objectives medal of honor, rising empire

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  • 7/31/2019 Objectives medal of honor, rising empire



    -Locate Flying Tiger's Crash Site.

    -Find Tanaka.

    -Discover Yamashita's Gold.

    -Exit Temple Before Fourth Gun Explodes

    -Rescue Pilot

    Optional Objectives:

    -Destroy Japanese Radio Equipment.

    -Destroy Officers' Sake Supply.

    As we begin this mission, you'll notice that you'll have some friendly troops with you, including

    the British man in black that's been accompanying you for a while now. You start this mission

    with a slew of weapons in your possession. You'll have a Sten MKII Silenced SMG, a Sprinfield

    '03 sniper rifle, and a heavy-hitting Winchester 1893 Riot Shotgun. All three of these weapons

    are very powerful, so go with whatever you prefer. For accuracy and speed, I chose the Sten,but the Shotgun is a good close-combat power weapon, and the Springfield, naturally, is good

    for long distances.

    From the beginning, go forward a bit until you meet a lone Japanese soldier. Kill him (or let the

    accompanying men take him out), and then look around. To your left, you'll see a path going

    farther into the jungle. That's our ultimate objective, but first, go forward to a tight little

    pathway, at the end of which is a lone Japanese soldier. Kill him quickly before he sees you.

    Behind him is an ancient Burmese statue. Additionally, there are two crates; one small, one

    large. Destroy both crates to find some valuable ammo - a Sten MKII Magazine and some

    Model 12 Trench Gun Shot Shells.

    Head back to the path I told you to previous ignore (that was on your left but will now be on

    your right) and proceed down that path. You'll need to clip more Japanese soldiers as you head

    down its linear paths. Head all the way down the paths and through various ruins as you go,

    killing slews of Japanese soldiers. When the path opens up a bit and the path splits rightward

    up onto a mound or leftward down a straight path, go backwards, back to the original

    rightward (now leftward) bend in the pathway.

    Once back here, look for some weaknesses in the shrubbery on your right (if your back is facing

    the way we came back down the path via). Using the machete (that you should have if you've

    been following this walkthrough!), slash at the shrubs to clear a path. Equip the Shotgun and

    go down this tight, linear pathway. The Shotgun is the weapon of choice here since there's

    little room to maneuver and you'll be in close quarters with your foes. Pump any Japanese

    soldier that comes your way with the Shotgun and work your way to the end of this secret

    path, where you'll find three crates. Destroy them all to find some Model 12 Trench Gun Shot

    Shells and some Sten MKII Ammo as well. Then, proceed further down this secret path and

    jump over the statue heads that will flank you there to get back on the main path.

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    Back on the path, head to the area ahead (which should now be devoid of any enemy

    resistance) to where the path splits. The path that splits rightward and onto a mound is our

    objective. Climb up this mound - you'll meet no enemy resistance here except for a lone

    Japanese soldier with his back turned towards you at the very end of the elevated area. Take

    the Shotgun, pound one into him, and then destroy the crates to his right to receive some

    Springfield '03 Ammo.

    That should be a hint of what the point of being up here is. Equip your Springfield sniper rifle

    and get to the edge of the cliff, where the soldier we just killed was. Even with killing him, the

    Japanese soldiers below will likely have no idea you're here. There will be about four or five

    Japanese soldiers below initially (and as you begin to open fire, a few reinforcements will

    appear from behind their position). Simply lay into them with the sniper rifle, making your first

    target the Japanese soldier manning the mounted machine gun in the back right corner. Then,

    take out the rest of them.

    When the coast is clear and things below have calmed down, head back down from theelevated area we're on and take the left path adjacent to it into the clearing we were just

    shooting into. If any remaining Japanese resistance is here, now is the time to lay into them

    with either the Sten or the Shotgun. Make sure to destroy the crates in the middle of this

    clearing to reveal a Sten MKII Magazine and some Model 12 Trench Gun Shot Shells.

    As you get close to the mounted machine gun we were earlier weary about on the cliff above,

    more Japanese reinforcements will run into the area. What you can do is lure them into the

    clearing in front of the machine gun, kill any Japanese soldiers that try to mount the gun, and

    then turn their weapon on them. Just watch your back if you do this, because soldiers will

    continue to pour in from the areas above!

    When things have finally cooled down, head up the path behind the mounted machine gun.

    This linear pathway should be void of any enemies. Behind some ruins, you'll find (and hear) a

    save point. Save your game if you'd like, and destroy the crates against the ruins near the save

    station to find some Springfield '03 Ammo and some Model 12 Trench Gun Shot Shells.

    Proceeding upward from there, you'll see two more crates, in which, once destroyed, will

    reveal some Model 12 Trench Gun Shot Shells and a Sten MKII Ammo Can.

    Before proceeding, equip the Springfield. Then, go up the tight, upward sloping pathway and

    quickly open up with the sniper rifle on the soldier manning the mounted machine gun to yourright. Once he's dead, run up to this machine gun and use it on the soldiers coming in on you

    from further up in this area. There will plenty of volatile explosive barrels in the area to use on

    your enemies if you find them hard to hit. Remember, keep an eye on that machine gun aiming

    on your position straight across on the left side - this will be your greatest challenge here.

    Once the slew of enemies has calmed down, run from around the gun and stay on your right,

    grabbing the Medical Kit against some of the ruins there. Then, equip the Springfield and peak

    out leftward, looking ahead at a mounted machine gun against some ruins on a hill ahead. Aim

    at the explosive barrel next to the gun to quickly take out the soldier manning that gun. Then,

    run leftward, grab another Medical Kit there if you need it, and run forward, towards the leftside of the gun, where you'll meet more resistance.

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    Kill the foes here, and then get on the mounted machine gun to your left, cleaning up the area

    with some precise shooting. The soldiers will drain into the area from the pathway at the

    upper left side of the screen, so keep an eye out on that part of the screen as you clip the

    Japanese foes that stand in your way. When things finally calm down, get off of the gun.

    Go forward and right, to the mounted machine gun in the ruins there. If there's a soldier

    mounting it, his back will be turned, so kill him, and then destroy the crates in that area as

    well. This will reveal some goods for you to take, amongst which, a Sten MKII Magazine, a

    Medical Kit, some Model 12 Trench Gun Shot Shells, and some Grenades. Then, look to the

    right of the gun, where you'll see a Japanese radio - shoot at these radios sitting on the ruins to

    complete the first optional objective on this mission. Once all of these goods are taken and the

    radio destroyed, go forward and down the tight, linear path leading out of this open area.

    Once on the path, follow it downward until another save station is on your left. Save yourgame if you so desire, then proceed further up the linear pathway until you find the plane that

    had crashed - Tanaka, the man we are searching for that was piloting that plane, is on the

    other side of it. Talk to him, and then, with him, proceed down the linear pathway on the other

    side of the crash area, killing a few stray Japanese soldiers as you go. Eventually, this pathway

    will open up into a huge Japanese-held compound.

    Entering this large compound before doing two very important things is asking to be destroyed

    by the Japanese soldiers here. You'll notice if you look into this large compound that there are

    two guard towers flanking the area - one on the left side, one on the right side. Use your sniper

    rifle to take out both of them first and foremost - they both man machine guns and can beformidable indeed.

    When those two foes are cleared, equip the Shotgun and run into this area with that sucker

    blazing! It doesn't pay to hide, use cover, and strategically kill the foes here - running and

    gunning with the Shotgun is your only real option here if you want to get out of here alive.

    Make sure to take care of the foes by running at them and shooting them. Remember, the

    Shotgun is only accurate at close range - otherwise, you might as well be shooting an NES Light

    Gun at them, because it'll do about the same amount of damage.

    Make sure to destroy the crates in the open area to get ammo and the like as you're firing

    away. Then, run up the huge staircase ahead of you. Foes will floor down it, allowing you clear

    shots at each of them with your Shotgun. Do not peek your head over the top of the steps

    without having the Springfield equipped. When you do, use it to quickly kill the mounted

    machine gunner at the top of the stairs, and then switch back to the Shotgun to take care of

    the two Japanese soldiers flanking him. When all is said and done, and all quiets down,

    proceed into this large ancient building.

    Go past the mounted machine gun and into an open area of the building with a large statue.

    To your right, a soldier will quickly run at you. Clip him with the Shotgun before he knows what

    hit him. Then, go to the left, where the crates are. Destroy these crates to find some Model 12

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    Trench Gun Shot Shells, a Medical Kit, some Grenades, and most importantly, a M9A1

    Bazooka. Now we're playing with power.

    Direct your attention to the statue in this room now. Equip the Springfield and kill the three

    Japanese soldiers around the statue. The one on the top of the scaffolding to the left should be

    your first target, since he poses the most immediate threat. Then, kill the two soldiers oneither side of the lower scaffolding to complete the trio. Killing them now means you won't

    have to deal with them later.

    Proceed rightward down a pathway further into the building now. En route through these

    linear corridors, you'll kill a few Japanese soldiers here and there. When the room opens up

    from the pathway (and the pathway continues leftward), first kill all of the soldiers in said

    room. Then, proceed to the left side of the room, where a huge barrel of Sake sits. Shoot this

    barrel of Sake to catalyze the second of the two optional objectives on this mission -

    destroying all five officer Sake barrels. You can also destroy the crate at the top of this room to

    find some Model 12 Trench Gun Shot Shells before proceeding leftward down the nextcorridor.

    Down this corridor you will go, now, killing more Japanese soldiers as you go. As the path turns

    right, destroy the crate there to get some Springfield '03 Ammo and some Model 12 Trench

    Gun Shot Shells. Then, continue rightward to a large room in which a huge doorway will be

    present. Kill the foes in this room, and once they are cleared, open the door, continuing into

    the next room.

    As soon as you open the door, more soldiers will fire upon you. Use your Shotgun to clear the

    room, making sure each Japanese soldier is felled before continuing. There's another largedoor we need to open at the top of the room, but first, destroy the crate on the right side of

    the room, revealing some Model 12 Trench Gun Shot Shells, and revealing a pathway going

    rightward as well.

    Shoot the crate on your right as soon as you enter the room, revealing some more Model 12

    Trench Gun Shot Shells. Two more crates further up this linear pathway will reveal a Sten MKII

    Magazine and some Grenades when destroyed. If you follow this linear pathway to the end,

    you'll also find a save station that you can utilize if you so choose.

    Once back in the primary room, go through the next doors, killing Japanese soldiers in the

    following room. Make sure to take out the Sake barrel on your left as you proceed through the

    room, killing these bad guys and grabbing the Lotus Flower from the hands of the golden

    statue in the middle of the room. Then, follow the pathway as it leads out of the room.

    As you follow this pathway, you'll come across more soldiers. As it turns right, destroy the two

    crates in the corner to find some Model 12 Trench Gun Shot Shells and some Springfield '03

    Stripper Clips. Then, proceed down the rest of the corridor, using various cover as you go and

    opening up on the Japanese foes with your Sten and Shotgun - whichever you deem more

    appropriate for the different situations at hand. Eventually, you'll come to another large door,

    which you'll need to open. You'll soon thereafter find yourself outside.

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  • 7/31/2019 Objectives medal of honor, rising empire


    As you go down this pathway, you'll come across a jail cell with an open door. Go through the

    door and proceed further into this secret area. Follow the linear corridor, and you'll come

    across a lone Japanese soldier you should kill before you can bear left into a small room and

    kill two more soldiers. Other than killing them, however, there's little else of interest within.

    Leave this room, going back to the corridor, and continue up it. When you get to a split in the

    path, and can either go right or left, go left. Go all the way left, avoiding any veering, until you

    come to a room with a large golden statue. There's a pedestal in front of this statue, colored

    black. Approach it and press the action button to place the Lotus Flower we got earlier on the

    pedestal. This will open a door to your right. Go through this door to enter a very secret

    chamber, in which you will find the all-important Shovel, which will allow you to dig up certain

    areas in each mission.

    Go back to the room with the statue and look in the corner for a save station. Save your game,and then go back up the pathway, going left at the first chance you get. This is when you'll

    start to overhear some Japanese soldiers talking. Proceed down this path, go right, and you'll

    see the backs of two Japanese officers holding the pilot hostage. Since one of our mission

    objectives is to save the pilot, shoot both officers in the back with your Shotgun before they

    know what hit them, and then free the pilot.

    Go back to the corridor now and continue forward, again, not veering until you can head left

    and back up to the previous room we were in before. This is the room we initially fell into

    when we "discovered" Yamashita's Gold. The door in the upper right corner of the room,

    however, is now open. Two initial Japanese soldiers bust through the door to take you on. Killthem both and proceed through that now-open door.

    From here on out, the corridors are fairly linear and the direction you need to go in is straight-

    forward. There will be a high volume of Japanese soldiers to kill as you go, however, so you'll

    need to be weary of that. Eventually, you'll come to the room with the huge statue in it, the

    one where we earlier killed three soldiers. By killing them, that's three less we need to deal


    However, when you enter the room, the statue begins to fall apart. Do not run into the room

    until the head of the statue falls to the ground, or it will crush you. Take care of the soldiers in

    this room thereafter, proceeding across the room to the corridors on the other side. Running

    through this new set of linear corridors, you'll have to deal with more Japanese resistance.

    Finally, you'll come out in a crate-filled room full of a few more Japanese soldiers. Kill them all

    and go leftward. You'll see two mounted machine guns there over-looking a Japanese

    compound below. Mount either gun and start firing on the compound below, using the various

    barrels to cause explosions and take out slews of enemies at a time. This is a fairly easy way to

    end this mission (just make sure to destroy the truck in the middle of the compound to make a

    huge explosion). When the mission is over, you make your grand escape.

  • 7/31/2019 Objectives medal of honor, rising empire



    -Rendezvous with Chindits.

    -Find Bromley.

    -Sabotage Bridge on River Kwai.

    -Gain Control of Crane.

    -Open Fuel Tanks.

    -Get off bridge.

    Optional Objectives:

    -Eliminate 10 Enemies at Blockade.

    Beginning this mission with a Shotgun and your sniper rifle only, we're going to be in need of a

    machine gun. If you've been following this walkthrough thusfar, you should have found the

    machete missions ago, and you can now use it to do the following. Instead of going forward

    along the path you're on, do a 180 and face the other way. Follow the pathway going the other

    way and you'll come to a dead end soon thereafter. Look for some loose shrubbery and the

    like that is thin in nature. Use your machete to cut through it, revealing a pathway behind it

    that you can follow.

    Follow this pathway now and you'll come across a few well-armed Japanese soldiers. Kill them

    both and proceed forward, as the jungle path opens up into a large jungle area that is less

    forested. There will be a slew of Japanese soldiers here for you to do battle with. There's a

    small stream running through this area on the left side. Jump into this stream.

    Move along the stream and fire at the various enemies. Some are clearly visible while others

    will pop out of the ground and surprise you out of nowhere. Because of this, you'll want to be

    careful and move along, using the stream to give you less leverage, hence there's less for the

    enemy to shoot at. Eventually, the enemy resistance will all be killed and you'll come to the

    end of the small stream, where a crate awaits. Destroy this crate to reveal a much-needed

    Medical Kit.

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    It seems like you've hit a dead end here, as there's simply a chasm in front of you. This isn't the

    case, however. If you pay attention to the prompts on top of the screen while you're

    overlooking this chasm, you'll see that it asks you to press the action button to "swing." Do

    this, and you'll swing across the chasm, smashing into some grass on the other side, which

    then disappears to reveal a hidden cave entrance.

    Walk down the short, linear cave trail, and you'll come across two Japanese soldiers and a

    Japanese officer. Quickly lay into them with your Shotgun until all three are no longer a threat.

    Then, destroy the crates around them to reveal a Medical Kit and a T-11 LMG Magazine. Sitting

    atop the crates in this room, you'll find the T-11 LMG itself, the primary reason we took this

    little "shortcut" of ours.

    With the goods in hand, head left and back outside of this small cave. Quickly turn to your right

    and take out the Japanese soldier there waiting to ambush you. Then, look below for some

    rocks jutting out that you can use to work your way back down to the ground below. If your

    back is facing the rocks we just used to climb down, then to your right you'll see a great

    number of Japanese soldiers that we avoided earlier that we're going to now have to kill.

    Surprisingly, these Japanese soldiers will likely provide you with a bit of a challenge. Your best

    bet is to go across the path to a heightened position next to the path, where you'll find a

    Medical Kit and some Springfield '03 Ammo. Equip the Springfield and use the heightened

    position to kill the enemies ahead. Then, head towards their position when things are quiet,

    going towards the railroad tracks they were guarding.

    When you get to the tracks, head rightward. There should be no resistance until the track

    starts to turn slightly, at which point two enemies in high positions to your right and threebehind a crate to your left will open fire on you. Kill the three to your left, and then quickly run

    behind the crates there, where you'll find some Grenades and a Medical Kit. Being behind

    these crates will also provide you with protection from the fire of the other two foes in the


    Equip the Springfield when you're behind these crates and open up on the two enemies high

    above on the other side of the road. When both are dead, leave the safety of being behind the

    crates and run down the track, continuing onward. Look for a path leading leftward from the

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    tracks, and when you find it, go down this short, downward sloping path. At the end of it, you'll

    find two Japanese soldiers. Kill them both, then grab the T-11 LMG Ammo and the Field

    Surgeon Kit they were guarding.

    As you're coming back out from this secret path, equip the Springfield and clip both enemies

    on the ridge across the main path, high above, before they do any real damage to you. Then,

    swing left and continue to follow the train tracks deeper into enemy territory. There are two

    enemies you need to worry about as you go along. First of all, you'll start to hear and see

    mortar fire. The guy firing these mortars is on top of the rocks to your right. Use the Springfield

    to clip him before he takes you out of the program. Secondly, you'll see a water tower to your

    left as you go along. On the backside of this tower, an enemy sniper awaits. Take him out as


    Eventually, you'll come to train tracks that are going over a huge gap alongside the mountain.

    Ahead, you'll see a Japanese truck driving away under heavy fire from some resistance. This

    truck eventually explodes and falls off of the side of the tracks to its death below. These

    enemies that were fighting the Japanese are the Chindits we're looking for. Go up and talk to

    them, and they'll ask you to follow them. Do so.

    As you go, you'll come across some crates to your left. Destroy them to find some T-11 LMG

    Ammo. Soon thereafter, your escorts will stop at a fork in the road and tell you there's

    enemies ahead. Look rightward (and slightly behind you) after they let you know of enemy

    resistance ahead, and you'll see a cave entrance. Inside this small, straight-forward cave, you'll

    find a save station. Save your game, and then go back out to the fork in the road.

    Don't follow the train tracks. Instead, head leftward at this fork, and you'll come to a smallJapanese compound with two makeshift huts. Here, enemy resistance you will not find;

    instead, they will outflank you and come from behind. Make sure to take them on with your

    Shotgun at close range to make quick work of them. In the long house on the right side, you'll

    find a Medical Kit if you need it. In the nicer house on the ridge on the left side, you'll find

    within a Field Surgeon Pack if you need that as well.

    It seems like a dead end from here, but it is, in fact, not. Go to the far end of this small

    Japanese compound to an area behind the location of the house on the right side. Look up andto your right to find a little area in between the two mountain-structures that will lead back to

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    the railroad tracks. Look up with the Springfield sniper rifle to your left to take out a lone

    sniper that might give you trouble. Then, go left down the railroad tracks.

    As you head left, two of the Chindits that we earlier hooked up with will be back to help you,

    and their help is greatly appreciated here. As you run down the railroad tracks ahead, it'll be

    like running the gauntlet. There will be rocks flanking the railroad track as it goes forward,

    making for perfect, natural cover for a slew of Japanese soldiers. And when I say slew, there's a

    good twenty of them ahead. Equip your Shotgun, remember that you have some cover with

    the two Chindit escorts, and run forward.

    As the enemies reveal themselves as you go, get close and give them each a Shotgun blast.

    Since you should be fighting in close quarters, one Shotgun blast per enemy should do the

    trick. There will be volatile explosive barrels all over the place here. If you can manage to hit

    them to take out one or two (or more) Japanese soldiers, so be it. But keep your distance from

    them, as they can be used against you.

    When you need to reload, take cover, and keep an eye out for health items that the enemy

    Japanese soldiers that are deceased sometimes drop. You will need as much health as humanly

    possible to obtain here. Eventually, you will come to a Japanese outpost. This outpost has a

    watch tower on either side of the tracks. Each tower has a mounted machine gun on it. It's

    time, naturally, to re-equip that sniper rifle, Springfield-style.

    Soldiers will run towards the guns even after the initial soldier that was manning them is killed

    on either side. It should be approximately five per side. When you have the patience enough to

    kill ten of these posts, you actually fulfill the bonus objective here, so that's always nice.Unfortunately, we can't actually reach the areas around the towers, so you'll have two options.

    You can either go left, or you can go right. Ultimately, we have to go left, but first, veer

    rightward from the tracks and through a now-open gate.

    As you're heading towards these gates, a lone Japanese soldier will attack you. Make sure to

    quickly go back to using the Shotgun and pound him quickly before he can damage you. Other

    than him, you'll find zero enemy resistance in this small Japanese compound. It's set up, in

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    fact, a lot like the previous compound we came across - a long house on the right, and a larger

    house on a ridge to your left.

    In the house to your right, you'll find some Grenades, a T-11 LMG Ammo Can, some Springfield'03 Ammo, and a Medical Kit. The smaller house above on the left will hold some more

    Springfield '03 Ammo and another Medical Kit for your health needs. Once all of the goods

    here are gotten, go back through the open gate and towards the location of the Chindits.

    The Chindits will stay here, protecting you as you go forward from their current position.

    Because of this, you'll no longer have them to take enemy fire and help you take out the stray

    Japanese soldier here and there. As you enter the jungle path, you'll have the option, soonthereafter, to go left or right. Go left, first off. There will be no enemies, but you will soon

    come to a save station, where you can save your game, and reload, et cetera.

    Then, head back to the fork and go right. Two enemy Japanese soldiers will pop out of the

    ground on either side of the path. Kill them both, and then quickly equip the sniper rifle and

    take out the well-hidden Japanese soldier on a tree limb on the left side of the path. He will

    hurt you badly if you don't take him out as soon as humanly possible, so make sure to kill him


    Now, go down the rest of the path. There's a bridge across a chasm. Watching this bridge

    closely are a number of Japanese snipers. Don't bother trying to find them or kill them -

    instead, run as fast as you can across this bridge to the safety of the jungle on the other side.

    You'll get hit, but if you're fast, the damage will be minimal. Follow the path to where there are

    a lot of crates. Here, you'll find two Japanese soldiers, one of which is manning a mounted

    machine gun. Kill them both quickly, and grab the Grenades behind the crates that themounted machine gun is mounted upon.

    Mount the machine gun and seven or eight Japanese soldiers will run down the path. Mow

    them down easily until they stop coming. Then, circle back around the large stacks of crates,

    where you'll find Springfield '03 Ammo and a Medical Kit. You'll also see an elephant - that's

    not a figment of your imagination. Approach the elephant and press the action button to get

    on him. Time to take a ride!

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    This elephant, as funny as it is, is armed with a mounted machine gun. He'll walk along a pre-

    determined route and it'll be up to you to fire your machine gun, killing the Japanese soldiers

    along the way. This is actually quite simple. Japanese soldiers will be on the ground, of course,

    but keep an eye out for Japanese soldiers in the trees, who will have the power to do the mostdamage to you.

    The only concern here is the one mortar soldier on the ridge to your left as you go. Take him

    out as soon as possible so he doesn't damage you too greatly. When you see a bunch of crates

    ahead of you thereafter, shoot at them to destroy them and keep firing - this will destroy a

    Japanese truck behind the crates. From there, you'll turn left, find Bromley (a mission

    objective!) and dismount the elephant.

    Bromley will run to the left. Don't follow him quite yet. Instead, head rightward and up a

    sloping pathway. At the top of this pathway, you'll find two Japanese soldiers. Lay into both of

    them with your Shotgun, and grab the Medical Kit up here, as you'll likely need to be healed.

    Then, go back to the location where we met up with Bromley and got off of the elephant, and

    this time, head left in the direction Bromley ran.

    As you run towards him, the path splits. To the right, you'll find Bromley. First, go left and find

    a save station. This will be your final chance to save your game on this mission, so it's a good

    idea to save. Then, go back to the fork, find Bromley, and go up a little bit along the path with

    him to find a Japanese compound, where we need to get on the crane in the compound,

    protected fiercely by the Japanese.

    There are three enemies we can initially kill here before we run all-out into this area. There are

    two watch towers ahead of you that are easy to spot, and another soldier on the ridge to the

    right and behind these towers. Kill all three foes with your Springfield rifle, and the enemy

    resistance will be cut down here.

    Run straight across the area now towards the pathway that leads around the mountain to the

    location of the crane. There are no enemies here as you go along. When you get into the area

    where the crane is, grab the Medical Kit, Springfield '03 Rounds, and the Grenades that are

    around the crane. Then, approach the crane and press the action button to get inside.

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    Automatically, your character drops iron on the tracks below, causing a Japanese train to

    crash. But the battle isn't over here yet!

    Run back along the path we got up here via. As you're running, equip the T-11 LMG. If you've

    been following my walkthrough, you should have been using the Shotgun throughout our

    campaign on this mission. Therefore, you should have a full stock of T-11 LMG ammo, and

    you'll need it here. Approach the traincar that's vertically across the train tracks. The door will

    open and ten or eleven soldiers will file out. However, they all come out in the same area,

    meaning if you fire at that one area, you'll kill each one as they come out. You will, however,

    have to reload, so this plan has a failing nature to it, but only partially. Do what you can, and

    then take out those you missed while reloading with your Shotgun.

    Approach the boxcar we just shot all of the soldiers in. You'll have to jump in it and come out

    the other side - it's the only way to proceed. Re-equip the T-11 LMG if you haven't already, and

    follow the pathway the wreckage leaves. As you come right around a car, you'll meet two

    Japanese soldiers. Quickly kill them and end their misery... before they end yours.

    As you come around, keep an eye on the destroyed car to your left, as a soldier will be on top

    of it taking aim at you with his machine gun. Kill him, and then go forward and bear left to a

    little aside on the bridge, where you'll find a Medical Kit if you need it. Proceed along the

    destroyed car to your left ahead, and you'll see an on-screen prompt to press action to release

    the fuel valve. Press action and the first of three fuel valves is hence "released."

    Proceed forward to another car vertically across the bridge with a door open. Within it you'll

    have to kill two Japanese soldiers. Make sure to grab the T-11 LMG Ammo on the right side of

    the car before leaving it, coming out on the other side. Once you do, go leftward and kill thetwo Japanese soldiers ahead of you, as well as taking aim at the soldier on top of the car

    ahead... he likes to chuck grenades and can be a real threat if you don't take care of him


    Continue along, bobbing and weaving in and out of the train wreckage. The wreckage has left a

    remarkably linear path for you to follow. Eventually, you'll meet more enemy resistance that

    you'll need to take on, and you'll see another of those red valves we need to turn on your right

    as well. Approach the valve, wait for the on-screen prompt, and then press the action button

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    to "release" the valve. Soon thereafter, the final one on your left will appear. Turn that one

    and that objective is taken care of.

    Now, proceed forward to the final, nice-looking train car, where a man dressed in white willcome out. Kill him, and then enter the car to find Bromley. He'll talk to you briefly, and then he

    and you will leave through the side you came in through to get out of here. Simply follow him

    to the side of the bridge, where you and he will jump off and be rescued by Tanaka.


    -Open Vents.

    -Destroy Fuel Monitors.

    -Break Fuel Valves.

    -Locate Gold.

    -Sink Carrier.

    Optional Objectives:

    -Find Imperial Orders.

    -Send False Radio Transmission.

    After getting into the large aircraft carrier, talk to Bromley (the man in black that accompanies

    you) to get a brief overview of what we're planning on doing here in this final mission of the

    game. When you gain control of your character, you won't be able to toggle weapons. This is

    because all you'll have to use is the Sten MKII machine gun. With that in mind, let's proceed.

    Go north through this room, to the left of the airplane we flew in on. There's a Field Surgeon'sPack on the boxes ahead of you, but you shouldn't need it since there are no enemies yet and

    we just began this mission with full health. To the right of this health item is a staircase leading

    down, further into the aircraft carrier.

    Once down the stairs, follow this linear corridor until you come to a door leading into a room

    on your left. Walk into this room, where a Japanese officer has his back turned towards you.

    Pump him in the back with the Sten to kill him, and then search the room for some Sten MKII

    Ammo and a T-99 LMG Magazine. Then, go to the right side of the room and look for one of

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    the vent systems. Approach the vent system and press the action button to open it (one down,

    seven to go). Retreat back into the previous hallway now.

    Once back in the hallway, swing leftward and continue further down the hall. It's likely that thenoise from killing the officer in the previous room has caught the attention of Japanese sailors

    ahead of you on the ship. There should be three or four soldiers using the crates as cover. But

    since these crates are destroyable, it shouldn't be an issue. Kill all of the foes ahead, ducking

    back into the previous room for cover when need be. In the crates (that you likely destroyed in

    the hail of gunfire), you should find two Sten MKII Magazines and a Medical Kit.

    Continue along the linear pathway until you come to two more crates in the path as the pathcontinues forward. Within, you'll find a Medicinal Canteen and a Sten MKII Ammo Can. Further

    up the corridor, two Japanese soldiers will be firing at you with pistols from behind a lone

    crate. Destroy the crate (which houses nothing inside of it), and then plant a few bullets in

    each of them to kill them. The door to the left on the corridor doesn't open, but the first door

    on the right does, revealing a Medical Kit in the small room if you need it. The next door up,

    which is already open, has a Field Surgeon Pack if you need that as well.

    Continue along this linear corridor and it'll eventually open up in front of you once more. Then,look to your left as the corner turns, and you'll see another vent system that'll need to be shut.

    That's two down, six to go. Continue a bit down the corridor and look to a door leading right.

    Open this door and enter this large room full of bunk beds. Within, you'll need to do some

    heated battle with Japanese sailors and officers, some of whom are equipped with the ever-

    powerful Japanese weapon called the Type 99 LMG. Run around this room, grabbing the goods

    (amongst which are a few Medical Kits, Sten MK II Ammo, Type 99 LMG Ammo, et al), and

    killing the Japanese foes. When things are all quiet within the room, make sure you've gotten

    everything within, as there are a lot of goods to grab. Most importantly, you'll want to grab the

    Type 99 LMG at the north end of the room before going back into the previous corridor.

    Once back in the corridor, you'll find a few Japanese soldiers using crates as cover ahead. Run

    at them with your new, powerful Type 99 LMG and blast them in the heads and chest, doing

    away with them quickly and accurately. The crates they were hiding behind held nothing, so if

    you want to save ammo, don't bother shooting them. Instead, swing rightward as the corridor

    continues, killing any remaining Japanese sailors as you go.

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    Go down this corridor and look for a black colored door on your right. Open the door to enter

    the kitchen area, where a black-clothed Japanese cook will start chucking knives at you - a

    Medal of Honor staple within the game. And like all other Medal of Honor games, the knives

    the chef throws do massive damage. Run at him and aim at his head and chest with the Type

    99 LMG to quickly do away with him. In the adjacent room to the kitchen, where the cook kept

    his supplies, you'll find a T-99 LMG Magazine and a Medical Kit. You'll also find a Sten MKII

    Magazine in the kitchen area itself, on the right side of the center island.

    Back in the corridor, go forward and look left, for a branch off of the pathway. At the end of

    this short offshoot of the path, there are rooms on your right and left. To the right is an

    officer's dining room, and to the left, the soldier/sailor dining room. Rush into either room

    (preferably rightward into the officers' room) and kill the officers there before they wield theirswords. Grab the Medical Kit in this small room if you need it, and then go into the sailor's

    mess hall, where you'll find three sailor's armed to the teeth. Kill them all, grab the Medical Kit

    and Sten MKII Ammo in the back of the room, and then go to the right side of the room, where

    you'll see yet another vent that needs to be opened. Three down, five to go.

    Continue out of the hallway, and as it swings leftward, so should you. The first door you come

    across on your left you should open. You'll find pistol-wielding officers within. Kill them all and

    grab the goods in this room; primarily Sten MKII Ammo, some T-99 LMG Ammo, and a Medical

    Kit. Then, go back to the corridor and continue down it. At the end of this hallway, there will be

    another door going left into an adjacent room. Before going through that door, shoot the

    crates at the end of the hall to find a T-99 LMG Box. Then, go left into the room there.

    Here, you'll find two pilot officers wielding pistols. Kill them both. You'll find no physical goods

    in this room, but on the right side, above a blackboard, you'll find the fourth of eight vents we

    need to open it. Open the vent, then shoot across the room and through the door on the otherside, going right down this new corridor. Follow this corridor down to a door that you'll need

    to open. In the room beyond the door, you'll find a Field Surgeon Kit and a save station. Heal

    up, reload your weapons, and then save your game.

    Back in the corridor, continue down it to a staircase, and quickly have your gun pointed to your

    left, where two Japanese sailors await. Open fire on them before they know what hit them,

    and then go leftward to another staircase leading down. Kill the sailor on the stairs quickly, and

    then look ahead once on the stairs. Yes, that light on the wall does look like an Xbox "X"... (see


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    Proceed into the large room ahead, where you'll find yourself on a metal grating pathway. Go

    rightward down the pathway, where you'll be blocked by crates from proceeding, but notbefore you grab the T-99 LMG Magazine lying there, as well as the Sten MKII Magazine. Then,

    go leftward. As you go left, look right to a higher-up metal grating where two Japanese sailors

    will open fire at you. Use the red tanks in front of you as cover and take them both out. Then,

    follow this linear grating and get up to the area where those two now-fallen sailors were.

    When you are, look around ahead of you. You'll see four small rooms, two on each side of you,

    all ahead of you and to your right or left. You'll want to shoot the glass windows out of each

    room and kill the one sailor in each room, for a total of four kills. Killing these soldiers from

    afar will mean we won't have to deal with them up close when we enter their respective

    rooms. Some of them can be hard to hit, so simply try to better your angle by moving around

    until you get a good, clear shot. Then, open up with the T 99 LMG and make each of them pay

    the ultimate price.

    With all four of those sailors dead, go right down this elevated grating, and down some stairs.

    Go right to a dead end created by some crates, and grab the Medical Kit and Sten MKII Ammothere. Then, proceed leftward down this metal grating pathway. You'll meet more soldiers as

    the path turns rightward. Basically, you'll need to kill the soldiers on this T-shaped pathway,

    and then enter each room. One room will have a Medical Kit within it, and the other will have

    a Sten MKII Magazine. However, both rooms have more of interest than that. Each has a vent

    that you need to open, as well as a fuel monitor that you need to destroy. Each fuel monitor,

    which is a primitive looking computer console, only takes one bullet from your T 99 LMG to

    destroy, so conserve your bullets and do single shots into them.

    When the two vents and computer monitors are destroyed on that side, go over the elevated

    metal grating and do the same thing on the two rooms on the other side. Kill the enemy

    Japanese sailors that are there, and then grab the Medical Kit in one room, the Sten MKII

    Magazine in the other, and open both vents, and destroy both computer monitors.

    If you've followed the walkthrough thus far, that should be all eight vents opened, and all four

    computer monitors destroyed. The next on the list is breaking the four fuel valves. These areback on the elevated metal grating pathway. Go to the middle of the pathway and look at both

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    sides, where you'll see two red colored metal valves on either side. Press the action button in

    front of each of the valves to break them.

    When all four valves are broken, and if you've opened all eight vents and destroyed the fourcomputer monitors, Bromley will come meet you where the valves are. He sets an explosive

    charge and then tells you that you and he need to escape. Follow him as he runs to the other

    side of this large room, where three black-clothed elite Japanese soldier will meet you, T 99

    LMGs blazing. Shoot all three of them, utilizing Bromley's help the best you can. Then, search

    their bodies for some much-needed health.

    Turn right and go down a narrow corridor to a closed door. Open this door to find the stash ofgold we're on the ship to locate. Within, you'll find more elite soldiers. Use the gold as cover

    and blaze away at the Japanese soldiers. However, it won't matter much - a toxic green gas will

    be pumped into the room, knocking you and Bromley unconscious. When you wake up, you're

    in the control of the Japanese leaders on board the ship.

    You and Bromley will be interrogated. Tanaka has secretly gotten control of a sailor uniform on

    board the ship and poses as a Japanese sailor. He approaches the leader on the ship, when

    Bromley jumps up and holds the soldier that was interrogating him hostage. At this point, theleader realizes Tanaka is a fake. He slits Tanaka's throat and flees. Bromley, at this point, kills

    the man he has captive and throws you a T 99 LMG.

    Go to the right and meet Bromley in the room there. He'll tell you to get upstairs and he'll

    meet you there. Within the room where you meet him, you'll find two Field Surgeon Packs, a

    T-99 LMG Box, and a save station where I implore you to save your game... what's coming up

    can be very, very difficult. From the save station, go back into the room where Tanaka died. Goforward out of this room, and bear left, up a staircase. You'll come out in a airplane hangar.

    In this hangar, you'll meet fierce Japanese resistance. These Japanese sailors have precision

    shooting skills with their powerful guns. Your best bet is to not stay in the same place, but

    rather run and gun. Use the various volatile explosive barrels in the area to obliterate the

    enemy, and fire at the head for easier kills. The four crates at the north end of this hangar hold

    two T-99 LMG Magazines and a Medical Kit. You'll likely need the latter very much after the

    fierce gun battle you just experienced.

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    When there are no more enemies in the hangar, run to the southern door. There are four

    planes in the hangar that you can optionally destroy if you want to, but you don't have to.Once outside, swing leftward and fire at the Japanese sailor in front of you. Beyond him, you'll

    have to climb the stairs and kill another lone Japanese soldiers. On that upper platform, there

    will be a number of crates to your right. Shoot each of them to reveal Sten MKII Ammo, T-99

    LMG Ammo, and Medical Kits in fairly large numbers.

    Go forward and you'll come to a staircase that leads back downward. Don't go down the stairs,

    but instead, use that position and the height to your advantage as Japanese sailors and elite

    soldiers alike come from in front of you and to the left and begin to open fire at you. This

    fortified and heightened position will give you the advantage you need to kill these foes. When

    things calm down below, go down the stairs and head leftward into the large airplane hangar


    You'll meet more fierce resistance here. Enemies will be literally coming out of the woodwork,

    and they all want a piece of you. Destroy the airplanes in the hangar and kill the various foes.

    There's no real cover you can take here, so much like we did in the previous hangar, you'regoing to want to simply run around and gun as you run. It's the only option. Make sure to

    search dead Japanese soldiers for Medicinal Canteens they may drop, as they are a much

    needed commodity.

    When things have calmed down in the hangar and there are no more foes around, run to the

    right side of the large hangar. You'll see a cargo net over a secret area in the hangar. Go to the

    left side of the cargo net and hack at it with your Machete to reveal a secret crawlspace.

    Within this crawlspace, you'll find two Field Surgeon Packs, as well as a Sten MKII Ammo Box

    and a T-99 LMG Ammo Box. Big find!

    Additionally, you'll want to run around the huge hangar and shoot up the various groups of

    crates - there are five or six groups. Each of these groups of crates, when destroyed, will reveal

    Sten MKII Ammo, T-99 LMG Ammo, and Medical Kits for you to grab. When you've gotten all of

    the goods, go to the tower at the north end of the hangar, along the top long side. There, you'll

    find two Japanese officers wielding pistols. Kill both foes easily, and then go to the left side ofthe tower. You'll see a red lever. Press the lever to open the hangar door, located at the left

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    side of the hangar below. Also, collect the first of three Imperial Orders off of a desk within

    that room, catalyzing the first of two optional objectives on this final mission in the game.

    Run back downstairs and towards this open hangar, where scattered Japanese resistance willnow meet you. Run into the adjacent hangar now that the door is open and destroy the planes

    within that room, as well as kill the three or four Japanese soldiers. Ahead of you, on an

    elevator with a plane on it, the leader of the Japanese on board the ship escapes with your

    character's brother. We have to go after him!

    Go up the stairs on the right side of this offshoot hangar and through the door at the right side

    of the upper platform, coming out outside. Once outside, swing rightward and go forward,killing Japanese sailors as you go. The pathway ahead is very straight-forward. Follow along,

    going up and down stairs, killing soldiers en route. At the end of this outdoor stretch, shoot the

    crates along the left side of your path to find goods in both ammo and healing items before

    going right and inside.

    Once inside, go left, grab the second of the three Imperial Orders off of the large table in that

    room with all of the gold on it and whatnot, and then swing right and go up some stairs. The

    path in front of you will have a Japanese soldier, as will the parallel path to the left. Kill themboth. You'll realize, as you do, that both paths come together at one focal pathway ahead. On

    this pathway, you can go into a room to your right to receive a Medical Kit or two, a T-99 LMG

    Ammo Box, and a Sten MKII Ammo Box, and kill a Japanese officer or two. The room to your

    left will have more foes for you to kill, as well as another Medical Kit. When all are dead, go

    forward and swing left, going up a stairs to the next floor above.

    In here, go right and down a corridor. Kill the foes ahead, swing right into the room there,where you can find another Medical Kit. The room to your left is your last chance to save your

    game, so do so at the save station provided. Then, go forward, killing more foes as you go. The

    path again splits, but it leads to another focal area - a staircase leading up yet again.

    Once up these stairs, kill any sailors ahead of you before going forward and bearing left into

    the first room you come across. This room is a radio transmission room. You'll find an enemy

    or two crammed into this small room. Kill them both. This room is where the second of the

    two bonus objectives on this final mission can be taken care of. Simply approach the radios

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    and press the action button to send a "false" radio transmission, fooling the Japanese ships in

    the area as to what's going on. Then, go back right into the corridor we were just in.

    Go forward along this corridor, and it will again split. Kill any remaining foes on the split

    corridor, and then come out in a room full of papers and whatnot on a large table. Grab the

    final (third) copy of the Imperial Orders, completing that second of the two optional objectives

    on this particular mission. Then, leave via the door at the left side of this room, heading back


    Once outside, follow the linear pathway back into another door, where you'll find another

    staircase leading up to the command center of the ship. Here, you'll fight and kill two pistol-wielding officers. Once they're slain, leave via the door at this command area, where you'll

    need to go forward (along either path, as the fork leads to the same area). You'll come to a

    staircase that leads down to another platform, and on that platform, a staircase which leads

    down to the deck of the ship, where all of the airplanes are.

    Here, you'll meet Bromley, who boards a Zero fighter with you. Once in the Zero, things are

    easy. You'll basically need to fight other Zeros that are attacking you, but since it's basically

    impossible to die here, it's just a leisurely flight for you. Bromley flies, you shoot. After enough

    time has passed and enough planes have been downed, the ship below ends, fulfilling the final

    mission objective and beating the game for you! Congratulations! You've beaten Medal of

    Honor: Rising Sun!