obc newsletter april 2015


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Olivet Baptist Church monthly newsletter in Honolulu, Hawaii.


Page 1: OBC Newsletter April 2015

Congratulations & Aloha Paul! (page 2)

Volume XLI

No 4

April 2015


Page 2: OBC Newsletter April 2015

“Prayer is the basic foundation of the church.” As we continue to pray, we are strengthening the foundation of our church. Our prayer team ministry continues to pray for our community, our families, and our church. If you have a prayer request, please share them with the church so that we can pray for you as well. As 1 Peter 4:10 says: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve

others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” Please join us for our next prayer walk on Saturday, April 25, at 10:00am at Olivet Baptist Church. As a reminder, please remember 1, 2, 3. 1pm. Pray one minute for unsaved people in our lives. 2pm. Pray two minutes for those new Christians coming to our church and backsliding Christians. 3pm. Pray three minutes for our church, our pastors and our nation.

Reasons to Pray

We would love to hear how prayer is working in your life and we would love to share those stories with our church brothers and sisters. Please send us your stories by email ([email protected]), by mail, or even a hand written note. We want to hear how God is working in your life!

(from cover)

Thank you and congratulations Paul.

Your retirement is well deserved. You

will always be a deacon for OBC. Thank

you for your service to our country,

your family, our church, and your

friends. We love you very much and we

will miss you all dearly! Take care and

God Bless!

“We Are Ready To Serve Our Church Family.”

Deacon Pauline Wagnon April Deacon on Call

Phone: 808-840-0101

Deacon of the Month

Olivet has active

deacons who are

available to help in a

variety of ways.


A Deacon





What is a deacon?

Deacons serve the Lord by

conducting the caring

ministry of the church-

doing the benevolence

work, visiting the sick,

being alert to the spiritual

needs of the congregation-

for the purposes of freeing

the pastoral staff to focus

on prayer and the ministry

of the Word, promoting

unity within the church,

and facilitating the spread

of the gospel.

When can I call a deacon?

Deacons are servants of the Lord,

and you can reach out to them at

anytime. Each month, Olivet has a

designated deacon on call who

can be reached at anytime, day or

night. However, other deacons are

also available when needed.

Images from Deacon Paul Snyder’s Retirement

ceremony on the deck of the Battleship USS

Missouri at Pearl Harbor.

Page 3: OBC Newsletter April 2015

Contact Information:

Senior Pastor Timothy Morita

Office Phone: 808-946-6505

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.OlivetBaptist.org

Dear Family and Friends: Hallelujah! Christ the Lord is Risen. This Easter Sunday is extra special. I led my first worship service at Olivet Baptist, as your pastor, the first Sunday of April 2012. Three years have gone by so quickly. Thank you for allowing me to be your shepherd. You truly have been “good sheep” to lead. God Bless,

Tim Morita


Be sure to follow us on social

media for the most up-to-date

information, events, and

outreach opportunities.

Olivet Baptist Church



Mark Your Calendars

2015 Memorial Day Weekend Picnic SATURDAY, MAY 23

Bellow’s Air Force Station This year, due to the enormous success

of last year’s picnic, the picnic will again

be held at Bellow’s Air Force Station in

Waimanalo. However this year, the

picnic will be held on Saturday, May 23.

If you will be driving out, please sign-up

your vehicles. Sign up sheets can be

found in the lower auditorium.

Please contact the church office for any

questions or for additional details!

Page 4: OBC Newsletter April 2015

April 20

Creatures of Hawaii @ OBP


May 1

Preschool May Day Program


May 29

Preschool Graduation


Keiki’s News

Olivet Baptist Preschool

Working in groups

developing Christian values




This past month of March

brought us the experiences

of celebrating the birthday of Dr. Suess, starting to learn

about the early stages of Spring through growing seeds

which will hopefully turn into plants and watching the

caterpillars we caught in the yard turn into butterflies! In

April, we will be gin to prepare for our annual May Day

Program on Friday, May 1st. You are invited to join us as

we celebrate five of the nine Moku (Island) in the

archipelago of Hawai'i.

If you have a chance to clean out your yards before then,

please consider donating greenery to decorate the stage. We

will be accepting greenery donations the morning of

Thursday, April 30th to be able to decorate that afternoon.


Rebecca McGuire, Preschool Director



1775 S. Beretania St Honolulu, HI 96826 (808) 949-7548

Page 5: OBC Newsletter April 2015

A World in Search of Love

A young man asked me recently, “Were you popular in high school?” Immediately I

replied, “No, I was kind of a loner.” I clarified. It wasn’t that I didn’t have friends, I did,

great friends. In fact, many of those friends are still friends today. I am so grateful for all

my friendships. Something inside of me still felt alone. Something kept me feeling

isolated and I always felt I never really fit in. In high school I even hosted thoughts of

suicide. “What’s the point?” I’d ask myself. “Would anyone really miss me?” “Would they

even realize I was gone?” In college my patterns of drifting between groups of friends

continued. I met a lot of wonderful people along the way. I also began seeking out romantic relationships with

women. Things didn’t seem so bleak anymore, but it was only because it was masked by alcohol. Still, there was

emptiness inside. I began going to church occasionally. Then it became a regular thing. Life seemed to be brighter.

Then my zealous Christian life began to crumble. Piece by piece I saw things falling apart. Church, I didn’t need it

anymore. I just stopped going. Things felt empty again. My search for love continued. What was I searching for?

Recently, Emily and I were discussing some of the world issues and it struck me, true love. I believe we live in a

world of people that are searching for love. I believe that my life was spent searching for love. The crazy thing is

there are people all around us that love us. It’s not enough. Why? I believe that the love we are searching for is a

self-constructed idea of what we believe love should be. We are so intent on discovering this love that we don’t

even realize that there are people around us that love us. Most tragically of all, we easily look past or even flat out

reject God’s love.

Sometime later I found myself back in church. It seemed different this time around. Something was changing

inside of me. In time, others could see it. After returning from a mission trip to Australia I went to lunch with a

friend. I can’t even remember what I said, but his reply was, “Who are you???” There was something more that I

discovered than simply attending church or playing the Christian role, I discovered the love of God. It still

transforms me today, because I need it. There are times that I find myself seeking that illusion of love that I

believe is the snare of the Enemy. That thing inside that says, “There’s something more.” Truth is, there is nothing

more whole, nothing more complete, than the love of God.

This Easter we celebrate the love of God. It is all summed up in the Good News of Jesus Christ. God sent His Word

in flesh and we know Him as Jesus Christ. Jesus modeled righteous and holy living. He taught and guided twelve

disciples and left those teachings for us to live by today. Then He went to the cross. Innocent, blameless, perfect,

He was crucified as though a criminal. Why? For us, that’s our death, He did it for us. Then victory, He defeated

death and was resurrected to the Father. Through this victory we are able to be reconciled to the Father. When we

recognize that we are sinners, when we see our sin, we repent from that sin. Ask forgiveness and turn to seek a

life of righteous and holy living in the eyes of God. He loves you. I hope you see that. Stop searching for a love that

doesn’t exist. The greatest and one true love is found in Jesus Christ. When we find our hope in God’s love, Jesus

Christ, we also begin to see clearer the love from family and friends that has always been there.

The search is over. –jason

• Small Group Bible Study • Youth Group Activities • Youth Group Retreats • Community Service Groups • College & Young Adult Ministry • Music Ministry • Elderly Care Ministry

Get Involved:

We Have Something For Everyone

Jason Hew Minister of Outreach & Education 808-946-6505 ph [email protected]

Page 6: OBC Newsletter April 2015

Live in Christ

Our Logo

What’s in a Color? The colors between the leaves are not typical, but are “blended” earthy colors that are connected to harvesting. The bottom two colors are variations of green and brown earth, themes representing Teaching of the Word (through Bible study and discipleship) and Proclamation of the Word (through preaching and evangelism), which are foundations to the church. The Word of God is our solid ground. The middle two colors are warm, reddish hues, representing the outreaches of the church, Fellowship and Service. These are the ministries that allow God’s Holy Spirit to touch people’s lives through love and care expressed with compassion through us, and in recognition of the sacrificed blood of Christ. The top section is Worship, and the blue hue represents God’s glorious

splendor, His heavenly realm, the majesty of Christ on His throne. We are called to

love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We are His bride and He is

our groom.

The name Olivet is separated into two

colors, to highlight the word “LIVE.”

This word within a name had never been

noted before, but ties in the thought of

what it truly means to be in Christ, to be

fully in Him with everything that we are

and ever hope to be, His Holy Spirit

living in us, guiding us every day.

May this simple logo be a reminder of

our heritage and calling.


Terrance Arashiro

You may have wondered about the relatively recent Olivet Baptist Church “logo” that pops up here and there on the newsletters, letterheads, signs, church bulletins and nametags. It may surprise you to know that there is much meaning in the logo that identifies uniquely with Olivet. The cross outlined by the rectangle is reflective of the cross framed behind the baptismal and choir loft. It contains five colors separated with what appears to be free-formed crescent shapes. If you look closely, you will see that the crescent shapes actually resemble cane leaves and were inspired by the sugar cane metal works decorating the front of the church sanctuary building, above our main front door. If people don’t look up, most would not even know it’s there. Our building was designed during a time when sugar cane was still predominant as an industry within the islands. The material from which it was made also recalls the ironworks shop that existed on the property before we were a church. In their creative foreknowledge, the architect of the church likely thought of the sugar cane representing something alive and growing. The theme as it relates to our faith embodies our role as life harvesters, continually planting, nurturing and growing, reaping, and replanting.

Page 7: OBC Newsletter April 2015

A Note from the Youth Department Aloha blessed family in Christ, Even as we bid a fond Aloha oe to our dedicated Minister of Youth, Worship Coordinator, and sister in Christ, Hannah Tomita, we are looking forward to the journey that God has prepared for our church's young people. We would like to update you as to your current leadership within the department and our prayer needs. Your teachers are Susan Arashiro and Kevin Harada, middle school girls and boys, respectively. The high school girls and boys teachers are Emily Hew and Terrance Arashiro (also serving as interim director), respectively. Assistant to the youth is Jill (Akutagawa) Smith. We are already blessed that some of you have come forward offering to be "hanai" (adopted) parents for our young people, to have their homes open for get-togethers, and to attend activities that our active teens are involved in. Seek if God is calling you to do the same. The goal as we move forward is to reassess where our young people are spiritually, to lead them to a saving faith in Christ, and to draw them into a deeper relationship with Him. Unity within the department and a knowledge of their role within the church are priorities. We are on a timeline, and have a sense of urgency in that our time with them is very short, and their maturing will bring rapid changes and challenges as they come into their own. Pray that God will give us an encouraging word for them and a heart and interest in their lives. As important as their church environment is to their Christian faith, we are also hopeful that God will show us ways to reach and involve parents and families of our youth in their faith building. Many are children of church families, but there are some who are not. There is a wonderful opportunity to place little, glimmering "lights" in households where Jesus is not known. Pray for the families of our youth. Let us be faithful in this ministry together, to be excited about how God will shape each of these young lives, in very specific ways. We trust in Him and "know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28 NIV) Blessings, Terrance Arashiro

Page 8: OBC Newsletter April 2015

A New Backyard Bible Study Beginning Thursday, April 9, we will start a new backyard Bible study starting at the Laa residence (Eric & Jennifer) near UH, every Thursday. The idea is to remove barriers and make the study relevant and engaging as well as real simple and easy to meet the needs of our working age group families - though this is open to ANYONE no matter their age. It will begin at the Laa house, but if we move to rotate to different homes/neighborhoods/communities, then let us move as the Lord leads. Start Arriving / Simple Dinner 5:30pm-6pm A simple dinner provided by the Laa’s, and may rotate or potluck down the line. Worship & Prayer 6:00pm-6:20pm Bring your kids as they may join us for part of the evening, and spending some time worshiping the Lord together. Bible Study 6:20pm—7:20pm Adult bible study & discussions. Older kids will hang out and play (or lead activities) with the younger kids. Scripture for following week 7:20pm-7:30pm Dismissed 7:30pm If you are interested in this study, please contact the church office for more details.

Be A Part Of Our Family

All Are Invited and Welcome

New Women’s Study: A Loving Life 8 Week Study - Monday’s Beginning May 11

6:30pm - 8:00pm at Olivet Multipurpose Room

If you are interested in this study, please con-

tact Emily Hew at 808-729-4796 or the church


Page 9: OBC Newsletter April 2015

Japanese Dept. Schedule

April 05 (Sun) *7:00 a.m. Easter Sunrise Service

*8:00 a.m. Easter Breakfast

*9:15 a.m. Easter Sunday Morning Worship Service

*10:40 a.m. Easter Special Japanese joint Sunday School Class

April 09 (Thu) 7:00 p.m. Japanese Bible Study at First Baptist Church in Wahiawa

April 11 (Sat) 8:30 a.m. Trustees’ Meeting for the Association of Hawaii Japanese Christian Churches at

Makiki Christian Church

April 19 (Sun) 9:15 a.m. Message by Rev. Yuji Nakamura and the worship team

12:30 p.m. Japanese Church Council

April 25 (Sat) 8:30 a.m. Food Pantry

April 26 (Mon) 12:00 p.m. Hope Prayer Meeting

Maki to Watanabe

Japanese Language

Associa te Pasto r

Makito Watanabe 渡辺牧人

Japanese Language Pastor

Office: 808-946-6505 Direct: 808-380-7612


[email protected]

Japanese Worship Service: Sunday, 9:15-10:20am

Japanese Sunday School:

10:30am - 11:30am

Midweek Bible Study Wednesday, 9:30am

Happy Easter and Aloha!

“…Today You Will Be In Paradise…”

【TEV】Luke 23:42 And he said to Jesus, "Remember me, Jesus, when

you come as King!"23:43 Jesus said to him, "I promise you that today you will

be in Paradise with Me."

I am grateful that this is the 14th Easter season I have celebrated here at Olivet.

Easter is the foundation of my faith. Without the resurrection of Christ, I would

not have hope for eternal life. As I was reading Luke’s chapter 23, which I posted

above, I found several important clues for us in order to enter into the Kingdom

of God. One of the criminals beside Jesus on the cross asked Him, “Remember me,

Jesus, when you come as King!” Jesus’ response was “I promise you that today

you will be in Paradise with Me.” When we also ask Jesus to remember us in our

prayers, He will surely remember us, too. This criminal on the cross recognized

several crucial points about Jesus and his own salvation.

1. He knew that the reason for his crucifixion was because of his own sin. He recognized that he was a sinner.

2. He recognized that Jesus was God and not a sinner, even though He was on the cross with him.

3. He realized that Jesus was coming back with His authority as the King and had power to save him.

As we trust in Jesus as Christ the King who has power to forgive our sin, we will

be saved and will be able to enter His paradise. I thank God for His resurrection.

Hallelujah Amen!

In Christ’s Love and Peace,


Your Japanese Language Pastor

Japan Department R E L A T I O N S H I P S | L I F E | L O V E

Page 10: OBC Newsletter April 2015

An Ilikai Ministry Update Notice to those who attend the Ilikai Chapel: Those of us who attend the “Ilikai Chapel” were saddened to hear that Easter Sunday, April 5th, would be our last Sunday to meet at the Ilikai Hotel. The conference room we have rented on Sundays (for the past 50 years) will be converted by the hotel management into commercial space. Olivet Baptist Church Members Carol Oliver & Victor Cabaltera, along with the ministry Leadership team (Nancy Harrison, Ed Jackson) have been unable to work out a solution with the Ilikai for any other space. The team, however, did find available space at the nearby Doubletree by Hilton Alana Waikiki, less than 3 blocks away. We have seen that space and agree that it is the best available option to continue the Olivet Baptist Church ministry that was started way back when it first met at the International Marketplace. Pastor David Chun in his Sunday sermon reminded us that our situation has some similarities to the situation of the ancient Hebrews in the desert (see Exodus 40: and Numbers 4: ). A cloud covered the Tent of Meeting and the glory of the Lord filled the place… where the cloud stayed, they stayed. When the cloud lifted and moved, they also moved. The ancient Hebrews didn’t know where their God in the cloud would lead them; we at least know where it looks like He is leading us. Our new location at the Doubletree will be in the business center’s roomy conference room, with a pleasant outside view along one wall. We will continue to have our excellent professional musicians, as well as Pastor David Chun’s Biblical and relevant sermons, followed by a social time of fellowship. So remember that come Sunday April 12th at 9:00 am, our beloved ‘Ilikai Chapel’ will meet together, with each other and with our God at a new place. Doubletree by Hilton Alana Waikiki 1956 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 To get there use your map, GPS, or just follow the cloud! Phone no. for inquiries for the Ilikai (808) 255-8124 and/or contact the Olivet Baptist Church office at (808) 946-6505.

Page 11: OBC Newsletter April 2015

Coming Up:

4 5

1 2 3

Holy Week April 2-5

Olivet Baptist Church (see schedule on back


International Luncheon April 9

9:30am prep—OBC 11am serve lunch—BCM

OBC Business Meeting April 15 6:30pm

OBC Lower Auditorium

Men’s Breakfast 8am OBC Workday 9am

April 18 Olivet Baptist Church

Food Pantry 9am Prayer Walk 10am

April 25 Olivet Baptist Church

Olivet Church Clean Up & Work Day

April 18, 2015

8:00am Men’s Breakfast 9:00am Church Work day Starts 12:30pm Lunch Break Please join us as we spend a Saturday morning cleaning up our education building. We will be throwing out trash and old furniture, cleaning windows and power washing floors, and giving all three floors a thorough cleaning. Lunch will be provided for everyone.

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Contact Us Church Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8am-4pm

Phone: 808-946-6505

Fax: 808-946-6507

Address: 1775 S. Beretania St

Honolulu, HI 96826

Web: www.OlivetBaptist.org

Email: [email protected]


Rebecca McGuire

Preschool Director

[email protected]

Makito Watanabe

Japanese Language Pastor

[email protected]

Jason Hew

Minister of Outreach & Education

[email protected]

Timothy Morita, Senior Pastor

[email protected]