occupy wall street journal #2

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  • 8/3/2019 Occupy Wall Street Journal #2


    Hey MoneyMan the crowd is outside.The past, the uture and the now is outside.

    The teachers and cooks and the drop-outs too.Word on the street is they looking or you

    Hey MoneyMan they saying whats the score?And how much blood have you spilled on the

    butcher shop oor? Those numbers keep runningbut what they running into? The crowd is outside

    and they asking o you

    Hey MoneyMan MoneyMan the mayors on thephone. He says he wants to know i all those peoplewent home. Those mommas and poppas and

    students and cooks. Those teachers and preachers,

    one second Ill look

    Hey MoneyMan MoneyMan the tents are still up, the

    songs are still singing and the coees in cups. Thenights due to all and the suns going down but itsstill a whole mess o good olks hanging round...

    They eyes are wide and their voices are loud. Its

    white and black and colorless proud. The signs arebig and the smiles are bright. By heaven I reckon

    its gone be one hell o a night!

    Hey MoneyMan poor MoneyMan you should slipout the back. Cuz the orces o greed are underattack. No bombs or bullets or rocks or guns. Just

    hashtags and voices at the t ops o their lungs! AndMoneyman Moneyman I wont need a ride. But i

    you need me

    You can fnd me outside.

    bywasalu lupefiasco jaco

    If h i n hing I knw,

    i h h 1% lv ii.

    Wh l k s

    s kw wh , h s l sh hh h

    sh-ls - ls:

    vz sly, slsh bl svs,

    h ls ss w. As h -

    ss, hs s h h

    l v.T s ly h h

    k hs , ly, svy b h: h 99%. A h

    % s k h ss

    s M sy N. Wll y y ss.

    T sl b Ily 08. I h G

    Il lly s s wy h sq l

    h h ss b.

    Why hy s? sk b s V. M-

    hl, h s h wl sks:

    Wh k y s l? Wv w wh y w

    shw . A s ll:Wl.

    My l hv w -

    ls bw Oy Wll S h s-ll -lblz

    ss h wl -

    Sl 999. T ws h lbl, yh-l, -

    lz v k w. A I

    hv b wh w llh v vs.

    B h -

    s . F s, w hss s s: h Wl

    Oz, h I-

    l My F, h G8.s s by h

    , hy ly ls wk. T s s . W ,

    b wl hls, h s-

    . A h zy hys ls h l-

    w h 9/ ks, ws sysw s wy lly, ls

    Nh A.

    Oy Wll S, h h, hs hs x . A

    hv ys h. Ts s ws. Oly

    h y sy y w

    s. Ts s l. I s

    h y

    vs s lk b-

    l ws b qkly . Isbs hy hv s. A

    hy hv l ls

    hw hy ss h-slvs. S wh ss , hy

    wsh wy.B hzl ly

    s wl. Ts

    ls bl wh hh wk bl ss

    ss h sy h wh h ss h. I hv

    h h hs wll h.

    Sh ls hs vs h: Y hv -

    yslvs -vl. Yhv s v h h

    s bk wws s hs vs s sly.

    A h s sl hs

    h, , hsy hs b h sl

    vk l bly. Whh w js sw Wsy

    h. Mwhl, s hs

    v ws ws. Mws.

    B h bs ks s h 999, w

    w k ls h

    k z b.Uly ws lw, sk -

    ls w bl. T wsk sy y. Bk h

    ws ll b s-s, sh

    ws.W h h -

    l bh h zy . I ws lb

    ss. I ws v-

    l ss. Csw b wl h

    vs h ws - s. B b

    hs wh y, whl h

    s ll, k sys bs ws h

    sll, ls h s. ys l, ss s

    h y h s.

    Js whl l h l. P-l wh h l h b-

    l wlh xhs lss h wl.

    T s, y vy

    s h h sys s ly js l. U-

    hs sh h lbly. A s sh h -

    l wl s wll. W vsh-

    s, ll wwh k w ll-

    , h s s

    NEW YORK TURNS OUT TO OCCUPY WALL STREET: Labor unions and student walkouts brought tens o thousands to Foley Square on Oct. 5. Ater dusk, crowds flled lower Manhattan around Zuccotti Park, re-named

    Liberty Square by the occupation. Despite high spirits among the protesters and no incidents o violence or vandalism, NYPD ofcers arrested numerous people. Pepper spray and batons were also deployed.PHOTO: Jen

    Th ls h

    skyss sZ Pk, wh y

    wh y lvs, wh kh ll lss, h ss, h

    jy j h s,

    wh sy h sys h U.S. sy -

    bl sl, k ll s vss h s blw

    h h wks .T ls s vy

    s h sh l

    vsbl. Wh s l y w Kh,

    wh wk Ch hv h blls s

    wss, hv h wl?

    Wh l sh hs Z- Pk h? Wh h

    h wk s h s?Ts wh wsh y blv

    h bks sh, lk h $4.6

    ll J.P. M Chs v ls wk h Nw Yk Cy Pl

    F, by h -l w sy. Mss

    ll, kl b h ls h

    kl, bl by h sl-, vs h

    s, bl hk vl, hy w b

    b h h lly hbs.

    Ev w, h wks l,h ls h hs

    h ss zzl vwh w w. Wh s h ls

    s? Why hy s

    s wh s ls? Why hy l wh hy ?

    T l s s vy, vyl. I b l

    w REBELLION. W hv

    wk wh h sys.

    W l wh h C-

    ss ll . W kwll ls s . W hv

    h wy b h xs w. W hv h

    h ll sys h w j

    ll s. A w kw h ss wll ly

    vs whh s why w hv ss w. W kw h y

    svs h lhs. W kw h

    svv hs s w wll hv bl -hhl l

    syss h vy.Ts ls h w l

    h. Ty

    vs y wh hy wll b h lvs. T ls

    blv, sk k s blv,

    h lblz ls l lw, sk l

    y h v b l.

    Wh h ls l lz s hbll wll s l h -

    s s xsh. I

    s l h h , h wk ls

    lly, h sk, hl, b slh

    ws blk

    ss. I wll s l ss bk sssss s

    wll s l ss hv ssv

    b , ls lhv l bk

    y l blls. I wll

    l h sh sys ss,

    shs wh h h l lly

    A h s why h ls

    h sys w hy ss

    ss bl. T s whyk sk wh h

    Ty kw wh s h

    Ty , b bl


    This rebellion will noT sTop


    The MostImportant

    Thing in theWorld

    Continued on back page

    uthor Naomi KleiN

    peaKs to the occupiers

    o Te Sept. 17 Occupiers,


    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$UNAFRAID:Despite 700+ arrests on the Brooklyn Bridge on Oct. 1, crowds surged

    the ollowing days. PHOTO: Adrian Kinloch

    saturday, october 8, 2011 Issu

  • 8/3/2019 Occupy Wall Street Journal #2


    tunisia17 dec The sel-immolation o 26-year-old produce

    vendor Mohammed Bouazizi in Sidi Bouzid,

    Tunisia, sparks a wave o protests against police

    violence and the decades-long autocratic rule o

    President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. Four weeks

    later, Ben Ali is orced out o power and fees

    the country.

    500,000 protestors take to Londons streets

    in the March or the Alternative, coordinated

    by the Trades Union Congress. Teachers and

    public sector workers hold massive st rikes.

    Protests against austerity and unemployment erupt in 58

    Spanish cities, beginning the 15-M Movement. In Madrid,

    more than 1,000 indignados camp in the central square, Puerta

    Del Sol; 300,000 supporters gather or weeks o mass assem-

    blies to demand a greater say in the political process. Embracing

    participatory democracy, they reject traditional parties and the

    rule o fnance capital.

    Yearlong protests

    sures, enacted in 20

    Union, take a new t

    the aganaktismeno

    These are the bigge

    people occupy Syn

    measures is annou

    example, they hold

    economic crisis, o

    Syntagma Square

    Young pe

    and then in

    police shoot

    police violen

    in recent Eng

    and more tha

    london26 mar

    spain15 may

    g25 may

    6 aug

    wisconsin & ohio17 febWisconsinites protesting Gov. ScottWalkers austerity budget and his attack

    on collective bargaining carry Egyptian

    ags and signs, drawing a parallel between

    their struggles. In the weeks-long protest,

    hundreds o thousands o people occupy

    the state capitol; hundreds o students are

    arrested. In Columbus, Ohio, nearly 4,000

    protest against similar attacks on the public

    sector and workers rights.

    Using person-to-person contact, social networking and

    citizen-made media, people o Cairo organize a mass protest

    on Police Day, demanding an end to harassment, repression

    and torture. What ollows is an 18-day national uprising against

    President Hosni Mubaraks dictatorial government. It is symbol-

    ized by the occupation o Tahrir Square, but has its roots in

    years o labor, media and human rights organizing. Hundreds

    o thousands o Egyptians join ater the regime blocks internet

    trafc and sends thugs to attack protesters. Workers strike

    throughout the country. On Feb. 11, the Mubarak government

    alls. The success inspires an Arab Spring o pro-democracy

    action rom Yemen to Bahrain to Syria.

    egypt25 jan



    h h wks h h Fl

    Ds hs b , ybs h blk y,

    slly l s, qs h vl

    j v hy vbl ly vl wh

    yh.Wv b hs s l

    w, why wl w wh ks

    k l, v A, blk s hs l 50s. Is

    wh s w -s, wh w l.

    B h 30,000-s lly Fly

    Sq h h Lby Sq Wsy, h ws vsbl sh.

    T k hs h hs lly

    hh l l blk

    lk wh j y, s Mhl, s NYU.

    A s h s -

    sl js h ws, s l hs

    h y blks wl Oy

    Wll S wh sks ss.

    W hv b h b. W hvh lls ss, s by-

    s s s s s ,Bkly-bs vs Cl Cs

    l h Amsterdam News. I y lv

    h y, h s hs s. Y s h

    , h hsl l s-

    , h s lv xs. P-

    s Wll S s bh lhsy s s M S.

    Whs s Wsy,

    hwv, wh s l-l svw Fly Sq, s h

    ss y blks vss

    bh h s slywh whs ls

    h w.Is lss/s w, s y

    blk s Sv. Evy

    s l h s ss lss .

    T s by h Nw Yk Cy Gl Assblys Pl

    Cl wk s bs: Ls

    b l. T ss b

    wh h lls h Lh Bh-s 2008. I, l l

    l hv b s ss

    s h hs y, s s, s b

    h h , s. W vly wk h vs

    vs ll s.

    T s b h, l wh w ss y, s-

    v v s .


    Meeting or the frst time, again

    Ay , Nw Yks

    wh h s vs h ssv hl

    Wss l ssv

    s-b Rss Fl wh Py -ll, h

    ss l h l sl-sb Py Rbl-

    s. Mhs l, h h

    ll h b l. Gv- S Wlk lsh ks

    h h z, llv b, ss hlh

    , , shl, qly v h h v. Wlk hs hs w

    l bs hs h-ss y l

    l l by h ls h

    ll sys hs v.Ty v 2008 -

    bs. H bs. B 200, h Ob s

    ssl Ds l

    h ws lv w l As y -

    l, h ws js h Wss Ds. A s

    Wlk k w, k w, k v w

    wy l l.R ls hv b -

    ly sl bw h

    -h Ds. Sw s s sy h Ws-

    ss sv wh hy . Bh s h bh h Pssv

    Py s h s s l

    wh Py ss; s hs wh l s h

    s hs.

    T s h Py v y hk bk

    h Rvly , y whhy ll s vl, b

    . Ty w bk . Wh hy sk h

    h F Fhs, hy h b h

    slvy, b lb s w

    llz, b w w -s l lw, b h

    vl hs , b h v-l v. I , y

    h s w bk

    h b h Bs

    Py sl, h ys wh ly

    h l l v. Wh ks Oy Wll

    S, whh hs b

    s h ls sw hy Py v-

    , s -h?



    As wks wlk Wll Svy y, hy vs A

    bl , ss v ylys hsy wh hh.L s , h wy-s -

    y, h ly.Lby Sq s h wy-s

    y Lby . I y w

    s wh s hh, : U h Lby

    h s Bs C-, ly h s A

    Rvl, y ll l

    h vs h sls llvly,

    ws h h s Ay s k . W


    Lby Sq.T s h A-

    Rvl l l

    y lsss, y h-s, s, s h

    hh shl hsy bks ll.Wk-lss ls wk h

    Bs ks, h Css

    Aks. T w ss lkPl Rhl Rv, lwys

    s lk Jh S As.T Lby ws l wh

    ll hs l y wh wl hv ly ss wh h l h

    s.T bs sb

    s ll

    A hsy b wh h h Lby . T

    ws h Bs Py.


    W h WllS hv b by ws

    h y Py v. Is hs bs

    hy s b ss wls ss? Is bs

    hy s h h vl?Is ss v w h

    h Py? Tyv

    ? A y whls sks h A Rvl-

    wh ss s wy bb ss wh h? S

    h vl b k Lby Sq. Ty

    b l,

    sv, s hy sk ss

    hy s s lk h Py.My s Lby Sq

    ls hk h s h

    vls 776. I ssbh ss ly h

    l vl. Wh kss lly

    h w Py v s

    h vl ss l vls: h

    bls v, h wk-s hs v, h ws

    v, h vl hs v-

    , h s q lb-

    vs, h v

    v. W k h vs h

    ll h v

    sl, l, hs s hs

    .W lv y

    ss hs s. W

    s ss. T Py

    bk. W v wh h y, lk w.

    by rebe


    b.r. mansk

    What Liberty Square Means The Progress of Revolutio





    Two blocks rom th

    earshot o the Wh

    Thursday set up ca

    marched upwards o

    through the heart o

    At a stop at the Cha

    which hangs a hu

    reads JOBS th

    hundreds o resume

    temporarily shut th

  • 8/3/2019 Occupy Wall Street Journal #2


    JPMorgan Chase announces a $4.6 million donation to the

    New York City Police Foundation. The git is the largest in the

    history o the oundation, raising questions about corporate

    interests using law enorcxement to intensiy their crackdown

    on protestors. A day later, the New York attorney general fles

    a lawsuit against the Bank o New York Mellon, accusing it o

    cheating state and other pension unds nationwide o oreign

    exchange ees over the last decade totaling some $2 billion.

    Thousands rom Occupy Wall Street attempt to march across the

    Brooklyn Bridge. Partway across, they are blocked by police who

    record 700 arrests on the roadway.

    In Caliornia, more than 12,000 prisoners enter the second week o

    a hunger strike protesting conditions in state penitentiaries the largest

    prisoner strike in U.S. history. Organizers say the strike is in solidarity with the

    Wall Street occupation and others starting across the U.S.

    Less than 24 hours ater the execution o Troy Davis by

    the state o Georgia, hundreds o

    New Yorkers rally in Union Square

    to demonstrate outrage. Battling

    police barricades, protestors march

    down Broadway and join orces with

    Occupy Wall Street in Liberty Park.

    The mass action marks an important

    linkage among activist groups and o-

    ers a glimpse o a peoples solidarity

    movement taking orm.

    Demonstrations and sit-ins spread to dozens o

    cities across the country with protesters camped

    out in Los Angeles near City Hall, assembled beore

    the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago and marching

    through downtown Boston. Marches in Memphis,

    Burlington, Minneapolis, Baltimore and parts o Texas

    take shape as protesters state they will sleep in

    the streets and occupy parks or as long as it takes

    until their voices are heard. Using social networks,

    protesters announce they are ready to mobilize

    large groups or mass actions within hours.

    30,000 protestors comprised o transit, communication, teacher, health care, labor and other

    unions join a student walkout and residents rom across New York City at a rally in Foley Park

    outside City Hall. Following a march to Liberty Square in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, a

    ew hundred demonstrators gather at the corner o Broadway and Wall Street, attempting to

    gain access; they topple some steel barricades and are met by police batons and pepper spray.

    Amid a number o arrests, one supervisor is seen wildly swinging his baton striking numer-

    ous people indiscriminately. Three journalists are injured in the process. While departmental

    regulations authorize the use o pepper spray against a crowd posing physical threats to police

    ofcers, they also require that an ambulance be dispatched ater such an incident, which did not

    occur. Extensive video ootage showed no demonstrator attacks against police, and no ofcer

    injuries were reported.

    rity mea-



    e country.



    he Spanish

    ects o

    e is in


    ys ater

    rred by

    est uprising

    6 are injured

    day 723 sept day 184 oct

    day 151 octday 173 oct

    day 195 oct


    P Rbs ws

    b h ly.S O. 5, sh h

    wh h s, S N,

    sh Nwk Cl HhShl, j hss

    s ss ss sly wh Oy Wll S.

    I blk I , s

    N. I l ll hs ly hs y y

    vlbl.Rbs N, l wh

    vs vsy hh shl

    ss h -s , l-l Fly Sq Wsy

    s -w swlk. T, hy wh

    s hss -bs, ll zs Nw Yks ll wlks

    h s sys h s sv h.

    S DAl, s

    E L Cll T NwShl, ws y v hs

    s Wsy OyWll S.

    S vlv s -

    bs w h s whh s sk hs y

    h w, h s. Wh h jbk h wy s, l s wh

    b , lk ysl, lk vy w ss.

    Fly s h wlk

    ws ls ws s hs ss T Nw

    Shl, Nw Yk Uvsy, C- U hs j s-

    s Wsh Sq Pk

    b h Fly Sq.A T Nw Shl l, 37

    ly bs lyss h h l

    h ws l hh h

    vsy.L P, sh B-

    Hh Shl Ws 6s S

    Mh, s h hs ss .Ty l s w w , w

    l h shl

    wh h, sh s.A h shs Fly

    Sq h Lb-y Sq, s ss k

    h y k ss

    ws h whl hs h w blks

    sh s Wll S.Hlly h lsl wll

    h s s h

    h s wh v h h s, s E

    Ch CUNY Lw SA whl hy h

    h s, lhy bl h

    E Fs, s L

    k Hh Shl 4h SMh, s h wk

    ys . Fllw h h ss Wsy w

    skb s h

    s ws h y .

    W b h wl. N js A

    js k l



    High schools, campuses

    walk-out to OCCUPY

    PHOTO: Peter Carroll

    The Federal Reserve Bank o SAN FRANCISCO

    is surrounded on three sides by hundreds o

    occupiers who have been encamped at the

    site or nearly a week. Thousands are march-

    ing regularly with occupations

    set to begin in neighboring

    Berkeley on Oct. 8, and two

    days later in Oakland.













    In downtown bOSTON,

    hundreds o protesters are

    occupying Dewey Square,

    in plain sight o the FederalReserve Bank o Boston and

    a towering Bank o America

    headquarters. Their General

    Assembly in the best

    tradition o thinking globally,

    acting locally has orged

    relationships with youth

    organizations working to

    reduce violence, develop

    jobs, and promote environ-

    mental justice in the city.

    In the birthplace an earlier revolution, a new

    one has sprung. On Thursday in PhILADELPhIA,

    thousands assembled at Dilworth Plaza across

    rom City Hall. The city oered a permit or theoccupation in perpetuity; their General Assembly

    was split on the decision.

    For one week in SEATTLE,

    occupiers have been holding a

    public park at 4th Avenue

    and Pine Street through

    rain and 40 degree

    nights. S.P.D.

    ocers on


    ordered the

    removal o all tents

    and took away twenty

    occupiers who reused.

    Undeterred, the camp o

    about three hundred has

    steadily grown since.

    In LOS ANgELES more than two

    hundred have or a week occupied

    the lawn in ront o City Hall. On

    Wednesday, encouraged by hal a

    dozen local council members who

    showed solidarity with the group,

    citizens o the city convened a or-

    mal public assembly and approved

    their use o tents or the duration.

    In a show o extraordinary mutual

    respect, there have been exactly

    zero arrests as o the time this

    paper went to press.

    . illi i

    i li i . i i l i

    i i i i i

    i i l i i i

    . l l l

    l i i ll i i

    i i i i i

    l li illi .


    l i . l li


    I li i i

    i i i i i i i i l

    i i i . . i . i i i i li i i

    ll i i . .

    L i i


    ll i i

    . li

    li i

    i i

    ll i Li .

    i i

    li i i -

    li l li i

    i .

    i i -i

    i i i

    i L l i ll l

    l i i i

    . i i

    li i li l i

    ill l i

    l i

    il i i . i i l


    l i i i .

    i i i i l l

    i i l i i ll i l

    i i ll. ll i Li i li i i ll

    ll i

    i ; l l i li .

    i i i il l i i i i i -

    l i i i i l . li i i . il l

    l i i i i i l li

    l i l i i i i i

    . i i i li

    i i .

    i -





    i i

    i i


    This is just a small slice of the occupations sweeping across the country. Hundreds of planningmeetings have been scheduled from Birmingham to Kalamazoo to Frankfurt to Cape Town toSo Paulo, on every continent except Antarctica.

    From New York to everywhere: were with you,youre with us.

    reports from intrepid, heartfelt, truly patriotic occupiers everywhere


    get ready.

    No list o demands

    We are speaking to each other, and listening.

    This occupation is frst about participation.

    Tens o thousands o New Yorkers streamed into Foley Square on Wednesdaylabo

    unions rolled out, students walked out. The occupation o Wall Street grew to resemble

    the city we live in.

    What race, age, religion, occupation did we represent? None o them. All o them.

    Barricaded in by steel pens, surrounded by a thousand cops and NYPD helicopterabove, we saw our power refected in their need to control us. But just as this is our

    movement, it is our narrative too.

    The exhausted political machines and their PR slicks are already seeking leader

    to elevate, messages to claim, talking points to move on. They, more than anyone, wi

    attempt to seize and shape this moment. They are racing to reach the ront o the line

    But how can they run out in ront o something that is in ront o them? They cannot.

    For Wall Street and Washington, the demand is not on them to give us something tha

    isnt theirs to give. Its ours. Its on us. We arent going anywhere. We just got here.


  • 8/3/2019 Occupy Wall Street Journal #2



    Te followin Principles of Solidarity ae een adopted y te gA

    as a liin docuent tat will e reised trou te deocratic

    process of te N.Y.C. general Assely.

    On September 17, 2011, people rom all across the United States

    o America and the world came to protest the blatant injustices o our

    times perpetuated by the economic and political elites. On the 17th we

    as individuals rose up against political disenranchisement and social

    and economic injustice. We spoke out, resisted, and successully

    occupied Wall Street. Today, we proudly remain in Liberty Square

    constituting ourselves as autonomous political beings engaged in

    non-violent civil disobedience and building solidarity based on mutual

    respect, acceptance, and love. It is rom these reclaimed grounds that

    we say to all Americans and to the world: Enough! How many crises

    does it take? We are the 99% and we have moved to reclaim our

    mortgaged uture.

    Through a direct democratic process, we have come together as

    individuals and crated these principles o solidarity, which are points o

    unity that include, but are not limited to:

    Engaging in direct and transparent participatory democracy;

    Exercising personal and collective responsibility;

    Recognizing individuals inherent privilege and the infuence it has

    on all interactions;

    Empowering one another against all orms o oppression;

    Redening how labor is valued;

    The sanctity o individual privacy;

    The belie that education is human right; and

    Endeavoring to practice and support wide application o open


    We are daring to imagine a new socio-political and economic

    alternative that oers greater possibility o equality. We are

    consolidating the other proposed principles o solidarity, ater whichdemands will ollow.

    y h l, lk hAlb ss. T sh

    bsb h -b w ,

    s w. T w -

    l s sl sss: ll.

    Ts h s h .Ty s bl, s bvs, h

    s l s wh hbl h ws 999,

    bl h v qkly.

    W ll kw, ls ss,h h wl s s w: w

    s h s wh slly ssl ls h

    sh s bsb h

    sss. A w s h s vbl ls wh

    s lly bl h lss bl h k s-

    y w .

    T sk s hs : hll hs ls

    sy. ss h w bl , lsv sy

    whl h s , s

    h l ls wh h h k.

    Wh l h s sh w hv hs -

    l. Ts v -

    s, v, b sw wy by vs. Ts

    w hv s. A I lk b l h

    bks s xs h

    h, hh hs .I lk b h h

    ly vls h v sy. T s h

    sl -ly s ls h h

    . B s lss l.

    T s wh I s h

    hs sq. I h wy y h h, k

    w, sh v hlh

    lsss . My v s

    I b y. I

    s l v z, sy, L h

    ly l s. W hv k

    h s wl

    ll s h lh. A s hs

    ws sh swll h. A

    w h h wll b

    sh sll sy, h s x y

    v h . Tls h h s

    wk s by s s

    y, y ys h sk b wll

    lss.Ls hs b

    s s h s

    h h wl. Blly s.


    from a speech deliveredLibe

    things you can don


    Bring instruments, ood, blankets, bedding, rain gear,

    and your riends.

    spread the word Download, print, display, and share fyers:


    Twitter: #occupywallstreet #occupytoeter

    Facebook: OccupyWallSt.

    donate Visit nyca.net/donate

    Make a tax-deductable donation to the New York City

    General Assembly.

    You can also mail a check or money order to: Alliance or Glo

    Justice, 1247 E Street, SE Washington, DC, 20003. Please

    indicate Occupy Wall Street in the memo line. Or call 202

    9355 to make a telephone donation.

    On Twitter: #needsofteoccupiers

    I you are in the area come by and drop o: prepared ood, n

    perishable ood (vegan and gluten ree so anyone can eat it)

    sweatshirts, sweatpants, socks.

    You can mail packages to us:

    UPS Store, 118A Fulton St. #205 New York, NY, 10038

    follow the occupation nyca.net

    occupywallst.or taketesuare.net



    Follow on Twitter: @occupywallstnyc , @nycsep17 ,


    educate yourself istoryisaweapon.co






    HE MOS IMPORAN HING, continued from page 1

    Whs wy Oy Wll S

    s vbls wh h l s wll s

    h Fl Ds hbs? l hslvs.

    Ll Nw Yk s B-

    Bk, 4, ws sk ly h hl, h sw

    . T ws hs h, hs s h , s sy

    h s b h q-

    b l ss s h

    , h s. T hs l- l, -sl syl

    blz, hs

    l, b lk s.Bk, ll, bl wh s-

    hysq, s hw sq s qkly w

    hs wh k s

    y k bl; h syslly ss ss h

    l w lv.A l s h sq,

    sk ysly, s h

    s h s hv bwll-bhv h h-wk

    , hh h b k by bl

    vs. Pl x h sys, h s, k l y vhls

    h s. Hs lky h ws EM h, h s s h

    Oy Wll S vl

    , h wlv .

    Bbby C, wh hs b Lby s S-

    b 26, s h vl hl . T 30-y-l

    sl, wh hs v sy l whs s Bk-

    ly, s hs b vlv s-

    , l ss, hl wh h jkly ll

    y l sss Lby.O , C

    ws k

    hh h jbl sss s s l ,

    vss -s wh vs h k

    wk. H ws s -

    l wl v h ls,b s h wl h

    hy s. T bs sy: k h l s z

    y h hs wh

    b z y lbl h.

    Phs s : h -ss, hz s -

    hy, wh s by

    h NYPD, y wh hv h w vs h l.

    W vly, b hs w hv ss,

    s Bk. I w js vl-y, w js hss, h swll sw h k.


    Protest and




    A Gl

    Elzbh Hly

    Organized Labor Stands UpLb zs s ss Nw Yk Cy h U Ss hv s h

    Wll S, s s bk h v h 99%. T llw

    xs h ls sly:


    T s Wks U Ll 00 ls h h y l Wll S wh lly s wh s hs b s : h sh s h

    by v ls lks wlly lk -wy s. Wks y zs

    ll h s, h s wh l y wy s-, s hhls bss. Y l blk wh hh ly, w

    jbs. Pbl s wks ys vs wh ssv w bs vbks, hss lys. Ts b. Ts blkl. W s h Wll S ss

    h l qly s vy As h jb, hlh ,



    Oy Wll S hs bh sh s ly h b : s s-

    sbl h h lvs lls wk l ly l. A sll s,bks, s w hl lls wh llv wlh sss. T y shl b

    vs jb ssv s l s bl lss lvs by h klssss

    h s h ss. A h h % l s l, h s w y- Wll S sk h h kw by h h 99%. Ts why h ss ss s

    wly. Ty l sv h ly s hs k b h lls ll, js vss ss, sh: Wll S shl l y, y,



    Nl Nss U, h s ls s s lb s 70,000 RNs, ss s sly wh h Oy Wll S ss lls. W

    l h , svvy s xhb by h l ss, bs,

    ly, y hs ll wlks l wh hv h lly lly l h bl h s wh bls. Wll S s h l ss w sh y h

    Wll S y s bk. As ss, hs h s sl. Hl A. Mk Wll S Py!


    T Gl Ds C h IWW ss sly wh bv bhs sss

    Oy Wll S. W s h , hss, bly xhb byh Nw Yk Pl. T s h l ly b h Wll S Cls. Wll ll hs h sll ss hy shw h s h wk lss by s

    h bl sl ss. T ly vls wh by h vlly

    ls, lblz, h sk k hs wh h h hsy ll wks hh ll ly. W s ll bv llw wks

    h ls hs hh h U Ss, hs lk ss h wl. Wz h h y s h wlhy l lsss, h ss, h Ss

    h lz h w. T l ly s h h ss wlh w js s ly s h ss. Oly by s h s lss w k bk

    ss wkls.


    A l ss s w b s Wll S: Py # shl b bl M S, lh w CEOs h ls. W s sly wh hs s-

    Wll Ss . T y h hs wk s y lvs, bl jbs, l lls

    As hlss hlss s h l bks h bl wh . T klss s s, h xs wk ls s h A D, s .


    T s vlbl ss A s Wll S, s wk l. Y A y, lls

    wk l jblss ls h hs, h hs h s. Mwhl, -

    s k s h s bl h y xs, sh wlh h wk l lss h h... Wll S s ss, y -s wk l y . T ly wy bk h ssl s

    sh s bl vs, sh s Oy Wll S.


    Ts y l sk h vs jy As wh s by h bks bks wh hv h bks h wk l... s s hv wh

    ss sv s. Hw hy h w l h h whl l lsh bs lls b ? AU lls h y l s by

    sl Oy vs ss h y.


    T U Slwks , Nh As ls sl wh .2 ll v bs, ss sly wh sly ss Oy Wll S. T bv w,

    y h y l wh jbs, wh hv b s -h-lk h wks

    Nw Yk Cy, sk h y wl. W wh h , h hv y l. O hs b

    s h hs s wh Wll S v M S. W kwsh h vs s by lbl y wh wks, h ls, h v

    s s s h vl w k y vys lb b h w.


    Stay tuned to occupywallSt.org for det

    FOLEY SqUARE, OCT 5.:PHOTO: Jen Ross


    [email protected]