
8/7/2019 ocr_13550_sm_voc_list http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/ocr13550smvoclist 1/52 © OCR 2010 Vocabulary List General and Topic Areas 1 to 5 GCSE French OCR GCSE in French: J730 OCR GCSE (Short Course) in French Spoken Language: J030 OCR GCSE (Short Course) in French Written Language: J130 This Vocabulary List is designed to accompany the OCR GCSE French Specification for teaching from September 2009

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© OCR 2010

Vocabulary List

General and Topic Areas 1 to 5

GCSE FrenchOCR GCSE in French: J730

OCR GCSE (Short Course) in French Spoken Language: J030

OCR GCSE (Short Course) in French Written Language: J130

This Vocabulary List is designed to accompany the OCR GCSE French Specification for teachingfrom September 2009

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French Vocabulary List General

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French GCSE Vocabulary List

This vocabulary list will be a valuable guide for teachers when planning their teaching and learningprogrammes and preparing candidates for the assessment. Please note that this list should not beseen as a self-study aid, as only brief meanings have been given and candidates may need helpfrom their teacher/tutor to interpret some items correctly.

Foundation Tier: Assessment tasks for Foundation Tier Listening and Reading will be based onmaterial in this vocabulary list. The assessments will contain some unfamiliar vocabulary but thiswill not be tested.

Higher Tier: Assessment tasks for Higher Tier Listening and Reading will be based on material inboth the Foundation and Higher Tier lists. Assessments will contain some unfamiliar vocabulary,and some of this will be tested, since the national subject criteria require candidates to use a rangeof techniques to deduce meaning.

Speaking and Writing

In Controlled Assessment tasks, candidates may use vocabulary from the Foundation and Highertier lists but can also use vocabulary that specifically suits the tasks they choose to do and theirown personal interests.

Prior knowledge

It is expected that candidates will be already familiar with the following:

Numbers – (ordinal and cardinal)

Days of the week, months of the year and seasons

Towns, countries and nationalities

Feminine and plural forms of the words listed

Prefixes and suffixes of words already listed

Target-language words used in English

English words used in the target language.

Grammatical items and structures figuring in Appendix B in the Specification (e.g. conjunctions,prepositions, both simple and compound, reflexives, common adverbs and adverbial phrases, etc.)

Straightforward and common cognates

Please note that some easily recognisable cognates may not be present in this list; however,others have been presented as a help to teachers and candidates. Cognates included in this list

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are those that are written similarly to their English counterparts, but pronounced in a markedlydifferent way.

At Higher tier, candidates should know how to interpret suffixes as linguistic markers showingrelationships between different parts of speech and have an awareness of the function of prefixesto modify the meaning of the root: e.g.

réserver réservation place réservée

übernachten Übernachtung

producir reducir introducir

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French Vocabulary List General

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French Vocabulary List General


à peu près about / roughlyà point just right / mediumabsolument absolutely

d'accord agreed / OKalors thenapproprié appropriateau revoir goodbyeaussi / aussi bien que also / as well asautant as muchautre otherautrefois formerlyautrement otherwiseavis opinion / noticebien entendu of coursebien sûr of course

bienvenue welcomebon goodcela m'est égal ! I don't care!cela ne fait rien it doesn't mattercependant howevercertain certain / surechance luckchose thingde la part de from (a person)demi halfdonc so / thereforedouzaine dozenégal equalégalement equally / also, tooencore still / yetencore une fois againespace spaceespèce sort / kindexprès on purposefois timegrand’chose muchidée ideail y a there is / arejournée daymachin thing / whatsitmanche handlemanière manner / waymarque make / brandmême even / samemerci thank youmilieu middlemixte mixedmoins (que) less (than) / minusmois monthmoitié half

moyen medium / averagemoyen means / wayneuf (brand) newnon plus neithernouveau new

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French Vocabulary List General

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nul no goodnuméro numberoccasion opportunityd'occasion second-handoccupé occupied / busyoui yesparticulier particularpas steppas encore not yetpas mal de a fair number ofpeut-être perhapsplein fullplupart majorityplusieurs severalplutôt rather / quitepointure sizepresque almostpressé in a hurryprincipal(ement) main(ly)privé privatequand même all the samequant à as regardsquart quarterquelque chose somethingquelque part somewhere (or other)quelquefois sometimesraison / raisonnable reason(able)réel realrégulier regular(de) rien nothing; (don't mention it)salut hello / good-bye

seconde secondsemblable similarsembler to seemseul aloneseul / seulement onlysi so / if / yessuffisamment enoughsuivant / suivre following, next / to followsupérieur highersûr certain / suresurtout especiallytant so much

tant mieux so much the better / thank goodnesstant pis never mind / too badtas pile / heap / a lot oftel / tellement such / sotiers thirdtous les deux bothtout le monde everybodyunique onlyutile / utiliser useful / to usevœu wishvoici here isvoilà there isvolontiers willinglyvrai / vraiment real, true / reallyy compris including

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French Vocabulary List General

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avoir raison to be rightapercevoir to noticechercher to look forcommander to ordercommencement start / beginningcommencer to beginse débrouiller to manage / copedébut beginningdécouverte discoverydécouvrir to discoverdécrire to describedemander to askdésir wishdésobéir to disobeydésolé sorrydevenir to become / getdevoir must, to have to / dutydire to say / telldiscuter to discussdisponible available / freedisposer de to have availabledouter to doubtenlever to removeespérer to hopeespoir hopefalloir must, to have tofermer / fermer à clef to close / to locklaisser to leave / letlivrer to delivermanqué lackmanquer to miss, lack

marcher to go, walk / to work, functionmélanger to mixmener to leadmesure measuremesurer to measuremontrer to showobliger to obligeobtenir to get / obtainoffrir to offer / giveoublier to forgetparaître to appear / seempenser to think

pousser to press / pushpousser un cri to cry outpouvoir to be able to / canpromettre to promiseraccrocher to hang upraconter to tellramasser to pick uprater to fail / missrecommander to recommend / to register a letterréduire to reduceremarquer to noticeremercier to thankremettre to put backremplacer to replaceremplir to fill (in)rendre to give back

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French Vocabulary List General

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saisir to seizesouhaiter to wishse souvenir to remembertenir to holdterminer to finishtirer to pulltrouver to findse trouver to be (situated)vouloir dire to meanvouloir to want to à bientôt! see you soon!à l'heure on timeaprès after / afterwardsaprès-demain day after tomorrowaprès-midi afternoonà l'avance beforehand / in advanceavant-hier day before yesterdaybientôt soond’abord at firstd'habitude usuallyde bonne heure earlydéjà alreadydéjeuner lunch, mid-day meal / to have lunchdernier / dernièrement final, last / recentlyen avance earlyen ce moment at the momentenfin at lastensuite nextfréquent / fréquemment frequent(ly)frequenter to go to

habitude habithabituel usualheure hourhier yesterdaylendemain (matin) next day (morning)longtemps a long timemaintenant nowmatin / matinée morningmidi middayminuit midnightminute minutenuit night

parfois sometimespuis thenrécemment / récent recently / recentsoir / soirée eveningsoudain sudden(ly)souvent oftentôt earlytôt ou tard sooner or latertoujours always / stilltout all / everytout à coup suddenlytout à fait quite / completelytout à l’heure a moment ago / in a minutetout de suite immediately

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French Vocabulary List General

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Higher accueillir to welcomeactuel present / currentactuellement at the present times'adonner to be keen onafin que so thatagrandir to enlarged'ailleurs besidesà peine scarcely / hardlyaperçu general idea / insightappartenir to belong toappuyer to lean / press / supportarriver to manage toaussitôt immediatelycomparaison comparisondélai period of timeen effet indeedefficace effective / efficienthasard chancehausser to raisehebdomadaire weeklyl'un l'autre one anothermensuel monthlyn'importe it doesn't mattern'importe qui etc. anyone etc.oser to dareôter to removepart sharese presser to hurryse produire to happen

risquer to be likely tosi whethersiècle centurysignifier to meanveille previous day / evevenir de to have just

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French Vocabulary List General

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Topic Area 1: Home and local areaLife in the home; friends and relationships

Local area, facilities and getting around

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Topic Area 1 Home and local area

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Topic Area 1 Home and local area

Life in the home; friends and relationships


abeille beeanimal domestique petcanard duckchat catchien dogcochon (d'Inde) (guinea-)piggrenouille froglapin rabbitmouche flymouton sheepoiseau birdpatte pawperruche budgerigarpoisson / poisson rouge fish / goldfishporc pork / pigqueue tail / queuesauvage wildserpent snakesouris mousetaureau bulltortue tortoisevache cow

acier steelbois wood / forestbrique brickcarton cardboardcoton cottoncuir leatherfer ironlaine woolpierre stoneplomb leadtissu material

adolescent teenager / young personaîné elderami friendbeau-père / belle-mère etc. father- / mother-in-law, step-mother etcbébé babycadet youngercamarade friend / matecopain / copine friendcorrespondant pen frienddame ladyenfance / enfant / enfant unique childhood / child / only childêtre humain human beingfamille familyfemme woman / wifefiancé engaged / fiancé

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fille daughter / girlfils sonfrère brothergarçon boy / waitergens peoplegrand-mère / grand-père / grand-parent grandmother / grandfather / grandparenthomme manjeune / jeunesse young / youthjumeau / jumelé twin / twinnedMadame MrsMademoiselle Missmaman mummymari husbandmère mothermonsieur Mr / gentlemanneveu nephewnièce nieceoncle uncleparent relative / parentpère fatherpetit ami / petite amie boyfriend / girlfriendpetit-enfant grandchildpetit-fils / petite-fille grandson / granddaughterpeuple peoplesoeur sistertante aunttype bloke / chapvieillard old manvoisin neighbour(ing) adresse address

âge / âgé age / oldan / année yearanniversaire birthdayappel callappeler / s'appeler to call / to be calledbarbe beardbouclé curly (hair)chauve baldcheveux hairépeler to spellfrisé curlynaissance / naître / né birth / to be born / born

nom / nom de famille name / surnamenombre / nombreux number / numerous, largepoids weightprénom first nametaille size / height affreux awfulagréable enjoyable / nice / pleasantaimable kind / niceaimer to like / loveambiance atmosphereamer bitteramical / amicalement friendly / yours sincerelyamitié friendshipamour / amoureux de love / in love withamusant / amuser funny / to amuse

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ancien former / very oldanxieux anxiousaveugle blindbarbant boringbavard / bavarder talkative / to chatbeau beautiful / handsome / finebête / bêtise stupid / stupiditybizarre funny / strangebonheur happinessbruit / bruyant noise / noisycélèbre famouscélibataire unmarriedcolère angerconfiant confidentcontent glad / happy / satisfied / pleasedcontraire contrarycourt shortdéçu disappointeddésordonné untidydoux gentle / mild / sweetdrôle funnyembêter to annoyembrasser to kissen avoir marre to be fed upennui boredom / troubleennuyeux borings’ennuyer to be boredénorme hugeépais thicképouse, époux / épouser wife, husband / to marryesprit spirit / mind / wit

étonner to astonish / surpriseétrange strangefâché angryfaible weak / no good atfatigue / fatigant / fatigué tiredness / tiring / tiredfier proudformidable tremendous / fantasticfort strong / good at / loudfou madgénial great / brilliantgentil / gentillesse kind / kindnessgrand big / tall

grave seriousgros big / fathaut / hauteur tall, high / heightheureux happyhonnête honesthumeur moodimpoli impolite / rudeinquiet anxious(s’)inquiéter to worryjaloux jealousjoli prettyjoyeux happy / joyful / merryjuste fair / justlaid uglyléger lightlent slow

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long / longueur long / lengthlourd heavylumière lightluxueux luxuriousmagnifique magnificent / splendidmaigre thinmal bad / badlymalchance bad luckmalheureusement / malheureux unfortunately / unhappymauvais badméchant nasty / maliciousmécontent unhappymerveilleux wonderfulse mettre en colère to get angrymignon pretty / cutemince slimmoche horrible / lousy / uglymort dead / deathordinaire ordinarypâle paleparesseux lazyparfait perfectpassionnant excitingpauvre poorpersonnage characterpetit little / smallplaire to pleaseplaisir pleasurepoli politepratique practical / handyprécieux precious

précis preciseprofond / profondeur deep / depthpropre clean / ownraide stiff / straight / steepravi delightedreconnaissant gratefulridicule ridiculoussage good / well-behaved / wisesale dirtysatisfaisant satisfactorysensass, sensationnel fantastic, sensationalsévère strict

silencieux very quietsottise stupiditysympa, sympathique friendly, nicetimide shytranquille quiettriste sadtypique typicalvérité truthvie lifevieux oldvif bright / livelyvilain ugly / unattractive / naughty aide / aider help / to helps'allonger to lie downallumer to switch on / light

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Topic Area 1 Home and local area

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s'asseoir to sit downavoir tort to be wrongse baigner to bathe / to have a bathbaignoire bath (tub)bain bathbrosse brush(se) brosser to brushse changer to get changedcouché lying down / in bedse coucher to lie down / go to bedcuire / cuire au four to cook / to bakecuisine / cuisinier cooking, kitchen / chef, cookcuisinière cooker / stovedébarrasser to clear awaydescendre to go down / get off, out / to stay atse détendre to relaxdormir / dortoir to sleep / dormitorydouche / se doucher shower / to showerendormi asleeps’endormir to go to sleepgarder to keep / look afterhabiller to dresshabitant / habiter inhabitant / to liveintroduire introducelaver to washse lever to get up / stand uplire to readmettre to putmettre la table to set the tablemourir to dienettoyer (à sec) to (dry-)clean

obéir to obeypartager to sharepasser to go past / to sit / to spendse passer to happenpasser l’aspirateur to hooverpeigne combpeigner to combpeser to weighplancher floorposer to put / placeposséder to possessprésenter to introduce

ranger to tidy upraser to shaverasoir razorréveil alarm clock / waking up(se) réveiller to wake uprire to laughsommeil sleepsonner to ringsonnette door bellsourire to smilesurveiller to keep an eye ontondeuse mowertondre to mowvide empty

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vider to emptyvivre to live anneau ringbas low / stockingbasket basketball / trainerblouson bomber jacketbotte bootboucles d'oreille earringsbouton button / spotcasque helmet / headphonescasquette capceinture / ceinture de sécurité belt / seat beltchapeau hatchaussette sockchaussure shoechemise / chemisier shirt / blousecollant tightscollier necklacecomplet suit / full, completecravate tieculotte shorts / knickersécharpe scarffoulard scarfgant gloveimper(méable) raincoat / macjean jeansjupe skirtlunettes glassesmaillot de bain / maillot swimming costume / sports shirtmanteau coat

maquillage make-up(se) maquiller to make-upmode fashion / waypaire pairpantalon trousersparapluie umbrellapardessus overcoatparfum / parfumerie perfume / perfume shoppoche pocketporter to carry / wearpull pulloverpyjama pyjamas

rayé stripedrobe / robe de chambre dress / dressing gownserré tightserrer to grip, shakeshort shortsslip knickers / underpantssoutien-gorge brasurvêtement tracksuittricot / tricoter knitting, jumper / to knitveste jacketvestiaire cloakroom / changing-roomvêtements clothes appartement apartment / flatbanlieue suburb / inner citybâtiment building

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capitale capitalen haut / en bas at the top, upstairs / downstairsenviron / environs about / neighbourhoodimmeuble block of flats / tower blockmaison house / homequartier districtrez-de-chaussée ground floorsous-sol basementville town armoire wardrobe / cupboardatelier workshopbalcon balconybarrière gatebibliothèque book case / librarybureau desk / office / studycanapé sofa / setteecave cellarchaise chairchambre / chambre familiale bedroom / family roomchauffage (central) / chauffer (central) heating / to heatcongélateur freezercouette duvetcouverture blanket / covercouvrir to coverdrap sheetescalier stairsétage floor / storeyétagère shelfévier sinkfauteuil armchair

fenêtre windowfour (à micro-ondes) oven (microwave)frigo fridgehorloge clockimage picturelavabo washbasinlave-vaisselle dishwasherlessive washinglinge washinglit bedlivre pound / bookmachine à coudre sewing machine

machine à laver washing machinemagasin shopmarche walk / step / stairménage houseworkmeublé / meuble furnished / piece of furnituremiroir mirrormontre watchmoquette carpetmur wallnappe tableclothordinateur computeroutil toolpelouse lawnpendule clockpièce coin / roompièce d’identité I.D.

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placard cupboardplace room / square / place / seatplafond ceilingpoêle frying-panporte (d’entrée) (front) doorporte-clefs key ringportefeuille walletporte-monnaie pursepoubelle rubbish bin / dustbinpoupée dollrayon shelf / departmentrideau curtainrobinet tapsalle / salle de jeu hall, large room / playroomsalle à manger dining-roomsalle de bain(s) bathroomsalon / salle de séjour living-roomsavon soapsec drysécher to drysèche-cheveux hairdryerserviette towelshampooing shampootapis carpettoit rooftoilette toiletvapeur steamvitre window / panevitrine shop window blanc white

bleu bluebrun brownchâtain brownclair light (colour)couleur colourfoncé darkgris grey / overcast, dulljaune yellowmarron brownnoir blackor goldrose pink / rose

rouge redrouge à lèvres lipstickroux auburn / ginger / redvert greenviolet purple


agacer to annoyaigu sharp / acuteampoule light bulbanalyse de sang telephone directory

arroser to waterassister to be presentattirer to attractbaignade bathingbaisser to lower

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balai broombalayer to sweepbaptême baptismbougie candlebouillir to boilbrancher to plug in / switch onbrûler to burnbuanderie utility roomcapot bonnet / covercheminée fireplace / chimneyclimatisation air-conditioningclôture fencecogner to knockcol collarse comporter to behavecoupable guiltycueillir to pick / gatherdécoller to take offdémodé old-fashioneddépanner to fix / repairdevoir to owedistrait absent-mindedéchelle ladder / scaleépouvantable terribleescalier roulant escalatorespèce speciesessuyer to wipe / dryfâcher to annoyse fâcher to get angryfaire la grasse matinée to have a lie infermeture éclair zip

se fier to trustfil cable / threadfondre to meltfournir to providegagner to gaingamin kidgant de toilette flannelgaspiller to wastegâter to spoilgêner to embarrassgosse kidgrenier attic / loft

grossir to put on weighthabile clever / skilfulhonte shameimportant considerable / largeimpressionnant impressiveindicatif dialling codes'installer to settleloyer rentmaigrir to lose weightmarrant funnymémoire memoryminuscule tinymode d'emploi instructions for usemodéré moderatemodifier to change / alterMonsieur / Madame Dear Sir / Madam

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muni de equipped withnégligent carelessnommer to names'occuper de to take care ofordures rubbish / domestic wasteperroquet parrotpiqûre stingpiquer to stingplaindre to pityplaisanter to jokeplier to foldportière doorpoussière dustrapport relation(ship)rassurer to reassureremise discount / shedrendre + adj to makese rendre compte to realiserepasser to ironrésoudre to decide / resolveretraite retirementrêver to dreamsensé sensiblesensible sensitiveserrure locksoigner to look aftersoigneux carefulsoin caresouci worry / concern / caretache stain / mark / blottêtu stubborn

tiroir draweruser to wear outveuve / veuf widow(er)vexer to annoyvolet shutter

Local area, facilities and getting around


accès access

aller to goaller chercher to fetch / pick up / meetaller-retour return journey / return ticketaller simple single ticket(s')approcher to approacharrivée / arriver arrival / to arrive, happenbillet ticket / banknotechangement changechanger to changechemin way / road / track / footpathchemin de fer railwaychemin de retour way home, backcollection collectioncollectionner to collectconsigne automatique luggage lockercontrôle test

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contrôler to control, checkcontrôleur ticket collector quai platform / quayrapide express trainrapide quickretard / en retard / retarder delay / late / to delayretour / retourner return (journey) / to return, go backSNCF SNCF / French railwaystard latetarif fare / chargetrain traintraitement treatmenttraiter to treattrajet journeytramway tramtransports en commun public transport aéroport airport(auto)bus / (auto)car / auto(mobile) bus / coach / carautomobiliste driverautoroute motorwayavion planebateau / bateau-mouche boat, ship / tourist boat on Seinebicyclette bicyclechauffeur driverconducteur driverconduire to drive / leadcamion / camionnette lorry / vancarré squarecarrefour crossroads

circulation trafficclé / clef keycoffre boot (of car)crevaison puncturecrevé tired out / punctureddébarquer to land / disembarkdémarrer to start movingdéménager to move housedéménageur removal mandemeurer to livedépart departuredépasser to go past / exceed / overtake

se dépêcher to hurrydéplacer to movedeviation diversiondoubler to overtake / dubessence petrolétroit narrowfaire le plein to fill up (petrol)frapper to hit / knockfrein / freiner brake / to brakegarage / garagiste garage / garage ownergare (SNCF) (railway) stationgare routière bus stationgarer to parklarge wideligne linese mettre en route to set off

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moteur engine / motormoto(cyclette) / motocycliste motorbike / motorcyclist(tomber en) panne (to) break downpanneau (road) signparking (souterrain), parking à étages (underground) car-park, multi-storey car

parkpartir to leave / depart / go awaypartout everywherepassage à niveau level-crossingpassager passengerpassant passer-bypermis (de conduire) driving licencephare headlightpiéton pedestrianpile battery (e.g.torch)plat flatpneu tyrepoids lourd lorry / HGVquitter to leaverond roundrond-point roundaboutroue wheelrouler to drive / to goroute nationale A-road / main roadrue (à sens unique) (one-way) streetsens / sens interdit sense, direction / no entrysiège seatsitué situatedsortie exit, outingsortir to go out, take outstation-service petrol station

stationnement parkingstationner to park, be parkedtour tour / turn / towertourner to turntravaux road workstraversée crossingtraverser to crossvéhicule vehiclevélo / vélomoteur bike / mopedvenir to comevérifier to checkvirage bend

vite quicklyvitesse speedvoiture car / railway carriagevolant steering wheelvoyage journeyvoyager to travelvoyageur traveller, passenger ailleurs elsewherearrêt d'autobus (bus)stoparrêter to stopà l'arrière at the backà l'avant at the frontbout end / tipcoin corner / areadedans inside

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Topic Area 1 Home and local area

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dehors outsidedessous underneath (it)dessus on top (of it)droit right / straightdroite righten route on the wayextérieur outside / outer / externalen face oppositeau fond at the bottom / far endgauche leftinférieur lowerintérieur inside / inner / internalloin / lointain far / distantniveau levelprochain nextproche near(by)tout droit straight ahead arbre treebanque / bancaire bank / bank(ing)bijou / bijouterie jewel / jewellerybijouterie / bijoutier jeweller's / jewellerbistro(t) caféboîte aux lettres letter boxboîte (de nuit) night-clubboucher / boucherie butcher / butcher's shopboulanger / boulangerie baker / baker'sboutique shopcabine téléphonique phone boxcampagne country(side)centre (commercial) (shopping) centre

champ fieldcharcuterie delicatessen /cooked (pork) meatcharcutier pork-butcherchâteau castlecirque circuscolline hillconfiserie sweet shopcroix crosséglise churchfeuille leaffeuille (de papier) sheet of paperfleur / fleuriste flower / florist

fleuve riverforêt forestherbe grasshôtel de ville town hallhypermarché hypermarketjardin / jardin public / jardinage / jardinier garden / public park / gardening /

gardenerkiosque kiosk / news standlac lakelibrairie / libraire bookshop / booksellermaire / mairie mayor / town hallmarché / marchand market / shopkeeper, stallholdermontagne mountainmusée museumoffice de tourisme tourist officepapeterie stationer’s

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Topic Area 1 Home and local area

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papier paperpapier peint wall paperpâtisserie cake shop / cake(s)pâtissier pastrycook / confectionerpaysage countryside / scenerypoissonnerie / poissonnier fish shop / fishmongerpont bridge / deckrivière riversentier pathsupermarché supermarkettabac tobacco / tobacconist’sterre ground / landtimbre stamptrottoir pavementtrou holetube hit / tubetuyau pipevallée valley Higher atterrir to landatterrissage landingattraper to catchauto-stop hitch-hikingbouchon cork, stopper / hold-up, traffic jamboue mudcaverne cavecentrale power stationcomposter to stamp a ticketcouler to flow

durée lengthéchangeur motorway junctionembouteillage traffic jamémouvant movingému movedentourer to surroundétal stallfaire attention to pay attentionfalaise cliffhéler to hail / callklaxonner to hootlune moon

navire shipnuméro d'immatriculation registration numberpare-brise windscreenpétrole crude oil / petroleumpression pressureprovisoire provisionalprudence care / cautionralentir to slow downrétroviseur rear-mirrorroche / rocher rockruisseau streamvitesse gear / speed

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Topic Area 2: Health and sportSport, outdoor pursuits and healthy lifestyle

Food and drink as aspects of culture and health

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Topic Area 2 Health and sport

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Topic Area 2 Health and sport

Sport, outdoor pursuits and healthy lifestyle


aller à la pêche to go fishingalpinisme climbingarbitre refereeathlétisme athleticsballe / ballon ballboules bowlsbricolage DIYbricoler to do DIYbricoleur do-it-yourselferbut goal / intentioncacher to hidecanne / canne à pêche stick / fishing-rodcanoë canoeingcheval horse / horse-ridingcourir to runcourse racecyclisme / cycliste cycling / cyclistéquipe teamequitation horse-ridingescalade climbingévénement eventfaire du patin to skate

faire partie de to belong tofaire une promenade to go for a walkfilet netfléchettes dartsformation traininggrimper to climbgymnase gymnasiumjeu gamejouer to play / to actjouet toylancer to throw / launchmatch / match nul match / draw

monter to go up / get in, on / to ridenager to swimnatation swimmingpartie game / partpasse-temps hobbypatinage à glace / patinage à roulettes ice skating / roller skatingpatiner to skatepatinoire / patins (à roulettes) skating rink / (roller) skatespêche fishing / peachpiscine swimming pool / bathpiste track / dance floorplanche à roulettes / planche à voile / planche skateboard / windsurfing / boardplein air open airplongée sous-marine divingpratiquer un sport to do sportpromenade walk / ride

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Topic Area 2 Health and sport

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bouche mouthbras armcœur heartcorps bodycou neckdoigt fingerdos backépaule shoulderestomac stomach / tummyfigure face genou kneegorge throat jambe leglèvre lipmain handnez noseœil eyeoreille earpeau skin / peelpied footpoing fistpoitrine chesttête headventre stomach / bellyvisage facevoix voiceyeux eyes


(s')améliorer to get better / improveaménager to equip / fit outavaler to swallowse battre to fightblesser to injureblessure wound / injurycerveau brainchampionnat championshipcheville anklechirurgien surgeonchute fallcoude elbowdébuter / débutant to begin / beginnerdoigt de pied toeélever to raiseenflé swollens'enrhumer to catch a cold(avoir l') estomac dérangé stomach upsetflèche arrowforme fitnessfouler to sprainglisser to slip / slidegratter to scratchguérir to cure / get better

insolation sun strokejoue cheekmarquer to scorematériel equipmentmenton chin

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Topic Area 2 Health and sport

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nu nakedongle nailorteil toeos bonepansement bandagepiqûre stingpiquer to stingplâtre plasterplonger to divepoignet wristpremiers soins first aidrayon X x-rayse remettre to get betterrhume des foins hay feversaigner to bleedsain et sauf safe and soundsang bloodsanté healthsaut à l'élastique bungee jumpingsaut (en hauteur / en longueur) (high / long) jumpsauver to save / rescuesauvetage rescuesecouer to shakesecours assistance / helpsécurité safetysentir to smellsoulager to relievesoulever to lifttournoi tournamentd'urgence emergencyvictoire win / victory

Food and drink as aspects of culture and health


abricot apricotagneau lambail garlicananas pineappleassiette anglaise selection of cold meatsbanane banana

beurre butterbifteck steakbœuf beefbonbon sweetcarotte carrotcasse-croûte snackcassis blackcurrantcerise cherrychampignon mushroomchips crispschou-fleur cauliflowerchou / choux de Bruxelles cabbage / sproutscitron lemonconcombre cucumberconfiture / confiture d'oranges jam / marmaladecôte / côtelette chop / cutlet

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crème / crème solaire / crémerie cream / sun cream / dairy (shop)crêpe / crêperie pancake / pancake restaurantcrevette shrimpcroque-monsieur toasted ham/cheese sandwichcrudités raw vegetablesdinde turkeyépinards spinachescargot snailfarine flourfoie liverfrais cool / freshfraise strawberryframboise raspberryfrites chipsfromage cheesefruits de mer sea foodgâteau cakeglace ice (cream) / mirrorharicot beanhuile oilhuître oysterjambon hamlaitue lettucelégume vegetablemiel honeymoule musselmoutarde mustardnoix nut / walnutœuf à la coque / œuf sur le plat / œufs brouillés boiled egg / fried egg / scrambled egg oignon onionpain / pain grillé bread, loaf / toast

pamplemousse grapefruitpâtes pastapetit déjeuner breakfastpetit pain bread rollpetits pois peas poire pearpoivre pepperpomme applepomme de terre potatopotage souppoule / poulet chickenprune plum

purée mashed potatoraisin / raisin sec grape / raisinriz ricesalade (de pommes de terre) (potato) saladsalade lettucesaucisse sausagesaucisson sausagesaumon salmonsel saltsirop syrupsucre / sucré / sucrer / sucreries sugar/sweet/to sugar/sweet thingstartine slice of bread and butterthon tunatomate tomatotruite troutvanille vanilla

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Topic Area 3: Leisure and entertainment(includes online)

Socialising, special occasions and festivals

TV, films and music

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Topic Area 3 Leisure and entertainment (includes online)

Socialising, special occasions and festivals


accompagner to accompanyachat / acheter / acheteur purchase / to buy / buyers'amuser to have a good time, funattendre / attendre avec impatience / attente to wait for / look forward to / waitingbaiser kissbal danceboum partybûche de Noël Christmas logbuffet sideboard / buffetcadeau presentchariot shopping trolleycolis parcelcourses shoppingdistraction leisure activity / something entertainingéchecs chessenvie desireexposition exhibitionfélicitations! congratulations!fêter / fête to celebrate / celebration, partyfeu fire / traffic lightfeux d'artifice fireworksfoire fair

guichet ticket-officeinvitation invitationinviter to inviteinvite guestJour de l'An New Year's Dayjour férié bank, public holidayloisirs free time / leisure activitiesmariage / marié marriage, wedding / marriedmarié(e) bridegroom, (bride)Noël ChristmasPâques Easterpaquet packet / parcel

parc / parc d’attractions park / theme parkpeindre to paintpeinture paint(ing)recevoir to receiverencontre meetingrencontrer to meetrendre visite to visitrenseignements / renseigner information / to informse retrouver to meetréunion meetingsurprendre to surprisesurprise surprisesurprise-partie party clic (mouse) clickcourriel e-mail

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courrier électronique e-mailenvoyer / envoyer un SMS to send / to textportable mobile phone / laptop avantageux good valuebon marché cheapça fait combien ? how much is it?ça me plaît beaucoup I like it very muchcher dear / expensivecoût costcoûter to costdépenser to spendgratuit freepeu cher cheapprix price, cost / prizerembourser to reimburse / pay backsoldes salevendre to sellvente sale connaissance knowledgeconnaître to know / acquaintancefaire la queue to queuese rappeler to rememberrapports relationship Higher annuler to cancelentracte intervalentraîner to drag / carry along / entail

féliciter to congratulatefiançailles engagementfoule crowd jouir to enjoylèche-vitrines window-shoppinglogiciel softwaremardi gras Shrove Tuesdaynoces weddingreconnaître to recogniseréseau networksociété companysuggérer to suggest

télécharger to download

TV, films and music


acteur / actrice actor / actressil s'agit de it's aboutauteur authoranimé lively / animatedannonce announcement / advertisement

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Topic Area 4: Travel and the wider worldHolidays and exchanges

Environmental, cultural and social issues

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Topic Area 4 Travel and the wider world

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singe monkey skier / ski to ski / skiing, skisommet summit / topstation station / resortstation balnéaire seaside resortstation de ski ski resortstation de taxi taxi rankstation thermale spa townsyndicat d'initiative tourist officetente tent(terrain de) camping camp sitevacances / vacancier holiday / holidaymakervague wavevalable validvaleur valuevaloir to be worthvue view briller to shinebrouillard fog / mistbrume mistchaleur heatchaud hot / warmciel sky / heavenclimat climatecouvert overcast / dull (weather)ensoleillé sunnyest eastétoile starfroid coldgel, gelée / geler frost / to freeze

météo / prévision du temps weather forecastmouillé wetneige snowneiger to snownord northnuage / nuageux cloud / cloudyorage / orageux (thunder)storm / stormyouest westil pleut à verse it is pouring with rainpleuvoir to rainpluie / pluvieux rain / rainysaison season

soleil sun / sunshinesombre darksud southtempête storm / high windtemps time / weathertonnerre thundervent windverglas (black) ice Higher animateur organiser / group leaderarrhes depositassurer to insureaugmenter to increaseaverse shower

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Topic Area 4 Travel and the wider world

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inconvénient disadvantageinconnu unknown / strangerincroyable unbelievableindiquer to indicateinterdit forbidden / not allowedjeter to throw (away)paisible / paix peaceful / peacepéage tollperdre to lose / wastepermettre to let / allowperte loss / wastepessimiste pessimisticpleurer to weep / to cryPolice-Secours emergency servicespolicier / policière policeman / womanpompier firemanpourboire tippunir to punishrégler to settleréparation repairréparer to repair(sapeurs-)pompiers fire brigadetuer to killil vaut la peine it is worth / it is worth the troublevol flight / theftvoler / voleur to fly, to steal / thief Higher abîmer to damage / spoilallumettes matches

amende finearrêter to arrestcambrioler to burglecauchemar nightmarechasser to huntcommettre to commitcondamner to condemnconsacrer to devoteconteneur pour verre usagé bottle bankcontrat contractcraindre to fearcraintif timid / fearful

défaut failingdégâts damagedépendance addictiondéranger to disturbdésavantage disadvantagedétruire to destroydisparaître to disappearse douter to suspectéchec failureéchouer to failécraser to crush / run overeffet de serre greenhouse effecteffrayer to frightens'égarer to get lostempoisonner to poisonenceinte pregnant

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Topic Area 4 Travel and the wider world

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énerver to irritateenfermer to close in / lock in, ups'engager to enlisténigme puzzles'évader to escapeéviter to avoidfauteuil roulant wheelchairfuir to fleefuite flight, leakfusil gunfusiller to shootgrève strikegréviste strikerguerre warheures de pointe rush-hourheurter to strike / bump intoHLM (+ habitation à loyer modérée) council house / flatincendie fireinfirme disabledinonder to floodinquietude worryinterdire to forbidivre drunkjurer to swearlaisser tomber to droplarme tearlutter to fight / strugglemal difficulty / troublemal du pays homesicknessmalentendu misunderstandingmenacer to threaten

mensonge liementir to liemesse massmeurtre murdermœurs customs / waysmordre to bitenoyer to drownpoint de vue viewpolluer to pollutepreuves proofprévenir to inform / warnprévoir to foresee

prier to ask, request / prayprotéger to protectrécompense rewardrèglement rulereine queenremettre to hand (in) / postponerenoncer to give uprenverser to run overrenvoyer to sackroi kingsida AIDSsoupçonner to suspectsourd deafsoutenir to supportsoutien supportsupporter to bear / put up with

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syndicat trade uniontémoin witnesstirer to shoottoxicomane drug addicttricher to cheatvoyou yob

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Topic Area 5: Education and workSchool life in the UK and in the target language country or community

Work experience, future study and jobs, working abroad

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Topic Area 5 Education and work

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Topic Area 5 Education and work

School life in the UK and in the target language country or community


affaires belongings / stuff / businessbic biro / ball-point pencahier exercise bookcalcul / calculatrice, calculette sum / calculatorcarnet note bookcartable schoolbagcarte card / map / menuciseaux scissorscrayon pencilfeutre felt / felt-tip pengomme rubberrègle rule / rulerstylo pentrousse small case, bag / pencil-casetruc thing / whats it affiche posteragenda diarybanc benchbande group / gangça suffit that's enoughcertificat certificate

chiffre figure / numberclasse classcopie piece of written workcopier to copycouloir corridorcour playground / yard / courtcours lessondevoirs homeworkdifficile difficultdirecteur head teacher / directordossier fileéchange (scolaire) (school) exchange

échanger to exchangeélève pupilen seconde / en sixième in Y11 / in Y7enseignement education / teachingensemble togetherépreuve testerreur mistakeétude / étudiant study / studentétudier to studyexamen examinationexcuser / s’excuser to excuse / to apologises’exercer to train / practiseexercice exerciseexpérience experimentexplication explanationexpliquer to explain

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façon method / wayfait factfaux wrong / falsefavorable / favori favourable / favouritehoraire timetableintéressant / intérêt interesting / interestintéresser to interests’intéresser to be interested ininutile uselessleçon lessonlecture readinglettre lettermatière (facultative) / (obligatoire) subject (optional) / (compulsory)mot word / messagenote mark / noteobjet objectpause breakplan planpréféré favouritepréférer to preferpremière / terminale year 12 / year 13 (sixth form)prêt readyprofesseur teacherrécréation breakrésultat resultsondage surveystage / stage en entreprise / stagiaire course / work experience / traineesuccès successsujet subject / topictableau picture / boardterrain / terrain de sport ground / sports ground, school field

trimestre term apprendre to learn / teachcesser to stopchoisir to choosechoix choicecompliqué complicatedcomprendre to understand / includecompter / comptoir to count / countercorriger to correctcri call, shoutcrier to shout, scream

critiquer to criticisecroire to believe / thinkdur harddurer to lastécouter to listen tos’écrier to cry out / exclaimécrire / écriture to write / writingécrivain writeremprunter to borrowentendre to hears’entendre to get on withfabriquer to makefacile easyfaire to do / makefaire une pause to have a breakfin / finir end, finish / to finish

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Topic Area 5 Education and work

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Work experience, future study and jobs, working abroad


agent de police policemanarmée armyavocat lawyer / avocado

caisse / caissier till / cashierchômage / chômeur unemployment / unemployed personfacteur postmanferme / fermier farm / farmergendarme / gendarmerie police officer / police stationgérant managerhôtesse de l'air air hostessinformaticien / informatique I.T expert / I.T.ingénieur engineerinterprète interpretermaçon buildermécanicien mechanic

militaire soldiermoniteur (de ski) (ski) instructorphoto / photographe / photographie photo / photographer / photograph(y)plombier plumberprogrammeur computer programmerpropriétaire ownersecrétaire secretarysoldat soldiervétérinaire vet ANPE job centreapprenti / apprentissage apprentice / apprenticeshipargent money / silveravenir futurecantine canteencarrière careerclient customercoiffé de wearing on headcoiffeur hairdressercoiffure hairdressing / hairdoconférence lectureéconomiser to saveemployer / employé to employ, use / employeeentreprise firmétude (à plein temps) / à temps partiel (full-time) study / part time studyétude du temps timetablefaire des économies to economise / to savegagner / gagnant to earn, win / winnerjour (de congé) day (off)métier trade / jobmonnaie change / currencyouverture openingouvrier worker / labourerouvert openouvrir to open

paiement paymentpayer to pay (for)patron bossposte post (office) / post, jobprogrès progress

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Topic Area 5 Education and work

projet project / plansalaire salary / wagessomme sumtaper to typetraduction translationtraduire to translatetravail / travailleur work / hard working, workertravailler to workusine factory Higher boulot jobcharger to loadcommerçant shopkeepercompte accountconstruire to buildentrevue interviewimprimer to printimprimante printers'inscrire to enrolllicence degreeloi lawœuvre workorientation professionnelle careers adviceposer sa candidature to apply for a jobtâche task / jobtaux rate