oakland public library emails on the people's library (8/13-8/23)

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    From: Schrader, Mary

    Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 1:57 PM

    To: Garzon, Gerard (Gerry)

    Subject: RE: Closed Miller Branch Library Occupied

    Hi Gerry,

    The last bill ing from Greg Miles was July 12 for $450.

    Mary Schrader

    Supervising Librarian for Branches

    Oakland Public Library

    125 14th St.

    Oakland, CA 94612

    [email protected]


    From: Garzon, Gerard (Gerry)

    Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 1:54 PMTo: Schrader, Mary

    Subject: RE: Closed Miller Branch Library Occupied

    Mary get the last billings from the co. that keeps the area cleared so we know when they were there last.

    Thanks. ggg

    Gerry Garzon

    Associate Director

    Oakland Public Library


    510.238.2232 (fax)

    [email protected]

    Oakland Public Library - Delight.Inspire . Inform.Oakland Ranked #5 Place to Visit in the World!

    New York Times, January 2012 http://bit.ly/GB3s8f

    From: Schrader, Mary

    Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 1:51 PM

    To: Garzon, Gerard (Gerry); Lopez, Jane

    Subject: RE: Closed Miller Branch Library Occupied

    Hi Gerry,

    Winifred just told me about this. What to do? I know there was a fence surrounding the entire property.

    Mary Schrader

    Supervising Librarian for Branches

    Oakland Public Library

    125 14th St.

    Oakland, CA 94612

    [email protected]

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    From: Garzon, Gerard (Gerry)

    Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 1:50 PM

    To: Schrader, Mary; Lopez, Jane

    Subject: FW: Closed Miller Branch Library Occupied

    Gerry Garzon

    Associate Director

    Oakland Public Library


    510.238.2232 (fax)

    [email protected]

    Oakland Public Library - Delight.Inspire . Inform.Oakland Ranked #5 Place to Visit in the World!

    New York Times, January 2012 http://bit.ly/GB3s8f

    From: Garzon, Gerard (Gerry)

    Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 1:40 PM

    To: Levin, Brooke A.; Carthan, Brian

    Cc: Hamilton, Harry; Santana, Deanna; Johnson, Scott; Martinez, Carmen (Library Director)

    Subject: Closed Miller Branch Library Occupied

    Brooke, Brian one other article re the closed Miller Branch. I will be going over to see if PWA/OPD are in the

    area. Thanks. ggg

    From the Oakland Tribune:


    Gerry Garzon

    Associate Director

    Oakland Public Library


    510.238.2232 (fax)

    [email protected]

    Oakland Public Library - Delight.Inspire . Inform.Oakland Ranked #5 Place to Visit in the World!

    New York Times, January 2012 http://bit.ly/GB3s8f


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    The revolution continues worldwide!

    Oakland Liberates Shuttered LibraryPosted 3 hours ago on Aug. 13, 2012, 12:54 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

    Tags: biblioteca popular, building occupations, library, oakland, social services

    Open the doors, reclaim the commons. This was an abandoned library, now its a reclaimed one.

    Where: 1449 Miller Ave, Oakland CA

    More info:Biblioteca Popular Victor Martinez on Facebook | @bibliotecapopul, #peopleslibrary

    The building unveiled today as the Victor Martinez Community Library was part of a Carnegie

    Foundation endowment of four libraries given to the city of Oakland between 1916 and 1918.

    Oaklands librarian at the time, Charles S. Greene, believed that the citys people would benefit

    most from libraries placed within their communities.

    Despite this vision, the building was one of seven branch casualties of budget cuts in the late

    seventies, severing vital library life-lines in poor and working communities. Since then, the Latin

    American Branch library building located at the corner of Miller and 15th st. has mostly sat empty,

    despite the fact that the next nearest library is miles away, and increasingly difficult to access in a

    city like Oakland with an increasingly expensive transit system. With its eroding chain link fence

    and decaying, armored exterior, the building is much more than an eyesore; the unused, but

    inaccessible, space creates a life-draining dark vacuum of stability that serves at best as a

    convenient place for the unscrupulous to dump their old mattresses, couches and assorted


    This morning, a group of activists opened this building again for use as a library. Inside is the

    modest seed for a library and community centerhundreds of books donated by people who

    envision the rebirth of local, community-owned libraries and social and political centers throughout

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    Oakland. Weve named the building after recently deceased author, Victor Martinez, who

    overcame a young life of hard agricultural work to become a successful writer in the Bay Area. His

    semi-autobiographical novel, Parrot in the Oven, has become a seminal work of the Latino

    experience. Martinez died last year at 56 of an illness caused by his work in the fields.

    If you live in this community, we only ask that you think about how you can use this building. Name it

    anything you like. Purpose it to any goal that benefits the communitylibrary, social or political

    neighborhood center. All we ask is that you consider keeping it out of the hands of a city which will

    only seal the fence and doors again, turning the space back into an aggregator of the citys trash

    and a dark hole in the middle of an embattled community. The doors here are open. And there are

    many others simply waiting to be.

    Update: Occupy Oakland announces a community potluck at 6pm local time and poetry/spoken

    word reading at 7pm at the Library tonight!

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    Oakland: Activists take over abandoned library branchBy Kathleen Kirkwood, Oakland Tribunemercurynews.com

    Posted: 08/13/2012 10:49:48 AM PDT

    August 13, 2012 7:26 PM GMTUpdated: 08/13/2012 12:26:32 PM PDT

    OAKLAND -- Activists took over an abandoned library branch Monday morning in East Oakland, where they said squatters and illegal dumping have turned the

    property into a useless eyesore.

    The former city library, at 1449 Miller Ave., was abandoned in the '70s and has sat mostly unused, said Jaime Silva, one of 10 people at the site Monday. They were

    cleaning up with mop buckets and stocking empty shelves with books.

    "I think everyone in the community is psyched this will no longer be a dumping ground," said Silva, 43, who is a translator. A few people had already stopped by to

    check out books, he said.

    A banner was hung in front of the entrance, dubbing the site "Victor Martinez People's Library," named for the late Latino author.

    Silva didn't say how the group gained access to the site Monday, only saying that they were told it was unlocked and arrived there at 7 a.m.It wasn't immediately known whether the city owns the property or another agency.

    The goal is for the building to be used for a community purpose, such as a library or community center, said Silva. An area in the back could be used for a garden, he


    "All we ask is that you consider keeping it out of the hands of a city which will only seal the fence and doors again, turning the space back into an aggregator of the city's

    trash and a dark hole in the middle of the community," according to the group's news release, aimed at residents of the surrounding Fruitvale and the 23rd Avenue

    commercial district neighborhoods.

    The building was completed in 1918, one of four library branches funded with a Carnegie grant.

    Copyright 2012 San Jose Mercury News. All rights reserved.

    ReprintPrintEmailFont ResizeReturn to


    FAQ: Article commenting how-tos and tips

    From: Levin, Brooke A.

    Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 2:16 PM

    To: Garzon, Gerard (Gerry)

    Cc: Ryugo, Jim; Johnson, Scott; Martinez, Carmen (Library Director); Boyd, Karen

    Subject: Re: Miller branch--news item

    Yes, OPD is handling.

    Brooke A. Levin

    Assistant Director Public Works

    Sent from my iPhone

    Please excuse spelling, grammar and brevity

    On Aug 13, 2012, at 1:29 PM, "Garzon, Gerard \(Gerry\)" wrote:

    Brooke, Jim Not sure whether youve seen this already. Let me know if you need anything from us on it. Thanks. ggg

    Gerry Garzon

    Associate Director

    Oakland Public Library


    510.238.2232 (fax)

    [email protected]

    Oakland Public Library - Delight.Inspire. Inform.Oakland Ranked #5 Place to Visit in the World!

    New York Times, January 2012 http ://bit.ly/GB3s8f

    From: Walters, Winifred

    Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 1:22 PM

    To: Garzon, Gerard (Gerry); Tom, Gene; Turbak, Jamie

    Subject: Miller branch--news item




    Inside Bay Area and other sites.

    Gerry said he will look into this: Activists take over abandoned library branch.

    Winifred Walters

    Manager, Grants and Development

    Oakland Public Library

    125 14th St., Oakland, CA 9 4612

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    6/18e:///C:/Users/sjohnson/Downloads/library/Re Miller branch--news item.htm

    (510) 238-6932 FAX (510) 238-3295

    [email protected]

    www.oaklandlibrary.org www.fopl.orgDelight.Inspire. Inform.

  • 7/31/2019 Oakland Public Library emails on the People's Library (8/13-8/23)

    7/18e:///C:/Users/sjohnson/Downloads/library/Fwd Mil ler branch--news item.htm

    Oakland: Activists take over abandoned library branchBy Kathleen Kirkwood, Oakland Tribune


    Posted: 08/13/2012 10:49:48 AM PDT

    August 13, 2012 7:26 PM GMTUpdated: 08/13/2012 12:26:32 PM PDT

    OAKLAND -- Activists took over an abandoned library branch Monday morning in East Oakland, where they said squatters and illegal dumping have

    turned the property into a useless eyesore.

    The former city library, at 1449 Miller Ave., was abandoned in the '70s and has sat mostly unused, said Jaime Silva, one of 10 people at the site Monday.

    They were cleaning up with mop buckets and stocking empty shelves with books.

    "I think everyone in the community is psyched this will no longer be a dumping ground," said Silva, 43, who is a translator. A few people had already

    stopped by to check out books, he said.

    A banner was hung in front of the entrance, dubbing the site "Victor Martinez People's Library," named for the late Latino author.

    Silva didn't say how the group gained access to the site Monday, only saying that they were told it was unlocked and arrived there at 7 a.m.

    It wasn't immediately known whether the city owns the property or another agency.

    The goal is for the building to be used for a community purpose, such as a library or community center, said Silva. An area in the back could be used for a

    garden, he said.

    "All we ask is that you consider keeping it out of the hands of a city which will only seal the fence and doors again, turning the space back into anaggregator of the city's trash and a dark hole in the middle of the community," according to the group's news release, aimed at residents of the surrounding

    Fruitvale and the 23rd Avenue commercial district neighborhoods.

    The building was completed in 1918, one of four library branches funded with a Carnegie grant.

    Copyright 2012 San Jose Mercury News. All rights reserved.


    ResizeReturn to Top

    FAQ: Article commenting how-tos and tips

    From: Garzon, Gerard (Gerry)

    Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 2:30 PM

    To: Tom, Gene; Turbak, Jamie; Walters, Winif red; Martinez, Carmen (Library Director)

    Subject: Fwd: Miller branch--news item

    Just went inside. Talked briefly with Jaime Silva quoted below and just told him to make sure they're safe and that the kids around stay safe in the building. No comment to any

    of the press. ggg

    Sent from my iPhone

    Begin forwarded message:

    From: "Levin, Brooke A."

    Date: August 13, 2012 2:15:40 PM PDTTo: "Garzon, Gerard \(Gerry\)"

    Cc: "Ryugo, Jim" , "Johnson, Scott" , "Martinez, Carmen \(Library Director\)"

    , "Boyd, Karen"

    Subject:Re: Miller branch--news item

    Yes, OPD is handling.

    Brooke A. Levin

    Assistant Director Public Works

    Sent from my iPhone

    Please excuse spelling, grammar and brevity

    On Aug 13, 2012, at 1:29 PM, "Garzon, Gerard \(Gerry\)" wrote:

    Brooke, Jim Not sure whether youve seen this already. Let me know if you need anything from us on it. Thanks. ggg

    Gerry Garzon

    Associate Director

    Oakland Public Library


    510.238.2232 (fax)

    [email protected]

    Oakland Public Library - Delight.Inspire. Inform.Oakland Ranked #5 Place to Visit in the World!

    New York Times, January 2012 ht tp://b it.ly/GB3s8f

    From: Walters, Winifred

    Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 1:22 PM

    To: Garzon, Gerard (Gerry); Tom, Gene; Turbak, Jamie

    Subject: Miller branch--news item

  • 7/31/2019 Oakland Public Library emails on the People's Library (8/13-8/23)

    8/18e:///C:/Users/sjohnson/Downloads/library/Fwd Mil ler branch--news item.htm




    Inside Bay Area and other sites.

    Gerry said he will look into this: Activists take over abandoned library branch.

    Winifred Walters

    Manager, Grants and Development

    Oakland Pub lic Library

    125 14th St., Oakland, CA 94612

    (510) 238-6932 FAX (510) [email protected]

    www.oaklandlibrary.org www.fopl.orgDelight.Inspire. Inform.

  • 7/31/2019 Oakland Public Library emails on the People's Library (8/13-8/23)


    29/12 FW Miller Branch ABC 7%3B MercuryNews.com Daily Kos.htm

    Users/ sjohnson/Downloads/library/FW Miller Branch ABC 7%3B MercuryNews.com Daily Kos.htm

    From: Walters, Winifred

    Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 9:40 AM

    To: Martinez, Carmen (Library Director); Turbak, Jamie; Garzon, Gerard (Gerry)

    Subject: FW: Miller Branch: ABC 7; MercuryNews.com, Daily KosFYI, some of the coverage from late yesterday, and this mornings article saying that police told everyone to

    leave last night.



    From: Winifred Walters [mailto:[email protected]]

    Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 9:59 PM

    To: Walters, Winifred

    Subject: Fw: Miller Branch: ABC 7; MercuryNews.com, Daily Koshttp://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/08/13/1119809/--It-s-Supposed-to-Be-a-Library-Not-a-Dumpvideo




  • 7/31/2019 Oakland Public Library emails on the People's Library (8/13-8/23)


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    From: Garzon, Gerard (Gerry)

    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 12:38 PM

    To: Levin, Brooke A.; Neary, Mike; Soo Hoo, Lily; Louie, Denise

    Cc: Lau, David W; Ryugo, Jim

    Subject: RE: miller avenue library question

    Folks we have a fact sheet that Ill send on to all re Miller. It also mentions a 1995 seismicity study done by

    Noll & Tam to determine the range of structural improvements and costs based on code at the time for

    unreinforced masonry. This may have been done as part of Measure I reviews? I dont have a copy of that

    study but if necessary, we might be able to get from N&T if PWA doesnt have in it fi les.

    Miller is a total of 8,660 sq ft. ggg

    Gerry Garzon

    Associate Director

    Oakland Public Library


    510.238.2232 (fax)

    [email protected]

    Oakland Public Library - Delight.Inspire . Inform.Oakland Ranked #5 Place to Visit in the World!

    New York Times, January 2012 http://bit.ly/GB3s8f

    From: Levin, Brooke A.

    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 12:22 PM

    To: Neary, Mike; Soo Hoo, Lily; Louie, Denise

    Cc: Lau, David W; Garzon, Gerard (Gerry); Ryugo, Jim

    Subject: RE: miller avenue library question

    I have some information on the building I will send.

    From: Neary, Mike

    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 12:16 PM

    To: Soo Hoo, Lily; Louie, Denise

    Cc: Lau, David W; Garzon, Gerard (Gerry); Ryugo, Jim; Levin, Brooke A.

    Subject: RE: miller avenue library question

    I would check with Gerry and Jim Ryugo. Ive copied them here.

    Michael Neary, P.E.Assistant Director

    Depa rtment of Engine ering & Construction

    City of Oakl and | Publi c Works Agency | APWA Accredi ted Agency

    This e-mail message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged

    information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended

    recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message and any


    From: Soo Hoo, Lily

  • 7/31/2019 Oakland Public Library emails on the People's Library (8/13-8/23)


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    Cc: Louie, Denise

    Subject: RE: miller avenue library question


    The next set of priorities per Gerry Garzon that weve been told are three libraries for upgrade at

    Montclair, Dimond, and Lakeview (?). Miller Ave. Lib. has not been mentioned. However, Library is

    also facing some funding challenges and may be adjusting their priorities accordingly.

    In general, Librarys capital program have not been conveyed to us in a structured manner. Denise

    and I both have suggested to Gerry that it would be worthwhile to have a discussion on Library

    projects with the management so that we understand their priorities or help plan the CIP projects.

    Thank you.

    Lily Soo Hoo

    Project Delivery Division

    PWA - DE&C

    From: Neary, Mike

    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 8:50 AM

    To: Soo Hoo, Lily; Lau, David W

    Subject: FW: miller avenue library question

    Are either of you aware of any desire or need for upgrades at this facility?

    Michael Neary, P.E.

    Assistant Director

    Depa rtment of Engin eering & Construction

    City of Oakl an d | Publi c Works Agency | APWA Accredi ted Agency

    This e-mail message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and

    privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the

    intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message

    and any attachments.

    From: Chan, Ada

    Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 4:58 PM

    To: Neary, Mike

    Subject: miller avenue library question

    Hi Mike -

    Do we have an internal estimate of what it would take to get the Miller Avenue library functional/up

    to code?

    As we get calls Id like to be able to get people real about what it would take to get this historic

    building up to code .

    Without wasting real estates time touring every random call.

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    Ada Chan, Policy Analyst for

    Oakland City Council Member Rebecca Kaplan

    1 Frank Ogawa Plaza

    Oakland, California 94612

    Phone: (510) 238-7083

    Cell: (510) 757-5646

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    From: Garzon, Gerard (Gerry)

    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 5:33 PM

    To: Louie, Denise

    Subject: FW: miller avenue library question

    Gerry Garzon

    Associate Director

    Oakland Public Library


    510.238.2232 (fax)

    [email protected]

    Oakland Public Library - Delight.Inspire . Inform.Oakland Ranked #5 Place to Visit in the World!

    New York Times, January 2012 http://bit.ly/GB3s8f

    From: Chan, AdaSent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 3:36 PM

    To: Neary, Mike

    Cc: Garzon, Gerard (Gerry); Soo Hoo, Lily; Lau, David W; Troyan, Vitaly; Levin, Brooke A.

    Subject: RE: miller avenue library question

    Thats a plenty good estimate

    Want to have a number to give those that ask to buy the building so as not to waste staff time providing


    Thanks !


    From: Neary, Mike

    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 3:13 PM

    To: Chan, Ada

    Cc: Garzon, Gerard (Gerry); Soo Hoo, Lily; Lau, David W; Troyan, Vitaly; Levin, Brooke A.

    Subject: RE: miller avenue library question

    Ada, the only detailed information we have for this building is a very old proposal (from 1995) from our

    previous Architectural Services Division for $2.3 mill ion. I dont know all the assumptions that went into that

    estimate, but this is an historic, unreinforced masonry building that needs significant upgrades to meetcurrent life safety and accessibility code.

    We believe a planning level estimate of at least $700 per square foot should be used for this type of work. At

    8660 square feet, that would put the rough cost to upgrade this building at $6 million.

    This is not on any current capital improvement list.

    Let me know if this answers your question.

    Michael Neary, P.E.

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    Assistant Director

    Depa rtment of Engine ering & Construction

    City of Oakl and | Publi c Works Agency | APWA Accredi ted Agency

    This e-mail message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged

    information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended

    recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message and any


    From: Chan, Ada

    Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 4:58 PM

    To: Neary, Mike

    Subject: miller avenue library question

    Hi Mike -

    Do we have an internal estimate of what it would take to get the Miller Avenue l ibrary functional/up to code?

    As we get calls Id l ike to be able to get people real about what it would take to get this historic building up to

    code .

    Without wasting real estates time touring every random call.


    Ada Chan, Policy Analyst for

    Oakland City Council Member Rebecca Kaplan

    1 Frank Ogawa Plaza

    Oakland, California 94612

    Phone: (510) 238-7083

    Cell: (510) 757-5646

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    From: Neary, Mike

    Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 12:39 PM

    To: Ryugo, Jim; Levin, Brooke A.; Soo Hoo, Lily; Louie, Denise

    Cc: Lau, David W; Garzon, Gerard (Gerry)

    Subject: RE: mil ler avenue library question

    Thanks. Ill stick, for now, with the 8660, since thats from the architectural proposal we have from the 1990s.

    Michael N eary, P.E.Assistant Di rector

    Department of Engineering & Construction

    City of Oakland | Public Works Agency | APWA Accredited Agency

    This e-mail message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure o

    distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message and any


    From: Ryugo, Jim

    Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 12:20 PM

    To: Levin, Brooke A.; Neary, Mike; Soo Hoo, Lily; Louie, Denise

    Cc: Lau, David W; Garzon, Gerard (Gerry)Subject: RE: miller avenue library question

    Dear Mike,

    Our records indicate the total building area is 6,200 sq. ft.

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    Jim RyugoBuilding Services Manager

    Department of Facilities & Environment

    City of Oakland | Public Works Agency | APWA Accredited Agency

    7101 Edgewater Dr, Bldg 2 | Oakla nd, CA 94621

    (510) 615-5987 | (510) 615-5449 Fax

    jryugo@ oa kl an dn et.comReport A Problem | Public Works Agency Call Center | (510) 615-5566

    www.oaklandpw.com | [email protected] | Mobile app: SeeClickFixFrom: Levin, Brooke A.

    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 12:22 PMTo: Neary, Mike; Soo Hoo, Lily; Louie, Denise

    Cc: Lau, David W; Garzon, Gerard (Gerry); Ryugo, JimSubject: RE: miller avenue library question

    I have some information on the building I will send.

    From: Neary, Mike

    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 12:16 PM

    To: Soo Hoo, Lily; Louie, DeniseCc: Lau, David W; Garzon, Gerard (Gerry); Ryugo, Jim; Levin, Brooke A.

    Subject: RE: miller avenue library question

    I would check with Gerry and Jim Ryugo. Ive copied them here.

    Michael N eary, P.E.

    Assistant Di rectorDepartment of Engineering & Construction

    City of Oakland | Public Works Agency | APWA Accredited Agency

    This e-mail message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure o

    distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message and any


    From: Soo Hoo, Lily

    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 12:13 PMTo: Neary, Mike; Louie, Denise

    Cc: Lau, David W

    Subject: RE: miller avenue library question


    If we can get the bldg. size information, we can give a general cost per square foot estimate. With whom should we check for the information? Gerry


    Lily Soo Hoo

    Project Delivery Division

    PWA - DE&C

    From: Neary, Mike

    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 11:54 AMTo: Louie, Denise

    Cc: Soo Hoo, Lily

    Subject: RE: miller avenue library question

    Given the original question, could we do a square foot based estimate of a complete renovation here?

    Michael N eary, P.E.

    Assistant Di rector

    Department of Engineering & Construction

    City of Oakland | Public Works Agency | APWA Accredited Agency

    This e-mail message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure o

    distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message and any


    From: Louie, Denise

    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 11:41 AMTo: Soo Hoo, Lily; Neary, Mike; Lau, David W

    Subject: RE: miller avenue library question

  • 7/31/2019 Oakland Public Library emails on the People's Library (8/13-8/23)


    29/12 RE miller avenue library question.htm

    See below links containing info recently where Occupy movement took over building and just as recently as last night/this morning had activity surrounding it. Im

    guessing it would require a MAJOR renovation since it has been closed for many years (one article lists decades).



    -----Original Message-----From: Soo Hoo, Lily

    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 10:48 AM

    To: Neary, Mike; Lau, David WCc: Louie, Denise

    Subject: RE: miller avenue library question


    The next set of priorities per Gerry Garzon that weve been told are three l ibraries for upgrade at Montclair, Dimond, and Lakeview (?). Miller Ave.

    Lib. has not been mentioned. However, Library is also facing some funding challenges and may be adjusting their priorities accordingly.

    In general, Librarys capital program have not been conveyed to us in a structured manner. Denise and I both have suggested to Gerry that it would

    be worthwhile to have a discussion on Library projects with the management so that we understand their priorities or help plan the CIP projects.

    Thank you.

    Lily Soo HooProject Delivery Division

    PWA - DE&C

    From: Neary, Mike

    Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 8:50 AM

    To: Soo Hoo, Lily; Lau, David WSubject: FW: miller avenue library question

    Are either of you aware of any desire or need for upgrades at this facility?

    Michael N eary, P.E.Assistant Di rector

    Department of Engineering & Construction

    City of Oakland | Public Works Agency | APWA Accredited Agency

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    message and any attachments.

    From: Chan, AdaSent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 4:58 PM

    To: Neary, Mike

    Subject: miller avenue library question

    Hi Mike -

    Do we have an internal estimate of what it would take to get the Miller Avenue library functional/up to code?

    As we get calls Id like to be able to get people real about what it would take to get this historic building up to code .

    Without wasting real estates time touring every random call.


    Ada Chan, Policy Analyst for

    Oakland City Council Member Rebecca Kaplan

    1 Frank Ogawa Plaza

    Oakland, California 94612

    Phone: (510) 238-7083

    Cell: (510) 757-5646