o update on the status of cpc implementation o other activities: guidelines on international...

CPC implementation and other activities on classifications in FAO Valentina Ramaschiello FAO Statistics Division Meeting of the Expert Group on International

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Page 2: o update on the status of CPC implementation o other activities: Guidelines on International Classifications for Agricultural Statistics SEEA land classifications

o update on the status of CPC implementation

o other activities:

• Guidelines on International Classifications for Agricultural Statistics

• SEEA land classifications

• CSA in FAO Corporate Statistical Programme of Work

• contribution to HS 2017 (separate presentation - tomorrow)

Page 3: o update on the status of CPC implementation o other activities: Guidelines on International Classifications for Agricultural Statistics SEEA land classifications

o FAO contribution to CPC Ver.2 (2008)

o proposal to review CPC Ver.2.1 submitted in 2011 to EG:

• AG, FI, FO

• increase detail at 5 digits

• expand one more level for agriculture (7 digits)

example: 01316.01 “Mangoes”

o analysed and approved by technical subgroup 2011-2013

• “CPC expanded” is an official annex to CPC Ver.2.1

FAO contribution to CPC

Page 4: o update on the status of CPC implementation o other activities: Guidelines on International Classifications for Agricultural Statistics SEEA land classifications

o FAOSTAT (250 countries since 1961)

o replace old classification (FAOSTAT commodity list)

• comparability of agriculture and food statistics with other domains

• integration of agricultural statistics into national statistical systems

o published on FAO website with links to FCL

o AG production questionnaire in 2014

o new statistical working system

CPC in FAO:agriculture and food

Page 5: o update on the status of CPC implementation o other activities: Guidelines on International Classifications for Agricultural Statistics SEEA land classifications


o collect future data & reclassify old time series

• not possible for FAO to collect data in two classification formats for reference year (excessive burden for countries)

o no breaks in the series

• change in the classification can potentially affectstatistics on countries’ food supply used to for the number of undersnourished in the world (core of FAO mandate)

CPC modified & aligned to FCL in case of m:m links

CPC in FAO:agriculture and food (cont’d)

Page 6: o update on the status of CPC implementation o other activities: Guidelines on International Classifications for Agricultural Statistics SEEA land classifications

o FishStat

o introduced as an alternative aggregation

o very detailed system of classifications

• capture and aquaculture production: 12 600 species items in 50 groups and 9 divisions (List of Species for Fishery Statistics Purposes (ASFIS) and International Standard Statistical Classification for Aquatic Animals and Plants (ISSCAAP))

• production and trade of fisheries commodities: detail classification where fisheries commodities are classified according to the species and to the degree of processing based on the structure of SITC, harmonized but more detailed than HS (International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishery Commodities (ISSCFC)).

CPC in FAO: fisheries and aquaculture

Page 7: o update on the status of CPC implementation o other activities: Guidelines on International Classifications for Agricultural Statistics SEEA land classifications

o FAO is the only source of global fisheries statistics

o CPC was not used as a standard for fisheries and aquaculture products due to lack of detail

o CPC Ver.2.1 represents a major improvement, more suitable for presenting fishery statistics when there is the need to present data in more aggregated forms:• separation of wild and farmed origin for primary products• taxonomic groupings comparable to HS • separation of products between food and non-food uses• common criteria applied to separate primary fish products and

processed secondary products

CPC in FAO: fisheries and aquaculture (cont’d)

Page 8: o update on the status of CPC implementation o other activities: Guidelines on International Classifications for Agricultural Statistics SEEA land classifications

o test and fine-tune CPC in FAOSTAT

o develop expansion for fishery and forest products

o develop explanatory notes CPC Ver.2.1 (underway)

o CPC - HS harmonization remains critical to FAO:

• reduce m:m links in next review process

• create a better linkage to HS 2017 for fisheries & aquaculture

future work

Page 10: o update on the status of CPC implementation o other activities: Guidelines on International Classifications for Agricultural Statistics SEEA land classifications

o developed in 2014 by FAO (GSIARS) with UNSD and thanks to EG members who peer-reviewed; will be published in 2015

o respond to country needs for capacity development

• 2012 FAO survey: 60% of countries (% higher if only DCs)

o bring together comprehensive information on statistical classifications, and in particular those used for agricultural statistics & provide a handy and practical reference for the application of international standards at the national level (conceived as CD tool)

o also for statistical domains other than agriculture, as they include general-scope information

guidelines on international classifications for agricultural statistics

Page 11: o update on the status of CPC implementation o other activities: Guidelines on International Classifications for Agricultural Statistics SEEA land classifications

o Chapter 1: introduces the theoretical framework of statistical classifications (key definitions, basic principles and core components)

o Chapter 2: provides information on correspondence tables and data conversion

o Chapter 3: includes information sheets on major classifications used for agricultural statistics

o Chapter 4: illustrates the benefits from using international classifications at the country level and explains, providing examples, how these can be adapted to meet the needs of the national statistical system

o Annex: looks at successful practices world-wide, showcasing efforts undertaken by countries as well as regional organizations to support the implementation and adaptation of international classifications in their respective member states

Page 12: o update on the status of CPC implementation o other activities: Guidelines on International Classifications for Agricultural Statistics SEEA land classifications

o contribute to the development in SEEA-CF (2008-2012)

o implement since SEEA became standard UNSC/43 (2012)

• SEEA – agri (LUC+LCC)

• FAO land use questionnaire (LUC)

• FAO World Programme for Census of Agriculture 2020 (LUC)

• Global Land Cover SHARE database (LCC)

o by using the classifications possible improvements were identified

SEEA land classifications

Page 13: o update on the status of CPC implementation o other activities: Guidelines on International Classifications for Agricultural Statistics SEEA land classifications

1.1.2 / & 1.1.5 / “Meadows and pastures”o revise titleso modify the explanatory notes

1.1.6 “Agricultural land under protective cover”o revise scopeo revise titleo add breakdown

1.2.1 “Forest land”o modify the explanatory notes

1.7 “Land not in use”o modify the explanatory notes

2 “Inland waters”o modify the explanatory notes

SEEA land classifications: proposed improvements

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o 150 activities in the FAO Statistical Programme of Work 2014-15 coded according to the CSA

o internal coordination and information exchange with other IOs (e.g. UNECE DISA)

o domain 0 added for statistical activities on food security & nutrition (core of FAO mandate)


classification of statistical activities