oc newsletter july

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OC Newsletter July


  • The Editorial Team

    Editor-in-ChiefShahman Prushuathamun [Off Campus Vice President (OCVP)][email protected]

    Creative Director & Design Co-ordinatorMelanie Zimora [Student Engagement Support Officer (SESO)][email protected]

    Staff Writer

    Benjamin Dahl

    Freelance Writer

    Tanya Bird


    Ben York Emily Henwood


    Luke Icely & Claire Morrissey[Student Leadership Program Officer, Student Connect]

    Linh Tran[Womyn's Director, MUGSU]


    Exchange is a publication of MonashUniversity Gippsland Student Union(MUGSU). All articles in this newsletterare provided in good faith. Exchange isintended to be an informativenewsletter for students enrolled atMonash University & FederationUniversity Gippsland campus, throughOff Campus/Distance education.

    Copyright 2015 MUGSU Inc. Allrights reserved.


    03 A note from the MUGSU President and Off-Campus VP


    10 July August Events


    NEWS 2


    EXTRA 4



    19 MUGSU contact details for services


    11 Dont miss it!



    06-09 Feature Article by Tanya Bird


    05 Contact our Student Rights Officers


    04 Well done on completing semester one.


    14-15 Fifteen great ideas to fill in your semester break.


    13 One small thing Conference


    18 Support equality, promote awareness


    17 Item in the next issue of Exchange


    16 For OC students



    12 A must attend event

    Get the latest MUGSU news

    Bookmark us

    MUGSU: https://www.facebook.com/mugsu

    Off Campus: https://www.facebook.com/OffCampusGippsland

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    A joint note from the MUGSU President and Off-Campus VP

    Hi Everyone!

    If youre reading this, congratulations! Youve survived another exam period! Just a reminderthat if you require any assistance with any issues you may have encountered during the examperiod, please contact us through the communication channels outlined in this newsletter.

    Following on from the results of the off-campus surveys completed so far, we have managedto consolidate the first batch of issues that were raised and brought it to the attention ofsenior Monash University staff and the issues have been highlighted to the relevant individualsto tackle them. Overall, the most common issues that were brought up were regarding a lackof lecture recordings, lack of information for Off-campus/Distance education students in theunit guides, lack of responses from lecturers both via email and Moodle forums as well as alack of learning resources for OC/DE students. As we are in a very unique situation (transitionfrom Monash to Fed Uni), both universities will need to discuss these issues and come to aconsensus on how best to resolve these issues. We are optimistic that there will be a positiveoutcome from our discussions with the universities and will update the student body in duecourse.

    Another round of student issues will be consolidated soon and raised to the appropriatepersons, for resolve. We hope that all students will raise and highlight the issues they areexperiencing as off campus students, via the survey. If you have not completed the survey(found on page 16 of this newsletter), we would STRONGLY encourage you to do so.

    We hope you have a relaxing break before Semester 2 begins and wish you all the best foryour results and the coming semester!

    Until next time,

    Craig Wilson & Shahman Prushuathamun

    2015 MUGSU President & Off-Campus Vice President

  • The Art of Studying with ChildrenBy Tanya Bird

    I have three boys aged five and under. People often ask me how I have thetime and energy to study while keeping the asylum operational (ok, I addedthat last bit). The truth is I dont. I snatch time when the opportunitiesarise and I maintain a high sugar diet which enables me to function in shortbursts. I believe that we are all capable of finding time for things that areimportant to us. It is not always easy, but it can be done. I knew when Istepped away from my job, to raise a small army of boys, that it was theperfect opportunity for me to implement a career change. I knew I neededa wider skill set, and I knew the only way I could manage it was from home.

    I will admit that when my pre-study self pictured my future-study self, I hadimages of the children playing happily by feet while I flipped the pages ofmy latest text book. I imagined lazy evenings tapping away on my laptop,while hubby watched TV at my side and the little ones slept. Now I realisethat my pre-study self was deluded. Firstly, children dont sleep. Well not atconvenient times anyway. They also dont play happily when your attentionis diverted elsewhere. They will literally tear pages from your textbook andpress buttons on your laptop that you did not know existed, until yourefocus on them. But dont be completely scared off (some fear is healthy)by these realisations. If you have young children but want your degree, it isachievable with some thoughtful planning and clever tactics. Here are mytop ten tips for studying at home with little people.

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  • 1Remember that rule, sleep when baby sleeps? Wrong. Study when babysleeps, as it may be your only window of opportunity. You can alwaysinvoluntarily fall asleep on the floor later when you are meant to beentertaining your (immobile once they are moving, youre screwed)baby. Dinner prep, cleaning, talking with your mother on the phone, canall be done while baby is awake. Use your baby carrier for grizzly,unsettled periods, and smash through some jobs. Of course this will notwork if you have older children also. When baby sleeps you will bebuilding Lego, mediating toy custody battles, and painfully watching asfreshly made play dough colours are mixed into a familiar shade ofbrown.

    3Assign TV appropriate chores to your partner. By this I mean any chorethat can be done while watching television. I do not expect myhusband to spend his evenings scrubbing bathrooms and moppingfloors, but if he is watching TV, his hands are capable of foldingwashing and ironing clothes. Once clothes are dry, I helpfully placethem in a giant, mountain-like pile, in the middle of the lounge roomso that he trips on them when trying to get to his chair. This helps himto remember. And if there are films that need to be watched for a unit,do this on a Saturday night, so that your partner is forced to watchalso. We like to order Indian food and drink beer. It is a cheat way ofticking off date night and study in one easy swoop. Just dont forget togently remind your spouse about the folding once they have finishedtheir food.

    2When you cook, cook double the amount and freeze half for anotherday. Food preparation is a massive leech of time and energy, and it canbe overwhelming when the children expect to be fed every day, atregular intervals. I always try and keep meals in the freezer that I canpull out on those days when the thought of cooking a meal from scratchmakes me ache all over. It also reduces the amount of dirty dishes in theevenings so that you can squeeze a few more study moments out of

    your days.

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  • 4Delete Facebook off your phone and iPad for the semester period. Thismay seem extreme, but those rare moments in the day that you have tocheck in with the outside world can really add up. Instead, load your Unitreaders onto your devices so that every time you open your phone, yourreading pops up and triggers a guilt response. It is amazing how muchyou can actually get through with this one tactic. And this brings me tomy next point.

    5If you are a breastfeeding mum, anchored to a chair, imagining all of thethings you could be doing if you had use of your arms, dont despair. Thisis the perfect opportunity for some sneaky phone action. Dont go too bigwith the device if you want to read from it. You need something that youcan hold one handed, with easy thumb swiping capabilities, and thatwont attract the attention of older children who will suddenly decide thatthey must play Angry bird Transformers on that specific device. If you havethe luxury of listening to recorded lectures from a larger device such as alaptop, then ensure it is placed on the head side of baby, because it willget kicked off its perch.

    6Get older kids to help you with food preparation and selective chores. Itis a great way to spend time with the kids while ticking off some jobs.Its all in the sell. Give them tasks that seem fun. Washing windowssounds boring until you offer up spray bottles filled with water. Just beclear about which windows they are allowed to spray so that you dontend up washing each window five times. Also, accept that you will allrequire a complete change of clothes at the end. Pick jobs that willwear them out and reward them with some quiet TV time while babysleeps. This is a study opportunity.

    7If you can afford it, get a cleaner to come weekly or fortnightly dependingon your circumstances. Dont feel guilty for spending this money becauseyou will still be required to do an excessive amount of cleaning in betweentheir visits. You will still sweep the floors and pressure hose the highchairafter each meal. You will still do forty loads of dishes each day and wipebenches until your fingers bleed. But what it does offer is a guaranteed,thorough clean of the house on a regular basis. This can be a lifesaver onweeks when assessments are due or if you have unexpected guests thatshould know better. You also get to enjoy that clean house feeling for theeleven minutes before the children take to it with sticky hands and leakyChristmas stamps that they miraculously find for such occasions.

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  • 8Begin assessments immediately. Kids have a talent for getting sickthe week that assessments are due. Essay due tomorrow? Cue theexplosive gastro symptoms which last all night and ease just as theother children are rising in the morning, filled with the energy of abrand new day. Email your lecturer at the beginning of the semesterand ask if there is anything further you need to know for the essayother than what is outlined in the unit guide. You dont want towaste time on an incorrect approach. Decide on your essay questionin week one, and then take note of anything relevant in the assignedreadings each week. This frees up time later on for your additionalresearch.

    9Use Moodle to ask seemingly embarrassing questions. Lecturers oftensuggest that if you are struggling to understand a particular concept, orif a reading is particularly challenging, that you re-read it. I applaud youfor completing it once. Few parents have the luxury of a second read.But if you have the time, by all means, read it as many times as youneed. However if you are time poor, seek answers that will enable youto keep moving forward.

    10And finally, do not fall behind. There are no catch upopportunities with young children. Dont naively think that youwill have more time next week, because that might just be theweek you are up all night with sick children, then suddenly youare two weeks behind. Speaking from experience, the morebehind you fall the less motivated you become.

    I hope these tips are helpful and encourage those with young children to recognisetheir own, unique study opportunities. And I hope those without children are notput off ever having them. Good luck in Semester 2!

    Tanya Bird is a Professional Communications student and mum to three young boys. She is currently working on her first novel and aspires to be a freelance writer between school bells.

    If you enjoyed Tanyas article as much as we (The editorial team) did, do not hesitate to drop her an email and let her know! Tanya Bird - [email protected]

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    29 July

    Doctors & Nurses Uni night

    12 August

    Uni night

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    As a form of procrastination, studentstend to organise their rooms whenthey need to study or do theirassignment. Organiseyourself now so thatyoure less likely to doso when term starts.


    Take advantage of winter and joinin the MUGSU Snow trip. For moredetails email [email protected]


    It is common practice for students to stuffthemselves with junk food during exams andjustify their actions by telling themselves (andanyone else who asks), that they have notime to make a proper meal and the stress ofexams is getting to them (Need comfortfood). The result? Weight gain. So hit thegym or go for a run Which ever floats yourboat.

    Treat yourself to an outingto the movies and catchthe latest flick!


    Grab a book and read itfor pure enjoyment, notfor study!



    Catch up on somemuch needed sleep!!


    Practice some quick andeasy meals to help outwith lunch and dinner.


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    6 7


    Try your hand at growing a plantindoors. its too cold at the momentoutdoors, but watch your indoor

    plant thrive from your attentionand care.



    Use your talents to make or build something that you can sell and turn into cash. Whether it be painting, woodwork, restoration or craft, the options are endless and the money will come in handy.

    Organise a catch up withfriends. Whether its with aclose friend or reconnectingwith one you havent seenfor a while,try going for acuppa, dinneror drinks at abar!


    Grab a pillowand blanket,turn on the TV, lay onthe couch and doabsolutely nothing!You read correctly!Nothing! You deserveit!

    EXPLOREGo on a day trip to some place you have never beenbefore. You would be surprised how much beauty,knowledge and wonder is on your doorstep. Exploreyour surroundings.

    Join a cause orcharity. Contactyour local shireto find outsome localcharities that myneed your helpand support.




    12 13




    On a clear night, look up intothe sky and star gaze. Tryfinding the Southern Cross,the saucepan and otherfamous constellations of thenight sky.



    Book a holiday now for the end of Semester 2. It will give you something to look forward to at the end of your 2015 studies. A reward for all your hard work!


  • Dear Off Campus/Distance Education students,

    The MUGSU Off Campus Vice President (OCVP)

    would like to hear from you on issues that you are facing

    as an off campus/Distance education student, as well as

    to get feedback on other matters related to your university

    experience. Kindly complete the survey form in the link

    provided below:


    Please direct any queries you may have regarding

    this survey or any difficulties you have accessing the link

    provided, to the OCVP via email: [email protected].

    Thank you in advance for participating in this survey.

    Thank you

    Warmest regards,

    Shahman Prushuathamun

    Off Campus Vice President | MUGSU

    Calling All Gippsland Off campus/Distance

    Education Students!!

    [Applicable to all students doing 1 or more units off campus and enrolled at the

    Gippsland campus only] Both Monash and Fed Uni students

  • While waiting, why not like

    the Off Campus Facebook

    Page to get the latest Off

    Campus News!

    MUGSU: https://www.facebook.com/mugsu

    Off Campus: https://www.facebook.com/OffCampusGippsland

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