obedience training for german shepard’s

TrainingGermanShepherd.Net EPISODE 4 EPISODE 4 Training Your German Shepherd To Be a Guard Dog”

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www.traininggermanshepherd.net As a parent, your main concern is to keep your children safe. There isn't a better way to do so, while also giving them a pet that they will love, than obedience training of a German Shepard. This article will show you how to do so.


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EPISODE 4EPISODE 4“Training Your German Shepherd To Be a Guard Dog”

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German Shepherds are the perfect p pchoice for guard dogs and police 

i i i dinvestigation dogs.

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Training your German shepherdTraining your German shepherd to be a guard dog is a little g gmore complicated. 

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It is ideal to begin when your German Sh h d iShepherd pup is eight weeks oldeight weeks old. 

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The first thing you need to do is to sociali e o r dogsocialize your dog. 

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h d f i iThe second stage of training should include basic obedienceshould include basic obedience training.g

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Once you have won the heart of your pet he willyour pet, he will do anything todo anything to please you.

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You should also have your own rules within your home so that yourwithin your home so that your dog learns discipline.g p

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You want him to behave in aYou want him to behave in a particular way with particular people and particular circumstances.

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Y i ht d t t k hi t dYou might need to take him to guard dog training classes too.dog training classes too. 

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Once he has completedcompleted obedience training, teaching him to be 

d d ia guard dog is easy. 

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Once your dog is well educated in theOnce your dog is well educated in the guarding techniques, he can protect 

your home and family. 

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TrainingGermanShepherd.NetThe Best Advice on Training Your German Shepherd

www traininggermanshepherd netwww.traininggermanshepherd.net