oblivion scripts

e ~ key just above the Tab key. Then type in (without the ""s): "player.additem" and a space. Then, useing this document as a reference, pick and item and enter in the appropriate code, again with a space after. The final step is to enter the number of that item you want and hit your Enter key. For example, to give yourself 10 Mead you would press ~, and enter "player.additem 0000B1201 10" without the quotes. Now, you're probably wondering how you can give yourself an NPC. Short answer: You can't. Real answer: The NPC spawns in front of you. Between the selection of race/class/birthsign, the advance skill code ("player.advskill [skill name] [points to add]", its as if you've trained that skill), and this, you can create any character you can imagine. Enjoy! :D ------------------------------------------------------------ 2) ELIXIRS, POTIONS, ETC. Ale - 000B1200 Beer - 000B1202 Cheap Wine - 00037F7F Cure for Vampirism - 000977E4 Cyrodilic Brandy - 00033569 Grand Elixir of Exploration - 0004E93A Hist Sap - 0003356A Human Blood - 00098309 Mead - 000B1201 Moderate Elixir of Exploration - 0004E938 Newheim's Special Brew - 000B1241 Philter of Frostward - 0007BCC9 Poison of Affliction - 0008DC5C Poison of Apathy - 00009283 Poison of Burden - 000984A5 Poison of Catastrophe - 00009281 Poison of Clumsiness - 0008DC58 Poison of Confusion - 0008DC5E Poison of Cowardice - 00056E54 Poison of Debilitation - 0000927D Poison of Fatigue - 0008DC70 Poison of Feeblemind - 00009280 Poison of Frailty - 00009285 Poison of Fright - 0008DC6D

Upload: stefan-rosu

Post on 13-Dec-2015




11 download


These are th codes dor everything down in Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls IV. You're welcome.


Page 1: Oblivion Scripts

e ~ key just above the Tab key. Then type in (withoutthe ""s): "player.additem" and a space. Then, useing thisdocument as a reference, pick and item and enter in theappropriate code, again with a space after. The final stepis to enter the number of that item you want and hit yourEnter key. For example, to give yourself 10 Mead you wouldpress ~, and enter "player.additem 0000B1201 10" without thequotes.

Now, you're probably wondering how you can give yourself anNPC. Short answer: You can't. Real answer: The NPC spawns infront of you.

Between the selection of race/class/birthsign, the advanceskill code ("player.advskill [skill name] [points to add]",its as if you've trained that skill), and this, you cancreate any character you can imagine.

Enjoy! :D

------------------------------------------------------------2) ELIXIRS, POTIONS, ETC.

Ale - 000B1200Beer - 000B1202Cheap Wine - 00037F7FCure for Vampirism - 000977E4Cyrodilic Brandy - 00033569Grand Elixir of Exploration - 0004E93AHist Sap - 0003356AHuman Blood - 00098309Mead - 000B1201Moderate Elixir of Exploration - 0004E938Newheim's Special Brew - 000B1241Philter of Frostward - 0007BCC9Poison of Affliction - 0008DC5CPoison of Apathy - 00009283Poison of Burden - 000984A5Poison of Catastrophe - 00009281Poison of Clumsiness - 0008DC58Poison of Confusion - 0008DC5EPoison of Cowardice - 00056E54Poison of Debilitation - 0000927DPoison of Fatigue - 0008DC70Poison of Feeblemind - 00009280Poison of Frailty - 00009285Poison of Fright - 0008DC6DPoison of Fumbling - 0000927CPoison of Illness - 0008DC73Poison of Misfortune - 0008DC61Poison of Paralysis - 00009302Poison of Repulsion - 00009282Poison of Separation - 00009284Poison of Severing - 0008DC76Poison of Sickness - 0000927FPoison of Silence - 00009320Poison of Slowing - 0008DC67

Page 2: Oblivion Scripts

Poison of the Fool - 0008DC64Poison of Weakness - 0008DC6APoison of Weariness - 0000927EPotion of Absorption - 00009321Potion of Agility - 00098471Potion of Alacrity - 0009849BPotion of Antivenom - 00009308Potion of Chameleon - 00088B1CPotion of Charisma - 0009849APotion of Cure Disease - 0000920EPotion of Cure Paralysis - 0000922EPotion of Cure Poison - 0000920FPotion of Dedication - 00056E55Potion of Detect Life - 000984A6Potion of Disbelief - 00009307Potion of Dispel - 0000927BPotion of Endurance - 00098472Potion of Fatigue - 00098473Potion of Feather - 000092E6Potion of Fire Shield - 000092E7Potion of Fortitude - 00098494Potion of Fortune - 00098498Potion of Frost Shield - 000092FEPotion of Grace - 00098493Potion of Grounding - 00009309Potion of Healing - 00098496Potion of Health - 00098474Potion of Insight - 00098497Potion of Insulation - 00009305Potion of Intelligence - 00098475Potion of Invisibility - 000092FFPotion of Light - 00009300Potion of Luck - 00098476Potion of Magicka - 00098477Potion of Might - 0009849CPotion of Nighteye - 00009301Potion of Personality - 00098478Potion of Reflection - 00009303Potion of Resistance - 00009304Potion of Respite - 00098495Potion of Seastride - 000984A4Potion of Shock Shield - 00009AE3Potion of Sorcery - 00098499Potion of Speed - 00098479Potion of Strength - 0009847APotion of the Sea - 000984A3Potion of Warmth - 00009306Potion of Willpower - 00056E53Rosethorn Mead - 000B97EAShadowbanish Wine - 00185DCDSkooma - 0004E0A9Strong Elixir of Exploration - 0004E939Strong Poison of Affliction - 0008DC5DStrong Poison of Apathy - 0009846AStrong Poison of Burden - 0000920DStrong Poison of Catastrophe - 00098464Strong Poison of Clumsiness - 0008DC5A

Page 3: Oblivion Scripts

Strong Poison of Confusion - 0008DC60Strong Poison of Cowardice - 00056E56Strong Poison of Debilitation - 000984ACStrong Poison of Fatigue - 0008DC72Strong Poison of Feeblemind - 00098462Strong Poison of Frailty - 0009846CStrong Poison of Fright - 0008DC6FStrong Poison of Fumbling - 000984AAStrong Poison of Illness - 0008DC75Strong Poison of Misfortune - 0008DC63Strong Poison of Paralysis - 00098484Strong Poison of Repulsion - 00098468Strong Poison of Separation - 00098466Strong Poison of Severing - 0008DC78Strong Poison of Sickness - 00098460Strong Poison of Silence - 0009849EStrong Poison of Slowing - 0008DC69Strong Poison of the Fool - 0008DC66Strong Poison of Weakness - 0008DC6CStrong Poison of Weariness - 000984AEStrong Potion of Absorption - 000984A0Strong Potion of Agility - 000092E9Strong Potion of Alacrity - 00009319Strong Potion of Antivenom - 00098490Strong Potion of Chameleon - 00088B1EStrong Potion of Charisma - 00009317Strong Potion of Dedication - 00056E58Strong Potion of Detect Life - 00009230Strong Potion of Disbelief - 0009848EStrong Potion of Dispel - 000984A8Strong Potion of Endurance - 000092EBStrong Potion of Fatigue - 000092EDStrong Potion of Feather - 0009846EStrong Potion of Fire Shield - 00098470Strong Potion of Fortitude - 0000930DStrong Potion of Fortune - 00009315Strong Potion of Frost Shield - 0009847CStrong Potion of Grace - 0000930BStrong Potion of Grounding - 00098492Strong Potion of Healing - 00009311Strong Potion of Health - 000092EFStrong Potion of Insight - 00009313Strong Potion of Insulation - 00098489Strong Potion of Intelligence - 000092F1Strong Potion of Invisibility - 0009847EStrong Potion of Light - 00098480Strong Potion of Luck - 000092F3Strong Potion of Magicka - 000092F9Strong Potion of Might - 0000931DStrong Potion of Nighteye - 00098482Strong Potion of Personality - 000092F5Strong Potion of Reflection - 00098486Strong Potion of Resistance - 00098488Strong Potion of Respite - 0000930FStrong Potion of Seastride - 00009327Strong Potion of Shock Shield - 00009AE4Strong Potion of Sorcery - 0000931B

Page 4: Oblivion Scripts

Strong Potion of Speed - 000092F7Strong Potion of Strength - 000092FBStrong Potion of the Sea - 00009325Strong Potion of Warmth - 0009848CStrong Potion of Willpower - 00056E57Surilie Brothers Vintage 399 - 00037F84Surilie Brothers Vintage 415 - 00037F82Surilie Brothers Wine - 00037F80Tamika Vintage 399 - 00037F7ETamika Vintage 415 - 00037F83Tamika's West Weald Wine - 00037F81Turpentine - 0018BD5ATurpentine - 000CD2DBTurpentine - 000CD2DCTurpentine - 000CD2DDTurpentine - 000CD2DETurpentine - 000CD2DFWeak Elixir of Exploration - 0004E937Weak Poison of Affliction - 0008DC5BWeak Poison of Apathy - 00098469Weak Poison of Burden - 0000920CWeak Poison of Catastrophe - 00098463Weak Poison of Clumsiness - 0008DC59Weak Poison of Confusion - 0008DC5FWeak Poison of Cowardice - 00056E59Weak Poison of Debilitation - 000984ABWeak Poison of Fatigue - 0008DC71Weak Poison of Feeblemind - 00098461Weak Poison of Frailty - 0009846BWeak Poison of Fright - 0008DC6EWeak Poison of Fumbling - 000984A9Weak Poison of Illness - 0008DC74Weak Poison of Misfortune - 0008DC62Weak Poison of Paralysis - 00098483Weak Poison of Repulsion - 00098467Weak Poison of Separation - 00098465Weak Poison of Severing - 0008DC77Weak Poison of Sickness - 000984AFWeak Poison of Silence - 0009849DWeak Poison of Slowing - 0008DC68Weak Poison of the Fool - 0008DC65Weak Poison of Weakness - 0008DC6BWeak Poison of Weariness - 000984ADWeak Potion of Absorption - 0009849FWeak Potion of Agility - 000092E8Weak Potion of Alacrity - 00009318Weak Potion of Antivenom - 0009848FWeak Potion of Chameleon - 00088B1DWeak Potion of Charisma - 00009316Weak Potion of Dedication - 00056E52Weak Potion of Detect Life - 0000922FWeak Potion of Disbelief - 0009848DWeak Potion of Dispel - 000984A7Weak Potion of Endurance - 000092EAWeak Potion of Fatigue - 000092ECWeak Potion of Feather - 0009846DWeak Potion of Fire Shield - 0009846F

Page 5: Oblivion Scripts

Weak Potion of Fortitude - 0000930CWeak Potion of Fortune - 00009314Weak Potion of Frost Shield - 0009847BWeak Potion of Grace - 0000930AWeak Potion of Grounding - 00098491Weak Potion of Healing - 00009310Weak Potion of Health - 000092EEWeak Potion of Insight - 00009312Weak Potion of Insulation - 0009848AWeak Potion of Intelligence - 000092F0Weak Potion of Invisibility - 0009847DWeak Potion of Light - 0009847FWeak Potion of Luck - 000092F2Weak Potion of Magicka - 000092F8Weak Potion of Might - 0000931CWeak Potion of Nighteye - 00098481Weak Potion of Personality - 000092F4Weak Potion of Reflection - 00098485Weak Potion of Resistance - 00098487Weak Potion of Respite - 0000930EWeak Potion of Seastride - 00009326Weak Potion of Shock Shield - 00009AE0Weak Potion of Sorcery - 0000931AWeak Potion of Speed - 000092F6Weak Potion of Strength - 000092FAWeak Potion of the Sea - 00009324Weak Potion of Warmth - 0009848BWeak Potion of Willpower - 00056E51

------------------------------------------------------------3) ALCHEMY EQUIPTMENT

Apprentice Alembic - 0006E310Apprentice Calcinator - 0006E311Apprentice Mortar & Pestle - 0006E312Apprentice Retort - 0006E313Expert Alembic - 0006EE5CExpert Calcinator - 0006EE5EExpert Mortar & Pestle - 0006EE60Expert Retort - 0006EE62Journeyman Alembic - 0006EE52Journeyman Calcinator - 0006EE55Journeyman Mortar & Pestle - 0006EE57Journeyman Retort - 0006EE59Master Alembic - 0006EE64Master Calcinator - 0006EE66Master Mortar & Pestle - 0006EE68Master Retort - 0006EE6ANovice Alembic - 00010604Novice Calcinator - 0001057DNovice Mortar & Pestle - 000C7968Novice Mortar & Pestle - 000105E3Novice Retort - 00000C4F

------------------------------------------------------------4) ARMOR

Page 6: Oblivion Scripts

Aegis of Reflection - 00053D77Aegis of the Apocalypse - 000CA117Agronak's Raiment - 0003B1DCAmbassador's Cuirass - 0004965FAncient Blades Helmet - 000C8540Ancient Blades Shield - 000C8541Ancient Elven Helm - 000150BAAnnealed Cuirass - 0004939BAnvil Cuirass - 0002766DAnvil Shield - 000352C3Apron of Adroitness - 000C5B4FArcher's Gauntlets - 00049170Arena Light Raiment - 00029920Armor Crafter's Gauntlets - 0004F3F7Armor of Tiber Septim - 0001FECFAyleid Crown of Lindai - 000BE5DAAyleid Crown of Nenalata - 000BE5D8Bands of Kwang Lao - 000C47B1Bands of the Chosen - 0003C803Barkeep's Gauntlets - 0004950BBattle Medic's Cuirass - 00049362Battlehunter Gauntlets - 00049685Battlehunter Helmet - 00049686Beveled Gauntlets - 00049397Birthright of Astalon - 000CA110Black Marsh Helmet - 0004951ABlackwood Boots - 00038514Blackwood Cuirass - 00038510Blackwood Gauntlets - 00038511Blackwood Greaves - 00038512Blackwood Helmet - 00038513Blackwood Shield - 0003647DBladefall Cuirass - 00049389Blades Boots - 00022F20Blades Cuirass - 00022F65Blades Gauntlets - 00022F6FBlades Greaves - 00023329Blades Helmet - 000738D6Blades Shield - 000738D7Bloodworm Helm - 0007BE43Blower's Cuirass - 000A577FBonfire Greaves - 0004F401Boots of Bloody Bounding - 000348ACBoots of Grounding - 0004917ABoots of Insulation - 00049160Boots of Legerity - 0004916ABoots of Plain Striding - 0004F3F2Boots of Running - 00049509Boots of Shock Resistance - 00049370Boots of Silence - 00049173Boots of Soft Walking - 000A5785Boots of the Atronach - 00047892Boots of the Calming Sea - 00049392Boots of the Cheetah - 0004899EBoots of the Cutpurse - 0004914EBoots of the Eel - 000489AFBoots of the Forest Stalker - 000A5784

Page 7: Oblivion Scripts

Boots of the Harbinger - 00049652Boots of the Jument - 00049667Boots of the Olympian - 0004788DBoots of the Savannah - 0004F3F8Boots of the Shark - 000489B3Boots of the Silt~runner - 00049377Boots of the Storm - 0002C23FBoots of the Swift Merchant - 000CA111Boots of the Taskmaster - 0002C21EBoots of the Thrall - 0002C215Boots of the Tiger - 000489A6Boots of the Unburdened - 0004951DBorosilicate Boots - 000493A6Bound Boots - 0002626ABound Cuirass - 0002626BBound Gauntlets - 0002626CBound Greaves - 00026270Bound Helmet - 00026272Bound Mythic Dawn Armor - 00033525Bound Shield - 00026263Bravil Cuirass - 00027673Bravil Shield - 000352C5Broadhead Gauntlets - 000A577ABroken Shield - 0006E2E1Bruma Cuirass - 00027677Bruma Shield - 000352C7Brusef Amelion's Boots - 0012DD1BBrusef Amelion's Cuirass - 000091FABrusef Amelion's Gauntlets - 0012DD1ABrusef Amelion's Greaves - 0012DD18Brusef Amelion's Helmet - 0012DD19Brusef Amelion's Shield - 0012DD1CBurning Shield - 00049688Canopy Helmet - 00049388Cave Diver's Helmet - 00049684Cave Scout Helmet - 00049676Cavern Guide Gauntlets - 00049674Chainmail Boots - 0001C6D4Chainmail Cuirass - 0001C6D3Chainmail Gauntlets - 0001C6D6Chainmail Greaves - 0001C6D5Chainmail Helmet - 000977BCChainmail Helmet - 0001C6D7Chameleon Cuirass - 00049165Cheydinhal Cuirass - 00027678Cheydinhal Shield - 000352C9Chorrol Cuirass - 00027679Chorrol Shield - 000352CBClannfear Hide Shield - 0004F3F9Clear Sight Gauntlets - 000A577CCopperhead Cuirass - 0004915FCrystal Greaves - 0004939ACrystalline Cuirass - 00049393Cuirass of Anu's Blessing - 00049380Cuirass of Battle - 00049672Cuirass of Cleansing - 000493A5Cuirass of Fortitude - 0002C218

Page 8: Oblivion Scripts

Cuirass of Health - 0004916CCuirass of Lifeblood - 0004966CCuirass of Natural Assi~milation - 0004938BCuirass of Pain Resistance - 0004969BCuirass of Poison Blood - 0004969DCuirass of Protection - 00049179Cuirass of Resilience - 00049520Cuirass of Resistance - 00049515Cuirass of Skill - 0004950CCuirass of Tenacity - 0004968ACuirass of the Assassin - 00049147Cuirass of the Bear - 0004899FCuirass of the Blood Legion - 0002C223Cuirass of the Cameleon - 00048997Cuirass of the Cave Viper - 0004967CCuirass of the Cobra - 000489AECuirass of the Diplomat - 00049660Cuirass of the Elephant - 000489ADCuirass of the Farlands Trader - 000A577ECuirass of the Fox - 000489A4Cuirass of the Herald - 00049521Cuirass of the Jugger~naut - 00049692Cuirass of the Pit Viper - 0002C23BCuirass of the Ranger - 00049378Cuirass of the Spy - 00049359Cuirass of the Thief~catcher - 0004914FCuirass of the Undefeated - 0002C21BCuirass of Vitality - 0004966ACured Shield - 0004914CDaedric Boots - 00036359Daedric Cuirass - 0003635BDaedric Gauntlets - 0000C582Daedric Greaves - 0003635ADaedric Helmet - 000733F4Daedric Shield - 000733F0Darksplitter Helmet - 00049696Deathmarch Greaves - 0002C21ADeepdweller's Shield - 00049668Deer Skin Gauntlets - 00048999Deer Skin Helmet - 0004899BDefender's Shield - 00049670Dondoran's Juggernaut - 000CA10FDremora Caitiff Boots - 0003E9BADremora Caitiff Cuirass - 0003E9BEDremora Caitiff Greaves - 0003E9BFDremora Caitiff Helmet - 0008B882Dremora Caitiff Robe - 00066A34Dremora Caitiff Shield - 0003E9C0Dremora Churl Boots - 0003E9B9Dremora Churl Cuirass - 0003E9BDDremora Churl Greaves - 0003E9BCDremora Churl Robe - 00066A33Dremora Kynmarcher Boots - 0003E9B3Dremora Kynmarcher Cuirass - 0003E9B4Dremora Kynmarcher Greaves - 0003E9B5Dremora Kynmarcher Helmet - 0008B88CDremora Kynmarcher Robe - 00066A38

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Dremora Kynreeve Boots - 0003E9AFDremora Kynreeve Cuirass - 0003E9B0Dremora Kynreeve Greaves - 0003E9B1Dremora Kynreeve Helmet - 0008B88ADremora Kynreeve Robe - 00066A36Dremora Kynreeve Shield - 0000C57EDremora Kynval Boots - 0003E9BBDremora Kynval Cuirass - 0003E9C1Dremora Kynval Greaves - 0003E9AEDremora Kynval Helmet - 0008B888Dremora Kynval Robe - 00066A35Dremora Markynaz Boots - 0003E9B6Dremora Markynaz Cuirass - 0000C580Dremora Markynaz Greaves - 0003E9B8Dremora Markynaz Robe - 00066A39Dremora Valkynaz Robe - 00066A3ADwarven Boots - 00036347Dwarven Ceremonial Shield - 000C5610Dwarven Cuirass - 00036349Dwarven Gauntlets - 00036346Dwarven Greaves - 00036348Dwarven Helmet - 000733F1Dwarven Shield - 000733EEDwarvenskin Shield - 0002C220Eagle Feather Shield - 000489AAEbony Boots - 00036353Ebony Ceremonial Gauntlets - 000C5615Ebony Ceremonial Shield - 000C561EEbony Cuirass - 0002AD85Ebony Gauntlets - 00036352Ebony Greaves - 00036354Ebony Helmet - 000733F3Ebony Shield - 000733EFElven Boots - 00014F13Elven Ceremonial Cuirass - 000C55FEElven Ceremonial Helmet - 000CAB65Elven Ceremonial Shield - 000C7984Elven Cuirass - 0002299CElven Gauntlets - 0002299EElven Gauntlets - 00014F10Elven Greaves - 0002299DElven Helmet - 00014F12Elven Shield - 000229A0Emperor's Boots - 0001FECEEmperor's Cuirass - 0003ABB9Emperor's Gauntlets - 0001FED0Emperor's Greaves - 0001FED1Emperor's Helmet - 0001FED2Emperor's Robe - 0000C4D5Enchanterbane Helmet - 00049514Escutcheon of Chorrol - 0006BDFEExtinguishing Shield - 0004951EEyes of Akatosh - 0004951BFence Cuirass - 00049154Ferocious Cuirass - 0004968CFin Gleam - 00082DD8Fire Greaves - 00049512

Page 10: Oblivion Scripts

Fire Ritual Greaves - 00049699Firewalker Greaves - 00049176Fists of the Drunkard - 000CA11AFlamewalker Greaves - 0002C229Fleetfoot Boots - 00049360Flowing Greaves - 0004939CFootpad's Boots - 00049156Forgemaster's Gauntlets - 00049523Fortress Shield - 00049653Frost Shield - 00049656Frozen Shield - 00049693Fur Boots - 00024767Fur Cuirass - 00024766Fur Gauntlets - 00024765Fur Greaves - 00024764Fur Helmet - 00024768Fur Shield - 000977BEGauntlets of Blinding Speed - 00047891Gauntlets of Brutality - 00049691Gauntlets of Brutality - 0002C217Gauntlets of Force - 0004F3F3Gauntlets of Gluttony - 000CA11CGauntlets of Infiltration - 00049155Gauntlets of Life Detection - 00049167Gauntlets of Life Seeing - 0004935CGauntlets of Life Sight - 0004937CGauntlets of Lockbreaking - 000A5780Gauntlets of Might - 00049669Gauntlets of Passing - 000A5781Gauntlets of Potence - 0004951FGauntlets of Punishment - 0002C221Gauntlets of Revelation - 00049507Gauntlets of Survival - 0004969AGauntlets of the Battle~mage - 00047894Gauntlets of the Equinox - 0004936CGauntlets of the Forge - 00049524Gauntlets of the Fray - 00049671Gauntlets of the Gladiator - 00049654Gauntlets of the Horker - 000489ABGauntlets of the Hunter - 0004F3F0Gauntlets of the North - 0004965DGauntlets of the Pugilist - 0004789BGauntlets of the Rat - 000489A5Gauntlets of the Scout - 0004914AGauntlets of the Sentinel - 00049665Gauntlets of the Tundra - 0004915CGauntlets of the Weaponmaster - 0004788CGauntlets of the Woodsman - 000489A3Gauntlets of Vigor - 00049500Gauntlets of Winter - 0004F402General's Cuirass - 00049655General's Shield - 00049369Glass Boots - 00036341Glass Ceremonial Cuirass - 000C560BGlass Ceremonial Gauntlets - 000C560DGlass Ceremonial Shield - 000C560EGlass Cuirass - 00036343

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Glass Gauntlets - 00036340Glass Greaves - 00036342Glass Helmet - 000733E6Glass Shield - 00036344Gloves of the Caster - 00047893Greaves of Canyon Striding - 00049364Greaves of Fire Resistance - 0004936BGreaves of Fluid Motion - 000493A4Greaves of Free Movement - 0004936FGreaves of Freedom - 0004F404Greaves of Grace - 0004937DGreaves of Legerity - 00049169Greaves of Movement - 0004938AGreaves of Poise - 00049398Greaves of Proficiency - 00049365Greaves of Protection - 00049382Greaves of Purity - 000493ABGreaves of Quickness - 0004914DGreaves of Resilient Flesh - 000478A3Greaves of Shaded Rest - 00049387Greaves of Skill - 00049152Greaves of Spell Absorption - 0004917EGreaves of Spell Consumption - 00049376Greaves of the Acrobat - 0004916EGreaves of the Cat - 0004899DGreaves of the Deep Dweller - 00049679Greaves of the Everlasting - 0004937FGreaves of the Flame - 0004965CGreaves of the Foot~soldier - 0004916FGreaves of the Kiln - 000493A1Greaves of the Laborer - 0004966BGreaves of the Monkey - 000489A1Greaves of the Rhino - 000489A2Greaves of the Sun - 000478A1Greaves of the Tree Runner - 00049381Greaves of the Tumbler - 00049151Greaves of the Unstoppable - 0004969CGreaves of the Warmonger - 0004968BGreaves of Well-Being - 0004788FGrounded Boots - 000478A2Guard Helmet - 0002767CHammerfell Shield - 0004950AHand of Akatosh - 00049657Hands of Midnight - 00082DDFHands of the Atronach - 000CA118Hardened Shield - 000493A9Heavy Raiment of Valor - 000355FAHelm of Ferocity - 000CA11BHelm of Oreyn Bearclaw - 000A5659Helm of the Deep Delver - 000CA119Helmet of Arkay - 00049506Helmet of Enlightenment - 00049363Helmet of Exposition - 00049396Helmet of Life Detection - 00049168Helmet of Life Seeing - 0004935DHelmet of Life Sight - 0004937BHelmet of Magicka Resistance - 0004936D

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Helmet of Night Eye - 00049175Helmet of Power - 00049522Helmet of Spell Resistence - 0004F403Helmet of the Apprentice - 0004915DHelmet of the Deep - 00049664Helmet of the Drowned - 000496A5Helmet of the Flood - 0002C24EHelmet of the Hunter - 0004F3F1Helmet of the Lemur - 000489ACHelmet of the Mage - 0004789EHelmet of the Mind - 00047890Helmet of the Owl - 000489A0Helmet of the Scout - 0004914BHelmet of the Sentinel - 00049666High Rock Helmet - 00049503Horselord's Cuirass - 0004F3FBHuntsman Gauntlets - 000A577BIce Cuirass - 000478A0Imperial Dragon Boots - 000ADDA3Imperial Dragon Cuirass - 000ADD50Imperial Dragon Cuirass - 000ADDAAImperial Dragon Gauntlets - 000ADE26Imperial Dragon Greaves - 000ADE27Imperial Dragon Helmet - 000ADE2AImperial Horseman Helmet - 0009416AImperial Palace Cuirass - 00064F75Imperial Watch Boots - 0018AE4BImperial Watch Cuirass - 0018AE4CImperial Watch Gauntlets - 0018AE4DImperial Watch Greaves - 0018AE4EImperial Watch Helmet - 0018AE4FImperial Watch Shield - 000653F7Infiltrator's Gauntlets - 00049172Inquisitor's Gauntlets - 0002C214Inquisitor's Helmet - 0002C212Insulated Shield - 000493AAIron Boots - 0001C6CFIron Cuirass - 0001C6D1Iron Gauntlets - 0001C6D2Iron Greaves - 0001C6D0Iron Helmet - 000733EBIron Mountain Shield - 00049681Iron Shield - 000733EDIronheart Cuirass - 00049502Knights of the Thorn Shield - 0012DD1DKvatch Cuirass - 0002767AKvatch Shield - 000352CDLeather Boots - 0002319BLeather Bracer - 000229A9Leather Cuirass - 0002319ALeather Gauntlets - 00023199Leather Greaves - 00023198Leather Helmet - 0002319CLeather Shield - 00025058Legion Boots - 00028ADELegion Cuirass - 00028ADFLegion Gauntlets - 00028AE0

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Legion Greaves - 00028AE1Legion Helmet - 00028AE2Legion Shield - 000352D3Leyawiin Cuirass - 0002767BLeyawiin Shield - 000352CFLight Iron Shield - 00032D49Light Iron Shield - 000733E0Light Raiment of Valor - 0003563ELightfoot Boots - 00049508Lightning Run Boots - 00049399Lightning Strider Boots - 0004F405Lightning Strider Shield - 0002ADCFLion's Paw Gauntlets - 0004F3FAMage Fighter's Greaves - 00049683Magebane Greaves - 0002C247Magehunter's Helmet - 00049178Magekiller Greaves - 000496A4Mage's Helmet - 0004916DMageslayer's Helmet - 0002C235Magnifying Gauntlets - 000A5782Marathon Greaves - 0004916BMasque of Clavicus Vile - 000228EEMaster Forge Gauntlets - 0004966EMerchant's Cuirass - 00049171Mercury Shield - 00049678Miner's Boots - 0004966FMirror Shield - 0004789FMithril Boots - 0002C0FCMithril Cuirass - 0002C0FEMithril Gauntlets - 0002C100Mithril Greaves - 0002C102Mithril Helmet - 000733E4Mithril Shield - 000977C0Monkeypants - 000CA112Monolithic Shield - 0002C244Moonlight Gauntlets - 0004F3FEMoonlight Shield - 0004F3FDMoonshadow Gauntlets - 0002C224Moonshadow Shield - 0002C226Mountaineer's Gauntlets - 0004967AMountaineer's Shield - 00049673Mudcrab Shield - 000489B2Nighteye Helmet - 00049368Nimble Greaves - 0004935FNord Gauntlets - 00049177Nordslayer Gauntlets - 0002C233Ogre Skin Shield - 0002ADCEOrcish Boots - 0003634DOrcish Cuirass - 0003634FOrcish Gauntlets - 0003634COrcish Greaves - 0003634EOrcish Helmet - 000733F2Orcish Shield - 00036350Outrider Shield - 00049163Peak Climber's Boots - 0004968FPinarus' Iron Cuirass - 000CBD4FPit Boots - 00008A78

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Pit Cuirass - 00008A76Pit Gauntlets - 00008A79Pit Greaves - 00008A77Pit Helmet - 00008A7AQuartz Cuirass - 000493A3Quicksilver Boots - 000CA113Rasheda's Special - 000CA114Reflecting Helmet - 000493A2Retributive Justice - 00049511Riverwalking Boots - 00049164Rough Leather Boots - 0015985BRough Leather Cuirass - 0015985CRough Leather Gauntlets - 0015985DRough Leather Helmet - 0015985FRough Leather Shield - 00047AC8Royal Cuirass - 00049516Rugged Cuirass - 00049501Ruined Akaviri Shield - 0001C161Rusty Iron Cuirass - 000661C1Rusty Iron Gauntlets - 000661C2Rusty Iron Greaves - 000661C3Rusty Iron Helmet - 000661C4Rusty Iron Shield - 000661C5Salamander Scale Shield - 0004899CSalubrious Cuirass - 0004F3F6Savage Gauntlets - 00049689Saviour's Hide - 00027107Seastrider's Helmet - 0002ADD1Shaman Helmet - 0004968DShield of Animus - 0002C228Shield of Elsweyr - 0004950EShield of Frost - 00049157Shield of Grounding - 00053D79Shield of Justice - 00053D76Shield of Lightning - 000496A3Shield of Mirrors - 000493A0Shield of Nature's Vengence - 00049385Shield of Reflection - 0004F400Shield of Retribution - 00049677Shield of Retributive Strike - 0004F3FFShield of Returning - 0004936AShield of Shattering - 0004939FShield of Storms - 00049375Shield of Summer - 00049366Shield of the Divine - 0004965AShield of the Elements - 0004789DShield of the Empire - 00049510Shield of the Flame - 00053D74Shield of the North - 00053D75Shield of the Pathfinder - 00049675Shield of the Red Moun~tain - 0004935EShield of the Sun - 00049658Shield of the Tower - 00049519Shield of the Turtle - 00053D78Shield of the Unbroken - 000496A2Shield of the Undefeated - 00049663Shield of the Unrelenting - 00049690

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Shield of the Untamed - 00049698Shield of Vengence - 0002C227Shield of Vindication - 0004915AShield of Winter Solstice - 00049383Shrouded Armor - 000347F7Shrouded Hood - 000347F4Silica Boots - 000493ACSkingrad Cuirass - 0001DC4BSkingrad Shield - 000352D1Skyrim Gauntlets - 00049513Slavemaster's Greaves - 0002C239Smelter Shield - 000494FFSmuggler's Boots - 000A5783Sniper Gauntlets - 00049153Snowblind Gauntlets - 00049694Snowblind Shield - 00049695Solid Shield - 00049374Spell Breaker - 000897C2Spellbinder Greaves - 0002ADD0Spellblocker Shield - 0004915BSpelltaker's Greaves - 00049391Spiked Shield - 00049697Stalwart Cuirass - 0004F3F4Steel Boots - 000229A5Steel Cuirass - 000229A2Steel Gauntlets - 0001C6D8Steel Greaves - 000229A3Steel Helmet - 000229A4Steel Shield - 00023923Storm Stomper Boots - 0004969EStormhammer Boots - 0004967DStormhammer Shield - 00049682Stormlord's Shield - 0002C245Stormrider Boots - 0004938CStormrider Shield - 00049390Sunburst Gauntlets - 0004950DSwamp Boots - 00049687Sylvan Barkshield - 0004938FSylvan Scout Boots - 0004937ETempered Greaves - 0004939DThe Gray Aegis - 0002996AThiefhunter's Gauntlets - 0004951CThreefold Shield - 00049386Tiger Fang Shield - 000489A9Tireless Greaves - 00049361Tower of the Nine - 000CA116Umbra's Ebony Boots - 0000A307Umbra's Ebony Cuirass - 0000A308Umbra's Ebony Gauntlets - 0000A309Umbra's Ebony Greaves - 0000A30AUmbra's Ebony Helmet - 0000A311Umbra's Ebony Shield - 0000A312Unyielding Cuirass - 0004936EValdemar's Shield - 00187BBCViperbane Cuirass - 00036355Vvardenfell Trader's Cuirass - 000A577DWarforger's Gauntlets - 0002C21D

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Warmage's Helmet - 0004966DWarmaster Gauntlets - 0004968EWaterwalking Boots - 0004917FWeaponbane Cuirass - 0004967BWeaponward Cuirass - 0004915EWinterbane Shield - 0004F3FCWitchfinder's Shield - 0004965BWitchhunter Helmet - 0004965EWizard's Helmet - 00049150

------------------------------------------------------------5) ARROWS

Arrow of Blizzards - 0004BF0BArrow of Brilliance - 00008A4DArrow of Burning - 0004BEFBArrow of Cleansing - 000CD53FArrow of Cold - 0004BF02Arrow of Cowardice - 0003DFDBArrow of Discord - 0003BF67Arrow of Dispel - 0004BF11Arrow of Drain Magicka - 0004BF00Arrow of Embers - 0004BF10Arrow of Extrication - 00022DB5Arrow of Fatigue - 0003DFD6Arrow of Fear - 0003DFD8Arrow of Fire - 0004BF07Arrow of Flames - 0004BF04Arrow of Freezing - 0004BF05Arrow of Frost - 0004BEF9Arrow of Harm - 0003DFD7Arrow of Hexing - 00159676Arrow of Illumination - 00008A4CArrow of Immolation - 000CD542Arrow of Jinxing - 0004BEFFArrow of Jolts - 0004BEFDArrow of Light - 00008A4FArrow of Lightning - 0004BF0CArrow of Misery - 0003DFD9Arrow of Numbing - 0004BEFCArrow of Qualms - 0003DFDAArrow of Savage Frost - 000CD540Arrow of Scorching - 0004BF01Arrow of Shocking - 0004BF03Arrow of Silence - 0003DFDCArrow of Sparks - 0004BEFAArrow of Stillness - 0003DFDDArrow of Storm Strike - 000CD543Arrow of Storms - 0004BF0FArrow of Sunlight - 0000BAD9Arrow of the Blaze - 0004BF0AArrow of the Dynamo - 0004BF09Arrow of the Glacier - 0004BF08Arrow of the Inferno - 0004BF0DArrow of the North Winds - 000CD545Arrow of Voltage - 0004BF06Arrow of Winter - 0004BF0E

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Arrow of Withering - 0003CB6CDaedric Arrow - 0001EFD3Dremora Barbed Arrow - 000872A7Dremora Broadhead Arrow - 000872A6Dremora Field Arrow - 000872A5Dwarven Arrow - 00022BE2Ebony Arrow - 0001EFD5Elven Arrow - 000229C0Flare Arrow - 00008A4EGlass Arrow - 00022BE1Hatreds Soul Arrow - 00014EB3Iron Arrow - 00017829Magebane Arrow - 000CD544Rose of Sithis - 0003266DSilver Arrow - 0001EFD4Steel Arrow - 000229C1Stormcall Arrow - 000CD541

------------------------------------------------------------6) BOOKS AND SCROLLS

2920, Evening Star (v12) - 000243DB2920, First Seed (v3) - 000243D72920, Frostfall (v10) - 000243F52920, Hearth Fire (v9) - 000243F42920, Last Seed (v8) - 000245472920, MidYear (v6) - 000244022920, Morning Star (v1) - 000243E42920, Rain's Hand (v4) - 0002453F2920, Second Seed (v5) - 0002454D2920, Sun's Dawn (v2) - 000245382920, Sun's Dusk (v11) - 000243D32920, Sun's Height (v7) - 00024534A Bloody Journal - 0002FF32A Children's Anuad - 00024576A Dance in Fire, v 7 - 00024536A Dance in Fire, v1 - 000243CBA Dance in Fire, v2 - 000243EAA Dance in Fire, v3 - 000243DFA Dance in Fire, v4 - 000243CCA Dance in Fire, v5 - 00024411A Dance in Fire, v6 - 00024535A Game at Dinner - 000243CFA Hypothetical Treachery - 000243F9A Less Rude Song - 00024569A Life of Uriel Septim VII - 000AA07DA New Guild for Fighters? - 00098682A Poorly Scrawled Note - 000C45B3Absorb Agility - 000849F7Absorb Endurance - 000849D2Absorb Fatigue - 000849D8Absorb Health - 000849D9Absorb Intelligence - 000849D3Absorb Luck - 000849D4Absorb Magicka - 0000A94EAbsorb Major Magicka - 0000A94FAbsorb Maximal Magicka - 0000A950

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Absorb Minimal Magicka - 000849DDAbsorb Minor Magicka - 0000A94DAbsorb Skill: Acrobatics - 000849DEAbsorb Skill: Alchemy - 000849DFAbsorb Skill: Alteration - 000849E0Absorb Skill: Armorer - 000849E1Absorb Skill: Athletics - 000849E2Absorb Skill: Blade - 000849E3Absorb Skill: Block - 000849E4Absorb Skill: Blunt - 000849E5Absorb Skill: Conjuration - 000849E6Absorb Skill: Destruction - 000849E7Absorb Skill: Hand to Hand - 000849E8Absorb Skill: Heavy Armor - 000849E9Absorb Skill: Illusion - 000849EAAbsorb Skill: Light Armor - 000849EDAbsorb Skill: Marksman - 000849ECAbsorb Skill: Mercantile - 000849EBAbsorb Skill: Mysticism - 000849EEAbsorb Skill: Restoration - 000849EFAbsorb Skill: Security - 000849F0Absorb Skill: Sneak - 000849F1Absorb Skill: Speechcraft - 000849F2Absorb Speed - 000849D5Absorb Strength - 000849D6Absorb Willpower - 000849D7Adamus Phillida Slain! - 0006D6EDAdvances in Lock Picking - 00073A65Aegis - 0008991FAevar Stone-Singer - 00024543Agnar's Journal - 000C55DFAhzirr Traajijazeri - 000243FEAkaviri Diary Translation - 0001C162Alluring Gaze - 00084AEFAlval Uvani's Schedule - 00066200Amantius Allectus' Diary - 000355EDAncotar's Journal - 00185934Andre's Letter - 000C56D9Annal of the Fire Nexus - 000CA11FAnvil Tarts Thwarted! - 00066CD5Aquatic Adaptation - 0008ADA8Aquatic Evolution - 0008ADAAAquatic Transcendence - 0008ADABArcana Restored - 00024584Arctic Blow - 000888EEAssassination! - 000274EEAyleid Reference Text - 0003353BAzura and the Box - 0002453BBattle of Sancre Tor - 00073A61Beast of Burden - 000888B9Before the Ages of Man - 00073A63Beggar - 000243E1Beggar Prince - 0001FB53Beguile - 000150B9Beguiling Touch - 00084AF1Bible of the Deep Ones - 000C7B33Biography of Barenziah, v 1 - 00024550

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Biography of Barenziah, v 2 - 00024551Biography of Barenziah, v 3 - 00024552Biography of Barenziah, v 3 - 00024553Biography of the Wolf Queen - 0002454BBlazing Spear - 000888C0Blizzard - 000888E5Bound Axe - 000849F3Bound Boots - 000849F4Bound Bow - 000849F5Bound Cuirass - 000849F6Bound Dagger - 000849F8Bound Gauntlets - 000849F9Bound Greaves - 000849FABound Helmet - 000849FBBound Mace - 000849FCBound Shield - 000849FDBound Sword - 000849FEBrenus Astis' Journal - 0002A577Brief History of the Empire, v 1 - 00024554Brief History of the Empire, v 2 - 00024555Brief History of the Empire, v 3 - 00024556Brief History of the Empire, v 4 - 00024557Burdening Touch - 00084AE2Burning Touch - 000888C3Calcinator Treatise - 00073A5FCalming Touch - 00084AEACandlelight - 000898EEChameleon - 00084AEBCherim's Heart of Anequina - 000243DCCheydinhal Heir Saved! - 00066CD3Children of the Sky - 00024587Chimarvamidium - 00024403Chronicle of Sacrifice - 000CA11DCleansing of the Fane - 0002C8DDCloak - 00084AEDCold Touch - 000888EBCommand Creature - 00084AF3Command Humanoid - 00084AF5Commanding Touch - 00084AF7Consume Health - 000849DBConvalescence - 000C7666Corrode Armor - 00088891Corrode Weapon - 00088893Crumpled Note - 00074A8ACrumpled Piece of Paper - 000624D1crumpled piece of paper - 000624D2Crumpled Piece of Paper - 000AA07ECrumpled Piece of Paper - 000AA07FCrumpled Piece of Paper - 000AA080Crumpled Piece of Paper - 000AA081Crumpled Piece of Paper - 000AA082Crumpled Piece of Paper - 000AA083Crumpled Piece of Paper - 0008DC4ACrumpled Piece of Paper - 0008DC4CCure Disease - 00087293Cure Paralysis - 00087294Cure Poison - 00087295

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Damage Agility - 00087296Damage Fatigue - 0008729DDamage Intelligence - 00087298Damage Luck - 00087299Damage Speed - 0008729ADamage Strength - 0008729BDamage Willpower - 0008729CDarkest Darkness - 00024564Dar-Ma's Diary - 000280A9Daughter of the Niben - 000243D4Daylight - 000898F0De Rerum Dirennis - 000243D2Dead Drop Orders #1 - 0002FB3EDead Drop Orders #2 - 00031B2ADead Drop Orders #3 - 0002FB3BDead Drop Orders #4 - 00030146Dead Drop Orders #5 - 00030194Dead Drop Orders #6 - 00030195Dead Drop Orders #7 - 000301ADDead Drop Orders #8 - 0000396BDeath Blow of Abernanit - 000243E8Debilitate - 000898FBDeed to Benirus Manor - 0000A1BCDefend - 0008991CDevour Health - 000849DCDiary of Springheel Jak - 000152FCDire Enervation - 000888A4Dire Sever Magicka - 00088885Dire Wound - 000888A7Dirty Scroll - 0006BFACDisintegrate Armor - 00088892Disintegrate Weapon - 00088894Dismiss Undead - 0008ADA6Dispel - 00088895Dispel Other - 00088899Divining the Elder Scolls - 0000A254Document of Purile Banter - 000CA11EDominate Creature - 00084AF4Dominate Humanoid - 00084AF6Dominating Touch - 00084AF8Draconis Gift List - 00002DABDrain Skill: Alteration - 000888ADDrain Skill: Blade - 000888AEDrain Skill: Block - 0008DC82Drain Skill: Blunt - 0008DC81Drain Skill: Conjuration - 000888AFDrain Skill: Destruction - 000888B0Drain Skill: Hand to Hand - 000888B1Drain Skill: Heavy Armor - 000888B2Drain Skill: Heavy Armor - 0008DC83Drain Skill: Illusion - 000888B3Drain Skill: Marksman - 000888B4Drain Skill: Mysticism - 0008DC84Drain Skill: Restoration - 000888B5Drain Skill: Sneak - 0008DC85Dwemer History and Culture - 00022B17Earana's Notes - 000277AE

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Ease Burden - 000888B6Elder Scroll - 00022DB0Electric Shell - 0008992CElectric Shield - 0008992DElectric Touch - 00089929Electrocution - 00089927Elevate Magicka - 00008874Encumbering Touch - 00084AE4Enthralling Presence - 00084AEEEntropic Bolt - 0008729EEntropic Touch - 00088881Eyes of Eventide - 000898F5Eyes of Midnight - 000898F6Fall of the Snow Prince - 00024544Father Of The Niben - 00024530Fearful Gaze - 00088888Feyfolken I - 000243E7Feyfolken II - 000243EDFeyfolken III - 000243F1Fighters Guild History, 1st Ed. - 000A915CFingers of the Mountain - 00001101Fire and Darkness - 000243E5Fire Ball - 000888BAFire Shield - 000888C9Fire Storm - 000888BBFive Songs of King Wulfharth - 00024588Flame Shield - 000888C8Flame Tempest - 000888BCFlame Touch - 000888C4Flare - 000888BEFlash Bolt - 000888BFFolded Page - 000624D3Followers of the Gray Fox - 00024595Forged List of Candidates - 0000C229Fortify Health - 000888DBFortify Magicka - 000888DDFragment: On Artaeum - 00024589Fragment: Song of Hrormir - 0000A256Frenzy - 000888DFFrontier, Conquest - 00024566Frost Bolt - 000888E8Frost Shell - 000888EFFrost Touch - 000888ECFundaments of Alchemy - 00024567Galerion The Mystic - 00024568Gelebourne's Journal - 00038447Ghost Walk - 000898EAGills - 0008ADA9Glacial Wall - 000888F1Glarthir's Notes - 000831B0Glarthir's Notes - 000831B1Glarthir's Notes - 000831B2Glarthir's Notes - 000831B3Glarthir's Notes - 000831B4Glarthir's Notes - 000831B5Glarthir's Notes - 000831B6Glarthir's Notes - 000831B7

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Glarthir's Notes - 000831B8Glarthir's Notes - 000831B9Glories and Laments - 0000A2B3Gods and Worship - 0002456FGrantham Blakeley's Map - 000366B3Grasp of Terror - 0008888BGray Fox Unmasked! - 0006D6EFGray Fox, Man or Myth? - 0006D6EEGreater Convalescence - 000C7667Greater Detect Life - 0008888FGreater Dispel - 00088896Greater Dispel Other - 0008889AGreater Fortify Fatigue - 000888DAGreater Fortify Health - 000888DCGreater Fortify Magicka - 000888DEGreater Restore Agility - 00089906Greater Restore Endurance - 00089908Greater Restore Intelligence - 0008990AGreater Restore Luck - 0008990CGreater Restore Personality - 0008990EGreater Restore Speed - 00089910Greater Restore Strength - 00089912Greater Restore Willpower - 00089914Greater Soul Trap - 0008AD94Greater Spell Reflection - 00089902Greatest Painter Safe! - 00066CD4Guard - 0008991DGuide to Anvil - 0002455BGuide to Bravil - 0002455FGuide to Bruma - 0002455EGuide to Cheydinhal - 00024561Guide to Chorrol - 0002455DGuide to Leyawiin - 00024560Guide to Skingrad - 0002455CGuide to the Imperial City - 00024562Hail Storm - 000888E3Hailstone - 000888E7Hallgerd's Tale - 00024401Handbill - 0006B5C8Handbill - 0006B5C9Handbill - 0006B5CAHandbill - 0006B5CBHandbill - 0006B5CCHandbill - 0006B5CDHandbill - 0006B5CEHandbill - 0006B5CFHandbill - 0006B5D0Handbill - 0006B5D1Handbill - 0006B5D2Handbill - 0006B5D3Handbill - 0006B5D4Handbill - 0006B5D5Handbill - 0006B5D6Handbill - 0006B5D7Handbill - 0006B5D8Handbill - 0006B5D9Handbill - 00071765

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Handbill - 00071766Handbill - 00071767Handbill - 00071768Handbill - 00071769Handbill - 0007176AHandbill - 0007176BHandbill - 0007176CHandbill - 0007176DHandbill - 0007176EHandbill - 0007176FHandbill - 00071770Handbill - 00071771Handbill - 00071772Handbill - 00071773Handbill - 00071774Handbill - 00071775Handbill - 00071776Handbill - 00071777Handbill - 00071778Handbill - 00071779Handbill - 0007177AHandbill - 0007177BHandbill - 0007177CHandbill - 0007177DHandbill - 0007177EHandbill - 0007177FHandbill - 00071780Handbill - 00071781Handbill - 00071782Handbill - 00071783Handbill - 00071784Handbill - 00071785Handbill - 00071786Handbill - 00071787Handbill - 00071788Handbill - 00071789Handbill - 0007178AHandbill - 0007178BHandwritten Note - 000C7631Handwritten Note - 0018BC65Handwritten Note - 0008DC48Handwritten Note - 000908C7Hanging Gardens - 0002458AHastily Scrawled Note - 00033DECHeat Burst - 000888C1Heat Shell - 000888C7Heavy Armor Repair - 00073A68Heroic Touch - 00089901Heroism - 000898FFHiding with the Shadow - 0001FB52Hindering Touch - 00084AE3History of Lock Picking - 0001FB51History of the Fighters Guild - 00024405House Balcony Area - 000B1626House Balcony Upgrade - 000B1627House Bedroom Area - 000B1581House Bedroom Area - 000B1593

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House Bedroom Area - 000B15ADHouse Bedroom Area - 000B15DAHouse Bedroom Area - 000B1628House Den Area - 000B1624House Dining Area - 00090EB3House Dining Area - 000B157FHouse Dining Area - 000B158DHouse Dining Area - 000B15B3House Dining Area - 000B15D8House Dining Area - 000B1621House Dining Area - 00092022House Dining Upgrade - 000B15D9House Display Case Upgrade - 000B162BHouse Dressing Area - 000B15AEHouse Kitchen Area - 00090EB2House Kitchen Area - 000B1583House Kitchen Area - 000B158EHouse Kitchen Area - 000B15B1House Kitchen Area - 000B15D5House Kitchen Area - 000B1622House Kitchen Area - 0009202CHouse Lower Storage Area - 000B1594House Lower Wall Hangings - 000B1595House Lower Wall Hangings - 000B15B5House Lower Wall Hangings - 000B15DDHouse Lower Wall Hangings - 000B162EHouse Middle Wall Hangings - 000B15DEHouse Racks Assortment - 00090EB5House Reading Area - 00090629House Reading Area - 000B1580House Servants Quarters - 000B15DBHouse Servants Quarters - 000B162DHouse Sitting Area - 000B15B2House Sitting Area - 000B15D6House Sitting Area - 000B1623House Sitting Area - 0009202EHouse Storage Area - 00090EB4House Storage Area - 000B1584House Storage Area - 000B15B0House Storage Area - 000B162CHouse Storage Area - 00092023House Study Area - 000B1582House Study Area - 000B1592House Study Area - 000B15B4House Study Area - 000B15D7House Study Area - 000B162AHouse Suite Area - 000B15DCHouse Upper Hall Area - 000B15AFHouse Upper Hall Area - 000B1625House Upper Sitting Area - 000B1590House Upper Sitting Area - 000B1629House Upper Storage Area - 000B158FHouse Upper Wall Hangings - 000B1591House Upper Wall Hangings - 000B15B6House Upper Wall Hangings - 000B15DFHouse Upper Wall Hangings - 000B162FHouse Wall Hangings - 00090EB6

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House Wall Hangings - 000B1585House Wall Hangings - 00092027How Orsinium Passed to Orcs - 00024404Hush - 0008AD8FIce and Chitin - 0002440CIce Blast - 000888EAIce Bolt - 000888E9Ice Shield - 000888F0Ice Storm - 000888E4Imbel Genealogy - 000152FDImmobilize - 000898FCImmolating Blast - 000888C2Immortal Blood - 000243FCIncident in Necrom - 00024408Inspiration - 000898FEInspiring Touch - 00089900Instructions - 0006B5C6Instructions: the Gray Cowl - 00014740Invitation from Umbacano - 0002B458Jearl's Orders - 0000C026Journal of Claudius Arcadia - 00072296Journal of the Lord Lovidicus - 00038B2FKing - 000243F0Knightfall - 00022E65Lake Stride - 0008ADADLast Scabbard of Akrash - 000243DALeech Health - 000849DALegend of Krately House - 00024549Legendary Detect Life - 00088890Legendary Dispel - 00088898Legendary Magicka Drain - 000888ACLegendary Soul Trap - 0008AD96Legendary Spell Absorption - 0008AD99Legendary Spell Reflection - 00089904Letter - 000C654DLetter - 0006B5C0Letter - 0006B5C1Letter - 0006B5C2Letter - 0006B5C3Letter - 0006B5C4Letter - 0006B5C5Letter - 0006B5C7Letter from Branwen - 000A9668Letter to Mother - 000AA084Letter to the Guild of Mages - 000624D4Letter to the Guild of Mages - 000624DBLetter to the Guild of Mages - 000624DCLight Armor Repair - 00073A67Lighten Load - 000888B7Lightning Ball - 00089921Lightning Blast - 00089926Lightning Bolt - 00089925Lightning Grasp - 0008992ALightning Storm - 00089922Lightning Surge - 0008992BLightning Wall - 0008992ELiminal Bridges - 00073A60

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List of Candidates - 0000C04AList of Death - 00028D78List of Death - 00028D79List of Death - 00028D7BList of Death - 00028D7CList of Death - 00028D7FList of Death - 00028D80List of Death - 00028D82Lithnilian's Research Notes - 00185377Log of the Emma May - 000366B1Long Forgotten Note - 000B6C0ALord Jornibret's Last Dance - 0002440DLost Histories of Tamriel - 000C4A2BLost Histories of Tamriel - 0000BF8CLove Letter from Relfina - 0001E084Lynch's Instructions - 00015727Macabre Manifest - 0001D046Mace Etiquette - 00073A66Mages Guild Charter - 00026D8BMagic from the Sky - 00078563Major Detect Life - 0008888DMajor Enervation - 000888A3Major Heal Other - 000B11FFMajor Magicka Drain - 000888AAMajor Sever Magicka - 00088884Major Soul Trap - 0008AD93Major Wound - 000888A6Mannimarco, King of Worms - 000243D0Manual of Armor - 000AA288Manual of Arms - 0002456AManual of Spellcraft - 0002456BManual of Spellcraft - 0006DDA1March of the Sea - 0008ADAEMaster Zoaraym's Tale - 00024400Mesmerizing Grasp - 00084AF2Messenger's Diary - 0001C16CMinor Detect Life - 0008888CMinor Enervation - 000888A2Minor Heal Other - 000B11FEMinor Magicka Drain - 000888A9Minor Soul Trap - 0008AD92Minor Wound - 000888A5Mixed Unit Tactics - 0002456CModern Heretics - 00026B1DMoonlight - 000898EDMore Than Mortal - 0002453AMovement Mastery - 0008ADA2Mute - 0008AD90Mysterious Akavir - 0002456EMysterious Note - 000355E0Mysterious Scroll - 00094085Mysterium Xarxes - 00005599Mysterium Xarxes - 0008B60AMystery of Talara, v 1 - 000243CEMystery of Talara, v 2 - 00024540Mystery of Talara, v 3 - 000243FBMystery of Talara, v 4 - 0002440A

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Mystery of Talara, v 5 - 00024580Mysticism - 0002458BMyth or Menace? - 0001F113Mythic Dawn Commentaries 1 - 00022B04Mythic Dawn Commentaries 2 - 00022B05Mythic Dawn Commentaries 3 - 00022B06Mythic Dawn Commentaries 4 - 00022B07Necromancer's Moon - 00002DD1Nerevar Moon and Star - 0002458CNew 'Doomstones' Series! - 0006BD47New Watch Captain Named - 0006D6F2N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis! - 0002458DNight Falls on Sentinel - 000243EFNight Mother Rituals! - 0007BEA0Nirnroot Missive - 0004E95ENote - 00068C10Note - 00068C11Note - 00068C12Note - 00068C13Note - 00068C14Note - 00068C15Note - 00068C16Note - 00068C17Note - 0002C524Note - 000B073CNote from First Mate Filch - 000738D8Note from Gray Fox - 0000A1B1Note from Raminus Polus - 0000A23BNote of Bounty - 000B073DNote of Exception - 000C6548Note to Gwinas - 00022B83Notes on Racial Phylogeny - 0002453DNotes: Captain Montrose - 000950E2Oceanic Journey - 0008ADAFOghma Infinium - 000228F1On Morrowind - 0002456DOn Oblivion - 0002457EOpen Average Lock - 000898F9Open Easy Lock - 000898F8Open Hard Lock - 000898FAOpen Very Easy Lock - 000898F7Open Very Hard Lock - 000CBF7BOppressing Grasp - 00084AE5Orders From Lucien Lachance - 00035E03Origin of the Mages Guild - 0002458FPacification - 00084AE8Pack Mule - 000888B8Palace Break-In? - 0006D6F4Pale Pass Discovery! - 00066CD2Pale Pass Map - 00066D69Palla, volume 1 - 00024409Palla, volume 2 - 000243DDParalyze - 000898FDParchment - 000CAA9APension of the Ancestor Moth - 000982F0Plan for the Big Heist - 00022DB4Poor Burdened by Taxes! - 0006D6F0

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Pranks Spoils Society Gathering! - 00098689Proper Lock Design - 00073A64Protect - 0008991BProvinces of Tamriel - 0002457FPsychic Motion - 0008ADA0Public Notice - 00071D50Purloined Shadows - 0002454ARage - 000888E0Rain of Burning Dogs! - 00098683Ramblings of Audens Avidius - 0003D06BReality & Other Falsehoods - 00073A69Rebuke Undead - 0008ADA5Recipe - 0006DBBARecipe - 0006DBBBRecipe - 0006DBBCRemanada - 000BF1CFRemote Manipulation - 0008AD9FReport: Disaster at Ionith - 00024558Repulse Undead - 0008ADA4Response to Bero's Speech - 000243F8Restore Agility - 00089905Restore Endurance - 00089907Restore Intelligence - 00089909Restore Luck - 0008990BRestore Personality - 0008990DRestore Speed - 0008990FRestore Strength - 00089911Restore Willpower - 00089913Reverse Invisibility - 0003001BRislav The Righteous - 0002440FRiver Walk - 0008ADACRuins of Kemel-Ze - 00024575Sacred Witness - 00024548Scorching Blow - 000888C6Scrap from Lorgren's Diary - 00003A9BSealed Forged Candidate List - 0000C22ASealed Note - 00022173Searing Grasp - 000888C5Seductive Charm - 00084AF9Serenity - 00084AE7Sever Magicka - 00088883Shadow - 00084AECShadow Shape - 000898E9Shield - 0008991EShock - 00089924Shocking Burst - 00089920Shocking Touch - 00089928Shop Hours - 000C4284Shopping List - 0006DBBDShopping List - 0006DBBEShopping List - 00154CD6Shopping List - 00154CD7Shopping List - 00154CD8Shopping List - 00154CD9Shopping List - 00154CDAShopping List - 00154CDBShopping List - 00154CDC

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Shopping List - 00154CDDSilence - 0008AD91Sithis - 000243D6Sketch of the High Fane - 0002AF00Slythe's Journal, page 1 - 0018BC23Slythe's Journal, page 2 - 0018D25BSlythe's Journal, page 3 - 0018D25DSnowball - 000888E6Song Of Hrormir - 000243E6Song of the Alchemists - 000243D1Soothing Touch - 00084AE9Souls, Black and White - 00073A6BSpark - 00089923Spectral Form - 000898EBSpell Absorption - 0008AD97Spirit of the Daedra - 00024582Starlight - 000898ECStormrider Scroll - 000CA120Suicide Note - 001778D9Summon Clannfear - 00015AD9Summon Daedroth - 00015ADASummon Dremora - 00015AD8Summon Flame Atronach - 00015AD7Summon Frost Atronach - 00015ADCSummon Ghost - 00015AD0Summon Headless Zombie - 0008AD9ESummon Lich - 00015AD3Summon Rufio's Ghost - 0009190FSummon Scamp - 00015AD5Summon Skeleton - 00015ACFSummon Skeleton Archer - 0008AD9ASummon Skeleton Champ - 0008AD9BSummon Skeleton Hero - 0008AD9CSummon Spider Daedra - 00015AD6Summon Storm Atronach - 00015ADDSummon Wraith - 00015AD2Summon Wraith Gloom - 0008AD9DSummon Xivilai - 00015AD4Summon Zombie - 00015AD1Summoning Dremora Lord - 00015ADBSuperior Convalescence - 000C7668Superior Detect Life - 0008888ESuperior Magicka Drain - 000888ABSuperior Self - 00088897Superior Soul Trap - 0008AD95Superior Spell Absorption - 0008AD98Superior Spell Reflection - 00089903Superior Wound - 000888A8Surfeit of Thieves - 00024545Suspicious Letter - 0003C37ETamrielic Lore - 0002457ATavern Hours - 000C47BDTelaendril's Ocheeva Note - 00175F62Telekinesis - 0008ADA1Ten Commands: Nine Divines - 00024577Terrifying Presence - 00088889The Amulet of Kings - 00024578

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The Argonian Account, Book 1 - 000243E2The Argonian Account, Book 2 - 00024559The Argonian Account, Book 3 - 00024407The Argonian Account, Book 4 - 0002455AThe Armorer's Challenge - 000243D9The Art of War Magic - 000243FAThe Black Arrow, v 1 - 000243CDThe Black Arrow, v 2 - 00024531The Black Arts On Trial - 00024539The Book of Daedra - 00024563The Brothers of Darkness - 00024586The Buying Game - 00024532The Doors of Oblivion - 000243F2The Dragon Break - 000243D5The Eastern Provinces - 00024565The Exodus - 0002453EThe Firmament - 0002457BThe Firsthold Revolt - 00024537The Five Tenets - 00024596The Gold Ribbon of Merit - 00024410The Horrors of Castle Xyr - 000243F7The Importance of Where - 000243EEThe Last King of the Ayleids - 00058EEEThe Legendary Sancre Tor - 00073A62The Legendary Scourge - 00024583The Locked Room - 00024541The Lunar Lorkhan - 000243D8The Lusty Argonian Maid - 00078562The Madness of Pelagius - 0002457DThe Mirror - 000243E9The Old Ways - 0002458EThe Path of Transcendence - 0003647EThe Pig Children - 00024590The Posting of the Hunt - 00024585The Ransom of Zarek - 000243DEThe Real Barenziah, v 1 - 00024570The Real Barenziah, v 2 - 00024571The Real Barenziah, v 3 - 00024572The Real Barenziah, v 4 - 00024573The Real Barenziah, v 5 - 00024574The Rear Guard - 0002440BThe Red Book of Riddles - 00024591The Red Kitchen Reader - 000243E0The Refugees - 0002440EThe Seed - 000243FFThe Third Door - 000243F3The True Nature of Orcs - 00024592The Warp in the West - 000243ECThe Warrior's Charge - 000243F6The Waters of Oblivion - 00024593The Wild Elves - 00024594The Wolf Queen, v 1 - 00024542The Wolf Queen, v 2 - 000243FDThe Wolf Queen, v 3 - 00024406The Wolf Queen, v 4 - 00024533The Wolf Queen, v 5 - 0002454CThe Wolf Queen, v 6 - 00024546

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The Wolf Queen, v 7 - 0002454EThe Wolf Queen, v 8 - 00024581Thief - 000243CAThief of Virtue - 0001F112Tome of Unlife - 00003AA3Torchlight - 000898EFTouch of Fear - 0008888ATouch of Frenzy - 000888E1Touch of Rage - 000888E2Tragic Accident! Baenlin Dead! - 000732B7Traitor's Diary - 00003968Transfer Orders - 000C4A29Transfer Orders - 000982F1Trials of St. Alessia - 00024579Turn Undead - 0008ADA3Undelivered Letter - 000C794BVampire Nest in the City! - 0006D6F3Varieties of Daedra - 0002457CVernaccus and Bourlor - 0002452FVicente's Note to Ocheeva - 000693D2Voice of Dread - 00088887Voice of Rapture - 00084AF0Wanted Poster - 000982EFWarrior - 000243EBWater Breathing - 0008ADA7Waterfront Raid Fails! - 0006D6F1Waterfront Tax Records - 000C4A2AWaterfront Tax Records - 00034875Way of the Exposed Palm - 00073A6AWeakness to Disease - 0008ADB0Weakness to Fire - 0008ADB1Weakness to Frost - 0008ADB2Weakness to Magicka - 0008ADB3Weakness to Poison - 0008ADB5Weakness to Shock - 0008ADB6Weakness to Weapons - 0008ADB4Weathered Journal - 000624D9Winter's Grasp - 000888EDWithering Bolt - 0008729FWithering Touch - 00088882Withershins - 0002453CWords and Philosophy - 000243E3Worn, Faded Note - 0002C500

------------------------------------------------------------7) INGREDIENTS

Alkanet Flower - 0003365CAloe Vera Leaves - 000A7924Ambrosia - 000704A0Apple - 0003365DArrowroot - 0003365EAshes of Hindaril - 000977DDBeef - 0003365FBergamot Seeds - 000A7933Blackberry - 00033663Bloodgrass - 00033664

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Boar Meat - 00033665Bog Beacon Asco Cap - 0008446CBonemeal - 00048734Bonemeal - 0001EBFFBread Loaf - 00023D89Cairn Bolete Cap - 0006251ECarrot - 00033666Carrot of Seeing - 00082DE2Cheese Wedge - 00033668Cheese Wheel - 00033669Cinnabar Polypore Red Cap - 0008529CCinnabar Polypore Yellow Cap - 0008529BClannfear Claws - 0003366AClouded Funnel Cap - 00084472Columbine Root Pulp - 000A7925Corn - 0003366BCrab Meat - 0003366CDaedra Heart - 0001EC8FDaedra Silk - 00033670Daedra Venin - 00033671Daedroth Teeth - 00033672Dragon's Tongue - 00025039Dreugh Wax - 00033673Dryad Saddle Polypore Cap - 0008529DEctoplasm - 0001EBFEElf Cup Cap - 0008529EEmetic Russula Cap - 0008529FFennel Seeds - 000A7926Fire Salts - 00033675Flax Seeds - 000A7927Flour - 00033674Fly Amanita Cap - 00084471Foxglove Nectar - 00033687Frost Salts - 00022E5BGarlic - 00033677Ginkgo Leaf - 00033678Ginseng - 00033679Glow Dust - 0001EBE8Grapes - 0003367BGreen Stain Cup Cap - 0008446AGreen Stain Shelf Cap - 0008529AHam - 0003367CHarrada - 0003367DHuman Heart - 000CD51CHuman Heart - 00071F36Human Skin - 00071F35Imp Fluid - 000549BEImp Gall - 0002EE72Ironwood Nut - 0003367EJumbo Potato - 00177A2ALady's Mantle Leaves - 000A7928Lady's Smock Leaves - 000A7929Lavender Sprig - 000A792ALeek - 00033680Lettuce - 00033681Lichor - 0007049EMandrake Root - 00033683

Page 33: Oblivion Scripts

Milk Thistle Seeds - 000A792CMinotaur Horn - 00033568Monkshood Root Pulp - 000A792EMorning Glory Root Pulp - 000A792FMort Flesh - 00033685Motherwort Sprig - 000A7930Mugwort Seeds - 000A7931Mutton - 00033686Nightshade - 00033688Nirnroot - 0004E940Ogre's Teeth - 00033689Onion - 0003368AOrange - 0007588EPainted Troll Fat - 0009209EPear - 0003368BPeony Seeds - 000A7932Pinarus' Prize Minotaur Horn - 000CBD45Poisoned Apple - 000918F0Potato - 0003368CPrimrose Leaves - 000A7934Pumpkin - 0003368DRadish - 0003368ERat Meat - 0003368FRat Poison - 00026B08Redwort Flower - 0002503ARefined Frost Salts - 00022F1ARice - 00033690Root Pulp - 00033691Rumare Slaughterfish Scales - 00185FE2Sacred Lotus Seeds - 000A7936Scales - 00033692Scamp Skin - 00033693Shepherd's Pie - 000B97E9S'jirra's Famous Potato Bread - 00177A29Somnalius Frond - 00033696Spiddal Stick - 00033697St. Jahn's Wort Nectar - 000A7939Steel-Blue Entoloma Cap - 0008446BStinkhorn Cap - 0008446DStrawberry - 00033699Summer Bolete Cap - 00084470Sweetcake - 0003369ASweetroll - 0003369BTaproot - 000AF06ETiger Lily Nectar - 000A792BTinder Polypore Cap - 0008446FTobacco - 0003369DTomato - 0003369ETroll Fat - 00026B5CUnicorn Horn - 0001EC5BVampire Dust - 0004872CVampire Dust - 00009182Venison - 0002229BViper's Bugloss Leaves - 000A793BVoid Salts - 0003369FWater Hyacinth Nectar - 000A793CWatermelon - 000336A0

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Wheat Grain - 000336A1White Seed Pod - 000336A2Wisp Stalk Caps - 0006251FWormwood Leaves - 000A793E

------------------------------------------------------------8) KEYS

A Rusty Key - 00024FE9A Warlock's Luck Key - 0000A076Abandoned House Key - 000034F3Adrian Decanius' House - 0001777AAelwin's Key - 00067DD4Agarmir's House Key - 00022BB6Agnete's Key - 00029187Agronak's Mysterious Key - 00038EE9Ahdarji 's House Key - 00035989Akaviri Fort Key - 0001C17CAlberic Litte's Key - 0002921AAldos Othran's Key - 000034E3Algot's House Key - 0001D35CAllectus' Key - 0001DA89Alval Uvani's Key - 00035982Ancestor Moth Key - 0009DAC6Ancestor Moth Temple - 00098307Andragil's Key - 0000A080Angelie's House Key - 00022BB2Antoinetta Marie's Key - 000693D9Anvil Chapel Key - 0000A261Anvil Dungeon Key - 0000A264Arcane Univ. Enchanter's Key - 00092155Archer's Paradox Key - 0000A077Arch-Mage's Key - 00005297Aredil's House Key - 00022BDFAren's Strange Key - 00090746Aren's Tower Key - 00098308Arkay Chapel Undercroft Key - 00091ADAArnora's Chest Key - 00093555Arnora's Key - 00035E51Arriana Valga's Key - 000242B6Arriana Valga's Quarters Key - 000C5581Arvena Thelas' Key - 0000A26AArvin Dalvilu's Key - 0009824DAstinia Atius' Key - 00022BC3Athram House Key - 00022BB9Ayleid Cask Key - 000A6570Baenlin's Key - 00035E48Baeralorn's Key - 0000C0F4Bantien's Key - 00022BB4Barash House Key - 000513C1Basement Key - 00035E50Baurus' Key - 0001E702Beldaburo Key - 0005E182Benirus Manor Key - 00003A97Bernadette Peneles' Key - 00029185Bit and Bridle Key - 0001D1FFBlack Brugo's Key - 00085960

Page 35: Oblivion Scripts

Blackwood Co. Basement Key - 00035705Bleak Mine Key - 00098251Borba's Goods Key - 000034E7Bradon's Key - 000385A4Bradus' Key - 0000A268Bralin's Key - 000034EEBranwen and Saliith's Key - 000C47B3Bravil Castle Key - 0000A073Bravil Chapel Key - 0000A078Bravil Dungeon Key - 0000A113Brolus' Key - 00035E4DBrotch Calus' Key - 00035E56Bruma Chapel Key - 00036243Bruma Dungeon Key - 00036261Caminalda's Key - 0000A95ACanne's Key - 00029184Captain Patneim's Key - 000738E0Captain's Key - 00049357Carandial's Key - 0000A07ACasta Scribonia's Key - 0002921CCastle Anvil Interior Key - 0000A263Castle Anvil Key - 0000A262Castle Bravil Interior Key - 0000A074Castle Bruma Interior Key - 00035E45Castle Bruma Key - 00035E44Castle Leyawiin Interior Key - 0003597ECastle Leyawiin Key - 0003597DCatacombs Key - 0000C585Chanel's Key - 000242B5Charcoal Cave Key - 0008BA68Cheydinhal Bridge Inn Key - 000034E6Cheydinhal Castle - 000034EBCheydinhal Castle Interior - 000034ECCheydinhal Chapel Key - 000034EACheydinhal Dungeon Key - 000055D7Chorrol Castle Private Area - 000242B2Chorrol Chapel Undercroft Key - 00029214Chorrol Dungeon Key - 0002917DChorrol Jail Key - 0002AD2ACingor's Key - 00035988City-Swimmer's Key - 0000A07DClaudius Arcadia's House Key - 00022BDECoast Guard Station Key - 0003598CCommander's Chest Key - 00093485Commerce Office Key - 0004798ACurtis' House Key - 0001D5B2Cyronin Sintav's House Key - 0001781CDagon Shrine Key - 00033910Damian Magius' Key - 000534F3Dar Jee's Key - 00035980Dareloth's Key - 000534F4Dark Fissure Cell Key - 0005BEA0Derics' Key - 00035983Display Case Key - 00049D21Display Case Key - 0008DD5FDivine Elegance Key - 0001D205Dorian's House Key - 00022BC6

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Dovyn Aren's Key - 000177D3Dro'shanji's Key - 0002CF34Dul gro-Shug's Key - 00017779Dust Eater Cell Key - 0006507CDynari Amnis' Key - 00022BBFEcho Cave Key - 0001648FEdgar's Discount Spells - 00022A72Escape Route Key - 00028EDEEstelle Renoit's Key - 00029212Eugal Belette's Key - 0002921BFalcar's Key - 0002E99FFaregyl Inn Key - 0000CBDCFathis Ules' Key - 0001781AFeed Bag Key - 00022A71Fighters Guild Key - 0002229EFighting Chance Key - 0001D157First Edition Key - 0001D155First Hunter's Run Key - 0018D13EFlanau Hlaalu's Key - 0002917BFo'c's'le Key - 0000BC68Forgotten Key - 00074A8FFort Blueblood Key - 0003CD2DFort Grief Door Key - 0001FEEEFort Grief Real Key - 0001FEF0Fort Ontus Key - 0004ECECFort Redman Key - 0009D2D6Fort Sutch Gate Key - 00032665Francois Motierre's Key - 00029218Fyre Light Cave Key - 0005B47FGallenus Rosentia's Key - 00033C71Ganredhel's Key - 000034F2Garrus Darelliun's Key - 0003C2C1Geem Jasaiin's Key - 0001EB81Gelebourne's Key - 000385A2Gharz House Key - 000034E2Gilen Norvalo's Key - 0001D35EGlarthir's Key - 0001DC48Glarthir's Secret Key - 000831BBGogan's House Key - 00064202Gogron gro-Bolmog's Key - 0006C677Graman's House Key - 0001D35DGrey Throat's House Key - 0001DA91Guildmaster's Key - 0018D83FGuildmaster's Key - 0006E2EAGundalas' Key - 0003598DGunder's Key - 00029186Gweden Basement Key - 0008696DHackdirt Key - 00028B7BHagaer's House Key - 0001DA94Hame Dungeon Key - 00085083Hammer and Axe Key - 00035E43Harm's Folly Key - 00189D0FHastrel Ottus' House Key - 0001D35BHelvius Cecia's Key - 00035E54Helvo Atius' Key - 00022BB0Henantier's Key - 0002CF33Herminia Cinna's House Key - 000177F2

Page 37: Oblivion Scripts

High Fane Key - 0002AF06Honmund's Key - 00035E47Horn Cave Cellar Key - 0005B609Horn Cave Storage Key - 0005BC2AHrol Ulfgar's Key - 00098293Ida Vlinorman's House Key - 000177EEImbel Family Crypt Key - 000152FFImbel House Key - 0009DB17Imperial City Lighthouse Key - 0009096CImperial City Sewers Key - 0004F61AImperial Palace Key - 00115E05Imperial Prison Key - 00092D8AImperial Prison Key - 000950C2Imperial Sewer Key - 00027477Imperial Trading Company Key - 000534F5Imperial Watch Key - 00015EAFImperial Watch Office Key - 00086967Iniel Sintav's House Key - 00017775Inventius' Key - 0000A267Irene Metric's House Key - 0001777CIron Key - 00159826Jair's Key - 000477E4Jakben Imbel's House Key - 00022BC8Jastia Sintav's House Key - 00017819J'bari's Key - 00035981Jearl's Key - 0002007FJeetum Ze's Room Key - 000A5650Jenseric's Cabin Key - 00064615Jenseric's House Key - 0001DB08Jensine's Merchandise - 0001D201Jesan Sextius' Key - 0000A26DJewelry Box Key - 0000A9D7J'Ghasta's Key - 00035E55Jirolin Doran's Key - 00029219J'mhad's House Key - 00022BE0Kalthar's Key - 0000CF21Kastus Sintav's House Key - 00017817Key - 0006DF2EKey - 0003EE5DKey of Hidden Wealth - 000C59A2King and Queen Tavern Key - 00022B6EKvatch Guard House Key - 00031D31Kvinchal's Key - 000477E3Lazare Milvan's Key - 00029190Lelles' Quality Mercandise Key - 0000A25FLeyawiin Chapel Key - 00069B16Leyawiin City Watch Key - 0003597FLeyawiin Dungeon Key - 00035F8CLeyawiin Secret Room Key - 00092156Lighthouse Cellar Key - 00054031Lighthouse Key - 0000A25ELindai's Royal Tomb Key - 000A55FCLirrians' Key - 00035E4BLlevana Nedaren's Key - 000034E4Loche's House Key - 0000A081Lorkmir's House Key - 00017776Lorkmir's House Key - 00017833

Page 38: Oblivion Scripts

Lost Boy's Key - 000998CFLuciana Galena's Key - 0000A07FLuronk's House Key - 0001DA8FLyra Rosentia's Key - 00035E49Mach-Na's Key - 000034E8Mages Guild Key - 0002229CMagul House Key - 000034E1Malyani Dalvilu's Key - 00098298Marana Rian's House Key - 0001DA96Margarte's Key - 00035985Marinus Catiotus' House - 000177EFMatthias' House Key - 00022BBBMedrike's Key - 0000C32AMethredhel's House Key - 0005202FMine Key - 0000295DMirabelle Monet's Key - 0000A265Miscarcand Key - 000C58B6Modryn Oreyn's Key - 00029220Moranda Gate Key - 00051871Mraaj-Dar's Key - 0006FDA7Murgakh gro-Ushag's Key - 0002921EMy Bravil House Key - 0004ED80My Bruma House Key - 0004ED88My Cheydinhal House Key - 0004ED87My Chorrol House Key - 0004ED8AMy Imperial City House Key - 0005319EMy Leyawiin House Key - 0004ED86My Skingrad House Key - 0004ED89Mystic Emporium Key - 0001D1FENE Watch Tower Key - 00053FF3Necromancer's Moss Rock Key - 0005B912Neville's Chest Key - 000852DBNewheim's Key - 0000A269Newlands Lodge Key - 000034E5Ninedava Gate Key - 00051F8DNivan Dalvilu's Key - 0009829ENord Winds Key - 00035E3FNovaroma Key - 00035E3ENW Watch Tower Key - 00053FF4Oaken-Hull's Key - 0000A266Odiil Farm Key - 000C89DDOhtimbar's Key - 000034F1Ongars Key - 00035E4EOntus Vanin's Key - 00022BBAOrmils Cabin Key - 0000C1FEOrmils Cabin Key - 0007BAE0Orthes Key - 0000C329Orum House Key - 000034EFOthrelos House Key - 000177F0Otumeels Key - 0003598APennus Mallius' House Key - 0001D5B3Plotius Key - 0003598BPot Hole Cell Key - 0005BD64Prison Cell Key - 00023FFDQuill-Weaves Key - 0000A26BRa'Jahirr's Key - 00035987Ra'jhan's House Key - 000177F3

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Ra'jiradhs House Key - 00022BC1Ranaline's Key - 0000A07ERasheda's Key - 00029213Raynil's Key - 000385A3Raynil's Room Key - 00038449Redas Dalvilu's Key - 000982A3Redwater Slough Key - 00070248Regner's Key - 00035E53Reman Broder's Key - 00029188Reynald Jemane's Key - 0002921DRimalus Bruiant's Key - 00029216Rindir's Staffs Key - 0001D152Ritual Key - 00033911Riverview Key - 000034F0Ri'Zakar's Room Key - 000A564FRoderic Pierrane's Key - 00017816Roebeck Bridge Room Key - 00026CD5Ruslan's House Key - 0001DA92Rusty Key - 00074A8DRythe's Studio Key - 0001BC2CSalmo's Key - 00029189Salomon Geonette's House Key - 0001DA8BSancre Tor Key - 0000A23FSanctuary Well Key - 0000B258Satha Dalvilu's Key - 000982A7Scinia Crypt Key - 000568ADSea Tub Clarabella Key - 000738DFSecond Hunter's Run Key - 0018D13FSecret Cell Key - 000838CESeed-Neeus' Key - 00029211Seridur's House Key - 0001DA8ESerpent's Wake Captain's Key - 0007B73ESerpent's Wake Key - 0000A26ESeverius Atius' Key - 00022BAFSewer Gate Key - 000274F5Shameer's Key - 0002918AShardrock Key - 0018BA0EShiny Ogre Cage Key - 0001EC48Shrine of Dagon Key - 0001F14CSigil Keep Key - 00093EF5Sigil Key - 0009504CSigil Key - 0009C225Sinderion's Key - 00068B05Skingrad Castle Key - 0002C461Skingrad Castle Silver Key - 0002C460Skingrad Chapel Key - 00069B17Skingrad Dungeon Key - 00035F8DSkingrad Guardhouse Key - 0002ADACS'krivva's Key - 0000A07CSlash 'N Smash Key - 0001D200Sleeping Mare Key - 0000525DSmoke Tomb Inner Key - 00083FB5Smoke Tomb Outer Key - 00083FB4Smuggler's Key - 000A943CSoris Arenim's Key - 0002C677South Watch Tower Key - 00053FF2Southern Books Key - 00026085

Page 40: Oblivion Scripts

S'rathad's House Key - 00022BC5Stantus Varrid's House Key - 0001D359Stonewall Shields Key - 0001D156Storage Room Key - 0000C1FCStoreroom Key - 00025099Summitmist Manor Key - 000837D1Sunken Sewers Key - 0009588DSurilie's House Key - 0002918BSurius Afranius' House Key - 0001DA98Talasma's Key - 0009853DTamika's Key - 0002918CTarnished Ogre Cage Key - 0001EC41Teekeeus' Key - 00025067Teinaava's Key - 000693DATelaendril's Key - 0006FDA8Tertius Favonius' House Key - 000177F1Thamriel's House Key - 00022BC0The Best Defense Key - 0001D204The Bloodwork's Sewer Key - 000677DBThe Copious Coinpurse Key - 0001D154The Fair Deal Key - 0000A075The First Key of Dark Hate - 00014D63The Gilded Carafe Key - 0001D202The Main Ingredient Key - 0001D153The March Rider Key - 000034E9The Second Key of Dark Hate - 00014D64Three Brothers Trade Goods Key - 0001D206Toadstool Grog Key - 000974E8Top Deck Key - 0000C1FDToutius Sextius' Key - 0002918DTrentius Mausoleum Key - 000CA22CTrenus Duronius' House Key - 0001D35ATun-Zeeus' Key - 0003597CUlrich Leland's Key - 0003F31AUlrika Ulfgar's Key - 000982AAUmbacano Manor Key - 0002B455Umbacano's Key - 0002B456Undena Orethi's Key - 0002918EUnderpall Gate Key - 0004E151Ungolim's Key - 0000A07BUrasek Lockup Key - 000CA6DFUsheeja's House Key - 00022BC4Uuras' Key - 0002918FVahtacen Ruins Key - 0005401EValen Dreth's Cell Key - 000950C0Valtieri's Key - 000693D8Valus Odiil's Key - 0002921FVarel Morvayn's Key - 0000A260Varon Vamori's Key - 0000A079Vilena Donton's Key - 00029217Vilverin Chamber Key - 0006C323Vilverin Sepulcher Key - 000C76CDWarden Kastav's Key - 00035DABWarehouse Key - 0001D203Wariel's Key - 00026836Waterfront Sewers Key - 00026089Weebam-Na's Key - 00035986

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Well Key - 000084D3Wellspring Cave Key - 0006B396West Weald Inn Key - 000979EDWhite Stallion Lodge Key - 000908C1Whitmond Farm Key - 0000CBECWillow Bank Key - 000034EDWumeek's Key - 0001EB7E

------------------------------------------------------------9) MISC.

Agarmir's Shovel - 0001D0AFAkaviri Orders - 000785E0Argonian Heart - 0003558FAyleid Statue - 000844C4Basket - 00024D91Bear Pelt - 000228E3Blood Potion - 001192AEBlue Cheese - 000D3B25Bone - 0001DE26Bones - 00023882Bouquet of Flowers - 00049CFDBowl - 0001F1DBBroom - 00019113Brush Jar - 0001BBCBBrush of Truepaint - 0001BB36Calipers - 0001C66CCarved Panel - 0002AF03Ceramic Bowl - 0002507ACeramic Cup - 0002507BCeramic Goblet - 0002507CCeramic Pitcher - 0002507DCeramic Plate - 0002507FCeramic Tankard - 0002724FCeramic Urn - 00025080Ceramic Vase - 00025081Cheddar Cheese - 000D3B2FClay Bowl - 00022299Clay Cup - 00022538Clay Cup - 00022539Clay Goblet - 0002253CClay Pitcher - 00022543Clay Plate - 0002254CClay Tankard - 00022559Clay Urn - 00022553Clay Vase - 00022557Cloth - 000008E6Colossal Black Soul Gem - 00007E9CCovered Pot - 000105DFCovered Pot - 000105E0Crumpled Piece of Paper - 000BF14DCrystal Ball - 0001C60DDiamond - 00038BA7Dirty Shoes - 0009F8FDElement of Courage - 0002C6EFElement of Patience - 0002C6EE

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Element of Perception - 0002C6F0Element of Resolve - 0002C6EDEmerald - 00038BA4Empty Hist Bottle - 0008996EEye of Nocturnal - 00026AC9Filled Colossal Black Soul Gem - 00007E9DFinger of Adamus Phillida - 001778DBFingers of the Mountain - 0000510DFlawed Diamond - 00038BA8Flawed Emerald - 00038BA6Flawed Pearl - 00038B99Flawed Ruby - 00038B9FFlawed Sapphire - 00038BA2Flawed Topaz - 00038B9CFlawless Diamond - 00038BA9Flawless Emerald - 00038BA5Flawless Pearl - 00038B9AFlawless Ruby - 00038BA0Flawless Sapphire - 00038BA3Flawless Topaz - 00038B9DFolded Cloth - 00000D76Fork - 00019116Garridan's Tear - 00025B33Garridan's Tear - 0007BE48Glass of Time - 0002A60BGold - 0000000FGold Nugget - 00049808Great Sigil Stone - 0003844EGreat Welkynd Stone - 000345AFHand Scythe - 00025100Hermaeus Mora's Soul Gem - 0008B61EHoe - 00025101Hourglass - 0001C666Imperial Legion Seal - 0000C22CInkwell - 00023D61Key-Shaped Arrowhead - 0001482CKnife - 00019117Ladle - 000105DBLanguorwine Antidote - 00028276Lion Pelt - 000228E4Llathasa's Bust - 0001E861Lockpick - 0000000ALoose Pipe - 00089783Magicka Potion - 001192AFMarana Rian's Coin - 000613C0Marble Cheese - 000D3B2AMetal Bowl - 000CD400Metal Goblet - 000CD401Metal Plate - 000CD402Metal Tankard - 000CD407Metal Urn - 000CD4E9Mother's Head - 0006AAA5Newheim's Heirloom - 00002E90Oaken-Hall Heirloom - 000CBD41Oar - 00025102Olroy Cheese - 0008C26AOrb of Vaermina - 0001EC18

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Paint Brush - 0001BBCAPaint Palette - 0001BBCCPearl - 00038B98Pewter Bowl - 0001C624Pewter Cup - 000104C1Pewter Fork - 0001C622Pewter Knife - 0001C620Pewter Mug - 0000FD93Pewter Pitcher - 0001C61FPewter Plate - 0001C626Pewter Pot - 0001C61APewter Spoon - 0001C623Pickaxe - 000180E0Pitchfork - 00025113Planter - 00015BBBPlate - 00019118Quill - 00023D63Rake - 00025116Recently Used Pickaxe - 0009F8FARed Bowl - 000836CERepair Hammer - 0000000CReward Painting - 00034E62Roderick's Medicine - 00030FD7Roderick's Poison - 00030FD6Rolled Up Portrait - 00034E52Ruby - 00038B9ERufio's Skull - 000918FASands of Resolve - 0002FB3FSapphire - 00038BA1Savilla's Stone - 00014706Scales - 000105F3Scales of Pitiless Justice - 000918FDScythe - 0002511AShears - 0002511CShovel - 000251A8Silver Bowl - 00000C08Silver Carafe - 00019107Silver Fork - 0001924ASilver Glass - 0001DBFCSilver Goblet - 0001DCCCSilver Knife - 00023C13Silver Nugget - 00049809Silver Pitcher - 00023C15Silver Plate - 00023C19Silver Spoon - 00023C1BSilver Tankard - 00023C1DSilver Urn - 00023C21Silver Vase - 00023C23Skeletal Hand - 00003A99Skeleton Key - 0000000BSkull - 00023F6ESpoon - 00019119Statuette of a Dog - 0007B7B0Stone Brick - 0002594AStone Cup - 00019115Stone Mug - 000104CBStone of St. Alessia - 00003949

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Stone Pitcher - 000105DDSvenja's Arm - 000C55E1Svenja's Head - 000C55E2Svenja's Leg - 000C55E0Svenja's Torso - 000C55E3Tan Bowl - 000836CFTan Cup - 0001F1DETan Goblet - 00022542Tan Jug - 0001F1E4Tan Mug - 0001F1E5Tan Pitcher - 0001F1E6Tan Plate - 0001F1E7Tan Tankard - 00022550Tan Urn - 00022554Tan Vase - 00022558Tongs - 000251ACTopaz - 00038B9BTorch - 0002CF9FUrn - 00022551Vampirism Cure Potion - 0009812DVarla Stone - 00000194Varulae's Crystal Ball - 00095A38Wedding Gift - 000CBD43Weight - 0001C5EDWelkynd Stone - 00000191West Weald Bear Fang - 0018AE3FWolf Pelt - 000228E2Yarn - 00025205

------------------------------------------------------------10) NPCS

A Stranger - 0000A2A5Abhuki - 000389B8Achille - 000A3166Adamus Phillida - 0002FB2BAdamus Phillida's Bodyguard - 001778DCAdanrel - 0001FB56Adoring Fan - 000AED40Adosi Serethi - 0002F865Adrian Decanius - 00016057Adrienne Berene - 0002950AAdventurer - 0018ABFBAelwin Merowald - 00185FE0Aengvir - 000514C4Aenvir - 00035726Afflicted Brethren - 00098254Agarmir - 0001FC54Agata - 0002D028Agnar the Unwavering - 000C55E5Agnete the Pickled - 00028F9BAgronak gro-Malog - 00037FF8Ah-Malz - 000293D5Ahdarji - 00034E87Ajum-Kajin - 000356CDAkaviri Commander Mishaxhi - 0001C48DAlawen - 0003C15F

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Alban Corinis - 0004F125Alban Justinius - 0002DF5FAlberic Litte - 000222B8Aldos Othran - 000034DEAleron Loche - 0000A110Alessia Ottus - 0001D346Alga - 00035EC4Algot the Northerner - 0001D344Alix Lencolia - 0018D2B4Alonzo - 0008595DAloys Bincal - 00031867Alval Uvani - 00030196Alves Uvenim - 0002D027Amantius Allectus - 000097A5Ambroise Canne - 00028E75Amir - 00026B4CAmkaos - 0003CD19Amminus Gregori - 000A369FAmusei - 0003563BAncotar - 0002F86DAncus Afranius - 0001D354Andragil - 0000A10BAndre Labouche - 000C56E4Andreas Draconis - 00030FDBAnedhel - 00026B36Angalmo - 000234BBAngalsama - 00026ADBAngelie - 0001FC51Anguilon - 0000A299Antoine Branck - 000488F3Antoinetta Marie - 00023E36Antus Flonius - 00067418Antus Odiil - 000222A0Anvil Guard - 0000A0AEAnvil Jailor - 0000BE55Anvil Soldier - 00026EB4Arcturus - 000A3163Ardaline - 0002D01BAreldil - 0001FDD5Arena Champion - 000274CCArena Contestant - 00082DE5Arena Mouth - 00046653Arentus Falvius - 00035EB9Argonian Chieftain - 0000556DArgonian Shaman - 00005569Argonian Tribesman - 00005560Ariela Doran - 000222B0Arielle Jurard - 0002FD6EAriente - 0006BD2BArkana - 00027066Arkved - 0001EC12Armand Christophe - 00034870Arnora - 0005383FArnora Auria - 00035ECDArquen - 00036308Arterion - 00035A18Arvena Thelas - 0003571D

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Arvin Dalvilu - 0001ECC9Aryarie - 0002D01DAscended Immortal - 000C526BAshanta - 00009C39Ashni - 0009700CAshtus Chenius - 0001E783Assassin - 00014A27Astante - 00059D2FAstav Wirich - 00026093Astia Inventius - 0000A29EAstinia Atius - 0001FDD1Atahba - 000479F7Athragar - 000234BAAthrelor - 0002D6FDAtraena - 0002F876Audens Avidius - 00026D9AAugusta Calidia - 0002F874Aviera Nirol - 0008ADCCAvrus Adas - 00034E6AAyisha - 0008521CAyleid Guardian - 00014F16Aymar Douar - 00026B7BAzani Blackheart - 0002C623Azura's Voce for Recording - 0002C6C0Azzan - 00024166Baenlin - 00023F0BBaeralorn - 0000A28CBandit - 000055BDBandit Bowman - 00069AD2Bandit Hedge Wizard - 00069AD4Bandit Ringleader - 00009ABEBanus Alor - 0003630ABaragon - 000A3167Barthel Gernand - 0003186CBasil Ernarde - 0001EC0EBatul gra-Sharob - 0002D6FBBaurion - 0003001DBaurus - 00023F2ABazur gro-Gharz - 000034DDBeatrice Gene - 000982F9Beewos - 00026ADABeirir - 0001ECCFBejeen - 00034E84Belgarr - 00025264Belisarius - 00037572Belisarius Arius - 00036309Beran Sintav - 00016065Berich Inian - 00028036Bernadette Peneles - 000294AFBetto Plotius - 00034E89Biene Amelion - 000091F5Bittneld the Curse-Bringer - 000234A7Bjalfi the Contemptible - 00185FE3Black Bow Bandit - 000908ACBlack Bow Ringleader - 000908B6Black Brugo - 0008595ABlack Rock Captain - 000CA18E

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Black Rock Pirate - 000CA18DBlackwood Company Guard - 00001734Blackwood Company Member - 0003B302Blanche Mastien - 000B11D6Bleak Mine Guard - 0001EC4CBleak Mine Guard Captain - 0001EC4BBlind Moth Prelate - 0014C46EBlind Moth Priest - 0014C466Bloodcrust Vampire - 0004872ABlue Team Combatant - 0002ACD2Blue Team Gladiator - 0014683CBoderi Farano - 00034EB3Boethia's Chosen - 000A2ADDBoethia's Voice for Recording - 0009F98ABogrum Gro-Galash - 0000A082Boldon - 0002D6F6Bolor Savel - 00016483Bongond - 000234B6Borba gra-Uzgash - 000034C4Borissean - 00034EB0Boromir - 0002319FBoroneth - 00098252Bosmer Thief - 0001BC2ABothiel - 00034EB7Bradon Lirrian - 00035EC6Brag gro-Bharg - 00027F95Bralsa Andaren - 0003E92FBranwen - 000A713BBravil Jailor - 0000A17DBremman Senyan - 00031BC7Brielus Gawey - 0006845ABritta Invel - 0001C166Brodras - 00034E72Brokil gro-Shatur - 0000A085Bronsila Kvinchal - 000477DBBrooke - 000231A0Brotch Calus - 0002991EBrother Hjar - 000982FCBrother Holger - 000982FEBrother Hridi - 000982FDBrother Martin - 00033907Brother Piner - 000223ADBruccius the Orphan - 00015D85Bruce - 00025237Brucetus Festinius - 0002AF42Bruma Guard - 0004630BBruma Investigator Guard - 00037F74Bruma Jailor - 000362EDBruma Militia - 000272C5Bruma Soldier - 000277A5Bruscius Longus - 0005D517Bugak gro-Bol - 00037C33Bumph gra-Gash - 00035EC2Bur-Meema - 0009786BBurd - 00035EBEBurz gro-Khash - 00024167Caelia Draconis - 00030FD9

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Caenlin - 00073279Caenlorn - 0000A27DCaldwyn - 00027E03Calindil - 00015EA9Callia Bincal - 00031869Camilla Lollia - 000038B5Caminalda - 0002DC08Camonna Tong Thug - 00009236Candice Corgine - 000243C8Captain Baszone Patneim - 00094BE8Captain Gepard Montrose - 00095331Captain Renault - 0002349FCaptain Steffan - 00020078Carahil - 0002CD1ECarandial - 0000A108Caranya - 00034EADCargas Laftrius - 0001E796Carius Runellius - 00037F73Carmalo Truiand - 00035C83Carmana Sintav - 0001605ACarmen Litte - 000222AECaroline - 00037575Carsten - 000039AECartrus Gavinius - 0001E10ECarwen - 0001FB57Casta Flavus - 000A9487Casta Scribonia - 000222ACCat-Face - 000479F5Caula Allectus - 0001D34CCeledaen - 000355F8Chana Mona - 0000A08CChanel - 000222BAChapel Guard - 0001E831Cheydinhal Gate Guard - 00031C31Cheydinhal Guard - 000055C2Cheydinhal Jailor - 000055D6Cheydinhal Soldier - 00026F0DChorrol Guard - 000222BBChorrol Jailor - 00028C80Chorrol Soldier - 000270F6Christophe Marane - 0002DC04Cicero Verus - 00015EA7Ciindil - 0001ECD8Cingaer - 00002E95Cingor - 00034E86Cirroc - 00035EB8City-Swimmer - 0000A109Claude Maric - 0002AF05Claudette Perrick - 00015EABClaudius Arcadia - 00071D4BClesa - 0003E0DFColin Stedrine - 000982F8Collatinus Vedius - 0002B529Conjurer - 0004B92DConjurer Adept - 00009AC0Contumeliorus Florius - 000222B7Corrick Northwode - 00189D01

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Corrupted Clone - 00073A2FCorvus Umbranox - 0000C22DCosmus the Cheat - 00015D81Count Andel Indarys - 000034CACount Marius Caro - 00034E6DCount Regulus Terentius - 0000A08ECount Tyrone Rugen - 0002B7D0Count's Bodyguard - 000055D4Countess Alessia Caro - 00034E8CCountess Arriana Valga - 000234AACountess Millona Umbranox - 0000A288Countess Narina Carvain - 00035EBBCountess' Bodyguard - 0003597ACountess's Bodyguard - 0000C0F3Courier - 000BE330Curtis - 0001D34ACylben Dolovas - 000947BBCyronin Sintav - 00016059Cyrus - 0001DB3EDaenlin - 0000A089Dagail - 0002CD22Dairihill - 0000A289Damian Magius - 0001DFB1Danus Artellian - 00028FB9Dar Jee - 00034E76Dar-Ma - 000280C9Dark Brotherhood Murderer - 00086753DAVaerminaVoice - 0008ADCADavela Hlaren - 0003AB4EDavide Surilie - 000294BFDead Argonian Agent - 0003558BDead Bandit - 0006BFA4Dead Captain - 00095A40Dead Captive - 00064C1DDead Crewmember - 00095A41Dead Marauder - 00065E39Dead Meat - 000980E0Dead Scholar - 000C8808Dead Treasure Hunter - 000CA005Decentius Opsius - 00034E8BDeeh the Scalawag - 00015D89Deetsan - 0002D021Deetum-Ja - 000514C5Degil - 000B11D4Delmar - 00034EB4Delos Fandas - 00015EA2Delphine Jend - 0002CB2DDemetrius - 0005D545Denel - 00035F52Dennilwen - 00002E9BDenyiir - 00025266derek - 000342C3Dervera Romalen - 000034C0Dewey Decimal - 00025350Dhola - 00085110Didier Aumilie - 0000A281Dion - 00028FB2

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Diram Serethi - 0002F864Doorkeeper - 0001F106Dorian - 0001FDD3Dovesi Dran - 000277D2Dovyn Aren - 0001605CDralora Athram - 0001FC56Dranas Lerano - 00035728Dranas Llethro - 000477ECDrarana Thelis - 0000BEA7Dredena Hlavel - 0001ECD6Dreet-Lai - 00009C3ADrels Theran - 0000A093Dremora Archer - 00014686Dremora Caitiff - 00000FCEDremora Captain - 0003ABADDremora Churl - 00000FCBDremora Feydnaz - 0000C57CDremora Hatred Keeper - 00014D61Dremora Kynmarcher - 00000FD8Dremora Kynreeve - 00000FD5Dremora Kynval - 00000FD1Dremora Lord - 0003B3DCDremora Markynaz - 00000FDBDremora Scout - 00014C59Dremora Sigil Keeper - 00093EF0Dremora Valkynaz - 00000FC8Dro'Nahrahe - 0000A08FDro'shanji - 0002CA36Druja - 000293EEDubok gro-Shagk - 0002C7C5Dul gro-Shug - 00016056Dulfish gro-Orum - 000034D4Dumania Jirich - 0000A287Dynari Amnis - 0001FC57Earana - 000224E2Edgar Vautrine - 00015E9DEdla Dark-Heart - 00035ECFEduard Denile - 00034597Eduard Hodge - 00074A94Eduard Retiene - 000327BAEilonwy - 0002D023Eitar - 00034E82Elante of Alinor - 00003435Eldamil - 0003C806Eletta - 000352B3Elidor - 00027F93Elisa Pierrane - 00016063Elragail - 0001FDD0Else God-Hater - 00028F96Elsynia - 0003E183Emfrid - 000234B7Emperor Uriel Septim - 00023F2EEngorm - 0001C150Enilroth - 00036307Enrion - 00009C3BEr-Teeus - 0001ECB1Eridor - 000039A6

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Erina Jeranus - 00028F90Erissare Arenim - 0002C0EBErline Lirrian - 00035EC7Ernest - 0003E0DEErnest Manis - 0001FDCFEronor - 000223AFErrandil - 000034C8Erthor - 0002D6E6Estelle Renoit - 000234B0Etira Moslin - 000280C7Eugal Belette - 000222ADEvangeline Beanique - 0014C715Eyja - 0003E193Fadus Calidius - 000293DBFaelian - 0002F875Fafnir - 000837D0Falanu Hlaalu - 00028E73Falcar - 0002CD21Fallen Knight of the Thorn - 00071B91Farwil Indarys - 00031BC5Fathis Aren - 0000A090Fathis Ules - 0002BA47Faurinthil - 0009700AFaustina Cartia - 0003AA89Felen Relas - 0002D019Ferrum - 000A3165Ferul Ravel - 00026AD6Fetid Jofnhild - 00015D84Fighters Guild Porter - 000947A9First Mate Filch - 000738DBFirst Mate Malvulis - 00048962Fithragaer - 0000BEE6Fjotreid - 00035EB6Floyd Nathans - 000B167DForgotten One - 0005DC98Foroch - 0003AB51Fortis - 000A3162Foul Fagus - 00015D8BFralav the Faker - 0001C459Francine Velain - 0008510FFrancois Motierre - 0002C0C6Galtus Previa - 0002D728Gan Luseph - 00035EC0Ganredhel - 000034DBGarrus Darelliun - 00031C23Gaspar Stegine - 00034EB1Gaston Surilie - 000294C0Gaston Tussaud - 00025299Gaturn gro-Gonk - 000234B5Geel - 00034E7DGeem Jasaiin - 0001EB82Gelephor - 00015EA3Gellius Terentius - 0000A092Gemellus Axius - 0001FDD4Genghis - 0003832FGenghisClad - 00038331Gerard Melie - 00028FA6

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Gerich Senarel - 00035EBFGhorub gro-Ugdub - 0009828BGhost of Alain - 00033CD8Ghost of Casnar - 000364B8Ghost of Rielus - 000364B9Ghost of Valdemar - 000364B7Gilen Norvalo - 0001D24EGilgondorin - 0000A084Gin-Wulm - 0003E92DGiovanni Civello - 00037E8DGithriian - 00002E99Glarthir - 000294C3Glenroy - 00023F2BGlistel - 000222A3Goblin Jim - 00031317Gogan - 0003B3D3Gogron gro-Bolmog - 00023E38Gorgo gro-Shura - 0000A2A4Graklak gro-Buglump - 00028F92Graman gro-Marad - 0000C1D5Grantham Blakeley - 000347B2Gregory Arne - 00026ADCGrey-Throat - 0001D252Gromm - 00023F0CGruiand Garrana - 000034C9Guard - 00027FCDGuilbert Jemane - 00023E86Guilbert Selone - 0018AD6BGul gro-Burbog - 00026B38Gundalas - 00034E68Gunder - 00028F98Gureryne Selvilo - 000234ADGwendolyn - 000837CFGwinas - 00022466Hackdirt Brethren - 000280C6Haekwon - 00026B53Hafid Hollowleg - 00035EB0Hagaer - 0001D352Hal-Liurz - 00028FB0Hamlof Red-Tooth - 00015EA0Hannibal Traven - 00034E16Hans Black-Nail - 0000A091Hanz gro-Hubrag - 000B167FHarrow - 00033905Hasathil - 0000A29CHassiri - 0001FDCEHastrel Ottus - 0001D345Hauls-Ropes-Faster - 0000A297Havilstein Hoar-Blood - 000301ACHawkeye - 00027064Hears-Voices-In-The-Air - 000B1670Heinrich Oaken-Hull - 0000A29BHelvius Cecia - 00035ED0Helvo Atius - 0001FC50HEMale - 000245A5Henantier - 0002CA35Herminia Cinna - 0002E5C6

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Hides-His-Heart - 000234B3Hieronymus Lex - 0003486EHigh Chancellor Ocato - 00014699Highwayman - 000C5229Hil the Tall - 000034C6Hillod the Outlaw - 000477EDHindaril - 000977DAHircine's Voice for Recording - 00051EDBHirtel - 0002D6FFHjolfrodi the Harrier - 0001E70CHlaro Dren - 00064DA4Hlidara Mothril - 00034E8DHlofgar - 00009C38Homraz gra Morgrump - 000234B1Honditar - 000234B9Honmund - 00035EC3Hrol Ulfgar - 0001ECD0Humilis Nonius - 0003C97AHundolin - 00029D75Hunting Tail - 00098295Huurwen - 0000A294I walk up and down stairs - 00085E4BIda Ottus - 0001D347Ida Vlinorman - 0001605DIdrolian - 00002E9AIlav Dralgoner - 0002D6ECIlend Vonius - 0009812FIlvel Romayn - 0001ECADImperial Jailor - 0018D1F4Imperial Legion Archer - 00001145Imperial Legion Battlemage - 0009263BImperial Legion Captain - 0004892FImperial Legion Centurion - 00035DFDImperial Legion Forester - 00061444Imperial Legion Messenger - 000146EAImperial Legion Soldier - 00001144Imperial Legionnaire - 0009061AImperial Prison Guard - 00045F7EImperial Watch - 0001C34BImus the Dull - 00015D82Iniel Sintav - 00016055Inigo Montoya - 0002B7CEIrene Metrick - 00016058Irlav Jarol - 00014674Irroke the Wide - 00026B14Isa Raman - 00035EB7Isabeau Bienne - 00026B4FIsleif the Open Handed - 000477E5Isolde - 0000A298Istirus Brolus - 00035EC8Ita Rienus - 0002D01CItius Hayn - 00026D98Iver - 000151FCJ'baana - 0009346EJ'Baasha - 0008521BJ'bari - 00034E77J'Ghasta - 00030148

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J'mhad - 000221C3J'riska - 000897DDJ'skar - 0002D01EJ'zin-Dar - 0000A10CJa'Fazir - 00034E7AJair - 000477D4Jakben, Earl of Imbel - 000148D5Jalbert - 000C80FDJanonia Aurunceia - 0004F77DJantus Brolus - 00035EC9Januarius Aurunceia - 0004F77EJanus Hassildor - 00028FAEJaras Invel - 0001C168Jastia Sintav - 00016067Jauffre - 00023999Javolia Maborel - 0005D547Jean-Pierre Lemonds - 0000A086Jeanne Frasoric - 0002CD20Jearl - 00035ECBJee-Tah - 0002FF2AJeelius - 00024E0AJeetum-Ze - 000356ECJena - 00037576Jena Sintav - 00016068Jensine - 00015EA4Jesan Rilian - 0002800BJesan Sextius - 0000A2A3Jhared Strongblade - 000335B1Jirolin Doran - 000234ACJiv Hiriel - 000280CAJolie Retiene - 000327BFJollring - 0002AB4CJorck the Outcast - 00015D83Jorundr - 00036244Julienne Fanis - 00034EAFJulitta Plotius - 00034E8AK'Sharr - 00003946Kalthar - 0002D8C0Kantav Cheynoslin - 00034E6CKarinnarre - 0003E188Kastav Kvinchal - 000477DDKastus Sintav - 00016064Kathutet - 0003C805Keld of the Isles - 000034CFKewan - 0001ECA9Kiara - 0002DC06Kirsten - 0001ECD2Krognak gro-Brok - 0000A296Kud-Ei 0002CD1F -Kurdan gro-Dragol - 0001F428Kurdan's Imperial Hunter - 0001FEEAKurdan's Nord Hunter - 0001FEECKurdan's Orc Hunter - 0001FEEFKurz gro-Baroth - 000234BEKvatch Soldier - 00026F18Kylius Lonavo - 00181C64Lackey - 0002AB55

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Lady Drad - 0001EC33Lady Rogbut gra-Shurgak - 0000BE80Laenafil - 00028FA7Langley - 0000A28BLaralthir - 0000A286Larthjar the Laggard - 0000BD60Lashana - 0006BD2DLaythe Wavrick - 000038CALazare Milvan - 00028E72Lazy Kaslowyn - 00015D87Lenka Valus - 0018AD70Lerexus Callidus - 00181C68Ley Marillin - 00016053Leyawiin City Watch - 0000A0B8Leyawiin Guard - 00034E71Leyawiin Jailor - 00035F8FLeyawiin Soldier - 00026F20Lithnilian - 00185374Llensi Llaram - 0000A293Llevana Nedaren - 000034DFLogvaar - 00035EB1Lonely Man - 00023D7ELord Drad - 0001EC31Lord Lovidicus - 00038EDDLord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak - 0000BE7FLordGenghis - 0003E915Lorgren Benirus - 0006E7EFLorkmir - 0004DE82Luciana Galena - 0000A10ALucien Lachance - 000034AFLuckless Lucina - 00015D86Lum gro-Baroth - 000234BFLumdum gro-Golpok - 0001DFB3Lurio Maenius - 00022BBDLuronk gro-Glurzog - 0001D350Luther Broad - 00023DE6Lynch - 0000C1D8Lynda Carter - 000CD302Lyra Rosentia - 00035EC5M'aiq the Liar - 000C47ECM'dasha - 000897DFM'dirr - 000897E1M'raaj-Dar - 00023E35Ma'Raska - 00026B37Mach-Na - 00023FEAMaelona - 0000A2A2Maenlorn - 0000A27CMaeva the Buxom - 00185FE5Mage - 00032940Mage Apprentice - 0006AAAFMage Scholar - 0006A82EMaglir - 00024165Magra gro-Naybek - 0003E190Magub gro-Orum - 000034D5Mahei - 00034E7FMaknok gro-Coblug - 000034DAMalacath's Voice for Recording - 00051EE2

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Malene - 0003001CMalintus Ancrus - 000222A6Malyani Dalvilu - 0001ECCCMandil - 00016060Manheim Maulhand - 000224EEMankar Camoran - 00033908Mannimarco - 00016487Marana Rian - 0001D353Marauder - 00069AD7Marauder Archer - 00069AD9Marauder Battlemage - 00069AD6Marauder Warlord - 0003CD2BMarc Gulitte - 0002D01AMarcel Amelion - 000A345BMaren the Seal - 0001ECABMargarte - 00034E81Marguerite Diel - 00033904Mariana Ancharia - 000034C2Marie Alouette - 000327BBMarie Palielle - 00028F9FMariette Rielle - 000038B3Marinus Catiotus - 0001605EMarlena Brussiner - 000280CBMaro Rufus - 00015EACMartina Floria - 00034EB5Marz - 0000A08BMathieu Bellamont - 0000398AMatilde Petit - 000277D5Matthias Draconis - 00030FDAMattius Wotrus - 0006BD29Mazoga the Orc - 00085969Melisande - 0003E931Mels Maryon - 0001EBF7Melus Petilius - 00026B46Menien Goneld - 0009812EMensa Selas - 0008521DMephala's Voice for Recording - 00051EE3Merandil - 00028035Mercator Hosidus - 00035649Mercenary - 000C7944Merete - 000151FEMerildor - 00059D2EMethredhel - 00034E99Miner - 000025FDMinerva - 000224EFMinx - 0000C1D9Mirabelle Monet - 0000A295Mirie - 0001ECAFMirisa - 00031540Mivryna Arano - 0004E887Modryn Oreyn - 000234C0Mog gra-Mogakh - 00028F8CMogens Wind-Shifter - 0008521AMondrar Henim - 00035A16Mor gra-Gamorn - 00026ACCMug gro-Murgak - 0009829BMurdered Beggar - 000919C8

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Mythic Dawn Acolyte - 00094E88Mythic Dawn Agent - 0002F108Mythic Dawn Guard - 00022C82Mythic Dawn Leader - 0002F101Mythic Dawn Storeroom Guard - 00026FC9Myvryna Arano - 0003529ANahsi - 0000A095Nardhil - 0004D83CNaspia Cosma - 000034CBNatch Pinder - 000280CCNecromancer - 0001EC05Necromancer Adept - 0004B948Nedhelfin - 00002E97Neesha - 00028FACNels the Naughty - 000277D4Nermus the Mooch - 00015D88Nerussa - 000BB9CBNeville - 000277D1Newheim the Portly - 00035740Night Child - 000C509CNigidius the Needy - 00015D8CNilawen - 0000A087Niraegaer - 00002E96Nivan Dalvilu - 0001ECC8No-Coins Draninus - 0001C45ANorasa Adus - 0005D516Norbert Lelles - 00035724Nordinor - 0003E17ENormalHead - 00029916Noveni Othran - 000353DFNumeen - 00034E7EOcheeva - 000224ECOghash gra-Magul - 000034DCOgier Georick - 00015E9AOhtesse - 000034C7Ohtimbar - 000034D0Olav - 00035EACOlava the Fair - 0000A08DOleed-Ei - 00034E7COleta - 00090AB3Olfand - 00035EB5Olyn Seran - 00026B4DOn-Staya Sundew - 00033906Ongar the World-Weary - 00035ECAOntus Vanin - 0001CF33Orag gra-Bargol - 000234AEOrgnolf Hairy-Legs - 000222B9Orintur - 0002D022Ormellius Goldwine - 00031E96Ormil - 0000C1D4Orok gro-Ghoth - 000234A8Orrin - 0000A2A1Orthe - 0003CD1BOrtis - 00026AD9Othrelos - 0001605FOtius Loran - 000234ABOtumeel - 00034E88

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Owyn - 000222B6Pajeen - 000A3833Palace Guard - 00115DFEPale Lady - 0004B76FPalonirya - 00015EA8Parwen - 000293E4Pelagius - 000A3164Penniless Olvus - 00015D7FPennus Mallius - 0001D356Perennia Draconis - 00030FDCPetrine - 00035EADPhilip Franc - 000B1681Phintias - 00015E9BPinarus Inventius - 0000A29DPirate - 000738DEPista Marillin - 00016054Pranal - 000389BDPraxedes Afranius - 0001D355Priest of Arkay - 0001CEAAPrimo Antonius - 000277D3Prince Humperdinck - 0002B7D2Prior Maborel - 000223ABPrisoner - 0003EAADPuny Ancus - 000165EDQuill-Weave - 0000A2A0R'vanni - 0000A10DRa'Jahirr - 00034E85Ra'Jhan - 0001E750Ra'jhera the Keeneye - 000CD327Ra'jiradh - 0001FDCCRa'qanar - 000034CERaelynn the Gravefinder - 00185378Ragbag Buntara - 0001C45BRallus Odiil - 0002229FRalsa Nethan - 00097865Ralsa Norvalo - 0001D343Raminus Polus - 00034E15Rana - 00034E7BRanaline - 0000A083Rancid Ra'dirsha - 00015D8ARanyu - 0003CD1ARasheda - 000234AFRaven Camoran - 0000ABB5Raynil Dralas - 00035EAERedas Dalvilu - 0001ECCAReenum - 0000A112Regner - 00035ECEReistr the Rotted - 0000A10ERellian - 0002C7C6Reman Broder - 000294A2Rena Bruiant - 000222B2Renald Viernis - 00034EB6Renee Geonette - 0001D34ERestita Statlilia - 00068459Reynald Jemane - 000222A8Rhano - 0000A290Ri'Bassa - 00026AED

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Ri'Jirr - 0001C13DRi'Zakar - 00035703Rienna - 00027F94Right-Wind - 00035EC1Rigmor - 0002AF3CRimalus Bruiant - 000222B3Rindir - 00015E9CRis Fralmoton - 00015EA1Rochelle Bantien - 0001FC53Roderic Pierrane - 0001623ARoderick - 00028FA4Rogmesh gra-Coblug - 000034D9Rohssan - 0001C14CRoland Jenseric - 0001D34BRolgarel - 0001D0ACRoliand - 00037573Roliand Hanus - 0002FD70Romana Faleria - 00016062Rona - 000982A5Rona Hassildor - 0003E956Rosentia Gallenus - 00033C74Roxanne Brigette - 0000A10FRoxy Aric - 0008595BRufio - 000224F0Rufrius Vinicius - 0000A291Ruma Camoran - 0002952DRusia Bradus - 0000A29FRuslan - 0001D351Rythe Lythandas - 000034D2S'drassa - 0002D026S'jirra - 00177A2BS'kasha - 00067417S'Krivva - 00035DD6S'mirra - 000514C6S'rathad - 0001FDD2S'razirr - 0002AF3ES'shani - 0000A280S'thasa - 000897E7Sabine Laul - 000234BDSakeepa - 0002F85FSaliith - 000A713CSalmo - 00029495Salomon Geonette - 0001D34DSamuel Bantien - 0001FC52Sanctuary Door Voice - 00048968Satha Dalvilu - 0001ECCBSaveri Faram - 00035ECCSavlian Matius - 00028007Scar-Tail - 0003558ASchlera Sestius - 00024412Seed-Neeus - 000234B8Selena Orania - 0002D020Selene - 0000C1D7Sergius Verus - 00015EA6Seridur - 0001CF76Servatius Quintilius - 00026D99Severius Atius - 0001FC4F

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Shady Sam - 000C45B5Shafaye - 00026B2CShagol gro-Bumph - 0002F861Shaleez - 0003018EShamada - 00034E66Shamar - 000039ABShameer - 000294B7Shelley - 000034C3Sherina - 00034E73Shobob gro-Rugdush - 0001EC37Shomara - 00034E67Shows-His-Arrow-Quickly - 00027065Shum gro-Yarug - 00028FB6Shuravi - 00034E65Sibylla Draconis - 00030FD8Siege Crawler Sentry - 0009C26ASigil Keeper - 0009504DSigny Home-Wrecker - 0003AA85Sigrid - 0002D701Silana Blandia - 00034E6BSimplicia the Slow - 0001C458Sinderion - 0003E92BSings-Like-Thunder - 000B166ESister Angrond - 000ACE6DSister Phebe Jeanard - 000ACE73Skaleel - 00035F43Skingrad Guard - 0000C03ESkingrad Jailor - 0002C0B7Skingrad Soldier - 00026F25Skjorta - 00035EB4Slythe Seringi - 00185DC9Snak gra-Bura - 0006B32BSnar the Cook - 00035EB2Soris Arenim - 0002F1FDSoul of Er-Teeus - 0001ECB2Soul of Ilvel Romayn - 0001ECAESoul of Kewan - 0001ECAASoul of Maren the Seal - 0001ECACSoul of Mirie - 0001ECB0Stantus Varrid - 0001D349Sten the Ugly - 0000A292Storn the Burly - 00035727Styrbjorn - 00033900Sulinus Vassinus - 000293EDSurius Afranius - 0002B5EBSuurootan - 00035EB3Tadrose Helas - 0000A096Talasma - 000234B4Tamika - 000294CCTanasa Arano - 000034D8Tandilwe - 000153B9Tar-Meena - 00132AEBTavia - 0002D6F9Teekeeus - 000234BCTeinaava - 00023E34Telaendril - 000251CETenville - 0008ADCB

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Termanwe - 0001C16DTertia Viducia - 000034C5Tertius Favonius - 00016061Tertullian Verus - 00015EA5Thalfin - 000151FAThamriel - 0001FDCBThaurron - 0002D018The Forlorn Watchman - 000347B1The Gray Fox - 00014653The Night Mother - 0000922BTheranis - 0001624CThiirchel - 00002E94Thorley Aethelred - 0018AFD9Thoronir - 00015E9EThrangirfin - 00002E98Thulsa Doom - 0002576BThurindil - 0000A29ATierra - 00028034Tilmo - 000545D9Timothee LaRouche - 0002991ATivela Lythandas - 000034D3Tolgan - 0001C494Tolisi Girith - 000034D7Tolvasa Sendas - 000A3832Tooth-in-the-Sea - 0003C165Torbal the Sufficient - 00026F96Torbern - 000613B8Toutius Sextius - 000293F7Tovas Selvani - 000034E0Trayvond the Redguard - 0002D024Trenus Duronius - 0001D348Trevaia - 0000A285Tsalajma - 000897E3Tsarrina - 0003AA83Tsavi - 00034E6FTsramla - 000897E5Tsrava - 00034E78Tumindil - 00028F9DTun-Zeeus - 00034E69Tyrellius Logellus - 0005378DUgak gra-Mogakh - 00028F8DUlen Athram - 0001FC55Ulene Hlervu - 000034CDUlfgar Fog-Eye - 0000A27BUlmug gro-Cromgog - 00028FA9Ulrich Leland - 000034CCUlrika Ulfgar - 0001ECD1Umbacano - 0002AB4EUmbra - 00026B1BUmog gra-Marad - 0002B528Undena Orethi - 00028E7DUngarion - 0000A088Ungolim - 000301C4Unknown Victim - 0008592FUravasa Othrelas - 0000A08AUrbul gro-Orkulg - 00015EAAUrjabhi - 0001FDCD

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Urnsi Serethi - 0002F866Ursanne Loche - 0000A111Usheeja - 0002B5EAUuras the Shepherd - 00028E84Uurwen 0002D025 -Uzul gro-Grulam - 0001FB55Vajhira - 0001EC5DValandrus Abor - 00028FA1Valen Dreth - 00025200Valen Dreth - 0002DF7AValus Odiil - 000222A1Vamp Chow - 0003DB99Vampire - 00003A8AVampire Acrobat - 0003264AVampire Agent - 00032648Vampire Archer - 00032645Vampire Assassin - 00032649Vampire Barbarian - 00032641Vampire Bard - 0003264DVampire Battlemage - 00032651Vampire Crusader - 00032642Vampire Knight - 00069AF0Vampire Mage - 0003264EVampire Monk - 0003264BVampire Nightblade - 00032654Vampire Patriarch - 00032BFEVampire Pilgrim - 0003264CVampire Rogue - 00032646Vampire Scout - 00032644Vampire Sorcerer - 00032650Vampire Spellsword - 00032653Vampire Thief - 00032647Vampire Warrior - 00032640Vampire Witchhunter - 00032652Vandorallen Trebatius - 00028FB7Vantus Prelius - 0002C7C7Varel Morvayn - 0000A283Varnado - 00015EADVaron Vamori - 0002991CVarulae - 00095A45Velan Andus - 0001DFB0Velus Hosidius - 00015EAEVelwyn Benirus - 0003628DViator Accius - 00015E9FVicente Valtieri - 00023E39Vidkun - 0002E5AFViera Lerus - 0000A25CVigdis - 0000A28FVigge the Cautious - 000293F3Vilena Donton - 000234C1Vincent Galien - 0000A094Vinicia Melissaeia - 00047720Viranus Donton - 0002D71FVlanarus Kvinchal - 000477DCVlanhonder Moslin - 000280C8Vlarimil Orius - 0001C16AVolanaro - 0000A09A

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Vontan Sintav - 00016066Vontus Idolus - 000039B1Voranil - 000034D6Wallace - 000234B2Weebam-Na - 00034E83Weedum-Ja - 0002D6EEWidehead - 00029915Wilbur - 0000A27EWilhelm the Worm - 0000A282Willet - 0001D340Winson - 0001605BWitseidutsei - 0002C8D8Worm Anchorite - 000336F6Wrath - 0000C1DAWretched Aia - 00015D80Wumeek - 0001EB7FYellow Team Bloodletter - 00029908Yellow Team Brawler - 00029234Yellow Team Champion - 0002996BYellow Team Combatant - 0002ACD1Yellow Team Gladiator - 0002994EYellow Team Hero - 00029968Yellow Team Myrmidon - 00029912Yellow Team Pit Dog - 0002A2B3Yellow Team Warrior - 00029938Ysabel Andronicus - 00037CDDYushi - 00026B4EYvara Channitte - 00035EBCZabhila - 00026AEFZahrasha - 000352B1

------------------------------------------------------------11) RINGS, AMULETS, AND CLOTHING

Acrobatics Pants - 00048981Acrobat's Amulet - 00098457Aegis Robe - 0000552CAhdarji's Ring - 00035E95Amulet of Absorption - 0009843EAmulet of Axes - 00098453Amulet of Illusion - 00092AC6Amulet of Interrogation - 000C04D6Amulet of Kings - 000250A0Amulet of Luck - 00091AD5Amulet of Reflection - 0009845BAmulet of the Ansei - 00187BBFAncotar's Ring of Protection - 00030135Apron of Adroitness - 00094ECBApron of the Master Artisan - 000CA122Aqua Silk Hood - 00071022Aqua Silk Robes - 00071021Arch-Mage's Hood - 00064FE0Arch-Mage's Robe - 00064FDFArnora's Amulet - 00093551Arnora's True Amulet - 00053787Astia's Necklace - 000CBD53Base Amulet of Absorption - 0009843D

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Base Amulet of Illusion - 00092AC5Base Amulet of Luck - 00091AD4Base Amulet of Reflection - 000937FABase Necklace of Mercantile - 00092AADBase Necklace of Personality - 00091AD1Base Necklace of Seawalking - 00098443Base Necklace of Speechcraft - 00092AB6Base Necklace of the Sea - 00098440Base Ring of Acrobatics - 00091C3CBase Ring of Aegis - 00098437Base Ring of Agility - 00091AC8Base Ring of Alchemy - 00092AB9Base Ring of Alteration - 00092ABCBase Ring of Athletics - 00091C2ABase Ring of Blades - 00091C2DBase Ring of Block - 00091C30Base Ring of Blunt Force - 00091C33Base Ring of Brawling - 00091C36Base Ring of Conjuration - 00092ABFBase Ring of Destruction - 0009DED3Base Ring of Detect Life - 00091AB6Base Ring of Endurance - 00091ACEBase Ring of Feather - 00091AB9Base Ring of Fire Shield - 00091ABDBase Ring of Firewalking - 00098419Base Ring of Fortitude - 0009845DBase Ring of Freedom - 00098425Base Ring of Frost Shield - 000937EFBase Ring of Health - 00091C21Base Ring of Heavy Armor - 00091C39Base Ring of Intelligence - 00091AC2Base Ring of Light - 000937F2Base Ring of Light Armor - 00091C3FBase Ring of Magicka - 00091C24Base Ring of Mysticism - 00092AC8Base Ring of Nighteye - 000937F5Base Ring of Nihilism - 0009841FBase Ring of Restoration - 00092ACBBase Ring of Retribution - 00091AAFBase Ring of Security - 00092AB0Base Ring of Shadows - 00091AAEBase Ring of Shock Shield - 0009843ABase Ring of Sneak - 00092AB3Base Ring of Speed - 00091ACBBase Ring of Steelskin - 00098422Base Ring of Storms - 0009842BBase Ring of Strength - 00091ABFBase Ring of the Archer - 00092AAABase Ring of the Armorer - 00091C27Base Ring of the North - 0009841CBase Ring of the Viper - 00098428Base Ring of Vigor - 00091AD7Base Ring of Willpower - 00091AC5Beggar's Shirt - 00064F7EBelted Braies - 0002B90BBelted Vest - 0002B90CBlack & Burgundy Outfit - 0001C887

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Black Band - 0002FF34Black Hand Hood - 000651D3Black Hand Robe - 000651D2Black Hood - 00064FE3Black Robe - 00064FE2Black Wide Pants - 00064F7BBlackheart's Ring - 0002C633Blacksmith's Apron - 000229A6Blacksmith's Pants - 000229A7Blackwood Ring of Silence - 00098175Blue & Green Outfit - 0001C884Blue Collar Shirt - 0000C59EBlue Silk Shirt - 00064FE5Blue Silks - 00064FE4Blue Suede Shoes - 0002319EBlue Velvet Outfit - 0002319DBoots of Springheel Jak - 000148D4Braided Leather Sandals - 0002B90DBrass Pearl Ring - 00038017Brass Ring - 00038011Brass Topaz Ring - 00038018Breeches - 00028587Bronze Amulet - 0003802DBronze Necklace - 00038027Brown Shirt - 000229ADBuckled Shoes - 00028733Burgundy Linen Shirt - 00000B86Burgundy Linens - 0001047CBurlap Vest - 0002C0F8Chameleon Robe - 0000844DChild Overalls - 000CAAA1Circlet of Omnipotence - 00088FEDClogs - 0002858ECoarse Linen Shirt - 0001C82ECoarse Linens - 0001C82CCollared Shirt - 00028732Colovian Signet Ring - 00032DA0Copper Amulet - 0003802ECopper Necklace - 00038028Copper Pearl Ring - 00038019Copper Ring - 00038012Copper Ruby Ring - 0003801BCopper Topaz Ring - 0003801ACouncilor's Hood - 000CA12CCowl of the Druid - 000CA121Cruelty's Heart - 000347E3Dark Green Shirt - 000229AADark Shirt - 00064F7DDoeskin Shoes - 0001C883Draconian Madstone - 0007304DDraconian Madstone - 0001C172Dreamworld Amulet - 00089008Dreamworld Amulet - 0002CDC6Ebony Diamond Ring - 00038026Ebony Emerald Ring - 00038025Ebony Ring - 00038016Elemental Ring - 00098450

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Emperor's Robe - 00023D33Emperor's Robe - 0000BC2DEmperor's Shoes - 00023D53Ernest's Best Shirt - 00064F76Ernest's Fancy Pants - 000CBD37Ernest's Shoes - 000CBD39Eye of Sithis - 00082DE0Feather Shoes - 00048991Fishing Waders - 0002ECACFlame Ring - 0009844CFlax Tunic - 0002C0FAForester's Shirt - 00064F79Fortify Fatigue Pants - 00048992Fortify Magicka Pants - 0000552DFrost Ring - 0009844DGold Amulet - 00038031Gold Diamond Ring - 00038024Gold Emerald Ring - 00038023Gold Necklace - 0003802BGold Ring - 00038015Gold Sapphire Ring - 00038022Gold Trimmed Shoes - 0001C888Grand Amulet of Absorption - 0009843FGrand Amulet of Illusion - 00092AC7Grand Amulet of Luck - 00091AD6Grand Amulet of Reflection - 0009845CGrand Necklace of Mercantile - 00092AAFGrand Necklace of Personality - 00091AD3Grand Necklace of Seawalking - 00098445Grand Necklace of Speechcraft - 00092AB8Grand Necklace of the Sea - 00098441Grand Ring of Acrobatics - 00091C3EGrand Ring of Aegis - 00098439Grand Ring of Agility - 00091ACAGrand Ring of Alchemy - 00092ABBGrand Ring of Alteration - 00092ABEGrand Ring of Athletics - 00091C2CGrand Ring of Blades - 00091C2FGrand Ring of Block - 00091C32Grand Ring of Blunt Force - 00091C35Grand Ring of Brawling - 00091C38Grand Ring of Conjuration - 00092AC1Grand Ring of Destruction - 00092AC4Grand Ring of Detect Life - 00091AB8Grand Ring of Endurance - 00091AD0Grand Ring of Feather - 00091ABBGrand Ring of Fire Shield - 00091ABEGrand Ring of Firewalking - 0009841BGrand Ring of Fortitude - 00098418Grand Ring of Freedom - 00098427Grand Ring of Frost Shield - 000937F1Grand Ring of Health - 00091C23Grand Ring of Heavy Armor - 00091C3BGrand Ring of Intelligence - 00091AC4Grand Ring of Light - 000937F4Grand Ring of Light Armor - 00091C41Grand Ring of Magicka - 00091C26

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Grand Ring of Mysticism - 00092ACAGrand Ring of Nighteye - 000937F7Grand Ring of Nihilism - 00098421Grand Ring of Restoration - 00092ACDGrand Ring of Retribution - 000937F9Grand Ring of Security - 00092AB2Grand Ring of Shadows - 00091AB2Grand Ring of Shock Shield - 0009843CGrand Ring of Sneak - 00092AB5Grand Ring of Speed - 00091ACDGrand Ring of Steelskin - 00098424Grand Ring of Storms - 0009842DGrand Ring of Strength - 00091AC1Grand Ring of the Archer - 00092AACGrand Ring of the Armorer - 00091C29Grand Ring of the North - 0009841EGrand Ring of the Viper - 0009842AGrand Ring of Vigor - 00091AD9Grand Ring of Willpower - 00091AC7Gray Cowl of Nocturnal - 00022E81Greater Amulet of Interrogation - 000C04D7Green Brocade Doublet - 000229B0Green Felt Linens - 00028731Green Robe - 0007101BGreen Robe Hood - 0007101CGreen Silk Garment - 000229B1Green Velvet Shoes - 000229B2Green Wool Shirt - 0002ECB0Grey Robe - 0012DD1EGrey Robe Hood - 0012DD1FHeinrich's Pants - 000CBD3DHeinrich's Shirt - 000CBD3FHeinrich's Shoes - 000CBD47Highwayman's Shirt - 00064FE6Hood of the Apprentice - 0006A82DHuntsman Leather Pants - 00000857Huntsman Moccasin - 0001C82BHuntsman Vest - 00000883Imperial Breeches - 000CA125Indarys Signet Ring - 000335A8Jade Amulet - 00189CFEJade Amulet - 0003802FJade Necklace - 00038029Jade Ring - 00038013Jade Ruby Ring - 0003801DJade Sapphire Ring - 0003801EJade Topaz Ring - 0003801CJewel of the Rumare - 000856EFJeweled Amulet - 00038032Jeweled Necklace - 0003802CKing of Worms' Hood - 001885CCKing of Worms' Robes - 001885CAKnights of the Thorn Medallion - 000335A9Kylius Lonavo's Ring - 00189181Laced Leather Pants - 000229ABLesser Amulet of Interrogation - 000C04D5Lesser Chameleon Robe - 00048990

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Light Armor Vest - 00048982Light Brown Linens - 000229AEMage's Hood - 00064FE1Mage's Robe - 00064F7FManduin's Amulet - 000347C8Mankar Camoran's Robe - 000BE31FMantle of the Woodsman - 000CA129Marksman Quilted Doublet - 00048983Mercantile Black Outfit - 00048984Mind and Body Ring - 000366C1Monk Robe - 0001E7FFMundane Amulet - 00038B07Mundane Ring - 0009844BMythic Dawn Hood - 0008D755Mythic Dawn Robe - 00024DE2Necklace of Mercantile - 00092AAENecklace of Personality - 00091AD2Necklace of Seawalking - 00098444Necklace of Speechcraft - 00092AB7Necklace of Swords - 00098452Necklace of the Sea - 00098442Necromancer's Amulet - 0007BE2BNecromancer's Hood - 001885CBNecromancer's Robes - 001885C9Nistor's Boots - 000CA12BOiled Linen Shoes - 0001C82FOlive Vest - 0002C0F4Pants - 00000015Patched Vest - 0002ECADPhylactery of Litheness - 000385A0Pigskin Shoes - 000229AFPinarus' Shirt - 000CBD51Plaid Shirt - 00064F78Quilted Doublet - 0001C831Quilted Shoes - 0001C886Red Silk Hood - 00071020Red Silk Robes - 0007101FRed Velvet Blouse - 00003A94Red Velvet Garment - 00003A93Red Velvet Outfit - 000A498EResist Cold Pants - 0000844EResist Disease Burgundy Linen Shirt - 00048989Resist Fire Burgundy Linens - 0004898AResist Normal Weapons Quilted Doublet - 0004898BResist Poison Blue & Green Outfit - 0004898CRing of Acrobatics - 00091C3DRing of Aegis - 00098438Ring of Agility - 00091AC9Ring of Alchemy - 00092ABARing of Alteration - 00092ABDRing of Athletics - 00091C2BRing of Blades - 00091C2ERing of Block - 00091C31Ring of Blunt Force - 00091C34Ring of Brawling - 00091C37Ring of Burden - 0002E5ACRing of Conjuration - 00092AC0

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Ring of Destruction - 00092AC3Ring of Detect Life - 00091AB7Ring of Eidolon's Edge - 0004F9E5Ring of Endurance - 00091ACFRing of Feather - 00091ABARing of Fire Shield - 00091ABCRing of Firewalking - 0009841ARing of Fortitude - 00098417Ring of Freedom - 00098426Ring of Frost Shield - 000937F0Ring of Health - 00091C22Ring of Heavy Armor - 00091C3ARing of Intelligence - 00091AC3Ring of Khajiiti - 00027110Ring of Light - 000937F3Ring of Light Armor - 00091C40Ring of Magicka - 00091C25Ring of Mysticism - 00092AC9Ring of Namira - 0001C10ARing of Nighteye - 000937F6Ring of Nihilism - 00098420Ring of Perfection - 00098446Ring of Restoration - 00092ACCRing of Retribution - 000937F8Ring of Security - 00092AB1Ring of Shadows - 00091AB1Ring of Shock Shield - 0009843BRing of Skimming - 00098456Ring of Sneak - 00092AB4Ring of Speed - 00091ACCRing of Stamina - 00098447Ring of Steelskin - 00098423Ring of Storms - 0009842CRing of Strength - 00091AC0Ring of Sunfire - 0001E0FARing of the Archer - 00092AABRing of the Armorer - 00091C28Ring of the Gray - 0000CCC8Ring of the Iron Fist - 00098458Ring of the North - 0009841DRing of the Viper - 00098429Ring of the Vipereye - 0001C4DARing of Thieves - 00098455Ring of Transmutation - 000CA126Ring of Treachery - 00098449Ring of Vigor - 00091AD8Ring of Vitality - 0009844FRing of War - 00098448Ring of Willpower - 00091AC6Ring of Wizardry - 0009844ARing of Wortcraft - 000CA128Robe of Creativity - 000CA127Robe of Defense - 00005529Robe of Deflection - 00005519Robe of Glib Tongues - 000478A5Robe of Protection - 00005527Robe of the Apprentice - 000C8536

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Robe of the Conjurer - 000748ABRobe of Warding - 0000551CRough Leather Shoes - 000229A8Rugged Pants - 00064F7ARusset Felt Outfit - 000352BARusset Felt Shirt of Blade Turning - 0000844CRusset Felt Shoes - 000352BBSack Cloth Pants - 00027318Sack Cloth Sandals - 0002731ASack Cloth Shirt - 00027319Security Russet Felt Shirt - 00048985Shield Ring - 0007B7A6Shirt - 00000017Shirt with Suspenders - 00064F77Shoes - 00000016Shop Keep's Shirt - 000CBD33Short Britches - 00064F7CSilver Amulet - 00038030Silver Emerald Ring - 00038021Silver Necklace - 0003802ASilver Ring - 0003801FSilver Ruby Ring - 00038014Silver Sapphire Ring - 00038020Sneak Blue Suede Shoes - 00048986Sorcerer's Ring - 00098454Spectre Ring - 000CA12ASpeechcraft Green Brocade Doublet - 00048987Spelldrinker Amulet - 00095A71Stitched Green Shirt - 0002C0F6Stitched Leather Shoes - 000229ACStorm Ring - 0009844ETan Linens - 0001C830Tan Robe - 00071019Tan Robe Hood - 0007101ATattered Pants - 0003EAABTattered Robe - 0007101DTattered Robe Hood - 0007101ETattered Shirt - 0003EAACThe Deceiver's Finery - 000348A5Thick Cowhide Shoes - 00000BEAUlfgar Family Ring - 0001ECE4Veil of the Seer - 000CA124Vest of the Bard - 000CA123Vest of Warding - 00005530Waterwalking Gold Trimmed Shoes - 0004898FWeatherward Circlet - 0006BD75Wedding Ring - 00022E6DWhite Mage's Robes - 000A498FWhite Mage's Shoes - 000A4990White Monk Robe - 00071047Wrist Irons - 000BE335

------------------------------------------------------------12) SOUL GEMS

Azura's Star - 00000193Black Soul Gem - 00000192

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Black Soul Gem - 000382E0Black Soul Gem - 0003C7FCBlack Soul Gem - 0001EC14Colossal Black Soul Gem - 000C6988Colossal Black Soul Gem - 00015208Common Soul Gem - 00015B8BCommon Soul Gem - 000382D4Common Soul Gem - 000382D5Common Soul Gem - 000382D6Grand Soul Gem - 00015B8EGrand Soul Gem - 000382DBGrand Soul Gem - 000382DCGrand Soul Gem - 000382DDGrand Soul Gem - 000382DEGrand Soul Gem - 000382DFGreater Soul Gem - 00015B8CGreater Soul Gem - 000382D7Greater Soul Gem - 000382D8Greater Soul Gem - 000382D9Greater Soul Gem - 000382DALesser Soul Gem - 00023D69Lesser Soul Gem - 000382D2Lesser Soul Gem - 000382D3Petty Soul Gem - 00023D67Petty Soul Gem - 000382D1

------------------------------------------------------------13) WEAPONS

Akavari Sunderblade - 000CA154Akavari Warblade - 000CA155Akaviri Dai-Katana - 0009DAC5Akaviri Katana - 00024DCAAkaviri Katana - 000977C9Akaviri Warhammer Burden - 000387B5Ancient Akaviri Katana - 000E78E5Apotheosis - 000CA153Axe of Hazards - 0003CCFFAxe of Icy Darkness - 0003BF64Ayleid Long Sword - 00014F14Ayleid Mace - 00014F15Battle Axe of Absorption - 0003841FBattle Axe of Beguilement - 0003539CBattle Axe of Blizzards - 0002308BBattle Axe of Cold - 000220A8Battle Axe of Damnation - 000353C2Battle Axe of Decay - 0003B407Battle Axe of Deception - 0003539ABattle Axe of Depletion - 000387AEBattle Axe of Diminishing - 0003D7D3Battle Axe of Dispel - 0003D7CBBattle Axe of Dissolution - 0003B40ABattle Axe of Embers - 0003DAE7Battle Axe of Enfeeblement - 0003CD09Battle Axe of Feeding - 0003B402Battle Axe of Fire - 0003DB0CBattle Axe of Flames - 0003DB03

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Battle Axe of Freezing - 000225D9Battle Axe of Frost - 0003DB8FBattle Axe of Jinxing - 0003AB6FBattle Axe of Lightning - 0002C278Battle Axe of Putrification - 0003B40CBattle Axe of Rending - 0003B40EBattle Axe of Sapping - 0003D7E2Battle Axe of Scorching - 0003DAFABattle Axe of Shocking - 0002B8D6Battle Axe of Siphoning - 0003B3FFBattle Axe of Soul Snares - 000353CABattle Axe of Soul Traps - 00035397Battle Axe of Souls - 00035C27Battle Axe of Sparks - 0002B561Battle Axe of Storms - 0002C286Battle Axe of the Blaze - 0003DB15Battle Axe of the Dynamo - 0002BFFABattle Axe of the Glacier - 00022738Battle Axe of the Inferno - 0003DB1EBattle Axe of Transmogrify - 0003B403Battle Axe of Voltage - 0002BDDDBattle Axe of Weakness - 0003AB43Battle Axe of Winter - 000230D9Battleaxe of Hatred - 000CA152Baurus's Akaviri Katana - 0006B843Black Bow - 000908ADBlackwater Blade - 0000C201Blade of Fiery Light - 0003BF60Blade of Woe - 00091905Blizzard Bow - 0003CD06Boreal - 0003CD05Bound Axe - 00026276Bound Bow - 0002627DBound Dagger - 0002627CBound Mace - 00026274Bound Sword - 00026273Bow of Blizzards - 0002308DBow of Burning - 0003DAF2Bow of Cold - 000220F6Bow of Curses - 0003AB87Bow of Despair - 0003AC88Bow of Embers - 0003DAE9Bow of Fire - 0003DB0DBow of Flames - 0003DB04Bow of Freezing - 000225DABow of Frost - 0003DB91Bow of Gloom - 0003AC89Bow of Harm - 0003AB6CBow of Infernal Frost - 00082DE4Bow of Infliction - 000CA156Bow of Jolts - 0002B585Bow of Lightning - 0002C27ABow of Numbing - 0003DB7BBow of Quietus - 0002B558Bow of Scorching - 0003DAFBBow of Shocking - 0002B8D7Bow of Silence - 0002B559

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Bow of Sparks - 0002B562Bow of Storms - 0002C287Bow of the Blaze - 0003DB16Bow of the Dynamo - 0002BFFBBow of the Glacier - 00022854Bow of the Inferno - 0003DB1FBow of Voltage - 0002BEB2Bow of Weariness - 0003AB6BBow of Winter - 000230DDBroken Sword - 0002D72BBrusef Amelion's Sword - 000091FBBurden of Agnosticism - 00014953Burden of Anger - 0001494FBurden of Arrogance - 00014950Burden of Flesh - 00014952Burden of Secrecy - 00014951Burden of Sin - 00014954Burz's Glass Mace - 000C7610Caelia's Steel Longsword - 0006AA99Calliben's Grim Retort - 000CB6F3Captain Kordan's Saber - 000CA158Ceremonial Dagger - 0008DA4AChillrend - 00068C01Claymore of Blizzards - 00023095Claymore of Brittleness - 0003D7BBClaymore of Burning - 0003DAF3Claymore of Cold - 0002224DClaymore of Depletion - 0003AB75Claymore of Depletion - 0003D7E8Claymore of Disintegration - 0003D7C7Claymore of Dispel - 0003D7CCClaymore of Embers - 0003DAEAClaymore of Fire - 0003DB0EClaymore of Flames - 0003DB05Claymore of Fracturing - 0003D7BFClaymore of Fragments - 0003D7B8Claymore of Freezing - 000225F6Claymore of Frost - 0003DB73Claymore of Jinxing - 0003AB74Claymore of Jolts - 0002B586Claymore of Lightning - 0002C27BClaymore of Numbing - 0003DB7CClaymore of Pain - 0003D7DEClaymore of Sapping - 0003D7E3Claymore of Scorching - 0003DAFCClaymore of Shattering - 0003D7C3Claymore of Shocking - 0002B8D8Claymore of Sparks - 0002B563Claymore of Storms - 0002C289Claymore of the Blaze - 0003DB17Claymore of the Dynamo - 0002BFFCClaymore of the Glacier - 00022A2BClaymore of the Inferno - 0003DB20Claymore of Voltage - 0002BFF3Claymore of Weariness - 0003D7DAClaymore of Winter - 000230DEClub - 00159829

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Cursed Mace - 00026F98Daedric Battle Axe - 00035E77Daedric Bow - 000733DDDaedric Bow - 00035E7CDaedric Claymore - 00035E78Daedric Dagger - 00035E72Daedric Longsword - 00035E76Daedric Mace - 00035E75Daedric Shortsword - 00035E73Daedric War Axe - 00035E74Daedric Warhammer - 00035E79Dagger of Absorption - 0003841ADagger of Blizzards - 00023098Dagger of Brittleness - 0003D7BCDagger of Burning - 0003DAF4Dagger of Cold - 0002257FDagger of Depletion - 0003D7E9Dagger of Diminishing - 0003D7D4Dagger of Discipline - 000C891FDagger of Disintegration - 0003D7C8Dagger of Dispel - 0003D7CDDagger of Embers - 0003DAEBDagger of Enfeeblement - 000389E6Dagger of Fire - 0003DB0FDagger of Flames - 0003DB06Dagger of Fracturing - 0003D7C0Dagger of Fragments - 0003D7B7Dagger of Freezing - 000225FCDagger of Frost - 0003DB74Dagger of Jinxing - 0003AB6EDagger of Jolts - 0002B588Dagger of Lightning - 0002C27DDagger of Numbing - 0003DB7DDagger of Pacification - 0003BF61Dagger of Pain - 0003D7DFDagger of Paralysis - 0002B560Dagger of Sapping - 0003D7E4Dagger of Scorching - 0003DAFDDagger of Shattering - 0003D7C4Dagger of Shocking - 0002B8D9Dagger of Sparks - 0002B564Dagger of Storms - 0002C28DDagger of the Blaze - 0003DB18Dagger of the Dynamo - 0002BFFDDagger of the Glacier - 00022A2CDagger of the Inferno - 0003DB21Dagger of Voltage - 0002BFF4Dagger of Weakness - 0003AB3FDagger of Weariness - 0003D7DBDagger of Winter - 000230DFDalvilu Cermonial Dagger - 0001ECE5Debaser - 0001D0B4Defiler - 0003CB6BDestarine's Cleaver - 000CA159Dragon's Bow - 0003CD04Dremora Bow - 000872AADremora Claymore - 0003E9C4

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Dremora Heavy Bow - 000872ABDremora Light Bow - 000872A9Dremora Longsword - 0003E9C3Dremora Mace - 0003E9C2Dwarven Battle Axe - 00035DCDDwarven Bow - 00035DCEDwarven Bow Replica - 000C7979Dwarven Claymore - 00035DCFDwarven Claymore Replica - 000C5606Dwarven Dagger - 00035DD0Dwarven Longsword - 000732B6Dwarven Mace - 00035DD2Dwarven Shortsword - 00035DD3Dwarven War Axe - 00035DD4Dwarven War Axe Replica - 000C5602Dwarven Warhammer - 00035DD5Ebony Battle Axe - 00035E6FEbony Blade - 00027109Ebony Bow - 00035E7BEbony Claymore - 00035E70Ebony Dagger - 00035E6AEbony Dagger Replica - 000C5616Ebony Longsword - 000732DEEbony Mace - 00035E6DEbony Mace Replica - 000C561FEbony Shortsword - 00035E6BEbony Shortsword Replica - 000C798AEbony War Axe - 00035E6CEbony Warhammer - 00035E71Ebony Warhammer Replica - 000C5604Elven Battle Axe - 00035E67Elven Bow - 000229BFElven Claymore - 00035E68Elven Dagger - 00035E63Elven Long Sword - 000977CDElven Long Sword Replica - 000C55FFElven Mace - 00035E66Elven Shortsword - 00035E64Elven Shortsword Replica - 000C7985Elven War Axe - 00035E65Elven Warhammer - 00035E69Enchanted Dagger - 0003FBCEEssence of Regret - 00014963Fine Iron Battle Axe - 0003A85FFine Iron Bow - 0003A860Fine Iron Claymore - 0003A861Fine Iron Dagger - 0003A862Fine Iron Longsword - 0003A863Fine Iron Mace - 0003A864Fine Iron Shortsword - 0003A865Fine Iron War Axe - 0003A866Fine Iron Warhammer - 0003A867Fine Steel Battle Axe - 0003A856Fine Steel Bow - 0003A857Fine Steel Claymore - 0003A858Fine Steel Dagger - 0003A859Fine Steel Longsword - 0003A85A

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Fine Steel Mace - 0003A85BFine Steel Shortsword - 0003A85CFine Steel War Axe - 0003A85DFine Steel Warhammer - 0003A85EFrostwyrm Bow - 000C55E4Ghost Axe - 0003CD07Gift of Flame - 0001494CGladiator's Sword - 0003E45BGlass Battle Axe - 00035E60Glass Battle Axe Replica - 000C5608Glass Bow - 000733DCGlass Claymore - 00035E61Glass Dagger - 00035E5BGlass Dagger Replica - 000C7973Glass Longsword - 000732DDGlass Longsword Replica - 000C5601Glass Mace - 00035E5EGlass Shortsword - 00035E5CGlass Shortsword Replica - 000C7989Glass War Axe - 00035E5DGlass Warhammer - 000977CBGlenroy's Akaviri Katana - 00022F82Goblin Shaman Staff - 00066C45Goblin Totem Staff - 000AA01FGoldbrand - 00027105Greater Staff of Anarchy - 00091322Greater Staff of Apathy - 000912ECGreater Staff of Blundering - 000912D4Greater Staff of Burden - 000912BFGreater Staff of Calm - 000912C2Greater Staff of Catastrophe - 000912E3Greater Staff of Charm - 000912C8Greater Staff of Confusion - 000912F2Greater Staff of Corrosion - 000912FCGreater Staff of Demoralize - 000912F6Greater Staff of Dispel - 000912FFGreater Staff of Domination - 000912D1Greater Staff of Fatigue - 000912DAGreater Staff of Feeblemind - 000912D7Greater Staff of Fire - 00091326Greater Staff of Fireball - 00091329Greater Staff of Fragility - 0009131FGreater Staff of Frailty - 000912EFGreater Staff of Frost - 0009132CGreater Staff of Ice Storm - 0009132FGreater Staff of Lethargy - 0009131CGreater Staff of Light - 00091332Greater Staff of Lightning - 000914B6Greater Staff of Open - 00091335Greater Staff of Ruin - 00091302Greater Staff of Severing - 000912E6Greater Staff of Sickness - 000912DDGreater Staff of Silence - 000914BCGreater Staff of Stopping - 00091338Greater Staff of Storms - 000914B9Greater Staff of Sundering - 00091316Greater Staff of Taming - 000912CE

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Greater Staff of Telekinesis - 000914BFGreater Staff of the Dazed - 00091310Greater Staff of the Doomed - 00091313Greater Staff of the Grave - 000914C2Greater Staff of the Oaf - 00091305Greater Staff of the Pariah - 000912E9Greater Staff of the Plague - 00091308Greater Staff of the Weary - 0009130AGreater Staff of Weakness - 000912E1Hatreds Soul - 00014D6AHeat of Sinfulness - 00014960Honorblade of Chorrol - 00028BA0Hrormir's Icestaff - 00002DDFImmolator - 0003CD01Iron Battle Axe - 00000D7FIron Bow - 00025231Iron Claymore - 0001C6CDIron Dagger - 00019171Iron Longsword - 000977D1Iron Mace - 00000D82Iron Shortsword - 00000C0DIron War Axe - 00000D81Iron Warhammer - 00019172Languorwine Blade - 00028277Lesser Staff of Anarchy - 00091323Lesser Staff of Apathy - 000912EDLesser Staff of Blundering - 000912D2Lesser Staff of Burden - 000912D8Lesser Staff of Calm - 000912C0Lesser Staff of Catastrophe - 000912E4Lesser Staff of Charm - 000912C6Lesser Staff of Confusion - 000912F3Lesser Staff of Corrosion - 000912FALesser Staff of Demoralize - 000912F4Lesser Staff of Dispel - 000912FDLesser Staff of Domination - 000912CFLesser Staff of Fatigue - 000912DBLesser Staff of Feeblemind - 000912E0Lesser Staff of Fire - 00091324Lesser Staff of Fireball - 00091327Lesser Staff of Fragility - 00091320Lesser Staff of Frailty - 000912F0Lesser Staff of Frost - 0009132ALesser Staff of Ice Storm - 0009132DLesser Staff of Lethargy - 0009131DLesser Staff of Light - 00091330Lesser Staff of Lightning - 000914CALesser Staff of Open - 00091334Lesser Staff of Ruin - 00091300Lesser Staff of Severing - 000912E7Lesser Staff of Sickness - 000912DELesser Staff of Silence - 000914BALesser Staff of Stopping - 00091336Lesser Staff of Storms - 000914B7Lesser Staff of Sundering - 00091317Lesser Staff of Taming - 000912CCLesser Staff of Telekinesis - 000914BD

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Lesser Staff of the Dazed - 00091311Lesser Staff of the Doomed - 00091314Lesser Staff of the Grave - 000914C0Lesser Staff of the Oaf - 00091303Lesser Staff of the Pariah - 000912EALesser Staff of the Plague - 00091306Lesser Staff of the Weary - 00091309Lesser Staff of Weakness - 000912D5Long Sword of Brittleness - 0003D7BDLong Sword of Depletion - 0003D7EALong Sword of Flames - 0003DB07Long Sword of Freezing - 0002263DLong Sword of Voltage - 0002BFF5Longsword of Absorption - 0003841DLongsword of Blizzards - 000230A6Longsword of Burning - 0003DAF5Longsword of Cold - 00022580Longsword of Depletion - 000387ACLongsword of Diminishing - 0003D7D5Longsword of Disintegration - 0003D7C9Longsword of Dispel - 0003D7CELongsword of Embers - 0003DAECLongsword of Enfeeblement - 000389E8Longsword of Fire - 0003DB10Longsword of Fracturing - 0003D7C1Longsword of Fragments - 0003D7B9Longsword of Frost - 000B0705Longsword of Jinxing - 0003AB70Longsword of Jolts - 0002B589Longsword of Lightning - 0002C27ELongsword of Numbing - 0003DB7ELongsword of Pain - 0003D7E0Longsword of Sapping - 0003D7E5Longsword of Scorching - 0003DAFELongsword of Shattering - 0003D7C5Longsword of Shocking - 0002B8DDLongsword of Sparks - 0002B565Longsword of Storms - 0002C28FLongsword of the Blaze - 0003DB19Longsword of the Dynamo - 0002C00CLongsword of the Glacier - 00022A2ELongsword of the Inferno - 0003DB22Longsword of Weakness - 0003AB41Longsword of Weariness - 0003D7DCLongsword of Winter - 000230E0Mace of Abeyance - 000359E7Mace of Absorption - 0003841CMace of Aversion - 000353D1Mace of Blizzards - 000230ABMace of Burden - 000387B6Mace of Burning - 0003DAF6Mace of Cold - 0002258CMace of Deadweight - 000387BEMace of Decay - 0003AF07Mace of Depletion - 000387ADMace of Diminishing - 0003D7D6Mace of Dispel - 0003D7CF

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Mace of Dissolution - 0003AF08Mace of Embers - 0003DAEDMace of Encumbrance - 000387BAMace of Enfeeblement - 000389E9Mace of Excess - 000387BCMace of Feeding - 000387A8Mace of Fire - 0003DB11Mace of Flames - 0003DB08Mace of Fracturing - 0003AF0AMace of Freezing - 00022642Mace of Frost - 0003DB76Mace of Holy Light - 00035A64Mace of Jinxing - 0003AB73Mace of Jolts - 0002B58AMace of Legion - 0003BF65Mace of Lightning - 0002C280Mace of Molag Bal - 00027117Mace of Numbing - 0003DB7FMace of Overload - 000387B7Mace of Putrification - 0003AF0DMace of Rending - 0003AF0EMace of Repelling - 000353CCMace of Sapping - 0003D7E6Mace of Scorching - 0003DAFFMace of Shocking - 0002BAAAMace of Siphoning - 000387A7Mace of Sparks - 0002B566Mace of Storms - 0002C290Mace of Strain - 000387B4Mace of the Blaze - 0003DB1AMace of the Dynamo - 0002C00DMace of the Glacier - 00022A2FMace of the Inferno - 0003DB23Mace of the Undead - 00035AB3Mace of Transmogrify - 0003B404Mace of Turning - 000353D4Mace of Voltage - 0002BFF6Mace of Warding - 000353D0Mace of Weakness - 0003AB40Mace of Weight - 000387B1Mace of Winter - 000230E1Mage's Mace - 0003E45DMages Staff - 0002C6A8Mage's Staff of Charm - 0001FE11Mage's Staff of Dispel - 0001FE16Mage's Staff of Fire - 000E9448Mage's Staff of Frost - 000E944CMage's Staff of Paralysis - 0001FE12Mage's Staff of Shock - 0001FE10Mage's Staff of Silence - 0001FE13Mage's Staff of Soul Trap - 0001FE14Mage's Staff of Telekinesis - 0001FE15Mankar Camoran's Staff - 000BE322Mishaxhi's Cleaver - 00187BC7Naked Axe - 0003E45ENearness of Evil - 0001493DNorthwind - 00187BC4

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Oblivion's Caress - 00014962Oblivion's Embrace - 000149E2Penance of Animosity - 00014966Penance of Deception - 0001496APenance of Faithlessness - 0001496BPenance of Hatred - 00014967Penance of Larceny - 00014968Penance of Pride - 00014969Perdition's Wrath - 00082DE3Pounder - 0003BF66Purging Flame - 00014961Quality Battle Axe Ember - 0003DAF1Quality Battle Axe Shiver - 0003DB7AQuality Battle Axe Soul Trap - 00035385Quality Battle Axe Spark - 0002B573Quintessence of Remorse - 000149E5Redwave - 00095A3FRenault's Akaviri Katana - 00066C44Retaliation of Blood - 000149EDRetaliation of Spirit - 000149EFRetribution of Aggression - 000149E7Retribution of Cowardness - 000149E6Retribution of Hubris - 000149E9Retribution of Hypocrisy - 000149EARetribution of Rapacity - 000149E8Retribution of Treachery - 000149ECRevealer of Iniquity - 0001494ERockshatter - 00014EC6Rohssan's Antique Cutlass - 0001C14BRugdumph's Sword - 0000BEA6Ruined Akaviri Katana - 000980DFRuma's Staff - 0001FB1CRusty Iron Bow - 00047ACARusty Iron Dagger - 00090616Rusty Iron Mace - 00090614Rusty Iron Shortsword - 00090615Rusty Iron War Axe - 00090613Sanguine Rose - 000228EFShadowhunt - 00034897Sharpened Cutlass - 000055ABShimmerstrike - 0002990EShortsword of Absorption - 0003841EShortsword of Blizzards - 000230ACShortsword of Brittleness - 0003D7BEShortsword of Burning - 0003DAF7Shortsword of Cold - 0002259CShortsword of Depletion - 000387ABShortsword of Depletion - 0003D7EBShortsword of Diminishing - 0003D7D7Shortsword of Disintegration - 0003D7CAShortsword of Dispel - 0003D7D0Shortsword of Embers - 0003DAEEShortsword of Enfeeblement - 000389E7Shortsword of Fire - 0003DB12Shortsword of Flames - 0003DB09Shortsword of Fracturing - 0003D7C2Shortsword of Fragments - 0003D7BA

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Shortsword of Freezing - 00022643Shortsword of Frost - 0003DB77Shortsword of Jinxing - 0003AB71Shortsword of Jolts - 0002D72EShortsword of Lightning - 0002C281Shortsword of Numbing - 0003DB80Shortsword of Pain - 0003D7E1Shortsword of Paralysis - 0002B55FShortsword of Sapping - 0003D7E7Shortsword of Scorching - 0003DB00Shortsword of Shattering - 0003D7C6Shortsword of Shocking - 0002BB17Shortsword of Sparks - 0002B567Shortsword of Storms - 0002C292Shortsword of the Blaze - 0003DB1BShortsword of the Dynamo - 0002C00EShortsword of the Fang - 0003CB6AShortsword of the Glacier - 00022EBDShortsword of the Inferno - 0003DB24Shortsword of Voltage - 0002BFF7Shortsword of Weakness - 0003AB42Shortsword of Weariness - 0003D7DDShortsword of Winter - 000230E2Silver BattleAxe - 00025221Silver Bow - 00025227Silver Claymore - 00025226Silver Dagger - 00025224Silver Longsword - 0002521FSilver Mace - 00025223Silver Shortsword - 00025220Silver War Axe - 00025222Silver Warhammer - 00025225Sinweaver - 0000172ESkull of Corruption - 00027116Spellbreaker - 00027112Staff of Anarchy - 00091321Staff of Apathy - 000912EBStaff of Banishment - 000914D2Staff of Blundering - 000912D3Staff of Burden - 000912BEStaff of Calm - 000912C1Staff of Catastrophe - 000912E2Staff of Charm - 000912C7Staff of Conflagration - 000914C5Staff of Confusion - 000912F1Staff of Corrosion - 000912FBStaff of Demoralize - 000912F5Staff of Diminishing - 000914C4Staff of Discord - 000914CDStaff of Dispel - 000912FEStaff of Domination - 000912D0Staff of Fatigue - 000912D9Staff of Feeblemind - 000912DFStaff of Fire - 00091325Staff of Fireball - 00091328Staff of Flame - 0001CECCStaff of Fragility - 0009131E

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Staff of Frailty - 000912EEStaff of Frost - 0009132BStaff of Hoarfrost - 000914C6Staff of Ice Storm - 0009132EStaff of Indarys - 0006B66DStaff of Legion - 000914CCStaff of Lethargy - 0009131BStaff of Light - 00091331Staff of Lightning - 000914B5Staff of Nenalata - 00058EECStaff of Open - 00091333Staff of Pacification - 000914C9Staff of Paralyzing Burst - 00091337Staff of Ruin - 00091301Staff of Severing - 000912E5Staff of Sickness - 000912DCStaff of Silence - 000914BBStaff of Storms - 000914B8Staff of Submission - 000914CBStaff of Sundering - 00091315Staff of Taming - 000912CDStaff of Telekinesis - 000914BEStaff of the Battlemage - 000493BDStaff of the Dazed - 0009130FStaff of the Doomed - 00091312Staff of the Everscamp - 0004F790Staff of the Grave - 000914C1Staff of the Healer - 000914D1Staff of the Mundane - 000914D0Staff of the Oaf - 00091304Staff of the Pariah - 000912E8Staff of the Plague - 00091307Staff of the Weary - 0009130BStaff of Thunderbolts - 000914C7Staff of Unholy Terror - 00056E50Staff of Vulnerability - 000914CFStaff of Weakness - 000912D6Staff of Withering - 000914C3Staff of Worms - 0004A24ESteel Battle Axe - 000229B6Steel Bow - 000229B7Steel Claymore - 000229B8Steel Cutlass - 0003AA82Steel Dagger - 000229B9Steel Longsword - 000229BASteel Mace - 000229BBSteel Shortsword - 00047ABFSteel War Axe - 000229BDSteel Warhammer - 000229BEStorm Bow - 0003CD08Sufferthorn - 000347EBSufferthorn - 000347F1Sword of Submission - 0003BF63Sword of Wounding - 0003CD02Tempest - 0003CCFEThieve's Dagger - 0003E45CThornblade - 0006B661

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Truncheon of Submission - 000CA157Umbra - 00026B22Unfinished Staff - 000355A6Volendrung - 00027108Voltag - 0003BF62Wabbajack - 000228F0War Axe of Absorption - 00038420War Axe of Beguilement - 0004F036War Axe of Blizzards - 000230ADWar Axe of Burning - 0003DAF8War Axe of Cold - 000225B4War Axe of Damnation - 000353C5War Axe of Decay - 0003B408War Axe of Deception - 0003539BWar Axe of Depletion - 000387AFWar Axe of Diminishing - 0003D7D8War Axe of Dispel - 0003D7D1War Axe of Dissolution - 0003B409War Axe of Embers - 0003DAEFWar Axe of Enfeeblement - 000389EBWar Axe of Feeding - 0003B401War Axe of Fire - 0003DB13War Axe of Flames - 0003DB0AWar Axe of Fracturing - 0003B40BWar Axe of Freezing - 00022647War Axe of Frost - 0003DB78War Axe of Jinxing - 0003AB72War Axe of Jolts - 0002B58BWar Axe of Lightning - 0002C283War Axe of Numbing - 0003DB81War Axe of Putrification - 0003B40DWar Axe of Rending - 0003B40FWar Axe of Sapping - 0004F038War Axe of Scorching - 0003DB01War Axe of Seduction - 00035396War Axe of Shocking - 0002BD0FWar Axe of Siphoning - 0003B400War Axe of Soul Snares - 000353CBWar Axe of Soul Traps - 00035398War Axe of Souls - 0003537AWar Axe of Sparks - 0002B571War Axe of Storms - 0002C296War Axe of the Blaze - 0003DB1CWar Axe of the Dynamo - 0002C020War Axe of the Glacier - 00023003War Axe of the Inferno - 0003DB25War Axe of Transmogrify - 0003B405War Axe of Voltage - 0002BFF8War Axe of Weakness - 0003AB44War Axe of Winter - 000230E3Warhammer of Abeyance - 00035A24Warhammer of Absorption - 0003841BWarhammer of Aversion - 000353D2Warhammer of Blizzards - 000230D3Warhammer of Burning - 0003DAF9Warhammer of Cold - 000225D8Warhammer of Deadweight - 000387BD

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Warhammer of Decay - 0003AF06Warhammer of Depletion - 000387B0Warhammer of Diminishing - 0003D7D9Warhammer of Dispel - 0003D7D2Warhammer of Dissolution - 0003AF09Warhammer of Embers - 0003DAF0Warhammer of Encumbrance - 000387B9Warhammer of Enfeeblement - 000389EAWarhammer of Excess - 000387BBWarhammer of Feeding - 000387A9Warhammer of Fire - 0003DB14Warhammer of Flames - 0003DB0BWarhammer of Fracturing - 0003AF0BWarhammer of Freezing - 00022650Warhammer of Frost - 0003DB79Warhammer of Holy Light - 00035AAEWarhammer of Jinxing - 0003AB6DWarhammer of Jolts - 0002B58CWarhammer of Lightning - 0002C284Warhammer of Numbing - 0003DB82Warhammer of Overload - 000387B8Warhammer of Putrification - 0003AF0CWarhammer of Rending - 0003AF0FWarhammer of Sapping - 0004F03AWarhammer of Scorching - 0003DB02Warhammer of Shocking - 0002BD6BWarhammer of Siphoning - 000387A6Warhammer of Sparks - 0002B572Warhammer of Storms - 0002C298Warhammer of Strain - 000387B3Warhammer of the Blaze - 0003DB1DWarhammer of the Dynamo - 0002C025Warhammer of the Glacier - 00023087Warhammer of the Grave - 000353CEWarhammer of the Inferno - 0003DB26Warhammer of the Undead - 00035AB6Warhammer of Transmogrify - 0003B406Warhammer of Turning - 00035644Warhammer of Voltage - 0002BFF9Warhammer of Warding - 000353CFWarhammer of Weakness - 0003AB3EWarhammer of Weight - 000387B2Warhammer of Winter - 000230E4Weight of Guilt - 0001494DWitsplinter - 0006B1C4