o-230-020-003 acl ar customer billing invoice automated clearing from ap (2)

SAP FUNCTIONAL/TECHNICAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION FDS Number: O-230-020- 003 Title: ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Automated Clearing from AP Section I - Functional Design General Information (Completion/approval of this section is required) Revision History: FDS Revision: 1.0 Date: 02/08/2014 Project #: CH712202 Project Name: ACL Flavor Sale Maximo # Author: Randy Burgess Tel: 274-1859 Email : Randy.Burgess.contra [email protected] BRD Document: Requirement ID: Project FRICE ID FIN-EN-03 Description: To automate the ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Clearing from OpCo (PMUSA) AP Invoice Receipt Payment posted in the UEF400 Flavor System. FDS Revision: 1.1 Date: Project #: Project Name: Maximo # Author: Tel: Email : BRD Document: Requirement ID: Project FRICE ID Description: (If new specification, enter title. If not,enter description of change) Printed: 1/16/2022 Functional/Technical Design Specification Page 1 of 40 Template Version 2012.1

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ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Automated Clearing From AP


SAP Functional Design Specification


FDS Number: O-230-020-003Title: ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Automated Clearing from AP

Section I - Functional Design General Information(Completion/approval of this section is required)

Revision History:

FDS Revision:1.0Date:02/08/2014Project #:CH712202

Project Name: ACL Flavor SaleMaximo #

Author:Randy BurgessTel:274-1859Email:[email protected]

BRD Document:Requirement ID:


Description:To automate the ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Clearing from OpCo (PMUSA) AP Invoice Receipt Payment posted in the UEF400 Flavor System.

FDS Revision:1.1Date:Project #:

Project Name: Maximo #


BRD Document:Requirement ID:

Project FRICE ID

Description:(If new specification, enter title. If not,enter description of change)

General Business Requirement

1. In SAP UEF400 Flavors System, business requires a custom program that will automate the clearing of the Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Items against Cleared OpCo (PMUSA) AP Invoice Receipts. The custom program will execute in a batch job. The custom program will also have a custom transaction code for ad hoc purposes.

2. The custom program will filter out any Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Items (Doc Type = RV) against Open OpCo (PMUSA) AP Invoice Receipt Accounting Document Items (Accounting Doc Type = RE) that matches.

a. The match will occur between one Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Item (Doc Type = RV) and one Open OpCo (PMUSA) AP Invoice Receipt Accounting Document Item (Doc Type = RE). The One-to-One Accounting Document Item will match on Customer PO, on Item Net Value Amount, on Material, on Billed Quantity, and on Sales UOM between one Open ACL AR Item and one Open OpCo (PMUSA) AP Item.

b. If a match is found, the custom program will exclude this one Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Item from the clearing process.

c. If there is no match, the custom program will include the one Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Item into the list of expected Open AR Items to clear successfully.

3. The custom program will clear Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Item (Document Type = RV) against Cleared OpCo (PMUSA) AP Invoice Receipt Accounting Document Item (Document Type = RE) that matches.

a. The match will occur between one Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Item (Doc Type = RV) and one Cleared OpCo (PMUSA) AP Invoice Receipt Accounting Document Item (Doc Type = RE). The One-to-One Accounting Document Item will match on the Customer PO, on the Item Net Value Amount, on Material, on Billed Quantity, and on Sales UOM, between one Open ACL AR Item and one Cleared OpCo (PMUSA) AP Item.

b. If a match is found, the custom program will clear with posting the one Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Item (Doc Type = RV) against the one Cleared OpCo (PMUSA) AP Invoice Receipt Accounting Document Item (Doc Type = RE). The audit report will provide a successful posting message.

c. If there is no match, the custom program will provide a message on the audit report stating that a suitable match was not found.

d. If there is a fatal error generated by the posting, the custom program will provide a message on the audit report.

Process Flow Diagram

Note: There is an edit check that will verify that the OpCo (PMUSA) Purchase Order Item Net Value Amount equals to ACL Internal Sales Order Item Net Value Amount. If the edit check is successful, the PO-to-SO Custom Interface will copy the OpCo (PMUSA) Purchase Order Item into the ACL Internal Sales Order Item.

Before ACL Flavor Center Plant 0049 ships to the OpCo (PMUSA) Manufacturing Plant, ACL will weigh the goods and will adjust the quantity in the ACL Delivery Note Document, if needed; thus, the ACL Goods Issue Document and the ACL Billing Invoice Document will contain the same quantity that is found in the ACL Delivery Note Document.

The OpCo (PMUSA) Manufacturing Plant will input the same quantity in the OpCo (PMUSA) Goods Receipt Document found in the shipping papers, i.e. ACL Delivery Note Document quantity; thus, OpCo (PMUSA) Invoice Receipt Document will contain the same quantity that is found in the OpCo (PMUSA) Goods Receipt Document.

FRICE Type (F=form, R=report, I=interface, C=conversion, E=enhancement)Yes/NoInstruction if Yes (delete Parts that are not applicable)

ReportYesComplete Part A

EnhancementYesComplete Part C

Location of Desired FunctionalitySystem IDClientApplication Name or Description

UEF400SAP 4.7 Flavors System

Custom Transaction Code Information

SystemTransaction Code Name(provided by IS)DescriptionAuthorization RestrictionsTransaction that the Custom Transaction was Derived

UEF400ZV177ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Automated ClearingBy Transaction Code

Security Transaction Code restriction

Error HandlingThe Audit Report will provide an error message

Reports/FormsSelection Criteria:

Note: The Selection Criteria of this program will pick only from Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Documents Database for processing.NameCheckbox or Radio ButtonType(S/P)Comments (Range, Single/Multiple Selections, Patterns, Mandatory etc)Default Value

AR Company CodePSingleMandatoryDefault 1074 from TVARVC

Payer CustomerSMultiple SelectionsMandatoryDefault OpCo (PMUSA) Payer from TVARVC

AR Document YearSMultiple Selections

Open AR Customer Billing Accounting DocumentSMultiple Selection

Customer POSMultiple Selection

Posting Date of Open AR InvoiceSMultiple Selection

Baseline DateSMultiple Selection

Test RunCheckboxNo Posting but will generate the reportDefault = X


FieldNo.DescriptionField NameFormatLengthComments, Drill down requirements, Conversion rules, Calculations

AR Company Code

Payer CustomerDrilldown TCode FD03

AR Document Year

AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting DocumentDrilldown TCode FB03

Posting Date of Open AR Invoice

Customer PO

AR Payment Term

AR Baseline Date

AR Payment Terms Days

AR Clearing Date

AP Company Code

Payee VendorDrilldown TCode FK03

AP Document Year

AP Vendor Invoice Receipt Accounting DocumentDrilldown TCode FB03

Posting Date of AP Invoice

AP Payment Term

AP Baseline Date

AP Payment Terms Days

AP Clearing Date

AR Customer Net Amount

AP Vendor Net Amount


Retention/Residence Requirements

Standard 8 Days Retention

DependenciesSetup a Batch Job to schedule after midnight and to execute after the last Billing Due List Batch Job (TCode VF04) and after the Evaluated Receipts Settlement Batch Job (TCode MRRL). Section I - Approvals(Business & IS Approval is required for information provided in Section I. Please add a new approval block for each revision of Section I of the Functional Design. )

Revision 1.0

RoleRequiredNameApproval (attach email)

Business Team LeadYesLaureen MertzBlake Auchmoody

IS Functional LeadYes

IS Integration LeadOptional

Revision 1.1

RoleRequiredNameApproval (attach email)

Business Team LeadYes

IS Functional LeadYes

IS Integration LeadOptional

Section II - Functional Design Detail information

Detail Information:

Filter Out Unpaid Open ACL AR Customer Invoice Items:

1. Extract the Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Item Database (Table = BSID) using the selection screen criteria:a. Company Code (BSID-BUKRS) = 1074 from selection screenb. Payer Customer (BSID-KUNNR) in values from selection screenc. Document Year (BSID-GJAHR) in values from selection screend. Accounting Document (BSID-BELNR) in values from selection screene. Posting Date (BSID-BUDAT) in values from selection screenf. Reference Document (BSID-XBLNR) in values from Customer PO selection screen (note: different data types)g. Document Type (BSID-BLART) in values from TVARVC, e.g. RV.h. Baseline Date (BSID-ZFBDT) in values from selection screen

2. Extract the Open ACL Billing Invoice Document Item Database (Table = VBRP) using fields fetched from the Table BSID Extract abovea. Billing Document (VBRP-VBELN) = Billing Document (BSID-VBELN)

3. Extract the Open OpCo (PMUSA) Invoice Receipt Accounting Document Item Database (Table = BSIK).a. Company Code (BSIK-BUKRS) come from translation table, i.e. Payer Customer will translate into an OpCo (PMUSA) Company Codeb. Vendor (BSIK-LIFNR) = 0000000049 from TVARVCc. Document Type (BSIK-BLART) in values from TVARVC, e.g. RE

4. Extract the Open OpCo (PMUSA) Invoice Receipt Accounting Document Header Database (Table = BKPF) using fields fetched from BSIK Extract above.a. Company Code (BKPF-BUKRS) = Company Code (BSIK-BUKRS)b. Accounting Document (BKPF-BELNR) = Accounting Document (BSIK-BELNR)c. Document Year (BKPF-GJAHR) = Document Year (BSIK-GJAHR)

5. Extract Open OpCo (PMUSA) Invoice Receipt Document Item Database (Table RSEG) using fields fetched from BKPF Extract above.a. Accounting Document (RSEG-BELNR) = Object Key+0(10) (BKPF-AWKEY) (note: different data type)b. Document Year (RSEG-GJAHR) = Object Key+10(4) (BKPF-AWKEY) (note: different data type)c. Purchase Order (RSEG-EBELN) in values from Customer PO selection screen.

6. Compare Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Item against the Open OpCo (PMUSA) Invoice Receipt Accounting Item.a. AR Customer PO (BSID-XBLNR+0(10)) = AP Customer PO (RSEG-EBELN) (note: different data types)b. AR Amount (BSID-DMBTR) = AP Amount (BSIK-DMBTR)c. AR Material (VBRP-MATNR) = Material (RSEG-MATNR)d. AR Billed Quantity (VBRP-FKIMG) = AP Quantity Delivered (RSEG-BPMNG)e. AR Sales UOM (VBRP-VRKME) = AP Order UOM (RSEG-BSTME)

7. If a match is found, then exclude the Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Item from the clearing process.

8. If no match is found, then include the Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Item for continued processing. Keep these extracted AR Open Items from tables, BSID and VBRP, for the expected to clear items process.

Clear Paid Open ACL AR Customer Invoice Items:

1. Use the Expected-to-Clear Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Item Internal Table (Table = BSID) created above.

2. Use the Expected-to-Clear Open ACL Billing Invoice Document Item Internal Table (Table = VBRP) created above

3. Extract the Cleared OpCo (PMUSA) Invoice Receipt Accounting Document Item Database (Table = BSAK).a. Company Code (BSAK-BUKRS) come from translation table, i.e. Payer Customer will translate into an OpCo (PMUSA) Company Codeb. Vendor (BSAK-LIFNR) = 0000000049 from TVARVCc. Document Type (BSAK-BLART) in values from TVARVC, e.g. RE

4. Extract the Cleared OpCo (PMUSA) Invoice Receipt Accounting Document Header Database (Table = BKPF) using fields fetched from BSIK Extract above.a. Company Code (BKPF-BUKRS) = Company Code (BSAK-BUKRS)b. Accounting Document (BKPF-BELNR) = Accounting Document (BSAK-BELNR)c. Document Year (BKPF-GJAHR) = Document Year (BSAK-GJAHR)

5. Extract Cleared OpCo (PMUSA) Invoice Receipt Document Item Database (Table RSEG) using fields fetched from BKPF Extract above.a. Accounting Document (RSEG-BELNR) = Object Key+0(10) (BKPF-AWKEY) (note: different data type)b. Document Year (RSEG-GJAHR) = Object Key+10(4) (BKPF-AWKEY) (note: different data type)c. Purchase Order (RSEG-EBELN) in values from Customer PO selection screen.

6. Compare Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Item against the Cleared OpCo (PMUSA) Invoice Receipt Accounting Item.a. AR Customer PO (BSID-XBLNR+0(10)) = AP Customer PO (RSEG-EBELN) (note: different data types)b. AR Amount (BSID-DMBTR) = AP Amount (BSAK-DMBTR)c. AR Material (VBRP-MATNR) = Material (RSEG-MATNR)d. AR Billed Quantity (VBRP-FKIMG) = AP Quantity Delivered (RSEG-BPMNG)e. AR Sales UOM (VBRP-VRKME) = AP Order UOM (RSEG-BSTME)

7. If a match is found, then perform the Clearing With Posting (Transaction Code FB05) a. Note: UC1400 System has a program = ZVCMT06B_LOCKBOX_PROCESS, which uses TCode FB05 to clear AR Open Items, and UC1400 program may be used as a reference on how TCode FB05 works. b. If there is a posting error, provide the error message into the report output.c. Move the AP Clearing Date (BSAK-AUGDT) into the Posting Date of the AR Post With Clearing TCode FB05d. Move the Customer PO and AP Invoice into the following fields:i. TCode FB05 Reference Field (XBLNR) = Customer POii. TCode FB05 Header Text Field (BKTXT) = Customer PO, space, AP Invoice (BSAK-BELNR)iii. TCode FB05 Clearing Text = Customer PO, space, AP Invoice (BSAK-BELNR)iv. TCode FB05 Assignment File = Customer POv. TCode FB05 Item Text Field = Customer PO, space, AP Invoice (BSAK-BELNR)

8. If no match is found, then provide a message Suitable Match Is Not Found into the report output.

Generate Audit Report

1. Generate an ALV Grid Display Audit Report from the Expected-to-Clear Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Items.

2. Test Run Selection Screen Checkbox is marked will not perform the Posting With Clearing Transaction, but will only generate the report from the Expected-to-Clear Open ACL Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Items.

3. To validate the results, a. The business will execute Standard SAP Transaction Code FD10N (Customer Balance Display) and will select the accounting period.b. The business will execute Standard SAP Transaction Code FBL5N (Customer Line Item Display) and will select open items, cleared items, or all items.c. The business will execute Standard SAP Transaction Code FD11 (Customer Account Analysis). Notes:

1. Document Creation Process in SAP UEF400 System:

In the SAP UEF400 Flavors System, OpCo (PMUSA Company Code 0004) will purchase goods from ACL Flavor Center Vendor 49 and will pay the ACL Payee Vendor 49 via Bank Wire Transfer. OpCo (PMUSA) will create the following documents: Purchase Order Document (Purchase Order Type ZFPO) Goods Receipt Material Document (Movement Type = 101) Goods Receipt Material Accounting Document (Accounting Doc Type = WE) AP Invoice Receipt Document (Doc Type = RE) created by Evaluated Receipts Settlement (ERS) Batch Job AP Invoice Receipt Accounting Document (Accounting Document Type = RE) AP Payment Accounting Document (Accounting Document Type = ZP) created by Payment Run Transaction ZF110.

In the SAP UEF400 Flavor System, ACL Flavor Center Plant 0049 (Company Code 1074) will sell and will ship goods to OpCo (PMUSA) Manufacturing Plants and will bill the OpCo (PMUSA) Payer Customer. ACL will create the following documents: Internal Sales Order Document (Sales Order Document Type = ZFIN) via custom PO-to-SAP Interface program Delivery Note Document (Delivery Note Document Type = ZFIN) via a batch job Goods Issue Material Document (Movement Type = Z11) Goods Issue Material Accounting Document (Accounting Doc Type = WL) Billing Invoice Document (Billing Type = F2) via a batch job AR Customer/Revenue Billing Invoice Accounting Document (Accounting Document Type = RV) AR Payment Accounting Document (Accounting Document Type = ZP) via custom automated clearing program, which is explained by this FDS.

Note: There is an edit check that will verify that the OpCo (PMUSA) Purchase Order Item Net Value Amount equals to ACL Internal Sales Order Item Net Value Amount. If the edit check is successful, the PO-to-SO Custom Interface will copy the OpCo (PMUSA) Purchase Order Item into the ACL Internal Sales Order Item.

2. Each Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Item contains the following features:

The Net Value Amount of one AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Item (Accounting Doc Type = RV) equals to the sum of Net Value Amounts on all of the entered Materials and Quantities found in its ACL Delivery Note Document, in its ACL Goods Issue Material Document, and in its ACL Billing Invoice Document (Billing Type = F2).

SAP will only create one Delivery Note, one Goods Issue Material Document, one Billing Invoice Billing Document, and one AR Customer/Revenue Billing Invoice Accounting Document (Doc Type RV) containing the AR Amount that will equal to one OpCo (PMUSA) AP Invoice Receipt Accounting Document (Doc Type RE) containing the AP Amount.

3. Each Cleared OpCo (PMUSA) AP Invoice Receipt Accounting Document Item contains the following features:

The Net Value Amount of one AP Invoice Receipt Accounting Document Item (Accounting Doc Type = RE) equals to the sum of the Net Values on all of the entered Materials and Quantities found in its OpCo (PMUSA) Goods Receipt Material Document and its AP Invoice Receipt Document (Doc Type = RE).

SAP will create one Goods Receipt Material Document, one AP Invoice Receipt Document (Doc Type = RE), and one AP Invoice Receipt Accounting Document (Accounting Doc Type = RE) containing the AP Amount that will equal to one ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Document (Doc Type = RV) containing the AR Amount.

Part A: Report/Form

Overview:Generate an Audit Report on the Expected-to-Clear Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting Document Items

Standard reporting:Use ALV Grid Display with drilldown hotspots

Access Frequency: Daily in Batch Job

Data Sources:

Table NameDescription

BSIDAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers (Open Items)

VBRPBilling Document: Item Data

BSIKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Open Items)

BKPFAccounting Document Header

RSEGDocument Item: Incoming Invoice

BSAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)

TVARVCTable of Variant Variables (Client-Specific)

Preferred method of accessing the report online:

Ad Hoc = Transaction Code ZV177Outlook Email = Batch Job will send the report results.

Any special features?

ALV Grid Display Layout will contain hotspots to drilldown

Selection Criteria:

Note: The Selection Criteria of this program will pick only from Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Documents Database for processing.

NameCheckbox or Radio ButtonType(S/P)Comments (Range, Single/Multiple Selections, Patterns, Mandatory etc)Default Value

AR Company CodePSingleMandatoryCheck Table = T001Default 1074 from TVARVC

Payer CustomerSMultiple SelectionsCheck Table = KNA1Default OpCo (PMUSA) Payer from TVARVC

AR Document YearSMultiple Selections

Open AR Customer Billing Accounting DocumentSMultiple Selection

Customer POSMultiple SelectionCheck Table = EKKO

Posting Date of Open AR InvoiceSMultiple Selection

Baseline DateSMultiple Selection

Test RunCheckboxNo Posting but will generate the reportDefault = X

Report Fields:Open A/R Customer Billing Invoice Automated Clearing ReportFieldNo.DescriptionField NameFormatLengthComments, Drill down requirements, Conversion rules, Calculations


Payer CustomerBSID-KUNNRC10Drilldown TCode FD03

AR Document YearBSID-GJAHRC4

AR Customer Billing Invoice Accounting DocumentBSID-BELNRC10Drilldown TCode FB03

Posting Date of Open AR InvoiceBSID-BUDATD8

Customer POBSID-XBLNR+0(10)C10PO can be found in Table EKKO (PO Header)


AR Baseline DateBSID-ZFBDTD10

AR Payment Terms DaysBSID-ZBD1TN3

AR Clearing DateBSID-AUGDTD10Equal to AP Clearing Date (BSAK-AUGDT)


Payee VendorBSAK-LIFNRC10Drilldown TCode FK03

AP Document YearBSAK-GJAHRC4

AP Vendor Invoice Receipt Accounting DocumentBSAK-BELNRC10Drilldown TCode FB03

Posting Date of AP InvoiceBSAK-BUDATD10


AP Baseline DateBSAK-ZFBDTD10

AP Payment Terms DaysBSAK-ZBD1TN3

AP Clearing DateBSAK-AUGDTC10

AR Customer Net AmountBSID-DMBTRN16

AP Vendor Net AmountBSAK-DMBTRN16


Output:RecipientsName/RoleDepartmentPrinter IDPrinter Type

Primary:ACL AR/CreditALCS AR/Credit


List any special printer requirements: (i.e. paper type, number of copies, etc.)


List any special form requirements:


Part C: Process Enhancement

Overview:Custom Program that will call transaction FB05 (Post with Clearing) and will post with clearing selected Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoices

Location:SAP 4.7 UEF400 Flavors System


Describe the business rules for the process enhancement:

Go to Detail Information Section 2

Provide a layout for any new screens that will be required:

Go To Report A Section 2

Identify any new data requirements:


Identify any user exits/BADIs that will need to be updated to incorporate the process enhancement (if known):


Describe any security/access requirements:

Transaction Code Authorization

Describe any workflow requirements:


TCode FB05 1st ScreenClearing Document Type = ZP (come from TVARVC)ACL Company Code = 1074 (come from TVARVC)Posting Date = AP Clearing Date (BSAK-AUGDT)ACL Cash GL Account = 100367 (come from TVARVC)Post Key (GL Debit) = 40Posting Period = month of Posting DateDocument Date = System Current DateCurrency = USDIncoming Payment Radio Button will be markedReference = Customer POHeader Text = Customer Po, space, and AP Accounting Invoice Clearing Text = Customer Po, space, and AP Accounting Invoice

TCode FB05 2nd ScreenThe amount will come from the Open ACL AR Item (BSID-DMBTR)Customer PO will come from Open ACL AR Item (BSID-XBLNR)Assignment = Customer POText = Customer Po, space, and AP Accounting Invoice

TCode FB05 3rd Screen from 2nd Screen mouse click Choose open items

Pick Document Number on additional selection

Account = Payer Customer Number, e.g. in UED500 Payer Customer 5075799 is for PMUSA However, at the time of this screen print there were no open items for PM USA. To continue the screen prints, I had to change the payer number.

ACL Company Code = 1074

Mouse click Process open items button

TCode FB05 4th screenInput one Open ACL AR Customer Billing Invoice Document (BSID-BELNR)

TCode FB05 5th screen from 4th screen mouse click Process open ItemsThe transaction will select one item and the difference amount = $0.00.

TCode FB05 from the 5th screen post the selected document mouse click the Save icon.

Section II Approvals(IS Approval is required for information provided in Section II. Please add a new approval block for each revision of Section II of the FDS. )

Revision 1.0

RoleRequiredNameApproval (attach email)

IS Functional LeadYes

IS Development LeadYes

IS Integration LeadOptional

Revision 1.1

RoleRequiredNameApproval (attach email)

IS Functional LeadYes

IS Development LeadYes

IS Integration LeadOptional

Section III - Technical Design(Completion/approval of this section is required)

Revision History:TDS Revision:1.0Date:Project #:

Project Name: Maximo #

Spec Author:Tel:Email:


Project Team:Project FRICE ID:

Description:(If new specification, enter title. If not, enter description of change)

TDS Revision:1.1Date:Project #:

Project Name: Maximo #

Spec Author:Tel:Email:


Project Team:Project FRICE ID:

Description:(If new specification, enter title. If not, enter description of change)

High-level Technical Design:(Must provide a detail description of the technical design)

Technical Design Diagram:(Please attach a diagram when available)

Section III - Approvals(IS approval is required for Technical Design before object development can begin)

Revision 1.0

RoleRequiredNameApproval (attach email)

IS Development LeadYes

IS Functional LeadOptional

IS Integration LeadOptional

Revision 1.1

RoleRequiredNameApproval (attach email)

IS Development LeadYes

IS Functional LeadOptional

IS Integration LeadOptional


Printed: 6/11/2014Functional/Technical Design SpecificationPage 1 of 29Template Version 2012.1Filter Out Unpaid Open ACL AR Customer Invoice Items

Compare one Open ACL AR Invoice Item against one Open OpCo (PMUSA) AP Invoice Receipt Item

One-to-One Accounting Document Item Match on Customer PO, on Item Net Amount, on Material, on Billed Quantity, and on Sales UOM.

If match found, exclude the Open ACL AR item from clearing process

If no match is found, include the Open ACL AR Item for expected to clear process below

Clear Paid Open ACL AR Customer Invoice Items

Compare the Expected-to-Clear Open ACL AR Invoice Items against Cleared OpCo (PMUSA) AP Invoice Receipt Items

One-to-One Accounting Document Item Match on Customer PO, on Item Net Amount, on Material, on Billed Quantity, and on Sales UOM

If match found, clear the one Open ACL AR Item (Doc Type = RV) against the one Cleared OpCo (PMUSA) AP Invoice Receipt Item (Doc Type = RE)

If no match is found, then provide a message Suitable Match Is Not Found into the audit report

Generate a report on the Open ACL AR Invoice Items from the list of Open ACL AR Invoices that the program expected to clear

If cleared successfully, display a successful posting message on the report

If cleared unsuccessful, provide a message on the report, e.g. suitable match not found, posting error with system message, etc.

Approve: ACL - FDS on Auto AR Clearing MeetingFromMertz, Laureen A. (ALCS)ToStead, Joanna Z. "Joanna" (ALCS)CcCrittendon, Michael C. (ALCS); Magness, Brandon L. (ALCS); Bryant, Daniel J. (ALG)[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]


I approve the PM USA and ACL functionality, however I would still like to push for getting the lock box and BDC in as soon as possible for the other OPCOs. As I have stated before, without it there is a considerable drain on resources in my group.


Approve: ACL - FDS on Auto AR Clearing MeetingFromAuchmoody, Blake P. Jr. (ALCS)ToStead, Joanna Z. "Joanna" (ALCS)[email protected]

I approve this FDS one concern is to make sure the programing for the dollar match has dealt with tolerances for rounding.

We also need to make sure the other Companies clearing process is addressed per Laureens concerns.

Blake P. Auchmoody, Jr

Procurement Finance Decision Support

Altria Client Services

P.O. Box 85088

Richmond, VA 23285

Phone (804) 274-7127

Fax (919) 884-3591

[email protected]