objectives learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs learn about state and problem spaces...


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Page 1: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different
Page 2: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

ObjectivesLearn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphsLearn about state and problem spacesLearn about AND-OR trees and goalsExplore different methods and rules of inferenceLearn the characteristics of first-order predicate

logic and logic systems


Page 3: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

ObjectivesDiscuss the resolution rule of inference,

resolution systems, and deductionCompare shallow and causal reasoningHow to apply resolution to first-order predicate

logicLearn the meaning of forward and backward



Page 4: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

ObjectivesExplore additional methods of inference

Learn the meaning of Metaknowledge

Explore the Markov decision process


Page 5: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

TreesA tree is a hierarchical data structure consisting

of:Nodes – store informationBranches – connect the nodes

The top node is the root, occupying the highest hierarchy.

The leaves are at the bottom, occupying the lowest hierarcy.


Page 6: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

TreesEvery node, except the root, has exactly one


Every node may give rise to zero or more child nodes.

A binary tree restricts the number of children per node to a maximum of two.

Degenerate trees have only a single pathway from root to its one leaf.


Page 7: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Figure 3.1 Binary Tree


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GraphsGraphs are sometimes called a network or net.A graph can have zero or more links between

nodes – there is no distinction between parent and child.

Sometimes links have weights – weighted graph; or, arrows – directed graph.

Simple graphs have no loops – links that come back onto the node itself.


Page 9: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

GraphsA circuit (cycle) is a path through the graph beginning

and ending with the same node.Acyclic graphs have no cycles.Connected graphs have links to all the nodes.Digraphs are graphs with directed links.Lattice is a directed acyclic graph.A Degenerate tree is a tree with only a single path from

the root to its one leaf.


Page 10: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Figure 3.2 Simple Graphs


Page 11: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Making DecisionsTrees / lattices are useful for classifying objects

in a hierarchical nature.

Trees / lattices are useful for making decisions.

We refer to trees / lattices as structures.

Decision trees are useful for representing and reasoning about knowledge.


Page 12: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Binary Decision TreesEvery question takes us down one level in the

tree.A binary decision tree having N nodes:

All leaves will be answers.All internal nodes are questions.There will be a maximum of 2N answers for N

questions.Decision trees can be self learning.Decision trees can be translated into production



Page 13: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Decision Tree Example


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State and Problem SpacesA state space can be used to define an object’s


Different states refer to characteristics that define the status of the object.

A state space shows the transitions an object can make in going from one state to another.


Page 15: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Finite State MachineA FSM is a diagram describing the finite number

of states of a machine.At any one time, the machine is in one particular

state.The machine accepts input and progresses to the

next state.FSMs are often used in compilers and validity

checking programs.


Page 16: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Using FSM to Solve Problems

Characterizing ill-structured problems – one having uncertainties.

Well-formed problems:

Explicit problem, goal, and operations are knownDeterministic – we are sure of the next state when an

operator is applied to a state.The problem space is bounded.The states are discrete.


Page 17: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Figure 3.5 State Diagram for a Soft Drink Vending Machine Accepting Quarters (Q) and Nickels (N)


Page 18: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different


Page 19: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

AND-OR Trees and Goals1990s, PROLOG was used for commercial

applications in business and industry.PROLOG uses backward chaining to divide

problems into smaller problems and then solves them.

AND-OR trees also use backward chaining.AND-OR-NOT lattices use logic gates to

describe problems.


Page 20: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different


Page 21: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different


Page 22: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Types of LogicDeduction – reasoning where conclusions must

follow from premises (general to specific)

Induction – inference is from the specific case to the general

Intuition – no proven theory-Recognizing a pattern(unconsciously) ANN

Heuristics – rules of thumb based on experience

Generate and test – trial and error – often used to reach efficiency.


Page 23: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Types of LogicAbduction – reasoning back from a true condition to the

premises that may have caused the conditionDefault – absence of specific knowledgeAutoepistemic – self-knowledge…The color of the sky as

it appears to you.Nonmonotonic – New evidence may invalidate previous

knowledgeAnalogy – inferring conclusions based on similarities

with other situations ANNCommonsense knowledge – A combination of all based

on our experience


Page 24: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Deductive LogicArgument – group of statements where the last is

justified on the basis of the previous ones

Deductive logic can determine the validity of an argument.

Syllogism – has two premises and one conclusion

Deductive argument – conclusions reached by following true premises must themselves be true


Page 25: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Syllogisms vs. RulesSyllogism:

All basketball players are tall.Jason is a basketball player.

Jason is tall.

IF-THEN rule:IF All basketball players are tall and

Jason is a basketball player

THEN Jason is tall.


Page 26: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Categorical SyllogismPremises and conclusions are defined using

categorical statements of the form:


Page 27: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Categorical Syllogisms


Page 28: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Categorical Syllogisms


Page 29: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Proving the Validity of Syllogistic Arguments Using Venn Diagrams

1. If a class is empty, it is shaded.2. Universal statements, A and E are always drawn

before particular ones.3. If a class has at least one member, mark it with an *.4. If a statement does not specify in which of two

adjacent classes an object exists, place an * on the line between the classes.

5. If an area has been shaded, no * can be put in it.

Review pages 131 to 135


Page 30: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Proving the Validity of Syllogistic Arguments Using Venn Diagrams




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Proving the Validity of Syllogistic Arguments Using Venn Diagrams



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Rules of InferenceVenn diagrams are insufficient for complex


Syllogisms address only a small portion of the possible logical statements.

Propositional logic offers another means of describing arguments Variables


Page 33: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Direct Reasoning Modus Ponens


Page 34: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Truth Table Modus Ponens


Page 35: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Some Rules of Inference


(Modus Ponens)

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Rules of Inference


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The Modus Meanings


Page 38: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

The Conditional and Its Variants


Page 39: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Requirements of a Formal System

1. An alphabet of symbols

2. A set of finite strings of these symbols, the wffs.

3. Axioms, the definitions of the system.

4. Rules of inference, which enable a wff to be deduced as the conclusion of a finite set of other wffs – axioms or other theorems of the logic system.


Page 40: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Requirements of a FS Continued

5. Completeness – every wff can either be proved or refuted.

6. The system must be sound – every theorem is a logically valid wff.


Page 41: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Logic SystemsA logic system consists of four parts:Alphabet: a set of basic symbols from which

more complex sentences are made.Syntax: a set of rules or operators for

constructing expressions (sentences).Semantics: for defining the meaning of the

sentencesInference rules: for constructing semantically

equivalent but syntactically different sentences


Page 42: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

WFF and Wang’s Propositional Theorem Proofer

Well Formed Formula for Propositional CalculusWang’s Propositional Theorem Proofer

Handouts are provided in the class


Page 43: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Predicate Logic

Syllogistic logic can be completely described by predicate logic.

The Rule of Universal Instantiation states that an individual may be substituted for a universe.

Compared to propositional logic, it has predicates, universal and existential quantifies.


Page 44: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Predicate LogicThe following types of symbols are

allowed in predicate logic:TermsPredicatesConnectivesQuantifiers


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Predicate LogicTerms:Constant symbols: symbols, expressions, or

entities which do not change during execution (e.g., true / false)

Variable symbols: represent entities that can change during execution

Function symbols: represent functions which process input values on a predefined list of parameters and obtain resulting values


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Predicate LogicPredicates:Predicate symbols: represent true/false-type

relations between objects. Objects are represented by constant symbols.


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Predicate LogicConnectives:ConjunctionDisjunctionNegationImplicationEquivalence… (same as for propositional calculus)


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Predicate LogicQuantifiers:valid for variable symbolsExistential quantifier: “There exists at least

one value for x from its domain.”Universal quantifier: “For all x in its domain.”


Page 49: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

First-Order LogicFirst-order logic allows quantified variables

to refer to objects, but not to predicates or functions.

For applying an inference to a set of predicate expressions, the system has to process matches of expressions.

The process of matching is called unification.


Page 50: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

PROLOGProgramming in Logic


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PROLOG: Horn Clauses


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Page 53: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Knowledge Representation


Page 54: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

PROLOG: Architecture


Page 55: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Family Example: Facts


Page 56: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Family Example: Rules


Page 57: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

PROLOG Sample Dialogue


Page 58: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

PROLOG Sample Inference


Page 59: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

PROLOG Sample Inference


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Shallow and Causal Reasoning

Experiential knowledge is based on experience.In shallow reasoning, there is little/no causal

chain of cause and effect from one rule to another.Advantage of shallow reasoning is ease of

programming.Frames are used for causal / deep reasoning.Causal reasoning can be used to construct a

model that behaves like the real system.


Page 61: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

ChainingChain – a group of multiple inferences that

connect a problem with its solutionA chain that is searched / traversed from a

problem to its solution is called a forward chain.A chain traversed from a hypothesis back to the

facts that support the hypothesis is a backward chain.

Problem with backward chaining is find a chain linking the evidence to the hypothesis.


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Causal Forward Chaining


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Backward Chaining


Page 64: Objectives Learn the definitions of trees, lattices, and graphs Learn about state and problem spaces Learn about AND-OR trees and goals Explore different

Some Characteristics of Forward and Backward Chaining


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Figure 3.14 Types of Inference


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MetaknowledgeThe Markov decision process (MDP) is a good

application to path planning.In the real world, there is always uncertainty, and

pure logic is not a good guide when there is uncertainty.

A MDP is more realistic in the cases where there is partial or hidden information about the state and parameters, and the need for planning.