i s e s

by r e q u i r i n g that SU(3) symmetry i s only approximate and that

i t Is broken i n a p a r t i c u l a r simple way. As we s h a l l see, even

when one requires Isospin and hypercharge conservation to be

preserved, SU(3) symmetry can be broken i n more than one way,

gi v i n g r i s e to formulae quite d i f f e r e n t from the GMO Formulae.

We s h a l l i l l u s t r a t e t h i s as follows. Neglecting the

e f f e c t of electromagnetic and weak inte r a c t i o n s on p a r t i c l e

masses, we s h a l l assume that the strong i n t e r a c t i o n can be

represented by a Hamiltonian Hs^, and that t h i s Hamiltonian

can be e f f e c t i v e l y broken i n t o two parts,

H s t = H s t + H s t m ( 2 * ^

where H g ° i s the so-called very strong part which Is Invariant

under SU(3) transformations, and H ^ i s the so-called medium

strong part which breaks SU(3) symmetry and s t i l l preserves

i s o s p i n and hypercharge conservation. Hence, the mass d i f f e r ­

ences within an SU(3) multiplet can only come from H^t. We

s h a l l not concern ourselves here with the question whether the

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medium strong i n t e r a c t i o n s must be introduced at the outset,

or whether they a r i s e by some kind of spontaneous symmetry

breakdown. Let us consider the masses of an octet of baryons,

f o r Instance. We denote the r e s t states of these p a r t i c l e s

by > *~ l ' 2 ' ' We s h a l l make the usual assumption (see, , . m

e.g., J. J. DeSwart, 1963) that transforms as a single

i r r e d u c i b l e tensor I *» where labels the i r r e d u c i b l e

representation of SU(3) and Y, I, I z denotes the hypercharge,

t o t a l i s o s p i n , Z-component of Isospin of the p a r t i c u l a r mem-T- f/O y,l,l^ trans­

forms. m

Since E s t must s t i l l be invariant under i s o s p i n

rotations and hypercharge gauge transformations, we must have

Y=I=I z =0, f o r a i r r e d u c i b l e tensor with non-zero hypercharge

w i l l change i t s phase under hypercharge gauge transformations

and the only i s o s p i n invariant object i s an i s o s c a l a r . Hence

one must have,

rts> / 0,0,0 Now, the mass of the baryons are

*Our notations as regards SU(3) follows DeSwart's review a r t i c l e ( J . J . DeSwart, 1963) as c l o s e l y as possible. Readers are r e f e r r e d to the said a r t i c l e f o r matters concern­ing SU(3) symmetry scheme.

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— .-f <5"mt- ( 2 e ? )

where ^ i s Independent of i , and

swi = l «r/*> ~ ^ I r4» l*> . (2-8)

We assume that transforms as { 8 J . For S^i to

be non-zero, we know from the Wigner-Eckart Theorem that the

representation must be contained i n the decomposition

W*<?W = \>)®\s\@\8\'®\<o)®\>o}*'®\2i\ (2 .9)

Now the representations \±o\ and { lOJ* contain no

neutral l s o s l n g l e t and hence must be rejected as candidates

f o r I 0 j 0 0 . The only a l t e r n a t i v e s l e f t are

(a) HsT ^ ~To)o)o

w MT ~ T o t

HsT ~. T i t ( o ) Hst- o,o,o

(a), being invariant under SU(3), does not give r i s e to any

mass s p l i t t i n g within the octet. I f one assumes (b), one ends

up with the GMO formula ( 2 . 1 ) , which, as we have said, i s well

s a t i s f i e d experimentally. If one assumes (c), we get the

formula ( J . J . DeSwart, 1963)

yynN + m~ = St*-?- (2.10)

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which i s not correct experimentally.

Similar situations p r e v a i l , not only i n the baryon

octet, but also i n meson octet and i n other multiplets such as

the baryon decuplet. The correct mass formulae ( 2 . 1 ) - ( 2 . 4 )

emerge as long as we assume that the medium strong i n t e r a c t i o n

transforms as the i s o - s i n g l e t component of an octet. The

phenomenon that the octet transformation property i s p r e f e r r ­

ed over the 2 7-plet transformation property f o r the i n t e r a c t i o n

Hamiltonian i s known as Octet Enhancement.

2. Octet Enhancement i n Electromagnetic Interactions

only i n medium strong i n t e r a c t i o n s . I t has been observed by

Coleman and Glashow (S. Coleman and S. L. Glashow, 1964) that

electromagnetic mass s p l i t t i n g s a l so show such enhancement.

Let us look at the simple case of electromagnetic mass s p l i t -

The e f f e c t of Octet Enhancement manifests i t s e l f not

t i n g i n the i s o t r i p l e t (2*s 2 ^ J "0 . To preserve charge

conservation, vie know that the mass matrix

Mj* o o

o Mz° o

o o

( 2 . 1 1 )

must be expandable i n the form

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tensor with I»I Z denoting t o t a l i s o s p i n and the 3 r d component

of i s o s p i n r e s p e c t i v e l y . Terms higher than "]~2 do not appear

on account of the Wlgner-Eckart Theorem.

The matrices ~Jj° are normalised properly as follows:

I t follows from (12) and (13) that

( 2 . 1 3 )


The matrices can e a s i l y be calculated from SU(2)

Clebsch-Gordan (C-G) c o e f f i c i e n t s , y i e l d i n g

T,° = JL ~ l o o POO o o *\

V J L l o o 0 -2 o O O I

( 2 . 1 5 )

( 2 . 1 6 )

From ( 2 . 1 4 ) , ( 2 . 1 5 ) and ( 2 . 1 6 ) we have,


AM 0 ) =

AM® -

( 2 . 1 7 )

( 2 . 1 8 )

Before we look at the experimental value of A M 0 )

and A M ® t l e t us examine what vie would expect from a crude

t h e o r e t i c a l estimation. We make the usual assumption that the

photon i s coupled to the e l e c t r i c charge of the p a r t i c l e . In

the case of the2"-hyperon, which has zero hypercharge, the

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1 5

b a s i c electromagentic Interaction transforms l i k e

charge ^/ T^ 0 ( 2 . 1 9 )

The electromagnetic self-energy of the p a r t i c l e must at l e a s t

be of second order i n electromagnetic Interaction since a photon

emitted must be reabsorbed. Because of the weakness of the

i n t e r a c t i o n , we expect the second order e f f e c t to dominate.

Hence the self-mass transforms as

2 o 2 (charge) ~ (T ) ( 2 . 2 0 )

• i ? T * ' * k l ? ( 2 - 2 i )

Form ( 2 1 ) , one would expect that the electromagnetic mass s p l i t s

t i n g that transforms l i k e T^ 0 would dominate over that trans­

forming l i k e Tj 0, since the l a t t e r can only come from higher

order e f f e c t s . That i s , one expects

A M ^ / A M ^ 0 ( 2 . 2 2 )

We have not looked, however, into the d e t a i l e d structure of the

X-nyperons which may somehow suppress the contribution to AM® .*

* I t i s i n t e r e s t i n g to note, i n conjunction with ( 2 . 2 2 ) , that the electromagnetic self-mass of the % -hyperon, due to emission and absorption of a single photon, can be computed un­ambiguously. Of course, f o r such computations one needs the Z electromagentic form factors which are not a v a i l a b l e experi­mentally; but these can be deduced from the well-known nucleon form-factors using unitary symmetry. This kind of calculations have been c a r r i e d out by Coleman and Schnitzer (see R» Socolow, 1 9 6 5 ) and they found 1* = -0-7, 2 _-J°= 1-4- . From t h i s we can c a l c u l a t e the r a t i o of AM0> to AWZ) due to a photon exchange

W> I _ 0 59

This i s very f a r from the experimental value given i n ( 2 . 2 5 ) ,

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In any case, I f experimental r e s u l t s depart too s i g n i f i c a n t l y

from ( 2 . 2 2 ) , we have some explaining to do.

Taking the experimental masses of the ]T-hyperons

and s u b s t i t u t i n g i n t o (2.17) and ( 2.18), we get

A M 0 ) = 5C MeV ( 2 . 2 3 )

= OH bfeV (2.24)

so that

AM(0/AM(Z) S" 8 ( 2 . 2 5 )

This i s very f a r from our expectation ( 2 . 2 2 ) .

Since the strong i n t e r a c t i o n i s mainly responsible

f o r the structure of the hadrons, i t seems l i k e l y , i f there Is

an explanation f o r t h i s kind of anomaly, that t h i s explanation

should come from the strong Interactions. That i s , there i s

something i n the strong interactions that enhances the part of

electromagnetic e f f e c t s that transforms l i k e an i s o t r i p l e t i n

preference to that part which transforms l i k e an isoquintet.

I f we r e c a l l that Coleman and Glashow (S. Coleman and S. L.

Glashow, 196l) derived sum rules f o r electromagnetic mass-

s p l i t t i n g s within unitary multiplets by ignoring medium strong

i n t e r a c t i o n and got very good agreement with experiment, we

showing that there must be something that enhances the A\?S~^ part and suppresses the part i n the electromagnetic s e l f -energy.

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would be surprised i f the enhancement e f f e c t comes from the

medium strong part of the strong Interactions. So Coleman and

Glashow (S. Coleman and S. L. Glashow, 1964) were forced to

conjecture that the enhancement e f f e c t comes from the very-

strong part of the strong i n t e r a c t i o n s . Now the very strong

i n t e r a c t i o n i s completely invariant under SU(3), so that i n

the absence of symmetry breaking interactions l i k e the medium

strong i n t e r a c t i o n , we have complete isotropy within the same

unitary m u l t i p l e t . In p a r t i c u l a r , one would not be able to

t e l l which member belongs to which is o m u l t l p l e t as long as

they belong to the same unitary m u l t i p l e t . Hence the very

strong i n t e r a c t i o n w i l l be u t t e r l y incapable to enhance the

i s o t r i p l e t over the isoquintet i f they both belong to the same

unitary m u l t i p l e t . But i t can enhance the unitary octet over

the 2 7 - p l e t o In that case, the i s o t r i p l e t w i l l be automati­

c a l l y enhanced since the octet contains only i s o t r i p l e t but no

isoquintet although the unitary 2 7-plet contains both. We see

here that the same kind of mechanism operates here as i n the

medium strong i n t e r a c t i o n , v i z ; Octet Enhancement. This was

why Coleman and Glashow coined the name "Universal Octet

Enhancement" f o r such e f f e c t s .

At t h i s juncture one i s tempted to look into other

i s o t r i p l e t s to see whether s i m i l a r anomalies occur. The re­

s u l t of such a search i s not very f r u i t f u l due to d i f f e r e n t

reasons f o r baryons and mesons.

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(a) Baryons; I f we look at other baryon i s o t r i p l e t s

such as the , the experimental error Involved In the measure­

ment of t h e i r masses i s so large that sensible values f o r the

masses of d i f f e r e n t members of the t r i p l e t are simply not

a v a i l a b l e . In some cases, the charged members of the t r i p l e t

have r e l a t i v e l y well-defined mass but the mass of the neutral

component has not been determined by any experiment.

(b) Mesons: Let us look at the pseudoscalar t r i p ­

l e t ( TT+j Tf°* TT~ ). i n t h i s case, the two charged members of

the t r i p l e t are related by charge conjugation and due to CPT

invariance, they must have the same mass. Consequently,

A M 0 ^ i s compelled by a very stringent "kinematic" symmetry to

be zero. Thus i t seems quite Impossible to make a sensible

comparison between A M 0 > and that could i n any way re­

f l e c t the i n t e r n a l symmetry or lack of i t i n the mesons. How­

ever, b e l i e v i n g that SU(3) Is s t i l l a f a i r l y good symmetry, one

could compare the A M 0 ) as measured i n the K-meson doublet and

the A M ® i n the 7T - t r i p l e t . As suggested by Feynmann, (see

DeSwart, 19&3) o n e should generally use the squared mass f o r

mesons. Then one gets,

which d i f f e r s appreciably from (2.22).

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S i m i l a r s i t u a t i o n s as i n (a) p r e v a i l as one goes to

higher i s o m u l t i p l e t s such as the/S -quartet. The mass resolu­

t i o n between members of the same iso-multiplet i s too poor to

give us a meaningful comparison between the However,

we s h a l l work out the various formulae f o r f o r the cases

1=3/2 and 1=2 f o r future reference. For a r b i t r a r y I, we s h a l l (A)

define the A M 's by

M x ~ i f 4M< ° 7 i ' < 2-2?>

where M i s the mass matrix of the lsomultiplet with i s o s p i n I

and 12 i s the (21+1 ) x (21+1) matrix representation of the i r ­

reducible tensor with t o t a l i s o s p i n i and the t h i r d component

of i s o s p i n zero. These matrices are normalised as

tr (fc°T/) - S§ (2 . 28 )

Then, i t follows from ( 2 . 2 ? ) and (2.28),

= tr(MZfp ( 2 . 2 9 )

Using these formulae, and employing SU(2) C-G co-

e f f i c i e n t s to work out the various matrices , we have, f o r

I = 3/2 l s o m u l t i p l e t

AM(Z)= ^{(M% + M-#)-(M%+M-%)l ( 2 . 3 0 )

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2 0

1 = 2 Isomultlplet

A /vf (*> = j=r ^ M 2 + M-2 + & M 0 - 4-M, - 4 M-i}

J Jio 1

\ . ( 2 . 3 D

Now, I f the notion of Octet Enhancement i s c o r r e c t ,

^ M ^ < £ 2 S M f 0 f o r a l l J l a r g e r than one. Unfortunately, we are

unable to t e s t t h i s r e l a t i o n i n the so-called elementary p a r t i ­

c l e s . The only 1=3/2 iso=,multiplet we know up to now, the A ,

has mass re s o l u t i o n so poor that i t i s impossible to compute

the / ^ M ^ ' s . And to t h i s date, no 1=2 multiplet has yet been

i d e n t i f i e d .

3» Data from Nuclear Physics

We can look to nuclear physics f o r a d d i t i o n a l data.

We have no reason to believe that there should be any funda­

mental difference betv^een what we usually r e f e r to as hadrons

i n p a r t i c l e physics and nuclides i n nuclear physics. Iso-

multiplets of i s o s p i n as high as 3/2 and 2 (see, e.g., Butler

e t . a l , 1 9 6 7 ; G. T. Garvey, J . Cerny and R. Pehl, 1964) have

recently been i d e n t i f i e d i n nuclear physics with f a i r l y w e l l-

defined masses. We could calculate the various A H ^ 1 s by

using ( 2 . 1 7 ) , ( 2 . 1 8 ) , ( 2 . 3 0 ) and ( 2 . 3 1 ) and see whether A M ( 3 }

are r e a l l y small f o r j>l, as they should be i f one requires

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consistency with Octet Enhancement. We must bear i n mind, how­

ever, that the smallness of may be explainable by some

de t a i l e d dynamical calculations i n nuclear physics based on

s p e c i f i c models. In any case, these are necessary consequences

of Octet Enhancement and hence we f i n d i t necessary to check

them. Apart from the f a c t that the v a l i d i t y of the s p e c i f i c

models i s highly suspect, the a p p l i c a b i l i t y of these models

i s a l so of l i m i t e d generality and we f i n d i t somewhat useful

to f i n d a general p r i n c i p l e to explain the l s o m u l t i p l e t mass

s p l i t t i n g In nuclear physics transforms mainly as an i s o t r i p ­

l e t . We have c o l l e c t e d some of the experimental re s u l t s f o r

isomu l t i p l e t s , calculated the numbers A M & and tabulated

them as follows:

Table I; 1 = 1 isomultiplets

A W 1 * (MeV) ^M ( 2 ) (MeV) | 4 M ( 1 ) / * M ( 2 ) |

10 -2.4 0.4 6

12 -2.655 -0 .1615 .16 .4

14 -2.828 0.245 11

16 -2 .61 0.04 65

20 -4 .15 0 .71 6

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Table I I ; I = 3/2 Isomultiplets

A AM*1* (MeV) AM ( 2 )(MeV)

7 - 1 . 2 0 - . 8 1 7 14 . 7

9 - 1 . 3 3 2 . 2 2 7 5 . 9

13 -2.180 .208 . 1 0 . 5

21 - 3 - 5 4 5 .126 28 .2

37 - 6 . 1 7 6 .144 42 . 9

Table I I I ; 1 = 2 isomultiplets

A AM ( 1 )(MeV) AM ( 2 )(MeV) |4M ( 1W 2 )| 16


- 2 . 9 3 "

- 3 . 6 9



1 0 . 3

1 2 . 9

We see from Tables I, II and I I I A (2) that AM i s

s i s t e n t l y about one order of magnitude smaller than A M ( ;

as required by Octet Enhancement. The A M ^ and /\M 4) , wher­

ever they are calculable from the av a i l a b l e experimental data,

are a t l e a s t an order of magnitude smaller than A M ® .

I t i s al s o useful to note that, even i n some of the

simpler nuclides where a f a i r l y r e l i a b l e ' c a l c u l a t i o n of the

coulomb energy can be performed, the coulomb energy so calcu­

l a t e d (Ee) f a l l s short by 40 - 5 0 $ of the experimental value A .

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An example of such a c a l c u l a t i o n i s the one done by Okamoto

on the mass difference of He^ and (K. Okamoto, 1 9 6 4 ) . The

calculated coulomb energy Is found to be E c = 0 . 5 2 ~ 0 . 5 7 MeV,

whereas the experimental mass difference i s A= 0 . 7 6 4 MeV.

Similar r e s u l t s are shown to hold a l s o f o r heavier n u c l e i with

A > 3 » * I f such r e s u l t s are r e a l l y r e l i a b l e , then there i s

charge dependence i n the interactions between the nucleons

that cannot be accounted f o r by a straightforward c a l c u l a t i o n

with electromagnetic i n t e r a c t i o n alone. In other words, there

Is a small (apparent) charge dependence i n the nuclear force

i t s e l f . I t was suggested that, e.g., vector mixing between

J°6and oo' would give r i s e to diagrams l i k e F i g . I which would

give a charge dependent force that i s short ranged and that

w i l l not be incorporated by doing a simple coulomb energy c a l ­

c u l a t i o n .

F i g . I

Calculations with such potentials have a c t u a l l y been

*For reference see: K. Okamoto i n "Isobaric Spin i n Nuclear Physics" - ed. Fox-Eobson, Pg 659-676. The table given i n Pg 675 of the said a r t i c l e shows consistently that Ec i s smaller than A by a sizable f r a c t i o n (about 20 - JQ%).

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performed by Stevens (M. S t . J . Stevens, 1965) who attempted

to explain the discrepancy between A and Ec basing on TT 0-^

mixing. The r e s u l t was considerably improved by taking into

account U)'-f° mixing (B. W. Downs and Y. Nogami, 1967) •

Okamoto and Lucas (K. Okamoto and C. Lucas, 1 9 6 ? ) estimated

the e f f e c t of the above mechanisms on nucleon - nucleon

scattering and found that i t i s consistent with the near

equality of p-p and n-n scattering lengths found experiment­

a l l y . Now, as we s h a l l see i n l a t e r chapters, to'-y^mixing

can both be regarded as cause and consequence of Octet

Enhancement i n electromagnetic i n t e r a c t i o n . Consequently,

the above r e s u l t s i n nuclear physics lend further support to

the idea of Octet Enhancement i n hadronic Interactions.

There are further consequences of Octet Enhancement

i n electromagnetic i n t e r a c t i o n s . For example, r e l a t i o n s can

be found between mass s p l i t t i n g s i n d i f f e r e n t isomultiplets

within the same unitary m u l t i p l e t . For a discussion of t h i s ,

readers are referred to the a r t i c l e by Coleman and Glashow

(S. Coleman and S. L. Glashow, 1 9 6 4 ) .

When the idea of Octet Enhancement was f i r s t pro­

posed (S. Coleman and S. L. Glashow, 1 9 6 4 ) , i t was hoped that

i t would help one understand the|All = §• rule (N. Cabbibo,

1964) i n non-leptonic weak i n t e r a c t i o n s . I t was found l a t e r

that t h i s leads to contradictions (see S. Coleman, 1 9 6 6 ) .

We have therefore concentrated on medium strong and e l e c t r o ­magnetic v i o l a t i o n s .

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In t h i s Chapter, the e s s e n t i a l ideas of e x i s t i n g

theories of Octet Enhancement are~reviewed and discussed.

These include (1) the quark model, (2) the mixing model,

(3) the tadpole model and (4) the bootstrap model.

1 . The Quark Model

The quark model (see, e.g. M. Gell-Mann, 1 9 6 4 ; F.

Gursey, T. D. Lee and M. Nauenberg, 1 9 6 4 ; G. Zweig, 1965)

provide easy "derivations" of the Gell-Mann Okubo Formulae.

We s h a l l describe the simplest of these as an example (G.

Zweig, 1 9 6 5 ) » In t h i s p a r t i c u l a r model, a l l the hadrons are

supposed to be b u i l t up of 3 quarks a l t a 2» a 3 and t h e i r a n t i -

p a r t i c l e s a 1 , a 2 , a^. The quarks a.^ transform according to the

defining representation J 3 | of SU(3) and the anti-quarks a 1

i n accordance with ^3 } ' *« Let us consider the simple case of

the octet of pseudoscalar mesons, which are considered to be

quark-antiquark bound states, with

|7r*>= l^a,} . J T T - > =


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To derive the "medium strong" mass s p l i t t i n g , one assumes

sfri(at) = rn(a') = fn^) ~ r"(az) - m0 ( 3 . 2 )

yfyt(as) - rvi(o}) =(l + A)rn0 ( 3 . 3 )

where m denotes the mass.


where E 1 ^ i s the binding energy between a* and a^. Making the

assumption that a l l mass s p l i t t i n g flows from the assumed mass

difference between a^ and the other two quarks, so that a l l

dependence of on 1 and j comes from A, one gets

Ey = E0+A(8C

3+&\)E' + 0(A>) ( 3 . 4 )

( 3 . 2 ) and ( 3 . 3 ) can be summarized by

4n(a*)= 0 + S{3A)ni0 ( 3 . 5 )

m(*f) = (l+fyA)w0 ( 3 . 6 )

Hence m (a

caj) = 2 ^ 0 - E 0 + (Sc

g + 6*d) (M0-E')A + 0(1?) ( 3 - 7 )

Using ( 3 . 1 ) and (3«7) i we can calculate the masses of 7 T , K and ^

(m(rr) = r»(n+) = 2^0 -EP *- 0(A2)

ry)(k) =M(kt)= 2 m 0 - E 0 + A(mp-E')+0(Az)

= 2m0-Eo +jA(n0"E') +0CA 2)

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From ( 3 « 8 ), one gets the r e l a t i o n

<n>(rr) + StnCn) = £<m(k) ( 3 . 9 )

which i s the Gell-Mann Okubo Relation. GMO equations f o r

other hadronlc multiplets are also obtainable from the quark

models. D e t a i l s are a v a i l a b l e i n the Interesting a r t i c l e by

G. Zweig (G. Zweig, 1 9 6 5 ) . Similar conclusions about octet

enhancement from quark model were obtained recently under less

r e s t r i c t i v e conditions (see, e.g., P. Feldman, H. R. Rubinstein

and I. Talml, 1 9 6 6 ; H. R. Rubinstein, I 9 6 6 ) . In Chapter IV,

we s h a l l show that i f there exists i n nature a hadronic t r i p ­

l e t which i s n o n - t r i v l a l l y coupled to the rest of the hadrons,

then Octet Enhancement immediately follows. The conclusion i s

based on a group t h e o r e t i c a l argument and i s independent of

any dynamical d e t a i l . In p a r t i c u l a r , t h i s t r i p l e t need not be

quarks In the sense of fundamental b u i l d i n g blocks of a l l


Unless and u n t i l t r i p l e t s are discovered experiment­

a l l y , the foregoing cannot be considered a serious theory of

Octet Enhancement.

2. The Mixlna; Model

If SU(3) symmetry i s exact, the quantum numbers

l a b e l l i n g the various unitary multiplets — the eigenvalues

of the Caslmir Operators (see DeSwart, 1963) — w i l l be con­served and no mixing between the various multiplets can occur.

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In p a r t i c u l a r , the two i s o s l n g l e t vector mesons known experi­

mentally should be I d e n t i f i e d as a unitary s i n g l e t and a u n i t ­

ary octet component respe c t i v e l y . But i n the case when SU(3)

symmetry i s only approximate, the two physical i s o s l n g l e t

vector mesons can be l i n e a r combinations of the two states with

d e f i n i t e SU(3) transformation properties. This phenomenon i s

c a l l e d 0~UJ mixing. This may happen when there i s a fundamental

SU(3) breaking i n t e r a c t i o n or t h i s can happen spontaneously.

As we s h a l l show i n a general group t h e o r e t i c a l discussion i n

Chapter IV, mixing can i n p r i n c i p l e occur as one of the

possible forms of spontaneous symmetry breaking. That i t

a c t u a l l y comes out of a dynamical c a l c u l a t i o n w i l l be demons­

trated i n a s p e c i f i c model i n Chapter VI.

I t was observed by Sakurai ( J . J . Sakural, 1 9 6 2 , 1963)

that neither the 6J(780) or the 0(1020) vector meson possesses a

mass s a t i s f y i n g the GMO Formula when one takes the 'p and the

K* mesons to complete the octet. This l e d him to suggest that

the U) and the fi mesons are l i n e a r superpositions of the form

' \4>y ~ c^e\co8} + s^Qlco'} ( 3 . 1 0 )

where [OJ'y i s a pure unitary s i n g l e t , and \C0*y i s the 1=0 mem­

ber of a pure unitary octet.

Since ( 0y and f oS? are physical states, the mass matrix

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with these two states as basis w i l l be diagonal. Because of

( 3 « 1 0 ) , t h i s w i l l not be true f o r the mass matrix with respect

to the b a s i s { |o>8>, l b ) 1 } } . In fa c t , i t w i l l be of the form

M = ( 3 . 1 D

8 1

The f i e l d operators of the "vector mesons" 0d and 60

w i l l s a t i s f y a Proca Equation (see P. Roman, 1 9 6 4 , pg 105-106)

[cv'j [T«). (3-12)

where CO^, 00^ j J J . - tj2,34, are the f i e l d operators and Jjf'*, t h e i r sources. Sakural assumed SU(3) symmetry apart

from 0-&> mixing, so that J^ a } and j£ S i transform l i k e a

unitary s i n g l e t and the 1=0 component of a unitary octet re­

spec t i v e l y . The e f f e c t i v e Langrangian that gives r i s e to

( 3 . 1 2 ) w i l l contain a term,

This i s the only part of the f u l l Langrangian that i s non-

invariant under SU(3) and since C0^ i s SU(3) invariant and

OJpi transforms l i k e the 1=0 component of an octet, the

Hamiltonian EA w i l l transform l i k e the 1=0 component of an

octet. H^ w i l l give r i s e to t r a n s i t i o n s between and

\tiS*~y which are represented by the diagram shown i n F i g . I .

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F i g . I

To obtain Octet Enhancement, Sakural ( J . J . Sakurai,

1963) assumed that the p r i n c i p a l contribution to symmetry

breaking i s due to Interactions involving F i g . I. For ex­

ample, the mass s p l i t t i n g s of the baryons, pseudoscalar mesons

and vector mesons were assumed to be due mainly to self-energy

graphs of the form shown i n F i g . I I .


The v e r t i c e s represented by the b i g c i r c l e s O a^e SU(3) i n ­

va r i a n t . The heavy l i n e s connecting two such v e r t i c e s stand

f o r a l l strongly i n t e r a c t i n g states with the correct quantum

numbers. Each of the matrix element represented by diagrams

i n F i g . II has octet transformation properties. Hence the

self-mass matrix of any of these multiplets w i l l transform

l i k e the 1=0 component of an octet. And t h i s , as we have

seen, gives r i s e to the GMO Formula.

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We s h a l l I l l u s t r a t e t h i s l a s t point by a s p e c i f i c

example. Let us take the diagram i n F i g . II (a) f o r the

baryon octet and consider the contribution to s e l f mass due

to the baryon octet only f o r s i m p l i c i t y . Assume that the BBV

coupling i s cx times D-coupling and (/-oO F-coupllng (see S.

Gasiorowlcz, 1966, pg. 281). The relevant part of t h i s SU(3)

invariant Interaction i s

and the mixing e f f e c t i v e Lagrangian i s


XA 00s +• cosco'j ( 3 . 1 5 )

We have l e f t out the spinor matrices and coordinate indices

f o r s i m p l i c i t y . With these, the self-mass to the baryon octet

can be calculated, r e s u l t i n g i n the self-mass matrix. 0 0 »-*




2a 2a

2a -3+2*



( 3 . 1 6 )

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The mass matrix on the right-hand side of ( 3 . 1 6 ) transforms as

the 1=0 component of a unitary octet. As a matter of f a c t , i t

can be e a s i l y checked that the mass-splittings obey the GMO


2(SnN+&ns) ** 3*MA + Z>r>2 ( 3 . 1 7 )

To account f o r Octet Enhancement i n electromagnetic

mass s p l i t t i n g (L. E. Picasso, L. A. E a d i c a t t i , D. P. Zanello

and J . J . Sakurai, 1 9 6 5 ), i t i s only necessary to assume that

there i s a mixing between f° and CA)' , which w i l l be described >

by the e f f e c t i v e Hamiltonian,

fls = £msi'(vrfM 0+fr o*>r) ( 3 . 1 8 )

Since t h i s i n t e r a c t i o n v i o l a t e s not only SU(3) sym­

metry but also charge independence, the coupling tV^/ i s 2 2

expected to be of order 6 , where e i s the e l e c t r i c charge

of the electron.

One d i f f i c u l t y about t h i s model i s that i t i s necess­

ary to assume that the mixing between f b and CO8 i s very small

since otherwise i t would be d i f f i c u l t to understand why the

Coleman-Glashow sum rule (S. Coleman and S. L. Glashox?, 1 9 6 l ,

1 9 6 4 ) , i s so well s a t i s f i e d . If f°-C0 8 mixing i s not n e g l i g i b l e ,

then there w i l l be a term i n the Hamiltonian

( 3 . 1 9 )

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with transformation property given by

where the states are l a b e l l e d asj{n},Y,I,Iz^> . Hence, i f an

i n t e r a c t i o n l i k e ( 3 . 1 9 ) e x i s t s , there w i l l be terms i n the

electromagnetic mass s p l i t t i n g that transforms l i k e {27} as

well as terms l i k e .{lO} and {lOj*. (The " i s o t r i p l e t enhance­

ment" pattern, however, i s s t i l l I n t a c t ) .

One simple-minded way to explain t h i s small mixing,

i s to note that a f t e r medium strong mass s p l i t t i n g has set i n , 1 8 the mass of 00 l i e s c l o s e r to j> than does (A> (see F i g . 3 of

J . J . Sakurai, 1 9 6 3 ), rendering a mixing between 601 and o 0

easier than between 60 and f *

3 . The Tadpole Model

To account f o r Octet Enhancement, Coleman and

Glashow (S. Coleman and S. L. Glashow, 1964) postulated the

existence of an octet of s c a l a r mesons, an i s o s l n g l e t ,

an i s o t r i p l e t TC* and a doublet K/ with a n t i - p a r t i c l e s K ' .

As we s h a l l see, the so-called "scalar mesons" need not be

r e a l physical p a r t i c l e s i n order to produce the desired

e f f e c t . The s c a l a r i s o s l n g l e t , except f o r the f a c t that

i t transforms l i k e a member of an octet and that i t may have

non-zero mass, has exactly the same quantum number as the

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vacuum, i.e Q=Y=I=Iz=0, J = 0 + , G=l and so on.

Hence, i f an e f f e c t i v e SU(3) breaking medium strong

i n t e r a c t i o n exists (this i n t e r a c t i o n may be fundamental or

may come from a spontaneous symmetry breaking) which contains

a part transforming l i k e the 1=0 member of an octet, there i s

no a p r i o r i reason to suppose that a v i r t u a l /^ / carrying zero

4-momenta cannot be created from vacuum. Subsequently there

e x i s t s the p o s s i b i l i t y of diagrams of the form shown i n

F i g . I l l , which, f o r obvious reasons, are usually referred

to as tadpole diagrams.

I f such diagrams e x i s t , then there i s a class of

Feynmann diagrams that contribute to symmetry v i o l a t i n g pro­

cesses. These diagrams are shown i n F i g . IV.

F i g . I l l

(a) (b) (c) FIG. IV

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The tadpoles are connected to the oval-shaped vertex

parts, which are assumed to be SU(3) Invariant. Because of

the appearance of , the whole amplitude transforms l i k e the

1=0 member of an octet. The fundamental assumption made by-

Col eman and Glashow i s that symmetry v i o l a t i n g processes are

dominated by symmetry breaking tadpole diagrams.* Evidently,

Octet Enhancement i n electromagnetic i n t e r a c t i o n can be ac­

counted f o r by replacing the ^ ' l i n e i n F i g . IV by Tt'° meson.

There i s one advantage here of the tadpole model

over the mixing model. As we have seen, to account f o r

Octet Enhancement i n electromagnetic i n t e r a c t i o n using the

mixing model, i t i s necessary to assume, with no convincing o S

argument, that the mixing between j> and CO i s n e g l i g i b l e .

The same problem does not a r i s e here i n the Tadpole Model,

f o r the vacuum i s always a unitary s i n g l e t , and the only "mix­

ing" that could occur i s that between the vacuum and a v i r t u a l

octet meson.

One condition f o r the tadpoles to dominate i s -

that the B B / r f / » PP^'and V V * l ' v e r t i c e s as represented by the

oval-shaped blobs i n F i g . IV must be large functions of t near

t=o, where t i s the square of the 4-momentum transferred to

the 7^ i n more general processes. In p a r t i c u l a r , the T T T T ^ '

vertex must be large near t=o. Now i n the Tt-TC scattering

*That t h i s mechanism can be responsible f o r the success of the GMO Formula has been suggested previously by J . J . Sakurai ( J . J . Sakurai, 1963)

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problem, t h i s means that the S-wave scattering length must be

l a r g e . This, however, w i l l jeopardize the usual procedure i n

s o f t pion c a l c u l a t i o n s , (see M. Suzuki, 1965. H. Sugawara,

1965; C. G. Callen and S. B. Trleman, 1966; K. Kawarabayashi

and M. Suzuki, I 9 6 6 ; S. K. Bose and S. U. Biswas, 1966; Y.

Hara, Y. Nambu and J . Schechter, 1966; V. S. Mathyr, S. Okubo

and L. K. Pandit, 1966; M. Baker, 1966) which are nowadays

believed to be so successful, of extrapolating the pion mass

to zero. (I am indebted to Prof. S. Coleman f o r pointing t h i s

out to me i n a conversation held at Erice, 1967) . (See also

S. Weinberg, 1966). The case Is not completely l o s t yet f o r

the Tadpole Model. As a matter of f a c t , one could twist the

argument around and to use i t as a p l a u s i b i l i t y argument why

the asymmetric s o l u t i o n i n a theory with spontaneous symmetry

breaking can be more stable than the symmetric s o l u t i o n . Let

us denote the f i c t i t i o u s pions i n the symmetric s o l u t i o n by

7T^ and the r e a l physical pions by Tl . I f i n the symmetric

world, the TT(S* has the average mass of the physical pseudo-

s c a l a r mesons, we s h a l l have hnnco ^ ^rr . For Octet

Enhancement i n spontaneous symmetry breaking, we assume tad­

pole dominance i n the symmetric solution, which i n turn implies

a large TTts)-TC^ s c a t t e r i n g length i n the S-state. Now a

large s c a t t e r i n g length means the existence of e i t h e r a bound

or anti-bound state or a resonance near threshold. Let us

take the case of a resonance f o r s i m p l i c i t y and without loss

of generality. Let us assume also that the s h i f t i n p o s i t i o n

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of the resonance i s small when symmetry breaking sets i n .

Then we have i n the phys i c a l world a resonance which i s f a r

above the TV-TV threshold and hence there w i l l be no large

s c a t t e r i n g length which w i l l i n v a l i d a t e the soft-pion extra­

p o l a t i o n procedure. Furthermore, due to the smallness of the

scattering length, any perturbation, including those trans­

forming l i k e a member of an octet, w i l l not be s i g n i f i c a n t l y

enhanced. In p a r t i c u l a r , an "octet perturbation" i n the op­

posite d i r e c t i o n , v i z . , the "symmetry re s t o r i n g " d i r e c t i o n ,

w i l l not be enhanced. Hence, we have a s i t u a t i o n where, s t a r t ­

ing from a symmetric solution, a perturbation transforming

l i k e an octet w i l l be enhanced by the tadpole mechanism.

But once the symmetry breaking has gone f a r enough, the enhance­

ment e f f e c t w i l l fade out, so that any further symmetry break­

ing or symmetry restoring w i l l not be boosted. Thus, we end

up with a stable configuration that i s not SU(3) symmetric.

I t must be emphasized that above arguments are extremely

speculative and must not be taken too seriously at t h i s stage.

3 . The Bootstrap Model*

The problem of the emergence of the GMO Formula was

f i r s t discussed by Cutkosky and Tarjanne (R. E. Cutkosky and

P. Tarjanne, 1963) i n the context of bootstrap dynamics.

*For a b r i e f introduction to the idea of a "Bootstrap", see Section 1 of Chapter V.

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This was l a t e r taken up by Dashen and S. Frautschi, ( 1964a ;

1965a) and discussed very extensively i n the p a r t i c u l a r case

of the 8-A s t a t i c boostrap model. (See Chapter V, $ 4 , ( i l l ) )

Consider a bootstrap system of N supermultlplets

(SU(3) multiplets) of hadrons, l a b e l l e d by h, , h 0 , h , ..... x * 3

h N r e s p e c t i v e l y . Let the dimensions of the SU(3) Irreducible

representations corresponding to these supermultlplets be d- ,

dg. , d N r e s p e c t i v e l y . We write down a set of bootstrap

equations that possess SU(3) symmetry and assume that there

ex i s t s a s o l u t i o n which r e f l e c t s the f u l l symmetry of the

system, by which we mean that each of the supermultlplets has

degeneral mass, and that the coupling constants are related

by SU(3) C-G c o e f f i c i e n t s . Let us consider now the case where

another s o l u t i o n exists with masses and coupling constants

s l i g h t l y d i f f e r e n t from the symmetric ones and expand our

equations i n terms of these small s h i f t s from the symmetric

values. We s h a l l neglect coupling constant s h i f t s i n the

following discussion f o r s i m p l i c i t y . The mass s p l i t t i n g i n

each of the multiplet h^ can be represented by a d^ x d^


AM 1 ( 3 . 2 1 )

which i n general can be decomposed into d^ x d£ matrix repre­

sentation of i r r e d u c i b l e tensors of SU(3)• (We s h a l l c a l l these

" i r r e d u c i b l e matrices" from now on f o r b r e v i t y ) . Thus we write

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3 9

AM^'=^ AM±%f ( 3 . 2 2 )

where Ty^n i s "the x d^ i r r e d u c i b l e matrix that transforms

l i k e the YI*** component of the SU(3) i r r e d u c i b l e representation

j^tj and AMffn i s a numerical c o e f f i c i e n t . Since the super-

mul t i p l e t h^ transforms as ^di\ , the mass matrix AM^1 trans­

forms l i k e jdij*® [dc] (See Chapter IV, 1). Hence, i n the

decomposition ( 3 . 2 2 ) , the summation should run over a l l the

i r r e d u c i b l e representations that appears i n the C-G series of

If a representation appears more than once

i n the C-G series f o r some h^, we s h a l l have to introduce an

extra l a b e l c*. Hence, we have to modify ( 3 . 2 2 ) &s follows:

In a bootstrap problem, the s h i f t s i n the bound

state p o s i t i o n AM^'^^^ depend on the mass s h i f t s of the

i n t e r a c t i n g and exchanged p a r t i c l e s /Sp/} ° . Hence, we

have a set of equations

For s e l f consistency, we have

AM Ah/1^n ( 3 . 2 5 )

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Imposing SU(3) symmetry on ( 3 . 24 ) , we have

(i) The A matrix elements are independent

of m and n .

( l i ) The A matrix elements f o r V^p are zero

Hence we have

J M ^ = I ^ ^ ^ (3.26,

Dropping a l l indices i n ( 3 . 2 6 ) , we can write i t i n

the matrix form

« A,* - ( 3- 2 7 )

For spontaneous mass s p l i t t i n g to occur i n accord-

T' — ^ i fJ-jn f o r

each h i , i t i s necessary and s u f f i c i e n t f o r J\^.to have an

eigenvalue equal to one. The corresponding eigenvector i s of

course AM^,n

Thus f a r we have confined ourselves to spontaneous

mass s p l i t t i n g . Consider a s i t u a t i o n where we can introduce

an extraneous i n t e r a c t i o n other than those accounted f o r by

bootstrap dynamics. An example of t h i s i s the electromagnetic

i n t e r a c t i o n . We can again decompose t h i s contribution accord­

ing to SU(3) transformation properties, then (3*26) must be

modified to

AM?;n = Z A f - ^ m f „ (3-28)

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Or i n matrix form

AMf,» = A? • AM^,„ + Dy,n <3- 29>

D^u,n represents the e f f e c t s due to the extraneous i n t e r a c t i o n ,

and i s usually referred to as the " d r i v i n g term." (R. Dashen

and S. Frautschi, 1 9 6 4 a ,b 1 9 6 5 a ). Now, l e t us suppose that

Muhas an eigenvalue near one, then a small d r i v i n g term

w i l l give r i s e to a large mass s p l i t t i n g AM^n (with the same

fj. and n ). In that case, we say that there i s Enhancement.

Supposing i n p a r t i c u l a r that we have a problem where we can

write down a set of equations

AH2lm = (I-Ati)'1-])^,,, (3.30)

and a f t e r d e t a i l e d dynamical calculations, we f i n d that Ag has

an eigenvalue near unity, whereas Agr, and other A matrices

possess no such eigenvalue. Then perturbations Dg n and m

of comparable magnitude would produce very large mass s h i f t s

i n the octet pattern and small mass s h i f t s i n the 27-plet

pattern. This, suggested Dashen and Frautschi, might be the

reason f o r octet enhancement i n the electromagnetic i n t e r a c t ­

ion . Unfortunately, the SU(3) symmetric bootstrap c a l c u l a t i o n

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cannot be performed to such a degree of p r e c i s i o n as to de- .

cide whether A 0 has an eigenvalue exactly equal to one, thus o making spontaneous "medium strong" mass s p l i t t i n g possible,

or that the eigenvalue i s only approximately unity so that a

fundamental medium strong i n t e r a c t i o n , f o r example Ne'eman*s

f i f t h i n t e r a c t i o n (Y. Ne'eman, 1964) , i s necessary f o r a

d r i v i n g term.

Using the above formalism, Dashen and Frautschi

calculated the A-matrlces i n the best known bootstrap system

to date, namely the B-A s t a t i c bootstrap and found that Ag

has an eigenvalue near unity, whereas has no such eigen­

value. Thus they were able to e s t a b l i s h Octet Enhancement i n

t h i s p a r t i c u l a r bootstrap. Note also that i f there i s octet

enhancement f o r medium strong v i o l a t i o n s , there must also be

octet enhancement f o r the electromagnetic e f f e c t s , and vice

versa. This i s because the A matrices depend only on/*- and

not on li , i . e . , on the multiplet and not on a p a r t i c u l a r

member of the m u l t i p l e t . Since Ag has an eigenvalue near

unity, one sees from (3*30) that a d r i v i n g term D^ 3 trans­

forming l i k e the 3 r d component of a unitary octet w i l l be

p r e f e r r e n t i a l l y enhanced over the corresponding component i n

the 2 7-plet. Thus the electromagnetic i n t e r a c t i o n , which pre­

sumably gives r i s e to d r i v i n g terms transforming l i k e octet

and 2 7-plet of comparable magnitude, can only produce effects

transforming predominantly l i k e an octet component i n a

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hadronic system. The source of t h i s enhancement e f f e c t l i e s

with the A-matrlx, which evidently depends only on the very

strong, SU(3) symmetric i n t e r a c t i o n . Similar, a medium

strong i n t e r a c t i o n ( i f i t exists) transforming l i k e the eighth

component of an octet w i l l be p r e f e r e n t i a l l y enhanced. In

the case where Ag has an eigenvalue exactly equal to one,

spontaneous mass-splitting w i l l occur according to the octet

pattern, g i v i n g r i s e to the GMO Formulae.

The bootstrap model enjoys at l e a s t one advantage

over the other models. In the boostrap model, octet dominance

comes out of a dynamical c a l c u l a t i o n ; whereas i n other theories

Octet Enhancement i s fed i n at the beginning. I t i s to a

large extent correct to say that both i n the $-10 mixing model

and the tadpole model, what has been achieved i s the formula­

t i o n of the problem i n other terms. I t remains f o r us to

understand why 0-W t r a n s i t i o n diagrams i n one case and tadpole

diagrams i n the other should dominate symmetry breaking pat­

terns. These explanations should come from a dynamical calcu­

l a t i o n . Most people would agree that 0-W mixing does occur

and the doubtful point Is whether the whole pattern of SU(3)

symmetry breaking flows from i t . The c a l c u l a t i o n of Dashen

and Frautschi casts serious doubts on t h i s , because they

showed that pure bootstrap dynamics could at l e a s t be p a r t l y

responsible f o r Octet Enhancement. The Tadpole Model suffers

from the further d i f f i c u l t y that no sc a l a r meson has yet been

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found experimentally* A counter point to t h i s i s that the so-

c a l l e d "scalar mesons" need not be r e a l physical p a r t i c l e s

manifesting themselves as resonances or bound states i n scatter­

ing processes. They may be anti-bound states, f o r example,

which manifest themselves as poles i n the sc a t t e r i n g amplitude

on the unphysical sheet below threshold. The existence of

such states causes threshold enhancement, which i s the only

thing we need f o r tadpole dominance.

Enhancement should encompass a l l the above e f f e c t s , with any

one among them complementing and further enhancing the others.

I t has been shown by Dashen and Frautschi (R. Dashen and S.

Frautschi, 1965b) that i f an octet of sc a l a r mesons does exi s t

and tadpole diagrams involving the creation of these mesons do

dominate symmetry breaking, then the matrix Ag w i l l automati­

c a l l y possess an eigenvalue near unity. I t has been shown by

Picasso et. a l (L. E. Picasso et. a l , 1965) that i f there

exists a strong i n t e r a c t i o n i n the 6J*-V channel (where V i s an

octet vector meson), producing a resonance i n a J p=0 state,

then 0-CO mixing would produce sca l a r tadpoles. Then domin­

ance of self-energy diagrams involving 0-0) mixing reduces to

dominance of tadpole diagrams l i k e F i g . V.

I t seems probable that a true theory of Octet

F i g . V F i g . VI

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Conversely, the existence of an l\ f tadpole can 1 8

bring about an 00 -CO t r a n s i t i o n . The dominance of such tad­

poles increases the p r o b a b i l i t y of OJ-0 mixing. This i s i l l u s ­

t rated i n F i g . VI. One can already see how 0-0) mixing, tad­

pole diagrams and bootstrap dynamics can conspire to give r i s e

to a large octet enhancement.

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1. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

Let us suppose that f o r a s p e c i f i c problem i n Physics,

we can write down a basic set of equations which i s invariant

under a c e r t a i n symmetry group (Jj . Then we would expect that

solutions of these equations would r e f l e c t the f u l l symmetry

of the basic set of equations. I f f o r some reason, t h i s i s not

the case, i . e . , there exists a so l u t i o n which r e f l e c t s some

asymmetries with respect to the group (Jj , then we say that a

Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking has occurred.

Such a p o s s i b i l i t y was discussed by Heisenberg and

his co~workers (W. Heisenberg, 1 9 5 8 ; H. P. Durr, W. Heisenberg,

H. M i l t e r , S. Schlieder and R. Yamayaki, 1 9 5 9 . 1 9 6 l ) . They

pointed out that the equations of quantum f i e l d theory are non­

l i n e a r operator equations. Since non-perturbative solutions to

non-linear equations do not i n general possess the f u l l symmetry

of the equations themselves, i t i s conceivable that the f i e l d

equations may be highly symmetric expressions, while t h e i r

solutions may r e f l e c t the asymmetries of nature. Several c a l ­

culations have been performed by various authors to confirm

the above conjecture of Heisenberg et. a l . . These calculations

have been done with s p e c i f i c models. Jona-Losino and Nambu

4 6

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(G. Jona-Loslno and Y. Nambu, 1 9 6 l a , 1961b) considered a

theory with a Langrangian possessing Iff -invariance and found

that, although the basic Langrangian contains no mass term

tntyty since such terms v i o l a t e Iff -invariance, a solu t i o n

e x i s t s that admits fermions of f i n i t e mass. A c a l c u l a t i o n

with s i m i l a r conclusion was performed independently by

Goldstone ( J . Goldstone, 1 9 6 1 ). Baker and Glashow (M. Baker

and S. L. Glashow, 1962) considered a theory based on the

Dyson Equations (F. J . Dyson, 1 9 4 9 ; J . Schwinger, 1 9 5 1 ) , a

set of coupled non-linear equations r e l a t i n g the one-particle

Green's functions and the vertex functions f o r a set of p a r t i ­

c l e s , which were assumed to possess SU(3) symmetry. They

found that non-perturbative solutions e x i s t that contain

multiplets with respect to the symmetry group possessing non-

degenerate masses. Their formulation of the problem i s

e s s e n t i a l l y a bootstrap requirement since they required that

the physical masses are completely dynamical i n o r i g i n . (Tech­

n i c a l l y t h i s means s e t t i n g the bare masses to zero). Their

conclusions, however, are not completely conclusive since to

overcome divergence d i f f i c u l t i e s , they had to employ cut-offs

In some of the i n t e g r a l s and assume the dominance of a c e r t a i n

class of Feynmann diagrams. Similar calculations have also

been performed by other authors, some i n the f i e l d t h e o r e t i c a l

framework (see, e.g., M. Suzuki, 1 9 6 3 , 1 9 6 4(a), 1 9 6 4(b)),

others i n terms of S-matrlx theory (see, e.g., D. Y. VJong,

1 9 6 5 ; Dashen and Frautschl, 1 9 6 5 ) .

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2. Group T h e o r e t i c a l Treatment of Spontaneous Symmetry;

Breaking In an SU(3) Symmetric Bootstrap Containing

Eight Baryons

Glashow (S. L. Glashow, 1963) discussed group theo-

r e c t i c a l l y a bootstrap problem of eight baryons i n t e r a c t i n g

with each other with an Interaction invariant under SU (3)•

He found that, i f spontaneous mass-splitting does occur under

the condition that i s o s p i n and hypercharge are s t i l l conserv­

ed, then mass s p l i t t i n g must occur according to one of the

f olloitfing patterns:

(a) The ma s s - s p l i t t i n g matrix transforms as a unitary

s i n g l e t : i n t h i s case we do not have any mass s p l i t t i n g .

The octet remains degenerate.

(b) The mass-splitting matrix transforms as the 1 = 0 , Y = 0

component of octet (the eight-dimensional i r r e d u c i b l e

representation of SU(3): i n t h i s case we have the G e l l -

Mann Okubo Formula (Eq. 2 . 1 ) .

(c) The mass s p l i t t i n g matrix transforms as the 1 = 0 , Y = 0

component of a 2 7-plet (the 27-dimenslonal i r r e d u c i b l e

representation of SU(3))s i n t h i s case we have a mass

s p l i t t i n g where the masses s a t i s f y the 2 7-plet Formula

(Eq. 2 . 1 0 ) .

I t i s Important to emphasize that Glashow fs treat­

ment i s independent of the de t a i l e d dynamics of the system

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and that

(i) I t does not show that spontaneous symmetry breaking

does i n f a c t occur, but only that i f i t does approxi­

mate sum rules w i l l be s a t i s f i e d ,

( i i ) I t has not answered the question why symmetry breaking

i n accordance with (b) rather than (c) happens i n

nature. In other words, Octet Enhancement has not

been established.

No convincing answer seems to be a v a i l a b l e f o r ( i ) .

As f o r ( i i ) , the answer may l i e with the d e t a i l e d dynamics

as presented i n the various theories of Octet Enhancement i n

the previous chapter. In Chapter V, we s h a l l demonstrate

very v i v i d l y how Octet Enhancement follows from some we l l -

established dynamical requirements i n a simple bootstrap

model. As we have mentioned i n the f i r s t section of Chapter

III, an a l t e r n a t i v e , but less p l a u s i b l e answer to the above

question may l i e with the mere existence of a strongly

Interacting SU(3) t r i p l e t . This w i l l be discussed i n the

l a t e r part of t h i s Chapter.

In the r e s t of the Chapter we s h a l l present a gen­

e r a l i z a t i o n of Glashow's method, which, as we s h a l l see, lends

i t s e l f to a number of i n t e r e s t i n g a p p l i c a t i o n s . Incidentally,

we s h a l l present, as a by-product of a more general theorem,

a de t a i l e d proof of Glashow's r e s u l t s , which i s almost t o t a l l y

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absent i n Glashow fs extremely short a r t i c l e .

3« Generalized Group Theoretical Treatment of Spontaneous

Symmetry Breaking

Consider a s i t u a t i o n where the masses of a system

of p a r t i c l e s belonging to a number of SU(3) multiplets are

given dynamically by a set of equations. Such a set of equa­

tions may, f o r instance, come out of a bootstrap c a l c u l a t i o n .

Let the set of equations be SU(3) i n v a r i a n t .

We s h a l l l i m i t ourselves to the case where there

are only two multiplets f o r s i m p l i c i t y . I f we expand the

equations i n terms of small deviations from SU(3) symmetry

and keep only l i n e a r terms, we have

smr = z: 3h< srf + z u« ( 4 . D

where $Mi (1=1, 2, ...,m) and (c*=l, 2, n) denote

mass s p l i t t i n g s of the members of the two m u l t i p l e t s * respect­

i v e l y . A l l the d e t a i l e d dynamics of the system, such as the

coupling constants, has been relegated to the matrices (\7 t* )

and ( ) . Of course, to determine the various masses,

*We have used the term "multiplet" here i n a more general sense than usual i n that i t does not have to correspond to a i r r e d u c i b l e representation of SU(3). I t may correspond to a reducible representation such as the case of the vector "nonet". Our proof of the theorem i s independent of the i r -r e d u c i b i l i t y of the m u l t i p l e t s .

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equations involving £tn& on the left-hand side are a l s o nec­

essary and are also usually a v a i l a b l e i n dynamical c a l c u l a ­

t i o n s . For the following discussion we only have to consider

(4.1). To tre a t equation (4.1) group-theoretically, i t turns

out to be more convenient and f r u i t f u l to consider mass-splitt­

ing matrices instead. So we write, instead of (4.1),

0 l4JZ,k*rt" ° fcfiifcn 0

To avoid using too many Indices, we s h a l l look upon ( SMy ) 2 2

and ( FlWeip ) as vectors In m and n dimensional vector spaces,

( \^ek,y ) a n& ( ^otfijij ) as m2 x m2 and n 2 x m2 matrices.

Then (4.2) can be written i n the symbolic form

Supposing that the two multiplets transform accord­

ing to the SU(3) unitary representations {m} and jn} respect-

i v e l y , then i t i s easy to see that

J*M transforms as {m}* g> ^mj (4.4)

<Fm transforms as {nj* 0 {nj (4.5)

*The mass s p l i t t i n g matrix f o r a multiplet , i = 1, 2, m, i s defined as

where ESTt i s the mass s p l i t t i n g operator. Under an SU(3) transformation G

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where <{mj* and .[nj are the adjoint representations of -{m} and

r e s p e c t i v e l y . The representations {m) , {n5-*@{n} are generally reducible. Let us assume, without l o s s of general­

i t y , that they can be reduced into the following form:

f m f ® H = & £)<•» 0 S 0 )&> £ ) ( A ) & 3 ( " } ( 4 . 6 )

where the denote i r r e d u c i b l e representations of SU ( 3 ) .

The superscript (i) just l a b e l s the p a r t i c u l a r representation,

and has nothing to do with the dimensionality of the represen­

t a t i o n . Then, i f equation ( 4 . 3 ) i s invariant under SU(3) and

equations ( 4 . 6 ) and ( 4 . 7 ) holds, then we can prove the follow­


Theorem: (I) I f i s not equivalent to a l l

1 * j , then

Hence, vre conclude that

$K transforms as jmJ1g>-{mJ-

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( I D I f equivalent to , then

^ Pf3/0+Af4v?; P

( H I ) i f i s equivalent to ST- , then

To define the sumbols, l e t us denote the representation space

of fmj*g>{mj by S ^ , the representation space of {n)*®{nj by

S^ n^ f the subspace of that generates the representation

by S and the subspace of S ( n J that generates the represen-

t a t i o n ^ ' V S(N,L). Then P^(S°^-> Sfrn>) i s defined as the projec-

t i o n operator that projects the subspace S ' onto i t s e l f .

fjll\s<n)—> S(m)) i s defined as that operator which maps any vector

belonging to Sf"'° to that vector i n S(m'° with i d e n t i c a l trans­

formation properties and maps that r e s t of S w to zero. In the

case when i s equivalent to P^J'; (S^-> Sc"°) i s the

operator that maps any vector i n S to that vector i n S

with i d e n t i c a l transformation properties and maps the rest of

S to zero. In the case when equivalent to

/ J i s the operator that maps any vector i n S

to that vector i n S with i d e n t i c a l transformation proper-

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5 4

t i e s and the r e s t of S ("> to zero. A * , J^'*'J ^> f*m

are a l l numerical constants.

Proof t

Let us look at equation ( 4 . 3 ) under the SU(3) trans­


Sirj > S' = Sm (V* ® V) ( 4 . 1 5 )

where U and V are representation matrices i n \m) and j n | re­

spectively induced by the same group element i n SU (3). For

( 4 . 3 ) to be invariant under SU ( 3 ) , we must have

= SM'-$-+fm'fi (^.16)

Substituting ( 4 . 1 4 ) , ( 4 . 1 5 ) into ( 4 . 1 6 ) , one gets

Comparing ( 4 . 3 ) and ( 4 . 1 7 ) ,

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From ( 4 . 6 ) and ( 4 . 7 ) , we see that

u*® u - J"nx J (4.20)

Where J" and K are unitary matrices, and

( 4 . 2 2 )

( 4 . 2 3 )

I t should be emphasized a t t h i s point that J and K are independ­

ent of the p a r t i c u l a r group element i n SU(3) which U and V

represent. Uj,, are representation matrices belonging to the

representations respectively. Substituting ( 4 . 2 0 )

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and (4.21) Into (4.19), we have

where' $J ~ K J~'

Substituting (4.20) into (4.18), we have

11? = JU

where J J' J-J


u j o v,= !0 0 JLt



0 We can divide ,/•/ into appropriate blocks i n the form

-I — - -1— H/3 J

Hzi r H22 \ H.ZA

H31 ! Hn!

1 1 -

Hi , ' HJX Hxi \ 1

and into

•J = A ; F/3 j

_ . F*

^ 1 5, F 5 4 ;

T F« ; F52 F* !

T F« ; F*r


(4 . 2 5 )


( 4 . 2 7 )


( 4 . 2 9 )

( 4 . 3 0 )

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We have, from (4 .24)

And a l s o from (4 .26)


1 1 1

T _ _ _ + ( 1

— — 4 — 1 — + —

( 4 . 3 D


7 - - - r , ,

From ffy* l/p 8 3 (A' Hij t ] £ ^ 3 , i n (4.31), we have,

using Sehur's Lemma (see, e.g., M. Hamermesh, 1962, pg 98-IOI),

and from FM (Jji = Ufc Fk£ ; = JJ2/3,5",

^Mi~ $MX'A^OO MJ = 1,2,3,5- (4.34)

where Sry , <f/cf are kronecker delta functions; } )S® are

unknown numerical constants and 1(C)f 1(b) are i d e n t i t y matrices

of appropriate dimensions.

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s h a l l now s p e c i a l i z e to the various cases.

i s not equivalent to <*J f o r a l l unequal I , j

From ( 4 . 3 1 ) , we have

Let \ be a vector that transforms l i k e Then, under

the group operation i n question, The vector

where we have made use of the f a c t that f-)ix does not trans

form under SU(3) and a l s o the equality ( 4 . 3 5 ) . Hence the

vector £ f/ix transforms according to «0 ( y ) - ® .

If ^H/x i s n o n - t r i v i a l , there exists a vector subspace

of the representation space of j£)0 ) that transforms l i k e

j Q ^ t which i s In contradiction with our assumption.

Hence £/-//x=0, f o r a l l % , which requires H/x=0 t

S i m i l a r l y we can prove Hxi = Hxz - Wz* - H<-3 - H?x ~ 0 .

A s i m i l a r argument can be applied to the equation Hxxl/x = \Jy Wxx , with the r e s u l t that Mxx = 0 .

Hence, vie have f o r t h i s case,

M ° % . ' \ 0 j 01 0 i

0 " 6 " ! 0 i 0

a ! 0 : 0 : 1


( 4 . 3 8 )

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5 9

The e q u a l i t i e s i n ( 4 . 3 3 ) and ( 4 . 3 4 ) can be extended

i n t h i s case t o l ^ 4 i ^ 5 " , r e s u l t i n g i n



o i i f 4 ) r i

( 4 . 3 9 )

Equations ( 4 . 3 8 ) and ( 4 . 3 9 ) established our assertions

( 4 . 8 ) and ( 4 . 9 ) f o r Case I.

) p<- i s equivalent to gc/

In t h i s case, J~ can be chosen so that U3 = U4 . Then

u = 0 ( 4 . 4 0 ) u = ( 4 . 4 0 )

From ( 4 . 3 5 ) , we have

- Hjx (4.41)

Write /-/jx = • u<" 1

( 4 . 4 2 )

Then from ( 4 . 4 l )

U3 Hix : U H£ H?x LA


sx t/3

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6 0

A l l the other conclusions about the H-submatrices

are the same as i n Case ( I ) . Thus we have, i n t h i s case

41 = o

0 ^f%, o I 1 '

0 ! 0 0


We can also e a s i l y show that

c7 = --i 0

0 ( I I I ) s equivalent to

In t h i s case, the only equality obtainable from (4.31)

which w i l l give r i s e to conclusions d i f f e r e n t from Case (I)

i s

V i H (4.47)

Since now

Us 0 (4.48)

We s h a l l now write

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6 1

Hx3 — H a) V3


and get from (4.48)

|V7 HS' Hence

HX5 = ^ -fe>


0 (2)<

0 33


I t i s a l s o straightforward to show that

0 U._JJ

1 if^r i

0 i i

( 4 . 4 9 )

( 4 . 5 0 )

( 4 . 5 D

( 4 . 5 2 )


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Applications of the General Besults

(i) Glashow !s Besults

We s h a l l reproduce Glashow 1s Besults (S. L.

Glashow, 1963) on the bootstrapping of an octet of

baryons here. There vie have the equation

k / = 2 ^ V ^ ( 4 . 5 3 )

A Comparing t h i s with ( 4 . 1 ) , we h&ve^ff - 0 . Now /m} = ;'•;

J8J , hence the mass matrix ( cTMy ) w i l l transform

according to

= jija- pj W ©j/4^{' °r®^ 7/ ( ^ . 5 5 ) .

were {<5P} and |<5V} are equivalent. Then using the

theorem f o r case (II), we have

J = f°> + pC'o) + ^ (">*) p (io»J + j^r) p(27)

( 4 . 5 6 )

where t h e ^ ' s are numerical constants and the P opera­

tors have the meanings assigned to them i n the general


We s h a l l now make the assumptions:

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(A) T h a t t h e m a s s - s p l i t t i n g m a t r i x t r a n s f o r m s a s a s i n g l e

I r r e d u c i b l e t e n s o r o f SU(3)

(B) T h a t t h e s p o n t a n e o u s symmetry b r e a k i n g does n o t d i s r u p t

i s o s p i n a n d h y p e r c h a r g e c o n s e r v a t i o n .

A s we have s e e n , t h e m a t r i x (SM) t r a n s f o r m s a s

^8}*® -{8} w h i c h c a n be decomposed a c c o r d i n g t o ( 4 . 5 5 ) • From

( 4 . 5 5 ) we c a n now p i c k o u t a l l t h e p o s s i b l e s t a t e s t h a t a r e

I n v a r i a n t u n d e r i s o s p i n t r a n s f o r m a t i o n s and h y p e r c h a r g e

gauge t r a n s f o r m a t i o n . H a v i n g p i c k e d out t h e s e s t a t e s , w h i c h

a r e r e p r e s e n t e d by 8 X 8 m a t r i c e s , t h e s e m a t r i c e s c a n be c a l ­

c u l a t e d b y u s i n g t h e SU (3) C-G c o e f f i c i e n t s (De S w a r t , 1 9 6 3 ;

P . McNamee a n d F . C h i l t o n , 1 9 6 4 ) . These m a t r i c e s w i t h r e ­

s p e c t t o t h e b a s i s (/f?, n , 2*, 1° 5T, A , Z°, £~) a r e g i v e n a s

f o l l o w s :










( 4 . 5 7 )

( 4 . 5 8 )

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I f the mass s p l i t t i n g transforms as a l i n e a r super­

p o s i t i o n of (a) and (b), I.e., I f i t transforms l i k e a

general octet component, then

-2d (4.59)

Eliminating p( and ft from (4.59), we can e a s i l y show that the

GMO formula

£(SmH+Sms) =£Sir,A+j:b~n>z (4.60)

must be s a t i s f i e d .

(c) SM ~ IfaLY^oy

I t can be s i m i l a r l y shown that the above mass s p l i t t i n g s a t i s ­

f i e s the formula

j r n N + S m E = 3Sr*z-SmA (ij.,62)

which was given by De Swart ( J . J . De Swart, 1963). I t i s well-

known that t h i s so-called 2?-plet formula (eq. 2.10) i s not

s a t i s f i e d experimentally. Also note that equation (4.62) i s

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a weaker requirement than ( 4 . 6 l ) .

(d) SM~l4i},i=o,r**oy~Jji


0 (4 .63)

In t h i s case, we have no mass s p l i t t i n g .

( i i ) Bootstrap Involving the Baryon Decuplet and the

Baryon Octet (theB-A bootstrap)

Let $mt denotes the mass s p l i t t i n g of the decuplet,

denotes the -mass s p l i t t i n g of the octet.

Sr»t'*~ Z % &mi +2> Un'fto­p i «**

Now since (see, e.g., De Swart, 1°63)

\iof® \w\ = {'}© j*}® M a {u\



We can quote case I I I of our general theorem to write

J = A 0>Pa) + A ^ + #iyP™ +" A^P^ (^.66)


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where the notations are by now self-explanatory. Let

(<TM) denotes the 10 X 10 mass-splitting matrix of the

decuplet, the 8*8 mass-splitting matrix of the

octet. We make now the further assumption that:

(C) A l l multiplets that we have taken into our bootstrap

are n o n - t r i v i a l l y coupled. In other words, any mass

s p l i t t i n g i n one p a r t i c u l a r multiplet i s going to have

non-zero e f f e c t on the masses of the other multiplets

involved i n the bootstrap problem.

i d e n t i c a l transformation properties, we conclude that i f

(JVw ) transforms l i k e a c e r t a i n SU(3) i r r e d u c i b l e tensor,

then (SM ) w i l l a l s o transform l i k e the same i r r e d u c i b l e

tensor. In p a r t i c u l a r ,

(a) I f {Sm) transforms as a l i n e a r combination of ( ia )

and ( i t ), i . e . , i f the baryon octet s a t i s f i e s the

GMO Formula, then {SM) must be proportional to

Then, since J-f only connects mass matrices with

0 0


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That i s , we have the equal-spacing rule f o r the decuplet

(Eq. 2 . 3 ) , which, as we have said, i s very well s a t i s f i e d


(b) I f [Sm) transforms as i n (/£), then (JM) must he pro­

po r t i o n a l to


3 , 0


0 '5

-3 -3


which gives r i s e to the mass formula

s ~ 2 ~ G

which i s not at a l l i n agreement with experiment.

(c) I f (//») transforms as i n ( » d ) , i . e . , i f there i s no

mass-splitting i n the octet, then ($M) must be propor­

t i o n a l to




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In other words, there i s also no mass s p l i t t i n g i n the


( i l l ) Existence of a Unitary T r i p l e t and Octet Enhancement

Suppose there exists a t r i p l e t which i s non-

t r i v i a l l y coupled to the rest of the hadrons, by which

we mean that the mass s p l i t t i n g of the t r i p l e t has non­

zero e f f e c t on the other m u l t i p l e t s . For s i m p l i c i t y ,

but without l o s s of actual generality, we s h a l l assume

that the t r i p l e t i s only coupled to an octet of baryons.

Then we have

Sto? = 2 55v srf + i fan ( 4 . 6 9 )

where Sm> denotes mass s p l i t t i n g within the octet, and

denotes the mass s p l i t t i n g i n the t r i p l e t respect­

i v e l y . Then, because of

and the decomposition ( 4 . 5 5 )» we have

£ = y n r ° u (w'p°o)+x°°v>?v^ +jt *"°P7J

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We see that tjri , apart from TT ' , which does not

connect ac t u a l mass s p l i t t i n g s among the multiplets,

involves only "projection operators" which connect

i r r e d u c i b l e matrices transforming l i k e a component of

{%\ . From our assumptions (C) that the t r i p l e t i s non-

t r i v i a l l y coupled to the octet and (A) that the mass-

s p l i t t i n g of each multiplet transforms l i k e a single

i r r e d u c i b l e tensor, i t obviously follows that the mass

s p l i t t i n g of the baryon octet must transform l i k e a

component of an octet, and hence must obey the G e l l -

Mann Okubo Formula.

Hence we have obtained Octet Enhancement inde­

pendently of any d e t a i l e d dynamics, as soon as we assume

the existence of a t r i p l e t which i s n o n - t r i v i a l l y coupl­

ed to the hadrons. In the above argument, we do not

have to assume that t h i s t r i p l e t of p a r t i c l e s are quarks,

i . e . , fundamental b u i l d i n g blocks of a l l matter. We

have said i n the f i r s t section of Chapter III that the

GMO Formula can be deduced from quark models (M. G e l l -

Mann, 1964; G. Zwelg, 1964a, 1964b, 1965; F. Gursey et.

a l . , 1964): but a l l these derivations depend on a great­

er or l e s s e r extent to some d r a s t i c dynamical approxi­

mations. The foregoing group t h e o r e t i c a l argument,

however, i s independent of any dynamical d e t a i l or


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Since t r i p l e t s have not yet been discovered, we

cannot a t t r i b u t e the phenomenon of Octet Enhancement

l i g h t l y to the influence of t r i p l e t s .

I t i s i n t e r e s t i n g to note that i f there are no

t r i p l e t s or other multiplets with non-zero t r i a l i t y ,

then we cannot carry out an argument s i m i l a r to the

above to account f o r Octet Enhancement, no matter how *

many " t e n s o r i a l " multiplets we put into our bootstrap.

This i s because f o r a l l t e n s o r i a l representations \n\

(except \ l j )

The {27} always appears i n the C-G s e r i e s .

* T r l a l l t y i s defined, f o r the representation {n} = D(p,q) as "t=(p-q) mod ( 3 ) . Tensorial representations are those with t=o. A l l known hadronic multiplets to date f a l l i n t o t e n s o r i a l representations.

**We can show t h i s most e a s i l y by using Speiser's Method f o r obtaining the C-G series (D. E. Speiser, 1 9 6 2 ; see a l s o J . J . De Swart, 1 9 6 3 , pg 3 2 6 - 3 2 7 ) . We have to f i n d the C-G series of D(q,p) <g> D(p,q) (since D(q,p) = D(p,q)*) f o r a l l p,q, such that p~q (mod3) and see whether they a l l contain the {27J = D ( 2 , 2 ) . I t turns out that i f we put the eigenvalue diagram of D(q,p) on top of the point (p,q) i n the l a t t i c e diagram ( F i g . 5 and 6 i n De Swart, 1963) i n the way s p e c i f i e d by the Speiser Method, we can show, by simple geometry, that f o r a l l p=q (mod 3) t "the eigenvalue diagram always covers the point ( 2 , 2 ) i n the 1 s t sextant of the l a t t i c e but never the image points of ( 2 , 2 ) i n the other sextants. By Speiser's rule, t h i s shows that D(q,p)® D(p,q) always contains the {27} = D ( 2 , 2 ) i n the C-G decomposition.

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. 71

(iv) Spontaneous 0 - C O Mixing

Let us consider a "bootstrap problem where an octet

of vector mesons and a s i n g l e t vector meson are involved.

It may be necessary In practice to put i n more p a r t i c l e s

In order to complete the bootstrap, (see Chapter V I ) ,

say, the pseudoscalar octet: but the conclusions to be

discussed below w i l l be e s s e n t i a l l y unchanged. We must

bear i n mind a l s o that when we say "mass matrix" i t i s

a c t u a l l y the mass-squared matrix that we are r e f e r r i n g

to, since we are concerned here with bosons. Let us

write the mass matrix of the nonet i n the basis

( K*\ K**,?*, ?\ K*°, K*;to*,eo' ), where /fl'> trans­

forms as the 8 t h component of an octet and ICO1} i s a

unitary s i n g l e t . The nonet of vector mesons transform as

( 4 . 5 8 )

Note that now we have a reducible representation of SU (3)•

This does not matter since, as we have stressed i n

Section 3• our theorem applies equally well to reducible

m u l t i p l e t s . Because of ( 4 . 5 8 ) , the mass s p l i t t i n g matrix

( SMij. ) transforms as

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where and are equivalent to each other.

are a l l equivalent. I f mass

s p l i t t i n g should occur spontaneously, they would be

proportional to e i t h e r of the following matrices i f

i s o s p i n and hypercharge s t i l l concerves.

(a) -i 0

- I

0 -2 0

(b) JL 2 0







-5 0

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7 3

Cd) 0

0 0 0


0 D 0 I

1 0\

(e) 0 0 0

0 0 "L < 0


J L 41 0


( s )

° . o 0

0 0

0 0 0 0

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For our p a r t i c u l a r mesonic system, the p o s s i b i ­

l i t y of (b) can be ruled out due to charge conjugation

invariance. This i s because i f a mass s p l i t t i n g occurs

i n accordance with (b), then the K* and i t s a n t i - p a r t i c l e

K* w i l l have mass s h i f t s with opposite signs, r e s u l t i n g

i n m(K*)£ m(K*)t i n contradiction with charge conjuga­

t i o n invariance or more generally with CPT invariance

(T. D. Lee, R. Oehme and C. N. Yang, 1957) .

We s h a l l make the assumption that the nonet i s

degenerate to s t a r t with. That i s , we s h a l l neglect

mass s p l i t t i n g s coming from (f) and (g).

We s h a l l i l l u s t r a t e how spontaneous mixing sets

i n by considering the very simple case where symmetry

breaking occurs In accordance with (d). Then to f i n d the

mass of the physical states, i t i s necessary to diagon-

a l i z e (d) by the orthogonal transformation

( 4 . 6 0 )

That i s , the physical states are, Instead of and

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|to> =~^d(COsy j Co'} (4.61)

where 0 - 45°

Hence, the $ and£0 mesons are equal mixtures of jo fy

and fCO'y .

We s h a l l see now what happens when we Impose the

general condition of Octet Enhancement. That i s , we

s h a l l assume that there i s no symmetry breaking except

those which transform l i k e a component of an octet. In

other words, we s h a l l assume that the mass-splitting

matrix i s proportional to a general l i n e a r combination

of the various " 8 -matrices" (a), (d) and (e) and that

i n p a r t i c u l a r mass s p l i t t i n g i n accordance with (c) which

transforms l i k e a component of the 27-plet, cannot occur.

In that case the mass matrix looks l i k e ,

/ + /$

/+/5 (4.62)

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This matrix can be diagonalized into the form

0 0

with the transformation


Ceo 9

I f we define

We have

(4 .63)





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I f we have used /^c,'/> instead of a l l along i n our basis,

we would have avoided the appearance of 2 i n ( 4 . 6 2 ) . Since

we are free to do t h i s , we s h a l l assume that t h i s proper

choice of phase has been done and from now on we are going to

look at ( 4 . 6 2 ) , ( 4 . 6 3 ) and ( 4 . 6 5 ) with the understanding that

$= 0 .

Then we have, from ( 4 . 6 3 )

tog* = l + f i


I t follows easy from ( 4 . 6 8 ) that

( 4 . 6 8 )

( 4 . 6 9 )

This r e s u l t i s independent of the mixing angle and i s good to

within 2% experimentally. From equations ( 4 . 6 5 ) and ( 4 . 6 8 ) ,

we can e s t a b l i s h the further r e l a t i o n

( 4 . 7 0 )

which as an afterthought i s hardly su r p r i s i n g since i t i s

exactly the GMO Formula i f one considers Cw 0 m<p + pu+ & mo>

to be the mass of the eighth component of an octet, whose other

components consist of the I s o t r i p l e t p , the doublet K* and i t s

a n t l p a r t l c l e s K*.

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Let us summarize our res u l t s here. Sta r t i n g from a

nonet of vector mesons which we assume to possess (accidentally)

degenerate mass, we found that mixing between the two 1=0,

Y=0 mesons can i n p r i n c i p l e occur as a p a r t i c u l a r form of spon­

taneous symmetry breaking. The mass-splitting matrices corres­

ponding to such symmetry v i o l a t i o n s transform as the eighth

component of an octet, thus suggesting that <j>~Co mixing i s

just another manifestation of Octet Enhancement i n symmetry

breaking. Conversely, assuming Octet Enhancement i n symmetry

breaking i n i t s most general form, we found that spontaneous

symmetry breaking i n the vector nonet can only occur i n such

a way as to s a t i s f y equations (4.69) and (4.70).

We have no way here, i n t h i s group-theoretical d i s ­

cussion, to determine the mixing angle 0 . To get some f e e l ­

ing about the kind of mixing angle that would emerge from (4.70),

l e t us put

foco = (4.7D

which i s well s a t i s f i e d experimentally. We get, a f t e r sub­

s t i t u t i n g t h i s into (4.69) and (4.70) that

C<^Q = 2/3= Zl% (4.72)

In other words, the <p meson i s a member of an octet 67% of the

time and a s i n g l e t 33$ of the time.

It i s i n t e r e s t i n g to compare our r e s u l t s with those

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of other authors who "computed" mass formulae and mixing

angles i n more s p e c i f i c models.

(I) T r i p l e t Models (see F. Gursey, T. D. Lee and M. Nauenberg,

1964; and G. Zweig, 1965).

To be s p e c i f i c , we s h a l l describe Zweig's model.

In t h i s model, the vector mesons are again considered as

quark-antiquark bound states just as i n the case of the pseudo-

scal a r mesons presented i n Section One of Chapter I I I . The

spin and o r b i t a l angular momentum parts of the compound

states are of course d i f f e r e n t f o r the two kinds of mesons,

but the U-spin dependence i s i d e n t i c a l except f o r the two

i s o s l n g l e t vector mesons. More precisely, f has the same

U-spin dependence as and K* the same as K. But the <P and

to mesons are now defined as

/<£> = - \a3ai)

Now, we know that the states

transforms as the eighth component of an octet and a unitary

s i n g l e t respectively, as can be checked by d i r e c t computation

basing on the assumed transformation properties of f a 1 ^ and

\&y> . The states In (4.73) can be written as l i n e a r combina-



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tlons of states i n ( 4 . 7 4 ) as follows,

( 4 . 7 5 )


( 4 . 7 6 )

Using the states ( 4 . 7 3 ) and the corresponding formulae f o r the

other vector mesons, the masses of the nine vector mesons can

be computed i n terms of the masses of t h e i r constituent quarks

i n exactly the same manner as was done i n Section 1 of Chapter

II I f o r the pseudoscalar mesons. This gives the formulae ( 4 . 7 1 )


which can be recognized as a s p e c i a l case of ( 4 . 7 0 ) , by s e t t i n g

Cov0 =Jj • ^ t i s important to emphasize that even i n t h i s

s p e c i f i c model of dubious v a l i d i t y (e.g., the existence of

quarks!), nothing more i s r e a l l y derived than i n the general

group t h e o r e t i c a l discussion. As we have shown, Octet

Enhancement i s a consequence of the "existence" of a unitary

t r i p l e t . The accidental degeneracy of the nonet i s i m p l i c i t

i n the d e f i n i t i o n of a l l the nine vector mesons as the same

kind of quark-antiquark states. The mixing angle i s a c t u a l l y

introduced already i n the d e f i n i t i o n of (^^ and j^°y as

4 - 2nip - m ^ - m y = o ( 4 . 7 7 )

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shown i n (4 .73)• I t i s only a f t e r a l l these assumptions have

been made that equations (4.71) and (4.77) follows. In other

words, i n the quark model, equation (4.77) follows from an

assumption on the value of the mixing angle. This obviously

i s true also i n the general group t h e o r e t i c a l discussion —>

one simply has to substitute C&> Q into Eq. ( 4 . 7 0 ) .

By d e f i n i n g the mixing angle at the outset, the independence

of (4.69) on the amount of mixing was not recognized i n the

context of the quark model.

(II) Okubo's Model (S. Okubo, 1963)

Okubo wrote do\m an e s t h e t i c a l l y simple form f o r

the mass term of a Lagrangian involving the vector nonet which

treats the Co' on the same footing as the other vector mesons

(and of course assuming octet transformation property of the

Langrangian). He obtained (4.69) and ( 4 . 7 1 ) , but a d i f f e r e n t

value of the mixing angle. In his model,

the assumption about the mass term i n the Lagrangian i s of a

very ad hoc nature and the mass formulae and mixing angle are

immediate consequences of i t . So we tend to go along with

Gaslorowlcz (S. Gasiorowicz, 1966, pg. 327) i n be l i e v i n g that


the » observation of Okubo must be viewed as a c u r i o s i t y . it

Sakurai ( J . J . Sakurai, 1963) has studied phenomeno-

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8 2

l o g i c a l l y the consequences of a mixing l i k e that shown i n

(4.?5) and found a connection between the masses of the phy­

s i c a l vector nonet and the mixing angle. Although he has not

written down the connection i n a compact form, i t a c t u a l l y

can be summarized by Eq. ( 4 . 7 0 ). He substituted the experi-

mental masses of the vector nonet and found that Cm 0 = 60$ .

Since he has concentrated on the mixing angle, he has not

found ( 4 . 6 9 ) .

(v) Bootstrapping of 0-0) Mixing and Mass S p l i t t i n g s

In the Octet Pattern

Consider the s p e c i f i c example of a bootstrap i n ­

volving the vector nonet and the pseudoscalar octet, where

we can write down the equations,

where the S^t's are the mass s h i f t s of the vector nonet and

Sm^'s of the pseudoscalar octet. Since,

& \SY\ @\l0\®\\of® {21) (4.80)

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the operators and / can be written, according to the gen­

e r a l theorem, as

+ y p , x ) p(p , x > + y v , p ; p ( x ^ +

J T _ ^ o p a ; + >WpC0 + A ( « p W +

\&,P)D&/B> + ( 4 .82 )

PA ( P ^ ) p i * w , J i n ( 4 . 82 )

]-jrx,Dj A CPA) and / I i n ( 4 . 8 3 ) • r connects the mass s p l i t t i n g


mattix of the vector nonet that gives r i s e to <f>-(& mixing to a

mass s p l i t t i n g matrix that corresponds to mass s h i f t s i n accord-v fox)

ance with the GMO Formula. Thus i f A i s non-zero, any

<f>-to mixing that occurs i s going to further enhance the

"normal" mass-splittings i n the octet pattern. S i m i l a r l y , i f

y v i s non-zero, any "normal" mass-splitting i n the octet

pattern w i l l tend to give <fi-Co mixing a further boost. In an n-rx,p;

analogous manner, terms l i k e / I i n ( 4 .83 ) connect mass

s p l i t t i n g s of the pseudoscalar octet i n the octet pattern with

<fi-co mixing i n the vector nonet. Hence we see that a boots-

strapping between mixing and the "normal" mass-splittings

i n the octet pattern can i n p r i n c i p l e occur. Whether i t

r e a l l y does occur depends of course on the values of the co-e f f i c i e n t s \ { ™ , \<X»,J*M» M h l o h l n t u r n

depends on the det a i l e d dynamics. U n t i l we have some more

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information about these c o e f f i c i e n t s , i t seems more natural

to consider (fi-co mixing i n the vector mesons and the mass

s p l i t t i n g according to GMO Formula i n the pseudoscalar octet,

say, on the same footing — that ei t h e r of these i s the cause

and consequence of the other. Dynamically, i t may turn out

to be more p r o f i t a b l e to look f o r both of these e f f e c t s i n a

bootstrap model instead of assuming that one i s more funda­

mental than the other. We tend to believe, therefore,that

any attempt to "derive" mass-formulae from <fi-CO mixing can at

best be p a r t l y v a l i d .

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1 . The Bootstrap Hypothesis

Stated b r i e f l y , the bootstrap hypothesis i s that a l l

p a r t i c l e s (or a t l e a s t the hadrons) are dynamical e n t i t l e s

composed of each other and bound by forces produced by the ex­

change of the p a r t i c l e s themselves. The term "bootstrap" was

introduced i n 1959 by Chew and Mandelstam (G. P. Chew, 1 9 5 9 ;

G. F. Chew and S. Mandelstam, 1 9 6 l ) . The suggestion that a l l

hadrons with a l l the parameters characterizing them might be

determined by a c o l l e c t i v e bootstrap was made i n 1 9 6 l by Chew

and Frautschi (G. F. Chew and S. Frautschi, 1 9 6 1 ) .

I n t u i t i v e l y , the bootstrap hypothesis i s very appeal­

ing, f o r i t allows us to understand the existence of the vast

number of p a r t i c l e s and resonances that are being discovered

a t such an enormous rate, without having to account f o r each

of them by b u i l d i n g i n a number of parameters (such as the

masses and coupling constants i n a Lagrangian theory) that can

only be determined by experiment. In p r i n c i p l e , i f the boot-

strap hypothesis i s correct at a l l , i t i s , i n t u i t i v e l y at

l e a s t , such a r e s t r i c t i v e condition, that probably a l l r e l e ­

vant parameters can be determined from i t . What we have to

do i s simply to make a guess at a set of hadrons with a r e l e ­

vant set of parameters such as coupling constants and masses,


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throw i n a minimal amount of dynamical assumptions, and calcu­

l a t e what comes out of i t such as the number of bound states

and t h e i r coupling constants and masses. If the output set

of information agrees with the input, then one says that one

has a complete bootstrap. Of course, one knows nothing to t h i s

date about the existence or uniqueness of the solution, but has

to hope f o r the best.

But the implementation of the bootstrap hypothesis

turned out to be f a r more e a s i l y said than done. One runs into

trouble at the f i r s t step already. The conjecture of the num­

ber of hadrons and t h e i r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s (such as spin) i s by

no.means an easy task. At t h i s stage one can again be hopeful

that a subset of the hadrons exists which forms an approximately

closed bootstrap. I f t h i s i s the case, the imposition of the

self-consistency condition (bootstrap condition) allows one to

determine a l l the parameters related to t h i s subset approxi­

mately. I f t h i s can be done, i t i s by no means meagre achieve­

ment considering the state of ignorance that we are i n concerning

the strong i n t e r a c t i o n s . To go any further, we mu.st again hope

that by allowing the subset of p a r t i c l e s to i n t e r a c t among

themselves by the exchange of each other, we can produce,

beside the p a r t i c l e s already i n the subset, some other p a r t i ­

c l e s . I f t h i s happens, one can then Incorporate these other

p a r t i c l e s with the subset and impose the bootstrap hypothesis

i n a second c a l c u l a t i o n . Thus we have a bigger bootstrap

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problem that empasses more hadrons than before and one could

hope to gain i n t h i s manner more and more Information. This

idea has been t r i e d out In some simple cases with moderate

success; but of course, the computation becomes too complicat­

ed a f t e r the f i r s t or second stage (Hong-Mo Chan, P.C. De

Celles and J . E. Paton, 1 9 6 3 . 1 9 6 4 ; Hong-Mo Chan, 1 9 6 4 ; Hong-

Mo Chan and C. Wilkin, 1 9 6 6 ) .

Most of the bootstrap calculations done to date

have been r e s t r i c t e d to the s e l e c t i o n of a subset of hadrons

and c a l c u l a t i n g the pertinent parameters by imposing the

self-consistency conditions. Usually these are done In the

S-matrix framework although there Is no reason why they cannot

be formulated i n a Lagrangian f i e l d t h e o r e t i c a l framework

(see A. Salam, i 9 6 0 ) . To i l l u s t r a t e more e x p l i c i t l y what i s

meant by a bootstrap l e t us return to the early work of Chew

and Mandelstam on 7T-7T s c a t t e r i n g . This i s one of the simpl­

est systems believed to form an approximate bootstrap. The

most remarkable feature of 7T-TC scattering i s the appearance

of an 1=1, J=l" resonance f at energy 760 MeV with width 110

MeV. To look f o r a mechanism that gives r i s e to the binding

force between two pions, one notices at once that a single

pion cannot be exchanged due to conservation of angular mo­

mentum and p a r i t y . Hence the simplest and l i g h t e s t system to

be exchanged i s a two-pion system. One knows experimentally

that the two pions tend to c l u s t e r together at low energies

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to form a p -meson. Forgetting f o r the time being that the

f-meson i s unstable, we could assume that the main binding

force comes from the exchange of a single f -meson, which i s

supposed to have a mass m^1 and a coupling constant Yp"n to

the two TT -mesons (corresponding to a width f > ). Suppos­

ing now that there i s some dynamical scheme, which we s h a l l

not specify a t the moment, which allows one to calculate the

scattering amplitude of the 71-71 . Then, i f the bootstrap

assumption i s approximately correct, one would expect that a ,., out r-» out resonance with mass m ^ and width | f w i l l appear i n the

r> 14 4. * n *.* *n o u t r » i n r-»out P-wave amplitude. Puting m ^ =m^ , J p = \ ^ , one

has two equations to determine the two parameters m^ ~ m^ =

m p ° U t and ["J, ~ P fl n = rj,0ut' The simple model just describ­

ed was worked out by Zachariasen,( 1 9 6 1 ). The values he got

were m, = 350 MeV and = 130 MeV. Similar calculations

have been performed by a number of authors. More s o p h i s t i ­

cated methods of dynamical approximation (see L.A.P. Balazs,

1 9 6 2 , 1963) and i n c l u s i o n of more channels (F. Zachariasen

and C. Zemach, 1962) both l e d to better agreement with


I f the masses and coupling constants are r e a l l y

determinable from bootstrap dynamics, then i t i s obvious that,

if. one chooses the system of hadrons judiciously, the i n t e r n a l

symmetries such as SU(2) and SU(3) i n strong interactions with

t h e i r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c r e l a t i o n s between masses and coupling

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constants, should a l s o follow from the bootstrap assumptions.

The p o s s i b i l i t y of t h i s has been demonstrated i n a large

number of c a l c u l a t i o n s (E. Abers, F. Zachariasen and C. Zemach,

1 9 6 3 ; B. E. Cutkosky, 1 9 6 3 a ; R. H. Capps, 1 9 6 3 a ; Hong-Mo Chan,

P. C. De Celles and J . E. Paton, 1 9 6 3 ; A. W. Martin and K. C.

Wall, 1 9 6 3 . 1 9 6 4 ; E. C. G. Sudarshan et. a l . , 1 9 6 4 ) .

I t i s well-known that some of the Internal symmetries

i n strong i n t e r a c t i o n s (such as SU(3)) are not exact, and th i s

f a c t , together with the p a r t i c u l a r ways i n which those symme­

t r i e s are broken, should also be r e f l e c t e d i n a bootstrap

c a l c u l a t i o n . I t usually turns out to be too complicated to

calculate a s o l u t i o n with broken symmetry d i r e c t l y . Since an

exact symmetry would reduce the number of parameters to be

calculated enormously — because i n the symmetric solut i o n the

hadrons would f a l l into multiplets with degenerate mass and

the coupling constants would be related by the C-G c o e f f i c i e n t s

of the symmetry group —- i t i s customary to seek a s o l u t i o n

which possesses the f u l l symmetry as a f i r s t step and then

seek s e l f - c o n s i s t e n t perturbations from the symmetric values

of the parameters, hence obtaining a solu t i o n with broken

symmetry. In other words, one seeks spontaneous symmetry

breaking from the I n i t i a l symmetric solu t i o n . (R. E. Cutkosky

and P. Tarjanne, 1 9 6 3 ; R» Dashen and S. Frautschi, 1 9 6 5 a ;

D. Y.^Wong, 1 9 6 5 )• This i s the approach that we are going to

adopt when we study the cause of Octet Enhancement i n a

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bootstrap model i n the l a t e r part of t h i s Chapter. We s h a l l

a l s o work i n the S-matrix framework which seems to be easier

to handle.

2 . Basic Assumptions i n S-Matrix Theory (See G. F. Chew,

1961; G. F. Chew and M. Jacob, 1964)

We s h a l l discuss here some of the basic assumptions

that have become the standard tools i n S-matrix Theory. As

t h i s i s intended only to serve as an introduction to the

method that we w i l l be using i n our bootstrap model, i t w i l l

be i n the form of a very b r i e f resume7 and makes no pretence to

completeness. We s h a l l confine ourselves here to spinless

p a r t i c l e s and sing l e channel processes, f o r reason of s i m p l i ­

c i t y . The generalization to multichannel cases involving

p a r t i c l e s with spin turn out to be rather straightforward and

involves no modification of matters of p r i n c i p l e . ( J . D.

Bjorken, i 9 6 0 ) .

The whole of S-matrix Theory rests on three general

properties of the S-matrix, namely

(i) The Substitution Law and Crossing Symmetry

( i i ) A n a l y t i c i t y

( i i i ) U n i t a r i t y

Consider a process where two p a r t i c l e s a and b come

i n with 4-momenta p1 and p 2, producing p a r t i c l e s c and d with

4-momenta p~ and pn respectively (Fig. I ) .

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F i g . I

Invoking r e l a t i v i s t i c invariance, the scat t e r i n g

amplitude f o r the process can be expressed as a function of

invariants constructed from p- , p 2, Vy Plj,. Assigning con­

servation of 4-momentum and putting the p a r t i c l e s onto t h e i r 2 2

respective mass s h e l l s —- that i s , requiring p^ = ma , p p 2 2 2 ? 2 02 2

p 2 % * p 3 = m c ' p 4 = m d ^ e r e P i = p ± - p ± only two Independent invariants can be constructed. I t turns out

2 2 to be most convenient to use s = ( p 1 + p 2) , t = ( p 1 - p^)

and f o r reason of symmetry which w i l l become evident l a t e r , 2

i t i s useful to add another i n v a r i a n t u = (p^ - p^) • These

three Invariants, which are usually referred to as the

Mandelstam variables (S. Mandelstam, 1 9 5 8 ; see al s o R. Hagedorn,

1963» f o r d e t a i l e d discussion), are related by the equation


where we have made the further assumption that the four parti­

cles have equal mass, f o r s i m p l i c i t y . Let the amplitude of

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the process be denoted by

>4(s,*>«0 = / \ ( f 3 f * ; - t O (5.2)

From the d e f i n i t i o n of s, t and-u, one can e a s i l y show that

the physical region f o r the variables s, t and U correspond­

ing to the process shown i n F i g . I, i s r e s t r i c t e d by

f S > 4 m * > o

I tt <: 0

We s h a l l see that the same amplitude A(s,t,U) describes three

d i s t i n c t processes when the variables s, t and iA. are r e s t r i c t ­

ed to d i f f e r e n t regions. In the above-mentioned process, s i s

the square of the centre of mass (CM) energy. Consequently,

that process i s referred to as the s-channel of the amplitude


Now i f one r e c a l l s the p r e s c r i p t i o n of Feynmann f o r

c a l c u l a t i n g s c a t t e r i n g amplitudes, one sees that the same

function A(s,t,*0 can be Interpreted as to represent quite

another process, i f one puts i n an appropriate range of values

f o r the arguments of the function. Feynmann has summarized

the s i t u a t i o n i n the rule that "an a n t i - p a r t i c l e can be look­

ed upon as a p a r t i c l e propagated backwards i n time" (R. P.

Feynmann, 1962). Hence the amplitude fj ( f > f,} ) f o r

the process shown i n F i g . II i s given by

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i i • I i t i i

F i g . II F i g . I l l

Writing , f / = - f * >

or ( 5 - 4 ) B (*,*,<0 = A (s,t,u) Since the process i n F i g . II i s described by B and t i s now

the square of CM-energy, the physical values f o r s, t, U are

r e s t r i c t e d by

jt } 4-mz > 0

5 ^ 0 ( 5 . 5 )

V- o

This i s c a l l e d the t-channel. S i m i l a r l y , the amplitude

A(s,t,u) can describe the process shown i n F i g . I l l , i f the

variables s,t,Utake on the values

S <: 0 ( 5-6)

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That the same amplitude A(s,t,u) describes three d i s ­

t i n c t processes when i t s arguments take on d i f f e r e n t sets of

values i s c a l l e d the SUBSTITUTION RULE. As mentioned before,

i t follows from the Feynmann r u l e s . I t has also been proved

as one of the f i r s t theorems i n Axiomatic F i e l d Theory (see,

e.g., G. Barton, 1965, pg* 3 6 ) . In S-matrix theories, i t i s

u s u a l l y regarded as a fundamental postulate. I f the process

shown i n F i g . I i s i d e n t i c a l to that shown i n F i g . II, then

i t follows from ( 5 . 4 ) , that

A = A (*,s,u) ( 5 . 7 )

Then we say that there i s CROSSING SYMMETRY between the s and

t channels.

I t i s important to observe that the regions (5«3)»

(5*5) and (5*6) f o r the variables (s,t) are disconnected, so

that i t i s i n general meaningless to say that the processes i n

F i g . I, II and I I I are described by the same function. How­

ever, i f one assumes enough a n a l y t i c i t y , then i t i s possible

to a n a l y t i c a l l y continue the function A(s,t) as defined i n

region (5«3) i n a unique way to the regions ( 5 . 5 ) and ( 5 . 6 ) ,

thus obtaining an a n a l y t i c function A(s,t) defined over a

region containing a l l these subregions ( 5 . 3 ) f ( 5 . 5 ) and ( 5 . 6 ) .

Then i t becomes meaningful to say that the 3 processes are

described by the same function A(s,t) and a complete know­

ledge of the scattering amplitude i n one region (or a dense

subregion of i t ) would enable us to calculate the scattering

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amplitude i n the other regions, and hence other channels.

This brings us to another property that the function A(s,t)

should have — ANALYTICITY.

The a n a l y t i c properties are described i n terms of

the Mandelstam Representation (S. Mandelstam, 1958) which i s

usually introduced as a postulate i n S-matrix Theory. The

Mandelstam Representation has been shown to hold f o r poten­

t i a l s c a t t e r i n g (R. Blankenbecler et. a l , I 9 6 0 ; see also M.L.

Goldberger and K. M. Watson, 1964) f o r potentials of the form

and f o r a large class of Feynmann graphs (see R. J . Eden, P.V.

Landshoff, D. I. Olive and J . C. Polkinghorne, 1966).

The Mandelstam Conjecture i s usually used i n the •in­form of p a r t i a l wave dispersion r e l a t i o n s or f i x e d momentum

trans f e r dispersion r e l a t i o n s , since no convenient method i s

yet a v a i l a b l e f o r using the double spectral i n t e g r a l s more

d i r e c t l y . I t can be shown from Mandelstam's Conjecture that

the X t h p a r t i a l wave amplitude, which i s a function of the

complex energy s, has the following a n a l y t i c properties.

The JL p a r t i a l wave amplitude A^(s) i s defined, f o r our simple case, by ^

where Pjz are the Legendre functions and a i s the angle between and sf? i n the CM system.

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(See, e.g., G. F. Chew, 1 9 6 2 , Ch. 9 ) .

(1) I t i s a double valued function of the complex energy s

(we are neglecting i n e l a s t i c i t y which would give r i s e .

to extra complications), so that two Riemann sheets are

required to define a single-valued function. These

sheets pass into each other v i a branch cuts to be des­

cribed l a t e r . Physical values f o r the scattering amp­

l i t u d e are to be taken by allowing the complex energy s

to approach the r e a l axis on the f i r s t sheet from above.

Hence the f i r s t sheet i s usually referred to as the

"physical sheet." The amplitude i s an a n a l y t i c function

except f o r branch cuts and poles on or near the r e a l

a x i s .

(2) (a) I t possesses a left-hand cut extending from 5L to

s « - 0 0 . The p o s i t i o n of SL depends on the l i g h t ­

est physical system that i s exchanged (see F i g . IV).

Tm s

, bound stats pole


/ /


/ ReS

/ /

» / /

resonance pole (Oh 2nd sheet)

F i g . IV

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(b) I t possesses a right-hand cut extending from the

threshold 5* to s = + 0 0 ,

(c) I t may have poles on the r e a l axis i n the gap bet­

ween the l e f t and right-hand cut. Such poles

correspond to bound states. The mass of a bound

state i s given by the p o s i t i o n of the pole while

i t s coupling constant i s given by the pole residue.

(d) I t may have poles below but near to the r e a l axis

on the second sheet with Re s > 5 t • Such poles

can be interpreted as resonances.

(e) In the gap between the two cuts, the p a r t i a l wave

amplitude takes on r e a l values.

(3) From (1) and ( 2 e ) , i t follows from the Riemann-Schwarz

" p r i n c i p l e of r e f l e c t i o n " (see, e.g., E. C. Titchmarsch,

1939) i n the theory of functions of a complex variable,

where the a s t e r i s k denotes complex conjugation. Such

a n a l y t i c functions are usually simply referred to as

being " r e a l . "

For the r e a l a n a l y t i c function A , one could write

down the H i l b e r t Transform, which (provided that Aji converges

at i n f i n i t y ) i s an immediate consequence of Cauchy's Theorem

and (5*9) as follows


( 5 . 9 )

( 5 . 1 0 )

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Now, /A^s) s a t i s f i e s the r e l a t i o n

where J}fs) i s a f a c t o r to remove kinematic s i n g u l a r i t i e s and

s,<o = e 2 i n m (5.12)

where i s the phase s h i f t . The statement of UNITARITY i n

the case of e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g that we are considering i s the

phase s h i f t s ^ f c ) are r e a l f o r Sy-$t* Then i t follows from

(5.11) and (5»12), by d i r e c t computation that

~ ftfs)/Ae<yJ? , s>St ( 5 . 1 3 )


• Im[Md]~l = ~j}(0 , s>s* (5.14)

This i s the right-hand s i n g u l a r i t y that i s usually inserted

i n t o the second i n t e g r a l of (5.10). On the other hand, the

left-hand cut i s connected with the forces responsible f o r the

scattering, i . e . with the p a r t i c l e systems to be exchanged. A

pole i n the t or-U va r i a b l e i n the function A(s,t,w), corres­

ponding to the exchange of a p a r t i c l e with well defined mass,

would give r i s e to a cut f o r the function AJL(S) along the r e a l

axis of the complex s-plane, s t a r t i n g a t 5— S^-Me (where me

i s the mass of the exchanged p a r t i c l e ) and extending back to

S i - -co Hence the nearby part of the left-hand cut ari s e s from

the l i g h t e s t systems that can be exchanged and so corresponds

to the long-range forces of the problem. The f a r - o f f parts

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a r i s e from the exchange of more massive systems and hence

correspond to short-range forces, which one knows very l i t t l e

about. Fortunately, i f one looks at the integrals on the

right-hand side of ( 5 . 1 0 ) , one sees that the contribution of

J t f »Aef r ;)is damped of f by a f a c t o r of , so that one

can hope that when one i s considering the amplitude Aj f o r

small s, the i n t e g r a l s are dominated by contributions from

nearby parts of the cuts, and the e f f e c t of the short-range

forces can, a t l e a s t i n a large class of situations, be ignored

to a good approximation.

Let us now take a b r i e f look at the so-called N/D

method (G. F. Chew and S. Mandelstam, i 9 6 0 ) That has been

employed to solve the i n t e g r a l equation ( 5 . 1 0 ) . The u n i t -

a r i t y condition ( 5 » 1 3 ) i s a non-linear equation i n Aj? » and

therefore, when i t i s substituted into ( 5 . 1 0 ) , gives a non­

l i n e a r i n t e g r a l equation. The N/D method i s a device to con­

vert t h i s into a p a i r of coupled l i n e a r equations. One writes,

Ajt(')*> NJL(S)/PJ(S) ( 5 . 1 5 )

where Nji has only the left-hand cut and Vji only the r i g h t -

hand cut. By using ( 5 . 1 5 )» one sees that

*This method has been widely used by p h y s i c i s t s dur­ing the past few years. I t was, however, introduced and extensively studied by Wiener and Hopf some f o r t y years ago. (See, e.g., E. C. Tltchmarsch, 1 9 4 8 ) .

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Then, one can write down the H i l b e r t Transform

1/ ,s I (SL Sl* AjlO')- Jis'

Also, one has

Ir* Vj(s) = iV»[/v>C$> A/'fo]

Using ( 5 « l 4 ) , one gets

Performing a H i l b e r t Transform, one gets

( 5 . 1 6 )

( 5 . 1 7 )


^ * > S t ( 5 . 1 9 )

^T5V S" ( 5 . 2 0 )

( 5 . 2 1 )

To improve the convergence of the Integral on the right-hand

side, one writes down the corresponding expression f o r D[S0 ),

subtract i t from , and normalising D(X>) to unity, which i s

allowable since only the r a t i o of N to D i s the relevant function

to be calculated. Then one gets

( 5 . 2 2 )

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The equations (5.18) and (5.22) are the basic set of

equations that we are going to work with. In the N/D method,

the bound states corresponds to zeros of the D-function, and

resonances to zeros of Re.D. The coupling constant squared i n

the f i r s t case and the reduced width i n the second case are

given by

evaluated a t the zero of D . The bound states do not go to

the N-function as input poles. In f a c t , since D vanishes at

a bound state, N/~ fyAjz does not have a pole at the bound

state, though A has i t .

Digression to multichannel case We s h a l l digress here very b r i e f l y to write down the

relevant formulae f o r the multichannel case since we w i l l be using them i n our model. The formulae usually used are rather obvious generalization of what vie had f o r the single channel case* ( J . B. Bjorken, i 9 6 0 ) . In the case of l\ coupled channels, the u n i t a r i t y condition f o r the p a r t i a l wave ampli­tude Ay , \& » , (we have omitted the l a b l e f o r the p a r t i a l wave f o r convenience) i s given by

JT (A<j® - AtfM) = Z ?i*®A*k(')A*j(s) ( 5 . 1 3 ' )

where fij i s the kinematic f a c t o r f o r the amplitude Ay, which i s written as

' cbdtp(s)

Then another relevant formula that we are going to use w i l l be

The existence of a single bound state In the coupled channels w i l l now be i d e n t i f i e d as a simple zero i n det D(s) and the

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coupling constants of the bound states w i l l be given by

f "'fy (5.23')

evaluated a t the zero of det D. &j are the coupling constants of the bound state to the i t n and j t n channels r e s p e c t i v e l y .

A l l e x i s t i n g methods of solving (5.18) and (5 .22) to

date involve rather d r a s t i c approximations i n one form or

another. The d i f f e r e n t approximation procedures d i f f e r i n de­

grees of complication, but not necessarily i n p r e c i s i o n . As

examples we s h a l l quote the determinental method (M. Baker,

1958; F. Zachariasen and C. Zemach, 1962) which i s sometimes

a l s o refe r r e d to as the Unitarised Born Approximation, The

Balazs Method (L.A.P. Balazs, 1 9 6 2 , 1963) and the single or

several poles approximation used, e.g., by Fautschi and

Walecka i n the T^H problem (S. C. Frautschi and J . D. Walecka,

I 9 6 0 ) . Among these, the simplest method to use seems to be

the pole approximation which consists of replacing the l e f t -

hand s i n g u l a r i t y by a pole, or i n the words of Chew (G. F.

Chew, 1 9 6 2 ) , replacing a l i n e charge by a point charge. We

s h a l l describe t h i s b r i e f l y i n the single channel case: the

extension to more general cases i s again quite s t r a i g h t f o r ­

ward .

Let us consider a s i t u a t i o n where two p a r t i c l e s , say,

two nucleons, s c a t t e r by exchange of a pion. Then the l e f t -

hand d i s c o n t i n u i t y w i l l be proportional to the square of the

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coupling constant G and the di s c o n t i n u i t y w i l l be peak­

ed around a point whose distance from the threshold i s pro­

p o r t i o n a l to the mass of the exchanged pion. Hence, i f we wish

to replace the cut by a pole, we i^ould i n the most general case,

place the pole a t a p o s i t i o n

5 V = S > - 4 \ n z ( 5 . 2 4 )


and the residue of the pole should be proportional to G .

This corresponds to w r i t i n g Sr*Aji(s') (F-t8) as

where c and \ are two as yet unspecified constants, both of

which depend on the d e t a i l e d kinematics as well as dynamics.

Substituting ( 5 . 2 5 ) into ( 5 . 1 8 ) , one gets

where we have normalised Dj ( — 4-\rv? ) to unity, i . e . ,

we have put SQ = - 4-Ar*1 . Substituting (5.26) into (5.22),

we have


I f we impose the bootstrap condition that the same pion with

mass M i s to be produced i n the Ji p a r t i a l wave as a bound

state, we have the two equations,

Vj>(m%) = o (5-28)

_ ^ 2 ( 5 . 2 9 )

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I f we look back at equations ( 5 . 2 6 ) and ( 5 . 2 7 ) , we have four

unknown numbers — but two parameters c and X $ and the two 2 2

phy s i c a l quantities G and m — b u t only two equations to

r e l a t e them. To get a complete determination of the physical

2 2

quantities G and m , i t i s customary to assign some reason­

able values to c and X . We s h a l l take as an example the

c a l c u l a t i o n done by Abers et. a l . (E. Abers, F. Zacharlasen

and C. Zemach, 1963)» They have retained the a r b i t r a r i n e s s

of c, but set \ - 1 and were able to draw some q u a l i t a t i v e

conclusion from the N-N-TT bootstrap; v i z . , SU(2) symmetry.

In the many channel problem that we are going to

t r e a t (which i n the l i m i t of complete SU(3) symmetry reduces

to a single channel problem), we s h a l l use the above single

pole approximation i n i t s most general form. We s h a l l c a l l

t h i s the "Parametrized One Pole Approximation," which, by

v i r t u e of the large number of parameters a v a i l a b l e , would

hopefully be adaptable to a large class of s i t u a t i o n s . What

we claim here i s that i t seems probable that the r e a l physical

left-hand s i n g u l a r i t i e s can be approximately by a single pole

i f we know how to choose the parameters c and \ j u d i c i o u s l y .

In that event, i f we can make some general statement inde­

pendently of the choice of c and X • then that statement would

hold f o r the r e a l physical s i t u a t i o n .

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3 . Octet Enhancement i n a Bootstrap Model of Vector Mesons

In t h i s section we discuss a bootstrap model of

vector mesons i n which Octet Enhancement ( i n t h i s case the

v a l i d i t y of the GMO Formula) a r i s e s from the condition that

the s e l f - c o n s i s t e n t values of the coupling constants be r e a l .

The model i s s i m i l a r i n s p i r i t to that of Cutkosky (R. E.

Cutkosky, 1963a) where an octet of vector mesons are two

body bound states of the same octet. As a matter of f a c t ,

t h i s model, which i s i n the f i e l d t h e o r e t i c a l language, has

been further developed f o r the study of Octet Enhancement

(R. E. Cutkosky and P. Tarjanne, 1 9 6 3 ) . But, as i n the words

of the authors — "We suggest, as the o r i g i n of the Gell-Mann

Okubo Rule, that j 1-K(8)| J l-K ( 2 7 ) | ( 3 1 ) . While our c a l ­

c u l a t i o n indicates the p l a u s i b i l i t y of obtaining (31) from

a more complete theory, we cannot claim to have established

i t . " — the r e s u l t s were not r e a l l y conclusive. We s h a l l see

that, i n our model here, which i s i n the S-matrix language,

we are not only able to e s t a b l i s h f i r m l y the v a l i d i t y of the

GMO Formula; but a l s o to trace the o r i g i n of Octet Enhance­

ment through a v i v i d path so as to allow us to get more

Insight into the problem. Returning to a d e s c r i p t i o n of our

By "an octet of vector mesons" here we just mean a set of eight vector mesons, (an i s o t r i p l e t f , an i s o s l n g l e t COQ and a doublet K* with a n t i - p a r t i c l e s K*) . We are not assuming SU(3) symmetry or even SU(3) transformation properties of these p a r t i c l e s as a s t a r t i n g point.

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model, the two body force i s produced by the exchange of the

same octet and i s assumed to conserve i s o - s p i n and hyper­

charge. A f t e r bootstrap conditions are Imposed, we s h a l l f i n d

that a degenerate mass s o l u t i o n exists with coupling constants

r e l a t e d by SU(3) C-G c o e f f i c i e n t s . Similar r e s u l t s have been

obtained by various authors i n a number of models (R.E.

Cutkosky, 1 9 6 3 a ; R. H. Capps, 1 9 6 3 a ; H. M. Chan, P. C. De

Celles and J . E. Paton, 1 9 6 4 ) . Further we s h a l l f i n d that,

to f i r s t order i n mass s p l i t t i n g s , a non-degenerate mass

so l u t i o n e x i s t s i n which, i n agreement with the analysis of

Glashow (S. L. Glashow, 1 9 6 3 ; see a l s o Ch. IV, Section 4 ( 1 )

of t h i s t h e s i s ) , only two kinds of mass s p l i t t i n g can occur:

one according to the GMO Formula (4K* 2 = 5> 2 + 3&>g2) *, the

other according to "the 2 7-plet Formula" {^^>2=CJOQ

2 + 2K* 2).

In our model, we s h a l l f i n d that the type of asymmetric solu­

t i o n that w i l l emerge depends on the det a i l e d dynamical

structure of the input force. As a f i r s t test to decide which

formula i s relevant, we s h a l l use the "Parametrized One Pole

Approximation" mentioned before f o r the input force. The

se l f - c o n s i s t e n t values of the coupling constants w i l l depend

on the pole p o s i t i o n parameterX • We s h a l l a l s o see that,

corresponding to two d i s t i n c t values of X » w e set the GMO

or the 2 7-plet formulae. (In the language of Frautschi and

We s h a l l use the l a b e l f o r the p a r t i c l e to denote i t s mass here.

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Dashen, one can say that corresponding to two d i s t i n c t values

of A , we have e i t h e r Ag = 0 or A ^ = 0. Our model can a c t u a l l y

be formulated i n such terms, although we choose not to do so) .

We s h a l l f i n d that the former value of A corresponds to rea­

sonable values of the coupling constants, whereas the l a t t e r

value of X, corresponds to a "mathematical" s o l u t i o n where the

square of the i s o s c a l a r coupling constants are negative. We

s h a l l see that t h i s l a t t e r solution, which s a t i s f i e s the 27-

p l e t formula, i s p h y s i c a l l y inacceptable so that only the GMO

Formula remains.

Let us now construct our model. We write the

relevant J = 1 p a r t i a l s c a t t e r i n g aplitude T as usual i n the

form N/D, and we have as input

fjtVfy - itffts.k+ieluf) +itff(s.K'Mf) (5.30) .


ft There are ten independent amplitudes f o r the

scattering of two vector mesons. There may be one (or more) of these t h a t gives r i s e to bound state poles. We concentrate on such an amplitude and t e n t a t i v e l y assume i t to be a P-wave amplitude.

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where f (s.^ s ^ . S y s^) i s some as yet unspecified function con­

t a i n i n g the left-hand cut of the s c a t t e r i n g matrix, and where­

i n 2 / s ^ i s the t o t a l outgoing mass; Z'/fs^ ' t n e t o t a l

incoming mass; jf&2 , the mass of the vector meson exchanged; 2

and s. (CM energy) . Further,

the numerical factors i n the N-matrices have been obtained

from SU(2) crossing matrices. For a discussion of crossing

matrices and a sample c a l c u l a t i o n f o r the N-functions, see

Appendix 1. We write the D-matrices with one subtraction

performed at $0 — £0 (s7j ^ s*) '

P«*)fy - / - i^ zX(S,k*l£fio<(s,K*ll<*lf') ( 5 - 3 4 )

( 5 . 3 5 )

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/ J? (f'-S.Xs'-Sctf,,*,*)) ( 5 * 3 7 )

where 4M(s ,s ) and q'(s 9,s») are the threshold energy and CM

momentum f o r the process. Further,

4M(s 2,s 3) = 4 max ( s 2 , S 3 ) ( 5 - 3 8 )

We impose the bootstrap conditions and get the ten


D V " ( r f ^ ) = 0 ( 5 - 3 9 )

det D If) If) = 0 ( 5 . 4 0 )

(K*) o det Dv (K* ) = 0

6 ^ " ^

M(W-^jP ( p )(f)



( 5 . 4 3 )

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( 5 . W

As i n several previous calculations of a s i m i l a r <

2 2

~ A,

nature by various authors, a f u l l y SU(3) symmetric so l u t i o n p p ? 2 e x i s t s i n the sense that (AQ = f = K* = m and

2 2 2

here g and the functions cX and f are related by

JL - 2* where cV<, ~ <fm> ^ £ = ™, *A ™ 3),





where the superscript (-) Indicates that the d e r i v a t i v e i s to 2

the l e f t . The value of m remains completely undetermined.

We are going to take the a t t i t u d e , however, that

t h i s mathematical s o l u t i o n i s ruled out p h y s i c a l l y by some

s t a b i l i t y argument which i s as yet unknown to us, and that the

physical world manifests i t s e l f as an asymmetric so l u t i o n to

the equations (5*39) - (5*44). To obtain t h i s asymmetric

sol u t i o n we resort to a s e l f - c o n s i s t e n t mathematical perturba-2 t i o n of the above so l u t i o n . Since the value of m i s

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I l l

completely undetermined, and i n so f a r as we consider the

symmetric s o l u t i o n to be a mathematical f i c t i o n , i t does not

matter, when we put i n mass deviations, from which p a r t i c u l a r 2 2 m we st a r t , as long as the value of m i s reasonably close

to the actual masses of the physical p a r t i c l e s to enable an

expansion i n powers of "mass s p l i t t i n g " to make sense. In

p a r t i c u l a r , we can with no loss of generality, assume that the

"mass s p l i t t i n g s " are a l l negative, an assumption that circum­

vents d i f f i c u l t i e s a r i s i n g from the lack of smoothness of the

function M. We assume further that the s p l i t t i n g s of the

coupling constants g^ from the SU(3) symmetric values are

n e g l i g i b l e compared with the mass s p l i t t i n g s from the degener­

ate value, as seems to be j u s t i f i e d by several previous calcu­

l a t i o n s (D. Y. Wong, 1 9 6 5 ; J . H. Fulco and D. Y. Wong, 19&5)

on s i m i l a r problems.

To f i r s t order i n the mass s p l i t t i n g we f i n d from

eqs. ( 5 . 3 9 ) , (5.40), ( 5 . 4 1 )

C * U*&x) CSk*x+ + ° < * 4 S K * X ) = 0

For ( 5 . 5 0 ) to have n o n - t r i v i a l solutions i n c*-, , & 0 , c*7»

(SJf7 - Sc*2-2Sk*)(4$r %-36(£-Sf)(4S^ .51)

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Since <TK*2, <Tj>2, S~C0Q2< 0 by assumption,* the l a s t f a c t o r i s

always non-zero. Hence we have, f o r a solution, e i t h e r

3f 3-V/^ZK^O 2 7-plet Formula ( 5 - 5 2 )

or 4K* r~3&J-f i » 0 Gell-Mann - Okubo Formula ( 5 . 5 3 )

For ( 5 . 5 2 ) to hold,

( f o(}-&otz +5*u)(o f\ + 2offH>U) o ( 5 . 5 4 )

For ( 5 . 5 3 ) to hold

fa + o£)(o*i+20^ + 0(1.) ( 5 . 5 5 )

The discussion up to now has not been dependent on

the form of the input f o r f (s-^.s-.s ,s ). To see whether ^ j

( 5 . 5 4 ) or ( 5 . 5 5 ) w i l l be s a t i s f i e d , we use the following para­

metrized one-pole approximation f o r f ,

One need not be unduly worried by the hideous i m p l i ­cations of the l a s t f a c t o r i n ( 5 . 5 1 )» about what would happen i f we had not made the assumption that the mass s p l i t t i n g s are a l l of the same sign. The reason i s that i f we had not made such an assumption, we would not get anything l i k e equation ( 5 . 5 0 ) . We ifould instead get 3 equations i n the 4 parameters e^.c^c*^ and/? g where the extra parameter ^ 2

i s t n e derivative to the r i g h t of P^(s-j_, S g , s^, s^) with respect to s 2 evaluated at s-1=s2=S2=Sij.=m2. We would then not be able to make simple algebraic statements such as we are able to do here. Note a l s o that i f we make the a l t e r n a t i v e assumption that all<fm s are p o s i t i v e , then exactly the same equations ( 5 . 5 0 ) and ( 5 « 5 D w i l l be obtained, only that now i n (5«50) a l l the a r e replaced b y £ 2 .

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where c and \ are parameters. Further we take the subtraction

point at

S0 = 4 M ( ^ , ^ ) ( 5 . 5 7 )

I f we write t = 4 ( X - 1 ) , we see that (5«47) can now be written


Jl = C '

which equation should s t i l l be approximately true f o r the asym­

metric s o l u t i o n .

We have calculated o^, <x2 * an&C*'^ numerically as a

function of t and found that,

(l ) there i s no s o l u t i o n force, + 2<*~ = 0 f o r 1 c. Hr

- 4 < t Q ^ 40 and there does not seem to be any tendency f o r the *

l e f t hand side to vanish when t —=>oot

o ( i i ) 9a\ - 6cv„ + $ocu = 0 f o r t = - 3 . 0 5 and there

JL c. o are no other solutions f o r -h<t^ 40.

( i i i ) o( . + oc^ - 0 f o r tQ = 1 .8 and there are no

other solutions f o r - 4 < t ^ 40. o

From ( i i ) and ( 5 . 5 4 ) , we see that i f t = - 3 . 0 5 , mass

s p l i t t i n g can occur according to the 2 7-plet Formula. Now, i f

we look at the function trf&i/c , which i s a dimensionless

Note that i n the symmetric l i m i t , the pole i n eq. ( 5 . 5 6 ) occurs at -m t , so that even f o r t D = 4 0 , the pole i s already r i d i c u l o u s l y f a r out to the l e f t .

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i n t e g r a l independent of c, we can see that i t i s p o s i t i v e p

independently of t . Hence, according to ( 5 * 5 8 ) , S < 0 f o r

t Q = - 3 . 0 5 ; so that although there exists a mathematical

s o l u t i o n where the symmetry breaking occurs i n accordance

with the 2 7-plet Formula, the " p a r t i c l e s " i n t h i s s o l u t i o n

are ghost states and must be rejected as being unphysical.

On the other hand, f o r t Q = 1 . 8 i n ( i i i ) , which corresponds

to the v a l i d i t y of the GMO Formula, we found from ( 5 . 5 8 )

that ^Z/4-^ ^ 3«5 which i s reasonable f o r strong i n t e r ­

a c tions. Hence, i n t h i s rather simple model, we have traced

how Octet Enhancement In medium strong symmetry breaking

comes about. In f a c t , we have demonstrated how i t follows

from two general requirements, v i z . ,

(a) The bootstrap self-consistency condition, and

(b) That the "vector mesons" are r e a l physical

p a r t i c l e s and not ghost states which are

inacceptable as physical solutions.

At t h i s juncture one may ask whether our conclus­

ion depends s e n s i t i v e l y on our p a r t i c u l a r way of approximating

the left-hand cut, v i z . the parametrized one-pole approxima-' i

The existence of ghost states leads to a v i o l a t i o n of u n i t a r i t y condition, i . e . , i t leads to non-conservation of p r o b a b i l i t y (G. Kallen and W. P a u l i , 1 9 5 5 ; S. Weinberg, 1 9 5 6 ; see also G. Kallen, 1 9 6 2 ) . This can be most e a s i l y seen as follows. We can write down f o r our problem an " e f f e c t i v e " Hamiltonian which i s proportional to g. Now an imaginary g(g <o) corresponds i n our p a r t i c u l a r case to a non-Hermitlan Hamiltonian and the ordinary proof of p r o b a b i l i t y conserva­t i o n In quantum mechanics no longer holds.

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X 1 5

t i o n . We s h a l l take up t h i s question i n Appendix 2, where

two other methods of approximating the left-hand cut are given

which demonstrate a t l e a s t that our conclusion does not depend

s e n s i t i v e l y on the method of approximation.

4. Miscellaneous Remarks

(i) The D. Y. Wong Model (D. Y. Wong, 1965)

Wong has looked a t a model where an octet of vector

mesons are again considered as two-body bound states

of the same octet. The 2-body force, contrary to

what we have done here, was approximately by a pole

f i x e d a t the p o s i t i o n s = - s 0 , i r r e s p e c t i v e of the

mass of the vector meson that supposedly was exchang­

ed, and furthermore, the residue of the pole was

given a t the outset by the product of the coupling

constants of the expected bound meson to the incom­

ing p a r t i c l e s and the outgoing p a r t i c l e s respectively.

As we have seen, one of the general assumptions that

one has to impose to implement the boostrap hypothe­

s i s i s Crossing Symmetry. To put i n crossing

symmetry properly, the 2-body force should be pro­

p o r t i o n a l to the product of the coupling constants of

the p a r t i c l e s to be exchanged and the p o s i t i o n of the

pole should depend on the mass of the exchanged p a r t i ­

c l e . This we have ensured i n our model presented i n

Section 3«> -Wong has discovered that, i n his model,

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p f o r s G = 1 .8 m , the Gell-Mann Okubo Formula comes

out exactly. We have extended the c a l c u l a t i o n i n p

Wong's model and found that f o r s 0 = - 2 . 3 m , spon­

taneous mass s p l i t t i n g can also occur i n accordance

with the 2 7-plet Formula. However, equation (12)

i n Wong's a r t i c l e contains a r e l a t i o n between Si> * P

which was Interpreted as the square of the SU(3) re­

duced coupling constant. We substituted s Q = - 2 . 3 m 2

i n t o t h i s equation and found that T< 0 . Hence that

p a r t i c u l a r s o l u t i o n corresponds to ghost states and

must be rejected as unphysical. Hence we see that

conclusions about Octet Enhancement can also be drawn

from Wong's Model.

(11) The Model of Fulco and Wong ( J . R. Fulco and D.Y".

Wong, 1964)

Fulco and Wong considered a model i n which the octet

of vector mesons are considered as two-body bound

states of an octet of pseudoscalar mesons. Since the

pseudoscalar mesons are not produced i n t h i s model,

one does not have enough equations to constitute a

bootstrap problem. That i s , the number of unknown

parameters f a r exceeds the number of equations a v a i l ­

able. However, one could s t i l l get some d e f i n i t e

q u a l i t a t i v e statements about the e f f e c t of mass

s p l i t t i n g i n one octet (the pseudoscalar octet) on

the mass s p l i t t i n g i n the other (the vector o c t e t ) .

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Fulco and Wong found that i f the pseudoscalar octet

s p l i t i t s degeneracy i n accordance with the GMO

Formula, then the vector octet also s p l i t according

to the same r u l e . We have again ca r r i e d out the

c a l c u l a t i o n further i n t h i s case and found that t h i s

i s a l s o true f o r the 2 7-plet Formula, and also f o r a

t h i r d formula which states e s s e n t i a l l y that the

average mass s p l i t t i n g s i n the octets are zero. We

s h a l l present the d e t a i l e d c a l c u l a t i o n as follows.

Taking equations (15) (16) and (17) from Fulco and

Wong's a r t i c l e , we have

where R i s a constant depending on the d e t a i l e d dyna­

mics of the problem.

Let us investigate what mass formula

&7T7 4- y £/<7-t-JuS'ty3— o would give r i s e to an analo­

gous formula &f2 -f y fk* + /^S^ « O i n the other

octet, where y and JX> are constants. We write,

using ( 5 . 5 9 ) , ( 5 . 6 0 ) and ( 5 - 6 l )

( 5 . 5 9 )

( 5 . 6 0 )

( 5 . 6 1 )

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Setting the right-hand side proportional to

/ j r ' t V S K z + ^ S y ] Z , we get JL V

( 5 . 6 3 ) / v A*'

Equation (5*63) y i e l d s the folloiving n o n - t r i v i a l

solutions f o r V and ^ .

(v,/0 = | (5.64)

Hence we have the following mass formulae f o r the

pseudoscalar octet that w i l l give r i s e to an analogous

formulae f o r the vector octet

Z Sk ? + Srf - 2 / r r '= 0 ( 5 . 6 6 )

4-£k r •*• S-y2+ 3$n 7= 0 ( 5 . 6 7 )

While ( 5 . 6 5 ) i s the GMO Formula, ( 5 . 6 6 ) the 2 7-plet

Formula, (5«67) i s just a formula that states that

the average mass s p l i t t i n g i s zero. We see here

again that there i s no preference of the GMO over the

2 7-plet Formula. Here, unlike i n Wong's Model, there

i s no s u f f i c i e n t l y d e t a i l e d dynamics to Indicate that

the l a t t e r s o l u t i o n i s unphyslcal.

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(111) Comparison With Other Bootstrap Models of

Octet Enhancement

We have mentioned i n the "beginning of Section

3 "the work of Cutkosky and Tarjanne (E. E. Cutkosky

and P. Tarjanne, 1963) who i n i t i a t e d the idea of

f i n d i n g the reason f o r the v a l i d i t y of the GMO

Formula i n a bootstrap model. Their model i s simi­

l a r to ours i n that they also consider an octet of

vector mesons sc a t t e r i n g among themselves and pro­

ducing the same octet as bound states. The dynamic­

a l framework they used, was, as d i s t i n c t from our

case, f i e l d t h e o r e t i c a l . In t h e i r model, as we have

pointed out i n Section 3» they were able to make

pl a u s i b l e , but not e s t a b l i s h unambiguously, the

v a l i d i t y of the GMO Formula. Hence t h e i r r e s u l t

could not be considered as conclusive.

Working with an extension to the multi-channel

case of t h e i r S-matrix Perturbation Method (R. Dashen

and S. Frautschi, 1 9 6 4 b ) , Dashen and Frautschi f o r ­

mulated (R. Dashen and S. Frautschi, 1965c) the

condition f o r spontaneous symmetry breaking i n accord­

ance with an octet pattern i n bootstrap models —

namely, that a c e r t a i n matrix Ag, which depends on

the d e t a i l e d dynamics of the problem, should possess

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an eigenvalue equal to unity (see Section 4 of

Chapter I I I ) . In a l a t e r paper (R. Dashen and S.

Frautschi, 1965a) they worked, with'a model i n wich

the J p = 2 + baryon octet (B) scatters with the

J p = 0~ pseudoscalar octet (P) by exchange of the p 3+

baryon octet and the J = baryon decuplet (A ),

producing the same baryon multiplets as bound states.

This model, which i s an escalation to SU(3) of the

r e c i p r o c a l bootstrap f o r the nucleon and the pion-

nucleon ( 3 . 3 ) resonance (G. F. Chew, 1 9 6 2 ) , has been

studied extensively i n the symmetric l i m i t by a

number of authors with s l i g h t a l t e r a t i o n s i n d e t a i l

(see, e.g., R. E. Cutkosky, 1 9 6 3 b ; R. H. Capps, 1 9 6 3 c ;

A. W. Martin and K. C. Wall, 1 9 6 3 , 1 9 6 4 ) . I t i s

considered to be the most r e a l i s t i c bootstrap model

known i n strong i n t e r a c t i o n physics to date. By

neglecting the contribution from vector meson ex­

change to the binding force and the influence of

the mass s p l i t t i n g s of the pseudoscalar mesons and

taking parameters such as the F/D r a t i o from pre­

vious works i n the symmetric l i m i t , Dashen and

Frautschi calculated the matrices Ag and A^y and

found that A Q possesses an eigenvalue near unity o whereas A has no such eigenvalues. Hence i t was

27 established rather unambiguously that Octet

Enhancement emerges from the model. Due to the

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r e l a t i v e l y r e a l i s t i c nature of the model, a number of

p h y s i c a l quantities could, be computed, among these

the r a t i o of mass s p l i t t i n g s i n the baryon octet and

the decuplet. However, one cannot gain very much i n ­

sight i n t o the reason f o r Octet Enhancement through

t h i s model other than the bare f a c t that A has an o

eigenvalue near unity, since a l l the dynamical d e t a i l

has already been fed i n at the very outset. In our

model i n Section 3 of t h i s Chapter, we were able to

trace step by step how Octet Enhancement i s ensured

by the step by step imposition of dynamical require­

ments o Our model, i s , of course, f a r l e s s r e a l i s t i c

than the B - A b o o t s t r a p . Due to the lack of experi­

mental Information, i t i s d i f f i c u l t , as of to date,

to b u i l d up a more r e a l i s t i c and yet tangible, com­

p l e t e l y self-determining bootstrap model involving,

say, the pseudoscalar and the vector mesons even i n

the SU(3) symmetric l i m i t . I t i s not even s e t t l e d

which channels are coupled to which (see, e.g.,

R. H. Capps, 1 9 6 3 b ; 1 9 6 5 ; M. Suzuki, 1 9 6 5 b ) .

Suzuki (M. Suzuki, 1964a) studied the problem

of i n f i n i t e s i m a l spontaneous mass s p l i t t i n g i n a

f i e l d t h e o r e t i c a l model. "Spontaneous mass s p l i t t ­

i ng" here means the appearance of non-degenerate phys i c a l masses i n the s o l u t i o n to a problem formu­lat e d symmetrically with degenerate bare mass. In

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t h i s model, octet baryons and mesons Interact under

interactions of Yukawa type f u l l y symmetric under

SU(3) transformations. The relevant conclusions i n

Suzuki's c a l c u l a t i o n s are: (a) that the s p l i t t i n g

always occurs i n the form of a single i r r e d u c i b l e

representation and not of a l i n e a r combination of

d i f f e r e n t i r r e d u c i b l e representations and (b) any

pattern of v i o l a t i o n i s common to a l l multiplets of

hadrons involved i n the c a l c u l a t i o n . However,

Suzuki was not able to e s t a b l i s h the v a l i d i t y of the

GMO Formula i n preference, say, to the 2 7-plet

Formula which also appeared as a so l u t i o n i n his

model . Hence Octet Enhancement i s not a consequence

of his c a l c u l a t i o n . In a l a t e r paper (M. Suzuki,

1964b), Suzuki was able to show that the condition

f o r i n f i n i t e s i m a l spontaneous s p l i t t i n g i n the pattern

of a component of an i r r e d u c i b l e representation i s

nothing other than the condition f o r the existence of

a multip l e t of composite s c a l a r mesons transforming

i n accordance with the same i r r e d u c i b l e representation.

In p a r t i c u l a r , the v a l i d i t y of the GMO Formula depends

on the existence of a scalar meson transforming l i k e

the I = 0 , Y = 0 member of an octet. This finding,

See equations ( 4 . 5 ) and ( 4 . 1 7 ) i n Suzuki's a r t i c l e .

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though i n t e r e s t i n g i n i t s e l f , cannot claim to have

explained Octet Enhancement, e s p e c i a l l y when no such

scal a r meson has yet been discovered.

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!• Introduction

We have seen both i n equation (3.11) and equation

(4.62) that the phenomenon of <p~CO mixing would manifest i t ­

s e l f by the appearance of off-diagonal terms i n a mass matrix

ing to study the above said phenomenon i n a model with more

dynamical content. In t h i s model, however, no mass matrix

w i l l appear e x p l i c i t l y , so i t w i l l be useful to elucidate a t

the outset how <fi-CO mixing would manifest I t s e l f i n the new


The model that we are going to use i s only a s l i g h t

extension of what we have used i n Chapter V. We have again an

octet of vector mesons (CO8, f, K* ) s c a t t e r i n g among them­

selves and we s h a l l look a t the p o s s i b i l i t y of the unitary

s i n g l e t meson C0X coupling I t s e l f to the octet. Now t h i s vector

meson has 1 = 0 and consequently can only be coupled to the

two body states K*K», PP, CO^CO^ }CO8COhC0,0)t. But CO, has G = -1,

so that the l a t t e r four states have the wrong G-parity, which

i s conserved i n strong i n t e r a c t i o n s . Hence CO1 can only be

coupled to K*K*• Now i f exact SU(3) symmetry i s to hold, the

i s o s c a l a r coupling constants of CO1 to K*K* and pf , f o r

Instance, are rela t e d by

having (Co', CO* ) as basis vectors. In t h i s chapter we are go-


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_ co, _ co i Now, we have seen that #p> = 0. Hence A m u s t also be

zero. Hence i n the SU(3) symmetric l i m i t , only one of the two

known vector i s o s l n g l e t s can be incorporated i n t o the boot­


But i f SU(3) symmetry i s to be v i o l a t e d even s l i g h t ­

l y , the s i t u a t i o n may become d i f f e r e n t . In t h i s case, the

unitary s i n g l e t state \C0'? and the unitary octet state

may not be the i d e n t i f i e d physical states. The physical states

may be l i n e a r combinations of these two.

/OI> ~-u*elco*> + c*e lco'> ( 6 , 1 )

CO, Then even though = 0

jff-ffH'*" 0 . ffi'-Je**''** < 6- 2 )

may not be zero. I f <f>-(o mixing i s to occur, then one would

expect that two vector mesons (with a possible difference only

i n mass) should appear as bound states i n the K*K* channel,

with coupling constants r e l a t e d as shown i n ( 6 . 2 ) , where of C0G

course jK*j<y i s t n e calculated i n Chapter V.

2 . The Vector Nonet Model We assume now that there are nine vector mesons

scattering among themselves by the exchange of the same set of

vector mesons and producing themselves as bound states. Let

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us l a b e l these nine mesons by CO1 ( i s o s l n g l e t ) , CO3 (isoslng­

l e t ) , 5> ( I s o t r i p l e t ) , K* (isodoublet) and K* (isodoublet).

The relevant J = 1 p a r t i a l wave amplitude i s written i n the

form N/D, with the input N matrices


where we have written " _ a Cu,

to,'io><*¥$pF)\ K") &iric*m,(*¥f,x*) tfiomPfpp)1,**)



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1 2 7

Then we can write down the corresponding D-matrices i n the same

way as we have done i n Chapter V f o r the octet case. Let us

look now f o r a degenerate solution, i . e . ,

^dtJbpCfyn,*)*: d**DM(hi*)=0 ( 6 . 7 )

Evaluating the various residues of the A~matrices X^n (m-i)A(s)

and equating them to the appropriate coupling constants as we

have done i n the octet case, we get a solut i o n

The l a s t equality i n ( 6 . 8 ) indicates that i n t h i s solution, one

of the i s o s l n g l e t s i s not coupled to the rest of the vector

mesons. The equations that we have are a l l invariant under

exchange of CO, and C0& . Consequently there w i l l he another

s o l u t i o n that looks exactly l i k e ( 6 . 8 ) but with the primed ^'s

interchanged with the double-primed ^ ' s . But since we have not

defined CO, and CO# i n our model, we can take equation ( 6 . 8 ) as

the s o l u t i o n without loss of generality. Motivated by the d i s ­

cussion i n Section 1, we c a l l t h i s uncoupled meson the unitary

s i n g l e t . Let us consider now th i s bootstrap of the subset

co n s i s t i n g of 8 mesons. As discussed i n the previous Chapter,

spontaneous mass s p l i t t i n g can again set i n , giving r i s e to a

non-degenerate octet obeying the GMO Formula

3 to/ + \ f 2 = (6 . 9 )

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This equation can be written i n the parametric form

I k**= f n x ( i + p) (6.10)

v CO/ - FPiz(i+2p)


' 3/+ fm* (6.11) r- 2 m i s the average squared mass of the vector octet.

Of course one cannot be sure that (6.7) and (6.8),

even including the s o l u t i o n with spontaneous mass s p l i t t i n g

given by (6.9), are the only possible solutions. However, one

can be sure that f o r a large class of methods of approximating

the left-hand cut, i n c l u d i n g the one and many-poles approxima­

tions and the s o - c a l l e d Unitarized Born Approximation, the

function <X which i s involved i n D i s a monotonlc function and

cannot have two zeros. Hence, i t i s impossible to have more

than one bound state coming out of the 1 = 0 , K*K* channel.

Resigning ourselves to the f a c t that two i s o s i n g l e t s

cannot be produced i n a bootstrap involving vector mesons alone,

l e t us s t r e t c h our imagination a l i t t l e b i t and consider a

bigger bootstrap problem that involves, i n a d d i t i o n to vector-

vector scattering, vector-pseudoscalar s c a t t e r i n g . Then even

i n the l i m i t of SU(3) symmetry, the unitary s i n g l e t CO1 i s

strongly produced. Due to the v i o l a t i o n of SU(3) symmetry,

t h i s meson, once produced, may couple i t s e l f weakly (this

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coupling can be vanishingly weak f o r our discussion) to the

K*K* channel. Then, i n our truncated bootstrap problem con­

s i s t i n g only of vector mesons, the existence of t h i s unitary

s i n g l e t i s not a consequence of our bootstrap dynamics and i n

t h i s sense i t can be regarded as an "elementary p a r t i c l e " In

our problem. Let us stress again, that t h i s so-called "ele­

mentary p a r t i c l e " need not be a fundamental e n t i t y i n the

ordinary sense. I t may happen that i t can be incorporated i n

a more extensive bootstrap model. That i t has to be b u i l t

i n t o our truncated bootstrap just r e f l e c t s the f a c t that t h i s

subset of hadrons i s unable to produce i t s e l f - c o n s i s t e n t l y .

Now there i s an ambiguity i n the s o l u t i o n of d i s ­

persion equations by the N/D method that we can e x p l o i t . This

i s due to the observation that, with a given left-hand input,

the N/D s o l u t i o n to the equations i s by no means unique. This

i s most e a s i l y seen by noting that the replacement

DCs) — D ( s ) = vft -=r-

does not v i o l a t e the a n a l y t i c i t y conditions required of A ( s ) .

This pole term, which can be introduced into the D-function

almost at w i l l , i s c a l l e d the CDD pole (L. C a s t i l l e j o , R. H.

D a l i t z and F. J . Dyson, 1 9 5 6 ; M. Gell-Mann and F. Zachariasen,

1 9 6 l a , 1 9 6 l b ; see a l s o S. C. Frautschi, 1 9 6 3 , pg. 2 9 - 3 9 ) and

i s usually interpreted as an elementary p a r t i c l e . The funda­

mental coupling of t h i s "elementary" p a r t i c l e i s proportional

to the residue, of the CDD pole that i s so introduced.

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Let us assume now that the "tare" mass squared (the

mass of the "elementary" p a r t i c l e before i t i s embroiled i n

our bootstrap cal c u l a t i o n ) of the unitary s i n g l e t i s equal to

the average mass squared w 2 of the octet. Then we introduce

a CDD pole to the D-function of the 1 = 0 , K*K* channel as

follows T l 2 — 2

where P i s the "fundamental" coupling of the CO1 to K*K*.

The m u l t i p l i c a t i v e constant i s the l a s t term of (6.12) i s just to make P dimensionless. Now, as we have seen,

has a zero a t $ — in2+2j3ry>2

Hence near S — PPi 2 , we have 2__,

To f i n d the zeros of


* W ~ ~ [p^Ym'^pO]' < 6 , 1 5 >

The two roots f o r (6.14) are then

5 = n,2[ 1 + p ±j p7+r'l (6.16)

Hence we have two bound states now i n the 1 = 0 channel. We

s h a l l c a l l these two bound states \<py and \C0/> respectively

with masses given by

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The states and \t»y are now the physical states,

We s h a l l write down t h e i r parametric mass formulae ( 6 . 1 0 ) and

( 6 . 1 7 ) together as follows (of. eq. ( 4 . 6 8 ) )

( 6 # 1 8 ) .

Equation ( 6 . 1 8 ) i s a set of 4 equations with 3 parameters fw2 ,

|S and . Eliminating these parameters, one gets


<$f+ of = 2 k*'- ( 6 . 1 9 )

This equation, as mentioned i n Chapter IV, Is good to about 2%,

To evaluate the coupling constants, we s h a l l neglect

spontaneous mass s p l i t t i n g , as we have consistently done i n

Chapter V. We s h a l l now proceed to calculate

<f> s 2**** =

co N ( V ;

( 6 . 2 0 )

where we have dropped the superscript (CO) to the N and D


( 6 . 2 1 )


cf = fz2d-r) ( 6 . 2 2 )

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N(ffi*)+N'(f!i*)'*lr = NC»%)[ 1 (6-23)

From ( 6 . 1 3 ) , one sees that D and i t s derivative are very .~2 singular around w , so that i t i s appropriate to expand only

the f i r s t term i n powers of (S-ni2) and leave the second term

as i t i s


where we have made use of equation ( 6 . 1 5 ) .



ft (6.26)

S i m i l a r l y N(fP> z)

2P0 (6.27

Therefore we could write



i f (6.29)

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Equation (6.28), as we have mentioned i n Section 1, can be

interpreted as <f>-Cti mixing.

Let us pause here to examine the physical s i g n i f i ­

cance of ( 6 . 2 9 ) . The important thing to note about t h i s

equation i s that as }f (and hence the "fundamental coupling"

P ) —=> 0 , C&Q and 4^*6 — ^ £ *. In other words,

a fundamental coupling of vanishing strength of an "elemen­

tary p a r t i c l e " to the 1 = 0 channel would t r i g g e r o f f a very

s i g n i f i c a n t amount of configuration mixing between th i s p a r t i ­

cle and a bound state p a r t i c l e that i s already there. In

t h i s sense, the occurrence of the mixing depends on the mere

existence of the 60* p a r t i c l e . Hence we could look upon the

above phenomenon as a "spontaneous" <j>~CO mixing.

I t becomes imperative to check now that we s t i l l

have a s e l f consistent s o l u t i o n to the bootstrap equations.

I t i s straight-forward, although tedious, to check that to

lowest order i n P , the bootstrap equations are s t i l l

This i s not to say that i f we have put I = 0 at the beginning, we s t i l l have a half-and-half mixing. The point i s that i f p = 0 at the outset, we have only one bound state i n the 1 = 0 channel and mixing i s not defined at a l l . (By a coupling constant of vanishing strength we mean a quantity which can be made a r b i t r a r i l y small but s t i l l remains non-zero.) Mathematically t h i s i s quite a common occurrence when we take the double l i m i t of a function, say,

0 ( TfS ), i n two d i f f e r e n t orders. Since the function Q-i s singular around s - M 2 , i t i s not s u r p r i s i n g that

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s a t i s f i e d by

f = k*7 = } <£2= m2(i+0 j 6)*=n>2(i-r) ( 6 . 3 0 )

^ i r (6.31)

where £ t f 7 $ and t> are given by (6.29).

With the coupling constants given as above, we look

a t the D-matrices. Abbreviating iu^Q by s and Ce^S by c,

we get

( 6 . 3 2 )

( 6 . 3 3 )

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- c s f c t f r ^ & g r t

( 6 . 3 4 )


We got the following equations i n terms of small mass devia­

tions from the degenerate value.

£ = fi>&;V,*4^V2+<;^ ( 6 . 3 6 )

£ ! „ 2 Stfct, +4SK**</Z + (c*>a9S4>*+ Sv+ff)rtt] ( 6 . 3 7 ) J m L Eliminating P/ 2 from ( 6 . 3 6 ) and ( 6 . 3 7 ) , vxe get

Discarding the so l u t i o n Soo-Sty1 since i t would lead to the

unphysical conclusion of equal mass between the 60 and the <fi

mesons, we have

From the l a s t two e q u a l i t i e s i n ( 6 . 3 5 ) , we get

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(l88f)ot, + (l2Sk*x+24£?)<X2+(3crieS$*+3s*6Stdx+ (6.40)

(6$k*l)cV, + (?fyl+6fr*+fc^z9S<f±3^QSco2)(Xz (6.41)

Now the c o e f f i c i e n t s of &, i n equations ( 6 . 3 9 ) , ( 6 . 4 0 ) and

( 6.4l) correspond to the influence of s h i f t s i n the bound

state poles on the bootstrap system. Now the p a r t i c u l a r channel

corresponding to ( 6 . 3 9 ) has one p e c u l i a r i t y i n that i t possess­

es two bound states, so that one would expect that the i n f l u ­

ence of each of the bound states should be toned down by a

facto r proportional to the p r o b a b i l i t y with which that bound

state appears. Hence i t seems reasonable to replace fco7 by

'Sco*s**?Q and by S^C&^Q whenever these two quantities

appear before cx, . One might expect that t h i s should have

been taken care of automatically when we write down the various

equations. Hence the v a l i d i t y of t h i s procedure remains dub­

ious. The answer to our doubts may come from further under­

standing of the N/D method when CDD poles are involved.

Making the above-mentioned replacement, we get, i n ­

stead of ( 6 . 3 9 ) i


Comparing equations (6.40), (6.41) and (6.42) with ( 5 . 5 0 ) , we

see that to get the former from the l a t t e r i t i s only necessary

to replace $0)g by C**9&S4>*+ St»*$ ft*? . Since the CX^ 's are

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the same as i n Chapter V, we know that the only p h y s i c a l l y

acceptable mass s p l i t t i n g must obey the formula p


Given <f , the angle G can i n p r i n c i p l e be c a l c u l a t ­

ed from equation (6.29); hut since the parameter V can only

come from a more extensive dynamical c a l c u l a t i o n (e.g., a

bigger bootstrap), we do not have enough information here to

c a l c u l a t e an exact value f o r 9 . We could mention, however,

that f o r vanishing V , C*v 2Q — > 5<0%, and that deviations

from th i s value should be of the order of the r a t i o of the

medium strong i n t e r a c t i o n to the very strong i n t e r a c t i o n . This

i s consistent with the experimental value of 60%.

In conclusion, apart from a technical assumption

that we have to make i n conjunction with the d e r i v a t i o n of

(6.43), the equations (6.19) and (6.43) are unambiguous conse­

quences of our model. The only extra requirement that we have

imposed, beside the bootstrap hypothesis and that the p a r t i ­

c l e s must be physical, i s the existence of a unitary s i n g l e t

vector meson with mass equal to the average mass of the octet.

In our group t h e o r e t i c a l treatment of the problem i n Chapter

IV, we had to assume octet transformation property of the

mass s p l i t t i n g matrix. This requirement turns out to be a

consequence of our model here. Another i n t e r e s t i n g conse­

quence of our model i s that the mere existence of the unitary

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s i n g l e t would be s u f f i c i e n t to t r i g g e r o f f a substantial

(maximal) amount of mixing with the unitary octet i s o s l n g l e t

vector meson.

Hopefully a more d e t a i l e d dynamical c a l c u l a t i o n

l i k e a bigger bootstrap would allow us to calculate F , and

hence the angle 9 . In that event we would have two mass

formulae r e l a t i n g the masses of <P , CO , p and /<*.

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(J . J . De Swart, 1 9 6 4 ; D. E. N e v i l l e , 1 9 6 3 ; H. H. Capps, 1 9 6 4 ;

A. W. Martin and W. D. McGllhn, 1964) '

I t i s most convenient to Introduce the idea of a

crossing matrix by a simple example, (We s h a l l confine our­

selves to SU(2) crossing matrices since these are the only

crossing matrices that we have used i n the t h e s i s ) . Let us

denote the KK sc a t t e r i n g amplitudes by A K$Kg ; fy where the

K's are taken to mean the kaons K+, K° and the K's t h e i r a n t i -

p a r t i c l e s K", K°. I f one assumes conservation of isospin,

the 16 amplitudes connecting |K 4'K J} J //^+/?°> , | K°> K"} and

can be summarized int o two independent amplitudes A,

and A 0 , where the subscripts l a b e l the t o t a l i s o s p i n of the

incoming as well as the outgoing system. Due to the s u b s t i ­

t u t i n g r u l e ,

AK*K*>K+K° fo-O- AK91C°;I:*K-(*>S) ( A I . I )

Now since

We have

\K->=-lh~i? ( A 1 - 2 )

\i>°> - fcaw-WK-y) . (A1.3)


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140 J

From (A1.3).

Arjc'tK+K'fat-) = AtCs.-h) (A1.4)

AK°K° : Or* 0 = -£M*> 0 + j " * & s ) < A 1 «5)

Hence, subs t i t u t i n g (A1.4) and (A1.5) into ( A l . l ) ,

A,(s*) =-£A,(*,s) + ±A*(t,s) (A1'6)

Interchanging s and t i n (A1 . 6 ) , one gets another equation

A o O s t ) = £Ai6bs) + iA.fcs) ( A i . 7 )

We can write (A1 .6) and (A1 .7) i n the compact form

where the matrix

i s c a l l e d a Crossing Matrix.

I t turns out that the crossing matrix i s usefu l i n

another s i t u a t i o n . Supposing now that we are not concerned

with the whole K-K scattering amplitude, but with a subset of

the t o t a l i t y of Feynmann graphs that contribute to the ampli­

tude ( as shown i n F i g . I a ) . Let us c a l l t h i s diagram B.

Now the diagram B i s related to the Diagram A (as shown i n


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a) P i g . I

F i g . 1 b) by crossing, i . e . ,


BK+K°} K+K° = Aw; W(*js) (A1 .9)

Then we can retrace the arguments from ( A l . l ) on, and get

ft fr*) 1 = .2 j .


This l a s t equation i s very useful when the amplitude A, and A 0

are e a s i l y c a l c u l a b l e . As a matter of fact, i n bootstrap c a l ­

culations, diagrams l i k e F i g 1 a) are supposed to give impor­

tant contributions to the left-hand cut and hence are usually

used f o r the N-functions i n the N/D method. The diagrams A (

and A 0 are usually easy to c a l c u l a t e . Supposing that we are

considering a model where the main force i s due to vector meson

exchange, then i n the 1 = 0 , KK channel, the force a r i s e s from

the diagrams

d0 (^) ( A l . l l )

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Now the terms on the right-hand side are d i f f i c u l t to calcu­

l a t e d i r e c t l y . But the "crossed diagrams"




are expressible simply i n terms of i s o s c a l a r coupling const­

ants ,

Using the corssing matrix elements i n (A1.10), we get

ft £.*-/• = §A,(hs) + fts)

Taking the i t h p a r t i a l wave of B . ( ^ t )


^w = I>+iftH(*°> (A1-15)

where i n c i d e n t a l l y we have calculated the input N-function

N ^ 8 ^ ( s ) i n equation ( 5 * 3 0 ) . Of course i n equation ( 5 . 3 0 ) ,

the incoming p a r t i c l e s are vector mesons. This could only

change the kinematics of the c a l c u l a t i o n and has nothing to

do with the crossing matrix.

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As we have mentioned, the parametrization of the de­

pendence of pole p o s i t i o n and residue on the p a r t i c l e exchanged

by c and X presumably allows considerable freedom to encompass

a large class of situ a t i o n s , so that i t i s p l a u s i b l e that f o r

a suitable choice of c and X , the r e a l physical s i t u a t i o n i s

r e f l e c t e d to a good approximation. We s h a l l further t e s t the

dependence of our conclusion on the one pole approximation by

two examples i n th i s appendix.

(a) We s h a l l modify the one pole approximation by

replacing the single zero i n the denominator of the N-function

i n (5.26) by a zero of f r a c t i o n a l ord.er, i . e . , we s h a l l write

A/./k) = — (A2.1)

where (X(o) i s a new parameter with oi(o)= 0 corresponding to

the case we have considered. Note that f o r o^(o)^= O , we have,

instead of a simple pole, a branch point a t 5 - S*-4\n? and

we can define a left-hand cut along the negative r e a l axis

s t a r t i n g from S- and extending back tof=-co . We

One i s tempted at this juncture to look upon the parameter o<(o) as the value of the Regge trajectory of the vector meson at £ = o , by comparing the asymptotic behaviour of (A2.1) with Regge behaviour. This c o r r e l a t i o n , however, i s rather f a r fetched and hence we s h a l l r e s i s t the temptation.


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have made ca l c u l a t i o n s f o r - 1 &(p)£ 0 . 5 and found that the

conclusions about Octet Enhancement are e s s e n t i a l l y unchanged.

In other words, although mass s p l i t t i n g can occur mathemati­

c a l l y both according to the GMO formula and the 2 7-plet formu­

l a , only the former corresponds to p h y s i c a l l y acceptable (non-

ghost-state) so l u t i o n s . We have not made calculations f o r

value of o<(o) higher than 0 . 5 because of convergence d i f f i c u l ­

t i e s i n the numerical c a l c u l a t i o n s . However, we believe that

the range of values that we have allowed f o r o((o) has already

served to convince us that the conclusion about Octet Enhance­

ment i s not s e n s i t i v e to the p a r t i c u l a r approximation that we

have made.

(b) We s h a l l further test how s e n s i t i v e l y our r e s u l t

depends on the parametrized one pole approximation by the f o l ­

lowing p a r t i c u l a r form of the two pole approximation. The

trouble with a two-pole approximation i s the enormous freedom

i t o f f e r s , so much so that almost any conclusion i s possible.

So we s h a l l seek a reasonable way to r e s t r i c t the positions of

the two poles. To do t h i s we calculate the Born scattering

amplitude of two s c a l a r mesons (since we s h a l l neglect the

spin of the incoming p a r t i c l e s ) of i d e n t i c a l mass unity, ex­

changing a vector meson of the same mass. Evaluating the l e f t

hand d i s c o n t i n u i t y of the J = 1 p a r t i a l wave amplitude, which

s t a r t s at s = 3 , where s i s the CM energy squared, we have

I* B(S) ~ (2'-'->«-» ( A 2 . 2 )

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which i s sketched i n F i g . I I .

-3 ~Z \ - I o St-4 . ,i

F i g . I I

Note that Xo i s the p o s i t i o n of the pole i n the one

pole approximation that gave r i s e to the GMO Formula, ^ P the

p o s i t i o n that gave r i s e to the 2 7-plet Formula. Evidently, i f

t h i s left-hand cut i s to be replaced by two delta functions

(two-pole approximation), i t would be reasonable to put one of

the poles i n the i n t e r v a l (-3>-l) and the other i n ( 2 , 3 ) . I t

turns out that i f we put the poles t h i s way, the conclusions

about Octet Enhancement are unchanged. Vfe s h a l l not give the

d e t a i l e d numerical r e s u l t s here, but the reason f o r the conclu­

sion i s easy to see. Let us write the new ^ - f u n c t i o n that

appears i n N as


where has a pole at x i n the i n t e r v a l ( - 3 t-l) and -f^ a pole

a t y i n the i n t e r v a l ( 2 , 3 ) . These functions are so normalised

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so that i*» o r , when used alone, w i l l s a t i s f y the

bootstrap condition. Xy and are two constants. Prom

the d e f i n i t i o n of of, , tf} and £<* i n eq. (5.49),

0(C = A x ^ i * +X9<X$ ><L=\,2,4 (A2.4)

where the d e f i n i t i o n s of o<Vx and (X,'# are obvious. Now f o r

the 2 7 - p l e t formula to hold,

' q o t t — 6<X2 + 5"0C* » 0 (A2.5)

A f t e r s u b s t i t u t i n g (A2.4) into (A2.5), we have

X 6#S.+5rotf) + X% (<7c*,y~6cx!? + 5-c/J?) = 0 (A2.6)

Now, we know that ^c/,^- ^cv/* + 5"<?c 0 •= 0 \. and 'foT, - -h^c/J1

i s a slowly varying function of , so that f o r X i n the i n t e r ­

v a l (-3,-1) and y i n (2,3)

I 6*e*+srctf I > JW- 5V**| (A2.7)

Hence, f o r (A2.6) to hold

I Xy \ » Ux| (A2 .8)

Now, our bootstrap condition i n (5.47) says that

_L _ _ 2 (X* # * 2 X % & ? 2ottV

M?+X)tf ~ Xdtf = 1* But the l a s t term i n (A2.9) i s negative: the SU(3) reduced

coupling constant ^ i s imaginary and hence corresponds to

ghost states. Thus we see that, i n a two pole approximation,


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the r e s u l t o f Octet Enhancement s t i l l holds. This again

suggests that our conclusions on Octet Enhancement are i n ­

sen s i t i v e to the p a r t i c u l a r approximation that we have used.

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