ocala banner. (ocala, florida) 1905-04-28 [p page...

t f YT y w- Lyr PAGE SEVET a s + I 1 2 SOME BY j HOST z SAiOIS P j- rLSillKS tt FLORIDA INCIDENTS f I t- iSteamboating La 1 r II 1 I on the St Johns River in the Early jr Written Espcciallj tor j Days ii the Ocaa lianuer F i lli BKJ t NO XII Rapidity of motion is a sine qua fjJ poll of the fast age in which we live The steamboat and railroad relegated gz ll the stage coach to the past and not ¬ withstanding our limited vestibules have placed Florida within 24 hours- of New York Who can tell how soon the flying machine for passenger car riage will put event e fast train out I of business This deman I for rapid 1 ie i transit supplied by the railroads i r paralleling or coming in competition j 1 with the waterways of inland com j merce has resulted in reducing to a j minimum our once great steamboat j traffic in Florida as elsewhere Comparatively few of those living- at this time have any realization of i i the former magnitude of the steam boat business on the St Johns river and in connection with tins extend- ing ¬ to Savannah and Charlestonwhen- those cities were the great supply marts for eastern and southern Flor IdaThe first steamboat so far as I am imformed which stirred the waters- of the St Johns was the Esseon a small craft used for carrying govern ¬ ment supplies and troops during the great Seminole war about 1836 In- s i the latter forties among my earli iest memories was the small steam- boat ¬ Sarah Spaulding commanded by Capt Paul B Canova which made a weekly trips from Jacksonville to Ft Mellon on Lake Monroe At the same time the steamers Matthews Ocmulgee and William Gaston plied between Savannah and Palatka On V their down trip ascending Black creek as far as Middleburg which was the shipping point for cotton Y brought in wagons from Alachua Columbia and other interior sections I This part of the route was continued ° k by succeeding steamers until the con- struction ¬ of the Florida railroad across the peninsular which destroy- ed ¬ the business importance of Mid ¬ s dleburg Two new steamers the Magnolia and Welaka were placed on r the Savannah and Florida line about 1851 The former a very fast boat after running but a short time ex- t ¬ ploded her boiler opposite St Si- mons ¬ x Island Georgia killing her II captain William T McNelty Two new and handsome steamers the I Seminole and St Johns were added to the SavannahFlorida line in 1853 i After running for several years each in turn was burned at her dock in ax Jacksonville during the night time i The hull of the St Johns was saved j and she was rebuilt about 1858 and I continued in the trade About 1S53 i L Capt Jacob Brock brought out the j Darlington from South Carolina and for years extending into the seven- ties ¬ under command of her veteran 3 captain plied between Jacksonville and Enterprise The deliberation of r those days in comparison with the present is well illustrated by the ° schedule of the Darlington for many I 1 years She would leave Jacksonville I s at S a m Saturday reach Palatka that evening lie there until about daylight Monday morning proceed- up the river reaching Enterprise- about I sunset remain there until Wed- nesday ¬ morning when starting on y the down trip would reach Palatka as I the shades of night drew on lie over there until next morning and arrive i at Jacksonville Thursday about 3 p m The Hattie Brock was added to this line two or three years before the war and continued thereon for 4 s many years About 1S52 Capt Louis M Coxetter initiated the CharlestonFlorida lin- er bringing out in succession some splendid steamers for that route firstT the Florida which was succeeded- a j few years after by the Caroline r These vessels made the outside pas- sage ¬ t to the St Johns Palatka being r E the Florida terminus of the line > j About 1857 he put the magnificent I = steamer Everglade on the inside route ry between the same points About the same time Capt James Freeborn placecffche new and elegant I Sayan- x Isl I nan and Florida line A similar 1 steamer the Cecile was placed on I the Charleston route inside passage- a year or two before the war All steamboat traffic on these wa ¬ ters was suspended by the war and certain of the steamers which had- i beeii engaged therein were used as blockade runners and in the Confed- erate government service After the war the steamboat busi ness was resume l Among the ear liest on the Savannah route were the Lizie Baker Helen Getty the old St Johns and Sylvan Shore later the Nick King built upon the hull of the former St Marys The old vet- eran Captain Coxetter who in the early part of the war commanded the- Confederate privateer Jeff Davis and made many captures placed on the Charleston line the Dictator and afterwards the City Point and those fine steamers were familiar objects- j on the St Johns for many years Their successors the St Johns and City of of Palatka were magnificent specimens of steamboat architecture- of a later date They are still living the St Johns plying on northern wa ¬ tersOf the post bellum river steamers the scope of this article will not per ¬ mit more than a mention of them Besides the Darlington and Hattie Brock I recall the Starlight David Clark Water Lilly Pastime City of Sanford burned at Point La vista Hampton John Sylvester Eliza Han cox H T Baa Port Royal Geo- M Bird But we are approaching- the present and I only undertook to write of the past Then came that I great revolutionize of trade the I railroads which pull down as well as I build up paralleling the river at one- time I that great highway of com- merce ¬ and Steamboating on the St Johns as in the palmy times of ear- lier ¬ days became a thing of the past- A r few still retain and do a fair busi- ness ¬ I A most important feature of those steamboat days to the traveling pub- lic ¬ was the commander of the ship as a rule jolly big hearted whole souled men with any amount of pluck and good humor Among those of the earlier days were Peck Willey lost on Magnolia Shaw Postell Nick King Freeborn Coxetter Brooks Brock and Surtis Of a later day McNelty junior Tucker Joe Smith the Fitzgeralds Usina Vogel- Starke Coxetter junior Post Wil Ham Shaw Hallowes and Charlie Brock nearly all gone And gone are the good old steam ¬ 1 boat days on the St Johns Meal Past Sixty in Danger 1 More than half of mankind over sixtY years of age suffer from kidney- and bladder disorders usually eiilarg ment of prostate gland This is both painful and dangerous and Foleys Kidny Cure should be taken at the first sign of danger as it corrects irregularities and has cured many old men of this disease Mr Rodney Bur ¬ nett Rock Port Mo writes Isuf fered with enlarged prostate gland and kidney trouble for years and after taking two bottles of Foleys Kidney Cure I feel better than I have for 20 years although I am now 91 years old Postoffice drugstore m To Remove Tight Ring From Finger Contributed by F G B Weihe Ocalas popular jeweler- If you happen to get a ring on your finger that fits so tight you cannot remove it a very easy way to get it off is as follows Take a piece of cord or wrapping thread and push one end of it under the ring Then beginning just above the ring wind the cord very tightly round and round the finger clear up to the tip of the finger Now take hold of the end of the cord that was slipped under the ring and unwind- the cord As the string unwinds the ring will be carried along with it and removed without any difficulty Cowpea peanut and amber cane j seed at the Ocala Seed Store s x k I BHCWNBASK1N EVIDENCE ALL IN Attorneys Will Argue the Case Nex- tTuesdayContests an Expensive Luxury Special to the Oala Ranger Tallahassee April 1The evidence in the now famous BrownBaskin con ¬ test before the senate committee is all in and the witnesses summoned- from various parts of the state have returned home- Attorneys W K Zewadski for Baskin and Fred Myers for Brown will argue the case before the com- mittee ¬ next Tuesday afternoon- All the testimony has been ordered printed and the entire record will be included in the committees report to the senate- It is estimated that this case will have cost the senate between two and three thousand dollars when I completed LJ B Hon Ed L Wartmanns Auto Bill Tallahassee April 20Houselbill No 30 introduced by Hon E L Wartmann of Marion county yes- terday ¬ was put on its final reading- and passed This bill is entitled An Act Regu ¬ lating the Running of Automobiles or Motor Vehicles on the Public Roads- or Highways in the State of Florida and in proof of its popularity in the house it need only be said that it was passed with only a few minor amend ¬ ments after its introduction Its provisions are in substance Every owner of an aulomobile shall register its name and number with the secretary of state registration- fee 82 Every vehicle so registered- shall be provided witlTr two lamps r after night also suitable bell horn or whistle as a signal numbers at least three inches long and two inches wide- to be on rear of vehicle so as to be plainly visible persons operating ve- hicles ¬ to carry with them at all times the certificate of registration In case of sale or transfer the new owner shall have the transfer entered on the records of the secretary of state transfer fee 2 Failure to comply with tither of these requirements is punishable by fine not to exceed 100 Upon approaching a person walking- on the public highway horse or horses or other draft animals a per ¬ son operating a registered motor vehicle shall give ample signal etc At a signal by putting up of the hand by person or persons being approach- ed ¬ by a motor car the operator shall immediately bring the motor vehicle to a stop In case of accident to a person or property as the result of the opera ¬ tion of such motor vehicle the per ¬ son operating it shall upon request furnish bis name and address and if not the owner the name and address of the owner II Every person desiring to operate a mortor vehicle as chauffeur shall r register with the secretary of state I his name and address and the name and motive power of the vehicle he I is able to operate and shall pay a I fee of 2 for such registration I Anyone operating a motor vehicle without having complied with these I requirements is liable to punishment f by tine or imprisonment- Will Interest Many I Every person should know that good health is impossible if the kid ¬ neys are deranged Foleys Kidney Cure will cure kidney and bladder nisease in every form and will build up aud strengthen these organs so they will perform their functions properly No danger of Brights di ¬ sease or diabetes if Foleys Kidney Cure is taken in time Postoffice drug store m I The president is chasing wolves killing snakes running foot races and skinning the cat backwards in the wild west Meantime Secretary Taft finds that the task of holding down the lid tight enough to keep any of the specimens of the LatinAmerican menageries from getting out isnt ex- actly ¬ a simple life either Birming- ham ¬ News I K 1 Mr Sistrunk Makes Fine Speech en I Armory Bill f Special Correspondence Ocala Banner Tallahassee April 21The Marion j county armory bill came up for a re I consideration and was the special I j order for today and consid- erable discussion Mr Jewell of I Orange Mr Roberts of MunroeMr Tillman of Alachua and Judge Owen- of Franklin made very strong speeches in behalf of the bill while Mr Watson of Orange Mr Bryan- of Washington and Mr Blanton of Madison opposed the bill but the speech of the occasion was that of Mr Sistrunk of Marion who made the concluding and the most effec- tive ¬ speech in favor of the measure His summing up was so conclusive and I his presentation of the argument so fair that upon the calling of the roll j the bill was carried by a larger vote i I than that of the previous day towit I 44 to r- The s I committee on privileges and elections held another meeting this morning and Merrs W J Chambers- S T Sistrunk L P Miller Maurice Strauss Frank Harris of Ocala Mr Lovering of Tampa and Mr Nelson- of Miami were examined There- are quite a number of other witnesses- and the case seems likely to be con- tinued ¬ for several days yet Sciatic Reumatism Cured- I have been subject to sciatic rheumatism for years says E H Waldron of Wilton Sanction Iowa My joints were stiff and gave me pain and discomfort My joints joints wonld crack when I straighten- up I used Chamberlains Pain Balm and have been thoroughly cured Have not had pain or ache from the old trouble for many months It is certainly a most wonderful liniment For sale by Antimonopoly drug- store m Those gentlemen in Tallahassee who are rushing up with vagrancy bills should not in their haste over- look ¬ the recent decision of the Unit- ed ¬ States supreme court and the later ruling of Judge Emory Speer at Savannah bearing upon peonage Pensacola News ITS FOR YOU I THE GREAT HEALTH DIINI THE DRINK OF THE TROPICS- A Syrup Dispensed at all Soda Fountains METTO is made from the ripe berries of the Sabal I Serrulata or Saw Pal- metto ¬ i combined with I Fruit Acids and Aro- matics There is noth ¬ ing in Metto that will harm an Infant but for all that it will Quench Thirst Culms Excitement Banish Fatigue Build Tissue Stimulate the Liver Act Directly on the Kidneys i I I Manufactured by The Tropical Manfg Co Jacksonville Fla t j i i j A I I x sy fN a- t I ° fcjT WajM I 225 EXPRESS ki PREPAID OUR CELEBRATED COBB COUNTY CORN IS GUARANTEED 3 YEARS OLD Copper distilled in the good old fashioned stylo over nn open furnace which gives a delicacy of flavor ziot to bo had in other brands Order today and We will ship in plain case osu t gallon r f this excellent Vhislsey empress prepaid for 3225 Harris Favorite Rye 11 Years Old 4 Fur Quarts Expr ss Prepaid SOO This Sue aU Rye Whiskey has no equal no matter what you pay It is the kind of mellow taste good too for medicinal use We will also ship 1 gallon Oobh County and 1 quart Harris Favorite Ryo together for 300 express prepaid Send us your trial order today OUR GUARANTEE If you are not entirely pleased and our goods are not as represented we refund your money by next mail We stake no C O D shipments Our references Third Natioaal Bank or Express Once Send Express or Postoffice I Mono OrderA H HARRIS 12 Walton Street ATLANTA GA Ir PRICE LIST OF EUREKA WINE LIQUOR CO- The u < Great Southern Mail Order House EXPRESS PREPAID Full Quart Measure- Per Per Four Six Per Gallen Quarts Quarts Case Hatchetts Prirate Stock S4 00 t co J fi oo t2oo- Hatchelt Thats Whisker 450 460 690 1375 Hatchetts Old Ryc 320 320 480 960 Eureka N C Apple Brandy 475 475 100 t4 co- N C Apple BrandYh h 325 325 485 970 Eureka Malt u 400 400 600 r200 Eureka N C Peach Brandy 4 75 4 75 i oo 14 00 X C Peach Brandy u 325 325 4 S5 970 Eureka N C COrn 325 325 4 85 970 Eureka S C Corn xx 3 00 300 60 900 Eureka X C Corn XXX 2 i5 275 15 S 30 Eureka NC Corn XXXX 250 250 375 7so s Old Crow Bourbon 450 4 50 6 is r356 Sunny Brow RYe 3 i5 3 75 565 It 30 Sunny Brook Sour Mash 3 75 3 75 565 Is 30 Echo Spring 430 455 60o tz7J Silk Velvet j oo 525 155 Ijyn Oak and 3 75 400 600 1200 From 2SO to S3SO per Gallon Delivered Snve twelve labels of Hatchetts Private Stc kand secure a bottle free Sere twelve t is labels of Hatchetts Old Rye and secure a bottle free Save twelve lables of Hatchetts That Vhiskey and secure a bottle free Save twelve labels of Eureka X C C iru and secure a bottle free Save twelve lables of X C Apple Brandy and secure one bottle free Save twelve label of Eureka Malt and secure one bottle free Price of z all goods bought at companys store are TOC per gallon less than when delivered No charge cr jugs boxes or drayage All of my bottles are full measure All standard brands of whiskies sold over my bar at roc pcr daink 10 from 5 leaves 5 for you Alt y wine quoted on application We also carry cheaper liquors than those quoted Special puces on lag quantities packed any sizes desired Money refunded if goods- not satisfactory EUREKA WINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY 135 W Bay St Jacksonville Fla RARTIAJL PRICE LIST OF WHISKIES WINES BEER AND MALT ZXFSESS FBEFAID Bulk goodsJugs free Not prepaid Full Qt Measure 4 Qts 6 Qts 12 QtS SITO per gallon Rye Gin Con Good Grade Hunting Club Rye 2 65 3f on 57 oo zoo per gallon Nelson County Rye 2 oo 4 25 7 50 Rye Gin Corn Rum Fine Quality 250 gal y Monogram Rye 5 20 4 60- 5oo S oo Hannes 44 Rye 3 75 9 50 Rye Gin Corn Rum Best for the money Social Drops 4 50 t> 50 12 OO s3 oo p T gal Malt Whiskey 3 75 5 00 9 50 44 Rye Peach and apple brandy Mellowed yam t Peach 3 75 5 00 9 50 by age 400 per gal Apple Brandy 3 75 5 oo 9 50 Victoria Social Rye Drops Rye Medical quality Holland Gin 2 So 4 25 75 μ Geneva Gin 375 5 oo 9 50 LEMP ST LOUIS BEERPerdoz North CarolinaCorn 265 4 00 7 oo Falstaff Er 45 Mountaiu Con 3 75 5 oo 9 50 Extra Pale 110 Jimacia Rum 2 06 4 25 750 Standard r oo m Medford Rum 3 75 5 oo 9 50 I Malt extra dark 100 4 Grape Brandy 3 75 5 00 Q 50 Cohurger imported i oo King of Kentuckv Burborn 3 75 5 00 9 5- tSame > I Bass Ale pints 225 Assortment Allowed en all Goods Of Guinness Stout pints 2 25 I Fri e j Prices by the barrel on appiicrtios HANNE BROS F 246 = 258 Vest Adams St Jacksonville Fla WE VJIffTaEVE- RY THE STATE- TO HAVE OUR BOOKS a FLORIDA ViGETABLZSA complete manual on Florida crops FLORIDA ORANGESBook of special interest to Orange Growers FLORIDA STRAW32REI3S Booklet on Soil Varieties Cultivation and 3 Fertilization IRISH POTATOES Booklet on Soil Seed Planting and Cultivating Effect of Fertilizers Digging and Shipping APPLE ILIZITGOf special interest to pineapple growers ° IDEAL FERTILISERS Book showing all our different brands analyses prices etc- NEW AND REVISED EDITIONS OF ABOVE JUST PlBLISHED SENT FREE FOR THE ASKING Wilson Toomer Fertilizer Co Jacksonville Florida i- s = i 26 REFLECT A MOMENT J you decided on the kind o- ftIffertll 1- Fl 11- r izer you are going to use Its l i question of how much but kin 1 vLin the best result s r can be obtained You cant make a IC mistake when you use our high grade 3 fertilizers > Highest cash price pail dry bones t FLORIDA FERTILIZER HFG 50MPMY h l Gainesville Fla t- if rts r 7 V3

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Page 1: Ocala Banner. (Ocala, Florida) 1905-04-28 [p Page Seven].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00322/00187.pdf · Sayan-Freeborn placecffche new and elegant I x Isl I nan and Florida

t f YT

y w-






La 1

r II1


on the St Johns River in the Early jr Written Espcciallj tor j

Days ii the Ocaa lianuer

Fi lli


t NO XIIRapidity of motion is a sine qua

fjJ poll of the fast age in which we liveThe steamboat and railroad relegatedgz

ll the stage coach to the past and not¬

withstanding our limited vestibuleshave placed Florida within 24 hours-of New York Who can tell how soonthe flying machine for passenger carriage will put event e fast train out I

of business This deman I for rapid 1

ie i

transit supplied by the railroads i

r paralleling or coming in competition j

1 with the waterways of inland com j

merce has resulted in reducing to a j

minimum our once great steamboat j

traffic in Florida as elsewhereComparatively few of those living-

at this time have any realization of i

ithe former magnitude of the steamboat business on the St Johns riverand in connection with tins extend-ing


to Savannah and Charlestonwhen-those cities were the great supplymarts for eastern and southern Flor

IdaThefirst steamboat so far as I am

imformed which stirred the waters-

of the St Johns was the Esseon asmall craft used for carrying govern ¬

ment supplies and troops during thegreat Seminole war about 1836 In-

s ithe latter forties among my earliiest memories was the small steam-boat


Sarah Spaulding commandedby Capt Paul B Canova which made

a weekly trips from Jacksonville to FtMellon on Lake Monroe At thesame time the steamers MatthewsOcmulgee and William Gaston pliedbetween Savannah and Palatka On


their down trip ascending Blackcreek as far as Middleburg whichwas the shipping point for cotton


brought in wagons from AlachuaColumbia and other interior sections

I This part of the route was continued° k by succeeding steamers until the con-


of the Florida railroadacross the peninsular which destroy-ed


the business importance of Mid ¬

s dleburg Two new steamers theMagnolia and Welaka were placed on

r the Savannah and Florida line about1851 The former a very fast boatafter running but a short time ex-

ploded her boiler opposite St Si-


x Island Georgia killing herII captain William T McNelty Two

new and handsome steamers the I

Seminole and St Johns were addedto the SavannahFlorida line in 1853 i

After running for several years eachin turn was burned at her dock in

axJacksonville during the night time


The hull of the St Johns was saved j

and she was rebuilt about 1858 and I

continued in the trade About 1S53 i

L Capt Jacob Brock brought out the j

Darlington from South Carolina andfor years extending into the seven-



under command of her veteran3

captain plied between Jacksonvilleand Enterprise The deliberation of

rthose days in comparison with thepresent is well illustrated by the

° schedule of the Darlington for manyI

1 years She would leave Jacksonville I

s at S a m Saturday reach Palatkathat evening lie there until aboutdaylight Monday morning proceed-up the river reaching Enterprise-about


sunset remain there until Wed-



morning when starting on

ythe down trip would reach Palatka as


the shades of night drew on lie overthere until next morning and arrive i

at Jacksonville Thursday about 3 pm The Hattie Brock was added tothis line two or three years beforethe war and continued thereon for

4 s many yearsAbout 1S52 Capt Louis M Coxetter

initiated the CharlestonFlorida lin-er bringing out in succession some

splendid steamers for that route firstTthe Florida which was succeeded-a


few years after by the Caroliner These vessels made the outside pas-

sage¬ t

to the St Johns Palatka beingrE the Florida terminus of the line

>j About 1857 he put the magnificent I

= steamer Everglade on the inside routery between the same points

About the same time Capt JamesFreeborn placecffche new and elegant I



Inan and Florida line A similar

1 steamer the Cecile was placed onI the Charleston route inside passage-a year or two before the war

All steamboat traffic on these wa ¬

ters was suspended by the war andcertain of the steamers which had-

i beeii engaged therein were used asblockade runners and in the Confed-erate government service

After the war the steamboat business was resume l Among the earliest on the Savannah route were theLizie Baker Helen Getty the oldSt Johns and Sylvan Shore laterthe Nick King built upon the hull ofthe former St Marys The old vet-

eran Captain Coxetter who in theearly part of the war commanded the-

Confederate privateer Jeff Davisand made many captures placed onthe Charleston line the Dictator andafterwards the City Point and thosefine steamers were familiar objects-

j on the St Johns for many yearsTheir successors the St Johns andCity of of Palatka were magnificentspecimens of steamboat architecture-of a later date They are still livingthe St Johns plying on northern wa ¬

tersOfthe post bellum river steamers

the scope of this article will not per ¬

mit more than a mention of themBesides the Darlington and HattieBrock I recall the Starlight DavidClark Water Lilly Pastime City ofSanford burned at Point LavistaHampton John Sylvester Eliza Hancox H T Baa Port Royal Geo-

M Bird But we are approaching-the present and I only undertook towrite of the past Then came that

I great revolutionize of trade theI railroads which pull down as well asI build up paralleling the river at one-

timeI that great highway of com-


and Steamboating on the StJohns as in the palmy times of ear-


days became a thing of the past-Ar few still retain and do a fair busi-


I A most important feature of thosesteamboat days to the traveling pub-


was the commander of the shipas a rule jolly big hearted wholesouled men with any amount of pluckand good humor Among those ofthe earlier days were Peck Willeylost on Magnolia Shaw Postell

Nick King Freeborn CoxetterBrooks Brock and Surtis Of a laterday McNelty junior Tucker JoeSmith the Fitzgeralds Usina Vogel-

Starke Coxetter junior Post WilHam Shaw Hallowes and CharlieBrock nearly all gone

And gone are the good old steam ¬1

boat days on the St Johns

Meal Past Sixty in Danger 1

More than half of mankind oversixtY years of age suffer from kidney-and bladder disorders usually eiilargment of prostate gland This is bothpainful and dangerous and FoleysKidny Cure should be taken at thefirst sign of danger as it correctsirregularities and has cured many oldmen of this disease Mr Rodney Bur ¬

nett Rock Port Mo writes Isuffered with enlarged prostate glandand kidney trouble for years and aftertaking two bottles of Foleys KidneyCure I feel better than I have for 20years although I am now 91 yearsold Postoffice drugstore m

To Remove Tight Ring From Finger

Contributed by F G B WeiheOcalas popular jeweler-

If you happen to get a ring on yourfinger that fits so tight you cannotremove it a very easy way to get itoff is as follows

Take a piece of cord or wrappingthread and push one end of it underthe ring Then beginning just abovethe ring wind the cord very tightlyround and round the finger clear upto the tip of the finger Now takehold of the end of the cord that wasslipped under the ring and unwind-

the cord As the string unwinds thering will be carried along with it andremoved without any difficulty

Cowpea peanut and amber cane j

seed at the Ocala Seed Store s





Attorneys Will Argue the Case Nex-

tTuesdayContests an Expensive


Special to the Oala Ranger

Tallahassee April 1The evidencein the now famous BrownBaskin con ¬

test before the senate committee is

all in and the witnesses summoned-

from various parts of the state havereturned home-

Attorneys W K Zewadski forBaskin and Fred Myers for Brown

will argue the case before the com-



next Tuesday afternoon-

All the testimony has been orderedprinted and the entire record will be

included in the committees report to

the senate-

It is estimated that this case will

have cost the senate between two

and three thousand dollars when I

completed LJ B

Hon Ed L Wartmanns Auto Bill

Tallahassee April 20HouselbillNo 30 introduced by Hon E L

Wartmann of Marion county yes-



was put on its final reading-

and passed

This bill is entitled An Act Regu ¬

lating the Running of Automobiles orMotor Vehicles on the Public Roads-or Highways in the State of Floridaand in proof of its popularity in thehouse it need only be said that it waspassed with only a few minor amend ¬

ments after its introductionIts provisions are in substance

Every owner of an aulomobile shallregister its name and number withthe secretary of state registration-fee 82 Every vehicle so registered-shall be provided witlTr two lampsrafter night also suitable bell horn orwhistle as a signal numbers at leastthree inches long and two inches wide-to be on rear of vehicle so as to beplainly visible persons operating ve-


to carry with them at all timesthe certificate of registration Incase of sale or transfer the new ownershall have the transfer entered onthe records of the secretary of statetransfer fee 2 Failure to complywith tither of these requirements ispunishable by fine not to exceed 100

Upon approaching a person walking-on the public highway horse orhorses or other draft animals a per¬

son operating a registered motorvehicle shall give ample signal etcAt a signal by putting up of the handby person or persons being approach-ed


by a motor car the operator shallimmediately bring the motor vehicleto a stop

In case of accident to a person orproperty as the result of the opera ¬

tion of such motor vehicle the per ¬

son operating it shall upon requestfurnish bis name and address and ifnot the owner the name and addressof the owner II

Every person desiring to operate amortor vehicle as chauffeur shall r

register with the secretary of stateI

his name and address and the nameand motive power of the vehicle he I

is able to operate and shall pay a I

fee of 2 for such registrationI

Anyone operating a motor vehiclewithout having complied with these I

requirements is liable to punishmentf

by tine or imprisonment-

Will Interest Many I

Every person should know thatgood health is impossible if the kid¬

neys are deranged Foleys KidneyCure will cure kidney and bladdernisease in every form and will buildup aud strengthen these organs sothey will perform their functionsproperly No danger of Brights di ¬

sease or diabetes if Foleys KidneyCure is taken in time Postofficedrug store m I

The president is chasing wolveskilling snakes running foot races andskinning the cat backwards in thewild west Meantime Secretary Taftfinds that the task of holding downthe lid tight enough to keep any ofthe specimens of the LatinAmericanmenageries from getting out isnt ex-


a simple life either Birming-ham


News I

K 1

Mr Sistrunk Makes Fine Speech enI

Armory Bill

f Special Correspondence Ocala Banner

Tallahassee April 21The Marionj county armory bill came up for a reI consideration and was the specialI

j order for today and consid-erable discussion Mr Jewell ofI

Orange Mr Roberts of MunroeMrTillman of Alachua and Judge Owen-of Franklin made very strongspeeches in behalf of the bill whileMr Watson of Orange Mr Bryan-of Washington and Mr Blanton ofMadison opposed the bill but thespeech of the occasion was that ofMr Sistrunk of Marion who madethe concluding and the most effec-


speech in favor of the measureHis summing up was so conclusive and I

his presentation of the argument sofair that upon the calling of the roll j

the bill was carried by a larger vote iI

than that of the previous day towitI

44 to r-

Thes I

committee on privileges andelections held another meeting thismorning and Merrs W J Chambers-S T Sistrunk L P Miller MauriceStrauss Frank Harris of Ocala MrLovering of Tampa and Mr Nelson-of Miami were examined There-are quite a number of other witnesses-and the case seems likely to be con-


for several days yet

Sciatic Reumatism Cured-

I have been subject to sciaticrheumatism for years says E HWaldron of Wilton Sanction Iowa

My joints were stiff and gave mepain and discomfort My jointsjoints wonld crack when I straighten-up I used Chamberlains Pain Balmand have been thoroughly curedHave not had pain or ache from theold trouble for many months It iscertainly a most wonderful linimentFor sale by Antimonopoly drug-store m

Those gentlemen in Tallahasseewho are rushing up with vagrancybills should not in their haste over-look


the recent decision of the Unit-ed


States supreme court and thelater ruling of Judge Emory Speer atSavannah bearing upon peonagePensacola News






A Syrup Dispensed at allSoda Fountains

METTO is made from theripe berries of the Sabal


Serrulata or Saw Pal-



combined with I

Fruit Acids and Aro-

matics There is noth ¬

ing in Metto that willharm an Infant but forall that it will

Quench ThirstCulms ExcitementBanish FatigueBuild TissueStimulate the LiverAct Directly on the Kidneys



Manufactured by

The Tropical

Manfg CoJacksonville Fla








x sy fN a-tI

°fcjT WajM




Copper distilled in the good old fashioned styloover nn open furnace which gives a delicacy offlavor ziot to bo had in other brandsOrder today and We will ship in plain case osu

t gallon r f this excellent Vhislsey empress prepaidfor 3225

Harris Favorite Rye11 Years Old

4 Fur Quarts Expr ss Prepaid SOOThis Sue aU Rye Whiskey has no equal no matterwhat you pay It is the kind of mellow tastegood too for medicinal use We will also ship 1gallon Oobh County and 1 quart Harris FavoriteRyo together for 300 express prepaid Send usyour trial order todayOUR GUARANTEE If you are not entirelypleased and our goods are not as represented werefund your money by next mail We stake noC O D shipments Our references Third NatioaalBank or Express Once Send Express or PostofficeI Mono OrderA H HARRIS12 Walton Street ATLANTA GA




u <

Great Southern Mail Order House

EXPRESS PREPAID Full Quart Measure-


Per Four Six PerGallen Quarts Quarts CaseHatchetts Prirate Stock S4 00 t co Jfi oo t2oo-

Hatchelt Thats Whisker 450 460 690 1375Hatchetts Old Ryc 320 320 480 960Eureka N C Apple Brandy 475 475 100 t4 co-N C Apple BrandYh h 325 325 485 970Eureka Malt u 400 400 600 r200Eureka N C Peach Brandy 4 75 4 75 i oo 14 00X C Peach Brandy u 325 325 4 S5 970Eureka N C COrn 325 325 4 85 970Eureka S C Corn xx 3 00 300 60 900Eureka X C Corn XXX 2 i5 275 15 S 30Eureka NC Corn XXXX 250 250 375 7so sOld Crow Bourbon 450 4 50 6 is r356Sunny Brow RYe 3 i5 3 75 565 It 30Sunny Brook Sour Mash 3 75 3 75 565 Is 30Echo Spring 430 455 60o tz7JSilk Velvet j oo 525 155 IjynOak and 3 75 400 600 1200

From 2SO to S3SO per Gallon DeliveredSnve twelve labels of Hatchetts Private Stc kand secure a bottle free Sere twelve

t islabels of Hatchetts Old Rye and secure a bottle free Save twelve lables of HatchettsThat Vhiskey and secure a bottle free Save twelve labels of Eureka X CC iru and secure a bottle free Save twelve lables of X C Apple Brandy and secureone bottle free Save twelve label of Eureka Malt and secure one bottle free Price of zall goods bought at companys store are TOC per gallon less than when delivered Nocharge cr jugs boxes or drayage All of my bottles are full measure All standardbrands of whiskies sold over my bar at roc pcr daink 10 from 5 leaves 5 for you Alt y

wine quoted on application We also carry cheaper liquors than those quotedSpecial puces on lag quantities packed any sizes desired Money refunded if goods-not satisfactory




Full Qt Measure 4 Qts 6 Qts 12 QtS SITO per gallon Rye Gin Con Good GradeHunting Club Rye 2 65 3f on 57 oo zoo per gallonNelson County Rye 2 oo 4 25 7 50 Rye Gin Corn Rum Fine Quality 250 gal y

Monogram Rye 5 20 4 60-

5ooS oo

Hannes 44 Rye 3 75 9 50 Rye Gin Corn Rum Best for the moneySocial Drops 4 50 t> 50 12 OO s3 oo p T galMalt Whiskey 3 75 5 00 9 50 44 Rye Peach and apple brandy Mellowed yam

tPeach 3 75 5 00 9 50 by age 400 per galApple Brandy 3 75 5 oo 9 50 Victoria SocialRye Drops Rye Medical qualityHolland Gin 2 So 4 25 75 µGeneva Gin 375 5 oo 9 50 LEMP ST LOUIS BEERPerdozNorth CarolinaCorn 265 4 00 7 oo Falstaff Er 45Mountaiu Con 3 75 5 oo 9 50 Extra Pale 110Jimacia Rum 2 06 4 25 750 Standard r oomMedford Rum 3 75 5 oo 9 50 I Malt extra dark 100 4Grape Brandy 3 75 5 00 Q 50 Cohurger imported i ooKing of Kentuckv Burborn 3 75 5 00 9 5-


>I Bass Ale pints 225

Assortment Allowed en all Goods Of Guinness Stout pints 2 25I

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