o that cunning plan of the evil one: get out of my housestfrederick.com/sf_gt83.pdf ·  ·...

Date: 06/20/1014 www.stfrederick.com Page 1 of 15 O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One: Get Out Of My House: Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Satan or the Devil wants to destroy you and take away any happenings. Yes, I tell you, that you may know that there is none else save Heavenly Father that knows your thoughts and the intents of your heart. Counsel with the Lord in ALL your doings and He will direct you for good. It is clear, then, that Satan and his followers, who have been cast out of God’s presence. Heavenly Father has provided a way to talk to Him and that Satan, our common enemy, cannot invade. The way to Heavenly Father is through secret prayer. This is profound, for we can communicate with our Heavenly Father in secrecy, and Satan cannot intrude in our talk to God. Fight all of your battles on your KNEES and you will win every time.

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O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One:

Get Out Of My House:

Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the

Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was

cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Satan or the Devil wants to destroy you and take away any happenings.

Yes, I tell you, that you may know that there is none else save Heavenly Father

that knows your thoughts and the intents of your heart.

Counsel with the Lord in ALL your doings and He will direct you for good.

It is clear, then, that Satan and his followers, who have been cast out of God’s


Heavenly Father has provided a way to talk to Him and that Satan, our common

enemy, cannot invade.

The way to Heavenly Father is through secret prayer.

This is profound, for we can communicate with our Heavenly Father in secrecy,

and Satan cannot intrude in our talk to God.

Fight all of your battles on your KNEES and you will win every time.

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Satan promotes all the ancient sins for his harvest.

We must not let Satan fool us into thinking that all is lost.

One of Satan’s tools is feeling helpless and hopeless about anything and


We need to cast out of our lives those things that are bad.

Heavenly Father forgives, gives us strength, and He will comfort us when we

choose the right.

We need to take a stand against Satan and his teaching to deceive us.

You need to tell Satan to “Depart from me, Satan”.

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You have more power that Satan, if you are determined to cast him out.

When the Holy Ghost is really with you, Satan must remain without.

You have power over Satan, because you have a body and a spirit, for he is only


The moment we reject the things of God, the Devil takes over and with his power.

The adversary loves a crowd who is not following God’s way.

The Devil can destroy and mislead families, Satan can cause more misery and

more unhappiness for more people than he could in any other way.

Satan use others to mislead you to misery.

Satan does not have a body like us, this is his punishment.

The Devil wants retaliation, he wants to mislead us and occupy us.

Jesus had cast out the devils which were in some people.

The Devil has no power over us, but when we choose to sin, he is permitted in.

The very instant we go contrary to God’s commandments, the Devil takes over and

he and his fallen angels has power.

Lucifer was the premortal name of Satan or the Devil.

Because Lucifer rebelled against God he fell from his position of “authority in the

presence of God” and “was called Perdition” which means “destruction.”

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Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the

morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken

the nations!

Lucifer is called the Devil, Satan, Evil Spirit, Mischievous Spirit, Antichrist,

Demons, and he is jealous of us, that is why he is working hard to destroy us.

Satan says, commit a little sin, it won’t do any harm to anyone, lie a little, no one

will know, that won’t do any harm, the Lord will forgive you of that and you will

be beaten with a few stripes and at last you will be saved in His kingdom.

We know that drugs, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and tea, will hurt you, but Satan

says, a little won’t hurt you, it won’t make any difference and it will not do any


In fact Satan says, it might be good for you, it makes you feel good.

Satan get you to do a little at a time, not all at once.

It is these whisperings and temptations that betray us and it places us in Satan’s

power and control.

Some little things like coffee, green tea, black tea, and tobacco, it has the power of

destroying your spiritual life, little at a time, and this takes us away from the

companionship of our Heavenly Father.

Yet the Devil will say to you, oh, it’s only a little thing.

The Devil’s greatest power is to cheat our souls and lead us away little by little to

hell and misery.

Satan whispers to us that it will not hurt you, it will be fun and exciting, and others

are doing it and they are having fun.

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That is Satan’s goal is to cheat us little at a time, then we are his.

When we fail to observe God’s laws or keep His commandments, we are being


Satan leads us carefully away down to hell.

We are subject to that influence of Heavenly Father and Satan, we get to choose

between good and evil.

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Satan does not want us to listen to the Holy Ghost, and when we choose evil, the

Holy Ghost cannot help us.

We need to repent of our evil ways and pray and ask God for forgiveness.

Satan tell you to sin, then he abandon you, and he will turn you in to get you into

real trouble and destroy your families and friends.

He will use others that are evil to destroy others that are evil.

When you lie, Satan will make sure you get into trouble, he wants to destroy you,

to harm you, to injure you, for he does not want you to be happy in righteousness.

Satan’s ways are to get you to think what you are doing is exciting for you, for a

little fun that you think is happy for you, in the long run it is total misery for you.

The Devil will spring a trap on you to receive great misery.

Satan will use every possible means to darken your mind and to offer you

falsehoods and deception in the guise of truths.

Satan is very skilled, for he is the master imitator, as the gospel is from the Lord,

Satan spreads the counterfeit of truths of false doctrine, mingled with real truths.

The Devil is the father of all lies, he will deceive the very elect.

Satan uses confusions and rationalizations to destroy you.

Satan will shade meanings, open doors an inch at a time, and lead from purest

white through all the shades of gray to the darkest black.

The adversary cannot tempt you when you are choosing the right, he is powerless.

You are perfectly safe doing the Lord’s will and keeping the commandments.

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Satan will work on you, to get you to cross the line into his territory, for once you

do, and then you are his.

We are at war with Satan.

This is the same war in the premortal world, but now it is here and we are fighting

Satan here.

We must remember that Lucifer is the master of all lies, he is real.

Satan’s sole purpose is to make all of us as miserable as he is, so he will entice us

into disobedience.

We need to read the scriptures, pray regularly, repent, and forsake our sins.

We must serve faithfully in whatever capacity we are called.

In our daily lives, doing the right things, take so little time to do for good.

The long-term of doing right, has great benefits and they are infinite and eternal.

This takes faith, real faith, to follow the scriptures of the Lord, and as your faith

grows, so will your testimony of the gospel and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Even, such simple faith has the power to guide you safely through every challenge

you will have to face in this life.

Satan does not want you to feel that kind of faith, so he begins to control you, so he

can make you feel, uncomfortable with obedience for the Lord and others.

The Devil will plant in your heart, the seed of defiance, with justification and

rationalization, plus convincing you that it ok to sin a little.

Are you going to follow the true prophets of the scriptures or Satan?

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It is not complicated, do you want to follow good or evil?

Following the scriptures will not lead you astray.

Satan is the perpetrator of all evil.

Satan became the Devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind us, and to lead

those captive at his will, even as many as would not harken unto God.

We have responsibilities as followers of Jesus Christ to show concerns for our

loved ones who have lost their way, who are shut out from the presence of God.

Satan is opposed to the Lords Great Plan of Happiness.

The Devil wants to corrupt good experiences of life, destroy true romance, true

love, good marriages, especially parenthood and individuals.

Satan is raging in the hearts of men and to stir them up to anger against all that

which is good and from God.

You need to believe in the scripture and that are true.

You are Satan’s target, so you need a shield, which is the scriptures and doing


All around us, we see the infestation of drugs, sex, alcohol, pornography, laziness,

and many other devastating practices.

You do not have to be like that.

Satan would have us lower our dress standards.

The Devil is distorting our attitudes about gender and roles and about families and

individual worth.

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Satan is confusing many about our values, our roles, proper contributions, and the

unique nature of motherhood.

All types of media is pushing sex, drugs, bad music, and etc.

Satan is always waiting to get in, every minute of the day and night, waiting for

that moment, seeking for the slightest weakness, every home, to introduce every

vile, every stratagem, every corrupt feeling and appeal, and he has every evil at his


The Devil knows our habits, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities and he takes

advantage of them to lead us to eternal destruction and hell.

Every good person who desires and strives to do the right, is watched by the fallen

spirits, to temp you to do evil.

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Satan is busy prompting us to do wrong.

We cannot forget that Satan has great power over this earth, he seeks to darken our

minds with falsehoods and deceptions in the guise of truth.

Satan wants us to seek evil, for he wants us to feel disappointment, misery, and

wants lead us to spiritual death.

The Lord Jesus Christ has told us that there must be opposition in all things, so that

we have the freedom to choose.

Satan wants us to fail at everything.

But when you try and fail, try and fail, but a true failure is one that gives up trying

to do good.

Discouragement is one of the Devil’s greatest tools.

Be of great courage and go forward in the Lord.

Make a list of the things Satan has mislead you, so you can ask God to help you to

overcome them, this will help you to break the habit.

Little evil at time will lead to serious transgression.

Many will be pacified and lulled away into carnal security, saying all is well, all is

alright, and thus the Devil cheated their souls, and he will lead them away carefully

down to hell.

The earliest moment of temptation, is the best time to resist and call upon the Lord

to help you.

Pray for a discerning of spirit, that you may discern between good and evil.

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The closer you get to the Lord, the greater Satan will try to deceive you and work

hard to destroy you.

By not reading the scriptures will weaken you, which Satan will try to temp you.

The more you resist Satan, the more he become weaker.

Luke 4:8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is

written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou


You cannot temp the evil one.

As you resist temptation, and resist Satan, then he will flee from you.

The Devil can be resisted.

The media wants you to believe there is no Satan and there is no God.

This is the biggest lie from Satan.

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Satan wants us to believe there is no hope and he wants us to be discouraged so he

can have great control over us and make us his.

With Satan ruling over the wicket for the eternity, is a real hell, it will be thousands

of times worst there then here.

Satan or the Devil, has great influence over many of us, Lucifer is laboring

continually to destroy the works of God.

Satan has hundreds of billions or more of fallen angels following him.

Satan and his followers can enter the bodies of those who give in to evil.

Satan wants to destroy the Lord’s Church.

The Devil does not what people to go to the Lord’s Church.

Satan sends into churches, wolves in sheep clothing.

Satan wants to make you feel that God is smiling and blessing others, but not you.

Lucifer, Satan, Devil, for he is called by many names, for he is the father of all lies.

1 Corinthians 14:10 There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world,

There are voices form God which are soft and gentle, but there are voices from

Satan, which uses’ loud noise, persistent, persuasive, and appealing.

For Satan’s voices are is trying to compete with the voice of the Holy Ghost.

One way Satan can mislead many is by keeping them too busy to go to church or to

pray, to read the scriptures, for he wants you to keep your mind off of God.

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Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of

righteousness quietness and assurance forever.

Satan want you to murmur perceived injustices, to hate challenge and work, to be

seductive and offer you sensual enticements, to lull you into carnal security, to rely

on the arm of flesh, to puff you up with pride, cynical voices that destroy hope, to

promote self-pleasure seeking, pursuing of dangerous, death-defying experiences

for nothing more than a thrill, and to break all of the commandments of God.

1 Corinthians 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God

is faithful, who will not suffer you to be

tempted above that ye are able; but will with

the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able

to bear it.

We all belong to the Lord and we are all accountable to Him.

There is a false voice in the media, saying how we should live, the fast life, how to

gratify our passions, how we can have it all.

We are bombarded with evil and wickedness.

In today technologies, many are lost with so much knowledge.

Satan wants us to die spiritually in the world of sin, your hope may be replaced by

dread and fear.

The Devil wants you not to learn about God and the path to eternal happiness.

Satan turns your heart away from all truth or mix up truth.

Satan diverts our vision.

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When we are filled with the Spirit of God and the Holy Ghost, we will be filled

with joy, with peace and with happiness no matter what our circumstances may be;

for it is a spirit of cheerfulness and of happiness.

The difference between Jesus and Lucifer is: Jesus was willing to submit to the

will of Heavenly Father, But Satan wanted to do his own will.

Satan’s increasing influence in this world, will provide for us, a way to prove

ourselves before the Lord, to choose good or evil.

While the Devil causes havoc today, Satan’s final destiny was fixed by Jesus

Christ through His Atonement and the Resurrection.

The Devil will not triumph.

Even now Satan must operate within the bounds set by the Lord.

Satan cannot take away any of our blessing that we have earned.

Satan cannot alter character that has been woven from righteous decisions.

The Devil has no power to destroy the eternal bonds forged in a holy place

between a husband, wife, and children.

Satan cannot quench true faith.

Satan cannot take away your testimony of Jesus Christ.

Remember, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost is on your side to

win over Satan.

But you need to put forth the effort to seek God.

God loves you and wants you to have happiness.

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1 Corinthians 15:40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial:

but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the

terrestrial is another.

1 Corinthians 15:41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the

moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth

from another star in glory.

Matthew 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least

commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called

the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do

and teach them, the same shall be called great in the

kingdom of heaven.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen