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PAGETWO May 7, 1990

0 p I N Farewell!!

Wcll, it was a peal year, wasn't it'I Think of all the wonderful lhings lhat happened! File 13 played Spring Jam, Michele Acu:hcrcdilCdOU.U'• lirstyearboolt In quite oome time. Phyllis Vinson won Q......, of Soul. OLLU did a commcn:ial, lhc library bad longer hours, Sr. El.12:abclh Anne dcdlCalCd a new computer lab, and lhc UWAC rose IO ''new heights".

or coursc.oomcsad lhingsoccum:d, 100. David Gillespie was seriously injured while on duty and SICYC Wingert, Vice-President and Dean ol Sllldcnl Life, handed in his resignation. Some students arc leaving, l1ke Alicia from Editorials. We' ll miss her. Have fun this summer, go clubbing. sleep late. Sec you next year!

Words of Wisdom by Alicia Salazar

Okay, Okay .. .I lcnow you 'vc hcrud it a million timcJBnd you 're probably tearing your hair out over it. but c'mon you guys! Get with it!!! What's lhc problem here? Fust, you complain, lhcn we complain because you're complaining, and lhen when you finally have an opportunity IO do somcllung about your complaints YOU DON'T!! !

I cannot believe lhat the last election was declared invalid! That is ridiculous! Leu lh3n a 10 percent turnoul7 What a joke! And do you know what the funniest port is going IO be? ll'sgoing IObe when lhc people lhatevcnlll3lly havelO be appointed don't do what you want lhcm iodo-Thcn. I'll laugh.( Ha! Ha! Ha!) Hord!!! Do you lcnowwhy? Becousel won't be hen: IO pul up with IL .. )'OU will!

Let me just leave you wilh a few words of wisdom: If you feel lhot it might rain, be sure to have a raincoat handy. Don't use styrafoom, use a mug, and Ya know all that energy you've wasted complaining this year? Wcll,put 11 IO good use! Start a stamp collection or something.

o the Editor ~ Drar Editor,

A few of the Steeplechase readers may find the reading of Nick 'Barron· s .. Ob5a'vauons of \he Obvious .. column obJCwe and dJfficult. Of course II IS! Simply puL ii IS encoded; IO

understMd the message you will need to purchase the SPCCllll OLLU decoder rmg. However, at the tune of the writing of this aruclc, the price or the ring (also known as the Elmendorf Rosetta Ring), only available from Mr. Barron, ts $612.92, putting it out of lhc reach or mOSI university students.

However, the code ha5 been broken by a student at the Lake (who wishes to n:marn anonymous) and is being rclcoscd to the public Vlll lhos ncwspopcr to save the son11y of the Stecplccbasc readers. To help explam llus ckvclopment. lei us talce the most necent "Observauons of the Obvious" in the Apnl I Ith lSSUC.

(The first p,n&raph] Spcakmg tanauagcs, Gus Fidel.sprinkle, is said to able to speak fifty Slll hundted, including filly five hundred thal only he understandJ. and one that Gus cJauns can communi­cate w11h f umiwrc.

Complcl4 Uller nonscnic, nght? No. Let us Lake the first few ltncs and cxplaan the acwaJ luddcn message.

a) Mostoflhe Amencan popul:luon os unfam1har "1th Gus "Freedom Fighter" F~ An UIIJWII hero and IOldta of ronunc wllboul a .,-capon, Gus aided (and ,s aidon&) lhc 0,1nesc lllldcnlS 1n llctJ1n&, lhc Lathuanoans, lhc Fl>la, and South Amcncan, 1n thor ~ for freedom To awl h,m on this ~ for JUSUCC and fn:edom. Gus moSI tno,o, acvenl lan&ua&e>

b) Now' about thole ·r UIY '" bundled" Ull&1IIFS that only Gus knows. tlnie me smply ,eae1 Janpaa,:o that Gu• t< cmrcn&ly dcvelopmg for lhe u:ie or h11

underground freedom figblCIS in their rcspcclive countnes.

c) A Jan.au.age that 1s med w communi­cate wuh fWTUture? Good hC3vens no. What Mr. Barron is referring 10 is lhc highly developed bugging 1eehn1qucs that Mr. Fidelspnnlde uses to spy on the eY1! despots.

[The second paragraph] Gus IS also very fond of the word cassarole, and can spcalc II in Apoche, whteh is spagCUJ.

a) Why m the world is Gus fond or the word cassorole? S1111plc. His mother used to say that word over and over IO put hnle Gus to sleep when he was but a wee lass.

b) Apache is another or the several languages that Gus tS quite nucnt in. Gus's grcat•grandfathcr helped lhc Native Americans communicalC with American scuJu in the "Old West".

c) The Apache language is nOl sp11gcui. The Apache word for cassarolc is spagcul, although this is just a slang word and is 110( an "official" word in lhcir langu11c. The actual Apache word for cassarolc is 160 letters long and consists of 72 syllabics (and is tbcrciorc unprintable in this paper due to its limi~ budget).

Hopefully, this article haJ cnli&htencd some or the readers of Barron, and prevented any further confusion or misunderstanding. The last pa,agraph or "Observations" is still bCJn1 deciphered, and hopefully by the end or summer ,twill be printed.

Sincerely, A Rcprucntauve of The lnstJIUIC of Batron AnnoUlllll& and Tmnslauna (TIBA T)

Subrruucd by Cameron Donath, Media CommunocauoN • Junior

I 0 N s You know you are an

OLLU student when . .. I. You brag about going IO dollM moYles and Tacasita. 2. You std) have bit.1 of cascaron in your.hair. ?"

3. You're always asking, "How much scnpt do you have left. 4. You hoard lhc 10ile1 paper. S. You prop doors open all the time. 6. You have enough OLLU shins for each day of the wed<

(Chose from: Lakefest. Spnng Jam, Spirit Day, SK Walk-Run, New Student Onentation, Swdcnt Conference, Jntramumls. I Survived a Semester, cu: ... ).

7. You either Jove or arc sick of Ramen Noodle Soup. 8. You have 1ufls of hair missin& from when the computer rush/rcscarCh paper

frenzy gOl ugly. 9. You subnut woolc ordcna IO your mom.

10. You arc a smart, happy, well•roundcd, well-mannered person with lots of Cnends. (No Ibey didn't pay us, but I think they should ask me about my mrncoatl)

Congrarulations 10 new officern of La Socicdad Hispana Cultural:

Ester Have fun this summer even though you11 be working ... make the best of it.

Selena Alvarenga ............ President Elizabeth Sanchez .. Vice-President Hey Bert, Cecilia, and CcCc, Marivel Larraga .............. Secretary Thanks for everything and have Mario Castro .......... Vice-Secretary a great summer. Don't be such a Leny Ponillo .................. Treasurer dweeb. Jesus Perez ............. Vicc-Trcasurcrl=Mis=.=

5=K=e=e=n=e=, ==========

1-------------1 Congrats on the Grad thing! Dr. Miranda, You arc, you were, See you this summer! and you will be a great advisor. "Muchas Gracias por todo"

My Turn ~:>' Alicia Salazar

Abel! Get your raincoat on. there's a storm coming this summer. Love, Ncsia

With lhe replacement of traditional political panics with SPCCial interest groups, it seems as though poliucians running for office arc making more promises than they ever have bcf ore. wluch IS fine. There's nothing wrong with promises. Poliucians know what gets vOICS, and the Amcncan people seem IO love being hcd IO. It must be lhat liUle sadistic streak in all of us that Just needs 10 be satisfied.

So, have you been paying any a~nuon IO the race for governor in Texas? Well, I have! (Who says we're apathetic?) Can you believe that Clayton Willi.ams isactuaJJy ahead? A man 1h31 pcrson1rocs the word Texas; big, abrasive, rudc .. .ahh, but don't forget, he's also loaded. So, what's the worse lhat could h:lppcn if he wins? He could lry IO run Texas like he runs his business. If he's planning iodo Ibo~ bis accountantshould suggest he get out quick and col his losses because the govcrnorofTcu.s can't do diddly anyway. Prcuy neat trick, huh?

Then again, lguCSJ you could look at ita., lhc lcsseroftwo evils. lfWilliamsdocsn'I win, Ann Richards will! Ya lcnow, I kind of liked that ol' gal at fUSL She bad nerve, running forgovcrnorina .. manly man" state like Texas. But it didn't take long for her to lose my vote. Would you believe I actually went to a rally for that woman on the predominantly Hispanic west

side of San Anionic and they did not even talk about the campaign. Wouldn't you think that she'd tell us what she wa.,pianning !Odo a., govcrnortobcncfi1 us? Well, shcdidn'L But she did have free kegs and sausage taquiios to pacify lhc linlc Mexicans. Oh well al least J gOl a free meal, right? ' '

Ahh, but there's still hope. Henry Cisneros might be running a., a write in candidate. I like him ... he 's cute. Oh well, itdocsn '1 really ma1tcr anyway though. It's not like I'm actually going 10 votc or anything, right? Like it really makes a diffcrcncc. .. gct real.

STEEPLECHASE STAFF Editor ................................................................................ Ester Bucnd!a Opinion Editor .................................................................. Alicia Salazar Reporters .......................................... Sara Brown, Liscnc Blanco-Cerda Advisor ............................................................................. Steve Wingert Graphic/Layout .......................................................... Nicholas Barr6n ll ····················· ... ·.··:·················· ............................... Belinda L. Caballero

Stup/,cha.rc os a stucknt publication or Our Lady or the Laite Unive,sny, 411 S.W. 24th Si=t. San Antoruo, Texas 78285. Opinions expressed 1n the Stttp/,c/otJ.st do not necessarily rcprcscnt the oponoons of the adminlStr.lJJOn rxu11y or Board of OLLU. '

Lct1ers IO lhc cduor must be signed, but names will be withheld upon rcquut. Plcuc include your rcllluonsh1p to OU.U Stupltcha.rc docs not cd11 lcum for 1rammar or punc1uauon

PAGE THREE May 7, 1990

Congratu{ations (jraduates ! I I Bachelors Candidates DcboBh A!Jcc Roesler At:a>unun&,'Eco

Lcshc C. ROIC Libcnl Stud1t1 Manancla C. Alarcon LibcBIStudia Lee Anthony Ruffino M3na&crncn1 Scrcnno Alv:inado SocwWorl: Janrunc Sanchez Speech Pathology Rey Lillwi Ankrom SocwWort Jooc F Sanchez Hum. Re. MamL NancyT. Ams C. I.S./Business Sicvcnl. Sandi Managcrncnt J011c Lws ArrluJO Social Work Tcm L Ingram Schader Mana&cmcnl Thelma G. Buren SoclA1 Studies Jaclyn Neal S1ddcn HumRc.MgrnL Pa111C11 Ann Spurlock Bass Gcnc,aJ M&mlJEco. Michele Rcncc Stlv1 Rd. Sllld1Cf/Py1ch Lucuc Blanco-Cerda Enghsh/PMosophy SU5llJ1nah R. Simmons Aca. Mll&, M&mL Nancy Hobbs Brent Managcrncnt Diana D Speegle Social Swd1es Sheryl Lynn Broclcman Man3&crncnt )RcllHn l. Stanton i'ylth./Socio Belly M. Buck Human Rcsourcca Joseph Jamca Sun,cn Manaacrncnl Ennquc Cantu Jr. Human Scicnccs Tunolhy P Tcndl At:a>ununs,'Eco. RosalbA Casnllo Speech Palh./BIO. Ronald L Toudouz.e Soc:131 Work Juan R. Ccma Social Work MAIJ,:o J. Trevino Libcnl Studies JO!C H. Cervantes Human Sciences Mana Alic13 Triscan Pysch./En&lish Mana Conlcua Coma Liberal S1Ud1cs PhyUJJ Rcncc VUISOn Py1th./SoCJo Alma Delio Cortez PsychJSoc10. Karen L. Wenzel Acooununs,'Eco. Suunnc Mane Crow Speech Palh,/Psych. Helen Wilson Management Andrew Amsu Cruz Social Work Susan Mary Wilson Gcncnc Specw Ed. Arlcch1 E. Anzaldua Liberal Studies Lucy. M. Ybarra Hum. Re. MgrnL Sylvia Ann Cume Management PIIS)' R Taylor Liberal SIUd1es Stephanie Ann Curus Soaal Work 0.Yld Angel De Leon CJ.S./Eco. MASTERS Regina Ann de los Sanros SocialWork Pa111et1 Holmes Allen Comm. Lm&, D1JOrdcn M. Elg11 Dcnrus-Fosta PsychJSoao. Sue Ellen Akins Social Work Madc.kincG. Dcwa, Socto./Pysch. Norma Jean S. Anderson BUSUIC5S Adm. Pau1 Lee Dollar Mlln:lgcrncn1 D:uuel Wtlham Anlr0b1us Lmg. Re. Spec1ahst Michele Leo Flcu:her Commun1cauon Ans Kalhy Lee AJ<el-Walker BUSll1CSSAdrn Orlando Flon:.s Accounung/Eco. Sharon Earl Bailey Social Work Eugcrua Thomas Fomcs Libcnl Swd1es l..c>lic=Bcmscn Spoc1al EdllClllon Dw11 Mane Fulton Social Work Thomas W. 81:ic.l. Ill B11>1nc.a Adm. Rulh Ehzabclh Galmdo Man:1gcmcn1 Charllll' Bro-.n-Orccn Social WOI'< JamcsH. Galkc Management Andy Carr MM-. Fam. Thor Mana Theres:, GIIID CJ.S./F,co. M,chacl E. Clary Busmcss Adm. Anr,clw:a p Gonulu Speech Palh./Psych. Linda Wnaht Conlin Work Laura Evelyn Green CommunlcaU.on /\rtJ Dolores Conueru•J•ue Admlnunuon Robcn E. Growt Liberal SIUdJcs Donna M. Dc(rccs BUSlllCSS Adm.

Donna Gail Guerra Soctal work Richan! Duffy Social WOI'< Rose Mme Gucm Soaology/SclC. Work Andrew Kendall Duncan MruT Fam Thor.

Gabncla E. Gu1Ucn Maitcun1 Maml./Eco. Sandra Espan051 Special Educauon Blaney Guillory Management Elena Roman Flores Busmcss Adm. Myrtle M. Gu1lmcn01 Mano1crncn1 Olanda M. Flores Comm. Lmg. DlSOrdcrs

Robcn.l Frances Hack Natural Sciences Esiclla Soza Garza Socw Work

Barbara Barr Harbcns Gcncnll MgmL/Eco. Cas>ndra Gralwn-Momson Soctal Work

Ted D Ha.,kans Management MJncrva 8 . Boor Pror. Counscuna

BcnuccG H1U CJ.S. Carole Lynn Bova Special EduCIIJon

Richan! Bruce Herren Social Work Laura Kay Gn:uncr SocullWork

Lavon Annstcad Hodge Social Wort Gregory James Grounds Busancss Adm. Liberal SIUIDCS Calhcnnc M. Hadovsky Special EducalJon NancyHoyoo Psych/SOCIO. Darucl Elw Haley Busancss Adm. Rc,1111 lbaffll B10logy/Chcm Mary Kalhlccn Hormann School Counschng Wendy Lou Jacobi

TcrcsaMmcKeene Commumcauon Ans Rcnaic Jones Business Adm. i'ylth./Engush Robcn Francis Klckar Soctal Wort Kalh,yn L Ktrkbnd Accounting/Eco. Jody Lynn Koepp Marr. Fam. Thcr. Olarloue AM Kuchler Man3&crncn1 Lonaine E. Leaton Social Wort ApnJ o ·Rcar Lane Malhcmaucs/C.I.S. Walicr J. Mldclcrul:i Jr. Business Adm. Ismael A Lopez SoclllWorlc Michael A. Maldonado Busancss Adm. Mana Ouv11 Macw-Annda

James Alica Mqdalcrukl t.unaacmenl Carolyn Martancz Comm. Lm&- Disorders Marltcung Mpl./Eco. Jane Maruncz-Scholu English Cadlcnno D. MAruna Social Work Francisca Mlllll Comm. Lma. Disorders Lindi Mc.Albller Libcnl SwdiCI DctnA.Maymi Busancss Adm. Bobbie Sulnty McDonald Spccdt Pllh./Enghsh AnlOIUO Mendez Jr. Counsclang PyJCh. llaqucJO.Malllla Man:l&cmenl Encdcba Mcndicca Comm. Lmg. Disordcn ltollndo XaYICf Mendez Scicial Swd1es Marilyn von Rocdct Menn Lmg. Re. Specllltsl loAmlMonlel Soctal Wort Eleanor F. Rynne Monn& Lmg. Re. Specialist Jolla Moon MalhJSp1111sh Sandra K. Johnsta1 NIWOO Admm11"'11on OnpioP Monn t.1ana&cmcn1 Audrey M. O'Sullivan Marr. Fam, Tuer. Mary Jo s-1 Nault Accoununs,'Eco. Melody Jayne Pusser Soaal Work AINNIIIO M;wgm>C111 Marie Kevin Joyner BuslllCSIAdm DaMle Ana Clay Madkins Social Work Manlyn Anne Ritchey Lm&. Re. SpeciallSI Aadra Dende Noble Liberal Sllld1ca Rosa M4na R. Rodnguez Comm. Lm& D1!0rllcn llaou Elliol Nolan Manaacmcnl Mary T. Holm Sadovslcy Lmg. Re. Spec1allSI llaaawJ Nonu Liberal Swtl1,. Wayne E. Shupume Busmcss Adm Norman Robc11 Norwood Chcmu,uy/Malh SylY11M S<m Prof Counsd1n1 Tca, Dea• Ob.- Soo~I Swd,c:s Lourcua F Siem Comm Lm& DID'dt.n Mucbcll M.-Grcp On' Liberal StuJ1a Shelley RUSICII S1ophll Spoclll Educauon &dall'ulrano M.>na;cmcnt O.-.d Tc:nc}'ll<I Bu<IOCM Adm a..M~ Acroununll/1',co Susan Rw.hards Tolcr Mm. Fam Thu. Mina do) Rosano Qu1lanWI Soc11I Slud1ca Paula Kalhlccn Tracy So<w Worl: AMDetQuV'OI wbcnlSludlCI Nalhan B Wall.er B11>111ew Adm GmrdoA.R..,el Llbenl Sllldlel Al.11'1 Jame. w~l'JV So.Jal Worl ...,. J-De Ruddar R,_ C 1.SJ£co. Dougla~ LJ,.ard W 1ll111T11 Soc1.tl Worl , .. ~..__ ubcnl Slllda Lone lhlb W-1lbt Comm I.mg Dl90rden 0..-.....fi.ltodnpU So,:1a1 Wort Rob<n 0.ylOfl \\'oosley, Jr Adm1nl\lraf.Q'I


PAGE FOUR May 7, 1990

S.A. Bands Sure To Please Sara Brown

Their 1ypc ol mac - lhcu r.,. a,mc, 111 all apa. lhey pctform for I.he c.wie­lllall lhey rcCCIVC by playu11 llve. They ca:11 ba-c probkme findina a >Cl>IIC In •lucb 10

play, 111d IOfflClllna, Ibey have a lbonqc ol money ...No mau.cr lhc diITcrcnt111 or 11n11-­

lanuea, Sm AnlOruO baa IOIIIC ol lhe heal ffiUSICIIIII in Ille ,.Uld.

CHANGING FACES deacnbel lhctr music u lnduslnallncw wave They are a dance band Lhal pla)'I cover IOllp fVlll"I Crom lheC\n IO Dcpcche Mode IO MC lwnmcr, and IO pul I IWW on lbdr mus,c, Ibey even lhrow In a bil or reapc. Their audience 11 ma11c up IDOllly or coUeac ltllden11 and you C111 ca1eh !hem pl.ayllll on SL Mary'■ 11np.

B~OPE II a IOl-aimmen:ial band Lha1 addl qwie a lWIII IO llletr m1111C- u 11 all c:ornpuu:n...i. Their music ii aimed at a yow,"" crowd. They play aarea■I .. dance l1IUSIC but 1111 not aimed al ¥10lcnca. Their mUIIC IUlll:a a m...- lboUI cur envlronmenL They have a demo aY1Ulableat Hop,dd RcconlsoryouC1Dta1Ch !hem hvcon SL May'■ llnp.

llllPI.E XXX II San An10n10'1 1nnuerc &lam melll band. They play a m11.1WC of CO¥Cn-ran&llll from l'oLIOII IO Mollcy Cnac-and ona,nall. Their llld1<ncc II )'OUIII, ""'"'' rrom 14-25 yean old. They are OUI 10 prove Lhal I.he mUIIC 11 -.,hal really mauen- not

c"")llhona II based on lhc makeup They are bnnJllll lhc Loi Anaclcuccne 10San An101uo and <nJOYllll lhcmtelvc■ ... 1u1. Ibey do IL y OU CID calCh 11llPI.E XXX hvc II Sncll<cn and The US1 Siand.

SCUDDER MOON II a "commercial rock" band Lhal hu b«n compa,:d 10 nallOIIII act Tesla. They are pop-inlluenced and an, loolana 10 be lhc nc>I V111 ~en They are cuncnily loolun& for a new ass pl.ayer bu1 caich lhcm hvc whenever p<alble..

For lhoac people ""° do nol wanl Ille dn:am of H4noi Rocks or Ille old punk ICWO IO dac, Ille SLEAZE FREAKS are Ille band for you. The name may bea budcccplJve but ll>coe &DYi pby &ood, ho&h •""'IY musocpacked wolhaUJIUde. hos a full fora:auack ..,h,ch lcavc■ Ille crowd wanung more. You C111 wo Calth IIIC5e &UY• on Ille stnp. MANIC SHUFrl.E IS a band ,.,h,ch is. acconhna 10 lhcm, "II styltSuc wash of..,..... from folk,JUZ, counuy, rockabdly, reuac, pop, rock. and new muu:. It's Sincere and IO Ille poonL nollun1 pmalLIOUS about IL "The ~of Cumnt ~ VOied Lhcm Best EP on 1990 and lhc readers or S.A. Ncws VOied lhcrn llllO aecond place for Bea EP/U' ror 1990- nallonaJ ace 11,tJchacl Morale■ b<at lhcm OUL They are dcfini11y a band worlh Wlllehona,

PREZENCE IS a five piece band Lhal has been on lhe San AnlOIUO acene Since 1983. They have suppon.cd many map ICU from Ted Nuaent to Mc111ha. Their muS11: ,s vuy bluesy; almosl melodJc. The vocals are powc,f ul-at LUnCI bean wraichona ba:atSc Ibey 111e

sun1 wilh intense honcsly. The bas hoes are hypno11c bue lhcpulsabn1au1w-work will not allow complcle submossom. The drums are lhe houeslof any dnunmeraround- lhos oneludea a lOlo lhat out-<locs many nallOllal aces_ The consensus of PREZENCE' S peen II lha1 Ibey ,.,,Ube lhc nal bend from TCUI 10 be &ip,cd 10 a map record label. From lhe nalJOIIII &IIJ)lay lhctr demo has rccc,- II .. not hard IO-"hY PREZENCE IS known .. a lqcnd ID s.n Antoruo mUSIC. Catch PREZENCE .. bcnc,crpoaiblebcca,- lhey "'""'' be a local band for mucb loni;.cr.

San An«>noohasmuch 10o1Tcz,.hcn ucomes 10 local m11S1cand nomaucryourmUS1cal laSICS, IOIIIC local band II sme 10 satisfy lbal hunee, for quah1y hve musoc.

New Play at 24th Street A new play for Ille enurc farruly wnuu and direclCd by Rock Slocum, TIIE

CHANGELING II lhc IIOly of two YOUOI medieval lmo&hts. In search of I ll'CC bc■nna aolden apple■, lhc two encounicr an evd wileh dclamined to keep lhc ll'CC for hcnelf. Smoke , rnaaoc and a w,leh "'"° CID chanr;c llllO a bcaunful youn1 woman make for 1111 evcruna or run and cnlat&lnment foradul1Sandcluldren al,kc. ll'sBEAIJTY ANDTIIE BEAST ..,uh a dellahlful IMSL

Join III Fnday, May 11, 1990 (or lhe Opcnona Ni&hl Recrpt,on foDOWU1& Ille 7:30 pcrfonnancc. Ice aca,n and other delocious desserts""" be provuled by lhc 24th Sll'CCI e...i of Dtn,cllln. There II no addwonal charJC for lhe rcc:epoon bul rescrv&IIOIII are requwd.

Tlcuts: Adults $6.00; Studtnls: $4.00 Procluctloa Data: May 11, ll, 11, 19, 2S, 2', 1990 at 7:30 p.m.

ll!EATRE WEST. OUR LADY OF THE LAKE UNIVERSITY; (512)435-2103 411 S.W. 24111 SU'CCt, San Anionoo, Tc:us 78207-46(;6


Cast: Juon ,__ ·--···· STEPHEN RUBALCABA Dom:U---·. ___ JONATHAN GONZALES l..lllilh _____ DEBRA INNOCENTI

Gorman---· PE1E SANCHEZ Meua ___ -·· JOSEPH SLOCUM Puppccsanmwcd by_ PE1E SANCHEZ,


C'alpallllalloni, LilCac B~ We ,.,..., you lbc lat of luck m your "real world".

Pllyllll Rencc v....,.., y,_ Famtly and Pnaodl - -,. proud ol you. Good lack adConpllalallC)n■ '

Aaa M Garra.Oon,nilulauons on ar,,duM ill•.....,.,.,.. for ewaylbma. LaSccledld

Thanks Esler, have a peat ■wnmer, ICC you nae year al Ille ncw■poaper!! Thanks MOM.

Marcie, Bea, Ella', Sandia, Man:, Man, and Wam:n: Have a ate, and I mean afe swruncr bccalllC y'all are ■ucb VER y people. Love. Alex


Man, No~ m..::ho CSlll vcnno y ponalC



Joe Babb

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Each year you aerve u a aoldier, the Army w1U reduce your college debt by 1/J or $1,500, whichewr amount Is &re3tCT So after IICIVlfli Just 3 ~ your colles!e loan will be completely paid off

'°°'re cl1&ible for this program with a Naoonal Direct Student Loan or a G~rantced Student Loan or a Federally _lnaured Student Loan made ah.er October I, 1975 And the loan can't be m def.rulL

And JUSt bccn.ue you've left collqc, don't thmk you'll atop learning In the Army Our 1k1II tmrung offcn a wealth of val~blc high-tech, carccr~tcd alulb Call your local Army R.ecnntcr to find out more.

734-7105 604 Bandera Road


Leader of the Month

May's l.cadttof lhe Month II cwronlly a )au Tlua penon i. beCD UIYOlvcd wub lhe C.A.R.E. orpruzation for llnc -■- Tiu■ JIIIJJDI'• ...-.ce 111d leadcnlup i. cxlClldcd from Campu■ Mirustry'1 reUCal pn>sraml IO c:haa cbou- IO bllqy ploanins 111d 11110nn1, u well. TIils Sparush major has helped out lhe ~ ~ llll[ed Awatcnm1 and and Freshmen rweau, been a Sealth rclrCll pn>pa lcadcr, md ~ T.C.S.C. li-sy. 11as year'• c.A.R.E. Pn:sidcnt has ■pcn1 houri ~ ""'--.,. and r.aJatma penonal a:roWlh ID olbcn, and dm:cled C\'CIIIS """ mocb ...__ Acaln!al& IO Wayne Romo, Campus MinisayCoonluwor, May'I Leaderoldle Momb Im "Mlb-pndo"beal COIISIS1ffl1 ,n her i:-ruc,pm.,on on and dedlcallDn 10 CAllE.

The SludenlGoocmmcnt Scnale Lcadcrslupc:omanucc ~ Do.Ila Jtodna­for her ouwandmg conlnbullon IO lcadcnlup m lhe Lake CODUallUIJ. She baa dcforutdy proven to be a Leader of lhc Month. Way 10 &O Dela!

The S1eeplechase sraff would like to recognize so=ne whom they believe exemplif~s a "Leader of the Monlh" . Jot: Babb, Freshman Senator and writer of this column. Thanks/or your help with the Studenl Government anicles, Joe.

Facing the Real World Lisette Blanco-Cerda

wen. n's Iha! ume of lhe ,,_ apin. s11a1 UIDC, pr....e tJme._ Forset uocomc iu, lhlS IS senous business. I'm lalkinJ about l0l11Clhina Lhal compleldy clwlac■ lhe coune or au our ~•cs. Ye■, I'm lalhna lboUI padlllllOll.

Wby II u 10 IIJCSSful7 Wdl. consodcr lhe fact lhat once you've ..-.lked (or on aome case■, IIUDlbled) acros Lha1 ltl&• lhe rest of your lofe begms. Imacinc, you've got a Bachelor's degree 10 lhere'1 no excuse 10 no1 au a)Ob. And"""' a Master's,"'""· u eocs W11hou1 saylll&-. No longcz are you on a afc hltlc bubble or fnendly l'accs, Mffll claslcs, and all Lha1 non-lhrulcrun& stuff No, you've ach!C\'ed a &<>al and now otbcr 1oa1t lake us place. Goals like landu!11 &ood Job, buildin& a - nctwork. swtong a hfc and all lhac coc■ w,lh oL So lhc stress runs lugb. l'rClsure mouncs because you're bcmg fOICed 10 race reality- lhe "real world". The pn:sswc or wondt:nna ,r you can make u. ,r all you'wc Sllldocd WIU stay inside your lnin, CID be preUy onlCIISe.

Bui lhcn, of you're like me you're aomewhal numb IO lhe whole lhing. Ye■, you're preporina for va<IU1Uon (namely, sewn& au lhoac laic .-pen OU1 orlhc way) and you are exdlCd bul actually foelina lhe prasw-e and suas-wcll, u tSn'I whal evcryooe clatms u 10 be. The presswc is mere hkdy 10 come Crom Ille aaokln& out or last minute assiinmcn11 and fi&hnn& orr ovcrwhclm1n1 laziness. The SlrCII comes from woodcnng •here on c■nh you're &<>in& IO r;ct Ille thmc hundn,d dolbn you owe the hbnary for ovcnluc fine■• N""' Lha1's lftSS&n and mess.

You can be one of lhole career-minded, decmruncd ondiVlduals whom everybody (lhc rest of us) loves 10 hate. You know lhe t~ who already landed Jobi, have 1ntemslt1 .. under lhc,r belcs and actually look forward 10 &Clillll inlO lhc wonderful"°""'" up world of wort. They usually owned brown bl1Slnca lll1IS and ■cnsiblc shoes by lhe ume lhcy entered coUcse, 111yway. Or you can be like lhe rest of us. We're lhe ones ,.ho refuse 10 race rea!J1y 10 we CID cruoU for paduate IChool. I nan, we're acnous and dcu:nnoncd and all lhal bul. hey, tf ,.. can put orr lhos irwmldauna 1CnOUSnCS1 and pownup world Just a hule bu lonacr. why not? BcSldcs, ti &JVCS us Ille wonderful chance IO spctWIJIO a hltlc bu mere ,n our chosen fields, nol lO menuon lhe opponunuy to nouruh our creauwc aclvc■• ••

Whether you're the dclCltlllned 10-ceucz, anxious 10 SCI OUI Ind "lest lhe WIICl1" or lhc lald bock, ''no-nccd-to-rush-re■luy" aouL )OU're probably fn&htcncd But 11'1 a plcMant, ruslt-inducin& type of fri&hL Not a p11&1yzin1 onc All lhoac cloches you've heard or read ("'You've 101 your whole hfc ahead of you," cic.) •• lhey're true. Just remember, lhou&h, to have fun w,lh )'0llr hVCL Have fun and COJOY cvcrylhona you do. Uyou don't, lhonp Wlll SCI IO you. Ltfe will act IO you. Wdl, cnouch of my ph•Joa,phw"f::9lne!llllaiJons and greo1 luck 10 all prospecuve pduates.