objective identify and define the subatomic particles found in atoms on ian pg. 18 by using a...

Download Objective Identify and define the subatomic particles found in atoms on IaN pg. 18 by using a writing Post-Card and labeled diagram. Main Ideas 1. PARTICLES

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3 II. Atom: the smallest basic units of matter that make up all objects and substances. A. Over 111 different kinds of atoms (H- Hydrogen, O-Oxygen, C-Carbon, S-Sulfur, P-Phosphorous, N-Nitrogen, etc…) B. Atoms are too small to see. 1 Teaspoon full of Water = 5 X 1023 Atoms = 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Atoms!


Objective Identify and define the subatomic particles found in atoms on IaN pg. 18 by using a writing Post-Card and labeled diagram. Main Ideas 1. PARTICLES OF AN ATOM 2. ISOTOPES 3. CHEMICAL BONDS The Nature of Matter IAN pg. 19 Don't find fault, find a remedy. - Henry Ford A. Democritus ( B.C.) all matter was made up of tiny pieces called " atomos "-- which is Greek for " that which cannot be broken down or further cut " 460 B.C. 400 B.C. I. Theories about the Atom 3 II. Atom: the smallest basic units of matter that make up all objects and substances. A. Over 111 different kinds of atoms (H- Hydrogen, O-Oxygen, C-Carbon, S-Sulfur, P-Phosphorous, N-Nitrogen, etc) B. Atoms are too small to see. 1 Teaspoon full of Water = 5 X 1023 Atoms = 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Atoms! 4 C. Atoms are made up of 2 regions and 3 basic subatomic particles Regions a. Nucleus = Center of the atom b. Electron Cloud = Region outside of the nucleuswhich contains orbiting electrons. Basic Subatomic Particles a. Protons 1. Positive charge (+) 2. Found in the Nucleus. 3. Mass = 1 amu (atomic mass unit) 4. Number of Protons = ATOMIC NUMBER of an Element. 6 b. Neutrons 1. Neutral charge (0) 2. Found in the Nucleus 3. Mass = 1 amu (atomic mass unit) 4. Number of Protons + Neutrons = ATOMIC MASS NUMBER of an element. 7 c. Electrons 1. Negative charge (-) 2. Found orbiting the nucleus 3. Mass = 0 amu (atomic mass unit) 4. Number of electrons = number of protons. (Usually but there are EXCEPTIONS) 5. Valence Electrons are the electrons found in the outermost shell of an atom. 8 III.Molecules A. 2 or more atoms (Same or different) bonded B. Smallest unit of a compound O Oxygen atoms = Oxygen Gas produced by plants that we depend on to breath H 2 O 2 Hydrogen atoms & 1 Oxygen atom = Water IV. Atoms and molecules are always in motion (Solids, Liquids, & Gases) depends on their KE = Kinetic Energy. Youll get yours tomorrow for your IaN! TACO IAN pg 11 THE STRUCTURE OF AN ATOM IAN pg. 18 TOP 1/2! Electron Cloud REGIONSPARTICLES Neutron Nucleus Proton Electron 12 IAN pg. 18 Activity Bottom of page. Pretend you are writing a post card to a friend. Use the bottom of page 30 to Design and Write about what you learned on page 31. Highlight and Underline the following vocabulary in the correct context: Atom, Molecule, Nucleus, Electron Cloud, Proton, Electron, Neutron 13 Mr. Dalpiaz BMHS Prescott Valley, AZ Billy Bob 4210 Flat World St. Madrid, Spain Dear Billy-Bob, Highlight and underline the following vocabulary in the correct context in your postcard to a friend; Molecule, Atom, Electron Cloud, Nucleus, Electron, Proton, Neutron. Sincerely, MR. D P.S. Dont fall off the edge! P.P.S. GO BEARS! HOMEWORK IaN pg. 20 VOCABULAR 2-1 & 2-2, 22 Terms! NUMBERED & HIGHLIGHTED 1. Atom = 14