obsessive compulsive disorder


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Post on 09-Jun-2015




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2. Introduction History Obsessions and compulsions Causes Diagnosticchallenges Signs and Symptoms Treatment 3. Obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD isan anxiety disorder Disorder causing worries, doubts, andsuperstitious beliefs during everyday life Leads to repetitive behaviours to reducethe associated anxiety or by a combinationof obsessions and compulsions 4. 14th & 15th century thought people werepossessed by the devil and treated byexorcism 17th century thought people were cleansingtheir guilt 20th century began treating withbehavioural techniques 5. Obsessions- Repetitive and unwelcome thoughts, images, or impulses that are difficult to dismiss or control Compulsions repetitive behavioural responses can be resisted only with great difficulty 6. Affects almost 3% of worlds population Start anytime from preschool to adulthood Typically between 20-24 Many different forms of OCD differ fromperson to person Cause of OCD is still unknown 7. Scientistsplit theories responsible for causes into two groups Psychological - disorder where peopleare responsible for feelings they have Biological - abnormalities in the brain Due to injury Birth defect 8. Cause for OCD is often liked withneurotransmitter Serotonin Role of serotonin is to send chemicalmessages from one neuron to another OCD suffers may have damaged receptorsites that prevent serotonin from properfunctioning Possible genetic mutation or gene disorder 9. Although OCD appears to be fairlycommon, it is often misdiagnosed bydoctors On average, patients wait 9 years fromonset of symptoms to participating ineffective treatment Sometimes confused with OCPD 10. Doubts that youve locked the door orturned off the stove Thoughts that youve hurt someone in atraffic accident Fear of causing harm to yourself or others Superstitions - excessive attention tosomething considered lucky or unlucky Feeling of hair loss because of pulling hair 11. Washing hands until your skin becomesraw Counting in certain patterns Arranging certain items to face the sameway Fear that something bad will happen if theythrow anything away 12. The two main treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder are: Psychotherapy A type of therapy called cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) Medications Use of Antidepressants to increase levels of serotonin, which may be lacking when you have OCD. 13. Two components1. Exposure and response prevention: Involves repeated exposure to source of obsessions refrain from the compulsive behaviour Example: If you are a compulsive hand washer, you might be asked to touch the door handle and then be prevented from washing 14. 2. Cognitive therapy: Involves shifting attention from catastrophicthoughts to something else learn healthy and effective ways of responding toobsessive thoughts, without resorting tocompulsive behaviourFor Example:While experiencing OCD thoughts, you could listento music, read, play a video game 15. Inthe event of first symptoms, mostcommonly, antidepressants are tried first Antidepressants may be helpful for OCDbecause they increase levels ofserotonin, which may be lacking when youhave OCD FDA has approved certain drugs to treat OCD Clomipramine (Anafranil) Fluvoxamine (Luvox) Fluoxetine (Prozac) 16. Medication have to be continued for one totwo years If your symptoms return on a lowerdose, you may need to take medicationindefinitely Some medications can have dangerousinteractions with some food supplement 17. OCD is a complicated issue Most cases are incurable Best form of treatment is CBT incombination with medication A lot more effort is needed to research thebrain to know more about such disorders