ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1909-05-31 [p...

I9 > t Jf 1 Sy j r f 3 OCALA BVBNINft STAR MONDAY MAY 31 1900 i L r 1Ir I GOING AWAY FOR TilE SUMMER mTrAGES FOR RENT I- AI f I Dayltol leach and Seabreeze Hotel I w AccomoaUoDs StCllr 1 I ww I = We Sell Them on Easy Terms is- c BUY YOURSELF I NICE HOME We Sell Them on Easy Terms = D LeIMeLokAfterYrP- roperly f5 While You are Away This Summer- I I A FRANK MANAGER I MARim UHaLiY COMPANY I I THEY FIT THE LIPS LIKE KISSES S and taste ns wcet Thats why Schles- ingers k and Lowneys Candles in halt and pound boxes are so popular Pure > I 1 confections these flavor delicious Our I confectionery Is free from adultera- tion ¬ z I It is wholesome and healthful I t Every kind of confectionery h9ro- v L fruits Cold Drinks Cigars and News- papers ¬ 1 I 7v E- rtThr BALLARDS U t I J f- 7J j- fr 11 4 < J t i tMtr- J c- ot I > I 11 J i- Jj 4- l I The Montezuma Hotel rf Guy Toph John R Dewey Liberally Coo ducted Medium Priced Commercial HoM Modern and Conveniently Located Offers I Special Summer Rates to Monthly Boarders Local I r lid Long Distance Telephone Phone Number 21 OCALA FLORIDA I = = = J I I r W Ssaved > rnl M utW7- FC 0 3 I rnri f 5 i3 1IIIIIfi ree How io Get Library Slips Library ciii cc packed wih household products A Library I V Slip aLo appcavi 1 wh jssuc of this paper Cut it out and k save it wuh FI ve pakr with the following products I f ttfr > i r Var Meats Armours Tolled and Deviled Meats bur SiX 1 icui ixriuur s Usirrv cf Bc f Armours Solnble Beef Iiitcv5 h eafl3uflr Lye 1tsinfectnnt Banner Chloride Lime Ii Ar I b c J ps Iyal Dutch Cocoalieardsleys Acme Pea J relrIl s itittiL Cfslkards1eys Star Boneless Herring J E ti r1itrtby Tet1uiiIiains iJnI Shred Cocoauut AittflUIS Jrl 1 1II IC OituenL d aU 110 lroductsGermanAmerican Coffee lJldc1 4 MUoroli oxlk Setti etcHeides Licorice Pastillea 4 J2ll Ol e Crram PikrJctreus Talcum Powder My Wife < ini Kone Such XTinci t1tbit Fxlract ths Best Tonic I L > Tvsapc CtxiFrpyb lio Tooih Brushes Pummo A Glycerine i 5oiho icniivi2 Scontu psunny Monday laundry Soap I 1 Oil 1W hcuscliold U> C3- NrV 5Io v o Giiiher Library Slips Quickly UbrMySUpiclpp fl Send 6c m from this pspcr nrd iLoscolteined from household producU may be corn fcr Chraty Cut bind One Full Libra Slip equals one cent and ffcctionu Library picture ctslog I Slips cqud fnc cni ot one cent Add fractions to mak Full Library end pocket Slip One hurJrcu Full Library Slips equal 5100 2nd- Bcik What library Stic a Jiuy Library Slips are accepted in full Magazine jmyuvctit it suUrripli lo this newspaper or for subscriptions to V Company I itnpiijncv They nUo buy books Catalog for a two cent stttno Bring Orders and Library Slips to the 116 tf HJ St office of this HOWOH or AH Order written rJy lift Tart U1 pj ily in letter form puusr niine nnj all lire 5 and what is de sir ot aud be accoiupankd by proper number of library Slips C- f r VALUABLE I SAVE THIS 1 T l J ± F Z1iti1 Book tnH = t 1 Jo j G wrS7 14SiHEW c rry- fJ I s- iwu a AGec 11 AS A tli lII IIf iIJ- Pir i- c TOM Tnt PU CMASC Or OtIS PAPER OIY i 3 Toward paymsnt for maqoiinoa bcoksad subscriptions tothla newspaper- S HO Two CZKT STAtPJFJ CATALCS AMD VAU POCKET 1 SO T O J No 22S 53109 J ttCttT i JT < > oa ucrf v SliP 1 fur nfooucrauAYetceiie ire wI Irti COIl wit I v I WLL 0 I 1 unIIW M CX i In the Circuit Court Marion Count 1 Florida In Chancery i Thomas P Denliam as Trustee vs- Oklawaha r t Fruit Company et al j i NOTICE j fr To bondholders and all persons claim- ing under and by virtue of the trust set up by the complainant In the above stated cause or claiming othe- r4wIse a lien upon or ownership of anyl e of the lands and personal property in- volved ¬ therein anti to all whom it may concern You and each of you are hereby notified to present your bonds con l If pon and claims under the trust set- up by the complainant in the above V stated cause and also claims of Hens f upon or of ownership of any of t- hE > lands or personal properties described In or therein involved under oath o- me the undersigned special master 1 in chancery for the said cause in jic cordance with the terms of said de- cree ¬ i on or before the 30th day of Juno AD 1909 at my office in the city of r Ocala Marion county Florida or otherwise the same shall be forevr- rtared L And youare hereby further notified jthat reasonable opportunity to contest i tfee claims so presented and to prove I M k j i same if contestable shall be given parties In interest but that all proof shall be submitted and contests clog d by the end of three 3 weeks from the last day for tiling claims said 30th day of June A D 1909 Dated and signed at Ocala Marlon county Florida this the 29th day cf May 1909 Joseph Bell As Special Master in Chancery I Drop us a postal card for the July McCall Fashion Sheets The Globe I i Belle Meade Sweets j r Sugar Fruit and Chocolate THATS All- I These deliciois rfies can be hid My at j Court Pharmacy 1 J i OCALA OCCURRENCES- K I I of P meet this evening 1 Odd Fellows meet tomorow night Eagles meet Wednesday evening I Masons meet Thursday evening I REXALL I Meet me at the drug btore on the I square Drop us a postal card for the July McCall Fashion Sheets The Globe Lest you forget that the Globe is the Under Selling Store in Ocala Capt John InglLs spent Sunday In Ocala the guest of the Ocala House I i Planks Chill Tonic guaranteed to I cure chills and fever 25 cents Drop ua a postal card for the Julyj McCall Fashion Sheets The I Mr E G McCall of New York is j at the Ocala House I I or S doses U666fl will cure any eeee of Chills and Fever Price 25c j- Spaldings Baseball Guide for 1909 just in at the Ocala News Co I REXALL 400 ladies trimmed hats worth up to 4 each 198 while they last At the Globf I R C Davis Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand II typewriter upon easy terms if desired l Think of it the Globe has just re- ceived ¬ 40 hats for ladies They are a I marvel of style and price I 7e han the nicest line of hair- brushes tombs and other toilet arti- cles ¬ I in the city Tydings Co I dipt John L Inglis suid Mr M A Reich j f Inglis wirc gist of the I Ofila Housi ytstcnlay i I Is Nellie Stevens ha gout it Iikrlaiul to visit hrr liroth Mr Ilnry tv4II and family Th fV iiri Ihannufy ha an u I dati lint of toilet art kIfs ami invitis1- ui inspection I Mr I M Graham of Gnthimvill i- hm soino lim peaches of his rnvn j raising on the fruit stands nf the tity R C Uavls Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms if islre I oo ladies trimmed hats worth ir > j to 4 each 118 while they last At I the Globe Mr W H Wilson came in PnmHy- atte I 10011 from Tampa and riturwi on the early morning train j R C Davis Co or Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c each 750 per dozen j i REXALL- Mr C N Patterson of Baltimore representing a china house was in town Saturday calling on the Ocala News Co- TOR SALK A nearly new Under ¬ wood typewriter cheap for cash Ap ¬ ply to C C Bryant at the H B Mas ¬ ters Co 522x- AntiGerman the ideal disinfectant The Court Pharmacy can supply you With this elegant preparation when in need Mr Gary Turnley of Dade City ar ¬ rived in Ocala unday to spend two months with his grandmother Mr Fanny R Gary Miss Margaret Anderson has re- turned ¬ from a visit to friends in Pa lutka Miss Anlle sons visit was a most delightful one Meet me at the drug store on the square Lest you forget that the Globe is the Under Selling Store in Ocala Miss Lola Raysor returned home on Sunday morning from Converse Col- lege ¬ where she has been a pupil fur the past two years Mr Clarence Mcffeit came home yesterday from Lake Weir where he has been a member of the Btirford- houseparty since Thursday Mr R W Bull with R E Yonge Son came in yesterday from Inver- ness ¬ where he has been doing some plumbing There is no better stock of line writing papers in the city titan we carry Come In and look it over If you want something really nice Ty ¬ dings Co I Mr D H Gilbert Monticello Mr B P Hill Jacksonville Mr C C Higgen botham of Gainesville Mr R E Cobb- of Fivay and Mr C E Foy of Port Inglis were among the guests at the I Montezuma yesterday Everybody is likely to have kidney and badder trouble In fact nearly everybody has some trouble of this kind That is the reason why you so often have pains in the back and groin scalding sensation urinary dls oders etcthats your kidneys The best thing to do Is to get some of De Witts Kidney and Bladder Pills right away Take them for a few days or a week orso and you will feel all right In this way too you will ward off dangerous and possibly serious ailments They are perfectly harm ¬ less and are not only antiseptic but allay pain quickly by their healing properties Send your name to E C DeWitt Co Chicago for a free trial box They are sold here by all druggists- Lest you forget that the Globe is the Under Selling Store in Ocala Hay you seen the new visible Fay Slioles typewriter R C Davis C general agents If you wnt to feel well look well and be wall take Foleys Iidney Remedy It tones up the kidneys and bladder purifies the blood and re- stores ¬ health and strength Pleasant to take and contains no harmful drugs Why not commence toda 7 Sold by all druggists t i J r r EAGLES MINSTRELS- OFF FOR GAINESVILLE- The Eagle Minstrel troupe left this afternoon on the Seaboard for Gains vllle where they will show at the New Baird Theater tonight A special en- gine ¬ will haul the coach containing the troupe from Waldo to Gainsville and back tonight in time to catch the regular south bound passenger train The boys are doing this so as to savo the time tomorrow that would be lost waiting for the A C L regular train- A good crowd of citizens went over with th boys EAGLE MINSTRELS THURSDAY NIGHT Remember the time of the Eagle Minstrels in Ocala has been changed from Tuesday to Thurday night at the armory theatre MORE MAXWELLS SOLD Messrs R E Yonge Son have old two more Maxwell runabouts one ro Mr H C Jones and one to Mr Ii- I Keating All four of the cars will come down tomorrow or next day from Jacksonville CONVICTED OF FORGERY Nolie Slaughter a white man was convicted in the circuit court this morning for forging a paper on Mr J L Trotter of Dunnellon and obtain ¬ ing S35 from him The man will be sentenced later SOME LARGE WATERMELONS- On display at the Montezuma hotel office are two huge watermelons from Mr Will Lucius field west of town where he is loading a car of first class fruit today These melons weigh 43 and 5S pounds apiece There will be an illustration of Byrons famous poem Mazeppa at the Air Dome tonight with the strik- ing ¬ lessou Only Thoughtlessness also The Tramps Rest and other comic sketches There was a good how Saturday night and a large crowd out Tin rain of the afternoon made the evening air delightful Beautiful line ot new em- broideries ¬ just received at Masters at reduced prices this week Mr and Mrs Wjishburn son and Daughter Mrs JOt Taylor three daughters nid son Mrs E A Polly and thice children went to Stanton this afternoon to spend one or two Wlt ks 100 ladies tiimmed hats worth up to SI each 51f S while they last At tit Globe KV I C tarroll and Mr J H Ieiijunin went out yesterday after- noon ¬ to Miltd where Mr Carroll preached his farewell sermon to the appreciative little congregation which he has pastored the last year or two Mr Carroll says he was always glad- to go to Martcl and the people cer- tainly seemed glad to see him and ex- tended their welcome to the newspa- per man Mett me at the drug store on the square Mr M H Jornigan an experienced gas man has arrh d In town to take the position of gas maker for the Citi ¬ zens Gas Co Mr Hunter says the company is now making more than twice the gas it was when ho took hold of it anil it is quite an undertak- ing ¬ to make enough of the grade he is supplying I REXALL If you expect to get the original Carbolized Vitch Hazel Salve you must 1 e sure it is DeWitts Carbolized Wtch Hazel Salve It is good for I cuts burns and bruises and is espec- ially ¬ good for piles Refuse substi- tutes ¬ Sold by all druggists diaries Mathews went down to Can tlle I Saturday to visit his son Mrs Mathews who is visiting with her daughter in Oklahoma writes that country is a perfect paradise ag- riculturally ¬ I but when it comes to liv- ing ¬ i give her Florida She is enjoying I good health and Bob Is gaining a Ijound a day- Hoarseness x bronchitis and other throat trouble are quickly cured by Foleys Honey and Tar as it soothes I and heals the iflamed throat and bronchial tubes and the most obsinate cough disappears Insist upon having- the genuine Foleys Honey and Tar Sold by all druggists I Look over our line of toilet prep- arations ¬ We are quite proud of the tim stock Perfumes powders and soaps of the finer grades Tydings Company We have a most exquisite line of fancy imported china in many dif- ferent ¬ pieces The AntiMonopoly DruiMore T- pw The Proof is in the BREAD If you are not using it now its a good time to begin We sell it exclusively in Ocala MARTIN CARN > 1 f = A Hiiiiii mi- f A- TTEAPOT i- f I GROCERY i f I- I BRICK CHEESE ++ ++ c444HP + x + 4 COO coot FISH- MACKEREL I ot ++ 4 + 4444 + H + + 4 FISH 4tt +s + +++ < ++ + FANCY CRACKERS IN CARTOONS AND TINS I 444 + 44t1Klt444 + tJUSTRECEWEDI I o > MINSTREL SHOWTHURSDAY NIGHT The Eagle Minstrel Show will be put on at the armory Thursday night In- stead ¬ of Tuesday as previously ad ¬ vertised BANKS CLOSED THURSDAY Thursday June 3rd being a legal I holiday the banks of the city will be closed to business on that day i Your prescriptions when left atthe Court Pharmacy are compounded from pure and fresh drugs Phone us I I well call for and deliver your pre- scriptions j YOU CAN SAVE MONEY- by i doing WITHOUT Paint hut you may lose your property by decay You can save a few cents per gal I Ion by buying adulterated paints but j you lose money on the job since it will lake as much 31aill- ADUL1ERATED i i PAINT i to do tin same amount of work If I you want to save money intelligently anti do the most work for the least I money and do it right use I Davis 100 per cent- Pure Paint Davis 100 per cent Pure Paint will- i stand the test of the most rigid Pure Paint Law For sale by the Marion Hardware Co Ocala Fla I I I The prescription department is the main stay of any drugstore Accuracy I reliability prcmptness and pure drugs I have made this department of our j business one of the largest In the country Send us your prescriptions I Tydings Co I Mr Abe Brown left Sunday for I Chattanooga Tenn where he will in I the future make his home Mrs I Brown preceded him there three I weeks In July Mr and Mrs Browo will take a trip west Including Seat- tle ¬ Wash and San Francisco If you deslrte a cheat complexion- take ioleys Orlno laxative for con- i stlpall n and liver troubles as It will- I stimulate these organs and thorough- ly ¬ cleanse your system which Is what everyone needs In the spring In order- to I feel well Sold by all druggists- I i BIG EXCURSION FROM TAMPA I The Seaboard Railway brought a big excursion crowd of colored people up from Tampa today The excursion- was operated to Silver Springs at S1- for the round trip but almost every single person got off at Ocala There were quite a number of white people- in the crowd one coach being reserv ¬ ed for them There were 18 coaches packed to standing room and at least I 1500 people must have come I KILLS HER FOE OF 23 YEARS The most merciless enemy I had for 20 years declares Mrs James Duncan of Haynesville Me was dyspepsia I suffered Intensely after tating or drinking and could scarcely sleep After many remedies had fail- ed ¬ and several doctors gave me up I tried Electric Bitters which cured me completely Now I can eat anything- I am 70 years old and am overjoyed to get my health and strength back again For indigestion loss of appe ¬ tite Sidney trouble lame back female complaints its unequaled Only 50c aL all druglsts 0 ELECTRICAL FIXTURES- I have Just received a new supply of electric fixtures Among them are ome handsome bracket fixtures and I Tunrston fixtures Inverted or turned down n W Tucker 1 A SMILE- Is a pretty hard thing to accomplish when yours blue bilious and out of sorts There Is a sure cure for all kinds of stomach ana liver com ¬ plaints constipation and dyspepsia Ballards Herblne is mild yet abso ¬ lutely effective In all cases Price SOc per bottle at the AntiMonopoly Drug- store ¬ THE MERRY WIDOW FOR SALE- On account of the fact that I am building a speed launch for use on the springs I will sell the launch Merry Widow cheap for cash Apply to me or to R D Mathews at the laundry 54tf Frank Mathews City Many veatf nervous women have been restored to health by Foleys Kidney Remedy as It stimulates the kidneys so they will eliminate the waste matter from the blood Impu- rities ¬ Depress the nerves causing nervous exhaustion and other ail- ments ¬ Commence today and you will soon be welL Pleasant to take Sold by all druggists THE OCALA WAGON WORKS Offers Its services and superior work ¬ manship in the art of painting vehi- cles ¬ of all kinds and classes It has introduced its specialty of painting au ¬ tomobiles A sample of our work can be seen on the decoration of Mr D W Davis auto Give us a calL THE OCALA WAGON WORKS 14 I REYNOLDS S BARCO- Mr I Martin Luther Reynolds of this city and Miss Hattie Rae Barco of Martel were married yesterday even ¬ ing at 730 at St Johns church by Rev Neace of MarteL Mr and Mrs Reynolds drove to Ocala in the late evening and are stopping for the pres ¬ ent with Mrs T F Mann who Is a relative of the bride A good many I Ocala friends of the young people went out in carriages and automo ¬ I biles to attend the wedding and wish I them joy Mrs Reynolds Is a sister I i of Mrs Chas R Veal with whom she I made her home at MarteL She la a I pretty and talented young lady and is- well liked by everyone in that part of the county Mr Reynolds Is shipping manager for the Carmichael Son I Co and is a very bright and ener- getic ¬ young man and since his resi- dence ¬ I In Ocala has made many friends Mr and Mrs Reynolds will begin I housekeeping In a short time The I Star and their other friends Wish the I young people all manner of happiness I In the years to come- I I MISS MILLER TO ENTERTAIN I Miss Eloise Miller will be the hostess of the Young Ladles Bridge Club next Wednesday afternoon at her Ft King avenue home The change from Taes day to Wednesday was made so as not to conflict with other parties to be given on that day THURSDAY NIGHT AT THE ARMORY THEATER The Ocala Eagle Minstrels will give their big show at the armory theater Thursday night instead of Tuesday night Tickets at Ocala News Co Misses Emma and Edna Nelson two former Ocala girls arrived yesterday from Sumterville to visit Miss Annie Atkinson for two days i Mr Sam Barco who has been a stu- dent at Birmingham school for the past two years has accepted a post tion with one of the large book stores I in Asheville N C where he will re- f main until just before school begins then he will visit his mother at Sunny Slope farm Mr C H Dame returned Saturday morning from Mont Verde Lake county where he organized a Wood- men ¬ camp of 20 members He said the farmers and truckers of that sec- tion were doing Well making good crops and getting good prices for them Dame went fishing while there and now has several good fish stories to narrate j Messrs Robert Leslie and Edward j Anderson Phil Robinson and William I Camp went to Lake Weir early Sun- day I morning in the Anderson car j Messrs Robinson and Robert Ander kon remained over with the Burford I houseparty- Miss Miriam Pasteur accompanied j Mir and Mrs C S Cullen and family this afternoon to Tarboro N C where I she with the two little Cullen girls will visit until Mr and Mrs Cullen return from England Mrs J R Moorhead came home Saturday afternoon from Jacksonville accompanied by her sister Miss Nellie Hooper who received a very severe fall several days ago while decorating- her school room Miss Hooper will join her sister Miss Louise Hooper in New York City as soon as she recov- ers ¬ r from herfhl Mr E Thagard returned Satur ¬ day froma viiit to Jacksonville and to the western part of the state He reports Miss Ellen Thagard doing nicely at the DeSota Sanitarium Mrs D W Davis who has spent the I past five weeks In Jacksonville and at 1 Pablo Beach has returned home Mrs Davis friends will be delighted to learn jhat she was greatly benefitted I by her trip- i I I Mrs S T Sistrunk Master La grange SIstrunk little Miss Virginia Sistrunk and Miss Annie Atkinson leave Tuesday noon for Sarasota where they will enjoy the next two weeks at the Belle Haven Inn I The house party at North Lake I Weir composed of Misses Edith Wil- liams ¬ Eloise Miller Messrs Edward Williams and E O Jones chaperoned I by Mrs G K Williams returned to Ocala Saturday noon after a most en- joyable ¬ I outing Mrs Patterson and little daughter- who came in from Sunny Slope farm- to take In commencement returned home Saturday i THE AIR DOME Moving Pictures- and MusicT- he Best of Entertainment FnrHlah I ed by Home People NEW PICTURES EVERY DAY Doors Open at 790 p ra I Music by the Orchestra Between Acts Admission 10 and 5 Cents I I Program for this Evening I ONLY THOUGHTLESSNESS I MAZEPPA I THE TRAMPS REST i A MAGICLESS LOVE TEST SQUALLY BEAC- HI W TUCKEI PIOMIET- IIGEORGE FIX PRACTICAL BRICK MASON Red and Fire Brick Work I Special attention to repairing fur ¬ naces boiler setting and Dutch ovens brick kilns and bakers ovens If your boiler doesnt steam as it should send for me I am the doctor All Work Guaranteed No distance too late ana no sour too late to respond At the Carlton House OCALA FLORIDA 4 J < I i Or a- i i i< i t r- t 1iI JtPF I I a w- t t J 1 7 I i Soda Water Ttae lee cream Place The lovers ot real rood odawiler and ice cream fad ours toadM tht pot for them We aim at duality which Is why we hit their appnda lion The quality of cur coafctlery Irnalel it necessary to keep up the reputation of our store and eur ao4 water and ice cream doe just tfc- fttTWTROXLER LOW EXCURSION RATESVA- ATLANTIC COAT LINE r 175Ashevil1e N C July 13 It and 15 Limit July 3- 1175Ashi11e > i N cJune 17f 18 c Limit Jue 25 Stopovers 0 allowed 1425 Atlanta Ga June 19 28 Limit a June 25 Stopovers allowed 1240 Athens Ga June 26 27 28r Limit 15 days Extension to Septem- ber ¬ 30 Stopovers 125 Knoxville Tenn June 20 2L 22 26 27 Limit 15 days Exten- sion ¬ to September 30 Stopovers 2725 Louisville Ky k 5 6 7 Limit June 17 Extension to June 30 Stopovers 2080 Nashville Tenn June 8 7 L 14 15 16 2SK 29 30 Limit 15 days Extension to September 30 Stop- overs ¬ fl25 Memphis Tenn June 51 6 7 Limit June 14 Extension July 1 Stopovers 15Tuscaloosa Ala June 8 9U 14 Limit 15 days Extension to September 30 Stopove- rs83O1O465Los Angeles and Sin Francisco on sale various dates Limit October 3L Variable routes and stopovers 9540Seattle Washington Variable routes and stopovers Limit Octo- ber ¬ 31 1870 Monteaclc and Sewannee Term July 1 10 17 23 24 30 Au- gust 13 and 14 Limit September lie Stopovers allowed For further information call on or write P J Huber C P T A ot1 J K KJrkland D P A Tampa Fla A HAPP FATHER is soon turned to a sac one if he tan to walk the for every night with a crying baby McGee Baby DUeir will make the child well eoothe Its nerves Induce healthy normal slum- ber t Best for disordered bowels and sour stomach All teething bablesneed It Pleasant to take sure and safe contains no harmful drugs Price K and 50 cents per bottle atthe Ant r Monopoly Drugstore I TICKETS AT OCALA NEWS CO Tickets for the Eagle Minstrel at the armory theater Thursday nightmare on sale at the Ocala News Co r x Dont fail to see the bar gains in embroideries and white goods this week at I Masters if w LOSTA silver belt pin on the streets Saturday evening Was at ¬ t tached to a piece of white ribbon Please return to Star office and re- ceive ¬ reward CASTOR II3fktM5cbilaIL Til KM YIanAinp I IPI 3rI th Signature of FOR RENTTwo new and complete furnished rooms on first floor all con- veniences ¬ for light housekeeping On half block from A C L passenger station No 34 Oklawaha avenue J HOUSE FOR RENT For rent an eigntroom residence well located on South Third street App > to F W Ditto or to Guy Toph at the Montezuma kotel HOME FOR ALE I One of the most comfortable and best located medium sized homes In the city close in and on best street is offered for sale completely furnished 5 or without furniture House Is In best of condition and has all modern convanJoncca Apply to F W Ditto J HOUSES FOR RENT Modern cottages all coaTealeacse G well located and new Apply toJ t w epk Bell at court hous- eftEXALL e Lest you forget that the Globe fs the Under Selling Store In Ocala p I ICE Best Quality Prompt Servic- eLowestPce kyfriae BLUE WAGONS OCALA ICE AND PttXMC CI I MEFFEBT TAYLOKr Foe 94 d I L ALEXANDER fi w Practlca1- CAlPEITEIIIIUEI 7 Careful estimates made om all contract work orvea more and bet- ter ¬ work for the momey Uam ar other contractor In ow

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-05-31 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03180/00026.pdf · lutka Miss Anlle sons visit was a most delightful one Meet me at the


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i L r1Ir I



AIf I Dayltol leach and Seabreeze Hotel I

wAccomoaUoDs StCllr 1



= We Sell Them on Easy Terms is-


We Sell Them on Easy Terms =





While You are Away This Summer-I






and taste ns wcet Thats why Schles-

ingersk and Lowneys Candles in haltand pound boxes are so popular Pure

> I 1 confections these flavor delicious OurI

confectionery Is free from adultera-




It is wholesome and healthfulI

t Every kind of confectionery h9ro-

v L fruits Cold Drinks Cigars and News-




7v E-







11 4 <

J t itMtr-J c-



I11 J




The Montezuma Hotelrf Guy Toph John R Dewey

Liberally Coo ducted Medium Priced CommercialHoM Modern and Conveniently Located Offers I

Special Summer Rates to Monthly Boarders Local Ir lid Long Distance Telephone Phone Number 21


II rW Ssaved

> rnl M utW7-FC

0 3Irnri f 5 i31IIIIIfiree

How io Get Library SlipsLibrary ciii cc packed wih household products A Library

I V Slip aLo appcavi 1 wh jssuc of this paper Cut it out andk save it wuh FI ve pakr with the following products

I f ttfr > i r Var Meats Armours Tolled and Deviled Meatsbur SiX 1 icui ixriuur s Usirrv cf Bc f Armours Solnble BeefIiitcv5 h eafl3uflr Lye 1tsinfectnnt Banner Chloride LimeIi Ar I b c J ps Iyal Dutch Cocoalieardsleys Acme Pea

J relrIl s itittiL Cfslkards1eys Star Boneless HerringJ Eti r1itrtby Tet1uiiIiains iJnI Shred Cocoauut

AittflUIS Jrl 1 1II IC OituenL d aU 110 lroductsGermanAmerican CoffeelJldc1 4 MUoroli oxlk Setti etcHeides Licorice Pastillea

4 J2ll Ol e Crram PikrJctreus Talcum Powder My Wife< ini Kone Such XTinci t1tbit Fxlract ths Best Tonic I

L >Tvsapc CtxiFrpyb lio Tooih Brushes Pummo A Glycerinei 5oiho icniivi2 Scontu psunny Monday laundry Soap I

1 Oil 1W hcuscliold U> C3-


5Io v o Giiiher Library Slips Quickly UbrMySUpiclpp

fl Send 6c m from this pspcr nrd iLoscolteined from household producU may be cornfcr Chraty Cut bind One Full Libra Slip equals one cent and ffcctionu Librarypicture ctslog I Slips cqud fnc cni ot one cent Add fractions to mak Full Libraryend pocket Slip One hurJrcu Full Library Slips equal 5100



What library Stic a Jiuy Library Slips are accepted in fullMagazine jmyuvctit it suUrripli lo this newspaper or for subscriptions toV

Company I itnpiijncv They nUo buy books Catalog for a twocent stttno Bring Orders and Library Slips to the

116 tf HJ St office of this HOWOH or AH Order writtenrJy lift Tart U1 pj ily in letter form puusr niine nnj all lire 5 and what is de

sirot aud be accoiupankd by proper number of library Slips C-


VALUABLE I SAVE THIS 1T l J±F Z1iti1 Book tnH= t 1 Jo j G wrS7 14SiHEW crry-

fJI s-


a AGec 11 AS A

tli lII IIf iIJ-Pir


c TOM Tnt PU CMASC Or OtIS PAPER OIY i3 Toward paymsnt for maqoiinoa bcoksad subscriptions tothla newspaper-


1SO TO J No 22S 53109J ttCttTiJT

< >oa ucrf v SliP 1 fur nfooucrauAYetceiie ire

wI Irti COIl wit I v I WLL 0 I 1 unIIW M CX

iIn the Circuit Court Marion Count 1

Florida In Chanceryi Thomas P Denliam as Trustee vs-

Oklawahar t Fruit Company et al j


fr To bondholders and all persons claim-ing under and by virtue of the trustset up by the complainant In theabove stated cause or claiming othe-

r4wIse a lien upon or ownership of anyle of the lands and personal property in-


therein anti to all whom it mayconcern

You and each of you are herebynotified to present your bonds con

l If pon and claims under the trust set-up by the complainant in the above

V stated cause and also claims of Hens

f upon or of ownership of any of t-



lands or personal properties describedIn or therein involved under oath o-

me the undersigned special master

1 in chancery for the said cause in jiccordance with the terms of said de-


i on or before the 30th day of JunoAD 1909 at my office in the city of

r Ocala Marion county Florida orotherwise the same shall be forevr-rtaredL

And youare hereby further notifiedjthat reasonable opportunity to contest

i tfee claims so presented and to prove


k j i

same if contestable shall be givenparties In interest but that all proofshall be submitted and contests clog dby the end of three 3 weeks fromthe last day for tiling claims said 30thday of June A D 1909

Dated and signed at Ocala Marloncounty Florida this the 29th day cfMay 1909 Joseph Bell

As Special Master in Chancery

I Drop us a postal card for the JulyMcCall Fashion Sheets The Globe


i Belle Meade Sweetsj r

Sugar Fruit and ChocolateTHATS All-

I These deliciois rfies can behid My at

j Court Pharmacy

1 J i





of P meet this evening 1

Odd Fellows meet tomorow night

Eagles meet Wednesday evening I

Masons meet Thursday eveningI


Meet me at the drug btore on the I


Drop us a postal card for the JulyMcCall Fashion Sheets The Globe

Lest you forget that the Globe isthe Under Selling Store in Ocala

Capt John InglLs spent Sunday InOcala the guest of the Ocala House I


Planks Chill Tonic guaranteed to I

cure chills and fever 25 cents

Drop ua a postal card for the JulyjMcCall Fashion Sheets The


Mr E G McCall of New York is j

at the Ocala HouseI

I or S doses U666fl will cure any eeeeof Chills and Fever Price 25c j-

Spaldings Baseball Guide for 1909just in at the Ocala News Co



400 ladies trimmed hats worth upto 4 each 198 while they last Atthe Globf I

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhand II

typewriter upon easy terms if desiredl

Think of it the Globe has just re-


40 hats for ladies They are a I

marvel of style and priceI

7e han the nicest line of hair-brushes tombs and other toilet arti-cles


in the city Tydings CoI

dipt John L Inglis suid Mr M A

Reich j f Inglis wirc gist of the I

Ofila Housi ytstcnlay i


Is Nellie Stevens ha gout itIikrlaiul to visit hrr liroth MrIlnry tv4II and family

Th fV iiri Ihannufy ha an u I

dati lint of toilet art kIfs ami invitis1-ui inspection


Mr I M Graham of Gnthimvill i-

hm soino lim peaches of his rnvn j

raising on the fruit stands nf the tity

R C Uavls Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms if islre

I oo ladies trimmed hats worth ir > j

to 4 each 118 while they last At I

the Globe

Mr W H Wilson came in PnmHy-atte


10011 from Tampa and riturwion the early morning train j

R C Davis Co or Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 75ceach 750 per dozen j



Mr C N Patterson of Baltimorerepresenting a china house was intown Saturday calling on the OcalaNews Co-

TOR SALK A nearly new Under ¬

wood typewriter cheap for cash Ap ¬

ply to C C Bryant at the H B Mas ¬

ters Co 522x-

AntiGerman the ideal disinfectantThe Court Pharmacy can supply youWith this elegant preparation when inneed

Mr Gary Turnley of Dade City ar ¬

rived in Ocala unday to spend twomonths with his grandmother MrFanny R Gary

Miss Margaret Anderson has re-


from a visit to friends in Palutka Miss Anlle sons visit was amost delightful one

Meet me at the drug store on thesquare

Lest you forget that the Globe isthe Under Selling Store in Ocala

Miss Lola Raysor returned home onSunday morning from Converse Col-lege


where she has been a pupil furthe past two years

Mr Clarence Mcffeit came homeyesterday from Lake Weir where hehas been a member of the Btirford-houseparty since Thursday

Mr R W Bull with R E YongeSon came in yesterday from Inver-ness


where he has been doing someplumbing

There is no better stock of linewriting papers in the city titan wecarry Come In and look it over Ifyou want something really nice Ty ¬

dings Co

I Mr D H Gilbert Monticello Mr BP Hill Jacksonville Mr C C Higgenbotham of Gainesville Mr R E Cobb-of Fivay and Mr C E Foy of PortInglis were among the guests at the


Montezuma yesterday

Everybody is likely to have kidneyand badder trouble In fact nearlyeverybody has some trouble of thiskind That is the reason why you sooften have pains in the back andgroin scalding sensation urinary dlsoders etcthats your kidneys Thebest thing to do Is to get some of DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills rightaway Take them for a few days ora week orso and you will feel allright In this way too you will wardoff dangerous and possibly seriousailments They are perfectly harm ¬

less and are not only antiseptic butallay pain quickly by their healingproperties Send your name to E CDeWitt Co Chicago for a freetrial box They are sold here by alldruggists-

Lest you forget that the Globe isthe Under Selling Store in Ocala

Hay you seen the new visible FaySlioles typewriter R C Davis Cgeneral agents

If you wnt to feel well look welland be wall take Foleys IidneyRemedy It tones up the kidneys andbladder purifies the blood and re-


health and strength Pleasantto take and contains no harmfuldrugs Why not commence toda 7

Sold by all druggists

t i J r r


The Eagle Minstrel troupe left thisafternoon on the Seaboard for Gainsvllle where they will show at the NewBaird Theater tonight A special en-gine


will haul the coach containingthe troupe from Waldo to Gainsvilleand back tonight in time to catch theregular south bound passenger trainThe boys are doing this so as to savothe time tomorrow that would be lostwaiting for the A C L regular train-A good crowd of citizens went overwith th boys


Remember the time of the EagleMinstrels in Ocala has been changedfrom Tuesday to Thurday night at thearmory theatre


Messrs R E Yonge Son haveold two more Maxwell runabouts onero Mr H C Jones and one to Mr Ii-

I Keating All four of the cars willcome down tomorrow or next day fromJacksonville


Nolie Slaughter a white man wasconvicted in the circuit court thismorning for forging a paper on Mr JL Trotter of Dunnellon and obtain ¬

ing S35 from him The man will besentenced later


On display at the Montezuma hoteloffice are two huge watermelons fromMr Will Lucius field west of townwhere he is loading a car of firstclass fruit today These melons weigh43 and 5S pounds apiece

There will be an illustration ofByrons famous poem Mazeppa atthe Air Dome tonight with the strik-ing


lessou Only Thoughtlessnessalso The Tramps Rest and othercomic sketches There was a goodhow Saturday night and a large crowd

out Tin rain of the afternoon madethe evening air delightful

Beautiful line ot new em-


just received atMasters at reduced pricesthis week

Mr and Mrs Wjishburn son andDaughter Mrs JOt Taylor threedaughters nid son Mrs E A Pollyand thice children went to Stantonthis afternoon to spend one or twoWlt ks

100 ladies tiimmed hats worth upto SI each 51f S while they last Attit Globe

KV I C tarroll and Mr J HIeiijunin went out yesterday after-noon


to Miltd where Mr Carrollpreached his farewell sermon to theappreciative little congregation whichhe has pastored the last year or twoMr Carroll says he was always glad-to go to Martcl and the people cer-tainly seemed glad to see him and ex-

tended their welcome to the newspa-per man

Mett me at the drug store on thesquare

Mr M H Jornigan an experiencedgas man has arrh d In town to takethe position of gas maker for the Citi ¬

zens Gas Co Mr Hunter says thecompany is now making more thantwice the gas it was when ho tookhold of it anil it is quite an undertak-ing


to make enough of the grade heis supplying


If you expect to get the originalCarbolized Vitch Hazel Salve youmust 1 e sure it is DeWitts CarbolizedWtch Hazel Salve It is good for

I cuts burns and bruises and is espec-ially


good for piles Refuse substi-tutes


Sold by all druggists

diaries Mathews went down toCan tlle I Saturday to visit his sonMrs Mathews who is visiting withher daughter in Oklahoma writesthat country is a perfect paradise ag-riculturally


but when it comes to liv-


i give her Florida She is enjoyingIgood health and Bob Is gaining aIjound a day-


bronchitis and otherthroat trouble are quickly cured byFoleys Honey and Tar as it soothes

I and heals the iflamed throat andbronchial tubes and the most obsinatecough disappears Insist upon having-the genuine Foleys Honey and TarSold by all druggists

I Look over our line of toilet prep-arations


We are quite proud of thetim stock Perfumes powders andsoaps of the finer grades TydingsCompany

We have a most exquisite line offancy imported china in many dif-


pieces The AntiMonopolyDruiMore



The Proof is in theBREAD

If you are not usingit now its a goodtime to begin Wesell it exclusively inOcala


> 1 f

=A Hiiiiii mi-






++ ++ c444HP +x +4COO

coot FISH-


I ot ++ 4 +4444 + H + + 4


4tt +s + +++< ++ +


I 444+44t1Klt444 +


o >



The Eagle Minstrel Show will be puton at the armory Thursday night In-


of Tuesday as previously ad ¬


BANKS CLOSED THURSDAYThursday June 3rd being a legal

I holiday the banks of the city will beclosed to business on that day


Your prescriptions when left attheCourt Pharmacy are compoundedfrom pure and fresh drugs Phone us


I well call for and deliver your pre-scriptions j



doing WITHOUT Paint hut youmay lose your property by decay

You can save a few cents per galI Ion by buying adulterated paints butj you lose money on the job since it will

lake as much 31aill-



to do tin same amount of work IfI you want to save money intelligently

anti do the most work for the leastI money and do it right useI Davis 100 per cent-

Pure Paint

Davis 100 per cent Pure Paint will-i stand the test of the most rigid Pure

Paint Law For sale by the MarionHardware Co Ocala Fla



I The prescription department is themain stay of any drugstore Accuracy

I reliability prcmptness and pure drugsI have made this department of ourj business one of the largest In thecountry Send us your prescriptions

ITydings Co

I Mr Abe Brown left Sunday forI Chattanooga Tenn where he will inI the future make his home MrsI Brown preceded him there threeI weeks In July Mr and Mrs Browo

will take a trip west Including Seat-tle


Wash and San Francisco

If you deslrte a cheat complexion-take ioleys Orlno laxative for con-

i stlpall n and liver troubles as It will-


stimulate these organs and thorough-ly


cleanse your system which Is whateveryone needs In the spring In order-toI

feel well Sold by all druggists-




I The Seaboard Railway brought abig excursion crowd of colored peopleup from Tampa today The excursion-was operated to Silver Springs at S1-

for the round trip but almost everysingle person got off at Ocala Therewere quite a number of white people-in the crowd one coach being reserv ¬

ed for them There were 18 coachespacked to standing room and at least

I 1500 people must have come

I KILLS HER FOE OF 23 YEARSThe most merciless enemy I had

for 20 years declares Mrs JamesDuncan of Haynesville Me wasdyspepsia I suffered Intensely aftertating or drinking and could scarcelysleep After many remedies had fail-ed


and several doctors gave me up Itried Electric Bitters which cured mecompletely Now I can eat anything-I am 70 years old and am overjoyed toget my health and strength backagain For indigestion loss of appe ¬

tite Sidney trouble lame back femalecomplaints its unequaled Only 50caL all druglsts


ELECTRICAL FIXTURES-I have Just received a new supply

of electric fixtures Among them areome handsome bracket fixtures and

I Tunrston fixtures Inverted or turneddown n W Tucker


A SMILE-Is a pretty hard thing to accomplishwhen yours blue bilious and out ofsorts There Is a sure cure for allkinds of stomach ana liver com ¬

plaints constipation and dyspepsiaBallards Herblne is mild yet abso¬

lutely effective In all cases Price SOc

per bottle at the AntiMonopoly Drug-store


THE MERRY WIDOW FOR SALE-On account of the fact that I am

building a speed launch for use on thesprings I will sell the launch MerryWidow cheap for cash Apply to meor to R D Mathews at the laundry

54tf Frank Mathews City

Many veatf nervous women havebeen restored to health by FoleysKidney Remedy as It stimulates thekidneys so they will eliminate thewaste matter from the blood Impu-rities


Depress the nerves causingnervous exhaustion and other ail-


Commence today and you willsoon be welL Pleasant to take Soldby all druggists

THE OCALA WAGON WORKSOffers Its services and superior work ¬

manship in the art of painting vehi-


of all kinds and classes It hasintroduced its specialty of painting au ¬

tomobiles A sample of our work canbe seen on the decoration of Mr D WDavis auto Give us a calL






MrI Martin Luther Reynolds of thiscity and Miss Hattie Rae Barco ofMartel were married yesterday even ¬

ing at 730 at St Johns church byRev Neace of MarteL Mr and MrsReynolds drove to Ocala in the lateevening and are stopping for the pres ¬

ent with Mrs T F Mann who Is arelative of the bride A good many

IOcala friends of the young peoplewent out in carriages and automo¬

I biles to attend the wedding and wishI them joy Mrs Reynolds Is a sisterI

iof Mrs Chas R Veal with whom she

I made her home at MarteL She la aIpretty and talented young lady and is-

well liked by everyone in that part ofthe county Mr Reynolds Is shippingmanager for the Carmichael Son

I Co and is a very bright and ener-getic


young man and since his resi-dence

¬I In Ocala has made many friendsMr and Mrs Reynolds will begin

I housekeeping In a short time TheI Star and their other friends Wish theI young people all manner of happinessI In the years to come-I


I Miss Eloise Miller will be the hostessof the Young Ladles Bridge Club nextWednesday afternoon at her Ft Kingavenue home The change from Taesday to Wednesday was made so asnot to conflict with other parties to begiven on that day


The Ocala Eagle Minstrels will givetheir big show at the armory theaterThursday night instead of Tuesdaynight Tickets at Ocala News Co

Misses Emma and Edna Nelson twoformer Ocala girls arrived yesterdayfrom Sumterville to visit Miss AnnieAtkinson for two days

i Mr Sam Barco who has been a stu-dent at Birmingham school for thepast two years has accepted a posttion with one of the large book stores

I in Asheville N C where he will re-

f main until just before school beginsthen he will visit his mother at SunnySlope farm

Mr C H Dame returned Saturdaymorning from Mont Verde Lakecounty where he organized a Wood-men


camp of 20 members He saidthe farmers and truckers of that sec-tion were doing Well making goodcrops and getting good prices for themDame went fishing while there andnow has several good fish stories tonarrate

j Messrs Robert Leslie and Edwardj Anderson Phil Robinson and WilliamI Camp went to Lake Weir early Sun-dayI morning in the Anderson car

j Messrs Robinson and Robert Anderkon remained over with the Burford


Miss Miriam Pasteur accompaniedj Mir and Mrs C S Cullen and familythis afternoon to Tarboro N C where

I she with the two little Cullen girlswill visit until Mr and Mrs Cullenreturn from England

Mrs J R Moorhead came homeSaturday afternoon from Jacksonvilleaccompanied by her sister Miss NellieHooper who received a very severefall several days ago while decorating-her school room Miss Hooper willjoin her sister Miss Louise Hooper inNew York City as soon as she recov-ers

¬rfrom herfhl

Mr E Thagard returned Satur ¬

day froma viiit to Jacksonville andto the western part of the state Hereports Miss Ellen Thagard doingnicely at the DeSota Sanitarium

Mrs D W Davis who has spent theI past five weeks In Jacksonville and at1 Pablo Beach has returned home MrsDavis friends will be delighted tolearn jhat she was greatly benefitted

I by her trip-


I Mrs S T Sistrunk Master Lagrange SIstrunk little Miss VirginiaSistrunk and Miss Annie Atkinsonleave Tuesday noon for Sarasotawhere they will enjoy the next twoweeks at the Belle Haven Inn


The house party at North LakeI Weir composed of Misses Edith Wil-


Eloise Miller Messrs EdwardWilliams and E O Jones chaperoned


by Mrs G K Williams returned toOcala Saturday noon after a most en-




Mrs Patterson and little daughter-who came in from Sunny Slope farm-to take In commencement returnedhome Saturday



Moving Pictures-and MusicT-

he Best of Entertainment FnrHlahI ed by Home People


Doors Open at 790 p raI

Music by the Orchestra Between Acts

Admission 10 and 5 CentsI

I Program for this EveningI








Red and Fire Brick Work

ISpecial attention to repairing fur¬

naces boiler setting and Dutchovens brick kilns and bakersovens If your boiler doesnt steamas it should send for me I am thedoctor

All Work GuaranteedNo distance too late ana no sour

too late to respond At the CarltonHouse


4J <

I iOr


ii<i t



1iI JtPF I

Ia w-

t t

J1 7



Soda Water Ttaelee cream Place

The lovers ot real rood odawilerand ice cream fad ours toadM thtpot for them We aim at dualitywhich Is why we hit their appndalion The quality of cur coafctleryIrnalel it necessary to keep up thereputation of our store and eur ao4water and ice cream doe just tfc-



175Ashevil1e N C July 13 Itand 15 Limit July 3-



N cJune 17f 18 cLimit Jue 25 Stopovers 0 allowed

1425 Atlanta Ga June 19 28 Limit aJune 25 Stopovers allowed1240 Athens Ga June 26 27 28rLimit 15 days Extension to Septem-ber


30 Stopovers125 Knoxville Tenn June 20 2L

22 26 27 Limit 15 days Exten-sion


to September 30 Stopovers2725 Louisville Ky k 5 6 7Limit June 17 Extension to June30 Stopovers

2080 Nashville Tenn June 8 7 L14 15 16 2SK 29 30 Limit 15 daysExtension to September 30 Stop-overs


fl25 Memphis Tenn June 51 6 7Limit June 14 Extension July 1Stopovers

15Tuscaloosa Ala June 8 9U14 Limit 15 days Extension toSeptember 30 Stopove-

rs83O1O465Los Angeles and SinFrancisco on sale various datesLimit October 3L Variable routesand stopovers

9540Seattle Washington Variableroutes and stopovers Limit Octo-ber


311870 Monteaclc and SewanneeTerm July 1 10 17 23 24 30 Au-gust 13 and 14 Limit Septemberlie Stopovers allowedFor further information call on or

write P J Huber C P T A ot1J K KJrkland D P A Tampa Fla

A HAPP FATHERis soon turned to a sac one if he tanto walk the for every night with acrying baby McGee Baby DUeirwill make the child well eoothe Itsnerves Induce healthy normal slum-ber


Best for disordered bowels andsour stomach All teething bablesneedIt Pleasant to take sure and safecontains no harmful drugs Price Kand 50 cents per bottle atthe Ant rMonopoly Drugstore


TICKETS AT OCALA NEWS COTickets for the Eagle Minstrel at

the armory theater Thursday nightmareon sale at the Ocala News Co r


Dont fail to see the bargains in embroideries andwhite goods this week at



LOSTA silver belt pin on thestreets Saturday evening Was at ¬ ttached to a piece of white ribbonPlease return to Star office and re-




Til KM YIanAinp I IPI

3rI thSignature of

FOR RENTTwo new and completefurnished rooms on first floor all con-


for light housekeeping Onhalf block from A C L passengerstation No 34 Oklawaha avenue J

HOUSE FOR RENTFor rent an eigntroom residence

well located on South Third streetApp> to F W Ditto or to Guy Tophat the Montezuma kotel


One of the most comfortable andbest located medium sized homes Inthe city close in and on best street isoffered for sale completely furnished 5

or without furniture House Is Inbest of condition and has all modernconvanJoncca Apply to F W Ditto J

HOUSES FOR RENTModern cottages all coaTealeacse


well located and new Apply toJ t wepk Bell at court hous-



Lest you forget that the Globe fsthe Under Selling Store In Ocala



ICEBest Quality

Prompt Servic-eLowestPce




d I





Careful estimates made om allcontract work orvea more and bet-ter


work for the momey Uam arother contractor In ow